龙猫 英语 PPT




They return home on the Catbus.
When the Catbus departs, it fades away from the girls' sight.
The closing credits show Mei and Satsuki's motherห้องสมุดไป่ตู้returning home
She meets and befriends a larger version of the same kind of spirit, which identifies itself by a series of roars she interprets as "Totoro"
One rainy night the girls are waiting for their father’s bus. As they wait, Mei eventually falls asleep on Satsuki's back and Totoro appears beside them. Totoro is delighted at both the shelter and the sounds made upon it by falling raindrops.
Mei, believing her mother's condition has worsened, sets off on foot to the hospital and gets lost
Satsuki returns to the camphor laurel tree and pleads for Totoro's help
Hayao Miyazaki



宫崎骏龙猫英语Title: My Neighbor Totoro: Exploring the Enchantment of Hayao Miyazaki's Masterpiece"My Neighbor Totoro," directed by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki, stands as a timeless masterpiece in the realm of animation. Released in 1988, this enchanting tale has captivated audiences worldwide with its heartwarming story, stunning animation, and endearing characters. At the heart of the film lies the magical bond between two young sisters, Satsuki and Mei, and the mysterious creatures they encounter in the countryside.Central to the film's allure is the iconic character of Totoro, a gentle forest spirit who becomes a source of comfort and joy for Satsuki and Mei. With his rotund figure, wide grin, and expressive eyes, Totoro exudes a sense of warmth and benevolence that resonates with viewers of allages. Through Totoro, Miyazaki celebrates the wonder of childhood imagination and the power of nature to heal and inspire.The rural setting of "My Neighbor Totoro" plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative and themes of the film. Miyazaki meticulously renders the idyllic countryside with lush forests, rolling hills, and quaint farmhouses, creating a vivid sense of place that feels both familiar and fantastical. The verdant landscapes serve as a sanctuary for the characters, allowing them to escape the pressures of urban life and reconnect with the natural world.One of the most compelling aspects of "My Neighbor Totoro" is its exploration of the bonds that unite families and communities. Satsuki and Mei's relationship with their father, who is depicted as loving and supportive, serves as a touching portrayal of familial love and resilience in the face of adversity. Additionally, the film celebrates thespirit of cooperation and mutual aid among neighbors, as the local community comes together to help search for the missing Mei.Miyazaki's masterful direction is evident in every frame of "My Neighbor Totoro," as he infuses the film with a sense of wonder, whimsy, and emotional depth. From the playful antics of Totoro and his friends to the tender moments shared between Satsuki and Mei, each scene is imbued with a sense of magic and charm that lingers long after the credits roll. Moreover, Miyazaki's attention to detail and commitment to authenticity elevate the film to a work of art, with meticulously crafted animation and richly textured backgrounds that invite viewers into a world of imagination and wonder.In addition to its visual splendor, "My Neighbor Totoro" boasts a sublime musical score by composer Joe Hisaishi, whose evocative melodies enhance the film's emotional impactand reinforce its themes of friendship, courage, and resilience. From the whimsical strains of the main theme to the hauntingly beautiful piano pieces that underscore key moments, Hisaishi's music elevates the storytelling to new heights, evoking a range of emotions that resonate with audiences on a profound level."My Neighbor Totoro" endures as a beloved classic not only because of its technical brilliance and artistic vision but also because of its universal themes and timeless appeal. As viewers young and old continue to be enchanted by the adventures of Satsuki, Mei, and Totoro, the film reminds us of the power of imagination, the importance of connection, and the magic that surrounds us in everyday life. In the words of Hayao Miyazaki himself, "My Neighbor Totoro" is a film about "the kind of world I wanted my children to grow up in." And indeed, it is a world that continues to inspire and delight generations of viewers around the globe.。

龙猫 ppt

龙猫 ppt

Story time
宫崎骏是擅长描绘乡村生活的,他小的时候曾在乡下生活这对他以后的创作也带来 了深远的影响。夏日乡间的生活通过一些小小的细节在他的笔下展现出来,同时也带给我们一 些曾经的回忆: 小水沟中嬉游的蝌蚪,曾经的你是否也伸手抓过;现摘的瓜果用冷水冰一下,那种 天然新鲜的滋味儿你现在还是否能够记起;玉米地里裹着绿衣的大玉米……还有一起上学的玩 伴总是会在家门口大声叫你的名字,那惹人厌却又仗义的男生…….

