
选词填空(A)1. Only 10% of American adults engage in regular exercise.2. The government has encountered strong opposition to its plans to raise income tax.3. The pool area is enclosed by a six-foot wall.4. Local government has recently emerged as a major issue. (to begin to be known or noticed)5. He did all sorts of jobs to earn a living.6. The author is often praised for her simple, economical writing style. (using money, resources, etc., carefully)7. The company is looking to enhance its earnings potential. (to increase or improve)8. He'll give you something to ease the pain.9. The security codes could be broken with relative ease. (very easy for you to do it)10. Please enclose a cheque with your order. (to put something inside an envelope as well as a letter)11. Lighting is now more energy efficient. (work well without wasting time, money, or energy)12. She didn't remember our encounter last summer. (an occasion when you meet someone)13. It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain.14. The toy didn't engage her interest for long. (to attract someone's attention and keep them interested)(B)1. Full-time employees are entitled to receive health insurance. (to give someone the official right to do or have something)2. The school has evolved its own style of teaching. (to develop and change gradually over a long period of time)3. It is essential that our pilots are given the best possible training.4. I really envy you and Ian, you seem so happy together.5. The essential difference between Sam and me was the fact that I took life seriously. (something is the most basic one)6. Management have agreed to extend the deadline.7. The bacteria can endure extremes of heat and cold. (a situation, quality etc which is as great as it can possibly be )8. If you keep working these long hours, you're just going to exhaust yourself.9. The President is the chief executive of the U.S.10. He has never fully exploited his talents. (to get value or use from)11. The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation.12. If you have to go out in the storm, use extreme caution. (very great in degree)13. There's a problem with the car's exhaust. (the gas produced when an engine is working)14. They were accused of exploiting migrant workers. (to treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but giving them very little in return )15. The report exposes the weaknesses of modern medical practice. (to show the truth about someone or something, especially when it is bad)。

2018 年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试高考英语词汇手册(上海版)纯手打字母 AP1.art. 一 (个、种、份);(同类事物中的)任何一 (个 );每 (个 );某一 (个 )(不定冠词 ,般用于读音以辅音音素起首的词前)vt. 放弃 ;丢弃 ;离弃 ;遗弃 ;抛弃n.能力 ;本领adj.能够的;能力出众的;聪明能干的adj.反常的;异常的adv.在船(或飞机、车等)上 ;上船 ,登机 ;上车prep. 在 (船、飞机、车)上prep. 关于 ;在., .周围 ;在.· ·各处adv.在四周;到处prep. 在.的上方 ;多于 ;大于 ;高于 ,优于 ;超乎·之所及;不受. .,之影响 ;不屑于adv.在(或向)上面adv. 到国外 ;在国外 7n.不在 ,缺席 ;缺乏 ,不存在P2.adj.不在场,缺席的,缺乏的adj.完全的;不容置疑的;绝对的.vt. 吸收;吸引的注意,使全神贯注adi.抽象的n.摘要 ,梗概adj.学校的;学术的;普通文化课的n.重音 ;口音 ,腔调v.接受 ;认可n.接近 (或进入 )的机会 ;享用权 ;通道 ;入口vt. 接近 ;进入n.意外事情 ;事故vt. 向提供住处 (或膳宿 );容纳n.〈英〉 ~, 〈美 )〉 ~s 〕住处 ;膳宿 ;方便设施vt. 陪伴 ,陪同 ;为伴奏 (或唱 );伴随vi.伴奏 ,伴唱vt. 达到 ;完成 ;实现按照 ;根据n.记述 ,述 ;理由 ;解释 ;账 ( 目),账户vi.报账 ;提出理由 (for)P3.n 会计人员adj.准确的;精确的;正确无误的指控;指责vt. 使习惯于adi.适应了的,习惯的vi,n.疼痛vt. 完成 ,实现 ;达到 ;得到n.成就 ;成绩adi.n. 酸的 ;〔化〕酸vt. 承认 ;告知 (或确认 )(信件等的 )收到 ;对·表示感谢vt. 取得 ,获得 ;学到prep. 穿过 ,, ;越过 ., ;在的对面 ,在另一边adv. 从一边到另一边vi.行动 ;做事 ;表演 ;起作用 ;担当vt. 扮演 (角色 )n.行为 ,行动 ;法令 ;法案 ;(戏)幕n.行动adj.积极的;活跃的;勤奋的n.活动n.男演员n.女演员adj.实际的,事实上的,真实的v.(使 )适应 ,(使 )适合 ;改编 ;改写P4v.加;添加;进一步说(或写)合计达vt. 使沉溺 ,使入迷 ;使成瘾n.入迷的人 ;有瘾的人n.加 ;增加的人 (或物 )adj. 附加的 ;额外的n.演说 ,讲话 ;地址 ,住址Vt.对发表演说;在(信封等)上写姓名地址;对付;处理adj.足够的;适当的v.调整 ,调节n.管理 ;经营 ;支配vt. 赞赏 ;钦佩n.准许进入 ;入场费 ;入场券 ;录用vt. 准许 .,·进入、加入;承认n. ( 尤指 16 岁以下的 )青少年adj.青春期的;青少年的vt. 采纳 ;通过 ,批准 ;收养n.成年人adj. 成年的vi.前进 ,向前移动vt. 使向前移动 ;促进n.前进 ;进展adj.在前面的;先进的;高级的P5 、n.有利条件 (或因素 );优势vt. 有利于;使处于有利地位利用n.冒险 (性 );冒险活动 ,冒险经历 ;激动人心的活动 (或经历 );奇遇v.(使 )冒险 ;担风险v.为做广告 ,登广告n.广告n.( 口)广告n.劝告 ;忠告 ;意见vt. 劝告 ;建议vt. 拥护 ;提倡 ;主n.拥护者 ;提倡者 ;辩护者n.〈英 )飞机n.事情 ,事件 ;[~s) 事务vt. 影响 ;(在感情方面 )打动 ,震动 ;(疾病 )侵袭n.影响 ;疾病 ;慈爱 ;喜爱 ;感情vt. 买得起 ;担负得起 ;提供adj.怕的,害怕的;(口〉恐怕;遗憾的prep, conj.在以后n.下午 ;午后adv.后来,以后adv.再一次;又;另外P6prep. (反 )对;对着;以为抵御对象;以为竞争对手;为做准备、防备;紧靠着 ;以为背景、衬托n.年龄 ;时代 ;老,老v.(使 )变老 ,显老adi. ( 年 )老的 ;旧的 ;岁的n.代理行 ;代理n.代理人 ;代理商adj.侵犯的,侵略的;积极进取的adv.以前v.表示同意 ;持相同意见 ;达成协议 ;相符adj.令人愉快的;惬意的n.农业 ;农艺adv.在前面;向前n.帮助 ;援助 ;辅助物v.帮助n.艾滋病vt. 把瞄准 ,把对准 (at); 使旨在 (at)vi.瞄准 ;目的在于 ,旨在 (at)n. 瞄准 ;目的 ,目标n.空气 ;气氛 ;空中 ;神态 ;飞机;航空P7adj. 装有空调设备的(单复同〕 n. 飞机 ;飞艇 ;航空器n.( 飞机 )航线 ;([常作 ~s)] 航空公司adj. ( 飞机 )航线的 ;航空公司的n.航空n.机场n.惊恐 ;警报 ;(闹钟的 )闹铃vt. 使惊恐 ;向 ,,,报警n.( 照相本、集邮本等 )集纳簿一套 (激光 )唱片 ,唱片集n.含酒精的饮料 ;酒 ;酒精 ,乙醇adj. 警觉的 ,警惕的vt. 向·报警;使警觉 ,使警惕n.警戒 (状态 ),戒备 (状态)adv. 样地 ;相似地adj. 〔一般作表语〕同样的 ;相像的adj. 活着的 ;在世的 ;有活力的adj. 全部的 ;一切的 ,所有的pron.全体;(整体中的)每个;一切n.所有的一切vt. 允许 ,准许 ;承认adv.几乎,差不多adj. 仅(用于名词或代词后 );单独的 ;唯一的adv.单独地;独自地P8. prep.沿着adv.向前;一道,一起adv.在旁边prep.在旁边;沿着的边adv.大声地;出声地n.字母表adv. 已经adv.而且(也),(此外)还v.改变 ;(使 )变样adj. 供选择的n.两者 (或在两者以上之间 )择一 ,抉择 ;供选择的东西;供替代的抉择conj.虽然,尽管adv.总共;全部地;完全adv.总是上午n.业余爱好者adj. 业余爱好的vt. 使惊异 ,使大为惊奇n.强烈欲望 ;志向n.救护车prep.在中间,在之中n.数量 ;总数vi.合计 ,共计 ;等同 ;接近 (to)vt. 逗乐 ,逗笑 ;给提供娱乐(消遣)P9art. 一 (个、种、份);(同类事)任物何中一的(个);每一(个);某一(个)(不定冠词,一般用于读音以元音音素起首的词前)n.分析vt. 分析n.祖先adi. 古代的n.古代人conj.和n.怒;愤怒vt. 使发怒 ,激怒n.角度adj. 发怒的 ,生气的n.动物n.脚踝n.周年纪念 (日)adj. 周年的 ;每年的vt. 宣布 ;宣告n.宣布 ,宣告 ;通告 ,布告n.宣告者 ;电 (视)台的节目报告员vt. 使恼怒 ;使烦恼 ;打扰adj. 每年的n.年刊P10adj. 另一的 ;再一个 (或一批 )的pron. 又一个 ,再一个v., n. 回答 ;答复 ;对作出反应,响应n.蚂蚁n.防止 (环境 )污染n.焦虑 ,忧虑 ;渴望 ;挂念adj. 焦虑的 ;急切的 ;渴望的adj, pron.任一的;一些pron.任何人adv.不管怎么说;无论如何adv.而今再也pron.任何人pron.任何事情;任何东西adv.无论如何;不管怎么说adv. 在(或往 )任何地方adv. 成零碎 ;相间隔 ;(留置 )于一旁n.一套公寓房间 ;〈美〉公寓大楼n.类人猿 ;模仿者vt. 模仿vi.道歉 ,认错n.道歉 ,认错adj. 显然的vi.呼吁 ;上诉 ,申诉 ;有吸引力n.呼吁 ;上诉 ,申诉 ;吸引力vi.出现 ;变得明显 ;看来好像P11n.出现;外观;外表n.食欲 ;欲望 (for); 爱好 ;趣味 for)vt. 向·鼓掌vi.鼓掌n.鼓掌 ;喝彩n.苹果n.器具n.申请人n.应用 ;申请 (表)vt. 应用 ;涂 ;敷;把·施(用)于;使(自己 )致力于vi.申请 ;适用vt. 任命 ,委派 ;约定vt. 为表示感激 ;重视 ;赏识 ,欣赏n.感激 ;重视 ;赏识 ,欣赏v.接近 ;临近n.接近 ;入门 ;途径 ;(处理问题的 )方式 ,方法adj. 合适的 ,适当的vt. 批准 ;赞成vi.赞成adv.估计;近似n.建筑师 ;设计师n.建筑学 ;建筑式样 ;建筑工程P12adj. 〔常作 A- 〕北极的n.〔常作 A- 〕北极 ,北极圈n.地区 ;领域 ;面积v.争辩,争论 ;(坚决 )主 ,认为n.争论 ,辩论 ;论据 ,论点vi.起立 ,起身 ;上升 ;产生 ;出现n.计算 ;算术n.臂;前肢n.( 一件 )武器 ;(~s 〔总称〕武器 ,军火vt. 以武器装备 ;配备n.军队 ;陆军 ;大群prep.在四周;环绕adv., 在周围 ;大约. vt. 唤醒 ;引起vi.醒来v.安排 ;整理vt,n.拘捕,逮捕n.到达 ;到来vi.到达 ;到来n.箭;箭头符号n.美术 ;艺术 ;(一门 )人文科学 ;〔~s 〕文科adj. 美术 (品 )的;艺术 (品)的n.文章 ;物品rtificial/a:trfr 「al/n.人工的 ,人造的n.艺术家 ;画家P13conj. ( 表示时间 )当的时候;(表示比较 )像一样prep.作为n.灰;[-es) 灰烬adv. 在旁边 ;到(或向 )一边v.问;请求 ,要求询问 ,打听要 ,要求adj. 睡着的. n.方面n.阿司匹林 (药片 )v. 集合 ;召集 ;装配vi.对·进行估价;评价 ,评论vt. 分配 ;布置 (作业 );指派v.协助 ,帮助n.助手 ,助理vt. 使结合在一起 ;使有联系n.联合 ,联盟 ;协会 ,社团vt. 假定 ;承担vt. 使 (某人 )确信 ;确保vt. 使惊讶n.宇航员 ;航天员prep. 在 , (里上、旁、时刻 )n.运动员 ;〈英〉田径运动员P14adj. 运动员的,运动的adj. 大西洋的n.大气 ;气氛n.原子vt. 连接 ;使依附vi.附属. vt,n. 攻击 ,进攻 ;侵害vt, n.企图;试图;尝试v.出席 ,参加 ;护理 ;照料n.注意 ;注意力 ;照料n.态度 ,看法vt. 吸引 ;引起n.听众 ;观众adj. 视听的n.姨;姑;婶母 ;舅母n.著作者n. 权力 ,权威 ;职权 ;[authorities]当局,官方n.汽车 ( automobileubil/的缩略adj. 自动的n.秋;秋季adj. 可获得的 ;可利用的 ;可取得联系的n.林荫道 :大衔P15adj. 中等的;平常的;平均的n.平均数 ;平均 ;一般水平 ,中等水平vt. 算出,,的平均;平数均做(或得到、生产、分担等) vi.平均数为vt. 避免.v.等候 ;等待 (处理 ) adj. 醒着的vi.醒 ;觉醒vt. 唤醒 ;使觉醒vt. 唤醒vt. 授予 (奖品等 )n.奖;奖品;奖状adj. 意识到的 ;知道的 (of,that)adv.向远处;离开;向另一方向;向一边adj. 可怕的 ;不舒服的 ;(口 )非常的 ;极坏的adj. 笨拙的 ;使用不便的 ;难处理的Bn.婴儿 ;幼畜 ;幼兽n.单身男子 ;(亦作 B-) 学士 ,学士学位。
上海高考英语词汇手册词组双向默写A1.abandon sb. to sth.2.have the/an ability to do sth.3.be able/unable to do sth.4.what/how about5.in one’s absence/ in the absence of6.be absent from7.absent-minded8.be absorbed in9.have access to10.be accessible to sb.11.by accident/ chance12.according to13.take…into account14.on account of15.on no account16.account for17.accuse sb. of18.be/get accustomed to19.make great achievements in20.act as21.act on/upon22.take action23.be active in24.take an active part in25.adapt… to…26.add…to…27.add up28.add up to29.in addition30.in addition to31.adjust...to...32.admire sb. for33.admit…to/into…34.admit doing/having done35.in advance36.take (full) advantage of37.advertise for38.take/fo llow one’s advice39.advise doing40.advise sb. to do 41.can/can’t afford sth./ to do42.be afraid of43.be afraid to do44.be after45.again and again46.be against47.for ages48.under the age of49.travel agency50.agree to51.agree with52.agree on53.agree to do54.reach an agreement55.ahead of56.go aheade/go/run to one’s aid58.first aids59.aim at/to do60.on the air61.by air62.all over63.in all64.at all65.above all66.after all67.first of all68.all in all69.for all70.allow doing71.allow sb. to do72.leave...alone73.along with74.be amazed at/to do/that75. a large/small amount of76.and so on77.be angry at/to do/that78.be annoyed at sth./with sb.79.answer (n.) to the question80.answer for81.be anxious about82.be anxious for/to do/that83.anything but84.nothing but85.apart from86.apologize to sb. for87.make an apology to sb. for88.appeal to89.It appears that90.appear to do91.have no appetite for sth.92.apply to ... for...93.apply... to...94.make an appointment with sb.95.appreciate doing96.I would appreciate it if youcould/would97.approach (n.) to sth.98.approve of99.argue with sb. about/over100.arise from101.arm in arm102.in arms103.arrange for ... to do104.make arrangements for105.under arrest106.on one's arrival at/in sp.107.arrive at108.arrive in109.as... as...110.not as/so... as...111.just as112.as for113.as to114.as if/though115.be ashamed of/to do/that116.ask about117.ask for118.ask after119.fall asleep120.fast/sound asleep121.in all aspects122.assign sb. to do123.assist sb. in sth.124.associate ... with ...125.assure sb. that/of sth. 126.be astonished at/to do/that127.attach...to...128.attempt to do129.make an attempt130.attend to131.pay attention to132.draw one's attention to133.attitude to/towards134.attract sb. to135.tourist attractioa large/small audience 136.be available to sb.137.on average138.avoid doing139.wide awake140.award sb. for141.be (fully/well) aware of sth/that142.away fromB1.baby-sitter2.back up3.at the back of4.behind one’s back5.be bad for6.keep the balance of7.lose/upset/disturb/destroy the balanceof8.ban...from doing9.snack bar10.the barber’s11.barely...when...12.barrier to13.base...on...14.on the basis of15.have/take a bath16.bathing suit17.be about to do18.be going to do19.be to do20.can’t bear/stand doing/to do21.bear/keep sth. in mind22.be born in23.because of24.go to bed25.be in bed26.before long27.long before28.It won’t be long be fore...29.begin with30.at the beginning of31.behave oneself32.leave behind33.fall behind in34.human beinge into being36.beyond one’s means37.big game38.be bound to do39.at birth40.give birth to41. a bit42.not a bit43.bit by bit44.do one’s bit45.blame sb. for sth.46.blame sth. on sb.47.be to blame for48.be blind to49.notice board50.on board51.booking office52.be bored with53.be born with54.borrow...from...55.at the bottom of56.break away from57.break down58.break into59.break in60.break out61.break up62.out of breath63.in brief64.fire brigade65.bring about66.bring out67.browse through68.build up 69.bump into70.burst out doing71.burst into sth.72.on business73.business hour74.be busy doing75.be busy with sth.C1.pocket calculator2.call on sb.3.call at sp.4.call for5.call in6.calm down7.camping trip8.on campus9.be capable of10.care for11.care about12.take care13.take care of14.be careful of/with15.carry out16.carry on17.in case (conj.)18.in case of (prep.)19.in any case20.in no case21.in many/some/most cases22.in this/that case23.be the case24.catch up with25.cause...to do26.make certain27.make certain of/about28.by chance29.chances are that(+从句)30.change...into31.in charge of32.in the charge of33.take charge of34.free of charge35.charge sb. for36.on charge37.charge sb. with sth.38.live on charity39.check in40.check out41.cheer up42.in chief43.choose sb. as44.choose to do45.at Christmas46.go to church47.go to the church48.in/under no circumstances49.in/under the circumstances50.claim to do51.in class52.in the class53.clear up54.be clever at55.close to56.zip codebine...with...e one to oneself60.when it comes to61.have a good command ofment on/aboutmit a crime64.in commonmunicate...with...municate...to...67.the Communist Party of Chinapare...with...pare...to...70.in/by comparison withpete for sth.pete against/with sb.plain about sth.plain to sb.75.make a complaint76.be composed of77.conceal...from sb.78.concentrate on79.be concerned about 80.be concerned with81.draw/come to/reach/get to a conclusion82.on condition that83.in good/poor condition84.confess to doing85.have confidence in86.be confident of87.congratulate sb. on sth.88.connect...with...89. a clear conscience90.be conscious of91.consider doing92.consider...