8 4
14 10
好,CPU访问Cache的 命中率就越高。但出于 成本考虑,一般容量不 大,一级缓存几kB~(几 十)kB,二级缓存128 kB~1 MB。
电路的高电平状态或低电平状态(CPU) 电容的充电状态或放电状态(RAM) 两种不同的磁化状态(磁盘) 光盘面上的凹凸状态(光盘)
磁头,用 于写入和 读出信息 磁性材 料粒子 磁 盘 片
“0” “1”
光盘上的 螺旋形光道
凹坑的边缘 用来表示 “1”,而 凹坑内外的 平坦部分表 示“0”
155 150 147 168 225 225 240 233
A: 0110 B: ∨ 1010 F: 1110
A: 0110 B: ∧ 1010 F: 0010
01001101 ∨ 00101011 01101111
7*64+4*8+4 =(1+2+4)*26+22*23+22 =(20+21+22)* 26+25+22
2001年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 ___________________________________________ 1 2002年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 ___________________________________________ 6 2003年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 __________________________________________ 10 2004年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 __________________________________________ 14 2005年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 __________________________________________ 18 2006年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 __________________________________________ 21 2007年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 __________________________________________ 24 2008年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 __________________________________________ 28 2009年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 __________________________________________ 31 2010年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试 __________________________________________ 342001年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学参考答案 ______________________ 37 2002年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学参考答案 ______________________ 38 2003年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学参考答案 ______________________ 40 2004年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学参考答案 ______________________ 41 2005年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学参考答案 ______________________ 43 2006年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学参考答案 ______________________ 45 2007年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学参考答案 ______________________ 47 2008年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学参考答案 ______________________ 49 2009年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学参考答案 ______________________ 51 2010年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学参考答案 ______________________ 532001年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学一、选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1、下列各极限正确的是 ( )A 、e xxx =+→)11(lim 0B 、e xx x =+∞→1)11(limC 、11sinlim =∞→x x x D 、11sin lim 0=→xx x2、不定积分=-⎰dx x211 ( )A 、211x-B 、c x+-211 C 、x arcsin D 、c x +arcsin3、若)()(x f x f -=,且在[)+∞,0内0)('>x f 、0)(''>x f ,则在)0,(-∞内必有 ( ) A 、0)('<x f ,0)(''<x f B 、0)('<x f ,0)(''>x f C 、0)('>x f ,0)(''<x f D 、0)('>x f ,0)(''>x f4、=-⎰dx x 21 ( )A 、0B 、2C 、-1D 、15、方程x y x 422=+在空间直角坐标系中表示 ( ) A 、圆柱面B 、点C 、圆D 、旋转抛物面二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)6、设⎩⎨⎧+==22tt y te x t ,则==0t dx dy7、0136'''=+-y y y 的通解为 8、交换积分次序=⎰⎰dy y x f dx xx22),(9、函数yx z =的全微分=dz10、设)(x f 为连续函数,则=+-+⎰-dx x x x f x f 311])()([三、计算题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分) 11、已知5cos)21ln(arctan π+++=x x y ,求dy .12、计算xx dte x xt x sin lim22⎰-→.13、求)1(sin )1()(2--=x x xx x f 的间断点,并说明其类型.14、已知x y x y ln 2+=,求1,1==y x dxdy.15、计算dx ee xx⎰+12.16、已知⎰∞-=+02211dx x k ,求k 的值.17、求x x y y sec tan '=-满足00==x y 的特解.18、计算⎰⎰Ddxdy y 2sin ,D 是1=x 、2=y 、1-=x y 围成的区域.19、已知)(x f y =过坐标原点,并且在原点处的切线平行于直线032=-+y x ,若b ax x f +=2'3)(,且)(x f 在1=x 处取得极值,试确定a 、b 的值,并求出)(x f y =的表达式.20、设),(2y x x f z =,其中f 具有二阶连续偏导数,求x z ∂∂、yx z∂∂∂2.四、综合题(本大题共4小题,第21小题10分,第22小题8分,第23、24小题各6分,共30分) 21、过)0,1(P 作抛物线2-=x y 的切线,求(1)切线方程; (2)由2-=x y ,切线及x 轴围成的平面图形面积;(3)该平面图形分别绕x 轴、y 轴旋转一周的体积。
5.空间有一沿 x 轴对称分布的电场,其电场强度 是 ( A) O 点的电势最低 ( B)X2 点的电势最高 ( C) X1 和 - X1 两点的电势相等 ( D)X1 和 X3 两点的电势相等
E随 X 变化的图像如图所示。下列说法正确的
二、多项选择题:本体共 4 小题,每小题 4 分,共计 16 分。
A.升压变压器的输出电压增大 B.降压变压器的输出电压增大 C.输电线上损耗的功率增大 D.输电线上损耗的功率占总功率的比例增大 8.如图所示,平直木板 AB 倾斜放置,板上的 P 点距 A 端较近,小物块与木板间的动摩擦因数 由 A 到 B 逐渐减小,先让物块从 A 由静止开始滑到 B。然后,将 A 着地,抬高 B,使木板的倾 角与前一过程相同, 再让物块从 B 由静止开始滑到 A。上述两过程相比较, 下列说法中一定正 确的有 A. 物块经过 P 点的动能,前一过程较小 B. 物块从顶端滑到 P 点的过程中因摩擦产生的热量,前一过程较少 C.物块滑到底端的速度,前一过程较大 D.物块从顶端滑到底端的时间,前一过程较长 9.如图所示,在匀强磁场中附加另一匀强磁场,附加磁场位于图中阴影区域,附加磁场区域的 对称轴 OO’与 SS’垂直。 a、b、c 三个质子先后从 S点沿垂直于磁场的方向摄入磁场,它们的速
2010 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 (江苏卷 )
一、单项选择题:本题共 5 小题,每小题 3 分,共计 15 分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。
1、如图所示,一块橡皮用细线悬挂于 始终保持悬线竖直,则橡皮运动的速度
O 点,用铅笔靠着线的左侧水平向右匀速移动,运动中
( A)大小和方向均不变
三题都做,则按 A、 B 两题评分。
A. (选修模块 3-3 )( 12 分)
2010年江苏专转本高等数学真题(附答案)2010年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学一、单项选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分)1.设当0x →时,函数()sin f x x x =-与()ng x ax =是等价无穷小,则常数,a n 的值为 ( )A. 1,36a n ==B. 1,33a n ==C. 1,412a n == D. 1,46a n == 2.曲线223456x x y x x -+=-+的渐近线共有( )A. 1条B. 2条C. 3条D. 4条 3.设函数22()cos t xx e tdtΦ=⎰,则函数()x Φ的导数()x 'Φ等于( ) A.222cos x xe x B.222cos x xe x - C. 2cos xxex-D. 22cos x e x - 4.下列级数收敛的是( ) A. 11n n n ∞=+∑ B.2121n n n n∞=++∑ C.1n n n ∞=D.212n n n ∞=∑5.二次积分111(,)y dy f x y dx+⎰⎰交换积分次序后得( ) A. 1101(,)x dx f x y dy+⎰⎰B.211(,)x dx f x y dy-⎰⎰C. 2111(,)x dx f x y dy-⎰⎰D.2111(,)x dx f x y dy-⎰⎰6.设3()3f x x x=-,则在区间(0,1)内( )A. 函数()f x 单调增加且其图形是凹的B. 函数()f x 单调增加且其图形是凸的C. 函数()f x 单调减少且其图形是凹的D. 函数()f x 单调减少且其图形是凸的二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分)7. 1lim()1xx x x →∞+=-8. 若(0)1f '=,则0()()lim x f x f x x →--=9. 定积分312111x dxx -++⎰的值为10. 设(1,2,3),(2,5,)a b k ==,若a 与b 垂直,则常数k = 11. 设函数24z x y=+,则10x y dz===12. 幂级数0(1)n nn x n ∞=-∑的收敛域为三、计算题(本大题共8小题,每小题8分,满分64分)13、求极限211lim()tanx x x x→- 14、设函数()y y x =由方程2x yy e x++=所确定,求22,dy d ydx dx15、求不定积分arctan x xdx ⎰ 16、计算定积分4021dx x +⎰17、求通过点(1,1,1),且与直线23253x t y t z t =+⎧⎪=+⎨⎪=+⎩垂直,又与平面250x z --=平行的直线的方程。
江苏省2010年普通高校专转本选拔统一考试数 学 试 题一、单项选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分)1.设当0x →时,函数()sin f x x x =-与()n g x ax =是等价无穷小,则常数,a n 的值为( ) A. 1,36a n == B. 1,33a n == C. 1,412a n == D. 1,46a n == 2.曲线223456x x y x x -+=-+的渐近线共有( ) A. 1条 B. 2条 C. 3条 D. 4条3.设函数22()cos t x x e tdt Φ=⎰,则函数()x Φ的导数()x 'Φ等于( ) A. 222cos x xe x B. 222cos x xe x - C. 2cos x xe x - D. 22cos x e x -4.下列级数收敛的是( ) A. 11n n n ∞=+∑ B. 2121n n n n ∞=++∑C. 1n n ∞=D. 212n n n ∞=∑ 5.二次积分1101(,)y dy f x y dx +⎰⎰交换积分次序后得( )A.1101(,)x dx f x y dy +⎰⎰ B. 2110(,)x dx f x y dy -⎰⎰ C. 2111(,)x dx f x y dy -⎰⎰ D. 2111(,)x dx f x y dy -⎰⎰ 6.设3()3f x x x =-,则在区间(0,1)内( )A. 函数()f x 单调增加且其图形是凹的B. 函数()f x 单调增加且其图形是凸的C. 函数()f x 单调减少且其图形是凹的D. 函数()f x 单调减少且其图形是凸的二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分) 7. 1lim()1x x x x →∞+=- 8. 若(0)1f '=,则0()()lim x f x f x x→--= 9. 定积分312111x dx x -++⎰的值为 10. 设(1,2,3),(2,5,)a b k ==r r ,若a r 与b r 垂直,则常数k =绝密★启用前11.设函数z =10x y dz=== 12. 幂级数0(1)nn n x n ∞=-∑的收敛域为 三、计算题(本大题共8小题,每小题8分,满分64分)13、求极限2011lim()tan x x x x→- 14、设函数()y y x =由方程2x y y ex ++=所确定,求22,dy d y dx dx15、求不定积分arctan x xdx ⎰16、计算定积分40⎰ 17、求通过点(1,1,1),且与直线23253x t y t z t =+⎧⎪=+⎨⎪=+⎩垂直,又与平面250x z --=平行的直线的方程。
