
上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(2)杨浦区杨浦区2012学年度第二学期高三模拟测试(一)英语试卷(本卷满分150分;完卷时间120分钟)第I卷(共105分)I.L i s t e n i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o nS e c t i o n AD i r e c t i o n s:I n S e c t i o n A,y o u w i l l h e a r t e n s h o r t c o n v e r s a t i o n s b e t w e e n t w o s p e a k e r s.A t t h e e n d o f e a c h c o n v e r s a t i o n,a q u e s t i o n w i l l b e a s k e d a b o u t w h a t w a s s a i d.T h e c o n v e r s a t i o n s a n d t h e q u e s t i o n s w i l l b e s p o k e n o n l y o n c e.A f t e r y o u h e a r a c o n v e r s a t i o n a n d t h e q u e s t i o n a b o u t i t,r e a d t h e f o u r p o s s i b l e a n s w e r s o n y o u r p a p e r,a n d d e c i d e w h i c h o n e i s t h e b e s t a n s w e r t o t h e q u e s t i o n y o u h a v e h e a r d.1.A.$300.B.$200.C.$450.D.$5002.A.B e c a u s e t h e s e d a y s h e i s o n a d i e t.B.B e c a u s e h e d o e s n’t l i k e s w e e t d r i n k.C.B e c a u s e h e h a s a s t o m a c h a c h e.D.B e c a u s e s o m e t h i n g i s w r o n g w i t h h i s t e e t h.3.A.C h a n g i n g m o n e y.B.P a y i n g a b i l l.C.M a k i n g a b a r g a i n.D.C o u n t i n g m o n e y.4.A.I n a h o s p i t a l.B.A t a h a i r d r e s s e r’s.C.I n a b a k e r y.D.A t a b u t c h e r’s.5.A.S h e d i d n’t e x p e c t h i m t o c o m e s o e a r l y.B.I t’s n o t t h e r i g h t t i m e f o r h e r.C.T h e m a n h a s a r r i v e d o n t i m e.D.S h e w i l l c o m e b a c k e a r l y.6.A.T r a v e l e r a n d t o u r g u i d e.B.C u s t o m e r a n d h o u s e a g e n t.C.S h o p p e r a n d s h o p a s s i s t a n t.D.V i s i t o r a n d r e c e p t i o n i s t.7.A.T h e w o m a n d i d n’t b o r r o w t h e b o o k l a s t m o n t h.B.T h e w o m a n r e t u r n e d t h e b o o k l a s t m o n t h.C.T h e w o m a n d i d n’t r e t u r n t h e b o o k l a s t F r i d a y.D.T h e w o m a n r e t u r n e d t h e b o o k l a s t F r i d a y.8.A.H e l i k e s t o s e n d t e x t m e s s a g e s.B.H e p r e f e r s t o w r i t e l e t t e r s.C.H e f a v o r s e m a i l s o v e r t e x t m e s s a g e s.D.H e l i k e s n e i t h e r m e s s a g e s n o r e m a i l s.9.A.T h e p a p e r s p i l e d u p w h i l e h e w a s o n v a c a t i o n.B.T h e p a p e r s a r e h i s p l a n f o r t h e v a c a t i o n.C.T o o m u c h w o r k m a k e s v a c a t i o n i m p o s s i b l e.D.H e’l l f i n i s h t h e w o r k d u r i n g t h e v a c a t i o n.10.A.N e v e r p l a y c o m p u t e r g a m e s.B.W o r k o u t m o r e w o r d p u z z l e s.C.I n c r e a s e h i s v o c a b u l a r y.D.N e v e r c h a t o n l i n e w i t h f r i e n d s.S e c t i o n BD i r e c t i o n s:I n S e c t i o n B,y o u w i l l h e a r t w o s h o r t p a s s a g e s,a n d y o u w i l l b e a s k e d t h r e e q u e s t i o n s o n e a c h o f t h e p a s s a g e s.T h e p a s s a g e s w i l l b e r e a d t w i c e,b u t t h e q u e s t i o n s w i l l b e s p o k e n o n l y o n c e.W h e n y o u h e a r a q u e s t i o n,r e a d t h e f o u r p o s s i b l e a n s w e r s o n y o u r p a p e r a n d d e c i d e w h i c h o n e w o u l d b e t h e b e s t a n s w e r t o t h e q u e s t i o n y o u h a v e h e a r d.