新理念初中二年级第3册 Galileo Galilei and the Beginning

Galileo Galilei and the Beginning of Modern science伽利略·加利雷和现代科学起源Contents内容Chapter 1 Galileo Galilei第一章伽利略·加利雷Chapter 2 The Early Years第二章早年Chapter 3 A Different Way of Thinking 第三章不同的思维方式Chapter 4 Physics第四章物理Chapter 5 Astronomy 第五章天文Chapter 6 The Ideas of Copernicus第六章哥白尼的思想Chapter 7 Galileo and the Catholic Church第七章伽利略和天主教会Chapter 8 The Last Days第八章最后的日子Chapter 1 Galileo Galilei第一章伽利略·加利雷Galileo Galilei was an astronomer and physicist who lived in Italy in the 16th century. He was the first person to use a telescope powerful enough to see many of the planets and stars, and he discovered many important facts about astronomy!伽利略·加利雷是16世纪意大利的天文学家和物理学家。
他是第一个使用足够强大的望远镜看到许多行星和恒星的人,他发现了许多关于天文学的重要事实!He also discovered the “law of the pendulum” and the “law of falling bodies” in physics, which led to many later scientific breakthroughs.他还发现了物理学中的“钟摆定律”和“落体定律”,带来了许多后来的科学突破。
新概念英语第四册:Galileo reborn伽利略的复生

新概念英语第四册:Galileo reborn伽利略的复生First listen and then answer the following question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。
What has modified out traditional view of Galileo inrecent times?In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of violent controversy; but the scientific dust has long since settled,and today we can see even his famous clash with theInquisition in something like its proper perspective. But,in contrast, it is only in modern times that Galileo has become a problem child for historians of science.The old view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated.He was, above all, a man who experimented: who despisedthe prejudices and book learning of the Aristotelians, whoput his questions to nature instead of to the ancients, and who drew his conclusions fearlessly. He had been the first to turn a telescope to the sky, and he had seen there evidence enough to overthrow Aristotle and Ptolemy together. He wasthe man who climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropped various weights from the top, who rolled balls down inclined planes, and then generalized the results of his many experiments into the famous law of free fall.But a closer study of the evidence, supported by adeeper sense of the period, and particularly by a new consciousness of the philosophical undercurrents in the scientific revolution, has profoundly modified this view ofGalileo. Today, although the old Galileo lives on in many popular writings, among historians of science a new and more sophisticated picture has emerged. At the same time our sympathy fro Galileo's opponents ahs grown somewhat. His telescopic observations are justly immortal; they aroused great interest at the time, they had important theoretical consequences, and they provided a striking demonstration of the potentialities hidden in instruments and apparatus. But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one's instrument? Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo's telescope more culpable than those who alleged that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse's great telescope in the eighteen-forties were scratches left by the grinder? We can perhaps forgive those who said the moons of Jupiter were produced by Galileo's spyglass if we recall that in his day, as for centuries before, curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth; and if a single curved glass would distort nature, how much more would a pair of them?MICHAEL HOSKIN Galileo Reborn from The ListenerNew words and expressions 生词和短语controversy n. 争议,争论dust n. 纠纷,骚动clash n. 冲突Inquisition n. (罗马天主教的)宗教法庭perspective n. 观点,看法despise v. 蔑视generalize v. 归纳undercurrent n. 潜流theoretical adj. 理论上的potentiality n. 潜能intimate adj. 详尽的familiarity n. 熟悉的culpable adj. 应受遣责的Aristotelian n. 亚里士多德学派的人Aristotle n. 亚里士多德(公元前384-322,古希腊哲学家)Ptolemy n. 托勒密(公元90-168,古希腊天文学家)Leaning Tower of Pisa比萨斜塔spiral adj. 螺旋状的nebula n. 星云scratch n. 擦痕contrivance n. 器械distort v. 歪曲参考译文伽利略在世时是激烈论战的中心。

物理名词中英文对照必修1力学mechanics质点mass point参考系reference frame坐标系coordinate system路径path位移displacement矢量vector标量scalar速度velocity平均速度average velocity瞬时速度instantaneous velocity速率speedv~t图像v~t graph加速度acceleration匀变速直线运动uniform variable rectilinear motion初速度initial velocity自由落体运动free fall motion自由落体加速度free fall acceleration 重力加速度gravitational acceleration 力force重力gravity重心center of gravity万有引力gravitation电磁相互作用electromagnetic interaction强相互作用strong interaction弱相互作用weak interaction形变deformation弹性形变elastic deformation弹性限度elastic limit弹力elastic force劲度系数coefficient of stiffness胡克定律Hooke law摩擦力frictional force静摩擦力static frictional force滑动摩擦力sliding frictional force动摩擦因数dynamic friction factor合理resultant force分力components of force力的合成composition of forces平行四边形定则parallelogram rule共点力concurrent force力的分解resolution of force三角形定则triangular rule运动学kinematics动力学dynamic牛顿第一定律Newton first law惯性定律law of inertia牛顿第二定律Newton second law 单位制system of units作用力action反作用力reaction牛顿第三定律Newton third law超重overweight失重weightlessness必修2曲线运动curvilinear motion切线tangent抛体运动projectile motion抛物线parabola线速度linear velocity匀速圆周运动uniform circular motion 角速度angular velocity弧度radian向心加速度centripetal acceleration向心力centripetal force引力常量gravitational constant万有引力定律law of universal gravitation宇宙第一速度first cosmic velocity能energy势能potential energy动能kinetic energy功work功率power重力势能gravitational potential energy 弹性势能elastic potential energy动能定理theorem of kinetic energy机械能mechanical energy机械能守恒定律law of conservation of mechanical energy能量守恒定律law of energy conservation高考相关的物理学史内容(1)落体理论:亚里士多德:物体下落的快慢是由它们的重量决定,越重的物体下落的越快;伽利略:物体做自由落体运动时与物体本身的重量无关(2)胡克定律:弹力与弹簧形变量成正比(3)亚里士多德认为必须有力作用在物体上,物体才能运动;没有力的作用,物体就要静止在一个地方。