中文译名:龙猫 英文译名:My neighbor Totoro 导演:宫崎骏 编剧:宫崎骏 首映:1988年4月16日 国家:日本
草壁五月草壁梅伊Fra bibliotek勘太的奶奶
《 龙 猫 》 的 来 源
宫崎骏幼年时曾经听说家乡有一种神奇的小精灵,他们就像邻居一样居住在人们的身边嬉戏玩 耍,但普通人是看不到他们的。据说只有小孩子纯真无邪的心灵可以捕捉他们的行迹。如果静下心来倾 听风声里可以隐约听到他们奔跑的声音。 长大后投身于动画创作的宫崎骏心中始终念念不忘乡下度过的那段美好的时光,始终念念不忘这 个为小孩子们编织的精巧的梦。在这种情绪的感召下《龙猫》问世了。
龙猫中的亲情是不动声色的,没有生离死别,没有尖锐的矛 盾冲突。但是宫崎骏还是在细节中让我们感受到人物之间真挚的感情不 管是姐妹之间,父女之间,还是母女之间,也许是一个动作也许是一句 话或者一个画面都传达给我们这一家人之间那血浓于水的亲情。影片中 妈妈的病情一直贯穿于整剧,因为孩子的心是敏感的,姐妹俩一直对妈 妈的病有着隐隐的担忧,而这个担忧在收到医院电报说妈妈要推迟出院 的时候姐姐终于将压抑在心中的不安在堪太的奶奶面前说出来“妈妈要 是死了该怎么办?”这是一个坚强而又开朗的姐姐,为了不让妹妹担心 她一直压抑着内心的不安。 除了亲情之外,宫崎骏还像我们展现了人与人之间单纯善良 的本质,慈祥的堪太奶奶对两姐妹就像对自己的孩子一般。



: 世 界 之 约
主演:倍赏千惠子 木村拓哉 美轮明宏
Logo: Two people live together.
The theatre on the eve of war in animation version for background, describe lived in the small town of the three sisters, one of the big sister Sophie is a production of hat brought in, but she was so against the witch, from 18 years old girl into a 90-year-old old woman. Her heart to escape from home, but again entered a magic castle with the move, she and can't and people fell in love but understand magic Hal, figuring out a penetrating field, and other people in the castle and ways to solve the body with magic spells. 这部剧场版动画以战争前夜为背景, 描述住在小镇的三姐妹, 其中的大姐苏菲是位制作帽子的手艺人, 但她却因此得罪了女巫,从18岁的少女变成了90岁的老太婆。 她惊恐地逃出家里,但又进入了一座带有魔法的移动城堡, 她和不能与人相恋但懂魔法的哈尔, 谱出了一段战地恋曲, 并且和城堡里的其他人一起想办法解开身上的魔咒。



【Hayao Miyazaki quotes 】 【宫崎骏语录】

我不知道离别的滋味是这样凄凉,我不知道说声再见要这么坚强。 I do not know the taste of separation is so bleak, I do not know to say goodbye so strong.
Spirited Away(2001)千与千寻
The film topped Titanic's sales at the Japanese box office,also won Picture of the Year at the Japanese Academy Awards and was the first anime film to win an American Academy Award. Logo: There is a strange town through the tunnel. 道,是一个奇异的小镇.(唤醒‘活的力量’!) 宣传语:穿过隧

Vallley of the Wind,1984 film (导演、编剧) 《风之谷》
Castle in the Sky,1986 film (导演、编剧)《天空之城》
My Neighbor Totoro,1988film (导演、编剧)《龙猫》
Kiki's Delivery Service,1989 film (导演、编剧、制作人) 《魔女宅急便》
Laputa Castle in the Sky 天空之城 (1986)
Logo: One day ,a girl floated down from the sky。 宣传语:有一天,少女从天而 降。
My Neighbor Totoro (1988)龙猫