第Ⅰ卷Part ⅠReading Comprehension (共40分)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Sometimes you’ll hear people say that you can’t love others until you love yourself. Sometimes you’ll hear people say that you can’t expect someone else to love you until you love yourself. Either way, you’ve got to love yourself first and this can be tricky. Sure we all know that we’re the people of our parents’eyes, and that our Grandmas think we are great talents and our uncle Roberts think that we will go to the Olympics, but sometimes it’s a lot harder to think such nice thoughts about ourselves. If you find that believing in yourself is a challenge, it is time you built a positive self-image and learn to love yourself.Self-image is your own mind’s picture of yourself. This image includes the way you look, the way you act, the way you talk and the way you think. Interestingly, our self-images are often quite different from the images others hold about us. Unfortunately, most of these images are more negative than they should be, thus changing the way you think about yourself is the key to changing your self-image and your whole world.The best way to defeat a passive self-image is to step back and decide to stress your successes. That is, make a list if you need to, but write down all of the great things you do everyday. Don’t allow doubts to occur in it.It very well might be that you are experiencing a negative self-image because you can’t move past one flaw or weakness that you see about yourself. Well, roll up your sleeves and make a change of it as your primary task. If you think you are silly because you aren’t good at math. Find a tutor. If you think you are weak because you can’t run a mile, get to the track and practice. If you think you are dull because you don’t wear the latest trends, buy a few new clothes.The best way to get rid of a negative self-image is to realize that your image is far from objective and to actively convince yourself of your positive qualities. Changing the way you think and working on those you need to improve will go a long way towards promoting a positive self-image. When you can pat your self on the back, you’ll know you’re well on your way.1. You need to build a positive self-image when you _______.A.dare to challenge yourself B. feel it hard to change yourselfC. are unconfident about yourselfD. have a high opinion of yourself2. According to the passage, our self-images________.A. have positive effectsB. are probably untrueC. are often changeableD. have different functions3. How should you change your self-image according to the passage?A. Keep a different image of others.B. Make your life successfulC. Understand your own worldD. Change the way you think4. What is the passage mainly about?A. How to prepare for your successB. How to face challenges in your lifeC. How to build a positive self-imageD. How to develop your good qualities5. Who are the intended readers of the passage?A. parentsB. AdolescentsC. educatorsD. people in general Passage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness, happiness, goodness, and self-respect? The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as “honor”helps you create this life of good feelings.Here’s an example to show how honorable actions create happiness.Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item. If we keep silent and profit from the clerk’s mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement. Later we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune. On the other hand, if we tell the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be grateful and thank us for ourhonesty. We would leave the store with a quite sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.Then, what is it to do with our sense of happiness?In the first case, where we don’t tell the clerk, a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief. In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect. We would also demonstrate that we cannot be trusted, since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends. We damage our own reputations by telling others. In contrast, bringing the error to the clerk’s attention causes different things to happen. Immediately, the clerk knows us to be honorable. Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and our internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions. Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier experience. And it is easy to think and act honorably again when we are happy. While the positive cycle can be difficult to start, once it’s started, it’s easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind which is important for our happiness.6. According to the passage, the positive action in the example contributes to our ___________.A. self-respectB. financial rewardsC. advertising abilityD. friendly relationship7. The author thinks that keeping silent about the uncharged item is equal to _____.A. lyingB. stealingC. cheatingD. advertising8. The phrase “bringing the error to the clerk’s attention” means_______.A. telling the truth to the clerkB. offering advice to the clerkC. asking the clerk to be more attentiveD. reminding the clerk of the charged item9. How will we feel if we let the clerk know the mistake?A. We’ll be very excitedB. We’ll feel unfortunateC. We’ll have a sense of humorD. We’ll feel sorry for the clerk10. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A. How to live truthfullyB. Importance of peacefulnessC. Ways of gaining self-respectD. Happiness through honorablePassage 3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Sesame Street has been called “the longest street in the world”. That is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts of the world. That program became one of America’s exports soon after it went on the air in New York in 1969.In the United States more than 6 million children watch the program regularly. The viewers include more than half of the nation’s pre-school children. Although some educators object to certain elements in the program, parents praise it highly. Many teachers also consider it a great help, though some teachers find thatproblems arise when first graders who have learned from “Sesame Street” are in the same class with children who have not watched the program.The program uses songs, stories, jokes and pictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers, letters and human relationships. Tests have shown that children have benefited from watching “Sesame Street”. Those who watch five times a week learn more than the occasional viewers. In the United States the program is shown at different times during the week in order to increase the number of children who can watch it regularly.Why has “Sesame Street”been so much more successful than other children’s shows? Many reasons have been suggested. People mention the educational theories of its creators, the support by the government and private businesses, and the skillful use of a variety of TV tricks. Perhaps an equally important reason is that mothers watch “Sesame Street”along with their children. This is partly because famous adult stars often appear on “Sesame Street”. But the best reason for