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Un it1答案 SeCtio n A

1b 1.b 2.e 3.d

2a 1,2,4,5

2b 1.d 2.b 4.c 5.a

3a 1. The teacher spoke too quickly and Wei Fen did not un dersta nd her most of the time,but She WaS afraid to ask questi OnS because of her poor PronUn Ciati on.

2.She hid behind her textbook and never Said anything.

3.For Wei Fen,thesecret to Ianguage

Iearning is liste ning to some thi ng in teresti ng. 3b 1.body Ian guage,expressi OnS 2.key

words 3.c On VerSati OnS eful 5.dict ionary

4a 1.c 2.e 3.f 4.a 5.b 6.d

SeCtiO n B

1c 1.pr OnUn CiatiO n 2.forgets 3.un dersta nd 4.writi ng

1d 1.Liste ning 2.write the new words 3.jo in an En glish Ian guage club 4.pe n pal

2c 1.The Writer does n?t think that every One is born With the ability to lear n well.

2. This is because StUdieS show that if you are in terested in

SOmething,your brain is more active and it is easier for you to Pay attentiOn to it fof a Iong time,You will also not get e it or lost it:If you stop doing SOmeth in g,you will forget how to do

it.Practice makes PerfeCt:If you do

SOmeth ing aga in and aga in,you will become Very good at it. 4.They Iear n from mistakes,a nd they are not afraid of making mistakes. 5.Take no tes by Writi ng

dow n key words or by draw ing mi nd maps. Look for WayS to review What has bee n Iear nt,e g,read the no tes every day or explain the in formatio n to ano ther StUde nt.

Self CheCk

1 develop,take notes ,PraCtiCe , remember , Until , everything , prepare ,worry about

2 2,6,4,1,5,7,3


Unit2答案 SeCtiO n A

1a 1.d 2.a 3.b 4.c

1b 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 2a 1.frie nds 2.H Ong Kong 3b 4,2,5,1,7,6,3 3c 1.admire 2.traditi Onal 3.magic


5.l aid 4a 1.1 think that the Lantern FSetiVal is beautiful. 2.I don?t know Wheth he will come home for the festival. 3.I believe that the Water FeStiVaI is the mosrt fun.

4.1 Won der if the moon CakeS are delicious.

5.How excit ing the races were!

6.What an interesting City ( Hong Kong is ) !

SeCtiO n B

1b 1.HaIIowee n is popular in North AmeriCa 2.They CeIerate Hallowee n Ono CtOber 31.3.Wu YU thi nks it is a fun festival.

1c 1.houses,turn of,windows

2.dress up,cartoOn


4.play,give 2b 1.people



4.the Drago n Boat FeStiVaI 2b

usually think adout gifs,Christmas trees and Santa

Claus. 2.Charles DiCkens weote A ChriStmaS Carol. 3.The true SPirit of ChriStmaS is the importa nce of Shari ng and givi ng love and joy to the people around us.

Self CheCk

1 betwee n,an d;lay;relatives;SPreSd,aro Un d;give out;bus in ess

2 1.How delicious the moon CakeS are! 2.What fun will the festival be?

3. H ow bori ng this ConCert is!

4.How excited

lam! 5.What loud music the band played!


SeCtiO n A

1b 1.buy some StamPS 2.post OffiCe 3.Ce nter Street 4.get a dict ionary

5. b ookstore

6.Ma in Street

2a (2)Turn left.(1)Go to the SeCOnd floor.(4)The SUPermarket is between the flower store

6. Ma in StrSeet

2a (2)TUr n left.(1)Go to the SeC Ond floor.(4)The SUPermarkt is betwee n the flower store and the bookstore.(3)Go PaSt the bookstore.

3a 1.Because She WaS afreid./ BeCaUSe She thought the ride looked Pretty scary.

She WaS glad that She tried it, and She found the ride fun.

2. A rock band plays there every evening.

Yes.The restaura nt is always busy, so they should get there early to get a table.

SeCtiO n B

1c Con VerSatiO n 1 : a good restaura nt

ConVerSatiOn 2 : PUbIiC restooms

ConVerSatiOn 3 : a good museum, history , SCience, ChiIdren?S, art, COmPUter

2b ParagraPh 1: When you ViSit a foreign CoUntry , it is important to know how to ask for help politely.

ParagraPh 2:Good SPeakerS Change the Way they SPeak in different SitUations.

ParagrPh 3: Usually polite questiOnS are Ionger.

ParagrPh 4: HOWeVer, it is important to learn how to USe the right Ianguage in different SitUations. 2c

Self CheCk

1. corner

2.rush, plan


4.polite , direct


SeCtiO n A

1b 1.short, glasses 2.tall, short hair 3.red , curly

2a CheCked:frie nl y,brave,outgo in g,sile nt,quiet,active

2b In the past:l.puiet,outgo ing 2.sice nce,music,pia no

Now:1.sports,soccer,swim 2.pia no

3a 2,3,1

3b 1.a nymore 2.popular 3.ha ng out 4.be CarefUI

4a 1.Grace USed to WatCh a lot of TV .She did n?t USe to WatCh a lot of movies.

2. My mom USed to have curly hair.She did n?t USe to have Straight hair.

3.Jerry USed to mom
