
市场问卷调查模板篇一:市场问卷调查表样本市场问卷调查表您是否喜爱运动?是□ 否□您是否经常购买运动系列的用品?是□ 否□您对体育品牌的了解有多少?很少□ 一般□ 很多□您是否听说过“NIKE” “ADIDAS” “PUMA”等国际知名品牌?是□ 否□您是否经常购买这些知名品牌?是□ 否□您对国产运动品牌的印象如何?不好□ 一般□ 好□您是否购买过“NIKE”的商品?没有□ 偶尔□ 经常□您是否购买过“李宁”的商品?没有□ 偶尔□ 经常□您对国产运动品牌商品的质量是否感到满意?不满意□ 一般□ 满意□您对国产运动品牌的价位有什么看法?便宜□ 一般□ 太贵□您对国际运动品牌的价位有什么看法?便宜□ 一般□ 太贵□您大概觉得运动系列用品(包括服装,鞋和体育用品)的价位是多少才能接受? 100—300元以下□ 300—600元以下□ 600—1000元以下□您对于运动产品的购买更倾向与哪方面?(可多选)价格□ 功能□ 流行□ 品牌□ 其他□您对于国内外品牌更钟爱哪个?国内□ 国外□您的性别是:男□ 女□您的年龄:少年□ 中青年□ 老年□您的职业为:学生□ 工人□ 老板□ 其它□您的月收入为:500元以下□ 500—1000元□ 1000—5000元□ 5000元以上□您对市场上销售的运动产品有什么看法?产品的价位太高难以接受□ 产品质量应该加强□产品的售后服务应该加强□ 产品的款式应该更加新颖□篇二:市场问卷调查表范文《市场问卷调查表范文》1 明确调查目标进行市场调查,首先要明确市场调查的目标,按照企业的不同需要,市场调查的目标有所不同,企业制定经营战略时,必须调查宏观市场环境的发展变化趋势,尤其要调查所处行业未来的发展状况;企业制定市场营销策略时,要调查市场需求状况,市场竞争状况,消费者购买行为和营销要素情况;当企业在经营中遇到了问题,这时应针对存在的问题和产生的原因进行市场调查。
2 设计调查方案一个完善的市场调查方案一般包括以下几方面内容:2.1 调查目的要求根据市场调查目标,在调查方案中列出本次市场调查的具体目的要求。

感谢您的配合与支持!一、客户信息客户姓名:客户电话:公司名称:所在地区:二、调查问卷第一、产品类1 、XXX 目前都有哪些产品( )A XXXXXB XXXXXC XXXXXD XXXXXE XXXXXF XXXXXG XXXXH XXXXI XXXX2 、XXX 产品的性价比你认为( )A 性价比高B 性价比低C 无性价比3 、XXX 产品的品质你认为( )A 很好B 较好C 一般D 很差4 、XXX 的产品花色你认为( )A 超前B 比较新颖C 花色陈旧D 一般5 、XXX 产品配套性你认为( )A 很完善B 不完善C 单一D 一般6 、XXXX 的产品方向你认为向( )发展。
A 零售渠道B 工程渠道C 批发渠道D 整装渠道E 所有渠道F 其它8、你认为 XXXX 是否有基础转型做品牌( )A 有基础B 无基础C 还需积累9、假设 XXXX 转型品牌你认为以下哪些行为( )你能接受。
A 提高品质B 提升价格C 加大宣传力度D 统一售价E 加强专卖店建设10 、XXXX 转型做品牌以下管理( )你是否能接受。
A 规范价格B 规范政策C 规范服务D 一切按制度第二、服务类1 、你认为 XXX 目前的物料是否齐全( )A 齐全B 不齐全C 不断开发D 不知道2 、XXX 目前的物料政策是( )A 自费物料B 免费领用C 根据业务申请D 不清楚3 、XXXX 目前开单服务( )A 准确无误B 即时沟通C 差错较多D 因人而异4 、XXXX 目前在跟单方面态度如何( )A 态度很好B 态度很差C 态度一般D 不知道5 、XXXX 目前在专卖店建设方面,哪些认为你能接受( )A 公司免费设计B 自行自主设计C 加强建店指导D 加强建店补贴E 不需要6 、XXXX 目前在产品培训方面你认为哪种方式比较好( )A 到公司总部培训B 分区培训C 单个客户培训D 远程视频培训第三、业务类1 、你认为业务员应具备以下那些( )素质:A 经验丰富B 知识丰富C 爱岗敬业D 沟通能力E 协调能力F 指导能力G 综合素质2、你喜欢的业务人员类型为( )A 新手B 老手C 新老无所谓D 新手但爱岗敬业3、业务人员在服务你的过程中你认为以下( )哪种帮到你?A 服务型业务员B 管理型业务员C 提升型业务员D 忽悠型业务员4、服务你的业务人员姓名是( )你认为他在态度方面。

希望各位留下您宝贵的意见,让我们能更好地为您服务! 1、您知道中国人寿保险股份有限公司是一家什么性质的保险公司吗? A.隶属于国务院直接领导的国有控股公司 B.民营保险公司 C.其他2、您知道中国人寿的保险资金用于投资以下哪些渠道?A.西气东输工程B.华东华南电网改造工程 C .大亚湾核电站 D .三峡工程 F.其他 3、您对保险了解多少?A.了解,它不仅具有经济补偿和资金融通功能,还具有社会管理功能B.了解一点,但不多,是规避风险的重要工具之一C.不了解4、购买保险时,您最看重的是什么?A.保险公司的财务实力B.保险公司的口碑C.保险业务员的专业能力D.产品的吸引力E.保险公司对公益活动参与度5、在决定够买保险时,您最希望了解什么?A.保险对您及家人有什么用B.买什么保险更合理C.买多少保险才是合理的D.业务员是否一直服务 E公司是否可靠6、您认为影响您购买保险的最主要因素是什么?A.收入达不到B.收入允许,但觉贵C.收入允许,但觉得没有必要E.保险不如储蓄划算 D.保险产品不符合需求7、您认为人们不买保险的原因是什么?A.不需要B.没遇到合适的代理人C.没钱D.不了解保险的好处 8、您购买过哪种保险产品?A.健康险B.寿险C.意外险D.财产险E.责任险F.其他险种G.未购买9、目前,您家庭最主要的投资方式有哪些?A.储蓄B.股票C.房地产D.保险E.其他 10、如果目前买保险,您更为关注哪方面的风险问题?A.养老B.子女教育C.大病医疗D.意外伤害E.家庭理财11、如果您考虑买保险,您觉得一年缴多少钱比较合适? A.1000元以下B.1000—5000元 C.5000—10000元 D.30000以上受访者基本资料姓名:□男□女□未婚□已婚(有子女:□男孩□女孩出生日期:年月日职业:联系电话:家庭住址:保险市场调查问卷样本二中国保险市场调查问卷概况:年轻时的我们一直在为国家的养老制度做贡献,但年老时的我们谁又肯问津?俗话说:年轻时为年老时做准备才叫大智慧,今天仍在忙碌的您,是否为年老时做好了准备?本页为该问卷的详细内容,不可回答,仅供预览。

标题: XX公司市场调查
C. 一般
D. 不经常
C. 一般
D. 不满意
C. 一般
D. 不满意

☐500以下☐500—1000 ☐1000—1500 ☐1500以上
☐饮食☐手机通讯☐生活用品☐学习用品☐KTV ☐电影院☐网吧☐恋爱费用支出☐医疗☐服饰☐化妆品☐其他7、您的学校周边有哪些消费场所?
☐KTV ☐电影院☐美容美发☐医院

1.请问您现在戴哪一种眼镜?□框架眼镜□隐形眼镜□未配眼镜□视力好,不需配2.假若您已经近视尚未配眼镜,您准备;□配框架眼镜□配隐形眼镜□不配镜3.您选择框架眼镜是因为:□价格适中□方便□一般近视者都戴□其他4.您未配隐形眼镜是因为:□价格过高□怕伤眼睛□未听说过□其他5.戴眼镜给体育运动带来了一些不便,对此您持何种态度?□无所谓□无可奈可,不戴不行□运动时少戴□换成隐形眼镜6.长期戴框架眼镜,会使眼睛不同程度的变形,对此您持何种态度?□无所谓□无可奈何□尽量少戴□换成隐形眼镜7.您现有的眼镜价格大约是多少?□框架眼镜价格□隐形眼镜价格□未配□价格——8.如果您想买隐形眼镜,请问您最高能随以下哪一种价格?□30美元左右(普通形) □40-50美元(精品形) □70美元左右(订做)9.您购买眼镜的经济需求,家里是否会予以满足?□是□否□其他10.请您将所知道的隐形眼镜的品牌写下来:(1)——(2)————(3)————(4)——(5)————(6)————二、调查样本的选择调查样本是XX市重点大学的大学生。

三、调查内容1. 个人信息- 性别:- 年龄:- 职业:- 手机使用年限:2. 购买意愿- 您是否打算购买新手机?- 如果是,您计划在何时购买?- 您更倾向于购买哪个品牌的手机?- 您购买手机的主要考虑因素是什么?3. 品牌认知- 您是否熟悉以下品牌?- 品牌A- 品牌B- 品牌C- 您对以上品牌的印象如何?4. 使用满意度- 您对当前使用的手机满意度如何?- 您在使用手机过程中遇到过哪些问题?- 如果有改进手机的建议,您会提出吗?5. 竞争对手比较- 您是否了解市场上其他品牌的手机?- 如果是,您认为这些品牌相比于您当前使用的手机有哪些优势?- 您是否愿意考虑购买其他品牌的手机?四、调查方法本次调查采用在线问卷的方式进行,调查对象为18岁及以上的手机用户。
五、数据分析与应用1. 数据分析- 对问卷数据进行统计分析,包括频数分析、比例分析等。
- 对不同群体的回答结果进行比较,如不同性别、年龄段、职业等。
- 分析消费者购买意愿、品牌认知和使用满意度之间的关联性。
2. 应用建议- 根据调查结果,针对消费者需求和关注点,进行产品改进和创新。
- 根据竞争对手的优势和劣势,优化市场营销策略,提高品牌竞争力。
- 根据消费者的建议和意见,改进售后服务,提升用户满意度。

1.调查时间20xx年11月1日 2.调查对象选取不同的地点,把问卷随机发放到学生消费者的手中,选址主要在安徽机电职业技术学院内部各个地方3.调查内容1、了解学生消费水平;2、消费者对商品价格的看法;3、超市的内部环境对超市经营的影响;4、超市的服务水平如何;5、商品成列对人们购物的影响、;6、超市的内部管理机制是否合理完善。

