

chroma 6310A data sheet

chroma 6310A data sheet

6310A 系列可仿真各種動態負載狀態,使用者透過編輯負載電壓、負載電流、負載的上升/下降率、電流准位、持續時間等參數來編輯負載波形,測試參數及狀態的儲存功能多達100組,系統可根據自動測試需求,隨時從儀器內的儲存單元EEPROM 中呼叫出來使用。

6310A 系列中每一負載模塊皆采多段式16-bit 高精密電壓電流量測線路,使用者可透過前控制板簡易操作的鍵盤測量及調整在線電壓或仿真短路測試。

此外,6310A 系列也專為自動化生產線設計可選購配件的遙控器。

6310A 系列具有自我診斷系統設計,可自行維護儀器的日常使用,6310A 系列還具有過功率、過電流、過溫度保護及過電壓、正負極反向告警功能,可大幅提高產品可靠性,是工程測試及自動測試系統整合得以信賴的產品。

可編程直流電子負載 MODEL 6310A 系列PROGRAMMABLE DC ELECTRONIC LOADChroma 6310A 系列可編程控制直流電子負載主要應用于多路或單路輸出的AC/DC 電源、多路或單路的DC/DC 輸出變換器、充電器及電源類電子元件性能測試,對工程師在設計研發、生產線測試及品保的產品檢測作業上提供快速有效的測試方案。

6310A 系列采模塊化設計,使用者可將選購之不同負載功率的模塊放進系統主機框,透過前控制板的鍵盤、RS232、USB 與GPIB 標準接口來控制。

6310A 系列電子負載目前提供8款負載模塊,功率從30W 到1200W 不等;電流可從0.5mA 到240A ;電壓量測可從0.5mV 到500V 。



【最新文档】电子负载作业指导书-实用word文档 (11页)

【最新文档】电子负载作业指导书-实用word文档 (11页)

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1. 范围:本作业指导书规定了有关直流电子负载的规范性引用文件、术语和定义、校准条件、校准项目、校准方法和校准记录,适用于公司所有型号的直流电子负载的内部校准。

2. 职责:设备管理组:负责制定仪器年度内校计划与实施等相关工作仪校工程师:负责按照内校作业指导书进行作业3. 规范性引用文件JJF--30101-201X直流电子负载校准规范4. 术语和定义最大误差:设定值*%+最大量程*% 首次校准:从未校准过秤所进行的校准随后校准:首次校准后的校准5. 校准条件 5.1. 校准主要器具数字万用表:安捷伦34405A 直流稳压电源: 60V30A5.2. 环境要求环境温度:25℃±2℃ 环境湿度:50%RH±10%RH将它们输出负端连接一起;然后将数字万用表的正、负端分别接到无感电阻R 的两端,如图2;篇二:艾德克斯电子负载操作指导书艾德克斯电子负载操作指导书1. 目的:为了使实验仪器操作方法规范,确保实验结果正确,延长仪器使用寿命,特制定本作业指导书 2. 范围:本作业指导书适用该仪器的使用操作 3. 职责:工艺组:负责仪器定期校验实验室:负责仪器设备保养,作业指导书编写. 使用者:按照作业指导书使用仪器4. 作业内容:4.1. 仪器介绍4.1.1. 仪器主要参数输出电压:DC500V,输出功率:300W,输出电流:15A操作模式:除了4个经典模式外,还包含电池放电模式、Von Voff 、动态测试等. 定电流操作模式:不管输入电压是否改变,电子负载消耗一个恒定的电流.定电压操作模式: 电子负载将消耗足够的电流来使输入电压维持在设定的电压上.定电阻操作模式:电子负载被等效为一个恒定的电阻会随着输入电压的改变来线性改变电流定功率操作模式: 电子负载将消耗一个恒定的功率,如果输入电压升高,则输入电流将减少,功率P(=V* I )将维持在设定功率上.4.1.2. 仪器面板介绍4.1.3. 指示灯功能描述4.2. 定电流负载模式操作步骤4.2.1. 插上仪器电源、启动仪器处于待机状态.4.2.2. 在仪器面板上按I-set键,屏幕显示CURRENT=0.000A .4.2.3. 通过数字键或者是旋钮输入所需的电流值,如CURRENT=1A按 Enter键确认. 4.2.4. 被测样品与仪器连接4.2.5. 在仪器面板上按ON/OFF 键,仪器开始输出电流.4.3. 定电压负载模式操作步骤 4.3.1. 操作步骤同4.44.4. 定电阻负载模式操作步骤 4.4.1. 操作步骤同4.44.5. 定功率负载模式操作步骤 4.5.1. 操作步骤同4.44.6. 电池放电测试操作步骤4.6.1. 定义: 使用恒流模式来进行容量测试,可编程设置关断电平,当电池电压过低时,系统确定电池达到设定阈值或非安全状态前夕,自动中断测试.在测试过程中可以观测电池的电压,放电电流,负载功率和电池已放电容量.4.6.2. 在仪器面板上按 On/Off键,使负载的输入状态为关闭,连接好待测电池.4.6.3. 按 I-set键,VFD显示CURRENT= 0.000A,设置电池的放电电流,按Enter键确认.注意:负载的放电电流必须小于电池所供给的电流,在此范围内尽量设大.4.6.4. 按Shift+ Battery(数字键8),屏幕显示MIN OLT=0.10V,设置关断电压,按Enter键开始放电测试. 当电池电压跌落到关断电压时, 负载的输入状态自动OFF.4.6.5. 再次按hift+ Battery(数字键8)键可退出电池容量测试模式.4.6.6. 在测试过程中按上下键切换观察电池的电压,实际放电电流和负载功率,电池已放电容量. 4.7. Von Voff 操作步骤4.7.1. 定义: 当待测电源上升速度或下降速度慢时,电子负载就有可能将待测电源保护.电子负载提供了Von(带载电压)和Voff (卸载电压)功能,当待测电源电压上升且大于Von 带载电压时,负载开始带载测试.当待测电源电压下降且小于Voff 卸载电压时,负载则卸载,输入状态为OFF.4.7.2. 按 Shift + Menu 键进入菜单4.7.3. 屏幕显示MAX CURRENT SET,按下方向键▼至>VOLTAGE ON SET,按Enter键确认.4.7.4. 屏幕显示>VOLT.ON=0.00V,按数字键设置带载电压值(0.1V至最大电压值),按Enter确认. 4.7.5. 按下方向键▼至>VOLTAGE OFF SET, 按Enter键确认.4.7.6. 屏幕显示>VOLT.OFF=0.00V按数字键设置卸载电压值(0V至最大电压值) 按Enter键确认. 4.8. 动态测试操作步骤定义: 动态测试操作能够使负载在两种负载电流或电压间反复切换,此功能可以用来测试电源的动态特性.动态测试操作可以用前面板Shift + Tran键使能或失能,在动态测试操作以前,应首先设置动态测试操作的相关参数Shift +S-Tran. 这些参数包括:A值脉宽时间,B 值脉宽时4.8.1.1. 连续模式(CONTINUOUS):在连续模式下,当动态测试操作使能后,负载会连续的在A值及B值之间切换. 举例操作.负载电流在5A和10A之间切换,负载电流在 5A时保持2ms,在 10A时保持3ms.假设被测仪器输出电压为12V,当前在定电流模式下. 关闭负载的输入4.8.1.4. 按下Shift+ S-Tran ,设置 LEVEL A=5A,按 Enter,设置 WIDTHA=3ms,按Enter,设置 LEVER B=10A,按 Enter,设置 WIDTH B=2ms,按 Enter确认. 此时动态模式为CONTINOUS,按 Enter确认. 按 On/Off键打开负载的输入. 按下 Shift+ Tran 开始执行动态测试操作. 再按下Shift+ Tran 将停止动态测试操作.4.8.2. 脉冲模式(PULSE): 在脉冲模式下,当动态测试操作使能后,每接收到一个触发信号,负载就会切换到B 值下, 在维持B脉宽时间后,会切换回A值下. 举例操作.负载电流在5A 和 10A之间切换.负载每接收到一个触发信号,就会切换到10A电流值,10ms后切换回 5A电流值.假设被测仪器输出电压为 12V,当前在定电流模式下.。



Chroma 6310系列电子负载操作指导书1前言和目的本文明了 Chroma 6310 系列子操作方法,便于的操作使用。

2适用范围适用于 Chroma 6310 系列子的使用操作。

3操作规程器介Chroma 6310 系列子6314 插框可以放下四路子,6312 可以放下两路模( 63102、63103、 63105、 63107⋯⋯),包括一个理器,GPIB 接口、 RS-232接口、控制面板、以及示器和PASS/FAIL信号。

具有 SAVE/RECALL功能,可以存 100 份文件, 10 个程序、一个缺省默。

各路模可以各自工作在CC、CR、CV三种模式,每个模都具有一个或者两个通道(63103、 63106 当通道模, 63102、 63107双通道模),每个通道都有自己的号(1~8),可以各自独立地turn on/ turn off, 或short-circuited 。

如果一个模不可以将模并提高能力,当四路都加最大功率可达 1200W。


插框面板按介1.电源开关2. LCD显示器3.通道显示4.功能键CHAN:选定通道进行设置MODE:用来选择带载模式(CC、 CR、 CV)PROG:用来编辑一组带载程序或者运行一组带载程序。



SAVE:当你设置好一种负载后可以使用该键保存到一个程序里面(1to10 ),下次使用可以通过RECALL( 1to10 )调用。

存储 / 调用( SAVE/RECALL)该系列负载可以对各路负载设定值按顺序储存在一个文件里,下次再要用到该系列负载时可以将此文件调用出来,如你要将已经设定好好的负载值储存到 1 号文件里,则只需按SAVE,然后按方向键,当显示器出现SAVE PROGRAM 1:YES2: NO 时,按键“ 1”存储,当下次要再次调用该系列负载时,只需按RECALL,1,ENTER,则所有通道的设定值都回被条用出来,然后按LOAD即可加载。



programmable parameters include: slew rate, load level, duration and conducting voltage. In addition, up to 100 sets of system operating status can be stored in EEPROM and recalled instantly for automated testing applications.Real time measurement of voltage and current are integrated into each 6310A load module using a 16-bit precision measurement circuit. The user can perform on line voltage measurements and adjustments or simulate short circuit test using the user friendly keypad on the front panel. Additionally, the 6310A series offers an optional remote controller for automated production lines.The 6310A series has a self-diagnosis routines to maintain instrument performance. It also provides OP , OC, OV, OT, and reverse polarity protection to guarantee quality and reliability for even in the most demanding engineering testing and ATE applications.PROGRAMMABLE DC ELECTRONIC LOAD MODEL 6310A SERIESThe Chroma 6310A series Programmable DC Electronic Load is ideal for the test and evaluation of multi-output AC/DC power supplies, DC/DC converters, chargers and power electronic components. It is designed for applications in research and development, production, and incoming inspection. The system is configured by plugging the user selectable load modules into the system mainframe. The user interfaces include an ergonomically designed user friendly keypad on the front panel and the following computer interfaces: RS-232, USB or GPIB.The 6310A series offers 8 different modules with power ratings from 100 watts to 1,200 watts, current ratings from 0.5mA to 240A, and voltage ratings from 0.5mV to 500V. The loads can be operated in constant current, constant voltage, constant power and constant resistance and may be placed in parallel for increased current and power.The 6310A series can simulate a wide range of dynamic loading applications. The waveformsProgrammableDC Electronic LoadChroma 6310A Programmable Electronic Load integrates microprocessor capabilities into each load module and mainframe to provide simple and accurate parallel operation to optimize the speed and control among multiple load modules. All load modules may be configured to work synchronously, to test multiple outputs simultaneously, thus simulating real life applications.The 6310A load modules operate in constant current, constant voltage, constant power or constant resistance to satisfy a wide range of test requirements. For example, the test of a battery charger can be simulated easily by setting the load to operate in constant voltage.appliCation of speCifiC load simulationEach load module is designed with state-of-the-art technology and connects all the power MOSFET devices in parallel to insure high accuracy load control with a minimum drift of less than 0.1%+0.1%F.S. of the current setting. Chroma's use of FET technology provides minimum input resistance and enables the load to sink high current even at very low voltages. For example, the model 63103A is capable of sinking 60A at 1V, and well-suited for testing the new 3.3V low voltage power supplies. Low voltage operation, down to zero volts, is possible at reduced current levels.The 6310A load module uses a photo coupler for isolation between theThe 6310A series load modules will be compatible with the 6310 series mainframes (6312/6314). In addition, the remote control commands will be compatible between the 6310 and the 6310A series without needing to re-writing any remote control programs.Compatibility WitH 6310 seriesmultiple output switching power supplies and multiple DC-DC converters. There are also higher wattage modules that may be mixed and matched for an even more versatile system. Additionally, the GO/NG output port is useful for UUT's pass/fail testing on an automated production line. All modules on the 6314A/6312A mainframe share a common GPIB address to synchronize and speed up the control of the load modules and the read-back of data.module load designThe Chroma 6314A 1200W and 6312A 600W electronic load mainframes accept the user-installable 6310A series load modules for easy system configuration and will mount in a 19" instrument rack. The 6314A holds up to four 63102A load modules, which will result in an 8-channel 100W/channel load with standard front-panel inputs. This makes it ideal for testingThe programmable slew rate makes the simulation of transient load change demanded by real life applications possible. The 6310A internal waveform generator is capable of producing a maximum slew rate at 10A/µs, and dynamic cycling up to 20kHz. It's dedicated remote load sense and control circuit guarantee minimum waveform distortion during continuous load changes.output and control sections, thus each load is isolated and floating. The user can use multiple load modules independently to test multi-output power supplies, or parallel them for high power testing applications.The 6310A provides parallel control, which enables high power testing when a single module cannot meet the requirement of high power applications. Two or more load modules can be paralleled together to achieve the desired loading. The 6310A comes with RS-232 as standard for remote control and automated testing applications. The USB and GPIB interfaces are available as options.In addition, the 6310A, through its synchronized controls, provides an efficient solution for testing single output AC to DC or DC to DC converters by controlling multiple loads. The 6310A provides the capability to test up to 8 UUTs at a time.poWerful measurementsEach 6310A load module has an integrated 16-bit precision A/D converter for voltage measurement with an accuracy of 0.025%+0.025% of full scale. The built-in resistive load current sensing circuit is capable of measuring current with an accuracy of 0.05%+0.05% of full scale. Also, short circuit can be simulated. All measurements are done using remote sensing to eliminate any error due to voltage drops along the measurement path. The user can also select from a complete set of voltage and current measurements.oCp testModern switching power supplies are designed with over current protection (OCP) circuitry; therefore, it is important to test the OCP circuitry to make sure it is functioning within its designed specifications. The 6310A series provides an easy and fast solution for this testing.By simply choosing the channel and setting the OCP parameters (start current, end current, step current and dwell time) from the front panel, the 6310A series provides a fast and easy OCP testing solution. The 6310A series will automatically detect the OCP point, making it an ideal solution for design verification as well as production line testing.Modern electronic devices operate at very high speeds and require fast dynamic operation of their power providing components. To satisfy these testing applications, the 6310A loads offer high speed, programmable dynamic load simulation and control capability. The figure below shows the programmable parameters of the 6310A modules:dynamiC loading and ControlLoad Module Mainframe Controller The 6310A series of loads include a unique timing & measurement function, which allowsprecise time measurements in the range of 1ms to 86,400s. This feature allows the userto set the final voltage & timeout values for battery discharge testing and other similar applications.For example, the figure on the right shows the 6310A internal timer starting at load ON, andending when the battery voltage reaches the final voltage.The Timing function can be used in testing battery and super capacitor discharge, or othersimilar applications.The digital I/O interface makes the 6310A DCLoad the ideal choice for automated testingrequirements. Through the digital I/O, the6310A can accept digital signals to trigger itsfunctions (Load On/Off, OCP test, etc.) as wellas current output status signals.6314A : 4 in 1 Mainframe A631001: Remote Controller A630002 : GPIB Interface 63106A / 63108A 63102A 63107A63101A63105A63112A 63103A6312A : 2 in 1 Mainframe Rear PanelA631003 : USB Interface18 ON/OFF key : To enable or disable the load input 19 Up/Down key : To select the next or previous display in edit mode20 Numeric key : For data setting21 ENTER key : To confirm editing data on the instrument 22 SHIFT key : As LOCAL Key when in remote mode 23 Power switch24 SHIFT + 0 key : System function 25 SHIFT + . key : Lock function26 SHIFT + 3 key : Clear the currently edited data27 Digital I/O : Used for system input/output control signals 28 RS-232 connector 29 GO/NG output port 30 GPIB or USB slot31 AC input voltage switch 32 AC input fuse33 AC input connector1 LED indicator2 SHORT key : To apply a short circuit across the input3 STATIC/DYNA key : To select static or dynamic test mode4 L/R key : To select left or right channel of input load(63102A, 63107A) A/B key : To select static A or B load (other models)5 V terminal : To measure the UUT's output voltage using remote sense6 Rotary knob : To adjust load setting continuously7 Load terminal8 LCD display9 LED indicator : To display the channel at which load is set 10 CHAN key : To select input load channel11 MODE key : To select the operation mode of CC, CR, CV, or CP 12 PROG key : For program data setting13 OCP/OPP key : Over current protection/Over power protection testing 14 RECALL key : To recall the front panel input status from memory 15 SAVE key : To save the front panel input status into memory 16 SPEC key : To set up High/Low limits for GO/NG test 17 CONF key : To set the configurationChargerBattery63102A63107A63103A63103A6314A6312A : Mainframe for 2 Load Modules6314A : Mainframe for 4 Load Modules63101A : Load Module 40A/80V/200W63102A : Load Module 20A/80V/100Wx2 channels 63103A : Load Module 60A/80V/300W 63105A : Load Module 10A/500V/300W63106A : Load Module 120A/80V/600W63107A : Load Module 5A&40A/80V/30W&250W63108A : Load Module 20A/500V/600W63112A : Load Module 240A/80V/1200WA630002 : GPIB Interface for Model 6314A, 6312AA631003 : USB Interface for Model 6314A, 6312AA631001 : Remote ControllerA631002 : Test FixtureA631005 : 6310A Series Softpanelcontinued on next page...6310A-E-200907-2000NOTE*1 : Low voltage operation, under 0.8 volt, is possible at correspondingly reduced current level.Operating temperature range is 0ºC to 40ºC. All specifications apply for 25ºC±5ºC, except as noted.NOTE*2 : Power F.S. = Vrange F.S. x Irange F.S.Worldwide Distribution and Service NetworkDistributed by:JAPANCHROMA JAPAN CORP.NARA Building 11F 2-2-8 Shinyokohama, Kouhokuku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 222-0033 JapanTel: +81-45-470-2285Fax: +81-45-470-2287 SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS, INC.25612 Commercentre Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630-8830 Tel: +1-949-600-6400Fax: +1-949-600-6401Toll Free: +1-866-600-6050 E-mail: sales@Developed and Manufactured by :CHROMA ATE INC.致茂電子股份有限公司HEADQUARTERSNo. 66, Hwa-Ya 1st Rd., Hwa-Ya Technology Park, Kuei-Shan Hsiang,33383 Taoyuan County, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-327-9999Fax: +886-3-327-8898EUROPECHROMA ATE EUROPE B.V .Morsestraat 32, 6716 AH Ede,The Netherlands Tel: +31-318-648282Fax: +31-318-648288 E-mail: sales@CHINACHROMA ELECTRONICS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.8F, No.4, Nanyou Tian An Industrial Estate, Shenzhen, China PC: 518052Tel: +86-755-2664-4598Fax: +86-755-2641-9620。



