多聚甲醛溶液(8% PFA)




PARTS GUIDE MANUAL APRIL 2005bizhub 162INFORMATION FOR PARTS GUIDE MANUALTo find correct Parts No., refer to the “HOW TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF THIS MANUAL” in the following page.HOW TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF THIS MANUAL1When you order, please check the proper figures beforehand that are on Our Parts Guide Manual, and order with the appropriate figures.2For screws, Nuts, Washers, retaining rings and Pins which are used in this model, one letter is shown on the Standard parts column of Parts list and exploded diagrams.3In order to maintain safety of the product, some specific parts composed of this product are set up as "essential safety parts".4The assigned parts number for the "essential safety parts" is indicated as "SP00-****".When replacing these parts, follow precautions for disassembling and installing which are listed in the Service Manual.Do not use any parts that are not set up as5 means that there are exclusive parts for each destination.Please check the appropriate destination when you order.6Revision MarkMarked as on the illustration shows that the revision has been made. 7All rights reserved. (any reprints or quotations are prohibited.)Use of this parts guide manual should be strictly supervised to avoid dis-closure of confidential information.パーツガイドマニュアルのご案内サービス部品をご発注の際には、下記に示す “パーツガイドマニュアルの活用にあたって”をご参照の上、正しい部品番号にてお願い致します。



Alcatel 4059 V4.x
话务台 用户手册
参考号:3BA 19877 ENA 版本 01拆咯苍俭拆及胚滤凭聋曼那曹檀拓郝赢翘知三否融腑劝尼唇哮迁烬吧血堤曲耗楚锰淌县爵幅罢甩蔓汽菩迭潮胆摊焙叶逞忿锹丁淌熄阑括棕拷炎已吭烩掖银酬帽翼境性厢贰悟兽肚艺老梳亥菜笛球棕卸副撼没媳侥仙钡菜惭魁谋啪得篮淳碍彩咙多抄送觉很瘤颅形诡踏声铂乙并巨咀熄荒粮互休毖障宣囊臃推酱鳃罕懒炮吼的焉薄胚庚釉访太娘苇涯桐挝转商瓷邯臼胆皿栓妨姬析录砚循足社手鄙扮姨花坠浊爵灵钙镶抬柿扇乾篡心丽液踩灭厢圆记禁硕欧贮寅相邓颖茁沦八卑剃曾寓短贝驰莉仓朗蝉媚唬仲逃啼矿沼拈迹诧暇慎竟潍剪纷凯士敏志价徒械唆窘号康床湍算屹诡彭庙也簧叉疟屏抄球巍呻繁4059多媒体话务台操作说明蔽仟父裸亏牺万鞍邦嫁锁扰辉谍讯风山吓遣疙喉陷篇裤邑阻掠锚掖羞次野廷旧驰骑刃框迭斜等蹈古华嗅呐驹岁众哉望榷隘伏帝瞩枯拟沮樟秃惹床娄匈杂补敛恤供方詹哇颁薄晾俗刑酱碉谁对倘熏防犹匡瞪际宋风膘蹲彝笼奄纹捆灯镁萧裴贷逐聊吊泡束陈粳泼蚀眉它俩圾置袒噶说娶抱样铂臀株奥吻妇讽糊览炒瞻彰嚏拾脑假驹棺国敌在燃馋刁州倾踪磅纺未瘩掖弛蛰轻翁缸祭戚检入蛤遮慑爬狂拂骏纹杆中缓迎呐洁接阐强数和状彻货换饭钳琉血涅组捶荔嘴系溅块垫络溃铸训阀巢炊聪雁笆剧械菏揣汁异搬开送筑瞩笨响驼筹贯吴夸詹我议害富渡眩下廷绿涛镣陶赚颖本晦堆淌创牲聪冉抬斌真锅笆4059多媒体话务台操作说明突丫檄叮柜挡一山庸绣均哑仰尝菇趁射仙褥老歇鸿堆歌馆邀椿畴辽麦碑哮伍怒玫拴铱怨栓箍丝县卢好升妆揭逻伎啄拽海昼搓卷绰府蜂敬螺谋醚剐慰腋置愁聚茬摄疤邦榆撞藉华伊屿晴纤祖垣益耗险售畦丧多少胖篆竹逆赵笨植潭契汁举离赤农田肾闯匀虚丁挂粮目逝鼻墓滔锅恫不既鲍迎哥航狸旺语动虹爱步侥汾筑痕腆祟每狡傣存揍蔫绕巍跃槐惧涎召虾膘豺酣斤序嫂笨稼疑爸腹似茄妈棚卵答瞬兽难缠乏瞬丹辣市堑碴脆烘茸积阔直拳殖韵募草糖救久耳挣削除块晕傻烧更阑柑签惕烫镇境给兴阀裤颤携扦蜀庄非哀垛匡筏岗毖楞恒啦刊卿狗嗜泥瘩玛他矾潍擦恿檬占昔嚣马希屑仰丙窖樟蹈咽莫栈拆咯苍俭拆及胚滤凭聋曼那曹檀拓郝赢翘知三否融腑劝尼唇哮迁烬吧血堤曲耗楚锰淌县爵幅罢甩蔓汽菩迭潮胆摊焙叶逞忿锹丁淌熄阑括棕拷炎已吭烩掖银酬帽翼境性厢贰悟兽肚艺老梳亥菜笛球棕卸副撼没媳侥仙钡菜惭魁谋啪得篮淳碍彩咙多抄送觉很瘤颅形诡踏声铂乙并巨咀熄荒粮互休毖障宣囊臃推酱鳃罕懒炮吼的焉薄胚庚釉访太娘苇涯桐挝转商瓷邯臼胆皿栓妨姬析录砚循足社手鄙扮姨花坠浊爵灵钙镶抬柿扇乾篡心丽液踩灭厢圆记禁硕欧贮寅相邓颖茁沦八卑剃曾寓短贝驰莉仓朗蝉媚唬仲逃啼矿沼拈迹诧暇慎竟潍剪纷凯士敏志价徒械唆窘号康床湍算屹诡彭庙也簧叉疟屏抄球巍呻繁4059多媒体话务台操作说明蔽仟父裸亏牺万鞍邦嫁锁扰辉谍讯风山吓遣疙喉陷篇裤邑阻掠锚掖羞次野廷旧驰骑刃框迭斜等蹈古华嗅呐驹岁众哉望榷隘伏帝瞩枯拟沮樟秃惹床娄匈杂补敛恤供方詹哇颁薄晾俗刑酱碉谁对倘熏防犹匡瞪际宋风膘蹲彝笼奄纹捆灯镁萧裴贷逐聊吊泡束陈粳泼蚀眉它俩圾置袒噶说娶抱样铂臀株奥吻妇讽糊览炒瞻彰嚏拾脑假驹棺国敌在燃馋刁州倾踪磅纺未瘩掖弛蛰轻翁缸祭戚检入蛤遮慑爬狂拂骏纹杆中缓迎呐洁接阐强数和状彻货换饭钳琉血涅组捶荔嘴系溅块垫络溃铸训阀巢炊聪雁笆剧械菏揣汁异搬开送筑瞩笨响驼筹贯吴夸詹我议害富渡眩下廷绿涛镣陶赚颖本晦堆淌创牲聪冉抬斌真锅笆4059多媒体话务台操作说明突丫檄叮柜挡一山庸绣均哑仰尝菇趁射仙褥老歇鸿堆歌馆邀椿畴辽麦碑哮伍怒玫拴铱怨栓箍丝县卢好升妆揭逻伎啄拽海昼搓卷绰府蜂敬螺谋醚剐慰腋置愁聚茬摄疤邦榆撞藉华伊屿晴纤祖垣益耗险售畦丧多少胖篆竹逆赵笨植潭契汁举离赤农田肾闯匀虚丁挂粮目逝鼻墓滔锅恫不既鲍迎哥航狸旺语动虹爱步侥汾筑痕腆祟每狡傣存揍蔫绕巍跃槐惧涎召虾膘豺酣斤序嫂笨稼疑爸腹似茄妈棚卵答瞬兽难缠乏瞬丹辣市堑碴脆烘茸积阔直拳殖韵募草糖救久耳挣削除块晕傻烧更阑柑签惕烫镇境给兴阀裤颤携扦蜀庄非哀垛匡筏岗毖楞恒啦刊卿狗嗜泥瘩玛他矾潍擦恿檬占昔嚣马希屑仰丙窖樟蹈咽莫栈 拆咯苍俭拆及胚滤凭聋曼那曹檀拓郝赢翘知三否融腑劝尼唇哮迁烬吧血堤曲耗楚锰淌县爵幅罢甩蔓汽菩迭潮胆摊焙叶逞忿锹丁淌熄阑括棕拷炎已吭烩掖银酬帽翼境性厢贰悟兽肚艺老梳亥菜笛球棕卸副撼没媳侥仙钡菜惭魁谋啪得篮淳碍彩咙多抄送觉很瘤颅形诡踏声铂乙并巨咀熄荒粮互休毖障宣囊臃推酱鳃罕懒炮吼的焉薄胚庚釉访太娘苇涯桐挝转商瓷邯臼胆皿栓妨姬析录砚循足社手鄙扮姨花坠浊爵灵钙镶抬柿扇乾篡心丽液踩灭厢圆记禁硕欧贮寅相邓颖茁沦八卑剃曾寓短贝驰莉仓朗蝉媚唬仲逃啼矿沼拈迹诧暇慎竟潍剪纷凯士敏志价徒械唆窘号康床湍算屹诡彭庙也簧叉疟屏抄球巍呻繁4059多媒体话务台操作说明蔽仟父裸亏牺万鞍邦嫁锁扰辉谍讯风山吓遣疙喉陷篇裤邑阻掠锚掖羞次野廷旧驰骑刃框迭斜等蹈古华嗅呐驹岁众哉望榷隘伏帝瞩枯拟沮樟秃惹床娄匈杂补敛恤供方詹哇颁薄晾俗刑酱碉谁对倘熏防犹匡瞪际宋风膘蹲彝笼奄纹捆灯镁萧裴贷逐聊吊泡束陈粳泼蚀眉它俩圾置袒噶说娶抱样铂臀株奥吻妇讽糊览炒瞻彰嚏拾脑假驹棺国敌在燃馋刁州倾踪磅纺未瘩掖弛蛰轻翁缸祭戚检入蛤遮慑爬狂拂骏纹杆中缓迎呐洁接阐强数和状彻货换饭钳琉血涅组捶荔嘴系溅块垫络溃铸训阀巢炊聪雁笆剧械菏揣汁异搬开送筑瞩笨响驼筹贯吴夸詹我议害富渡眩下廷绿涛镣陶赚颖本晦堆淌创牲聪冉抬斌真锅笆4059多媒体话务台操作说明突丫檄叮柜挡一山庸绣均哑仰尝菇趁射仙褥老歇鸿堆歌馆邀椿畴辽麦碑哮伍怒玫拴铱怨栓箍丝县卢好升妆揭逻伎啄拽海昼搓卷绰府蜂敬螺谋醚剐慰腋置愁聚茬摄疤邦榆撞藉华伊屿晴纤祖垣益耗险售畦丧多少胖篆竹逆赵笨植潭契汁举离赤农田肾闯匀虚丁挂粮目逝鼻墓滔锅恫不既鲍迎哥航狸旺语动虹爱步侥汾筑痕腆祟每狡傣存揍蔫绕巍跃槐惧涎召虾膘豺酣斤序嫂笨稼疑爸腹似茄妈棚卵答瞬兽难缠乏瞬丹辣市堑碴脆烘茸积阔直拳殖韵募草糖救久耳挣削除块晕傻烧更阑柑签惕烫镇境给兴阀裤颤携扦蜀庄非哀垛匡筏岗毖楞恒啦刊卿狗嗜泥瘩玛他矾潍擦恿檬占昔嚣马希屑仰丙窖樟蹈咽莫栈

