Health and Happiness (健康与幸福)





May you be in good health and good spirits.2.祝福你们健康长寿,快乐安康。

Wish you good health, long life, and happiness.3.愿你们健康平安,长命百岁。

May you have health and peace, and live to be a hundred years old.4.祝你们身体健康,事业顺利。

Wish you good health and a successful career.5.愿你们全家健康快乐,幸福安康。

May your family be healthy, happy, and safe.6.祝福你们保持健康,远离疾病。

Wish you to stay healthy and free from illness.7.愿你们身体健康,心情愉快,永远年轻。

May you be in good health, good spirits, and forever young.8.祝你们身体棒棒的,精神矍铄。

Wish you to be physically fit and mentally sharp.9.愿你们永远健康如意,无忧无虑。

May you always be healthy, happy, and worry-free.10.祝福你们身体硬朗,心情美满。

Wish you strong health and a happy mood.11.愿你们的身体健康如牛,越活越年轻。

May your health be as strong as a bull and grow younger with time.12.祝你们百病不侵,幸福长存。

Wish you to be free from all diseases and have lasting happiness.13.愿你们身体强壮,精神饱满。

Health and Happiness健康与幸福

Health and Happiness健康与幸福

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and lose sight of what makes you happy. Really happy. But making sure your happiness meter is giving optimal readings can provide many health benefits.Happy people have younger hearts, younger arteries, and a younger RealAge. Happy people recover more quickly from surgery, cope better with pain, have lower blood pressure, and have longer life expectancy than unhappy people.Studies also suggest that happy people may have stronger immune systems -- they're less likely to get colds and flu viruses. And when they do, their symptoms tend to be mild.Not surprisingly, happy people are better at looking after their health, too. When people's happiness levels improve, so do their health behaviors. They exercise more, wear sunscreen, and go for regular checkups.How to Get ThereEveryone wants to be happy, and the benefits are clearly plentiful. But the fact is that people aren't always great at predicting what will make them happy. If it's long-term happiness you're after, you may need to learn a few new tricks.What Is Happiness?We all know when we're happy and when we're not. But ask a roomful of people what makes them happy and you're likely to get a wide range of responses, from "watching the sunset" or "spending time with good friends" to "finding a great shoe sale" or "winning the office football pool."Defining happiness is no simple feat.In an effort to narrow the definition, researchers have devised a series of questionnaires to measure life satisfaction, positive mood, and subjective well-being. Some scientists are even beginning to use brain imaging to better understand the physiology of happiness. And economists have jumped on the happiness bandwagon, too, hoping to calculate the value of happiness within a sociopolitical context.So what have they discovered? What makes for a happy life?It's Partly Your GenesYour level of happiness is not entirely predetermined by your genes, but genes do play a part, just as they play a part in your general health. Some researchers estimate that as much as 40% to 50% of a person's capacityfor happiness may be genetically predetermined. And although that means some lucky people may start off with a greater propensity for happiness, it's no guarantee they'll lead a charmed life. Fortunately, evidence suggests that even the gloomiest of us can learn to be happier.And learn we must. Left to our own devices, we tend to focus our energies on things that will give us the greatest instant pleasure. Even when we know better.Test Your Happiness Know-HowThink you know the secret to happiness? Check the happiness accuracy of some of these common answers. You might be surprised.∙ A Massage and Pamper Day at the Spa
Aahhh, yes. A day at the spa is not only pleasurable, it's also a great de-stressor. And keeping your stress levels under control will have a positive effect on your physical and emotionalwell-being.∙Winning a Million DollarsWinning a million bucks will make you instantly wealthy, that's for sure. But happy? Not so much. Read on to find out why money won't buy you bliss.∙Renting a Beach House for a Week with Your Closest Friends
Spending quality time with good friends is one of the key components of a happy life. And taking time off to relax will also keep your stress levels low. But don't wait for rare opportunities like this to get together with your friends.∙Losing 10 Pounds
It's important to your health and happiness to maintain a healthy weight. But yo-yo dieting and lose-weight-quick scams are likely to starve you of the happiness you're after.∙World Peace
A noble aspiration, but you might want to start small—settingunrealistic goals may be a happiness deterrent. Do your part for peace by getting involved with an organization that promotesnonviolent conflict resolution or another peace-promoting issue you feel strongly about. Helping others and feeling a sense ofpurpose in life is linked to greater happiness.∙Finally Getting the Garage OrganizedIt may not be glamorous but it certainly is gratifying. Cleaning out the clutter and creating a usable space will give you a sense of achievement that's guaranteed to boost your well-being.∙Having Superhero Powers
Superhero powers would be super cool, without a doubt. But they might cause more stress than happiness. Plus, it's never going tohappen. By focusing on more attainable goals, you'll be more likely to make them come true and that will make you happy.∙ A Long Walk (or Run) in the Park
Physical activity is a great way to instantly increase your sense of well-being. And by incorporating exercise into your dailyroutine you'll be both healthier and happier in the long run.∙ A Sharp Rise in the Value of Your InvestmentsIt's wise to invest in your future but not so wise to link your happiness to the stock market. Contribute emotional capital to your relationships and personal growth and you may see a steady rise in your happiness levels.Read on to find out more about what makes people happy, what doesn't, and what you can do to live a full and happy life.Health and HappinessStudies show that a person's health is one of the strongest predictors of happiness. But the link between health and happiness is complex. Research shows little correlation between a person's objective health -- as defined by medical assessment -- and happiness. It's our subjective health -- how we view our health -- that affects our well-being. So is happiness all in your head?Not necessarily. For example, adverse changes in health do have a negative impact on happiness levels, at least temporarily. Poor health has the potential to significantly affect almost every aspect of your life: your independence, your self-image, your personal relationships, your ability to work and carry out basic daily activities. So it's no surprise that when your health takes a hit, your happiness does as well.But people are resilient. We become accustomed to new life circumstances, good or bad. We adapt. Within a month or two of an adverse health event, most people have gravitated back toward the level of happiness they enjoyed before their health took a turn for the worse.When the change in health status is severe, however -- for example, involving chronic pain or multiple disabilities -- the impact on happiness can be long lasting.And both physical health and emotional health influence happiness. Mood disorders diminish quality of life even more than chronic physical ailments, such as arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes.What You Can DoDo all that you can to maintain a healthy lifestyle and you'll be well on your way to a long life rich in happiness.Be your healthiest and happiest by eating a balanced diet with lots of fruit and veggies, keeping stress levels to a minimum, getting regular checkups, wearing sunscreen, laughing often, moderating alcohol intake, getting plenty of exercise, and not smoking. Your RealAge Plan will provide more personalized detail on this.Exercise not only helps keep you healthy but also keeps you happy. In general, increasing the amount of physical activity in your life increases well-being, whether it's yoga, weight training, or daily walks around the neighborhood. One study of nearly 7,000 men and women revealed that walking, jogging, or running between 11 and 19 miles per week was