伽利略英语作文素材Galileo Galilei was an Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer, sometimes described as a polymath. He has been called the "father of observational astronomy", the "father of modern physics", the "father of the scientific method", and the "father of modern science".Galileo's advancements in telescopic observational astronomy led to one of the most significant scientific revolutions in history. His improvements to the telescope and consequent astronomical observations resulted in his discovery of Jupiter's four largest moons in 1610. This was a significant event in the development of science, since a set of celestial bodies was discovered that did not appear to revolve around the Earth. The discovery of these moons is regarded by some as the first observation of a celestial motion uncentered on the Earth.Galileo is also credited with the formulation of inertia, the law of falling bodies, and parabolic trajectories. Moreover, he was the first to understand that the Moon did not shine with its own light but reflected the light of the Sun.In addition to his scientific discoveries, Galileo also made important contributions to the field of engineering. He improved the design of the compass and the balance, and developed a thermometer that used the expansion and contraction of air in a bulb to move water in a long thin tube.In conclusion, Galileo Galilei was an indomitable scientific figure who fearlessly pursued knowledge at a time when it was dangerous to do so. His discoveries and innovations in astronomy, physics, and engineering have had a lasting impact on the development of modern science andcontinue to inspire and influence scientists and researchers to this day.。

物理名词中英文对照必修1力学mechanics质点mass point参考系reference frame坐标系coordinate system路径path位移displacement矢量vector标量scalar速度velocity平均速度average velocity瞬时速度instantaneous velocity速率speedv~t图像v~t graph加速度acceleration匀变速直线运动uniform variable rectilinear motion初速度initial velocity自由落体运动free fall motion自由落体加速度free fall acceleration重力加速度gravitational acceleration 力force重力gravity重心center of gravity万有引力gravitation电磁相互作用electromagnetic interaction 强相互作用strong interaction弱相互作用weak interaction形变deformation弹性形变elastic deformation弹性限度elastic limit弹力elastic force劲度系数coefficient of stiffness胡克定律Hooke law摩擦力frictional force静摩擦力static frictional force滑动摩擦力sliding frictional force动摩擦因数dynamic friction factor合理resultant force分力components of force力的合成composition of forces平行四边形定则parallelogram rule共点力concurrent force力的分解resolution of force三角形定则triangular rule运动学kinematics动力学dynamic牛顿第一定律Newton first law惯性定律law of inertia牛顿第二定律Newton second law 单位制system of units作用力action反作用力reaction牛顿第三定律Newton third law 超重overweight失重weightlessness必修2曲线运动curvilinear motion切线tangent抛体运动projectile motion抛物线parabola线速度linear velocity 匀速圆周运动uniform circular motion角速度angular velocity弧度radian向心加速度centripetal acceleration向心力centripetal force引力常量gravitational constant万有引力定律law of universal gravitation 宇宙第一速度first cosmic velocity能energy势能potential energy动能kinetic energy功work功率power重力势能gravitational potential energy弹性势能elastic potential energy动能定理theorem of kinetic energy机械能mechanical energy机械能守恒定律law of conservation of mechanical energy能量守恒定律law of energy conservation高考相关的物理学史内容(1)落体理论:亚里士多德:物体下落的快慢是由它们的重量决定,越重的物体下落的越快;伽利略:物体做自由落体运动时与物体本身的重量无关(2)胡克定律:弹力与弹簧形变量成正比(3)亚里士多德认为必须有力作用在物体上,物体才能运动;没有力的作用,物体就要静止在一个地方。

常用物理英语单词absolute acceleration 绝对加速度absolute motion 绝对运动absolute velocity 绝对速度accelerated motion 加速运动acceleration of gravity 重力加速度acceleration 加速度accelerometer 加速度计acting force 作用力active force 主动力angle of friction 摩擦角angle of nutation 章动角angle of precession 进动角angle of rotation 自转角angular acceleration 角加速度angular displacement 角位移angular motion 角[向]运动angular velocity vector 角速度矢[量]angular velocity 角速度areal velocity 掠面速度又称“扇形速度(sector velocity)”arm of couple 力偶臂attraction force 吸引力Atwood machine 阿特伍德机average velocity,mean velocity 平均速度axial acceleration 轴向加速度axial vector 轴矢[量]ballistic curve 弹道ballistic pendulum 弹道摆ballistics 弹道学base point 基点bearing 轴承binormal acceleration 副法向加速度bounce 反弹center of force 力心center of gravity 重心center of mass 质心center of moment 矩心center of parallel force system 平行力系中心center of percussion 撞击中心center of reduction 简化中心又称“约化中心”。