(as)...93.consider...to do...94.consist of95.consist in96.make/lose contact with97.be content with98.the Continent99.contrary to100.on the contrary101.in contrast to/with102.by contrast103.contribute to104.make contributions to105.be in control of106.out of control107.have/bring/get...under control108.convey...to...109.convince sb. of sth.110.cope with111.in the corner112.at/on the corner113.at the cost of114.count on115.count down116.a couple of117.in the course of118.of course119.be covered with120.be crazy about121.credit card122.crime rate123.cross talk124.the Red Cross125.be crowded with126.cure sb. of sth.127.be curious about128.cut down129.cut in130.cut outD1.in/out of danger2.out of date3.date back to4.at dawn5.to this day6.how to deal with7. a good/great deal of8.decide to do9.make a decision10.define...as...11.to some degree12.delay doing13.demand to do14.demand that15.the dentist’s16.deny doing17.depart from18.depend on/upon19.it all depends20.be dependent on/upon21.describe...as...22.beyond description23.in detail24.be determined to do25.devote...to...26.die of27.die from28.be on a diet29.differ from30.make no/little difference31.much much difference32.be different from33.have difficulty (in) doing34.have difficulty with sth.35.with/without difficulty 36.in all directions37.to one’s disadvantage38.disapprove of39.discourage sb. from doing40.on display41.in the distance42.at a distance43.be distinct from44.divide...into...45.what to do with46.be down with47.dozens of48. a drain on49.dream of/about50.be dressed up51.be dressed in52.dress sb.53.drive sb. mad54.drop in on sb.55.drop in at sp.56.drop off57.drop out58.due to59.at dusk60.on/off duty61.duty-freeE1.each other2.be eager for3.go in one ear and out the other4.on earth5.at ease6.with ease7.take it easy8.economy class9.on the edge of10.have an effect on11.take effect12.make effort13.spare no effort14.either...or...15.elder brother16.electric light17.elementary school18.put/lay/place an emphasis on19.be employed in20.employ sb. in sth.21.be empty of22.enable sb. to do23.encourage sb. to do24.end up in25.put an end toe to an end27.make an end of28.make both ends meet29.at the end of30.in the end31.be engaged to sb.32.be engaged in sth.33.engage sb. in sth.34.English Evening35.enjoy oneself36.enough for sb. to do37.sure enough38.stangely/curiously/oddly enough39.enter for40.entitle sb. to sth.41.entrance to42.be equal to43.equip…with…44.be equivalent to45.by trial and error46.escape doing47.establish…as…48.on the eve49.even though/if50.for example51.except for52.exchange…for…53.exchange rate54.excuse sb. frome into existence56.exit to57.expect sb. to do58.expect too much of sb.59.at the expense of60.at one’s expense 61.be expert in/at62.explain sth. to sb.63.expose sb. to sth.64.to some extent65.catch one’s eye66.eye exercise67.raise one’s eyebrow F1.face to face2.in the face of3.look in the face4.on the face of5.save face6.lose face7.be faced with8.in fact9.fail to do10.failure to do11.have faith in12.fall off13.fall asleep14.fall behind15.fall on16.fall short of17.be familiar to sb.18.be familiar with sth.19.be famous for20.as/so far as21.far from22.so far23.in fashion24.out of fashion25.fast asleep26.as sure as fate27.Father Christmas28.find fault with sb.29.do sb. a favour30.in favour of31.for fear of32.for fear that +从句33.in fear of34.feed on35.feed...to...36.feed...with...37.be fed up with38.feel like doing39. a few40.quite a few41.science fiction42.in the field of43.fight for44.fight with45.fight against46.fill...with...47.fill in/out48.make a film49.find out50.finish off/up51.catch fire52.make a fire53.on fire54.set fire to55.set sth. on fire56.be fit for57.keep fit58.fit in with59.fit up with60.be fitted with61.fix on62.in flames63.focus on64.be fond of65.make a fool of sb.66.on foot67.on one’s foot68.forbid sb. to do69.force sb. to do70.weather forecast71.in the form of72.back and forth73.make a fortune74.seek one’s fortune75.fortune-teller76.look forward to77.to be frank78.set free79.free from/of 80.for free81.make friends with82.from then on83.in front of84.in the front of85.fruit bowl86.be full of87.make fun of88.for fun89.in future90.in the futureG1.No pains, no gains.2.video game3.generation gap4.gaze at5.in general6.generally speaking7.from generation to generation8.get across9.get along with sb.10.get off11.get to12.get together13.get up14.get over15.get through16.get down to sth.17.have got18.give out19.give up20.give away21.give in22.give off23.glance at24.go down25.go on26.go on doing27.go on to do28.go on with sth.29.go over30.go round31.go up to32.go wrong33.go in for34.go off35.go around36.go through37.go out38.score a goal39.achieve/reach/obtain one’s goal40.golden rule41.do good to sb.(=do sb. good)42.for good43.be good at44.be good to sb.45.be good for46.Goodness gracious!47.Thank goodness!48.graduate from49.the Grand Theatre50.the Grand Canyon51.take...for granted52.be grateful to sb. for sth.53.group singing54.grow up55.in the growth of56.on guard57.be guilty ofH1.form the habit of2.hand in3.give/lend a hand to4.at hand5.by hand6.in hand7.hang on8.hang up9.happen to sb.10.happen to do11.be hard on sb.12.hardly/scarcely/rarely...when...13.do harm to sb.14.do sb. harm15.have...on16.have much to do with 17.have little to do with18.have nothing to do with19.head for20.in good/poor health21.hear about/of22.hear from sb.23.heart and soul24.lose heart25.take heart26.at heart27.by heart28.help out29.help oneself to sth.30.help (to) do31.can’t help doing32.can’t help but do33.hesitate to do34.without hesitation35.hide sth. from sb.36.speak highly of37.in history38.make history39.hold on40.hold out41.hold up42.hold off43.hold back44.in holes45.on holiday46.at home and abroad47.make oneself at home48.in honour of49.hope for50.hope to do51.hope that...52.horror film53.the host country54.air hostess55.how come + 从句56.sense of humour57.hunger for58.hurry up59.in a hurryI1.ice cream2.have no idea3.have/get a general/rough idea of4.identify with5.as if/though6.even if/though7.ignorance of8.be ignorant of9.imagine doing10.make/have an impact on11.of importance12.impress sb. with sth.13.impress sth. on/upon sb.14.improve on15.improvement on16.be inaccessible to sb.17.on the increase18.independence from19.be independent of20.infect...with...21.infer from22.be inferior to23.under the influence of24.influence over/on/uponrm sb. of/about sth.26.inherit from27.be innocent of28.inquire about29.inquire into30.insist on31.for instance32.the instant33.instead of34.instruct sb. in sth.35.insurance policy36.insure against37.intend to do38.be intended for39.intention of40.have/show an interest in41.be interested in42.on the Internet 43.at intervals44.introduce...to...45.invest in46.invite...to...47.involve...in...48.isolate...from...49.at issue50.issue fromJ1.traffic jam2.be jealous of3.join sb.in sth.4.joint venture5.make a joke6.play a joke on sb.7.to one’s great joy8.judging from/by9.jump the queue10.high jump11.long jump12.be junior to13.just now14.just a minute15.do justice to sb. K1.be keen on2.keep silent3.keep a secret4.keep doing sth.5.keep...from6.keep to7.keep up with8.keep in9.keep off10.keep on11.keep out12.keep out of13.keep up14.key to15.kill time16.be kind to sb.17.of a kind18.kind of19.knife and fork20.knock at21.knock down22.know about23.know better than24. a knowledge ofmon knowledge26.to the best of one’s knowledge27.be knowledgeable aboutLnguage labbour Daybour forceck of5.at largest but not least7.at lastst (for)9.be late for10.be late withter on12.at the latestugh at14.burst into laughterw and order16.take the law int o one’s own handsy off18.lead to19.lead up to20.turn over a new leaf21.leak out22.lean against23.lean on24.learn from25.learn about/of26.learn a lesson27.at least28.in the least29.leave for30.leave...behind31.leave...alone32.leave out 33.ask for leave34.on one’s left35.turn left36.at leisure37.at one’s leisure38.lend...to...39.at length40.at full length41.teach sb. a lesson42.let out43.let go44.let sb. down45.let...in46.let...off47.on a level with48.liberate...from...49.at liberty50.licence plate51.lie in52.tell a lie53.live a ...life54.in the light of55.bring sth. to lighte to light57.cast/throw light on58.light up59.be likely to do60.limit...to...61.be lined with62.in/out of line63.make a list of64.on the list65.listen to66.no litter67. a little68.not a little69.little by little70.live by71.live on72.live up to73.live beyond one’s means74.be located75.under lock and key76.long to do77.long for sth.78.no longer79.not...any longer80.as/so long as81.in the long run/term82.it won’t be long before...83.have a look84.look after85.look around86.look back87.look down on88.look for89.look forward to90.look into91.look on92.look on...as...93.look out94.look out of95.look over96.look through97.look to98.look up99.look up to100.lose one’s temper101.lose one’s way102.lose oneself in103.lose sight of104.lose touch with105.get lost106.at a loss107.lots of/a lot of108.actions speak louder than words 109.fall in love with110.love me, love my dog111.try one’s luck112.good luckM1.be mad on/about2.in the main3.major in4.a/the majority of5.make it6.make for7.make into8.make off9.make out10.make up11.make up for12.be made of13.be made from14.be made up of15.manage to do16.good/bad manners17.many a18. a good/great many19.on the market20.be married to21. a mass of/masses of22.mass media23.go with24.as a matter of fact25.make matters worse26. a matter of course27.no matter how28.may as well do29.may well do30.mean doing31.mean to do32.be meant for33.by means of34.by all means35.by no means36.take measures37.gold medal38.meet with39.meet the needs40.sports meeting/meet41.memorial to42.in memory of43.physical and mental health44.don’t mention it45.not to mention46.at the mercy of47.give sb. a message48.leave a message for sb.49.at midday50.in the middle51.at midnightlions of53.on one’s mind54.to one’s mind55.make up one’s mind56.bear/keep in mind57.never mind58.mind doing59.absent-minded60.prime minister61. a minority of62.in a minute63.just a minute64.the minute65.do/make miracles66.make a mistake67.by mistake68.mistake...for...69.mix...with...70.mobile phone71.be modest about72.at the moment73.in a moment74.at any moment75.for the moment76.the moment77.pocket money78.make money79.monument to80.in a good/bad mood81.in the mood for82.in no mood for83.more and more84.more than85.no more than86.not more than87.more or less88.what’s more89.no more=not...any more90.at most91.make the most of92.mother tongue93.mother-in-law94.keep one’s mouth shut 95.move off96.move on97.move about/around98.move house99.mow the lawn100.much the same101.much asN1.in the name of2.under the name of3.go native4.not nearly5.in need of6. a need for7.negotiate with...8.neither...nor...9.day and night10.nod to/at sb.11.nod off12.make a noise about13.none but14.none other than15.none the less16.at noon17.by a nose18.under one’s nose19.with one’s nose in the air20.not...but...21.not at all22.not to say23.take notes24.take notice