optimal for improving emotional well-being.But don't overdo it or underdo it. Moderate exercise offers the biggest boost in happiness.And if you think you may be living with a mood disorder, get it treated. Appropriate treatment can help reduce your symptoms, increase your sense of well-being, and get you back on track to a happy life.Social Side UpDeveloping your social side is crucial for well-being. Studies show that people who are socially active, who are compassionate, and who are emotionally generous have higher levels of happiness and live longer than people who lead a more solitary life.Research also shows that people who have strong interpersonal skills rank in the highest levels of happiness, and those who are socially isolated have substantially lower levels of well-being.Social skills are just one part of this happiness factor, though. People who maintain good personal relationships also fare better than people who are socially inactive. Open, trusting, intimate relationships are essential building blocks for a happy life.And it isn't only receiving support that makes us happy; it's being able to give support to others as well.Perfect PairsOf course, many see marriage as one of the ultimate social relationships. But studies on marriage and happiness are somewhat conflicting, and thecausal relationship between the two is unclear. On average, people who are married tend to report higher levels of happiness than people who are not married. Unmarried people in committed relationships also tend to be happier than people in casual relationships.But it's not clear if this is because people who are predisposed to being happy are more likely to marry, or because marriage itself makes people happier, or if there is still some other yet-to-be-discovered dynamic at play between marriage and happiness. Although observational studies clearly show an association between well-being and relationships, there is no evidence to prove that one causes the other.One theory for the correlation between happiness and marriage is that, compared with married people, people who aren't married tend to experience lower levels of social approval as well as fewer financial and social benefits. These factors may play a role in the lower levels of personal well-being reported by people who are not married.What You Can DoWhen important personal relationships come to an end, it can have a lasting negative impact on happiness. So use your energies to nurture the relationships that mean the most to you. Not all relationships are meant to be, of course, and getting out of a destructive relationship can do more for your health and happiness than staying in it. But if it is within your power to make a good relationship work, you have every reason to try.Keep all of your other personal relationships healthy, vibrant, and strong by spending quality time with friends and family. Make a standing date with the people you love -- it'll give you something to look forward to and help relieve stress levels.And while you're appreciating the people who are already near and dear, don't forget to welcome new friendships into your life.Happiness and the Meaningful LifeAccording to the founding father of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, a happy life is one that is pleasurable, engaging, and meaningful. And the more engaging and meaningful, the better. Seligman suggests that people who focus their energies on leading an engaged and meaningful life are more successful at achieving lifelong happiness than those who focus on the transitory feel-goods of pleasure.Research appears to support his theories. A study revealed that participants' subjective well-being was directly affected by the fulfillment they derived from the activities they spent most of theirenergy on, whether that was raising children, working, or volunteering. Research on aging shows that being actively involved in life is linked to increased levels of happiness.What You Can DoSpend more time doing what you love. Engaging in activities that are in line with your values and interests can improve your sense of well-being. If you feel as though you've lost touch with what those activities might be, think about what captivates you so entirely that you lose yourself in the moment and forget about your stress.It's likely to be something you're good at that also provides you with a bit of a challenge or some kind of emotional reward. Some examples might be gardening, writing, painting, surfing, cycling, volunteering, or playing a musical instrument.If you can make your activities social, all the better. Whereas personal hobbies, such as knitting, have been linked to an increase in happiness, social activities have been associated with an increase in both happiness and life expectancy.As you focus on bringing meaning to your life, be sure to set realistic, attainable goals. People who do so report being happier than people who focus on grandiose long-term goals. Being able to realize goals that reflect your personal values and interests can help reinforce your sense of autonomy, purpose, and achievement. This has been shown to contribute significantly to overall well-being.3 More Ways to Get Happy1. Forget the JonesesSocial comparison is a natural part of human behavior, and it can be a healthy source of both motivation and affirmation. But taken to the extreme, social comparison can become an unhealthy, unhappy competition. Try not to compare your successes to others. Happiness researchers identify this as a key detractor to life satisfaction.It can be especially harmful if you are making material comparisons. Some studies show that placing too much importance on material wealth can make people very unhappy.Just as people adapt to bad situations, they also adapt to good ones. With each new pay raise or purchase, aspirations also increase.People get used to the good life. Once the initial thrill of extra income and the latest luxuries wears off, they want more. Another raise, a faster car, a bigger house.It becomes a never-ending cycle that leaves people feeling perpetually unsatisfied.2. Share Your SkillsGiving back to the community and helping others is linked to greater levels of happiness, particularly for people who are retired or not employed. Volunteering in your community can provide a valuable social interaction, increase your sense of purpose, and, yes, make you happier.Check out the Network for Good Web site to search a database of volunteer organizations by zip code and area of interest.3. Do Your Happiness HomeworkSeligman and his happiness colleagues have devised and tested a number of exercises to help boost well-being. Here are several activities that have been found to be most effective:∙Take note of what's good in your life. Literally. Studies show that people who spend a few minutes every evening writing down what went well each day show a significant increase in well-being.∙Tone-up your signature strengths. Signature strengths are the things you're really good at. Discover your signature strengths at . Once you know what your strengths are, try using one of them in a new way every day for a week.∙Give gratitude. Write a letter of thanks to someone who has been particularly good to you or has had a profound impact on your life.Once the letter is written, deliver it personally to the recipient.If your gratitude letter has a long distance to travel, call the recipient to make sure it was received and tell the person on the phone how much you appreciate his or her presence in your life.No More MysteryThere is no mysterious magical formula that you have to follow exactly in order to achieve happiness. Happiness is a personal journey ofself-discovery. What makes you happy is not necessarily the same as what makes your friend, your partner, or your son or daughter happy.Experimenting with key happiness factors will help you find the combination that works for you. Just be sure to take stock now and then to see how your emotional health is doing. It's worth your time and attention. Not only does your health benefit from it, but there's nothinglike a contented smile, a look of ease, and a few sexy laugh lines to make you look -- and feel -- years younger.它很容易会陷入日常生活的喧嚣和忽略是什么使你快乐。