Constellations and Culture
A Myth in the Autumn Sky
A Portion of the Northern Sky
The Northern Cross
The Traditional Constellation
Why Didn’t the Ancients Picture this as a Cross?
• Alfonso the Wise of Castile published tables based on Ptolemy, 1200’s
• Tables were out of date by 1500 • System began to seem cumbersome and
inelegant • Need for calendar reform • Gregorian Calendar, 1582 • System was beginning to seem clumsy
• It is not Ptolemy's fault he did such a good job that it took 1500 years to improve on him!
How Ptolemy Dealt With Unequal Speeds
Why this was a hot topic
Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton
How did we Discover the Earth is Round?
• Traditional: as a ship sails away, the hull diasppears below the horizon before the sails

伽利略(Galileo Galilei,1564~1642)是伟大的意大利物理学家和天文学家,科学革命的先驱。

that these began by watching the swings
of the bronze chandelier in the cathedral of Pisa, using his pulse as a timer. Galileo claimed that a simple pendulum
4.New scientific methods
Galileo made original contributions to the science of motion through an innovative combination of experiment and mathematics.
is isochronous(等时的),that its swings
always take the same amount of time, independently of the amplitude(振幅). Galileo also found that the square of the period varies directly with the length of the pendulum.
Galileo's thermometer
Galileo also invented scale, named as "The Little Balance "which could offer an accurate balance to weigh objects in air or water.
The Achievements of Galileo

最伟大的物理学家Top101. 艾萨克·牛顿 (Isaac Newton)牛顿是经典力学的奠基人,他提出的三大运动定律和万有引力定律,构成了现代物理学的基础。
2. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 (Albert Einstein)爱因斯坦是现代物理学的奠基人之一,他提出了狭义相对论和广义相对论,彻底改变了人类对时间、空间和引力的认识。
3. 尼尔斯·玻尔 (Niels Bohr)玻尔是量子力学的奠基人之一,他提出了玻尔模型,解释了原子的结构和光谱。
4. 理查德·费曼 (Richard Feynman)费曼是量子电动力学的奠基人之一,他提出了费曼图和路径积分方法,简化了粒子间相互作用的计算。
5. 詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦 (James Clerk Maxwell)麦克斯韦是电磁学的奠基人之一,他提出了麦克斯韦方程组,统一了电学和磁学,并预言了电磁波的存在。
6. 欧内斯特·卢瑟福 (Ernest Rutherford)卢瑟福是原子核物理学的奠基人之一,他提出了原子核模型,解释了原子内部的结构。
7. 保罗·狄拉克 (Paul Dirac)狄拉克是量子力学的奠基人之一,他提出了狄拉克方程,解释了电子的自旋和反粒子。
8. 沃尔夫冈·泡利 (Wolfgang Pauli)泡利是量子力学的奠基人之一,他提出了泡利不相容原理,解释了原子中电子的排列方式。
伽利略英文介绍精品 Galileo Galilei

• Galileo also observed sunspots.
Starry Messenger
• Galileo was smart enough to publish his book in Italian - everyone could read it!
• Galileo went into business publishing his book & building telescopes for people. He became fairly wealthy from his business.
• The Galilean moons proved that revolution could be centered on another celestial body.
• Earth’s privileged place in the cosmos was gone!
The Phases of Venus
• Many people think Galileo went blind from looking at the sun. Really it was just old age & disease. • Galileo’s sunspot drawings at right.
Jupiter has moons!
• Galileo discovered the 4 largest moons of Jupiter. They’re named after him: the Galilean moons.

伽利略·伽利雷GalileoGalilei,1564年 2月25日-1642世界知名科学家,他既是物理学家、天文学家、哲学家又是发明家,他发明了温度计和天文望远镜。