of25.now and then26. a number of27.the number ofO1.object to2.objection to3.oblige sb. to do4.be obliged to sb.5.obstacle to6.It is obvious that...7.on the occasion of8.on occasion9.be occupied in10.occur to sb.11.odd jobs12.right off13.well/badly off14.offer to do15.offer sb. sth.16.offer sth. to sb.17.the Olympics18.on and on19.for once20.all at once21.once upon a time22.once or twice23.one and only24.if only25.only too26.be open to27.open fire at/one into operation29.in one’s opinion30.be of the opinion that31.have a good/bad/high/low opinion of32.oppose to33.opposite to34.or else35.or so36.in/out of order37.on orderanize...into...39.every other40.the other day41.in outline42.outlook on43.outlook for44.outlook onto/over45.overflow with46.owe...to...47.on one’s own48.of one’s ownP 1.keep pace with2.at a pace3.package tour4.take pains5.in pairs6.in long/short pants7.on paper8.on parade9.parallel to10.parking lot11.for my part12.for the most part13.on the part of sb./on one’s part14.participate in15.be particular about16.in particular17.pass away18.pass by19.passion for20.in the past21.in the past few years22.be paved with23.pave the way for24.pay...for25.pay back26.pay off27.pay a visit to28.be at peace29.hold one’s peace30.make one’s peace with sb.31.at peak hours32.be peculiar to33.Practice makes perfect.34.permit doing35.permit sb. to do36.persevere in37.persist in38.in person39.persuade sb. to do40.persuade sb. into doing41.take photos42.physical education43.play the piano44.pick on45.as pretty as a picture46.as easy as pie47. a piece of cake48.in one piece49.make a pig of oneself50.pile up51.pineapple52.have/take pity on53.in place of54.take one’s place55.take the place of56.give place to57.in/out of place58.plan to do59.plan on/for sth.60.play tricks on61.be pleased with62.take pleasure in63.with pleasure64.plunge in/into65.plunge...into66.point out67.point of view68.make one’s point69.the South/North Pole70.police station71.pop music72.be popular with73. a portion of74.in/out of position75.be in a position to do76.there is possibility of/that77.hot pot78.pour down79.put...into practice80.practise doing81.pray for82.prefer...to...83.prefer to do rather than do84.make preparations for85.prepare for86.in the presence of87.presence of mind88.at present 89.for the present90.be present at91.preserve...from92.press conference93.under pressure94.bring/put pressure on95.pretend to do96.prevent...(from)97.at a price98.of a price99.quote a price100.take pride in101.pride oneself on102.primary color103.primary school104.in principle105.on principle106.in prison107.prisoner of war108.in private109.private school110.in the process of111.production line112.be productive of 113.by profession114.make a profit of115.profit by/from116.in progress117.prohibit...from118.promise to do119.make a promise120.keep a promise121.break a promisemon property 123.in proportion to124.in prospect125.protect...from/against 126.in protest127.protest about/against/at 128.provide sb. with sth. 129.provide sth. for sb. 130.provided that131.go public132.public school133.in the public eye134.pull down135.pull in136.pull out137.pull over138.pull up139.pull through140.punctuation mark 141.on purpose142.put through143.put to144.put up withQ1.be qualified for/to do/as2.qualify sb. for/to do/as3. a quantity of/quantities of4.quarrel with sb.5.in questione into question7.out of question8.out of the question9.be quick at10.quit doingR1.by rail2.look like rain3.rain cats and dogs4.range from...to...5.range between...and...6. a wide range of7.of the first rank8.birth rate9.at a rate10.rate of exchange11.would rather12.rather than13.or rather14.raw material15.reach out16.reach for17.out of reach18.react to 19.reaction to20.be ready to do21.real estate22.in reality23.the reason for24.rebel against25.on receipt of26.recognize...as27.tape recorder28.recover from29.the Red Cross30.reduce sb. to doing31.reduce sb. to tears32.refer to33.in/with reference to34.reflect on/upon35.refuse to do36.regard...as37.in/with regard to38.best regards39.regardless of40.registered post/mail41.regret doing42.regret to say/tell/inform43.relate...to44.be related to45.in/with relation to46.be relative to47.release...from48.be relevant to49.relieve sb. of sth.50.be reluctant to do51.rely on sb. to do52.remark on/upon53.remember doing54.remember to do55.remember sb. to sb.56.remind sb. of sth.57.remove...from...58.for rent59.replace...with...60.reply to61.be reported to do62.It is reported that63.be representative of64.request sth. from/of sb.65.require sth. of sb.66.rescue...from...67.rescue team68.go/come to one's rescue69.research into/on70.resemble...in sth.71.reserve sth. for sb.72.resign from73.resist doing74.be resistant to75.natural resources76.show respect for77.respect oneself78.in respect of79.with respect to80.respond to81.response to82.sense of responsibility83.take full responsibility for84.be responsible for85.at rest86.the rest87.rest on88.restore...to...89.result in90.result from91.as a result of92.return to93.return ticket94.in return for95.reveal sth. to sb.96.take revenge on sb.97.reward sb. for sth.98.in reward for99.be rich in100.ring up101.give rise to102.early to bed and early to rise 103.at the risk of104.at risk105.run the risk of106.take a risk/risks 107.risk doing108.all roads lead to Rome 109.rob sb. of sth.110.rock and roll111.in rough112.in a row113.in ruins114.as a rule115.run across116.run away from117.run into118.run out of119.run over120.run for121.rush hourS1.be safe from2.for the sake of3.for sale4.at the same time5.the same to you6.be satisfied with7.save...from...8.that is to say9.be said to do10.It is said that11.on a large scale12.scarcely...when...13.be scared of14.on the scene15.science and technology16.scold sb. for sth.17.score a goal18.scores of19.at sea20.on the sea21.in search of22.search for23.in/out of season24.second only to25.second to none26.second class27.in secret28.secretary general29.the security council30.seeing that31.see to it that32.seem to do33.sell out34.send for35.be senior to36.make sense37.make sense of38.be sensible of39.be sensitive to40.sentence sb. to sth.41.be separate from42.separate...from...43. a series of44.be serious about45.serve...as...46.serve to do47.set about doing48.set out to do49.settle down50.be severe on/with51.shake hands with sb.52.shame on you53.in/out of shape54.share sth. with sb.55.shoot at56.be/fall/go short of57.be short for58.for short59.in short60. a shortage of61.should to should62.shout at63.shout to64.show off65.show up66.on show67.for show68.shut down69.be sick of70.on the side of sb./on one's side71.side by side 72.side effect73.at sight74.in/out of sight75.lose/catch sight of76.in the sight of77.sign up for78.of significance79.in silence80.keep silent81.be similar to82.be sunk in83.one's heart sunks84.sit down85.sit up86.construction site87.be skillful at88.slave of/to sth.89.put sb. to sleep90.not in the slightest91.slow down92.smile at93.snack bar94.and so on95.so...as to96.soap powder97.the polar system98.solution to99.something of a + n. 100.son-in-law101.like father, like son 102.the sooner, the better 103.no sooner...than104.soon after105.be sorry for106.be sorry to do107.sort of108.heart and soul109.fall asleep110.source of111.spare part112.spare no pains doing/to do 113.speak to/with sb.114.speak about/of sth. 115.speak for。

高考英语词汇(F字母)序号词性、音标词性词义F1.facility n. 便利;〔常作facilities〕设备,设施2.factor n. 因素3.fade v. (使)褪色;凋谢4.fail vi. 失败;不及格;衰退vt. (后接不定式)不,不能5.failure n. 失败;故障,失败的人或事;衰竭6.faint adj. 微弱的;暗淡的vi.,n. 昏厥(adj. fainted)7.fair adj. 公平的,按规则进行的n. 定期集市;商品展览(或交易)会8.fairly adv. 相当;公正地;不带偏见地9.faith n. 信任;信心;信念10.fascinate vt. 迷住;强烈地吸引11.fatal adj. 致命的,毁灭性的12.favo(u)r n. 恩惠;善意行为;喜爱vt 喜爱;支持;偏爱;偏担13.feasible adj. 可行的,行得通的14.feature vt. 以……为特色;是……的特色n. 特写;特征15.fertile adj. 肥沃的:丰富的16.fierce adj. 凶猛的;激烈的17.figure n. 数字;外形,轮廓;人影;人物vt. 计算;用图表(或图画)描绘;描述;塑造18.file n. 文件夹;档案v.把...归档19.fill vt. 装满;使充满vi. 被充满20.finance n. 财政;金融;财务状况;资金vt. 提供资金给……21.financial adj. 财政的;财务的;金融的22.fine n.,v. 罚款23.fine adj. 好的;精制的;细微的24.finish off 完成;结束;完全吃光25.firm adj. 坚定的;坚固的26.firm n. 商行;公司27.fix vt. 使固定;修理;安装28.flexible adj. 易弯曲的;柔韧的;灵活的29.folk n. 人们adj. 民间的30.forbid vt. 禁止,不许31.force n. 力,力量,力气;势力;军队,兵力vt. 强迫,迫使32.forceful adj. 强有力的;有说服力的33.foresee vt. 预见;预知34.form n. 形式,方式;外形;表格vt 形成;构成;组织,建立vi. 成形35.foundation n. 基金(会);基础;创办36.frame n. 框架;构架vt. 构筑;制定;拟出;给……设框37.frank adj. 坦白的,直率的;真诚的38.frustrate v. 受挫;挫败;使灰心39.fuel n. 燃料v. 加燃料;加油40.fulfill vt. 履行;实现;满足41.function n. 功能;作用v. 活动;运转;起作用42.fund n.. 基金43.fun damental adj. 基本的;基础的;主要的44.furnish vt 装设备于;为(房间等)配备家具;提供45.furthermore adv. 而且;此外选词填空(A)1. There's just a faint chance that the weather will improve by tomorrow.2. Over the years her beauty had faded a little. (to gradually disappear)3. Several people fainted in the high temperature.4. Her father favored the idea of her going to law school. (to approve of or support )5. He failed in his first attempt but succeeded in his second attempt.6. He poured her a drink, then filled his own glass.7. An important feature of Van Gogh's paintings is their bright colour.8. Most women have to watch their figure. (the shape of a body)9. She speaks English fairly well. (more than a little, but much less than very)10. The new diet features several low-fat foods. (to have or include something as an important part)11. Teachers should not show favour to any pupil. (in a way that does not seem fair)12. Her health is starting to fail. (to become weak or weaker)13. If it is not treated correctly, the condition can become fatal.14. The contracts are filed in specific order. (to keep papers, documents etc in a particular place)(B)1. He was completely frank with her about what happened.2. She failed to fulfill her obligations.3. Her head was covered with fine, smooth hair. (very thin)4. Make sure the ladder feels firm before you climb up. (strongly fixed in position)5. They removed the picture from its wooden frame.6. The club was fined £50,000 for illegal operation.7. Having bought the house, they couldn't afford to furnish it. (to put furniture and other things into a house or room)8. He played a central role in framing the new law. (to organize and develop a plan)9. The company's rules forbid dating among employees.10. His words fuelled her anger more.11. He served in air force in World War II.12. They insist on maintaining firm control over the project. (not weak or uncertain)13. The school has served the community since its foundation in 1835.。

上海高考英语词汇手册Shanghai College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) English Vocabulary HandbookThe Shanghai College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) is a crucial test for Chinese high school students seeking admission to universities. One of the key components of the Gaokao is the English section, which tests students' vocabulary knowledge. This handbook aims to provide a comprehensive list of essential English vocabulary for Gaokao preparation.The importance of vocabulary cannot be overstated whenit comes to the English section of the Gaokao. A strong vocabulary is essential for understanding reading passages, answering comprehension questions, and writing essays. Therefore, students must dedicate time and effort to expanding their English vocabulary in preparation for the exam.This vocabulary handbook is divided into different categories, such as common words, academic words, and idioms. Each category contains a list of words withdefinitions and example sentences to help students understand and memorize them. Additionally, there are practice exercises and quizzes to test students' knowledge and retention of the vocabulary.It is recommended that students study a few words from each category every day and review them regularly to ensure thorough understanding. Flashcards, vocabulary apps, and online resources can also be useful tools for memorizing and practicing vocabulary.In conclusion, a strong vocabulary is essential for success in the English section of the Gaokao. By using this vocabulary handbook as a guide and dedicating time and effort to studying and practicing, students can improve their English vocabulary skills and increase their chances of scoring well on the exam.上海高考英语词汇手册上海高考是中国高中生入读大学的重要考试之一。