设备操作指导书文件编码:INVT-LAB-ZDS-22DC 电子负载操作指导书拟 制:____葛广远 ____ 日 期:2010.08.16_ 审 核:___________________日 期:__________ 批 准:___________________日 期:__________设备操作指导书英威腾电气股份有限公司实验室文件编码: INVT-LAB-ZDS-22版 本:V1.0 密 级:机 密生效日期:2008.05 页 数:12 页更改信息登记表文件名称:DC电子负载操作指导书文件编码: INVT-LAB-ZDS-22版本更改原因更改说明更改人更改时间V1.0 拟制新规范葛广远评审会签区:人员签名意见日期目录1、适用范围 (4)2、负载模块技术指标 (4)3、设备的前面板组成 (6)4、电子负载的工作模式 (7)模式 (7)4.2.CR模式 (9)4.3.CV模式 (9)5、电子负载的保护特性 (10)6、操作指导 (10)6.1.连接被测电源 (10)6.2.选择通道 (11)6.3.设置工作模式 (11)DC电子负载操作指导书1、适用范围本操作指导书仅适用于Chroma 6310系列DC电子负载,其主要是用来指导操作人员正确操作该仪器进行开关电源测试。

















*工作模式:1> 固定電流模式(C.C Mode)電子負載所流入的負載電流是依据所設定的負載電流值,而与輸入電壓大小無關,即負載電流保持設定值不變。

LoadINPUT VOLTAGE2> 固定電阻模式(C.R Mode)例,即負載電阻保持設定值不變:LOADCurrent *NG .LED 顯示器當V 。

A 。

W 或V A 表的讀值超過1imit 設定之上限或下限此LED 顯示*Mode 鍵 CC 。

CR 之LED 指示器用MODE 鍵選擇工作模式,CC 。

CR 之LED 指示器指示設定的工作模式*REM LED 指示器亮時為外接電腦程式控制操作,此時面板手動操作全無效。

*上方的4位半顯示器1> 一般狀態電壓表:顯示負載輸入端或V sense BNC 輸入端的電壓值2> WATT ON 狀態瓦特表:顯示負載之功率值3> LIMIT ON 狀態顯示V 。

A 。

W 。

V A 表的上限值,顯示順序如下1、V “Vrms ”2、A “Arms ”3、W “W ”I VV I4、V A “V A”4>于保護狀況產生時過電壓保護時顯示“OVP”5>FREQ ON狀態顯示FREQ BAN Syne三种功能設定其顯示順序如下“1、頻率設定功能下“FREQ”2、波形庫選擇功能下“BAN”3、同步信號選擇功能下“SYNC”*下方的4位半顯示器1>PRESET OFF狀態電流表:顯示實際流入負載內的負載電流2>PRESET ON狀態顯示前面板手動操作之設定值或遙控時之設定值PRES“ON”:顯示CC。

Mode下的固定電流LEVEL A与B設定值“Arms”顯示CC。

Mode下的固定電流LEVEL A与B設定值“Ω”于保護狀況產生時,過“C”過“P”及過“T”時,分別會顯示“OCP”“OPP”及“OTP”3>LIMIT ON狀態電壓表之下限值:“Vrms”電流表之下限值:“Arms”瓦特表之下限值:“W”V A之下限值:“V A”4>REQ ONF:頻率設定功能下:顯示DC-99.9、100-999波形庫選擇功能下:顯示0-10同步信號選擇功能下:顯示“ON”或“OFF”*PRES ON/OFF鍵1>PRES按ON按OFF按ON按OFF按依此類推2>“ON”:預先設定狀況“OFF”:非預先設定狀況,而為實際負載之電壓電流狀況。



PRODIGIT目录目录第一章、概论 (3)1.1整体说明 (3)1.23310C系列电子负载之特性 (8)1.3附件 (8)1.4规格 (9)1.5系统方块图 (11)第二章、装机 (12)2.1装入及拔出3310C系列电子负载 (13)2.2电子负载模组的操作流程 (14)第三章、操作 (15)3.1操作说明 (16)3.23310C系列电子负载模组的起始设定参数 (23)3.3负载输入连接器与连接引线之考虑事项 (24)3.4负载电流粗调、微调,增量及减量调整 (25)3.5I MONITOR (输出) (27)3.6保护特性 (28)第四章、应用 (29)4.1本地电压检知连接法 (29)4.2远地电压检知连接法 (30)4.3固定电流模式(C.C. MODE)的应用 (31)4.4固定电阻模式(C.R. MODE)的应用 (33)4.5固定电压模式(C.V. MODE)的应用 (34)4.6固定功率模式(C.P. MODE)的应用 (35)4.7多组输出之电源供应器与电子负载之连接 (36)4.8并联操作 (37)目录PRODIGIT 图形图1.13310C0-60V/0-30A150W电子负载功率曲线图 (3)图1.23311C0-60V/0-60A300W电子负载功率曲线图 (3)图1.33312C0-250V/0-10A300W电子负载功率曲线图 (4)图1.43314C0-500V/0-5A200W电子负载功率曲线图 (4)图1.53315C0-60V/0-15A75W电子负载功率曲线图 (4)图1.6固定电流模式特性图 (5)图1.7固定电阻模式特性图 (5)图1.8固定电压模式特性图 (6)图1.9固定功率模式特性图 (6)图1.10动态负载模式特性图 (7)图1.113310C系列电子负载之方块图 (11)图2.1负载输入连接器与固定镙丝 (12)图2.2电子负载装入及拔出 (13)图2.33310C系列电子负载操作流程图 (14)图3.1前面板图 (15)图3.2典型的3310C系列电子负载连接方式 (21)图3.3负载电流之类比设定输入 (22)图4.1本地/远地电压检知连接图 (29)图4.2远地电压检知连接图 (30)图4.3固定电流操作模式之应用 (31)图4.4动态负载电流 (32)图4.5固定电阻操作模式之应用 (33)图4.6固定电压操作模式之应用 (34)图4.7固定功率操作模式之应用 (35)图4.8多组输出电源供应器与电子负载之连接图 (36)图4.9电子负载多组并联之连接图 (37)表格表1.13310C系列电子负载规格表 (9)表1.13310C系列电子负载规格表(续) (10)表3.13310C起始状态设定 (23)表3.23311C起始状态设定 (23)表3.33312C起始状态设定 (23)表3.43314C起始状态设定 (24)表3.53315C起始状态设定 (24)表3.6负载电流按键粗调/微调及不同档位之解析度 (266)PRODIGIT第一章概论第一章、概论1.1整体说明3310C 系列电子负载是用来测试估估直流电源供应器之规格特性,蓄电池之寿命特性以及电子元件之规格等用途。

査察高科 loader 6310A 系列说明书

査察高科 loader 6310A 系列说明书

programmable parameters include: slew rate, load level, duration and conducting voltage. In addition, up to 100 sets of system operating status can be stored in EEPROM and recalled instantly for automated testing applications.Real time measurement of voltage and current are integrated into each 6310A load module using a 16-bit precision measurement circuit. The user can perform on line voltage measurements and adjustments or simulate short circuit test using the user friendly keypad on the front panel. Additionally, the 6310A series offers an optional remote controller for automated production lines.The 6310A series has a self-diagnosis routines to maintain instrument performance. It also provides OC, OP , OT protection, and alarm indicating OV, reverse polarity to guarantee quality and reliability for even in the most demanding engineering testing and ATE applications.PROGRAMMABLE DC ELECTRONIC LOAD MODEL 6310A SERIESThe Chroma 6310A series Programmable DC Electronic Load is ideal for the test and evaluation of multi-output AC/DC power supplies, DC/DC converters, chargers and power electronic components. It is designed for applications in research and development, production, and incoming inspection. The system is con gured by plugging the user selectable load modules into the system mainframe. The user interfaces include an ergonomically designed user friendly keypad on the front panel and the following computer interfaces: RS-232C, USB or GPIB.The 6310A series offers 12 different modules with power ratings from 20 watts to 1,200 watts, current ratings from 0.5mA to 240A, and voltage ratings from 0.5mV to 600V. The loads can be operated in constant current, constant voltage, constant power and constant resistance and may be placed in parallel for increased current and power.The 6310A series can simulate a wide range of dynamic loading applications. The waveformsProgrammable DC Electronic LoadC h ro m a 6310APro gra m m a b l e E l e c t ro n i c Lo a d i nte grate s microprocessor capabilities into each load module and mainframe to provide simple and accurate parallel operation to optimize the speed and control among multiple load modules. All load modules may be configured to work synchronously, to test multiple outputs simultaneously, thus simulating real life applications.The 6310A load modules operate in constant current, constant voltage,constant power or constant resistance to satisfy a wide range of test requirements. For example, the test of a battery charger can be simulated easily by setting the load to operate in constant voltage.APPLICATION OF SPECIFIC LOAD SIMULATIONThe 6310A series load modules will be compatible with the 6310 series mainframes (6312/6314). In addition, the remote control commands will be compatible between the 6310 and the 6310A series without needing to re-writing any remote control programs.COMPATIBILITY WITH 6310 SERIESMODULE LOAD DESIGN8-channel 100W/channel load with standard front-panel inputs. This makes it ideal for testing multiple output switching power supplies and multiple DC-DC converters. There are also higher wattage modules that may be mixed and matched for an even more versatile system. Additionally, the GO/NG output port is useful for UUT's pass/fail testing on an automated production line. All modules on the 6314A/6312A mainframe share a common GPIB address to synchronize and speed up the control of the load modules and the read-back of data.The Chroma 6314A 1400W and 6312A 700W electronic load mainframes accept the user-installable 6310A series load modules for easy system configuration and will mount in a 19" instrument rack. The6314A holds up to four 63102A load modules, which will result in anEach load module is designed with state-of-the-art technology and connects all the power MOSFET devices in parallel to insure high accuracy load control with a minimum drift of less than 0.1%+0.1%F.S. of the current setting. Chroma's use of FET technology provides minimum input resistance and enables the load to sink high current even at very low voltages. For example, the model 63123A is capableof sinking 70A at 0.6V, and well-suited for testing the new 3.3V low voltage power supplies. Low voltage operation, down to zero volts, is possible at reduced current levels.The 6310A load module uses a photo coupler for isolation between the output and control sections, thus each load is isolated and floating. The user can use multiple load modules independently to test multi-output power supplies, or parallel them for high power testing applications.DYNAMIC LOADING AND CONTROLModern electronic devices operate at very high speeds and require fast dynamic operation of their power providing components. To satisfy these testing applications, the 6310A loads offer high speed, programmable dynamic load simulation and control capability. The figure aside shows the programmable parameters of the 6310A modules:The programmable slew rate makes the simulation of transient load change demanded by real life applications possible. The 6310A internal waveform generator is capable of producing a maximum slew rate at 10A/µs, and dynamic cycling up to 20kHz. It's dedicated remote load sense and control circuit guarantee minimum waveform distortion during continuous load changes.MULTI CHANNEL CONTROLThe 6310A comes with RS-232C as standard for remote control and automated testing applications. The USB and GPIB interfaces are available as options. In addition, the 6310A provides an efficient solution for testing single output AC to DC or DC to DC converters by controlling multiple loads. The 6310A provides the capability to test upto 8 UUTs at a time.UUT : AdaptorThe 6310A series of loads include a unique timing & measurement function, which allows precise time measurements in the range of 1ms to 86,400s. This feature allows the user to set the final voltage & timeout values for battery discharge testing, super capacitor discharge, and other similar applications.For example, the figure on the right shows the 6310A internal timer starting at Load ON, and ending when the battery voltage reaches the final voltage.The digital I/O interface makes the 6310A DC Load the ideal choice for automated testing requirements. Through the digital I/O, the 6310A can accept digital signals to trigger its functions (Load On/Off, OCP test, etc.) as well as current output status signals.Each 6310A load module has an integrated 16-bit precision A/D converter for voltage measurement with an accuracy of 0.025%+0.015%* of full scale. The built-in resistive load current sensing circuit is capable of measuring current with an accuracy of 0.04%+0.04%* of full scale. Apart from voltage and current measurement, 6310A also provides power measurement function and there is no need for users to spend time for power calculation. Also, short circuit can be simulated. All measurements are done using remote sensing to eliminate any error due to voltage drops along the measurement path. The user can also select from a complete set of voltage and current measurements.Note * : Only for Model 63123AModern switching power supplies are designed with over current protection (OCP) circuitry; therefore, it is important to test the OCP circuitry to make sure it is functioning within its designed specifications. The 6310A series provides an easy and fast solution for this testing.By simply choosing the channel and setting the OCP parameters (start current, end current, step current and dwell time) from the front panel, the 6310A series provides a fast and easy OCP testing solution. The 6310A series will automatically detect the OCP point, making it an ideal solution for design verification as well as production line testing.Battery Discharge Testing6314A : 4 in 1 Mainframe A631001:Remote ControllerA631000 :GPIB Interface63106A / 63108A63102A / 63107A / 63110A63101A63105A63112A63103A / 63123A /63113A / 63115A6312A : 2 in 1 Mainframe A631003 :USB InterfaceAs a constant current source, the LED power driver has an output voltage range with a constant output current. LED power drivers are usually tested in one of the following ways :1. With LEDs2. Using resistors for loading3. Using Electronic Loads in Constant Resistance (CR) mode, or Constant Voltage (CV) mode However, all these testing methods, each of them has their own disadvantages.As shown on the V-I curve in Figure 1, the LED has a forward voltage VF and a operating resistance (Rd). When using a resistor as loading, the V-I curve of the resistor is not ableto simulate the V-I curve of the LED as shown in blue on Figure 1. This may cause the LED power driver to not start up due to the difference in V-I characteristic between the resistors and the LEDs. When using Electronic Loads, the CR and CV mode settings are set for when the LED is under stable operation and therefore, is unable to simulate turn on or PWM brightness control characteristics. This may cause the LED power driver to function improperly or trigger it's protection circuits. These testing requirements can be achieved when using a LEDs as a load; however, issues regarding the LED aging as well as different LED power drivers may require different types of LEDs or a number of LEDs. This makes it inconvenient for mass production testing.Chroma has created the industries first LED Load Simulator for simulating LED loading with our 63110A load model from our 6310A series Electronic Loads. By setting the LED power driver's output voltage, and current, the Electronic Load can simulate the LED's loading characteristics. The LED's forward voltage and operating resistance can also be set to further adjust the loading current and ripple current to better simulate LED characteristics. The 63110A design also has increased bandwidth to allow for PWM dimming testing.Figure 4 shows the dimming current waveform of the LED.Figure 5 shows the dimming current waveform when using 63110A as a load.Figure 1 - LED V-I characteristicsFigure 5 - 63110A dimming test Figure 6 - LED driver turn-on waveformFigure 4 - LED dimming test Figure 3 - Simulate different characteristic of LEDsFigure 2 - Simulate different number of LEDsRear Panel18 ON/OFF key : To enable or disable the load input 19 Up/Down key : To select the next or previous displayin edit mode20 Numeric key : For data setting21 ENTER key : To confirm editing data on the instrument 22 SHIFT key : As LOCAL key when in remote mode 23 Power switch24 SHIFT + 0 key : System function 25 SHIFT + . key : Lock function26 SHIFT + 3 key : Clear the currently edited data27 Digital I/O : Used for system input/output control signals 28 RS-232C connector 29 GO/NG output port 30 GPIB or USB slot31 AC input voltage switch 32 AC input fuse33 AC input connector1 LED indicator2 SHORT key : To apply a short circuit across the input3 STATIC/DYNA key : To select static or dynamic test mode4 L/R key : To select left or right channel of input load(63102A, 63107A) A/B key : To select static A or B load (other models)5 V terminal : To measure the UUT's output voltage using remote sense6 Rotary knob : To adjust load setting continuously7 Load terminal8 LCD display9 LED indicator : To display the channel at which load is set 10 CHAN key : To select input load channel11 MODE key : To select the operation mode of CC, CR, CV or CP 12 PROG key : For program data setting13 OCP/OPP key : Over current protection/Over power protection testing 14 RECALL key : To recall the front panel input status from memory 15 SAVE key : To save the front panel input status into memory 16 SPEC key : To set up High/Low limits for GO/NG test 17 CONF key :To set the configurationLoad ModuleMainframe ControllerNOTE*2 : S (siemens) is the SI unit of conductance, equal to one reciprocal ohm. NOTE*3 : Call for availability• Continued on next page ➟NOTE*1 : Low voltage operation, under 0.8 volt, is possible at correspondingly reduced current level. Operating temperature range is 0˚C to 40˚C. All specifications apply for 25˚C 5˚C, except as notedit would cause permanent damage to the device.NOTE*4 : Please refer to user's manual for detail specifications.NOTE*5 : S (siemens) is the SI unit of conductance, equal to one reciprocal ohm. NOTE*6 : The loading current should be 0.35A at least.6310A-E-201310-2000Worldwide Distribution and Service NetworkJAPANCHROMA JAPAN CORP .472 Nippa-cho, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa,223-0057 JapanTel: +81-45-542-1118Fax: +81-45-542-1080 E-mail:******************U.S.A.CHROMA SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS, INC.19772 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610Tel: +1-949-600-6400Fax: +1-949-600-6401 E-mail:*******************Developed and Manufactured by :CHROMA ATE INC.HEADQUARTERS66 Hwaya 1st Rd., Kueishan Hwaya Technology Park,Taoyuan County 33383,TaiwanTel: +886-3-327-9999Fax: +886-3-327-8898 E-mail:******************EUROPECHROMA ATE EUROPE B.V.Morsestraat 32, 6716 AH Ede,The Netherlands Tel: +31-318-648282Fax: +31-318-648288 E-mail:******************CHINACHROMA ELECTRONICS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.8F, No.4, Nanyou Tian An Industrial Estate, Shenzhen, China PC: 518052Tel: +86-755-2664-4598Fax: +86-755-2641-96206312A : Mainframe for 2 Load Modules 6314A : Mainframe for 4 Load Modules 63101A : Load Module 80V/40A/200W 63102A : Load Module 80V/20A/100W x 263103A : Load Module 80V/60A/300W 63105A : Load Module 500V/10A/300W 63106A : Load Module 80V/120A/600W63107A : Load Module 80V/5A & 40A/30W & 250W 63108A : Load Module 500V/20A/600W 63112A : Load Module 80V/240A/1200W 63123A : Load Module 120V/70A/350WA631000 : GPIB Interface for Model 6314A/6312A Mainframe A631001 : Remote ControllerA631003 : USB Interface for Model 6314A/6312A Mainframe A631005 : Softpanel for 6310A/6330A seriesA631006 : Rack Mounting Kit for Model 6312A Mainframe A631007 : Rack Mounting Kit for Model 6314A Mainframe A800042 : Test FixtureLED Load Simulator for LED Driver Test 63110A : Load Module 500V/2A/100W x 263113A : Load Module 300V/20A/300W * 63115A : Load Module 600V/20A/300W * Call for availabilityORDERING INFORMATIONThe 6310A loads can be operated from the front panel controls of mainframe or from available softpanels. This user friendly software includes all functions of 6310A and is easy to understand and operate. The 6310A can be controlled via GPIB and USB interfaces for remote control and automated testing applications.LED Mode Dynamic Test Battery Test Charger Test。



