2023年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学(二)试题及答案考试时间:180分钟,满分:150分一、选择题:1~10小题,每小题5分,共50分,下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求,请将所选项前的字母填在答题纸指定位置上.(1)曲线1ln()1yx e x =+−的斜渐近线方程维( ) (A)y x e =+ (B)1y x e=+(C)y x = (D)1y x e=−【答案】B(2)设0()(1)cos ,0x f x x x x ≤=+>⎩的一个原函数为( )(A)),0()(1)cos sin ,0x x F x x x x x ⎧⎪−≤=⎨+−>⎪⎩(B))1,0()(1)cos sin ,0x x F x x x x x ⎧⎪−+≤=⎨+−>⎪⎩(C)),0()(1)sin cos ,0x x F x x x x x ⎧⎪+≤=⎨++>⎪⎩(D))1,0()(1)sin cos ,x x F x x x x x ⎧⎪++≤=⎨++>⎪⎩【答案】D (3)已知{}n x ,{}n y 满足1112x y ==,1sin n n x x +=,21(1,2,)n n y y n +== ,则当n →∞时( )(A)n x 是n y 的高阶无穷小(B)n y 是n x 的高阶无穷小(C)n x 与n y 是等价无穷小(D)n x 与n y 是同阶但不等价的无穷小【答案】B(4)若微分方程0y ay by ′′′++=的解在(,)−∞+∞上有界,则( )(A)0,0a b <>(B)0,0a b >>(C)0,0ab =>(D)0,0ab =<【答案】C(5)设函数()y f x =由2sin x t ty t t⎧=+⎪⎨=⎪⎩确定,则( )(A)()f x 连续,(0)f ′不存在(B)(0)f ′存在,()f x ′在0x =处不连续(C)()f x ′连续,(0)f ′不存在(D)(0)f ′′存在,()f x ′在0x =处不连续【答案】C (6)若函数121()(ln )f dx x x αα+∞+=⎰在0αα=处取得最小值,则0α=( ) (A)1ln(ln 2)−(B)ln(ln 2)− (C)1ln 2(D)ln 2【答案】A (7)设函数2()()x f x x a e =+,若()f x 没有极值点,但曲线()y f x =有拐点,则a 的取值范围是( )(A)[0,1)(B)[1,)+∞(C)[1,2)(D)[2,)+∞【答案】C(8)设A ,B 为n 阶可逆矩阵,*M 为矩阵M 的伴随矩阵,则*A E OB ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭( ) (A)****A B B A O B A ⎛⎫−⎪⎝⎭(B)****B A A B O A B ⎛⎫−⎪⎝⎭(C)****B A B A OA B ⎛⎫−⎪⎝⎭(D)****A B A B OB A ⎛⎫−⎪⎝⎭【答案】B (9)二次型222123121323(,,)()()4()f x x x x x x x x x =+++−−的规范形为( )(A)2212y y +(B)2212y y −(C)2221234y y y +−(D)222123y y y +−【答案】B(10)已知向量1123α⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,2211α⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,1259β⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,2101β⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪⎪⎝⎭,若γ既可由12,αα线性表示,也可由12,ββ线性表示,则γ=( )(A)33,4k k R ⎛⎫ ⎪∈ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭(B)35,10k k R ⎛⎫ ⎪∈ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭(C)11,2k k R −⎛⎫ ⎪∈ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭(D)15,8k k R ⎛⎫ ⎪∈ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭【答案】D二、填空题:11~16小题,每小题5分,共30分,请将答案写在答题纸指定位置上. (11)当0x →时,函数2()ln(1)f x ax bx x =+++与2()cos x g x e x =−是等价无穷小,则ab =________【答案】2(12)曲线y =⎰的弧长为________43π(13)设函数(,)z z x y =由2ze xz x y +=−确定,则2(1,1)2zx∂=∂_________【答案】32−(14)曲线35332x y y =+在1x =对应点处的法线斜率为________【答案】119−(15)设连续函数()f x 满足:(2)()f x f x x +−=,2()0f x dx =⎰,则31()f x dx =⎰_______【答案】12(16)已知线性方程组13123123121202ax x x ax x x x ax ax bx +=⎧⎪++=⎪⎨++=⎪⎪+=⎩有解,其中,a b 为常数,若0111412a a a =,则11120a a ab =_______【答案】8三、解答题:17~22小题,共70分.请将解答写在答题纸指定的位置上.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.(17)(本题满分10分)设曲线:()()L y y x x e =>经过点2(,0)e ,L 上任一点(,)P x y 到y 轴的距离等于该点处的切线在y 轴上的截距(1)求()y x ;(2)在L 上求一点,使得该点处的切线与两坐标轴所围三角形的面积最小。
研究生入学考试文学理论(文学作为活动)模拟试卷2(总分88, 做题时间90分钟)1. 单项选择题单项选择题下列各题的备选答案中,只有一个是符合题意的。
1.体现了新批评派文本中心论的主要术语是( )。
SSS_SINGLE_SELA 意图谬见,感受谬见B 文学性、陌生化C 垂直接受,水平接受D 期待视界、视界融合该问题分值: 2答案:B2.俄国形式主义将文学视为( )。
SSS_SINGLE_SELA 对现实的反映B 内在情感的表现C 语言的特殊用法D 神秘现象的显现该问题分值: 2答案:C3.在《列夫托尔斯泰是俄国革命的镜子》一文中,首次用反映这个词说明了文学是对于生活的反映,这篇文章的作者是( )。
SSS_SINGLE_SELA 马克思B 恩格斯C 列宁D 斯大林该问题分值: 2答案:C4.提出:“**力量对民族性格的形成有着决定性的影响”,并以此分析了资本主义率先在西欧发生的原因的是( )。
SSS_SINGLE_SELA 列维-斯特劳斯B 马克斯.韦伯C 普罗普D 弗莱该问题分值: 2答案:B5.最早提出艺术起源于模仿的是( )。
SSS_SINGLE_SELA 雅典人B 斯巴达克人C 古希腊人D 古罗马人该问题分值: 2答案:C6.亚里士多德认为文学艺术是起源于( )。
SSS_SINGLE_SELA 原始**B 祭祀C 人的模仿本能D 人的劳动该问题分值: 2答案:C2. 填空题填空题请完成下列各题,在各题的空处填入恰当的答案。
1.文学由于( )功能的作用而产生其他一些社会功能,如认识作用、教育作用、娱乐作用等。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:审美2.“寓教于乐”最早是由( )提出的。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:贺拉斯3.孔子的“兴观群怨”说和西方理论家( )的“寓教于乐”说都揭示了文艺的( )。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI该问题分值: 2答案:正确答案:贺拉斯社会功能4.在神话和各种巫术仪式中包含了文学艺术的基本精神和基本形式,即( )。
全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答题卡报考单位考生姓名A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A AB B B B B E BB BB B B B B B E B B B B B B B B B E B B B B B B B B B E B B B B B B B B B E B B B BC C C C C F C C C C C C C C C F C C C C C C C C C F C C C C C C C C C F C C C C C C C C C F C C C CD D D D D G D D D DDD D DD GDD D DDD D DD GDD D DD D D D D GD D D DD D D D D G D D D D111213141616263631323334381828382122232427172737414243444919293951525354510203040Section ⅠSection Ⅱ Reading ComprehensionUse of English Part A Part B第1页(共4页)Section Ⅲ Translation 46.考生信息条形码粘贴位置试卷条形码粘贴位置请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域的答案无效请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域的答案无效第2页(共4页)Section Ⅳ Writing Part ASection Ⅳ WritingPart B 47.48.请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域的答案无效请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域的答案无效请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域的答案无效请在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域的答案无效第3页(共4页)第4页(共4页)考生姓名:____________________98。
燕山大学研究生入学考试 自动控制原理考卷及答案(2)
三、 (共 24 分)
1、1 型、2 阶 (2 分) 2、K=1 (2 分) n =1 rad / s (2 分)
d n 1 2
3、 GK ( s)
3 0.866 rad / s (2 分) 2
(2 分) (1 分) (1 分) (1 分) (1 分) (1 分)
1 s( s 1) 4、 K p lim GK ( s)
s3 s2
2、 (6 分) (a)N+-N-=0-2=0,ZR=PR-2N=6,所以闭环不稳定。 (3 分) (b)N+-N-=2-1=1,ZR=PR-2N=0,所以闭环稳定。 (3 分)
六、 (共 9 分)
1、 (4 分)
4 2 s( s 2) s(0.5s 1) 所以, K 2 , 20 lg K 20 lg 2 6dB ; T 2 L ( ) / dB -20dB/dec GK ( s)
燕山大学试卷 密 封 线 共 8 页 第 2、已知最小相位系统对数幅频渐近线如图,试求对应的传递函数 G( s) 。 (6 分)
L() / dB
5 页
0dB / dec
20dB / dec
/ rad s 1
ms 2 X o ( s ) fsX o ( s ) (k1 k 2 ) X o ( s ) (k1 k 2 ) X i ( s )
X o ( s) k1 k 2 X i ( s) ms 2 fs k1 k 2
X o ( s) R 2 1 / Cs R 2 Cs 1 X i ( s) R 1 R 2 1/Cs (R1 R 2 )Cs 1
v-2022 全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题