Because their mother is ill, the sisters and their father moved to the countryside.
One day they discovered a Totoro which only can be seen by good children at a woods next to their home.
The two girls were worry about their mother ,Mei complained that her sister was regardless her and then they quarreled with each other.
Mei wanted to go to the hospital to see her mother ,but she was lost. Xiaoyue asked Totoro for help.
Finally ,Totoro asked Cat bus to help Xiaoyue to find Mei and sent they to the hospital.
Cat bus
Totoro is the spirit in the forest .He is very kind .He lives with other two small Totoros and their Cat bus .It said that only the good children could see it.
On a rainy evening, two girls were waiting for their father in the station. The big Totoro appeared and Xiaoyue lent it an umbrella .It seemed that the umbrella is a very interesting toy. When summer was almost over, the two girls received hospital telegraph which said that their mother was sick, delayed the time to go back home.



小水沟中嬉游的蝌蚪,曾经的你是否也伸手抓过;现摘的瓜果用冷水冰一下,那种 天然新鲜的滋味儿你现在还是否能够记起;玉米地里裹着绿衣的大玉米……还有一起上学的玩伴 总是会在家门口大声叫你的名字,那惹人厌却又仗义的男生…….
Story time
宫崎骏是擅长描绘乡村生活的,他小的时候曾在乡下生活这对他以后的创作也带来 了深远的影响。夏日乡间的生活通过一些小小的细节在他的笔下展现出来,同时也带给我们一些 曾经的回忆:
纯 净 灵 动 的 音 乐
宫崎骏动画电影中的配乐,简约高雅、纯真灵动,布满着人性的热和,散发出隽永的气 味。《龙猫》中的音乐,婉转悠扬的“风之甬道”,童趣盎然的“我的邻居TOTORO”等歌曲清新脱俗、 明亮透彻,可以堪称是作品的点睛之处,音乐色彩斑斓自然布满童趣,时而欢快,时而婉转,都透 着孩童般纯真的气味。让人徜徉在乡村的幻想里,神经不自觉的放松。音乐贯串整部电影,几乎有 音乐剧的感觉,只是,这是部带着童真和趣味的“音乐剧”。我最喜欢当中父亲带着小孩往问候森林 主人的那一段音乐,让我回到童年的时光,所有的欢快都像荡漾在八月的树梢上,枝繁叶茂。这也 不得不提到一个人——久石让,久石让(日本人作曲家,指挥家,钢琴家)为宫崎骏的动画创作了 不少的音乐,很多都成为了经典,像天空之城,风之谷,等等。



All of these give us a clean and quiet world. The movie I want to show you calledとなりのトトロ (龙 猫)can give you all these great feelings.
となりのトトロ (龙猫)
• • • • Main characters.(主要人物)☺ Plot(情节简介)☺ Film clips(片段欣赏)☺ Film review(影评)、me bridge is a symbol of the good relationship
Wheat field(麦田) is necessary in your dreams because it symbolizes the happiness and freedom .
A mysterious road often appears if need be.
• 在宁静的乡间夜晚吹着陶埙的多多洛,没有华丽 的色彩,一切都是淡淡的自然的,有一丝感伤, 她们种下的每一棵橡树子的发芽都是对未来生活 的美好梦想 • 有机会去乡下看一看麦穗的舞蹈,听一听风的歌 声,坐在木篱上静心倾听,说不定你也可以听到 身旁的龙猫的呼吸.
Thank you
Everyone has a pure world in his heart(每个人的心中都有一 个纯净的世界)

There are trees,flowers, rivers and everything else about beauty
Farm house is always your ideal home in your dream.
猫 巴 士



