
Sophomores: Summer
Summer is the season for flowers to bloom, and it's the season for you to enjoy the greatest passion in nature — love, love from your classmates, from your teachers and from your romance.
Freshmen: Spring
Spring is the season for nature to revive, to grow and to get ready to boom. Similarly, in college, spring is the season for you to acquire knowledge, to develop yourself and to lay a solid foundation for the future. It's the season of growth.
Juniors: Autumn
Autumn is a season of harvestin college.It's the season
for you to enjoy what you have achieved.
Seniors: Winter
Winter is the harshest season of the four, which presents so many difficulties and hardships. So winter is the season of change. Unpleasant as it may seem to some students, it is simply inescapable and beneficial to one's growth and maturity.

Unit 1Text A课文内容全解1. Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your life as you move from adolescence to young adulthood? (L.3, Para.1) adulthood/ˈædʌlthʊd/n. the state of being an adult成年:Many people are able to maintain friendships into adulthood.很多人能够把友谊维持到成年。
2. During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. (L.1, Para.2) 【英释】During this period, students are experiencing an identity crisis and are trying to find out who they are and what their strong and weak points are.3. First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda. (L.3, Para.4) 【英释】First, there is functional independence, which includes how an individual can handle his or her practical and personal affairs, such as learning how to spend money wisely, choosing his or her own clothes, and deciding what he or she is going to do every day.4. Fourth is freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.” (L.12, Para.4) 【英释】Children often feel very guilty in relation to their parents because they think they have done something wrong; they are also anxious because they are eager to please their parents; they sometimes feel unhappy because they think that their parents have not been fair to them; they feel that they are responsible to their parents for everything they do; they are always afraid of not saying the right thing or not behaving properly; all these may make them angry with their parents or make them feel resentful. These feelings reflect their emotional dependence on their parents. When they grow up, they usually strive for freedom from this.5. At the same time, these young adults are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world. (L.1, Para.6) affection/əˈfekʃn/n.①a gentle feeling of caring and loving喜爱;钟爱:She has great affection for her little brother.她很疼爱她的弟弟。
unit 6The telephone(精读第二版) 答案

Unit 6Text AThe TelephoneAnwar F. AccawiIV Key to ExercisesPreview2.Do the following exercises.1Translate, paying attention to the use of the bold type.1.这辆二手车买得很便宜。
2Give the corresponding adjectives of the following names of countries.1.Iraqi2.Pakistani3.Yemeni4.Lebanese5.Danish6. Hungarian7.Belgian8.Argentine9.Swedish10.Swiss11.Norwegian12.Polish3Review how these words are formed.These are compound adjectives consisting of a noun plus an adjective with the noun serving as a modifier of the adjective. Jet-black for example means as black as jet (a hard black material).4 Point out the word or phrase that doesn’t belong in each line.1.crush2.crack3.crunch4.valueless5.click6.enthroned7.breezemitment9.career10.obliterate5 Complete the verb phrases by putting in prepositions or adverbs listed below.1.for2.up3.for4.for5.for6.for7.down/u p8.up9.into/i n/down/up10.up11.up12.for13.up14.in15.into16.into17.up18.up19.up20.in21.up22.for23.up24.into25.in26.for/up27.up28.up29.up30.in31.for32.in33.in34.up35.down/up36.into37.for38.into39.for40.into41.into42.for43.down/up44.up45.up46.down/up47.for48.in49.up50.up51.forVocabulary1.Translate the following expressions. Into English1.to crack the walls2.to save souls3.to play hide-and-seek4.to slow to a trickle5.to grab sb by the hair6.to call sb names7.to rip her shirt8.to reveal the secret9.to resist progress10.to come into view11.to gather firewood12.to talk sb out of doing sth13.to wriggle one’s way out of14.to run errands15.to deliver sb from suffering16.to assure a steady supply17.to take the pressure off sb18.to keep him out of one’s hairInto Chinese1.梯田2.多岩石的山脉3.百日咳4.周围的村庄5.林中的一块空地6.细粉尘7.羊粪8.粘乎乎的双手9.强壮有力的的妇女10.旌旗如林11.第一手的资料12.漆黑的头发13.一位虔诚的天主教徒14.家务事15.一种让人感到在家般自在的声音16.手卷香烟17.有利可图/十分挣钱的生意18.一家肉铺19.它往日风采的空架子20.一所教会学校2. Replace the parts in bold type with appropriate words and expressions from the text.1.gave way: caved inburied:trapped2.asked for: chargedprofitable: lucrative3.persuade him not to: talk him out of itobstruct: resist4. a quarrel: a argumentdeveloping: escalating5.sent to: relayed to / delivered togather: assemble/congregateshow their strong disagreement with: protest against6.become all skin and bones: been reduced to mere skeletonsrescue: save/deliver7.started to: began to/proceeded tovery seriously and carefully: with utmost gravity8.destroyed: ruined/devastated/wreckedtore: cracked/split9.prevent unwanted visitors from bothering you:keepunwanted visitors off your hair10.heavily crowded: packed with peoplesqueeze: wriggle3.Translate the following sentences into English.1.Incredible as it may sound, I hear that they charge 40 yuan fora bowl of simple noodles.2.Sun Quan finally talked everybody into agreeing to put Lu Xun,a young scholar, in charge of (commanding) this decisive battle.3.He was arrested on the charge of (charged with) smuggling, butin accordance with the law, no citizen can be arrested without evidence.4.She dropped the plate on the ground, but it miraculously didnot break, landing without so much as a crack. OR …not break. It didn’t have so much as a crack5.I can assure you that if we dig a well deep enough here, we willstrike water. So if you guys have no objection, let’s getstarted/proceed.6.She takes delight in shifting the tables and chairs in this roomso as to give the room a new look.7.The focus of our economic development has shifted from thecoastal areas in the east to the central and western areas.8.He shifted/changed to the highest gear, thus leaving all theother cars far behind.9.I maintained that smoking should be forbidden, but he disagreedbecause he said that the tobacco industry was an important source ofgovernment revenue.10.The local people raised a strong objection to installing thecable car over that beautiful mountain.4.Choose the right words in their proper forms.11. assure2.assured3.reassuring4.insured; ensured5.ensure; reassured6.reassuringly21.twisted/turned2.twisted3.wring4.distorted/twisted5.twisted6.twisted7.wringing3 1. gathered/assembled2. assembling3. gather; gathered OR collect; collected4. gathering; assembled/gathered; collectors5. collect/gather6. collect; collecting; collection4 1. crack; break2. cracked; tear3. tore4. split; broke5. break; Split6. tore/ripped7. torn51. abandoned2. abandoned/deserted/forsaken; abandoned3. abandon/desert/forsake4. desert5. forsaken; deserted6. abandoned61. ignore2. neglect3. overlook4. neglected5. ignore6. neglecting5. Point out which of the following sentences contain paradox and which oxymoron.1.paradox2.paradox3.oxymoron4.oxymoron5.oxymorons6.paradox7.paradox8.paradox 9.oxymoron10.paradox11.paradox12.paradox13.paradox14.paradox15.oxymoron16.paradoxGrammar1.Learn to use as and though as concessive conjunction.1Group the patterns of concessive clauses in the following sentences into the categories listed below.1, 2, 3, 6; 4, 9; 5, 8; 7, 102Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets using the patterns of concessive clauses listed in the previous exercise.1.Simple as it is2.Much as he loves his children3.Try as he might4.Trash as it really is5.Happy and contented as they are in retirement6.Hard taskmaster though he appeared to be in the lab7.Tempting though it was8.Perfect talk show host though he is9.Much as I respect him10.Proud as they are of their father2.Learn to use “It is/was (high) time that sb did sth”.1Decide on the precise meaning of the structure.Note:The structure “it is/was (high) time (that)…” is used to convey two meanings. One is “approximately the right time”, the other being “past the appropriate time” For example, It’s time you went to bed can mean either that “You should have gone to bed much earlier” (often stated with emphasis on the word time), or that now is the appropriate time for you to go to bed. The precise meaning of this term depends on the tone of voice and/or the context.1,3, 6, 7, 2, 4, 5, 8。

Unit OneKey to ExerciseVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ2. differently, different3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。
It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。