考生姓名:__________________考生编号:Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET .( 10 points)Harlan Coben believes that if you’re a writer, you’ll find the time; and that if you can’t find the time, then writing isn’t a priority and you’re not a writer. For him writing is a (1)____ job—a job like any other. He has (2) ____ it with plumbing, pointing out that a plumber doesn’t wake up and say that he can’t work with pipes today.(3)____, like most writers these days, you’re holding down a job to pay the bills, it’s not(4)____ to find the time to write. But it’s not impossible. It requires determination and single-mindedness. (5)____ that most bestselling authors began writing when they were doing other things to earn a living. And today, even writers who are fairly (6)____ often have to do other work to (7)____ their writing income.As Harlan Coben has suggested, it’s a (8)____ of priorities. To make writing a priority, you’ll have to (9)____ some of your day-to-day-activities and some things you really enjoy. Depending on your (10)____ and your life style, that might mean spending less time watching television or listening to music, though some people can write (11)____ they listen to music. You might have to (12)____ the amount of exercise or sport you do. You’ll have to make social media an (13)____ activity rather than a daily, time-consuming (14)____. There’ll probably have to be less socializing with your friends and less time with your family. It’s a (15)____ learning curve, and it won’t always make you popular.There’s just one thing you should try to keep at least some time for, (16)____ your writing—and that’s reading. And writer needs to read as much and as widely as they can; it’s the one (17)____ supporter something you can’t do without.Time is finite. The older you get, the (18)____ it seems to go. We need to use it as carefully and as (19)____ as we can. That means prioritising our activities so that we spend most time on the things we really want to do. If you’re a writer, that means —(20)____—writing.1.A. difficult B. normal C. steady D. pleasant2.A. combined B. compared C. confused D. confronted3.A. If B. Though C. Once D. Unless4.A. enough B. strange C. wrong D. easy5.A. Accept B. Explain C. Remember D. Suppose6.A. well-known B. well-advised C. well-informed D. well-chosen7.A. donate B. generate C. supplement D. calculate8.A. cause B. purpose C. question D. condition9.A. highlight B. sacrifice C. continue D. explore10.A. relations B. interests C. memories D. skills11. A. until B. because C. while D. before12. A. put up with B. make up for C. hang on to D. cut down on13.A. intelligent B. occasional C. intensive D. emotional14.A. habit B. test C. decision D. plan15.A. tough B. gentle C. rapid D. funny16.A. in place of B. in charge of C. in response to D. in addition to17.A. indispensable B. innovative C. invisible D. instant18.A. duller B. harder C. quieter D. quicker19.A. peacefully B. generously C. productively D. gratefully20.A. at most B. in turn C. on average D. above allSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C, or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1On a recent sunny day13.000 chickens roam over Larry Brown’s 40 windswept acres in Shiner, Texas. Some rest in the shade of a parked car. Others drink water with the cows. This all seems random, but it’s by design, part of what the $6.1 billion U.S. egg industry bets will be its next big thing: climate-friendly eggs.These eggs, which are making their debut now on shelves for as much as $8 a dozen, are still labeled organic and animal-friendly, but they’re also from birds that live on farms using regenerative agriculture—special techniques to cultivate rich soils that can trap green house gases. Such eggs could be marketed as helping to fight climate change.“I’m excited about our progress” says Brown, who is adding more cover crops that draw worms and crickets for the chickens to eat. The birds’ waste then fertilizes fields. Such improvements “allow our hens to forage for higher-quality natural feed that will be good for the land, the hens, and the eggs that we supply to our customers.”The egg industry’s push is the first major test of whether animal products from regenerative farms can become the next premium offering. In barely more than a decade, organic eggs went from being dismissed as a niche product in natural foods stores to being sold at Walmart. More recently there were similar doubts about probiotics and plant-based meats, but both have exploded into major supermarket categories. If the sustainable-egg rollout is successful, it could open the floodgates for regenerative beef, broccoli, and beyond.Regenerative products could be a hard sell, because the concept is tough to define quickly, says Julie Stanton, associate professor of agricultural economics at Pennsylvania State University Brandywine. Such farming also brings minimal, if any, improvement to the food products (though some producers say their eggs have more protein).The industry is betting that the same consumers paying more for premium attributes such as free-range, non-GMO, and pasture-raised eggs will embrace sustainability. Surveys show that younger generations are more concerned about climate change, and some of the success of plant-based meat can be chalked up to shoppers wanting to signal their desire to protect the environment. Young adults “really care about the planet”, says John Brunnquell, president of Egg Innovations. “They are absolutely altering the food chain beyond what I think even they understand what they’re doing.”21. The climate-friendly eggs are produced ________.[A] at a considerably low cost[B] at the demand of regular shoppers[C] as a replacement for organic eggs[D] on specially designed forms22. Larry Brown is excited about his progress in ________.[A] reducing the damage of worms[B] accelerating the disposal of waste[C] creating a sustainable system[D] attracting customers to his products23. The example of organic eggs is used in paragraph 4 to suggest________.[A] the doubts over natural foods[B] the setbacks in the eggs industry[C] the potential of regenerative products[D] the promotional success of supermarkets24. It can be learned from the last paragraph that young people ________.