《统计学基础(英文版·第7版)》教学课件les7e_ppt_04_02 (1)
统计学 基础
③时间表抽样框:把总体的时间过程划分为假设干 个小的时间单位做为抽样单位。
例如:对流水线上24小时内消费的产品进展质量抽 查时,以10分钟为一个抽样单位。
对于抽样调查来说,样本的代表性如何,抽样调 查最终推算的估计值真实性如何,首先取决于抽样框 的质量。抽样框在抽样调查中处于根底地位,是抽样 调查必不可少的部分,其对于推断总体具有相当大的 影响。
第 4 章 抽样与参数估计
抽样与抽样分布 4.2 参数估计的根本方法 4.3 总体均值的区间估计 4.4 总体比例的的区间估计 4.5 样本容量确实定
统计学 基础
抽样方法与抽样分布 估计量与估计值的概念 点估计与区间估计的区别 总体均值的区间估计方法 总体比例的区间估计方法 样本容量确实定方法
例如:研究职工工资收入时按职工的职别排队; 农产品调查以往年的平均亩产作为排队标志
系统抽样一定是不重复抽样。按无关标志排队,其 抽样效果相当于简单随机抽样;按有关标志排队, 其抽样效果相当于分层抽样,其样本的代表性优于 无关标志排队的系统抽样。
4 - 26
统计学 基础
系统抽样 (systematic sampling)
2. 是一种理论分布
3. 样本统计量是随机变量
4. 样本均值, 样本比例,样本方差等
5. 结果来自容量一样的所有可能样本
6. 样本统计量为我们提供了长远稳定的信息,是
4 - 34
统计学 基础
1. 容量一样的所有可能样本的样本均值的概 率分布
(7-3) (3)计算误差平方和。 为构造检验统计量,在方差分析中需要计算三个误差平方和, 它们是总误差平方和(sum of squares for total,SST)、水 平项误差平方和(sum of squares for factor A,SSA)和误 差项平方和(sum of squares for error,SSE)。
第七章 方 差 分 析
第一节 第二节 第三节
方差分析引论 一个总体参数的检验
第七章 方 差 分 析
1.了解方差分析的含义及内容体系; 2.掌握单因素方差分析的原理、方法及应用; 3.掌握双因素方差分析的原理、方法及应用。
方差分析(analysis of variance,ANOVA) 是由英国统计学家费希尔(R.A.Fisher)在20世纪 20年代前后提出并进行系统阐述的,它早期在农业、 生物领域获得应用,后来逐渐推广到医学、心理学、 社会学等众多学科领域,目前已成为数理统计中应 用较广泛的研究方向之一,也是人文社科与自然科 学研究及实践中进行分析调查的重要工具之一。
H0∶μ1=μ2…=μk=μ(自变量对因变量没有显著影响) H1∶μ1,μ2,…,μk不完全相等(自变量对因变量有显著影响)
2. 确定检验统计量
为检验H0是否成立,需要确定检验的统计量。具体过程 如下:
(1)计算因素各水平均值。 假定从第i个总体中抽取一个容量为ni的简单随机样本,令
Slide 17
Example: Finding Probabilities (2 of 3)
Find the probability of being dealt 5 diamonds from a standard deck of 52 playing cards.
Solution In a standard deck of playing cards, 13 cards are diamonds. Note that it does not matter what order the cards are selected. The possible number of ways of choosing 5 diamonds out of 13 is 13C5.
Slide 7
Example: Finding presubscript n P subscript r (1 of 2)
Find the number of ways of forming four-digit codes in which no digit is repeated.