the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching it feel able to learn. The child finds himself learning, and he wants to learn more.11. Why has Sesame Street been called “the longest street in the world”?A. the program has been shown ever since 1969.B. the program became one of America’s major exports soon after it appeared on TVC. the program is now being watched in most parts of the world.D. the program is made in the longest street in New York.12. Some educators are critical of the program because________.A. they don’t think it fit for children in every respectB. it takes the children too much time to watch itC. it causes problems between children who watched it and those who have notD. some parents attach too much importance to it13. So many children in the United States watch the program because______.A. it uses songs, stories and jokes to give them basic knowledgeB. it is arranged for most children to watch it regularlyC. tests have shown that it is beneficial to themD. both A and B14. Mothers often watch the program along with their children because______A. they enjoy the program as much as their childrenB. they find their children have benefited from watching the programC. they are attracted by some famous adult stars on the showD. they can learn some educational theories from the program15. What is the most important reason for the success of the program according to the author?A. the creators have good educational theories in making the programB. the young viewers find they can learn something from it.C. famous adult stars often appear in the programD. It gets support from the government and private businessPassage 4Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.You will have no difficulty in making contact with the agent. As you enter his office, you will be greeted immediately and politely asked what you are looking for. The Estate Agent’s negotiator-as he is called-will probably check that you really know your financial position. No harm in that, but you can always tell him that you have confirmed the position with the XYZ Building Society. He will accept that.He will show you the details of a whole range of properties; many of them are not really what you are looking for at all. That does not matter. Far better turn then down than risk missing the right one.The printed details he will give you are called “particulars”. Over the years, a whole language has grown up, solely for use in Agent’s particulars. It is flowery, ornate and, providing you read it carefully and discount the adjectives, it can be very accurate and helpful.Since the passing of the Trades Description Act, any trader trying to sell something has had to be very careful as to what they say about it. Estate Agents have, by now, become very competent at going as far as they dare. For instance, it is quite acceptable to say “delightfully”situated. That is an expression of his opinion. You many not agree, but he might like the idea of living next to the gasworks. If, on the other hand, he says that the house has five bedrooms when, in fact, it has only two, that is a misstatement of fact and is an offence. This has made Estate Agents and others for that matter rather more careful.Basically, all that you need to know about a house is : how many bedrooms it has; an indication of their size; whether the house has a garage; whether there is a garden and whether it is at the back or the front of the house; whether its semi-detached of terraced.16. The Estate Agent’s negotiator will ________.A. want all details of your financial circumstancesB. want to satisfy himself that you understand the financial implications of buying a house.C. check your financial position with the XYZ Building SocietyD. accept any statement you make about your financial position17. The author believes ________.A. it is better to be given information about too many properties than too fewB. you should only look at details of properties of the kind you have decided to buy.C. the agent will only show you the details of properties you have in mind.D. it doesn’t matter if you miss a few properties you may be interested in.18. The adjectives in Agent’s particulars are ______.A. accurateB. helpfulC. both accurateD. safe to ignore19. The Trades Description Act applies to ___________.A. house agents onlyB. most estate agentsC. any traderD. buyer of houses20. The phrase “going as far as they dare” probably means______.A. covering as wide an area as possibleB. selling houses as far from the estate agent’s housesC. telling lies about properties if nobody is likely to find out about it.D. trying every possible means to make the description of houses sound attractive Part ⅡVocabulary and StructureDirections: In this part there are forty incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. Scientists will have to _____ new methods of increasing the world’s food supply in order to solve the problem of famine in some places.A. come up forB. come down withC. com down toD. come up with 22.I’d like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ______in a quiet and safe neighborhood.A. all in allB. above allC. after allD. over all23. In order to expose corruption, they have decided to set up a special team to ____the company’s accounts.A. search forB. work outC. look intoD. sum up24. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up a lot of wonderful _____ in the markets.A. batteriesB. basketsC. barrelsD. bargains25. The residents living in these apartments have free ____ to the swimming pool, the gym and other facilities.A. excessB. excursionC. accessD. recreation 26.Reporters and photographers alike took great _____at the rude way the actors behaved during the interview.A. annoyanceB. offenceC. resentmentD. irritation27. Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal of a child because of a ___ dislike.A. provedB. supposedC. consideredD. related28. I’d like to ____ this old car for a new model but I am afraid I cannot afford it.A. exchangeB. convertedC. replaceD. substitute29. She said she liked dancing but was not in the ______for it just then when it was so noisy in the hall.A. mannerB. intentionC. moodD. desire30. He was _____ admittance to the concert hall for not being properly dressed.A. rejectedB. deniedC. withheldD. deprived31. Most people tend to ______ a pounding heart and sweating palms with the experience of emotion.A. classifyB. identifyC. satisfyD. modify32. The company _____ many fine promises to the engineer in order to get him to work for them.A. held upB. held onC. held outD. held onto33. _____the tragic news about their president, they have cancelled the 4th of July celebration.A. In the course ofB. In spite ofC. In the event ofD. In the light of34. The worker’ demands are _______, they are asking for only a small increase in their wages.A. particularB. moderateC. intermediateD. numerous35. Our explanation seemed only to have _____ his confusion. He was totally at a loss as to what to say.A. brought upB. added toC. worked outD. directed at36. With a standard bulb, only 5% of the electricity is ______ to light-the rest is wasted away as heat.A. compressedB. conformedC. convertedD. confined37. Modern technology has placed ______ every kind of music, from virtually every period in history and every corner of the globe.A. at our requestB. at our disposalC. in our presenceD. in our sight38. Much has been written on the virtues of natural childbirth, but little research has been done to ___ these virtues.A. confirmB. consultC. confessD. convey39. Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food______their cleaness, toughness and low cost.A. by virtue ofB. at sight ofC. by means ofD. by way of40. I am trying to think of his mind, but my mind goes completely _____i must be slipping.A. bareB. blankC. hollowD. vacant41. _____ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.A. what is requiredB. what requiresC. It is requiredD. It requires42. It is generally believed that gardening is ______it is a science.A. an art much asB. much an art asC. as an art much asD. as much an art as43. The indoor swimming pool seems to be great more luxurious than ______.A. is necessaryB. being necessaryC. to be necessaryD. it is necessary44. He ______ English for 8 years by the time he graduates from the university next year.A. will learnB. will be learningC. will have learntD. will have been learnt.45. It was not until the sub prime loan crisis ______ great damage to the American financial system that Americans ______the severity of the situation.A. caused; realizedB. had caused; realizedC. caused; had realizedD. was causing; had realized46. The police think you brother John stole the diamond in the museum yesterday evening.Oh? But he stayed with me at home the whole evening; he ___ the museum.A. must have been toB. needn’t have been toC. should have been toD. couldn’t have been to47. _______ the meeting himself gave his supporters a great deal of encouragement.A. The president will attendB. The president to attendC. The president attendedD. The president’s attending48. Everything _____into consideration, the candidates ought to have anotherchance.A. is takenB. takenC. to be takenD. taking49. _______from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.A. SufferedB. SufferingC. Having sufferedD. Being suffered50. The concert will be broadcasted live to a worldwide television audience_____ thousand millionA. estimatingB. estimatedC. estimatesD. having estimated51. About half of the students expected there ______more reviewing classes before the final exams.A. isB. beingC. to beD. have been52. _____ made the school proud was____more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.A. What; becauseB. What; thatC. That; whatD. That; because53. Information has been released ______ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities this year.A. whileB. thatC. whenD. as54. He is the only one of the students who ______ a winner of scholarship for three years.A. isB. areC. have beenD. has been55. What’s that newly-built building?______ the students have out-of-class activities, such as drawing and singing. A. It is the building that B. That’s whereC. It is in whichD. The building that56.With a large amount of work_____ the chief manager couldn’t spare time for a holiday.A. remained to be doneB. remaining to doC. remained to doD. remaining to be done57. Why! I have nothing to confess, ______you want me to say?A. What is it thatB. what it is thatC. How is it thatD. How is it that58. David has made great progress recently.__________, and __________________.A. So he has, so you haveB. So he has; so have youC. So has he; so you haveD. So has he; so you have59. It is universally known that microscopes make small things appear larger than _____.A. really areB. are reallyC. are they reallyD. they really are60. Tom, _______, but your TV is going too loud.Oh, I’m sorry. I will turn it down right now.A. I’d like to talk with youB. I’m really tired of thisC. I hate to say thisD. I need your helpPart ⅢClozeDirections: There are 20 blanks in the following passages. For each bank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You chose the ONE that best fits into the passage, the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.The eyes are the most important 61 of human body that is used to 62 information. Eye contact is crucial for establishing rapport 63 others. The way we look at other people can 64 them know we are paying attention to 65 they are saying. We can also look at a person and gave the 66 we are not hearing a word. Probably all of us have been 67 of looking directly at someone and 68 hearing a word while he or she was talking 69 we were thinking about something totally 70 to what was being said.Eye contact allows you to 71 up visual clues about the other person; 72, the other person can pick up clues about you. Studies of the use of eye contact 73 communication indicate that we seek eye contact with others 74 we want to communicate with them. When we like them, when we are 75 toward them (as when two angry people 76 at each other). And when we want feedback from them. 77, we avoid eye contact when we want to 78 communication, when we dislike them, when we are 79 to deceiving them, and when we are 80 in what they have to say.61 A. unit B. part C. link D. section62 A. transfer B. translate C. transmit D. transport63 A. against B. with C. for D. to64 A. forbid B. allow C. permit D. let65 A. how B. which C. what D. that66 A. impression B. expression C. suggestion D. attention67 A. ignorant B. careless C. guilty D. innocent68 A. nor B. so C. not D. neither69 A. or B. unless C. why D. because70 A. related B. relevant C. unrelated D. indifferent71 A. tear B. pick C. size D. take72 A. likewise B. moreover C. otherwise D. therefore73 A. in B. about C. with D. of74 A. why B. where C. when D. what75 A. friendly B. hostile C. respectful D. mistrustful76 A. glance B. glare C. gaze D. stare77 A. Exactly B. Generally C. Conversely D. Interestingly78 A. hold B. establish C. avoid D. direct79 A. wanting B. tending C. forcing D. trying80 A. informed B. unconcerned C. uninterested D. unheard第Ⅱ卷(共50分)Part Ⅳ TranslationSection ADirections: Translate the following sentences into Chinese you may refer to the corresponding passages in Part ONE.81. The best way to get rid of a negative self-image is to realize that your image is far from objective and to actively convince yourself of your positive qualities.82. There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence.83. While the positive cycle can be difficult to start, once it’s started, it’s easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind, which is important for your happiness.84. That is because television program by that name can not be seen in so many parts of the world. That program became one of American’s export soon after it went on the air in New York in 1969.85. For instance, it is quite acceptable to say “delightfully”situated. That is an expression of his opinion. You may not agree, but he might like the idea of living next to the gasworks.Section BDirections: translate the following sentences into English.86. 一个公司应该跟上市场的发展变化,这很重要。