[A] are reluctant to change their diet[B] are likely to buy climate-friendly eggs[C] are curious about new foods[D] are amazed at agricultural advances25. John Brungvel would disagree with Julie Stanton over regenerative products’ ________.[A] markets prospects[B] nutritional value[C] standard definition[D] moral implicationsText 2More Americans are opting to work well into retirement, a growing trend that threatens to upend the old workforce model.One in three Americans who are at least 40 have, or plan to have a job in retirement to prepare for a longer life, according to a survey conducted by Harris Poll for TD Ameritrade. Even more surprising is that more than half of “unretirees” —those who plan to work in retirement or went back to work after retiring —said they would be employed in their later years even if they had enough money to settle down, the survey showed.Financial needs aren’t the only culprit for the “unretirement” trend. Other reasons, according to the study, include personal fulfillment such as staying mentally fit, preventing boredom or avoiding depression.“The concept of retirement is evolving.” said Christine Russell, senior manager of retirement at TD Ameritrade. “It’s not just about finances. The value of work is also driving folks to continue working past retirement.”One reason for the change in retirement patterns: Americans are living longer. Older Americans are also the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. workforce. The percentage of retirement-age people in the labor force has doubled over the past three decades. About 20% of people 65 and older were in the workforce in February 2019, up from an all-time low of 10% in January 1985, according to money manager United Income.Because of longer life spans, Americans are also boosting their savings to preserve their nest eggs, the TD Ameritrade study showed, which surveyed 2,000 adults between 40 to 79. Six in 10 “unretirees” are increasing their savings in anticipation of a longer life. Among the most popular ways they are doing this, the company said, is by reducing their overall expenses, securing life insurance or maximizing their contributions to retirement accounts.Unfortunately, many people who are opting to work in retirement are preparing to do so because they are worried about making ends meet in their later years, said Brent Weiss, a co-founder at Baltimore-based financial-planning firm Facet Wealth. He suggested that preretirees should speak with a financial adviser to set long-term financial goals.“The most challenging moments in life are getting married, starting a family and ultimately retiring.” Weiss said. “It’s not just a financial decision, but an emotional one. Many people believethey can’t retire.”26. The survey conducted by Haris Poll indicates that ________.A. over half of the retirees are physically fit for workB. the old workforce is as active as the younger oneC one in three Americans enjoy earlier retirementD. more Americans are willing to work in retirement27. It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that Americans tend to think that ________.A. retirement may cause problems for themB. boredom can be relieved after retirementC. the mental health of retirees is overlookedD. “unretirement” contributes to the economy28. Retirement patterns are changing partly due to ________.A. labor shortageB. population growthC. longer life expectancyD. rising living costs29. Many retirees are increasing their savings by ________.A. investing more in stocksB. taking up odd jobsC. getting well-paid workD. spending less30. With regard to retirement, Bent Weiss thinks that many people are ________.A. unpreparedB. unafraidC. disappointedD. enthusiasticText 3We have all encountered them, in both our personal and professional lives. Think about the times you felt tricked or frustrated by a membership or subscription that had a seamless sign-up process but was later difficult to cancel. Something that should be simple and transparent can be complicated, intentionally or unintentionally, in ways that impair consumer choice. These are example of dark patterns.First coined in 2010 by user experience expert Harry Brignull, “dark patterns” is a catch-all term for practices that manipulate user interfaces to influence the decision-making ability of users. Brignull identifies 12 types of common dark patterns, ranging from misdirection and hidden costs to “roach motel,” where a user experience seems easy and intuitive at the start, but turns difficult when the user tries to get out.In a 2019 study of 53,000 product pages and 11,000 websites, researchers found that about one in 10 employs these design practices. Though widely prevalent, the concept of dark patterns is still not well understood. Business and nonprofit leaders should be aware of dark patterns and try to avoid the gray areas they engender.Where is the line between ethical, persuasive design and dark patterns? Businesses should engage in conversations with IT, compliance, risk, and legal teams to review their privacy policy, and include in the discussion the customer/user experience designers and coders responsible for the company’s user interface, as well as the marketers and advertisers responsible for sign-ups, checkout baskets, pricing, and promotions. Any or all these teams can play a role in creating or avoiding “digital deception.”Lawmakers and regulators are slowly starting to address the ambiguity around dark patterns, most recently at the state level. In March, the California Attorney General announced the approval of additional regulations under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that “ensure that consumers will not be confused or misled when seeking to exercise their data privacy rights.” The regulations aim to ban dark patterns—this means prohibiting companies from using “confusing language or unnecessary steps such as forcing them to click through multiple screens or listen to reasons why they shouldn’t opt out.”As more states