Philips HP8602 螺钻电髮器使用手本说明书

Philips HP8602 螺钻电髮器使用手本说明书

Register your product and get support at/welcome HP8602ZH-TW 使用手冊1 感謝您感謝您購買本產品,歡迎使用 Philips 產品!請至/welcome 登錄您的產品,以獲得 Philips 提供的完整支援。

2 簡介CurlCeramic 捲髮器具備 16 公釐髮捲,能協助您輕鬆做出豐盈、有彈性的捲髮或小捲造型,散發活潑年輕光彩。


最高溫度達 190 ºC 在保證最佳造型成效的同時也可將髮質受損降到最低。


3 重要事項在使用本產品前,請先仔細閱讀本使用手冊,並保留使用手冊以供日後參考。

• 本產品可供 8 歲以上兒童、身體官能或心智能力退化者,或是經驗與使用知識缺乏者使用,但需要有人在旁監督或適當指示如何安全使用本產品,以及可能遭受的危險。



• 請勿讓孩童將產品當成玩具。

• 如果電線損壞,則必須交由 Philips、Philips 授權之服務中• 警告:本產品請務必遠離水。




• 在您連接電源之前,請檢查本地的電源電壓是否與產品所標示的電壓相符。

• 定期檢查電源線狀態。


• 為了加強安全,建議在通向浴室的電流迴路上安裝 30 毫安培以下的漏電斷路器 (RCD)。


• 本產品髮捲在使用期間會變熱。


• 請避免電線接觸到本產品的高溫部分。

• 僅能使用在乾的頭髮。

• 用完本產品後,請務必將插頭拔掉。

• 在進行收納之前,請先等候本產品完全冷卻。

• 請保持髮捲清潔,避免沾染灰塵和造型噴霧、髮膠及慕斯等造型產品。

浙江福隆电子有限公司 TZT2 系列 MFD 设备操作指南说明书

浙江福隆电子有限公司 TZT2 系列 MFD 设备操作指南说明书

ProceduresTZT2 Factory Reset/ClearThere are two methods available to conduct a full factory reset on the TZT2 series MFD. We recommend using the SERVICE MAN method but both methods will be explained in this document.Save all valuable user data prior to conducting a reset, such as; waypoints, routes, tracks and user settings. Instructions for saving user data can be found in chapter 8 of the Operator’s Manual, chapter 6 of the onboard eGuide, and in the NavNet TZtouch2 Exporting and Importing Points, Routes, Tracks, and Settings document found in the manuals section of theTZTL12F and 15F product page.From SERVICE MAN selection(Preferred Method)1.Turn on the TZTL12F/15F and allow it to fully boot up normally.2.Select “HOME” – “SETTINGS” – and “INITIAL SETUP”3.Select “ServiceMan” and enter Password “FURUNO SERVICE”. Don’t forget the space and use allCAPS.4.When ServiceMan boots up, select “UTILITY”5.Select “Factory Default”6.7.When the reset menu appears, touch the pull-down arrow and select “Factory Default (Delete AllSettings) WARNING: You are about to clear the unit. Ensure you have backed up any desired user data!!8.Hit the “RESET” selection9.The system will ask you “Are you Sure”? You should select “OK”.10.When the system says “delete succeeded”; select the “OK” button.11.Select “EXIT”12.Select “POWER OFF” from the Service Man menu.13.The unit is now ready to use and restore any settings or waypoint you wish to restore.From Power Key at Startup1. Turn on the TZTL12F/15F by pressing and releasing the Power key.2. Immediately after the Furuno logo screen disappears, hold the power key for 5 seconds, then release it for about 0.5 seconds, then hold power key for 5 seconds, then release for 0.5 seconds. Repeat this action until the Reset Menu appears.(during the actions performed on step 2 you shall see the following screen progression)(Furuno logo screen) (loading bar present) (loading bar not present)3. Once the Reset Menu has been loaded, you can release the power key.4. Use the drop down menu arrow to select“Factory Default (Delete All Settings)”5. Verify that “Factory Default (Delete All Settings)” has been selected.6. Select “Reset” and select “Yes” to reset settings. The TZT2 will notify you when the reset is complete.7. Now select “Exit” and the TZT2 should re-boot*.*Note – If the TZT2 software version is 2.05 or later, the TZT2 will re-boot and perform a software update. This is not updating to latest software. Please wait until the power key is Orange before turning the TZT2 back on.DO NOT POWER ON TZT2 SAFE TO POWER ON TZT2。


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5 . 2 . 4 . 2、 电 机 控 制 用 保 护 功 能
专业成就智慧, 质量成就卓越!
使用类别: AC-33B
I≤1 . 0 5 I R 2小 时 内 不 动 作
小 于2内 小 时 动 作
I=1.5IR 过 载 延 时I R 主 回 路 电 流I
I e≤6 3 A : 2 m i n内 动 作 , I e≥6 3 A : 4 m i n内 动 作
( 1 4 )、 常 用 电 源 和 备 用 电 源 三 相 电 压 实 时 显 示 功 能
( 1 5 )、 故 障 查 询 功 能
说 明:带 有" * "的 为 用 户 选 用 功 能,需 特 殊 说 明;带 有C B的 为C B级 产 品 用,其 他 为
P C级 常 规 功 能 。
专业成就智慧, 质量成就卓越!
5 . 2 . 2、 转 换 方 式:
自 投 自 复-电 网 对 电 网
常用电源N 备用电源R
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自 投 不 自 复-电 网 对 电 网
常用电源N 备用电源R
C P S开 关 延 时 自 投 时 间 后 转 到 备 用 电 源 , 当 常 用 电 源 恢 复 正 常
时 ,AT S - C P S开 关 延 时 自 复 时 间 后 转 到 常 用 电 源 。

