操作 & 维修手册气动双隔膜泵操作手册感谢您选购我公司最经久耐用、功能强大的气动隔膜泵产品。
The Evolution Of Clean.PoultryFish MeatCosmeticsPharmaceutical Process Support WasteS a n i f l o ™ SO L U T I O N SFruits &VegetablesBeveragesSaucesWilden is a global leader in sanitary and bio-pharmaceutical pumps and offersa wide range of solutions for various food, beverage, dairy, personal care and bio-pharmaceutical applications. Wilden’s Saniflo™ and BioPharm™ pumps have beenengineered to meet the highest standards and requirements in the industry including: EHEDG, 3A, CE, ATEX, USP Class VI, and FDA CFR 21.177.Wilden’s premiere sanitary and bio-pharmaceutical pumps have the versatility you require, safety you need and the capability of efficiently pumping a wide range of viscosities, solids and shear sensitive products. Wilden’s Saniflo™ and BioPharm™ pumps are offered with passivated stainless steel components, available in multiple sizes and with various surface finishes. As the global leader in AODD pumps we are committed to your industry. Wilden understands that safety, performance, hygienic requirements and the careful transfer of your products are essential when choosing process equipment.Air operated pumps (non electrical)Superior product containment Bolted & Clamped liquid paths Self primingNo damage when run dry Deadhead without damage Variable flow & pressure High viscosityIntrinsically safe by design Lube-free operation Shear sensitiveLarge solids passage Low water requirements Low product degradationEase of operation and maintenanceSauces, Purees & Beverages Poultry, Fish & Meat process Fruits, Vegetables & Condiments Pharmaceutical productsHealth & Personal care productsChromatography, Separation, Purification High Purity product transfer Filter press feed pumpsAcids, Solvents, Caustics & Alcohols Abrasive media & SolidsChemical injections & Metering Waste water transfer CIP , SIP , COPSANIFLO™ & BIOPHARM™ SOLUTIONSWILDEN , the Evolution of CleanDairyPrepared FoodsConfectionaryBio-Pharmaceutical FDAUSP class VIUNIQUE CHARACTERISTICSDIFFICULT APPLICATIONSFEATURES• Pro-Flo V™ ADS• Sanitary & hygienic applications • D elicate / shear sensitive product handling • Integral piston diaphragm options • Multiple sanitary elastomers available • Superior product containment • Swivel stand available • CIP (clean in place)• Multiple certification levels available • C ertifications: EHEDG, 3-A, ATEX, CE, USP Class VI, FDASaniflo ™ HS HY G I E N I C S E R I E SFEATURES• Pro-Flo ® ADS• For the sanitary industry (dairy, pharmaceutical)• CIP (Clean in Place)• Integral piston diaphragm (PTFE)• Flow through design• Multiple sanitary elastomers available • Wil-Gard™ monitoring system• Certifications: 3-A, FDA, CE, USP Class VITECH DATA• 316L SS wetted components Ra 0.8 µm (32 µ-in) contact finish • Sizes available: 25 mm (1”)PERFORMANCE DATA• Max flow rates up to 133 lpm (35 gpm)• Max suction lift 2.4 m (7.9’) dry, 9.2 m (30.1’) wet• Max size solids 6.4 mm (1/4”)Saniflo ™ 3A 3A P U M PFDAFlap Valve OptionValve Ball OptionMushroom Valve OptionTECH DATA• Sizes available 38 mm (1-1/2”) through 76 mm (3”)• 316L stainless steel wetted components • Contact surfaces with Ra 0.8 µm (32 µ-in)• Valve options available: ball, mushroom, flap • T ri-clamp™ style connectionsPERFORMACE DATA• Max flow rates 867 lpm (229 gpm) [Valve Ball]• Max suction lift 5.5 m (19.2’) dry, 9.3 m (30.6’) wet [Valve Ball]• Max size solids 51 mm (2”) [Flap Valves]FDAUSPClass VIUSPClass VIFEATURES• Uni-Flo™ ADS• High end sanitary / hygienic applications • Drain pump contents without disassembly• CIP (Clean in Place), SIP (Steam in Place) capability • D esigned for superior product containment• Certifications: EHEDG, 3-A, FDA, CE, ATEX, USP Class VITECH DATA• Sizes available 25 mm (1”) and 38 mm (1-1/2”)• 316L stainless steel wetted path polished to 0.4 µm (15 µ-in)• P TFE (FDA and USP Class VI) integral piston diaphragm option • EPDM (FDA) integral piston diaphragm option • Tri-clamp™ style connections• Contact surfaces with Ra 0.4 µm (15 µ-in)PERFORMANCE DATA• Max flow rates: 125 lpm (33 gpm)• Max suction lift: 2.5 m (8.2’) Dry, 9.0 m (29.5’) Wet• Max size solids: 5 mm (1/5”)FEATURES• Uni-Flo™ ADS• For sanitary applications• Soft contours, smooth flow channels, no dead spaces • Superior containment • Intrinsically safe• Draining/backflush system • Certifications: CE, ATEX, FDATECH DATA• Sizes available 19 mm (3/4”) through 51 mm (2”)•316 stainless steel wetted components polished to 0.8 µm (32 µ-in)• P TFE (FDA and USP Class VI) integral piston diaphragms • EPDM (FDA) integral piston diaphragm option • Optional contact surfaces with Ra 0.8 µm (32 µ-in)PERFORMANCE DATA• Max flow rates 416 lpm (110 gpm)• Max suction lift: 4 m (13.1’) Dry, 9.0 m (29.5’) Wet • Max size solids: 13 mm (1/2”)FDAUnitec ™ UC SA N I T A R Y P U M P SFDAUSPClass VIFEATURES• Pro-Flo V™ ADS• For sanitary applications• Designed for delicate product handling• Multiple sanitary FDA elastomers available • Delicate/Shear sensitive product handling • Murzan ® retrofit kit available • Certifications: FDA, CE, ATEXTECH DATA• Sizes available 51 mm (2”) and 76 mm (3”)• 316L stainless steel wetted components • Contact surfaces with Ra 0.8 µm (32 µ-in)• Valve options available: Ball, Mushroom, Flap • Tri-clamp™ style connections• Liquid connection options: horizontal, center, sidePERFORMANCE DATA• Max flow rates 931 lpm (246 gpm) [Valve Ball]• Max suction lift: 6.4 m (21.1’) dry, 9.3 m (30.6’) wet [Valve Ball]•Max size solids: 76 mm (3”) [Flap Valve]FEATURES•Only 2 moving parts (flap valves)• Designed for sanitary applications • Dry run capability• Variable pressure & flow • Large solid transfer • Low water requirement• Delicate/Shear sensitive product handling • Easy to inspect & clean • Certifications: FDATECH DATA• 304 stainless steel construction• Sizes available: 102 mm (4”), 152 mm (6”), 203 mm (8”)PERFORMANCE DATA• Max flow rates: 10,000 lbs/hr • Max size solids: 152 mm (6”)Saniflo ™ VC VA C U U M C O N T R O L L E D P U M PSaniflo ™ LSH LA R G E S O L I D S H A N D L I N G P U M P SFlap Valve