汽车TIER 1 supplier





汽车行业的供应链主要分为以下几个环节:1. 原料供应商(Raw Material Supplier):汽车行业的原材料主要包括钢材、塑料、橡胶等。


2. 零部件供应商(Component Supplier):零部件供应商是汽车行业中非常重要的一环,他们负责制造和供应汽车所需的各类零部件,如发动机、变速器、座椅、轮胎等。


3. 汽车制造商(Automotive Manufacturer):汽车制造商是整个供应链的核心,他们将原材料和零部件组装成成品车。


4. 物流服务商(Logistics Service Provider):物流服务商负责整个供应链的物流运输,包括原材料的采购和运输、零部件的运输、成品车的运输等。


5. 经销商(Dealer):经销商是汽车行业的销售环节,他们负责将成品车从汽车制造商处购买后,销售给最终用户。


6. 最终消费者(End User):最终消费者就是购买汽车的人,他们是供应链的终点。








Volvo Car CorporationEnvironmental Self-assessment Phased PPAP Requirements HandbookProduction Part ApprovalProcessHandbookVersion 1bIMPORTANTThis process is derived from the Ford process but are not equal to.It is important to ensure that the Volvo Car Corporation version is always used for VCC business as they are NOTinterchangeable.For any queries regarding the process described in this document, please contact your VCC STA Engineer.Phased PPAP IntroductionIn order to improve launch performance the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is structured into a phased approach that will require an organisation to demonstrate manufacturing capability, product quality and production capacity prior to Job #1.Phased PPAP will provide Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) and the Supplier with an improved understanding of Supplier manufacturing process and part readiness.Phased PPAP organizes the Production Part Approval Process into four phases: •Run @ Rate Phase 0•Quality Phase 1•Production Phase 2•Capacity Phase 3Benefits of Phased PPAPPhased PPAP will benefit VCC and its Suppliers by:•Dividing PPAP activities into more manageable segments.•Providing a structured approach aligned with manufacturing process development.•Providing program teams with earlier and additional measures to forecast program/product readiness.•Providing a consistent mechanism for a Supplier to demonstrate their ability to support volume requirements/capacity.TeamworkVolvo Car Corporation and its Suppliers must work together to deliver a quality part, produced on-time, that meets all VCC requirements. To drive flawless execution in launching and delivering products that surpass customer expectations, VCC and its Suppliers must place trust, integrity and accuracy above all else in the Production Part Approval Process.What Phased PPAP Means to Volvo car CorporationSuccessful completion of Phased PPAP:•Confirms that all customer engineering design record and specification requirements are properly understood by the Supplier, and that ALLproduction streams have the potential to produce product consistentlymeeting these requirements during an actual production run at the quotedproduction rate.AND•Verifies that the Supplier's production system can support the NWC (Normal Weekly Capacity) declared by the customer.Phased PPAP OverviewScope•Phased PPAP must be completed for any of the situations already specified by the current edition AIAG PPAP Manual. In addition, any increase in theNormal weekly Capacity (NWC) declared by the customer above the verified declared NWC will require the Supplier to re-complete any affected Phased PPAP phases.Trial RunsObjectives:•To trim the process to support a Run @ Rate.•These Trial’s must be planned to support Phase 0Phase 0: R@R (Run at Rate)Objectives:•To confirm that all production input requirements are available and understood, and can support a limited production run.Required Inputs:•Trained Supplier production Operators.•Sub-supplier material status from Tier-x , Phase 1.•Quantity of parts required as defined by Customer(default 300 consecutive parts).•Job 1 location (final site & line).•Planned production cycle times required to support NWC.R@R is a limited production of parts for at least one production stream, and is not a demonstration that all PPAP requirements have been met for that production stream.The following PPAP requirements must be achieved1 Design Record2 Engineering Change Documents3 Customer Engineering Approval4 Design FMEA5 Process Flow Diagrams6 Process FMEA7 Control Plan8 Measure System Analysis StudiesPhase 0 is run-at-rate parts for at least one production stream, and is not a demonstration that all PPAP requirements have been met for that production stream..Important notes:It is required that prior to Phase 0 submission that sub-supplier(s) material status from Tier- x has also achieved Phase 0.Phase 1: Quality VerificationUtilizes parts produced during Phase 0.Objectives:•To confirm all customer design record and specification requirements are properly understood by the Supplier.•To provide an early indicator that the design of the process/tool/facility has the potential to produce product consistently meeting these requirementsduring an actual production run at the quoted production rate by operating a minimum of one selected production stream.Required Inputs:•Partfolder for SuppliersPhase 1 demonstrates that all 18 PPAP requirements have been met for one production stream’Important notes:For suppliers with only one production stream completion of Phase 1 & 2 occur at the same time. It is required that prior to Phase 1 submission that sub-supplier(s) material status from Tier- x has also achieved Phase 1.Phase 2: Production VerificationObjectives:•To confirm all customer engineering design record and specification requirements are properly understood by the Supplier, and that ALLproduction streams have the potential to produce product consistentlymeeting these requirements during an actual production run at the quotedproduction rate.Required Inputs:•Partfolder for SuppliersPhase 2 demonstrates that all PPAP requirements are met for all production streams.Note: The approach adopted for PPAP of multiple production streams is scenario-specific and must be agreed between the Supplier and STA. In general terms each production stream should be assessed for Run-at-Rate and Quality Verification separately. Consideration should also be given to the risk that the introduction of further production streams may impact the validity of the Phase 1approval. (e.g., Phase 1 achieved on cavity #1 of a four cavity tool - the introduction of cavity #2, 3 & 4 may impact the cavity #1 part and it may no longer be to specification).Important note: Phase 2 and Phase 3 can happen concurrently if requirements for both phases are fulfilled.Phase 3: Capacity VerificationObjective:•Verify the Supplier's production system can support customer declared volume requirements while meeting Phase 2 requirements.Required Inputs:•All supplier production operators / all shifts Trained.•Tier 1 material status, Phase 2.•Sub-supplier material status from Tier-x , Phase 2.•Quantity required on one days production to meet customer NWC.•Job 1 location (final site & line).•Planned production cycle times required to support NWC.Definitions:Production StreamA single production stream is a sequence of a minimum of one line, machine, tool, cavity, facility, equipment, gauge, operator and other required items at the intended location and with the intended layout that will be used to produce parts that meet VCC specifications.All production streams must include any additional items not included in the single production stream that are required to meet the Normal Weekly Capacity (NWC) requirements of the intended program being launched (e.g. additional tools, cavities, lines, conveyors, machines).See Capacity Analysis Report for details of capacity planning volume requirements.Normal Weekly Capacity (NWC)Capacity Planning Volumes are the volumes for which VCC requires Suppliers to facilitate and tool-up for.Capacity Planning Volumes are available from the buyer.Suppliers are expected to satisfy the production weekly demand based on a 5day/3 shift manufacturing operating pattern unless cultural norms, laws, or work rules in Supplier's country of manufacture deem otherwise.Refer to the Global Terms and Conditions Capacity Planning Web Acceptable Parts (referenced in Phase 1 objectives)Acceptable Parts are defined as parts produced using the required PPAP inputs for Phase 1 and manufactured in conformance with the relevant control plan and meeting all PPAP requirements.Interim AcceptancePart meets customer specifications, which include a valid Temporary Engineering Specification for temporary exception (TPD).Temporary Engineering Specification (TPD)Temporary specification provided by the customer engineering release organization.Customer Approval of Phased PPAPPhased PPAP Approval•Phase 0 require a Phased PPAP Submission Warrant, however a Capacity Analysis Report Report and supporting documentation must be submittedwith the Phased PPAP Submission Warrant Phase 0 box ticked indicatingand signed by the Supplier.•In addition, the Supplier should have results from Run-at-Rate readily available for STA Site Engineer review and approval when required •Phases 0, 1, 2 and 3 each require a Phased PPAP Submission Warrant and customer approval in line with the AIAG PPAP submission levelrequirements or as otherwise specified by STA.