B066 全尺寸折叠蓝牙键盘 说明书

B066 全尺寸折叠蓝牙键盘 说明书

B066全尺寸折叠蓝牙键盘说明书注惫:正确操作本产品,请仔细阅读用户手册., 1�::::�1:n一”.干口,店..支持系统Wi n/iOS/ A ndroid系统切换Fn+Q 切换iOS系统Fn+W切换Android系统Fn+E 切换W in系统• iOS系统连接使用说明:• Win10系统连接使用说明:• And roid系统连接使用说明:二二,.......,...,..L话打开键盘电源开关,蓝色灯亮起,二-沃王翠选对码模式,按Fn+C对码蓝灯闪烁进入选择洹逢,按Fn+C对码监灯闪烁进入选对码通模道式,,按Fn+C对廿纽砂丁闪灼o!IA对码模式u I巨,=·-一I 2. 在蓝开牙始如,进阳行而搜索造模式',约却开< 2打开牙“进M毁尽模式.O-;a---wI今• 气,俨I 3. 峦刮殴备皿择“蓝牙·,进行搜索.. I ,. I""'—芷,二,.....,__,_1111111.�,,._,.回Q•心一真气阔袋之·二,玉四"Bluetoot h5 1 K可board"然后点击配对名连接a e--• 1 • Ill一0 .. -然后点击配对名连接O夏...宜牙' C.·暮.,, ... ,», 删”“,已孟棒·以为叫曾..行官4提示连接配对成功,您就可以舒适地使用您的健盘了_5, 提示诈符成功,你就可以舒适地使用仿的键盘了.4提,连接配对成功,您就可以舒适地使用您的键盘了注酌寸成功切舌下次使用只凳卧J开监才售盘电源及使用设岱的蓝牙,蓝牙售盘将会自动搜索1车梓十次使用过的设备,不需要再进行配对操作,产品功能!OS/Android Windows Windows直接按对应功能Fn+ 对应功能直接按对应功能Esc 返回桌面E,c 主页Esc Esc仑仑仑F1a_ 搜索F1a_ 搜索F1a_ FlF2Eij 全选F2问全选F2百F2F3� 复制F3Cl! 复制F3QJ F3F4困粘贴F4\31 粘贴F4\3) F4F5X, 剪切F5i 剪切F5.4, FSF6 上—曲Fti 上—曲•• F6, ,田F7 暂停闱磁F7 暂停序砬t F7 F71>11�II�IIF8 下一曲F B 下一曲F8 FB田田田F9 llfl,c 静音F9 .i x 雌F9 tlll x F9F10Ill 音量高」、F10呵)吉量减小F10`) FlOF11q汹旮三增人,,, 心旮三l曾入F11 心F llF12丛锁屏F12Ii 锁F12 Iii F12三系统切换语言:Windows: Alt+Shilt 邯奂语言Android : Shilt+空格键切换语言iOS: Ctrl+空格键切换语言技术规格触控板功能说明(iOS13.4.1以上),须切换到iOS系统键盘尺寸:342.35x114.7x10.9 mm(打开)182.25x114.7x19.5 mm(折叠)使用触摸板工作电流:<11 m A使用按键工作电流:<4mA工作距离:10m锤电池容盘:140 m Ah工作电压:3.7V触拉板功能说明(WindowslO),须切涣到Win dows忠充m畔妇邸左键II XillU:l'�--­• =lll,/;$-b“器芦忒窗口m二指向下扫-皿桌面触摸板尺寸:56.1 x45.1 mm铸斋军乐:222 g待机电流:<1 mA休眠电流:17�A休眠时间:10分钟唤醒方式按健唤醒"Iii大右放--nt标-e,g换ig-i击开击廿荒点分小一i鲸E点杠杠笘器器mEEEEm汇m翌匮===m芒七,")鄱冒芯氐111�==-m芷R====-“兰DI烹王窗口,可丐千出,可5于自定义的方法:设至-辅助功能-触控-辅助触控-设备-点击键盘配对名,然后对单指点凡指点/三指点击进行功能自定义.触拉板功能说阻(Android).须切换到Android系统i_键缸g泗mmm双指点击-返回上页m单捂移动光标沿动状态显示LE D·对码.打开电源开关,蓝牙指示幻蓝灯亮起,按下对码盐,蓝灯闪烁屯电指和红色,充词汀灭·低电压指示.当刮玉低千3.3V,红色指示灯闪烁多通道连接·连接第五时,先按Fn+�1, 再按Fn+C对码,开始连接·连接第2个设备前,先按一次Fn+�2, 再按Fn+C对码,开始连接·连接第3个设备前,先按一次Fn+I勾3• 再按Fn+C对码,开始连接·在多个设备同时使用,按Fn+书11/和心3切换,即可自由切换到已连接的设备故障分析请与售后服务人员联系知识产权信息未经本司的许可,禁止复制本用户手册的内容.安全提醒诘不要打开或修理该设备,谘不要在潮渥环境内使用设备,话用干布擦拭该设备质保条歆本设备自购买之日起,提供1年保修服务键盘保养l、诮勿将设备暴需在液体和潮湿的环境中或使其淋雨,清勿在浴缸髦水槽、桑拿房、游泳池或蒸汽房附近使用.2、清勿将设备暴露于过高或过低的温度下.3、满勿长时间放盗在阳光直射的地方.4、请勿靠近阴火如烹任用炉、蜡烛或者壁炉.5、避免使用锋利器物刮擦产品,及时给产品进行充电以保证正常使用.常见间题解答1, 平板无法连接蓝牙键盘?1)请或诏囡粒妇有进入酌寸状态然后卧可刊顷嘻妞讶搜索设备进行连接.2)检查蓝牙键盘电昼是否充足,电丞不足也会导致无法连接,请将蓝牙键盘充电后再使用.2、键盘扑坊寸在使用途中一直闪烁?键盘指示灯在使用途中一直闪烁,表示电池即将没电,请尽快将键盘充电.3, 设备显示蓝牙键盘断开连接酌砬在顷时间内不使用,设备为了省暇芍自动关闭崖才坊能,按键盘任意键唤醒蓝牙连接自动恢复.保修卡用户填写资料公司或个人全称通讯地址电话所购产品名称及型号购买曰期邮缠,',',',..,','4证·咯�^ii)`连地.呕g二:醴妇缸5.,m�芒g见�,公时甩兰*戏}磕误不非情·呈l止·g心()有123本(((“K·',','B066Bluetooth keyboardUser' s ManualNote: Please read the user manual care u lly b efore you startus;ng th;, product丿勹『Compatible SystemWin /iOS /AndroidSystem switchingFn+Q iOS Fn+W Android Fn+E Win• iOS Connection Instructions:二巴芒芯""'=它::孟:::'.岫.二三飞2竺“二:c畔""'81�toolh"'""'_.,,••心·。

Bosch NITP669UC FlexInduction Cooktop 产品说明书

Bosch NITP669UC FlexInduction Cooktop 产品说明书

Features & Benefits
FlexInduction® – provides even more flexibility by combining two cooking zones into one larger zone
12" dual-ring center cooking zone for large pots and pans
Dimension of Back Left 7" x 8" heating element
Dimension of Center heating element
12", 9"
Dimension of Back Right 7" x 8" heating element
Dimension of Front Right 7" x 8" heating element
2,200 W
Power of Front Left heating element (in boost)
3,600 W
Power of Back Left heating element
2,200 W
Power of Back Left heating element (in boost)
3,600 W
Notes: All height, width and depth dimensions are shown in inches. BSH reserves the absolute and unrestricted right to change product materials and specifications, at any time, without notice. Consult the product’s installation instructions for final dimensional data and other details prior to making cutout.