1. 可编程电流上升率目前市面上的大部分电子负载(非模组式)都没有此项功能。



2. 最小满量程电流上升时间这项功能是电子负载的核心指标,直接反应电子负载的速度。


目前市面上最快的最小满量程电流上升时间为25uS,如chroma 6310/6330系列,艾德克斯IT85系列为40uS。



3. 纹波量测,大部分负载都不能测量纹波,需要测量纹波的客户只能买示波器来满足此项要求。



4.Vp+/Vp- 电压峰值、谷值测量此项指标是测试开关电源瞬态测试的必测内容。


Vp+/Vp-/Ip+/Ip-实时显示,直接观察电压过冲与跌落、电流浪涌 Vp+/Vp-实时显示,动态模式下,直接观察电压过冲与跌落,判定电不良。






7. OVP 测试大多数负载没有此项功能,需借助示波器来完成。


8.数字化波形攫取嘉拓电子JT63系列电子负载创新支持500Khz,4096点,16位精度数字化波形输出电压电流同步采样多种触发方法支持9. 多机同步时序控制嘉拓电子JT63系列电子负载创新支持多达16台负载的同步动态带载,满足多路输出电源交叉影响测试;主机可以是任意一台负载,无需机框,实现低成本模组应用;通过一台主机的程序控制,即可实现16台负载的程序控制。

Chroma 63200 系列可编程直流电子负载说明书

Chroma 63200 系列可编程直流电子负载说明书

Key Features:Power Rating:2600W,5200W,6500W,10400W,14500W, 15600WVoltage range: 1-80V/ 2.5-500VCurrent range: Up to 1000ACC, CR, CVMaster/Slave paralleling control mode, allow synchronous load control under static and dynamic loading modeDynamic loading: Up to 20KHzOnly need 1V to draw rated currentProgrammable slew rate, up to 41A/uS Measurement: Voltage / CurrentPower/ ResistanceLarge LED/LCD displayExternal loading waveform simulationShort circuit simulation and shortcircuit current measurementFull protection: OPreverse protectionVersatile remote controllerGPIB& RS-232C; RS-485 interfaceSurge load capabilityBattery discharge timerand therefore can test if the battery charger has correct charging current corresponding to its own out-put, or more precisely, the battery voltage. If the UUT is battery, the electronic load is able to simulate the behavior of the device that uses the battery. For most of the electronic and electrical devices, their power consumption patterns are more likely constant power devices.Consequently, CP mode simulation will be essential for a battery discharge load.2. LOW VOLTAGE OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSdirectly.1000A at only 1V input.3. MEASUREMENTSChroma 63200 series are built in the15-bits precision A/D converter, thus can achieve 0.05%F .S., 0.1%F .S. and 0.3%F .S. accuracy for voltage,current and power measurement respectively. And they can be shown simultaneously on three big LED displays for user's convenience. In additional to standard measurements, they also provide voltage and current monitor outputs, which are useful when user needs to monitor the voltage and current waveform via scope.4. DYNAMIC LOADING AND CONTROLparameters of the 63200 load modules. The programmable slew rate makes the simulation of transient load change demanded by the require-ment of real life application possible. The internal waveform generator of 63200 is capable of producing maximum slew rate at 25A/uS (63208),and dynamic cycling up to 20KHz. Its dedicated remote load senses and controls circuit guarantee the minimum waveform distortion during continuous load changes.5. MASTER / SLAVE PARALLEL CONTROLWhen higher power is required,it is common to parallel two elec-tronic loads together to draw higher current. 63200 series high power loads have smart Master / Slave control mode. When the loads are set to Master / Slave mode, users can program the load-ing (CC mode only) on master unit. The loading current values ofthe slave units will be calculated and downloaded by master unit automatically. In short, unlike the traditional design, users may consider several load units that work under Master / Slave mode as a single load unit. It simplifies the user operation dramatically.SIMULATIONThe CC and CR mode loading simula-tion is helpful to test whether the output voltage of the UUT remains stable or regulated under different loading cur-rent or resistance conditions. For bat-tery chargers, CV mode may help tochange the output voltage of a charger 1. APPLICATION SPECIFIC LOAD SIMULATIONChroma electronic loads 63200 series provide constant current, constant resistance, constant voltage and constant power modes for various application requirements.V I V I V I VIConstant current Constant resistance Constant voltage Constant power8. SURGE LOAD CAPABILITYChroma’s 63200 Series D C Loads provide a unique surge load simulation capability which allows users to overdrive the loads up to 2.7 times their rated power for short periods. This feature is ideal when the average power require by the UUT is low compared to short-term peak power demands. Plasma Display Panel (PDPs) testing is one typical applica-tion, others include battery 3C discharge, breaker & fuse over rating (300% to 1000%) tests, car engine startup simu-lation and DC motor startup simulation.The amount of surge loading available using the 63200 loads is related to the initial loading conditions. Figures 1 and 2 show the relationship of initial state (Load_Low under D ynamic mode) and the maximum acceptable overdrive power. Under this operation, the load will display an Over Power Protection Alarm (OPP) and will disable the load cur-rent if the user violates the maximum surge load capability showed in the figures.Note 1 :The Initial state under Static Mode should last at least 1 second. Note 2 :This surge load capability will be regulated by the temperature de-rat-ing characteristics. (Refer to Note 1 in Specifications)Note 3 :Examples below assume the use of the Model 63201 load with a con-tinuous rating of 2600W/300A/1-80VDC9. TIMER FUNCTION FOR BATTERY DISCHARGE TESTINGThe 63200 Loads include unique timing & measurement function allowing for precision time settings and measure-ments in the range of 1s to 99999s. This feature allows users to set a final voltage & timeout value for battery dis-charge testing and similar applications.For Example, Figure 3 below shows that the 63200’s internal timer can be initiated automatically when the battery voltage falls below a preset value. The timer will continue countinguntil the second preset voltage value is reached.Example 1: STATIC LOADINGThe Model 63201 can be overdriven to approximately 5200W (200% of its rated con-tinuous power rating) for 6.0 ms seconds when the starting power is 650W (25% of its rated power). This is represented by DOT on the blue curve in Figure 1.Example 2: DYNAMIC LOADINGThe Model 63201 is capable of a zero – to- 6500W (250%) pulse at a duty cycle of 5%. This is represented by the DOT on the purple curve in Figure 2.7. SHORT CIRCUIT SIMULATION63200 series electronic loads can also simulate short circuit condition. Owing to this capability, it can short DC power source or any power sup-plies that have built in current limit function, and measure their short circuit currents. So that users can verify if the UUT current limit is functional.APPLICATIONSof testing all sorts of DC output power supplies directly or via rectifier, they can also be used to test the AC output power supplies.CC & CR ModeA/ D Power supplyD/ D ConverterBattery chargerUPS/AVR4. SYSTEM INTEGRATIONChroma 63200 series electronic loads provide GPIB, RS-232C and RS-485 PC controllable interfaces. The external waveform simulation and voltage / current monitoring capability make Chroma 63200 family ideal for automatic system integration.Discharge by CR modeDischarge by CP mode1. Power Switch2. LED Display:Voltage read back.3. LED Display:Current/ ohm read back.4. LED Display:Power read back.5. LCD Display:For setting and editing.6. Rotary knob:T o adjust the loading and parameter setting.7. Numeric key:For data setting.8. Function key:T o select load mode, control mode, and define thereading specification.9. System key:For system config and data store, recall.10. Load terminal11. Voltage sense terminal12. RS-485 connector13. GPIB connector14. RS-232C connector15. Voltage monitor output:Analog output which indicates the voltage waveform.16. Current monitor output:Analog output which indicates the current waveform.17. External V reference:External programming voltage input.246351Model: 63203, 63204PANEL DESCRIPTIONModel 63208 / 63209 / 63210Model 63206 / 63207Model 63203 / 63204Model63201 / 63202Model 63205SPECIFICATIONSSPECIFICATIONSSe riesAll specifications are subject to change without notice.Note*1: The power rating specifications at ambient temperature=25. And see the diagram below for power derating. (Derate power by 1.53perfrom 25to 40)Note*2: The Vin is greater than min. operating voltage of each model.Note*3: The Vin is greater than 7V of each model.Note*4: Setting error will be 1% for R<0.005Ωat CRL range.SPECIFICATIONSV-I Curve:Model 63201/ 63203/ 63205/ 63206/ 63207/ 63208/ 63209Low Voltage Operating:Low Voltage & V-I Curve Operating Characteristics (Typical) of 63200 SeriesNote: All specifications are measured at load input terminals. (Ambient temperature of +25)Distributed by:Worldwide Distribution and Service Network63200-200607-PDFCHINACHROMA ELECTRONICS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.8F , No.4, Nanyou Tian An Industrial Estate, Shenzhen,China PC: 518054T el: +86-755-2664-4598Fax: +86-755-2641-9620EUROPECHROMA ATE EUROPE B.V.Max Planckstraat 4, 6716 BE Ede, The Netherlands T el: +31-318-648282Fax: +31-318-648288U.S.A.CHROMA ATE INC. (U.S.A.)7 Chrysler Irvine, CA 92618T el: +1-949-421-0355Fax: +1-949-421-0353T oll Free: +1-800-478-2026CHROMA ATE INC.HEADQUARTERS66, Hwa-Y a 1st Rd., Hwa-Y a T echnology Park, Kuei-Shan Hsiang, Taoyuan Hsien 333,TaiwanT el: +886-3-327-9999 Fax: +886-3-327-8898E-mail:*****************.twDeveloped and Manufactured by :63207 : DC Electronic Load 10.4KW/ 300A/ 80V 63208 : DC Electronic Load 15.6KW/ 600A/ 80V 63209 : DC Electronic Load 15.6KW/ 1000A/ 80V 63210 : DC Electronic Load 14.5KW/ 150A/ 500V A600009 : GPIB Cable (200 cm)A600010 : GPIB Cable (60 cm)A632001 :Remote Controller63201 : DC Electronic Load 2.6KW/ 300A/ 80V 63202 : DC Electronic Load 2.6KW/ 50A/ 500V 63203 : DC Electronic Load 5.2KW/ 600A/ 80V 63204 : DC Electronic Load 5.2KW/ 100A/ 500V 63205 : DC Electronic Load 6.5KW/ 180A/ 80V 63206 : DC Electronic Load 10.4KW/ 600A/ 80VA632001ORDERING INFORMATION15A 30A 45A 60A 75A 90A 105A 120A 135A 150A15A30A 45A60A 75A 90A 105A 120A 135A 150A。



chroma63103a图文说明书产品概述:Chroma 6310A系列可编程直流电子负载主要应用于多路或单路输出的AC/DC电源、多路或单路的 DC/DC输出变换器、充电器及电源类电子元件性能测试,对工程师在设计研发、生产线测试及品保的产品检测作业上提供快速有效的测试方案。


6310A系列电子负载目前提供8款负载模组,功率从30W到1200W不等;电流可从0.5mA 到 240A;电压量测可从0.5mV到500V。

每个模组采隔离与地浮接方式,避免造成短路回路,每一负载模组均具有两段式电流和电压量测档,主 /从介面的设计可同步执行多组电子负载模组拉载的应用,此负载可在定电流、定电压、定功率与定电阻工作模式下操作。





主要特色:•可根据测试参数设定规格高/低限制, 30W & 250W,300W,600W,1200W•电压操作范围 : 0 ~ 500V•与6310具备高度兼容性•同一机框可达8通道,适合多输出开关式电源供应器测试•高达1200W的负载模块可满足大电流、大功率应用需求•可同步执行多组电子负载模块的应用•定电流、定电阻、定电压及定功率操作模式•动态负载操作频率可达20kHz•高速负载电流变化率,负载上升/下降变化率0.32mA/μs ~ 10A/μs•低输入阻抗,低电压时亦具有大电流带载能力•可仿真电源负载瞬时反应并实时量测输出•使用者可透过前面板编辑100组测试参数及状态储存•可根据测试参数设定规格高/低限制,自动判定测试结果是否有超出设定规格•数字I/O控制•多段式16-bit高精密电压、电流量测线路•过电流(OCP)测试功能•遥控测试功能•短路测试•开机自我检测功能•保护功能 : 过功率、过电流、过温度保护及过电压、正负极反向告警•RS-232、USB(选购)、GPIB(选购)控制接口负载模拟应用6310A的负载模组可以在定电流、定电压、定功率及定电阻的工作模式下操作,因此可以满足各种不同研发及生产测试应用,例如:将负载模组设定在定电压模式下,可很容易地模拟电池之充放电测试的应用。



Electronic calibrationTrigger for external synchronizationAnalog voltage control in constantcurrent modeParallel units in constant current mode for higher powerRemote voltage sense in constant voltage modeLoads available for up to 240 VStandard three-year warrantyVXI plug&play driverswith programmable amplitudes, frequency, duty cycle, and slewrate. The one-box solution saves space, cost, and time whilemaking these dc electronic loads easy to integrate into automatedtest systems.Agilent dc electronic loads are optimized to address a broadrange of dynamic loading applications. They are specificallydesigned for stability in applications where fast transients areapplied to the load inputs, such as during dc power supply startupcharacterization or transient response testing. Dynamic load per-formance can be further tailored to specific application needs withthe programmable slew rate feature.The 6050A Option J10, 6051A Option J10 and 6060B Option J10electronic loads are modified for battery testing. These productsprovide tri-level pulse loading, to simulate accurate conditions onbatteries. They also feature a programmable minimum batteryvoltage threshold (measured at load terminal). If the voltage of thebattery under test falls below this threshold, the load will automat-ically turn off.6060B and 6063B6050A with 60500 seriesmodules6051A with 60500 seriesmodulesRecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************1981Agilent dc electronic loads are equally suitable for manual use on the bench. The front-panel LCD meters indicate voltage, current,and power readings. The full-function front-panel keypad allows easy, repeatable, and reliable control of the load when it is used manually. Six volatile user-definable states allow you to easily save settings for later recall. An additional user-definable power-up state allows you to define settings that are remembered whenthe unit is switched off and then recalled when it is switched on again.Specifying System Performance Because Agilent electronic loads feature an integrated GPIB programmer, pulse generator, current shunt, DMM, and cabling,their performance is specified as a system. Specifications cover allthe integrated functions as one unit, which eliminates the need tocalculate the actual performance of the automated test system based on each component’s specification. The one-box solution makes the integration and documentation of your test system fast and easy.Single-Input Products The 6060B and 6063B are single-input loads with standard rear-panel inputs. They are also available with optional front-panel inputs in addition to the rear-panel inputs. Front-panel inputs(Option 020) make input connections to the electronic load convenient for bench applications. These front-panel terminals are capable of handling the entire current rating of the load and can accept wire gauges up to AWG#4 (22 mm 2). They require no tools to tighten, making the connections quick and easy.Mainframe Products The 6050A 1,800-W and 6051A 600-W electronic load mainframes accept the user-installable load modules for easy system config-uration and future reconfiguration, if desired. The 6050A holds up to six 60501B, 60502B, and 60503B load modules, or three 60504B and 60507B load modules, allowing up to 1,800 W of total maxi-mum power. The 6051A holds up to two 60501B, 60502B, 60503B modules, or one 60504B or 60507B module allowing up to 600 Wof total maximum power. One GPIB address is all you need forcomplete control and readback of all load modules within a single mainframe.Operating Agilent Loads Below the Minimum InputVoltage Specification Agilent electronic loads meet all specifications when operatedabove 3.0 V; however, the dc operating characteristics also extendbelow this minimum-input voltage for static tests. Because of theFET technology used in the power input circuits, these electronicloads have a low minimum- input resistance allowing them to sink high currents even at low voltages.Figure A shows the operating range of a typical Agilent dc electronic load. Notice that low-voltage operation, down to zero volts, is possible at correspondingly-reduced current levels,depending on the minimum resistance of the load. These electronic loads, therefore, can be used in many applications that previouslyrequired zero-volt loads.AmperesCharacterizingPower Supply CrossoverPower SupplyStart-Up DelayPower Resistor EmulationPower Supply LoadRegulation TestingBattery CapacityTestingCapacitor DischargingPower Supply LoadTransient ResponsePower ComponentTestingPulse ElectroplatingBattery Capacity Testing“Real-life” Load SimulationConstant CurrentPulse and Dynamic LoadingConstant VoltageConstant ResistanceProgrammable Slew RateAnalog ProgrammingPower Supply TestingPower ComponentTestingPower Supply LoadTransient ResponseCurrent Source TestingCurrent Limit TestingShunt RegulatorRecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************RecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************Net Weight:6050A: 9.5 kg (21 lb); 6051A: 5.5 kg (12 lb)Shipping Weight:6050A: 13.6 kg (30 lb); 6051A: 7.5 kg (17lb)Size:6050A:425.5 mm W x 177 mm H x 624.7 mm D (16.75 in x 7 in x 24.6 in )6051A:213 mm W x 177 mm H x 624.7 mm D (8.4 in x 7 in x 24.6 in )6060B, 6063B:425.5 mm W x 88.1 mm H x 396 mm D (16.75 in x 3.5 in x 13.7 in ).See pages 49 and 50 for dimension drawings Option DescriptionsOpt 020Front-Panel Inputs (for 6060B and 6063B only)Opt 10087 to 106 Vac, 47 to 66 Hz input (for Japan only)Opt 220191 to 233 Vac, 47 to 66 Hz inputOpt 240209 to 250 Vac, 47 to 66 Hz input*Opt 800Rack-mount Kit for two units (for 6051A) mounted side-by-side (p/n 5061-9694 and 5063-9215)*Opt 908Rack-mount Kit (p/n 5063-9215 with 6050A, p/n 5063-9245 with 6051A, and p/n 5063-9212 with 6060B and 6063B)*Opt 909Rack-mount Kit with Handles (p/n 5063-9222 when mounting 6050A and p/n 5063-9219 when mounting 6060B and 6063B)Opt 910Extra manual set, including one each of the operating manual,programming reference manual, and service manual. The programming manual is available with the mainframe, and therefore not with individual modules.*Options 908 and 909 for the 6050A, and Options 800 and 908 for the6051A, require either the slide kit (p/n 1494-0059) or support rails(p/n E3663AC) to support the weight of the load mainframe.GPIB Interface Capabilities The following GPIB functions are implemented: SH1, AH1, L4, SR1, DC1, DT1, and RL1Regulatory Compliance: Listed to UL 1244; certified to CSA556B; conforms to IEC 61010-1. See page 69 for more information.Notes: 1. Operating temperature range is 0˚ to 55˚ C. All specifications apply for 25˚ C ±5˚ C, except as noted.2. Maximum continuous power available is derated linearly from 40˚ C to 75% of maximum at 55˚ C.3. DC current accuracy specifications apply 30 seconds after input is applied.RecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************。

