大副面试英语第一篇:大副面试英语中国海员之家网站船员面试资料系列大副面试问题及参考答案第 1 页大副面试问题及参考答案大副是甲板上仅次于船长的“第二把手”。
此外,有关ISM/SMS及其他公约、PSC 检查以及船东内外审时的提问也是一个非常重要的部分。
1.Can you tell me about your educational background and working experience? A reference answer:I graduated from Jimei Navigation College in 1992.I studied there for three years.I have worked as a seamen on eight ships for nearly ten years.I have the experience of Chief Officer for two ships.I have worked both Chinese and foreign shipowners in the past ten years.2.Can you tell me the responsibilities of the Chief Officer?Under the leadership of the Master, the Chief Officer shall carry out the daily management of the deck department, and he is also responsible for cargo handling.The specific duties include:(1)watch-keeping from 0400-0800 hours and 1600-2000 hours;(2)safety of the ship and work place, safety equipment;(3)daily safety and sanitary inspection;(4)store and spare parts inventory management;(5)maintenance on deck;(6)stowage plan making;(7)supervision of the loading and unloading process;(8)cargo caring on board;(9)some other work and duties designated by the master of the vessel.3.Can you talk about the previous vessels(last vessel)you worked on board? It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded cargoes in Asia and discharged in Europe.It was an old ship about 14 years old.But the general condition of the ship was quite good because we did very good maintenance work on board.4.What types of cargoes have ever been carried on board your last vessel?I have worked on bulk carriers and general cargo vessels and I have experienced a lot of cargo handling.这是一个很重要的问题,因为大副的一个很重要职务便是货物管理。
海员英语面试及常见问题两篇篇一:海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、What is DPA in ISM code?DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on the behalf of shipowner.2、What is NCR in ISM code?NCR is Non-conformity Report Shipping companies need to establish procedures to ensure the ship fully complies with ISM provisions. If non-conformity is found, NCR should be submitted as soon as possible.3、Where is Good Hope Cape located?It is located in the southeast coast of South Africa. The ship will meet it to transit from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and vice versa.4、Could you list of name equipment component on board?My pleasure, sir! For example: windlass, steering gear, main engine, auxiliary engine, crane, derrick, cargo holds, hatch cover, line, paints, sextant, binocular, pilot ladder,lifebuoy, lifejacket, fire-fight appliance, life signal, navigation light, siren, accommodation ladder, torch, search light, and so on.5、Who takes care of documents on board?Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the captain.6、Who keeps the Master key?The Chief Officer keeps the Master key. In addition, he keeps pass key and accommodation key.大副不仅保存万能钥匙,而且还要保存走廊钥匙、生活区的房间钥匙等等。
26、Who is responsible for the vessel?
Master (Captain)is responsible for the vessel.That is,the master is responsible for the seaworthiness and safe, efficient and economical operation of the vessel and management of crew,cargo and ship borne equipment.
22、Who takes charge of fire fighting appliance in the engine room? What does it include?
Second Engineer takes charge of it. It includes fire mains, dry power, and so on.
8、How often will you have a life drill or fire fighting drill?
One month interval.
9、What does flag signal "Oscar" stand for?
It stands for man overboard.人员落水时应挂字母“O”旗,放三长声号笛,并转向。目视跟踪落水者,向落水人附近抛救生圈等。
23、How often will you perform a fire-fighting drill? Who control on the spot?Once a month. The Chief Officer takes charge of the drill on the spot. If the drill occurs in the engine room, Chief Engineer takes charge of the drill on the spot.
1. Can you tellme about your education background? Please refer to an Master’s self-introduction in Part One of this book. 实事求是,最好告诉人家在某个学校学了多长时间,最好也要告诉人家你接受某些社会培训的情况,谦虚好学毕竟是一个美德嘛。
2. What is aclassification society? What is the purpose of classification survey? Pleaselist some famous classification societies in the world. A classification society is usually an independentorganization that carries out classification surveys, statutory surveys,surveys related to notarial matters for ships, offshore installations, marinefreight containers, materials and marine equipment. It also provides safetymanagement certification services to shipping companies and their ships. Thepurpose of classification survey is to evaluate the situation of a ship and themanagement of a company and its ship. Some of the famous classification societies are: NK(Japanese 日本海事协会),CCS(Chinese classification society), ABS(American), DNV(Norwegian), SL(BritishLloyd 英国劳氏), GL(German Lloyd 德国劳氏), KR(Korean), RINA(意大利船级社)。
1. Can you tell me about your educational background and working experience?A reference answer:I graduated from Jimei Navigation College in 1992. I studied there for three years. I have worked as a seamen on eight ships for nearly ten years. I have the experience of Chief Officer for two ships. I have worked both Chinese and foreign shipowners in the past ten years.2. Can you tell me the responsibilities of the Chief Officer?Under the leadership of the Master, the Chief Officer shall carry out the daily managementof the deck department, and he is also responsible for cargo handling. The specific duties include:(1) watch-keeping from 0400-0800 hours and 1600-2000 hours;(2) safety of the ship and work place, safety equipment;(3) daily safety and sanitary inspection;(4) store and spare parts inventory management;(5) maintenance on deck;(6) stowage plan making;(7) supervision of the loading and unloading process;(8) cargo caring on board;(9) some other work and duties designated by the master of the vessel.3. Can you talk about the previous vessels (last vessel) you worked on board?It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded cargoes in Asia and discharged in Europe.It was an old ship about 14 years old. But the general condition of the ship was quite good because we did very good maintenance work ob board.4. What types of cargoes have ever been carried on board your last vessel?I have worked on bulk carriers and general cargo vessels and I have experienced a lot ofcargo handling.这是一个很重要的问题,因为大副的一个很重要职务便是货物管理。
1. Can you tell me about your education background?Please refer to an Master’s self-introduction in Part One of this book.实事求是,最好告诉人家在某个学校学了多长时间,最好也要告诉人家你接受某些社会培训的情况,谦虚好学毕竟是一个美德嘛。
2. What is a classification society? What is the purpose of classification survey? Please list some famous classification societies in the world.A classification society is usually an independent organization that carries out classification surveys, statutory surveys([船舶]法定检验.[ˈstætjutəri]), surveys related to notaries matters for ships, offshore installations, marine freight containers, materials and marine equipment. It also provides safety management certification services to shipping companies and their ships. The purpose of classification survey is to evaluate the situation of a ship and the management of a company and its ship.Some of the famous classification societies are: NK(Japanese 日本海事协会), CCS(Chinese classification society), ABS(American), DNV(Norwegian),LR(British Lloyd 英国劳氏), GL(German Lloyd 德国劳氏), KR(Korean), RINA(意大利船级社)。