现代大学英语精读第二版unit3-答案一,put in each blank the right form or derivative of the words in brackets1,The interior decoration(decorate)of this hotel will be in traditional (tradition) Chinese style.2. The building isfunctional(function). There is nothing verydecorativedecorate) in it.3,We need someone like her with managerial (manage)skills.She studied hotel management(manage) in Hong Kong.4, Those gentlerolling (roll) hills are adelightful(delight)sight.5,Occasionally(occasion), he would show remarkablecreativity (create).6, He looks all right.But he is rather forgetful(forget) these days.It is quite troublesome(trouble).7,His father is a highly respected(respect)professor who has wonadmiration(admire) for his impressive(impress) academic achievement.8, Proportionately(proportion), female students stillsurprising (surprise)outnumber male students in our university.9, Never act onimpulse(impulse).Impulsive(impulse) people always dothings they will regret later.10, Skydiving (skydive) must be anexhilarating(exhilarate) experience.二,translate the following sentences into English 1,他们都伸长脖子想看个究竟,就好像被一跟无形的绳子牵着。

Unit 1Text A课文内容全解1. Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your life as you move from adolescence to young adulthood? (L.3, Para.1)adulthood/ˈædʌlthʊd/n. the state of being an adult成年:Many people are able to maintainfriendships into adulthood.很多人能够把友谊维持到成年。
2. During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. (L.1, Para.2) 【英释】During this period, students are experiencing an identity crisis and are trying to find out who they are and what their strong and weak points are.3. First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda. (L.3, Para.4) 【英释】First, there is functional independence, which includes how an individual can handle his or her practical and personal affairs, such as learning how to spend money wisely, choosing his or her own clothes, and deciding what he or she is going to do every day.4.Fourth is freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistr ust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.” (L.12, Para.4) 【英释】Children often feel very guilty in relation to their parents because they think they have done something wrong; they are also anxious because they are eager to please their parents; they sometimes feel unhappy because they think that their parents have not been fair to them; they feel that they are responsible to their parents for everything they do; they are always afraid of not saying the right thing or not behaving properly; all these may make them angry with their parents or make them feel resentful. These feelings reflect their emotional dependence on their parents. When they grow up, they usually strive for freedom from this.5. At the same time, these young adults are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world. (L.1, Para.6)affection/əˈfekʃn/n.①a gentle feeling of caring and loving喜爱;钟爱:She has great affectionfor her little brother.她很疼爱她的弟弟。

现代大学英语精读2unit6课后题答案1、He always did well at school _____ having to do part-time jobs every now and then. [单选题] *A despite ofB. in spite of(正确答案)C. regardless ofD in case of2、My father?is _______ flowers. [单选题] *A. busy watering(正确答案)B. busy waterC. busy with wateringD. busy with water3、The Chinese team are working hard _______ honors in the Olympic Games. [单选题] *A. to win(正确答案)B. winC. winningD. won4、I had _______ egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. /5、( )He killed the enemy guard and made away _________the villagers. [单选题] *A. with the helpB. with helpC. with help ofD. with the help of(正确答案)6、If you want to _______, you’d better eat more healthy food and do more exercise. [单选题] *A. keep fatB. keep calmC. keep healthy(正确答案)D. keep on7、Will you please say it again? I _______ you. [单选题] *A. didn’t hear(正确答案)B. don’t heardC. didn’t heardD. don’t hear8、24.Kitty’s father ______ a policeman since 2 He loves helping people. [单选题] *A.isB.wasC.has been (正确答案)D.have been9、15.This kind of bread is terrible. I do not want to eat it ________. [单选题] *A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer10、John had planned to leave but he decided to stay in the hotel for _____ two days because of the heavy rain. [单选题] *A. otherB. another(正确答案)C. the otherD. others11、I’m _______ I must be leaving now. [单选题] *A. afraid(正确答案)B. thinkC. thoughtD. free12、____ wants to see you. [单选题] *A. Somebody(正确答案)B. AnybodyC. All the peopleD. No people13、Though my best friend Jack doesn’t get()education, he is knowledgeable. [单选题] *A. ManyB. littleC. fewD. much(正确答案)14、We often go to the zoo _______ Saturday mornings. [单选题] *A. atB. inC. on(正确答案)D. of15、57.Next week will be Lisa's birthday. I will send her a birthday present ________ post. [单选题] *A.withB.forC.by(正确答案)D.in16、78.—Welcome to China. I hope you'll enjoy the ________.—Thank you. [单选题] * A.tour(正确答案)B.sizeC.nameD.colour17、How lovely a day,()? [单选题] *A. doesn't itB. isn't it(正确答案)C.shouldn't itD.hasn't it18、My father always gets up early. He’s never late _______ work. [单选题] *A. toB. for(正确答案)C. onD. at19、It’s one of _______ means of transportation. [单选题] *A. cheapB. convenientC. second-handD. the most convenient(正确答案)20、There _______ no water or milk in the fridge. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. hasD. have21、How beautiful the flowers are! Let’s take some _______. [单选题] *A. photos(正确答案)B. potatoesC. paintingsD. tomatoes22、The red jacket is _______ than the green one. [单选题] *A. cheapB. cheapestC. cheaper(正确答案)D. more cheap23、—Is this Tony’s history book?—No, it isn’t ______.()[单选题] *A. himB. his(正确答案)C. heD. himself24、—What do you think of Animal World? —______. I watch it every day.()[单选题] *A. I don’t mind it.B. I like it.(正确答案)C. I can’t stand it.D. I don’t like it.25、The students in that university are not fewer than()in our university. [单选题] *A. the oneB. thatC. themD. those(正确答案)26、( ) _____ New York _____ London have traffic problems. [单选题] *A. All…andB. Neither….norC. Both…and(正确答案)D. Either…or27、41.—________ do you take?—Small, please. [单选题] *A.What size(正确答案)B.What colourC.How manyD.How much28、64.Would you like to drink ________?[单选题] *A.something else(正确答案)B.anything elseC.else somethingD.else anything29、_______ your help, I passed the English exam. [单选题] *A. ThanksB. Thanks to(正确答案)C. Thank youD. Thank to30、She _______ love cats, but one attacked her and she doesn’t like them anymore. [单选题]*A. got used toB. was used toC. was used forD. used to(正确答案)。