•Phase 3 requires Suppliers to complete the Capacity Analysis Report in addition to the Phased PPAP Submission Warrant.•Suppliers to VCC and its affiliates will utilize the VCC Phased PPAP Warrant.•Suppliers/parts identified as Priority , STA and R&D* will review and either approve, accept or reject the PPAP submission Warrant.•Any temporary exception due to non-compliance with a PPAP element or build timing requirement is handled in line with the Exception ManagementProcess.ExpectationsPhased PPAP Achievement by Build MilestonePPAP Phase Not later than:Phase 0 (minimum 1 production stream)Phase 1 (minimum 1 production stream) TT/MRD Phase 2 (all production streams) PP/MRD Phase 3 (all production streams) MP1 MRD**Exceptions are to be approved by STA Program and Site ManagementPhased PPAP Reporting ExpectationsGlobal Phased PPAP requires Suppliers to track and report on multiple promise dates. Tier 1 Suppliers shipping to VCC must use a production part approval process for their sub-suppliers. Additionally, Suppliers are required to verify their sub-supplier can meet required volumes at the required time; Suppliers and/or sub-suppliers may use the VCC Capacity Analysis Report (CAR) and Phased PPAP Warrant documentation. STA and PD will disposition the Supplier Phased PPAPsubmission and provide a copy of the signed Warrant to the Supplier. Once the Supplier has received the STA and PD signed Warrant, the supplier must send a copy of the approved PSW to the defined mailbox for update of the Warrant status into the VCC Part tracking system (FLIT)Review RequirementsSupplier Site VQE Status PartStatusPPAPSub-missionLevelPhase 0GeometryPhase 1 QualityVerificationPhase 2ProductionVerificationPhase 3CapacityVerificationVQE Non-Priority1 Supplier Site self-certifies to VCC Phased PPAP RequirementsNo VQE Non-Priority 3 STA desktop review of Supplier Site PPAP submission andaccompanying documentationRegardless of VQE Status Priority 5 STA and PD On-Site review of Supplier Site PPAP submission and accompanying documentationDocumentation Phase 0PartSubmissionWarrantCapacityAnalysisReport Phase 1PartSubmissionWarrantSupportingDocumentationSample Parts ifrequestedPhase 2PartSubmissionWarrantSupportingDocumentationSample Parts ifrequestedPhase 3PartSubmissionWarrantCapacityAnalysis ReportException Management ProcessPurposeThe purpose of this instruction is to identify the Supplier and customer responsibilities when PPAP is not complete and approved material is required to support customer manufacturing. Also, this instruction defines the process steps for achieving Interim Acceptance of a part with a valid Temporary Product Deviation (TPD).Definitionso"Approved Material"o Parts with Warrant declaring "Approved" in the customer use block of the PPAP Warrant.o"Temporary Part Deviation" (TPD)o Temporary specification provided by the customer engineering release organization.o"Approval"o Part meets all customer specifications and requirements.o"Interim Acceptance".o Part meets customer specifications and includes valid Temporary Part Deviation (TPD) for deviation.DescriptionDeviation to PPAP Elements: It is the responsibility of the Supplier to complete the 18 requirement s of PPAP prior to the date when the customer requires approved material. Examples of a PPAP requirement not being met include: •PV testing not complete.•Dimension out of tolerance.•Parts not produced using intended production flow – e.g., rework due to urgent change, use of temporary tooling/facility, not all equipment on home-line.•Deviation to required cycle time.The team should develop, agree and implement a corrective action plan. If this plan is not complete prior to the build requirements then a Temporary Part Deviation is needed. Deviation from PPAP Timing: It is the responsibility of the Supplier to complete the appropriate Phase by the required timing as determined by the customer. If this timing is not achieved then the team should develop, agree and implement a Corrective Action Plan. If this plan is not complete prior to the build requirement then a support plan should be developed. Local practice determines whether a TPD is required for Deviations to PPAP Timing.•Corrective Action Plan:o It is the responsibility of the Supplier to develop a Corrective Action Plan that achieves Approved Material status by the required partsubmission date. The Supplier should seek input from the customer'sproduct development, manufacturing, and launch management toassure their concurrence with the planned corrective actions.•Support Plan:o If the PPAP submission is not complete at the required timing a Support Plan must be developed that identifies how the Supplier willsupport the build volume requirements as well as the activities tosupport Approval.Temporary Product Deviation: (TPD)Shipment of production level parts with an incomplete PPAP requires a Supplier's PPAP Warrant consistent with the requirements stated in a TPD. The TPD must describe the specific PPAP Element(s) (or timing deviations per local practice) that are not completed, the modified specification(s) that the part satisfies, if the part is saleable and the justification why the modified specification is acceptable. Additionally, the TPD shall describe how the Supplier will assure quality of parts (e.g. extraordinary controls/inspection process and robust measurement system) to the modified specification. The TPD is effective for a limited period of time, typically reflected in terms of days, quantity of parts, or specific launch build event. Examples of Deviations:•Geometry – expanded tolerance or mean shift•PV Testing – partial completion•Functional Testing – Use of surrogate test resultsApprove/Release Temporary Engineering Specification:The customer is responsible to approve and release a TPD. VCC Research & Development will concur with the TPD request, and it will be approved by the releasing activity. This approval is authorization to the Supplier to proceed with the corrective actions necessary to achieve Acceptable Material status on a time- or part quantity- limited basis.Update quality control documents:Upon receiving the approved TPD from the customer, the Supplier is responsible to update all affected quality control documents. The PFMEA shall be updated appropriately. Additionally, items such as Gauge R&R, Controls Plans, Operator Instructions and Visual Aids shall be reviewed.Provide Phased PPAP Warrant:It is the responsibility of the Supplier to complete a Phased PPAP Warrant per the specifications provided in the TPD. The purpose of this Warrant is for the Supplier to declare that inspections and tests on production parts show conformance to customer specifications including the TPD.The Supplier must indicate the following on the Phased PPAP Warrant:•In the Submission Results section, check the box indicating that results do not meet drawing and specification requirements.•In the Interim status / Engineering Authorization section, enter the TPD number and the deviation areas.Accept or Reject Warrant :Acceptance of the Warrant is the Supplier's permission to ship products for a specified time period or quantity. Rejection of the Warrant means customer requirements were not fulfilled and requires the Supplier to make corrections and submit a new Warrant. Upon review of the Warrant and supporting evidence, the Part Approval Activity (STA and Research & Development) completes the Customer Use section of the Warrant.•If Accept, check (Interim Accept) for Part Warrant Disposition.•If Reject, check Reject for Part Warrant Disposition.Actions to achieve Approval:The Supplier is responsible to implement the corrective actions necessary to achieve an Approval. If Approval is not complete by the next launch build event, the customer should process a new or updated Temporary Engineering Specification. If the conditions within the Temporary Engineering Specification are changed, a new Warrant is required from the Supplier.PPAP Requirements# Requirement1 Design Record2 Engineering Change Documents3 Customer Engineering Approval4 Design FMEA5 Process Flow Diagrams6 Process FMEA7 Control Plan8 Measure System Analysis Studies9 Dimensional Results10 Records of Material/Performance Test Results11 Initial Process Studies12 Qualified Laboratory Documentation13 Appearance Approval Reports14 Sample Production Parts15 Master Sample16 Checking Aids17 Customer Specific Requirements18 PPAP WarrantBulk Material expectations are not addressed within Phased PPAP requirements Acronym List•AIAG - A utomotive I ndustry A ction G roup•NWC – N ormal W eekly C apacity•GPDS - G lobal P roduct D evelopment S ystem•MRD - M aterial R equired D ate•R&D - R esearch & D evelopment•PP - P ilot P roduction•PPAP - P roduction P art A pproval P rocess•PSW - P art S ubmission W arrant•STA - S upplier T echnical A ssistance•SALEABLE - Refers to the product/part specified on the contract betweenthe PRODUCT/PART customer and organization.•TT - T ooling T rial。