海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、What is DPA in ISM code?DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on the behalf of shipowner.2、What is NCR in ISM code?NCR is Non-conformity Report Shipping companies need to establish procedures to ensure the ship fully complies with ISM provisions. If non-conformity is found, NCR should be submitted as soon as possible.3、Where is Good Hope Cape located?It is located in the southeast coast of South Africa. The ship will meet it to transit from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and vice versa.4、Could you list of name equipment component on board?My pleasure, sir! For example: windlass, steering gear, main engine, auxiliary engine, crane, derrick, cargo holds, hatch cover, line, paints, sextant, binocular, pilot ladder, lifebuoy, lifejacket, fire-fight appliance, life signal, navigation light, siren, accommodation ladder, torch, search light, and so on.5、Who takes care of documents on board?Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the captain.6、Who keeps the Master key?The Chief Officer keeps the Master key. In addition, he keeps pass key and accommodation key.大副不仅保存万能钥匙,而且还要保存走廊钥匙、生活区的房间钥匙等等。
大副面试大纲一,ISPS(2004年7月1日生效):1.船舶保安等级由谁公布?2.船上有哪些保安设备?3.SSP由谁保管?如何保管?其他船员是否可以看?4.作为一个船舶保安员〔SSO〕应具备哪些保安方面的知识?5.一般船上有哪些登船口?如何管制?6.在不同保安等级情况下,梯口是如何管制的?〔尤其是官方或港口当局人员,装卸工人及船公司人员等〕7.何谓限制区域?船上的限制区域是如何管制的?8.在港期间如何收受物料?9.在何种情况下要签署和提交保安声明〔DOS〕?10.培训/演习在时间上有哪些要求和规定?11.I SSC,SSP,SSAS,AIS,IMO NBR,DOS,SSO,PFSO,CSO,MARSEC,RESTRICTED AREA。
二,ISM 〔1998年7月1日〕:1.ISM的英文全称及主要目标?2.对船上相应证书的了解〔DOC,SMC〕。
3.何谓DP?4.船上SPECIAL OPERATION一般指哪些操作?5.何谓HOT WORK?其操作程序怎样?6.何谓ENTERING ENCLOSED SPACE?其操作程序怎样?7.对测氧仪/气体探测器使用方法及需送岸检测〔CALIBRATION〕周期的了解程度。
8.在船上承受了何种培训或船上是如何进展相关培训的?9.在船上船长是如何发布简短命令的?10.在船上发现了不符合项或缺失是如何处理的?三,SOLAS 〔1974年〕:1.演习时间要求:至少每月参加一次弃船演习和消防演习;当换员人数和合并未参加上月演习的人员超过1/4时,应在开航后24小时之内演习一次,如新接船,那么应在开航前举行这些演习;救生艇〔包括救助艇〕每三个月至少一次降落下水,并在水上进展操纵。
船员英语面试 164 条(船长、大副、二副、三副合用)1、What i s DPA i n I SM code?DPA st ands f or Desi gnat ed Per son( s)Ashor e. Hi s r esponsi bi l i t y i ncl udes moni t or i ng saf et y,pol l ut i on pr event i on aspect s on t he behal f of shi powner .2、What i s NCR i n I SM code?NCR i s Non- conf or mi t y Repor t Shi ppi ng compani es need t o est abl i sh pr ocedur es t o ensur e t he shi p f ul l y compl i es wi t h I SM pr ovi si ons.I f non- conf or mi t y i s f ound,NCR shoul d be submi t t ed as soon as possi bl e.3、Wher e i s Good Hope Cape l ocat ed?I t i s l ocat ed i n t he sout heast coast of Sout h Af r i ca.The shi p wi l l meet i t t o t r ansi t f r om t he I ndi an Ocean t o t he At l ant i c Ocean and vi ce ver sa.4、Coul d you l i st of name equi pment component on boar d?My pl easur e,si r ! For exampl e: wi ndl ass,st eer i ng gear ,mai n engi ne, auxi l i ar y engi ne,cr ane,der r i ck,car go hol ds,hat ch cover , l i ne, pai nt s,sext ant ,bi nocul ar ,pi l ot l adder ,l i f ebuoy,l i f ej acket , f i r e- f i ght appl i ance,l i f e si gnal ,navi gat i on l i ght ,si r en, accommodat i on l adder ,t or ch,sear ch l i ght ,and so on.5、Who t akes car e of document s on boar d?Capt ai n, or a seni or of f i cer nomi nat ed by t he capt ai n.6、Who keeps t he Mast er key?The Chi ef Of f i cer keeps t he Mast er key. I n addi t i on, he keeps pass key and accommodat i on key. 大副不单保留全能钥匙,并且还要保留走廊钥匙、生活区的房间钥匙等等。
1. Can you tell me about your education background?Please refer to an Master’s self-introduction in Part One of this book.实事求是,最好告诉人家在某个学校学了多长时间,最好也要告诉人家你接受某些社会培训的情况,谦虚好学毕竟是一个美德嘛。
2. What is a classification society? What is the purpose of classification survey? Please list some famous classification societies in the world.A classification society is usually an independent organization that carries out classification surveys, statutory surveys([船舶]法定检验.[ˈstætjutəri]), surveys related to notaries matters for ships, offshore installations, marine freight containers, materials and marine equipment. It also provides safety management certification services to shipping companies and their ships. The purpose of classification survey is to evaluate the situation of a ship and the management of a company and its ship.Some of the famous classification societies are: NK(Japanese 日本海事协会), CCS(Chinese classification society), ABS(American), DNV(Norwegian),LR(British Lloyd 英国劳氏), GL(German Lloyd 德国劳氏), KR(Korean), RINA(意大利船级社)。
大副英文面试指南(中英文注解)1. Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx. I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 3 people in my family, my daughter and my son.我的名字叫XXX。
2.Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业的?I graduated from XXX university(college, school).我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校)3.How long have you worked on board? 您在船上做多久了?I have worked on board ten years. 我在船上工作十年了。
4.Which company have you served (worked for)? 您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx. 我在某某公司做过。
5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate.6.How long do you have the certificate of master ?您持有船长证书多久了?I hold the master certificate 1 years or in 2015 year。
海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)详解海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、What is DPA in ISM code?DPA stands for Designated Person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on the behalf of shipowner.2、What is NCR in ISM code?NCR is Non-conformity Report Shipping companies need to establish procedures to ensure the ship fully complies with ISM provisions. If non-conformity is found, NCR should be submitted as soon as possible.3、Where is Good Hope Cape located?It is located in the southeast coast of South Africa. The ship will meet it to transit from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and vice versa.4、Could you list of name equipment component on board?My pleasure, sir! For example: windlass, steering gear, main engine, auxiliary engine, crane, derrick, cargo holds, hatch cover, line, paints, sextant, binocular, pilot ladder, lifebuoy, lifejacket, fire-fight appliance, life signal, navigation light, siren, accommodation ladder, torch, search light, and so on.5、Who takes care of documents on board?Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the captain.6、Who keeps the Master key?The Chief Officer keeps the Master key. In addition, he keeps pass key and accommodation key.大副不仅保存万能钥匙,而且还要保存走廊钥匙、生活区的房间钥匙等等。
【2018最新】大副面试问题回答word版本(6页)本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==大副面试问题回答大副是甲板上仅于船长的“第二把手”。