Marketing strategy questionnairePrepared by:Da te:PurposeUse this template to capture the key information that you need to develop a thorough marketing strategy. Then use the information that you collect, along with other development tools, to build your key marketing strategy.This template is divided into the following question sections:1. .............................................................................................................. Background 22. ......................................................................................................................... M arket 33. ...................................................................................................... Target Audience 54. .............................................................................................................. Competition 75. ...................................................................................................................... Offering 96. ................................................................................................................... M essages 117. .................................................................................... S ales and Buying Process 138. ........................................................................................................................ Pricing 151. BackgroundA. What business are we in? (What needs does our business meet in themarketplace?)(2–3 sentences)B. What services and/or products do we provide?(1 paragraph)C. What are our business objectives over the next two years? Be as specific aspossible, and make sure to address the following goals:•Number of customers•Revenue•Profit•Market shareD. What compelled us to start this business?2. MarketA. What is the market opportunity? What is the market size? Be sure to look atmarket size with respect to geography and to industry.B. How can the market be segmented into logical customer groupings?C. What are the key industry trends that are fueling our success? What industrytrends can inhibit our success?D. What is the economic climate now and in the next couple of years? How willthe economic climate affect our business?E. Is our business or market affected by business cycles or seasons? If so,describe how it is affected.3. Target AudienceA. What market segments are we targeting (list segment name andcharacteristics)? What segments are we not targeting?B. What kind of audience are we targeting? What are its members' demographicsand psychographics (for example, what keeps them awake at night, including both fears and opportunities)? List multiple audiences in order of priority.C. What is our customer’s primary reason for buying or wanting to useour product or service?D. Why would someone prefer our offering versus that offered by thecompetition? (You might want to answer the section on competition and thencome back to this question.)E. Are there any issues or concerns that the target audience mighthave regarding this type of product or service?4. CompetitionA. What categories of competition threaten our success? Label eachcategory, and identify its key characteristics. Prioritize the categories from greatest to least threatening.B. Which companies pose the greatest threat, and how do theydifferentiate themselves? What strategic or tactical elements do they use that threaten our success? List the strengths and weaknesses for each of these elements.C. Which competitors have the largest market share within our targetmarket segments? Which competitors have the greatest visibility with our target audience?D. How will we differentiate ourselves to best combat competition?E. What barriers to entry into the marketplace are we creating for ourselves?5. OfferingA. What need is our offering designed to fill? Identify the need for eachtarget audience.B. What features and associated benefits does our offering provide?Identify features and associated benefits for each target audience.C. How do we deliver the features identified in item B? Be specific—thisis the proof that we can do what we say.D. Of these