1. CA-SIP长安供应商质量提升流程Chang AnSupplier Improvement process2. STA 供应商技术支持 Supplier Technical Assitance3. PPM:零部件百万分之不合格品率 Parts Per Million4. R/1000 售后市场每千台车的维修频次5. CR:记录质量问题的文档 Concern Responses Report6. QR:记录供应商责任的质量拒收文档 Quality Reject7. LQR:新品(投产)质量拒收文档 Launch Quality Reject8. QCM:质量确认地图 Quality Conformation Mapping9. IQS:进货质量信息系统 Incoming Quality System10. Tip-Level:问题升级警戒线11. CA:长安制造过程引起的质量问题12. IL:长安内部物流引起的质量问题 Internal logistics13. SI:供应商相关的质量问题14. PD:产品开发15. AE:车间工艺16. ICA:临时措施17. PCA:永久措施18. 8D: 解决问题的八个步骤的自定义的质量问题报告 8 Discipline19. VRT 变差减小小组 Variability Reduction Team20. PSW 零件提交保证书21. PPAP 生产件批准程序 Production Parts Approval Process22. APQP 先期产品质量策划 Advanced Product Quality Planning23. FMEA 失效模式及后果分析 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis24. MSA 测量系统分析 Measurement System Analysis25. SPC 过程控制统计 Statistical Process Control26. CCC 中国强制认证 China Compulsory Certification27. COP 产品生产一致性 Conformity of Production28. COC 生产一致性证书 Conformity of certification29. PVT 负责市场及综合性质量问题小组/小批量过程测验30. FTT 一次校验合格率31. CCPS 中国长安精益生产管理体系 China Changan Production System32. AUDIT 新型质量检验方法(站在消费者立场)AUDIT是德国叫法,美国叫CSA,日本叫QLA33. IE 工业工程 Industrial Engineering34.长安责任(CA)——质量问题(CR)代码长安内部物流(IL)——质量问题(CR)代码供应商相关(SI)——质量问题(CR)代码错误的问题记录(ECR)——CR取消时的代码供应商设计(FF)——质量拒收(QR)代码供应商制造(NP)——质量拒收(QR)代码零部件状态不符(MN)——质量拒收(QR)代码供应商物流(SL)——质量拒收(QR)代码错误的质量拒收(EQR)——QR取消时的代码。


3 术语和定义 .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
7 运行 ........................................................................................................................................ 8 7.1 合同审查................................................................................................................................................................ 9 7.2 设计开发................................................................................................................................................................ 9 7.2.1 测试和验证................................................................................................................................................................9 7.2.2 配置与数据管理......................................................................................................................................................10 7.3 产品实现.............................................................................................................................................................. 11 7.3.1 程序失效模式和后果分析 (PFMEA) .......................................................................................................................11 7.3.2 控制计划..................................................................................................................................................................11 7.3.3 测量系统分析 (MSA) ............................................................................................................................................... 11 MSA 应按照 AIAG MSA 参考手册完成,如下所示: ........................................................................................................11 7.3.4 工艺能力..................................................................................................................................................................11 7.3.5 检查.......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 7.3.6 产能分析..................................................................................................................................................................12 7.3.7 PPAP ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13






























交付管理1. 交付计划Tier1供应商应该制定详细的交付计划,确保按时交付产品或服务。




2. 交付过程控制Tier1供应商应该建立有效的交付过程控制机制,确保交付的顺利进行。




3. 交付绩效评估Tier1供应商需要对交付绩效进行评估,以便持续改进交付过程。




质量管理1. 质量计划Tier1供应商应该制定详细的质量计划,以确保产品或服务符合质量要求。




2. 质量控制Tier1供应商应该建立有效的质量控制系统,确保产品或服务的质量。




3. 质量改进Tier1供应商需要不断改进质量管理过程,以提高产品或服务的质量。



• • •
Finish goods buffer create pull 缓冲产生拉动 takt adjusted to buffer takt 根据余量调整 Std product fill from stock 标准产品 specials take forever
Pull/JIT 方式