大副面试问题回答1.Can you tell me about your educational background and working experience?A reference answer:I graduated from Jimei Navigation Collage in 1992. I studied there for three years. I have worked as a seaman on eight ships for nearly ten years. I have the experience of Chief Officer for two ships. I have worked both Chinese and foreign shipowners in the past ten years.2. Can you tell me the responsibilities of the Chief Officer?Under the leadership of the Master, the Chief Officer shall carry out the daily management of the deck department, and he is also responsible for cargo handling. The specific duties include:(1)Watch-keeping from 0400~0800 hours and 1600~201X hours.(2)Safety of the ship and work place, safety equipment.(3)Daily safety and sanitary inspection.(4)Store and spare parts inventory management.(5)Maintenance on deck.(6)Stowage plan making.(7)Supervision of the loading and unloading process.(8)Cargo caring on board.(9)Some other work and designated by the master of the vessel.3.Can you talk about the previous vessels (last vessel) you worked on board?It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded cargoes in Asia and discharged in Europe. It was an old ship about 14 years old. But the general condition of the ship was quite good because we did very good maintenance work on board4.What types of cargoes have ever been carried on board your last vessel?I have worked on bulk carriers and general cargo vessels and I have experienced a lot of cargo handling.这是一个很重要的问题,因为大副的一个很重要职责便是货物管理。
1. Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx.Xxx. I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 3 people in my family, my daughter and my son.我的名字叫XXX。
2.Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业的?I graduated from XXX university(college, school).我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校)3.How long have you worked on board? 您在船上做多久了?I have worked on board ten years. 我在船上工作十年了。
4.Which company have you served (worked for)? 您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx. 我在某某公司做过。
5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate.6.How long do you have the certificate of master ?您持有船长证书多久了?I hold the master certificate 1 years or in 2015 year。
大副面试英语1大副面试英语1. can you tell me about your educational backgroud and working experience?A reference answer:I graduated from Nantong navigation college in 1987. I studied there for two and half years. I have worked as a seamen on ten ships for seventeen years. I have the experience of chief officer on two ships for twelve months. One ship is J.TONG, which registered port is HONGKONG. The another ship is J.KING, which registered port is Kingstown. Up to now, I have worked for Jiangsu ocean shipping company in the past seventeen years. JOSCO now changed his name to Jiangsu ocean shipping limited company. I just ceased contract with them. I want to work for freign shipowner for next ten years. This is my first face-to-face interview. I will try my best. Thank you.2. can you tell me the responsibilities of the chief officer? Under the leadership of the master, the chief officer shall carry out thedaily management of the deck department, and he is also responsible for cargo handling. The specific duties include:1) watch-keeping from 0400-0800 hours and 1600-2000 hours when underway or at anchor;2) safety of the ship and work place, safety equipment; 3)dailysafety and sanitary inspection;24)store and spare parts inventory management;5)maintenance on deck;6)stowage plan making;7)supervision of the loading and unloading process;8)cargo caring on board;9)some other work and duties designated by the master of the vessel 3. can you talk about the previous vessel you worked on board. It was an ocean-going ship, but is mainly loaded and discharging cargoes in Asia.It was an old ship built at 1994. But the general condition of the ship was quite good because we did very good maintenance work on board.4. what types of cargoes have ever been carried on board your last vessel?I have worked on container and general cargo vessels and I have experienced a lot of cargo handling.5. where was your last vessel’s trading (plying , sailing) area?It was an ocean-going ship, but it mainly loaded and discharged cargoes in Asia . She has ever been to many countries such as China, Japan , Korea, Thailand , Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and so on.. 6. did you have the experience of working with foreign crews? What weretheir nationalities?No, I never worked with foreign crews. But I have experiences of good3cooperation with foreigner as a ship’s officer. I respect foreigner and dareto control them on board as a chief officer according to company’s SMS.Or: But The last two vessels I worked on had crew from several countries. The masters were from Indian, the chief engineers were from Hong Kong and Philippine and other seamen were from china, Indian, Burma and Vietnam.7. can you tell me how to make a stowage plan?Based on the capacity of the hold, the stowage factors, types of cargo,loading and discharging ports rotation, I shall calculate the volume ofthe cargo that is to be loaded into different holds. Then I shall calculate the draft of the vessel and trimming, shear force , bendingmoment and GoM to meet the requirements of the ship. At last,stowage plan is made based on these factors.8. what does a stowage factor of mean?how many cubic meters is needed to stow one metric ton of certain goods, it is the meaning of stowage factor. Stowage factors shouldinclude allowance for dunnage, irregular size of certain goods, palletsand something else. Even the most carefully determined stowagefactor is not absolute and it should be used only as a guide while planning cargo disposition.9. if there happens stevedore damage to cargo, equipment of ship’s4structure in the loading or discharging ports, what should you do?If damage happens, I must record it first and then report it in an appropriate written form to the master and other parties concerned. The report must be signed by the liable parties admitting they have (or have not) responsibility for the damage. The damage report shall be carefully worded and shall be supported with photos and other evidence, if any. The damage repo rt should also include the following contents: ship’s name, voyage number, date, geographical location, name of the person who took the photos and his signature, location where the photo was taken, and what is intended to show.10. what precautions do you have to take before cargo operation is carried out?I shall check the pre-cargo operation check lists to make sure that no item is missing. The following procedures are to be adopted: 1) the chief officer shall make a cargo operation plan, in which the following factors shall be considered: the cargo must be stowed in such way that the stability, trim, shearing forces and bendingmoments are within the limits as laid down by the stability manual;excessive weight on tank tops , tweendecks and hatch covers must be avoided; and cargo must be stowed and secured in such way asto avoid damage—which can result in possible loss of life orproperty.52) Pre-operation conference with all ship’s personnel to beinvolvedin the cargo operation should be held to discuss such matters as cargo disposition, numbers of gangs and working hours, usual and special safety requirements, ballasting and de-ballastinginformation, special requirements regarding cargo operation ,damage