Chroma LED电源专用负载 63110A 说明书

Chroma LED电源专用负载 63110A 说明书
LED curve I Io Rd
以 LED為負載
Working on Better Solutions
設定高頻電阻 模擬Ripple Current
按CONF.鍵,再按 鍵選擇Rr,然後按ENTER鍵進入設定。 Rr的設定有二:1. Default。2.Set。 Rr範圍:5Ω ~ 250Ω。
Working on Better Solutions
Vo & Io 設定與實際輸出
1. 63110A根據使用者設定Vo、Io及Rd Coeff.,來計算並模擬出 LED 特性,如圖,所以Vo、Io 並非實際拉載值。
I LED curve
Vo V F I o R d
使用儀器 AC Source Power Meter 63110A E-load 63110A E-load
AC Source + Power Meter
Working on Better Solutions
• LED driver的規格會有一適用的電壓範圍,測試時需串聯不 同數量的LED,會相當不方便。 • LED的光衰特性會隨時間改變,測試無法得到一致結果。 • 不同款的LED,VF、Rd皆不盡相同,使用者需準備各種不 同的LED,確保LED driver都能運作,有其困難度。 • 測試過程中,若串接的LED bar有一顆LED損壞,往往無法 馬上察覺,造成錯誤測試數據。
Rr是用來調整漣波電流(ripple current)用的內部阻抗,在LED driver開機時,建 議設定為OFF,避免LED driver產生OCP保護。因此Rr的預設值設定為OFF。 只有當使用者需要測試LED driver的漣波電流時,再自行將Rr設定為ON。