• • •
Labels 标签
Business Benefits:
Manage Complexity and Variety - Achieve 150 inventory turns – Competitive advantage
Poka Yoke 防错机制
JIT/S Kanban transactions 准时制/顺序看板处理
Sacks 5 Days
The Lean Enterprise 精益企业
Real-time visibility of actual Supply and Demand 实际供给和需求的实时可见性 Work Cells to support a flow process 工作单元支持流程处理 Setup is reduced to support frequent change 减少设置时间支持生产频繁变化 Administration is automated with paypoints and automatic payments 管理工作也因自动处理收付款而实 现自动化
整车 为整车厂提供汽车整套系统如 传动系统,内饰系统等
二线供应 Tier 商 2 三线供应 Tier 商 3 四线供应 Tier 商
为系统供应商提供汽车各系统 的关键部件 为二线供应商提供零件用以 加工装配成关键部件 为三线供应商提供基 本的原材料及生产 辅料



AUTOMOTIVE MAQMSR QUALITY MANAGEMENTSYSTEM DOCUMENTSecond EditionSeptember, 2017 Minimum Automotive Quality Management System Requirementsfor Sub-Tier SuppliersSections of IATF 16949 selected for supplier QMS developmentInternationalAutomotiveTask ForceIATF copyright noticeThis Automotive Quality Management System Document, known as MAQMSR, is copyright protected by the members of the International Automotive Task Force (IATF).Permission is granted for organizations certified to ISO/TS 16949:2009 or IATF 16949:2016 to reproduce this document in its entirety for distribution to their suppliers for the expressed purpose of aiding development of their quality management system in accordance with ISO/TS 16949:2009 Section or IATF 16949:2016 Section, except as permitted under the applicable laws of the user's country, neither this Automotive Quality Management System Document nor any extract from it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission being secured from the IATF.Reproduction may be subject to royalty payments or a licensing agreement and violators are subject to legal prosecution.Requests for permission to reproduce and/or translate any part of this Automotive QMS Documentshould be addressed to one of the following national automotive trade associations below:Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industrie Automobilistiche (ANFIA / Italy)Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG / USA)Fédération des Industries des Équipements pour Véhicules (FIEV / France)Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Ltd. (SMMT / UK)Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA / Germany)TABLES OF AUTOMOTIVE QMS REQUIREMENTS1 CONTROL PLANS (2)2 PROCESS APPROACH (2)3 PERFORMANCE (2)4 INTERNAL AUDITING (3)5 CONTROL OF NON-CONFORMING PRODUCT (3)6 PART APPROVAL (3)7 MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY (4)8 RISK MANAGEMENT (4)9 SAFETY (4)ANNEXES (4)TABLE 1 - CONTROL PLANSAutomotive QMS Requirement Applicable IATF 16949:2016 Section(s)1.1 Control plan Control plan1.2 Work instructions Standardized work – operator instructionsand visual standards1.3 Verification of job set-ups Verification of job set-ups1.4 Preventive maintenance Total productive maintenance1.5 Identification and Traceability 8.5.1 Identification and traceability8.5.2.1 Identification and traceability —supplemental1.6 Verification after shutdown* Verification after shutdown*1.7 Temporary change of process controls* Temporary change of process controls*TABLE 2 - PROCESS APPROACHAutomotive QMS Requirement Applicable Criteria2.1 Process application The organization shall define its productrealization system. Each process and sub-process shall be defined. Each defined processshall be implemented and controlled including theinteractions and linkages between processes.The processes shall be monitored foreffectiveness.Note – Suppliers may refer to ISO 9001:2015Section 0.3 for further guidance on the processapproach.TABLE 3 - PERFORMANCEAutomotive QMS Requirement Applicable IATF 16949:2016 Section(s)3.1 Customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction – supplemental3.2 Incoming product conformity to requirements 8.6.4 Verification and acceptance of conformity ofexternally provided products and services3.3 Supplier monitoring Supplier monitoring3.4 Problem solving and root cause analysis 10.2.3 Problem solving10.2.4 Error-proofing*10.2.5 Warranty management systems*10.2.6 Customer complaints and field failure testanalysis**Requirement is new for IATF 16949© AIAG, © ANFIA, © FIEV, © SMMT, © VDA – 2016 – All rights reserved 2TABLE 4 – INTERNAL AUDITINGAutomotive QMS Requirement Applicable IATF 16949:2016 Section(s) 4.1 Quality management system audit Quality management system audit –except:organization shall audit to verify compliance withMAQMSR, 2nd Ed.4.2 Manufacturing process audit Manufacturing process audit4.3 Product audit Product audit4.4 Internal audit plans Internal audit programme4.5 Internal auditor qualification 7.2.3 Internal auditor competency, except:requirement for documented process may bewaived if audits are conducted under theguidance of a qualified customer second-party auditorscope of auditor competency limited to ISO9001:2015 and MAQMSRTABLE 5 - CONTROL OF NON-CONFORMING PRODUCTAutomotive QMS Requirement Applicable IATF 16949:2016 Section(s) 5.1 Control of nonconforming product Control of nonconforming product –customer specified process* Control of suspect product5.2 Control of reworked product Control of reworked product8.7.1.5 Control of repaired product*5.3 Customer information Customer notification5.4 Customer waiver Customer authorization for concessionTABLE 6 – PART APPROVALAutomotive QMS Requirement Applicable IATF 16949:2016 Section(s) 6.1 Product approval process Product approval process6.2 Engineering specifications7. Engineering specifications8.4.2.2 Statutory and regulatory requirements* Automotive product-related software orautomotive products with embedded software* 6.3 Monitoring and measurement of Monitoring and measurement of manufacturing processes manufacturing processes6.4 Measurement system analysis7. Measurement system analysis6.5 Calibration/verification records7. Calibration/verification records6.6 Change control and change control notification Control of changes - supplemental*Requirement is new for IATF 16949。