以下是一些经典的英国祝酒词,希望能为您在重要场合中的祝酒致辞提供一些启发:1. "May your glass be ever full. May the roof over your head be always strong. And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead."(愿你的酒杯永远饱满,愿你的屋顶永远坚固,愿你在魔鬼知道你死之前半小时抵达天堂。

)2. "Here's to the nights we'll never remember with the friends we'll never forget."(为那些我们永远不会忘记的朋友,一起度过的难忘之夜,干杯!)3. "May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live."(愿你想活多久就活多久,永远不会有所缺乏。

)5. "To absent friends."(为不在场的朋友们干杯。

)7. "May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies and quick to make friends."(愿你在不幸中贫穷,在祝福中富有,慢于结怨,快于交友。




To have a healthy body to have a sound spirit.2、幸福就在身边,健康就是天堂。

Happiness is in the side, the health is heaven.3、健康与才智,为人生两大幸福。

Health and intelligence, as the two great happiness of life.4、有健康的身体,才有健康的精神。

To have a healthy body, to have a healthy spirit.5、心灵健康而真诚,心胸广阔而积极。

Healthy and sincere heart, heart broad and active.6、天下有千种疾病,却只有一种健康。

The world has one thousand kinds of disease, but only a kind of health.7、健康不是一切,没有健康没有一切。

Health is not everything, all without health.8、幸福是良好的健康加上糟糕的记性。

Happiness is good health plus a bad memory.9、健康是智慧的条件,是愉快的标志。

Health is the condition of wisdom, is a sign of pleasure.10、没有健康,便没有生活上真正的快乐。

Without health, life is no real happiness.11、运动是健康的源泉,也是长寿的秘诀。

Sport is the source of health, is also the secret of longevity.12、健康不是一切,但没有健康就没有一切。




Sportscanmakepeoplehealthy,andhealthiswealth,healthish appiness,healthisbeauty.2、身体既是心智的基础,发展心智不能使身体吃亏。

Thebodyisthebasisofthemind.Developingthemindcannot makethebodysuffer.3、公平、和平、进步是竞技体育的核心价值。

