Chapter1 Studying Rhetoric


How to deal with Rhetoric in English Translation

How to deal with Rhetoric in English Translation

How to deal with Rhetoric in English TranslationChapter One The Introduction of RhetoricWhat is rhetoric? Rhetoric, according to Longman Modern English Dictionary, is the art or science of communication in words. The study of how to express oneself effectively, generally speaking, is the main concern of rhetoric.We all know that language is the means of communication of man. But man is confined by many factors while applying this means of communication. These factors may be classified into linguistic factors and non-linguistic factors. Linguistic factors refer to the rules which concerning the language itself such as grammar. People must follow these rules in speaking and writing, otherwise they would not understood well; on the other hand, non-linguistic factors refer to the speaker’s or the writer’s wood, age, position, occupation and education etc. These aspects of audiences should be considered when speaking or writing. All the factors mentioned above contribute a lot to effectiveness, which reveals itself mainly in appropriateness and accuracy. In appropriateness, words and sentence patterns one chooses should suit them while speaking or writing. For example, adults should not use the language of children; teachers should not use vulgar language with their students. Meanwhile one has to pay close attention to the audience’s age, position, occupation and education etc. So one should vary one’s tone and way when speaking or writing to a different audience. In addition, we also consider the words and sentence patterns one chooses while speaking or writing should suit the communication occasions. For instance, on diplomatic occasions one’s wording should be formal and elegant; when at home one needn’t care so much about wording--- he might speak or talk more freely and informally; at academic conferences technical and specialized words are often used; while at parties people prefer humorous and witty conversations. In accuracy we should care that the words and sentence patterns chosen to express one’s ideas, feelings and intentions should be both grammatically correct and contextually proper. Otherwise misunderstanding or ambiguity will occur. For example, a student complained about the poor service and long queue in the dining hall in his English composition and expressed his worries like this: “Now eating has become a problem.”Obviously he made a mistake in diction. What he really intended to say is that “dining” has become a problem.From the above examples we can see that effective communication is based on precise and appropriate choice of words, sentence patterns and figures of speech etc. In other words, rhetoric is choice of linguistic means and choice of expression. So in sense we may say that rhetoric is “choice”. Rhetoric is not a kind of languagebeautifier, as is the view held by many English learners, but falls into language itself.There are various ways of using words figuratively. They are called figures of speech. Among the most common of them are:1.SimileIt is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is indicate by the word “as” or “like”.2.MetaphorIt is a kind of rhetoric. In the use of metaphor, we usually denote one thing refer to another with a similar quality. And it is an implied comparison, not expressed with the word “as” or “like”.3.PersonificationIt is to treat a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities.4.MetonymyIt is substituting the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated.5.SynecdocheSynecdoche refers to substitute a part for the whole or the whole for a part in rhetoric.6.EuphemismIt is the substitution of a mild or vague expression for a harsh or unpleasant one.7. IronyIt is the use of words which are clearly opposite to what is meant, in order to achieve a special effect.8.Overstatement and understatementIn overstatement the diction exaggerates the subject, and in understatement the words play down the magnitude or value of the subject.9.Transferred epithetA transferred epithet is a figure of speech where an epithet (an adjective or descriptive phrase) is transferred from the noun it should rightly modify to another to which it does not really belong. Generally, the epithet is transferred from a person to a thing or idea.10.OxymoronIn oxymoron apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce a special effect.Chapter Two Basic Principle of TranslationTranslation is an art, a bilingual art. Like painting, translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody, not in colors, but in words, in words of a different language. It is no easy job, not so easy as it is supposed. Do not think thatany one who knows a foreign language, say English, can invariably translate and translate well. No, not at all. Many can speak and write English well, but they cannot translate. And this difficult is greatly multiplied by the wide difference in vocabulary and sentence construction between the Oriental and Occidental languages.Translation is difficult to be mastered. Many experienced translators complain that they have had insurmountable difficulties in their work. Indeed, few people can translate a book without more or less making mistakes. Very few translated works can be recommended and taken as models. Strange to say, or is rather easy for one to translate an article from Chinese into English than to translate an article from English into Chinese, if one’s English is good enough to do translation work.As we know, translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language. Strictly speaking, translation is a kind of science because it has a whole set of rules governing it and certain objective laws to go by in the process of translating just as other sciences do. From an artist point of view, translation, certain skills and technique are needed in order to attain clearness of style, and fluency in language.English and Chinese are two entirely different languages. Each has an individual and distinct system. On the one hand, there are some similarities between the two languages, as in the word order of subject and predicate and that of transitive verb and object. On the other hand, there are lots of dissimilarities between them both I morphology and in syntax. Because of this, we have to be familiar with both languages, especially with the wide difference in vocabulary, grammatical relations and sentence construction between there two languages.Translation, like painting, enables us to reproduce the fine thought of an author, not in colors, but in words of a different language. A translator must be quite at home in the two languages concerned and quite familiar with their characteristics, similarities and differences. He must have a thorough understanding of the original, its artistic features and the historical situation in which it was written. At times even a word or phrase takes much time to establish in translation. Yanfu once said: “It often takes as ling as ten days or even a full month to establish a term.” This is the common experience all veteran translators have shared. So translation requires patience and skillful treatment and various sorts of techniques.Whoever has a mastery of the art of translation can certainly produce fine translations. Those who know nothing about translation theory and techniques will never be able to turn out any satisfactory work. It is because translation is not only a science with its own peculiar laws and methods but also an art of representation and recreation.In his talk on literary translation published in 1954 Guo Moruo pointed out, “Translation is creative work. Good translation is as good as writing and may be evenbetter than it. Sometimes translation is more difficult than writing. A writer must have experience in life, but a translator has to experience what the writer has experienced. At the same time, a translator must not only be proficient in his mother tongue but also have a very good foundation in a foreign language. Therefore, translation is not easier than writing at all.” His analysis is really penetrating!The standard of translation is the criterion / yardstick of translating practice and the scale to balance whether the target article is good or not.We know the standard “信”, “达”, “雅” by Yanfu. But in order to avoiding to use this old expressing way, here I think the standard of translation should be summarized as the words “faith” and “smooth”.The “faith” is meant to be faith in the content of original works. The translator should express the content of original works completely and precise, and it has not to be any appearance of changing, deforming, omitting and deleting. The content is usual the facts to illustrate, reason to explain, view to describe in the works and the author wants to express the thought, concept, position and the emotion he / she leaked in the process of illustration, explanation and description.The “faith” also means to keep the styles of the original that, which includes the nation style, the era style, the writing style, and the language style of author. They can not be changed and broken freely, and they also can not be taken place by others. For instance, if the style of original text in colloquial one, it can not be translated into writing one. If it is vulgar one, it can not be translated into elegant one if it is western one, it can not be translated into eastern one. In a word, the target text must follow the original text, and show the readers the real colors. As Luxun said “翻译必须保存原作丰姿。