杨浦区2013届高考三月英语二模卷1 / 15 P.F. Productions 统筹制作上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(2)杨浦区Q u e s t i o n s11t h r o u g h13a r e b a s e d o n t h e f o l l o w i n g p a s s a g e.11.A.T h e b l u e l i g h t s m a k e p e o p l e w a r m.B.G r e y w a l l s h e l p t o c a l m p e o p l e d o w n.C.T r a v e l e r s c a n f i n d i t i n T e r m i n a l5.D.S p e a k i n g l o u d l y i s f o r b i d d e n i n i t.12.A.B y a y o g a t e a c h e r s e a t e d i n a f u l l l o t u s p o s i t i o n.B.B y p i c t u r e s p u t u p a t d i f f e r e n t p l a c e s a t t h e a i r p o r t.C.B y v i d e o s s h o w n o n t h e b i g s c r e e n.D.B y a n n o u n c e m e n t m a d e b y t h e a i r h o s t e s s.13.A.I t p r o v i d e s o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r p a s s e n g e r s t o m a k e f r i e n d s.B.I t s d e c o r a t i o n i s d i f f e r e n t f r o m y o g a r o o m s o u t s i d e t h e a i r p o r t.C.P a s s e n g e r s c a n s t r e t c h o u t t h e r e b e f o r e a l o n g-d i s t a n c e f l i g h t.D.I t i s a g o o d p l a c e f o r t r a v e l e r s t o k i l l t i m e a n d h a v e a r e s t.Q u e s t i o n s14t h r o u g h16a r e b a s e d o n t h e f o l l o w i n g p a s s a g e.14.A.O n t h e e a s t s i d e o f t h e c a m p u s.B.O n t h e w e s t s i d e o f t h e c a m p u s.C.O n t h e s o u t h s i d e o f t h e c a m p u s.D.I n t h e m i d d l e o f t h e c a m p u s.15.A.T h e a p a r t m e n t s a r e w e l l f u r n i s h e d.B.I t i s l o c a t e d i n t h e t o w n c e n t e r.C.N o e m p t y a p a r t m e n t s a r e a v a i l a b l e.D.E a c h a p a r t m e n t h a s f o u r s i n g l e b e d r o o m s.16.A.T o a d d n a m e s t o t h e w a i t i n g l i s t.B.T o c o n t a c t t h e s p e a k e r r i g h t a w a y.C.T o a p p l y a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e f o r n e x t y e a r.D.T o g e t i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m t h e o f f-c a m p u s h o u s i n g o f f i c e.S e c t i o n CD i r e c t i o n s:I n S e c t i o n C,y o u w i l l h e a r t w o l o n g e r c o n v e r s a t i o n s.T h e c o n v e r s a t i o n s w i l l b e r e a d t w i c e.A f t e r y o u h e a r e a c h c o n v e r s a t i o n,y o u a r e r e q u i r e d t o f i l l i n t h e n u m b e r e d b l a n k s w i t h t h e i n f o r m a t i o n y o u h a v e h e a r d.W r i t e y o u r a n s w e r s o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t.B l a n k s17t h r o u g h20a r e b a s e d o n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n v e r s a t i o n.C o m p l e t e t h e f o r m.W r i t e O N E W O RD f o r e a c h a n s w e r.杨浦区2013届高考三月英语二模卷2 / 15 P.F. Productions 统筹制作上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(2)杨浦区B l a n k s21t h r o u g h24a r e b a s e d o n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n v e r s a t i o n.C o m p l e t e t h e f o r m.W r i t e N O M O R E T H A N T H R E E W O RD S f o r e a c h a n s w e r.I I.G r a m m a r a n d V o c a b u l a r yS e c t i o n AD i r e c t i o n s:B e n e a t h e a c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e s t h e r e a r e f o u r c h o i c e s m a r k e d A,B,C a n d D.C h o o s e t h e o n e a n s w e r t h a t b e s t c o m p l e t e s t h e s e n t e n c e.25.I n C h i n a,p e o p l e w h o e a r n n o m o r e t h a n2,300y u a n a y e a r a r e c l a s s i f i e d a s l i v i n g_____t h e p o v e