Fairness,peaceandprogressarethecorevaluesofcompetitive sports.4、如果你想强壮,跑步吧!如果你想健美,跑步吧!如果你想聪明,跑步吧!Ifyouwanttobestrong,run!Ifyouwanttobefit,run!Ifyouwantt obesmart,run!5、运动是健康的源泉,也是长寿的秘诀。


Themostterriblethingthatcorrodeshumannatureisinertia,a ndsportisthenaturalenemyofinertia.7、养生之道,常欲小劳,但莫大疲,及强所不能耳。

Thewaytokeepingoodhealthistoworkhard,butnottobetired andstrong.8、运动是意志的煅烧,是心态的锻炼,是爱国的煅烧。

Sportsisthecalcinationofwill,theexerciseofmentality,andth ecalcinationofpatriotism.9、体育是健、力、美三维一体的组合。







下面就让我们来看看一些健康安乐的英语祝福语大全吧!1. Wishing you good health and happiness in life.祝你生活中健康快乐。

2. May you be blessed with good health and peace.愿你拥有健康和平安。

3. I hope you stay healthy and strong.希望你保持健康和坚强。

4. Wishing you a lifetime of good health and happiness.祝你健康幸福一生。

5. May you always be in good health.愿你永远健康。

6. I wish you a healthy and happy life.祝你健康快乐。

7. May you find peace and good health in everything you do.愿你所做的一切都能找到平安和健康。

8. Wishing you strength and good health in your journey.祝你在旅途中拥有力量和健康。

9. I hope you enjoy good health and well-being.希望你拥有健康和幸福。

10. May you be surrounded by love and good health.愿你被爱和健康环绕。

11. I wish you a healthy and prosperous future.祝你未来健康繁荣。

12. Wishing you a long life filled with good health and joy.祝你健康快乐的长寿。





Health is above wealth.2、健康是人生的第一财富。

Life the first wealth is health.3、保持健康是做人的责任。

To keep healthy is the responsibility of the person.4、幸福的首要条件在于健康。

The first condition of happiness on health.5、幸福的基础是健康的身体!Happiness is the basis of a healthy body!6、富人的财产是其健康的大敌。