/ˈklæsɪfaɪ/ /'klɑːsmeɪt/ /'klɑːsrʊm/ /kleɪ/ /kliːn/ /'kliːnə/ /klɪə/ /klɑːk/ /klɪk/ /klɪf/ /ˈklaɪmɪt/ /klaɪm/ /ˈklɪnɪk/ /klɒk/ /kləʊn/ /kləʊz/ /kləʊz/ /klɒθ/ /kləʊðz/ /ˈkləʊðɪŋ/ /klaʊd/ /klʌb/ /kluː/ /kəʊtʃ/ /kəʊl/ /kəʊst/ /kəʊt/ /kɒk/ /kəʊd/ /ˈkɒfi/ /kɔɪn/ /kəʊɪnˈsɪdəns/ /kəʊk/ /kəʊld/ /kəˈlæps/ /ˈkɒlə/ /ˈkɒliːɡ/ /kə'lekt/ /ˈkɒlɪdʒ/ /ˈkɒləni / /'kʌlə/ /ˈkɒləm/ /kəʊm/ /ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃən/ /kəmˈbaɪn/ /kʌm/ /ˈkʌmɒn/ /'kʌmaʊt/ /kəˈmi:diən/ /ˈkɒmədi/
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
单词 cabbage cabin cable café cafeteria cage cake calculate calculator calendar call calm camel camera camp campaign campus can can canal cancel cancer candidate candle candy canteen cap capable capital captain capture car carbon card care take care of career careful careless cargo carpenter carpet carriage carrot carry cart cartoon carve

上海高考词汇手册附录常用前缀后缀详解上海教育考试院编写版Revised final draft November 26, 2020上海高考词汇手册附录常用前缀、后缀详解(上海教育考试编写,2018年版)许多学生对于记忆英语单词烦恼不已,总是记不住,默写不出来。
常用前缀、后缀1.常用前缀:prefixanti- (构成名词或形容词) 意为:反;反对; 防止e.g. antipollution (防止污染);antirust (防锈的); antisocial (反社会的);antimatter (反物质) ; Anti-Japanese War 抗日战争;antianxiety 抗焦虑的;antibacterial 抗菌的auto- (构成名词、形容词和副词) 意为:自己(的); 本身(的); 无人操作(的)e.g. autobiography (自传);automatic (自动的);autosave (n.& v. 自动保存)autocriticism (自我检讨);automatic pilot 自动驾驶仪co- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词) 意为:①一起;共同;联合②同事,伙伴,副e.g. co-produced (合作生产的);cooperate (合作v. );cooperatively (合作地);co-author (合着者); coexist (共存v.);coauthor(合着者);copilot (飞机副驾驶员)dis- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词) 意为:不;非;相反;相对e.g. dishonest (不诚实);disagreeably (不合意地);disadvantage (不利条件);disappear (消失)dislike (v.& n.不喜欢);disable (v.使无能;使残疾); disclose (v.使显露;揭露;泄露);discomfort (v.& n.不舒服;使人不舒服);discontinue (v. 停止,中断);disorder (n. 杂乱,混乱);dishonorable (a. 不光彩的,可耻的);dispraise (贬低;诋毁)en- (构成动词) 意为:使处于…状态;使(成为)e.g. endanger (使遭危险);enlarge (扩大);enrich (丰富);enable (使…能够);in-; il-; im-; ir- (构成形容词、副词和名词) 意为:不;非;相反的e.g. infinite (无限的);inactive (不活跃的);inadequate (不足的;不充分的);illegible (难辨认的);illogical (不合逻辑的);illegal (非法的);immorally (不道德地);immature (不成熟的;幼稚的);immortal (不朽的;永生的) ; irrelevance(不相关);irregular (不规则的); irresponsible (不负责任的)inter- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词) 意为:在…之间;相互e.g. interaction (相互作用);international (国际的);interchange(交换;互换); interpersonal (人际关系的;人际的)mini- (构成名词)意为:小的;短的e.g. miniskirt(迷你裙,超短裙);minibus (小巴士);minicam (小型摄像机)mis- (构成动词和名词) 意为:坏(或错)的e.g. misbehavior (行为不端);misunderstand (误解);mislead (误导);misuse (误用;滥用;虐待)multi- (构成名词和形容词) 意为:多个;许多e.g. multicoloured (多色彩的);multimedia (多媒体的);multifunctional (多功能的);multinational (跨国的; 跨国公司)non-[nn] (构成形容词、副词和名词) 意为:无;没有e.g. nonsense (废话);non-stop (直达的); non-fiction (纪实文学);non-smoker (不吸烟的人); non-standard(不标准的)out- (构成动词、名词和形容词) 意为:超越;超过;在外面;向外e.g. outnumber (在数量上超过);outgrow (长得比…快);outsmart (比…更聪明);outdoor (户外的);outward (外面的;向外的)over- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词), 意为:太;过于;上面;外面e.g. over-production (生产过剩);overload (超载);overconfident(过分自信); overcoat (大衣);overhead (在头上方ad.& a. )post- (构成动词、名词和形容词) 意为:后;以后e.g. postgraduate (研究生);post-war (战后的);post-reading (读后活动)pre- (构成动词、名词和形容词) 意为:先于;在…前e.g. preheat (预热);pre-war (战前的);precaution (预防)re- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词) 意为:又;再;重新e.g. reapply (再申请);reappear (再次出现);retell (复述);rewrite (重写;改写)semi- (构成形容词和名词) 意为:半;部分e.g. semicircular (半圆形的); semi-final (半决赛);semicivilized (半文明的,半开化的);semiconductor (半导体);sub- (构成名词和形容词) 意为:在…以下;少于;低于;次于;亚于; 分支;分部e.g. subtropical (亚热带的);substandard (低于标准的);sub-zero (零度以下的);subdivision (再分割;分支,分部)super- (构成形容词、副词和名词) 意为:极;超;超级e.g. super-rich (极富有的);superhuman (超出常人的);superhero (超级英雄)supersonically 超音速地tele- (构成形容词、副词、名词和动词) 意为:远距离的;远的;电视的;通过电话的e.g. telescope (望远镜);teletext (图文电视);telesales (电话销售);teleconference (电话会议)trans- (构成形容词)意为:横跨;通过;超越;表示“变化”或“转移”e.g. transcontinental (横跨大陆的);transnational (跨越国界的);transplant (移植);transform (转变)un- (构成形容词、副词和名词) 意为:不;未;非;反;构成动词表示相反的过程e.g. unable(不能的);unconsciously (无意识地);untruth (谬误);unlock (开锁)under-(构成名词和形容词) 意为:在下面;在…下面;次于,低于;不足;未 e.g. underground (地下的;地铁);undergraduate (大学生);underdeveloped(不发达的);underestimate (低估);undercooked (未煮熟的)2. 常用后缀 suffix1)名词后缀:-able, ible (构成形容词) 意为:可…的;能…的;应…的e.g. calculable (能计算的);taxable (应纳税的);adaptable (能适应的);visible (看得见的)-ability, ibility (构成名词).e.g. capability (能力); responsibility (责任);-al (构成形容词或名词) 意为:与…有关的; 表示过程或状态e.g. magical (魔术的);physical (物理的);survival (幸存);arrival (到达);refusal (拒绝)-an, -ian (构成形容词或名词) 意为:来自;有…特征; 专长于…的人,…专家e.g. Brazilian (巴西人);Egyptian (埃及人);mathematician (数学家);politician (政治家);historian (历史学家);musician (音乐家);physician (内科医生);magician (魔术师)-arian (构成名词) 意为:…派(主义)的人e.g. humanitarian (人道主义者);vegetarian (素食者);librarian (图书馆管理员)-ance, -ence (构成名词) 意为:表示行动或状况。

2024年上海市高考英语词汇手册Title: 2024 Shanghai College Entrance Examination English Vocabulary HandbookIntroduction:The Shanghai College Entrance Examination is one of the most important tests for students in Shanghai. In order to help students prepare well for the exam, the 2024 Shanghai College Entrance Examination English Vocabulary Handbook is designed to provide students with a comprehensive list of essential vocabulary that may appear in the exam. This handbook covers a wide range of topics and is divided into different sections to help students review and practice vocabulary effectively.Section 1: Common VocabularyThis section includes common English vocabulary that students are expected to know for the exam. It covers basic words and phrases that are essential for daily communication and reading comprehension. Students can use this section to build a strong foundation in English vocabulary.Section 2: Academic VocabularyIn this section, students will find a list of academic vocabulary that they may encounter in reading passages and writing tasks during the exam. These words are related to various academic subjects such as science, technology, literature, and history. By mastering these words, students can better understand and analyze academic texts.Section 3: Test VocabularyThe Test Vocabulary section contains words and phrases that are frequently used in test questions, such as synonyms, antonyms, and expressions commonly found in multiple-choice questions. Students can use this section to familiarize themselves with the type of vocabulary used in the exam and improve their test-taking skills.Section 4: Advanced VocabularyThis section is designed for students who want to challenge themselves with more advanced vocabulary. It includes words and expressions that are less common but may still appear in the exam. By studying this section, students can expand their vocabulary and improve their ability to understand complex texts.Conclusion:The 2024 Shanghai College Entrance Examination English Vocabulary Handbook is a valuable resource for students preparing for the exam. By studying the vocabulary in this handbook, students can enhance their English language skills and increase their chances of success in the exam. We hope that this handbook will help students achieve their academic goals and excel in the Shanghai College Entrance Examination.。

上海高考英语词汇手册词组双向默写A1.abandon sb。
沉迷于;放纵2.have the/anabilitytodo sth。
有能力做3.beable/unable to dosth.有/没有能力做4.what/how about怎么样5.inone'sabsence/ inthe absenceof缺少6.be absent fromﻩ缺席7.absent—minded 心不在焉的8.beabsorbed in 全神贯注于9.have access to ﻩ接近10.beaccessible to sb.ﻩ可以接近的11.by accident/ chance意外地12.accordingto 根据13.take…into account把。
考虑进去14.onaccount ofﻩ因为15.on noaccount绝不16.account for说明..。
..指责18.be/get accustomed to 习惯于19.make great achievements inﻩ在。
.取得巨大20.act as担任;充当21.acton/upon按照22.takeaction 采取行动23.be activein 积极参加24.take an active part in积极参加25.adapt… to…使。
..添加到27.addup合计28.add up to合计达29.in addition此外30.in addition to除。
调整…32.admire sb。
.赞赏33.admit…to/into…承认…34.admit doing/havingdone承认做过35.in advance提前36.take(full) advantageof充分利用37.advertisefor为.。

上海高考英语词汇手册词组双向默写A1.abandon sb. to sth.2.have the/an ability to do sth.3.be able/unable to do sth.4.what/how about5.in one’s absence/ in the absence of6.be absent from7.absent-minded8.be absorbed in9.have access to10.be accessible to sb.11.by accident/ chance12.according to13.take…into account14.on account of15.on no account16.account for17.accuse sb. of18.be/get accustomed to19.make great achievements in20.act as21.act on/upon22.take action23.be active in24.take an active part in25.adapt… to…26.add…to…27.add up28.add up to29.in addition30.in addition to31.adjust...to...32.admire sb. for33.admit…to/into…34.admit doing/having done35.in advance36.take (full) advantage of 37.advertise for38.take/follow one’s advice39.advise doing40.advise sb. to do41.can/can’t afford sth./ to do42.be afraid of43.be afraid to do44.be after45.again and again46.be against47.for ages48.under the age of49.travel agency50.agree to51.agree with52.agree on53.agree to do54.reach an agreement55.ahead of56.go aheade/go/run to one’s aid58.first aids59.aim at/to do60.on the air61.by air62.all over63.in all64.at all65.above all66.after all67.first of all68.all in all69.for all70.allow doing71.allow sb. to do72.leave...alone73.along with74.be amazed at/to do/that75. a large/small amount of76.and so on77.be angry at/to do/that78.be annoyed at sth./with sb.79.answer (n.) to the question80.answer for81.be anxious about82.be anxious for/to do/that83.anything but84.nothing but85.apart from86.apologize to sb. for87.make an apology to sb. for88.appeal to89.It appears that90.appear to do91.have no appetite for sth.92.apply to ... for...93.apply... to...94.make an appointment with sb.95.appreciate doing96.I would appreciate it if youcould/would97.approach (n.) to sth.98.approve of99.argue with sb. about/over100.arise from101.arm in arm102.in arms103.arrange for ... to do104.make arrangements for105.under arrest106.on one's arrival at/in sp.107.arrive at108.arrive in109.as... as...110.not as/so... as...111.just as112.as for113.as to114.as if/though115.be ashamed of/to do/that116.ask about117.ask for 118.ask after119.fall asleep120.fast/sound asleep121.in all aspects122.assign sb. to do123.assist sb. in sth.124.associate ... with ...125.assure sb. that/of sth.126.be astonished at/to do/that127.attach...to...128.attempt to do129.make an attempt130.attend to131.pay attention to132.draw one's attention to133.attitude to/towards134.attract sb. to135.tourist attractioa large/small audience 136.be available to sb.137.on average138.avoid doing139.wide awake140.award sb. for141.be (fully/well) aware of sth/that142.away fromB1.baby-sitter2.back up3.at the back of4.behind one’s back5.be bad for6.keep the balance of7.lose/upset/disturb/destroy the balanceof8.ban...from doing9.snack bar10.the barber’s11.barely...when...12.barrier to13.base...on...14.on the basis of15.have/take a bath16.bathing suit17.be about to do18.be going to do19.be to do20.can’t bear/stand doing/to do21.bear/keep sth. in mind22.be born in23.because of24.go to bed25.be in bed26.before long27.long before28.It won’t be long before...29.begin with30.at the beginning of31.behave oneself32.leave behind33.fall behind in34.human beinge into being36.beyond one’s means37.big game38.be bound to do39.at birth40.give birth to41. a bit42.not a