Unit11. V irtue is ... self-centered.By right action, we mean it must help promote personal interest.2.... (Poverty) was a product of their excessive fecundity...The poverty of the poor was caused by their having too many children.3. ...the rich were not responsible for either its creation or its amelioration.The rich were not to blame for the existence of poverty so they should not be asked to undertake the task of solving the problem.4. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God.It is only the result or effect of the law of the survival of the fittest applied to nature of to human society.5. It declined in popularity, and references to its acquired a condemnatory tone.People began to reject Social Darwinism because it seemed to glorify brutal force and oppose treasured values of sympathy, love and friendship. Therefore, when it was mentioned, it was usually the target of criticism.6. ...the search for a way of getting the poor off our conscience was not at an end; it w as only suspended.The desire to find a way to justify the unconcern for the poor had not been abandoned; it had only been put off.7. ...only rarely given to overpaying for monkey wrenches, flashlights, coffee makers, and toilet seats.Government officials, on the whole, are good; it is very rare that some would pay high prices for office equipment to get kickbacks.8. This is perhaps our most highly influential piece of fiction.It is a very popular story and has been accepted by many but it is not true.9. Belief can be the servant of truth---but even more of convenience.Belief can be useful in the search for truth, but more often than not it is accepted because it is convenient and self-serving.10. George Gilder... Who tells to much applause that the poor must have the cruel spur of their own suffering to ensure effort...George Gilder advances the view that only when the poor suffer from great misery will they be stimulated to make great efforts to change the situation, in other words, suffering is necessary to force the poor to work hard.11. But these marks of wild country called to may father like the legendary siren song.Though the place was not pleasant or disagreeable, my father was deeply attracted to it precisely because of its unexplored, uncultivated natural state, and the challenge.12. "I'm afraid the day's going to catch us," I explained, wondering what great disaster might befall us if it did.As a little girl, I believed my father's words, and was genuinely afraid of the possible disaster--if we didn't hurry up, the day would catch us and terrible things might happen.13. ...from time to time he was halfheartedly sought for trial, though few crimes seemed to lead directly to his door.In this place, though the police wound make some effort without real earnest to investigate Watson and bring him to court, there seemed to be little concrete evidence to prove that he wasresponsible for certain illegal activities.14. The stranglehold Watson had over this section of Florida was not dissimilar to the unscrupulous activities of certain lawmen, other legal crooks, and even governors that our state was to suffer through its history.The control Watson had over this part of Florida was much similar to the dishonest or illegal activities of the law-enforcing officials and governors which Florida witnessed in the 20th century.15. There was the little shack, not the most gracious of living quarters, and there was a murderer for our nearest and only neighbor, about thirty miles away.Before the family built their own house, they lived in a shabby cabin at Gopher Key, close to the merciless Watson.16. King Richard in his gluttony never sat at a table more sumptuous than ours was three times a day...We had abundant food on the island, and even the meals enjoyed by King Richard, who was famous for his love of food, couldn’t possibly compare with ours.17. Despite the unrelenting heat, we were happy to be let off from our hours of school indoors, sessions which our mother kept every day, rain or shine.Although it was very hot outside in the sun, we were happy to be dismissed from my mother's sessions indoors. we would have to read and write with her every day no matter what the weather was like.Unit318. But this image, now repeatedly thrust before us in photographs, posters, and advertisements, is misleading.The Earth we see in photos, posters, and ads, which appears so beautiful, is not the true reflection of the world we live in, such image lulls us into complacency.19. The technosphere has become sufficiently large and intense to alter the natural processes that govern the ecosphere.Human activities have taken place over such large areas and with such intensity that they have already caused disastrous effects on ecology.20. ...which could establish itself only because it fitted properly into the preexisting system.the fish could play its role because it became a necessary link with the processes preceding it and the processes following it in the ecological system.21. Defined so narrowly, it is no surprise that cars have properties that are hostile to their environment.When cars are produced to serve such narrow purposes, it is not surprising that some of their characteristic qualities are harmful to the environment.22. Yields rose, but not in proportion to the rate of fertilizer application...the farmer applied more and more fertilizer, and the production did rise but did not increase at the same rate of the fertilizer.23...their waste is flushed into the sewer system altered in composition but not in amount at treatment plant...People eat plants and animals, and their waste is flushed into the sewer system. After being processed, the waste is still waste. the residue will go into rivers, oceans, and will have harmful effect on the aquatic ecosystem.24. Left to their own devices, ecosystems are conservative...If the ecosystems are not upset by outside intrusion, they will remain the same with very little change25.In contrast to the ecosphere, the technosphere is composed of objects and materials that reflecta rapid and relentless process of change and variation.The characteristics of the objects and materials in the technosphere are rapid change and great variety.26.But this is done only at the cost of understanding.if we take side in the war of the two words, we are doing so at the risk of failing to have a clear understanding of the nature and cause of the war, thus, we lose the chance to really solve the grave environmental crisis.Unit 4 Nettles1. How all my own territory would be altered, ad if a landslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss of Mike.The impact of Mike's leaving on my life was beyond my imagination. I didn't expect that Mike's leaving would have such a tremendous power that it would change the meaning of my existence completely. All my thoughts were about loss of Mike.2. During that time of life that is supposed to be a reproductive daze, with the woman's mind all swamped by maternal juices, we were still compelled to discuss Simone de Beauvoir and Arthur Koestler and "The Cocktail Party".At that time, we were young mothers, and we were supposed to lead a terribly busy life full of confusion and bewilderment caused by giving birth to and raising babies. and our minds were supposed to be fully occupied by how to feed the babies and things like that. However, in the midst of all this we still felt the need to discuss some of the important thinkers of our time like Simone de Beauvoir and Arthur Koestler and T. S. Eliot's sophisticated work "The Cocktail Party".3. ...I would be frightened, not of any hostility but of a kind of nonexistence.I would be frightened, and my fear was not caused by my neighbor's visibly hostile and violent way of life, but by a kind of formless and hidden emptiness and meaninglessness of human existence. What happened around me was totally irrelevant to me, and I felt very isolated and alienated.4. She did not ask me---was it delicacy or disapproval? ---about my new life.She did not ask me about my new life, either out of subtle consideration for my feeling about this sensitive subject or out of disapproval for my new life style.5. It would be a sleazy thing to do, in the house of his friends.It would be a morally low thing, an indecent thing to commit infidelity in the house of a friend.6. I knew now that he was a person who had hit rock bottom.I knew that he was a person who had experienced the worst in life, the hardest experience a person might have to endure.7. He and wife knew that together and it bound them, as something like that would either break you apart or bind you, for life.They experienced the worst together and they knew what it was like and understood the meaning of that experience. Such an experience posed the gravest test to people. If they stood the test, their friendship or marriage would be strengthened, and a sacred bondage would be formed between them. But if they failed the test, their relationship would be broken and they would be drivenapart.8. Not risking a thing yet staying alive as a sweet trickle, an underground resource. With the weight of this now stillness on it, this seal.If they acted on love, they would take risks. they wouldn't do that or go further in their relationship, but they would rather let their love remain as a sweet trickle, which would flow on gently and permanently, and as an underground resource, which would never be fully tapped but would never go dry.1....the national rejection of dogmatic preconceptions about the nature of the social and economic order1. There are such prejudices in an arrogant manner about the characteristic of the social order and economic order and they take it for granted. The country just rejected such prejudice.2 Nor can one suggest that Americans have been consistently vulnerability to secular ideology ever after2. No one can say that Americans have never been tempted by the approach of understanding, preserving or transforming the world according to rigid dogmas.3. .and any intellect so shaped was ...ever afterA mind influenced by Calvinist theology would surely find it somewhat difficult to resist other ideological temptations to ideological thinking.4. Pragmatism is no more wholly devoid...experiencePragmatism is not completely free from abstract ideas just as ideology is not completely free from experience, that is to say, abstract ideas have a place in pragmatism just as experience has a role in ideology.5. As an ideologist, however, Jefferson....historical curiosityAs a man following a fixed set of beliefs, Jefferson is only an interesting historical figure. His beliefs are out of date and are irrelevant to present-day reality.6. ...whose central dogma is confided to the custody of an infallible priesthoodTheir central beliefs are imprisoned by the whole body of priests who are always effective.7. ...where free men may find partial truths, but where ...on Absolute TruthIn this universe a person whose mind is unconstrained may be able to discover relation truths but no man on earth can claim that he has already grasped the one and only truth.8. But ideology is a drug; no matter how ...it still persists.Ideology has the characteristic of a narcotic. In spite of the fact that it has been proved wrong many times by experience, people still long to commit themselves to ideology.9. ...the only certainty in an absolute system is the certainty of absolute abuse.The only thing that is sure of a despotic system is the unrestricted exercise of power.10. The distinctive human triumph...lies in the capacity to understand the frailty of human striving ...nonethelessThe most outstanding achievement of humanity is they know that no matter how hard they try, they cannot achieve Absolute truth, yet they continue to make great efforts and refuse to give up Unit71. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human life.As a result of technological development, human belongs now have the power to put an end to poverty and human, misery, but at the same time they also possess the power to destroy the wholeworld, rendering it uninhabitable and lifeless.2. ...unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights...We do not want to see or to allow the slow destruction of those human rights.3. To those peoples in the huts and villages of half.....of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves...To the people of the underdeveloped countries living in poverty in rural areas, we are committed to helping them to rid themselves of mass poverty by their own efforts.4. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers.But we should not let any communist power take advantage of this alliance for progress to expand its influence.5. And let every other power know that this....of its own house.We want to make clear to the communist powers that Americas are the Americas of the Americans. Do not attempt to penetrate into this area.6. ...before the dark powers of destruction..... or accidental self-destruction.Before the world is destroyed by a nuclear war launched in a preemptive attack or caused by accident.7. ...yet both racing to alter the uncertain...of mankind's final war.Y et both sides attempt to get an edge in the nuclear arms race so as to break the mutual deterrence which has so far prevented the outbreak of a nuclear war.8. ...civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.To be ready to negotiate and establish friendly relations does not mean that we are weak or afraid. Declarations of sincere intention have to be tested by actions.9. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.Let the two sides use the fruits of science for the benefit of humanity rather than using high-tech weapons to kill and destroy.10. ...each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. 1. There have been occasions for each generations of Americans to be called upon to fight and die for their country.。