The property of the rich is the enemy of the health.7、健康的精神寓于健全的身体。

Healthy spirit in a sound body.8、有健康叫资产,没健康叫遗产。

Health, called assets, no health by the name of heritage.9、欢乐就是健康,忧郁就是病魔。

Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease.10、健全的精神,寓于健全的体格。

Sound spirit, in a sound body.11、智慧之于灵魂犹如健康之于身体。

Wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body.12、健康的乞丐比有病的国王更幸福。

A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.13、健康是智慧的条件,是愉快的标志。

Health is the condition of wisdom, is a sign of pleasure.14、贤妻和健康是一个男子最宝贵的财富。

Health and Happiness健康与幸福

Health and Happiness健康与幸福

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and lose sight of what makes you happy. Really happy. But making sure your happiness meter is giving optimal readings can provide many health b e n e f i t s.Happy people have younger hearts, younger arteries, and a younger RealAge. Happy people recover more quickly from surgery, cope better with pain, have lower blood pressure, and have longer life expectancy than unhappy people.Studies also suggest that happy people may have stronger immune systems -- they're less likely to get colds and flu viruses. And when they do, their symptoms tend to be mild.Not surprisingly, happy people are better at looking after their health, too. When people's happiness levels improve, so do their health behaviors. They exercise more, wear sunscreen, and go for regular checkups.How to Get ThereEveryone wants to be happy, and the benefits are clearly plentiful. But the fact is that people aren't always great at predicting what will make them happy. If it's long-term happiness you're after, you may need to learn a few new tricks.What Is Happiness?We all know when we're happy and when we're not. But ask a roomful of people what makes them happy and you're likely to get a wide range of responses, from "watching the sunset" or "spending time with good friends" to "finding a great shoe sale" or "winning the office football pool."Defining happiness is no simple feat.In an effort to narrow the definition, researchers have devised a series of questionnaires to measure life satisfaction, positive mood, and subjective well-being. Some scientists are even beginning to use brain imaging to better understand the physiology of happiness. And economists have jumped on the happiness bandwagon, too, hoping to calculate the value of happiness within a sociopolitical context.So what have they discovered? What makes for a happy life?It's Partly Your GenesYour level of happiness is not entirely predetermined by your genes, but genes do play a part, just as they play a part in your general health. Some researchers estimate that as much as 40% to 50% of a person's capacity for happiness may be genetically predetermined. And although that means some lucky people may start off with a greater propensity for happiness, it's no guarantee they'll lead a charmed life. Fortunately, evidence suggests that even the gloomiest of us can learn to be happier.And learn we must. Left to our own devices, we tend to focus our energies on things that will give us the greatest instant pleasure. Even when we know better.Test Your Happiness Know-HowThink you know the secret to happiness? Check the happiness accuracy of some of these common answers. You might be surprised.• A Massage and Pamper Day at the Spa?•Aahhh, yes. A day at the spa is not only pleasurable, it's also a great de-stressor. And keeping your stress levels under control will have a positive effect on your physical and emotionalwell-being.•Winning a Million Dollars•Winning a million bucks will make you instantly wealthy, that's for sure. But happy? Not so much. Read on to find out why money won't buy you bliss.•Renting a Beach House for a Week with Your Closest Friends?•Spending quality time with good friends is one of the key components of a happy life. And taking time off to relax will also keep your stress levels low. But don't wait for rare opportunities like this to get together with your friends.•Losing 10 Pounds?•It's important to your health and happiness to maintain a healthy weight. But yo-yo dieting and lose-weight-quick scams are likely to starve you of the happiness you're after.•World Peace?• A noble aspiration, but you might want to start small—setting unrealistic goals may be a happiness deterrent. Do your part for peace by getting involved with an organization that promotesnonviolent conflict resolution or another peace-promoting issue you feel strongly about. Helping others and feeling a sense ofpurpose in life is linked to greater happiness.•Finally Getting the Garage Organized•It may not be glamorous but it certainly is gratifying. Cleaning out the clutter and creating a usable space will give you a sense of achievement that's guaranteed to boost your well-being.•Having Superhero Powers?•Superhero powers would be super cool, without a doubt. But they might cause more stress than happiness. Plus, it's never going to happen. By focusing on more attainable goals, you'll be more likely to make them come true and that will make you happy.• A Long Walk (or Run) in the Park?•Physical activity is a great way to instantly increase your sense of well-being. And by incorporating exercise into your dailyroutine you'll be both healthier and happier in the long run.• A Sharp Rise in the Value of Your Investments•It's wise to invest in your future but not so wise to link your happiness to the stock market. Contribute emotional capital to your relationships and personal growth and you may see a steady rise in your happiness levels.Read on to find out more about what makes people happy, what doesn't, and what you can do to live a full and happy life.Health and HappinessStudies show that a person's health is one of the strongest predictors of happiness. But the link between health and happiness is complex. Research shows little correlation between a person's objective health -- as defined by medical assessment -- and happiness. It's our subjective health -- how we view our health -- that affects our well-being. So is happiness all in your head?Not necessarily. For example, adverse changes in health do have a negative impact on happiness levels, at least temporarily. Poor health has the potential to significantly affect almost every aspect of your life: your independence, your self-image, your personal relationships, your ability to work and carry out basic daily activities. So it's no surprise that when your health takes a hit, your happiness does as well.But people are resilient. We become accustomed to new life circumstances, good or bad. We adapt. Within a month or two of an adverse health event, most people have gravitated back toward the level of happiness they enjoyed before their health took a turn for the worse.When the change in health status is severe, however -- for example, involving chronic pain or multiple disabilities -- the impact on happiness can be long lasting.And both physical health and emotional health influence happiness. Mood disorders diminish quality of life even more than chronic physical ailments, such as arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes.What You Can DoDo all that you can to maintain a healthy lifestyle and you'll be well on your way to a long life rich in happiness.Be your healthiest and happiest by eating a balanced diet with lots of fruit and veggies, keeping stress levels to a minimum, getting regular checkups, wearing sunscreen, laughing often, moderating alcohol intake, getting plenty of exercise, and not smoking. Your RealAge Plan will provide more personalized detail on this.Exercise not only helps keep you healthy but also keeps you happy. In general, increasing the amount of physical activity in your life increases well-being, whether it's yoga, weight training, or daily walks around the neighborhood. One study of nearly 7,000 men and women revealed that walking, jogging, or running between 11 and 19 miles per week was optimal for improving emotional