• You need to select 4 digits from a group of 10
n 10, r 4
10 4
10 6
10 9 8 7 6 6
5040 ways
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Solution: The number of permutations is
9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 362,880 ways
Chapter 1Introduction to Statistics1.1An Overview of Statistics1Distinguish Between a Population and a SampleMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Determine whether the data set is a population or a sample.1)The age of every fourth person entering a department storeA)sample B)population2)The age of each employee at a local grocery storeA)population B)sampleSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Identify the population and the sample.3)A survey of 1212 American households found that 52% of the households own a computer.4)When 1348 American households were surveyed, it was found that 57% of them owned two cars.5)A survey of 2625 elementary school children found that 28% of the children could be classified as obese. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.Use the Venn diagram to identify the population and the sample.6)A)Population: Magazine subscribers; Sample; Magazine subscribers who renew their subscriptionB)Population: Magazine subscribers who renew their subscription; Sample: Magazine subscribers2Distinguish Between a Parameter and a StatisticSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. Determine whether the numerical value is a parameter or a statistic. Explain your reasoning.7)A recent survey by the alumni of a major university indicated that the average salary of 10,500 of its 200,000graduates was $130,000.8)The average salary of all assembly-line employees at a certain car manufacturer is $44,000.9)A survey of 1040 students was taken from a university with 19,000students.3Distinguish Between Descriptive Statistics and Inferential StatisticsMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Identify whether the statement describes inferential statistics or descriptive statistics.10)The average age of the students in a statistics class is 20years.A)descriptive statistics B)inferential statistics11)The chances of winning the California Lottery are one chance in twenty-two million.A)inferential statistics B)descriptive statistics12)There is a relationship between smoking cigarettes and getting emphysema.A)inferential statistics B)descriptive statistics13)From past figures, it is predicted that 31% of the registered voters in California will vote in the June primary.A)inferential statistics B)descriptive statistics14)Based on previous clients, a marriage counselor concludes that the majority of marriages that begin withcohabitation before marriage will result in divorce.A)inferential statistics B)descriptive statistics4ConceptsSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Provide an appropriate response.15)Explain the difference between a sample and a population.16)If you had to do a statistical study, would you use a sample or a population? Why?1.2Data Classification1Distinguish Between Qualitative and Quantitative DataMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Determine whether the data are qualitative or quantitative.1)the colors of automobiles on a used car lotA)qualitative B)quantitative2) the number of complaint letters received by the United States Postal Service in a given dayA)quantitative B)qualitative3)the number of seats in a movie theaterA)quantitative B)qualitative4)the numbers on the shirts of a girlʹs soccer teamA)qualitative B)quantitative2Classify Data with Respect to the Four Levels of MeasurementMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Identify the data setʹs level of measurement.5)hair color of women on a high school tennis teamA)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio6)numbers on the shirts of a girlʹs soccer teamA)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio7)ages of students in a statistic classA)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal8)temperatures of 26 selected refrigeratorsA)interval B)ordinal C)nominal D)ratio9)number of milligrams of tar in 30 cigarettesA)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal10)number of pages in your statistics bookA)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal11)marriage status (married, single, or divorced) of the faculty at the University of ColoradoA)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio12)list of 1240 social security numbersA)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio13)the ratings of a movie ranging from ʺpoorʺ to ʺgoodʺ to ʺexcellentʺA)ordinal B)nominal C)interval D)ratio14)the final grades (A, B, C, D, and F) for students in a statistics classA)ordinal B)nominal C)interval D)ratio15)the annual salaries for all teachers in CaliforniaA)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal16)list