chroma 可编程直流电阻负载 6300 系列 说明书

chroma 可编程直流电阻负载 6300 系列 说明书

ױᒳ࿓ऴੌሽ՗૤ሉ6300 ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫םठء1.32007ڣ3ִ֫םறᇆ A11 000011ऄ৳ࠃႈᜢࣔʳءࠌش֫םփ୲ڕڶ᧢ޓΔஏլ׼۩ຏवΖءֆ׹ࠀլኙءࠌش֫םհᔞഇࢤΕᔞٽ܂ਬጟ௽௘شຜհࠌشࢨࠡהٚ۶ࠃႈ܂ٚ۶ࣔقΕᄆقࢨࠡהݮڤհঅᢞࢨᖜঅΖਚءֆ׹ലլኙ֫םփ୲հᙑᎄΔࢨڂᏺ྇Ε୶قࢨאࠡהֱऄࠌشء֫םࢬທګհऴ൷Εၴ൷Εડ࿇ࢤࢨᤉᥛࢤհჾ୭૤ٚ۶ຂٚΖી૊ሽ՗ैٝڶૻֆ׹؀᨜ઊ௒Ⴜᗼᚋ՞ၢဎࠅઝݾႼ೴ဎࠅԫሁ66ᇆठᦞᜢࣔΚထ܂Գѧી૊ሽ՗ैٝڶૻֆ׹ѧ۫ց2003-2007ڣΔठᦞࢬڶΔ៬ٱؘߒΖآᆖءֆ׹ٵრࢨࠉထ܂ᦞऄհ๵ࡳ଱๺Δլ൓ૹ፹Εᆏᙕࢨ៬᤟ءࠌش֫םհٚ۶փ୲Ζiiঅᢞ஼ી૊ሽ՗ैٝڶૻֆ׹ऺ਍Ϛ঴ᔆรԫਢຂٚΔড়֪የრਢዊᥩϛհॾ࢚Δኙࢬ፹ທ֗ᔭഇհข঴۞ٌຄֲದԫڣփΔঅᢞإൄࠌشՀขسਚᎽࢨჾᡏΔ૤ຂ܍၄ଥ༚ΖঅᢞཚၴփΔኙ࣍Հ٨ൣݮհԫृΔءֆ׹լ૤܍၄ଥ༚ຂٚΔءֆ׹࣍ଥ༚৵ࠉፂଥൣउ಼گ၄شΚ1. ॺءֆ׹ࢨءֆ׹إڤ඄ᦞז෻೸ऴ൷ᔭഇհข঴Ζ2. ڂլױݼࢴհ߀᧢Δࢨױូຂ࣍ࠌشृآᙅᅃᖙ܂֫ם๵ࡳࠌشࢨࠌشԳհመ؈Δڕᖙ܂լᅝࢨࠡה๠ᆜທګਚᎽࢨჾᡏΖ3. ॺᆖءֆ׹ٵრΔᖐ۞ࣈ࠵ଥ෻ࢨ۞۩ޏᇘࢨףᇘॵ᥆঴ΔທګਚᎽࢨჾᡏΖঅᢞཚၴփΔਚᎽࢨჾᡏհፂଥ঴Δࠌشृᚨ૤ຂሎಬࠩءֆ׹ࢨءֆ׹ਐࡳհچរΔࠡಬሒհ၄شطࠌشृ૤ᖜΖଥ༚ݙฅ৵ሎٌࠌشृ(ૻ؀᨜چ೴)ࢨࠡਐࡳچរ(ૻ؀᨜چ೴)հ၄شطءֆ׹૤ᖜΖሎಬཚၴհঅᙠطࠌشृ۞۩ٻঅᙠֆ׹ދঅΖી૊ሽ՗ैٝڶૻֆ׹௒Ⴜᗼʳ333 ᚋ՞ၢဎࠅઝݾႼ೴ဎࠅԫሁ66ᇆʳሽᇩΚ(03)327-9999ႚటΚ(03)327-2886ጻܿΚiii๻ໂ֗ޗறۆ਩൳ࠫᜢࣔءข঴հڶ੅ڶ୭ढᔆࢨցై।Κڶ੅ڶ୭ढᔆࢨցైሩޤ᠟ք᪔Ꮀڍᄽᜤ૖ڍᄽᜤ૖ੈຝٙټጠPb Hg Cd Cr6+ PBB PBDE PCBA °ϤϤϤϤϤᖲ °ϤϤϤϤϤᑑᄷ಻ٙ°ϤϤϤϤϤץᇘޗறϤϤϤϤϤϤϤΚ।قᇠڶ੅ڶ୭ढᔆڇᇠຝٙࢬڶ݁ᔆޗறխऱܶၦڇSJ/T 11363-2006ፖEU 2005/618/EC๵ࡳऱૻၦ૞ޣאՀΖ°Κ।قᇠڶ੅ڶ୭ढᔆ۟֟ڇᇠຝٙऱਬԫ݁ᔆޗறխऱܶၦ၌נSJ/T 11363-2006ፖEU 2005/618/EC๵ࡳऱૻၦ૞ޣΖ1. Chromaࡸآ٤૿ݙګྤሩ෬ᙔፖޗற᠏ངΔਚຝ঴ܶሩၦآ٤૿ฤٽૻၦ૞ޣΖ2. ข঴ڇࠌش֫םࢬࡳᆠհࠌشᛩቼයٙՀΔױᒔঅࠡᛩঅࠌشཚૻΖ๠ᆜ֊֎ലء๻ໂ๠෻੡آ։ᣊऱᐒඵढΔء๻ໂᏁ೚։ᣊڃگΖڶᣂᐒඵढگႃߓอऱಛஒΔᓮᜤ࿮၆ֆ׹ࢬڇچऱઌᣂਙࢌᖲᣂΖ೗ૉലሽ՗ሽᕴ๻ໂٚრهඵ࣍ࡑ݃ൽୖچࢨࡑ݃໱Δڶ୭ऱढᔆᄎዶዥၞچՀֽࠀၞԵଇढᢸΔലᄎჾ୭೜ൈΖᅝޓང៱ᇘᆜழΔሿഇ೸ڇऄ৳Ղڶᆠ೭૞܍၄ڃگ׊๠෻៱ᇘᆜΖivठءଥૡધᙕՀ૿٨قء֫ם࣍ޢڻठءଥૡழᄅᏺΕܔ྇֗ޓᄅऱີᆏΖֲཚठءଥૡհີᆏ2003ڣ3ִ 1.0 ݙګء֫םΖ2003ڣ12ִ 1.1 ᄅᏺ“௹౗کനϿ໺Ꮴਔ໔”ԫᆏΖ2005ڣ6ִ 1.2 ޓޏી૊ሽ՗հچܿ֗ሽᇩΖ2007ڣ3ִ 1.3 ᄅᏺ“೛ഢϷ׷਑Ԧࢉ௓ڋᖂܴ”Ζvױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫םؾ ᙕ1.ᄗᓵ.................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 ១տ.........................................................................................................................1-1 1.2 ׌૞௽ۥᄗᨠ.........................................................................................................1-2 1.3 ๵௑.........................................................................................................................1-32. ڜᇘ.................................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 ᛀ਷.........................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 ࣈೈᎅࣔ.................................................................................................................2-1 2.3 ༺Եڤ૤ሉᑓิ.....................................................................................................2-2 2.4 ޏ᧢ሽᄭሽᚘऱ๻ࡳ.............................................................................................2-2 2.5 ၲᖲ۞ݺྒྷᇢ.........................................................................................................2-2 2.6 ᚨشழհຑ൷ֱڤ.................................................................................................2-32.6.1 ԫ౳૤ሉऱຑ൷.............................................................................................2-3 2.6.2 ሽᚘ᎟ྒྷऱຑ൷.............................................................................................2-3 2.6.3 ᠧಛၦྒྷऱຑ൷.............................................................................................2-4 2.6.4 ࠀᜤڤຑ൷.....................................................................................................2-4 2.6.5 ڍૹิٽؓ؀ຑ൷.........................................................................................2-4 2.7 GP I B ׬ऱڜᇘ.......................................................................................................2-53. ᖙ܂.................................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 ១տ.........................................................................................................................3-1 3.2 ছ૿ࣨፖ৵હࣨ.....................................................................................................3-1 3.2.1 ছ૿ࣨ.............................................................................................................3-1 3.2.2 ৵હࣨ.............................................................................................................3-5 3.3 ߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇ.........................................................................................................3-6 3.4 ᖙ܂ᑓڤ...............................................................................................................3-14 3.4.1 ࡳሽੌ(CC)ᑓڤ...........................................................................................3-14 3.4.2 ࡳሽॴ(CR)ᑓڤ...........................................................................................3-15 3.4.3 ࡳሽᚘ(CV)ᑓڤ...........................................................................................3-15 3.4.4 ࡳפ෷(CP)ᑓڤ...........................................................................................3-16 3.5 ૤ሉᖙ܂...............................................................................................................3-16 3.5.1 ᙩኪ૤ሉ.......................................................................................................3-16 3.5.2 ೯ኪ૤ሉ.......................................................................................................3-17 3.6 ڍิ૤ሉᖙ܂.......................................................................................................3-18 4.໢ᖲᖙ܂.........................................................................................................................4-1 4.1 ១տ.........................................................................................................................4-1 4.2 ૤ሉणኪऱ๻ࡳ.....................................................................................................4-1 4.2.1 ᙩኪ૤ሉ.........................................................................................................4-1 4.2.2 ೯ኪ૤ሉ.........................................................................................................4-3 4.3 ๵௑ྒྷᇢऱ๻ࡳ.....................................................................................................4-6 4.4 ᚏژፖ׻נ.............................................................................................................4-9 4.5 ၦྒྷ.........................................................................................................................4-9viiױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫ם4.5.1 ሽᚘΕሽੌऱၦྒྷ.......................................................................................4-114.5.2 פ෷ऱၦྒྷ...................................................................................................4-124.5.3 ሽᚘᠧಛऱၦྒྷ...........................................................................................4-12 4.6 ࿍ሁྒྷᇢ...............................................................................................................4-12 4.7 ؆ຝंݮऱ൳ࠫ...................................................................................................4-13 4.8 ඙෷ࡉ່֟ႚᖄழၴ...........................................................................................4-13 viiiᮂᓵ1. ᄗᓵ1.1 ១տChroma 6300ཕᐝীሽ՗૤ሉץܶ6304Ε6301ิٽؓ؀(Mainframe)Δא֗63006Ε63010Ε63025Ε63030ሽ՗૤ሉᑓิ(Module)Ζ6304ፖ6301։ܑױ୲౏4ଡ֗1ଡ૤ሉᑓิΖ೶ߠቹ1-1֗1-2 (ڇՀԫ଄)Ζ6304ץਔԫଡ๠෻ᕴΕGPIB׬(ᙇᖗ಻ໂ)Εছ૿ࣨਊ᝶Εಖᖋ᧯ิܑ᧩قᕴΔא֗ࠡהሽ՗ᑓิ൳ࠫऱሽሁΖ6301୲౏໢ԫ૤ሉᑓิΔ܀ਢլࠠໂGPIB׬Ζ༺Եٚ۶ᑓิ࣍ิٽؓ؀խࢬዌګऱሽ՗૤ሉΔڇࠌشՂ༼ࠎԱᗑمڤऱᖙ܂ᑓڤΖڼ؆Δ៶ထሽᆰΔຘመGPIBႪੌඈΔױ൳ࠫ6304ิٽؓ؀(೶ߠChroma 6300 Programming Guide)Ζࢨ៶ထRC63᎟൳ᕴΔᆖطRS232കΔٍױ൳ࠫ6304ิٽؓ؀(೶ߠChroma 6300 Operation Manual via RC63)ΖࢨृڇATEऱߓอխΔ6304ิٽؓ؀ױᅝ܂ԫଡᑓิΔش࣍۞೯ྒྷᇢ֗ၦྒྷ(೶ߠChroma 6000E ATS Operation Manual)ΖChroma 6300ߓ٨ข঴ٍ༼ࠎᙇᖗࢤऱᑓิڕ6305ழݧ։࣫ᑓิΕ6307OVPᤉሽᕴ൳ࠫᑓิΕ6308ၦྒྷᑓิΖᣂ࣍6305Ε6307֗6308ऱփ୲Δࠌشृױ೶ە6000Eࠌش֫םΖ6305Ε6307֗6308ڇছ૿ࣨՂڶٺ۞ऱᙁԵጤ՗Δٍڶٺ۞ऱຏಛႪੌඈא൷ຏิٽؓ؀Ζ6300ሽ՗૤ሉߓอش࣍ऴੌሽᄭࠎᚨᕴΕ೓ሽۃΕሽԺሿิٙऱ๻ૠΕ፹ທא֗ྒྷᇢေ۷࿛ֱ૿Ζءີץਔሽ՗૤ሉᑓิऱ๵௑।