well-being.But don't overdo it or underdo it. Moderate exercise offers the biggest boost in happiness.And if you think you may be living with a mood disorder, get it treated. Appropriate treatment can help reduce your symptoms, increase your sense of well-being, and get you back on track to a happy life.Social Side UpDeveloping your social side is crucial for well-being. Studies show that people who are socially active, who are compassionate, and who are emotionally generous have higher levels of happiness and live longer than people who lead a more solitary life.Research also shows that people who have strong interpersonal skills rank in the highest levels of happiness, and those who are socially isolated have substantially lower levels of well-being.Social skills are just one part of this happiness factor, though. People who maintain good personal relationships also fare better than people who are socially inactive. Open, trusting, intimate relationships are essential building blocks for a happy life.And it isn't only receiving support that makes us happy; it's being able to give support to others as well.Perfect PairsOf course, many see marriage as one of the ultimate social relationships. But studies on marriage and happiness are somewhat conflicting, and the causal relationship between the two is unclear. On average, people who are married tend to report higher levels of happiness than people who are not married. Unmarried people in committed relationships also tend to be happier than people in casual relationships.But it's not clear if this is because people who are predisposed to being happy are more likely to marry, or because marriage itself makes people happier, or if there is still some other yet-to-be-discovered dynamic at play between marriage and happiness. Although observational studies clearly show an association between well-being and relationships, there is no evidence to prove that one causes the other.One theory for the correlation between happiness and marriage is that, compared with married people, people who aren't married tend to experience lower levels of social approval as well as fewer financial and social benefits. These factors may play a role in the lower levels of personal well-being reported by people who are not married.What You Can DoWhen important personal relationships come to an end, it can have a lasting negative impact on happiness. So use your energies to nurture the relationships that mean the most to you. Not all relationships are meant to be, of course, and getting out of a destructive relationship can do more for your health and happiness than staying in it. But if it is within your power to make a good relationship work, you have every reason to try.Keep all of your other personal relationships healthy, vibrant, and strong by spending quality time with friends and family. Make a standing date with the people you love -- it'll give you something to look forward to and help relieve stress levels.And while you're appreciating the people who are already near and dear, don't forget to welcome new friendships into your life.Happiness and the Meaningful LifeAccording to the founding father of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, a happy life is one that is pleasurable, engaging, and meaningful. And the more engaging and meaningful, the better. Seligman suggests that people who focus their energies on leading an engaged and meaningful life are more successful at achieving lifelong happiness than those who focus on the transitory feel-goods of pleasure.Research appears to support his theories. A study revealed that participants' subjective well-being was directly affected by the fulfillment they derived from the activities they spent most of their energy on, whether that was raising children, working, or volunteering. Research on aging shows that being actively involved in life is linked to increased levels of happiness.What You Can DoSpend more time doing what you love. Engaging in activities that are in line with your values and interests can improve your sense of well-being. If you feel as though you've lost touch with what those activities might be, think about what captivates you so entirely that you lose yourself in the moment and forget about your stress.It's likely to be something you're good at that also provides you with a bit of a challenge or some kind of emotional reward. Some examples might be gardening, writing, painting, surfing, cycling, volunteering, or playing a musical instrument.If you can make your activities social, all the better. Whereas personal hobbies, such as knitting, have been linked to an increase in happiness, social activities have been associated with an increase in both happiness and life expectancy.As you focus on bringing meaning to your life, be sure to set realistic, attainable goals. People who do so report being happier than people who focus on grandiose long-term goals. Being able to realize goals that reflect your personal values and interests can help reinforce your sense of autonomy, purpose, and achievement. This has been shown to contribute significantly to overall well-being.3 More Ways to Get Happy1. Forget the JonesesSocial comparison is a natural part of human behavior, and it can be a healthy source of both motivation and affirmation. But taken to theextreme, social comparison can become an unhealthy, unhappy competition. Try not to compare your successes to others. Happiness researchers identify this as a key detractor to life satisfaction.It can be especially harmful if you are making material comparisons. Some studies show that placing too much importance on material wealth can make people very unhappy.Just as people adapt to bad situations, they also adapt to good ones. With each new pay raise or purchase, aspirations also increase.People get used to the good life. Once the initial thrill of extra income and the latest luxuries wears off, they want more. Another raise, a faster car, a bigger house.It becomes a never-ending cycle that leaves people feeling perpetually unsatisfied.2. Share Your SkillsGiving back to the community and helping others is linked to greater levels of happiness, particularly for people who are retired or not employed. Volunteering in your community can provide a valuable social interaction, increase your sense of purpose, and, yes, make you happier.Check out the Network for Good Web site to search a database of volunteer organizations by zip code and area of interest.3. Do Your Happiness HomeworkSeligman and his happiness colleagues have devised and tested a number of exercises to help boost well-being. Here are several activities that have been found to be most effective:•Take note of what's good in your life. Literally. Studies show that people who spend a few minutes every evening writing down what went well each day show a significant increase in well-being.••Give gratitude. Write a letter of thanks to someone who has been particularly good to you or has had a profound impact on your life.Once the letter is written, deliver it personally to the recipient.If your gratitude letter has a long distance to travel, call the recipient to make sure it was received and tell the person on the phone how much you appreciate his or her presence in your life.No More MysteryThere is no mysterious magical formula that you have to follow exactly in order to achieve happiness. Happiness is a personal journey ofself-discovery. What makes you happy is not necessarily the same as what makes your friend, your partner, or your son or daughter happy.Experimenting with key happiness factors will help you find the combination that works for you. Just be sure to take stock now and then to see how your emotional health is doing. It's worth your time and attention. Not only does your health benefit from it, but there's nothing like a contented smile, a look of ease, and a few sexy laugh lines to make you look -- and feel -- years younger.?它很容易会陷入日常生活的喧嚣和忽略是什么使你快乐。