features, which ones differentiate us from the competition?E. What improvements can we make to our offering to better meetcustomer needs?F. What new offerings would our customers most like us to develop?6. MessagesA. What does each of our identified target audiences know and believeabout us today?B. What is the single most important message that we mustcommunicate to ALL of our target audiences?C. What evidence can be used to support the claim that we make in oursingle most important message?D. List the single most important message that we must communicateto EACH target audience. (This might or might not be the same answer as in item A.)E. What evidence can be used to support the claims for each messagelisted in item D?F. What happy clients do we have today that we can reference in our communications? What did they buy from us, and why are they happy?G. What kind of personality do we want to portray in our communications? What tone? What flavor?H. What is the net impression about our company or offering that we want clients and partners to take away after each interaction with our company?7. Sales and Buying ProcessA. What is the process for selling our services or products (list the key milestonesin the process)? Do we use any of the following processes?•Direct personal sale•Direct online sale•Indirect through channelsB. Who is involved, both from our company and from our sales channelpartners, in each step of the sales process?C. How does our target audience buy our type of offering? Is the purchase animpulse buy or a planned purchase?D. What purchase process steps do the members of our target audience follow?Does this process vary based on the vendor that they select? If the processdoes vary, explain how and/or why?E. What buying criteria does our target audience use to select an offering?F. What criteria does our target audience use when selecting a vendor or amanufacturer?8. PricingA. How important is price in the decision process? (See the “Sales and BuyingProcess section” above.)B. What is our current pricing structure, including discounts, product options,rebates, and so on? Do our customers understand it?C. Which of our competitors is considered the price leader? What does the priceleader charge for its offering? How does the price leader determine its price?D. What are our other competitors charging for their offerings?E. What can be done to reduce costs without affecting quality?F. What tradeoffs of price or value, or of both price and value, do customersmake?G. What is the perceived value of our offering as compared to its price?H. What service(s) do we currently include in the price of our product? Whatservices can we consider now and in the future?I. Are competitive price changes anticipated in the near future?J. What industry trends are going to drive prices down? What industry trends are going to drive prices up?。

Marketing strategy questionnairePreparedby: Date: PurposeUse this template to capture the key information that you need to develop a thorough marketing strategy. Then use the information that you collect, along with other development tools, to build your key marketing strategy.This template is divided into the following question sections:1. .............................................................................................................. Background 22. ......................................................................................................................... M arket 33. ...................................................................................................... Target Audience 54. .............................................................................................................. Competition 75. ...................................................................................................................... Offering 96. ................................................................................................................... M essages 117. .................................................................................... S ales and Buying Process 138. ........................................................................................................................ Pricing 151. BackgroundA. What business are we in? (What needs does our business meet in themarketplace?)