物理化学概念和术语中英文对照1.BET公式BET formula2.DLVO理论 DLVO theory3.HLB法hydrophile-lipophile balance method4.pVT性质 pVT property5.ζ电势 zeta potential6.阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro'number7.阿伏加德罗定律 Avogadro law8.阿累尼乌斯电离理论Arrhenius ionization theory9.阿累尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation10.阿累尼乌斯活化能 Arrhenius activation energy11.阿马格定律 Amagat law12.艾林方程 Erying equation13.爱因斯坦光化当量定律 Einstein's law of photochemicalequivalence14.爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程 Einstein-Stokes equation15.安托万常数 Antoine constant16.安托万方程 Antoine equation17.盎萨格电导理论Onsager's theory of conductance18.半电池half cell19.半衰期half time period20.饱和液体 saturated liquids21.饱和蒸气 saturated vapor22.饱和吸附量 saturated extent of adsorption23.饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure24.爆炸界限 explosion limits25.比表面功 specific surface work26.比表面吉布斯函数 specific surface Gibbs function27.比浓粘度 reduced viscosity28.标准电动势 standard electromotive force29.标准电极电势 standard electrode potential30.标准摩尔反应焓 standard molar reaction enthalpy31.标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数 standard Gibbs function of molarreaction32.标准摩尔反应熵 standard molar reaction entropy33.标准摩尔焓函数 standard molar enthalpy function34.标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数 standard molar Gibbs free energyfunction35.标准摩尔燃烧焓 standard molar combustion enthalpy36.标准摩尔熵 standard molar entropy37.标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation enthalpy38.标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数 standard molar formation Gibbs function39.标准平衡常数 standard equilibrium constant40.标准氢电极 standard hydrogen electrode41.标准态 standard state42.标准熵 standard entropy43.标准压力 standard pressure44.标准状况 standard condition45.表观活化能apparent activation energy46.表观摩尔质量 apparent molecular weight47.表观迁移数apparent transference number48.表面 surfaces49.表面过程控制 surface process control50.表面活性剂surfactants51.表面吸附量 surface excess52.表面张力 surface tension53.表面质量作用定律 surface mass action law54.波义尔定律 Boyle law55.波义尔温度 Boyle temperature56.波义尔点 Boyle point57.玻尔兹曼常数 Boltzmann constant58.玻尔兹曼分布 Boltzmann distribution59.玻尔兹曼公式 Boltzmann formula60.玻尔兹曼熵定理 Boltzmann entropy theorem61.玻色-爱因斯坦统计Bose-Einstein statistics62.泊Poise63.不可逆过程 irreversible process64.不可逆过程热力学thermodynamics of irreversible processes65.不可逆相变化 irreversible phase change66.布朗运动 brownian movement67.查理定律 Charle's law68.产率 yield69.敞开系统 open system70.超电势 over potential71.沉降 sedimentation72.沉降电势 sedimentation potential73.沉降平衡 sedimentation equilibrium74.触变 thixotropy75.粗分散系统 thick disperse system76.催化剂 catalyst77.单分子层吸附理论 mono molecule layer adsorption78.单分子反应 unimolecular reaction79.单链反应 straight chain reactions80.弹式量热计 bomb calorimeter81.道尔顿定律 Dalton law82.道尔顿分压定律 Dalton partial pressure law83.德拜和法尔肯哈根效应Debye and Falkenhagen effect84.德拜立方公式 Debye cubic formula85.德拜-休克尔极限公式 Debye-Huckel's limiting equation86.等焓过程 isenthalpic process87.等焓线isenthalpic line88.等几率定理 theorem of equal probability89.等温等容位Helmholtz free energy90.等温等压位Gibbs free energy91.等温方程 equation at constant temperature92.低共熔点 eutectic point93.低共熔混合物 eutectic mixture94.低会溶点 lower consolute point95.低熔冰盐合晶 cryohydric96.第二类永动机 perpetual machine of the second kind97.第三定律熵 third-law entropy98.第一类永动机 perpetual machine of the first kind99.缔合化学吸附 association chemical adsorption100.电池常数 cell constant101.电池电动势 electromotive force of cells102.电池反应 cell reaction103.电导 conductance104.电导率 conductivity105.电动势的温度系数 temperature coefficient of electromotive force106.电动电势 zeta potential107.电动现象electrokinetic phenomena108.电功electric work109.电化学 electrochemistry110.电化学极化 electrochemical polarization111.电极电势 electrode potential112.电极反应 reactions on the electrode113.电极种类 type of electrodes114.电解池 electrolytic cell115.电量计 coulometer116.电流效率current efficiency117.电迁移 electro migration118.电迁移率 electromobility119.电渗 electroosmosis120.电渗析 electrodialysis121.电泳 electrophoresis122.丁达尔效应 Dyndall effect123.定容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant volume 124.定容温度计 Constant voIume thermometer125.定压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity under constant pressure 126.定压温度计 constant pressure thermometer127.定域子系统 localized particle system128.动力学方程kinetic equations129.动力学控制 kinetics control130.独立子系统 independent particle system131.对比摩尔体积 reduced mole volume132.对比体积 reduced volume133.对比温度 reduced temperature134.对比压力 reduced pressure135.对称数 symmetry number136.对行反应reversible reactions137.对应状态原理 principle of corresponding state138.多方过程polytropic process139.多分子层吸附理论 adsorption theory of multi-molecular layers140.二级反应second order reaction141.二级相变second order phase change142.法拉第常数 faraday constant143.法拉第定律 Faraday's law144.法扬思-帕尼思规则 Fajans- Pancth's rule145.反电动势back E.M.F.146.反渗透 reverse osmosis147.反应分子数 molecularity148.反应级数 reaction orders149.反应进度 extent of reaction150.反应热heat of reaction151.反应速率rate of reaction152.反应速率常数 constant of reaction rate153.范德华常数 van der Waals constant154.范德华方程 van der Waals equation155.范德华力 van der Waals force156.范德华气体 van der Waals gases157.范特霍夫方程 van't Hoff equation158.范特霍夫规则 van't Hoff rule159.范特霍夫渗透压公式 van't Hoff equation of osmotic pressure 160.非基元反应 non-elementary reactions161.非体积功 non-volume work162.非依时计量学反应 time independent stoichiometric reactions 163.菲克扩散第一定律 Fick's first law of diffusion164.沸点 boiling point165.沸点升高 elevation of boiling point166.费米-狄拉克统计Fermi-Dirac statistics167.分布 distribution168.分布数 distribution numbers169.分解电压 decomposition voltage170.分配定律 distribution law171.分散系统 disperse system172.分散相 dispersion phase173.分体积 partial volume174.分体积定律 partial volume law175.分压 partial pressure176.分压定律 partial pressure law177.分子反应力学 mechanics of molecular reactions178.分子间力 intermolecular force179.分子蒸馏molecular distillation180.封闭系统 closed system181.附加压力 excess pressure182.弗罗因德利希吸附经验式 Freundlich empirical formula of adsorption183.负极 negative pole184.负吸附 negative adsorption185.复合反应composite reaction186.盖·吕萨克定律 Gay-Lussac law187.盖斯定律 Hess law188.甘汞电极 calomel electrode189.感胶离子序 lyotropic series190.杠杆规则 lever rule191.高分子溶液 macromolecular solution192.高会溶点 upper consolute point193.隔离法the isolation method194.