
Sun Solaris 7.0 Sun Solaris 8.0 Debian Linux 2.2 MandrakeSoft Linux Mandrake 7.1 RedHat Linux 7.0 MandrakeSoft Linux Mandrake 7.2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Common Criteria evaluation – In Preparation
Evaluation of Windows source code against International security criteria for evaluating
Third party expert review of key components Source code licensed to over 80 universities, labs, and government agencies
Make security a critical factor in design, coding and testing of every product Microsoft builds Cross-group design & code reviews Security Threat Analysis part of every design spec Red Team testing and code reviews Focus not confined to buffer overruns Security bug feedback loop & code sign-off requirements External reviews and testing by consultants and public
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Common Criteria evaluation – In Preparation
Evaluation of Windows source code against International security criteria for evaluating
Third party expert review of key components Source code licensed to over 80 universities, labs, and government agencies
Make security a critical factor in design, coding and testing of every product Microsoft builds Cross-group design & code reviews Security Threat Analysis part of every design spec Red Team testing and code reviews Focus not confined to buffer overruns Security bug feedback loop & code sign-off requirements External reviews and testing by consultants and public

1.1975年19岁的比尔·盖茨从美国哈佛大学退学,和他的高 中校友保罗·艾伦一起卖BASIC,又译培基。
2. 1980年,IBM公司选中微软公司为其新PC机编写关键的操 作系统软件,这是公司发展中的一个重大转折点。
3. 1995年,微软推出了独立于DOS系统的Windows 95操作系 统
三、以人为本 微软的企业文化处处体现了以人为本的人文关怀理念。
为企业员工创造最舒适的办公环境,为每个员工提供独立的办公室,弹性工作制,以及在办公区 域设置娱乐设施等,都是把人放在第一位加以考虑和关照的结果。 以人为本更深一层的含义是以人才为本。在微软,人才的重要超过其他一切因素。
活跃在微软的一句话是:雇比我优秀的人。也就是鼓励所有员工去发现和发掘人才,并把更优秀 的人才引入微软。
在微软公司里,员工穿着都很随便,牛仔裤和T恤反而成了微软的主流装束。在两个办公楼之间有 个空中走廊,摆了游戏机,而且都是免费的。
众所周知,微软实行弹性工作制,不一定非要按时上下班。微软将这种工作制发扬光大,成为高 科技企业文化一个重要的组成部分,这也是微软的特色之一。
这说明微软公司 的经营宗旨是随着拾到的 发展而不断变化的。同样 的道理,微软的企业文化 也在不断地完善和发展。 但最能体现微软企业文化 精髓的,还是比尔盖茨先 生的一句话:“每当清晨 你醒来时,都会为技术 进步及其为人类生活带 来的发展和改进而激动 不已”。
1.1975年19岁的比尔·盖茨从美国哈佛大学退学,和他的高 中校友保罗·艾伦一起卖BASIC,又译培基。
2. 1980年,IBM公司选中微软公司为其新PC机编写关键的操 作系统软件,这是公司发展中的一个重大转折点。
3. 1995年,微软推出了独立于DOS系统的Windows 95操作系 统
三、以人为本 微软的企业文化处处体现了以人为本的人文关怀理念。
为企业员工创造最舒适的办公环境,为每个员工提供独立的办公室,弹性工作制,以及在办公区 域设置娱乐设施等,都是把人放在第一位加以考虑和关照的结果。 以人为本更深一层的含义是以人才为本。在微软,人才的重要超过其他一切因素。
活跃在微软的一句话是:雇比我优秀的人。也就是鼓励所有员工去发现和发掘人才,并把更优秀 的人才引入微软。
在微软公司里,员工穿着都很随便,牛仔裤和T恤反而成了微软的主流装束。在两个办公楼之间有 个空中走廊,摆了游戏机,而且都是免费的。
众所周知,微软实行弹性工作制,不一定非要按时上下班。微软将这种工作制发扬光大,成为高 科技企业文化一个重要的组成部分,这也是微软的特色之一。
这说明微软公司 的经营宗旨是随着拾到的 发展而不断变化的。同样 的道理,微软的企业文化 也在不断地完善和发展。 但最能体现微软企业文化 精髓的,还是比尔盖茨先 生的一句话:“每当清晨 你醒来时,都会为技术 进步及其为人类生活带 来的发展和改进而激动 不已”。