Δא֗ڶᣂᚨشֱ૿ऱጟጟ௽ۥΖࠡਲऱີᆏঞᝑ૪ሽ՗૤ሉऱڜᇘፖᖙ܂Ζ1-1ױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫םቹ1-2 6301ิٽؓ؀(ױ୲౏1ଡ૤ሉᑓิ)1.2 ׌૞௽ۥᄗᨠ1. ิګzኙิٽؓ؀ආ༺Եڤ૤ሉᑓิֱڤΔױ೚ᏅࠠᐘࢤऱิٽΖz໢ԫᑓิᆖطছ૿ࣨਊ᝶ܛױሒګ٤פ౨ྒྷᇢΖ1-2ᮂᓵzຘመGPIBऱሽᆰ൳ࠫΔא֗ᆖطRS-232տ૿ऱ᎟൳ᕴ(RC63)Ζzܓش٠ᓀٽᕴऱሶᠦΔࠌޢଡ૤ሉᑓิၴݙ٤࿪ᒴΖzመሽᚘΕመሽੌΕመפ෷Εመᄵ৫Δא֗֘ઌᙁԵሽᚘऱঅᥨΖ2. ૤ሉz CCΔCRΔCV ֗CPऱᖙ܂ᑓڤΖzױ࿓ڤ᧢೯෷Ε૤ሉՕ՛Ε૤ሉၜཚΔא֗ࢮሉሽᚘ (Von)Ζzຒ෷ሒࠩ20KHz ऱױ࿓ڤ೯ኪ૤ሉΖz່՛ᙁԵሽॴΔױࠌ૤ሉڇ܅ሽᚘ (lV) ऱൣउՀࢮሉ೏ሽੌΖz៶طᣊֺሽᚘᙁԵሒګऱ؆ຝ൳ࠫΖzױᙇᖗऱሽᚘ֗ሽੌᒤ໮Ζz᎟ྒྷ౨ԺΖzطࠌشृ۞۩๻ࡳᛩቼΔא֗ၲᖲ۞೯٦ࡅ׻Ζz 100ิಖᖋ᧯ࠎᚏژ֗٦ࡅ׻ࠌشृ۞۩๻ࡳऱᛩቼΖ3. ၦྒྷzࠠڶતᒔၦྒྷࢤ౨ऱ15ۯցA/D᠏ངᕴΖzሽᚘΕሽੌΕᠧಛVppא֗פ෷ऱܛழၦྒྷᑓڤΖz᙮ᐈ੡1KΔ10KΔ100KΔ1M֗20MHzऱᠧಛၦྒྷΖz࿍ሁᑓᚵΖz᎖ܗሽᚘᓳᖞऱᒵࢤၦྒྷࠥ৫᧩قΖzᒔࡳৱྒྷढਢܡ๠࣍๵௑փऱ۞೯GO/NGᛀ਷Ζ1.3 ๵௑Model 63006 63010 63025 63030Power20W 60W 20W 100W 250W 30W 300W 60W Current0~0.6A 0~6A 0~2A 0~20A 0~10A 0~6A 0~60A 0~12A Voltage2~64V (2~60V in CR ) 2~64V (2~60V in CR ) 2~256V (2~250V in CR ) 2~64V (2~60V in CR ) Minimum Operation Voltage0.9V at 0.6A 1.0V at 6A0.9V at 2A 1.0V at 20A 1.5V at 10A0.8V at 6A 1.0V at 60A 0.8V at 12A Constant Current Mode0~0.6A 0~6A 0~2A 0~20A 0~10A 0~6A 0~60A 0~12A Resolution 0.15mA 1.5mA 0.5mA 5mA 2.5mA 1.5mA 15mA 3mAPrecision 0.1нЀ0.1нF.S 0.1нЀ0.2нF.S0.1нЀ0.1нF.S0.1нЀ0.2нF.S0.1нЀ0.2нF.S0.1нЀ0.1нF.S0.1нЀ0.2нF.S0.1нЀ0.1нF.SConstant Resistance Mode10Ө~40kӨ(60W) 0.25~1kӨ(60W)3Ө~12kӨ(100W)0.075~300Ө(100W)0.25Ө~1kӨ(250W)1Ө~4kӨ(300W)0.025Ө~100Ө(300Wα2Ө~2kӨ(600W)Resolution 12 bits 12 bits 12 bits 12 bits 12 bits 12 bits 12 bits 12 bitsPrecision 0.1 (0.25~100Ө)0.01 (100Ө~1kӨ)0.1 (0.075~50Ө)0.01 (50Ө~500Ө)0.1 (0.25Ө~100Ө)0.01 (100Ө~1kӨ)0.1 (0.1Ө~100Ө)0.01 (100Ө~1000Ө)Constant Voltage Mode1~64V 1~64V 1.5~256V 1~64V Resolution 16mV 16mV 64mV 16mV Precision 0.05нЀ0.1нF.S 0.05н̈́.0.1нF.S 0.05нЀ0.1нF.S 0.05нЀ0.1нF.SConstant Power Mode 0.003~20W 0.03~60W0.01~20W 0.1~100W0.6~250W0.03~30W 0.3~300W 0.06~60W Resolution 0.3mW 3mW 1mW 10mW 20mW 3mW 30mW 6mW Precision 2нF.S 3нF.S 2нF.S 3нF.S 3нF.S 2нF.S 3нF.S 2нF.S1-3ױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫םDYNAMIC LOAD SIMULATIONMODE C.C. & C.R. C.C. ϟ C.R. C.C. ϟ C.R. C.C. ϟ C.R.Period (T1ϟT2) 0.025ms~50ms 1ms~10s0.025ms~50ms1ms~10s1ms~10s0.025ms~50ms1ms~10s0.025ms~50msResolution 1Ӵs 1ms 1Ӵs 1ms 1ms 1Ӵs 1ms 1Ӵs Precision 2нF.S 2нF.S 2нF.S 2нF.SSlew Rate 0.1~25mA/Ӵs 1.0~250mA/Ӵs 0.32~80mA/Ӵs3.2~800mA/Ӵs1.6~400mA/Ӵs0.001~0.25A/Ӵs0.01~2.5A/Ӵs0.002~0.5A/ӴsResolution 0.1mA/Ӵs 1.0mA/Ӵs0.32mA/Ӵs 3.2mA/Ӵs 1.6mA/Ӵs0.001A/Ӵs 0.01A/Ӵs 0.002A/ӴsPrecision 10н̈́20Ӵs 10н̈́20Ӵs 10н̈́20Ӵs 10н̈́20ӴsCurrent Level0~0.6A 0~6A 0~2A 0~20A 0~10A 0~6A 0~60A 0~12A Resolution 0.15mA 1.5mA 0.5mA 5mA 2.5mA 1.5mA 15mA 3mAPrecision 0.3нF.S 0.3нF.S 0.3нF.S 0.3нF.SEXT ERNAL WAVEFORM CONT ROLCurrent Level0~0.6A 0~6A 0~2A 0~20A 0~10A 0~6A 0~60A 0~12A Voltage Level 0~10V 0~10V 0~10V 0~10V Precision0.2нF.S 0.25нF.S0.2нF.S 0.25нF.S0.25нF.S0.2нF.S 0.25нF.S 0.2нF.SSHORT CIRCUIT T ESTInput Impedance 0.08Ө(MAX) 0.04Ө(MAX) 0.025Ө(MAX) 0.016Ө(MAX)Maximum Current6A 20A 10A 60A Input Impedance (LOAD OFF) 100kӨ(MIN) at 60V 100kӨ(MIN) at 60V 300kӨ(MIN) at 250V 100kӨ(MIN) at 60V Temperature Coefficient 100PPM/к (typical) C.C 100PPM/к (typical) C.C 100PPM/к (typical) C.C 100PPM/к (typical) C.CMEASUREMENTVoltage Range0~16V 16~64V 0~16V 16~64V25.6~256V0~16V 16~64V 0~16VResolution 0.5mV 2mV 0.5mV 2mV 8mV 0.5mV 2mV 0.5mV Precision 0.02нЀ0.1нF.S 0.02нЀ0.1нF.S 0.02нЀ0.1нF.S 0.02нЀ0.1нF.SCurrent Range0~0.6A 0~6A 0~2A 0~20A 0~10A 0~6A 0~60A 0~12A Resolution 0.0187mA 0.1875mA0.0625mA 0.625mA0.312mA0.1875mA 1.875mA 0.375mAPrecision 0.1нЀ0.1нF.S 0.1нЀ0.1нF.S 0.1нЀ0.1нF.S 0.1нЀ0.1нF.SPower Range0~20W 20~60W 0~20W 20~100W25~250W0~30W 30~300W 0~60W Resolution 0.0375mW 0.375mW0.125mW 1.25mW 2.5mW 0.375mW 3.75mW 0.75mWPrecision 0.5нF.S 0.5нF.S 0.5нF.S 0.5нF.SRemote Sense Current Range0~0.6A 0~6A 0~2A 0~20A 0~10A 0~6A 0~60A 0~12A Remote Sense Voltage Output0~10V 0~10V 0~10V 0~10V 0~10V 0~10V 0~10V 0~10V Precision 0.5нF.S 0.5нF.S 0.5нF.S 0.5нF.SPROT ECT ION CIRCUITOver PowerЍ20.8W Ѝ62.4W Ѝ20.8W Ѝ104W Ѝ260W Ѝ31.2W Ѝ312W Ѝ62.4WOver CurrentЍ0.612A Ѝ6.12A Ѝ2.04A Ѝ20.4A Ѝ10.2A Ѝ6.12A Ѝ61.2A Ѝ12.24Over VoltageЍ65V Ѝ65V Ѝ260V Ѝ65VOver TemperatureЍ85кЍ85кЍ85кЍ85кReverse PolarityЍ6A (during 1 min) Ѝ20A (during 1 min) Ѝ10A (during 1 min) Ѝ60A (during 1 min)OTHERSInput Power Supply from 6304 Mainframe Supply from 6304 Mainframe Supply from 6304 Mainframe Supply from 6304 MainframeSize (cmͪcmͪcm)104(W)ͪ143(H)ͪ470(D) 104(W)ͪ143(H)ͪ470(D) 104(W)ͪ143(H)ͪ470(D) 104(W)ͪ143(H)ͪ470(D)Weight5ц5ц5ц5цڜᇘ2. ڜᇘ2.1 ᛀ਷ءᏚᕴԫ؟ၲ৞Δ٣ᛀ਷ሎᙁխױ౨ᖄીऱٚ۶ᄤჾΖലࢬڶץᇘޗறگದࠐΔאໂᆄԫءข঴ႊሎڃ๠෻ழױشΖૉڶ࿇෼ٚ۶ᄤჾΔᓮمܛٻሎຄृ༼נᓽᚍ૞ޣΖ֎آᆖࠃ٣ٵრܛലءข঴ሎڃՠᐗΖ2.2 ࣈೈᎅࣔࣈೈءᏚᕴழᓮ೶ᅃቹ2-1Ζࠌشছ٣ࣈೈঅᥨࣨΔ٦༺ԵሽᄭᒵΖࣈೈႉݧڕՀࢬ૪Κ1. ᝅ࿭ಽ2. ጤ՗3. অᥨࣨױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫ם2.3 ༺Եڤ૤ሉᑓิലᑓิڜᇘࠩิٽؓ؀ՂլᏁٚ۶௽௘ՠࠠΖ6304ิٽؓ؀ڶߩജऱ़ၴΔױ୲౏4ଡ໢ԫᐈ৫ऱᑓิΔڕChroma 63030Ζۖ6301ิٽؓ؀ঞႛ౨୲౏1ଡ໢ԫᐈ৫ऱᑓิΖຍࠟଡิٽؓ؀ऱᑓิڜᇘ࿓ݧਢઌٵऱΖ٣ലิٽؓ؀ሽᄭᣂൾΔ٦ലሽ՗૤ሉᑓิ༺Եิٽؓ؀ऱᑒ֞ᄚΔऴࠩ᠙߂੡ַΖ඿ࢸנ૤ሉᑓิΔঞ༼ದඝ᠏ၨՀֱऱ׬ዐΔش૤ሉຑ൷ᕴΔലᑓิ۞ิٽؓ؀խࢮנΖ2.4 ޏ᧢ሽᄭሽᚘऱ๻ࡳቹ2-2᧩قิٽؓ؀ࢍᐋऱࠟଡሽᄭሽᚘᙇᖗၲᣂSW1֗SW2Ζሽ՗૤ሉऱሽᄭሽᚘᙁԵױ๻੡100Δ115Δ200ࢨ230VacΖڕ࣠נᐗ๻ࡳլฤٽ܃ऱᑑጠሽᄭሽᚘΔঞڇᣂൾิٽؓ؀Δ׊֊ឰሽᄭᒵऱൣउՀޓޏၲᣂΖቹ2-2 ሽᄭሽᚘ๻ࡳشऱਐᐸၲᣂ2.5 ၲᖲ۞ݺྒྷᇢലۯ࣍ิٽؓ؀ছ૿ࣨऱሽᄭၲᣂؚၲΖၲᖲ৵ሽ՗૤ሉمܛၞ۩۞ݺྒྷᇢΔࢬڶLCD ऱฤᇆ֗ᑇۯઃၲࡨሎ܂Ζԫઞᤪհ৵ΔڇLCDऱᘛ٠ኟՂ᧩ق “SYS CHECK”Ζ൷ထ᧩قᖲীᇆᒘ֗ႇ᧯ठءᇆᒘΔࠏڕ “63030” ֗ “3.02-C”Ζ່৵LCDೖַ᧢֏Δࠀ᧩ق“0.0000V and 0.000A”Δ।ق૤ሉբຏመ۞ݺྒྷᇢΔ׊ᄷໂሎ܂Ζૉྤऄᖙ܂Δঞല׌ᖲࢨᑓิሎڃChromaऱፂଥխ֨๠෻Ζڜᇘ2.6 ᚨشழհຑ൷ֱڤ2.6.1 ԫ౳૤ሉऱຑ൷ቹ2-3ࢬقԯਢ૤ሉᑓิຑ൷ࠩৱྒྷढऱࠢীڜᇘֱڤΖ૤ሉᑓิၦྒྷ૤ሉຑ൷ጤ՗ՂհሽᚘΔڂڼຍጟຑ൷ਢش࣍ᅝຑ൷ሽᒵՂऱሽᚘ૾ॺൄ܅ழΖࣹრΚڇ૤ሉऱྒྷᇢխΔᓮش֫ലຑ൷ࠩছጤऱྒྷᇢጤ՗ᚳጹΖ֊֎ࠌشٚ۶ᕴࠠΔא܍ჾᡏྒྷᇢጤ՗Ζ2.6.2 ሽᚘ᎟ྒྷऱຑ൷ፖՂ૪ઌ֘Δሽᚘ᎟ྒྷਢ៶ထኙৱྒྷढऱᙁנጤ՗೚ၦྒྷΖຍጟֱڤ௽ܑش࣍Ꮑ૞९ऱຑ൷ሽᒵΔࢨՕऱሽੌࢮሉழΖڕቹ2-4ࢬقΔ૤ሉᑓิ༼ࠎሽᚘၦྒྷጤ՗אၞ۩ሽᚘ᎟ྒྷΖױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫ם2.6.3 ᠧಛၦྒྷऱຑ൷ቹ2-5ࢬقԯਢܓشᑓิၦྒྷᠧಛऱڜᇘֱڤΖᠧಛၦྒྷऱጤ՗ਢຑ൷ࠩሽᄭࠎᚨᕴऱᙁנጤΖ2.6.4 ࠀᜤڤຑ൷ቹ2-6ࢬقԯਢലᑓิࠀᜤאᏺף૤ሉ୲ၦऱࠌشֱڤΖᑓิڇCCΔCRࢨCPᑓڤխױऴ൷ࠀᜤΔ܀ڇCVᑓڤխঞլױΔೈॺהଚ๻ࡳऱሽᚘਢઌٵऱΖࠀᜤᑓิڇᑇؾՂࢬ࠹ऱૻࠫΔႛݝૻ࣍ڍૹิٽؓ؀ᛩቼխױشऱ٤ຝᑓิᑇ(ߠ2.6.5ᆏ)Ζ2.6.5 ڍૹิٽؓ؀ຑ൷ሽ՗૤ሉߓอऱڍૹิٽؓ؀ٵޡ֏ຑ൷່ڍױ൷4ຝิٽؓ؀Ζࠌشृױຑ൷1ຝิٽؓ؀৵હࣨՂऱߓอ1ࢨߓอ2കΔᅝ܂ءิٽؓ؀ऱᙁԵകΔྥ৵٦ܓشໍਲऱകΔᙁנ۟Հԫຝิٽؓ؀Ζഗ࣍ߓอऱิګΔڇڼ৬ᤜࠌشृലԫຝิٽؓ؀Ղऱߓอ1കΔຑ൷ࠩ׼ԫຝิٽؓ؀ऱߓอ2കΖቹ2-7 (ڇՀԫ଄) ࢬقԯਢຑ൷ิٽؓ؀1Εิٽؓ؀2ࠩิٽؓ؀3Ζ2.7 GPIB׬ऱڜᇘ6304ิٽؓ؀׼ױຘመGPIBႪੌඈሒګ᎛ጤ൳ࠫΖGPIB׬ऱڜᇘΕGPIBۯܿऱ᧢ޓΔא֗GPIBऱᖙ܂ڇChroma 6300 Programming Guideխ݁։ܑڶᎅࣔΖ3. ᖙ܂3.1 ១տޢԫଡᑓิຟױଡܑ๻ࡳ੡CCΔCRΔCVࢨCPᖙ܂ᑓڤΔ࣍լٵऱሽ՗૤ሉՂᑓᚵᚨشΔࠀ׊ױٵழၦྒྷሽੌΕሽᚘΕפ෷ࡉᠧಛሽᚘ(ᙇᖗ಻ໂ)Ζࠌشृױڇլຑᒵ(load off)ऱൣउՀΔᒳᙀ૤ሉऱሎ܂೶ᑇΖڼ؆ڇٚ۶ԫጟᖙ܂ᑓڤխΔױ࣍ຑᒵ(load on)ழ೯ኪޓޏ૤ሉऱࢮሉणኪΔڂڼ࣐࣍ሒګ່ࠋྒྷᇢய࣠ΔࠀױᚏژᑇଖאࠎՀڻᖙ܂ழࠌشΖڼᑓิױᨃࠌشृࠉլٵऱᖙ܂ᑓڤΔᙁԵৱྒྷढऱሽᚘࢨሽੌ๵௑Δ೚੡GO/NGܒࡳࠌشΖ׼؆Δޓ࣍LCD᧩قኟՂ༼ࠎᒵࢤၦྒྷऱࠥ৫᧩قֱڤΔאঁࠌشृ೚੡೯ኪᓳᖞࠌشΖءີץਔছ૿ࣨΕ৵હࣨऱפ౨ࡉሎ܂ழ೶ᑇ಻ᆜࠌشΔא֗CCΔCRΔCVࡉCPᖙ܂ᑓڤΔࡉᙩኪፖ೯ኪ૤ሉऱᖙ܂ֱڤհᎅࣔΖ3.2 ছ૿ࣨፖ৵હࣨ3.2.1 ছ૿ࣨױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫םႈؾ ټጠᎅࣔ1 Save ᝶ Save ᝶חࠌشृലٺᑓิᖙ܂೶ᑇٵழژԵಖᖋ᧯ิܑ խΔิܑ᧩ق࣍LED ՂΖ2 Recall ᝶ Recall ᝶חࠌشृലٺᑓิᖙ܂೶ᑇٵழ۞ಖᖋ᧯ิܑխ ׻נΔิܑ᧩ق࣍LED ՂΖ3 Local ᝶ Local ᝶חࠌشृڇ૤ሉᑓิ๠࣍᎟൳ᑓڤՀΔ਀༚ٺᑓ ิ੡ءᖲ൳ࠫᑓڤΖ4 ሽᄭၲᣂ ሽᄭၲᣂΖ5ಖᖋ᧯ิܑ ਐقᕴ ڇ૤ሉᑓิփ৬ڶ100ิಖᖋ᧯Δאᚏژሽ՗૤ሉऱᖙ܂೶ᑇΖࠌشृױൕ00۟99ऱቃ٣๻ࡳհಖᖋ᧯խΔژԵࢨ׻נٚ۶ಖᖋ᧯ิܑΖ6ϧፖϰ᝶ϧፖϰ᝶חࠌشृޏ᧢ಖᖋ᧯ิܑऱᇆᒘΖz LCD ऱ᧩قฤᇆᖙ܂z ছ૿ࣨਊ᝶(૤ሉᑓิ)ױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫םz ছ૿ࣨຑ൷ᕴຑ൷ᕴࡳᆠV TERMINAL ءຑ൷ᕴش࣍᎟ྒྷৱྒྷढऱጤ՗Δױװೈຑ൷ሽᨱՂऱٚ۶ሽᚘ૾Ζڕ࣠آຑ൷Δءၦྒྷጤ՗ᄎ۞೯֊ངࠩLOADຑ൷ᕴΖNOISE TERMINAL ءຑ൷ᕴش࣍ᠧಛሽᚘၦྒྷΖI.M. TERMINAL ءຑ൷ᕴਢଡBNCຑ൷ᕴΔش࣍጑൳૤ሉሽੌΖLOAD TERMINAL ءᙁԵຑ൷ᕴش࣍ຑ൷ሽ՗૤ሉፖৱྒྷढΖદۥऱਢإᄕΔۖ႕ۥऱঞਢ૤ᄕΖ3.2.2 ৵હࣨႈؾࡳᆠ1GPIB Interface: GPIBտ૿ش࣍ຑ൷ࠌشሽᆰऱ᎟൳ᕴΖ2Remote: RS232കش࣍ຑ൷᎟൳ᕴRC63Ζ3System1 & System2: আګڍૹิٽؓ؀ٵޡᖙ܂ऱຑ൷ᕴΖ4Ext. Wave In: ءຑ൷ᕴױࠌ؆ຝ࿓ڤ֏ᣊֺಛᇆᚨش࣍CCᑓڤխΔא൳ࠫ૤ሉᑓิΖಛᇆਢऴ൷ຑ൷ࠩᑓิΔլᆖሶᠦΖ5Fuse: ش࣍অᥨመሉणኪΖ6AC Line: ءACሽᄭຑ൷ᕴࠎሽ࿯׌ᖲխऱࢬڶᑓิΖ7Cooling Fan: ءཋᑷଅ஛ऱຒ෷ᙟထٺ૤ሉᑓิփᄵ৫ऱ֒૾ۖ۞೯ᏺ྇Ζ3-53.3 ߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇءሽ՗૤ሉࠠڶԫࠄڶشऱ௽រڕVon ൳ࠫΕCV ᑓڤխऱૻሽੌΕփຝ/؆ຝंݮᑓᚵΕٵޡ൳ࠫ࿛Ζࠌشຍࠄ௽រհছΔࠌشृؘႊ௅ᖕߓอิګՂऱᚨشᏁޣΔ๻ࡳઌᣂऱ೶ᑇΖڼԫޡᨏႛڇ່ॣऱྒྷᇢՂᄎشࠩΖٺႈ௽ࡳᚨشऱߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇ໢ᗑژԵಖᖋ᧯ิܑΔڕՀࢬ૪Ζ඿ၞԵߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇᑓڤΔࠌشृؘႊٵழਊၞԵءߓอΔհ৵٦ਊᅃאՀऱޡᨏ৬مڶᣂऱ೶ᑇΖz Von(ࢮሉሽੌ)រΚਊLCD ᧩قڕՀΚڼޡᨏش࣍๻ࡳVon ऱ೶ᑇΖᅝৱྒྷढऱᙁנሒࠩVon ሽᚘழΔሽ՗૤ሉၲࡨࢮሉሽੌΔۖڼழᇠVon ೶ᑇܛਢၲࡨࢮሉऱሽᚘሽۯΖwpmubhfujnfujnfdvssfouWpoቹ3-63-6ࠌشृױ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨऴࠩLCD᧩قנࢬუ૞ऱଖΔྥ৵Հԫଡ๻ࡳΖု1Κڇࢬڶᖙ܂ՂຟؘႊਊՀΔܡঞଖᄎፂ਍ڇ٣ছᚏژऱ߷ԫଡΖု2Κڕ࣠ࠌشृլუଥޏ೶ᑇΔױਊ᧢ࠩছԫଡࢨՀԫଡ๻ࡳΖz ๻ࡳ۞೯ၲᖲΚਊऴࠩ LCD᧩قڕՀΚૉ๻ࡳ੡ONΔሽ՗૤ሉᄎڇՀڻၲᖲழΔࠉհছᣂᖲழऱणኪ๻ګLOAD ON ࢨLOAD OFFΖૉ๻ࡳ੡ OFFΔሽ՗૤ሉڇՀڻၲᖲழᄎঅ਍੡ LOAD OFFΖz ܅࣍Vonऱ൳ࠫ๻ࡳΚਊऴࠩ LCD᧩قڕՀΚڼ๻ࡳ।قڇLOAD ON հ৵Δႊၦྒྷ܅࣍ Von ሽᚘរڍ֟ڻሽ՗૤ሉթ᠏ګLOAD OFFΔࠡ๻ࡳଖ੡0ࠩ 20Ζૉ๻ࡳଖ੡0Δঞڇ܅࣍ Von ሽᚘរྤ LOADOFFΖ๻ࡳଖ੡1ழΚ।قڇሽᚘ܅࣍ Vonհ৵࢏ᙈપ3mSթ᠏ګ LOAD OFFΖ๻ࡳଖ੡ 20 ழΚ।ق࢏ᙈપ60mSթ᠏ګLOAD OFFΖz ሽۃ࣋ሽழၴऱၦྒྷΚਊאᙇᖗႈؾΖLCD᧩قڕՀ:ᙇᖗ “ON”ࢨ“OFF”Δאঁެࡳڼפ౨ਢၲඔENTER᝶ΔঞLCDᄎၞԵሽᚘរऱ๻ࡳΔڇᇠ๠ሽۃ࣋ሽழၴၦྒྷܛೖַΖࡻழࠌشृױެࡳਢܡᙇᖗ೚LOAD OFFऱ೯܂Ζ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨࠀݙګ๻ࡳ৵ਊENTER᝶Ζڇၦྒྷऱᖙ܂ᑓڤխΔLOAD ONհ৵Δࠌشृױٵழਊ!DATA ᝶אᨠኘሽۃ࣋ሽၦྒྷऱழၴΖ!z ሽᚘ֗ሽੌၦྒྷؓ݁ڻᑇऱᙇᖗΚਊ!ࢨ᝶אᙇᖗႈؾΖLCD᧩قڕՀ:Ζz ೯ኪ૤ሉ๵௑ၦྒྷհ࢏ᙈழၴऱᙇᖗΚਊ᝶אᙇᖗႈؾΖLCD᧩قڕՀ:᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨࠀݙګ๻ࡳ৵ΖڇLOAD ON հ৵Δ೯ኪ૤ሉၦྒྷVpk ֗Vpk ႊ࢏ᙈڼ๻ࡳழၴΔᒤ໮੡50ශઞ۟16ઞΖz CV ᑓڤऱૻሽੌΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD ᧩قڕՀ:ڼ੡๻ࡳCV ᑓڤխऱࢮሉૻࡳሽੌΖԫ؟๻ࡳړঁਢ૤ሉᑓิ࣍CV ᑓڤխࢬ౨ࢮሉऱ່ՕሽੌΖwpmubhfdvssfou dvssfou!mjnjubujpoٺᑓิऱ່ՕૻሽੌڕՀࢬقΚ63006 63010 63025 63030 6A20A10A60Az փຝंݮᑓᚵΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD ᧩قڕՀ:ڇCC ᑓڤऱᖙ܂հՀΔױല૤ሉᑓิ๻ࡳ੡փຝंݮᑓᚵΔࢨല؆ຝऱᦀ೯ሽੌᅝंݮขسᕴࠌشΖ3-9شඝ᠏ၨᙇᖗ“YES”א।قփຝΔ“NO”।ق؆ຝΔאᒔࡳΖz ሽᚘၦྒྷऱᄕࢤΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:ױ๻ࡳ૤ሉᑓิࠌࠡ᧩قנ૤ऱሽᚘၦྒྷଖΔࢨإऱሽᚘၦྒྷଖΖᜰࠏڕՀΚ3Vױ᧩قڕ3V (ᙇᖗPLUSழ)֗3V (ᙇᖗMINUSழ)شඝ᠏ၨᙇᖗ“MINUS”א᧩ق૤ᇆΔࢨᙇᖗ“PLUS”ႛ᧩قଖΔאᒔࡳΖz ሽᚘ๵௑๻ࡳֱڤΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:ሽᚘ๵௑๻ࡳױ๻੡ۍ։ֱֺڤࢨᑇଖֱڤΖᜰࠏڕՀΚ10V r 0.5V (ᙇᖗVALUEழ)10V r5% (ᙇᖗPCEntழ)شඝ᠏ၨᙇᖗ“VALUE”੡ᑇଖֱڤΔࢨᙇᖗ“PCEnt”੡ۍ։ֱֺڤΔאᒔࡳΖz ሽੌ๵௑๻ࡳֱڤΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:3-10ሽੌ๵௑๻ࡳױ๻੡ۍ։ֱֺڤࢨᑇଖֱڤΖشඝ᠏ၨᙇᖗ“VALUE”੡ᑇଖֱڤΔࢨᙇᖗ“PCEnt”੡ۍ։ֱֺڤΔאᒔࡳΖz ᠧಛሽᚘ๵௑๻ࡳֱڤΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:ሽᚘ๵௑๻ࡳױ๻੡ۍ։ֱֺڤࢨᑇଖֱڤΖشඝ᠏ၨᙇᖗ“VALUE”੡ᑇଖֱڤΔࢨᙇᖗ“PCEnt”੡ۍ։ֱֺڤΔאᒔࡳΖz ON/OFFٵޡ֏Κ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:૤ሉᑓิױ๻ࡳګڇٵޡ֏ऱᑓڤխፖࠡהᑓิԫᏘሎ܂Ζٵޡ֏ױڇઌٵऱิٽؓ؀ᄚΔࢨլٵऱิٽؓ؀ᄚᚨشࠩᑓิՂΖشඝ᠏ၨᙇᖗ“ON”੡ٵޡ֏Δࢨᙇᖗ“OFF”੡ॺٵޡ֏ሎ܂ΔאᒔࡳΖz ׌൳/ൕ᥆Κ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:3-11ڇٵޡ֏൳ᑓิࢨൕ᥆ᑓิΖૉڇ׌൳ᑓิՂਊٚ۶ԫଡ᝶Δڼ᝶ലٵழᤛ࿇ࠡהऱ૤ሉᑓิΔڂۖࠡהऱ૤ሉᑓิՈᄎሎ܂Δ༉ړቝழଢ๯ਊՀԫᑌΖ!شඝ᠏ၨᙇᖗ“ON”੡׌൳Δࢨᙇᖗ“OFF”੡ൕ᥆ΔאᒔࡳΖz ቷቷᜢऱON/OFFΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:૤ሉᑓิױ๻ࡳ੡ᅝԫଡ᝶๯ਊՀΔࢨඝ᠏ၨ๯᠏೯ழ࿇נቷቷشඝ᠏ၨᙇᖗ“ON”੡࿇נᜢଃΔࢨᙇᖗ“OFF”੡լ࿇נᜢଃΔאᒔࡳΖz ׻נΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:૤ሉᑓิױൕ00ࠩ99ऱ100ิಖᖋ᧯ิܑխऱٚ۶ԫิ׻נԫႈᚏژመऱ೶ᑇΖشඝ᠏ၨ᠏ང۟ࢬ૞ऱิܑᇆᒘΔאᒔࡳΖz ᚏژΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:3-12૤ሉᑓิױലؾছऱڜᇘژԵൕ00ࠩ99ऱ100ิಖᖋ᧯ิܑխऱٚ۶ԫิאࠎՀڻࠌشΖشඝ᠏ၨ᠏ང۟ࢬ૞ऱิܑᇆᒘΔאᒔࡳΖz ீإΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:ႛঅఎࠎՠᐗீإ֗ፂଥشΖڇإൄൣउՀΔࠌشृ઎ࠩ“no”ऱᙇႈΔ࣍ڼԫޡᨏխྤႊޓޏٚ۶ࣟ۫Ζz ۞ݺྒྷᇢΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:ႛঅఎࠎՠᐗྒྷᇢ֗ፂଥشΖڇإൄൣउՀΔࠌشृ઎ࠩ“no”ऱᙇႈΔ࣍ڼԫޡᨏխྤႊޓޏٚ۶ࣟ۫Ζz ᖲীፖႇ᧯ठءᇆᒘΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀ:3-13ႛঅఎࠎፂଥشΖࠌشृڇڼԫޡᨏխྤႊޓޏٚ۶ࣟ۫Ζz ߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇऱ࿨ޔΚ۞Ղԫޡᨏ࢏ᥛՀࠐΔࢨਊ᝶ऴࠩLCD ᧩قڕՀ:ਊא࿨ޔิګऱڜᇘΖုΚࠌشृױൕՂ૪ٚԫڜᇘޡᨏխΔਊא࿨ޔߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇऱ๻ࡳΖԫ؟