1985年在德间书店的投资下,宫 崎骏联合高田勋共同创办了吉卜 力工作室,该名字来自二战时候 意大利的一款侦察机,意思是 “撒哈拉沙漠的热风”,由于宫 崎骏父亲曾经是在飞机制造厂工 作,从小宫崎骏就对飞行和天空 充满着向往,这也是吉卜力的由 来之一。也正因为这个宫崎骏在 日后的许多作品中始终贯穿着天 空场景和各式各样飞行器的刻画。
Production:Tokuma 制作:德间书店
Original.& director:Miyazaki 宫崎骏
Producer:Isao Takahata高畑勋; Yasuyoshi Tokuma德间康快;原彻 はら とおる;Ned Lott;Rick Dempsey
Photographer:Mark Henley;Hideshi Kyonen Music:Joe Hisaishi久石让
侧耳倾听(1995) Jpanese Name:耳をすませば Director:こんどう よしふみ近藤喜闻 制作监制、编剧、绘分镜:宫崎骏
片头曲: Take Me Home, Country Roads(汉 译名:乡村路带我回家) 作词、作曲:约翰·丹佛、Bill Danoff、 Taffy Nivert 歌:奥莉薇亚·纽顿-强 片尾曲:乡村路(カントリー・ロー ド)
77万4271人) ▪ 摄影:Nobuo Koyama(director of photography)
原作oPrigrionadl:u佐c山tio哲n郎:▪T高o桥ku千m鹤 a 制作:德间书店 The Wind Rises, 2013 film (导演)



Cartoon ---宫崎骏
“In our country, there is a magic elf, who like the same as our neighbors living around us play, play. But the average person can not see them, said that only a child pure and innocent soul can capture their acting. If you stop and listen, the wind where you can hear their faint voices running.”
龙猫… 龙猫
龙猫:毛丝鼠,绒鼠,栗鼠 龙猫 毛丝鼠,绒鼠,栗鼠 英文: 英文:chinchilla 学名: 学名:.South American chinchilla.(南美洲栗鼠) 南美洲栗鼠) 性格: 性格: Docile, cute, clever, curious, lively, well-behaved, wellnaughty, quiet, timid, love clean, pleasant(温顺,可爱, 聪明,好奇,活泼,乖巧,调皮,安静,胆小,爱干净, 讨人喜欢.) 讨人喜欢.) 区别: 区别: It and the rats are completely different. The main
This is Hayao Miyazaki heard an early age in his hometown legend, the young, he has also been hard at work on 这是宫崎骏幼年时在家乡听到的传说,年少的他也曾经认真地在小径上等待,在草丛间寻找吧。 这是宫崎骏幼年时在家乡听到的传说,年少的他也曾经认真地在小径上等待 mind, always obsessed the path to wait in the grass to search for this bar. Grew up, he engaged in animation in,在草丛间寻找吧。 长大后,他投身于动画制作, that period of time, always obsessed with this as , 长大后,他投身于动画制作,心中始终念念不忘乡下渡过的那段美好的时光,始终念念不忘这个为小 with beautiful countryside through心中始终念念不忘乡下渡过的那段美好的时光a child who dreams of 孩子们编织的精巧的梦。在这种情绪的感召下“ Neighbor Totoro" 孩子们编织的精巧的梦。在这种情绪的感召下“龙猫”问世了。 sophisticated weaving. In such a mood inspired by "My 龙猫”问世了。 was born. 龙猫》这部影片充满了童话色彩和亲情的温馨,把观众成功的带入了一个梦幻般的童话世界里。 《龙猫》这部影片充满了童话色彩和亲情的温馨,把观众成功的带入了一个梦幻般的童话世界里 My Neighbor Totoro," the film is full of fairy-tale colors and warm affection, bringing the audience into the 。 fairy是一部不可多得的佳作。 可以说是宫崎骏先生的笔下最成功的角色了, 是一部不可多得的佳作 -tale world. Is a rare masterpiece. TOTORO can be said that the most successful pen 可以说是宫崎骏先生的笔下最成功的角色了 dream- fairysuccess of a dream-like fairy。TOTORO可以说是宫崎骏先生的笔下最成功的角色了,它同时也是宫崎骏 吉卜力工作室的代言形象,吉卜力工作室的每一部作品都有一个TOTORO的LOGO画面 of 画面。 吉卜力工作室的代言形象 and it is also a Studio Ghibli Hayao Miyazaki's endorsement image。 Studio 的 画面 of Mr. Hayao Miyazaki's role,,吉卜力工作室的每一部作品都有一个 Ghibli works by each department has a TOTORO the LOGO screen.