Unit 6Preview1. Listen to the recording of the text and choose the statement that best reflects your understanding.1. D2. C3. A4. C5. DVocabulary1. Become familiar with the rules of word formation.1. Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs.1. strain 7. realization 13. assurance2. teasing/tease 8. burial 14. astonishment3. dawn 9. scattering/scatter 15. expectation4. Death 10. grasp 16.insurance5. leak 11. appreciation 17. reflection6. inspection 12. flight 18. belief2. Give the corresponding verbs for the following nouns.1. stream 6. Accept2. state 7. encounter3. relate 8. Collect4. form 9. radiate5. recognize 10. identify3. Decide whether the missing letter is e, o or a.(注意:在不发音的e结尾的动词后面加er, or或ar时,应先删去该字母e;在以重读闭音节结尾的动词后面加er, or或ar时,如结尾只有一个辅音,则该辅音必须双写。
)1. reporter 10. supporter 19. composer2. professor 11. visitor 20. interpreter3.Editor 12.1iar 21.beggar4.Adviser 13. seller 22. sailor5.Robber 14. murderer 23. announcer6. actor 15.traveler 24. manager7. aggressor 16. scholar 25. invader8. beginner 17. author 26. creator9. passenger 18. successor 27. dealer4. Translate the following expressions, paying attention to the different use of the suffix “-ful”.1.令人羞愧的结果10.带着哭腔;声泪俱下地2.满满一碗米饭11.吃一大口3.色彩鲜艳的衣服12.一厢情愿的想法4.一个令人快乐的人13.有希望的形势5.满满一篮子的苹果14.一屋子的客人6.满满一盒巧克力15.一调羹油7.一小撮人16.一大捧书8.一条有帮助的建议17.痛苦的记忆9.一个有害的习惯18.活泼的性格5. Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the appropriate words listed below.1 acceptance2 occurrence3 astonishing, unrecognizable4 appreciative, expectations5 identical, identify, identifications2.Give corresponding synonyms and antonyms for the following words.3. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the appropriate phrases and expressions listed below. Note that some of them may be used more than once.1. After all, regarded as2. regarded as / in a sense, consists of3. for ages, at once4. were astonished at, After all5. calls for, on their part/ in turn6. dawned on, in case, melt into7. reflect on, in relation to, calls for8. cut, in, on their part/ in turn, work out4. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.1 off/ out2 off3 out/through4 through5 to, through6 to7 with8 on9 to 10 with5.Translate the following sentences into English using the words and expressions listed below.1. 当我们到达目的地时,我们发现这块地上已经没有任何建筑,只有一些石头散落在地上。

Unit 6 Vocabulary1. Translate the following expressions. Into Chinese1.吸毒者;瘾君子2.毒瘾3.令人上瘾的药物4.滥用毒品5.毒品交易6.毒品贩子7.与毒品有关的犯罪和死亡8.既得利益9.麻醉药品管理局10.黑社会11.去掉犯罪的污名12.禁果的诱惑13.治疗中心14.令人讨厌的大漏洞15.执法16.废除一条法律17.合法化的赞成者和反对者18.使吸毒失去魅力19.发动一场毫不手软的禁烟运动Into English1. kick drug addiction2. disprove the theory3. start / launch a crime wave4. get hooked on alcohols5. push drugs6. further criminalize drug-taking7. legalize gambling8. pump funds into education9. bail out the ocean with a teaspoon10. eliminate drug addiction11. repeal the law12. miss the boat13. underestimate the seriousness of the consequence14. confiscate property15. dwarf the previous achievements16. undercut the price17. deglamorize cigarettes18. project a new image19. ban TV ads20. take more repressive measures2. Supply words that can form a collocation with the word in bold type.1. take / abuse / push / inject / legalize / glamorize / prohibit / ban /carry / fight / confiscate / get hooked on / declare war on / stamp out / crack down on2. make / pass / repeal / enforce / violate / break / obey / change / enact / revise / observe / respect3. the prohibition / a finger / his head / her eyes / the sanctions4. a campaign / a frontal attack / an expedition / the steps / a horse5. a ban / a sanction / an embargo / a sales tax / a heavy fine / a heavy burden / one's will / one's values / one's ideas6. a cultural impression / the process / the verdict / the role / the trend / the chair / the car / the normal order3. Translate the following sentences into English.1 .We all know that cocaine is addictive. So is heroin. But actually power and money are addictive too. Those who get addicted to them are really very sick people.2. Scientists have been advocating returning reclaimed land to rivers, lakes, marshes and meadows.3. According to many economists, it is not always a good idea for the government to bail out financially insolvent companies. Sometimes, a company on the verge of bankruptcy is better allowed to go bankrupt.4. He has been caught red-handed. There is indisputable evidence thata whole chapter of his book was bodily lifted from a book written by another professor.5. Their government long since passed a law to ban the import and export of rare species of birds and animals. But the law is not easy to enforce.6. It is hard to make young people believe nowadays that there was a time when Chinese women were banned from wearing skirts. Jeans, foreign movies and Western music were all forbidden.7. In the darkness our ship hit a hidden rock, which left a gaping hole in the bottom. We all tried desperately to bail out the water, but the boat was sinking fast. Luckily a fishing boat was nearby and saved us from drowning.8. The demonstrators demanded that economic sanctions be lifted immediately because they usually only hurt ordinary, innocent people.9. At the meeting, both the advocates and opponents gave strong arguments, but most participants favored having further reforms placed on the agenda immediately.4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.1 .in, around2. down, from, in3. out, of, from, away4. into, for5. for, out, on, on6. after, on7. from, on, from8. for, in9. off/out, up10. out, in5. Replace the italicized parts with appropriate words and expressions from the text.1. proponents : advocates / supportersstarting : launchingplay down: minimize/underestimatedisastrous: catastrophic/ruinous/devastating2. gave rise to: led to3. give people the impression that he was: project the image of beingget: go after4. viewed as: regarded as/consideredadmission: confession/recognitionharsh: repressive5. persistent: relentlessforbid: ban/prohibit/outlaw6. transportation: trafficfar surpass: dwarf/exceed7. approval to: permission formet with: encountered/drew8. say: maintain9. become easily addicted to : get seasily hooked on10. finally became : ended up being11. sacred task : divine missionWipe out : crack down on6. Study the following sentences and point out where, if anywhere, the satire or irony lies.1. Will Rogers is being sarcastic about the American government which is providing endless raw materials for humorists by the silly things they say and do, thus making the job of humorists perfectly easy.2. This is also a satirical remark directed at government, which calls itsuse of violence as law although it is not always justifiable.3. This is a satirical remark about the fact that most people are guilty of plagiarism without being discovered.4. Irene Peter is obviously unhappy about the situation today. He uses "confused" and "thinking clearly" ironically.5. This is an ironical way of saying that it is useless trying to convince an ignorant man. Ignorant people usually have neither meaningful arguments nor the ability to understand other people's arguments. Therefore in an ironical sense, they are "invincible."6. This is a satirical remark about political or religious fanatics who easily become mobsGrammar1.Study and learn ways of enumeration (listing items).1.Note ways of enumeration and point out the type of enumeration used.1.Precedence (descending order of importance)there 2.Precedence (ascending order of importance, using three phrases ofbe instead of ordinal numbers)3.Equal importance2.Put in the blanks suitable expressions of enumeration.1.The next best, the very worst2.For one(thing), For the other, Finally / First, Second, Finally / In the first place, Then, Finally3.First, Second, Third / Firstly, Secondly, Third (Note:Some native speaker consider -ly poor style)plete the sentence by translating the Chinese in brackets using either of the structures below.1.It looked as though a compromise had reached2.when actually it had never proved effective on humans3.such was the advice that he gave his only son4.he didn’t sound as though he was ready to lend a helping hand5.when in fact in order to raise money for his father’s operation he had quit college and was working at a restaurant6.my mother felt as though h er life also ended7.it seems as though the rain would never stop8.when in fact is a policewoman whose job is to protect VIPs in times of emergency9.which made me feel as though I was a swan rather than an ugly duckling10.such was the depth of the feelings between them3.Study the grammatical structure of these involved。