OptionValve Ball OptionMushroom Valve OptionFDAFDAFEATURES• Pro-Flo ®, Pro-Flo V™ and Accu-Flo™ ADS available • For sanitary applications• Multiple sanitary FDA elastomers available • Shear sensitive• Intrinsically safe options• Complies with FDA elastomer standards • Certifications: FDA, CE, ATEXTECH DATA• Sizes available: 13 mm (1/2”) through 76 mm (3”) • 316 stainless steel wetted components • Tri-clamp™ style connectionsPERFORMANCE DATA• Max flow rates: 920 lpm (243 gpm)• Max suction Lift: 7.6 m (25.0’) Dry, 9.5 m (31.2’) Wet• Max size solids: 9.5 mm (3/8”)FEATURES• Sanitary drum unloading• For viscous fluids up to (100,000 cps)• Compatible with 38 mm (1 1/2”) Pro-Flo™ metal pumps • Pneumatically operated • Sanitary elastomers • Sanitary Buna wiper• Accurate drum alignment • Variable operating pressure• Increased recovery rates, yields, profits • Low operation cost• Intrinsically safe operation • FDA CFR 21 compliant • Certifications: FDATECH DATA• 316 stainless steel construction• Drum size range: (Dia) 533 - 582 mm (21.0”-22.9”)PERFORMANCE DATA• Unloads 200kg (55 gal) 2–4 minutes (based on viscosity)FDASaniflo ™ FDA SA N I T A R Y P U M P SSaniflo ™ DUS DR U M U N L O A D E RFDAH i g h P u r i t y P h a r m a c e u t i c a l / c h e m i c a l (i n c l u d e sd i s p o s a b le t e c h n o l o g y )S A N I T A R y A P P L I C A T I O N R A N g E (c l e a n i n g m e t h o d )F D AU S Pc l a s s V IV a c u u m C o n t r o l l e d P u m p sB r a h m a ™ P u m p sU n i t e c ™ U B B i o c o rU n i t e c ™ U AS a n i fl o H S (H y g i e n i c S e r i e s )F D A P u m p sS t a l l i o n ®P u m p sA d v a n c e d ™ P l a s t i c P u m p sN o n s a n i t a r y , w a s t e , c r u d e a n d C I P c h e m i c a l s H i g h a c i d , h i g h s u g a r , h i g h f a t f o o d (C O P )L o w a c i d , p a s t e u r i z e d a n d p r o t e i n b a s e d p r o d u c t s (C O P /C I P )B i o -P h a r m a c e u t i c a l s t e r i l e p r o c e s s e s(C O P , C I P /S I P )gENERAL TRANSFER PUMPSSPECIFICSCIP AND COP PROCESS PUMPSSPECIFICSHIgH PRESSURE PUMPSSPECIFICSYour Authorized Distributor:Copyright 2006 Wilden Pump & Engineering, LLC•••。
″)。三种材质:铝合金、铸铁、不锈钢。隔膜泵根据不同液体介质分别采用丁腈橡胶、氯 丁橡胶、氟橡胶、聚四氟乙烯。以满足不同客户的需要。
340 230 570 340 740 80
H2 Φ 200
底脚 螺栓
3/8″(丝扣 活接头)
3/8″(丝扣 活接头)
进气 口外 径 8
重量 (kg)
Φ8 1/2″(丝扣 1/2″(丝扣 8
活接头) 活接头)
Φ10 1″(丝扣活 1″(丝扣活 10
吸程 (m)
最大允许通 过颗粒直径 (mm)
最大供气压 力 kgf/cm2
最大空气 消耗量 m3/分
QBY-15 0-1 0-50
QBY-25 0-2.4 0-50
QBY-40 0-8 0-50
QBY-50 0-12 0-50
磨损甚微。 3、 扬程、流量可通过气阀开度实现无级调节。(气压调节在 1-7kg/cm2 之间)。 4、 该泵无旋转部件,没有轴封隔膜将抽送的介质与泵的运动部件,工作介质完全隔开,
管路:直至考虑Leabharlann 每个可能发生管路问题的位置后才能最终决定泵位。
B QG QG--35350/0.0/0.0/0.22气动隔膜泵气动隔膜泵操 作 和 维 护 手 册执行标准:JB/T8697-1998Q/IRGT009-2009英格索兰(桂林)工具有限公司 广西桂林市朝阳路55号 邮编:541004电话:(086)773-5878119 传真:(086)773-5876565 前言前言使用本产品的用户使用本产品的用户,,请仔细阅读本说明书请仔细阅读本说明书,,以便正确使用本产品并充分发挥其优良性能良性能。
1、 气体压力过大。
① 进气压力不允许超过泵铭牌所注的最大允许值;② 务必确保软管和其他部件能承受泵所产生的液体压力。
2、 静电火花。
① 火花可能点燃易燃材料和蒸汽;② 当泵吸、冲洗、再循环或喷射易燃材料时,如油漆、溶剂、腊克漆等,或者在使用位置周围的环境大气可导致自燃时,泵送系统和喷射的物体必须接地。
将分配阀或设备、容器、软管以及将材料抽吸到其中的任何物体接地;③ 使用泵体上提供的接地端。
使用ARO 零件号66885-1接地工具箱或将适当的接地线(最小12线规直径)连接到良好的接地点;④ 确保泵体、连接头和所有接触点的安全,以避免振动和接触或产生静电火花; ⑤ 咨询当地建筑条例和电工规程中的特殊接地要求; ⑥ 接地后,定期检验接地电路的连续性。
气动隔膜泵维修手册可能的原因/问题建议泵循环一次,然后停止1.O型圈位置不正确1.重新安装O型圈到正确的位置上2.隔膜内压板向后安装2.重新正确安装隔膜内压板3.出口堵塞或出口阀门关闭3.检查系统与泵的压力比4.气阀或中间体垫圈的安装不正确4.安装垫圈,并使孔与零件或阀门及中间体正确对齐泵不运行(卡死或出口堵塞或出口阀门关闭)1.过度润滑1.将润滑器设计到最低设定值:在间接使用时,Elima-matic无需润滑;清洁中间体部件2.空气入气量不足2.检查:空气管路的尺寸和长度;压缩机容量(所需马力与耗气量);工厂中气体的其它使用情况;泵(泵容量,产品年度及比重)对空气的要求3.气阀阀芯出现故障(老型号) 3.断开并重新连接气源:用Elima-matic气阀更换4.O型圈磨损4.更换O型圈5.中间体上的入气气孔堵塞5.清洁中间体上的入气孔,以使空气流通顺畅6.润滑类型错误(O型圈被腐蚀) 6.检查O型圈与润滑的相容性7.气阀中有碎屑或颗粒7.清洁气阀/过滤器:检查气阀阀芯和套筒上是否有划痕8.歧管堵塞8.清洁吸入或排出歧管/管路:清洁滤袋或滤网9.O型圈位置不正确9.重新安装O型圈到正确的位置10.出口堵塞10.增大气源压力11.出口阀门关闭11.打开出口阀门泵循环但不自吸或流量小1.吸入侧发生气蚀现像1.检查吸入状态(将泵移近产品)2.阀球的定位不正确或粘滞2.清洁阀球定位笼周围及阀座区域:如果阀球和阀座磨损或损坏,则更换;通过化学兼容性表检查相容性和弹性体密封件的匹配性;采用更重的阀球材料3.阀球丢失(被压入到泵腔内/垫胀丢失)) 3.阀球/阀座磨损(更换):液端出口势胀(管路中增加单向阀);阀球定位笼中的指状端磨损(更换零件)4.阀球/阀座损坏或被产品腐蚀4.通过化学兼容性表检查相容性和弹性体密封件的匹配性5.蒸气压力5.与代理商联系,取得评估和建议6.吸入管路堵塞6.清洁吸入侧歧管或管路:安装过滤装置泵粘滞运行或卡死1.过度润滑/欠润滑1.将润滑器设计到最低设定值:在间接使用时,Elima-matic无需润滑;2.润滑类型错误1,2.清洁泵的中间体部分(润滑建议请参考操作手册)3.结冰3.用Elima-matic气阀更换4.歧管堵塞4.清洁气源接头,以使空气流通顺畅5.出口堵塞或出口阀门关闭5.检查系统,确定是否为液体压力与气源压力平衡导致:增大气源压力06.吸入侧发生气蚀现像6.检查吸入状态(将泵移近产品)7.空气入气量不足7.检查:空气管路的尺寸和长度;压缩机容量(所需马力与耗气量);工厂中其它气阀使用情况;泵(泵容量,产品年度及比重)对空气的要求8.O型圈磨损8.更换O型圈9.蒸气压力9.与代理商联系进行评估和建议10.泵的规格尺寸不正确10.与代理商联系进行评估和建议产品通过排气孔或卡箍夹圈泄漏1.隔膜损坏-产品通过排气孔泄漏1.更换隔膜(在使用特氟龙隔膜时同时更换衬膜)2.隔膜压板松动-产品通1,2.清洁泵的整个过排气孔泄漏中间体部件,检查隔膜是否损坏,并重新紧固隔膜压板3.卡箍松动-产品通过卡箍夹圈泄漏3.紧固卡箍夹圈4.卡箍伸长-产品通过卡箍夹圈泄漏4.更换夹圈(在夹圈内测加入润滑脂,以辅助完压压缩)5.特氟隆垫圈带被磨损5.更换特氟龙垫圈带6.正吸入压力过大-大部分或全部卡箍圈周过发生产品泄漏6.检查正吸入压力是否过高:将泵移近产口;在泵的吸入侧尽量靠近泵的位置增加脉冲阴尼器;升高泵/将泵放置在液压罐顶部,以降低入口压力;按照安装建议在入口和出口处进行软管连接7.隔膜绕中央孔或螺栓孔伸长7.检查入口压力或空气压力是否过高(按照扭矩建议紧固螺丝)8.卡箍夹圈的定位不正确8.用木槌轻敲卡箍夹圈使其完全定位9.气源压力过大9.关于建议请参考产品说明书隔膜过早损坏1.气蚀现像1.增大泵吸入侧的管路直径2.灌注吸入压力过大2.将泵移近产品(升高泵/将泵放置在液压罐顶部,以降低入口压力),在泵的吸入侧尽量靠近泵的位置增加脉冲阻尼器;缓慢启动泵(增加智能启动阀门)3.应用不当(化学/物理不相容) 3.请参考化学兼容性表(耐腐蚀材料表)4.润滑类型错误(空气侧腐蚀) 4.请参考化学兼容性表5.隔膜压板安装不正确5.将泵上的型号与操作手册相比较,以确认零件是否正确6.隔膜压板向后安装6.关于正确安装,请查阅产品操作手册7.轴与对应弹性体密封件不匹配7.将泵上的型号与操作手册相比较,以确认零件是否正确8.以最大气压启动8.缓慢启动泵(手动或采用智能启动)9.在高气压下空载运行过度9.安装按制器或自动开关装置轴断裂或弯曲1.液端腔体沉积了固体颗粒1.冲洗泵(缓慢启动泵)2.Elima-matic泵缺少缓冲垫片2.增加缓冲垫片3.隔膜压板松动3.在安装备用隔膜时,反复检查隔膜压板的紧固度。
EOME n g i nee r in gO p e r a t i o n&M a i n t e n a n c eOriginal™ Series METAL PumpsP15/PV15S i m p l i f y y o u r p r o c e s sWIL-10110-E-02REPLACES EOM-P15/PV15M 5/05SECTION 1 CAUT I ONS—READ F I RST! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1SECTION 2WILDEN PUMP DESIGNATION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 SECTION 3HOW IT WORKS—PUMP & AIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 SECTION 4 D I MENS I ONAL DRAW I NGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4SECTION 5 PERFORMANCEA. P15 Performance CurvesRubber-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6TPE-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6PTFE-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Ultra-Flex™-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 PV15 Performance CurvesRubber-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8TPE-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8PTFE-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Ultra-Flex™-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9B. Suction Lift Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 SECTION 6SUGGESTED INSTALLATION, OPERATION & TROUBLESHOOTING. . . . . . . .11 SECTION 7ASSEMBLY / DISASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14SECTION 8EXPLODED VIEW & PARTS LISTINGP15 MetalRubber/TPE/Ultra-Flex™-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22PTFE-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 PV15 MetalRubber/TPE/Ultra-Flex™-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26PTFE-Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28SECTION 9 ELASTOMER OPT I ONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30CAUTION: Do not apply compressed air to theexhaust port — pump will not function.CAUTION: Do not over-lubricate air supply —excess lubrication will reduce pump performance.Pump is pre-lubed.TEMPERATURE LIMITS:Neoprene –17.7°C to 93.3°C 0°F to 200°FBuna-N –12.2°C to 82.2°C 10°F to 180°FEPDM –51.1°C to 137.8°C –60°F to 280°FViton®–40°C to 176.7°C –40°F to 350°FSanifl ex™ –28.9°C to 104.4°C –20°F to 220°FPolytetrafl uoroethylene (PTFE)4.4°C to 104.4°C 40°F to 220°FPolyurethane –12.2°C to 65.6°C 10°F to 150°FTetra-Flex™ PTFE w/Neoprene Backed4.4°C to 107.2°C 40°F to 225°FTetra-Flex™PTFE w/Nordel® Backed-10°C to 137°C 14°F to 280°F NOTE: Not all materials are available for allmodels. Refer to Section 2 for material optionsfor your pump.CAUTION: When choosing pump materials, besure to check the temperature limits for all wettedcomponents. E xample: Viton® has a maximumlimit of 176.7°C (350°F) but polypropylene has amaximum limit of only 79°C (175°F).CAUTION: Maximum temperature limits arebased upon mechanical stress only. Certainchemicals will signifi cantly reduce maximumsafe operating temperatures. Consult ChemicalResistance Guide (E4) for chemical compatibilityand temperature limits.WARNING:Prevention of static sparking — Ifstatic sparking occurs, fire or explosion couldresult. Pump, valves, and containers must begrounded to a proper grounding point whenhandling fl ammable fluids and whenever discharge of static electricity is a hazard.CAUTION: Do not exceed 8.6 bar (125 psig) airsupply pressure.CAUTION: The process fl uid and cleaning fl uidsmust be chemically compatible with all wettedpump components. Consult Chemical ResistanceGuide (E4).CAUTION: Do not exceed 82°C (180°F) air inlet temperature for Pro-Flo V™ models.CAUTION: Pumps should be thoroughly fl ushed before installing into process lines. FDA and USDA approved pumps should be cleaned and/ or sanitized before being used.CAUTION: Always wear safety glasses when operating pump. If diaphragm rupture occurs, material being pumped may be forced out air exhaust.CAUTION: Before any maintenance or repair is attempted, the compressed air line to the pump should be disconnected and all air pressure allowed to bleed from pump. Disconnect all intake, discharge and air lines. Drain the pump by turning it upside down and allowing any fl uid to fl ow into a suitable container.CAUTION: Blow out air line for 10 to 20 seconds before attaching to pump to make sure all pipeline debris is clear. Use an in-line air filter. A 5μ (micron) air fi lter is recommended.NOTE:When installing PTFE diaphragms, it is important to tighten outer pistons simultaneously (turning in opposite directions) to ensure tight fi t. (See torque specifi cations in Section 7.)NOTE: Cast Iron PTF E-fitted pumps come standard from the factory with expanded PTFE gaskets installed in the diaphragm bead of the liquid chamber. PTFE gaskets cannot be re-used. Consult PS-TG for installation instructions during reassembly.NOTE: Before starting disassembly, mark a line from each liquid chamber to its corresponding air chamber. This line will assist in proper alignment during reassembly.CAUTION: Pro-Flo® pumps cannot be used in submersible applications. Pro-Flo V™ is available in both submersible and non-submersible options. Do not use non-submersible Pro-Flo V™ models in submersible applications. Turbo-Flo™ pumps can also be used in submersible applications. CAUTION: Tighten all hardware prior to installation.WIL-10110-E-02 8/06 1 WILDEN PUMP & ENGINEERING, LLC0003 Spark free0010 SS outer piston, spark free0014 BSPT0015 Spark free, BSPT0023 Wing nuts0030 Screen based0033 Screen based, spark free0036 Screen based, BSPT0037 Screen based, spark free, BSPT 0039 Screen based, polyurethane screen 0044 Stallion balls and seats ONLY0047 Stallion externals, balls and seats0068 Saniflo™ FDA, vertical flange0070 Saniflo™ FDA0075 Saniflo FDA, Stallion balls and seats ONLY0079 Tri-clamp fittings, wing nuts0080 Tri-clamp fittings ONLY0100 Wil-Gard I I™ 110V0102 Wil-Gard II™, sensor wires ONLY0103 Wil-Gard I I™ 220V0104 Wil-Gard II™ 110V, spark free0105 Wil-Gard II™ 220V, spark free0108 Wil-Gard II™ 220V, BSPT0109 Wil-Gard II™ 220V, spark free, BSPT0118 Stallion balls and seats ONLY, BSP0120 Saniflo™ FDA, Wil-Gard II™ 110V0330 Wing nuts, BSPT0513 SS outer pistonsNOTE: MOST ELASTOMERIC MATERIALS USE COLORED DOTS FOR IDENTIFICATION.NOTE: Not all models are available with all materials options.Viton® is a registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers.WILDEN PUMP & ENGINEERING, LLC 2 WIL-10110-E-02 8/06WIL-10110-E-02 8/06 3 WILDEN PUMP & ENGINEERING, LLCThe Wilden diaphragm pu mp is an air-operated, positive displacement, self-priming pu mp. These drawings show fl ow pattern through the pump upon its initial stroke. It is assumed the pump has no fl uid in it prior to its initial stroke.FIGURE 1 The air valve directs pressurized air to the back side of diaphragm A. The compressed air is applied directly to the liquid column separated by elastomeric diaphragms. The diaphragm acts as a separation membrane between the compressed air and liquid, balancing the load and removing mechanical stress from the diaphragm. The compressed air moves the diaphragm away from the center of the pump. The opposite