Abbreciation........Note........Chinese........Remark........8D........8.Discipline.Report........8D.报告prehensive.team-based.corrective.action.plan.for.objectively.identifying,.qua ntifying.and.resolving.process.and.product.quality.issuesA........ABS........Anti-lock.Break.System........防抱死制动系统................ABS+T................防抱死制动系统+循迹系统................ACI........Automatic.Car.Identification.System........汽车自动识别系统........ ........APQP........Advanced.Product.Quality.Planning........产品质量先期策划........ ........AQL........Approval.Quality.Level........品质允收水准........C=0/AQL=04 ........APQP........Advanced.Product.and..Quality.Planning.........先期质量策划........ ........ASC................加速防滑控制品................ASD........Approval.Supplier.Database........合格供应商名录................ASES........Alliance.Supplier.Evaluation.Standard........................ASM................动态稳定系统................ASN........Advance.Shipping.Notification........................ASR................加速防滑系统................ASSY........Assembly........装配................A-TRC................车身主动循迹控制系统................AVL........Approved.Vendor.List........被Intier客户和Intier批准的供应商名单........ ........AYC................主动偏行系统........B........BAS................制动辅助系统................BDAR........Business.Development.Activity.Request........................BOM........Bill.Of.Material........材料清单........C........CAputer.Aided.Design........计算机辅助设计................CAPEX........SCAPital.Expenditure................"ed.for.controlling.progra m.budget.during.and.after.an.APQP.program"'s........Critical.Characteristics........关键特性................CDL........Control.Door.Lock........控制门锁................CER........Capital.Expenditure.Request...固定资产投资申请........"CER.is.a.capital.expenditure.application.package.that.alldivisions.of.Intier.Group.are.requested.to.fill.out.when.there.is.a.new.program.and/or.capi tal.investment"........CFT........Cross.Functional.Team........跨部门小组................CFR................成本加运费(……指定目的港)................CIF........Cost.Insurance&Freight........到岸价................CIP................运费、保险费付至(……指定目的港)................CMK........Capability.of.Machine.Index........设备能力指数................Change.Notice........更改通知........pany.Operating.Procedure........公司营运程序................CP.........Control.Plan........控制计划................CPK........Capability.of.Process.Index........工序能力指数................CPT................运费付至(……指定目的港)........D........DAF................边境交货(……指定地点)................DCC........Document.Control.Coordinator........文件控制协调员........ ........DDP........Delivery.with.Duty.Paid........完税交货价................DDU........Delivery.with.Duty.Unpaid........未完税交货价................DES........Delivered.Ex.Ship........目的港船上交货价................DEQ........Delivered.Ex.Quay........目的港码头交货价................DFM........Design.For.Manufacturing................bor........直接员工................DMN........Defect.Material.Notice........不合格品控制单................DOS........Days.Of.Stock........存货天数................DSC/VSC................车身稳定控制系统................DV........Design.Verification.........设计验证........DV.are.tests,.inspections,.and.procedures.that.must.be.accomplished.before.produ ctions.starts.to.verify.design.intentE........EBA................紧急制动辅助系统................EBD................电子制动力分配系统................ECN........Engineering.Change.Notice........工程变更通知................ECR........Engineering.Change.Request.........工程变更申请........ECR.is.a.request.for.a.change.to.the.product........ECU........Engineering.Change.Utilization........工程变更实施................EDI........Electronic.Data.Infrastructrue........电子数据信息................EDS................电子差速锁................EES................座椅自动调节系统................EHS........Environment,.Health&Safety........环境、健康、安全........ ........EIC........Carbon.Emission.Index........碳排放量指数................EOL........End.of.Line........终检........"ed.at.the.end.of.theassembly.line.to.ensure.that.all.products.meet.specific.requirements"........EOS........Employee.Opinion.Survey........员工意见调查................EPS........Expanded.Polystyrenes........改良聚苯乙烯................ERP........Enterprise.Resources.Planning........企业资源计划................ESP................电子稳定程序系统................EV........Equipment.Variation........设备变差................EXW................厂内交货........F........FAI........First.Article.Inspection........首次检验................FAQ‘s........Frequently.Ask.Question........常见问题................FAS................船边交货(……指定装运港)................FCA................货交承运人(……指定地点)................FF................前轮驱动................FIFO........First.In.First.Out........先进先出标签................FMEA........Failure.Mode.and.Effects.Analysis........失效模式及后果分析........ ........FOB........Free.on.board........离岸价................FQC........Finial.Quality.Control........最终出货检验................FR................后轮驱动................FSP........Ford.Supplier.Portal........................F-W-D.Car................前轮驱动轿车........G........GAGE........gage........量具................GD&T........Geometric.Dimensioning&Tolerancing........形状与位置公差........ ........GIS................地理信息管理系统................GPS........Global.Postioning.System........全球卫星定位系统................GP12........General.Motor.Process.12........通用遏制计划................GT................跑车........I........IATF........International.Automotive.Task.Force........国际汽车工作组........ bor........间接员工................IMDS........International.Material.Data.System........................IRR........Incoming.Reject.Report.........进料拒收报告........anization........国际标准化组织........ J........JD........Job.Description........工作描述................JIT.........Just.In.Time........及时生产........K........KC........key.characteristics........关键特性................KOI........Key.Operating.Index........主要绩效考核指标........L........LOT........lot........批次........M........MAR........Manufacturing.Action.Request.Form........特采单........ ........MES........Manufacturing.Execution.System................"ed. to.describe.manufacturing.systems.that.perform.tracking,.process.monitoring.and.control.of.automated.manufactuing.processes"........MFG........Manufacturing........................MPV........Multi.Purpose.Vehicles........多功能汽车................MOQ........Min.Order.Quatity........................MPS........Master.Production.Schedule........................MRB........Material.Review.Board........材料审核小组........Consist.Quality,.Material,.ME,.Production........MRO........Maintenance.Repair.and.Others........非原材料采购........ ........MSA........Measure.System.Analysis........测量系统分析........N........NCRs........Nonconformance.Reports........不符合项报告........O........ODS........Operator.Description.Sheet................"ed.to.describe.and/or.ill ustrate.what.anplete.his/her.job.properly"........OEE........Overall.Equipment.Effectiveness........全面设备效率........ ........OEM........Original.Equipment.manufacturers........原始设备制造商(主机厂)........ ........OGP........ogp(公司名)........光学测量仪................OIL........Open.Issue.List........开口问题清单........"ed.for.recording.review.and.disposition.of.concerns.from.customers,.internal.and.supplier.concerns"........OQC........Output.Quality.Control........出货检验................OTS........Off.Tooling.Sample........工装样件........"Off.tool.samples.are.the.initial.samples.that.supplierssubmit.for.assessment.of.tlloing.and.functions"P........PCL........Powered.Child.Lock........电动儿童门锁................PCN........Process.Change.Notice........工艺变更通知........PCN.is.a.request.for.a.change.to.the.process........PCN................................PDP........Product.Delievery.Process........................PEP........Program.Execution.Process........................PFMEA........Process.Failure.Mode.and.Effects.Analysis........过程失效模式及后果分析................PM........Program.Manager........................PP................................PPAP........Production.Parts.Approval.Process........生产件批准程序........ ........PPK........primary.Process.Capability........短期过程能力........lion.quality.metrics........百万分之概率................PSO........Process.Sign-Off........................PSW........Part.Submit.Warranty........零件提交保证................PV.Test........Production.Validation.Test........工艺生产验证........"ed.to.validate.a.product.or.process.forvolume.production"Q........QC........Quality.Control........质量控制................QIP................过程检验规程................QMS........Quality.Management.System........质量管理体系................QOS................................QSA........Quality.System.Audit........质量体系评定................Quattro................全时四轮驱动系统........rmation........信息申请表................RFQ........Request.For.Quote........报价申请........"Request.from.Customer(S)rmation.on.a.product.or.a.proposal"........RPN........Risk.Priority.Number........风险系数................RSP................电子稳定程序.................RTV........Return.To.Vendor........退回供应商................Run#Rate................节拍生产........"A.systematic.tool.to.qualify.the.output.of.manufacturing.process.interms.of.documentation.and.implementation"S........SC's........Special.Characteristics........特殊特性........"Are.specifications.which.require.special.manufacuring.control.toernment.requirements"........SIM........Supplier.Improvement.Metrics........供应商改进数据........"Supplier.performance.measurements.available.through.FSP(Ford.Supplier.Portal"........SLL........Skip.Lot.List........免检清单................SOP.........Start.Of.Production........批量生产........"estone.date.that.a.product/assembly.line.stars.its.volume.production.after.PV.test.passes.and.PPAP.is.approved.by.the.customer" ........SOP's........Standard.Operation.Procedure........标准作业程序................SPC........Statistical.Process.Control,........统计过程控制........"e.of.statistical.techniques.such.as.control.charts.to.analyze.a.process.or.its.outputs.so.as.to.take.appropriate.actions.to.achieve.and.a.state .of.statistical.control.and.to.improve.the.process.capability,"........SQA........Supplier.Quality.Assurance........................SREA........Supplier.Request.for.Engineering.Approval........................SRS................双安全气囊................STA........Supplier.Technical.Assistance........供应商技术支持........"pany's.team.dedicated.to.assist.in.the.development.of.supplier.processes"T........TRC/TCS................牵引力控制系统........V........VDA........Verdand.Dor.Automobiliudustrie.ev........德国汽车工业联合会........W........WGQ................外高桥........ ........WI........Work.Instruction。