现代大学英语精读3第二版答案【篇一:现代大学英语精读第二版unit3 答案】ht form or derivative of the words inbrackets1, the interior decoration (decorate) of this hotel will be in traditional (tradition) chinese style.2. the building is functional (function). there is nothing very decorative decorate) in it.3, we need someone like her with managerial (manage) skills. she studied hotel management (manage) in hong kong.4, those gentle rolling (roll) hills are a delightful (delight) sight. 5, occasionally (occasion), he would show remarkable creativity (create). 6, he looks all right. but he is rather forgetful (forget) these days. it is quite troublesome (trouble).7, his father is a highly respected (respect) professor who has won admiration (admire) for his impressive (impress) academic achievement. 8, proportionately (proportion), female studentsstill surprising (surprise) outnumber male students in our university.9, never act on impulse (impulse). impulsive (impulse) people always do things they will regret later.10, skydiving (skydive) must be an exhilarating (exhilarate) experience. 二,translate the following sentences into english他们都伸长脖子想看个究竟,就好像被一跟无形的绳子牵着。
大学英语精读3 Unit1-5 课后习题题目及答案+翻译

Unit 11)From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast.2)It was very clever of her to turn his argument against himself.3)I found a couple of shoes under the bed but they don’t make a pair.4)Dr. Bright always take his time as he examines his patients and treats them with extreme care. 5)British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered.6)Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorable(诚实的) young man.7)The key witness for the prosecution(原告方) was offered police protection after she received death threats.8)I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong.9)Having practiced for so long, the New York baseball team stand a chance of winning the World Series (美国职业棒球大赛) this year.10)At the trial ,Bob’s teacher, who was called as a character witness , said he was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before.Unit1 翻译1) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。
现代大学英语精读第二版-课后练习答案 - 副本

参考答案(Unit 1—8)4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。
They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。
Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。
It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。
He loves to show off his wealth, but this is all in vain. People still avoid him as though he were poison.5. 他不久就爱上了这个村子。
He soon fell in love with the village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together with other villagers.6. 我们必须花更多的钱来和全球气温上升作斗争。

• Alex has kicked cigarettes, heroin, and booze.
Text Analysis
How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?
How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?
Unit 6
Essay 1
Text Analysis
Essay 2
Essay 3
Detailed Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Detailed Analysis
ecstasy ice
III. Sentence Paraphrase
1. Simply: used for emphasizing that what you are saying is nothing more than what you say it is.
2. at cost: for only the amount of money that is needed to make or get sth., without any profit being added on.

Unit 4Preview2.Do the following exercises.1.Paraphrase the following sentences.1.He had opened his eyes when the sun rose;scratched because he had an itch on the skin; relieved himself like a dog at the roadside…Notice the euphemism “done his business.”The author could not have used the normal expression”used the toilet”because there was no toilet.2.Live simply and freely.Pay no attention to conventions; which are unnatural and useless. Avoid or get rid of all those unnecessary things that make our life complicated and wasteful…3.They own and control him. He is their slave. In order to get some goods that have no true value and will be useless very soon; he has sold the only true; lasting good; his own independence.4.He knew very well what he lived for:it was to change people’s values; to make them know the true meaning of life…5.He was the most popular/important/successful person at this particular moment or his century…2.Translate the words in bold type.1.我们那调皮的猫把我们的新沙发套都抓破了..2.你看问题别那么愤世嫉俗..你怎么能说我们的教育制度不但让我们的年轻人失业;而且使他们无法就业呢3.说来自相矛盾的是;他们越想帮忙;就越是妨碍了经济的发展..4.她正在使尽全力准备这一顿丰盛的晚餐..5.外汇储备太多不一定是件好事;这听起来有点矛盾;但的确是这么回事..6.我至今还不明白他们为什么抱怨我们政府的采购政策..你能跟我详细说说吗7.社会习俗同样也在变..先是量变;然后是质变..但这需要时间..3.Observe how these words are formed.1.-ware:articles of the same general kind2.auto-:prefix; meaning “same” or “self”3.These are compound adjective consisting of a noun and an adjective. In these words; the nouns modify the adjectives. Vocabulary1.Translate the following expressions.Into English1.scratch each other’s backs2.publish or perish3.make RMB convertible4.seek the truth5.discard conventions6.satirize people’s vanity and extravagance7.the island is uninhabited; and being without drinking water; isalso uninhabitable.8.admire their courage/guts/bravery9.neglect one’s duty10.escape/avoid the consequence11.erase/delete sth from one’s memory12.take command13.block the way/stand in the way/be in one’s way14.ruin one’s reputation/nameInto Chinese1.年久失修的防御工事2.临时占用或建造的简陋小棚3.储物缸4.容易变质的商品5.社会旧习6.摇摇晃晃的酒鬼7.隐士住的山洞8.此刻的风云人物9.英雄人物10.决定未来的气势11.咄咄逼人的眼光12.对战争的恐慌13.落石如雨14.一小撮捣乱分子2.Put in the blanks appropriate propositions or adverbs.1.with;of2.with;up3.round4.with;out;of5.to;out;of;for;in6.by;for7.upon;over;to8.For;into 9.in;to;to10.to;out;of;into3.Choose the right words or expressions.1.ashamed;garment2.resulted from;matter3.affairs;requires;restrain4.restrict;empty5.respected;emulating6.empty;bare;bare7.changed;hollow8.vacant;respectfully9.activities;convertughing;behavior4.Replace the italicized parts with words or expressions from the text.1.minds; lunatic2.sick with anxiety; purchase; were highly perishable3.call upon; realm; a large corps of; seek out4.elaborate doctrines/creeds; developed/described/expounded5.approached; rose in respect6.examined/inspected; inhabited; occasionally; discarded7.out of choice/by design; complexities and extravagances8.gave scant; expected him to9.possessed; unanimously elected10.switched; with his air of destiny5.Translate the following sentences using the words listed below in their appropriate forms.1.Only in this way can we give a reasonable account of his strange behavior.2.She claims to possess a magic power--the power to cure diseasessimply by the touch of her hand.3.He appointed five people to handle the case.They formed a strong team. Within days they found in his possession rolls of euros; US dollars and large quantities of valuables the source of which the suspect could not account for.4.In the story; this evil spirit often appears in the form of a pretty young lady.5.He rolled up the painting and said that he would not part with it for less than a million dollars.6.Of all the qualified judges; I don’t know on what account she was appointed to the Supreme court.7.I don’t know enough to form an elaborate theory; but I’m sure that poverty alone cannot account for the increase of the crime rate.8.A big stone suddenly rolled down the hill; so big that it smashed the truck to pieces.9.I said that we must roll up our sleeves and start working; but he just rolled his eyes philosophically and smiled.10.In ancient times; our philosophers believed that a good king should be to the people as a good father is to hi children. He must never treat them cruelly on any account.6.Translate with special attention to the different meanings of the same word or words which happen to have the same spelling.1.这事和我们没有关系;他弄错了抱怨的对象..bark v.狗叫2.据说这种树的树皮含有某种对癌症有疗效的物质..bark n. 树皮3.他们计划在哪里钻一个深洞来处理核燃料..但是这项计划受到了尖锐的批评..drill v. 钻孔; sharp adj. 尖锐的4.这些小学生们知道语言训练需要大量的练习..但他们发现这很枯燥..pupil n. 小学生;drill n. 操练5.他为那位银行要员准备了一桌极其丰盛的酒席;希望这能帮公司得到那笔贷款..难怪他今天穿得这么精神..elaborate adj. 丰盛的; sharp adj. 精神的6.这是大致的意思..以您的聪明;我想我就不用细说了..sharp adj. 机智的; elaborate v. 详细阐释7.瞳孔在昏暗的房间里会放大;以接受更多的光线..pupil n. 瞳孔8.那男子又高又瘦;两眼目光炯炯;鼻子又高又尖..sharp adj. 锐利的;sharp adj. 又高又尖的9.“别胡说八道了”他厉声说道..他嘴巴厉害的出名..坦白说;我们有点怕她..sharply adv. 厉声地; sharp adj. 厉害的10.那个骑车的人来个急转弯;失去了平衡..这事发生在下午八点一刻..sharp adj. 突然的; sharp adv. 整Grammar1.Recognize and learn to use present participles as adverbial modifiers.1 recognize the type of adverbial modifier in these sentences .Pattern 1: 1;4;6;10 pattern 2:3;7;8 pattern 3:2;5;92 rewrite the sentences using present participles .1 They talked to her for a good hour; trying to persuade her to stay on.2 Reading the book again ; she discovered that she had misseda lot in the first reading .3 The door opened .it was Harley ;who entered ;looking dirty and tired ;carrying a suitcase and umbrella.4 Having taken the injured boy and his parents to hospital ;the taxi driver left quickly.5 All those years ;she would often sit by the window and look out ;hoping to see her son returning home.6 Galileo died on January 8; 1642;leaving the world he loved better informed than it was when he entered it.7 Knowing it was dangerous to continue in the dark ;they decided to camp for the night where they were.8 I should wish to die while still at work ;knowing that others will carry on what i can no longer do ; and being content in the thought that what was possible has been done .2plete the sentence by translating the Chinese in brackets ;using either of the patterns below.Note: when ordinal;chiefly“first;”and such words as "next " and"last " are preceded by the definite article ;they are used as nouns .they are often used in these two patterns:the first /next/last+to-infinitivethe first /next/last+relative clause introduced by that or who Used in this way ;they can refer to one person/thing or to more than one .the first pattern is more frequently used than the second.1.The first to participate in the Olympic games2.The last to be promoted in the department3.The first to arrive ;the last to leave4.The first to send man into space;the first who set on the moon5.The next to rise the occasion6.One of the first to apply to become self-governing7.among the first to be considered8.The first to win a grand slam singles champion9.The last to know what had happened between the two of them10.The first to use nuclear weapons3. study the grammatical structure of these involved sentences.1. This is a complex sentenceMain clause :all we require is one garment to keep us warm ;and some shelter from rain and windIn the main clause :Subject: all we requirepronoun +relative clauseLink verb : isPredicative :one garment to keep us warm ;and some shelter from rain and wind noun phrase +prepositional phraseSubordinate clause :since nature did not dress us properly an adverbial clause of reason2. This is also complex sentenceMain clause :i t was a storage jar made of earthenware ;no doubt discardedIn the main clause :Subject: itLink verb : wasPredicative :a storage jar made of earthenware ;no doubt discarded noun phrase +2 past participle phraseSubordinate clause :because a break had made it useless an adverbial clause of reason4.Translate the selection into Chinese我为什么而活贝特朗.罗素三种简单却极为强烈的激情主宰了我的一生:渴望爱情、寻求知识、同情人类的苦难..这三种激情像飓风一般;将我四处吹荡;越过痛苦的海洋;抵达绝望的边缘..我追求爱情;首先因为它能使人欣喜若狂——这种喜悦比较美妙;我愿为几小时的享受而舍弃余生..其次;因为它能驱散孤独感——在那种令人害怕的孤独中;颤抖的意识越过世界边缘;盯着深奥莫测、没有生命的深渊..最后在爱的结合中;我看到了圣人和诗人想象中的天堂景象..这就是我曾寻求的;尽管这对人类生活似乎可望而不可即;但我最终还是找到了我之所求..带着同等的激情;我寻求知识..我希望了解人类的感情..我试图理解.......我获得了一些知识;但不多..爱情和知识;在其可能的范围之内;引导我飞翔天堂;但怜悯心总又把我带回人间..痛苦的哭喊声在我心中回响..饥荒中的儿童、受压迫者折磨的人们、成为孩子累赘而无依无靠的老人;还有随处可见的孤独;但我无能为力;我也痛苦..这就是我的生活..我认为这样的生活是有价值的;如果有机会;我将高高兴兴的以同样的方式再活一回..。

