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1.It’s reported that China will not buy the Euro debt until some thorough research . A.has been done B.will have been done

C.will be done D.had been done



试题分析:考查时态及语态。句意:据报道,直到一些彻底的调查研究被做出以后,中国才会买进欧盟债务,含有not ..until的状语从句,主句一般将来,从句表示已经做过研究之后,所以用完成时表示,研究与做之间又是被动关系,由此综合两者,A正确。


2.Our teacher keeps telling us that the future to the well-educated.

A.belonging B.belongs C.is belonging D.is belonged



考查短语:belong to 属于,没有进行时态没有被动语态。故答案选B。

3.A new function of China’s official train ticket booking website ______to boost buyers’ chances of obtaining a ticket during the upcoming Spring Festival travel rush.

A.will be expected B.expects C.has been expected D.is expected




考查时态。句意:中国火车票预订官网的一项新功能有望在即将到来的春运期间增加购票机会。be expected to do表示“有望……”,常用于一般现在时,故D项正确。

4.I saw Jack in the lift this morning. He around here for a long time.

A.won't be seen B.wasn't seen

C.hasn't been seen D.hadn't been seen




考查过去完成时态的被动语态。句意:今天早上我在电梯里看见杰克。他好久没在这附近露面了。根据this morning可知这是过去的事情;再根据for a long time可知此空是更靠前的动作,且句子主语He和see之间是一种被动关系,所以用过去完成时态,故选D。

5.In no time______ by a string of measures backing Hainan’s efforts to deepen reform and opening-up.

A.the landmark decision was followed

B.was the landmark decision followed

C.did the landmark decision follow;

D.the landmark decision had been followed;




考察句子语序。句意:在这重大决议之后会出台一系列的办法来支持海南深化改革和扩大开放。In no time(立刻,马上)位于句首,句子用陈述语序,不用部分倒装。另外,该句陈述的过去的事情,因而用一般过去时,综述选A。


关于部分倒装。部分倒装,也叫不完全倒装,指的是谓语部分的be动词,情态动词或助动词放在主语之前的结构。常见的部分倒装分以下几类:第一,否定性副词或者赋词短语,比如seldom,hardly,at no time, in no case, on no occasion等位于句首时,比如,Hardly does he get late. 第二,only修饰副词性短语谓语句首时,比如only in this way can we succeed.而本题中in no time (立刻,马上),不是否定意义的短语,故不用部分倒装。

6.A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who ________ in the mountains for two days.

A.are trapping B.have been trapped

C.were trapping D.had been trapped



考查语态和时态。句意:一个救援人员冒着生命危险挽救了两个被困在山里两天的旅游者。“who ___ in the mountains for two days”是定语从句,修饰two tourists,two tourists和trap之间是被动关系,该空应用被动语态。由risked可知,营救人员救游客是过去的事情,被困两天发生在营救人员救了他们之前,即“过去的过去”,该空应用过去完成时态。综上,D选项正确。

点睛:过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成了的动作,即“过去的过去”,其表达形式为had done,被动语态的表达形式为had been done。

7.8 students and 2 teachers at Santa Fe High School by a 17-year-student armed with a shotgun and a pistol. This is one of the many gun-related tragedies that have happened in the last 2 years.

A.killed B.were killed

C.have killed D.have been killed


【解析】考查被动语态。句意:在圣塔菲高中,一名17岁的学生手持猎枪和一把手枪,在圣塔菲高中杀害了8名学生和2名教师。8 students and 2 teachers是句子主语,复数形
