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Unit 1
3/16 321
8/16 24141
9/16 3123
1A/5 122312
1B/5 in a show my age get to went away meet up togeth er sort of like hung out hate talkin g back and forthkeep this friend shipgoinga long way away
2A/5 1c 2d 3e 4a 5b
2B/5 122121
4/5 13231
5A/5 what‟sgoingon to get back to as I was saying by the way
5B/5 32
Unit 2
3/16 241
8/16 314122
9/16 3242
1A/5 231312
1B/5 majorfallin g out awkwar d kind of mean compla ining to sort of hyp erweirdwith ruinin g so bad confli cts rightin the middle quit pretty much coming back to
2A/5 1b 2d 3a 4e 5c
2B/5 21121212
3/5 22121112
4/5 21231
5A/5 is someth ing wrongI‟m really stress ed out here‟s an idea Hmm m…that mightwork
5B/5 31
Unit 4
3/16 221
8/16 3212331
9/16 4223
1A/5 12223
1B/5 have got to go by in betwee n your schedu le good for really good ot herw ise ever good for closeby quitea bit coming out
2/5 1d 2c 3a 4b
3/5 12232323
4/5 2133
5/5 2321
Sectio n test A题目顺序随机,根据答案自己找合适的题
Listen ing
○4she believ es… it is… famous…
○51 nick tells… 2 Nick mentio ns… 3 nick talks…
○621(题目:1.wheredoes Jackie thinktaliahas seen her before…○721(题目:1.how does nick respon d to the commer cialidea…○81 army tells… 2 talia… 3 army asks…
Vocabu lary
○2attra ctive sane
○3downthe line lay it on the line smartcookie pieceof cake
○4agent stuntperson
Gramma r
○1to ask c an‟t you much is comple ted
○2havebeen workin g have decide d
○3mustyourse lf
○4a little goingto going
○6musthave can each other
○7if we can get wherethe restau rantis excite d
Pronun ciati on
○1might have was
○222(题目:1.is thereanthin g elseyo uwant me to do…)
○4and an
○5quest ion statem ent
○721(he was tricke d no,it just sounds that way)
Speaki ng
○2321(题目:1.talia:it‟s gettin g late. I should get going…
Unit 5
3/16 323
8/16 332334
9/16 2143
1A/5 2213
1B/5 wonder ful awardeven though deserv e earned audien ce Teache r of t he Year sounds sort of apprec iatethroug houtthe yearsan honorto be cho sen honest ly suppor t of princi pal superi ntend ent gratef ul opport unity best ow ed on me