consider promulgating additional regulations, there is a need for greater accountability form within the business community. Dark pattern also be addressed on a self-regulatory basis, but only if organizations hold themselves accountable, not just to legal requirements, but also to industry best practices and standards.31.It can be learned from the first two paragraphs that dark patterns ________.A. improve user experiencesB. leak user information for profitC. undermine users’ decision-makingD. remind users of hidden costs32. The 2019 study on dark pattern is mentioned to show ________.A. their major flawsB. their complex designsC. their severe damageD. their strong presence33. To handle digital deception, business should ________.A. listen to customer feedbackB. talk with relevant teamsC. turn to independent agenciesD. rely on professional training34. The additional regulations under the CCPA are intended to ________.A. guide user though opt-out processesB. protect consumers from being trickedC. grant companies data privacy rightsD. restrict access to problematic content35. According to the last paragraph, a key to coping with dark patterns is ________.A. new legal requirementsB. business’ self-disciplineC. strict regulatory standardsD. Consumers’ safety awarenessText 4Although ethics classes are common around the world, scientists are unsure if their lessons can actually change behavior; evidence either way is weak, relying on contrived laboratory tests or sometimes unreliable self-reports. But a new study published in Cognition found that, in at least one real-world situation, a single ethics lesson may have had lasting effects.The researchers investigated one class session’s impact on eating meat. They chose this particular behavior for three reasons, according to study co-author Eric Schwitzgebel, a philosopher at the University of California, Riverside: students’ attitudes on the topic are variable and unstable, behavior is easily measurable, and ethics literature largely agrees that eating less meat is good because it reduces environmental harm and animal suffering. Half of the students in four large philosophy classes read an article on the ethics of factory-farmed meat, optionally watched an 11-minute video on the topic and joined a 50-minute discussion. The other half focused on charitable giving instead. Then, unknown to the students, the researchers studied their anonymized meal-card purchases for that semester—nearly 14,000 receipts for almost 500 students.Schwitzgebel predicted the intervention would have no effect; he had previously found that ethics professors do not differ from other professors on a range of behaviors, including voting rates, blood donation and returning library books. But among student subjects who discussed meat ethics, meal purchases containing meat decreased from 52 to 45 percent—and this effect held steady for the study’s duration of several weeks. Purchases from the other group remained at 52 percent.“That’s actually a pretty large effect for a pretty small intervention,” Schwitzgebel says. Psychologist Nina Strohminger at the University of Pennsylvania, who was not involved in the study, says she wants the effect to be real but cannot rule out some unknown confounding variable. And if real, she notes, it might be reversible by another nudge: “Easy come, easy go.”Schwitzgebel suspects the greatest impact came from social influence—classmates or teaching assistants leading the discussions may have shared their own vegetarianism, showing it as achievable or more common. Second, the video may have had an emotional impact. Least rousing, he thinks, was rational argument, although his co-authors say reason might play a bigger role. Now the researchers are probing the specific effects of teaching style, teaching assistants’ eating habits and students’ video exposure. Meanwhile, Schwitzgebel—who had predicted no effect—will be eating his words.36. Scientists generally believe that the effects of ethics classes are ________.[A] hard to determine[B] narrowly interpreted[C] difficult to ignore[D] poorly summarized37. Which of the following is a reason for the researchers to study meat-eating?[A] It is common among students.[B] It is a behavior easy to measure.[C] It is important to students’ health.[D] It is a hot topic in ethics classes.38. Eric Schwitzgebel’s previous findings suggest that ethics professors ________.[A] are seldom critical of their students[B] are less sociable than other professors[C] are not sensitive to political issues[D] are not necessarily ethically better39. Nina Strohminger thinks that the effect of the intervention is ________.[A] permanent[B] predictable[C] uncertain[D] unrepeatable40. Eric Schwitzgebel suspects that the students’ change in behavior ________.[A] can bring psychological benefits[B] can be analyzed statistically[C] is a result of multiple factors[D] is a sign of self-developmentPart BDirections: Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the list A-G for each of the numbered paragraphs(41-45). There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)[A] Make it a habit[B] Don’t go it alone[C] Start low, go slow[D] Talk with your doctor[E] Listen to your body[F] Go through the motions[G] Round out your routineHow to Get Active AgainGetting back into exercise after a break can be a challenge in the best of times, but with gyms and in-person exercise classes off-limits to many people these days, it can be tricky to know where to start. And it is important to get the right dose of activity. “Too much too soon either results in injury or burnout,” says Mary Yoke, PhD, a faculty member in the kinesiology department at Indiana University in Bloomington. The following simple strategies will help you return to exercise safely after a break.41.