diaphragm is pulled in by the shaft connected to the pressurized diaphragm. Diaphragm B is on its suction stroke; air behind the diaphragm has been forced out to atmosphere through the exhaust port of the pump. The movement of diaphragm B toward the center of the pump creates a vacuum within chamber B. Atmospheric pressure forces fl uid into the inlet manifold forcing the inlet valve ball off its seat. Liquid is free to move past the inlet valve ball and fi ll the liquid chamber (see shaded area).FIGURE 2 When the pressurized diaphragm, diaphragm A , r eaches t he l imit o f i ts d ischarge stroke, the air valve redirects pressurized air to the back side of diaphragm B. The pressurized air forces diaphragm B away from the center while pulling diaphragm A to the center. Diaphragm B is now on its discharge stroke. Diaphragm B forces the inlet valve ball onto its seat due to the hydraulic forces developed in the liquid chamber and manifold of the pump. These same hydraulic forces lift the discharge valve ball off its seat, while the opposite discharge valve ball is forced onto its seat, forcing fl uid to fl ow through the pump discharge. The movement of diaphragm A toward the center of the pump creates a vacuum within liquid chamber A. Atmos-pheric pressure forces fl uid into the inlet manifold of the pump. The inlet valve ball is forced off its seat allowing the fl uid being pumped to fi ll the liquid chamber.FIGURE 3 At completion of the stroke,the air valve again redirects air to the back side of diaphragm A, which starts diaphragm B on its exhaust stroke. As the pump reaches its original starting point, each diaphragm has gone through one exhaust and one discharge stroke. This constitutes one complete pumping cycle. The pump may take several cycles to completely prime depending on the conditions of the application.The Pro-Flo ® patented air distribution system incorporates two moving parts: the air valve spool and the pilot spool. The heart of the system is the air valve spool and air valve. This valve design incorporates an unbalanced spool. The smaller end of the spool is pressurized continuously, while the large end is alternately pressurized then exhausted to move the spool. The spool directs pressurized air to one air chamber while exhausting the other. The air causes the main shaft/diaphragm assembly to shift to one side — discharging liquid on that side and pulling liquid in on the other side. When the shaft reaches the end of its stroke, the inner piston actuates the pilot spool, which pressurizes and exhausts the large end of the air valve spool. The repositioningof the air valve spool routes the air to the other air chamber.WILDEN PUMP & ENGINEERING, LLC 4 WIL-10110-E-02 8/06WIL-10110-E-02 8/06 5WILDEN PUMP & ENGINEERING, LLCDIMENSIONSITEM METRIC (mm)STANDARD (inch)A 50519.9B 58 2.3C 38615.2D 76230.0E 82332.4F 71 2.8G 84 3.3H 38915.3J 2168.5K 40616.0L 36314.3M 30712.1N 25710.1P 28211.1R 150.6S 71 2.8T 66 2.6U 30512.0V 43 1.7W 30512.0X 47818.8Y15 DIA..6 DIA.DIMENSIONSITEM METRIC (mm)STANDARD (inch)A 52120.5B 71 2.8C 39615.6D 76730.2E 81031.9F 89 3.5G 2168.5H 40616.0J 42416.7K 35614.0L 30512.0M 25710.1N 27911.0P150.6PV15 Metal Saniflo FDAPV15 Metal76 mm (3")WILDEN PUMP & ENGINEERING, LLC 6WIL-10110-E-02 8/06Flow rates indicated on chart were determined by pumping water.For optimum life and performance, pumps should be specified so that daily operation parameters will fall in the center of the pump performance curve.Example: To pump 227 lpm (60 gpm)against a discharge head of 3.7 bar (54 psig) requires 4.1 bar (60 psig) and 61 Nm 3/h (36 scfm) air consumption.Caution: Do not exceed 8.6 bar (125 psig) air supply pressure.Flow rates indicated on chart were determined by pumping water.For optimum life and performance, pumps should be specified so that daily operation parameters will fall in the center of the pump performance curve.Example: To pump 227 lpm (60 gpm)against a discharge pressure head of 3.4 bar (50 psig) requires 4.1 bar (60 psig) and 58 Nm 3/h (34 scfm) air consumption. Caution: Do not exceed 8.6 bar (125 psig) air supply pressure.WIL-10110-E-02 8/06 7WILDEN PUMP & ENGINEERING, LLCFlow rates indicated on chart were determined by pumping water.For optimum life and performance, pumps should be specified so that daily operation parameters will fall in the center of the pump performance curve.Example: To pump 227 lpm (60 gpm)against a discharge pressure head of 3.3 bar (48 psig) requires 4.1 bar (60 psig) and68 Nm 3/h (40 scfm) air consumption. Caution: Do not exceed 8.6 bar (125 psig)air supply pressure.Flow rates indicated on chart were determined by pumping water.For optimum life and performance, pumps should be specified so that daily operation parameters will fall in the center of the pump performance curve.Example: To pump 227 lpm (60 gpm)against a discharge pressure head of 2.9 bar (42 psig) requires 4.1 bar (60 psig) and 80 Nm 3/h (47 scfm) air consumption. Caution: Do not exceed 8.6 bar (125 psig) air supply pressure.WILDEN PUMP & ENGINEERING, LLC 8WIL-10110-E-028/06Flow rates indicated on chart were determined by pumping water.For optimum life and performance, pumps should be specifi ed so that daily operation parameters will fall in the center of the pump performance curve.against a discharge head of 3.6 bar (52 psig) requires 5.5 bar (80 psig) and 170 Nm 3/h (100 scfm) air consumption. Caution: Do not exceed 8.6 bar (125 psig) air supply pressure.Flow rates indicated on chart were determined by pumping water.For optimum life and performance, pumps should be specifi ed so that daily operation parameters will fall in the center of the pump performance curve.against a discharge pressure head of 2.6 bar (38 psig) requires 4.1 bar (60 psig) and 136 Nm 3/h (80 scfm) air consumption.Caution: Do not exceed 8.6 bar (125 psig) air supply pressure.Flow rates indicated on chart were determined by pumping water.For optimum life and performance, pumps should be specifi ed so that daily operation parameters will fall in the center of the pump performance