Te aching N o te sChapter OneThe Hierarchical Structure of GrammarⅠTe ach in g Aim s:This chapter aims students to know the hierachial structure of English grammar.2.get students to learn morphemes words, phrases and sentences and their classification.ⅡTe achin g Pro ce d u re s1.IntroductionThe grammatical structure o f English is a hierarchical one, which can be divided into five levels, i.e. Sentence, Clause, Phrase, Wo rd and Morpheme. A sentence is the largest unit and highest level in a gram m atical structure while a morpheme is the smallest and lowest one.2.MorphemesA morpheme is the smallest unit in Eng lish grammar, and also the smallest meaningful unit of language.1) Free MorphemesFree m o rp hem es are m o rp hem es which can co nstitute wo rd s b y them selves,e.g. b o y, g irl, wo rk, wate r.2) Bound MorphemesSome morphemes like de-, dis-, -ness, -ly are never used independently in speech and writing. They are always attached to fre e morphemes to form ne w words. These morphemes are called bound morphemes.Bound morphemes are mostly affixes. Affixes are attached to free morphemes either to form new wo rd s or to indicate grammatical categories. Affixes can b e divided into two types: prefixes and suffixes.3.Wo rd s1)Sim p le Wo rd, De rivative, Co m p o und Wo rda)simple words (morpheme words):at, far, hand, getb)derivatives:prefixes: dislike, unhappy, pronoun, prewarsuffixes: worker, widen, foolish, manlyc)compound words: handbook, outline, moreover, anybody2)According to grammatical function, English wo rd s can be classified into Closed Class and Open Class.a)Closed ClassClo se d class re fe rs to all the Functio n wo rd s. The num b e r o f this typ e o f wo rd sare limited. No new comers will enter into this class. Therefore, this kind of words are called Closed Class. They include:Preposition: in, on, withoutPronoun: you, he, one, thisDeterminer: a, the, his, that, someConjunction: and, or, but, whenAuxiliary: do, can, must, willb)Open ClassOp en class refers to all the Co ntent Wo rd s. In this typ e o f wo rd s, new wo rd sappear continuously. Therefore, they are called Open Class. They included:Noun: Smith, Paris, man, bookAdjective: old, big, cheapAdverb: here, fast, earlyMain Verb: work, make, give4.PhrasesA p hrase is a g ram m atical unit which is fo rm e d b y o ne wo rd o r m o re than o newo rd. A phrase is usually a string o f wo rd s built up aro und a head wo rd which d eterm ines both the class that the phrase belong s to and the way the phrase is structured.Noun Phrase ( N P ):all the college studentsthe tall boy sitting thereVe rb Phrase ( V P ):looks palearrived last nightAdjective Phrase ( Adj P ):very difficultcareful enoughAdverb Phrase ( Adv P ):very clearlyso slowlyPreposition Phrase ( P.P ):before the warin the north5.ClausesIn logical terms, a clause is a construction of a subject and a predicate. In view of grammatical relations, clauses are divided into two broad categories, the mainclause and the sub o rd inate clause, the latter o f which m ay functio n as a no m inalclause, a relative clause, or an adverbial clause.1)Nominal clausesHe said that he had done his best.What he said was true.2)Relative clausesThis is one of the best films I’ve ever seen.He failed to pass the test, which was a pity.3)Adverbial clausesIf I were you, I would not quit.I was having dinner when he came.6. SentencesIn terms of sentence structure, sentences can be classified into three kinds: (1) simple sentences, (2) compound sentences and (3) complex sentences.(1)Yo u thro w a sto ne at the wind o w.I’ll scream.( two simple sentences)(2)You throw a stone at the window and I’ll scream. ( two coordinate main clauses in one sentence).(3)If yo u th ro w a sto n e at th e win d o w, I’ll scre am. ( o n e m ain clau se an d o n e subordinate clause within one and the same sentence)。

英语演讲艺术PPTchapter 1

英语演讲艺术PPTchapter 1

• Wide variety of domains, including the natural and social sciences, fine art, religion, journalism, digital media, fiction, history, cartography, and architecture, along with the more traditional domains of politics and the law.
• . Its best known definition comes from Aristotle, who considers it a counterpart of both logic and politics, and calls it "the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion." Rhetorics typically provide heuristics for understanding, discovering, and developing arguments for particular situations, such as Aristotle's three persuasive audience appeals, logos, pathos, and ethos.
• Plato defined the scope of rhetoric according to his negative opinions of the art. He criticized the Sophists for using rhetoric as a means of deceit instead of discovering truth. Rhetoric, in Plato's opinion, is merely a form of flattery and functions similarly to cookery, which masks the undesirability of unhealthy food by making it taste good.


Page 2
Ⅰ About the Course
➢ 1. Optional course of English Major ➢ 2. Learners: Seniors of English Major ➢ 3. Main content:
General idea about English rhetoric a brief and interesting survey of the history of rhetoric with emphasis on several major classical rhetoricians and their theories and application
Page 4
Ⅱ Definition of Rhetoric ➢ Whoever does not study rhetoric will become a victim
of it. ---Ancient Greek wall inscription
➢ Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep, moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. ---Francis Bacon
➢5. Text Book
➢6. Reference Books
黄 任:《英语修辞与写作》,上海外语教育出版社,1999. 张秀国:《英语修辞学》,清华大学出版社、北京交通大
学出版社,2005 李鑫华:《英语修辞格详论》,上海外语教育出版社,2000