2001年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试高等数学一、选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)1、下列各极限正确的是 ( ) A 、e xxx =+→)11(lim 0B 、e xx x =+∞→1)11(lim C 、11sinlim =∞→xx x D 、11sinlim 0=→xx x2、不定积分=-⎰dx x211 ( )A 、211x- B 、c x+-211 C 、x arcsin D 、c x +arcsin3、若)()(x f x f -=,且在[)+∞,0内0)('>x f 、0)(''>x f ,则在)0,(-∞内必有 ( ) A 、0)('<x f ,0)(''<x f B 、0)('<x f ,0)(''>x f C 、0)('>x f ,0)(''<x fD 、0)('>x f ,0)(''>x f4、=-⎰dx x 21 ( )A 、0B 、2C 、-1D 、15、方程x y x 422=+在空间直角坐标系中表示 ( ) A 、圆柱面B 、点C 、圆D 、旋转抛物面二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分) 6、设⎩⎨⎧+==22t t y te x t ,则==0t dx dy7、0136'''=+-y y y 的通解为 8、交换积分次序=⎰⎰dy y x f dx x x220),(9、函数yx z =的全微分=dz10、设)(x f 为连续函数,则=+-+⎰-dx x x x f x f 311])()([三、计算题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分) 11、已知5cos)21ln(arctanπ+++=xx y ,求dy .12、计算xx dte x x tx sin lim22⎰-→.13、求)1(sin )1()(2--=x x x x x f 的间断点,并说明其类型.14、已知xy x y ln 2+=,求1,1==y x dxdy .15、计算dx eexx⎰+12.16、已知⎰∞-=+02211dx xk ,求k 的值.17、求x x y y sec tan '=-满足00==x y 的特解.18、计算⎰⎰Ddxdy y 2sin ,D 是1=x 、2=y 、1-=x y 围成的区域.19、已知)(x f y =过坐标原点,并且在原点处的切线平行于直线032=-+y x ,若b axx f +=2'3)(,且)(x f 在1=x 处取得极值,试确定a 、b 的值,并求出)(x f y =的表达式.20、设),(2yx x f z =,其中f 具有二阶连续偏导数,求xz ∂∂、yx z ∂∂∂2.四、综合题(本大题共4小题,第21小题10分,第22小题8分,第23、24小题各6分,共30分) 21、过)0,1(P 作抛物线2-=x y 的切线,求(1)切线方程; (2)由2-=x y ,切线及x 轴围成的平面图形面积;(3)该平面图形分别绕x 轴、y 轴旋转一周的体积。
2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)物理试题一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个....选项符合题意.1.如图所示,一块橡皮用细线悬挂于O点,用铅笔靠着线的左侧水平向右匀速移动,运动中始终保持悬线竖直,则橡皮运动的速度(A)大小和方向均不变(B)大小不变,方向改变(C)大小改变,方向不变(D)大小和方向均改变2.一矩形线框置于匀强磁场中,线框平面与磁场方向垂直,先保持线框的面积不变,将磁感应强度在1s 时间内均匀地增大到原来的两倍.接着保持增大后的磁感应强度不变,在1s 时间内,再将线框的面积均匀地减小到原来的一半.先后两个过程中,线框中感应电动势的比值为(A)12(B)1 (C)2 (D)43.如图所示,置于水平地面的三脚架上固定着一质量为m的照相机.三脚架的三根轻质支架等长,与竖直方向均成30 角,则每根支架中承受的压力大小为(A)13mg(B)23mg(C)36mg(D)239mg4.如图所示的电路中,电源的电动势为E,内阻为r,电感L的电阻不计,电阻R的阻值大于灯泡D的阻值.在t=0时刻闭合开关S,经过一段时间后,在t=t1时刻断开S.下列表示A、B两点间电压U AB随时间t变化的图像中,正确的是5.空间有一沿x轴对称分布的电场,其电场强度E随x变化的图像如图所示.下列说法正确的是(A)O点的电势最低(B)x2点的电势最高(C)x1和- x1两点的电势相等(D)x1和x3两点的电势相等二、多项选择题:本体共4小题,每小题4分,共计16分.每小题有多个选项符合题意,全部选对的得4分选对但不全的得2分,错选或不答得得0分.6.2009年5月,航天飞机在完成对哈勃空间望远镜的维修任务后,在A 点从圆形轨道Ⅰ进入椭圆轨道Ⅱ,B 为轨道Ⅱ上的一点,如图所示.关于航天飞机的运动,下列说法中正确的有(A )在轨道Ⅱ上经过A 的速度小于经过B 的速度(B )在轨道Ⅱ上经过A 的动能小于在轨道Ⅰ上经过A 的动能 (C )在轨道Ⅱ上运动的周期小于在轨道Ⅰ上运动的周期 (D )在轨道Ⅱ上经过A 的加速度小于在轨道Ⅰ上经过A 的加速度7.在如图所示的远距离输电电路图中,升压变压器和降压变压器均为理想变压器,发电厂的输出电压和输电线的电阻均不变.随着发电厂输出功率的增大,下列说法中正确的有 (A )升压变压器的输出电压增大 (B )降压变压器的输出电压增大 (C )输电线上损耗的功率增大(D )输电线上损耗的功率占总功率的比例增大8.如图所示,平直木板AB 倾斜放置,板上的P 点距A 端较近,小物块与木板间的动摩擦因数由A 到B 逐渐减小.先让物块从A 由静止开始滑到B .然后,将A 着地,抬高B ,使木板的倾角与前一过程相同,再让物块从B 由静止开始滑到A .上述两过程相比较,下列说法中一定正确的有(A )物块经过P 点的动能,前一过程较小(B )物块从顶端滑到P 点的过程中因摩擦产生的热量,前一过程较少(C )物块滑到底端的速度,前一过程较大 (D )物块从顶端滑到底端的时间,前一过程较长9.如图所示,在匀强磁场中附加另一匀强磁场,附加磁场位于图中阴影区域,附加磁场区域的对称轴OO ′与SS ′垂直.a 、b 、c 三个质子先后从S 点沿垂直于磁场的方向射入磁场,它们的速度大小相等,b 的速度方向与SS ′垂直,a 、c 的速度方向与b 的速度方向间的夹角分别为αβ、,且αβ>.三个质子经过附加磁场区域后能达到同一点S ′,则下列说法中正确的有(A )三个质子从S 运动到S ′的时间相等(B )三个质子在附加磁场以外区域运动时,运动轨迹的圆心均在OO ′轴上(C )若撤去附加磁场,a 到达SS ′连线上的位置距S点最近(D )附加磁场方向与原磁场方向相同三、简答题:本题分必做题(第10、11题)和选做题(第12题)两部分,共计42分.请将解答填写在答题卡相应的位置.【必做题】10.(8分)在测量电源的电动势和内阻的实验中,由于所用的电压表(视为理想电压表)的量程较小,某同学设计了如图所示的实物电路.(1)实验时,应先将电阻箱的电阻调到▲ .(选填“最大值”、“最小值”或“任意值”)(2)改变电阻箱的阻值R,分别测出阻值R0=10Ω的定值电阻两端的电压U,下列两组R的取值方案中,比较合理的方案是▲ .(选填“1”或“2”)(3)根据实验数据描点,绘出的1RU-图像是一条直线.若直线的斜率为k,在1U坐标轴上的截距为b,则该电源的电动势E= ▲ ,内阻r= ▲ .(用k、b和R0表示)11.(10分)为了探究受到空气阻力时,物体运动速度随时间的变化规律,某同学采用了“加速度与物体质量、物体受力关系”的实验装置(如图所示).实验时,平衡小车与木板之间的摩擦力后,在小车上安装一薄板,以增大空气对小车运动的阻力.(1)往砝码盘中加入一小砝码,在释放小车▲ (选填“之前”或“之后”)接通打点计时器的电源,在纸带上打出一系列的点.(2)从纸带上选取若干计数点进行测量,得出各计数点的时间t与速度v的数据如下表:请根据实验数据作出小车的v-t图像.(3)通过对实验结果的分析,该同学认为:随着运动速度的增加,小车所受的空气阻力将变大.你是否同意他的观点?请根据v-t图象简要阐述理由.12.【选做题】本题包括A、B、C三小题,请选定其中两题......,并在相应的答题区域内作答.若三题都做,则按A、B两题评分.A.(选修模块3-3)(12分)(1)为了将空气装入气瓶内,现将一定质量的空气等温压缩,空气可视为理想气体.下列图象能正确表示该过程中空气的压强p和体积V关系的是▲ .(2)在将空气压缩装入气瓶的过程中,温度保持不变,外界做了24kJ的功.现潜水员背着该气瓶缓慢地潜入海底,若在此过程中,瓶中空气的质量保持不变,且放出了5kJ的热量.在上述两个过程中,空气的内能共减小▲ kJ,空气▲ (选填“吸收”或“放出”)的总热量为▲ kJ.(3)已知潜水员在岸上和海底吸入空气的密度分别为1.3kg/m3和2.1kg/ m3,空气的摩尔质量为0.029kg/mol,阿伏伽德罗常数N A=6.02×1023 mol-1.若潜水员呼吸一次吸入2L空气,试估算潜水员在海底比在岸上每呼吸一次多吸入空气的分子数.(结果保留一位有效数字)B.(选修模块3-4)(12分)(1)激光具有相干性好、平行度好、亮度高等特点,在科学技术和日常生活中应用广泛.下面关于激光的叙述正确的是▲ .(A)激光是纵波(B)频率相同的激光在不同介质中的波长相同(C)两束频率不同的激光能产生干涉现象(D)利用激光平行度好的特点可以测量月球到地球的距离(2)如图甲所示,在杨氏双缝干涉实验中,激光的波长为5.30×10-7m,屏上P点距双缝s1和s2的路程差为7.95×10-7m.则在这里出现的应是▲ (选填“明条纹”或“暗条纹”).现改用波长为 6.30×10-7m的激光进行上述实验,保持其他条件不变,则屏上的条纹间距将(选填“变宽”、“变窄”或“不变”).(3)如图乙所示,一束激光从O点由空气射入厚度均匀的介质,经下表面反射后,从上面的A点射出.已知入射角为i,A与O相距l,介质的折射率为n,试求介质的厚度d.C.(选修模块3-5)(12分)(1)研究光电效应的电路如图所示.用频率相同、强度不同的光分别照射密封真空管的钠极板(阴极K),钠极板发射出的光电子被阳极A吸收,在电路中形成光电流.下列光电流I与A、K之间的电压U AK的关系图象中,正确的是▲ .(2)钠金属中的电子吸收光子的能量,从金属表面逸出,这就是光电子.光电子从金属表面逸出的过程中,其动量的大小▲(选填“增大”、“减小”或“不变”),原因是▲.(3)已知氢原子处在第一、第二激发态的能级分别为-3.4eV和-1.51eV,金属钠的截止频率为5.53×1014Hz,普朗克常量h=6.63×10-34J s.请通过计算判断,氢原子从第二激发态跃迁到第一激发态过程中发出的光照射金属钠板,能否发生光电效应.四.计算题:本题共3小题,共计47分.解答时请写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤.只写出最后答案的不能得分.有数值计算的提,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位.13.(15分)如图所示,两足够长的光滑金属导轨竖直放置,相距为L,一理想电流表与两导轨相连,匀强磁场与导轨平面垂直.一质量为m、有效电阻为R的导体棒在距磁场上边界h处静止释放.导体棒进入磁场后,流经电流表的电流逐渐减小,最终稳定为I.整个运动过程中,导体棒与导轨接触良好,且始终保持水平,不计导轨的电阻.求:(1)磁感应强度的大小B;(2)电流稳定后,导体棒运动速度的大小v;(3)流经电流表电流的最大值I m.14.(16分)在游乐节目中,选手需要借助悬挂在高处的绳飞越到水面的浮台上,小明和小阳观看后对此进行了讨论.如图所示,他们将选手简化为质量m=60kg的质点,选手抓住绳由静止开始摆动,此时绳与竖直方向夹角α=30°,绳的悬挂点O距水面的高度为H=3m.不考虑空气阻力和绳的质量,浮台露出水面的高度不计,水足够深.取重力加速度g=10m/s2,sin53°=0.8,cos53°=0.6.(1)求选手摆到最低点时对绳拉力的大小F;(2)若绳长l=2m,选手摆到最高点时松手落入水中.设水对选手的平均浮力f1=800N,平均阻力f2=700N,求选手落入水中的深度d;(3)若选手摆到最低点时松手,小明认为绳越长,在浮台上的落点距岸边越远;小阳认为绳越短,落点距岸边越远,请通过推算说明你的观点.15.(16分)制备纳米薄膜装置的工作电极可简化为真空中间距为d的两平行极板,如图甲所示.加在极板A、B间的电压U AB作周期性变化,其正向电压为U0,反向电压为-kU0(k>1),电压变化的周期为2τ,如图乙所示.在t=0时,极板B附近的一个电子,质量为m、电荷量为e,受电场作用由静止开始运动.若整个运动过程中,电子未碰到极板A,且不考虑重力作用.(1)若54k=,电子在0~2τ时间内不能到达极板A,求d应满足的条件;(2)若电子在0~200τ时间未碰到极板B,求此运动过程中电子速度v随时间t变化的关系;(3)若电子在第N个周期内的位移为零,求k的值.物理试题参考答案一、单项选择题1.A2.B3.D4.B5.C二、多项选择题6.ABC7.CD8.AD9.CD三、简答题10.(1)最大值 (2)2 (3)01kR ;bk-R 0 11.(1)之前(2)(见右图)(3)同意.在v -t 图象中,速度越大时,加速度越小,小车受到的合力越小,则小车受空气阻力越大.12A.(1)B(2)5; 放出; 29(3)设空气的摩尔质量为M ,在海底和岸上的密度分别为ρ海和ρ岸,一次吸入空气的体积为V ,则有∆n =()VMρρ-海岸N A ,代入数据得∆n =3×102212B.(1)D (2)暗条纹; 变宽(3)设拆射角为r ,折射定律sin sin ir=n ;几何关系 l =2d tan r 解得 d =22sin 2sin n il i- 12C.(1)C (2)减小;光电子受到金属表面层中力的阻碍作用(或需要克服逸出功)(3)氢原子放出的光子能量E =E 3-E 2,代入数据得E =1.89 eV金属钠的逸出功W 0=hv c ,代入数据得W 0=2.3 eV 因为E <W 0,所以不能发生光电效应.四.计算题13.(1)电流稳定后,导体棒做匀速运动 BIL =mg① 解得 B =mgIL② (2)感应电动势E =BLv③ 感应电流 I =E R④由②③④式解得v =2I R mg(3)由题意知,导体棒刚进入磁场时的速度最大,设为v m机械能守恒12mv 2m =mgh感应电动势的最大值 E m =BLv m 感应电流的最大值I m =mE R解得 I m14.(1)机械能守恒 mgl (1-cos α)=12mv 2 ①圆周运动 F ′-mg =m 2v l解得 F ′=(3-2cos α)mg人对绳的拉力F =F ′则F =1080N(2)动能定理 mg (H -l cos α+d )-(f 1+f 2)d =0则 d =12(cos )mg H l f f mgα-+-解得 d =1.2m(3)选手从最低点开始做平抛运动x=vtH -l =212gt 且有①式 解得 x当l =2H时,x 有最大值 解得l =1.5m 因此,两人的看法均不正确.当绳长越接近1.5m 时,落点距岸边越远.15.(1)电子在0~τ时间内做匀加速运动加速度的大小 a 1=eU md① 位移x 1=12a 1τ2②在τ~2τ时间内先做匀减速运动,后反向做匀加速运动 加速度的大小 a 2=54eU md③ 初速度的大小v 1=a 1τ④ 匀减速运动阶段的位移 x 2=2122v a⑤依据题意 d > x 1+x 2解得d⑥高考真题(2)在2nτ~(2n +1) τ,(n =0,1,2, ……,99)时间内 速度增量△v 1=-a 1τ⑦在 (2n +1) τ~2 (n +1) τ,(n =0,1,2, ……,99)时间内 加速度的大小 a 2′=ekU md速度增量△v 2=-a 2′τ⑧ (a)当0≤t -2nτ<τ时电子的运动速度 v =n △v 1+n △v 2+a 1(t -2n τ) ⑨ 解得v =[t -(k +1)n τ]ekU md,(n =0,1,2, (99)⑩(b)当0≤t -(2n +1)τ<τ时电子的运动速度 v =(n +1) △v 1+n △v 2-a ′2[t -(2n +1)τ] ○11 解得v =[(n +1)(k +1)τ-kt ]eU dm,(n =0,1,2, (99)○12 (3)电子在 2(N -1)τ~(2N -1)τ 时间内的位移 x 2N-1=v 2N-2τ+12a 1τ2 电子在 (2N -1)τ~2N τ 时间内的位移x 2N =v 2N-1τ-12a 2′τ2 由⑩式可知v 2N-2=(N -1)(1-k )τeU dm 由○12式可知 v 2N-1=(N-Nk+k )τ0eU dm依据题意 x 2N-1+x 2N =0 解得 k =4143N N --附赠材料高考真题答题六注意:规范答题不丢分提高考分的另一个有效方法是减少或避免不规范答题等非智力因素造成的失分,具体来说考场答题要注意以下六点:第一,考前做好准备工作。