Health is above wealth.2、健康是人生的第一财富。

Life the first wealth is health.3、保持健康是做人的责任。

To keep healthy is the responsibility of the person.4、幸福的首要条件在于健康。

The first condition of happiness on health.5、幸福的基础是健康的身体!Happiness is the basis of a healthy body!6、富人的财产是其健康的大敌。

The property of the rich is the enemy of the health.7、健康的精神寓于健全的身体。

Healthy spirit in a sound body.8、有健康叫资产,没健康叫遗产。

Health, called assets, no health by the name of heritage.9、欢乐就是健康,忧郁就是病魔。

Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease. 10、健全的精神,寓于健全的体格。

Sound spirit, in a sound body.11、智慧之于灵魂犹如健康之于身体。

Wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body.12、健康的乞丐比有病的国王更幸福。

A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.13、健康是智慧的条件,是愉快的标志。

Health is the condition of wisdom, is a sign of pleasure.14、贤妻和健康是一个男子最宝贵的财富。

A good wife and health is a man's most precious wealth.15、运动是健康的源泉,也是长寿的秘诀。



Health Is … 健康是…
• A state of harmony and free-flowing energy 一种能量自由流淌的和谐状态 Arising in a condition of openness, contact, connection and resonance (with self and other) 产生于(对自己和他人的)敞开、接触、连结与回应 Occurs on all dimensions of the being (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) 在生命的各个层面上发生(身体的,情绪的,精神与灵性的) With health comes growth and fulfillment 健康导致成长与满足
Stages of Relationship 关系的不同阶段
Separation 分离 Transcendence 超越 Apathy 冷漠
Power Struggle 权力斗争
Romance 罗曼蒂克
Integration 整合
Co-Creativity 共同创造
Commitment 承诺
Every Relationship goes through A Power Struggle Stage
The Haven Institute HAVEN学院
240 Davis Road Gabriola Island, BC Canada V0R 1X1
250-247-9211 Webห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
Power Struggle
The main issue is CONTROL



健康与幸福英文作文英文:Health and happiness are two essential aspects of human life. In my opinion, they are closely related to each other. Without good health, it is hard to experience true happiness, and without happiness, it is difficult to maintain good health.Firstly, good health is the foundation of happiness. When we are healthy, we have the energy and ability to pursue our goals and dreams. We can enjoy the simple pleasures of life, such as spending time with loved ones or engaging in hobbies we enjoy. On the other hand, when weare sick or in pain, it is hard to focus on anything else. We may feel frustrated and unhappy, and our quality of life may suffer.Secondly, happiness can contribute to good health. When we are happy, we tend to have a more positive outlook onlife, which can reduce stress and improve our immune system. We may also be more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, such as exercising regularly or eating a balanced diet. In contrast, when we are unhappy or stressed, we may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as overeating or smoking, which can have negative effects on our health.In conclusion, health and happiness are intertwined,and it is important to prioritize both in our lives. By taking care of our physical and mental well-being, we can experience greater happiness and fulfillment.中文:健康和幸福是人生中两个必不可少的方面。






近年来,一种新的概念开始逐渐兴起,即HBW(Health, Happiness, and Well-being),即健康、幸福和福祉的综合概念。


第一部分:HBW的概念和背景HBW(Health, Happiness, and Well-being)是一种综合性的概念,将健康、幸福和福祉视为一个整体。















1. 医疗健康领域:HBW的概念对传统的医疗模式进行了改进。




关于健康与快乐的英语作文英文回答:Health and happiness are two essential components of a fulfilling life. While they are often interconnected, they can also be pursued independently. Good health can contribute to happiness, and happiness can have a positive impact on health. However, it is important to note that one does not necessarily lead to the other.There are many factors that contribute to health, including genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Maintaining a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep are all important for physical and mental well-being. Avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption can also help to maintain good health.Happiness, on the other hand, is a more subjective concept. It can be defined as a state of well-being and contentment. There are many things that can contribute tohappiness, such as strong social connections, a sense of purpose, and gratitude. While material possessions can contribute to happiness, they are not essential.It is possible to be healthy and unhappy, or to be happy and unhealthy. However, there is a strong correlation between health and happiness. People who are healthy are more likely to be happy, and people who are happy are more likely to be healthy.There are many things that we can do to improve both our health and our happiness. Eating a healthy diet,getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep are all important for both physical and mental well-being. Building strong social connections, finding a sense of purpose, and practicing gratitude can all contribute to happiness.中文回答:健康和快乐是充实生活的两个基本要素。



健康和幸福英文作文英文:Health and happiness are two important aspects of life that are closely related. In my opinion, being healthy is the foundation of happiness. Without good health, it is difficult to enjoy life to the fullest. On the other hand, being happy can also contribute to good health. When we are happy, our body releases endorphins, which can help reduce stress and boost our immune system.Personally, I have experienced the benefits of being both healthy and happy. When I am in good health, I have more energy to do the things I love, such as hiking and traveling. This in turn makes me happy and fulfilled. Similarly, when I am happy, I am more motivated to take care of my health by eating well and exercising regularly.However, achieving both health and happiness can be a challenge. In today's fast-paced society, it can be easy toneglect our health in pursuit of success or happiness. For example, we may skip meals or sacrifice sleep to meet work deadlines or social obligations. This can lead to physical and mental health problems in the long run.Therefore, it is important to find a balance betweenour physical and emotional needs. This may involve making lifestyle changes such as eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular exercise. It may also involve seeking professional help if we are struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety or depression.In conclusion, health and happiness are two essential components of a fulfilling life. By prioritizing both our physical and emotional well-being, we can lead happy and healthy lives.中文:健康和幸福是生命中两个重要的方面,它们之间密切相关。