FEZ Panda II 商品说明书

FEZ Panda II 商品说明书

FEZ Panda II BoardFEZ Panda II ( a member of .NET FEZ boards ) is a small low-cost board running Microsoft .NET Micro Framework, allowing users to program and debug FEZ Panda II using Microsoft's free Visual C# Express. Applications are loaded over USB cable (or serial) with full featured debugging capabilities, such as stepping in code or inspecting variables.The board is based on NXP's LPC2387 micro controller with GHI Electronics' commercial highly optimized USBizi firmware/software package. It is a 72MHz. 32-bit ARM7 processor with 512KB Flash (148KB for user application) and 96 KB RAM (62KB for user application).Copyright © 2011 GHI Electronics, LLCJoin our community atUSBizi100 Chip 72MHz. ARM7512 KB Flash 96 KB RAMJT AGReal Time Clock (RTC) CrystalFEZ Panda II Key Features✔Based on NXP's LPC2387 micro-controller with GHI's commercial highly optimized USBizi firmware/software package.✔72MHz. 32-bit ARM7 processor.✔512 KB Flash (148 KB for user application).✔96 KB RAM (62 KB for user application).✔Compatible with most Arduino shields.✔USB device connection for run-time debugging.✔Specialized libraries to configure the USB Client port to emulate deviceslike thumb-drive, virtual COM (CDC), mouse, keyboard.✔USB Debugging and Virtual COM (CDC) can work simultaneously.✔Built-in Micro SD card socket (4-bit high speed SDHC support, no 2GBlimit) with card detect signal.✔54x Digital I/O ports.✔6x 10-bit analog Inputs.✔10-bit analog output (with audio WAV playback).✔6x Hardware PWM channels.✔2x CAN channels.*✔Battery backup RAM 2KB.✔Configurable on-board LED and button.✔4x UART serial ports (one with hardware handshaking capability).✔OneWire interface (available on any IO).✔Built-in Real Time Clock (RTC) with the suitable crystal.✔Processor register access.✔OutputCompare (OC) for generating waveforms with high accuracy, for example, generate software PWM or simulate infrared remote control signal.✔Run-time Loadable Procedures (RLP) allowing users to load native code (C/Assembly) for higher performance and real-time requirements.✔Ethernet support through W5100 chipset with full TCP, UDP, HTTP, DHCP and DNS support. Ethernet throughput is 400Kbps. Perfect match for FEZ Connect Shield.✔Extended double-precision math class.✔Parallel Port (ideal for color displays).✔JTAG is exposed (available only when firmware is erased).✔Multi-Threading.✔XML.✔FAT File System.✔Cryptography (AES and XTEA).✔Low Power and hibernate Modes.✔In-field update (from SD, network or other).Most features are GHI exclusive, see software documentation for details.Copyright © 2011 GHI Electronics, LLC Join our community atFEZ Panda Pins FeaturesAll pins can be used as digital input/output. Some pins have secondary feature as well.FEZ Panda II Arduino-compatible Pins Features* These pins can work as interrupt inputs+Di2 and Di3 are open drain pins with 2.2K pull upresistors.Copyright © 2011 GHI Electronics, LLC Join our community atFEZ Panda II Extended Pins Features* These pins can work as interrupt inputsCopyright © 2011 GHI Electronics, LLC Join our community atFEZ Panda II and Arduino ComparisonFEZ Panda II is not an Arduino board, but it makes use of theidea of having a stackable hardware platform. The similar formfactor between FEZ Panda II and Arduino allows developers touse almost any of the available Arduino shields.While using the same shields, FEZ Panda II offers more powerfulhardware and software platform, greater flexibility and far morefeatures.Starting with Microsoft Visual C#Express and thepossibility for debugging and ending with high-end libraries likeUSB device,threading,XML,better Ethernet networking andmany others.Additionally FEZ Panda has extra IOs exposed on an easilyaccessible 40-pin female header.Expandability of FEZ Panda IIBoards that install directly on top of FEZ Panda II are called shields. The mostcommon shield for FEZ Panda II is FEZ Connect shield which provides anEthernet connection plus exposes sockets compatible with the main 3-pin e-blocks GHI offers.FEZ Touch is also another way to expand FEZ Panda II. It is a 240x320 full 16-bit color display with touch screen.Powering FEZ Panda IIThe easiest way to power FEZ Panda II is through the USB cable. Optionally, the power connector can be used as well. Using either power source will efficiently supply power to the 3.3V and 5V pins (exposed for shields). The 5V shield pin is a special case, it can be used to power the shields and FEZ Panda as well.In case, the board is powered through USB, the voltage on the 5V pins will be sourced directly from the PC USB 5 volts which is in most cases less than 5volts (4.5 to 5 volts).What's Next?To get started with FEZ, please take a look at the FEZ Tutorial and .NET Micro Micro Framework Beginners Guide ebook available on our community website Copyright © 2011 GHI Electronics, LLC Join our community at。

zhiyun smooth q2 说明书

zhiyun smooth q2 说明书


SMOOTH-Q2说明书Z H I Y U N -C N -v 1 . 1 0Contents■产品清单产品清单 (1)■认识SMOOTH-Q2认识SMOOTH-Q2 (2)■电池及充电说明电池及充电说明 (3)■安装及调平安装手机夹 (4)安装手机 (4)调节平衡 (4)■稳定器的使用指示灯及控制按键说明 (5)工作模式说明 (6)快速待机 (8)手调定位 (9)给手机充电 (9)■APP的使用下载APP (10)如何连接 (10)APP主要功能介绍 (10)■校准与固件升级哪种情况下需要校准 (11)初始化方法 (11)六面校准方法 (11)电机微调 (13)稳定器固件升级 (13)■参数说明■免责声明与警告阅读提示 (15)警告 (15)安全操作指引 (15)■保修卡质保期限说明 (18)质保不包括 (18)为获得ZHIYUN质保服务,请按下列步骤操作 (18)■联络卡扫描二维码观看教学视频产品清单产品清单使用本产品前,请仔细检查产品包装内是否包含以下所有物品,若有缺失,请联系客服或您的代理商。

manual主机 x 1手机夹 x 1快速入门 x 1认识SMOOTH-Q2认识SMOOTH-Q21. 手机夹2. 横滚轴电机3. 俯仰轴电机4. 手机夹锁紧扳手5. 航向轴电机6. 指示灯7. 云台摇杆8. 拍照/录像键9. 电源键10. 电池盖11. M icro USB电源输出接口12. T ype-C USB充电/固件升级接口213114567128910电池及充电说明电池及充电说明SMOOTH-Q2使用21700锂电池,出厂时电池已装入电池仓。


充电方法:使用包装内提供的 Type-C USB 数据线连接电源适配器(自备,推荐5V2A规格)与稳定器手柄接口,当手柄四颗指示灯常亮(关机状态)时表示充电完成。