r t yl i n e.A.o v e rB.b e l o wC.w i t hD.i n26.T h e s e a r e n o t t h e g o a l s t h a t J o h n s e t f o r h i m s e l f,b u t_____h i s m o t h e r d i d n’t r e a l i z e h e r s e l f.A.o n eB.t h e s eC.t h e o n e sD.t h a t27.W a l k i n g i n t o t h e d o r m i t o r y,I w a s s u r p r i s e d t o f i n d m y j e a n s_____o n m y b e d.A.n e a r l y p i l i n gB.b e i n g n e a t l y p i l e dC.t o b e n e a t l y p i l e dD.n e a t l y p i l e d28.W h a t_____m a d e a t i c k e t s o e x p e n s i v e d u r i n g t h e S p r i n g F e s t i v a l t r a v e l r u s h?A.i t w a s t h a tB.t h a t i t w a sC.w a s i t t h a tD.w a s i t29.H a p p i n e s s q u i t e u n s h a r e d c a n s c a r c e l y b e c a l l e d h a p p i n e s s,_____?A.c a n i tB.c a n’t i tC.d i d i tD.d i d n’t i t30.–W h e n s h a l l w e s t a r t t h e r e s t o r a t i o n o f t h e h i s t o r i c b u i l d i n g s?–N o t u n t i l o u t p l a n_____b y t h e c o m m i t t e e.A.w i l l b e a p p r o v e dB.w i l l a p p r o v eC.a p p r o v e sD.i s a p p r o v e d31._____g l o b a l w a r m i n g i s n a t u r a l o r n o t,s a v i n g e n e r g y i s c r u c i a l f o r t h e f u t u r e.A.W h i l eB.N o m a t t e rC.W h e t h e rD.D e s p i t e32.S h a m p o o o f l o w q u a l i t y o f t e n d a m a g e s y o u r h a i r,_____.A.s o i s t h e s t r e s s i n l i f eB.s o t h e s t r e s s i n l i f e i sC.s o d o e s t h e s t r e s s i n l i f eD.s o t h e s t r e s s i n l i f e d o e s33.T h e s a y i n g i s f a m i l i a r t o e v e r y o n e i n S h a n g h a i_____t h e r e i s o n l y o n e p r e t t y c h i l d i n t h e w o r l d,a n de v e r y m o t h e r h a s i t.A.t h a tB.w h e nC.t h a t a l t h o u g hD.s i n c e34.A c c o r d i n g t o t h e12t h F i v e-Y e a r P l a c e,o u r c o u n t r y_____b r i n g d o w n e n e r g y c o n s u m p t i o n b y16t o17p e r c e n t.A.s h a l lB.c a nC.n e e dD.o u g h t t o35.I n o r d e r t o g a i n a b i g g e r s h a r e i n t h e m a r k e t,m a n y c o m p a n i e s a r e s t r i v i n g_____t h e i r p r o d u c t s m o r ec o m p e t i t i v e.A.h a v i n g m a d eB.m a k i n gC.m a d eD.t o m a k e36.Y o u d o n’t c h o o s e y o u r f a m i l y.T h e y a r e G o d’s g i f t t o y o u,_____y o u a r e t o t h e m.A.w h a tB.a sC.s i n c eD.o n c e杨浦区2013届高考三月英语二模卷3 / 15 P.F. Productions 统筹制作上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(2)杨浦区37.S o m e y o u n g p e o p l e j u s t t a k e i t f o r g r a n t e d_____t h e y d e p e n d o n t h e i r p a r e n t s t o f i n d j o b.A.b e c a u s eB.w h e nC.t h a tD.w h i c h38.H o r s e D N A h a s b e e n f o u n d i n c o t t a g e p i e s_____t o47s c h o o l s i n L a n c a s h i r e,w h i c h p r o v e d f o r t h ef i r s t t i m e t h a t h o r s e m e a t h a s f o u n d i t s w a y i n t o B r i t i s h s c h o o l d i n n e r s.A.b e i n g s e n tB.s e n tC.s e n d i n gD.t o s e n t39.T h e b o y s o n d u t y r u s h e d t o t h e p l a y g r o u n d,_____m u c h w o r k u n f i n i s h e d.A.l e f tB.t o l e a v eC.l e a v i n gD.h a v i n g l e f t40.W e s h o u l d n o t j u d g e p e o p l e b y t h e i r p e a k o f e x c e l l e n c e;b u t b y t h e d i s t a n c e t h e y h a v e t r a v e l e d f r o mt h e p o i n t_____t h e y s t a r t e d.A.t h a tB.w h e nC.w h e r