大学思辨英语教程 精读1Unit 3教师用书

大学思辨英语教程 精读1Unit 3教师用书

Unit 3 Verbaland Non-verbal CommunicationUnit overviewBoth Units 1 and 2 mention a key word “communication”.As Thomas Payne points out in Text B of Unit 2, most of us, linguists or non-linguists, have the common-sense notion that “the main purpose of human language is communication”. Thus to develop a deeper understanding of the nature and function of language, we need to take a close at human communication. This unit examines this topic from a cross-cultural perspective, illustrating the similarities and differences in verbal and non-verbal communication between different cultures, which lays a foundation for further exploration into the interface between language and culture in the following units.Text APeople in different communities demonstrate different perceptions and rules of both verbal and non-verbal communication. The way they interact is culturally relative in almost every aspect, including when to talk, what to say, pacing and pausing, listenership, intonation and prosody, formulaicity, indirectness, and coherence and cohesion.Text BSome non-verbal behaviors are practically universal and have the same meaning wherever you are ., smiling and facial expressions of anger, surprise, fear, sadness, and so on). But for cultural and historical reasons, there have also developed great differences and variations in such aspects as eye contact, touch, gestures, and territorial space, etc. Without an awareness of respect and accommodation for people from a different background, these differences are likely to cause misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication.The two texts supplement each other in that Text A illustrates cross-cultural differences in both verbal and non-verbal communication while Text B focuses on non-verbal behaviors and addressesbothdifferences and similarities.Teaching objectivesThis unit is designed to help students develop their reading skills, communicative competence, critical thinking, intercultural reflection and abilities of autonomous learning in the following aspects.Reading skills:Use context to understand a new wordIdentify cohesive devicesPredict the content of an upcoming sentence/paragraphCommunicative competence:Develop a coherent and cohesive oral/written discourseUse topic sentences, supporting sentences and concluding sentences in presentations/essaysCommunicate constructively in team workCritical thinking:Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of personal experience as evidence in argumentationOrganize the arguments using an outlineNote and reflect on the differences between academic writing and everyday writingIntercultural reflectionIdentify similarities and differences in non-verbal communication across culturesBe aware of multiple levels of differences on which cross-cultural communication can falterInterpret communication behaviors from cultural and historical perspectivesTeaching strategiesNon-verbal communication and cross-cultural communication are both interesting topics in linguistics. The teacher can introduce the two texts by quoting anecdotes or relating to students’own experiences(question 5 in Preparatory work, p. 59). For students who lack experience of cross-cultural communication, the topic can be led in by discussions about inter-subcultural communication.Text A is a research articlefrom an academic journaland its structure and writing style are quite clear. It is recommended to draw students’ attention to the author’s logic ., ways of arguing) and use of evidence in class. If well-planned, all the questions in Preparatory Work and Critical reading can be dealt with in some detail in class. The teacher can follow all the questions in Understanding the text to check students’ comprehension of the text, while the tasks in Evaluation and exploration can be divided and assigned to groups. For example, in Making an outline (p. 62), the teacher can divide the students into three groups, each responsible for one topic.For classical works in intercultural communication, please refer to:Hall, Edward T. (1955). The Anthropology of American,192: 85-89. Hall, Edward T. (1959). The Silent Language. New York: Doubleday.For more updated information, please find the following journals:Cross-Cultural Communication published by Canadian Academy ofOriental and Occidental Culture (CAOOC)Across Languages and Cultures published by AkadémiaiKiadóLanguage and Intercultural Communication published byRoutledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd.Preparatory work(1)Academic interests: gender and language, interactionalsociolinguistics, conversational interaction, cross-cultural communication, frames theory, conversational vs. literary discourse, and new media discourse.Main publications:You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. New York: Morrow, 1990.That's Not What I Meant!: How Conversational Style Makes or Breaks Relationships. NY: William Morrow, 1986.Gender and Discourse. NY & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.Note: Outside the academic world Deborah Tannen is best known as the author of a number of books on the New York Times best seller and she is also a frequent guest on television and radio news and information shows.(2)Edward Sapir (1884–1939): an American anthropologist who is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in the early development of modern linguistics. His main interests are in the ways in which language and culture influence each other, the relation between linguistic differences, and differences in cultural world views. His most important contribution is what is known as the principle of linguistic relativity or the "Sapir-Whorf" hypothesis.John Joseph Gumperz(1922 –2013): an American linguist. His research interests include the languages of India, code-switching, and conversational interaction. Well-known for his contribution in interactional sociolinguistics and the "ethnography of communication", Gumperz’s research has benefitted such fields as sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, and linguistic anthropology.E. M. Forster (1879 –1970): an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist. He is known best for his ironic and well-plotted novels examining class difference and hypocrisy in early 20th-century British society. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 13 different years.Robert Kaplan:An American applied linguist. His research area covers applied linguistics, discourse analysis, language policy, language planning, and ESL/EFL Teaching. He is most famous for his contribution in Contrastive Rhetoric, a term he first coined in 1966. Kaplan has authored or edited 32 books, more than 130 articles in scholarly journals and chapters in books, and more than 85 book reviews and other ephemeral pieces in various newsletters, as well as 9 special reports to the . government and to governments elsewhere.(3) is the systematic study of meaning dependent on language in use. Unlike semantics, which examines conventional meaning "coded" in a given language, pragmatics studies how the transmission of meaning depends not only on structural and linguistic knowledge ., grammar, lexicon, etc.) of the speaker and the hearer, but also on the context of the utterance, any pre-existing knowledge about those participants involved, the inferred intent of the speaker, and other factors. Central topics of p ragmatics include a speaker’s communicative intentions, the use of language that requires such intentions, context of use, the relation between the user of a linguistic form and the act of using the form, and the strategies an addressee employs to work out what the intentions and acts are.(4)Cohesion refers to the use of various phonological, grammatical, and/or lexical means to link sentences or utterances into a well-connected, larger linguistic unit such as a paragraph or a chapter. In other words, cohesion achieves well-connectedness by means of linguistic forms.Example: Mary is a secretary. She works in a law firm. Yan (2012)Coherence refers to the logical well-connectedness between different parts of a piece of spoken or written language, which distinguishes it from a random assemblage of sentences or utterances. Yan (2012)Formly incohesive discourse may be coherent through common se nse, cultural background, contextual information, imagination, logical assumption, etc.Husband: That’s the telephone.Wife: I’m in the bath.Husband: OK.(5)Pause is a temporary and brief break in the flow of speech, which is often classified into filled pause and unfilled or silent pause. The former is taken up or filled by a hesitation form like ah, er,and um. In contrast, the latter is not filled by a hesitation form. In other words, a silent pause is one where there is no vocalization.Critical readingI. Understanding the text(1) The main purpose of this article is to illustrate eight levels of cross-cultural differences in non-verbal aspects of communication.(2) We can understand the nature of language by observing it in communication and in contact with other systems of communication.(3) Pacing and pausing, listenership. In deciding when to talk and what to say, the speaker usually takes a conscious speech planning, yet in pacing and pausing and in showing listenership in a conversation, one does not need to stop and think for a decision.(4) Section starts with a direct thesis statement. Then the author explains it with an expert’s (Scollon) research findings and section the author raises a number of questions (in para 7, 9 and 11) and responds to them with relevant research findings (Goody’s as well as hers) and her own personal experience. Section is also organized in the order of “question-answer”. Section illustrates cross-cultural differences in listenership with two examples, gaze (paras 21 and 22) and loud responses (para 23), and then moves on to the conclusion (para 24). Section : example-discussion. Section : personal experience and a very brief interpretation. Section : the thesis (para 30 “how to be indirect is culturally relative”) and discussion about the cases of American-non-American differences (American men, women, Greek and Japanese). Section : definition and illustration.(5) The experience ina dinner party in paragraph 12 indicates that (1) people from different cultures not only differ in whether compliments should be accepted, rejected or deflected, but also in which compliments should be accepted/rejected/deflected; and (2) every culture has its own conventions about what to say on particular occasions, and without knowledge of these conventions, we can by no means appropriately interpret the messages in cross-cultural communication.In Para. 29, Tannenrefers to her first visit to Greece to exemplifythe cross-cultural difference in formulaicity, ., what is novel and what is conventional in different languages.(6)Generally speaking, the eight levels are arranged in the orderof importance, from the core of verbal communication to more peripheral factors. The first three levels and the fifth level belong to what is said while the last three center on how it is said. The fourth level, listenership, is the only level examined from the perspective of the hearer.(7)As has been illustrated in part II, verbal communicationinvolves many hidden rules and conventions that vary from culture to culture. Since every individual has his/her own unique experience, education background,and beliefs, etc., no two interactants would share exactly the same communicative rules and conventions. In this sense all communication is cross-cultural.Summary writingWays of communication are culturally diversified in almost every aspect, from what to say to how to say it. When to talk (and when not to) is culturally relative. People from one culture may find a particular silent moment unbearable while it is deemed appropriate in another to say also differs greatly across cultures. Many of us consider raising questions asa natural or even basic part of daily communication, but in some cultures questions are perceived imposing and hence rarely asked. A certain degree of indirectness in communication is universal in all languages, but how to be indirect varies from culture to culture. American men value “sticking to facts” while Japanese and Arab often insist on elaborate “small talks”. Cross-cultural differences can also be observed in the different ways of showing listenership, control of pace and pause, use of conventional and novel language, and variation of intonation. Even when peopleare asked to describe or write about the same thing, their organization of a discourse will very likely differ in ways of establishing coherence and cohesion as Kaplan illustrated.II. Evaluation and exploration1.Evaluating the text(1)Personal experiences and anecdotes help elucidate abstract anddifficult terms and add to the vividness of the text. Controlled use of personal experience may also shorten the distance between the author and the reader. But the overuse and misuse of personal stories can also damage the objectivity and credibility of the argumentation.(2)Beside personal experience, Tannen mentions a lot of academicresearches . in para 4, 7, 8, 10, 21, 23, 38 and 39), which all add weight to her arguments.(3)It is obviously not an exhaustive list. Cross-culturalcommunication can vary at many other levels, ., proxemics and turn taking in a multiparty context.2.Exploring beyond the text(1)Questions for exploration1)There are altogether 16 questions which help structure the textin part two and they are not equally important. The question in para 2, for example, is a global one that covers all the eight sections in the main body, while the question in para 20, “Nowhow many milliseconds shall I wait”, is just an example to illustrate why pacing and pausing is an automatic level.a. See above.b. The first question in para 7 is asked to introduce the topicof this section, what to say. It is a transition from section to section .c. This is a rhetorical question requiring no answer. It isasked simply to reinforce our conviction that questions are basic to the educational setting, which forms a sharp contrast with the case of Gonjans.2) In all the known languages there are strategies of makingindirect requests/apologies/invitations/, etc. In a strict sense, the use of language is an indirect means to achieve communicative ends. How to be indirect differs from culture to culture. For example, in English a request is often put forward as a question of ability (Can you pass me the salt).3) For example, introvert people may be more tolerant of silencein face-to-face verbal interaction while extroverts usually findsilence awkward and uncomfortable. This is primarily an interpersonal difference since in all cultures there are introvert and extrovert people.Gaze is another example. People with more aggressive personality usually hold longer and steadier gaze when they talk to others, while shy perpleare more likely to diverge in eye contact.Language enhancementI. Words and phrases1. Adverbs and prepositions(1) off; (2) out; (3) across; (4) away; (5) up; (6) between, for; (7) after; (8) out of, into; (9) off; (10) up; (11) out of2. Verbs(1) illustrate, vary, discussing, exemplifying, signaling, mean, say(2) vary(3) differ(4) illustrated(5) exemplifies(6) expounds(7) demonstrates(8) elucidate, interpret3.Words in contextOpen to discussion:To guess the meaning of a new word, one can first recognize its part of speech, analyze its word formation, identify its attitude if necessary, and then evaluate its meaning in the linguistic context. II. Sentences and discourse1.Paraphrasing(1)Athabaskan Indians consider that it is inappropriate to talk topeople they do not know. According to Scollon, this causes a strange effect when theAthabaskan Indians meet people from other cultures. The non-Athabaskans may want to make acquaintance with the Athabaskans by talking to them, but the Athabaskans will not talk to the non- Athabaskans before they become acquaintances. (2)Gonjans take it for granted that questions are always asked toachieve indirect functions, so they never ask questions for pure information.(3)The Americans usually take it for granted that in communicationpeople should be direct and say no more or less than needed, and that what people say is exactly what they mean. This is especially true in business and education and applies more to American men than to women.(4)No two people have just the same cultural background. Therefore,all communication is cross-cultural to someextent. In this sense, understanding cross-cultural communication can help us understand the nature of language and tackle problems in the world, especially those caused by and related to the use of language, .obstacles in foreign language teaching and learning.2.Translation(1)物理学家通过观察物质元素在不同环境中的表现及其与其他物质的相互作用来理解它们的本质。