prevention and control, personnel organization, cargowatch etc. the chief officer must ensure that all relevant personnel have fully understood the intended cargo and all usual and special safety operational requirements.11. what will you do if cargo damage is found or suspected before loading or during loading?I shall report to the master first and foremost. The master should decide whether to replace the damaged cargo. For the full-set machines and high-valued products I must ask for the replacement in the loading port if damages are found. If the damaged cargoes cannot be replaced, the chief mate shall make remarks on the mate’s receipt.If disputes happen on the quantity and quality of the cargoes, I shall, at the discretion of the master, ask the cargo surveyor to do the survey. If necessary, under the endorsement of the ship owner, I shall write a letter of protest(based on the format provided by the company)to prove the innocence of the seamen on board.During the voyage, if a very small amount of cargo is damaged, with6the permission of the master, I shall throw it away into the sea to avoid any disputes with any third party.12. what are the differences between the bill of lading and the mate’sreceipt?A tally sheet is the basis of the mate’s receipt. The mate’sreceipt is thebasis of the B/L. the condition of the cargo is clearly shown on the mate’s receipt. It is very important to make sure that the cargo condition on the bill of lading is the same as that on the mate’s receipt.The mate’s receipt is the le gal evidence of the cargo received and the B/L is the legal evidence of the cargo ownership. If the consigner wants the master to issue a clean B/L on the basis of unclean mate’s receipt, the master firstly must ask for permission from the company. If the company agrees, the consigner must issue reliable letter of indemnity or letter of guarantee.13. if the draft survey proves a shortage of cargo after loading in completed, what will you do apart from reporting to the master? Will you make any remarks on the mate’s receipt?In the case, I shall report the problem to the master first. Withthe permission of the master, I shall ask the third party surveyor to do the survey. If the survey shows there is shortage or damage of the cargo, I shall write remarks on the mate’s receipt showing the loss or damageor shortage.7The third party is to be invited to make the objective report on the real quantity of the volume of the cargo. If the cargo is proved to bein shortage, I shall write remarks on the mate’s receipt.14. what do you know about the ISM code and SMS? How many chaptersare there in the ISM code(as amended)? What are these chapters? The ISM code is the International Safety Management Code. The purpose of this code is to provide an internatioal standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention. The objectives of the code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular to the marine environment and to property.The 16 chapters of ISM Code are :general, safety and environment protection policy, company responsibilities and authority, designated person(s), master’s responsibilities and authority, resources andpersonnel, development of plans for shipboard operation, emergency preparedness , reports and analysis of non-conformity, accidents and hazardous occurrences, maintenance of the ship and equipment, documentation, company control, certification and periodical verification, verification, interim certification, and forms of certificates, the last four chapters are newly added in the new version of ISM code.SMS means safety management system, and this system is mad based8on the 16 elements of ISM Code, which is a compulsory part SOLAS74. the shipowner of manager cannot get document of compliance(DOC) and SMC without audited Safety Management Certificate (SMC) by Class designated by the flag registry country administration. Every company should develop, implement and maintain a safety management system(SMS).15. what do observation, non-conformity and major non-conformity mean respectively?Observation means a statement of fact made during a safety management audit and substantiated by objective evidence. Non-conformity means an observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfillment of a specified requirement. Major non-conformity means an identifiable deviation that poses a serious threat to the safety of personnel or the ship or a serious risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective action and includes the lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement of this code.16. have you experienced any on-board internal audit before? The onboard internal audit is carried out at the discretion of the designated person of the owner. When the auditors come on board, the seamen should give full support to them. If observation or non-conformity items are found in the audit, these items should be9treated with due diligence and rectified on time.As the chief officer, I should be very familiar with the operation and calibration of the gas detector and the loading computer.17. what is garbage management plan?The MARPOL 73/78 requires that a garbage management plan should be developed in accordance with the IMO guidelines on board almost all ships. The plan includes the procedures for garbage collection, separation, processing and disposal, as well as the management and requirements of garbage processing equipment, implementation of the plan and crew responsibilities. All processing work should be recorded in the garbage book.18. how do you carry out the deck machinery maintenance/on board the last vessel, I often ordered my bosun to organize the deck crew to maintain such equipment as windlass, steering engine, derrick, crane, wires, meters and winch. Chipping and greasing are also among their daily routines as per the PMS(planned maintenance system). All maintenance plans for the machines in the deck department shall be made by the chief officer.19. as the chief officer, what precautions do you have to take to prepare for the PSC inspection?The chief officer should arrange for the checks of the following items: LSA and FFE equipment, garbage disposal records, gangway safety,10ballasting system, sanitary condition, especially in the accommodation area, the galley, provision stores, cargo operation safety and documents. Besides, the chief officer should follow the master’s instructions in organizing the emergency drill.20. what precaution do you have to take before entering an enclosed space?I shall nominate the standby personnel and prepare the ventilation, breathing tool, connecting signals, oxygen, air and poisonous gases testing equipment, and other necessary equipment according to the checklist. I shall then get the master’s signature on the checklist.21. what checks do you have made before any hot work is permitted? I must make sure of the following:There is no gas leakage on cargo deck or pump room area; The nearby places shall be free of inflammable materials or gases and portable extinguishers are available;The area where the hot work is done is not piles with solvents ofany kind, including diesel oil, kerosene, paint , cleaners and thinners; Gas testing is also important to make sure no flammable or toxic gas ispresent at the work site and that the oxygen content is 21% by volume; Ventilation condition should also be checked before any hot work is done.The master’s approval must be obtained under all circumsta nces.11While in port22. on board your previous vessels, how often did you conduct afire-fighting drill?I carried out a fire fighting drill at least once every month. 