__________________Don’t try to go back to what you were doing before your break. If you were walking 3 miles a day, playing 18 holes of golf three times a week, or lifting 10-pound dumbbells for three sets of 10 reps, reduce activity to half a mile every other day, or nine holes of golf once a week with short walks on other days, or use 5-pound dumbbells for one set of 10 reps. Increase time, distance, and intensity gradually. “This isn’t something you can do overnight,” says Keri L. Denay, MD, lead author of a recent American College of Sports Medicine advisory that encourages Americans to not overlook the benefits of activity during the pandemic. But you’ll reap benefits such as less anxiety and improved sleep right away.42. __________________If you’re breathing too hard to talk in complete sentences, back off. If you feel good, go a little longer or faster. Feeling wiped out after a session? Go easier next time. And stay alert to serious symptoms, such as chest pain or pressure, severe shortness of breath or dizziness, or faintness, and seek medical attention immediately.43. __________________Consistency is the key to getting stronger and building endurance and stamina. Ten minutes of activity per day is a good start, says Marcus Jackovitz, DPT, a physical therapist at the University of Miami Hospital. All the experts we spoke with highly recommend walking because it's the easiest, most accessible form of exercise. Although it can be a workout on its own, if your goal is to get back to Zumba classes, tennis, cycling. or any other activity, walking is also a great first step.44.__________________Even if you can’t yet do a favorite activity, you can practice the moves. With or without a club or racket, swing like you're hitting the ball. Paddle like you’re in a kayak or canoe. Mimic your favorite swimming strokes. The action will remind you of the joy the activity brought you and prime your muscles for when you can get out there again.45.__________________Exercising with others “can keep you account-able and make it more fun, s0 you e more likely to do it again,” Jackovitz says. You can do activities such as golf and tennis or take a walk with others and still be socially distant. But when you can’t connect in person, consider using technology. Chat on the phone with a friend while you walk around your neighborhood. FaceTime with a relative as you strength train or stretch at home. You can also join a livestream or on-demand exercise class.Section III Translation46. Directions: Translate the following text from English into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET(15 points)Although we try our best, sometimes our paintings rarely turn out as originally planned. Changes in the light, the limitations of your painting materials, and the lack of experience and technique mean that what you start out trying to achieve may not come to life the way that you expected.Although this can be frustrating and disappointing, it turns out that this can actually be goodfor you. Unexpected results have two benefits: you pretty quickly learn to deal with disappointment and realise that when one door closes, another opens. You also quickly learn to adapt and come up with creative solutions to the problems the painting presents, and thinking outside the box will become your second nature.In fact, creative problem-solving skills are incredibly useful in daily life, with which you’re more likely to be able to find a solution when a problem arises.Section IV WritingPart A47. Directions: Suppose you are planning a campus food festival, write an email to international students in your university to1) introduce the food festival, and2) invite them to participate.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)Part B48. Directions: Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should1)interpret the chart, and2)give your comments.You should write at least 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)2022年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试(英语二)试题参考答案Section II: Reading Comprehension (50 points)46. 虽然我们竭尽所能,但有时我们的画作很少符合我们最初的计划。
2021年理论物理专业 研究生入学考试《量子力学》试题(试卷二)一、(10分)。
设粒子(能量E>0)由左入射,碰到势场⎩⎨⎧<->=0)(0x V x x V ,其中V 0>0,求粒子在势壁x=0处的透射系数。
1.假定矢量算符A ˆ和B ˆ都与Pauli 算符σˆ对易,试证明:)ˆˆ(ˆˆˆ)ˆˆ)(ˆˆ(B A i B A B A ⨯⋅+⋅=⋅⋅σσσ;2.试证明轨道角动量算符l ˆ和动量算符pˆ满足关系: pi l p p l ˆ2ˆˆˆˆ =⨯+⨯;3.假定有两个电子,自旋态分别是:⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=01α;⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=+-)2/()2/(2/2/θθβϕϕSin e Cos e i i ;试证明由这两个电子组成的体系处于自旋单态和三重态时的几率分别是:)21(2120θCos W S -==和)21(2121θCos W S +==;三、选择题(每题5分,共6题,共计30分。
(a)、力学量的表示;(b)、体系的状态;(c)、力学量的本征值;(d)、两个波函数的内积;(e)、力学量的平均值;4.下列说法正确的有 。
硕士研究生专业题集之强化阶段测试二 有机化学硕士研究生专业题集之强化阶段测试二有机化学全国硕士研究生入学统一考试有机化学(强化阶段测评试卷二)一、命名或写出结构式。
(20分,每题2分)1、2、3、4、5、6、用Fischer式写出化合物的所有立体构型并命名:7. 二乙二醇单丁醚8. 8-羟基喹啉9. L-丙氨酸(Fischer投影式)10. (2R,3S)-2,3-丁二醇的稳定构象式(用Newmann式表示)二、比较判断题。
(30分,每题2分)1. 比较下列有机酸的酸性大小:A、(CH3)3CCOOHB、(CH3)2CH2COOHC、CH3CH2COOHD、CH3COOHE、HCOOH2. 比较顺丁烯二酸和反丁烯二酸的之子接力平衡常数K a顺1与K a反1和K a顺2 与K a反2哪个大?3.下列碳正离子中,最不稳定的是()A.CH2=HCH2CH3C. D.CH2CH34. 比较下列化合物的酸性大小( )A: B: C: D:5.乙酰乙酸乙酯在EtONa 作用下所生成的共轭碱,可以写成多种共振式,其中能量最低,“贡献”最大的是A.OEtO O B.O OC.O OD.OO6. 下列化合物中不能与Ph PCHCH2CH3发生反应的是 ( )A.OB.CH3CH2COCH2CH3C.CH3COOC2H5D.CHO7. 化合物有__________个构型异构体。
A 1个B 2个C 3个D 4个8. 下面1,2-二甲基环己烷的Newmann 式中,那个构想最稳定?__________A B C9. 下列化合物中,箭头所指质子在1H-NMR 谱中化学位移值最大的是________。
A B C10. 下列C-H 键在IR 谱上_______的波数最大。
ABC11.芳香族亲核取代的活性顺序为:12. 下列化合物哪几个具有芳香性?()A B C D13. 下列那个化合物用C2H5ONa/NaOH处理后,已发生E2消除反应( )A:B:14.比较些列化合物的碱性:A:B:C:D:15. 按等电点顺序排序:A:B: C:三、写出反应条件或者反应产物(30分,每题3分)1. ( )2. Ph3P + ICH2CH2CH2CH(CH3)2CO( )( )( )CH2OH( )NH2NaNO2 HCl,0~5℃()( )OH3.4. ()5.6.NaOBr/NaOH/H2O( )四、为下列反应提出一个合理的反应机理(15分,5分)1.2.R'OCH2R HCHO HN(CH3)2R'COCH CH2N(CH3)2R3.五、用常见的试剂合成目标产物。
healthy. Mental health, therefore, has much to do 3 how a
person copes with the world as s/he exists. Many of the
ion C. realism D. reality
11. A. occur B. engage C. confront D. encounter
12. A. tolerate B. sustain C. experience D. undertake
ones own worth and value and capabilities.