Unit 6 VocabularyInto Chinese1.吸毒者;瘾君子2.毒瘾3.令人上瘾的药物4.滥用毒品5.毒品交易6.毒品贩子7.与毒品有关的犯罪和死亡8.既得利益9.麻醉药品管理局10.黑社会11.去掉犯罪的污名12.禁果的诱惑13.治疗中心14.令人讨厌的大漏洞15.执法16.废除一条法律17.合法化的赞成者和反对者18.使吸毒失去魅力19.发动一场毫不手软的禁烟运动Into English1. kick drug addiction2. disprove the theory3. start / launch a crime wave4. get hooked on alcohols5. push drugs6. further criminalize drug-taking7. legalize gambling8. pump funds into education9. bail out the ocean with a teaspoon10. eliminate drug addiction11. repeal the law12. miss the boat13. underestimate the seriousness of the consequence14. confiscate property15. dwarf the previous achievements16. undercut the price17. deglamorize cigarettes18. project a new image19. ban TV ads20. take more repressive measures1. take / abuse / push / inject / legalize / glamorize / prohibit / ban / carry / fight / confiscate / get hooked on / declare war on / stamp out / crack down on2. make / pass / repeal / enforce / violate / break / obey / change / enact / revise / observe / respect3. the prohibition / a finger / his head / her eyes / the sanctions4. a campaign / a frontal attack / an expedition / the steps / a horse5. a ban / a sanction / an embargo / a sales tax / a heavy fine / a heavy burden / one's will / one's values / one's ideas6. a cultural impression / the process / the verdict / the role / the trend / the chair / the car / the normal order1 .We all know that cocaine is addictive. So is heroin. But actually power and money are addictive too. Those who get addicted to them are really very sick people.2. Scientists have been advocating returning reclaimed land to rivers, lakes, marshes and meadows.3. According to many economists, it is not always a good idea for the government to bail out financially insolvent companies. Sometimes, a company on the verge of bankruptcy is better allowed to go bankrupt.4. He has been caught red-handed. There is indisputable evidence that a whole chapter of his book was bodily lifted froma book written by another professor.5. Their government long since passed a law to ban the import and export of rare species of birds and animals. But the law is not easy to enforce.6. It is hard to make young people believe nowadays that there was a time when Chinese women were banned from wearing skirts. Jeans, foreign movies and Western music were all forbidden.7. In the darkness our ship hit a hidden rock, which left a gaping hole in the bottom. We all tried desperately to bail out the water, but the boat was sinking fast. Luckily a fishing boat was nearby and saved us from drowning.8. The demonstrators demanded that economic sanctions be lifted immediately because they usually only hurt ordinary, innocent people.9. At the meeting, both the advocates and opponents gave strong arguments, but most participants favored having further reforms placed on the agenda immediately.1 .in, around2. down, from, in3. out, of, from, away4. into, for5. for, out, on, on6. after, on7. from, on, from8. for, in9. off/out, up10. out, in1. proponents : advocates / supportersstarting : launchingplay down: minimize/underestimatedisastrous: catastrophic/ruinous/devastating2. gave rise to: led to3. give people the impression that he was: project the image of beingget: go after4. viewed as: regarded as/consideredadmission: confession/recognitionharsh: repressive5. persistent: relentlessforbid: ban/prohibit/outlaw6. transportation: trafficfar surpass: dwarf/exceed7. approval to: permission formet with: encountered/drew8. say: maintain9. become easily addicted to : get seasily hooked on10. finally became : ended up being11. sacred task : divine missionWipe out : crack down on1. Will Rogers is being sarcastic about the American government which is providing endless raw materials for humorists by the silly things they say and do, thus making the job of humorists perfectly easy.2. This is also a satirical remark directed at government, which calls its use of violence as law although it is not always justifiable.3. This is a satirical remark about the fact that most people are guilty of plagiarism without being discovered.4. Irene Peter is obviously unhappy about the situation today. He uses "confused" and "thinking clearly" ironically.5. This is an ironical way of saying that it is useless trying to convince an ignorant man. Ignorant people usually have neither meaningful arguments nor the ability to understand other people's arguments. Therefore in an ironical sense, they are "invincible."6. This is a satirical remark about political or religious fanatics who easily become mobsGrammar1.Study and learn ways of enumeration (listing items).1.Note ways of enumeration and point out the type of enumeration used.1.Precedence (descending order of importance)2.Precedence (ascending order of importance, using three phrases of there be instead of ordinal numbers)3.Equal importance2.Put in the blanks suitable expressions of enumeration.1.The next best, the very worst2.For one(thing), For the other, Finally / First, Second, Finally / In the first place, Then, Finally3.First, Second, Third / Firstly, Secondly, Third (Note:Some native speaker consider -ly poor style)plete the sentence by translating the Chinese in brackets using either of the structures below.1.It looked as though a compromise had reached2.when actually it had never proved effective on humans3.such was the advice that he gave his only son4.he didn’t sound as though he was ready to lend a helping hand5.when in fact in order to raise money for his father’s operation he had quit college and was working at a restaurant6.my mother felt as though her life also ended7.it seems as though the rain would never stop8.when in fact is a policewoman whose job is to protect VIPs in times of emergency9.which made me feel as though I was a swan rather than an ugly duckling10.such was the depth of the feelings between them3.Study the grammatical structure of these involved sentence.1.This is a complex sentence.Main clause:it might be good for our citizens to recall Qualifier:along with exhortation and warning (an adverbial modifying the main clause)Subordinate clause:Object clause:that the United Stated was the creation of men (the direct object of “recall”)Relative clause:who believe that each man has the right to do what he wants with his own life (modifying “men”)Adverbial clause of condition:as long as he dose not interfere with his neighbor’s pursuit of happiness (modifying “to do ”)2.This is a compound complex sentence.3 coordinate clause:each beginning with “it” as the subject 3 relative clause:1)(that) drugs now pump into the criminal underworld (modifying “the immense profits”)2)(that) drugs have for young people (modifying “the forbidden-fruit attraction”)3)That prevents many addicts from seeking help (modifying “the criminal stigma”)4.Translate the selection into English.选择越多……越幸福吗?选择越多,人们越幸福,这看似合乎逻辑,而实际情况却相反。