(2–3 sentences)B. What services and/or products do we provide?(1 paragraph)C. What are our business objectives over the next two years? Be as specific aspossible, and make sure to address the following goals:•Number of customers•Revenue•Profit•Market shareD. What compelled us to start this business?2. MarketA. What is the market opportunity? What is the market size? Be sure to look atmarket size with respect to geography and to industry.B. How can the market be segmented into logical customer groupings?C. What are the key industry trends that are fueling our success? What industrytrends can inhibit our success?D. What is the economic climate now and in the next couple of years? How willthe economic climate affect our business?E. Is our business or market affected by business cycles or seasons? If so,describe how it is affected.3. Target AudienceA. What market segments are we targeting (list segment name andcharacteristics)? What segments are we not targeting?B. What kind of audience are we targeting? What are its members' demographicsand psychographics (for example, what keeps them awake at night, including both fears and opportunities)? List multiple audiences in order of priority.C. What is our customer’s primary reason for buying or wanting to useour product or service?D. Why would someone prefer our offering versus that offered by thecompetition? (You might want to answer the section on competition and thencome back to this question.)E. Are there any issues or concerns that the target audience mighthave regarding this type of product or service?4. CompetitionA. What categories of competition threaten our success? Label eachcategory, and identify its key characteristics. Prioritize the categories from greatest to least threatening.B. Which companies pose the greatest threat, and how do theydifferentiate themselves? What strategic or tactical elements do they use that threaten our success? List the strengths and weaknesses for each of these elements.C. Which competitors have the largest market share within our targetmarket segments? Which competitors have the greatest visibility with our target audience?D. How will we differentiate ourselves to best combat competition?E. What barriers to entry into the marketplace are we creating for ourselves?5. OfferingA. What need is our offering designed to fill? Identify the need for eachtarget audience.B. What features and associated benefits does our offering provide?Identify features and associated benefits for each target audience.C. How do we deliver the features identified in item B? Be specific—thisis the proof that we can do what we say.D. Of these features, which ones differentiate us from the competition?E. What improvements can we make to our offering to better meetcustomer needs?F. What new offerings would our customers most like us to develop?6. MessagesA. What does each of our identified target audiences know and believeabout us today?B. What is the single most important message that we mustcommunicate to ALL of our target audiences?C. What evidence can be used to support the claim that we make in oursingle most important message?D. List the single most important message that we must communicateto EACH target audience. (This might or might not be the same answer as in item A.)E. What evidence can be used to support the claims for each messagelisted in item D?F. What happy clients do we have today that we can reference in our communications? What did they buy from us, and why are they happy?G. What kind of personality do we want to portray in our communications? What tone? What flavor?H. What is the net impression about our company or offering that we want clients and partners to take away after each interaction with our company?7. Sales and Buying ProcessA. What is the process for selling our services or products (list the key milestonesin the process)? Do we use any of the following processes?