bit43.bit by bit44.do one’s bit45.blame sb. for sth.46.blame sth. on sb.47.be to blame for48.be blind to49.notice board50.on board51.booking office52.be bored with53.be born with54.borrow...from...55.at the bottom of56.break away from57.break down58.break into59.break in60.break out 61.break up62.out of breath63.in brief64.fire brigade65.bring about66.bring out67.browse through68.build up69.bump into70.burst out doing71.burst into sth.72.on business73.business hour74.be busy doing75.be busy with sth.C1.pocket calculator2.call on sb.3.call at sp.4.call for5.call in6.calm down7.camping trip8.on campus9.be capable of10.care for11.care about12.take care13.take care of14.be careful of/with15.carry out16.carry on17.in case (conj.)18.in case of (prep.)19.in any case20.in no case21.in many/some/most cases22.in this/that case23.be the case24.catch up with25.cause...to do26.make certain27.make certain of/about28.by chance29.chances are that(+从句)30.change...into31.in charge of32.in the charge of33.take charge of34.free of charge35.charge sb. for36.on charge37.charge sb. with sth.38.live on charity39.check in40.check out41.cheer up42.in chief43.choose sb. as44.choose to do45.at Christmas46.go to church47.go to the church48.in/under no circumstances49.in/under the circumstances50.claim to do51.in class52.in the class53.clear up54.be clever at55.close to56.zip codebine...with...e one to oneself60.when it comes to61.have a good command ofment on/aboutmit a crime64.in commonmunicate...with...municate...to...67.the Communist Party of Chinapare...with...pare...to...70.in/by comparison withpete for sth. pete against/with sb.plain about sth.plain to sb.75.make a complaint76.be composed of77.conceal...from sb.78.concentrate on79.be concerned about80.be concerned with81.draw/come to/reach/get to a conclusion82.on condition that83.in good/poor condition84.confess to doing85.have confidence in86.be confident of87.congratulate sb. on sth.88.connect...with...89. a clear conscience90.be conscious of91.consider doing92.consider...(as)...93.consider...to do...94.consist of95.consist in96.make/lose contact with97.be content with98.the Continent99.contrary to100.on the contrary101.in contrast to/with102.by contrast103.contribute to104.make contributions to105.be in control of106.out of control107.have/bring/get...under control108.convey...to...109.convince sb. of sth.110.cope with111.in the corner112.at/on the corner113.at the cost of114.count on115.count down116.a couple of117.in the course of 118.of course119.be covered with 120.be crazy about 121.credit card122.crime rate123.cross talk124.the Red Cross125.be crowded with 126.cure sb. of sth.127.be curious about 128.cut down129.cut in130.cut outD1.in/out of danger2.out of date3.date back to4.at dawn5.to this day6.how to deal with7. a good/great deal of8.decide to do9.make a decision10.define...as...11.to some degree12.delay doing13.demand to do14.demand that15.the dentist’s16.deny doing17.depart from18.depend on/upon19.it all depends20.be dependent on/upon21.describe...as...22.beyond description23.in detail24.be determined to do25.devote...to...26.die of27.die from 28.be on a diet29.differ from30.make no/little difference31.much much difference32.be different from33.have difficulty (in) doing34.have difficulty with sth.35.with/without difficulty36.in all directions37.to one’s disadvantage38.disapprove of39.discourage sb. from doing40.on display41.in the distance42.at a distance43.be distinct from44.divide...into...45.what to do with46.be down with47.dozens of48. a drain on49.dream of/about50.be dressed up51.be dressed in52.dress sb.53.drive sb. mad54.drop in on sb.55.drop in at sp.56.drop off57.drop out58.due to59.at dusk60.on/off duty61.duty-freeE1.each other2.be eager for3.go in one ear and out the other4.on earth5.at ease6.with ease7.take it easy8.economy class9.on the edge of10.have an effect on11.take effect12.make effort13.spare no effort14.either...or...15.elder brother16.electric light17.elementary school18.put/lay/place an emphasis on19.be employed in20.employ sb. in sth.21.be empty of22.enable sb. to do23.encourage sb. to do24.end up in25.put an end toe to an end27.make an end of28.make both ends meet29.at the end of30.in the end31.be engaged to sb.32.be engaged in sth.33.engage sb. in sth.34.English Evening35.enjoy oneself36.enough for sb. to do37.sure enough38.stangely/curiously/oddly enough39.enter for40.entitle sb. to sth.41.entrance to42.be equal to43.equip…with…44.be equivalent to45.by trial and error46.escape doing47.establish…as…48.on the eve49.even though/if50.for example51.except for52.exchange…for…53.exchange rate54.excuse sb. frome into existence56.exit to57.expect sb. to do58.expect too much of sb.59.at the expense of60.at one’s expense61.be expert in/at62.explain sth. to sb.63.expose sb. to sth.64.to some extent65.catch one’s eye66.eye exercise67.raise one’s eyebrow F1.face to face2.in the face of3.look in the face4.on the face of5.save face6.lose face7.be faced with8.in fact9.fail to do10.failure to do11.have faith in12.fall off13.fall asleep14.fall behind15.fall on16.fall short of17.be familiar to sb.18.be familiar with sth.19.be famous for20.as/so far as21.far from22.so far23.in fashion24.out of fashion25.fast asleep26.as sure as fate27.Father Christmas28.find fault with sb.29.do sb. a favour30.in favour of31.for fear of32.for fear that +从句33.in fear of34.feed on35.feed...to...36.feed...with...37.be fed up with38.feel like doing39. a few40.quite a few41.science fiction42.in the field of43.fight for44.fight with45.fight against46.fill...with...47.fill in/out48.make a film49.find out50.finish off/up51.catch fire52.make a fire53.on fire54.set fire to55.set sth. on fire56.be fit for57.keep fit58.fit in with59.fit up with60.be fitted with61.fix on62.in flames63.focus on64.be fond of65.make a fool of sb.66.on foot67.on one’s foot68.forbid sb. to do69.force sb. to do70.weather forecast71.in the form of 72.back and forth73.make a fortune74.seek one’s fortune75.fortune-teller76.look forward to77.to be frank78.set free79.free from/of80.for free81.make friends with82.from then on83.in front of84.in the front of85.fruit bowl86.be full of87.make fun of88.for fun89.in future90.in the futureG1.No pains, no gains.2.video game3.generation gap4.gaze at5.in general6.generally speaking7.from generation to generation8.get across9.get along with sb.10.get off11.get to12.get together13.get up14.get over15.get through16.get down to sth.17.have got18.give out19.give up20.give away21.give in22.give off23.glance at24.go down25.go on26.go on doing27.go on to do28.go on with sth.29.go over30.go round31.go up to32.go wrong33.go in for34.go off35.go around36.go through37.go out38.score a goal39.achieve/reach/obtain one’s goal40.golden rule41.do good to sb.(=do sb. good)42.for good43.be good at44.be good to sb.45.be good for46.Goodness gracious!47.Thank goodness!48.graduate from49.the Grand Theatre50.the Grand Canyon51.take...for granted52.be grateful to sb. for sth.53.group singing54.grow up55.in the growth of56.on guard57.be guilty ofH1.form the habit of2.hand in3.give/lend a hand to4.at hand5.by hand6.in hand7.hang on8.hang up 9.happen to sb.10.happen to do11.be hard on sb.12.hardly/scarcely/rarely...when...13.do harm to sb.14.do sb. harm15.have...on16.have much to do with17.have little to do with18.have nothing to do with19.head for20.in good/poor health21.hear about/of22.hear from sb.23.heart and soul24.lose heart25.take heart26.at heart27.by heart28.help out29.help oneself to sth.30.help (to) do31.can’t help doing32.can’t help but do33.hesitate to do34.without hesitation35.hide sth. from sb.36.speak highly of37.in history38.make history39.hold on40.hold out41.hold up42.hold off43.hold back44.in holes45.on holiday46.at home and abroad47.make oneself at home48.in honour of49.hope for50.hope to do51.hope that...52.horror film53.the host country54.air hostess55.how come + 从句56.sense of humour57.hunger for58.hurry up59.in a hurryI1.ice cream2.have no idea3.have/get a general/rough idea of4.identify with5.as if/though6.even if/though7.ignorance of8.be ignorant of9.imagine doing10.make/have an impact on11.of importance12.impress sb. with sth.13.impress sth. on/upon sb.14.improve on15.improvement on16.be inaccessible to sb.17.on the increase18.independence from19.be independent of20.infect...with...21.infer from22.be inferior to23.under the influence of24.influence over/on/uponrm sb. of/about sth.26.inherit from27.be innocent of28.inquire about29.inquire into30.insist on31.for instance32.the instant33.instead of34.instruct sb. in sth.35.insurance policy 36.insure against37.intend to do38.be intended for39.intention of40.have/show an interest in41.be interested in42.on the Internet43.at intervals44.introduce...to...45.invest in46.invite...to...47.involve...in...48.isolate...from...49.at issue50.issue fromJ1.traffic jam2.be jealous of3.join sb.in sth.4.joint venture5.make a joke6.play a joke on sb.7.to one’s great joy8.judging from/by9.jump the queue10.high jump11.long jump12.be junior to13.just now14.just a minute15.do justice to sb.K1.be keen on2.keep silent3.keep a secret4.keep doing sth.5.keep...from6.keep to7.keep up with8.keep in9.keep off10.keep on11.keep out12.keep out of13.keep up14.key to15.kill time16.be kind to sb.17.of a kind18.kind of19.knife and fork20.knock at21.knock down22.know about23.know better than24. a knowledge ofmon knowledge26.to the best of one’s knowl edge27.be knowledgeable aboutLnguage labbour Daybour forceck of5.at largest but not least7.at lastst (for)9.be late for10.be late withter on12.at the latestugh at14.burst into laughterw and order16.take the law into one’s own handsy off18.lead to19.lead up to20.turn over a new leaf21.leak out22.lean against23.lean on24.learn from25.learn about/of 26.learn a lesson27.at least28.in the least29.leave for30.leave...behind31.leave...alone32.leave out33.ask for leave34.on one’s left35.turn left36.at leisure37.at one’s leisure38.lend...to...39.at length40.at full length41.teach sb. a lesson42.let out43.let go44.let sb. down45.let...in46.let...off47.on a level with48.liberate...from...49.at liberty50.licence plate51.lie in52.tell a lie53.live a ...life54.in the light of55.bring sth. to lighte to light57.cast/throw light on58.light up59.be likely to do60.limit...to...61.be lined with62.in/out of line63.make a list of64.on the list65.listen to66.no litter67. a little68.not a little69.little by little70.live by71.live on72.live up to73.live beyond one’s means74.be located75.under lock and key76.long to do77.long for sth.78.no longer79.not...any longer80.as/so long as81.in the long run/term82.it won’t be long before...83.have a look84.look after85.look around86.look back87.look down on88.look for89.look forward to90.look into91.look on92.look on...as...93.look out94.look out of95.look over96.look through97.look to98.look up99.look up to100.lose one’s temper101.lose one’s way102.lose oneself in103.lose sight of104.lose touch with105.get lost106.at a loss107.lots of/a lot of108.actions speak louder than words 109.fall in love with110.love me, love my dog111.try one’s luck112.good luck M1.be mad on/about2.in the main3.major in4.a/the majority of5.make it6.make for7.make into8.make off9.make out10.make up11.make up for12.be made of13.be made from14.be made up of15.manage to do16.good/bad manners17.many a18. a good/great many19.on the market20.be married to21. a mass of/masses of22.mass media23.go with24.as a matter of fact25.make matters worse26. a matter of course27.no matter how28.may as well do29.may well do30.mean doing31.mean to do32.be meant for33.by means of34.by all means35.by no means36.take measures37.gold medal38.meet with39.meet the needs40.sports meeting/meet41.memorial to42.in