Key to ExerciseVocabulary3 Give the word that refers to a person coming from that land or area 答案:1. Japanese2. Italian3. Brazilian4. Iranian5. Cantonese6. Indonesian7. Cuban8. Vietnamese9. Lebanese10. Syrian11. Canadian12. Korean13. Egyptian14. Portuguese15. Indian16. Nepalese17. Chilean18. Russian19. Mexican20. Romanian21. Sudanese22 Mongolian4 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word “addict” or “consider”答案:1 addicts 2 addictive, addicted 3 addiction4 consider, consideration5 considerate6 Considerable, considered2 Complete the following verb noun collections or expressions答案:1. pitch2. meal, dish, food3. guests, friends4. take, plan6. faith, library books, friendship7. hitch8. drive, travel, cover9. people10. people, animals11. test, develop, prove12. conquer, feel13. make, take, accept14 nip15 touch, break3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets. 答案:1. that all nations realize that global warming is everybody’s bushiness2. that life is always full of opportunities and challenges/risks3. that all this has proved that our efforts have not been in vain4. that the earth moves round the sun5. that she had been admitted to that university6. that wives ought to stay at home7. that the best policy is to tell people the truth8. that he mentioned the other day that9. that our teacher once said that he had noticed that some students still had difficulties with their grammar.5 Fill in the brackets with the correct prepositions or adverbs答案:1 for2 into3 after4 away, over5 out of6 out, into 7. to, in 8 over, out for, for 9 to, about, on, across6. Translate the following sentences into English答案:1. The fuel/gas ran out, but he managed to make a safe landing in rice fields.2. There are already quite a few students who are considering running for the chairman of the Students’ Union.3. That student who was run over by the horse carriage is now out of danger. I consider him really lucky.4. It is said that this well has never run dry in the past hundreds of years, and this has been considered a miracle.5. We are running short of hands. You have just come in the right time.6. I’d rather have som e of our public works run by the state than by private businessmen.7. She warned me not to make friends with those who are always running after name and money.8. We warned them that what they did was against/a violation of the agreement/contract, and we would take legal action.7. Fill in the blanks with the correct word(s) in the brackets. More than one word may be correct.答案:1 remember/memorize2 remember/recall3 remember/recall4 remember, special5 middle6 center7 however, visits8 special, trip 9 particular, tour 10 found, found outGrammar2 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets, using a what-clause.答案:1. What farmers what most2. what they suggested3. what my parents said to me4. what they were trying to do5. what life was all about6. what they should get out of college7. what we need8. what you look like9. what the village had achieved in the past 30 years10. what the federal government should not do at the moment3 Translate the sentences using a what-clause or a present participle phrase答案:1. Do what you like without caring about what other people think.2. We should find out what the students think about the matter.3. We’ll do what we can to help the earthquake victims.4. I hope what I have written will be of help to other college students.5. Being journalism majors, we ought to keep ourselves informed of whatis happening around the world.6. “Stop thief!” a student called, raising his voice.7. Having nothing more interesting to do, the boy decided to take his alarm clock apart.8. Wang Lan opened the wardrobe, wondering what she should wear to the interview the next day.9. The village head went from door to door telling people to leave for a nearby hill.10. Realizing he’d been deceived, the old man reported the painful experience to the police.4. Fill in each blank of the passage with one suitable word.答案:1 easy2 away3 them4 running5 However6 change7 exercise8 can9 anyone 10 that5 Identify and correct the mistake(s) in each of the sentence.答案:1. Shortly after the Spring Festival, he returned to Beijing to prepare for a job interview.2. I don’t like the way some young people speak to their elders/pe ople older than themselves.3. it was in high school that Tommy first/ for the first time realizedhe was different from his peers.4. Turning the corner of the street, we found a new duck restaurant there. / As we turned the corner of the street, a new duck restaurant came into view.5. What they need most at the moment is encouragement, not merely financial support.6. Making a presentation in English for the first time, I was so nervous that my knees kept shaking. / When I was making a presentation inEnglish fore the first time, I was so nervous that my knees kept shaking.7. Being a spoiled child, Jim is rarely popular with other children.8. While training for the school sports meet, Linda ran at least five kilometers every day.9. He wrote to inform us that he was leaving for Australia next month.10. Knowing Grandma had heart trouble, Dad broke the bad news gently. / As he knew Grandma had heart trouble, Dad broke the bad news gently.Unit 9Key to ExerciseVocabulary6 Translate the following sentences into English答案:1. At first, he was very successful in his business, but then his success turned his head. His partners advised him to be more modest, but he turned a deaf ear to their advice.2. Jingke was very confident/sure that when he unfolded the map he would be able to kill the Emperor of Qin with the sharp knife/dagger hidden in it.3. We ought to welcome more and more wealthy people, but our law must make sure that they have made their fortune in honest ways.4. For years our school has produced many good students, most of whom have important positions in various departments.5. Due to cultural differences many foreigners are turned off at the sight of dog meat or cat meat.6. Whenever you have time, turn it over in your mind, will you?7. She used to consider philosophy dull and boring, but later she found that it turned out to be very interesting.8. His father had just turned fifty, and his hair has turned gray, but otherwise, he is quite all right.9. The power of government officials must be checked and balanced. Otherwise those who are supposed to be people’s servants will turn into people’s masters.10. He believed that it was worth trying because he knew that whatever you do, you must have people’s support.Grammar1 Translate the Chinese答案:1. no matter what / whatever happens2. no matter how old/young they are, whatever their age (is)3. No matter what/ Whatever you say4. no matter how much it costs5. No matter where/ Wherever his business took him6. No matter how / However we tried to reassure her7. no matter where/ wherever you are in the world8. no matter how/ however difficult your workmates/ colleagues are9. no matter how/ however difficult that is10. no matter what /whatever will happen to them2 Complete the response to each of the remarks using the wish that-clause pattern as shown in the examples.答案1. I had realized this2. I could help3. I had a brother4. I had his courage5. We could do more than we did6. I lived7. I had better news8. we could be9. she had listened to 10. I had been taught3 Translate the following sentences, using a conditional clause …答案1. Wherever he goes, he is recognized.2. No matter how hard I try, I can’t persuade him to play the part of Hamlet.3. No matter what you have planned for the future, your parents will support you.4. The boy hates crime and means to stop it whenever he can.5. No matter what you decide in the end, this digital dictionary is yours to keep for a semester.6. No matter how capable and efficient you are, you cannot finish the task on your own in three days.7. A well-known philosopher once said, ‘ I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep whenever I cannot keep awake. I am in good health.’8.I wish I could go and see my parents whenever I want.9. I wish I could express openly whatever I feel.10. I’ll do whatever I can to restore law and order in the region. ButI wish the riot had never happened.4 Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.