23. what are the chief officer’s responsibilities with regards to cargo operation?The chief officer is in charge of safe handling of all cargo operation. He must submit all cargo plans to the master for approval and discuss any critical stage of cargo operation with the master, he is responsible for making cargo records, time sheets, port logs and other paperwork related to cargo operation. He must also prepare cargooperation order and get all duty officers to read and understand it.24. what are the chief officer’s responsibilities with regard todeckmaintenance?The chief officer should prepare the deck maintenance schedule—both the long-term and short-term ones—and discuss the schedule with the master. He is in charge of the deck department personnel and should oversee their maintenance work. He should also write the monthly maintenance report.25. when the charted depth of anchorage is 40 meters, usually how do you drop the anchor?Before dropping the anchor, I should make sure that the windlass and12the brakes are in good condition and there is good holding ground. I should also study the water depth, weather and sea conditions and take into account the duration of the anchorage action.During the anchoring, I should lower the anchor until it touches ground, then disengage and slack the chain cable until the length is paid out. Main engine should be used to stretch the cable. I should not use excessive weight for the cable.The length of the cable must be decided by the master in advance. No matter how deep the water is , at least two shackles should remain on board.26. if water depth is more than 80 meters, is it possible for you to drop the anchor?Except in an extreme emergency situation, dropping anchor in this depth of water is very dangerous. So, if the anchor has to be dropped, the geographical condition(sea bed and adjacent area), weather condition must be carefully studied beforehand. If possible, you should have a discussion or meeting with relevant crew before the work is done.27. how do you keep proper ventilation during the voyage? Your shipis loaded with steel coil at constantsa in December and the cargo is to be discharged in Singapore.In order to prevent rust formation on the surface of the cargo, I must13make sure the temperature in holds is higher than the dew point at any times. Ventilation is to be made on the condition of dew point and try to lower the dew point.Under the above situation, no ventilation is needed because the ship sails from a cold place to a hot place.28. how do you maintain the minimum under keel clearance (UKC) when the vessel during passage /in fairways/inside ports?Refer to master’s answer.29. in case of cargo damage (for example, before the vessel arrives at the discharging port, when opening the hatch, you find the quality of the surface cargo has changed), how do you handle it?Well, I have to know the quantity of the cargo whose quality has changed. If the cargo is a small quantity, I shall dispose it myself. If it is a large quantity, I shall ask for decision from the master. 30. what are sensitive cargoes as defined by the P&I club/the cargoes that are particularly susceptible to moisture and damage are called sensitive cargoes. For the sensitive cargoes, special attention shall be required. The P&I CLUB defines the following cargoes as sensitive cargoes: cement, grain, and sugar.31. how do you judge whether the cargo holds are fitted for loading? According to the requirements of the voyage instructions or the charter party, I shall first see if it meets the charterer’s demands. Then14I will make my own judgment . if the holds are not suitable forloading any type of cargo, I shall report this to the master and ask him to decide on this.32. can you please briefly explain the general requirements forgrain cargo carriage?1) hold preparationthe hold should be very clean and free from scale and odor. Allbilges should be clean and dry. The tank top should be clean,stainless and dry. The front and rear sides of the brackets andbeams, piping etc. should be completely washed and clear of allresidues and dust from the previous cargo. And if the ship carried grain in the previous voyages and insects are found in the hold, the holds should be fumigated with insecticide.2) ventilationgrain can self heat, condense and absorb moisture. Without goodventilation, the cargo can easily deteriorate. In case of bulk grain, air is to be blown to the surface of the grain continuously on adaily basis in order to remove the air from the cargo. Thetemperature of the cargo shall be tested by thermometer on a daily basis and be recorded in the logbook.3) for detailed answer, please refer to the IMO grain rule.(IMORESOLUTION A.714 CODE OF SAFE PRACTICE FOR15CARGO STOWAGE AND SECURING.)33. how to conduct ventilation for hygroscopic cargo from warm to cold area voyage, and from cold to warm voyage? How about the non-hygroscopic cargo?In case of carrying hygroscopic cargoes from a warm place to a cold place, ventilation is very critical. It should be as strong as possible in the beginning so that eventually the outside dew point will be too low. This is a very difficult voyage situation in which to arrange satisfactory ventilation. From cold to warm voyage, the ventilation is not necessary.In case of carrying non-hygroscopic cargoes from a cold place to a warm place, no ventilation is needed, and cargo sweat would occur on the surface of the stow if relative warmer moisture laden air was admitted. From the warm to the cold voyage, no ventilation is needed because ship sweat is inevitable but cargo will be unaffected unless condensation drips back on the stow.34. how to prevent cargo from being damaged by rain or seawater? Before the voyage, I will check the hatch cover to see if it is properly closed that tight water condition is in good order. To make sure suction boxes and manholes are properly closed; to check the bulkhead of adjacent ballast tank.35. what preparations should you make before the pilot comes on board?16Preparation should be made in the following steps:First, the duty officer is to contact the pilot station to confirmthe availability the pilot;Second, the master is to contact the coming pilot and discuss withhim the vessel’s heading position and speed at the time of his boarding; Third, the duty officer should supervise the embarkation and disembarkation of the pilot to ensure his identity and safety; Fourth, the pilot ladder must meet the standards of the USCG and the IMO;Fifth, the deck crew is to prepare