My Understanding of

My Understanding of

My Understanding of “English Rhetoric”“English Rhetoric” is the work of Zhang Xiuguo, this book can be divided into three parts.The first part is including the chapter 1,chapter2 and chapter 3.Chapter 1 discusses the definition of rhetoric and its relationship with oratory. Chapter 2 is the brief introduction of rhetoric.Chapter 4 and chapter 5 is the part two,it discuss the choice of word and sentence.Part three is including chapter 6 to 11,it is focus on English figures of speech .It is said that the “art of rhetoric” originated in Syracuse.The study of rhetoric goes back to ancient Greece, when speakers began to practice the art of persuasion in courts of law. The ancients realized that presentation is as important, or perhaps more important, as facts.Rhetoric is the study and practice of effective communication.,and it is the art of persuasion. Oratory is the foundation of rhetoric and is a special kind of public speaking.Oratory had been practiced long before the ancient rhetoricians developed a theory and a vocabulary for rhetoric.Rhetoric involves choice of words, sentence patterns, figures of speech, organization of paragraphs and composition. This process can be broken into three basic levels,they are:words and phrases,sentence variety,organizing paragraphs into a complete text. The choice of word including using suitable words, denotation and connotation, general words and specific words, abstract words and concrete words ,short words and long words.First,the English vocabulary has gone up every year,we should choose the right words that are exact, fresh, vivid, and appropriate to communicate our ideas precisely and effectively.Second,denotation and connotation.Denotation is the specific, direct, and literal meaning of a word, as described in a dictionary definition. It is also called denotative meaning or explicit meaning.Connotation is the associative or suggestive meaning of a word. It often implies attitudes, emotions, ect. of the speaker or writer, and is also called implicit meaning.Connotation including positive and negative connotations,historical and social connotations,personal and general connotations.There is something must be emphasized ,The connotations of a word are constantly changing,both denotation and connotation are important aspects of the meaning of a word,we can find thedenotation of a word in the dictionary but we can acquire connotation only through extensive reading and attentive listening, by observing how it is actually used in speech and writing. Third ,the general words and specific words,general words refer to a group or class; specific words refer to a member of that class.The specific words tend to give color and tang, tend to appeal to the imagination. General words often used for the sake of diplomacy. Good writing or speaking has both general and specific information. Fourth,the abstract words and concrete words.It is refer to s a concrete word has an object as its referent, while an abstract word , a concept. For example, peach, pear, apple and apricot are concrete words. Sweetness, fuzziness and softness are abstract words because they refer to certain qualities or certain concepts or ideas.Abstract words and general words usually do not overlap. But this is not the case with concrete words and specific words. Words that refer to particular objects and particular actions are usually both concrete or specific.Fifth,the short words and long words.From a stylistic point of view, words that are often used may be divided into three types: formal, common, and colloquial words. Long words often refer to the formal words and some common words, while short words often refer to colloquial words and some common words. Next is the choice of sentences,the sentence varieties is deal with different sentence patterns and varied sentence lengths.The four different classification standard of sentence is grammar, function, rhetoric and length.The sentence variety aim at avoiding monotony in one’s speech or writing,variety of writing or speech is a joy. Without variety, any text can be dull and uninteresting.Figures of speech refer to all kinds of striking or unusual configurations of words or phrases, involving the variation of any unit of the language system—graphic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic , and monly used figures of speech are listed in the textbook and they are grouped into four categories: phonetic, syntactic, semantic and logical.Phonetic figures of speech is including alliteration,assonance,consonance,onomatopoeia.Syntactic figures of speech is including repetition(Immediate repetition,Intermittent repetition),anaphora, epiphora, simploce, anadiplosis ,parallelism ,antithesis, climax ,anticlimax,syllepsis, zeugma ,chiasmus, asyndeton,polysyndeton,rhetorical question.Semantic figures of speech is including simile ,metaphor,metonymy, synecdoche, antonomasia,personification, parody,synesthesia,transferred epithet,etc. Logical figures of speech is including allusion,allegory,etc.The history of rhetoric covers about 2,500 years. For most of its history, rhetoric, as an art of verbal communication, has been closely associated with education.Learning English is for the main purpose of effective communication, which results from a good command of the language in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. And all of these five linguistic abilities are closely related to st but not least,Rhetoric has much to do with translation. Generally speaking, a good version is characterized by “faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance” which are mainly based on the correct understanding of the original and on a good command of the target language.。











The principle of fairness
The fairness principle requirements that language is relevant and not discriminative towards any group
To promote fairness, speakers should avoid using ideology or offering language and be mindful of cultural and social sensitivity They should also ensure that their language does not permeate stereotypes or discriminate
Rhetoric has its roots in acute Greece and has since been a corner of Western civilization's intellectual condition It was
originally used to train orators in the art of public speaking, but has since
Diversity can be achieved by varying presence length, using a range of vocabulary, employing different types of presence (e.g., invasive, declarative, intrinsic), and employing figures of speech such as sisters, methodology, or personality This diversity keeps the listener engaged and makes the language more vivid



The study of rhetoric stretches back to classical Greece. Today the term is most commonly taken pejoratively, meaning bombastic or exaggerated language. But rhetoric also has a neutral meaning, which is how Nuts and Bolts uses it—rhetoric as the art or science of persuasion by means of stylistic and structural techniques. The study of rhetoric is useful because it encourages us to think of writing (and speaking, for that matter) as a series of strategic choices. Every attempt to put words together includes choices about which words to use and how to arrange them. In this sense all writers, like it or not, use rhetoric. Even simplicity is a rhetorical and political choice: George Orwell, for instance, was a master of the plain style, and used it to devastating effect in his political journalism and novels like 1984 and Animal Farm (for more on the rhetoric of simplicity, see Hugh Kenner, 揟he Politics of the Plain Style,?in Literary Journalism in the Twentieth Century, ed. Norman Sims [New York: Oxford University Press, 1990]). Rhetoric is also useful because it encourages thinking about one's audience. Different audiences require different rhetorical choices. In the following section, I'll list some of the most pertinent rhetorical techniques, or tropes, when writing for academic audiences.。



湖北省高等教育自学考试英语专业毕业论文论《傲慢与偏见》留给世人的感想准考证号:013510210640学生姓名:李月辉指导教师:赵红英二○一二年九月On the "Pride and Prejudice" for the feelings of theworldLi YuehuiTutor: Zhao HongyingSeptember 2012摘要作为英国文学的经典之作,有关《傲慢与偏见》的研究几乎从未间断过。