of zip codes for ChicagoA)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio17)the nationalities listed in a recent survey (for example, Asian, European, or Hispanic).A)nominal B)ordinal C)interval D)ratio18)the amounts of fat (in grams) in 37 cookiesA)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal19)the years the summer Olympics were held in the United StatesA)interval B)ordinal C)nominal D)ratio20)numbers of touchdowns scored by a major university in five randomly selected games53134A)ratio B)ordinal C)interval D)nominal21)the average daily temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) on five randomly selected days2123213027A)interval B)nominal C)ordinal D)ratio22)manuscripts rated ʺacceptableʺ or ʺunacceptableʺA)ordinal B)nominal C)ratio D)interval23)the lengths (in minutes) of the top ten movies with respect to ticket sales in 2007A)ratio B)nominal C)ordinal D)interval24)the data listed on the horizontal axis in the graphA)nominal B)interval C)ordinal D)ratio25)the data listed on the horizontal axis in the graphA)ratio B)nominal C)ordinal D)interval3ConceptsSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Provide an appropriate response.26)Explain the differences between the interval and ratio levels of measurement.27)Explain why data expressed with the Celsius temperature scale is at the interval level of measurement ratherthan the ratio level.1.3Data Collection and Experimental Design1Decide Whether Study is Observational Study or ExperimentMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.Determine whether the study is an observational study or an experiment.1)A medical researcher obtains a sample of adults suffering from diabetes. She randomly assigns 89people to atreatment group and 89 to a placebo group. The treatment group receives a medication over a period of threemonths and the placebo group receives a placebo over the same time frame. At the end of three months thepatientsʹ symptoms are evaluated.A)experiment B)observational study2)A poll is conducted in which professional musicians are asked their ages.A)observational study B)experiment3)A pollster obtains a sample of students and asks them how they will vote on an upcoming referendum.A)observational study B)experiment4)The personnel director at a large company would like to determine whether the company cafeteria is widelyused by employees. She calls each employee and asks them whether they usually bring their own lunch, eat at the company cafeteria, or go out for lunch.A)observational study B)experiment5)A scientist was studying the effects of a new fertilizer on crop yield. She randomly assigned half of the plots ona farm to group one and the remaining plots to group two. On the plots in group one, the new fertilizer wasused for a year. On the plots in group two, the old fertilizer was used. At the end of the year the average cropyield for the plots in group one was compared with the average crop yield for the plots in group two.A)experiment B)observational study6)A researcher obtained a random sample of 100 smokers and a random sample of 100 nonsmokers. Afterinterviewing all 200 participants in the study, the researcher compared the rate of depression among thesmokers with the rate of depression among nonsmokers.A)observational study B)experimentSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Identify the experimental units and treatments used in the experiment.7)A medical researcher center wants to test the effectiveness of a new diabetes medication. The companyidentifies 98 adults suffering from a similar form of diabetes. The subjects are randomly assigned to twogroups. One group is given a medication and the other is given a placebo that looks exactly like the medication.After three months, the subjectsʹ symptoms are studied and compared.2Identify a Biased SampleSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Provide an appropriate response.8)Explain what bias there is in a study done entirely online.9)A report sponsored by the California Citrus Commission stated that cholesterol levels can be lowered bydrinking at least one glass of a citrus product each day. Determine if the report is biased.10)A local newspaper ran a survey by asking, ʺDo you support the deployment of a weapon that could killmillions of innocent people?