Enough sleeping is also important.
Exercise is necessary
Let’s jump!
Farmland is a good place to stay health .
And so on…….
【Hayao Miyazaki quotes 】 【宫崎骏语录】
in the live.即使是在憎恨和杀戮中,仍然有些东西值得人们为
之活下去。A beautiful encounter, or to the existence of beautiful things.一次美丽的相遇,或是为了美丽事物的存在。We depict hatred, are more important things to describe.我们描绘憎恨,是为 了描写更重要的东西。We depict a curse, is to describe the joy of liberation.——"Princess Mononoke" 我们描绘诅咒,是为了描写解 放后的喜悦。——《幽灵公主》
这是一个没有武器和超能力打斗的冒险故事,它描述的不是正义和 这是一个没有武器和超能力打斗的冒险故事,它描述的不是正义和 这是一个没有武器和超能力打斗的冒险故事,它描述的不是正义和 邪恶的斗争,而是在善恶交错的社会里如何生存。学习人类的友爱, 邪恶的斗争,而是在善恶交错的社会里如何生存。学习人类的友爱, 对于一个艺术家,特别是从事动画制作方面的人来说, 邪恶的斗争,而是在善恶交错的社会里如何生存。学习人类的友爱 发挥人本身的智慧,最终千寻回到了人类社会,但这并非因为她彻 发挥人本身的智慧,最终千寻回到了人类社会,但这并非因为她彻 发挥人本身的智慧,最终千寻回到了人类社会,但这并非因为她彻 灵感至关重要。他们必须擅长观察周围环境中微小的 底打败了恶势力,而是由于她挖掘出了自身蕴涵的生命力的缘故。 底打败了恶势力,而是由于她挖掘出了自身蕴涵的生命力的缘故。 底打败了恶势力,而是由于她挖掘出了自身蕴涵的生命力的缘故。 现在的日本社会越来越暧昧,好恶难辨,用动画世界里的人物来讲 变化并通过高强的想象力预测不同寻常的未来。 现在的日本社会越来越暧昧,好恶难辨,用动画世界里的人物来讲 现在的日本社会越来越暧昧,好恶难辨,用动画世界里的人物来讲 述生活的理由和力量,这就是我制作电影时所考虑的。 述生活的理由和力量,这就是我制作电影时所考虑的。 述生活的理由和力量,这就是我制作电影时所考虑的。 —— 宫崎骏 —— —— 宫崎骏 宫崎骏


Despite her many attempts, Mei is unable to show her family Totoro's tree. Her father comforts her by telling her that this is the "keeper of the forest," and that Totoro will reveal himself when he wants to.
Delighted to be of assistance, he summons the Catbus, which carries her to where the lost Mei sits.
Having rescued her, the Catbus then whisks her and Satsuki over the countryside to see their mother in the hospital. The girls perch in a tree outside of the hospital, overhearing a conversation between their parents and discovering that she has been kept in hospital by a minor cold and is otherwise doing well.
宫崎骏的动画电影大多涉及人类与自然之间的关系、和平主义及女权运动。 他的作品也经常出现飞行、儿童心理及青春期的思想。
宫崎骏创作的影片背景的画风始终是清新浪漫的,总有一种能让 人想要回归自然的感觉。尤其是影片中出现的天空背景,给人以广阔 无垠的感觉,使人不禁生出一种遐想,似乎想要到那背景中去寻找远 离城市污浊空气的清新中,去感受自然之美。 再从人物形象来说。宫崎骏笔下的人物是全部采用手绘的方式创造 出来的。人物(也包括动物)线条简洁明快,并不复杂,令人看后更 觉简约朴实,贴近生活。这一切一切,都表现出宫崎骏对于自然与生 活的热爱,也颇富有意义。



The winning record
Mountain fa movie Best film award
Notify the movie Best director In their day movie Japanese film awards, cane, award Blue ribbon award Special aware strive for their dreams, often confronted with man, always someone else's sarcasm, not sure and shaken, to finally began to suspect that in my mind A totoro does really exist... You give up, it was dead... Can't when you are confused quietly standing behind you, don't was sleeping quietly in your overworked one day wakes you up, also won't take you to the night sky navigate... Holding on to your dream, the in the mind have a totoro! Believe yourself to see it!
"My neighbor totoro" (Japanese: と な り の ト ト ロ) movie is about the beauty of nature, only child can see the magical world.They feel to the environment is very novel, and they found some interesting things in there.