the ladder well and hoist the G flag;Last, when the pilot is on board, H flag should be hoisted.36. when you pass through the PANAMA canal, what should you pay attention to? Why?The turn of bilge radius should be made known to the pilot.According to the regulations, the turn of bilge radius of the vessel cannot be over 12.04 meters in the fresh water area. No bilge water is allowed to be pumped.As a precaution, we should check with the MR notice and apply for correction if on time. We should also prepare for the safety inspections by the boarding officers.Seven days before the ship’s estimated time of passing by the canal,we should report to the canal authority on the vessel condition.1737. what material and information do you need when you make thepassage plan?The passage plan shall contain all the charts required and shalllocateall the information concerning the intended area. The informationneeded for the passage plan shall be found from the sailingdirection,list of lights, tide tables, tidal stream table, guide to port entry, deepdraft vessel planning guide, the IMO ship route guide, guide totanker port, various ports’ information booklets, government andportregulations, navigational warnings, pilot charts, notice to mariners, weather information, and so on.38.do you often change the ballast water? What should you payattention to when changing the ballast water?Yes. The ballast water change is required by most port authoritiesin the world.Ballasting and de-ballasting on time is very important to keep the stress of the vessel in good condition. Under heavy weather conditions,it is necessary to test the ballasting and bilge water more often tomake sure of the stability of the vessel.39.what should you pay attention to when the vessel is loaded with coal?Trimming is very important to make sure that the cargo is evenly loaded. Since coal is liable to get fire, you have to make sure that the deck is free from any source of fire. Fire-fighting equipment should be18available at any time. Air in the cargo space should be regularly checked. Bilge water should be tested systematically to see whether there is any water leakage.Ventilation is not allowed during the voyage. Reasonable ventilation is to be carried out when the cargo temperature is above 55 degrees centigrade or the methane concentration is abnormal.Also, you have to measure the cargo temperature at least once every day . if the temperature and methane are abnormal, I will report to the owner for instruction.40. what are the function of a B/L? what is a clean B/L and what is unclean B/L?A B/L has three important functions. It constitutes evidence of the terms of the contract of carriage—a promise to carry and deliver the cargo. Itconstitutes the apparent order, condition, and quantity or weight of goods at the time of shipment. It is also a document of title(property) of the cargo.A clean B/L is one on which there is not any remark of cargo loss, shortage or damage. An unclean B/L is also called claused B/L, which carries some remarks of cargo damage, quantity shortage and so on.41.what is back dated or anti-dated B/L? what is advanced B/L? A back dated B/L is a B/L whose issuing date is earlier than the virtual loading completion date. An advanced B/L means a B/L that is signed19and issued by the carrier before the completion of loading. Both backdated and advanced B/Ls will bring some dangers and liabilities to the shipowner and charterer.42.what anti-stowaway precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port?Before departure from any port, stowaway search has to be carried out. The following spaces shall be searched thoroughly: void space, chain lockers , funnel, and other places where the stowaways can hide themselves.If stowaways are discovered before the ship sails, arrangement has to be made for his immediate disembarkation. Records have to be made in the ship’s logs and the company should be notified. Necessary steps should be taken to prevent any further reoccurrence.43.who should not be allowed to have the shore leave at the same time? Refer to master’s answer.44.what is the maximum book alcohol concentration (BAC) rate on board?Refer to master’s answer.45.what kind of garbage cannot be thrown into incinerator? The following garbage cannot be thrown into the incinerator: .any containers that once contained gases under pressure, or aerosol cans; .the materials that may produce harmful gases or ashes;20.the materials that may produce high temperature and prolonged incineration of such materials that may cause damage to the incinerator.46.what should a muster list include? What kind of muster lists did you have on the last vessel?Refer to master’s answer?47.what is heavy weather condition? Under heavy weather conditions, what preparations should you make before sailing?I think heavy weather means weather conditions of wind force of 8 or above on the Beaufort scale and wave height of greater than 5 meters. Refer to master’s answer no. 5348.the same as 47.49.if the stevedores damage the crane, derrick or any other equipment on board, what should you do?Firstly, I shall ask the duty officer have a careful supervision when the stevedores are loading and unloading cargo and ask the duty officers to report to me any incident or any damage the workers have done to the vessel equipment.If equipment damages occur, usually, I will see how serious the damage is, if the damage is serious, I shall report to the master immediately. If the damage is not very serious, I shall ask the stevedore company to make repair . at least, I shall ask the stevedores to acknowledge their liabilities. But anyway, I shall not allow the stevedore workers to leave the vessel21until the damage is settled properly.50.before and during dry-docking for the vessel , what should achief officer do?The chief officer shall prepare a detailed repair list for the approval of the master and the company, adjust the proper trim as per the dock’srequirements and make out a safety procedure before drydocking. The chief officer should also make an assignment plan for the deck officers and crew during drydocking. When the repair work is being done, thechief officer should have a good supervision on the jobs and ensure safety of the workers and the seamen.51.how do you balance the interests between the ship owner and the charterer?Sometimes , the crew are heavily pressured in the circumstances: the charterer just pushes the master to catch time, but there will be no time for the maintenance and repairs for the vessel. But I know that the charterer is very important to the ship owner, so good relation with thecharterer is very important to both the master and the ship owner.52.what do you know about BC Code?The BC Code refers to the IMO Bulk Cargo Code. In this code, bulk cargo operation procedures are stated. This is a very important manual and the chief officer must study it with care and follow theinstructions in the Code at work, especially when he makes the stowage plan.2253.how should you deal with the garbage on board the ship? See the master’s answer no.61.54.what should a turnover/handover of watch be deferred or postponed? Usually, under the following situations, the turnover can be deferred or ever postponed: 1)if the officer on watch has reason to believe that the relieving officer is obviously not able to carry out his duties effectively;2)when bridge maneuver is taking place, turnover of watch must be deferred until the action is completed and the ship is in a safe condition for the relief of the watch to take place.55.under what situations should you as the officer on watch reducethe ship’s speed? Can you give some examples?The OOW should not hesitate to use engine to reduce the speed for safety. Some examples are:1)when the ship meets restricted visibility; 2)when the ship is in heavy traffic area; 3)when the ship is in a close quarter situation.。