一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内.)1.设当0x →时,函数()sin f x x x =-与()n g x ax =是等价无穷小,则常数,a n 的值为( )A.16a =,3n = B.13a =,3n = C.a =2.曲线A.1条4条 3.设(Φ A.2x C.2-4 A.11n n ∞=+∑21n n n =+1n =212n n n ∞=∑5.二次积分111d (,)d y y f x y x +⎰⎰交换积分次序后得( )A.1101d (,)d x x f x y y +⎰⎰B.2110d (,)d x x f x y y -⎰⎰C.2111d (,)d x x f x y y -⎰⎰D.2111d (,)d x x f x y y -⎰⎰6.设3()3f x x x =-,则在区间(0,1)内( )A.函数()f x 单调增加且其图形是凹的B.函数()f x 单调增加且其图形是凸的C.函数()f x 单调减少且其图形是凹的D.函数()f x 单调减少且其图形是凸的二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分.)7.1lim 1xx x x →∞+⎛⎫= ⎪-⎝⎭. 8.若(0)1f '=,则0()()limx f x f x x→--= .9.定积分31211d 1x x x -++⎰的值为 . 10.设(1,2,3)a =,(2,5,)b k = ,若a 与b 垂直,则常数k = .11.设函数z =10d x y z=== .12.幂级数1(1)n nn x n ∞=-∑的收敛域为 .三、计算题13.求极限0lim x →14.设函数y =15. 求不定积分arctan d x x x ⎰.16.计算定积分40x ⎰.17.求通过点(1,1,1),且与直线23253x t y t z t =+⎧⎪=+⎨⎪=+⎩垂直,又与平面250x z --=平行的直线的方程.18.设2(,e )xz y f xy =,其中函数f 具有二阶连续偏导数,求2zx y∂∂∂.19.计算二重积分d d Dx x y ⎰⎰,其中D 是由曲线x =y x =及x 轴所围成的闭区域.20.已知函数e x y =和2e x y -=是二阶常系数线性齐次微分方程 0y p y q y '''++=的两个解,试确定常数,p q 的值,并求微分方程e xy py qy '''++=的通解.21.证明:当1x >时,1211e 22x x ->+.22.设()0()1x x f x xx ϕ⎧≠⎪=⎨⎪=⎩,其中函数()x ϕ在0x =处具有二阶连续导数,且(0)0ϕ=,(0)1ϕ'=,证明:函数()f x 在0x =处连续且可导.23.设由抛物线2y x =(0)x ≥,直线2y a =(01)a <<与y 轴所围成的平面图形绕x 轴旋转一周所形成的旋转体的体积记为1()V a ,由抛物线2y x =(0)x ≥,直线2y a =(01)a <<与直线1x =所围成的平面图形绕x 轴旋转一周所形成的旋转体的体积记为2()V a ,令12()()()V a V a V a =+,试求常数a 的值,使()V a 取得最小值.24.设函数()f x 满足方程()()2e x f x f x '+=,且(0)2f =,记由曲线()()f x y f x '=与直线1y =,(0)x t t =>及y 轴所围平面图形的面积为()A t ,试求lim ()t A t →+∞.2010年试题答案一、单项选择题1.A2.C3.B4.D5.D6.C 二、填空题7.2e 8.2 9.2π10.4- 11.d 2d x y + 12.(1,1]- 三、计算题 13. 13-14.d 2e d 1e x y x y y x ++-=+ 223d 9e d (1e )x yx y y x ++-=+ 15.211arctan arctan 222x x x x C =-++16.28317.1127x y --==-18.2132e x y f y '+19 20.1p =,q =-四、证明题(略) 五、综合题 23.144440()π()d π()d aaV a a x x x a x =-+-⎰⎰54π()55a a =-+(01a <<). 12a =24.()e e xxf x -=+,0e e ()1d ln(e e )ln 2e ex xt t t x x A t t x t ----=⋅-=-+++⎰,lim ()t A t →+∞=ln 2。
2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)物理试题一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分.每小题只有一个....选项符合题意.1.如图所示,一块橡皮用细线悬挂于O点,用铅笔靠着线的左侧水平向右匀速移动,运动中始终保持悬线竖直,则橡皮运动的速度(A)大小和方向均不变(B)大小不变,方向改变(C)大小改变,方向不变(D)大小和方向均改变2.一矩形线框置于匀强磁场中,线框平面与磁场方向垂直,先保持线框的面积不变,将磁感应强度在1s 时间内均匀地增大到原来的两倍.接着保持增大后的磁感应强度不变,在1s 时间内,再将线框的面积均匀地减小到原来的一半.先后两个过程中,线框中感应电动势的比值为(A)12(B)1 (C)2 (D)43.如图所示,置于水平地面的三脚架上固定着一质量为m的照相机.三脚架的三根轻质支架等长,与竖直方向均成30 角,则每根支架中承受的压力大小为(A)13mg(B)23mg(C)36mg(D)239mg4.如图所示的电路中,电源的电动势为E,内阻为r,电感L的电阻不计,电阻R的阻值大于灯泡D的阻值.在t=0时刻闭合开关S,经过一段时间后,在t=t1时刻断开S.下列表示A、B两点间电压U AB随时间t变化的图像中,正确的是5.空间有一沿x轴对称分布的电场,其电场强度E随x变化的图像如图所示.下列说法正确的是(A)O点的电势最低(B)x2点的电势最高(C)x1和- x1两点的电势相等(D)x1和x3两点的电势相等二、多项选择题:本体共4小题,每小题4分,共计16分.每小题有多个选项符合题意,全部选对的得4分选对但不全的得2分,错选或不答得得0分.6.2009年5月,航天飞机在完成对哈勃空间望远镜的维修任务后,在A 点从圆形轨道Ⅰ进入椭圆轨道Ⅱ,B 为轨道Ⅱ上的一点,如图所示.关于航天飞机的运动,下列说法中正确的有(A )在轨道Ⅱ上经过A 的速度小于经过B 的速度(B )在轨道Ⅱ上经过A 的动能小于在轨道Ⅰ上经过A 的动能 (C )在轨道Ⅱ上运动的周期小于在轨道Ⅰ上运动的周期 (D )在轨道Ⅱ上经过A 的加速度小于在轨道Ⅰ上经过A 的加速度7.在如图所示的远距离输电电路图中,升压变压器和降压变压器均为理想变压器,发电厂的输出电压和输电线的电阻均不变.随着发电厂输出功率的增大,下列说法中正确的有 (A )升压变压器的输出电压增大 (B )降压变压器的输出电压增大 (C )输电线上损耗的功率增大(D )输电线上损耗的功率占总功率的比例增大8.如图所示,平直木板AB 倾斜放置,板上的P 点距A 端较近,小物块与木板间的动摩擦因数由A 到B 逐渐减小.先让物块从A 由静止开始滑到B .然后,将A 着地,抬高B ,使木板的倾角与前一过程相同,再让物块从B 由静止开始滑到A .上述两过程相比较,下列说法中一定正确的有(A )物块经过P 点的动能,前一过程较小(B )物块从顶端滑到P 点的过程中因摩擦产生的热量,前一过程较少(C )物块滑到底端的速度,前一过程较大 (D )物块从顶端滑到底端的时间,前一过程较长9.如图所示,在匀强磁场中附加另一匀强磁场,附加磁场位于图中阴影区域,附加磁场区域的对称轴OO ′与SS ′垂直.a 、b 、c 三个质子先后从S 点沿垂直于磁场的方向射入磁场,它们的速度大小相等,b 的速度方向与SS ′垂直,a 、c 的速度方向与b 的速度方向间的夹角分别为αβ、,且αβ>.三个质子经过附加磁场区域后能达到同一点S ′,则下列说法中正确的有(A )三个质子从S 运动到S ′的时间相等(B )三个质子在附加磁场以外区域运动时,运动轨迹的圆心均在OO ′轴上(C )若撤去附加磁场,a 到达SS ′连线上的位置距S点最近(D )附加磁场方向与原磁场方向相同三、简答题:本题分必做题(第10、11题)和选做题(第12题)两部分,共计42分.请将解答填写在答题卡相应的位置.【必做题】10.(8分)在测量电源的电动势和内阻的实验中,由于所用的电压表(视为理想电压表)的量程较小,某同学设计了如图所示的实物电路.(1)实验时,应先将电阻箱的电阻调到▲ .(选填“最大值”、“最小值”或“任意值”)(2)改变电阻箱的阻值R,分别测出阻值R0=10Ω的定值电阻两端的电压U,下列两组R的取值方案中,比较合理的方案是▲ .(选填“1”或“2”)(3)根据实验数据描点,绘出的1RU-图像是一条直线.若直线的斜率为k,在1U坐标轴上的截距为b,则该电源的电动势E= ▲ ,内阻r= ▲ .(用k、b和R0表示)11.(10分)为了探究受到空气阻力时,物体运动速度随时间的变化规律,某同学采用了“加速度与物体质量、物体受力关系”的实验装置(如图所示).实验时,平衡小车与木板之间的摩擦力后,在小车上安装一薄板,以增大空气对小车运动的阻力.(1)往砝码盘中加入一小砝码,在释放小车▲ (选填“之前”或“之后”)接通打点计时器的电源,在纸带上打出一系列的点.(2)从纸带上选取若干计数点进行测量,得出各计数点的时间t与速度v的数据如下表:请根据实验数据作出小车的v-t图像.(3)通过对实验结果的分析,该同学认为:随着运动速度的增加,小车所受的空气阻力将变大.你是否同意他的观点?请根据v-t图象简要阐述理由.12.【选做题】本题包括A、B、C三小题,请选定其中两题......,并在相应的答题区域内作答.若三题都做,则按A、B两题评分.A.(选修模块3-3)(12分)(1)为了将空气装入气瓶内,现将一定质量的空气等温压缩,空气可视为理想气体.下列图象能正确表示该过程中空气的压强p和体积V关系的是▲ .(2)在将空气压缩装入气瓶的过程中,温度保持不变,外界做了24kJ的功.现潜水员背着该气瓶缓慢地潜入海底,若在此过程中,瓶中空气的质量保持不变,且放出了5kJ的热量.在上述两个过程中,空气的内能共减小▲ kJ,空气▲ (选填“吸收”或“放出”)的总热量为▲ kJ.(3)已知潜水员在岸上和海底吸入空气的密度分别为1.3kg/m3和2.1kg/ m3,空气的摩尔质量为0.029kg/mol,阿伏伽德罗常数N A=6.02×1023 mol-1.若潜水员呼吸一次吸入2L空气,试估算潜水员在海底比在岸上每呼吸一次多吸入空气的分子数.(结果保留一位有效数字)B.(选修模块3-4)(12分)(1)激光具有相干性好、平行度好、亮度高等特点,在科学技术和日常生活中应用广泛.下面关于激光的叙述正确的是▲ .(A)激光是纵波(B)频率相同的激光在不同介质中的波长相同(C)两束频率不同的激光能产生干涉现象(D)利用激光平行度好的特点可以测量月球到地球的距离(2)如图甲所示,在杨氏双缝干涉实验中,激光的波长为5.30×10-7m,屏上P点距双缝s1和s2的路程差为7.95×10-7m.则在这里出现的应是▲ (选填“明条纹”或“暗条纹”).现改用波长为 6.30×10-7m的激光进行上述实验,保持其他条件不变,则屏上的条纹间距将(选填“变宽”、“变窄”或“不变”).(3)如图乙所示,一束激光从O点由空气射入厚度均匀的介质,经下表面反射后,从上面的A点射出.已知入射角为i,A与O相距l,介质的折射率为n,试求介质的厚度d.C.(选修模块3-5)(12分)(1)研究光电效应的电路如图所示.用频率相同、强度不同的光分别照射密封真空管的钠极板(阴极K),钠极板发射出的光电子被阳极A吸收,在电路中形成光电流.下列光电流I与A、K之间的电压U AK的关系图象中,正确的是▲ .(2)钠金属中的电子吸收光子的能量,从金属表面逸出,这就是光电子.光电子从金属表面逸出的过程中,其动量的大小▲(选填“增大”、“减小”或“不变”),原因是▲.(3)已知氢原子处在第一、第二激发态的能级分别为-3.4eV和-1.51eV,金属钠的截止频率为5.53×1014Hz,普朗克常量h=6.63×10-34J s.请通过计算判断,氢原子从第二激发态跃迁到第一激发态过程中发出的光照射金属钠板,能否发生光电效应.四.计算题:本题共3小题,共计47分.解答时请写出必要的文字说明、方程式和重要的演算步骤.只写出最后答案的不能得分.有数值计算的提,答案中必须明确写出数值和单位.13.(15分)如图所示,两足够长的光滑金属导轨竖直放置,相距为L,一理想电流表与两导轨相连,匀强磁场与导轨平面垂直.一质量为m、有效电阻为R的导体棒在距磁场上边界h处静止释放.导体棒进入磁场后,流经电流表的电流逐渐减小,最终稳定为I.整个运动过程中,导体棒与导轨接触良好,且始终保持水平,不计导轨的电阻.求:(1)磁感应强度的大小B;(2)电流稳定后,导体棒运动速度的大小v;(3)流经电流表电流的最大值I m.14.(16分)在游乐节目中,选手需要借助悬挂在高处的绳飞越到水面的浮台上,小明和小阳观看后对此进行了讨论.如图所示,他们将选手简化为质量m=60kg的质点,选手抓住绳由静止开始摆动,此时绳与竖直方向夹角α=30°,绳的悬挂点O距水面的高度为H=3m.不考虑空气阻力和绳的质量,浮台露出水面的高度不计,水足够深.取重力加速度g=10m/s2,sin53°=0.8,cos53°=0.6.(1)求选手摆到最低点时对绳拉力的大小F;(2)若绳长l=2m,选手摆到最高点时松手落入水中.设水对选手的平均浮力f1=800N,平均阻力f2=700N,求选手落入水中的深度d;(3)若选手摆到最低点时松手,小明认为绳越长,在浮台上的落点距岸边越远;小阳认为绳越短,落点距岸边越远,请通过推算说明你的观点.15.(16分)制备纳米薄膜装置的工作电极可简化为真空中间距为d的两平行极板,如图甲所示.加在极板A、B间的电压U AB作周期性变化,其正向电压为U0,反向电压为-kU0(k>1),电压变化的周期为2τ,如图乙所示.在t=0时,极板B附近的一个电子,质量为m、电荷量为e,受电场作用由静止开始运动.若整个运动过程中,电子未碰到极板A,且不考虑重力作用.(1)若54k=,电子在0~2τ时间内不能到达极板A,求d应满足的条件;(2)若电子在0~200τ时间未碰到极板B,求此运动过程中电子速度v随时间t变化的关系;(3)若电子在第N个周期内的位移为零,求k的值.物理试题参考答案一、单项选择题1.A2.B3.D4.B5.C二、多项选择题6.ABC7.CD8.AD9.CD三、简答题10.(1)最大值 (2)2 (3)01kR ;bk-R 0 11.(1)之前(2)(见右图)(3)同意.在v -t 图象中,速度越大时,加速度越小,小车受到的合力越小,则小车受空气阻力越大.12A.(1)B(2)5; 放出; 29(3)设空气的摩尔质量为M ,在海底和岸上的密度分别为ρ海和ρ岸,一次吸入空气的体积为V ,则有∆n =()VMρρ-海岸N A ,代入数据得∆n =3×102212B.(1)D (2)暗条纹; 变宽(3)设拆射角为r ,折射定律sin sin ir=n ;几何关系 l =2d tan r 解得 d =22sin n il - 12C.(1)C (2)减小;光电子受到金属表面层中力的阻碍作用(或需要克服逸出功)(3)氢原子放出的光子能量E =E 3-E 2,代入数据得E =1.89 eV金属钠的逸出功W 0=hv c ,代入数据得W 0=2.3 eV 因为E <W 0,所以不能发生光电效应.