ʺ Determine whether the survey question is biased.3Identify Sampling TechniquesMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.Identify the sampling technique used.11)Thirty-five sophomores, 30 juniors and 33seniors are randomly selected from 281 sophomores, 242juniors and529 seniors at a certain high school.A)stratified B)random C)cluster D)convenience E)systematic12)Every fifth person boarding a plane is searched thoroughly.A)systematic B)random C)cluster D)convenience E)stratified13)At a local community college, five statistics classes are randomly selected out of 20 and all of the students fromeach class are interviewed.A)cluster B)random C)convenience D)systematic E)stratified14)A researcher randomly selects and interviews fifty male and fifty female teachers.A)stratified B)random C)cluster D)convenience E)systematic15)A researcher for an airline interviews all of the passengers on five randomly selected flights.A)cluster B)random C)convenience D)systematic E)stratified16)A community college student interviews everyone in a particular statistics class to determine the percentage ofstudents that own a car.A)convenience B)random C)cluster D)systematic E)stratified17)Based on 12,500 responses from 36,500questionnaires sent to its alumni, a major university estimated that theannual salary of its alumni was $116,000 per year.A)random B)stratified C)cluster D)convenience E)systematic18)In a recent television survey, participants were asked to answer ʺyesʺ or ʺnoʺ to the question ʺAre you in favorof the death penalty?ʺ Six thousand five hundred responded ʺyesʺ while 4700 responded ʺnoʺ. There was afifty-cent charge for the call.A)convenience B)random C)cluster D)stratified E)systematic19)A lobbyist for a major airspace firm assigns a number to each legislator and then uses a computer to randomlygenerate ten numbers. The lobbyist contacts the legislators corresponding to these numbers.A)random B)convenience C)cluster D)stratified E)systematic20)To ensure customer satisfaction, every 20th phone call received by customer service will be monitored.A)systematic B)random C)cluster D)stratified E)convenience21)A market researcher randomly selects 400 drivers under 45years of age and 100 drivers over 45years of age.A)stratified B)random C)cluster D)convenience E)systematic22)To avoid working late, the quality control manager inspects the last 60 items produced that day.A)convenience B)random C)cluster D)stratified E)systematic23)The names of 70 contestants are written on 70 cards. The cards are placed in a bag, and three names are pickedfrom the bag.A)random B)stratified C)cluster D)convenience E)systematic24)A researcher randomly selected 70 of the nationʹs middle schools and interviewed all of the teachers at eachschool.A)cluster B)random C)stratified D)convenience E)systematicSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Provide an appropriate response.25)After a hurricane, a disaster area is divided into 200 equal grids. Thirty of the grids are selected and everyoccupied household in the grid is interviewed to help focus relief efforts. Select the numbers of the first fivegrids that belong to the cluster sample.163487693890169513925588771015092097915726)There are 750 incoming freshmen attending a university this fall. A researcher wishes to send questionnaires toa sample of 30 of them to complete regarding their drinking habits. Select the numbers of the first fivefreshmen who belong to the simple random sample.163487693890169513925588771015092097915727)A college employs 85 faculty members. Without replacement, select the numbers of the five members who willserve on the tenure committee next year.163487693890169513925588771015092097915728)Of the 5000 outpatients released from a local hospital in the past year, one hundred were contacted and askedtheir opinion on the care they received. Select the first five patients who belong to the simple random sample.1634876938901695139255887710150920979157MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. Determine whether you would take a census or use a sampling. If you would use a sampling, decide what sampling technique you would use.29)The average age of the 80 residents of an assisted living center.A)census B)random sampling C)stratified sampling D)cluster sampling 4ConceptsSHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.Provide an appropriate response.30)Explain the differences between cluster sampling and stratified sampling.31)Explain the difference between a census and a sampling and describe the advantages and disadvantages ofeach.Chapter 1Introduction to StatisticsAnswer Key1.1An Overview of Statistics1Distinguish Between a Population and a Sample1)A2)A3)population: collection of all American households; sample: collection of 1212American households surveyed4)population: collection of all American households; sample: collection of 1348American households surveyed5)population: elementary school children; sample: collection of 2625 elementary school children surveyed.6)A2Distinguish Between a Parameter and a Statistic7)It describes a statistic because the number $130,000is based on a subset of the population.8)It describes a parameter because the $44,000is based on all the workers at the car manufacturer.9)It describes a statistic because the number 1040is based