A.About Cargo1.What is you last vessel trading area? Have you been USA, Australia and Canada port?( A: wordwide / seasia, ?= yes / not)2.What kinds of cargo have you carried before?(grain, coal ore, log etc.)3.What is the meaning of stowage factor, GM, KG, KM, GOM, SG correction, etc.? Whatis Bill of lading, clean B/L, remark on B/L? How to make KG for deck cargo?(A: weight / Cbm,4.What is NCB?A: National Cargo Bureau: calculation manual?5.Do you have deck crane operation experience?6.Do you have experience of how to use the soft ware of Loading Master? Do youremember the name of the soft ware that you have used in your previous vessel?7.Do you have any experience for loading grain cargo? How many cargo hold can slack?Do you know about cargo calculating form for USA, Australia, Canada? How do you calculate the grain loading stability? What partied of inspection for loading grain in USA?8.Do you have any experience for log cargo loading in Australia, New Zealand, and USA?What is the procedure of loading logs? How do you calculate the GM of log cargo? How do you understand the weight of the log cargo already loading on board?A: 1). Heavy cargo to be loaded in cargo hold, close stowing cargo to avoid broken space in hold. 2). Deck cargo to be loaded tidy, the first wire to be laied and lashed while 4 meter high. To keep tight lashing with chain and lashing wire when completed loading. 3). Choice center of geometry as cargo KG and then calculate GM. Od log cargo. 4). To calculate cargo weight by draft survey frequency.9.How do you take note when loading timber in rain? how do you put remark on matereceipt?A: Usually not to loading during rain, in case instruction of charter, LOI is requiredRemark: cargo loading during rain as per charter instruction by writing.10.What is the jumping loading? What kind of cargo we have to make jumping load?How do you loading jumping cargo?A: 1). cargo to be loaded interval a hold. 2). For very heavy cargo to ensure safe ofbending moment and shearing force. 3). To pay attention to the bending moment andshearing force. and loading sequence.11.How to do if there is big difference between ship and shore figures by draft surveyor?A: Put remark on Mate Receipt12.What remark to put on mate receipt after loading wetted cargo i.e. coal contaminate withwater?A: Ship side no responsibility for quantity of cargo during discharging cargo.13.How do you take action when it is raining during loading cargo?A: To cease loading and close all hatch cover.14.How to deal with cargo damage?A: To take photo and statement of fact if damaged by stevedores. Shut out the cargo if heavy damage. To put remark on mate receipt15.How do you handle original Bill of Lading? What is LOI, how do you handle LOI?A: Release cargo if received original one of B/Ls. Letter of Insurance. The LOI must be approved by ship’s owner, if master want to accept LOI.16.What is the importance for C/O’s duty on bulk carrier?A: 1). Gm, bend moment, Shear force and hilling moment 2). Draft survey. 3).Ballast and deballast.B.About SMS1.What is the purpose of SMS?A: For safety and protect environment2.What is your duty and responsibility according SMS?3.What is ISM code? What does ISM code mean to you?A: International safety management regulation. C/O is a safety officer on board a vessel.4.When will you report to the Master during sailing on open sea or cargo operating?A: 1). Bad weather, Bad visibility, narrow and shallow channel, heavy traffic, and any doubt oneself during open sea. 2). Short discharging, GM, bend moment, shear force, cargo weight dispute, cargo quantity. Etc5.Can you tell me something about safety on board?A: Fire fighting, life boat and prevent pollution drill. Enter enclose space Oxygen detection. To wear safety belt if working high. etc6.How do you motivate your crew on board?A: Training, meeting , checking, verifying to crew as per SMS and instruction of ship’s owner. Ask for reasonable bonus for crew.7.How do you control alcohol on board? Do you conduct announced alcohol test onboard?A: No one is allowed to disobey the office policy and regulation of IMO. Would conduct alcohol test as per instruction if fit out equipment on board.8.Who are in charge of the ship’s Garbage Control onboard?A: C/O9.What is the purpose of initial audit?A: finding of deficiency for crew to make collective action10.What is purpose of the external audit? And who will conduct the external audit?A: To obtain the SMC ( safety management certificate). Ship class societies officer.11.What are the items of annual survey?A: Safety construction, Safety Equipment, Safety Radio, International Load Line, IOPP, International Tonnage,12.How to test the operation of GMDSS? How do you test DSC and NBDP?A: Select test from manual. –individual transfer. And then, receive electron voicefrom another DSC receiver.13.What kind of drills you have in each month and in every three-month interval?A: Fire fighting, Life saving and Oil prevent pollution Drill each month. Life boatto be launching every 3 months.C.About ISPS1.Do you know what is ISPS code? When does it become enforced?A: Regulation of International ship and port facility security. It become enforced on 1stJul 2004.2.In case of complete of the ISPS, what is the first?A: Implementation 3 months for internal and external audit and then, to obtain shipsecurity certificate.3.What is the priority in case of Security and Safety?A: Anyhow, the safety is first.D.About NavigationWhat is the meaning of blind section? (Radar)A: The area hindered by Shipboard caused Radar Wave can not reach.。