Stress is an unavoidable, necessary, and potentially healthful
10 of our society. People of all ages 11 stress. Children
material standard of living. It is not surprising, therefore,
that Americans have valued education for its monetary value.
The belief is widespread in the United States that the more
. resolving B. saluting C. desolving D. solving
Section ⅡReading Comprehension
Part A
2024年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学(二)试卷版一、选择题:1~10小题,每小题5分,共50分.下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的.(1)函数()()()112x x f x x --=的第一类间断点的个数().(A)3(B)2(C)1(D)0(2)函数()y f x =由参数方程231et x ty ⎧=+⎪⎨=⎪⎩确定,则2lim 2(2)x x f f x →+∞⎡⎤⎛⎫+-= ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦().(A )2e(B )4e 3(C )2e 3(D )e 3(3)设函数sin 30()sin xf x t dt =⎰,0()()xg x f t dt =⎰,则().(A)()f x 为奇函数,()g x 为奇函数(B)()f x 为奇函数,()g x 为偶函数(C)()f x 为偶函数,()g x 为偶函数(D)()f x 为偶函数,()g x 为奇函数(4)已知数列{}(0)n n a a ≠,若{}n a 发散,则(A)1{}n na a +发散(B)1{}n na a -发散(C)1{e }e n naa +发散(D)1{e }e n naa -发散(5)设已知函数221()sin ,0(,)0,0.x y xy xy f x y xy ⎧+≠⎪=⎨⎪=⎩,则函数(,)f x y 在(0,0)处(A )(,)f x y x ∂∂连续,(,)f x y 可微.(B )(,)f x y x∂∂连续,(,)f x y 不可微.(C )(,)f x y x∂∂不连续,(,)f x y 可微.(D )(,)f x y x∂∂不连续,(,)f x y 不可微.(6)设(,)f x y 是连续函数,则12sin 6d (,)d xx f x y y ππ=⎰⎰().(A )1arcsin 126d (,)d yy f x y x π⎰⎰(B )121arcsin 2d (,)d yy f x y x π⎰⎰(C )1arcsin 206d (,)d yy f x y xπ⎰⎰(D )122arcsin d (,)d yy f x y xπ⎰⎰(7)设非负函数()f x 在[)0+∞,连续,给出以下三个命题:1.若20()f x dx +∞⎰收敛,则0()f x dx +∞⎰收敛2.若存在1p >,使得lim ()px x f x →+∞存在,则0()f x dx +∞⎰收敛3.若()f x dx +∞⎰收敛,则存在1p >,使得lim ()p x x f x →+∞存在其中真命题的个数为().(A)0(B)1(C)2(D)3(8)设A 为三阶矩阵,100010101⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭P =,若2200020T a c c b c c +⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭P AP =,则A =().(A )000000c a b ⎛⎫⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭(B )000000b c a ⎛⎫⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭(C )000000a b c ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭(D )000000c b a ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭(9)A 为4阶矩阵,若*A(A A )=0-,且*A A≠,则r(A)可能为(A )0或1(B )1或3(C )2或3(D )1或2(10)设、A B 为2阶矩阵,且AB =BA ,则“A 有两个不相等的特征值”是“B 可对角化”的().(A )充分必要条件(B )充分不必要条件(C )必要不充分条件(D )既不充分也不必要条件二、填空题:11~16小题,每小题5分,共30分.(11)曲线2y x =在点(0,0)处的曲率圆方程为(12)设()324f ,2961224x y x x y x y =--++的极值点是(13)已知微分方程21'()y x y =+,满足(1)0y =的解为(14)函数2()(e 1)x f x x =+,求(5)()f x =(15)某物体以速度t k t t v πsin )(+=作直线运动,若它从0=t 到3=t 的时间段内平均速度为25,则=k (16)设1111a α⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪= ⎪- ⎪⎝⎭,211b a α⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,3111aα⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪= ⎪- ⎪⎝⎭,若1α,2α,3α线性相关,且其中任意两个向量均线性无关,则ab =三、解答题:17~22小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.(17)(本题满分10分)已知函设平面有界区域D 位于第一象限,由曲线1,33xy xy ==与直线1,33y x y x ==围成的平面区域,计算(1)d d Dx y x y +-⎰⎰(18)(本题满分12分)已知()y x 满足2'''90x y xy y +-=,满足(1)2,'(1)6y y ==.(1)利用变换e t x =将上述方程化为常系数线性方程,并求()y x ;(2)计算21(y x x ⎰.(19)(本题满分12分)设0t >,平面有界区域D由曲线,,2x y x t x t -===及x 轴围成,D 绕x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积为()V t ,求()V t 的最大值.(20)(本题满分12分)已知(,)f u v 具有二阶连续偏导数,且(,)(2,3)g x y f x y x y =+-满足2222261g g gx x y y∂∂∂+-=∂∂∂∂.(1)求2f u v∂∂∂;(2)若2(,0)1e ,(0,)150u f u u f v v u -∂==-∂,求(,)f u v 的表达式.(21)(本题满分12分)设函数()f x 具有2阶导数,且(0)(1),() 1.f f f x ''''= 证明:(1)当(0,1)x ∈时,(1)()(0)(1)(1)2x x f x f x f x ----;(2)1(0)(1)1()d .212f f f x x +-⎰(22)(本题满分12分)已知1100,11,01012a A B Ax b ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪=== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ ⎪⎝⎭的解均为0TB x =的解,但0Ax =与0T B x =不同解.(1)求,a b 的值;(2)求正交变换,x Qy =使123(,,)Tf x x x x BAx =为标准形.。
以下是考研英语二试卷的真题结构:一、听力部分(Part A)听力部分通常包括短对话、长对话和短文听力理解。
1. 短对话(Short Conversations):通常有5-7个问题,每个问题后有一段简短的对话。
2. 长对话(Long Conversations):包含2-3个长对话,每个对话后有3-4个问题。
3. 短文听力理解(Passages):通常有2-3篇短文,每篇短文后有3-4个问题。
二、阅读部分(Part B)阅读部分主要考查考生的阅读理解能力,包括快速阅读、仔细阅读和新题型。
1. 快速阅读(Skimming and Scanning):考生需要快速浏览文章,回答几个问题,通常涉及文章主旨或细节信息。
2. 仔细阅读(Reading Comprehension):包含数篇文章,每篇文章后有若干问题,考生需要仔细阅读并选择正确答案。
3. 新题型(New Question Types):可能包括信息匹配题、标题匹配题等,要求考生根据文章内容选择相应的信息或标题。
三、翻译部分(Part C)翻译部分主要考查考生的英译汉能力,通常包括一段英文材料,考生需要将其翻译成中文。
1. 英译汉(English to Chinese Translation):考生需要将给定的英文段落翻译成通顺的中文。
四、写作部分(Part D)写作部分考查考生的英语写作能力,通常包括小作文和大作文。
1. 小作文(Short Essay):考生需要根据给定的提示或图表写一篇短文。
2. 大作文(Long Essay):考生需要就某一话题写一篇较长的文章,展示自己的论点、论据和论证。