on a subset of the population.3Distinguish Between Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics10)A11)A12)A13)A14)A4Concepts15)A population is the collection of all outcomes, responses, measurements, or counts that are of interest.. A sample is asubset of a population.16)A sample would be used. It is usually impractical to obtain all the population data.1.2Data Classification1Distinguish Between Qualitative and Quantitative Data1)A2)A3)A4)A2Classify Data with Respect to the Four Levels of Measurement5)A6)A7)A8)A9)A10)A11)A12)A13)A14)A15)A16)A17)A18)A19)A20)A21)A22)A23)A24)A25)A3Concepts26)Data at the ratio level are similar to data at the interval level, but with the added property that a zero entry is aninherent zero (implies ʺnoneʺ). Also, for data at the ratio level a ratio of two data values can be formed so that one data value can be expressed as a multiple of another.27)Such data is at the interval level rather than the ratio level because the temperature of 0°C does not represent acondition where no heat is present, so it is not an inherent zero as required by the ratio level. Also, ratios of twotemperatures cannot be formed so that one data value is expressed as a multiple of the other. The temperature 2°C is not twice as warm as 1°C.1.3Data Collection and Experimental Design1Decide Whether Study is Observational Study or Experiment1)A2)A3)A4)A5)A6)A7)The experimental units are the 98 adults in the study. The treatment is the new diabetes medication.2Identify a Biased Sample8)The study may be biased because it is limited to people with computers.9)A report sponsored by the citrus industry is much more likely to reach conclusions favorable to the industry.10)The wording of the question is biased, as it tends to encourage negative responses.3Identify Sampling Techniques11)A12)A13)A14)A15)A16)A17)A18)A19)A20)A21)A22)A23)A24)A25)163, 169, 15, 92, 9726)163, 487, 693, 169, 51327)16, 34, 69, 38, 1328)1634, 3890, 1695, 1392, 150929)A4Concepts30)In stratified sampling, members of the population are divided into two or more subsets, or strata, that share a similarcharacteristic. A sample is then randomly selected from each of the strata. A stratified sample has members from each segment of the population. In cluster sampling, the population is divided into naturally occurring subgroups, each having similar characteristics. All of the members in one or more (but not all) of the clusters are then selected. In a cluster sample, care must be taken to ensure that all clusters have similar characteristics.31)A census is a count or measure of an entire population, while a sampling is a count or measure of part of a population.A census provides complete information but is often expensive, difficult, and time consuming to perform especially ifthe population is large. A sampling is less expensive and time consuming, however appropriate sampling techniques must be used to ensure that unbiased data are collected and that the sample is representative of the population. Even with the best sampling methods, sampling error can occur.。
▪ Dependent Samples (paired or matched samples) • Each member of one sample corresponds to a member of the other sample.
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Two Sample Hypothesis Test with Independent Samples
1. Null hypothesis H0 ▪ A statistical hypothesis that usually states there is no difference between the parameters of two populations. ▪ Always contains the symbol , =, or .
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Two Sample z-Test for the
Difference Between Means
A two-sample z-test can be used to test the difference
Solution: These samples are dependent. Because the triglyceride levels of the same patients are taken, the samples are related. The samples can be paired with respect to each patient.
第一章 总论 课件(共15张PPT)-《统计学概论(第七版)》同步教学(高教版).ppt
![第一章 总论 课件(共15张PPT)-《统计学概论(第七版)》同步教学(高教版).ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0ec552359a6648d7c1c708a1284ac850ad020437.png)
原始 社会
文字产生之前 :就有“结绳记事”等统计计数活动。文字产生之后:古巴比伦的原始算版、古埃及 的纸草记录、古印度的贝多罗叶记录、古代中国的甲骨文记录,统计计数活动日益深入人类社会实 践,这些统计计数活动属于统计最初的萌芽。
奴隶 社会
封建 社会
奴隶社会形成过程中,统计也初步形成。 公元前2000多年的夏禹时代就有了人口、土地等历史记载,《尚书》中就有对居民生活条件的调查 记录,当时 “数量和分组的初步概念已经形成”。
第一章 总论
近代统计的发展是与资本主义的产生发展同步的,17世纪至18世纪-随-着资本主义的成长--人口、工业、农业 的统计登记逐渐形成制度“商业、工业、农业、海关、外贸、物价等方面的统计得到了很大的发展”。
政治算术学派的创始 人是英国人威廉•配 弟和约翰•格兰特
统计监督职能是指统计具有 揭示社会经济运行中的偏差, 促使社会经济运行不偏离正 常轨道的功能,也就是统计 部门以定量检查、经济监测、 预警指标体系等手段,揭示 社会经济决策和执行中的偏 差,使社会经济决策及其运 行按客观规律的要求进行。
第一章 总论
是统计调查研究的对象,简称总体,是由客观存在的、 具有某种共同性质的个体所组成的整体。
封建社会时,我国的统计已略具规模。《商君书》中提出强国知十三数,即“境内仓、口(府)之 数,壮男、壮女之数,老弱之数,宦士之数,以言谈取食者之数,利民之数,马、牛、刍、藁之数” 封建社会各个朝代都进行过人口、土地、财产等方面的统计调查,并建立了一定的统计调查制度。 古希腊公元前600年就进行了人口普查,古罗马公元前就建立了出生、死亡登记制度。
Chapter 1, Slide 5
Collecting Data Correctly Is A ritical
▪ Need to avoid data flawed by biases, ambiguities, or other types of errors.