应用软件:Internet Explorer、Microsoft Office、 Windows Media Player
硬件产品:微软鼠标、Xbox游戏机、便携媒体播放设备 Zune
其他:必应搜索(bing)、Linux Device Driver for Virtualization Windows Server 2008 R2 11 、Exchange 2010、Micrisoft Desktop OptimizationR2一些游戏作品、 Microsoft Security Essentials安全软件、Office Web Apps、 Windows Mobile 6.5、Zune HD播放器、MSN Messenger
域继续发展。 右图为1998
年推出的DSS80扬 声器。
当时日本的索尼、世嘉和任天堂三大公司主宰着 全球的游戏主机市场,微软凭借自己的Xbox打破 这种市场格局。Xbox是微软公司的DirectX团队负 责开发的,实际上这款游戏主机最初的型号就被 命名为DirectX Box。
持256K的内存,显示色彩为256色 。
微软在软件方面有着巨大的技术优势,但是纵观微软的 发展史,其实微软除了重视软件的开发外也一直努力在硬 件领域打造自己的优势。
微软在1983年推出1983年推出的微软鼠标(Microsoft Mouse)亲切地称为“绿眼怪兽”,它可以与Microsoft Word和记事本兼容,专为改善Microsoft Word应用 体验,微软还专门推 出了一款教程指导消 费者如何使用这款设 备。虽然这款鼠标现 在看起来非常的落后, 但在1983年鼠标正在 普及的年代,这无疑 是一款非常前卫的鼠 标。
硬件产品:微软鼠标、Xbox游戏机、便携媒体播放设备 Zune
其他:必应搜索(bing)、Linux Device Driver for Virtualization Windows Server 2008 R2 11 、Exchange 2010、Micrisoft Desktop OptimizationR2一些游戏作品、 Microsoft Security Essentials安全软件、Office Web Apps、 Windows Mobile 6.5、Zune HD播放器、MSN Messenger
域继续发展。 右图为1998
年推出的DSS80扬 声器。
当时日本的索尼、世嘉和任天堂三大公司主宰着 全球的游戏主机市场,微软凭借自己的Xbox打破 这种市场格局。Xbox是微软公司的DirectX团队负 责开发的,实际上这款游戏主机最初的型号就被 命名为DirectX Box。
持256K的内存,显示色彩为256色 。
微软在软件方面有着巨大的技术优势,但是纵观微软的 发展史,其实微软除了重视软件的开发外也一直努力在硬 件领域打造自己的优势。
微软在1983年推出1983年推出的微软鼠标(Microsoft Mouse)亲切地称为“绿眼怪兽”,它可以与Microsoft Word和记事本兼容,专为改善Microsoft Word应用 体验,微软还专门推 出了一款教程指导消 费者如何使用这款设 备。虽然这款鼠标现 在看起来非常的落后, 但在1983年鼠标正在 普及的年代,这无疑 是一款非常前卫的鼠 标。

Microsoft in 1992 established(建立)the first representative office in Beijing, China, and since then, Microsoft in China have set up the Microsoft China research and development center, Microsoft global technical support center, and Microsoft Asia research institute and other scientific research, product development and technical support services. Now what is the total number of employees of Microsoft in China more than 900 people, formed in Beijing headquarters(总部),branch offices in Shanghai, guangzhou, the architecture of the Microsoft China become Microsoft features the most complete unit outside the headquarters of the United States.
The Microsoft spiri: S M A R T
:Specific (特定的、范围明确的,而不是宽泛的) :Measurable (可以度量的,不是模糊的) :Attainable (可实现的,不是理想化的) :Result-based (基于结果而非行为或过程) :Time-based (有时间限制,而不是遥遥无期的)