格罗塞斯-德雷珀定律 Grotthus-Draoer's law195.隔离系统 isolated system196.根均方速率 root-mean-square speed197.功 work198.功函work content199.共轭溶液 conjugate solution200.共沸温度 azeotropic temperature201.构型熵configurational entropy202.孤立系统 isolated system203.固溶胶 solid sol204.固态混合物 solid solution205.固相线 solid phase line206.光反应 photoreaction207.光化学第二定律 the second law of actinochemistry 208.光化学第一定律 the first law of actinochemistry209.光敏反应 photosensitized reactions210.光谱熵 spectrum entropy211.广度性质 extensive property212.广延量 extensive quantity213.广延性质 extensive property214.规定熵 stipulated entropy215.过饱和溶液 oversaturated solution216.过饱和蒸气 oversaturated vapor217.过程 process218.过渡状态理论 transition state theory219.过冷水 super-cooled water220.过冷液体 overcooled liquid221.过热液体 overheated liquid222.亥姆霍兹函数 Helmholtz function223.亥姆霍兹函数判据 Helmholtz function criterion224.亥姆霍兹自由能 Helmholtz free energy225.亥氏函数 Helmholtz function226.焓 enthalpy227.亨利常数 Henry constant228.亨利定律 Henry law229.恒沸混合物 constant boiling mixture230.恒容摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant volume 231.恒容热 heat at constant volume232.恒外压 constant external pressure233.恒压摩尔热容 molar heat capacity at constant pressure 234.恒压热 heat at constant pressure235.化学动力学chemical kinetics236.化学反应计量式 stoichiometric equation of chemical reaction237.化学反应计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient of chemical reaction238.化学反应进度 extent of chemical reaction239.化学亲合势 chemical affinity240.化学热力学chemical thermodynamics241.化学势 chemical potential242.化学势判据 chemical potential criterion243.化学吸附 chemisorptions244.环境 environment245.环境熵变 entropy change in environment246.挥发度volatility247.混合熵 entropy of mixing248.混合物 mixture249.活度 activity250.活化控制 activation control251.活化络合物理论 activated complex theory252.活化能activation energy253.霍根-华森图 Hougen-Watson Chart254.基态能级 energy level at ground state255.基希霍夫公式 Kirchhoff formula256.基元反应elementary reactions257.积分溶解热 integration heat of dissolution258.吉布斯-杜亥姆方程 Gibbs-Duhem equation259.吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程 Gibbs-Helmhotz equation 260.吉布斯函数 Gibbs function261.吉布斯函数判据 Gibbs function criterion262.吉布斯吸附公式Gibbs adsorption formula263.吉布斯自由能 Gibbs free energy264.吉氏函数 Gibbs function265.极化电极电势 polarization potential of electrode 266.极化曲线 polarization curves267.极化作用 polarization268.极限摩尔电导率 limiting molar conductivity269.几率因子 steric factor270.计量式 stoichiometric equation271.计量系数 stoichiometric coefficient272.价数规则 rule of valence273.简并度 degeneracy274.键焓bond enthalpy275.胶冻 broth jelly276.胶核 colloidal nucleus277.胶凝作用 demulsification278.胶束micelle279.胶体 colloid280.胶体分散系统 dispersion system of colloid281.胶体化学 collochemistry282.胶体粒子 colloidal particles283.胶团 micelle284.焦耳Joule285.焦耳-汤姆生实验 Joule-Thomson experiment286.焦耳-汤姆生系数 Joule-Thomson coefficient287.焦耳-汤姆生效应 Joule-Thomson effect288.焦耳定律 Joule's law289.接触电势contact potential290.接触角 contact angle291.节流过程 throttling process292.节流膨胀 throttling expansion293.节流膨胀系数 coefficient of throttling expansion 294.结线 tie line295.结晶热heat of crystallization296.解离化学吸附 dissociation chemical adsorption297.界面 interfaces298.界面张力 surface tension299.浸湿 immersion wetting300.浸湿功 immersion wetting work301.精馏 rectify302.聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte303.聚沉 coagulation304.聚沉值 coagulation value305.绝对反应速率理论 absolute reaction rate theory306.绝对熵 absolute entropy307.绝对温标absolute temperature scale308.绝热过程 adiabatic process309.绝热量热计adiabatic calorimeter310.绝热指数 adiabatic index311.卡诺定理 Carnot theorem312.卡诺循环 Carnot cycle313.开尔文公式 Kelvin formula314.柯诺瓦洛夫-吉布斯定律 Konovalov-Gibbs law315.科尔劳施离子独立运动定律 Kohlrausch's Law of Independent Migration of Ions316.可能的电解质potential electrolyte317.可逆电池 reversible cell318.可逆过程 reversible process319.可逆过程方程 reversible process equation320.可逆体积功 reversible volume work321.可逆相变 reversible phase change322.克拉佩龙方程 Clapeyron equation323.克劳修斯不等式 Clausius inequality324.克劳修斯-克拉佩龙方程 Clausius-Clapeyron equation 325.控制步骤 control step326.库仑计 coulometer327.扩散控制 diffusion controlled328.拉普拉斯方程 Laplace's equation329.拉乌尔定律 Raoult law330.兰格缪尔-欣谢尔伍德机理 Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism 331.兰格缪尔吸附等温式 Langmuir adsorption isotherm formula 332.雷利公式 Rayleigh equation333.冷冻系数coefficient of refrigeration334.冷却曲线 cooling curve335.离解热heat of dissociation336.离解压力dissociation pressure337.离域子系统 non-localized particle systems338.离子的标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation of ion 339.离子的电迁移率 mobility of ions340.离子的迁移数transport number of ions341.离子独立运动定律 law of the independent migration of ions 342.离子氛 ionic atmosphere343.离子强度 ionic strength344.理想混合物 perfect mixture345.理想气体 ideal gas346.理想气体的绝热指数 adiabatic index of ideal gases347.理想气体的微观模型 micro-model of ideal gas348.理想气体反应的等温方程 isothermal equation of ideal gaseous reactions349.理想气体绝热可逆过程方程 adiabatic reversible process equation of ideal gases350.理想气体状态方程 state equation of ideal gas351.理想溶液 ideal solutions352.理想稀溶液 ideal dilute solution353.理想液态混合物 perfect liquid mixture354.粒子 particles355.粒子的配分函数 partition function of particles356.连串反应consecutive reactions357.链的传递物 chain carrier358.链反应 chain reactions359.量热熵 calorimetric entropy360.量子统计quantum statistics361.量子效率 quantum yield362.临界参数 critical parameter363.临界常数 critical constant364.临界点 critical point365.临界胶束浓度critical micelle concentration366.临界摩尔体积 critical molar volume367.临界温度 critical temperature368.临界压力 critical pressure369.临界状态 critical state370.零级反应zero order reaction371.流动电势 streaming potential372.流动功 flow work373.笼罩效应 cage effect374.路易斯-兰德尔逸度规则 Lewis-Randall rule of fugacity 375.露点 dew point376.露点线 dew point line377.麦克斯韦关系式 Maxwell relations378.麦克斯韦速率分布 Maxwell distribution of speeds379.麦克斯韦能量分布 MaxwelIdistribution of energy380.毛细管凝结 condensation in capillary381.毛细现象 capillary phenomena382.米凯利斯常数 Michaelis constant383.摩尔电导率 molar conductivity384.摩尔反应焓 molar reaction enthalpy385.摩尔混合熵 mole entropy of mixing386.摩尔气体常数 molar gas constant387.摩尔热容 molar heat capacity388.摩尔溶解焓 mole dissolution enthalpy389.摩尔稀释焓 mole dilution enthalpy390.内扩散控制 internal diffusions control391.内能 internal energy392.内压力 internal pressure393.能级 energy levels394.能级分布 energy level distribution395.能量均分原理 principle of the equipartition of energy 396.