2024研究生入学考试英语二试卷2024 Graduate Entrance Examination English II PaperPart I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At a concert.B. At a movie theater.C. At a coffee shop.D. At a museum.2. A. Spring.B. Summer.C. Fall.D. Winter.3. A. In a library.B. In a classroom.C. In a park.D. In a restaurant.4. A. She is busy studying.B. She is going on vacation.C. She is feeling unwell.D. She has to work late.5. A. Three years.B. Four years.C. Five years.D. Six years.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. The passages and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a passage and the questions about it, read the four possibleanswers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the questions you have heard.Passage OneQuestions 6 to 8 are based on the passage you have just heard.6. A. To have lunch.B. To discuss a project.C. To go to a meeting.D. To attend a class.7. A. On TV.B. On the radio.C. On the Internet.D. In the newspaper.8. A. They are going to be late.B. They are going to work together.C. They are going to have more projects.D. They are going to have dinner.Passage TwoQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A. To travel.B. To attend a job interview.C. To visit a friend.D. To go shopping.10. A. In Paris.B. In New York.C. In London.D. In Tokyo.11. A. He likes it.B. He dislikes it.C. He finds it interesting.D. He finds it boring.Passage ThreeQuestions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. A. For a week.B. For a month.C. For six months.D. For a year.13. A. She was unwell.B. She was busy.C. She was on vacation.D. She was studying.14. A. In a meeting.B. At a party.C. In the park.D. In the library.Part II Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will read five passages. Each passage is followed by four questions. Read the passages and questions carefully. After you read a passage and the questions about it, answer the questions on the basis of what is stated orimplied in the passage. You may refer to the passages as often as necessary.Passage OneThe Importance of SleepWe all know that sleep is important, but do we fully appreciate just how important it is? Lack of sleep affects not only our daily functioning but also our long-term health. The average adult needs about 7-9 hours of sleep every night, but many of us fail to get enough sleep due to busy schedules, stress, or other factors. However, sleep is not a luxury – it is a necessity for our physical and mental well-being.15. How many hours of sleep does the average adult need every night?A. 6-8 hours.B. 7-9 hours.C. 8-10 hours.D. 9-11 hours.16. Why do many people fail to get enough sleep according to the passage?A. They don't consider sleep important.B. They have busy schedules.C. They have too much free time.D. They have no stress in their lives.17. What does the passage say about sleep?A. It is a luxury.B. It is a necessity.C. It is a hobby.D. It is a waste of time.18. According to the passage, lack of sleep affects our:A. Physical well-being only.B. Mental well-being only.C. Both physical and mental well-being.D. Neither physical nor mental well-being.Passage TwoThe Benefits of ExerciseExercise is vital for maintaining good health and preventing diseases. Regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It can also improve mental health, boost mood, and reduce stress and anxiety. The benefits of exercise are numerous, and even small amounts of physical activity can make a significant difference in one's overall well-being.19. How does exercise help reduce the risk of heart disease?A. By increasing cholesterol levels.B. By decreasing blood pressure.C. By increasing blood sugar levels.D. By decreasing heart rate.20. According to the passage, what can regular physical activity help prevent?A. Obesity.B. Arthritis.C. Asthma.D. Type 2 diabetes.21. What can exercise do for mental health according to the passage?A. Reduce stress and anxiety.B. Increase stress and anxiety.C. Induce depression.D. Boost mood.22. Even small amounts of physical activity can:A. Make no difference in one's overall well-being.B. Make a significant difference in one's overall well-being.C. Be harmful to one's health.D. Increase the risk of diseases.Passage ThreeThe Benefits of ReadingReading is one of the most beneficial activities we can engage in. It expands our knowledge, enhances our vocabulary, and improves our concentration and focus. Reading can also reduce stress, increase empathy, and enhance creativity. Whether you prefer fiction or non-fiction, reading regularly has countless benefits for the mind and the soul.23. According to the passage, reading can do the following EXCEPT:A. Expand knowledge.B. Enhance vocabulary.C. Decrease empathy.D. Improve concentration.24. What can reading regularly do for the mind according to the passage?A. Reduce creativity.B. Increase empathy.C. Enhance concentration.D. Cause stress.25. Reading can benefit:A. The body and the soul.B. The mind and the soul.C. The mind and the body.D. The body and creativity.26. The passage suggests that reading regularly has:A. Countless benefits.B. No benefits.C. Few benefits.D. Negative effects.Passage FourThe Rise of TechnologyTechnology has changed the way we live, work, and communicate. With the rise of smartphones, social media, and other gadgets, our world has become more connected than ever before. While technology has brought many benefits, such as increased efficiency and convenience, it also comes with challenges, such as privacy concerns, information overload, and social isolation. It is important to strike a balance between using