健康及幸福英语作文Title: The Interconnection of Health and Happiness。

Health and happiness are two fundamental aspects of human existence that are intricately interconnected. Inthis essay, we will explore the relationship between health and happiness, examining how they influence each other and contribute to overall well-being.Firstly, let's delve into the concept of health. Health encompasses not only the absence of illness but also physical, mental, and emotional well-being. When we are healthy, our bodies function optimally, allowing us to engage fully in life's activities. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, and proper stress management are key components of maintaining good health. Moreover, preventive measures such as vaccinations and regular health check-ups are crucial for early detection and treatment of any potential health issues.On the other hand, happiness is a subjective state of well-being characterized by feelings of contentment, fulfillment, and satisfaction with one's life. While external factors such as wealth, social status, and material possessions may contribute to momentary happiness, true and lasting happiness often stems from internalfactors such as positive relationships, personal growth, and a sense of purpose or meaning in life.Interestingly, numerous studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between health and happiness. For instance, individuals who report higher levels of happiness tend to have better physical health outcomes, including lower rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Conversely, poor health can significantly impact one's happiness and overall quality of life. Chronic pain, disability, or illness can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, and despair, undermining one's sense of well-being.Furthermore, the relationship between health and happiness operates in a bidirectional manner. Not only doesgood health contribute to happiness, but happiness itself can also promote better health outcomes. Positive emotions have been linked to strengthened immune function, faster recovery from illness, and increased longevity. Additionally, happy individuals are more likely to engagein health-promoting behaviors such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and seeking medical care when needed. Moreover, social support, which is closely tied to happiness, plays a vital role in buffering against stress and enhancing resilience in the face of adversity.In light of these findings, cultivating both health and happiness should be a priority for individuals andsocieties alike. Adopting a holistic approach to well-being that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional aspects is essential for leading a fulfilling and meaningful life. This may involve developing healthy habits, nurturing positive relationships, practicing gratitude and mindfulness, pursuing personal interests and passions, and contributing to the well-being of others through acts of kindness and altruism.In conclusion, health and happiness are deeply intertwined facets of human existence that mutually influence and reinforce each other. By prioritizing both our physical and emotional well-being, we can enhance our overall quality of life and unlock the full potential of human flourishing. As the saying goes, "Health is wealth," and indeed, true wealth lies not only in the absence of illness but also in the presence of happiness and fulfillment.。



健康和幸福英语英文:In the vast landscape of existence, health and happiness are two inextricably linked components that profoundly impact our overall sense of well-being.段落一:健康是生活中的基石,它不仅关乎我们的生理状态,也深深影响着我们的情绪及精神层面。



在英语中,我们强调这一点时会说,“Health is the foundation of a happy life. It concerns not only our physical state but also greatly affects our emotional and mental well-being. Maintaining good health through balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest enables us to tackle daily challenges and enjoy life's pleasures.”段落二:另一方面,幸福并非仅依赖于健康的身体,心理健康同样至关重要。


如同一句英语谚语所说,“Happiness is not merely the absence of disease or pain; it is about having a sound mind in a healthy body. Innerpeace, a positive mindset, and a fulfilling spiritual life are equally pivotal for true happiness.”段落三:同时,健康与幸福相互促进,形成良性循环。

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Health and Happiness
Happiness lies first of all in health. Only when we have a healthy body can we do other things. Happiness is just like a beautiful garden, and health is the key to open the door. If we want to enjoy the flower, and feel the fragrance of them, we must try to open the door first.
Health includes two sides: physical health and mental health. Happiness is a feeling of wellbeing with a state of health. In order to have happiness, firstly, we should try our best to have a healthy body. But it is true that many people who are physically healthy are not happy. In the university campus, we can see a lot of confused people wasting their time to do some meaningless things and ignore studies and interpersonal relationship completely. As a result, these people feel very depressed after they graduate. That’s because they don’t have mental health. The famous psychologist Freud said health involves the ability to love and work. People who are emotionally and mentally healthy have the tools to cope with difficult situations and to maintain a positive outlook. They also tend to remain focused, flexible, and creative in bad times as well as good.Life is a long journey. Obstacles and hardships occur from time to time. Nobody wants to see happiness slips away due to a lack of mental strength to crack difficulties, neither do I. When we face physical
disability or other diseases, what should we do? Should we fear and quit? Should we be at a loss as to what to do? Or should we, like Helen Keller, smile to them and face them confidently? Nobody can be healthy all the time, what we should do is work hard, and love the people around you. No matter what happened, we should have a positive attitude to be healthy.
A healthy body is an ingredient to promote happiness. However, happiness does not depend on it alone. Only when we have the real health: both physical and mental health, can we enjoy our life. And only with a positive attitude can we live in happiness.
Health and happiness, it is not an either-or question because no matter which one you choose, the other will come to your threshold soon.。