•Direct personal sale•Direct online sale•Indirect through channelsB. Who is involved, both from our company and from our sales channelpartners, in each step of the sales process?C. How does our target audience buy our type of offering? Is the purchase animpulse buy or a planned purchase?D. What purchase process steps do the members of our target audience follow?Does this process vary based on the vendor that they select? If the processdoes vary, explain how and/or why?E. What buying criteria does our target audience use to select an offering?F. What criteria does our target audience use when selecting a vendor or amanufacturer?8. PricingA. How important is price in the decision process? (See the “Sales and BuyingProcess section” above.)B. What is our current pricing structure, including discounts, product options,rebates, and so on? Do our customers understand it?C. Which of our competitors is considered the price leader? What does the priceleader charge for its offering? How does the price leader determine its price?D. What are our other competitors charging for their offerings?E. What can be done to reduce costs without affecting quality?F. What tradeoffs of price or value, or of both price and value, do customersmake?G. What is the perceived value of our offering as compared to its price?H. What service(s) do we currently include in the price of our product? Whatservices can we consider now and in the future?I. Are competitive price changes anticipated in the near future?J. What industry trends are going to drive prices down? What industry trends are going to drive prices up?。

啤酒市场调查问卷________ 女士 /先生,您好!我是广州市场研究公司的访问员。
我们正在进行一项有关 啤酒消费方面的研究,希望可以花十到十五分钟的时间了解一下您平常啤酒的消费情 况。
过滤部分:51. 请问您或您的家人有没有在以下行业工作的? (如果选择1-3则终止访问,回答 4则继续)市场调查/咨询 (1)啤酒相关行业 ................. 2 广告公司/新闻媒体 . (3)以上都没有 (4)52. 请问您的年龄是多少周岁 ____________ ?(记录年龄,并根据被访者的回答圈入1-5的选项)15-24 岁••• 1 - 25-34••岁••••2 - - 35-44•-岁•- 3 45-54 岁-4 - 55-64 岁• 5 - 注:小于15岁与大于64岁的被访者终止访问q1.请问您最近一次喝啤酒是在什么时候? (单选)最近一周内 .......... 1 最年一个月 .......... 3 最近半年内 ........... 5 最近两周内 . (2)最近三个月 (4)半年前(终止访问) (6)q2.请问您通常是在什么情况下会想到要喝啤酒? (多选,但不超过 3项)无聊 ............... 口渴时 ............. …1 …2 应酬时 .............. 聚会时 .............. …3 …4 看体育比赛 ......... 其它:请记录-•5 q3.请问你通常会在哪个时间饮用啤酒? (多选,但不超过 3项)早餐(8至10时)••... ...1 晚餐(18至20时)...■ (3)其它:请记录午餐(12至14时)•• ...2 宵夜(21至00时)...■ (4)q4.请问您通常会在下面哪些场所饮用啤酒?(多选, 但不超过 3项)宴席聚会时 ......... ...1 工作单位…4外出或旅游时 .......-• 7 在豕吃饭时 ......... ...2 休闲娱乐场所 ........ (5)其他:请记录酒吧/咖啡店 ........ (3)体育馆/运动中心…••••6q5.请问您最通常会与谁一起饮用啤酒? (多选,但不超过 3项)朋友 ............... …1 同事•.……3 一个人 .............. -• 5 客户 ............... •- - 2 家人••……4 其它:请记录q6.请问您喝啤酒时有什么感觉? (多选,但不超过3项)清爽、爽口有解渴感 •1 蛮享受的 ••...2 有型有品位感 .. (3)让人精神感觉轻松•• …4 借酒消愁••…5 很难受却为了应酬不得已要喝6跟朋友一起喝啤酒很开心 …… (7)其他:请记录q7.请问您饮用啤酒的频率通常是多少? (单选)天天喝 ............. ...1 1-2次倜 ........ …3 1次或以下/月 ......-• 53次或以上/周………22-3 次/月 ........ (4)其它:请记录q8.在包装的选择上, 请问您通常会饮用哪种包装的啤酒?(多选)罐•… …1 瓶 .........2 扌L ............... -•q9.请问您最近半年来平均每周的啤酒饮用量大概是多少?针对q7各包装消费者进行追问罐(罐装消费者)大瓶(瓶装消费者)小瓶(瓶装消费者)升(扎啤消费者)10罐/瓶或以上 .......... 1 ............. 1 .................. 1 ...... 7 -升或以上 ....... 1 ---5-9 罐/瓶 • • ---2 ....... .... 2 ....... ..... 2 • • 5-6.9 ---升• • • --2 .............3-4 罐/瓶• • •• • • 3 .. • • • • • • • ^3 • • • • • • •• •• • • •• • • ^3 . • 3-4.9 ---升• • • --3 ............. 1-2 罐/瓶• • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• •-1 -- •升或以下… •其它:请记录 ________________ _______________ ____________ 其它: _______________ q10.请问您通常是喝哪一种口味的啤酒?q11.据您所知,请问目前市场有哪些品牌的啤酒?还有吗?还有吗? (多选) q12.在这些品牌啤酒当中,请问最近半年内您饮用过的品牌有哪些?(多选)q13.在这些品牌啤酒当中,请问您平常最经常饮用的是哪一个品牌?(单选)知道的啤酒品牌曾饮用 最经常饮第一提及第二提及第三提及 的品牌 用的品牌珠江• • 1 ..... • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • •• • • •• • • • .......... 1 -生力• • 2 ..... • • • 2 .... ... 2 ...... ..... 2 •・ ------2 • 青岛 • • 3 .. .• • • • 3 .... • • • • • ^3 • •• • • • •• • • •• • • ^3 • • ------3 • 扌燕丿j • • 4* ............. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • .......... 4 -雪花 • • 5 .. ■ • • • 5 ....• • • • • ^5 • •• • • •------5 • 广氏菠萝6 • •' • 6 ........ • • 6 • • • • • • • • 6 •・ ------6 •百威 • • 7 ... .• • • • ^7 • • • • • • • • • • • • • ^7 • •• • • • •• • • •• • • ^7 • • ------7 - 麒麟• • 8 ..... • • • 8 .... • • • • • ^8 • •• • • • •• • • •• • • ^8 • • ------8 •蓝带 9 • • 9 - • • • • • • 9 ...... ••“ 9 .... ...... 9 -- ——————^9嘉士伯• 10 • • • • • 10 ... --10 ........ ...... 10 - ........... 10 蓝田纯生11 • .......... • 11 .. (11)喜力•• 12 ............. 12 .. (12)•12 12朝日• • 13 ............ 13 .. (12)•13 (13)普通型 ...... 1 纯生型2 其它:请记录其他: _________ ________ ______________ _________________ ___________ q14.请问主要是哪些方面吸引您经常饮用( 读出q12的品牌)品牌呢?(多选,但不超过3项)味道好• -• • • 1 • • •价格适中- • • 5 ••有名的品牌•• 9 •- -购买方便• • •• • •12由于习惯 • • • • 2 •广告影响• • 6 • •生产日期•• • -1 0 •朋友推存• •• • • • 13 产地• • -• • • 3 - •包装吸引- • • 7 • • •优惠条件••• -1 1 -•别人送的…• • • • 14 售货员介绍 4 •单位发的- • 8• •其他:请记录如被访者在 q10至12没有提及到麒麟啤酒的品牌须追问 q14q15.请问您有听说过麒麟啤酒吗? (针对上面没有提及到麒麟啤酒的消费者 )(单选)y 有• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • 亠 •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • 2^2 •• •如果被访者回答’T 则续问q15,如果选择’2',则跳问到个人信息部分q16.请问您是通过什么渠道知道麒麟啤酒的? (多选,但不超过 3项)超市 ......... • 1-•餐厅........ •5 '•大排档• •-• 9 • • •酒吧/咖啡厅• •-• 12- 便利店• • • • • 2 ••电视广告- • • 6 • •户外广告•-• 10 • -•杂志 ........... • • 13报纸 ......... • 3 ..分众传媒• • • •7 • ••朋友介绍•-• 11. -•其它:请记录个人信息部分X1请记录性别 (单选)男 ........... ............1 -• • • •女 ........... ............ 2 • •・ ・ ・. X2请问您目前的工作状态是 (单选):全时性固定工作 • 1 临时性工作 • 3学生-- • • 5 • •待业 --7 •非全时性固定工 • 2 主妇• • •-4 • •退休…• • • 6 • •其它: :记录X3请问您目前税前月收入(单选)1000 元或以下••1•-2001-3000 元…3 ••- 4001-5000 元---5 •…6001-7000 元---7 •…1001-2000 元.• 2 • • • 3001-4000 元.• 4 •…5001-6000 元——6 • • • 7001 元或以上…8 • •A1请问以下哪些活动是您较关注或感兴趣的? (多选,但不超过 3项)阅读 ............. 1 - • • •打乒乓球 ........ 8 - • • •健身/•健美操• •・15 • • •打排球 ............. 22 .............. 看电影 ........... 2 • • • •打网球 .......... 9 • • • •举重 ............. 16 • • •跑步 ............... 23 .................. 听音乐 ........... 3 • • • •打羽毛球 ........ 10 • • •骑自行车 ......... 17 • • •飞镖 ............... 24 .................. 旅游 ............. 4 • • • •登山 ............ 11 • • •散步 ............. 18 • • •台球 ............... 25 .................. 打保龄球 ........ 5 • • • •W 鱼 .............. 12 • • •踢足球 ............. 19 • • •其它:• • i 记录 ____ 打咼尔夫球•• • • 6 • • •滑冰 ................ 13 • • •跳舞 .............. 20 .................... 打篮球 ............. 7 • • • •滑旱冰 .......... 14 • • •游泳 .............. 21 ....................A2下面是一些有关生活态度的描述,请您给对应的语句打分。


谢谢!一、个人信息1. 姓名:2. 性别:a. 男b. 女3. 年龄:a. 18岁以下b. 18-24岁c. 25-34岁d. 35-44岁e. 45-54岁f. 55岁以上4. 联系方式(可选):a. 手机号码:b. 电子邮箱:二、购买习惯1. 您平均每月购买的商品数量是多少?a. 少于5件b. 5-10件c. 11-20件d. 21-30件e. 31件以上2. 您经常在哪些途径购买商品?a. 实体店铺b. 网上购物平台c. 移动APPd. 电视购物e. 其他,请具体说明:________________3. 您购买商品时最看重的因素是什么?a. 商品质量b. 价格优惠c. 品牌口碑d. 售后服务e. 商品外观f. 其他,请具体说明:________________4. 您愿意支付多少额外费用来获得更好的商品质量和服务?a. 5%以下b. 5%-10%c. 10%-20%d. 20%以上5. 您是否愿意接受推广活动和促销信息?a. 是b. 否三、现有产品调查1. 您是否曾购买过我们的产品?a. 是b. 否(请跳至问题3)2. 如果是,请评价以下方面:a. 商品质量:(1) 非常满意(2) 满意(3) 一般(4) 不满意(5) 非常不满意b. 价格合理程度:(1) 非常满意(2) 满意(3) 一般(4) 不满意(5) 非常不满意c. 售后服务:(1) 非常满意(2) 满意(3) 一般(4) 不满意(5) 非常不满意3. 您使用我们的产品有哪些问题或困扰?a. 商品质量问题b. 使用方法不清晰c. 售后服务不到位d. 无问题e. 其他,请具体说明:________________4. 您是否愿意推荐我们的产品给您的朋友和家人?a. 是b. 否四、期望与建议1. 您对我们的产品有什么期望或建议?_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________2. 您对我们的服务有什么期望或建议?_________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________3. 您对我们在市场竞争中的定位有什么建议?_________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________4. 您觉得我们还有哪些需要改进的地方?_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________非常感谢您的参与和支持!您的意见和建议将帮助我们不断改进,提供更好的产品和服务。

市场调查问卷范文1.您的基本情况:性别:口女士口先生您的年龄:口25岁以下口26—35岁口36—45岁口46—60岁口60岁以上2.您的受教育水准:3.您的就业情况:口在职口待业口下岗口退休口学生口军人人士口行政经理/人事经理口其他(请注明)5.您以前是否有过从商经验:口有口无6.您是否从事特许经营活动:口是口否7.假如您对特许经营感兴趣,您选择特许项目的标准将依次是:口加盟费低口知名度高口行业有发展潜力口特许体系完善8.您在特许经营方面打算投入多少资金?口l万元以下口l万~5万元(含5万元) 口5万~20万元(令20万元) 口20万~50万元(含50万元) 口50万~100万元(含l00万元) 口100万元以上9.您计划何时开始投资(请选一项)?口未来六个月口未来两年口未来一年口尚无计划10.假如您有投资计划,您最感兴趣的行业将是(请选出所有适用项目):(1)餐饮:口中式快餐口西式快餐口正餐口饮品(2)零售业:口便利店口百货店口超市口服装服饰口药店口眼镜店口其他(3)商业服务:口会计及审计事务口速印口速递口商业清洗口其他(4)汽车服务:口美容保养口维修口租赁口零配件口其他(5)其他行业:口教育培训口洗衣口美容和保健口IT行业口家居装修口彩扩店口房地产中介口其他(请注明)1l.您认为最有影响力的特许加盟品牌(请填写三家):中式快餐:中式正餐:西式快餐:餐饮老字号:汽车服务:超市、便利店:洗衣店:药店:美容和保健:服装专卖店:其他:12.主要从哪些报刊上理解特许经营方面的信息(请列出三个以上)?_______________、________________、________________13.您理解《商业特许经营管理办法》吗?口理解口不理解14.您是否参加过特许经营研讨会或展览会?口是口否15.您参加活动的主要目的是:口寻找盟主口招募加盟者口理解特许经营相关知识16.假如您是加盟者,您对您的特许总部的评价为:口满意口一般口不满意17.您认为合格的特许加盟体系应具备以下哪些条件(请选出所有适用项目):。

