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The postmen have already sent all the letters.
通过大量的机械练习,帮助学生巩固 所学内容。同时,学生之间可以提高 团队合作的意识。
Fill in the blanks
Many old buildings h_a_v_e_b_e_e_n__pu_l_le_d__down (pull down) and new fencesh_a_v_e_b_e_e_n__b_uilt __ (build) in Shijiazhuang.
主语+have/has done 现在完成时表示动作发生在过去,并持续 到现在或者是过去的动作对现在的影响.
经常用于现在完成时的时间状语: recently, up to now, since then, so far, already, just, yet 等.
How many Harry Porter books has J.K.Rowling written?
She has written seven Harry Porter books .
Seven Harry Porter books have been written by J.K.Rowling.
根据学生爱好,创设情境。通过求 助的方式,提高学生的兴趣。同时, 可以引出本节课的中心---现在完成 时的被动语态。
Obama has become
the first AfricanAmerican president in the United States of America.
把听力作为导入,一方面锻炼学生的听 力水平,了解美国的政治体制,最主要 的是引出本节课的重点--- 现在完成时 态
The Present Perfect Tense Sentence structure:
Passive Voice Do some exercises about the
Present Perfect Passive Voice Say thanks to persons who have
helped you
通过告知学生本课的Teaching Aims, 他们能够了解本节课的重点,在听课过 程中合理安排时间,提高学习效率.
Some useful expressions:
I have been helped by…
I have been taught…
I have been taken care of…
通过meaningful exercise,使学生 真正运用本节课的教学重点;更为重 要的是在讲授专业知识的同时,对学 生进行了德育教育,使学生明白作为 新时代的中学生,要学会感恩!
Change the following sentences into active or passive voice.
1. Liu Xiang has ever broken the world record. The world record has ever been broken by Liu Xiang.
Jiangsu Anhui
Shanghai Sichuan
根据循序渐进的原则,通过不同形式 的练习,最终使学生真正掌握所学知 识,能够顺利应对高考题;同时,在 设计练习的同时,兼顾趣味性和多样 性,激发学生的学习兴趣。
you raise me up
In your life, there must be some kind people who have helped you, and you must have been taught something useful to your future.
运用所学知识, 解决实际问题,突出三维目标.
突出有序性和多样性,重点突出,由易wenku.baidu.com难,循 序渐进.
Teaching Aims
Review the Present Perfect Tense Talk about the Present Perfect
2. The floor has been cleaned by my mother.
My mother has cleaned the floor.
3. Yao Ming has been pushed over by a fat basketball player.
A fat basketball player has pushed Yao Ming over .
The Present Perfect Passive Voice Sentence structure:
subject + have/has +been+ done
I1n.不w知ha道t c或as没es有d必o w要e说us明e 的th动e 作pa的ssi执ve行vo者ice? 是谁。
Smoking has been given up so far.
7.Someone has opened my bag.
My bag has been opened by someone.
8.All the letters have already been sent by the postmen.
Writing : Saying Thanks to …
Please write a short composition about saying thanks to somebody by using the Present Perfect Passive Voice as much as possible.
4. I haven’t cleaned the room for weeks.
The room hasn’t been cleaned by me for weeks.
5.We have been invited to take part in his wedding.
He has invited us to take part in his wedding. 6.My father has given up smoking so far.