大副英语面试自我介绍English Self-Introduction for a Maritime Officer Position.Good day, esteemed members of the interview panel. It is an honor to have the opportunity to introduce myself for the position of Chief Officer. My name is [Your Name], and I am passionate about the maritime industry, having spent the majority of my professional career navigating the vast oceans and managing shipboard operations.I hold a degree in Maritime Studies, which has provided me with a solid foundation in navigation, ship handling, and maritime regulations. Since graduating, I have worked my way up the ranks, starting as a junior officer and progressing through the ranks to become a qualified Chief Officer. This journey has been rewarding and challenging, and it has equipped me with the skills and experience necessary to excel in the role of a Chief Officer.As a Chief Officer, I am responsible for the smooth operation of the ship and the safety of its crew. This involves supervising the daily activities of the crew, ensuring that shipboard procedures are followed, and taking charge in emergency situations. My leadership style is one that fosters teamwork and cooperation, as I believe that a strong team is essential for the success of any operation.I am also committed to continuous learning, staying up-to-date with the latest maritime technologies and regulations to ensure that our ship operations are as efficient and safe as possible.One of the most significant aspects of my role is ensuring the safety of the crew and the ship. I take this responsibility very seriously and ensure that all safety procedures are followed to the letter. I conduct regular safety drills and inspections to identify any potential hazards and address them promptly. My attention to detail and proactive approach have helped prevent numerous safety incidents on board, ensuring a safe and secure environment for all.In addition to safety, I also focus on the operational efficiency of the ship. I work closely with the crew to ensure that all operations are carried out efficiently, minimizing waste and maximizing productivity. I am also responsible for managing the ship's resources, including fuel, water, and provisions, ensuring that we have enough supplies to complete our voyages without any interruptions.Communication is another crucial aspect of my role. As the Chief Officer, I am the liaison between the crew and the ship's management. I ensure that all important information is communicated effectively, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. My ability to communicate clearly and concisely in both English and [Your Native Language] has helped me establish strong relationships with my crew and ship management, fostering a positive work environment.I am also highly organized and detail-oriented, with the ability to manage multiple tasks effectively. This has been essential in my role as Chief Officer, where I am responsible for overseeing various shipboard operationssimultaneously. My ability to prioritize tasks and delegate responsibilities has enabled me to lead a team of crew members efficiently, ensuring that all operations arecarried out smoothly.In conclusion, I am confident that I possess the skills, experience, and leadership qualities necessary to excel in the role of Chief Officer. I am committed to ensuring the safety and efficiency of ship operations, fostering a positive work environment, and communicating effectivelywith all stakeholders. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.。
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1. Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx.Xxx. I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 3 people in my family, my daughter and my son.我的名字叫XXX。
2.Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业的?I graduated from XXX university(college, school).我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校)3.How long have you worked on board? 您在船上做多久了?I have worked on board ten years. 我在船上工作十年了。
4.Which company have you served (worked for)? 您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx. 我在某某公司做过。
5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate.6.How long do you have the certificate of master ?您持有船长证书多久了?I hold the master certificate 1 years or in 2015 year。
7. What kinds of ship have you worked on? 您都做过那些类型的船?I have worked on many ships, like xxx ships, xxx ship and so on.8.Which classification society is your last ship registered with?您上条船是在那个船级社注册的?DNV, ABS, NK, BV, LR, CCS,GL.9. Where was your last vessel’s trading area? Which ports have you called?你上一条船的航行区域?都到过那个港口?Ocean-going, world widely, globally, fixed route.远洋,全世界,全球,固定航线。
My last vessel’s trading area was between China and Australia.10.Have you served UMS?(UMS=Unmanned Machinery Space)您做过无人机舱船吗?Yes, I have served UMS, or No, I am sorry, I have not.是的,我做过无人机舱。
11.(How long) have you served as C/O? 您做大副有多长了?(Yes, ) I have served as C/O several years(3 times) 是的,我做大副有3次了(若干年了)12.Have you worked any ship that caused damage in critical equipments?您做过的船发生过重大机损吗?No, I served my job cautiously, and my colleagues were also diligent. We kept the vessel insafe operation. If I were employed by your company. I were also serve my duty with diligence.没有,我工作是非常谨慎的,并且我的同事也是非常勤勉的。
13.Did you have a planned maintenance system(PMS) for your last ship?您上次做的船有计划维护体系吗?Yes, I observed instructions from the shipowner and the system was controlled and managed by computers.是的,我遵守船东的指示并且系统是由电脑控制和管理的。
14.The ISM Code required preventive maintenance schedules. How do you make your maintenance schedules?安全管理规则要求做到预防性维护。
你如何作出预防性维护计划?According to the ISM Code, the preventive maintenance plan is made based on the ship’s“Planned Maintenance System” and the machinery running hours records. This plan should be made on an annual basis(or a five-year basis). Usually, the monthly maintenance schedules are made based on the annual preventive maintenance plan and the basic occasional maintenance work. 根据ISM规则,预防维护计划是基于船舶的“PMS”和机械运转时间记录来制定的。
15.What is the purpose of the ISM Code? What is DPA in ISM Code?ISM 规则的目的是什么?ISM规则中DPA是什么意思?The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ship’s and for pollution p revention.DPA stands for Designated person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention aspects on behalf of the shipowner.ISM 规则的目的是提供针对船舶安全管理和操作以及防污染的一个国际标准。
16.What does DOC imply? DOC 表示什么?DOC stands for “Document of Compliance”. The marine shipping company should establish and maintain procedures to control all documents and data which are relevant to the SMS. Each ship should carry on board all documentation relevant to that ship.DOC 表示符合文件。
17.What is SMC?SMC 表示什么?SMC means Safety management Certificate. It should be issued to a ship by the administration or an authorized organization.SMC是指安全管理证书.他是由船旗国指定的机构和组织对船舶签署的证书。
18. What are the critical Operations and conditions?什么是关键操作和临界状态?Critical Operations and Conditions are those which have a significant risk of causing major injuries or illness to people, or damage to ship, cargo, other property and/or the environment.关键操作和临界状态是指能够引起对人员所造成重大伤害,造成船舶损坏,货物或其它的财产和环境的损坏的重大危险的操作。
19.What is the purpose of ISM Audit? What is the Critical Equipment in System? ISM审核的目的是什么?系统中的关键设备指什么?Audit is the systematic and independent verification to determine whether ISM activities and results conform to planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are effectivelypreformed to achieve the objectives of the company and relevant maritime laws.These are those where sudden loss of functional capability or where failure to respond when activated manually or automatically may create high-risk situations or major accidents. Forexample, main engine, steering gear and so on.审核是系统地并且不受约束地去检验是否ISM活动和结果符合计划的安排,是否这些安排是预先有效地达到公司和海事法规的目标。