关键词:《傲慢与偏见》;审美;女性主义;戏剧性;反讽ABSTRACTEnglish literature classic, The Pride and Prejudice is almost never stopped. The Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen thrilling fine arts, has the very high readability and artistic quality. The author in the works of subject choice and characterization and artistic methods three aspects does not provide craftsmanship, has the immortality of aesthetic value and artistic value. At the same time, The Pride and Prejudice, and has also been the British seared in the minds of bibliography, it in the mind of the British position still more than popular. The paper discusses the main content including: introduction to the novel of the end of the 18th century to 19th century early in the under conservative and occlusion state of England township life and state of the world favors the introduction carefully study the novel of love, money and marriage of disputes between mining the inherent contradictions in the works and character features and the unique role they played in the entire novel, a narrative proposal and continue to be summarized, constantly sum up the view of the demonstration article.Key words:The Pride and Prejudice; aesthetic; feminism; dramatic; ironyContents Introduction (1)Chapter One The unique aesthetics left to the world of feeling (3)Chapter Two Feminism struggle (4)2.1Background (4)2.2To the character equality pursuit (4)2.3Sincere friendship of the sisters (5)Chapter Three Irony and dramatic artistic charm thought-provoking (6)Conclusion (8)Works Cited (9)IntroductionThe Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen masterpiece. This works to daily life for material, against the social fashion sentimental the content and affectation of novel writing methods, the vivid reflects 18th century to the early in a conservative and block state of the British town life and ways of the world. The society not only in the novels of graffiti was attracted to the general reader, to this day, still give the reader a unique art enjoyment.The main story of the eighteenth century is said Britain in four marriage. One of the main, natures is to happen in the actress Elizabeth Bennett and actor fee William Darcy’s love or hate. Elizabeth is a brave to pursue love, beautiful clever, strong lovely middle class women. Focusing on her story to Mr. Darcy from the beginning of the aversion to respect, to love for clues, also in several happened into in her side of happiness or a bad marriage, the author reveals the women of the period the ideal of life and love and expectations. The heroine’s story Elizabeth first saw actor Darcy is not pleasing to the eye, plus male leading role personality arrogance, and then to his prejudices. And actor Darcy, is a popular arrogant man, also is above the interpersonal relationship around cold, for him, is the arrogance perhaps right, prejudice is relentless, both the impact is inevitable. Between two people and thus often hostile rhetoric between each other’s arrogance and prejudice has caused the beginning of the unpleasant and misunderstandings, but after a variety of events clarification, each other and a little bit of gradual creation feelings. Darcy represents the “arrogance”, Elizabeth represents “bias”, they are a start by emotions have traction. Then a series of Darcy adverse rumors, more let Elizabeth to Darcy antipathetic. When Darcy proposes to Elizabeth and was refused, he said a words:“if I play a little measure, and the contradiction of my heart disguised, given to compliment you, make you believe I no matter in the understanding, thoughts and other aspects, is all to you with unconditional love, thenmaybe pure you wouldn’t have these harsh scold. Unfortunately, no matter be what kind of camouflage, I hate.”Darcy not to curry favor with Elizabeth, and change his arrogance temperament. Elizabeth showed very true of you, not to create each other on the impression of, showed the most realistic. And when beginning, Elizabeth lived in their own by prejudice and oversight thinking the truth, after Darcy explanation and your own judgment, and finally finds the happy ending. The Pride and Prejudice, is our common weakness and wrong. Each person actually is easy to be driven by their own subjective impression, so it can easily to other people are not the right notes, and consequently the misunderstanding between each other. A man give first impression is can affect many things, but not must not change, want to have a deeper knowledge, to a more objective point argument, as the heroine’s story of Darcy’s view, is because understanding just change.As British literary history a monumental work,The Pride and prejudice, with its unique artistic techniques and time is given by the culture atmosphere attracted numerous readers to taste, to study. We praise the authors show originality and the novel itself rich charm, but also have to reflect on the influence of the social, human feelings and the status of women.This paper discusses The Pride and Prejudice left to the world is feeling, mainly from the novel unique aesthetic Angle, the character of the plot, novel revealed dramatic between the recessive out feminism and the author of the whole story and all of the people some methods to analysis the irony, make its central idea more explicit, the readers to the whole story of understanding and more thoroughly.Chapter One the unique aesthetics left to the world offeeling“It is a true universally acknowledge, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”. This is Pride and Prejudice the opening a paragraph, a brief but personality to began from the curtain of the love and the marriage. The whole novel looks is always talking about love and marriage, but here love without any magnificent and victorious, here have no other novels of the marriage had communicated so smoothly, so a person feel infinite happy. On the contrary, the hero and heroine of the novel a hold “arrogance”, another hold “bias”, but on the is such a pair of so-called “enemy”, and finally have prejudice and misunderstanding, happy together. The story didn’t a lot of ups a nd downs, but that is the way the plot, let the reader is deeply infatuated with which people feel such a love in the time also is in learning some necessary worldly wisdom.Characters characteristics of the character of all is quite obvious, the heroine Elizabeth witty, have courage, these have vision, have very strong self-respect, and be good at thinking. It was a young unmarried young lady speaking, this is valuable. It is this quality, just makes her in love have independent initiative, and contributed to her and happy family of Darcy. And Darcy give the impression is insolent, unruly and reserved quiet and picky fastidious, even clever astute, has received the good education but or boring person. At the same time, the novel another male host Mr .Bingley’s case bliss, frank, gentle disposition and Darcy to form bright contrast, let the reader on both in personality of know more entrenched. But later Darcy inner love and the importance of change to the spiritual realm and shown before and the character of the heavy intertwined formed full character image, let the reader with an endless aftertaste, and for the whole story graces many.A “arrogance”, another “bias”, so the two almost all people all don’t watch good opposite, the final success together, to have a happy family. This is the purpose of, so, of course, is given in the paper of a unique aesthetic view, people go from there, will see pure love, a good marriage.Chapter Two Feminism struggle This part of main tells the author Jane Austen was the background of life, and lists the example to verify novel heroine Elizabeth of personality is the pursuit of equality and the sincere friendship to sisters. More important is outstanding at the time of the shackles of society women and women equal rights to unremitting pursuit.2.1 BackgroundAusten era of life, women is generally discrimination, women were considered less than men in intelligence. Although the capitalist system has been established, but feudalism remained entrenched, hereditary noble and middle class coexist. As Pride and Prejudice has revealed that, men and women don’t equal. The sisters of Bennett because the inheritance law provisions to recent male relative’s property by inheritance, they will be on impoverish themselves after his father’s death. Austin’s girls, in daily and no broad in scope, they can only stay in the home, or occasionally go to visit some friends, or by parental company to go to a dance. They don’t work, the social and family also do not need to their work, and they can only through the marriage change our own destiny.Elizabeth’s marriage in full performance Austin highly the ideal mode in her and Darcy relationship, and always persist in their personality of equality and dignity, the noble sentiment, emotional needs as the life value and life of happiness is an important part. This kind of marriage attitude psychological basis including mutual understanding, respect, and equality and freedom, it is these quality; people could surpass the bondage of patriarchal, fulfillment.2.2 To the character equality pursuitThe core of the feminist thought was a protest against the reality of the patriarchal society women enslaved, emphasize the women should have equal rights with men and position, called for women should not be subject to male society, and should be in their best to appraisal oneself as the female should be in their best to appraisal oneself as the female should have existence value, subversion now the irrationality of the patriarchal society, establish and improve the status of women in society protruding women can not be ignored, not replace social value. Pursue the equality of men and women in Austin, especially the equality of personality. Austin’s point of view is clearly heard the heroine Elizabeth to explain. Books of the heroine Elizabeth was born in a small landlord family, children for rich Darcy love. Darcy regardless of the wealth gap between the family and, asked her to marry him,but was rejected. Elizabeth to his misunderstanding and prejudice is a reason, but the main is she hates his arrogance. Because this kind of Darcy arrogance is actually reflect the status difference, as long as there is this kind of arrogant, he and Elizabeth may not be between the thoughts and feelings of the common, and there may not be an ideal marriage. Later Elizabeth have observed the Darcy’s communicating and a series of actions , especially see he changed the past that pride conceited expression, eliminate the misunderstanding and prejudice, and he concluded a happy marriage. Elizabeth to Darcy has proposed several times the different attitudes, actually reflect the women to independent personality rights such as the pursuit of peace.By Elizabeth this novel shaping the out of the rebel women, show the hope of women development bisexual temperament, form double gender in personality, establish a dual gender roles, can control the good will of their own lives. Although at the time of the British realize this desire conditions is not mature, but at least she was later the women’s liberation movement has the function of the testing of the waters. So we have to for three hundred years ago the bud of female consciousness Jane Austen’s vision and admit defeat. And her female consciousness of the awakening of the prophecy has now got the proof of history.2.3 Sincere friendship of the sistersSisters friendship is the emphasis of feminists, feminists advocate the women should support each other, kiss as sisters, this point in Pride and Prejudice have fully manifested in. In Pride and Prejudice can see between women of profound friendship. The heroine Elizabeth to Jean’s deep friendship let readers moving. Jane to Bennett’s home, was on the way, when the sick in the host family. In order to see dear sister, Elizabeth alone in the muddy road three miles, to arrived at Bingley’s case home. As a young lady, her movement is very unpopular, and she can’t consider of embarrassment, a heart only care about Jane illness. In fact of Jane’s more concerned about Elizabeth reflected in the sister and Bingley’s case in love, because she thought Jane so good, should find happy ending. But just is Darcy trying to destroy the love between them. So when Darcy to Elizabeth marry him, she exclaimed:“a ruined my dear sister happiness forever, even destroyed her happiness of person, how can touched my heart to love him?” This shows how much she pay attention to the friendship between the sisters, even in some degree on love more than she expected.Chapter Three Irony and dramatic artistic charmthought-provokingPart of the success of Austen works is that his with dramatic technique characters character, and the technique of irony to spread the story. Irony and dramatic is Austen tone and style of the novel sign, which is the novel artistic charm. Her through the characters talk let themselves show character, in those leisurely, polite comprehensive conversation implied meaning and purpose, judge multilayer and emotional, first time reading this book readers can feel some scene contains irony, further reading can fully understand all of the book connotation, feel the writer’s creation charm.The Literary Encyclopedia divisions to “irony” definition for humor a way of using language, and points out that the irony is often the surface of indirect meaning of the contents of the opposition and deny or conflict. As a kind of rhetoric, irony expression is expected and actual conditions don’t match. Pride and Prejudice opening “the entire wealthy bachelor, always want to marry a wife, that it is a truth universally acknowledge” [3] (P1) is a good example. Its name literally means single young men have planes to get married, “truth universally acknowledge”indicates that is surrounding the somebody else marry her daughter’s intention, we can see that the language of the irony, contains both surface, publicly meaning, but also has deep, the implied meaning, this need to readers in the emotional or judgment in richer and more complex response. Praise or against, sympathy or disdain, pain or pleasure and so on many emotions tend to blend together, to the reader in understanding rich experience.Jane Austen use of irony that the character scene technique is more complicated and changeable, and make novel have more drama composition, and theatrical expression and leaving readers impelled to place oneself among them. In addition, the topic and content of use is irony Pride and Prejudice and a characteristic. According to the subject, simple to understand Darcy is arrogant, Elizabeth is rather too simple to have prejudice. The article in some of the thinking and behavior Elizabeth shows the potential something—she wants to know more about Darcy, her heart of hearts are more willing to close to Darcy.Compared with is moderate, easy-going Bingley, Darcy does seem to be some constraint, too reserved and some withdrawn, with not enough kind. But, as he had explained:“I really don’t like somebody else that can meet, always don’t know can also self-indulgence. I also can’t talk like that, people with hypocrisy concerns.”[3] (P199-200) first Darcy expressed by pride but was due to his contacts with strangers too formal caused by the character, but also because he is blunt, would not liewith a vulgar or inappropriate behavior. He offered to close to Elizabeth, listen to her conversation with others, to invite her to dance, attentively to visit her and her friends, family. As for his don’t really take a reason others, just a surrounding environment and incompatible stands off, and can’t showed he was insulted, through the above analysis, we can see that Jane Austen is by no means simple shaped arrogant Darcy and with prejudice of Elizabeth, in her novels have given them a deeper meaning.ConclusionAs British literary history a monumental work, Pride and Prejudice this novel plot vivid, fluency humor, formed the character of reflect incisively and vividly. The heroine Elizabeth strong, in the book, optimistic, active, and frank, rich insight and curiosity very heavy, is a clever but lovely woman. And actor Darcy is a surface arrogance, actually heart good young man, through him, let me know how a truth: all things are not only look at the surface, but to focus on the inner.In Pride and Prejudice, Austen wrote Elizabeth sisters and her girlfriend’s marriage, these are perfect, used with the heroine of the ideal marriage contrast. Like Charlotte and Collins although married comfortable material life, but they do not love each other, this kind of marriage is actually a real social tragedy. Thus, we can conclude“affection is a very good thing, but not thoughtless, should deliberate before deciding to his whole life happiness” the truth.Moreover, on Pride and Prejudice , in the book is male leading the obstacle of the love, but in actual society but also people communicate each other obstacles, but also in the treat oneself correctly, stumbling block on towards things. To be in life where a career, whether knowledge, education, or the love, career, all need all their heart with shallow trap or shadow float do struggle, all kinds of misunderstanding and long time of repeated process of cognition, slowly by the mind overcome their weaknesses and disease, and to the open, free and easy, the freedom of the inevitable result.Finally, Pride and Prejudice literature to see if not belongs to enormous project, but deeply shocked the reader’s heart. It’s based in fact is quite narrow, is just some life trivial, but brings us is a kind of English country rich flavor of life, let a person feel hospitable nature. Let us also to realize: reflecting life work that is a beautiful work. And for most people, only go light is true.To sum up, this paper to the British social background, the author’s unique insights and character in fiction character as main body, the author unique aesthetics, and dramatic irony of the art and novel of feminism has revealed a struggle for limb, system analysis the works to humankind how generous feast. But also for the author Jane Austen’s talent and original views and admire, she is not just a great writer, but also a real thinker.Works CitedGentzler, Edwin. (2001) Contemporary Translation Theories (Revised 2nd Edition). Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto, Sydney: Multilingual Matters Ltd.Johnson, Claudia L. (1988) Jane Austen: Women, Politics and the Novel, Chicago and London: TheUniversity of Chicago Press.Kirkham, Margaret (1997) Jane Austen, Feminism and Fiction, London & Atlantic Highlands, NJ: The Athlone Press.Lefevere, André (1992) Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame, London and New York: Routledge.Parrill, Sue (2002) Jane Austen on Film and Television: A Critical Study of the Adaptations, Jefferson, North Carolina and London: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.[英]奥斯丁著,Clare West改写,李长栓译:《傲慢与偏见》。