市场问卷调查表范文一大学生创业问卷调查表1. 你如何看待现在大学生的就业前景?A 继续找工作B 考研C 接受长辈经济援助创业D 自主创业2. 你是如何理解创业这个概念的?A 开办一家企业 B开创一份事业就行C 利用父母经济支持做生意 D.开发一项前沿科学技术3. 您认为创业教育是否有必要?A 非常必要 B一般必要 C没必要4. 您认为您最需要哪方面的创业教育?A 培养创业者的创业意识、创业能力等B 教授企业运营管理,社会关系能力等相关技能C 提供创业实战的机会5. 您认为对大学生创业教育的最好方法是(最多可选3项)A请成功人士讲授经验 B 到创业成功的企业实地考察 C在新闻媒体多宣传成功创业人士的经验D设立大学生创业基金E设立大学生创业启动项目 F建立校企联合的创业基地6. 您认为创业要求大学生最应该具备哪些方面的素质和能力?(最多可选3项)A 强烈的挑战精神B 良好的组织能力C 出色的沟通能力 D优秀的经营经验和市场意识 E专业的知识背景 F良好的社会关系7. 大学生创业,相对于其他群体你觉得有哪些优势?A 年轻有活力,勇于拼搏B 专业素质较高,有创新精神C 网络信息能力强,拥有大量信息D 对新鲜事物敏感,容易接受E.学习能力强,交际能力强8. 您认为当前大学生创业存在的主要障碍有(多选)A 缺乏经验B 缺乏社会关系C 缺乏启动资金 D缺乏良好的创业团队 E专业知识不够 F缺少创业机会 G国家的优惠政策不能有效落实 H 没有合适的创业项目9. 如果您想创业,您最希望得到学校哪方面的帮助?(最多可选3项)A 创业知识培训B 创业能力训练C 创业资金支持D 创业政策支持E 专家咨询指导 F创业场所支持 G 创业实践活动10. 您认为政府在大学生创业方面最应该做哪些扶持?(最多可选3项)A 大学生科技创业基金支持B 社会化专业化管理服务机构提供服务C 政策支持 D鼓励宣传E政府不应该扶持,不应再出台过多的这类政策,是大量的大学生盲目地选择创业注:本次调查由校团委授权KAB创业俱乐部组织,请大家认真填写。

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Marketing strategy questionnairePrepared by:Da te:PurposeUse this template to capture the key information that you need to develop a thorough marketing strategy. Then use the information that you collect, along with other development tools, to build your key marketing strategy.This template is divided into the following question sections:1. .............................................................................................................. Background 22. ......................................................................................................................... M arket 33. ...................................................................................................... Target Audience 54. .............................................................................................................. Competition 75. ...................................................................................................................... Offering 96. ................................................................................................................... M essages 117. .................................................................................... S ales and Buying Process 138. ........................................................................................................................ Pricing 151. BackgroundA. What business are we in? (What needs does our business meet in themarketplace?)(2–3 sentences)B. What services and/or products do we provide?(1 paragraph)C. What are our business objectives over the next two years? Be as specific aspossible, and make sure to address the following goals:•Number of customers•Revenue•Profit•Market shareD. What compelled us to start this business?2. MarketA. What is the market opportunity? What is the market size? Be sure to look atmarket size with respect to geography and to industry.B. How can the market be segmented into logical customer groupings?C. What are the key industry trends that are fueling our success? What industrytrends can inhibit our success?D. What is the economic climate now and in the next couple of years? How willthe economic climate affect our business?E. Is our business or market affected by business cycles or seasons? If so,describe how it is affected.3. Target AudienceA. What market segments are we targeting (list segment name andcharacteristics)? What segments are we not targeting?B. What kind of audience are we targeting? What are its members' demographicsand psychographics (for example, what keeps them awake at night, including both fears and opportunities)? List multiple audiences in order of priority.C. What is our customer’s primary reason for buying or wanting to useour product or service?D. Why would someone prefer our offering versus that offered by thecompetition? (You might want to answer the section on competition