Enable your users
People-centric approach
Protect your data
Unify your environment
Enable your users
People-centric approach
Protect your data
Hybrid Identity
Mobile Device & Application Management Apps
Access & Informati on Protectio n
Desktop Virtualization
Unify your environment
Access to Pooled or Personal Virtual Desktops running Windows Client OS
Remote Desktop Session Host deployed on cloud infrastructure services
High performance, app compatibility
Managed Office mobile apps Identity, device, apps, data Architecture matters
Mobile Device & Application Management
Managed productivity with Office mobile apps Mobile app management and app wrapping

查询用于检索数据,报表用于展示数据,窗体用于输入和编辑数据。在Access中,可以通过查询设计 、报表向导和窗体向导等工设计可以通过“查询”菜单中的“设计视图”打开,在查询设计视图中,可以选择表、字段和条 件来构建查询语句。报表和窗体可以通过“创建”菜单中的“报表向导”和“窗体向导”来创建,根 据向导提示选择数据源、字段和布局方式等参数即可快速生成报表和窗体。
表是数据库中最基本的对象之一,用于存储数据。在Access中,可以通过设计视图创建表,并定义字段、数据类 型等属性。
首先,需要打开设计视图,选择“视图”菜单中的“设计视图”。在表设计视图中,可以添加字段、设置字段名 称和数据类型,以及设置主键等属性。完成设计后,可以保存并关闭设计视图,Access会自动创建表。
Access具有直观的用户界面和丰 富的帮助文档,使得用户可以快 速上手并轻松地创建和管理数据
Access支持多种数据源和文件格 式,用户可以轻松地导入和导出 数据,实现数据的共享和交换。
Access可以与其他微软办公软件 如Word、Excel和Outlook等集 成,方便用户在办公环境中使用
为了满足更多用户的需求,未来Access可能会推出更多跨 平台版本,支持Windows、Mac、iOS等多种操作系统。
通过实际操作,不断熟悉 Access的各种功能和工具 ,提高自己的操作技能。
参加专业的培训课程,系 统地学习Access的知识和 技能,加深对Access的理 解。

Microsoft introduction
• The address Company
headquarters (Redmond) • Chief executive officer(CEO): Steven A. Ballmer Country: America
• Staff number:90000
Bill Gates& Microsoft
计算机工程学院移动1班 第五组:刘雪梅 陈连芳 姜明慧 马帅 侯博强 刘超
•1.Microsoft introduction •2. History of Microsoft •3. Main products •4. Spirit and Slogan •5. Microsoft icon •6. Bill Gate •7. Appendix
The Microsoft spirit
• The Microsoft spirit each department
· S - Specific · M - Measurable · A - Attainable · R - Result-based · T - Time-based
Bill Gates married Melinda French Gates on Jan, 1st in 1994.They have three children .In the spare time, Bill has passion in reading books and playing golf。.
Microsoft products:
Microsoft Office
• Microsoft Office is a proprietary commercial