Ss' handouts1

Ss' handouts1

English Rhetoric Chapter 1Reading 1The following is an excerpt from Erich Segal’s novel Man, Woman and Child, which tells about how Shiela (the wife) was shocked when Robert (her husband) confessed that he once had an affair with another woman. Can you find any figures of speech in this piece? Does it reach the goal of communication? If so, what makes it effective and expressive?(H – husband; W – wife. And for the convenience of analysisthe conversation is numbered.)1)H: Honey, I gotta talk to you.2)W: Sure. Is something wrong?3)H: Well, sort of. Yes.4)W: Bob, something in your voice scares me. Have I doneanything?5)H: No. It’s me. I’ve done it. Shiela, remember when you werepregnant with Paula?6)W: Yes?7)H: I had to fly to Europe – Montpellier – to give thatpaper…8)W: And?9)H: I had an affair.10)W: No. This is some terrible joke. Isn’t it?11)H: No. It’s true. I – I’m sorry.12)W: Who?13)H: Nobody. Nobody special.14)W: Who, Robert?15)H: Her – her name was Nicole Guirin. She was a doctor.16)W: And how long did it last?17)H: Two, three days.18)W: Two days or three days? I want to know.19)H: Three days. Does all this matter?20)W: Everything matters. I thought our marriage was based ontotal honesty. Why didn’t you ever tell me?21)H: I was waiting for the right moment.22)W: And ten years later was the right moment? No doubt youthought it would be easier. On whom?23)H: I didn’t want to hurt you, Shiela. If it’s anyconsolation, that’s the only time.24)W: No, it isn’t any consolation. Once is more than never.25)H: Shiela, that was so long ago. I had to tell you now because– I mean… She’s dead.26)W: For God’s sake. Bob, why are you telling me all this?27)H: Shiela, I am telling you because she had a child.28)W: And we have two – so what?29)H: He’s mine. The boy is mine.30)W: Oh, no, it can’t be true.31)H: Yes, it is true. I didn’t know about him. Shiela. Pleasebelieve me.32)W: Why? Why should I believe anything you tell me now?33)H: Shiela, listen –34)W: No. I’ve heard enough. Bob, why’d you have to tell me?Why?35)H: Because I don’t know what to do. And because I somehowthought you’d help.36)W: You can’t know how it hurts. I trusted you. I trusted.–37)H: Please, honey. I’ll do anything to make it right.38)W: You can’t.39)H: You don’t mean that you want to split…?40)W: Robert, I don’t have any strength right now. For anything.You could do me a big favor.41)H: Anything?W: Sleep in your study, please.Reading 2:Rhetorical principles for arranging one’s data in writing:The first principle is “obvious before remarkable, i.e., to put one’s basic points before the more innovative or novel material. This is like “bridge building”: creating a stable progression from what is more solidly established to what is new.The second is “presentation before refutation.”In using thisscheme, the writer should present or review the argument he or she intends to discount before proceeding to the actual refutation.A principle somewhat related to the second is “explanation before complication”– supplying the reader with necessary basic information on a topic or issue before offering more complicated discussion of the topic or issue.“Solvable before unsolvable”is the fourth principle under our discussion. When one has to describe in a paper a series of problems, some of which have apparent solutions while others do not, they should not be listed in random order; instead, they should be presented according to their degree of apparent solvability. Such an arrangement would best fit the notion of bridge building, allowing the writer to establish more solvable problems as relatively more stable bases from which to proceed to the discussion of less solvable problems.The fifth principle, similar to the second, is called “appreciation before criticism.” This principle, not to be confused with the standard rhetorical advice to establish common ground with one’s opposition, applies to the arrangement of placing positive aspects of his or her critique before negative aspects.The sixth arrangement scheme is “literal before symbolic,” which a writer can employ when writing analytic or interpretive essays. According to this strategy, when a paper includes both literal and symbolic interpretations, as of a line or image from a poem, for example, literal observations generally proceeds the symbolic counterparts of those observations, for the symbolic interpretation in some respect arises from literal one.Principle 7 is “rule before exceptions,” which is to advise a writer to place ideas or examples that constitute or support what is generally or typically the case before looking at those that deviate. Stating exceptions before rules is obviously possible, but doing so requires a better skill of arrangement and presentation so as to put the cart before the horse. This point applies to the previous principles as well.(Adapted from “Identifying and Teaching Rhetorical Plans for Arrangement” by Joanne M. Podis and Leonard A. Podis)Exercise OneI. Fill in each blank with a suitable word.1.Rhetoric involves practicing the most ____ means or strategies forinforming ____ persuading an audience. All writing, ____ technical or business writing, is “____.”Deciding what to write, ____ to write it, how best to ____ your reader’s attention, and how to ____ or persuade your reader requires creativity ____ imagination. Every field of study requires the skills ____ writing courses teach: exploring new ideas, ____ concepts and processes, communication with others, ____ finding fresh or creative solutions to ____.2.Grammar is the law of ____ language, considered as language;rhetoric ____ the art of language, considered ____ thought.Grammar tells what is ____; rhetoric tells what is effective ____ pleasing.II. Compare the following pairs of sentences, and determine which sentence is more effective.1.A) They wander into the church and aimlessly look around.B) They wander into the church and look around aimlessly.2.A) They, at last, know what they are seeing.B) They know what they are seeing at last.3.A) The curtain comes down as soon as the last boat has gone.B) As soon as the last boat has gone, down comes the curtain.4.A) The boy said that he was thirsty and could drink a big bottle ofwater.B) The boy said that he was dying of thirst and could drink up thewhole sea.。