curve.against a discharge pressure head of 4.3 bar (62 psig) requires 5.5 bar (80 psig) and 136 Nm 3/h (80 scfm) air consumption.Caution: Do not exceed 8.6 bar (125 psig) air supply pressure.Flow rates indicated on chart were determined by pumping water.For optimum life and performance, pumps should be specifi ed so that daily operation parameters will fall in the center of the pump performance curve.against a discharge pressure head of 3.5 bar (51 psig) requires 4.1 bar (60 psig) and 68 Nm 3/h (40 scfm) air consumption. Caution: Do not exceed 8.6 bar (125 psig) air supply pressure.Suction lift curves are calibrated for pumps operating at 305 m (1,000') above sea level. This chart is meant to be a guide only. There are many variables which can affect your pump’s operating characteristics. The number of intake and discharge elbows, viscosity of pumping fl uid, elevation (atmospheric pressure) and pipe friction loss all affect the amount of suction lift your pump will attain.Wilden pumps are designed to meet the performance requirements of even the most demanding pumping applications. They have been designed and manufactured to the highest standards and are available in a variety of liquid path materials to meet your chemical resistance needs. Refer to the performance section of this manual for an in-depth analysis of the performance characteristics of your pump. Wilden offers the widest variety of elastomer options in the industry to satisfy temperature, chemical compatibility, abrasion resistance and fl ex concerns.The suction pipe size should be at least the equivalent or larger than the diameter size of the suction inlet on your Wilden pump. The suction hose must be non-collapsible, reinforced type as these pumps are capable of pulling a high vacuum. Discharge piping should also be the equivalent or larger than the diameter of the pump discharge which will help reduce friction losses. It is critical that all fi ttings and connections are airtight or a reduction or loss of pump suction capability will result.INSTALLATION: Months of careful planning, study, and selection efforts can result in unsatisfactory pump performance if installation details are left to chance.Premature failure and long term dissatisfaction can be avoided if reasonable care is exercised throughout the installation process.LOCATION: Noise, safety, and other logistical factors usually dictate where equipment will be situated on the production floor. Multiple installations with confl icting requirements can result in congestion of utility areas, leaving few choices for additional pumps.Within the framework of these and other existing conditions, every pump should be located in such a way that six key factors are balanced against each other to maximum advantage.ACCE SS: First of all, the location should be accessible. If it’s easy to reach the pump, maintenance personnel will have an easier time carrying out routine inspections and adjustments. Should major repairs become necessary, ease of access can play a key role in speeding the repair process and reducing total downtime.AIR SUPPL Y: E very pump location should have an air line large enough to supply the volume of air necessary to achieve the desired pumping rate. Use air pressure up to a maximum of 8.6 bar (125 psig) depending on pumping requirements.For best results, the pumps should use a 5μ (micron) air filter, needle valve and regulator. The use of an air fi lter before the pump will ensure that the majority of any pipeline contaminants will be eliminated.SOLENOID OPERATION: When operation is controlled by a solenoid valve in the air line, three-way valves should be used. This valve allows trapped air between the valve and the pump to bleed off which improves pump performance. Pumping volume can be estimated by counting the number of strokes per minute and then multiplying the fi gure by the displacement per stroke.MUFFL E R: Sound levels are reduced below OSHA specifications using the standard Wilden muffl er. Other mufflers can be used to further reduce sound levels, but they usually reduce pump performance.E LE VATION: Selecting a site that is well within the pump’s dynamic lift capability will assure that loss-of-prime issues will be eliminated. In addition, pump effi ciency can be adversely affected if proper attention is not given to site location.PIPING: Final determination of the pump site should not be made until the piping challenges of each possible location have been evaluated. The impact of current and future installations should be considered ahead of time to make sure that inadvertent restrictions are not created for any remaining sites.The best choice possible will be a site involving the shortest and straightest hook-up of suction and discharge piping. Unnecessary elbows, bends, and fi ttings should be avoided. Pipe sizes should be selected to keep friction losses within practical limits. A ll piping should be supported independently of the pump. In addition, the piping should be aligned to avoid placing stress on the pump fi ttings.Flexible hose can be installed to aid in absorbing the forces created by the natural reciprocating action of the pump. If the pump is to be bolted down to a solid location, a mounting pad placed between the pump and the foundation will assist in minimizing pump vibration. Flexible connections between the pump and rigid piping will also assist in minimizing pump vibration. If quick-closing valves are installed at any point in the discharge system, or if pulsation within a system becomes a problem, a surge suppressor (SD E qualizer®) should be installed to protect the pump, piping and gauges from surges and water hammer.If the pump is to be used in a self-priming application, make sure that all connections are airtight and that the suction lift is within the model’s ability. Note: Materials of construction and elastomer material have an effect on suction lift parameters. Please refer to the performance section for specifi cs.When pumps are installed in applications involving fl ooded suction or suction head