四.计算题13.(1)电流稳定后,导体棒做匀速运动 BIL =mg① 解得 B =mgIL② (2)感应电动势E =BLv③ 感应电流 I =E R④由②③④式解得v =2I R mg(3)由题意知,导体棒刚进入磁场时的速度最大,设为v m机械能守恒12mv 2m =mgh感应电动势的最大值 E m =BLv m 感应电流的最大值I m =mE R解得 I m14.(1)机械能守恒 mgl (1-cos α)=12mv 2 ①圆周运动 F ′-mg =m 2v l解得 F ′=(3-2cos α)mg人对绳的拉力F =F ′则F =1080N(2)动能定理 mg (H -l cos α+d )-(f 1+f 2)d =0则 d =12(cos )mg H l f f mgα-+-解得 d =1.2m(3)选手从最低点开始做平抛运动x=vtH -l =212gt 且有①式 解得 x当l =2H时,x 有最大值 解得l =1.5m 因此,两人的看法均不正确.当绳长越接近1.5m 时,落点距岸边越远.15.(1)电子在0~τ时间内做匀加速运动加速度的大小 a 1=eU md① 位移x 1=12a 1τ2②在τ~2τ时间内先做匀减速运动,后反向做匀加速运动 加速度的大小 a 2=54eU md③ 初速度的大小v 1=a 1τ④ 匀减速运动阶段的位移 x 2=2122v a⑤依据题意 d > x 1+x 2解得d⑥(2)在2nτ~(2n +1) τ,(n =0,1,2, ……,99)时间内 速度增量△v 1=-a 1τ⑦在 (2n +1) τ~2 (n +1) τ,(n =0,1,2, ……,99)时间内 加速度的大小 a 2′=ekU md速度增量△v 2=-a 2′τ⑧ (a)当0≤t -2nτ<τ时电子的运动速度 v =n △v 1+n △v 2+a 1(t -2n τ) ⑨ 解得v =[t -(k +1)n τ]ekU md,(n =0,1,2, (99)⑩(b)当0≤t -(2n +1)τ<τ时电子的运动速度 v =(n +1) △v 1+n △v 2-a ′2[t -(2n +1)τ] ○11 解得v =[(n +1)(k +1)τ-kt ]eU dm,(n =0,1,2, (99)○12 (3)电子在 2(N -1)τ~(2N -1)τ 时间内的位移 x 2N-1=v 2N-2τ+12a 1τ2 电子在 (2N -1)τ~2N τ 时间内的位移x 2N =v 2N-1τ-12a 2′τ2 由⑩式可知v 2N-2=(N -1)(1-k )τeU dm 由○12式可知 v 2N-1=(N-Nk+k )τ0eU dm依据题意 x 2N-1+x 2N =0 解得 k =4143N N --。
1、如图所示,一块橡皮用细线悬挂于O 点,用铅笔靠着线的左侧水平向右匀速移动,运动中始终保持悬线竖直,则橡皮运动的速度(A )大小和方向均不变 (B )大小不变,方向改变 (C )大小改变,方向不变 (D )大小和方向均改变 【答案】A【解析】本题考查运动的合成与分解。
橡皮参与了水平向右和竖直向上的分运动,如图所示,两个方向的分运动都是匀速直线运动,v x 和v y 恒定,则v 合恒定,则橡皮运动的速度大小和方向都不变,A 项正确。
2、一矩形线框置于匀强磁场中,线框平面与磁场方向垂直,先保持线框的面积不变,将磁感应强度在1 s 时间内均匀地增大到原来的两倍,接着保持增大后的磁感应强度不变,在1 s 时间内,再将线框的面积均匀地减小到原来的一半,先后两个过程中,线框中感应电动势的比值为 (A )12(B )1 (C )2 (D )43、如图所示,置于水平地面的三脚架上固定着一质量为m 的照相机,三脚架的三根轻质支架等长,与竖直方向均成30 角,则每根支架中承受的压力大小为 (A )13mg (B )23mg (C(Dv y v x v 合4.如图所示的电路中,电源的电动势为E,内阻为r,电感L 的电阻不计,电阻R 的阻值大于灯泡D 的阻值,在t=0时刻闭合开关S,经过一段时间后,在t=t 1时刻断开S,下列表示A 、B 两点间电压U AB 随时间t 变化的图像中,正确的是5.空间有一沿x 轴对称分布的电场,其电场强度E 随x 变化的图像如图所示。
2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)物 理 试 题一、单项选择题:本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。
1. (2010江苏物理·1)如图所示,一块橡皮用细线悬挂于O 点,用铅笔靠着线的左侧水平向右匀速移动,运动中始终保持悬线竖直,则橡皮运动的速度A .大小和方向均不变B .大小不变,方向改变C .大小改变,方向不变D .大小和方向均改变【答案】A【解析】橡皮在水平方向匀速运动,在竖直方向匀速运动,合运动是匀速运动。
2. (2010江苏物理·2)一矩形线框置于匀强磁场中,线框平面与磁场方向垂直,先保持线框的面积不变,将磁感应强度在1 s 时间内均匀地增大到原来的两倍,接着保持增大后的磁感应强度不变,在1 s 时间内,再将线框的面积均匀地减小到原来的一半,先后两个过程中,线框中感应电动势的比值为A .12B .1C .2D .4【答案】B【解析】由电磁感应定律:E =t Φ∆∆=S ·B t ∆∆=B ·St∆∆可得:E 1 = S ·Bt ∆∆= S ·21B B -=S ·BE 2 =2B ·St∆∆=2B ·(/2)1S S -= S ·B即先后两过程中电动势大小相等,选项B 正确。
3. (2010江苏物理·3)如图所示,置于水平地面的三脚架上固定着一质量为m 的照相机,三脚架的三根轻质支架等长,与竖直方向均成30°角,则每根支架中承受的压力大小为 ( )A .13mgB .23mg C .36mg D .239mg【答案】D【解析】将支架对照相机的作用力沿竖直和水平方向分解,在竖直方向上由平衡条件可得:3F cos30° = mg 求得:F =239mg ,选项D 正确。
4. (2010江苏物理·4)如图所示的电路中,电源的电动势为E ,,内阻为r ,电感L 的电阻不计,电阻R 的阻值大于灯泡D 的阻值,在t =0时刻闭合开关S ,经过一段时间后,在t =t 1时刻断开S ,下列表示A 、B 两点间电压U AB 随时间t 变化的图像中,正确的是 ( )【答案】B【解析】开关闭合时,线圈由于自感对电流的阻碍作用,可看做电阻,线圈电阻逐渐减小,并联电路电阻逐渐减小,电压U AB逐渐减小;开关闭合后再断开时,线圈的感应电流与原电流方向相同,形成回路,灯泡的电流与原电流方向相反,并逐渐减小到0,所以正确选项B。
2010年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试·理科数学(江苏卷)一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.1.(2010江苏,1)设集合A ={-1,1,3},B ={a +2,a 2+4},A ∩B ={3},则实数a 的值为_______. 答案:12.(2010江苏,2)设复数z 满足z (2-3i)=6+4i(i 为虚数单位),则z 的模为_______. 答案:23.(2010江苏,3)盒子中共有大小相同的3只白球,1只黑球,若从中随机摸出两只球,则它们颜色不同的概率是_______.答案:214.(2010江苏,4)某棉纺厂为了了解一批棉花的质量,从中随机抽取了100根棉花纤维的长度(棉花纤维的长度是棉花质量的重要指标),所得数据都在区间[5,40]中,其频率分布直方图如图所示,则在抽测的100根中,有_______根棉花纤维的长度小于20 mm. m )答案:305.(2010江苏,5)设函数f (x )=x (e x +a e -x )(x ∈R )是偶函数,则实数a 的值为_______. 答案:-16.(2010江苏,6)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,双曲线42x-122y=1上一点M 的横坐标为3,则点M 到此双曲线的右焦点的距离为_______.答案:47.(2010江苏,7)下图是一个算法流程图,则输出S 的值是_______.答案:638.(2010江苏,8)函数y =x 2(x >0)的图象在点(a k ,a k 2)处的切线与x 轴交点的横坐标为a k +1,其中k ∈N *.若a 1=16,则a 1+a 3+a 5的值是_______.答案:219.(2010江苏,9)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知圆x 2+y 2=4上有且只有四个点到直线12x -5y +c =0的距离为1,则实数c 的取值范围是_______.答案:(-13,13)10.(2010江苏,10)设定义在区间(0,2π)上的函数y =6cos x 的图象与y =5tan x 的图象交于点P ,过点P 作x 轴的垂线,垂足为P 1,直线PP 1与函数y =sin x 的图象交于点P 2,则线段P 1P 2的长为_______.答案3211.(2010江苏,11)已知函数f (x )=⎩⎨⎧<≥+,0,1,0,12x x x 则满足不等式f (1-x 2)>f (2x )的x 的取值范围是_______.答案:(-1,2 -1)12.(2010江苏,12)设x ,y 为实数,满足3≤xy 2≤8,4≤yx 2≤9,则43yx 的最大值是_______.答案:2713.(2010江苏,13)在锐角△ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c ,ab +ba =6cos C ,则AC tan tan +BC tan tan 的值是_______.答案:414.(2010江苏,14)将边长为1的正三角形薄片沿一条平行于某边的直线剪成两块,其中一块是梯形,记S =梯形的面积梯形的周长2)(,则S 的最小值是_______.答案:3332二、解答题:本大题共6小题,共90分.15.(2010江苏,15)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知点A (-1,-2),B (2,3),C (-2,-1). (1)求以线段AB 、AC 为邻边的平行四边形两条对角线的长; (2)设实数t 满足(AB -t OC )·OC =0,求t 的值. 解:(1)由题设知AB =(3,5),AC =(-1,1),则 AB +AC =(2,6), AB -AC =(4,4).所以|AB +AC |=210,| AB -AC |=42. 故所求的两条对角线长分别为42,210. (2)由题设知OC =(-2,-1), AB -t OC =(3+2t ,5+t ). 由(AB -t OC )·OC =0,得(3+2t ,5+t )·(-2,-1)=0,从而5t =-11,所以t =-511.16.(2010江苏,16)如图,在四棱锥P —ABCD 中,PD ⊥平面ABCD ,PD =DC =BC =1,AB =2,AB ∥DC ,∠BCD =90°.(1)求证:PC ⊥BC ;(2)求点A 到平面PBC 的距离.解:(1)因为PD ⊥平面ABCD ,BC ⊂平面ABCD ,所以PD ⊥B C.由∠BCD =90°,得BC ⊥D C. 又PD ∩DC =D ,PD ⊂平面PCD ,DC ⊂平面PCD ,所以BC ⊥平面PC D. 因为PC ⊂平面PCD ,所以PC ⊥B C.(2)连结AC ,设点A 到平面PBC 的距离为h . 因为AB ∥DC ,∠BCD =90°,所以∠ABC =90°. 从而由AB =2,BC =1,得△ABC 的面积S △ABC =1.由PD ⊥平面ABCD 及PD =1,得三棱锥P —ABC 的体积V =31S △ABC ·PD =31.因为PD ⊥平面ABCD ,DC ⊂平面ABCD , 所以PD ⊥D C.又PD =DC =1,所以PC =22DCPD +=2.由PC ⊥BC ,BC =1,得△PBC 的面积S △PBC =22,由V =31S △PBC ·h =31·22·h =31,得h =2.因此,点A 到平面PBC 的距离为2.17.(2010江苏,17)某兴趣小组要测量电视塔AE 的高度H (单位:m),如示意图,垂直放置的标杆BC 的高度h =4 m,仰角∠ABE =α,∠ADE =β.(1)该小组已测得一组α、β的值,tan α=1.24,tan β=1.20,请据此算出H 的值;(2)该小组分析若干测得的数据后,认为适当调整标杆到电视塔的距离d (单位:m),使α与β之差较大,可以提高测量精度.若电视塔实际高度为125 m,试问d 为多少时,α-β最大?解:(1)由AB =αtan H ,BD =βtan h ,AD =βtan H 及AB +BD =AD ,得αtan H +βtan h =βtan H ,解得H =βααtan tan tan -h =⨯=124.因此,算出的电视塔的高度H 是124 m. (2)由题设知d =AB ,得tan α=dH .由AB =AD -BD =βtan H -βtan h ,得tan β=dh H -.所以tan(α-β)=βαβαtan tan 1tan tan +-=dh H H d h)(-+≤)(2h H H h -,当且仅当d =dh H H )(-,即d =)(h H H -=)4125(125-⨯=555时,上式取等号,所以当d =555时,tan(α-β)最大.因为0<β<α<2π,则0<α-β<2π,所以当d =555时,α-β最大.故所求的d 是555 m.18.(2010江苏,18)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,如图,已知椭圆92x+52y=1的左、右顶点为A 、B ,右焦点为F .设过点T (t ,m )的直线TA ,TB 与此椭圆分别交于点M (x 1,y 1)、N (x 2,y 2),其中m >0,y 1>0,y 2<0.(1)设动点P 满足PF 2-PB 2=4,求点P 的轨迹;(2)设x 1=2,x 2=31,求点T 的坐标;(3)设t =9,求证:直线MN 必过x 轴上的一定点(其坐标与m 无关). 解:由题设得A (-3,0),B (3,0),F (2,0).(1)设点P (x ,y ),则PF 2=(x -2)2+y 2,PB 2=(x -3)2+y 2. 由PF 2-PB 2=4,得(x -2)2+y 2-(x -3)2-y 2=4,化简得x =29.故所求点P 的轨迹为直线x =29.(2)由x 1=2,921x +521y =1及y 1>0,得y 1=35则点M (2,35),从而直线AM 的方程为y =31x+1;由x 2=31,922x +522y =1及y 2<0,得y 2=-920,则点N (31,-920),从而直线BN 的方程为y =65x -25.由⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧-=+=,2565,131x y x y 解得⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==.310,7y x所以点T 的坐标为(7,310).(3)由题设知,直线AT 的方程为y =12m (x +3),直线BT 的方程为y =6m (x-3).点M (x 1,y 1)满足⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧=++=,159),3(12212111y x x m y 得9)3)(3(11+-x x =-2212m ·5)3(21+x .因为x 1≠-3,则931-x =-2212m ·531+x ,解得x 1=22803240mm +-,从而得y 1=28040mm +.点N (x 2,y 2)满足⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧≠=+-=,3,159),3(62222222x y x x m y 解得x 2=2220603m m +-,y 2=22020m m +-. 若x 1=x 2,则由22803240mm +-=2220603mm +-及m >0,得m =210,此时直线MN 的方程为x =1,过点D (1,0).