▪ Results from flawed data will be suspect or in error.
▪ A marketing research analyst needs to assess the effectiveness of a new television advertisement.
▪ A pharmaceutical manufacturer needs to determine whether a new drug is more effective than those currently in use.
Sources of data fall into five categories
Data distributed by an organization or an individual
The outcomes of a designed experiment
The responses from a survey
▪ An auditor wants to review the financial transactions of a company in order to determine whether the company is in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Supply chain managers planning and forecasting based on product distribution and optimizing sales distribution based on key inventory measures.
Summarize & visualize business data
Reach conclusions from those data
Make reliable predictions about business activities
Improve business processes
Copyright © 2016, 2013, 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Copyright © 2016, 2013, 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter GS, Slide 12
The Growth Of “Big Data” Spurs The Use Of Business Analytics
“Big Data” is still a fuzzy concept.
Chapter GS, Slide 5
To Properly Apply Statistics You Should Follow A Framework To Minimize Possible Errors
In this book we will use DCOVA
Solution: Finding a Poisson Probability Using a Table
According to the table, the probability is 0.0425. You can check this result using technology. As shown below using Excel, the probability is 0.042484. After rounding to four decimal places, the probability is 0.0425, which is the same value found using the table.
Chapter 4
Discrete Probability Distributions
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Chapter Outline
• 4.1 Probability Distributions • 4.2 Binomial Distributions • 4.3 More Discrete Probability Distributions
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Solution: Finding a Poisson Probability Using a Table
Solution: A portion of Table 3 in Appendix B is shown here.
The mean number of accidents per month at a certain intersection is 3. What is the probability that in any given month four accidents will occur at this intersection?
2. empirical probability
probability of occurrence
Hale Waihona Puke number of ways in which the event occurs total number of possible outcomes
3. subjective probability
based on a combination of an individual’s past experience, personal opinion, and analysis of a particular situation
Simple Probability refers to the probability of a simple event.
ex. P(Jan.) ex. P(Wed.)
Not Wed. 27
Not Jan. 48 286 334
Total 52 313 365
Chapter 4, Slide 3
Assessing Probability
There are three approaches to assessing the probability of an uncertain event:
Assuming all outcomes are equally likely
ex. P(Jan. and Wed.) ex. P(Not Jan. and Not Wed.)
Not Wed. 27
Not Jan. 48 286 334
A golf club manufacturer claims that golfers can lower their scores by using the manufacturer’s newly designed golf clubs. The table shows the scores of 10 golfers while using the old design and while using
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.ilcoxon Signed-Rank Test (1 of 4)
In Words
In Symbols
1. Verify that the samples are random and dependent.
Slide 11
Solution: Performing a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test (2 of 3)
• From Table 9 in Appendix B, the critical value is 8. To find the test statistic ws , complete a table as shown below.