Management processes:
VDA Volumes 6.1, 6.2, 6.4 *
QM system audit
external/internal 30.10.2008 30.10.2008 n. a.
Customer ordering process:
VDA Volume 2 *
Quality assurance of supplies
SupplieБайду номын сангаас Management Manual Version 1.7.5 MBC/Q
File and printed copies of this document are not subject to document change control. The valid version of this document is available from your portal administrator via the Daimler Supplier Portal (https://)
Product engineering:
VDA Volume 1 *
Quality evidence
Process development:
VDA Volume 1 *
Quality evidence
VDA Volume 10
Customer satisfaction
VDA Volume 6.3 *
external/internal 02.09.2009 20.12.2007 n. a.
Basic Requirements for Systems, Processes and Methods 2.1 ISO TS 16949 2.2 VDA - Volumes issued by the German Association of the Automotive Industry



S h a n g h a i G e n e r a l M o t o r s C o.,L t d.上海通用汽车有限公司S G M S u p p l i e r Q u a l i t yS t a t e m e n t o f R e q u i r e m e n t s上海通用汽车对供应商质量要求的规定(T h e2.3E d i t i o n)(第2.3版)D e c e m b e r,2008二零零八年十二月前言SGM要求其供应商满足最新版ISO/TS16949及相关参考手册的要求,并适用所有通用汽车的相关顾客特殊要求(明确不适用于通用汽车亚太区的部分除外)。

要求供应商满足通用汽车供应商质量SOR的要求及通用汽车一般程序的适用部分(如GP4, GP5,GP9,GP10,GP11,GP12等)。


欲了解相关具体要求和规定,请参考ISO/TS16949系列、GM Global APQP等文件及SGM其他有关程序文件。



第二版制订说明:针对GM Global APQP的更新内容以及SGM当前业务发展的需要,同时结合SGM电子采购E-Procurement系统的相关操作要求,SGM采购部对《上海通用汽车对供应商质量要求的规定》进行了相关内容的修订,并于2008年1月发布第二版。


上海通用汽车采购部供应商质量与开发科2008年1月1日PREFACESGM requires that all suppliers must meet all requirements, which include TS16949 (the latest Edition), related reference manuals and GM Customer Specifics (except for inapplicability at GM AP). SGM suppliers must also follow GM Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements and applicable items of GM General Procedures (for example GP4, GP5, GP9, GP10, GP11, GP12, etc...)This SQ SOR, which is part of SGM supplier quality procedures and regulations, summarizes SGM’s basic requirements for supplier quality, aiming to help SGM suppliers understand and perform more effectively SGM related requirements.For more details, please refer to ISO/TS 16949 series, GM Global APQP related documents and other SGM procedures accordingly.Any question, please contact the related SQE.We welcome all SQE, suppliers and other people feed back any modification advices to SGM SDE GROUP.2nd Edition ExplanationFor meeting the latest edition of GM Global APQP requirements and SGM current business development, SGM Purchasing Department revises “SGM Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements”based on SGM E-Procurement System and releases 2nd edition of SGM SQ SOR in Jan. 2008.Welcome any SQE, suppliers or other people feed back any modification suggestion or comments to SGM SDE GROUP.Supplier Quality & Development SectionPurchasing Department, SGMJan. 1st, 2008Major Revisions主要修订记录Oct., 2004, the first edition2004年10月,第一版制订Jun., 2005, the major revisions:2005年6月主要修订内容:1. SGM SOR is updated refer to GM SGM SOR, Mar., 2005 version. Add SGM requirements forconsignment supplier.SGM供应商质量声明参考GM2005年3月版本更新,并增补SGM对Consignment(集成供货)供应商的要求2. For APQP, add requirements for vehicle body welding assembly supplier.APQP增补对车身焊接总成供应商的要求3. FE is updated according to SGM related procedure (Feb., 2005 version).FE按SGM有关程序(2005年2月版)改版4. PPAP canceled the detailed define of interim approval for fitting the new class standard of GMinterim approval.PPAP删除对临时批准的具体定义,以适应GM临时批准的新分类标准5. Definitude procedure that if Control Shipping I can’t be closed in time, supplier will enterControl Shipping II directly.受控发运明确对一级发运不及时关闭时,直接进入二级受控发运的规定6. Add GP9 procedure.增加GP9的具体规定May, 2006, the major revisions:2006年5月主要修订内容:1. Edit GM Automotive special requirement according to ISO/TS16949 GM Automotive specialrequirement (Mar,2006 version).按ISO/TS16949通用汽车特殊要求2006年3月版修订补充通用汽车的特殊要求2. Edit the related requirement according to PPAP 4.0.按PPAP 4.0修订相关要求3. Updated GM SQ SOR.GM SQ SOR的最新更新4. Edit and list the requirement for SGM consignment supplier.修订并单列SGM对集成供货供应商的要求。

中汽创智为何要做Tier 0.5供应商?