Microsoft developed a variety of software products, including the operating system, office software, programming language compiler(编译 器)and interpreter(解释器), Internet client programs, such as a web browser(浏览器)and email client.
Harvard three years later. He put all his time and energy into designing programs for Microsoft Cooperation which established in 1975 by Bill and
his friend Paul Allen.
:Time-based (有时间限制,而不是遥遥无期的)
比尔·盖茨是美国商业大亨、慈善家,作 家,和微软的董事长,他创立的软件公司 和他的伙伴。他是排名一直是世界上最 富有的人之一,最富有整体在2009年。 在他的职业生涯在微软,盖茨举行首席 执行官和首席软件设计师的职位
In 1973, Bill Gates was matriculated by Harvard but he quitted from
微软是一个美国公司成立于1975年,微软 是全球个人计算机软件行业和商业领袖。 微软公司为用户提供范围广泛的产品和 服务,和软件通过杰出的人在任何时间和 任何地点,通过任何设备的沟通技巧。
company development
Harvard three years later. He put all his time and energy into designing programs for Microsoft Cooperation which established in 1975 by Bill and
his friend Paul Allen.
:Time-based (有时间限制,而不是遥遥无期的)
比尔·盖茨是美国商业大亨、慈善家,作 家,和微软的董事长,他创立的软件公司 和他的伙伴。他是排名一直是世界上最 富有的人之一,最富有整体在2009年。 在他的职业生涯在微软,盖茨举行首席 执行官和首席软件设计师的职位
In 1973, Bill Gates was matriculated by Harvard but he quitted from
微软是一个美国公司成立于1975年,微软 是全球个人计算机软件行业和商业领袖。 微软公司为用户提供范围广泛的产品和 服务,和软件通过杰出的人在任何时间和 任何地点,通过任何设备的沟通技巧。
company development

1973年,比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)考上了哈 佛大学,但他从哈佛大学三年后离开。 他把他所有的时间和精力投入到微软合 作的设计项目,成立于1975年由比尔和 他的朋友保罗•艾伦(Paul Allen)。
He was committed to long –term development and improving the functions . Owing to Bill’s talent and
微软是一个美国公司成立于1975年,微软 是全球个人计算机软件行业和商业领袖。 微软公司为用户提供范围广泛的产品和 服务,和软件通过杰出的人在任何时间和 任何地点,通过任何设备的沟通技巧。
company development
Microsoft in 1992 established(建立)the first representative office in Beijing, China, and since then, Microsoft in China have set up the Microsoft China research and development center, Microsoft global technical support center, and Microsoft Asia research institute and other scientific research, product development and technical support services. Now what is the total number of employees of Microsoft in China more than 900 people, formed in Beijing headquarters(总部),branch offices in Shanghai, guangzhou, the architecture of the Microsoft China become Microsoft features the most complete unit outside the headquarters of the United States.
He was committed to long –term development and improving the functions . Owing to Bill’s talent and
微软是一个美国公司成立于1975年,微软 是全球个人计算机软件行业和商业领袖。 微软公司为用户提供范围广泛的产品和 服务,和软件通过杰出的人在任何时间和 任何地点,通过任何设备的沟通技巧。
company development
Microsoft in 1992 established(建立)the first representative office in Beijing, China, and since then, Microsoft in China have set up the Microsoft China research and development center, Microsoft global technical support center, and Microsoft Asia research institute and other scientific research, product development and technical support services. Now what is the total number of employees of Microsoft in China more than 900 people, formed in Beijing headquarters(总部),branch offices in Shanghai, guangzhou, the architecture of the Microsoft China become Microsoft features the most complete unit outside the headquarters of the United States.

Broad platform strength drove double digit revenue growth
14% Y/Y Growth
Information Worker Revenue
Q2 Summary Annuity billings ahead of expectations Office 12 technical beta released to partners and customers Technical preview of the upcoming release of Office Live
Rest of FY06 Preview
Continue to expect double digit revenue growth Investing in our business ahead of product launches and in our online assets
Financial Summary
Microsoft Business Solutions
14% - 15%
Mobile & Embedded Devices
> 30%
Home & Entertainment
80% - 100%
35% - 45%
Operating income (GAAP)
$4.5 - $4.6 billion
$17.9 - $18.3 billion
Operating income (ex. Legal charges)1
14% Y/Y Growth
Information Worker Revenue
Q2 Summary Annuity billings ahead of expectations Office 12 technical beta released to partners and customers Technical preview of the upcoming release of Office Live
Rest of FY06 Preview
Continue to expect double digit revenue growth Investing in our business ahead of product launches and in our online assets
Financial Summary
Microsoft Business Solutions
14% - 15%
Mobile & Embedded Devices
> 30%
Home & Entertainment
80% - 100%
35% - 45%
Operating income (GAAP)
$4.5 - $4.6 billion
$17.9 - $18.3 billion
Operating income (ex. Legal charges)1