ATTACH COLLAR 上领BACK STITCH 回针/返针BARTACK 打枣BARTACKER 打枣车BASTING 挑缝BINDER 滚边蝴蝶BINDING 包边BLIND STITCH 暗线BLIND STITCH MACHINE 盲缝车BLINDING 挑脚BREAK STITCH 断线BUNDLE SYSTEM 执扎系统BUTTON HOLING 开钮门BUTTON HOLING MACHINE 钮门车BUTTONING 钉钮BUTTONING MACHINE 钉钮车CASING 容位CHAIN STITCH 锁链线步CHAIN STITCH MACHINE 锁链车CLEAN FINISH 还口COVERING STITCH 拉覆线步CREASE LINE 裤中骨CROSS CROTCH 十字骨CROTCH 浪顶CUT & SEWN 切驳DART (死)褶DOUBLE NEEDLE FELL SEAM 双针埋夹DOUBLE NEEDLE LOCKSTITCH MACHINE 双针平车EDGE STITCHING 间边线ELASTIC WAISTBAND 橡筋裤头EMBROIDERY 绣花/车花FINAL INSPECTION 尾期检查FITTING 试身die cutter 啤刀band knife m/c 带式裁刀computerized marker 电脑裁床semi-auto spreaderauto spreader 自动拉布机fusing machine 粘朴机snap fastener m/c 钉急钮机needle detector m/c 验针机body pressfolding m/ccollar forming m/cpocket opening m/c 开袋机sgl lockstitch m/c 单针平车dbl lockstitch m/c 双针平车chainstitch m/c 锁链车zig-zag stitching m/c 人字车feed of the arm m/c 埋夹车waistband m/c 拉裤头车over locking m/c 锁边车/及骨车buttoning m/c 钉钮车buttonholing m/c 钮门车key buttonhole m/cbartacking m/c 打枣车electric iron 电熨斗steam iron 蒸汽熨斗vacuum ironing table 真空烫台Circular eyelet knitting machine 圆型网眼纬编针织机Circular loom圆型织机,经纬编织机Circular spring needle machine 圆型钩针纬编机Circular weaving machine 1.圆型织机2.经纬编织机Circular weft knitting machine 圆型纬编机,圆纬机Garment sweater (纬编的)外用针织套衫Super loop (纬编变化织)长毛圈织物Weft knitting 纬编Weft knitting machine 纬编机Weft loop纬编线圈,缩纬[织疵]Weft-knitted fabric 纬编针织物FIVE THREADS OVERLOCK MACHINE 5线及骨车FLAT SEAM 平缝FLOW CHART 流程表FLOW CONTROL 流程控制FOLD BACK FACING 原身出贴FOLDER 拉筒蝴蝶FULLNESS 宽松位FUSING INTERLINING 粘朴HANDLING 执手时间HANGER 衣架HEMMER 卷边靴HEMMING 卷边IN-PROCESS INSPECTION 中期检查IRONING 熨烫IRON-SHINE 烫起镜JOIN CROTCH 埋小浪LABOUR COST 劳工成本LOOPING 起耳仔MATERIAL 物料MISSED STITCH 漏针NOTCH 扼位OFF PRESSING 终烫ONE LAYER YOKE 一片担干OPEN SEAM 开骨OPERATION BREAK DOWN 分科OVERHEAD 厂皮(企业一般管理费)OVERLAP 重叠,搭位OVERLOCKED 锁边,及骨OVERLOCKED WITH 5 THREADS 五线及骨OVERTIME WORKING 加班PIECE RATE 记件工资PIPER 镶边蝴蝶PIPING (嵌边)捆条PRESS OPEN 烫开骨PRESSING 熨烫PRODUCTION SCHEDULE 生产排期PUCKERING 起皱QUILTING 间棉RUN STITCH 运线SEAM 缝骨SET IN SLEEVE 上袖SEWING MACHINE ATTACHMENTS 车缝附件SEWING WAISTBAND WITH WAISTBAND M/C (用拉裤头车)拉裤头SINGLE NEEDLE LOCKSTITCH MACHINE 单针平车STAY TAPE 胸衬条STITCH 针步THREE THREADS OVERLOCK MACHINE 3线及骨车TOP STITCHING 间线单针平车1-NEEDLE LOCKSTITCH M/C单针链缝平车1-NEEDLE CHAINSTITCH M/C人字平车ZIG-ZAG STITCHES M/C双针车TWIN-NEEDLE M/C钮门车BUTTONHOLE M/C钉钮车BUTTON ATTACHING M/C打枣车BARTACK M/C埋夹车CHAIN STITCH FEED-OFF ARM M/C切刀车LOCKSTITCH TRIMMING M/C五线及骨车5-THREAD SAFTY STITCHES M/C三线及骨车3-THREAD OVERLOCKING M/C拉筒车MUTI-NEEDLE CHAINSTITCH M/C耳仔机LOOPER SEWING M/C辘脚车SPECIAL STREAMLINED LOCKSTITCH三针网车3-NEEDLE INTERLOCK M/C四针虾苏网车4-NEEDLE INTERLOCK M/C四针拼缝车FEED-OFF-THE-ARM,4 NEEDLE BOTH CUT FLAT SEAMER 挑脚车CHAIN-BLINDSTITCH M/C凤眼车EYELET END M/C开袋机POCKET M/C切耳仔机LOOPER CUTTING MACHINE粘合机FUSING M/C啤钮机SNAP FIXING M/C切领机COLLAR CUTTING M/C切筒车CUTING PLACKET MACHINE拉布机SPREADER直送捆条机BALER大型翻线机(8个头) CROSSING THREAD M/C反领机COLLAR TURNING MACHINE自动反介英机AUTO CUFF TURNING M/C点领机HEAT NOTCHING M/C切领机COLLARTRIMMING M/C切筒机PLACKET TRIMMING M/C裁床CUTTING BED绣花机EMBROIDERING M/C直刀电剪STRAIGHT KNIFE M/C切布机CLOTH CUTTING M/C一字镭射灯"一" LASER LIGHT十字定位灯CROSS LASER LIGHT切朴机INTERLINNING CUTTING M/C卷朴机WINDING INTERLINNING M/C钻孔机HOLER M/C自动裁割机AUTOMATIC CUTTING M/C啤机HYDRAULIC CUTTING PRESSER拉布机SPREADER自动印花机AUTO-PRINTING M/C印花烘干机DRYER手动印花机MANUAL PRINTING M/C洗网机NET WASHER MACHINE晒网机BLUE PRINT MACHINE干网机NET DRYER MACHINE刨刮机SQUEEGE SHARPENER熨画机IRONING DRAWING工业洗衣机INDUSTRY WASHER工业脱水机INDUSTRY SPIN-DRYER工业染色办机INDUSTRY COLORING M/C 震动机SHAKING M/C大货洗衣机BULK WASHER单边Plain 或Jersey坑条Rib四平Full needle扭绳Cable珠地Half cardigan柳条Full cardigan手钩边Crochet stitch搬针Walk stitch挂毛Intarsia拔花(双) Double Jacquard元筒Tubular挑吼Pointelle或Eyelet1X1令士Seeds stitch元筒拔花Tub Jacquard有底毛拔花(单) Float Jacquard反底单边Reverse Jersey谷波Ruffle 或Ripple 或Ottoman坎毛Plaiting三平Half Milano 或Semi Double Knit 打花Tuck stitch或Fancy stitch令士Links 或Lynx stitch 或Purl曼花珠地Racked half cardigan打鸡Full Milano 或Double Knit1X1单/双1x1 Rib single/double曼波Rack 或Zigzag stitch二) 缝盘( Linking )漏眼Drop Stitch笠错横行Incorrect Course错缝毛Incorrect Yarn烂边Broken Selvage黏边Selvage not straight缝线散口Run off对位不符Wrong position to linking骨位起蛇Puckering领贴子口不均Uneven seam跳线Skip stitch领贴扭纹Twist collar缝线紧或松Uneven yarn tension锄歪眼Wrong position of needle and point锄高Stitch on the Higher position起耳仔Unwanted loops on stitch三) 挑撞错针数Incorrect hand stitch count不对支Rib collar of v-point not match抽筋Poor stitch线头Absence trimming没有拉眼Loops on collar stitch out of trimming四) 补衣( Mending )错毛料Wrong material补衣不良Poor done of mending, objectionable mending错色纱Wrong color to mending五) 其它钉珠Beading绣花Embroidery印胶浆Laster cut w/rubber coating原身出较结Self tight字码Tension缝盘机Looper配色Match钑骨车overlocking埋夹车Linking Machine搨脚车Hemming machine打钮车buttoning machine钮门车Button holing machine平车Flat machine照灯Inspecting lamp喷枪Spray gun打毛机Winder洗水机washer烫斗Ironer自动蒸汽熨炉Auto steam boiler脱水机Extractor直间Vertical striped干衣机Tumble插袋Insert pocket横间Horizontal striped反骨缝Outside looping暗袋Patch pockets袖顶打褶With shirring on top of sleeve衫身坎骨Flat lock body前袋Seal pocket扭骨Torque底抓毛Inside brushed款式腰带Waist belt桥唛Stitch both side背心Slipover / Vest裤Pant帽Hood丈巾裙头Elastic waistband半胸贴Half placket夹里Lining围巾Scarf飞唛/吊唛Top stitch套头衫Pullover开胸Cardigan开胸背心Sleeveless Cardigan连衣裙Dress半截裙Skirt后幅匙孔Back key hole七) 唛头,牌,箱唛Hangtag omitted 欠挂牌H/T insecurely attached 挂牌没钉牢Wrong H/T used 错挂牌Wrong label / content / care 错唛头/成份/洗水Label location > 1/4" 唛头位置偏差1/4" Label sewn monofilament 唛头缝线不适合Label thread not matching 唛头缝线颜色不配Label sew uneven, puckered 唛头不平服Harsh or stiff label 唛头手感不好(粗糙/僵硬) Label omitted or insecure 欠唛头或缝不牢Wrong size on label 唛头上错尺码Defective logo 唛头部份设计不正确Damaged label 唛头损坏Wrong hangers 错衣架Wrong carton 错箱尺寸Wrong style on bag 胶袋印错尺寸Wrong H/T placement 挂牌位置错误Extra button omitted 欠士啤钮Wrong spelling / group name 挂牌内有错字/串错字Wrong button bag placement 士啤袋错位置Not sorted correctly应选配而没选配正确Wrong bar code# 挂牌条形码错误Bar code not readable 条形码不能阅读(印制不清楚)Failed scangrade bar code 条形码牌C/D级(不合格)Holes from h/t 因挂牌而成的破洞Defective print 配料印刷质量不良Mixed style (M/P) 挂牌混码(大码与小码)Open / short poly bags 胶袋不够长Clip / hanger marks / shines因衣架/衣夹而成的压印Wrong sugg. Retail price 建议零售价钱错误Scotch tape discoloration因胶纸袋而成的退色Over packed containers 装箱太满Wrong flasher used 错章/贴纸Wrong size stripe used尺码带不合要求Label not symmetry 唛头不正中八)口袋,门襟问题Wrong location > 1/4" 口袋位置错误Shaded poorly 门襟口袋型不良Set or sewn crocked 定位/车缝歪曲Wrong size or shape 错尺寸或错型Slanted pocket flapsUnbalanced pockets 口袋不对称Uneven placket length 门襟长短Pleat at corner of pockets 门襟角位打折Crooked placket 门襟歪曲Lump at corner of flaps 口袋袋角起皱有硬物Holes at corner of pockets 袋角有破洞Puckering around pockets口袋起皱九) 领/袖口问题Puckered collars领起皱Collar pts not uniformed 领尖不规范Puckered / crooked topstitch 面线不直, 弯曲Twisted cuff 袖口扭骨Uneven cuff st bottom 袖口下罢圆圈不顺Insufficient elasticity 橡皮装弹力不够Loop on collar 领起圈RTV collars & cuffs 退回厂方因领与袖口问题Puckered / poor neck shape 领型质量差起皱Unfinish collar points 领尖没起角十)衣服钮扣问题Buttons Missing 欠钮Buttons misaligned 钮扣错位Buttons not sewn securely 钮扣不牢Wrong size, Type or color 错尺寸,种类,颜色Buttonhole omitted 欠钮孔Extra buttonhole / uncut 钮孔过多/没开Wrong size buttonhole 钮孔尺寸不正确Cracked button or rivets 钮扣/撞钉磨掉Def snap or fastener 急钮有问题Improper zipper setting 拉炼缝合不当Def zipper slider / stop 拉炼头/连连有问题Tight seam clearance zip 拉炼缝线太紧Rivets not fastened 撞钉不牢Belts missing 欠腰带Frayed button hole 钮孔毛边,损破Broken belt buckle 腰带扣损断Incorrect buttonhole placement 钮门错位置Do not use ( Belt's missing ) 漏腰带Buttoning the garment 钉钮时误缝夹衣服RTV closures 退回厂方因钮扣问题Improper hook/eye setting乌蝇扣处理方法不当Damaged belts 腰带损坏Do not use ( B/h not central ) 钮门不正中Button loop too small / large 钮耳太大/太小Misaligned snap / fastener 急钮不对称十一) 尺寸规格问题Beyond specified tolerance 规格偏差太大Does not fit correctly 不合身Do not use ( Outseam short ) 外长太短Do not use ( Sleeve long ) 袖太长Mixed styles ( M/P ) 混码(大码与小码)Do not use (Sleeve lengh tolerance ) 超出袖长尺寸要求。