中汽创智为何要做Tier 0.5供应商?

算和智能 域控、 控 行单
元模 和 构 等新特 ,
控 正成为一条解决现有
新能源 车与高阶自动 需
求的技术路 。作为一家相对
“特 ”的 车科技企业,中
创智在成立之 将定位
向“新能源及智能 联 车前
、 性、 台、核心技术的
研发及产业 ”, 于下一
代关键核心技术 破。目前,
该公司已推出智能 “ ”
技术 ,并在智能制动系统
除了前述已经提到的 域
控制系统三 构,中 创智对
I C 成了电子制动助力、主动
制动、车 稳定控制、再生制动、
双控 车、机 备份等 能于一
体。对于 模
主动制动、稳定控制 S 和单

能。 在 自 主 创 新 上,
其还采用了电机直 助力、自主
性电 以及 40 多项 能个

应 的 , 汽创智


线控底盘 发

如果将智能 车 为人,
中 创智科技有限公司 ( 以下简
称“中 创智”)CT 剑光有
彩的 述:“ 头、
波、激光 达、高 度地
等 元件相当于人的
和 ,作用是让车是能看的
更 , 的更清楚;大算力芯
片、 智 能 算 法 等 决 策 机 构 则
于高 自动 在特定场 失效
以后, 控 的安全 行机制
求 不 于发动机真空源的
助力,智能 联车 又需求
行不完全 人力的主动制动
转向等权限。”对于这些 ,



















其前身是创立于1871年的橡胶橡胶制造商Continental-Caoutchouc und Gutta-PerchaCompagnie,在收购了SiemensVDO之后,大陆集团成为全球五大汽车零部件供应商之一。












Tier1是什么意思TIER1:Tier One,意为车厂一级供应商,给设备厂商供货,也就是说产品直接供应整车厂的汽车零部件供应商。
















1. 促进整个汽车产业的发展:Tier1在汽车供应链体系中起到了承上启下的

2. 实现盈利:Tier1利用总成系统、强大的品牌和深厚的客户资源实现盈利。

3. 技术积累和客户资源:经过百年燃油车时代的发展,Tier 1层级诞生出众多全球性巨头,它们有着深厚的技术积累和客户资源,在行业中占据垄断性地位。


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TRW Automotive Inc
Robert Bosch Gmbh

Magna International Inc

Denso Corp

Continental AG
Magneti Marelli S.p.A

ArvinMeritor Inc

吉凯恩是一家全球性的工程公 司, 主要服务于汽车,工业, 非高速公路以及航空航天市场。 我们的产品主要销售给汽车以及 飞机制造商还包括航空航天业的 其他主要的一级供应商。 我们 的业务主要覆盖:汽车;为全球 各大轿车与轻型车生产厂商提供 领先的传动轴,齿轮部件,扭矩 管理装置,结构件与发动机部 件,催化转化器过滤器等。粉末 冶金;为汽车和工业用户提供一 流的金属粉,和粉末冶金烧结部 件。非高速公路车辆;为农机, 采矿,工程机械和工业机械市场 提供设计,并生产钢圈轮毂和传 动部件。航空航天:航空航天业 务主要专注于军事和商务飞机机 身,发动机的结构件,飞机驾驶 舱和机舱玻璃以及包括防冰,燃 料系统和紧急浮水装置等专业领 域。吉凯恩航空航天部是美国和 欧洲各大主机厂和航空发动机制 造商的主要供应商和战略合作伙 伴。 奥托立夫是美国 500 强的企业 , 在全球汽车安全系统的技术和市 场上都占据着领导地位 . 我们在 全球的 28 个国家和地区设有 80 个分支机构 , 拥有 42,000 名员 工 . 为了保持在汽车被动安全系 统的领先地位 , 奥托立夫每年都 会将接近于销售额 8% 的经费, 运用到于新产品的研究 , 开发和 创新。我们为世界上几乎所有的 整车公司提供安全系统的产品 , 其中也包括很多中国的主要的汽 车品牌 , 例如奇瑞 , 吉利 , 华晨 汽车等 .
世界500强企业之一,是世界上 汽车、工程机械和工业产品及相 关市场的最大的独立零部件供应 商之一。德纳在垒球28个国家拥 有46000名员工。经营业务有: 汽车、售后系统、发动机和流体 管理系统、重型车技术系统。经 营网络遍布35个国家和地区。 本特勒是一家历史悠久的家族式 集团公司,旗下设有四大构成部 分,即:汽车配件,钢/管,机 械工程和配送中心。特勒汽车配 件公司是全球所有主要汽车生产 厂家的多方位服务供应商,主要 生产和开发汽车零部件、汽车模 块和汽车系统,其主要产品为汽 车底盘件、结构件、 发动机配 件和排气系统。 日本爱信精机株式会社是世界 500强企业之一,世界第九大汽 车零部件生产商。公司成立于 1949年,是丰田汽车零部件的 主要供应商,其汽车零部件制造 技术闻名于世。是一家专业从事 汽车零配件、汽车保修设备、五 金、机械设备、电动工具等产品 的进出口贸易公司。公司大约 95%的销售额来自汽车零件,但 该公司也制造冷藏设备和切割 机,以及床、缝纫机等消费产品 。