ll Gates is an American business magnate, philanthropist, author, and chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with his partner. He is ranked consistently one of the world's wealthiest people and the wealthiest overall as of 2009.During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of CEO and chief software architect.
Harvard three years later. He put all his time and energy into designing programs for Microsoft Cooperation which established in 1975 by Bill and
his friend Paul Allen.
微软是一个美国公司成立于1975年,微软 是全球个人计算机软件行业和商业领袖。 微软公司为用户提供范围广泛的产品和 服务,和软件通过杰出的人在任何时间和 任何地点,通过任何设备的沟通技巧。
Microsoft in 1992 established(建立)the first representative office in Beijing, China, and since then, Microsoft in China have set up the Microsoft China research and development center, Microsoft global technical support center, and Microsoft Asia research institute and other scientific research, product development and technical support services. Now what is the total number of employees of Microsoft in China more than 900 people, formed in Beijing headquarters(总部),branch offices in Shanghai, guangzhou, the architecture of the Microsoft China become Microsoft features the most complete unit outside the headquarters of the United States.
Harvard three years later. He put all his time and energy into designing programs for Microsoft Cooperation which established in 1975 by Bill and
his friend Paul Allen.
微软是一个美国公司成立于1975年,微软 是全球个人计算机软件行业和商业领袖。 微软公司为用户提供范围广泛的产品和 服务,和软件通过杰出的人在任何时间和 任何地点,通过任何设备的沟通技巧。
Microsoft in 1992 established(建立)the first representative office in Beijing, China, and since then, Microsoft in China have set up the Microsoft China research and development center, Microsoft global technical support center, and Microsoft Asia research institute and other scientific research, product development and technical support services. Now what is the total number of employees of Microsoft in China more than 900 people, formed in Beijing headquarters(总部),branch offices in Shanghai, guangzhou, the architecture of the Microsoft China become Microsoft features the most complete unit outside the headquarters of the United States.