答案:1. since2. has3. popular4. idea/ practice5. relationships6. ways7. tradition8. among/ with9. longer 10. text5 Identify and correct the mistakes in each of the sentences答案:1. This free copy is yours no matter whether/ if you buy any of our books. / This free copy is yours whether you buy any of our books or not.2. Wherever the people want us to go, we’d go there.3. In some ways we whish we could turn the clock back.4. On parting, the three of them decided to meet again at the same place in ten years.5. I wish my parents were as understanding as yours.6. The hotel treats its guests equally, no matter where they are from.7. His family and friends are all worried about him, for they haven’t heard from him for six weeks. / As his f amily and friends haven’t heard from him for six weeks, they are all worried about him.8. All these years, I have kept track of the progress of the project.9. Toward 10 pm, the man in the doorway became anxious; he was not sure whether his friend would come. / Toward 10 pm, the man in the doorway became anxious, for he was not sure whether his friend would come.10. I wish the earthquake had never happened.Unit 10Key to exerciseVocabulary2 Complete the following verb noun collocations or expressions答案:1. have / get / show / produce/ achieve the results2. have / take / accept / show / bear / assume responsibility3. discuss / debate / raise/ settle/ confuse / avoid issues4. pursue / have / develop hobbies5. have / make / lose / avoid contact6. save face / lives / time / money/ trouble7. remove roots / chairs/ hats / gloves / shoes / bandages / make-up/ doubts8. cultivate land / field / roses/9. eliminate enemies / rivals / opponents / suspects / errors10. produce oil / cars / cotton / results / a movie11. lack care / time / money / experience / patience / courage12. bury the dead / treasure / past / head13 nourish the plants / children / animals / relationship14. arrange meeting / appointments / time / place / flowers / business affairs6. Translate the following sentences into English答案:1. 如果他们拒绝归还小岛,他们两国的关系就不能完全正常化。
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Unit 6 VocabularyInto Chinese1.吸毒者;瘾君子2.毒瘾3.令人上瘾的药物4.滥用毒品5.毒品交易6.毒品贩子7.与毒品有关的犯罪和死亡8.既得利益9.麻醉药品管理局10.黑社会11.去掉犯罪的污名12.禁果的诱惑13.治疗中心14.令人讨厌的大漏洞15.执法16.废除一条法律17.合法化的赞成者和反对者18.使吸毒失去魅力19.发动一场毫不手软的禁烟运动Into English1. kick drug addiction2. disprove the theory3. start / launch a crime wave4. get hooked on alcohols5. push drugs6. further criminalize drug-taking7. legalize gambling8. pump funds into education9. bail out the ocean with a teaspoon10. eliminate drug addiction11. repeal the law12. miss the boat13. underestimate the seriousness of the consequence14. confiscate property15. dwarf the previous achievements16. undercut the price17. deglamorize cigarettes18. project a new image19. ban TV ads20. take more repressive measures1. take / abuse / push / inject / legalize / glamorize / prohibit / ban / carry / fight / confiscate / get hooked on / declare war on / stamp out / crack down on2. make / pass / repeal / enforce / violate / break / obey / change / enact / revise / observe / respect3. the prohibition / a finger / his head / her eyes / the sanctions4. a campaign / a frontal attack / an expedition / the steps / a horse5. a ban / a sanction / an embargo / a sales tax / a heavy fine / a heavy burden / one's will / one's values / one's ideas6. a cultural impression / the process / the verdict / the role / the trend / the chair / the car / the normal order1 .We all know that cocaine is addictive. So is heroin. But actually power and money are addictive too. Those who get addicted to them are really very sick people.2. Scientists have been advocating returning reclaimed land to rivers, lakes, marshes and meadows.3. According to many economists, it is not always a good idea for the government to bail out financially insolvent companies. Sometimes, a company on the verge of bankruptcy is better allowed to go bankrupt.4. He has been caught red-handed. There is indisputable evidence thata whole chapter of his book was bodily lifted from a book written by another professor.5. Their government long since passed a law to ban the import and export of rare species of birds and animals. But the law is not easy to enforce.6. It is hard to make young people believe nowadays that there was a time when Chinese women were banned from wearing skirts. Jeans, foreign movies and Western music were all forbidden.7. In the darkness our ship hit a hidden rock, which left a gaping hole in the bottom. We all tried desperately to bail out the water, but the boat was sinking fast. Luckily a fishing boat was nearby and saved us from drowning.8. The demonstrators demanded that economic sanctions be lifted immediately because they usually only hurt ordinary, innocent people. 9. At the meeting, both the advocates and opponents gave strong arguments, but most participants favored having further reforms placed on the agenda immediately.1 .in, around2. down, from, in3. out, of, from, away4. into, for5. for, out, on, on6. after, on7. from, on, from8. for, in9. off/out, up10. out, in1. proponents : advocates / supportersstarting : launchingplay down: minimize/underestimatedisastrous: catastrophic/ruinous/devastating2. gave rise to: led to3. give people the impression that he was: project the image of beingget: go after4. viewed as: regarded as/consideredadmission: confession/recognitionharsh: repressive5. persistent: relentlessforbid: ban/prohibit/outlaw6. transportation: trafficfar surpass: dwarf/exceed7. approval to: permission formet with: encountered/drew8. say: maintain9. become easily addicted to : get seasily hooked on10. finally became : ended up being11. sacred task : divine missionWipe out : crack down on1. Will Rogers is being sarcastic about the American government which is providing endless raw materials for humorists by the silly things they say and do, thus making the job of humorists perfectly easy.2. This is also a satirical remark directed at government, which calls itsuse of violence as law although it is not always justifiable.3. This is a satirical remark about the fact that most people are guilty of plagiarism without being discovered.4. Irene Peter is obviously unhappy about the situation today. He uses "confused" and "thinking clearly" ironically.5. This is an ironical way of saying that it is useless trying to convince an ignorant man. Ignorant people usually have neither meaningful arguments nor the ability to understand other people's arguments. Therefore in an ironical sense, they are "invincible."6. This is a satirical remark about political or religious fanatics who easily become mobsGrammar1.Study and learn ways of enumeration (listing items).1.Note ways of enumeration and point out the type of enumeration used.1.Precedence (descending order of importance)2.Precedence (ascending order of importance, using three phrases of there be instead of ordinal numbers)3.Equal importance2.Put in the blanks suitable expressions of enumeration.1.The next best, the very worst2.For one(thing), For the other, Finally / First, Second, Finally / In the first place, Then, Finally3.First, Second, Third / Firstly, Secondly, Third (Note:Some native speaker consider -ly poor style)plete the sentence by translating the Chinese in brackets using either of the structures below.1.It looked as though a compromise had reached2.when actually it had never proved effective on humans3.such was the advice that he gave his only son4.he didn’t sound as though he was ready to lend a helping hand5.when in fact in order to raise money for his father’s operation he had quit college and was working at a restaurant6.my mother felt as though her life also ended7.it seems as though the rain would never stop8.when in fact is a policewoman whose job is to protect VIPs in times of emergency9.which made me feel as though I was a swan rather than an ugly duckling10.such was the depth of the feelings between them3.Study the grammatical structure of these involvedsentence.1.This is a complex sentence.Main clause:it might be good for our citizens to recallQualifier:along with exhortation and warning (an adverbial modifying the main clause)Subordinate clause:Object clause:that the United Stated was the creation of men (the direct object of “recall”)Relative clause:who believe that each man has the right to do what he wants with his own life (modifying “men”)Adverbial clause of condition: as long as he dose not interfere with his neighbor’s pursuit of happiness (modifying “to do ”)2.This is a compound complex sentence.3 coordinate clause:each beginning with “it” as the subject3 relative clause:1)(that) drugs now pump into the criminal underworld (modifying “the immense profits”)2)(that) drugs have for young people (modifying “the forbidden-fruit attraction”)3)That prevents many addicts from seeking help (modifying “the criminal stigma”)4.Translate the selection into English.选择越多……越幸福吗?选择越多,人们越幸福,这看似合乎逻辑,而实际情况却相反。