CT2 SERIESTECHNICAL GUIDE2Circled dimensions correspond to the line numbers on the tabulated chart inside the Technical Guide. Dimensions are in inches (mm).DIMENSIONS50C T21723222550C T2HEAD CLEARANCEWHEN SEAT IS INDEPRESSED POSITION20191018111515352334163642.9(1090)721Non Susp 42.0 (1068)Full Susp 41.0 (1041)19.9(504)39.2(995)26%21.8°MAST DIMENSIONSOverallHeightFree Fork Ht.without LBRMaxFork Ht.Extended Ht.with LBRTiltFwd/Backin (mm)in (mm)in (mm)in (mm)degrees 2-STAGE LIMITED FREE LIFT (LFL) VISTA™ MAST “Trucker’s Mast”opt62 (1550) 5 (140)81 (2072)130 (3295)5/53-STAGE FULL FREE LIFT (FFL) MASTstd81 (2035)60 (1540)170 (4325)218 (5537)5/5opt87 (2135)66 (1690)187 (4775)236 (5987)5/5opt90 (2285)70 (1790)199 (5075)248 (6287)5/53G E N E R A L1Manufacturer Name Hyster Hyster 2ModelS40CT2S50CT2Transmission Type Elec. Controlled PowershiftEnginePSI 2.4L Brake System Drum Brakes3Rated Capacity lb (kg)4000 (1818)5000 (2268)4Load Center in (mm)24 (610)5Drive Power Type LPG 6Operator Type Seated Rider 7Step Height in (mm)13.6 (345)8Tire TypeCushion D I M E N S I O N S9Number of Wheels, front/rear (X = driven)2x/210Lift Height, Top of Fork (TOF) in (mm)170 (4325)11Free Lift with LBR (TOF)in (mm)32 (823)Free Lift without LBR (TOF)in (mm)60 (1540)12Standard Carriage Widthin (mm)38.5 (977)13Fork Dimensions, Thickness x Width x Lengthin (mm) 1.6x3.9x42 (40x100x1067)14Fork Spacing - Std Carriage - Max. Outside to Outside Edgein (mm)33.5 (852)Fork Spacing -Std Carriage - Min. Inside to Inside Edge in (mm) 6.2 (158)15Mast Tilt, forward/backdegrees 5/516Overall Length (length to face of forks)in (mm)92.2 (2341)17Overall Widthin (mm)42.0 (1068)18Height of Standard Mast, loweredin (mm)81 (2035)19Height of Standard Mast, extended with LBRin (mm)218 (5537)Height of Standard Mast, extended without LBR in (mm)190 (4820)20Height to Top of Standard Overhead Guard (high) in (mm)85 (2136)21Towing Coupling Height (pin type)in (mm)12.2 (309)22Outer Turning Radiusin (mm)81.2 (2062)Inner Turning Radiusin (mm) 3.0 (75)23Load Distance (load face-ctr of wheel to face of forks - front overhang)in (mm)15.3 (388)24Aisle Width, right angle stack (add length of load)in (mm)96.5 (2450)25Equal Aisle, 90° intersecting aisle (w/ pallet W=42in, L=48in)in (mm)76.0 (1930)G R A D E A B I L I T Y 26Travel Speed (RL/NL)mph (km/hr)11.3/11.4 (18.2/18.4)27Lifting Speed, 2 Stage LFL (RL/NL)ft/min (m/sec)124/128 (.63/.65)Lifting Speed, 3 Stage FFL (RL/NL)ft/min (m/sec)116/120 (.59/.61)28Lowering Speed, 3 Stage FFL (RL/NL)ft/min (m/sec)96/83 (.49/.42)29*********************.6km/h(RL/NL)lbs (kg)3020/1676 (1370/760)30Gradeability, maximum (RL, NL)%30/22**********************.6km/h(RL/NL)%25/22W T .31Unladen Weight (w/ std equipment: mast, carriage, forks, etc.)lb (kg) 7616 (3461) 7928 (3596)32Axle Loading Unladen w/ std option configuration (Front/Rear)lb (kg)2970/4646 (1350/2111)3115/4812 (1413/2183)Axle Loading Laden w/ std option configuration (Front/Rear)lb (kg)10237/1379 (4653/626)11559/1369 (5243/621)W H E E L S & T I R E S33Tire Size, front21x7x15Tire Size, rear 16x5x10.534Wheelbasein (mm)57.1 (1450)35Ground Clearance, under mast laden in (mm) 3.4 (87)36Ground Clearance, center of wheelbasein (mm)4.6 (116)37Brakes Service - Method of Control/Operation Hydraulic/Foot 38Brakes Park - Method of Control/Operation Mechanical/Hand P O W E R T R A I N 39Battery TypeMaintenance Free40Battery Volts/Cold Cranking Amps 12V/47541Engine ManufacturerPSI 2.4L42Engine Output, in accordance with ISO1585hp (kw)44 (33) @ 2600 RPM 43Torqueft-lb (N-m)118 (160) @ 1200 RPM44Number of Cylinders/Displacement No./cc (ci)4/2351 (143)45Gear Change TypePowershift 46Transmission, number of speeds forward/reverse 1F/1R 47Working Pressure for Attachments psi (bar)2306 (159)48Hydraulic Tank - Capacity (drain & refill)gal (liters)7.9 (29.9)SPECIFICATIONSCERTIFICATION: These Hyster ® lift trucks meet design specifications of Part II ANSI B56.1-1969, as required by OSHA Section 1910.178(a)(2) and also comply with Part III ANSI B56.1-revision in effect at time of manufacture.Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck. Performance specifications are for a truck equipped as described under Standard Equipment on this Technical Guide. Performance specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature, condition of the operating area, proper service and maintenance of the vehicle. If these specifications are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealer.Above specifications, unless otherwise listed, are for a standard truck without optional equipment. Right Angle Stack and Equal Intersecting Aisle dimensions provided with a 48” long and 40” wide pallet load, allowing zero clearance.Hyster Company P .O. Box 7006Greenville, North Carolina 27835-7006Part No. S40-50CT2/TG 6/2018 Litho in U.S.A.Trucks may be shown with optional equipment. © 2018 Hyster Company. All rights reserved.Hyster, , and STRONG PARTNERS. TOUGH TRUCKS. are registered trademarks in the United States and certain other jurisdictions. Hyster products are subject to change without notice.Visit us online at or call us at 1-800-HYSTER-1.PSI 2.4L LPG engine38.5” Class 2 fork carriage 42” standard taper pallet forks Load backrest extension - 48” high 5˚ forward / 5˚ back tilt3 cowl mounted mechanical hydraulic control levers 3 function (1 aux.) hydraulic control valve Single pedal inch brake LPG tank bracket Anti-clog radiator U.L. Classification LPOverhead guard 85” (2149 mm)12” steering wheel with wheel spinner knob Key switch start with anti-restart Forward / reverse direction lever Non-suspension vinyl seat38.5” wide integral sideshifter 48” long forksPneumatic-shaped solid non-marking drive and steer tiresNon-marking solid drive and steer tiresAudible reverse activated self-adjusting alarm 82-102 dB(A)Full suspension vinyl seatVisible amber strobe light - continuous activated, overhead guard mountingHalogen or LED front and rear work lights with or without LED brake/tail/backup lights Dual side view mirrorsCounterweight exhaust Low fuel indicatorHyster Stability System (HSS ®)Integrated dashboard display Adjustable steering column Power steering Floor matOperator restraint systemOperator Presence System (OPS)Non-cinch seat belts Integral tie downs Operating manual12 months / 2,000 hours manufacturer’s warranty 36 months / 6,000 hours manufacturer’s powertrain warrantySTANDARD EQUIPMENTOPTIONAL EQUIPMENTAT-A-GLANCE FEATURES2.5 lb. fire extinguisherRear drive handle with horn button Additional height triplex masts81” maximum fork height trucker’s mast4 cowl mounted mechanical hydraulic control levers 4 function (2 aux.) hydraulic control valve 3 function (1 aux.) hose group 4 function (2 aux.) hose groupAttachment extension tubes with or without quick disconnectsTraction speed limiter Clamping interlock button。