pressures, a gate valve should be installed in the suction line to permit closing of the line for pump service.Pumps in service with a positive suction head are most effi cient when inlet pressure is limited to 0.5–0.7 bar (7–10 psig). Premature diaphragm failure may occur if positive suction is 0.7 bar (10 psig) and higher.SUBME RSIBLE APPLICATIONS: Pro-Flo V™ pumps can be used for submersible applications, when using the Pro-Flo V™ submersible option. Turbo-Flo™ pumps can also be used for submersible applications.NOTE: Pro-Flo® and Accu-Flo™ pumps are not submersible.ALL WILDEN PUMPS ARE CAPABLE OF PASSING SOLIDS.A STRAINER SHOULD BE USED ON THE PUMP INTAKE TO E NSURE THAT THE PUMP'S RATE D SOLIDS CAPACITY IS NOT EXCEEDED.CAUTION: DO NOT E XCE E D 8.6 BAR (125 PSIG) AIR SUPPLY PRESSURE.NOTE: In the event of a power failure, the shut off valve should be closed, if the restarting of the pump is not desirable once power is regained.AIR OPERATED PUMPS:To stop the pump from operating in an emergency situation, simply close the shut off valve (user supplied) installed in the air supply line. A properly functioning valve will stop the air supply to the pump, therefore stopping output. This shut off valve should be located far enough away from the pumping equipment such that it can be reached safelyin an emergency situation.OPERATION: The P15 and PV15 are pre-lubricated, and do not require in-line lubrication. Additional lubrication will not damage the pump, however if the pump is heavily lubricated by an external source, the pump’s internal lubrication may be washed away. If the pump is then moved to a non-lubricated location, it may need to be disassembled and re-lubricated as described in the ASSEMBLY/DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS.Pump discharge rate can be controlled by limiting the volume and/or pressure of the air supply to the pump. An air regulator is used to regulate air pressure.A needle valve is used to regulate volume. Pump discharge rate can also be controlled by throttling the pump discharge by partially closing a valve in the discharge line of the pump. This action increases friction loss which reduces fl ow rate. (See Section 5.) This is useful when the need exists to control the pump from a remote location. When the pump discharge pressure equals or exceeds the air supply pressure, the pump will stop; no bypass or pressure relief valve is needed, and pump damage will not occur. The pump has reached a “deadhead” situation and can be restarted by reducing the fl uid discharge pressure or increasing the air inlet pressure. The Wilden P15 and PV15 pumps run solely on compressed air and does not generate heat, therefore your process fl uid temperature will not be affected.MAINT E NANC E AND INSP E CTIONS: Since each application is unique, maintenance schedules may be different for every pump. Frequency of use, line pressure, viscosity and abrasiveness of process fl uid all affect the parts life of a Wilden pump. Periodic inspections have been found to offer the best means for preventing unscheduled pump downtime. Personnel familiar with the pump’s construction and service should be informed of any abnormalities that are detected during operation.RECORDS: When service is required, a record should be made of all necessary repairs and replacements. Over a period of time, such records can become a valuable tool for predicting and preventing future maintenance problems and unscheduled downtime. In addition, accurate records make it possible to identify pumps that are poorly suited to their applications.T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GPump will not run or runs slowly.1. E nsure that the air inlet pressure is at least 0.4 bar(5 psig) above startup pressure and that the differentialpressure (the difference between air inlet and liquid discharge pressures) is not less than 0.7 bar (10 psig). 2. C heck air inlet fi lter for debris (see recommendedinstallation).3. C heck for extreme air leakage (blow by) whichwould indicate worn seals/bores in the air valve, pilot spool, main shaft.4. D isassemble pump and check for obstructionsin the air passageways or objects which would obstruct the movement of internal parts.5. C heck for sticking ball check valves. If materialbeing pumped is not compatible with pump elastomers, swelling may occur. Replace ball check valves and seals with proper elastomers.Also, as the check valve balls wear out, they become smaller and can become stuck in the seats. In this case, replace balls and seats.6. C heck for broken inner piston which will cause theair valve spool to be unable to shift.7. Remove plug from pilot spool exhaust.Pump runs but little or no product fl ows.1. C heck for pump cavitation; slow pump speeddown to allow thick material to flow into liquid chambers.2. V erify that vacuum required to lift liquid is notgreater than the vapor pressure of the material being pumped (cavitation).3. C heck for sticking ball check valves. If material beingpumped is not compatible with pump elastomers, swelling may occur. Replace ball check valves and seats with proper elastomers. Also, as the check valve balls wear out, they become smaller and can become stuck in the seats. In this case, replace balls and seats.Pump air valve freezes.1. C heck for excessive moisture in compressedair. E ither install a dryer or hot air generator for compressed air. Alternatively, a coalescing fi lter may be used to remove the water from the compressed air in some applications.Air bubbles in pump discharge.1. Check for ruptured diaphragm.2. C heck tightness of outer pistons (refer to Section 7).3. C heck tightness of fasteners and integrity ofo-rings and seals, especially at intake manifold.4. Ensure pipe connections are airtight.Product comes out air exhaust.1. Check for diaphragm rupture.2. Check tightness of outer pistons to shaft.Step 1.Before starting disassembly, mark a line from each liquid chamber to its corresponding air chamber. This line will assist in proper alignment during reassembly. Step 2Utilizing a 