technology to our advantage and not letting it consume our lives.27. What has technology changed according to the passage?A. The weather.B. The way we live, work, and communicate.C. The price of goods.D. The size of the population.28. What has technology brought according to the passage?A. Challenges only.B. Benefits only.C. Both benefits and challenges.D. Neither benefits nor challenges.29. What is mentioned as a challenge of technology in the passage?A. Increased efficiency.B. Convenience.C. Privacy concerns.D. Social connection.30. According to the passage, what is important regarding technology?A. Letting it consume our lives.B. Striking a balance in using it.C. Ignoring it.D. Avoiding it.Passage FiveThe Gig EconomyThe gig economy, also known as the freelance oron-demand economy, refers to a labor market characterized by short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to traditional full-time jobs. With the rise of technology platforms such as Uber, Airbnb, and TaskRabbit, more people are turning to gig work for flexibility and extra income. While the gig economy offers opportunities for self-employment and flexibility, it also raises concerns about job security, benefits, and fair pay.31. What does the gig economy refer to according to the passage?A. Traditional full-time jobs.B. Short-term contracts or freelance work.C. Long-term contracts.D. High-paying jobs.32. What has enabled the rise of the gig economy according to the passage?A. Technology platforms.B. Traditional job markets.C. Government policies.D. Education systems.33. Why do more people turn to gig work according to the passage?A. For job security.B. For benefits.C. For flexibility and extra income.D. For high pay.34. What concerns does the gig economy raise according to the passage?A. Job security, benefits, and fair pay.B. Job satisfaction.C. Work-life balance.D. Networking opportunities.Section BDirections: In this section, you will read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains informationgiven in the passage. After reading the passage, you need to decide whether each statement is True, False, or Not Given. Mark your answers on your answer sheet.Passage OneArtificial Intelligence in HealthcareArtificial intelligence is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by improving diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. AI can analyze medical data with speed and precision, helping doctors make more accurate diagnoses and develop personalized treatment plans. From detecting diseases to monitoring patient recovery, AI technology has the potential to transform the future of healthcare.Statements:35. Artificial intelligence is not affecting the healthcare industry.36. AI can help doctors make more accurate diagnoses.37. AI technology can only detect diseases.38. AI has the potential to transform the future of healthcare.39. AI cannot analyze medical data with speed and precision.(To be continued in the next part.)Part III Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: The Importance of Lifelong Learning. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1. Introduction: Introduce the topic of lifelong learning and its significance.2. Body: Discuss the benefits of lifelong learning in personal growth, career development, and overall well-being.3. Conclusion: Summarize the importance of lifelong learning and encourage readers to embrace learning throughout their lives.(Word count: 2000+)---This is just a sample of what a 2024 Graduate Entrance Examination English II Paper could look like. The exam usually consists of multiple-choice questions, reading comprehension passages, and a writing section. Students are tested on theirlistening, reading, and writing skills to assess their English proficiency. Good luck to all the test takers!。
2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案详解 .doc
2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案详解(完整版)注意:英语试卷为花卷,以答案内容进行核对万学海文教研中心英语教研室Section I Use of English1、【答案】[C] warning【解析】此处考察词义辨析。
2、【答案】[A] inequality【解析】此处考察词义辨析。
3、【答案】[D] prediction【解析】此处考察词义辨析。
此处,prediction(语言)呼应了文中future (未来),为最佳选项,且代入原文语义通顺。
Policy政策,guideline指导方针,resolution 决心,在此处都不符合题意。
4、【答案】[A] characterized【解析】此处考察词义辨析。
Be characterized by以……为特征,此处purposelessness(漫无目的)的确是一种特征,故该选项为正确答案。
Divide分割,measure测量,balance 平衡,均语义不通。
5、【答案】[B] meaning【解析】此处考察词义辨析及词义复现。
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1 在计算机术语中,将ALU 控制器和( )存储器合在一起称为( )。
2 数的真值变成机器码可采用原码表示法,反码表示法,( )表示法,( )表示法。
3 广泛使用的( )和( )都是半导体随机读写存储器。
4 反映主存速度指标的三个术语是存取时间、( )和( )。
5 形成指令地址的方法称为指令寻址,通常是( )寻址,遇到转移指令时( )寻址。
6 CPU 从( )取出一条指令并执行这条指令的时间和称为( )。
7 RISC 指令系统的最大特点是:只有( )指令和( )指令访问存储器,其余指令的操作均在寄存器之间进行。
8 微型机的标准总线,从带宽132MB/S 的32位( )总线发展到64位的( )总线。
9 IA-32表示( )公司的( )位处理机体系结构。
10 安腾体系机构采用显示并行指令计算技术,在指令中设计了( )字段,用以指明哪些指令可以( )执行。
已知:1230[]=.......n X X X X X X 补
求证: __ ________0123[]=.......2n
n X X X X X X --+补 三、计算题
已知:X = — 0.10111101 ×
0112- Y = + 0.00000101 ×
2+ 求: X+Y = ? X - Y = ? 四、设计题