One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along
One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey,
One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts.
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One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends. One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree.
One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the
river. He can’t swim. He shouts.
One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along



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7. 说到猫,当然也少不了老鼠…… A cat in gloves catches no mice. 戴手套的猫老鼠抓不到-意思 是为达到目的可不能太斯文客气; Keep no more cats that catch mice. 能抓老鼠的猫才养着-就 是说别跟吃干饭的人来往; When the cat's away, the mice will play. 山中无老虎猴子称大 王。 8.各种各样的猫代表着各种各样的人: alley cat胡同里的猫就是流浪猫,wildcat其实是野生的猫啦。 cool cat是时尚前卫的人,多指男性; hep cat本来表示爵士乐迷,现在也有酷炫的意思;
9. 猫猫的各种行为也成了谚语的一部分 fight like Kilkenny cats就是我们中文里头的两败俱伤, Kilkenny是爱尔兰的小镇,无聊的士兵会斗猫,直到双方自相残杀, 太残酷了,会有报应的!
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6. 猫猫身体上的各个部分也能表达有趣的含义: cat-eyed猫眼表示晚上也看得见; cat's foot或者cat's paw猫爪表示被人利用成为傀儡; cat o'nine tails是一种分好多头儿的鞭子; catlap猫猫舔则是很淡的茶或者牛奶; catnap表示小睡一会儿; cat's meow、cat's pajamas和cat's whiskers都是 出类拔萃的意思!

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4. 和猫有关的习语好些个都涉及发怒。 坏脾气的人,能用a bag of cats表示,想来一袋子猫 可不是很抓狂嘛?举例:My boss was a bag of cats yesterday. 老板昨天发飙了诶。 同时hellcat特指发怒的女人,而have kittens也表示 易怒,因为中世纪孕妇要是脾气暴,会被认为是中了巫术 怀上猫崽挠肚子。 5. 猫狗词组必定大战。 fight like cats and dogs就表示吵得昏天黑地。 同样live a cat and dog life就是三天一小吵五天一大 吵; cat-and-dog就是爱吵架的。 raining cats and dogs下猫下狗表示下大雨,因为 狗是风神奥丁的侍从,猫是大雨的象征。
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Miyazaki Hayao(宫崎骏)
5 January 1941
Japanese animated film director
The Hayao Miyazaki's My Neighbor Totoro law was in the STUDIO Chili’s third film, because this peaceful and intimate film makes my Neighbor Totoro this lovely bio's well-known all over the world. The Neighbor Totoro law is well suited the whole family to watch.
L ike with dad to the countryside, the two sisters at home next to a big tree found that only good children can see of TOTORO.In the meantime there have been many incredible and interesting stories.One day,the girl millet argued with her sister, who ran away went to find their mother alone is ill in hospital. She got lost on the way.Sister in searching in vain, had to resort to TOTORO.Kind and gentle TOTORO (my Neighbor Totoro) tram pride, which carries her sister got lost girl, riding my Neighbor Totoro, sisters picked flowers up with their own hands corn gave MOM, wish her a speedy recovery.






In the tranquil village night of evening breeze Ocarina flute トトthe mouth, is not having the magnificent c olor, all are light natural, some sadness, they plant ea ch oak tree germinates all is the happy dream which will live to the future, in 1988 directed " My Neighbor Totoro " in this Miyazaki steed (となりのトトmou th), lines even have not appeared several dragon cat, became us forever to the love, certainly could not forg et also to have the cat bus vehicle, these toys forever some people had to hug go home.Thought the perfect family is must have brothers the sisters, believed eac
h has looked at "TOTORO" the human will certainly to
that kind of pure sincere sisters affection feel incomp arably kindly, each time saw this movie always recolle cted in the childhood always also cannot throw off foll ows after death to cry by far the younger brother you nger sisters who runs, millet in that moment into mille t in that moment into each audience oneself younger sister, therefore each people all anxious are seeking t he millet in that moment which is lost ......