memory of43.physical and mental health44.don’t ment ion it45.not to mention46.at the mercy of47.give sb. a message48.leave a message for sb.49.at midday50.in the middle51.at midnightlions of53.on one’s mind54.to one’s mind55.make up one’s mind56.bear/keep in mind57.never mind58.mind doing59.absent-minded60.prime minister61. a minority of62.in a minute63.just a minute64.the minute65.do/make miracles66.make a mistake67.by mistake68.mistake...for...69.mix...with...70.mobile phone71.be modest about72.at the moment73.in a moment74.at any moment75.for the moment76.the moment77.pocket money78.make money79.monument to80.in a good/bad mood81.in the mood for82.in no mood for83.more and more84.more than85.no more than86.not more than 87.more or less88.what’s more89.no more=not...any more90.at most91.make the most of92.mother tongue93.mother-in-law94.keep one’s mouth shut95.move off96.move on97.move about/around98.move house99.mow the lawn100.much the same101.much asN1.in the name of2.under the name of3.go native4.not nearly5.in need of6. a need for7.negotiate with...8.neither...nor...9.day and night10.nod to/at sb.11.nod off12.make a noise about13.none but14.none other than15.none the less16.at noon17.by a nose18.under one’s nose19.with one’s nose in the air20.not...but...21.not at all22.not to say23.take notes24.take notice of25.now and then26. a number of27.the number ofO1.object to2.objection to3.oblige sb. to do4.be obliged to sb.5.obstacle to6.It is obvious that...7.on the occasion of8.on occasion9.be occupied in10.occur to sb.11.odd jobs12.right off13.well/badly off14.offer to do15.offer sb. sth.16.offer sth. to sb.17.the Olympics18.on and on19.for once20.all at once21.once upon a time22.once or twice23.one and only24.if only25.only too26.be open to27.open fire at/one into operation29.in one’s opinion30.be of the opinion that31.have a good/bad/high/low opinion of32.oppose to33.opposite to34.or else35.or so36.in/out of order37.on orderanize...into...39.every other40.the other day41.in outline42.outlook on 43.outlook for44.outlook onto/over45.overflow with46.owe...to...47.on one’s o wn48.of one’s ownP1.keep pace with2.at a pace3.package tour4.take pains5.in pairs6.in long/short pants7.on paper8.on parade9.parallel to10.parking lot11.for my part12.for the most part13.on the part of sb./on one’s part14.participate in15.be particular about16.in particular17.pass away18.pass by19.passion for20.in the past21.in the past few years22.be paved with23.pave the way for24.pay...for25.pay back26.pay off27.pay a visit to28.be at peace29.hold one’s peace30.make one’s peace with sb.31.at peak hours32.be peculiar to33.Practice makes perfect.34.permit doing35.permit sb. to do36.persevere in37.persist in38.in person39.persuade sb. to do40.persuade sb. into doing41.take photos42.physical education43.play the piano44.pick on45.as pretty as a picture46.as easy as pie47. a piece of cake48.in one piece49.make a pig of oneself50.pile up51.pineapple52.have/take pity on53.in place of54.take one’s place55.take the place of56.give place to57.in/out of place58.plan to do59.plan on/for sth.60.play tricks on61.be pleased with62.take pleasure in63.with pleasure64.plunge in/into65.plunge...into66.point out67.point of view68.make one’s point69.the South/North Pole70.police station71.pop music72.be popular with73. a portion of74.in/out of position75.be in a position to do76.there is possibility of/that77.hot pot78.pour down79.put...into practice80.practise doing 81.pray for82.prefer...to...83.prefer to do rather than do84.make preparations for85.prepare for86.in the presence of87.presence of mind88.at present89.for the present90.be present at91.preserve...from92.press conference93.under pressure94.bring/put pressure on95.pretend to do96.prevent...(from)97.at a price98.of a price99.quote a price100.take pride in101.pride oneself on102.primary color103.primary school104.in principle105.on principle106.in prison107.prisoner of war108.in private109.private school110.in the process of111.production line112.be productive of113.by profession114.make a profit of115.profit by/from116.in progress117.prohibit...from118.promise to do119.make a promise120.keep a promise121.break a promisemon property123.in proportion to124.in prospect125.protect...from/against 126.in protest127.protest about/against/at 128.provide sb. with sth. 129.provide sth. for sb. 130.provided that131.go public132.public school133.in the public eye134.pull down135.pull in136.pull out137.pull over138.pull up139.pull through140.punctuation mark 141.on purpose142.put through143.put to144.put up withQ1.be qualified for/to do/as2.qualify sb. for/to do/as3. a quantity of/quantities of4.quarrel with sb.5.in questione into question7.out of question8.out of the question9.be quick at10.quit doingR1.by rail2.look like rain3.rain cats and dogs4.range from...to...5.range between...and...6. a wide range of7.of the first rank8.birth rate9.at a rate10.rate of exchange 11.would rather12.rather than13.or rather14.raw material15.reach out16.reach for17.out of reach18.react to19.reaction to20.be ready to do21.real estate22.in reality23.the reason for24.rebel against25.on receipt of26.recognize...as27.tape recorder28.recover from29.the Red Cross30.reduce sb. to doing31.reduce sb. to tears32.refer to33.in/with reference to34.reflect on/upon35.refuse to do36.regard...as37.in/with regard to38.best regards39.regardless of40.registered post/mail41.regret doing42.regret to say/tell/inform43.relate...to44.be related to45.in/with relation to46.be relative to47.release...from48.be relevant to49.relieve sb. of sth.50.be reluctant to do51.rely on sb. to do52.remark on/upon53.remember doing54.remember to do55.remember sb. to sb.56.remind sb. of sth.57.remove...from...58.for rent59.replace...with...60.reply to61.be reported to do62.It is reported that63.be representative of64.request sth. from/of sb.65.require sth. of sb.66.rescue...from...67.rescue team68.go/come to one's rescue69.research into/on70.resemble...in sth.71.reserve sth. for sb.72.resign from73.resist doing74.be resistant to75.natural resources76.show respect for77.respect oneself78.in respect of79.with respect to80.respond to81.response to82.sense of responsibility83.take full responsibility for84.be responsible for85.at rest86.the rest87.rest on88.restore...to...89.result in90.result from91.as a result of92.return to93.return ticket94.in return for95.reveal sth. to sb.96.take revenge on sb.97.reward sb. for sth.98.in reward for 99.be rich in100.ring up101.give rise to102.early to bed and early to rise 103.at the risk of104.at risk105.run the risk of106.take a risk/risks107.risk doing108.all roads lead to Rome 109.rob sb. of sth.110.rock and roll111.in rough112.in a row113.in ruins114.as a rule115.run across116.run away from117.run into118.run out of119.run over120.run for121.rush hourS1.be safe from2.for the sake of3.for sale4.at the same time5.the same to you6.be satisfied with7.save...from...8.that is to say9.be said to do10.It is said that11.on a large scale12.scarcely...when...13.be scared of14.on the scene15.science and technology16.scold sb. for sth.17.score a goal18.scores of19.at sea20.on the sea21.in search of22.search for23.in/out of season24.second only to25.second to none26.second class27.in secret28.secretary general29.the security council30.seeing that31.see to it that32.seem to do33.sell out34.send for35.be senior to36.make sense37.make sense of38.be sensible of39.be sensitive to40.sentence sb. to sth.41.be separate from42.separate...from...43. a series of44.be serious about45.serve...as...46.serve to do47.set about doing48.set out to do49.settle down50.be severe on/with51.shake hands with sb.52.shame on you53.in/out of shape54.share sth. with sb.55.shoot at56.be/fall/go short of57.be short for58.for short59.in short60. a shortage of61.should to should62.shout at63.shout to 64.show off65.show up66.on show67.for show68.shut down69.be sick of70.on the side of sb./on one's side71.side by side72.side effect73.at sight74.in/out of sight75.lose/catch sight of76.in the sight of77.sign up for78.of significance79.in silence80.keep silent81.be similar to82.be sunk in83.one's heart sunks84.sit down85.sit up86.construction site87.be skillful at88.slave of/to sth.89.put sb. to sleep90.not in the slightest91.slow down92.smile at93.snack bar94.and so on95.so...as to96.soap powder97.the polar system98.solution to99.something of a + n.100.son-in-law101.like father, like son102.the sooner, the better103.no sooner...than104.soon after105.be sorry for106.be sorry to do107.sort of。

词汇手册M部分综合练习1(machine-- metre)一、重点短语1.欣喜若狂be mad/ wild with joy (喜出望外)2.收支相抵make ends meet3.入不敷出beyond one’s means = beyond the means of sb4.千方百计try all means to do sth.5.独立自主be your own master/ mistress6.杂乱无章be in a mess = be out of order = be in disorder7.出人头地make one's mark8.占大多数be in a/the majority9.出售\上市(come) on the market10.以手工方式in a manual manner/ way/ mode11.戴医用口罩put on/ wear a surgical mask12.给商人留言leave a message for the merchant13.被标记着价格be marked with prices14.以纪念通讯员in memory/ remembrance of the messenger15.经过深思熟虑on mature consideration\ reflection16.养护铁路干线maintain the main line (maintenance Un.)17.辨认出该厂商make the manufacturer out = recognize/ identify the manufacturer18.进行示威游行go on a march19.任由部长摆布at the mercy of the minister20.本打算前往出口had meant to make for the exit21.使他成为音乐家make a musician of him22.由已婚妇女组成be made up of/ composed of married women = consist of married women23.不妨主修机械工程may as well major in mechanical engineering24.设法弥补能力不足manage to make up for a lack of ability25.采取措施不被监听take measures not to be monitored26.充分利用人造材料make full use of man-made materials = make the most of…27.意味着被选为市长mean being elected Mayor28.通过电子媒体谋生make/ earn a living by means of electronic media29.离开的方法(make) a method of/ for making off30.未提及菜单上的菜肴make no mention of dishes on the menu = don’t mention sth (to sb)31.对他而言有重大意义mean much to him32.精心规划他的未来(map) map out his future33.在宏伟的大厦里表演魔术perform magic in the magnificent mansion34.在海洋生物学上取得好成绩get good marks in marine biology35.提到根据金属的熔点来修理机器(mention) mention mending the machine based on the meltingpoint of metal二、翻译练习1.更糟糕的是,她已经和一个生活在社会边缘的男人结婚好几年了。