࿨ޔΔࠡਲऱ೶ᑇലፂ਍଺णΖ3.4 ᖙ܂ᑓڤሽ՗૤ሉױ๻ࡳ੡ڇࡳሽੌ(CC)Εࡳሽॴ(CR)Εࡳሽᚘ(CV)ࢨࡳפ෷(CP)ऱᑓڤխᖙ܂Ζ3.4.1 ࡳሽੌ(CC)ᑓڤڇڼᑓڤխΔᑓิᄎ௅ᖕ๻ࡳऱሽੌଖࢮሉሽੌΔۖլጥᙁԵሽᚘऱ᧢֏Ζߠቹ3-8ΖInput VoltageCurrent SettingLoad Currentቹ3-8඿ၞԵCC ᑓڤऴࠩLCD ᧩قڕՀΚCC3-14ᖙ܂3.4.2 ࡳሽॴ(CR)ᑓڤڇڼᑓڤխΔΖߠቹ3-9ΖLoadCurrentቹ3-9඿ၞԵCR ᑓڤऴࠩLCD ᧩قڕՀΚCR3.4.3 ࡳሽᚘ(CV)ᑓڤڇڼᑓڤխΔᑓิᄎࢮሉሽੌאࠌᙁԵሽᚘࡉ๻ࡳऱሽᚘଖԫીΖߠቹ3-10ΖڇCV ᑓڤխሎ܂ழΔᑓิਢᅝګ։ੌሽᚘᓳᆏᕴڇ೯܂ΖInput Voltage Load CurrentVoltage Settingቹ3-10඿ၞԵCV ᑓڤऴࠩLCD ᧩قڕՀΚCVױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫ם3.4.4 ࡳפ෷(CP)ᑓڤڇڼᑓڤխΔሽ՗૤ሉᄎ௅ᖕ๻ࡳऱפ෷ଖࢮሉሽੌΔڂڼפ෷௣౛ലڇࢮሉխঅ਍ਁࡳΖߠቹ3-11LoadCurrentቹ3-11඿ၞԵCPᑓڤऴࠩLCD᧩قڕՀΚCP3.5 ૤ሉᖙ܂3.5.1 ᙩኪ૤ሉᙩኪחࠌشृലሽੌऱ૤ሉ๻ࡳ੡A֗BࠟጟլٵऱሽۯΖױش૿ࣨՂAፖBࠟጟणኪհၴ೚֊ངΖױല૤ሉऱᚾۯ๻ࡳ๻ګ೏ᚾۯࢨ܅ᚾۯΖAፖBࠟጟणኪ݁ࠌشઌٵऱᚾۯΖ܅ᚾۯڇ܅ሽੌऱ๻ࡳխڶለࠋऱᇞ࣫৫Ζሽੌ඙෷ެࡳ૤ሉሽۯطԫጟ૤ሉणኪ᠏᧢੡׼ԫጟणኪऱֺ෷ΖאCCᑓڤ੡ࠏΔA ፖBࠟጟणኪڶထլٵऱࢮሉሽੌ֗ሽੌ඙෷Ζߠቹ3-12Ζ๻State A4AΔState B2AΔRise0.2A/P SΔFall0.08A/P SΔঞױ൓ࠩڕՀቹऱ૤ሉݮڤΚᖙ܂UjnfDvssfousjtf!tmfx!sbufgbmm!tmfx!sbufTubuf!B Tubuf!C5B 3B21vT36vTqsftt!lfz!#B0C#ቹ3-123.5.2 ೯ኪ૤ሉ೯ኪ૤ሉऱᖙ܂חࠌشृױ๻ࡳࠟଡ૤ሉሽۯ(Load1֗Load2)Ε૤ሉၜཚ(T1֗T2)Δא֗ሽੌ඙෷(Rise ֗Fall)Ζᖙ܂መ࿓խΔ૤ሉଖ௅ᖕࠌشृࢬՀऱ೶ᑇΔڇ߷ࠟଡ૤ሉሽۯխ೚֊ངΖ೯ኪ૤ሉຏൄਢش࣍ྒྷᇢڇ೏ຒ෷Εᛳၴ૤ሉՀৱྒྷढऱய౨।෼Ζൕ૤ሉሽۯΕሽੌ඙෷֗૤ሉၜཚ๻ࡳऱݾ؏խױ᎘࣐ขسֱݮΕ౧ᓢΕᙏᕡ֗Կߡ࿛ऱ૤ሉݮڤΖᜰࠏڕՀΚc ๻Load1=4A Δ Load2=2A ΔRise=1A/ӴS ΔFall=1A/ӴS Δ T1=10mS ΔT2=10mS Δঞױ൓ࠩڕՀቹऱֱݮ૤ሉݮڤΚUjnfDvssfouMpbe2mpbe321nT 21nT 21nT 21nT 5B3BU2U3U2U3ቹ3-13d ڇՂࠏխലT2྇੡1mS Δঞױ൓ࠩڕՀቹऱ౧ᓢ૤ሉݮڤΚױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫םUjnfDvssfouMpbe2mpbe321nT 21nT 21nT 5B3BU2U3U2U3U3U22nT2nT 2nTቹ3-14e ๻Load1=11A Δ Load2=1A ΔRise=0.005A/ӴS Δ Fall=0.005A/ӴS ΔT1 2mS Δ T2 2mS Δঞױ൓ࠩڕՀቹऱԿߡ૤ሉݮڤΚUjnfDvssfouMpbe2mpbe33nT 3nT 3nT 3nT 22B2BU2U3U2U3ቹ3-15f ലT2྇੡10 P S ΔRise ᏺ੡1A/P S Δঞױ൓ࠩڕՀቹऱᙏᕡ૤ሉݮڤΚUjnfDvssfouMpbe2mpbe33nT 3nT3nT 22B2BU2U3U2U3U221vT 21vTቹ3-163.6 ڍิ૤ሉᖙ܂ኙ࣍ྒྷᇢڍิᙁנऱৱྒྷढۖߢΔڍิ૤ሉऱิګ༼ࠎԱ່ࠋऱᇞެຜஉΖৱྒྷढऱޢԫႈᙁנઃױຑ൷ࠩԫຝ૤ሉᑓิՂΔࠀ׊ࢬڶऱ૤ሉᑓิઃױຘመ૤ሉิٽؓ؀Ղऱᖙ܂փຝႪੌඈሒࠩ׌൳/ൕ᥆հٵޡ֏Ζڂڼԫຝิٽؓ؀(ڕ6304) ൓אྒྷᇢԫଡڍሒ4ႈᙁנऱৱྒྷढΖڕ࣠ԫଡৱྒྷढڶ4ႈאՂऱᙁנΔࠌشृױࠉᅃ2.6.5ᆏψڍૹิٽؓ؀ڤຑ൷ωऱਐقຑ൷ࠟଡࢨࠟଡאՂऱ׌ᖲΖڕڼԫࠐΔޢଡ૤ሉᑓิਝױڇઌٵऱิٽؓ؀ᄚΔՈױڇլٵऱิٽؓ؀խፖࠡהᑓิٵޡሎ܂Ζ඿ၞ۩׌൳/ൕ᥆ऱٵޡ֏ྒྷᇢΔঞޢଡ૤ሉઃႊࠃ٣ࡳᆠՀ٨ࠟႈ೶ᑇΚ1. ലٵޡᙇᖗࡳᆠ੡“ON”Ζ2. ௅ᖕྒྷᇢᏁޣۖᙇᖗ“MASTER”(׌൳)ࢨ“SLAVE”(ൕ᥆)Ζᣂ࣍Ղ૪೶ᑇ๻ࡳऱᇡาޡᨏᓮ೶ە3.3ᆏऱߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇΖຍᏖԫࠐΔࠌشृঁױ៶ထ᝶ᒌٻ׌൳ᑓิ࿇ߢΖྥ৵ࢨՀழΔ׌൳ᑓิܛױ൳ࠫࠡהᑓิΖ໢ᖲᖙ܂4. ໢ᖲᖙ܂4.1 ១տءີലտฯڕ۶طছ૿ࣨᖙ܂ሽ՗૤ሉΖᣂ࣍ਊ᝶ፖLCD᧩قᕴΔᓮ೶ߠ3.2.1ᆏऱ।3-2֗।3-3Ζz ׌૞ᖙ܂ੌ࿓ΚၲᖲÈᖙ܂ᑓڤ๻ࡳ(ᣂ࣍CC, CR, CV, CPᑓڤ೶ߠ3.4ᆏ)È೏/܅ᚾۯ๻ࡳÈᙩኪ/೯ኪᖙ܂๻ࡳ(ᣂ࣍ᙩኪ֗೯ኪ૤ሉ೶ߠ3.5ᆏ)Èࢮሉ೶ᑇ๻ࡳ(೶ߠאՀऱ4.2ᆏ)Èྒྷᇢ๵௑๻ࡳÈᚏژ๻ࡳ೶ᑇࢨച۩ڶᣂᙩኪ૤ሉΕ೯ኪ૤ሉΕ๵௑ᒳᙀΕᚏژ/׻נΕၦྒྷ࿛ᖙ܂݁ᄎڇאՀٺᆏאኔࠏ೚ᎅࣔΖ4.2 ૤ሉणኪऱ๻ࡳ4.2.1 ᙩኪ૤ሉz ᖙ܂ੌ࿓Κױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫םÈ๻ࡳࢮሉ೶ᑇڇCCᑓڤՀ๻ᙩኪ૤ሉයٙ੡State A1A, State B3A, Rise0.02A/ P S, Fall0.2 A/ P S (אChroma 63030੡ࠏ)Κ1. ਊऴࠩLCDऱMODE᧩قڕՀΚCC2. ਊᚾۯΖᏁ૞ለࠋऱᇞ࣫৫ழױࠌش܅ᚾۯΔֱऱLED “L”ᄎॽದࠐΖုΚૉ૤ሉሽۯ೏࣍܅ᚾۯऱૻࠫΔߓอᄎ۞೯֊ངࠩ೏ᚾۯΖ3. ਊאၞԵᒳᙀᑓڤΖ4. ਊאᙇᖗणኪAΔֱऱLED “A”ᄎॽದࠐΖ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡1.0005AΔאᒔࡳΖု1Κࠌشृױ៶ထ᝶ലཾᑑۯᆜޏ੡լٵऱ໢ۯᑇଖΔ٦᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨΔঞאᇠ໢ۯᑇଖ೚ᏺףࢨᎠ྇ऱ᧢֏ၦΖ໢ᖲᖙ܂ڕ࣠ࠌشृآ៶ထ᝶א᧩قཾᑑۯᆜΔঞᑇଖऱᇞ࣫৫ലࠉᖕඝ᠏ၨऱ᠏೯ຒ෷ۖڶࢬլٵΖု2Κ๻ࡳᑇଖհᇞ࣫৫ਢࠉᖲী֗ࢬᙇᚾۯۖࡳΖߠՀ।Κ63006 63010 63025 63030Low 0.15 mA 0.5 mA 0.25 mA 1.5 mAHigh 1.5 mA 5 mA 2.5 mA 15 mA5. ਊאᙇᖗणኪBΔֱऱLED “B”ᄎॽದࠐΖ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡3.0000AΔאᒔࡳΖ6. ਊא๻ࡳՂ֒ऱሽੌ඙෷ΔঞLCD᧩قڕՀΚ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡0.02A/ P SΔאᒔࡳΖٵழലሽੌ඙෷ऱ๻ࡳޏ੡Հ૾Ζ7. ঞLCD෼ڇ᧩قڕՀΚ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡0.2A/ P SΔאᒔࡳΖ8. ਊᒳᙀᑓڤΖ4.2.2 ೯ኪ૤ሉz ᖙ܂ੌ࿓ΚÈױᒳ࿓ሽ՗૤ሉ6300ߓ٨ᖙ܂֫םڇCCᑓڤՀ๻ࡳ೯ኪྒྷᇢ೶ᑇ੡Load140A, Load240A, T110mS, T21mS,Rise1A/ P S, Fall1A/ P S (אChroma 63030੡ࠏ)Κ1. ૹᓤਊऴࠩLCDऱMODE᧩قڕՀΚCC2. ਊᚾۯΔֱऱLED “H”ᄎॽದࠐΖုΚ່Օऱࢮሉሽੌਢࠉᖲী֗ࢬᙇᖗऱᚾۯۖࡳΖߠՀ।Κ63006 63010 63025 63030Low 0.6 A 2 A 1 A 6 AHigh 6 A 20 A 10 A 60 A3. ਊאၞԵᒳᙀᑓڤΖ4. ਊאᙇᖗ೯ኪ૤ሉΔֱऱLEDᄎॽದࠐΔ׊LCD Dynamic೶ᑇຝ։᧩قڕՀΚDYNAࡉ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡Load1ऱ40.005AΔאᒔࡳΖፖڼٵழ೶ᑇᄎޏ᧢۟Load2ऱ૤ሉሽۯհ๻ࡳΖ໢ᖲᖙ܂ ု1Κᣂ࣍ᙁԵֱ૿ױ೶ߠ๻ࡳޡᨏ4հုᤩ1Ζု2Κݙګᇷறᒳᙀ৵Δ೭ؘਊΔܡঞᄅऱᇷறࠀྤऄᐊԵփຝಖᖋ᧯Δ೶ᑇଖᄎࠉ៱অఎΖ5. LCD Dynamic೶ᑇຝ։᧩قڕՀΚ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡Load2ऱ19.995AΔאᒔࡳΖፖڼٵழ೶ᑇᄎޏ᧢۟Load1ऱT1ၜཚհ๻ࡳΖုΚLoad1ፖLoad2ऱಖᇆ։ܑLoad1֗Load2ऱଖፖڼԲृհၴ೏܅ଖྤᣂΖ6. LCD Dynamic೶ᑇຝ։᧩قڕՀΚ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡10.000 mSΔאᒔࡳΖፖڼٵழ೶ᑇᄎޏ᧢۟T2ၜཚհ๻ࡳΖု1ΚૉT1ፖT2ၜཚհԫՕ࣍50 mSΔঞၜཚᚾۯᄎط܅֊ངࠩ೏Δ׊ᇞ࣫৫ᄎ۞೯֊ངࠩ1 mSΖု2Κᣂ࣍ၜཚᒤ໮֗ᇞ࣫৫ױߠՀ।:Period ResolutionLow 0.025 mS a 50 mS 1 P SHigh 1 mS a 10 S 1 mS7. LCD Dynamic೶ᑇຝ։᧩قڕՀΚ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡01.000 mSΔאᒔࡳΖፖڼٵழ೶ᑇᄎޏ᧢۟rise ऱሽੌ඙෷հ๻ࡳΖ8. LCD Dynamic೶ᑇຝ։᧩قڕՀΚ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡1.000A/ P S ΔאᒔࡳΖፖڼٵழ೶ᑇᄎޏ᧢۟fallऱሽੌ඙෷հ๻ࡳΖ9. LCD Dynamic೶ᑇຝ։᧩قڕՀΚ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡1.000A/ P S ΔאᒔࡳΖုΚᣂ࣍ሽੌ඙෷ᚾۯ֗ᇞ࣫৫ױߠՀ।:Slew Rate Resolution63006 LowHigh 0.1-25 mA/ P S1.0-250 mA/ P S0.1 mA/ P S1.0 mA/ P S63010 LowHigh 0.32-80 mA/ P S3.2-800 mA/ P S0.32 mA/ P S3.2 mA/ P S63025 LowHigh 0.16-40 mA/ P S1.6-400 mA/ P S0.16 mA/ P S1.6 mA/ P S63030 LowHigh 0.001-0.25A/ P S0.01-2.5A/ P S0.001A/ P S0.01A/ P S4.3 ๵௑ྒྷᇢऱ๻ࡳሽ՗૤ሉױᨃࠌشृ๻ࡳৱྒྷढऱ๵௑ΔאࠎGO/NGऱྒྷᇢΖڇྒྷᇢխΔሽ՗૤ሉၦྒྷৱྒྷढΔࠀലհፖ๻ࡳ๵௑೚ֺለΖሽ՗૤ሉᨃࠌشृ๻ࡳሽᚘ(ڇCC, CR, CPᑓڤխ)Εሽੌ(ڇCVᑓڤխ)א֗ሽᚘᠧಛVpp(ڇࢬڶᑓڤխ)๵௑Ζz ᖙ܂ੌ࿓ΚৱྒྷढऱၦྒྷଖᙁԵ๵௑໢ۯᙇᖗڶ̈́x%(percent)ࢨ̈́y(value)ࠟጟֱڤΖ๻ࡳֱڤऱᙇᖗױ೶ە3.3ᆏऱߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇΖՀ૿ऱࠏ՗ᎅࣔڕ۶ᒳᙀྒྷᇢ๵௑ΖA. ڇCVᑓڤխ๻ࡳሽੌ๵௑੡I=12A ̈́3% (೗๻ሽੌ๵௑א%ֱڤ।قΖ඿ޏ᧢ᙁԵ๵௑໢ۯऱֱڤΔᓮ೶ە3.3ᆏ)Ζ1. ਊᒳᙀᑓڤΖֱऱLEDᄎॽದࠐΖ2. ਊΔLCD᧩قנٌյೂᡩऱ“PASS”ڕՀΚ᝶ࠐ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨΔല᧩قଖޏ੡12.000AΔאᒔࡳΖڼଖԯਢᅝ܂๵௑๻ࡳऱխၴଖΖፖڼٵழΔ᧩قޏ᧢۟Ղૻऱ๻ࡳΖ3. LCD᧩قנٌյೂᡩऱ“H”ڕՀΚ᝶ࠐ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨΔല᧩قଖޏ੡003.0ΔאᒔࡳΖፖڼٵழΔ᧩قޏ᧢۟Հૻऱ๻ࡳΖ4. LCD᧩قנೂᡩլࡳऱ“L”ڕՀΚ᝶ࠐ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨΔല᧩قଖޏ੡003.0ΔאᒔࡳΖ ုΚڇՂࠏխᅝߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇऱ๻ࡳطۍ։ֺ᠏੡ᑇଖழΔ12A ̈́3% ല᠏᧢੡12A ̈́0.36AΖᅝ๵௑ऱ๻ࡳֱڤڇߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇऱ๻ࡳխطۍ։ֺ᠏੡ᑇଖழΔߓอᄎലᇷற۞೯᠏ངΔ֘հٍྥΖ5. ਊᒳᙀᑓڤΖB. ๻ࡳሽᚘᠧಛ(Vpp)ऱ๵௑੡15mV+0.2mV ֗15mV 0.3mV(ڇ᙮ᐈ੡20MHzհՀ)Ζ1. ਊᒳᙀᑓڤΖֱऱLEDᄎॽದࠐΖ2. ਊא๻ࡳ᙮ᐈΔLCD᧩قڕՀΚ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨല᧩قଖޏ੡20000 KHzΔאᒔࡳΖုΚࠌشृױᙇᖗ܅ຏᠧಛៀंᕴऱ᙮ᐈ੡1Ε10Ε100Ε1000 ࢨKHzΖլٵ᙮ᐈऱᙇᖗਢࠉሽሁ๻ૠ֗ྒྷᇢ૞ޣۖࡳΖኙ20000࣍܅᙮෷౧೯ऱၦྒྷۖߢΔ᙮ᐈױᙇ੡1 KHzΖ3. ਊΔLCD᧩ق᝶ࠐ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨΔല᧩قଖޏ੡015.00 mVΔאᒔࡳΖፖڼٵழΔ᧩قᄎޏ᧢۟Ղૻऱ๻ࡳΖ4. LCD᧩قנٌյೂᡩऱ“H”ڕՀΚ᝶ࠐ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨΔല᧩قଖޏ੡015.20 mVΔאᒔࡳΖፖڼٵழΔ᧩قᄎޏ᧢۟Հૻऱ๻ࡳΖ5. LCD᧩قנٌյೂᡩऱ“L”ڕՀΚ᝶ࠐ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨΔല᧩قଖޏ੡014.70 mVΔאᒔࡳΖုΚڇ໢ᖲᖙ܂ՀΔ0.4V֗4Vऱሽᚘᚾۯᄎ۞೯֊ངΖ6. ਊᒳᙀᑓڤΖ೯ኪ૤ሉၦྒྷխऱ๵௑ྒྷᇢਢΔࢮሉ৵࢏ᙈߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇխऱ೯ኪ࢏ᙈழၴၲࡨၦྒྷΔྥ৵ၲࡨಖᙕ๯ၦྒྷሽᚘऱ່Օଖ(Vpk )່֗՛ଖ(Vpk )ΖVpk ֗Vpk ๯ီ੡ਢ๵௑ྒྷᇢऱଖΖ4.4 ᚏژፖ׻נޢԫଡ૤ሉᑓิ݁ڶ100ଡಖᖋ᧯ิܑ(ൕ00ࠩ99)אᚏژՂ૿༼ࠩऱྒྷᇢ೶ᑇΖຍࠄ೶ᑇઃױڇֲ৵ٚ۶ழࠥ๯׻נࠌشΖڼԫֱڤ១֏Աૹᓤլٵऱᑇଖ๻ࡳΖࠌش3.3ᆏ๻ࡳࢬඖ૪ऱޡᨏΔױڇ໢ԫ૤ሉᑓิխᚏژ֗׻נྒྷᇢ೶ᑇΖڼ؆Δิٽؓ؀Ո౨ᚏژࢨ׻נٵழژڇ࣍ࢬڶ૤ሉᑓิխऱ٤ຝྒྷᇢ೶ᑇΖᖙ܂ޡᨏڕՀࢬ૪ΚA. ല೶ᑇژԵร4ᇆಖᖋ᧯ิܑΚ1. ਊՀิٽؓ؀Ղऱϧࢨϰ᝶(ؘ૞ழױᚘᑇڻ)Δऴࠩຍࠟଡਊ᝶லऱLED ᧩قנڕՀऱร4ᇆಖᖋิܑΚ042. ਊՀSave᝶ΖB. ല೶ᑇൕร18ᇆಖᖋ᧯ิܑ׻נΚ1. ਊՀิٽؓ؀Ղऱϧࢨϰ᝶(ؘ૞ழױᚘᑇڻ)Δऴࠩຍࠟଡਊ᝶லऱLED ᧩قנڕՀऱร18ᇆಖᖋิܑΚ182. ਊՀRecall᝶Ζ4.5 ၦྒྷݙګ૤ሉणኪऱ๻ࡳ৵(ᇡߠ4.3ᆏ)ΔਊࠌৱྒྷढၲࡨࢮሉሽੌΖၦྒྷऱᖙ܂ੌ࿓ڕՀࢬقΚطಖᖋิܑ׻נྒྷᇢ೶ᑇࢨ๻ࡳᄅऱ೶ᑇЦࢮሉ೶ᑇ๻ࡳࢨ๵௑๻ࡳ Ц࿨ޔሽ՗૤ሉࢮሉழױၦྒྷৱྒྷढऱሽᚘΕሽੌΕפ෷֗ሽᚘᠧಛ(Vpp)Ζࠌشृױᙇᖗլٵऱၦྒྷפ౨א᧩قၦྒྷऱᦰᑇΖၦྒྷऱᦰᑇਢڇLCD Ղ᧩قנΖՀ।।قڇٺᖙ܂ᑓڤՀࠌشृࢬ౨ᛧ൓ऱሽᚘΕሽੌΕر௽(Watt)ࢨሽᚘᠧಛ(Noise)ၦྒྷհ࿨࣠ΖုΚྒྷᇢመ࿓խࢬ᧩قऱᦰᑇਢܛழऱၦྒྷଖΔۖॺ๻ࡳଖΖNormal Watt NoiseCC V, IW, I Vpp, I CR R, IW, IVpp, I CV V, IW, I Vpp, I CPW, IW, I Vpp, Iٵழሽ՗૤ሉലၦྒྷፖࠃ٣ࡳᆠऱሽᚘΕሽੌΕࢨሽᚘᠧಛ(Vpp)๵௑೚ֺለΖᣂ࣍๻ࡳऱᇡาൣݮױ೶ߠ4.4ᆏऱ๵௑ᒳᙀΖڕ࣠ၦྒྷଖਢڇ๵௑փΔঞLCD ᧩قڕՀΚڕ࣠ၦྒྷଖ၌መ๵௑ऱ່೏ૻࠫΔঞLCD ᧩قڕՀΚڕ࣠ၦྒྷଖ՛࣍๵௑ऱ່܅ૻࠫΔঞLCD ᧩قڕՀΚ๵௑ऱೣᠦ৫ਢאᒵࢤࠥ৫ऱᑇؾࠐ।قΖࠥ৫။ڍ।ق။ೣᠦխၴଖΖຍױ࠰ܗࠌشृאྒྷᇢଖᓳᖞৱྒྷढΔאঁฤٽ๵௑Ζሽ՗૤ሉױחࠌشृ೚ຑᒵᒳᙀΔאᓳᖞؾছ૤ሉ೶ᑇ(ሽੌΕሽᚘΕሽॴࢨפ෷)Εሽੌ඙෷ࢨ೯ኪ૤ሉၜཚऱ๻ࡳଖΖሽ՗૤ሉࢮሉழΔਊ᝶Δࠀ᠏೯ඝ᠏ၨױمܛޏ᧢๻ࡳΖڕڼԫࠐΔޏ᧢૤ሉणኪऱٵழࠌشृױၦྒྷৱྒྷढΖࠌشृٍױܓشڼ௽រװฤٽၦྒྷणኪΔ׊ᚏژאࠎֲ৵ࠌشΖᖙ܂࿓ݧፖᠦᒵ࿓ڤխऱઌۿ4.5.1 ሽᚘΕሽੌऱၦྒྷྒྷᇢԫຝሽᄭࠎᚨᕴऱ᡹ࡳࢤழΔڶயऱֱऄਢၦྒྷৱྒྷढऱᙁנሽᚘೣᠦΖᜰࠏۖߢΔڕ࣠V outऱ๵௑ਢ12V̈́3%Δঞࠌشृױല૤ሉሽۯ๻੡2A֗20AΔאঁྒྷᇢᙁנऱ᡹ࡳࢤڕՀࢬقΚ๻ࡳCCᑓڤ, ᙩኪิܑA=2A,ᙩኪิܑB=20A,(๻ࡳऱาᆏױ೶ߠ4.2.1ᆏ)Ц๵௑๻ࡳխၴଖ=12V,Ղૻଖ=3%, Հૻଖ=3%(๻ࡳऱาᆏױ೶ߠ4.3ᆏ)Цᚏژ๻ࡳ೶ᑇ۟ಖᖋิܑ(๻ࡳऱาᆏױ೶ߠ4.4ᆏ)Ц࿨ޔ4.5.2 פ෷ऱၦྒྷೈԱሽᚘΕሽੌऱၦྒྷ؆Δ6300ሽ՗૤ሉߓอٍ༼ࠎৱྒྷढڇߓอ಻ᆜ೶ᑇ๻ࡳא؆ऱٚ۶ழࠥ೚פ෷ၦྒྷΖ඿ၞ۩פ෷ၦྒྷΔਊΔLCD ऱรԫ۩᧩قנৱྒྷढऱפ෷ၦྒྷଖΖᜰࠏڕՀΚ25.30 WုΚڇCPᑓڤՀפ෷ၦྒྷਢ۞೯ऱΔྤႊਊΖ4.5.3 ሽᚘᠧಛऱၦྒྷऴੌሽᙁנՂऱሽᚘᠧಛڶױ౨ᗈᄤ๻ໂΔࢨᖄીᗨ᧯ሽሁऱᙑᎄ֘ᚨΖ6300ሽ՗૤ሉߓอױڶயچၦྒྷৱྒྷढऱሽᚘᠧಛΔۖྤႊشՂقंᕴΖ๵௑֗᙮ᐈ๻ࡳऱᇡาൣݮΔױ೶ە4.3ᆏ๵௑๻ࡳऱࠏ՗BΖࠌشृױਊΔঞᠧಛऱಖᇆᄎ᧩قڇLCDՂΖٵழΔאVࢨmV।قऱሽᚘᠧಛᦰᑇᄎڇLCDऱรԫ۩Ղਐנ୽ኙ୽ଖ(Vpp)Ζࢮሉऱሽੌঞ᧩قڇรԲ۩ΖᜰࠏڕՀΚኙ࣍GO/NGऱ᧭ᢞΔࠌشृױਊא᧩قנፖ๵௑ֺለऱྒྷᇢ࿨࣠Ζုਢشࠐඔ೯ڼᣊפ౨Δࠟृऱਊᚘႉݧࠀլૹ૞Ζ4.6 ࿍ሁྒྷᇢ࿍ሁྒྷᇢਢԫႈঁܓऱᅝৱྒྷढऱᙁנጤ՗࿇س࿍ሁழΔৱྒྷढऱঅᥨൻਜਢܡױإൄሎ܂Λਊאඔ೯ࢨೖַ࿍ሁᑓᚵΖ4.7 ؆ຝंݮऱ൳ࠫڇCCᑓڤխሎ܂ऱ؆ຝ೯ኪྒྷᇢፖ೯ኪྒྷᇢઌۿΔ܀ਢ૤ሉሽۯऱ֊ངঞਢط؆ຝಛᇆհՠ܂ၜཚࢬ൳ࠫΖ؆ຝ೯ኪྒྷᇢऱሎ܂ֱڤፖ೯ኪྒྷᇢઌٵΔױਢ൳ࠫၜཚऱಛᇆࠀॺփຝขسΔۖਢط৵હࣨऱEXT. WAVE INຑ൷ᕴᙁԵΖ0ࠩ10Vऱ؆ຝಛᇆਢፖ0ࠩየᚾۯऱᙁԵᒤ໮ઌኙᚨΔڂڼࠌشृؘႊല؆ຝಛᇆऱऴੌሽೣฝᚨشࠩ0۟10V ऱᒤ໮խΖᣂ࣍؆ຝंݮ൳ࠫऱิګױ೶ە3.3ᆏΖ4.8 ඙෷ࡉ່֟ႚᖄழၴ඙෷ࡳᆠ੡ሽੌ၌נழၴխऱ᧢ޓΖԫଡױᒳ࿓ऱ඙෷ւ๺ൕԫ૤ሉ๻ࡳࠩ׼ԫ૤ሉ๻ࡳऱ൳ࠫ᠏ฝא૾܅ڇሽტפ෷൷ᒵՂტᚨሽᚘ૾Δࢨ൳ࠫڇྒྷᇢᇘᆜՂऱტᚨᑉኪΖૉൕԫଡ๻ࡳࠩ׼ԫଡ๻ࡳᛳ᧢ৰՕΔኔᎾऱႚᖄழၴױط։ሶሽੌ᠏ฝ඙෷ࠐૠጩΖኔᎾऱ᠏ฝழၴࡳᆠ੡ᙁԵൕᒳ࿓ឭ༏ऱ 10%ࠩ 90%ࢨൕ 90%ࠩ 10%ऱ᧢ޓࢬᏁழၴΖૉൕԫଡ๻ࡳࠩ׼ԫଡ๻ࡳ᠏ฝৰ՛Δ૤ሉऱპஇॾᇆ᙮൅ᐈ৫ലૻ່ࠫ՛ऱ᠏ฝழၴࠎࢬڶऱױ࿓ڤ඙෷Ζڂ੡ڶૻ৫ऱᣂএΔኔᎾऱ᠏ฝழၴֺ௅ᖕ඙෷ऱቃཚழၴᝫ९ΖڂڼΔ່՛ऱ᠏ฝழၴፖ඙෷ࠟႈؘ݁ႊەᐞኔᎾ᠏ฝழၴΖ່՛ऱ᠏ฝழၴൕ24 μS ࠩ 6 mSΔࠉᖕ඙෷๻ࡳۖࡳΖ。