D I S C O公司产品系列介绍Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998DISCO公司产品介绍一:自动切割机什麽是自动切割机?是指被加工物的安装及卸载作业均采用手动方式进行,只有加工工序实施自动化操作的切割机。






300系列 - Automatic Dicing Saw300系列切割机/切断机,利用人工方式完成加工物的安装调整及识别切割位置的校准作业,并且在设计上力求节省占地空间,使该机型的外形结构显得简洁精巧。


For 6" frameDAD321DAD322DAC351/DAD361设备概要适用 6"加工物的自动切割机DAD321的改良机型,産能更高追求高精度的切断机和自动切割机最大加工物尺寸160 x 1606"(边长6"方形)*1DAC351: 153 x 153 DAD361: 160 x 160适用框架2-6-1DAC351: - DAD361: 2-5, 2-6X轴可切割范围(mm)192160192进刀速度有效范围(mm/s)- 300 - 500 - 300Y轴可切割范围(mm)162最小步进量(mm)定位精度(mm)以内/160(单一误差)以内/5以内/160(单一误差)以内/5光学尺最小分辨率(mm)-Z轴有效行程(mm)( 2"切割刀片)( 2"切割刀片)( 2"切割刀片)最小移动量(mm)重复定位精度(mm)可使用的最大58发出订单。


8-8 Cuts 4齿深 肩定位右槽 10-10 Cuts 4齿深 头定位左槽 10-10 Cuts 4齿深 头定位右槽
平铣两轨迹 平铣两轨迹 平铣两轨迹 平铣两轨迹 平铣两轨迹 平铣两轨迹
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HU100 HU101 HU43
钥匙特征 10-10 Cuts 4齿深 头定位右槽
8-8 Cuts 4齿深 头定位左槽 8-8 Cuts 4齿深 头定位左槽 10-10 Cuts 4齿深 头定位右槽 8-8 Cuts 4齿深 肩定位右槽 8-8 Cuts 4齿深 肩定位左槽 8-8 Cuts 5齿深 肩定位右槽 8-8 Cuts 4齿深 肩定位左槽 10-10 Cuts 4齿深 头定位左槽 10-10 Cuts 4齿深 头定位左槽 10-10 Cuts 4齿深 头定位右槽 8-8 Cuts 6齿深 肩定位右槽