11/16" wrench, removethe two small clamp bands thatfasten the discharge manifold tothe liquid chambers.Step 3Remove the discharge manifold toexpose the valve balls and seats.Inspect ball cage area of manifoldfor excessive wear or damage.Step 4Remove the discharge valve balls and seats from the liquid chambers and inspect for nicks, chemical attack or abrasive wear. Replace worn parts with genuine Wilden parts for reliable performance.Step 5Turn pump upside down andremove the two small clamp bandswhich fasten the intake manifold tothe liquid chambers.Step 6Lift intake manifold to expose intakevalve balls and seats. Inspect ballcage area of liquid chamber forexcessive wear or damage.Step 7Remove one set of large clamp bands which secure one liquid chamber to the center section using two 3/4" wrenches. Step 8Lift liquid chamber away fromcenter section to expose diaphragmand outer piston.Step 9Using an adjustable wrench, or byrotating the diaphragm by hand,remove the diaphragm assembly.。
![华伦力WARREN RUPP气动隔膜泵](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d24367fdf61fb7360b4c6589.png)
管道尺寸: .5" / 15mm 每行程排量: .026 加仑 / .098 每分钟最大流量: 14 加仑 / 52 升 最大颗粒尺寸: .125" / 3mm 最大出口压力: 100 PSI / 6.9 BAR
M07 Non-Metallic 欲寻找通过酸性测试的泵, 新的 Marathon 马拉松塑料 泵是最优良的选择。坚固的 全螺栓构造,没有卡箍。泵 体材质有聚丙烯,PVDF, 尼龙和导电乙缩醛。另外所 有固定螺栓采用特殊涂层 保护。
欲寻找通过酸性测试的泵,新的 Marathon 马拉松塑料泵是最优良的选择。坚固的全螺栓 构造,没有卡箍。泵体材质有聚丙烯,PVDF,尼龙和导电乙缩醛。另外所有固定螺栓 采用特殊涂层保护,并可提供防漏和检漏装置。
MP01P 欲寻找通过酸性测试的泵,新的 Marathon 马拉松塑料泵是最优良的选择。 坚固的全螺栓构造,没有卡箍。泵体材质有聚丙烯,PVDF,尼龙和导电乙 缩醛。另外所有固定螺栓采用特殊涂层保护,并可提供防漏和检漏装置。 数据表|操作说明书|性能曲线-加仑|性能曲线-升 泵规格
泵规格 管道尺寸: 3" / 80mm
每行程排量: 1.8 加仑 / 6.81 升 每分钟最大流量: 260 加仑 / 984 升
最大颗粒尺寸: .87" / 22mm 最大出口压力: 125 PSI / 8.6 BAR
SANDPIPER 胜伯德 HDB 系列重载型 球阀泵是处 理稀薄、粘 性和含有小 固体颗粒液 体的理想选 择。可提供 卓越的自吸 能力和独特 的可变端口 选件(侧面、 顶部、底部 或双重)。 HDB 泵具备 砂铸铝、铸 铁、不锈钢 或哈氏合金 制成的厚壁 结构,其隔 膜和止回阀 还可以采用 合成橡胶、 TPE 和聚四 氟乙烯 PTFE。HDB 使用扩展的 抗磨损备件 包。
零件说明ChemSafe™1590气动隔膜泵3A3579G ZH 工业用1.5英寸高纯泵。
100磅/平方英寸(0.7兆帕,7.0巴)最大流体工作压力100磅/平方英寸(0.7兆帕,7.0巴)最大流体工作压力PROVEN QUALITY.LEADING TECHNOLOGY.Contents警告 (3)配置编号表格 (6)安装 (8)一般信息 (8)将螺栓旋紧 (8)减少气蚀秘诀 (8)安装泵 (9)系统接地 (10)空气管路 (10)排气通风 (11)流体供应管路 (12)流体出口管路 (12)Operation (13)将螺栓旋紧 (13)首次使用前冲洗泵 (13)起动和调节泵 (13)泄压步骤 (14)关闭泵 (14)维护 (15)维护计划 (15)润滑 (15)拧紧螺纹连接处 (15)冲洗和储存 (15)故障排除 (16)修理 (18)拆卸流体部分 (18)更换锚定带 (19)拆卸中心部分 (19)更换空气马达 (20)重新装配中心部分 (21)重新安装流体部分 (22)扭矩说明 (24)部件 (25)配件包 (28)尺寸 (29)性能图表 (30)技术数据 (31)Graco标准ChemSafe泵保修 (32)23A3579G警告警告以下为针对本设备的设置、使用、接地、维护及修理的警告。
示例配置编号1590PT-P01APT3PTPTPOPT1590PT P01A PT3PT PT PO PT泵型号中心部分和空气阀流体盖和歧管阀座阀球隔膜歧管和阀座密封泵中心部分和空气阀材料流体盖和歧管1590PT 1.5英寸PTFE P01A带常温常压空气入口的聚丙烯中心PT3PTFE,常温常压1590UH1.5英寸UHMWPE P03A带BSPT空气入口的聚丙烯中心PT4PTFE,bsptUH3UHMW,nptUH4UHMW,bspt阀座材料阀球材料隔膜材料歧管和阀座密封材料PT PTFE PT PTFE BN丁腈橡胶PT PTFEUH UHMWPE EP三元乙丙橡胶PO二次成型PTFE/EPDM63A3579G配置编号表格型号型号泵空气与流体连接螺纹流体盖阀球隔膜歧管密封件24X422‡英制锥螺纹24X421‡ 1.5英寸PTFE 标准管螺纹PTFE24X486英制锥螺纹24X485标准管螺纹二次成型PTFE/EPDM24X549英制锥螺纹24X551标准管螺纹三元乙丙橡胶24X514英制锥螺纹24X515 1.5英寸UHMWPE 标准管螺纹UHMWPTFE丁腈橡胶PTFE‡符合3A3579G 7安装安装一般信息所示的典型安装仅用作系统组件的选择和安装指南。
PS200Advanced TM塑料泵系列WILDEN目录第一部分:注意事项 (3)第二部分:泵编码系统 (5)第三部分:工作原理(泵与空气系统) (7)第四部分:轮廓图 (9)第五部分:工作性能曲线A.P200 ADVANCE TM塑料泵橡胶配件 (11)B.P200 ADVANCE TM塑料泵热塑性弹性体(TPE)配件 (12)C.P200 ADVANCE TM塑料泵特氟隆(PTFE)配件 (13)第六部分:吸程曲线与数据 (14)第七部分:安装及操作A.安装 (15)B.推荐操作方法与维修说明 (17)C.故障检修 (18)第八部分:拆卸与重装说明A.P200 ADVANCE TM塑料泵的拆卸与重装说明 (19)B.Pro-Flo®气阀/中心体——拆卸、清洁、检验 (24)C.重装说明,转力矩规格(锣栓松紧) (28)第九部分:分解图/配件清单A.P200 ADVANCE TM塑料泵——用螺栓固定橡胶配件 (29)B.P200 ADVANCE TM塑料泵——用螺栓固定特氟隆配件 (31)第十部分:弹性体选择 (33)第一部分:注意事项—必先阅读温度限度:接液部件:聚丙烯(PP)聚偏(二)氟乙烯(PVDF)氟塑料树脂(PFA)0℃~ 79.4℃-12.2℃~107.2℃-28.9℃~ 87.8℃32℉~175℉10℉~225℉-20℉~190℉弹性体:氯丁(二烯)橡胶丁(二烯)-(丙烯)橡胶/丁腈橡胶(Buna-N)三元(乙丙)橡胶(EPDM)氟化橡胶(VITON®)Wil-Flex TM聚(亚)氨酯Tetra-Flex TM特氟隆带氯丁橡胶背衬Tetra-Flex TM特氟隆带三元橡胶背衬聚四氟乙烯/特氟隆(PTFE)-17.8℃~ 93.3℃-12.2℃~ 82.2℃-51.1℃~137.8℃-40.0℃~176.7℃-40.0℃~107.2℃12.2℃~ 65.6℃4.4℃~107.2℃-10.0℃~137.0℃4.4℃~104.4℃0℉~200℉10℉~180℉-60℉~280℉-40℉~350℉-40℉~225℉10℉~150℉40℉~225℉14℉~280℉40℉~220℉*通过选择不同的弹性体可以改变温度限度。
gb/t 9699-2008《工业产品使用说明书》
sh/t 3191-2017《石油化工气动隔膜泵工程技术规范》
jb/t 8697-1998《隔膜泵》
gb∕t 13306-2011《标牌》
1.2 在安装调试过程中如果出现问题,应由相关各方派代表及时协商解决。
B QG QG--35350/0.0/0.0/0.22气动隔膜泵气动隔膜泵操 作 和 维 护 手 册执行标准:JB/T8697-1998Q/IRGT009-2009英格索兰(桂林)工具有限公司 广西桂林市朝阳路55号 邮编:541004电话:(086)773-5878119 传真:(086)773-5876565 前言前言使用本产品的用户使用本产品的用户,,请仔细阅读本说明书请仔细阅读本说明书,,以便正确使用本产品并充分发挥其优良性能良性能。
1、 气体压力过大。
① 进气压力不允许超过泵铭牌所注的最大允许值;② 务必确保软管和其他部件能承受泵所产生的液体压力。
2、 静电火花。
① 火花可能点燃易燃材料和蒸汽;② 当泵吸、冲洗、再循环或喷射易燃材料时,如油漆、溶剂、腊克漆等,或者在使用位置周围的环境大气可导致自燃时,泵送系统和喷射的物体必须接地。
将分配阀或设备、容器、软管以及将材料抽吸到其中的任何物体接地;③ 使用泵体上提供的接地端。
使用ARO 零件号66885-1接地工具箱或将适当的接地线(最小12线规直径)连接到良好的接地点;④ 确保泵体、连接头和所有接触点的安全,以避免振动和接触或产生静电火花; ⑤ 咨询当地建筑条例和电工规程中的特殊接地要求; ⑥ 接地后,定期检验接地电路的连续性。
Model S30 Metallic Design Level 1 Including T30 FDA Compliant Models
U.S. Patent # 5,996,627; 6,241,487 Other U.S. Patents Applied for
**Air Distribution Valve Assembly Drawing and Parts List .................................... 17 Air Distribution Valve Servicing ............................................................................ 18 **Air Distribution Valve w/Stroke Indicator Assembly Drawing and Parts List ....... 19 **Air Distribution Valve w/Stroke Indicator Servicing ............................................ 20 Pilot Valve Servicing, Assembly Drawing & Parts List .......................................... 21 **Solenoid Shifted Air Valve Drawing ................................................................... 22 **Solenoid Shifted Air Valve Parts List .................................................................. 22 **Solenoid Shifted Air Distribution Valve Option .................................................... 23 Diaphragm Service Drawing, with Overlay ........................................................... 24 Diaphragm Service Drawing, Non-Overlay .......................................................... 24 Diaphragm Servicing ........................................................................................... 25 Overlay Diaphragm Servicing .............................................................................. 25 Actuator Plunger Servicing .................................................................................. 