Valeo SA

法雷奥集团是一家独立的汽车零 部件供应商,为轿车和卡车设计 、开发、生产并销售汽车零部件 、集成系统及模块。产品主要 为:汽车传动、空调、发动机冷 却统、门锁及安全、电气、雨刮 、电机和执行电机、灯具照明、 开关及探测、电子及线束等十大 系统系列。 目前已经成为了世界上最大的轿 车零部件厂家之一。产品包括内 饰系统、座椅、仪表、车门内饰 系统、地板和声学系统、电子/ 电气分配系统。内饰产品,即: 座椅、门板及内饰件、仪表板、 顶棚、地毯及声学元件、电气及 ame
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Products Range 是全球最大的汽车安全产品系统 开发供应商,十大汽车零部件供 应商之一主要的产品包括制动系 统、转向及悬架系统、乘员安全 系统(安全带、安全气囊、方向 盘)、集成车辆控制、驾驶辅助 系统、安全电子、乘用车诊断设 备、发动机零部件 、紧固系统 以及售后市场产品和服务。 博世集团是世界领先的汽车技术 、工业技术、消费品和建筑智能 化技术生产商之一汽车: 博世 汽车服务, 汽车零部件及附 件,整车汽车技术。汽车部件产 品包括:制动装置,滤清器,柴 油喷射系统,照明技术,能源系 统,电器/电子装置,火花塞, 汽油发动机管理系统,雨刮系 统, 汽车诊断系统 家居:家用电器,热力技术,工 业与手工业,安防系统,专业电 动工具,包装技术, 传动及控 制技术,传感器/代工 (MEMS)家居产品包括:冰箱 和酒柜,洗衣机和干衣机,厨房 电器 Magna集团旗下拥有9大产品系 统,包括后视镜、金属成形、整 车组装、动力系统、外饰和内饰 系统、电子以及转动系统。麦格 纳一直为奔驰、宝马、奥迪、大 众、通用、福特、戴克、标致、 雪铁龙等世界著名汽车品牌提供 最优质的配件产品以及最专业的 售后服务。 作为提供汽车前沿技术、系统以 及部件的顶级全球供应商之一, 电装在环境保护、发动机管理、 车身电子产品、驾驶控制与安全 、信息和通讯等领域,成为全球 主要整车生产商可信赖的合作伙 伴。电装提供多样化的产品及其 售后服务,包括汽车空调设备和 供热系统、电子自动化和电子控 制产品、燃油管理系统、散热器 、火花塞、组合仪表、过滤器、 产业机器人、电信产品以及信息 处理设备。
Aisin Seiki Co.ltd

15 ThyssenKrupp Technologies AG

德国蒂森克虏伯集团公司作为世 界著名跨国工业集团,位于德国 10大企业集团之列和全球500强 第85位,业务涉及钢铁、汽车零 部件、磁悬浮列车、电梯等行业 。一手抓钢铁,一手抓延伸产业 。蒂森克虏伯汽车技术在生产底 盘、车身和动力传动产品方面居 世界领先地位。他们不但为客户 提供量身定制的解决方案:包括 设计、工程和工厂规划,单个配 件和模块单元,以及复杂的系 统;还生产制造装备,在客户的 生产点实地设计和建立制造装 备,协调物流等。 马瑞利集团是世界500强意大利 菲亚特汽车集团(FIAT GROUP)成员之一,具有90多 年的历史,玛涅蒂 马瑞利是一 家总部设在意大利(米兰 Corbetta),是一家在汽车工业 领域,从事汽车零件、系统和组 件的研发、设计与生产的跨国集 团公司,在汽车零部件和高技术 系统设计与制造领域处于领先地 位。产品包括:照明系统(前、 后照明系统)、动力总成系(汽油 、柴油和多燃料发动机的控制系 阿文美驰汽车工业公司是一家具 有百余年历史的专业从事汽车零 部件设计与制造的全球性公司, 是由Meritor Automotive Inc. (玛丽特汽车公司)和Arvin Industries(阿尔文工业公司) 合并而成。阿文美驰是一家汽车 零部件的生产商,产品主要有离 合器、车轴、刹车和车门等。产 品包括轻型车系统(排放控制系 统产品、车门系统、车顶系统、 悬架系统、钢制车轮)、商用车 系统(轴类产品、制动类产品、 防抱制动系统、传动系统、行车 减振类产品、拖车气压悬架)。
GKN Automotive
Autoliv Inc
Cummins Inc
康明斯是全球领先的动力设备 制造商,设计、制造和分销包括 燃油系统、控制系统、进气处理 、滤清系统、尾气处理系统和电 力系统在内的发动机及其相关技 术,并提供相应的售后服务。康 明斯总部设在美国印第安纳州哥 伦布市,公司通过其遍布全球 160多个国家和地区的550家分 销机构和5000多个经销商网点 向客户提供服务。 康明斯在全球范围内拥有员 工38,000人,2007年销售额130 亿美元,其中美国以外的国际市 场占到54%,年产发动机90万 台,净收益7.39亿美元。
Behr Gmbh &Co.KG
Tenneco .Inc
Tenneco天纳克 (纽约证交所代 码: TEN),在汽车悬挂系统和排 气系统及产品领域是全球领先的 制造商和供应商之一。天纳克以 其丰富的品牌、均衡的产品线、 领先的技术和杰出的专业人才, 服务于全球市场,致力于满足并 超越客户的需求。随着全球营业 规模的持续增长以及在新兴市场 业务的不断拓展,由此巩固并加 强了天纳克在全球汽车零部件工 业领域的领导地位。 油漆 杜邦是由杜邦家族组成的 依靠化学工业和军火工业起家的 财团。杜邦公司粉末涂料是在原 有的高性能涂料部基础上,于90 年代收购德国贺伯兹公司,从而 晋升为世界第二大粉末涂料供应 商。其生产的粉末涂料产品,在 全球广泛的得到应用。杜邦粉末 涂料以科学和技术,市场知识和 全世界的网络提供长久使用型的 粉末涂料解决方案,以期提升人 们的舒适环境,颜色视觉享受, 提高工艺流程并且减少环境污染 。 IAC是一家生产仪表板,门板, 顶篷,地毯和声学系统,座舱和 保险杠的全球供应商。IAC目前 有33个生产制造基地、3个排序 工厂、3家工程中心,基地遍布 美国,加拿大,墨西哥,位列《 汽车新闻》所评2008北美150大 汽车零部件供应商第13位,位居 《塑料新闻》所评2008北美最大 注塑件厂商第1名。
Mahle Gmbh
马勒集团是世界领先的发动机零 部件供应商 公司主要生产各型 各类柴油机、汽油机活塞。
BorgWarner Inc
发动机及动力传动系统的关键技 术(变速器及全轮驱动)
自进入中国市场来,我们在这里 先后建立了3家合资企业: 上海贝洱热系统有限公司 (SBTS)——贝洱与上海三电 贝洱汽车空调有限公司(SSB) 成立的50:50合资企业,主要为 汽车供应空调模块和发动机冷却 系统原件; 上海三电贝洱汽车空调有限公司 (SSB)——主要致力于开发, 生产,销售供空调模块使用的制 冷压缩机。(上海汽车股份有限 公司38.5%,日本三电株式会社 35%,上海龙华工业总公司9%) 东风贝洱热系统有限公司 (DBTS)是公司与中国最大的 卡车制造商——东风汽车有限公 司(DFL)成立的50:50合资企 业。公司专业生产卡车散热器和 供汽车和卡车使用的空调模块。

大陆轮胎公司是世界第三大轮胎 制造企业、欧洲最大的汽车配件 供应商,是一家全球领先的制动 系统、底盘零配件、车辆电子元 件、轮胎和高科技橡胶供应商。