能斯特方程 Nernst equation397.能斯特热定理 Nernst heat theorem398.凝固点 freezing point399.凝固点降低 lowering of freezing point400.凝固点曲线 freezing point curve401.凝胶 gelatin402.凝聚态 condensed state403.凝聚相 condensed phase404.浓差超电势 concentration over-potential405.浓差极化 concentration polarization406.浓差电池 concentration cells407.帕斯卡pascal408.泡点 bubble point409.泡点线 bubble point line410.配分函数 partition function411.配分函数的析因子性质 property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state412.碰撞截面 collision cross section413.碰撞数 the number of collisions414.偏摩尔量 partial mole quantities415.平衡常数(理想气体反应) equilibrium constants for reactions of ideal gases416.平动配分函数 partition function of translation417.平衡分布 equilibrium distribution418.平衡态 equilibrium state419.平衡态近似法 equilibrium state approximation420.平衡状态图 equilibrium state diagram421.平均活度 mean activity422.平均活度系统 mean activity coefficient423.平均摩尔热容 mean molar heat capacity424.平均质量摩尔浓度 mean mass molarity425.平均自由程mean free path426.平行反应parallel reactions427.破乳 demulsification428.铺展 spreading429.普遍化范德华方程 universal van der Waals equation 430.其它功 the other work431.气化热heat of vaporization432.气溶胶 aerosol433.气体常数 gas constant434.气体分子运动论 kinetic theory of gases435.气体分子运动论的基本方程 foundamental equation of kinetic theory of gases436.气溶胶 aerosol437.气相线 vapor line438.迁移数 transport number439.潜热latent heat440.强度量 intensive quantity441.强度性质 intensive property442.亲液溶胶 hydrophilic sol443.氢电极 hydrogen electrodes444.区域熔化zone melting445.热 heat446.热爆炸 heat explosion447.热泵 heat pump448.热功当量mechanical equivalent of heat449.热函heat content450.热化学thermochemistry451.热化学方程thermochemical equation452.热机 heat engine453.热机效率 efficiency of heat engine454.热力学 thermodynamics455.热力学第二定律 the second law of thermodynamics456.热力学第三定律 the third law of thermodynamics457.热力学第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics458.热力学基本方程 fundamental equation of thermodynamics 459.热力学几率 thermodynamic probability460.热力学能 thermodynamic energy461.热力学特性函数characteristic thermodynamic function 462.热力学温标thermodynamic scale of temperature463.热力学温度thermodynamic temperature464.热熵thermal entropy465.热效应heat effect466.熔点曲线 melting point curve467.熔化热heat of fusion468.溶胶 colloidal sol469.溶解焓 dissolution enthalpy470.溶液 solution471.溶胀 swelling472.乳化剂 emulsifier473.乳状液 emulsion474.润湿 wetting475.润湿角 wetting angle476.萨克尔-泰特洛德方程 Sackur-Tetrode equation 477.三相点 triple point478.三相平衡线 triple-phase line479.熵 entropy480.熵判据 entropy criterion481.熵增原理 principle of entropy increase482.渗透压 osmotic pressure483.渗析法 dialytic process484.生成反应 formation reaction485.升华热heat of sublimation486.实际气体 real gas487.舒尔采-哈迪规则 Schulze-Hardy rule488.松驰力relaxation force489.松驰时间time of relaxation490.速度常数reaction rate constant491.速率方程rate equations492.速率控制步骤rate determining step493.塔费尔公式 Tafel equation494.态-态反应 state-state reactions495.唐南平衡 Donnan equilibrium496.淌度 mobility497.特鲁顿规则 Trouton rule498.特性粘度 intrinsic viscosity499.体积功 volume work500.统计权重 statistical weight501.统计热力学 statistic thermodynamics502.统计熵 statistic entropy503.途径 path504.途径函数 path function505.外扩散控制 external diffusion control506.完美晶体 perfect crystalline507.完全气体 perfect gas508.微观状态 microstate509.微态 microstate510.韦斯顿标准电池 Weston standard battery511.维恩效应Wien effect512.维里方程 virial equation513.维里系数 virial coefficient514.稳流过程 steady flow process515.稳态近似法 stationary state approximation516.无热溶液athermal solution517.无限稀溶液 solutions in the limit of extreme dilution 518.物理化学 Physical Chemistry519.物理吸附 physisorptions520.吸附 adsorption521.吸附等量线 adsorption isostere522.吸附等温线 adsorption isotherm523.吸附等压线 adsorption isobar524.吸附剂 adsorbent525.吸附量 extent of adsorption526.吸附热 heat of adsorption527.吸附质 adsorbate528.析出电势 evolution or deposition potential529.析因子性质 property that partition function to be expressed as a product of the separate partition functions for each kind of state530.稀溶液的依数性 colligative properties of dilute solutions 531.稀释焓 dilution enthalpy532.系统 system533.系统点 system point534.系统的环境 environment of system535.相 phase536.相变 phase change537.相变焓 enthalpy of phase change538.相变化 phase change539.相变热 heat of phase change540.相点 phase point541.相对挥发度relative volatility542.相对粘度 relative viscosity543.相律 phase rule544.相平衡热容heat capacity in phase equilibrium545.相图 phase diagram546.相倚子系统 system of dependent particles547.悬浮液 suspension548.循环过程 cyclic process549.压力商 pressure quotient550.压缩因子 compressibility factor551.压缩因子图 diagram of compressibility factor552.亚稳状态 metastable state553.盐桥 salt bridge554.盐析 salting out555.阳极 anode556.杨氏方程 Young's equation557.液体接界电势 liquid junction potential558.液相线 liquid phase lines559.一级反应first order reaction560.一级相变first order phase change561.依时计量学反应 time dependent stoichiometric reactions 562.逸度 fugacity563.逸度系数 coefficient of fugacity564.阴极 cathode565.荧光 fluorescence566.永动机 perpetual motion machine567.永久气体 Permanent gas568.有效能 available energy569.原电池 primary cell570.原盐效应 salt effect571.增比粘度 specific viscosity572.憎液溶胶 lyophobic sol573.沾湿 adhesional wetting574.沾湿功 the work of adhesional wetting575.折射率index of refraction576.真溶液 true solution577.真实电解质real electrolyte578.真实气体 real gas579.真实迁移数true transference number580.振动配分函数 partition function of vibration581.振动特征温度 characteristic temperature of vibration 582.蒸气压下降 depression of vapor pressure583.正常沸点 normal point584.正吸附 positive adsorption585.支链反应 branched chain reactions586.直链反应 straight chain reactions587.指前因子 pre-exponential factor588.质量作用定律mass action law589.制冷系数coefficient of refrigeration590.中和热heat of neutralization591.轴功 shaft work592.转动配分函数 partition function of rotation593.转动特征温度 characteristic temperature of vibration 594.转化率 convert ratio595.转化温度conversion temperature596.状态 state597.状态方程 state equation598.状态分布 state distribution599.状态函数 state function600.准静态过程quasi-static process601.准一级反应 pseudo first order reaction 602.自动催化作用 auto-catalysis603.自发过程 spontaneous process604.自由度 degree of freedom605.自由度数 number of degree of freedom 606.自由焓free enthalpy607.自由能free energy608.自由膨胀free expansion609.组分数 component number610.最低恒沸点 lower azeotropic point611.最高恒沸点 upper azeotropic point612.最佳反应温度 optimal reaction temperature 613.最可几分布 most probable distribution 614.最可几速率 most propable speed。