26 Check Valve Servicing ......................................................................................... 27 Check Valve Drawing .......................................................................................... 27 Optional Muffler Configurations ............................................................................ 28 Optional Muffler Configuration Drawing ................................................................ 28 Pumping Hazardous Liquids ................................................................................ 29 Converting Pump for Piping Exhaust Air .............................................................. 29 Converted Exhaust Illustration ............................................................................. 29 **RuppTech® Pulse Output Kit Drawing .............................................................. 30 **RuppTech® Pulse Output Kit Options ............................................................... 30 Grounding the Pump ............................................................................................ 31
• Turbo-Flo ™•T1 - 1/2" (12.7 mm) 金属泵 • T2 - 1" (25.4 mm) 金属泵• T4 - 1 1/2" (38.1 mm) 金属泵 • T8 - 2" (50.8 mm) 金属泵 • T15 - 3" (76.2 mm) 金属泵 • T20 - 4" (101.6 mm) 金属泵威尔顿 T1 - 1/2" (12.7 mm) 金属泵 技术参数口径:1/2"最大流量:14.5GPM (53.9LPM) 最大工作压力:125PSI (8.6BAR)接液部结构材质:铝合金、316不锈钢、镍基合金干吸:5' (1.6m)可通过最大颗粒:1/16" (1.6mm)弹性体:聚氨脂、丁晴橡胶、氟化橡胶、SaniFlex ™、特氟龙PTFE 、Wil-Flex ™各种材质的温度范围 聚丙烯0°C(32°F) ~ +79°C(+175°F) 碳充乙缩醛-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 65.6°C(+150°F) 聚偏二氟乙烯-12.2°C(-10°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F) 特氟龙®PFA(½" UPII&UPIII)-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 148.9°C(+300°F) 特氟龙®PFA(½" & 1½")-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)尺寸- T1 Array(金属泵)序号公制(mm) 英制(inch)A 28.6 1 1/8B 115.9 4 9/16C 198.5 7 13/16D 203.2 8E 207.2 8 5/32F 222.3 8 3/4G 174.6 6 7/8H 139.7 5 1/2 J 111.9 4 13/32 K 82.6 3 1/4 L 101.6 4M 30.2 1 3/16 N 30.2 1 3/16 P 7.1 9/32* 进出水口可供BSP英制螺纹口径:1"最大流量:35GPM (132.5LPM)最大工作压力:125PSI (8.6BAR)接液部结构材质:铝合金、316不锈钢、镍基合金干吸:17' (5.2m)可通过最大颗粒:1/8" (3.17mm)弹性体:聚氨脂、氯丁橡胶、丁晴橡胶、三元橡胶、氟化橡胶、SaniFlex™、特氟龙PTFE、Wil-Flex™各种材质的温度范围聚丙烯0°C(32°F) ~ +79°C(+175°F)碳充乙缩醛-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 65.6°C(+150°F)聚偏二氟乙烯-12.2°C(-10°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)特氟龙®PFA(½" UPII&UPIII)-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 148.9°C(+300°F)特氟龙®PFA(½" & 1½")-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)尺寸- T2 Array(金属泵)序号公制(mm) 英制(inch)A 267.5 10 17/32B 36.5 1 7/16C 138.0 5 7/16D 254.0 10E 279.4 11F 28.6 1 1/8G 47.6 1 7/8H 95.3 3 3/4 J 77.0 3 1/32 K 184.2 7 1/4 L 209.6 8 1/4 M 171.5 6 3/4 N 106.4 4 3/16 P 127.0 5R 7.9 5/16S 51.6 2 1/32 T 31.8 1 1/4* 进出水口可供BSP英制螺纹威尔顿T4 - 1 1/2" (38.1 mm) 金属泵技术参数口径:1 1/2"最大流量:81GPM (306.6LPM)最大工作压力:125PSI (8.6BAR)接液部结构材质:铝合金、316不锈钢、铸铁、镍基合金干吸:18' (5.5m)可通过最大颗粒:3/16" (4.76mm)弹性体:聚氨脂、氯丁橡胶、丁晴橡胶、三元橡胶、氟化橡胶、SaniFlex™、特氟龙PTFE、Wil-Flex™各种材质的温度范围聚丙烯0°C(32°F) ~ +79°C(+175°F)碳充乙缩醛-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 65.6°C(+150°F)聚偏二氟乙烯-12.2°C(-10°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)特氟龙®PFA(½" UPII&UPIII)-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 148.9°C(+300°F)特氟龙®PFA(½" & 1½")-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)尺寸- T4 Array(金属泵)序号公制(mm) 英制(inch)A 369.1 14 17/32B 62.7 2 15/32C 224.6 8 27/32D 428.6 16 7/8E 287.4 11 5/16F 261.9 10 5/16G 223.8 8 3/16H 152.4 6J 177.8 7K 50.8 2L 11.7 3 1/32 M 335.7 13 7/32 N 222.3 8 3/4 P 150.8 5 15/16 R 194.5 7 21/32 S 48.4 1 29/32 T 12.7 1/2* 进出水口可供BSP英制螺纹口径:2"最大流量:163GPM (617.0LPM)最大工作压力:125PSI (8.6BAR)接液部结构材质:铝合金、316不锈钢、铸铁、镍基合金干吸:21' (6.4m)可通过最大颗粒:1/4" (6.35mm)弹性体:聚氨脂、氯丁橡胶、丁晴橡胶、三元橡胶、氟化橡胶、SaniFlex™、特氟龙PTFE、Wil-Flex™各种材质的温度范围聚丙烯0°C(32°F) ~ +79°C(+175°F)碳充乙缩醛-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 65.6°C(+150°F)聚偏二氟乙烯-12.2°C(-10°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)特氟龙®PFA(½" UPII&UPIII)-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 148.9°C(+300°F)特氟龙®PFA(½" & 1½")-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)尺寸- T8 Array(金属泵)序号公制(mm) 英制(inch)A 404.0 15 29/32B 47.6 1 7/8C 628.7 24 3/4D 669.2 26 11/32E 372.3 14 21/32F 57.2 2 1/4G 61.7 2 7/16H 270.7 10 21/32 J 342.9 13 1/2 K 229.4 9 1/32 L 254.0 10M 255.6 10 1/16 N 313.5 12 11/32 P 14.3 9/16R 63.5 2 1/2 S 51.6 2 1/32 T 281.8 11 3/32 U 101.6 4V 280.2 11 1/32 W 386.6 15 7/32 X Ø14.3 Ø9/16* 进出水口可供BSP英制螺纹口径:3"最大流量:232GPM (878.1LPM)最大工作压力:125PSI (8.6BAR)接液部结构材质:铝合金、316不锈钢、铸铁、镍基合金干吸:19' (5.8m)可通过最大颗粒:3/8" (9.5mm)弹性体:聚氨脂、氯丁橡胶、丁晴橡胶、三元橡胶、氟化橡胶、SaniFlex™、特氟龙PTFE、Wil-Flex™各种材质的温度范围聚丙烯0°C(32°F) ~ +79°C(+175°F)碳充乙缩醛-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 65.6°C(+150°F)聚偏二氟乙烯-12.2°C(-10°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)特氟龙®PFA(½" UPII&UPIII)-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 148.9°C(+300°F)特氟龙®PFA(½" & 1½")-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)尺寸- T15 Array(金属泵)序号公制(mm) 英制(inch)A 505.2 19 29/32B 59.5 2 11/32C 760.6 29 31/32D 821.7 32 3/8E 419.1 16 1/2F 71.4 2 13/16G 82.6 3 1/4H 312.5 12 5/16 J 425.5 16 3/4 K 360.4 14 3/16 L 304.8 12M 257.8 10 5/32 N 281.8 11 3/32 P 15.9 5/8R 69.9 2 3/4 S 65.8 2 19/32 T 305.4 12 1/32 U 42.9 1 11/16 V 305.4 12 1/32 W 475.9 18 3/4 X Ø15.9 Ø5/8* 进出水口可供BSP英制螺纹威尔顿T20 - 4" (101.6 mm) 金属泵技术参数口径:4"最大流量:275GPM (1040.0LPM)最大工作压力:125PSI (8.6BAR)接液部结构材质:铸铁干吸:12' (3.7m)可通过最大颗粒:1 3/8" (35mm)弹性体:聚氨脂、三元橡胶、氟化橡胶、SaniFlex™、特氟龙PTFE、Wil-Flex™各种材质的温度范围聚丙烯0°C(32°F) ~ +79°C(+175°F)碳充乙缩醛-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 65.6°C(+150°F)聚偏二氟乙烯-12.2°C(-10°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)特氟龙®PFA(½" UPII&UPIII)-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 148.9°C(+300°F)特氟龙®PFA(½" & 1½")-28.9°C(-20°F) ~ + 107.2°C(+225°F)威尔顿T20 - 4" (101.6 mm) 金属泵结构图尺寸- T20 Array(金属泵)序号公制(mm) 英制(inch)A 943 37.13B 825 32.50C 552 21.75D 438 17.25E 330 13F 118 4.63G 156 6.13H 158 6.25J 210 8.25K 229 9L 102 4M 190 7.5N 19 0.75P 454 17.88 R 375 14.75 S 330 13T 279 11U 14 0.56。