高中英语人教版必修2《Unit 1 Period Ⅰ》

高中英语人教版必修2《Unit 1 Period Ⅰ》

●新课导入建议 可以通过下面两种不同类型的活动热身,根据教学实际 挑选使用。 (1)看图片和听录音引入文化遗产这一话题。 (2)从网上下载一些琥珀屋图片并展现给学生看,辨论新 旧琥珀屋,给学生以感官上的刺激,而且有利于帮助学生对 文章的理解。(一些生词用板书)
the eight wonders of the
world.It was originally designed for the palace of Frederick Ⅰ.It took the country's best artists about ten years to finish
it.Everyone 2.
During the construction of the Amber Room at Tsarskoe Syolo,five master amber craftsmen from Prussia were
employed at the place.The Amber Room was finished in the 70s of the 18th century and in that shape it existed almost 200 years.In 1942 Germans took the Amber Room from Tsarskoe Syolo and mounted it in the Konigsberg castle(哥尼斯堡城 堡).
【答案】 1.made 2.designed 4.Winter Palace 5.troop 6.where 7.remove 9.stole
Ⅱ.语篇理解 阅读 P1-2的 Reading 部分,从每题所给的 3 个选项中选 择最佳答案 1.Why was theAmber Room made at first? A.It was made as a gift to Peter the Great. B.It was designed for the palace of Frederick Ⅰ. C.It was made as one of the wonders.



这是怎样炼成的第一章读后感英文回答:After reading the first chapter of "How was this Made?", I was deeply impressed by the author's storytelling skills and the intriguing plot. The chapter begins with a mysterious event that immediately captures the reader's attention. The author's use of vivid descriptions and suspenseful language creates a sense of anticipation and curiosity, making it difficult to put the book down.The protagonist's journey is also captivating. The author skillfully develops the character, providing insight into their thoughts, emotions, and motivations. This allows the reader to connect with the protagonist on a deeperlevel and become invested in their story.Furthermore, the world-building in the first chapter is exceptional. The author introduces a unique and imaginative setting, filled with rich details and vibrant imagery. Thedescriptions of the landscapes, creatures, and magical elements are so vivid that they transport the reader into the story, making it feel real and immersive.The pacing of the chapter is well-balanced, with a perfect blend of action, dialogue, and introspection. The author knows when to slow down and delve into thecharacter's thoughts, and when to pick up the pace and introduce exciting twists and turns. This keeps the reader engaged and eager to discover what happens next.Overall, the first chapter of "How was this Made?" is a captivating introduction to the story. The author's writing style, character development, world-building, and pacingall contribute to creating a compelling narrative that leaves the reader wanting more.中文回答:阅读了《这是怎样炼成的》的第一章后,我对作者的叙事技巧和引人入胜的情节深感印象深刻。

Chapter1 Studying Rhetoric

Chapter1     Studying  Rhetoric

课题Chapter 1 An Introduction to Rhetoric目的要求 A fundamental knowledge of rhetoric教学重点1.The definition of rhetoric2. The contents of rhetoric3. The relationship of rhetoric and grammar教学难点The contents of rhetoricThe relationship of rhetoric and grammar教学课时2教学方法Question, explanation and discussion教学内容与步骤1.What is rhetoric?American linguists Brooks and Woolen in their book Modern Rhetoric said that rhetoric is the art of using language effectively.(修辞学是有效使用语言的艺术)2.Origin of modern rhetoric1)The word rhetoric means “speaking”in such European languages ad Greek, Latin, French, Spanish and Italian.Rhetoric originated in speaking. Aristotle, in the 4th centuary BC, first defined rhetoric as the art of persuasion. In Athens, the center of western civilization, great orators, by exercising their rhetoric, gained following and support, and eventually, political power.2) With the development of the modern printing industry in the 19thcentury, rhetoric came to be understood as the ability to write or speak well in ornate, showy language.3) At present, however, with the quickened tempo of life, the increased stress on efficiency and efficacy, and the ascendence of the idea that languages are means of communication, more and more people have come to regard rhetoric ad the art of effective communication. Furthermore, rhetoric tends to be connected more with writing than speech, and more with prose writing than with verse.3.Why should we learn rhetoric?There is a phenomenon in Chinese college students: in reading, the students are able to analyze sentences into their grammatical components, but they have difficulty in appreciating a rhetorically effective sentence or passage. In writing compositions, while they are able to make sentences which are grammatically correct, they have great difficulty in composing sentences or paragraphs which are effective rhetorically and stylistically.4.Contents of modern rhetoric1) There are two main rhetorical trends in contemporary western culture:a.Stylistics, which is associated with two aspects of writing: First,the various registers, e.g.: scientific and technical writing, business writing and journalism. Second, the stylisticvariants---literary language and style, including personal style, and styles of different times and schools.b.Rhetoric, which is chiefly concerned with techniques of how toinfluence the audience: the functions and effects of different symbols on communication activities; measures to promote mutual understanding and to affect the emotions of the audience; skills to handle persuasion and arguments as described in the “three aesthetic criteria” and the “three levels of rhetorical operations.”2) Specifically speaking, rhetoric consists of two basic aspects:a. Communicative rhetoric, which emphasizes the choice of wordsand phrases, and selection of sentence patterns, organizing paragraphs and whole pieces of writing in such a way that ideas are expressed mostly clearly, most accurately and most appropriately and the best results are achieved in communication.b. Aesthetic Rhetoric, which stresses the vividness and gracefulnessin expressing one’s ideas by artistic approaches like the use of figures of speech so as to increase the emotional appeal of one’s speech or writing.5.The three fundamental elements in writingThe three fundamental elements in writing are fact, reason, and feeling. Any piece of written discourse contains a combination of theseelements.6.Goals for studying rhetoricRhetoric is the art of using language effectively.1)The basic requirement of being effective is to use fewer words toaccomplish the best communicative purpose.Cf: 1a. The sports event began its commencement with the fine performance of 1000 children.1b. The sports event started with the splendid group calisthenics of 1000 children.The two sentences refer to the same thing. It is obvious that the second sentence is more effective because it is concise and specific: oneword(started)is used for three(began its commencement) and specific reference(group calisthenics)for the more abstractreference(performance). Besides, the adjective “fine” in the first sentence is not so impressive as “splendid” in the second.2)Rhetoric is closely related to grammar and also based ongrammar. To be grammatically correct is fundamental to writing, but that is not enough.7.The relation between rhetoric and grammarRhetoric is closely related to grammar and also based on grammar.But they are different.---Grammar maps out the possible; rhetoric narrows the possible down to the desirable and effective.---Grammar is the law of language, considered as language;rhetoric is the art of language, considered as thought.--- Grammar tells what is correct; rhetoric tells what is effective and pleasing.8.Three basic levels of rhetoricRhetoric involves choice of words, sentence patterns ,figures of speech, organizations of paragraphs and composition. This process can be broken down into three basic levels:Level One: words and phrasesLevel Two: sentence varietyLevel Three: organizing paragraphs into a complete text.作业:ⅠQuestions:1.What is rhetoric?2.What is the difference between grammar and rhetoric?3.What are three basic levels of rhetoric?Ⅱ.Compare the following pairs of sentences, and determine which sentence in each pair is more effective.1.a. They wander into the church and aimlessly lookaround.b. They wander into the church and look around aimlessly.2. a. They, at last, know what they are seeing.b. They know what they are seeing at last.3.a. The curtain comes down as soon as the last boat has gone.b. As soon as the last boat has gone, down comes the curtain.4.a. The boy said that he was thirsty and could drink a big bottleof water.c.The boy said that he was dying of thirst and could drink up thewhole sea.教学后记:This chapter serves as a complement of the course book. A fundamental knowledge of rhetoric is helpful to further study.。