上海高考英语词汇手册词组双向默写A1.abandon sb. to sth. 沉迷于;放纵2.have the/an ability to do sth. 有能力做3.be able/unable to do sth. 有/没有能力做4.what/how about怎么样5.in one’s absence/ in the absence of缺少6.be absent from 缺席7.absent-minded 心不在焉的8.be absorbed in 全神贯注于9.have access to 接近10.be accessible to sb. 可以接近的11.by accident/ chance 意外地12.according to 根据13.take…into account把...考虑进去14.on account of 因为15.on no account绝不16.account for说明...的原因17.accuse sb. of 因...指责18.be/get accustomed to 习惯于19.make great achievements in 在..取得巨大20.act as担任;充当21.act on/upon 按照22.take action 采取行动23.be active in 积极参加24.take an active part in 积极参加25.adapt… to…使...适应26.add…to…把...添加到27.add up 合计28.add up to合计达29.in addition 此外30.in addition to 除...之外31.adjust...to... 调整…32.admire sb. for因...赞赏33.admit…to/into…承认…34.admit doing/having done承认做过35.in advance 提前36.take (full) advantage of 充分利用37.advertise for 为...等做广告38.take/follow one’s advice采取...的建议39.advise doing 建议做40.advise sb. to do 建议做41.can/can’t afford sth./ to do能/不能负担42.be afraid of 害怕43.be afraid to do害怕而不敢做44.be after 追赶45.again and again再三地46.be against反对47.for ages 好久以来48.under the age of在...岁以下49.travel agency 旅行社50.agree to同意(意见、观点等)51.agree with同意(某人或某人的话)52.agree on 就...取得一致意见53.agree to do 同意做54.reach an agreement 达成协议55.ahead of在...前面;胜过56.go ahead继续e/go/run to one’s aid 去救援58.first aids 急救59.aim at/to do 瞄准60.on the air在广播61.by air乘飞机62.all over 到处63.in all 总共64.at all 根本65.above all 最重要的66.after all 毕竟67.first of all 首先68.all in all 总之69.for all 尽管70.allow doing 允许71.allow sb. to do 允许72.leave...alone 把...独自留下73.along with 与...一起74.be amazed at/to do/that对...感到惊讶75. a large/small amount of 大/少量的76.and so on 等等77.be angry at/to do/that对...生气78.be annoyed at sth./with sb. 对...感到恼火79.answer (n.) to the question 问题的答案80.answer for 负责81.be anxious about 对...焦虑82.be anxious for/to do/that对...渴望83.anything but 绝不是84.nothing but 只不过85.apart from 除了86.apologize to sb. for为...向...道歉87.make an apology to sb. for 道歉88.appeal to 向...呼吁89.It appears that似乎90.appear to do 似乎91.have no appetite for sth. 没有胃口92.apply to ... for... 向...申请93.apply... to... 把...应用于94.make an appointment with sb. 与...约会95.appreciate doing感激做96.I would appreciate it if you could/would如果你能...我将很感激97.approach (n.) to sth. ...的方法98.approve of 同意99.argue with sb. about/over 与...争论100.arise from由...产生101.arm in arm手拉手102.in arms武装着103.arrange for ... to do安排104.make arrangements for作安排105.under arrest 被拘捕106.on one's arrival at/in sp. 到达...107.arrive at 到达108.arrive in 到达109.as... as... 同...一样110.not as/so... as... 不如...那样111.just as 正当;正像112.as for 至于113.as to 至于114.as if/though 好像115.be ashamed of/to do/that 感到羞愧116.ask about查问117.ask for请求118.ask after 问候119.fall asleep睡着120.fast/sound asleep熟睡121.in all aspects 在各个方面122.assign sb. to do任命...做123.assist sb. in sth. 帮助124.associate ... with ... 与...结合125.assure sb. that/of sth. 向...保证126.be astonished at/to do/that 对...感到惊讶127.attach...to... 附着于128.attempt to do 企图做129.make an attempt尝试130.attend to 护理;照料131.pay attention to 注意132.draw one's attention to 引起注意133.attitude to/towards 对...的态度134.attract sb. to 吸引135.tourist attractioa large/small audience 很多/很少观众136.be available to sb. 可取得的137.on average 平均的138.avoid doing 避免做139.wide awake 清醒140.award sb. for因...授予141.be (fully/well) aware of sth/that 意识到142.away from离开;远远不B1.baby-sitter 保姆2.back up 支持3.at the back of 在...的后部4.behind one’s back背着某人5.be bad for 对...有害6.keep the balance of 保持平衡7.lose/upset/disturb/destroy the balance of扰乱平衡8.ban...from doing 禁止...做9.snack bar 快餐店10.the barber’s理发店11.barely...when... 一...就...12.barrier to...的障碍13.base...on... 把基础建在14.on the basis of在...的基础上15.have/take a bath 洗澡16.bathing suit 游泳衣17.be about to do正要做18.be going to do 打算做19.be to do 按计划做20.can’t bear/stand doing/to do不能忍受做21.bear/keep sth. in mind 记住22.be born in 出生于23.because of 因为24.go to bed 睡觉25.be in bed 卧床26.before long 不及以后27.long before 很久以前28.It won’t be long before...不久29.begin with 以...开始30.at the beginning of在...开始31.behave oneself举止端正32.leave behind 留下;落后33.fall behind in 落后34.human being 人类e into being 形成;产生36.beyond one’s means入不敷出37.big game 大猎物38.be bound to do一定会39.at birth 出生时40.give birth to 生产41. a bit 少许42.not a bit 一点也不43.bit by bit 逐渐地44.do one’s bit尽自己的一份力量45.blame sb. for sth. 因...指责46.blame sth. on sb. 把...归罪于47.be to blame for应为...负责48.be blind to 对...视而不见49.notice board 布告栏50.on board 在船上51.booking office售票处52.be bored with 对...感到厌倦53.be born with 天生有...54.borrow...from... 向...借55.at the bottom of 在...底部56.break away from 摆脱57.break down出故障58.break into 闯入59.break in打断60.break out爆发61.break up 解散62.out of breath上气不接下气63.in brief 简要的64.fire brigade消防队65.bring about导致66.bring out 揭示67.browse through随手翻阅68.build up 不断强大69.bump into撞70.burst out doing突然...71.burst into sth. 突然...72.on business 出差73.business hour 营业时间74.be busy doing 忙于做...75.be busy with sth. 忙于C1.pocket calculator 袖珍计算器2.call on sb. 拜访;号召3.call at sp. 拜访4.call for要求;需求5.call in下令收回6.calm down镇静7.camping trip 野营8.on campus在校园内9.be capable of 有能力10.care for 喜欢;照顾11.care about关心,在意12.take care 小心,注意13.take care of 照顾14.be careful of/with小心,注意15.carry out 实施,执行16.carry on 继续17.in case (conj.) 万一18.in case of (prep.) 万一19.in any case无论如何20.in no case绝不21.in many/some/most cases在很多、一些、大多数情况下22.in this/that case 在这种、那种情况下23.be the case 是真实的24.catch up with 赶上25.cause...to do 导致...做26.make certain 确定,弄清楚27.make certain of/about 对...确定,弄清楚28.by chance偶然的29.chances are that(+从句) 有可能30.change...into 把...转变成31.in charge of 负责32.in the charge of由...负责33.take charge of负责34.free of charge 免费35.charge sb. for 因...向某人收费36.on charge 在充电37.charge sb. with sth. 以...控告38.live on charity靠救济生活39.check in 登记入住40.check out结帐离开41.cheer up 加油42.in chief尤其是;主要地43.choose sb. as 选择...为...44.choose to do选择做45.at Christmas 在圣诞节46.go to church 去教堂做礼拜47.go to the church去教堂48.in/under no circumstances绝不49.in/under the circumstances在这种情况下50.claim to do自称/宣称做...51.in class 在上课时52.in the class在班级里53.clear up 天气放晴;清除54.be clever at 擅长于55.close to 接近于56.zip code 邮编bine...with... 把...与...相结合e on 快;走吧e to oneself恢复知觉;苏醒60.when it comes to当说到...61.have a good command of能自由应用ment on/about 对...评论mit a crime 犯罪64.in common共同的municate...with... 与...交流municate...to... 把...传达67.the Communist Party of China中国共产党pare...with... 把...和...比较pare...to... 把...比作...70.in/by comparison with 与...相比之下pete for sth. 为...竞争pete against/with sb. 和...竞争plain about sth. 对...抱怨plain to sb. 向...抱怨75.make a complaint 投诉;抱怨76.be composed of 由...组成77.conceal...from sb. 向...隐藏78.concentrate on 集中于79.be concerned about为...担心80.be concerned with与...有关81.draw/come to/reach/get to a conclusion得出结论82.on condition that 只要83.in good/poor condition 情况良好/差84.confess to doing 承认做...85.have confidence in 对...有信心86.be confident of对...有信心87.congratulate sb. on sth. 因...祝贺某人88.connect...with... 把...连接89. a clear conscience 无愧于心90.be conscious of 意识到91.consider doing考虑做...92.consider...(as)... 把...看作为...93.consider...to do... 认为...做...94.consist of 由...组成95.consist in 在于96.make/lose contact with 与...取得/失去联97.be content with对...满意98.the Continent 欧洲大陆99.contrary to与...相反100.on the contrary正相反101.in contrast to/with 与...相对比102.by contrast对比之下103.contribute to 贡献于104.make contributions to 对...作出贡献105.be in control of支配106.out of control 失去控制107.have/bring/get...under control控制108.convey...to... 把...传达给...109.convince sb. of sth. 使...相信110.cope with处理111.in the corner在角落里112.at/on the corner 在拐角处113.at the cost of 以...作为代价114.count on 依靠115.count down 倒数116.a couple of一双;几个117.in the course of 在...的过程中118.of course 当然119.be covered with 被...所覆盖120.be crazy about 对...狂热121.credit card 信用卡122.crime rate犯罪率123.cross talk相声124.the Red Cross 红十字会125.be crowded with 挤满126.cure sb. of sth. 治愈127.be curious about 对...好奇128.cut down 砍伐;削减129.cut in 插嘴;超车130.cut out减除;停止131.D1.in/out of danger处于/脱离危险2.out of date 过时的3.date back to 追溯到4.at dawn 在黎明5.to this day至今6.how to deal with如何处理7. a good/great deal of大量8.decide to do决定做9.make a decision作出决定10.define...as... 把...定义为11.to some degree在某种程度上12.delay doing 延误做13.demand to do 要求做14.demand that 要求15.the dentist’s牙医诊所16.deny doing否认做17.depart from 从...离开18.depend on/upon依靠;取决于19.it all depends 视情况而定20.be dependent on/upon依靠21.describe...as... 视为;当作22.beyond description 无法描述23.in detail 详细的24.be determined to do决定做25.devote...to... 把...奉献于26.die of 因...而死27.die from 因...而死28.be on a diet 节食29.differ from 不同于30.make no/little difference没有什么不同31.much much difference 有很大不同32.be different from不同于33.have difficulty (in) doing做...有困难34.have difficulty with sth. 做...有困难35.with/without difficulty 有/没有困难36.in all directions四面八方37.to one’s disadvantage对...不利38.disapprove of 不同意39.discourage sb. from doing 阻止某人做40.on display在展示中41.in the distance在远处42.at a distance 在一定距离之处43.be distinct from 不同于44.divide...into... 把...分成45.what to do with如何处理46.be down with 因...病倒47.dozens of 成打的48. a drain on对...的消耗49.dream of/about梦到50.be dressed up 打扮好51.be dressed in 穿着52.dress sb. 给某人穿衣服53.drive sb. mad 把某人逼疯54.drop in on sb. 拜访某人55.drop in at sp. 拜访某地56.drop off减少;让...下车;留下57.drop out 退出;脱离58.due to 因为59.at dusk 在黄昏60.on/off duty 当班/下班61.duty-free 免税E1.each other互相2.be eager for 对...的渴望3.go in one ear and out the other 一只耳朵进一只耳朵出4.on earth 究竟;到底5.at ease 舒适地6.with ease容易地7.take it easy轻松点8.economy class经济舱9.on the edge of 在...的边缘10.have an effect on 对...有影响11.take effect生效12.make effort 努力13.spare no effort不遗余力14.either...or... 或...或...15.elder brother 哥哥16.electric light电灯17.elementary school 小学18.put/lay/place an emphasis on把重点放在...19.be employed in 忙于20.employ sb. in sth. 使某人忙于21.be empty of没有或缺乏22.enable sb. to do使某人能够做23.encourage sb. to do鼓励某人做24.end up in以...而告终25.put an end to结束e to an end 结束27.make an end of 结束28.make both ends meet 收支平衡29.at the end of 在...最后30.in the end最后;终于31.be engaged to sb. 与...订婚32.be engaged in sth. 忙于...33.engage sb. in sth. 使...忙于...34.English Evening英语晚会35.enjoy oneself 过得开心36.enough for sb. to do足够做..37.sure enough 不出所料38.stangely/curiously/oddly enough 奇怪得很39.enter for 报名参加40.entitle sb. to sth. 赋予...权利41.entrance to 通向...的入口42.be equal to 与...相等43.equip…with…用...装备44.be equivalent to 与...相等45.by trial and error 反复尝试46.escape doing 避免做..47.establish…as…稳固作为...的地位48.on the eve 在...夜晚49.even though/if即使50.for example 例如51.except for 除了52.exchange…for…用...交换53.exchange rate 汇率54.excuse sb. from 免除...职责e into existence形成;产生56.exit to 通向...的出口57.expect sb. to do 期望...做...58.expect too much of sb. 对...期望过高59.at the expense of 牺牲...60.at one’s expense由...花费61.be expert in/at擅长于62.explain sth. to sb. 向...解释63.expose sb. to sth. 使...接触64.to some extent在某种程度上65.catch one’s eye引起...注意66.eye exercise 眼保健操67.raise one’s eyebrow抬起眉毛F1.face to face 面对面2.in the face of 面对3.look in the face正视4.on the face of 就表面看5.save face 留面子6.lose face 丢脸7.be faced with 面对8.in fact 事实上9.fail to do 未能够做...10.failure to do 为能够做...11.have faith in 对...有信念12.fall off 跌落13.fall asleep睡着14.fall behind 落后;拖欠15.fall on 落在...上16.fall short of 短缺17.be familiar to sb. 对...熟悉18.be familiar with sth. 对...熟悉19.be famous for 因...而出名20.as/so far as 根据;就...21.far from 远离22.so far 到目前为止23.in fashion流行24.out of fashion 过时25.fast asleep熟睡26.as sure as fate 命中注定27.Father Christmas 圣诞老人28.find fault with sb. 吹毛求疵29.do sb. a favour帮...一个忙30.in favour of 同意31.for fear of 惟恐32.for fear that +从句惟恐33.in fear of 害怕34.feed on 靠吃...为生35.feed...to... 把...喂给36.feed...with... 用...喂37.be fed up with 对...感到厌倦38.feel like doing 想要做...39. a few一些40.quite a few 相当多;不少41.science fiction 科幻小说42.in the field of 在...领域43.fight for 为...而战44.fight with与...并肩作战45.fight against 与...抗争46.fill...with... 用...填满47.fill in/out 填入48.make a film 拍电影49.find out 查明;弄清50.finish off/up吃完;喝完51.catch fire 着火52.make a fire 生火53.on fire 着火54.set fire to 纵火55.set sth. on fire 纵火56.be fit for 对...适合57.keep fit 保持健康58.fit in with适合;配合59.fit up with 布置60.be fitted with 装有;配有61.fix on 集中于62.in flames 燃烧着63.focus on 集中于64.be fond of爱好;喜欢65.make a fool of sb. 愚弄66.on foot 步行67.on one’s foot站着68.forbid sb. to do禁止...做..69.force sb. to do 强迫...做...70.weather forecast天气预报71.in the form of 以...的形式72.back and forth来来回回73.make a fortune发笔财74.seek one’s fortune碰运气75.fortune-teller 算命的人76.look forward to盼望着77.to be frank 老实说78.set free 释放79.free from/of 免除;摆脱;离开80.for free 免费的81.make friends with 与...交朋友82.from then on 从那时起83.in front of在...前面84.in the front of 在...的前面85.fruit bowl 果盆86.be full of 充满的87.make fun of 嘲笑88.for fun 开玩笑地89.in future 从今往后90.in the future 在将来G1.No pains, no gains. 不劳无获2.video game 电子游戏3.generation gap代沟4.gaze at注视着5.in general大体上;一般而言6.generally speaking 一般来说7.from generation to generation 一代又一代8.get across横过;穿过9.get along with sb. 与...生活;相处10.get off下车11.get to 到达12.get together聚会13.get up 起床14.get over 克服;恢复15.get through让人了解,完成,及格,用完16.get down to sth. 静下心做17.have got 有18.give out 分发19.give up 放弃20.give away泄露;赠送21.give in投降;屈服22.give off 散发23.glance at 看一眼24.go down 下沉25.go on继续26.go on doing继续做某事27.go on to do 继续去做另一件事28.go on with sth. 继续29.go over复习;走到另一边去;检查30.go round 参观,访问;顺便走访31.go up to走上前去32.go wrong 发生故障;出错33.go in for 参加34.go off 变坏;退步;消失;进行35.go around足够分配36.go through经历;通过37.go out公布;熄灭38.score a goal 进球39.achieve/reach/obtain one’s goal实现目标40.golden rule 金科玉律41.do good to sb.(=do sb. good) 对...有好处42.for good 永远43.be good at擅长于44.be good to sb. 对...友好45.be good for对...有益46.Goodness gracious! 天哪47.Thank goodness! 天哪48.graduate from从...