1 主流软件
MS提供的软件产品已经成 为计算机行业的主流。
2 创新影响
MS的创新对整个计算机行 业产生了深远的影响。
3 用户便捷
MS通过产品和服务为全球 用户带来便捷和便利。
1 975年
1 980年
1 990年
推出了Windows 3.0,开始成为主流操作系
1. 操作系统
Windows系列操作系统,如 Windows 10、Windows Server 等。
本PPT课件旨在介绍微软(Microsoft)的基本知识,包括公司历史、产品和对 计算机行业的影响。
MS的全称是Microsoft,是一家全球知名的计算机软件及相关服务公司。提供各种应用软件,包括操作系统、办公软 件、开发工具、数据库、游戏等。
2. 办公软件
Office系列软件,如Word、 Excel、PowerPoint等。
3. 开发工具
Visual Studio系列软件,用于开 发Windows应用程序。
4. 数据库
SQ L Server,用于管理和处理大量数据。
5. 游戏
Xbox游戏机和Xbox Live服务。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
company development
Microsoft products:
Windows 1.0
Windows 2.0
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 85 .Research , development production and sales
比尔·盖茨是美国商业大亨、慈善家,作 家,和微软的董事长,他创立的软件公司 和他的伙伴。他是排名一直是世界上最 富有的人之一,最富有整体在2009年。 在他的职业生涯在微软,盖茨举行首席 执行官和首席软件设计师的职位
In 1973, Bill Gates was matriculated by Harvard but he quitted from
Bill Gates
Bill Gates is an American business magnate, philanthropist, author, and chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with his partner. He is ranked consistently one of the world's wealthiest people and the wealthiest overall as of 2009.During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of CEO and chief software architect.
Microsoft is a US company established in 1975, Microsoft is the world's personal computer software industry and business leaders. Microsoft provide users with a wide range of products and services, and software to people through outstanding at any time and any place, by any equipment communication skills.
1973年,比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)考上了哈 佛大学,但他从哈佛大学三年后离开。 他把他所有的时间和精力投入到微软合 作的设计项目,成立于1975年由比尔和 他的朋友保罗•艾伦(Paul Allen)。
He was committed to long –term development and improving the functions . Owing to Bill’s talent and
微软是一个美国公司成立于1975年,微软 是全球个人计算机软件行业和商业领袖。 微软公司为用户提供范围广泛的产品和 服务,和软件通过杰出的人在任何时间和 任何地点,通过任何设备的沟通技巧。
company development
Microsoft in 1992 established(建立)the first representative office in Beijing, China, and since then, Microsoft in China have set up the Microsoft China research and development center, Microsoft global technical support center, and Microsoft Asia research institute and other scientific research, product development and technical support services. Now what is the total number of employees of Microsoft in China more than 900 people, formed in Beijing headquarters(总部),branch offices in Shanghai, guangzhou, the architecture of the Microsoft China become Microsoft features the most complete unit outside the headquarters of the United States.
Bill Gates& Microsoft
Company introduction company development Research , development production and sales company culture
Company introduction
Harvard three years later. He put all his time and energy into designing programs for Microsoft Cooperation which established in 1975 by Bill and
his friend Paul Allen.
Microsoft developed a variety of software products, including the operating system, office software, programming language compiler(编译 器)and interpreter(解释器), Internet client programs, such as a web browser(浏览器)and email client.
company development
Microsoft products:
Windows 1.0
Windows 2.0
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 85 .Research , development production and sales
比尔·盖茨是美国商业大亨、慈善家,作 家,和微软的董事长,他创立的软件公司 和他的伙伴。他是排名一直是世界上最 富有的人之一,最富有整体在2009年。 在他的职业生涯在微软,盖茨举行首席 执行官和首席软件设计师的职位
In 1973, Bill Gates was matriculated by Harvard but he quitted from
Bill Gates
Bill Gates is an American business magnate, philanthropist, author, and chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with his partner. He is ranked consistently one of the world's wealthiest people and the wealthiest overall as of 2009.During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of CEO and chief software architect.
Microsoft is a US company established in 1975, Microsoft is the world's personal computer software industry and business leaders. Microsoft provide users with a wide range of products and services, and software to people through outstanding at any time and any place, by any equipment communication skills.
1973年,比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)考上了哈 佛大学,但他从哈佛大学三年后离开。 他把他所有的时间和精力投入到微软合 作的设计项目,成立于1975年由比尔和 他的朋友保罗•艾伦(Paul Allen)。
He was committed to long –term development and improving the functions . Owing to Bill’s talent and
微软是一个美国公司成立于1975年,微软 是全球个人计算机软件行业和商业领袖。 微软公司为用户提供范围广泛的产品和 服务,和软件通过杰出的人在任何时间和 任何地点,通过任何设备的沟通技巧。
company development
Microsoft in 1992 established(建立)the first representative office in Beijing, China, and since then, Microsoft in China have set up the Microsoft China research and development center, Microsoft global technical support center, and Microsoft Asia research institute and other scientific research, product development and technical support services. Now what is the total number of employees of Microsoft in China more than 900 people, formed in Beijing headquarters(总部),branch offices in Shanghai, guangzhou, the architecture of the Microsoft China become Microsoft features the most complete unit outside the headquarters of the United States.
Bill Gates& Microsoft
Company introduction company development Research , development production and sales company culture
Company introduction
Harvard three years later. He put all his time and energy into designing programs for Microsoft Cooperation which established in 1975 by Bill and
his friend Paul Allen.
Microsoft developed a variety of software products, including the operating system, office software, programming language compiler(编译 器)and interpreter(解释器), Internet client programs, such as a web browser(浏览器)and email client.