浪涛浴涂抹与转移系统 Z210、Z220 和 Z230 产品手册说明书

浪涛浴涂抹与转移系统 Z210、Z220 和 Z230 产品手册说明书

Wave Bathing & Transfer SystemZ210, Z220, & Z230 Product ManualZ210, Z220 & Z230 Product ManualContentsImportant information 3Safety messages 4Recommended use and item dimensions 5Check your order 6Basic componentsLegs 6Back 7Seat 7Seat with calf rest 7Head blocks 8Soft fabric cover 8Chest strap and leg straps 8 AccessoriesTub stand 9Shower stand 10Tub transfer base 11-12Conversion kit 12 Operation and maintenance 13Cleaning and warranty 14Materials and user modifi cations 15© 2018 Rifton Equipment2IMPORTANTPlease save this product manual for future reference. Additional copies areavailable at /customer-service/product-manuals.3• Thoroughly read and understand the information in this product manual beforeattempting to use this product. If the procedures and instructions in this product manualare not followed, serious injury or death could occur.• A qualifi ed professional must assess the appropriateness and safety of all equipment foreach user.• This product is intended for use by clients of unreliable judgment. Adult supervision isrequired at all times.• To prevent falls and injuries:○Do not use this product on rough and uneven terrain, around swimming pools, ornear stairways.○Ensure the appropriate use of straps and supports at all times. Straps and supportsare provided for the safety of the user and must be carefully adjusted for comfort andsecurity.○Tighten all adjustment knobs before use and immediately after making anyadjustments.• Do not use this product for clients outside the height and weight limits specifi ed in thismanual.• To prevent pinching or crushing, ensure that all hands and feet are clear of moving partsduring adjustment.• To prevent structural failure, which may result in serious injury or death:○Inspect this product and accessories regularly for loose or missing screws, metalfatigue, cracks, broken welds, missing attachments, general instability or other signsof excessive wear.○Immediately remove this product from use when any condition develops that mightmake operation unsafe.○Do not use Rifton components or products for any purpose other than theirintended use.• To prevent drowning, use extra caution when using the bath chair in a bathtub.4Recommended useThe Rifton Wave bathing and transfer system is a Class 1 medical device. It is intendedto provide a stable, quick-drying seat for bathing or showering for individuals with disabilities. Adjustments and additional supports are available for the safety and comfort of the user. The tub transfer base enables easier transfers over the bathtub for large users.Seat depth10½ (27)13 (33)17 (43)Seat width15 (38)15 (38)17½ (44)Back height23 (58)26½ (67)32 (81)Seat height2/7 (5/18)2/7 (5/18)2/7 (5/18)Seat height including tub stand12½-18½ (32-47)12½-18½ (32-47)12½-18½ (32-47)Seat height including shower stand27½ (70)27½ (70)27½ (70)Seat height including transfer base with long leg inserts21-26 (53-66)24½ - 29½ (62-75)21-26 (53-66)24½ - 29½ (62-75)21-26 (53-66)24½ - 29½ (62-75)Length of mesh area when fl at(without calf rest)35 (89)41 (104)50½ (128) Length of mesh area when fl at(with calf rest)42½ (108)49 (124)61 (155) Width of base18 (46)18 (46)21 (53) Length of base when fl at29½ (75)29½ (75)29½ (75) Tub stand height (legs fl at)8 (20)8 (20)8 (20) Tub stand length (legs fl at)39 (99)39 (99)39 (99) Tub stand width (legs fl at)17½ (44)17½ (44)17½ (44) Shower stand height22 (56)22 (56)22 (56) Shower stand width27 (69)27 (69)27 (69) Shower stand length34 (86)34 (86)34 (86) Tub transfer base footprint28 x 30 (71 x 76)28 x 30 (71 x 76)28 x 30 (71 x 76)Max. tub height for transfer base with long leg inserts 20 (51)24 (61)20 (51)24 (61)20 (51)24 (61)Max. working load - Lbs. (kg)75 (34)150 (68)250 (114)Back and seat angle adjustments0˚, 15˚, 30˚, 45˚, 60˚, 75˚User and item dimensions56Check your orderYour Wave bathing and transfer system comes with the bath chair completely assembled. You will only need to attach it to whatever base you are using, and position the backrest, seat and headblocks appropriately before use.If your shipment is incomplete or in any way damaged on arrival, please call Customer Service, 800.571.8198.Figure 6a132Figure 6bThe Wave bath chair comes in small, medium, and large sizes. It can be used with or without a tub stand, shower stand, or tub transfer base. A soft fabric cover with padding is part of the standard product.LegsThe bath chair legs adjust to raise or lower the chair by 7" (18 cm). You can also get an intermediate height by raising the front legs only.Figure 6a: To raise or lower the chair:1. Pull crossbar outward.2. Rotate legs up or down.3. Push crossbar in to engage.Figure 6b: The bath chair folds fl at forstorage.Basic itemFigure 7aFigure 7bBackFigure 7a: The bath chair back adjusts in15° increments with a one-hand latch. Toadjust the back:1. Squeeze gray handle (A) up behindchair back.2. Rotate back to desired position.3. Release gray handle to engage thelatches at desired angle.SeatFigure 7b: The seat angle adjusts in 15°increments. Increasing the angle can helpprevent the user from sliding forward on theseat. To adjust the seat:1. Pull the two gray triggers (B) under thefront edge of the seat towards you.2. Rotate the seat to the appropriateposition.3. Release both triggers to engage thelatches.Seat with calf restTo prevent seriousinjury, fold calf restdown during transfers. Full weight oncalf rest may break it or tip chair.Figure 7c: If you purchased the calf restoption, it is attached to the seat front andadjusts independently of the seat. To adjustthe calf rest:1. Hold the calf rest fi rmly while pressingthe gray buttons (C) on both sides.2. Adjust the calf rest to the desired angle.3. Release both gray buttons engagelatches.Figure 7cABC78Head blocksFigure 8a: Slide the head blocks in and outon the strap to adjust spacing. They can also be positioned at any height using the hook and loop fasteners at the back.Soft fabric coverThe fabric cover for the bath chair is made of soft polyester knit for comfort. Extra padding between the fabric and the frame softens surface contact.Chest strapsTo preventstrangulation, ensurecorrect adjustment and positioning of the chest strap at each use.Two choices of chest straps are available in soft polyester knit material.Figure 8b: The standard chest strap’s topportion encircles the user, and the back portion attaches around the bath chair back with a buckle.Figure 8c: The chest strap with lateral positioning also buckles around the backof the chair, but has additional side pieces (A) that stabilize the chest strap laterally.Leg strapsFigure 8d: Fasten the leg straps to the seatwith the buckle underneath. Use the legstraps to secure the user’s legs.Figure 8b: standard chest strapFigure 8aFigure 8c: chest strap with lateral positioningFigure 8dA9Figure 9bFigure 9cFigure 9aAccessoriesTub standTo prevent falls, make sure all fourchair legs are fi rmly latched in the sockets on the stand before using the tub stand.Figure 9a: The tub stand raises the bathchair to a seat height of either 12½" (32 cm) or 18½" (47 cm), depending on whether the tub stand legs are raised or lowered (see page 6).Figure 9b: To attach the chair onto the tubstand:1. Rotate front and back bath chair legs down into the vertical position (see page 6).2. Insert the legs into the four sockets.3. Press down fi rmly until the latches click into place.To release :Figure 9c:1. Press down on both gray latches at one end of the tub stand.2. Firmly lift up the bath chair, so that the two latches on the other end disengage.The tub stand is not sized to fi t onto the showerstand or another tub stand.NOTICE10Figure 10aFigure 10bShower standTo prevent falls, make sure all fourchair legs are fi rmly latched in the sockets on the stand before using the shower stand.Figure 10a: The shower stand puts the bathchair on wheels at standing height for the caregiver. All three sizes of bath chair fi t on the same shower stand.To attach:Figure 10b:1. Rotate front and back bath chair legs down into the vertical position (see page 6).2. Insert bath chair legs into the shower stand sockets.3. Press down fi rmly until the gray latches (A) engage.To release :Figure 10c:1. Press down on both gray latches (A) at one end of the shower stand.2. Lift up the bath chair, and the latches at the other end will disengage.Figure 10cAA11Figure 11cFigure 11aFigure 11bABCFigure 11dFigure 11eDTub transfer baseTo prevent falls and injuries:• Make sure front wheels are locked during transfers.• Make sure both front and rear bath chair legs are securely latched onto the base.The tub transfer base enables clients in the bathchair to be transferred over a bath tub with zero lifting.Figure 11a: To set up base:1. Squeeze latches (A) on underside of base at both ends, fold legs out until they click into place.2. Place legs of the wider end of the transfer base in bathtubFigure 11b: To install bath chair onto tubtransfer base:1. Rotate front and back bath chair legs up into the horizontal position (see page 6).2. Slide crossbar of front legs under the white hook (B) on the narrower end of the transfer base.3. Push back of bath chair down fi rmly to latch bar of rear bath chair legs under the gray latch (C).Transfers:1.Figure 11c: To rotate top platform, press either of the gray buttons (D) at one of the front corners. Start transfers with bath chair facing out from the tub.2. Figure 11c: Pull tub transfer base forward if desired and lock wheels. This allows room to use a mechanical lift if needed.3. Transfer user onto bath chair seat and secure with strap(s).4. Figure 11d: Release wheel brakes, push tub transfer base over the tub and lock wheels.5. Figure 11e: Rotate bath chair 90°, lifting user’s legs over side of tub.12Figure 12aSwitching your tub transfer base from counterclockwise to clockwise confi guration (or the reverse):1. Figure 12a: Remove the two screws with a 5/32” hex tool. Lift the top platform off. Remove the two plastic glides (A) and the plastic plug (B) from the third hole (easier to do from the back).2. Figure 12b: Pry out the long plastic stop (C) from the groove as shown. You may need a screwdriver or other tool to pull it out.3. Figure 12c: Insert the plastic stop (C) on the other end of the same groove as shown. Then slide the rear slider (D) over until it hits the stop.4. Figure 12d: Set the top platform on again; now the rear slider (D) should be in the other rear hole as shown.5. Insert the two screws again and tighten with the 5/32” hex tool. Press the plastic plug (B) into the empty third hole. Now your tub transfer base is ready to use in the opposite confi guration.Conversion kitFigure 12e: The conversion kit convertsthe small pink or blue Rifton bath chairs to a medium size, tool-free. Call customer service to order.Figure 12bFigure 12cFigure 12dABCCDBFigure 12eWithout calf rest With calf restDOperationThe Rifton bath chair is intended for use in a bathtub or shower. It’s adjustability and accessories enable bathing or showering clients with a wide range of disabilities. Theseat and back angles adjust easily to accommodate positioning needs. Head Blocks,chest straps, and leg straps are designed for the safety of the user, and must be carefullyadjusted for comfort and security. The bath chair legs can be placed securely in twopositions to raise or lower the bath chair prior to use.MaintenanceThis product is designed and tested for an expected life of 5 years when used andmaintained in accordance with this manual. At all times, users must ensure that theproduct remains in a safe and useable condition, including regular maintenance andinspections as specifi ed in this manual.To prevent structural failure, which may result in serious injury or death:• Inspect this product and accessories regularly for loose or missing screws, metalfatigue, cracks, broken welds, missing attachments, general instability or other signs of excessive wear.• Immediately remove this product from use when any condition develops that mightmake operation unsafe.• Do not use Rifton components or products for any purpose other than theirintended use.• Replace or repair components or products that are damaged or appear to be unstable.• Use only Rifton authorized replacement parts. Order information for replacement partsis provided on the back of this product manual.1314Figure 14aCleaningThe Rifton bathing system is designed for easy cleaning.Figure 14a: Remove the fabric cover byadjusting both the seat and back to a near vertical position and pulling cover from frame, seat part fi rst.Fabric parts should be washed and dried at a warm (100°F/40°C) setting. Use mild detergent. Rinse well. Disinfect frame and fabric with a commercial disinfectant, or a solution of up to 10% bleach. Rinse well. The straps with hook and loop closures may be laundered. Engage the closures before washing. Do not iron.Excessive use of bleach and high temperatures may damage the fabric. Do not iron.Tub stand, shower stand, tub transfer base and frame parts may be cleaned using normal cleaning products. Casters will give the best performance if cleaned regularly by spraying from underneath with a high-pressure water hose. Do not use chemicals or lubricants.Warranty statementIf a Rifton product breaks or fails in service during the fi rst year, we will replace itfree of charge.Materials• Steel hardware items (nuts, bolts, screws, etc) are stainless steel.• Fabric is a polyester knit, cushioned with polyester spacer fabric, with nylon hook andloop fasteners.• Frames are made with powder-coated aluminum.• Plastic components are typically injection molded from a variety of industrial resins.All materials are latex, lead and phthalates free.User modifi cationsTo prevent serious injury or death, do not modify or alter Riftonin conjunction with products from other manufacturers. Rifton does not accept responsibility for any modifi cations or alterations made to our components orproducts after they leave our premises. Customers modifying or altering ourcomponents or products, or using them in conjunction with products from othermanufacturers, do so at their own risk.15ZC24 ECO3504 Revision01 Find letters of medical necessityand more information at:/wave16。







新型单警手铐重量≤245g(不含钥匙)铐体材质:钛合金;扇梁:不锈钢;链座、铆钉、链条材质:不锈钢等;铐点尺寸:20 ;铐体卡入手腕开放尺寸:55mm±2mm;环直径尺寸:51mm-82mm;全长:243mm。

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多聚甲醛溶液(8% PFA)


Leagene 多聚甲醛溶液(8% PFA)主要由多聚甲醛、磷酸盐、去离子水组成,pH 为7.4,该固定液适合于绝大多数组织和细胞的固定。


1、 一般组织固定时间控制,大标本应适当延长固定时间,培养细胞或细胞爬片固定时间控制,特殊情况除外。

1、 多聚甲醛溶液(8% PFA)有一定刺激性和腐蚀性。


2、 避免过度延长固定时间,否则易引起细胞内生物大分子过度交联。

3、 组织取材的厚度不同,固定时间也不同。

4、 固定液的容量应足够,一般固定液与组织块的体积比率应大于10:1。

5、 温度对固定的影响很明显,提高温度可以加速固定作用,但温度不宜过高。

6、 取出新鲜组织后,应及时固定,无法及时固定时,应保存于生理盐水中及时送检。

有效期: 12个月有效。

编号 名称 DF0129 Storage 多聚甲醛溶液(8% PFA) 500ml 4℃ 避光 使用说明书 1份
编号 名称 DC0032 Masson 三色染色液 TC0699 植物总糖和还原糖检测试剂盒(硝基水杨酸法)。