若x 1≠x 2,则m ≠210,直线MD 的斜率k MD =18032408040222-+-+mm mm=24010mm -,直线ND 的斜率k ND =1206032020222-+-+-mm m m=24010mm -,得k MD =k ND ,所以直线MN 过D 点.因此,直线MN 必过x 轴上的点(1,0).19.(2010江苏,19)设各项均为正数的数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,已知2a 2=a 1+a 3,数列{n S }是公差为d 的等差数列.(1)求数列{a n }的通项公式(用n ,d 表示);(2)设c 为实数,对满足m +n =3k 且m ≠n 的任意正整数m ,n ,k ,不等式S m +S n >cS k 都成立.求证:c 的最大值为29.解:(1)由题设知,n S =1S +(n -1)d =1a +(n -1)d ,则当n ≥2时,a n =S n -S n -1=(n S -1-n S )(n S +1-n S )=2d 1a -3d 2+2d 2n . 由2a 2=a 1+a 3,得2(2d 1a +d 2)=a 1+2d 1a +3d 2,解得1a =d . 故当n ≥2时,a n =2nd 2-d 2.又a 1=d 2,所以数列{a n }的通项公式为a n =(2n -1)d 2. (2)由1a =d 及n S =1a +(n -1)d ,得d >0,S n =d 2n 2. 于是,对满足题设的m ,n ,k ,m ≠n . 有S m +S n =(m 2+n 2)d 2>2)(2n m +d 2=29d 2k 2=29S k .所以c 的最大值c max ≥29.另一方面,任取实数a >29.设k 为偶数,令m =23k +1,n =23k -1,则m ,n ,k 符合条件,且S m +S n =d 2(m 2+n 2)=d 2((23k +1)2+(23k -1)2)=21 d 2(9k 2+4).于是,只要9k 2+4<2ak 2,即当k >922-a 时,S m +S n <21d 2·2ak 2=aS k .所以满足条件的c ≤29,从而c max ≤29.因此c 的最大值为29.20.(2010江苏,20)设f (x )是定义在区间(1,+∞)上的函数,其导函数为f ′(x ).如果存在实数a 和函数h (x ),其中h (x )对任意的x ∈(1,+∞)都有h (x )>0,使得f ′(x )=h (x )(x 2-ax +1),则称函数f (x )具有性质P (a ).(1)设函数f (x )=ln x +12++x b (x >1),其中b 为实数.①求证:函数f (x )具有性质P (b ); ②求函数f (x )的单调区间.(2)已知函数g (x )具有性质P (2),给定x 1,x 2∈(1,+∞),x 1<x 2,设m 为实数,α=mx 1+(1-m )x 2, β=(1-m )x 1+mx 2,且α>1,β>1,若|g (α)-g (β)|<|g (x 1)-g (x 2)|,求m 的取值范围. 解:(1)①由f (x )=ln x +12++x b ,得f ′(x )=22)1(1++-x x bx x .因为x >1时,h (x )=2)1(1+x x >0,所以函数f (x )具有性质P (b ).②当b ≤2时,由x >1得x 2-bx +1≥x 2-2x +1=(x -1)2>0, 所以f ′(x )>0,从而函数f (x )在区间(1,+∞)上单调递增. 当b >2时,解方程x 2-bx +1=0得 x 1=242--b b ,x 2=242-+b b .因为x 1=242--b b =422-+b b <b2<1,x 2=242-+b b >1.所以当x ∈(1,x 2)时,f ′(x )<0;当x ∈(x 2,+∞)时,f ′(x )>0;当x =x 2时,f ′(x )=0.从而函数f (x )在区间(1,x 2)上单调递减,在区间(x 2,+∞)上单调递增.综上所述,当b ≤2时,函数f (x )的单调增区间为(1,+∞);当b >2时,函数f (x )的单调减区间为(1,242-+b b ),单调增区间为(242-+b b ,+∞).(2)由题设知,g (x )的导函数g ′(x )=h (x )(x 2-2x +1),其中函数h (x )>0对于任意的x ∈(1,+∞)都成立.所以,当x >1时,g ′(x )=h (x )(x -1)2>0.从而g (x )在区间(1,+∞)上单调递增.①当m ∈(0,1)时,有α=mx 1+(1-m )x 2>mx 1+(1-m )x 1=x 1,α<mx 2+(1-m )x 2=x 2,得α∈(x 1,x 2),同理可得β∈(x 1,x 2),所以由g (x )的单调性知g (α),g (β)∈(g (x 1),g (x 2)),从而有|g (α)-g (β)|<|g (x 1)-g (x 2)|,符合题设.②当m ≤0时,α=mx 1+(1-m )x 2≥mx 2+(1-m )x 2=x 2,β=(1-m )x 1+mx 2≤(1-m )x 1+mx 1=x 1,于是由α>1,β>1及g (x )的单调性知g (β)≤g (x 1)<g (x 2)≤g (α),所以|g (α)-g (β)|≥|g (x 1)-g (x 2)|,与题设不符.③当m ≥1时,同理可得α≤x 1,β≥x 2,进而得|g (α)-g (β)|≥|g (x 1)-g (x 2)|,与题设不符. 因此,综合①②③得所求的m 的取值范围为(0,1). 理科附加题21.(2010江苏,21)(从以下四个题中任选两个作答,每题10分)A.选修4—1:几何证明选讲 AB 是圆O 的直径,D 为圆O 上一点,过D 作圆O 的切线交AB 的延长线于点C ,若DA =DC ,求证:AB =2BC.B.选修4—2:矩阵与变换在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知点A (0,0),B (-2,0),C (-2,1),设k 为非零实数,M =⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡1 00 k ,N =⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡0 11 0,点A 、B 、C 在矩阵MN 对应的变换下得到的点分别为A 1、B 1、C 1,△A 1B 1C 1的面积是△ABC 面积的2倍,求k 的值. C.选修4—4:极坐标与参数方程在极坐标系中,已知圆ρ=2cos θ与直线3ρcos θ+4ρsin θ+a =0相切,求实数a 的值. D.选修4—5:不等式选讲设a 、b 为非负实数,求证:a 3+b 3≥ab (a 2+b 2). A.选修4—1:几何证明选讲 证明:连结OD 、B D.因为AB 是圆O 的直径,所以∠ADB =90°,AB =2O B.因为DC 是圆O 的切线,所以∠CDO =90°. 又因为DA =DC ,所以∠A =∠C ,于是△ADB ≌△CDO ,从而AB =CO , 即2OB =OB +BC ,得OB =B C.故AB =2B C. B.选修4—2:矩阵与变换 解:由题设得MN =⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡1 00 k ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡0 11 0=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡0 1 0k由⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡0 1 0k ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡00=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡00 , ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡0 1 0k ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡0 2-=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-20 ,⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡0 1 0k ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡1 2-=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-2 k ,可知A 1(0,0),B 1(0,-2),C 1(k ,-2).计算得△ABC 的面积是1,△A 1B 1C 1的面积是|k |,则由题设知|k |=2×1=2. 所以k 的值为-2或2.C.选修4—4:坐标系与参数方程解:将极坐标方程化为直角坐标方程,得圆的方程x 2+y 2=2x ,即(x -1)2+y 2=1, 直线的方程为3x +4y +a =0.由题设知,圆心(1,0)到直线的距离为1,即有2243|0413|++⨯+⨯a =1,解得a =-8,或a =2.故a 的值为-8或2. D.选修4—5:不等式选讲证明:由a ,b 是非负实数,作差得a 3+b 3-ab (a 2+b 2)=a 2a (a -b )+b 2b (b -a )=(a -b )(( a )5-(b )5).当a ≥b 时,a ≥b ,从而(a )5≥(b )5,得(a - b )((a )5-(b )5)≥0; 当a <b 时,a <b ,从而(a )5<(b )5,得(a -b )((a )5-(b )5)>0.所以a 3+b 3≥ab (a 3+b 3).22.(2010江苏,22)某厂生产甲、乙两种产品,生产甲产品一等品率为80%,二等品率为20%;乙产品一等品率为90%,二等品率为10%.生产1件甲产品,若是一等品则获得利润4万元,若是二等品则亏损1万元;生产1件乙产品,若是一等品则获得利润6万元,若是二等品则亏损2万元.设生产各件产品相互独立.(1)记X (单位:万元)为生产1件甲产品和1件乙产品可获得的总利润,求X 的分布列; (2)求生产4件甲产品所获得的利润不少于10万元的概率. 解:(1)由题设知,X 的可能取值为10,5,2,-3,且 P (X =10)=0.8×0.9=0.72,P (X =5)=0.2×0.9=0.18, P (X =2)=0.8×0.1=0.08,P (X =-3)=0.2×0.1=0.02. 由此得X 的分布列为:(2)设生产的4件甲产品中一等品有n 件,则二等品有4-n 件. 由题设知4n -(4-n )≥10,解得n ≥514.又n ∈Z ,得n =3,或n =4.所以P =34C 0.83·0.2+44C ·0.84=0.819 2.故所求概率为0.819 2.23.(2010江苏,23)已知△ABC 的三边长都是有理数. (1)求证:cos A 是有理数;(2)求证:对任意正整数n,cos nA是有理数.证明:(1)由AB、BC、AC为有理数及余弦定理知cos A=ACAB BCAC AB⋅-+ 22 22是有理数.(2)用数学归纳法证明cos nA和sin A·sin nA都是有理数.①当n=1时,由(1)知cos A是有理数,从而有sin A·sin A=1-cos2A也是有理数.②假设当n=k(k≥1)时,cos kA和sin A·sin kA都是有理数.当n=k+1时,由cos(k+1)A=cos A·cos kA-sin A·sin kA,sin A·sin(k+1)A=sin A·(sin A·cos kA+cos A·sin kA)=(sin A·sin A)·cos kA+(sin A·sin kA)·cos A,①和归纳假设,知cos(k+1)A与sin A·sin(k+1)A都是有理数,即当n=k+1时,结论成立.综合①②可知,对任意正整数n,cos nA是有理数.。
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1.设当0x →时,函数()sin f x x x =-与()n g x ax =是等价无穷小,则常数,a n 的值为( )
A.16a =
,3n = B.1
3a =,3n = C.
a =2.曲线A.1条4条 3.设(Φ A.2x C.2-4 A.11n n ∞
21n n n =+1n =2
12n n n ∞=∑
d (,)d y y f x y x +⎰
交换积分次序后得( )
d (,)d x x f x y y +⎰⎰
0d (,)d x x f x y y -⎰⎰
1d (,)d x x f x y y -⎰
d (,)d x x f x y y -⎰⎰
()3f x x x =-,则在区间(0,1)内( )
A.函数()f x 单调增加且其图形是凹的
B.函数()f x 单调增加且其图形是凸的
C.函数()f x 单调减少且其图形是凹的
D.函数()f x 单调减少且其图形是凸的
7.1lim 1x
x x x →∞+⎛⎫= ⎪-⎝⎭
. 8.若(0)1f '=,则0
x f x f x x
→--= .
d 1
x x x -++⎰的值为 . 10.设(1,2,3)a =
,(2,5,)b k = ,若a 与b 垂直,则常数k = .
.设函数z =10
d x y z
=== .
(1)n n
n x n ∞
=-∑的收敛域为 .
13.求极限0lim x →
14.设函数y =
15. 求不定积分arctan d x x x ⎰
x ⎰
17.求通过点(1,1,1),且与直线23253x t y t z t =+⎧⎪
垂直,又与平面250x z --=平行的直线的方
(,e )x
z y f xy =,其中函数f 具有二阶连续偏导数,求2z
x y
d d D
x x y ⎰⎰
,其中D 是由曲线x =y x =及x 轴所围成的闭区域.
20.已知函数e x y =和2e x y -=是二阶常系数线性齐次微分方程 0y p y q y '''++=的两个
解,试确定常数,p q 的值,并求微分方程e x
y py qy '''++=的通解.
21.证明:当1x >时,1
211e 22
x x ->+.
x x f x x
x ϕ⎧≠⎪
=⎨⎪=⎩,其中函数()x ϕ在0x =处具有二阶连续导数,且(0)0ϕ=,
(0)1ϕ'=,证明:函数()f x 在0x =处连续且可导.
23.设由抛物线2y x =(0)x ≥,直线2y a =(01)a <<与y 轴所围成的平面图形绕x 轴旋
转一周所形成的旋转体的体积记为1()V a ,由抛物线2y x =(0)x ≥,直线
2y a =(01)a <<与直线1x =所围成的平面图形绕x 轴旋转一周所形成的旋转体的体
积记为2()V a ,令12()()()V a V a V a =+,试求常数a 的值,使()V a 取得最小值.
24.设函数()f x 满足方程()()2e x f x f x '+=,且(0)2f =,记由曲线()
f x y f x '=
与直线1y =,(0)x t t =>及y 轴所围平面图形的面积为()A t ,试求lim ()t A t →+∞
6.C 二、填空题
e 8.2 9.2
10.4- 11.d 2d x y + 12.(1,1]- 三、计算题 13. 13
14.d 2e d 1e x y x y y x ++-=+ 223d 9e d (1e )x y
x y y x ++-=+ 15.211
arctan arctan 222x x x x C =-++
17.1127x y --==-18.2132e x y f y '+
19 20.1p =,q =-四、证明题(略) 五、综合题 23.14444
()d π()d a
V a a x x x a x =-+-⎰⎰54π()55a a =-+(01a <<). 1
a =
24.()e e x
f x -=+,0
e e ()1d ln(e e )ln 2e e
x x
t t t x x A t t x t ----=⋅-
,lim ()t A t →+∞=ln 2。