Elementary Statistics
Seventh Edition
Chapter 11
Nonparametric Tests
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Slide 1
Chapter Outline
• 11.1 The Sign Test • 11.2 The Wilcoxon Tests • 11.3 The Kruskal-Wallis Test • 11.4 Rank Correlation • 11.5 The Runs Test
根据频数分布表,以组距为横坐标,频数为纵坐标,绘制直方图,直观地展示 数据的分布情况。
所有数据的算术平均数,反映数据的 平均水平。
出现次数最多的数,反映数据的集中 趋势。
将数据按大小顺序排列后,位于中间 位置的数,反映数据的中心位置。
05 时间序列分析与 预测技术
通过扩大时距来消除季节变动和不规则变动,从而显现出长期趋 势。
平均数指数是以个体指数为基础,采用加权平均法计算总指 数的一种方法。
选择合适的权数,权数应根据各组标志值在总体中所占比重 确定;计算个体指数,个体指数是各组标志值变动程度的相 对数;采用加权平均法计算总指数。
在总体分布未知的情况下,通过构造检验统计量并根据显著性 水平进行决策,判断总体参数是否等于某个特定值或属于某个 特定范围。
提出原假设和备择假设、构造检验统计量、确定显著性水平、 计算p值并作出决策。
条件概率是指在某个条件下事 件发生的概率,独立性是指两
通过案例分析和实践训练,能够运用统 计学知识解决实际问题。
了解总体和样本的概念,以 及它们在统计学中的重要性。
学习区分描述统计和推断统 计的概念和应用领域。
通过统计学方法分析市场调研数 据,为企业决策提供准确的市场 见解。
运用统计学方法进行医学研究, 分析实验数据,推断治疗效果。
通过统计学方法对社会调查和问 卷数据进行分析,发现群体趋势 和关联因素。
通过学习《统计学基础》,我们掌握了基本概念和常用统计方法,并了解了 统计学在实际应用中的重要性。
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Discrete Probability Distributions
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter Outline
• 4.1 Probability Distributions • 4.2 Binomial Distributions • 4.3 More Discrete Probability Distributions
nCx pxqnx
(n x)!x!
• n = number of trials
• p = probability of success
• q = 1 – p probability of failure
• x = number of successes in n trials
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Example: Identifying and Understanding Binomial Experiments
Decide whether each experiment is a binomial experiment. If it is, specify the values of n, p, and q, and list the possible values of the random variable x. If it is not, explain why.
n = 3, p = 190, q = 110, and x = 2.
3! 9 2)!2! 10
1 101Fra bibliotek381 100
1 10
81 1000
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Binomial Probability Distribution
2. There are only two possible outcomes of interest for each surgery: a success (S) or a failure (F).
3. The probability of a success, P(S), is 0.85 for each surgery.
81 1000
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Solution: Finding a Binomial
Method 2: Use the binomial probability formula.
4. The random variable x counts the number of successful surgeries.
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Solution: Identifying and Understanding Binomial Experiments
2. A jar contains five red marbles, nine blue marbles, and six green marbles. You randomly select three marbles from the jar, without replacement. The random variable represents the number of red marbles.
Example: Identifying and Understanding Binomial Experiments
Decide whether each experiment is a binomial experiment. If it is, specify the values of n, p, and q, and list the possible values of the random variable x. If it is not, explain why.
2. There are only two possible outcomes of interest for each trial. The outcomes can be classified as a success (S) or as a failure (F).
3. The probability of a success, P(S), is the same for each trial.
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Section 4.2
Binomial Distributions
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Section 4.2 Objectives
4. The random variable x counts the number of successful trials.
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Notation for Binomial Experiments
• How to determine whether a probability experiment is a binomial experiment
• How to find binomial probabilities using the binomial probability formula
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Solution: Identifying and Understanding Binomial Experiments
Not a Binomial Experiment • The probability of selecting a red marble on the first
a success is not the same for each trial.
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Binomial Probability Formula
Binomial Probability Formula • The probability of exactly x successes in n trials is
• How to find binomial probabilities using technology, formulas, and a binomial probability table
• How to construct and graph a binomial distribution • How to find the mean, variance, and standard
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Solution: Finding a Binomial Probability
Method 1: Draw a tree diagram and use the Multiplication Rule.
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Solution: Identifying and Understanding Binomial Experiments
Binomial Experiment
1. Each surgery represents a trial. There are eight surgeries, and each one is independent of the others.
The random variable represents a count of the number of successes in n trials: x = 0, 1, 2, 3, … , n.
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.
Binomial Probability Distribution
• List the possible values of x with the corresponding probability of each.
trial is 5/20. • Because the marble is not replaced, the probability of
success (red) for subsequent trials is no longer 5/20. • The trials are not independent and the probability of
• Note: number of failures is n x
Copyright 2019, 2015, 2012, Pearson Education, Inc.