8A Unit 4词组、句型及语法

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8A Unit 3词组、句型及语法

★★1. Kitty’s teacher Mr Wu invited me to join in their school trip to the World Park.

2. The trip from Kitty’s school took about two hours by coach.

3. Eiffel is made of metal and really tall. 艾菲尔铁塔是由金属制成的,而且确实高大。

★★4. Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. 丹尼尔自学如何制作个人网页

5. Take a look at the things people (used in the past) and some old pictures in the Palace Museum.




8.I took a boat trip under the famous Harbour Bridge and went pas t the Opera House.


9. Kitty and I felt sick for most of the trip.旅途中大部分时候,我和基蒂都晕车,感到难受。

10.When the coach stopped, we all got off quickly. 当汽车停下来时,我们立刻下车。

11.There are over a hundred places of interest from all over the world.

12. They were amazing, weren’t they ? (反意疑问句)

13. The whole world was there in front of us.

14. See the Monument to the People’s Heroes at Tian’anmen Square!

15.The match takes place at South Hill School in Moonlight Town on Sunday , 7th November.


16.We will make it a really fun day for everyone. 我们将使他真正成为让每个人快乐的一天。

17.If you want to come , please let us know as soon as possible.(= as soon as you can)


★★18.He put his photos on the home page for everyone to look at.

19.Go and see for yourself. 你亲自去看一看。

20. It was interesting to see so many places of interest from all over the world.

★★21. Thank you for agreeing to let me go on the trip today.

★★22. Thanks for keeping the secret for me. 谢谢你为我保守这个秘密。

★★23. Luckily, the climbers helped Simon.

24.It is 467,000 square metres in area. 它在面积上是467.000平方米。

25.With your support, we will win.

26.We will take the underground to the centre of Beijing and change to the bus .

27.We will take the bus all the way to the Palace Museum.我们将一路坐车去故宫博物院。


1. 三个连词and ,but, or的用法。(详见课本上笔记)