Chroma 6310系列电子负载操作指导书1 前言和目的本文阐明了Chroma 6310系列电子负载操作方法,便于实际的操作使用。

2 适用范围适用于Chroma 6310系列电子负载的使用操作。

3 操作规程3.1仪器简介Chroma 6310系列电子负载6314插框可以放下四路电子负载,6312可以放下两路负载模块(63102、63103、63105、63107……),包括一个处理器,GPIB接口、RS-232接口、控制面板、以及显示器和PASS/FAIL信号。


各路负载模块可以各自工作在CC、CR、CV 三种模式,每个模块都具有一个或者两个通道(63103、63106为当通道模块,63102、63107为双通道模块),每个通道都有自己的编号(1~8),可以各自独立地turn on/ turn off,或short-circuited。







存储/调用(SAVE/RECALL)该系列负载可以对各路负载设定值按顺序储存在一个文件里,下次再要用到该系列负载时可以将此文件调用出来,如你要将已经设定好好的负载值储存到1号文件里,则只需按SAVE,然后按方向键,当显示器出现SAVE PROGRAM 1:YES 2:NO时,按键“1”存储,当下次要再次调用该系列负载时,只需按RECALL,1,ENTER,则所有通道的设定值都回被条用出来,然后按LOAD即可加载。



电子负载解释(Electronic load interpretation)Electronic load.Txt12 missing is a poem to let you in ordinary days to read out the rhythm; missing is a shower, let you dry up the moist days; missing is a sun, so that your days of gloomy clear up. Electronic loadThe basic working mode of electronic load (CC/CV) is that electronic load plays an important role in the design and production of power products. However, it still seems to be in a mysterious veil until now. The following example allows you to have a preliminary understanding of the electronic load; the constant current control of the 1. electronic load (Chinese Name: constant current mode; CC-Constant Current mode).. The core of the circuit is a current sampling negative feedback control loop, where the transistor Q1 (2N3055) is used as the controller of the current as well as the load of the measured power. Q2 transistor (BC337) is driven by Q1 tube; resistance R1 is current voltage conversion element (I/V, converter) falls on R1 voltage drop through the voltage comparator IC1 with reference (Verf), Q2 Q1, on and off, so as to achieve the purpose of keeping current constant. 2. constant voltage control of electronic load (Chinese Name: fixed voltage mode; English Name: CC-Constant Voltage mode). The principle of the circuit is shown below. The circuit principle of the constant voltage mode is basically the same as the current control.Programmable power - electronic load can simulate the load in real environment (electrical appliance), generally more stringent requirements on the power supply manufacturers will use electronic load to detect the power supply. It has many functions, can adjust the load size, as well as short-circuit,over-current, dynamic, etc., should say that all power suppliers will be useful, but also must have.The principle of electronic load is within the guide flux control power MOSFET or transistor (the amount of duty ratio size), consumption power equipment power dissipation by power tube, it can accurately detect the load voltage, load current and accurate adjustment, can realize the simulation of load short circuit, analog load is inductive resistive and capacitive and the capacitive load current rise time. General switching power supply commissioning testing is indispensable.Electronic loads can simulate loads in real environments (appliances). It is a constant current, constant resistance, constant pressure and constant power function, and short circuit, over-current, dynamic and so on, it should be said that the power supply manufacturers all will be useful, but also must have. The electronic load is divided into DC electronic load and AC electronic load. Because of the application of electronic load, this paper mainly introduces the DC electronic load.The market common DC electronic load: several American Agilent, CHROMA of Taiwan and prodigit as well as domestic has a military background and the bright younger generation Aino Faith Taco. Electronic load is generally divided into monomer electronic load and multi body electronic load, and the monomer electronic load is more convenient, less functional, small volume, but the overall performance is lower than the multi body electronic load. We take many body electron representative load as an example, selects the representative products of variousmanufacturers: Agilent N3300A series, CHROMA63100 series, 3310D series and prodigit faith Tektronix FT6600A series for example to illustrate the selection of electronic load.I. Basic choice.1. selection of voltage, current, and powerThe electronic load is selected according to the output characteristics of the device to be measured: voltage, current, power, and test requirements accuracy. The module of electronic load can only work alone or parallel in testing, and series connection is dangerous for module. So the ideal state is that all requirements are within the range of the single mode set, and then the type selection can be achieved by parallel connection of multiple modules. That is to say, the voltage of the selected module must be consistent with the test requirements. A single module or full installed box (Agilent, 6 grams of fee star module, CHROMA, Bo 4) the sum of current and power to meet the test requirements.2. choice of accuracy and resolutionAccuracy and resolution are important parameters of electronic load.The accuracy of the electronic load varies depending on the significance of the method.1%+2d 1% measurements + 2 times the minimum display value1%+2%FS:1% measurements + 1% Man Liangcheng1%OF:1% (full scale + measurement)For example, faith Tektronix 60V60A300W electronic load constant current accuracy is 0.1%+5mA, the same prodigit module is 0.2%OF, the conversion is 0.2%+120mA, so don't just look at the nominal accuracy compared to that after conversion to higher accuracy.Resolution: the minimum amount of external variation in which an instrument can reflect external changes. For example, the resolution of CHROMA electronic load is 0.25mA, and the resolution of electronic load is 0.1mA,Two. Function choice.1. basic function selectionThe electronic load on the market has four basic functions: constant current, constant voltage, constant resistance and constant power (Agilent has no constant power). In the basic function of the same, the accuracy is not the case, how to determine whether it meets the requirements? The electronic load of CHROMA and meter has only one set of working circuit, that is constant current function. Other functions are calculated according to Ohm's law, although the nominal has other functions, but the actual situation is only constant flow function, by regulating the current to achieve other functions. This saves the cost, but leaves behind other functions, low work accuracy, and unstable work. The word circulating within themis that there is no limit to the error of the constant resistance function. Test completion depends on the quality of the power, the external environment and the luck. All functions of Agilent and electronic load are realized by different circuits, which can completely fulfill all the limit indexes of the nominal and carry the load stably.If the constant current function is used and the other functions are not required, the appropriate electronic load can be chosen. If the other functional requirements can be stabilized with load, we should consider this problem.2. dynamic loadingDynamic loading is the change of electronic load, which is also called transient. Several important parameters:Slope of change: Generally speaking, the rate at which an electronic load can be completed is, exactly, the rate of change from 10% to 90% of the change in the amount of electronic load. The unit in constant flow is A/mS, A/uS.Response time: the minimum time that an electronic load can accomplish a change. Unit uS.The dynamic (transient) frequency of the electronic load is divided into two kinds:The dynamic frequency (containing only one rising edge or a falling edge, or the number of times per unit time), the transient frequency (a cycle contains the rising edge + thefalling edge).Whether an electronic load is genuine or not depends on the changes in the electronic load. If the function of hardware implementation, you can use oscilloscope to test the current output monitoring port, to see whether the waveform is intact. If there is a glitch or a large signal to noise ratio, then this function is only computed by software, not hardware.Software implementation of dynamic loading can not be performed perfectly when the electronic load is set by changes. However, if the demand is not high, we can ignore the impact of this phenomenon.3. analog band loading (external programming input)This feature is designed to achieve more complex electronic load changes with load settings. Dynamic loading is a load carrying function that simulates the change of a trapezoidal wave, and this function greatly expands the way in which electronic loads can be executed. As long as the voltage generated by the signal generator is at 10V, the waveform signal and the electronic load can be simulated. The electronic loads that have this function are Agilent, Tyco, and beau. Among other things, the blogger does not recommend the client to use this feature.4. sequence functionSequence function means that many fixed state settings are arranged in chronological order into a measurement process. Themeasurement of the whole quality parameter of a product can be accomplished,This feature greatly simplifies the complicated settings, reduce the workload of the test. With the storage settings and the transfer function, it is greatly simplifies the operation. The sequence can be set according to different brands and different steps. Faith Series Tektronix electronics can be set to 50 step load, and can realize the function of short circuit in the sequence.Three. Protection.The electronic load should have perfect protection function. The protection function is divided into internal (electronic load) protection function and external (DUT) protection function. On the protection of overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection, overcurrent protection, reverse voltage and over temperature protection. External protection: over-current protection, over power protection, load voltage with low voltage protection for. Selection of electronic load should choose is to have really protect domestic electronic load. If the function is implemented by hardware protection, speed quickly. If it is realized by software, speed lag, and it would be dangerous to crash module.Four. Other functions.If you need other function of the electronic load, please refer to the demand of electronic load has the function. such asSynchronous function: simultaneous operation of multiple modules working state.Interface: GPIB, RS232, LAN, USB, select the appropriate (CHROMA GPIB, in addition to money purchase).The assembly of ATE test system: convenience terminal connected to other devices, consider the command standard and so on.Over current, over power test. OCP, OPP. Select this function when the product needs, suitable for research and development.Total words: types of electronic load is varied, choose a suitable power electronic load is an important aspect of development or production. At an acceptable cost, the electronic load better and more convenient choice is to improve efficiency, ensure the quality of the premise.。


















SA VE﹕存儲文件或程式。




一.CONF功能﹕CC Vrange﹕定電流模式下面﹐電壓是選擇高檔位還是低檔位。

HIGH :0-80V LOW :0-16V高電流檔只能對應低電壓檔﹐低電流檔可以對應任意檔位。

Von point﹕von點是十分重要的參數﹐它的值一般設在正常輸出的70%左右﹐電壓到達這個點之后﹐負載才開始拉載。


待測物的電壓輸出由零到穩態要經由一個爬升的過程﹐而且開始拉載瞬間大電流會導致一個壓降﹐電壓掉下來﹐好的產品電壓會再升上去﹐不受任何影響﹐差一些的產品就會在爬升過程中產生電壓的震蕩現象﹐最后當機﹐但是這不是V on 點的選擇篩選作用﹐而是采用這個點之后可能會產生的現象。



目录第一章、概论 (3)1.1 整体说明 (3)1.2 3310C 系列电子负载之特性 (8)1.3 附件 (8)1.4 规格 (9)1.5 系统方块图 (11)第二章、装机 (12)2.1 装入及拔出3310C 系列电子负载 (13)2.2 电子负载模组的操作流程 (14)第三章、操作 (15)3.1 操作说明 (16)3.2 3310C 系列电子负载模组的起始设定参数 (23)3.3 负载输入连接器与连接引线之考虑事项 (24)3.4 负载电流粗调、微调,增量及减量调整 (25)3.5 Imonitor (输出) (27)3.6 保护特性 (28)第四章、应用 (29)4.1 本地电压检知连接法 (29)4.2 远地电压检知连接法 (30)4.3 固定电流模式(C.C. mode)的应用 (31)4.4 固定电阻模式(C.R. mode)的应用 (33)4.5 固定电压模式(C.V. mode)的应用 (34)4.6 固定功率模式(C.P. mode)的应用 (35)4.7 多组输出之电源供应器与电子负载之连接 (36)4.8 并联操作 (37)图形图1.1 3310C 0-60V / 0-30A 150W 电子负载功率曲线图 (3)图1.2 3311C 0-60V/0-60A 300W 电子负载功率曲线图 (3)图1.3 3312C 0-250V/0-10A 300W 电子负载功率曲线图 (4)图1.4 3314C 0-500V/0-5A 200W 电子负载功率曲线图 (4)图1.5 3315C 0-60V/0-15A 75W 电子负载功率曲线图 (4)图1.6 固定电流模式特性图 (5)图1.7 固定电阻模式特性图 (5)图1.8 固定电压模式特性图 (6)图1.9 固定功率模式特性图 (6)图1.10 动态负载模式特性图 (7)图1.11 3310C 系列电子负载之方块图 (11)图2.1 负载输入连接器与固定镙丝 (12)图2.2 电子负载装入及拔出 (13)图2.3 3310C 系列电子负载操作流程图 (14)图3.1 前面板图 (15)图3.2 典型的3310C 系列电子负载连接方式 (21)图3.3 负载电流之类比设定输入 (22)图4.1 本地/远地电压检知连接图 (29)图4.2 远地电压检知连接图 (30)图4.3 固定电流操作模式之应用 (31)图4.4 动态负载电流 (32)图4.5 固定电阻操作模式之应用 (33)图4.6 固定电压操作模式之应用 (34)图4.7 固定功率操作模式之应用 (35)图4.8 多组输出电源供应器与电子负载之连接图 (36)图4.9 电子负载多组并联之连接图 (37)表格表1.1 3310C 系列电子负载规格表 (9)表1.1 3310C 系列电子负载规格表(续) (10)表3.1 3310C 起始状态设定 (23)表3.2 3311C 起始状态设定 (23)表3.3 3312C 起始状态设定 (23)表3.4 3314C 起始状态设定 (24)表3.5 3315C 起始状态设定 (24)表3.6 负载电流按键粗调/微调及不同档位之解析度 (266)精品第一章、 概论1.1 整体说明3310C 系列电子负载是用来测试估估直流电源供应器之规格特性,蓄电池之寿命特性以及电子元件之规格等用途。

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Chroma 6310系列电子负载操作指导书1 前言和目的本文阐明了Chroma 6310系列电子负载操作方法,便于实际的操作使用。

2 适用范围适用于Chroma 6310系列电子负载的使用操作。

3 操作规程仪器简介Chroma 6310系列电子负载6314插框可以放下四路电子负载,6312可以放下两路负载模块(63102、63103、63105、63107……),包括一个处理器,GPIB接口、RS-232接口、控制面板、以及显示器和PASS/FAIL信号。


各路负载模块可以各自工作在CC、CR、CV三种模式,每个模块都具有一个或者两个通道(63103、63106为当通道模块,63102、63107为双通道模块),每个通道都有自己的编号(1~8),可以各自独立地turn on/ turn off,或short-circuited。


其中控制面板有三个键都可以实现两个功能,将SHIFT 键与该键同时按下就可以实现另外一个功能。





存储/调用(SAVE/RECALL)该系列负载可以对各路负载设定值按顺序储存在一个文件里,下次再要用到该系列负载时可以将此文件调用出来,如你要将已经设定好好的负载值储存到1号文件里,则只需按SAVE,然后按方向键,当显示器出现 SAVE PROGRAM 1:YES 2:NO时,按键“1”存储,当下次要再次调用该系列负载时,只需按RECALL,1,ENTER,则所有通道的设定值都回被条用出来,然后按LOAD即可加载。



初始值设置Configuration按键CONF则弹出菜单CC Vrange Select 1:HIGH 2=LOW 设置模块带载端子电压范围选1则可以承受高电压,选2则电压范围小,超出范围模块报警。

ENTER,跳出设置带载点Von Point VOLTAGE:-V 在光标处输入加载点电压值,再ENTER,弹出Von Latch 1:ON 2:OFF 选1 一旦输出电压达到加载点Von Point开始加载,就算加载引起电压瞬间低于Von Point仍能继续加载,若选2则一旦电压被拉低小于加载点则马上卸载。


ENTERSIGN OF VOLT 1:PLUS 2:MINUS 选1电压值为正选2为负,符合是“-”5.输入键上下方向键ON/OFF:负载带载卸载开关ENTER:回车键,设置参数后按该键确认写入SHIFT: 上档键,选择上档功能,或者在遥控状态下按该键可以转为本地面板操作。

0-9:数字键. :输入小数点负载模块面板按钮功能简介:1.7段LED显示2.模块通道LED显示(L/R):对于具有双负载通道的模块若标识R的LED亮,则右边标识R的通道使能,若标识L的LED亮,则左边标识L的通道使能,可以通过键R/L来切换。







7.Vsense 端子:遥控操作的电压SENSE端。





在更改模式的过程中,模块的输入自动关断以确保在切换负载时过冲最小CC.在CC恒流模式下会根据你编辑的数值提供负载电流,不受输入电压的影响,CC可由“MODE”键设置,当“MODE SELECT”字样在显示器上出现后,通过上下键,可以选定低负载范围“CCL”或者是高负载范围“CCH”,设定动态负载跳变时可以选择低动态负载范围“CCDL”或者是高动态负载范围“CCDH”然后按“ENTER”键即可。


CR模式下也可以选择“LOW RANGE”CRL和“HIGH RANGE”CRH两个负载范围,可以通过方向键来选取,其负载值设定与CC类似,CR无法设置动态负载跳变。




按CHAN键选择你要设置的通道;按“MODE”,当“MODE SELECT”字样在显示器上出现后,通过上下键,可以选定高负载范围“CCH”然后按“ENTER”键即可。



CCH1:5ACCH2:5A设置加载速率,按键0 . 1CCH(加载速率):0.1A/uSCCH(卸载速率):0.1A/uS一个负载通道负载值设置完毕,按键CHAN再设置下个通道的负载值,所有通道都设置完毕后按键SAVE可以将设置的负载保存到一个文件里,下次需要时又可以调用出来。

然后按键“1”SAVE FILEFILE NO:1将该所有通道的负载设置保存到文件1里面下次需要该负载设置时,重新调用,按键RECALL,“1”,ENTER则又可以将设置好的负载调用出来。

3、CC模式下设置动态负载值按CHAN键选择你要设置的通道;按“MODE”,当“MODE SELECT”字样在显示器上出现后,通过上下键,可以选定高动态负载范围“CCDH”然后按“ENTER”键即可,而动态负载需编辑两个负载值(CCDH1,CCDH2),两个加载时间(CCDHT1,CCDHT2),以及负载跳变斜率,静态/动态功能可以通过键STATIC/DYNAMIC来切换。






然后按键“2”SAVE FILEFILE NO:2将该所有通道的负载设置保存到文件2里面下次需要该负载设置时,重新调用,按键RECALL,“2”,ENTER则又可以将设置好的动态负载调用出来使用。

按键STATIC/DYNAMIC,LED灯亮,LOAD ON开始输出设置好的动态负载,进行2A(2mS)~4A(4mS),1A/uS,的动态负载跳变。