and thencome back to this question.)E. Are there any issues or concerns that the target audience mighthave regarding this type of product or service?4. CompetitionA. What categories of competition threaten our success? Label eachcategory, and identify its key characteristics. Prioritize the categories from greatest to least threatening.B. Which companies pose the greatest threat, and how do theydifferentiate themselves? What strategic or tactical elements do they use that threaten our success? List the strengths and weaknesses for each of these elements.C. Which competitors have the largest market share within our targetmarket segments? Which competitors have the greatest visibility with our target audience?D. How will we differentiate ourselves to best combat competition?E. What barriers to entry into the marketplace are we creating for ourselves?5. OfferingA. What need is our offering designed to fill? Identify the need for eachtarget audience.B. What features and associated benefits does our offering provide?Identify features and associated benefits for each target audience.C. How do we deliver the features identified in item B? Be specific—thisis the proof that we can do what we say.D. Of these features, which ones differentiate us from the competition?E. What improvements can we make to our offering to better meetcustomer needs?F. What new offerings would our customers most like us to develop?6. MessagesA. What does each of our identified target audiences know and believeabout us today?B. What is the single most important message that we mustcommunicate to ALL of our target audiences?C. What evidence can be used to support the claim that we make in oursingle most important message?D. List the single most important message that we must communicateto EACH target audience. (This might or might not be the same answer as in item A.)E. What evidence can be used to support the claims for each messagelisted in item D?F. What happy clients do we have today that we can reference in our communications? What did they buy from us, and why are they happy?G. What kind of personality do we want to portray in our communications? What tone? What flavor?H. What is the net impression about our company or offering that we want clients and partners to take away after each interaction with our company?7. Sales and Buying ProcessA. What is the process for selling our services or products (list the key milestonesin the process)? Do we use any of the following processes?•Direct personal sale•Direct online sale•Indirect through channelsB. Who is involved, both from our company and from our sales channelpartners, in each step of the sales process?C. How does our target audience buy our type of offering? Is the purchase animpulse buy or a planned purchase?D. What purchase process steps do the members of our target audience follow?Does this process vary based on the vendor that they select? If the processdoes vary, explain how and/or why?E. What buying criteria does our target audience use to select an offering?F. What criteria does our target audience use when selecting a vendor or amanufacturer?8. PricingA. How important is price in the decision process? (See the “Sales and BuyingProcess section” above.)B. What is our current pricing structure, including discounts, product options,rebates, and so on? Do our customers understand it?C. Which of our competitors is considered the price leader? What does the priceleader charge for its offering? How does the price leader determine its price?D. What are our other competitors charging for their offerings?E. What can be done to reduce costs without affecting quality?F. What tradeoffs of price or value, or of both price and value, do customersmake?G. What is the perceived value of our offering as compared to its price?H. What service(s) do we currently include in the price of our product? Whatservices can we consider now and in the future?I. Are competitive price changes anticipated in the near future?J. What industry trends are going to drive prices down? What industry trends are going to drive prices up?。