毕业49.the Grand Theatre大剧院50.the Grand Canyon大峡谷51.take...for granted 认为...理所当然52.be grateful to sb. for sth. 因...而感激某人53.group singing 小组唱54.grow up 长大成人55.in the growth of在...成长过程中56.on guard 警戒57.be guilty of对...内疚H1.form the habit of 养成...的习惯2.hand in 上交3.give/lend a hand to帮一个忙4.at hand即将到来5.by hand 手工制作地6.in hand 随时可用7.hang on握住;别挂断;坚持8.hang up 挂断;搁置9.happen to sb. 发生在...10.happen to do 碰巧做...11.be hard on sb. 对...要求严厉12.hardly/scarcely/rarely...when... 一...就...13.do harm to sb. 对...有害14.do sb. harm 对...有害15.have...on 穿着16.have much to do with 与...有很大关系17.have little to do with与...关系不大18.have nothing to do with与...完全无关19.head for 向...走去20.in good/poor health身体好/不好21.hear about/of 听说22.hear from sb. 收到...的消息23.heart and soul全心全意24.lose heart失去信心25.take heart鼓起勇气26.at heart 实际上; 为...着想27.by heart 靠记忆28.help out 帮助...摆脱困难29.help oneself to sth. 随便吃...30.help (to) do 帮助做...31.can’t help doing情不自禁做...32.can’t help but do不得不,只好33.hesitate to do 犹豫做...34.without hesitation 毫不犹豫地35.hide sth. from sb. 向...隐藏36.speak highly of 高度评价37.in history在历史上38.make history 创造历史39.hold on 别挂断;抓牢;坚持40.hold out 提供41.hold up 举起;阻挡,使停顿42.hold off 保持距离43.hold back抑制;阻挡44.in holes 千疮百孔45.on holiday度假46.at home and abroad 国内外47.make oneself at home 不要拘礼48.in honour of 向...表示敬意49.hope for渴望50.hope to do希望做...51.hope that... 希望52.horror film恐怖片53.the host country主办国54.air hostess空姐55.how come + 从句怎样56.sense of humour 幽默感57.hunger for 渴求58.hurry up 赶快59.in a hurry 匆忙I1.ice cream冰激凌2.have no idea 不知道3.have/get a general/rough idea of 大致了解4.identify with 与...产生共鸣5.as if/though好像6.even if/though即使7.ignorance of 无知8.be ignorant of无知的9.imagine doing想像做…10.make/have an impact on 对...产生影响11.of importance 重要的12.impress sb. with sth. 给...留下印象13.impress sth. on/upon sb. 给...留下印象14.improve on对...改进15.improvement on对...改进16.be inaccessible to sb. 对...难办到的17.on the increase增长中18.independence from独立于19.be independent of 独立于20.infect...with... 受...感染21.infer from 从...推论22.be inferior to 比...差/地位低23.under the influence of 在...影响下24.influence over/on/upon 对...的影响rm sb. of/about sth. 告知...26.inherit from 从...继承27.be innocent of无知的28.inquire about 询问29.inquire into调查30.insist on坚持31.for instance 例如32.the instant一...就...33.instead of 代替34.instruct sb. in sth. 教授...35.insurance policy保单36.insure against 投保以免...37.intend to do 打算做...38.be intended for 意欲;旨在39.intention of ...的意图40.have/show an interest in对...表示兴趣41.be interested in对...感兴趣42.on the Internet在网上43.at intervals在间断时刻44.introduce...to... 把...介绍给...45.invest in 投资于... 46.invite...to... 邀请...47.involve...in... 把...卷入48.isolate...from... 与...隔离49.at issue 重要的;在讨论中的50.issue from 出自...J1.traffic jam 交通堵塞2.be jealous of对...嫉妒3.join sb.in sth. 加入到...4.joint venture 合资企业5.make a joke 讲笑话6.play a joke on sb. 开玩笑7.to one’s great joy使...大为高兴的是8.judging from/by由...判断9.jump the queue插队10.high jump跳高11.long jump跳远12.be junior to比...地位低13.just now 刚才14.just a minute 等一下15.do justice to sb. 公平对待K1.be keen on渴望;热衷于2.keep silent保持沉默3.keep a secret保密4.keep doing sth. 一直做...5.keep...from 阻止做...6.keep to遵守;保持7.keep up with 跟上8.keep in放学后留校9.keep off 保持距离10.keep on 继续11.keep out 不进入12.keep out of 远离13.keep up 保持14.key to...的关键,答案15.kill time消磨时间16.be kind to sb. 对...友好17.of a kind 同类的18.kind of有点19.knife and fork刀叉20.knock at 敲击21.knock down撞到22.know about得知;获悉23.know better than 知道不该做...24. a knowledge of...的知识mon knowledge常识26.to the best of one’s knowledge就...所知27.be knowledgeable about对...了解的28.Lnguage lab语音室bour Day劳动节bour force 劳动力ck of 缺乏5.at large 自由的;完全的;一般的st but not least最后但不是不重要的7.at last 终于;最后st (for) 持续9.be late for迟到10.be late with 晚做...ter on 过后,以后12.at the latest 最迟ugh at嘲笑14.burst into laughter突然大笑起来w and order法治16.take the law into one’s own hands无法无天y off 临时解雇;中止18.lead to通向;导致19.lead up to引导;为...铺路20.turn over a new leaf改过自新21.leak out 泄露22.lean against 倚靠23.lean on 依赖24.learn from向...学习25.learn about/of 得知26.learn a lesson 吸取教训27.at least 至少28.in the least 一点29.leave for 出发去某地30.leave...behind 把...落在后面31.leave...alone把...独自留下32.leave out 遗漏33.ask for leave 请假34.on one’s left在某人的左面35.turn left 左转弯36.at leisure 清闲;从容不迫37.at one’s leisure有空时38.lend...to... 把...借给39.at length 终于;详尽地40.at full length 全身伸直41.teach sb. a lesson给...一个教训42.let out 放出43.let go 放手44.let sb. down使...失望;放下45.let...in改窄46.let...off 不惩罚;放烟火47.on a level with处于同等地位48.liberate...from... 从...解放49.at liberty 自由地50.licence plate牌照51.lie in在于52.tell a lie撒谎53.live a ...life过一种...的生活54.in the light of 考虑到55.bring sth. to light 揭露e to light 显露57.cast/throw light on 使...清楚58.light up照亮;容光焕发59.be likely to do 可能做...60.limit...to... 把...限制在...61.be lined with 沿...排列62.in/out of line 有秩序/没秩序63.make a list of 列清单64.on the list在清单上65.listen to 听66.no litter 不准乱扔垃圾67. a little 一点点68.not a little很;十分69.little by little 逐渐地70.live by靠...为生71.live on继续生活72.live up to 依照...行事73.live beyond one’s means生活入不敷出74.be located坐落在75.under lock and key锁好76.long to do渴望做77.long for sth. 渴望...78.no longer不再79.not...any longer不再80.as/so long as只要81.in the long run/term长远来看82.it won’t be long before...不久83.have a look看一看84.look after照顾85.look around 环视;东张西望86.look back回顾87.look down on 轻视88.look for寻找89.look forward to盼望;期待90.look into 调查91.look on 旁观92.look on...as... 把...看作为93.look out 注意;留神94.look out of从...朝外看95.look over 察看96.look through浏览97.look to依赖98.look up 查出;仰视99.look up to尊敬100.lose one’s temper发脾气101.lose one’s way迷路102.lose oneself in 专心致志于103.lose sight of 看不见104.lose touch with与...失去联系105.get lost 迷路106.at a loss 茫然不知所措107.lots of/a lot of 许多108.actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩109.fall in love with 爱上110.love me, love my dog爱屋及乌111.try one’s luck碰运气112.good luck好运M1.be mad on/about入迷2.in the main大体上3.major in 主修4.a/the majority of大多数5.make it 成功6.make for 走向7.make into改变成8.make off 匆匆离开9.make out 辨认出;理解10.make up 组成;编制11.make up for 补偿,弥补12.be made of由...做成13.be made from 由...做成14.be made up of 由...做成15.manage to do 设法做成...16.good/bad manners有礼貌/没礼貌17.many a 很多18. a good/great many 很多19.on the market上市20.be married to与...结婚21. a mass of/masses of大量的22.mass media大众媒体23.go with与...相配24.as a matter of fact 事实上25.make matters worse更糟的是26. a matter of course 理所当然的事27.no matter how不管怎样28.may as well do做...无妨29.may well do 很可能做...30.mean doing 意味着31.mean to do 打算32.be meant for 注定要成为33.by means of 用;依靠34.by all means 当然35.by no means 绝不36.take measures采取措施37.gold medal 金牌38.meet with 遇到(困难等)39.meet the needs满足需要40.sports meeting/meet 运动会41.memorial to ...的纪念碑42.in memory of 纪念43.physical and mental health身心健康44.don’t mention it不用谢45.not to mention更不必说46.at the mercy of任由摆布47.give sb. a message给...带个口信48.leave a message for sb. 给...留个条49.at midday在中午50.in the middle 在中间51.at midnight在午夜lions of数以百万的53.on one’s mind担忧54.to one’s mind 以...看来55.make up one’s mind下决心56.bear/keep in mind记住57.never mind不用介意58.mind doing介意做..59.absent-minded心不在焉的60.prime minister总理61. a minority of 少数的62.in a minute 马上;立刻63.just a minute 稍等片刻64.the minute一...就...65.do/make miracles 有奇效;极成功66.make a mistake犯错67.by mistake弄错地68.mistake...for... 把...误认为...69.mix...with... 把...和...混合70.mobile phone 手机71.be modest about对...谦虚的72.at the moment此刻,目前;那时73.in a moment 立刻;马上74.at any moment在任何时候75.for the moment暂时76.the moment 一...就...77.pocket money 零用钱78.make money 赚钱79.monument to ...的纪念碑80.in a good/bad mood心情好/不好81.in the mood for有心情做...82.in no mood for没心情做...83.more and more越来越84.more than超过;多于;不仅仅85.no more than 仅仅86.not more than至多87.more or less或多或少88.what’s more此外89.no more=not...any more不再90.at most 至多91.make the most of 充分利用92.mother tongue母语93.mother-in-law岳母;婆婆94.keep one’s mouth shut一声不吭95.move off 起程96.move on 继续行进97.move about/around四处走动98.move house搬家99.mow the lawn 割草100.much the same情况大致相同101.much as尽管N1.in the name of代表;凭借;以...为证;为...缘由2.under the name of 用...作名字3.go native 同化4.not nearly远远少于5.in need of需要6. a need for对...的需求7.negotiate with... 与...协商8.neither...nor... 既不...也不9.day and night 日日夜夜10.nod to/at sb. 向...点头11.nod off 睡着12.make a noise about高声谈论;抱怨13.none but 只有;仅仅14.none other than不是别人就是15.none the less 尽管如此16.at noon在中午17.by a nose 以少许之差18.under one’s nose当着...面19.with one’s nose in the air自高自大20.not...but... 不是...而是...21.not at all 根本不22.not to say简直可以说23.take notes做笔记24.take notice of 留意;察觉25.now and then 偶尔26. a number of大量的27.the number of...的数目O1.object to 反对2.objection to反对3.oblige sb. to do 使...认为有义务做...4.be obliged to sb. 感谢5.obstacle to 通向...的障碍6.It is obvious that... 很明显...7.on the occasion of 在...的时候8.on occasion 偶尔9.be occupied in正在做...10.occur to sb. 被想起11.odd jobs 零工12.right off 立刻13.well/badly off 富有/贫穷14.offer to do主动提出做15.offer sb. sth. 向...提供16.offer sth. to sb. 向...提供17.the Olympics 奥运会18.on and on继续地19.for once 一次20.all at once突然21.once upon a time从前22.once or twice 一两次23.one and only唯一的24.if only要是...就好了25.only too很;非常26.be open to易于;愿意接受;开放27.open fire at/on向...开火e into operation生效29.in one’s opinion以...看来30.be of the opinion that 认为;相信31.have a good/bad/high/low opinion of 对...有好/不好/高/低的评价32.oppose to反对33.opposite to在...对面34.or else否则;要不然35.or so大约36.in/out of order有/没有次序37.on order 已订购anize...into... 把...组织成39.every other每隔40.the other day 前几天41.in outline扼要地42.outlook on对...的观点43.outlook for对...的前景44.outlook onto/over...的景致45.overflow with 充满46.owe...to...把...归功于47.on one’s own独自48.of one’s own属于自己的P1.keep pace with跟上;与...同步2.at a pace 以...速度3.package tour 自助游4.take pains努力;下功夫5.in pairs 成双的6.in long/short pants成熟的/未成熟的7.on paper 理论上的8.on parade受检阅9.parallel to与...平行10.parking lot停车场11.for my part就我而论12.for the most part主要地13.on the part of sb./on one’s part ...的;在...方面14.participate in 参与15.be particular about对...挑剔16.in particular特别地17.pass away去世18.pass by走过;漠视19.passion for对...的热情20.in the past在过去21.in the past few years 在过去的几年中22.be paved with 充满的23.pave the way for 预先安排24.pay...for 支付25.pay back 报复;偿还26.pay off 还清27.pay a visit to 参观;拜访28.be at peace去世29.hold one’s peace保持沉默30.make one’s peace with sb.讲和31.at peak hours 最繁忙时刻32.be peculiar to 独有的33.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧34.permit doing 允许做35.permit sb. to do允许某人做36.persevere in 坚持不懈37.persist in 坚持38.in person 亲自39.persuade sb. to do 说服某人做40.persuade sb. into doing说服某人做41.take photos 拍照42.physical education 体育课43.play the piano弹钢琴44.pick on 选中45.as pretty as a picture非常漂亮46.as easy as pie 非常容易47. a piece of cake小菜一碟48.in one piece 完整无损49.make a pig of oneself大吃大喝50.pile up 堆聚51.pineapple菠萝52.have/take pity on 同情53.in place of 代替。

高中词汇配套练习参考答案高考词汇理解练习Group 1参考答案:I、Try your pen按构词法提示写出本组背记的单词:A)词根abl或abil表示“能”或“有能力”。
请用含有该词根的词填充:1. It takes hard work and natural ability to make it as a professionalathlete.2. Disabled passengers can travel free on public transport in manycountries.B)后缀-able或-ible加在动词后面构成形容词,表示“有能力”。
请用含有该后缀的词填充:1. Dancers and gymnasts need to be very flexible, able to bend their bodies easily.2. The police did an admirable job in keeping the fans calm.3. Time dragged on with unbearable slowness. Every minute seemed a year.C)词根terr表示“恐怖”。
请用含有该词根的词填充:1. The explosion brought terror to hundreds of local residents.2. If something terrifies you, it makes you feel extremely frightened.3. Her mother's sudden death came as a terrible shock.根据英语释义写出本组背记的单词:1. reasonable2. suit3. admire4. panic5. swap6. mirrorII、Vocabulary in useA)运用本组背记的单词完成下列表达:1. 乘凉to enjoy the cool air2. 生理残疾physical disabilities3. 记住某事to bear sth. in mind4. 交换意见to swap ideas5. 信佛to believe in Buddhism6. 合理的价格a reasonable price7. 满足需要to suit sb’s needs 8. 出于恐惧out of terror9. 相信群众to have belief in the masses 10. 文化交流a cultural exchange11. 非常难吃to taste horrible 12. 弹性工作时间flexible working hours13. 陷入恐慌to get into a panic 14. 吓得发抖to shake with fear15. 照镜子to look in the mirror 16. 钦佩她的勇敢to admire her for her courage高考词汇理解练习Group 2参考答案:I、Try your pen按构词法提示写出本组背记的单词:按构词法提示写出本组背记的单词:A)词根act相当于do,表示“做”、“行动”。