学习论语英文作文Title: Exploring the Analects: A Journey into Chinese Philosophy。

The Analects, attributed to Confucius, is a cornerstone text in Chinese philosophy and a reservoir of wisdom that has influenced generations. Delving into the Analects in English not only opens doors to understanding ancient Chinese thought but also offers insights into universal principles applicable to modern life.One of the central themes of the Analects is the cultivation of moral character. Confucius emphasizes the importance of virtue, integrity, and benevolence in shaping an individual's conduct. For instance, in Chapter 4, Verse 5, Confucius states, "The superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions." This highlights the significance of humility and the value of leading by example rather than mere rhetoric.Moreover, the Analects emphasize the importance offilial piety and the proper conduct of family members towards one another. Confucius extols the virtue of respecting one's parents and ancestors as the foundation of a harmonious society. In Chapter 1, Verse 2, he says,"Isn't it a pleasure, having learned something, to try it out at due intervals? Isn't it a joy, having friends come from afar?" Here, Confucius underscores the joy of learning and the value of maintaining connections with others, including family and friends.Additionally, the Analects offer guidance on governance and leadership. Confucius advocates for rulers to govern with benevolence and righteousness, prioritizing the welfare of the people over personal gain. Chapter 12, Verse 19 states, "The superior man is dignified, but does not wrangle. He is sociable, but not a partisan." This highlights the importance of dignified behavior and impartiality in leadership.Furthermore, the Analects address the importance ofself-cultivation and continuous learning. Confuciusemphasizes the need for individuals to strive for self-improvement and intellectual growth throughout their lives. In Chapter 15, Verse 29, he says, "To study and not thinkis a waste. To think and not study is dangerous." This admonition underscores the inseparable connection between learning and critical thinking.Studying the Analects in English provides a gateway to understanding Chinese culture and civilization. It offers valuable insights into the moral, ethical, andphilosophical tenets that have shaped Chinese society for millennia. Moreover, it fosters cross-cultural dialogue and mutual understanding, enriching our perspectives and broadening our horizons.In conclusion, exploring the Analects in English is not merely an academic pursuit but a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Its timeless wisdom transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries, offering profound insights into the human condition and the pursuit of moral excellence. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, theteachings of Confucius continue to resonate, guiding us towards a more harmonious and virtuous existence.。

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课题Chapter 1 An Introduction to Rhetoric目的要求 A fundamental knowledge of rhetoric教学重点1.The definition of rhetoric2. The contents of rhetoric3. The relationship of rhetoric and grammar教学难点The contents of rhetoricThe relationship of rhetoric and grammar教学课时2教学方法Question, explanation and discussion教学内容与步骤1.What is rhetoric?American linguists Brooks and Woolen in their book Modern Rhetoric said that rhetoric is the art of using language effectively.(修辞学是有效使用语言的艺术)2.Origin of modern rhetoric1)The word rhetoric means “speaking”in such European languages ad Greek, Latin, French, Spanish and Italian.Rhetoric originated in speaking. Aristotle, in the 4th centuary BC, first defined rhetoric as the art of persuasion. In Athens, the center of western civilization, great orators, by exercising their rhetoric, gained following and support, and eventually, political power.2) With the development of the modern printing industry in the 19thcentury, rhetoric came to be understood as the ability to write or speak well in ornate, showy language.3) At present, however, with the quickened tempo of life, the increased stress on efficiency and efficacy, and the ascendence of the idea that languages are means of communication, more and more people have come to regard rhetoric ad the art of effective communication. Furthermore, rhetoric tends to be connected more with writing than speech, and more with prose writing than with verse.3.Why should we learn rhetoric?There is a phenomenon in Chinese college students: in reading, the students are able to analyze sentences into their grammatical components, but they have difficulty in appreciating a rhetorically effective sentence or passage. In writing compositions, while they are able to make sentences which are grammatically correct, they have great difficulty in composing sentences or paragraphs which are effective rhetorically and stylistically.4.Contents of modern rhetoric1) There are two main rhetorical trends in contemporary western culture:a.Stylistics, which is associated with two aspects of writing: First,the various registers, e.g.: scientific and technical writing, business writing and journalism. Second, the stylisticvariants---literary language and style, including personal style, and styles of different times and schools.b.Rhetoric, which is chiefly concerned with techniques of how toinfluence the audience: the functions and effects of different symbols on communication activities; measures to promote mutual understanding and to affect the emotions of the audience; skills to handle persuasion and arguments as described in the “three aesthetic criteria” and the “three levels of rhetorical operations.”2) Specifically speaking, rhetoric consists of two basic aspects:a. Communicative rhetoric, which emphasizes the choice of wordsand phrases, and selection of sentence patterns, organizing paragraphs and whole pieces of writing in such a way that ideas are expressed mostly clearly, most accurately and most appropriately and the best results are achieved in communication.b. Aesthetic Rhetoric, which stresses the vividness and gracefulnessin expressing one’s ideas by artistic approaches like the use of figures of speech so as to increase the emotional appeal of one’s speech or writing.5.The three fundamental elements in writingThe three fundamental elements in writing are fact, reason, and feeling. Any piece of written discourse contains a combination of theseelements.6.Goals for studying rhetoricRhetoric is the art of using language effectively.1)The basic requirement of being effective is to use fewer words toaccomplish the best communicative purpose.Cf: 1a. The sports event began its commencement with the fine performance of 1000 children.1b. The sports event started with the splendid group calisthenics of 1000 children.The two sentences refer to the same thing. It is obvious that the second sentence is more effective because it is concise and specific: oneword(started)is used for three(began its commencement) and specific reference(group calisthenics)for the more abstractreference(performance). Besides, the adjective “fine” in the first sentence is not so impressive as “splendid” in the second.2)Rhetoric is closely related to grammar and also based ongrammar. To be grammatically correct is fundamental to writing, but that is not enough.7.The relation between rhetoric and grammarRhetoric is closely related to grammar and also based on grammar.But they are different.---Grammar maps out the possible; rhetoric narrows the possible down to the desirable and effective.---Grammar is the law of language, considered as language;rhetoric is the art of language, considered as thought.--- Grammar tells what is correct; rhetoric tells what is effective and pleasing.8.Three basic levels of rhetoricRhetoric involves choice of words, sentence patterns ,figures of speech, organizations of paragraphs and composition. This process can be broken down into three basic levels:Level One: words and phrasesLevel Two: sentence varietyLevel Three: organizing paragraphs into a complete text.作业:ⅠQuestions:1.What is rhetoric?2.What is the difference between grammar and rhetoric?3.What are three basic levels of rhetoric?Ⅱ.Compare the following pairs of sentences, and determine which sentence in each pair is more effective.1.a. They wander into the church and aimlessly lookaround.b. They wander into the church and look around aimlessly.2. a. They, at last, know what they are seeing.b. They know what they are seeing at last.3.a. The curtain comes down as soon as the last boat has gone.b. As soon as the last boat has gone, down comes the curtain.4.a. The boy said that he was thirsty and could drink a big bottleof water.c.The boy said that he was dying of thirst and could drink up thewhole sea.教学后记:This chapter serves as a complement of the course book. A fundamental knowledge of rhetoric is helpful to further study.。