The Platonic Solids
Kepler’s Nested Spheres
How Did Kepler Know the Spacing?
The Kepler Solids
The Poinsot Solids
Strange Start - Good Finish
• Kepler started off with mystical ideas, and ended up correctly describing the motions of the planets. How can this be?
A Neat Coincidence that’s Too Neat
Rosenkranz and Guldenstern are Dead
Who were they?
• Hamlet’s Uncle has:
– Murdered his father – Married his mother – Usurped Hamlet’s Crown
How Did Kepler Do It?
• One Mars year (687 days) = 2 Earth years (730 days) minus 43 days • After 687 days, Mars is in the same place in its orbit, but Earth is not • Mars appears to be in a different location in the sky
The Southern Cross
A Star Map
Western Constellations
Chinese Constellations

伽利略名言经典十句话1.伽利略名言英文翻译译:"The pursuit of science, requires a special courage, thinking is the greatest joy.""Life is like the anvil, the more to be beat, the more able to spark.""You can not teach people anything, you can only find something to help others.""Science is not a man of business""Truth is not the authority of Mongolia dusty works, but in the universe, nature, this great book without words.""The world is a book written in mathematical language.""All reasoning must be obtained from observation and experiment to."2.有谁知道伽利略的名言及故事名言:Go to the roots of these calculations! Group the operations. Classify them according to their complexities rather than their appearances! This, I believe, is the mission of future mathematicians. This is the road on which I am embarking in this work.简介:Evariste Galois: 1811-1832 French math. made important contributions to aspect to higher algebra know as group theory.3.伽利略名言1.生命有如铁砧,愈被敲打,愈能发出火花。

伽利略(Galileo Galilei,1564-02-15-1642-01-08)。
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d’ = h’ d h
Start a ball from rest anywhere and let it roll Let h be the height at the start and let t be the time it takes to reach the bottom
Let v be its velocity or speed at the bottom and let d be the distance that the ball has travelled
Galileo and his Time
Galileo's Science
The Basic Question: How do things move?
Basic Question #1
How do the planets move? Answers before Galileo
http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ Galileo Prototype/i(1564-1642) and his Theory of Motion
Prof. Alexander Hahn
Then v t and d t 2. Therefore, d v2
But also, d h. So h v 2. Therefore, v h
Horizontal Component: continues with velocity v
Vertical Component: free fall from rest will take the same time t0 to reach the ground no matter what v is
Ptolemy (200 AD)
Geocentric epicycles (example of epicycle Sun-Earth-Moon).
Copernicus (1473-1543)
Heliocentric circles and epicycles.
Galileo's Contributions
R = v x t0 and therefore, R v Because v h , we finally get R
Confirmation by Experiment
Galileo tests this Relationship with an Experiment A page of Galileo's Working Notes
This Morning: Basic Question #2
How do thrown objects (projectiles) move?
The balls that we observe every day in lots of different sports?
Answers before Galileo
Galileo's Theory of Motion
round bronze ball
inclined plane
table (about 30.5 inches high)
The Meaning of Proportion
d is proportional to h shorthand: d h Means: d h
The Recent ND Conference
Galileo and the Church
Combined with performances of Brecht's “Life of Galileo”
/~isla/ISLA/webpages/ thearts/FTT/calendar/galileo.htm
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and his Theory of Motion
Prof. Alexander Hahn
A New Opera
“Galileo Galilei” by Philip Glass
/asp/performance.asp? perfID=GalileoGalilei
New Scholarship
Galileo in Context
Edited by Jürgen Renn © 2002 Cambridge University press
From the NY Times
A Wonderful Book
Galileo’s Daughter
Dava Sobel ©2000 Penguin
What is actually happening? The telescope: Moon, Venus, Jupiter. Vocal supporter of Copernicus Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, 1632. Problems with the Church
Aristotle's Physics: Heavy objects fall more quickly. The notion of Impetus.
Galileo's Contributions
What is actually happening? Breaking the mold. A new theory and an experiment. Discourse about Two New Sciences, 1638.