eD.w h i c hS e c t i o n BD i r e c t i o n s:C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n g p a s s a g e b y u s i n g t h e w o r d s i n t h e b o x.E a c h w o r d c a n o n l y b e u s e do n c e.N o t e t h a t t h e r e i s o n e w o r d m o r e t h a n y o u n e e d.T h e t i m e c h i l d r e n s p e n d o u t d o o r s c o u l d b e41t o a r e d u c e d r i s k o f b e i n g s h o r t-s i g h t e d r e s e a r c hs u g g e s t s.A(n)o f eight previous studies by University of Cambridge researchers found that for eachh our spent outside per week, the risk of short-s ightedness reduced by 2%. Exposure to natural light and time spent looking at distant objects could be key factor, they said.T h e s t u d i e s m o r e t h a n10,000c h i l d r e n a n d a d o l e s c e n t s.R e s e a r c h e r s a r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e i rf i n d i ng s a t th e A m e ri c a n A c a d e m y o f O p h t h a l m o l o g y a n n u a l m e e t i n g i n F l o r i d aH o w e v e r,D r S h e r w i n s a i d t h e y w o u l d n o w n e e d m o r e d a t a t o t r y t o u n d e r s t a n d w h i c hf a c t o r s,s u c h a s i n c r e a s e d u s e o f d i s t a n c e v i s i o n,r e d u c e d u s e o f n e a r v i s i o n,n a t u r a l u l t r a v i o l e t l igh te x p o s u r e o r p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y,a r e m o s t i m p o r t a n t.T h e r e a r e a l s o o t h e rf a c t o r s t o c o n s i d e r,h e s a i d.“A n y i n c r e a s e i n t i m e s p e n t o u t d o o r s m u s t b e49a g a i n s t e x p o s u r e t o U V r a d i a t i o n—a n d t h ei n c r e a s e d r i s k o f s k i n c a n c e r,c a t a r a c t s a n d o t h e r c a n c e r s.O n t h e o t h e r h a n d,i n c r e a s i n g o u t d o o r p h y s i c a la c t i v i t y c o u l d p r o t e c t a g a i n s t d i ab e t e s a n d o b e s i t y,v i t a m i n D d e f ic i e n c y a nd o s te o p o r o s i s,f o r e x a m p l e,”h es a i d.I I I.R e a d i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o nS e c t i o n AD i r e c t i o n s:F o r e a c h b l a n k i n t h e f o l l o w i n g p a s s a g e s t h e r e a r e f o u r w o r d s o r p h r a s e s m a r k e d A,B,C a n d D.F i l l i n e a c h b l a n k w i t h t h e w o r d o r p h r a s e t h a t b e s t f i t s t h e c o n t e x t.杨浦区2013届高考三月英语二模卷4 / 15 P.F. Productions 统筹制作上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(2)杨浦区J o i n i n g a b o o k c l u b c a n b e a v e r y r e w a r d i n g e x p e r i e n c e i n t r o d u c i n g y o u t o a w o r l d o f l i t e r a t u r e t h a t y o u n o r m a l l y w o u l d n’t s e l e c t f o r y o u r s e l f.I t’s a g r e a t w a y t o s t a r t r e a d i n g m o r e a n d g a i n a d e e p e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o n y o u r r e a d i n g m a t e r i a l a n d a l l o w s y o u t o m e e t o t h e r p e o p l e w i t h i n t e r e s t t o y o u r s.A l t h o u g h a b o o k p e r m o n t h s o u n d s s o m e t i m e s t h i n g s g e t i n t h e w a y a n d s u d d e n l y i t’s t h e w e e k b e f o r e b o o k c l u b a n d y o u h a v e n’t e v e n o p e n e d t h e f r o n t c o v e r y e t.s p e c i f i c e v e n i n g s f o r r e a d i n g o r s o m e t i m e d u r i n g t h e w e e k e n d i s a g r e a t w a y t o f o r m a r e a d i n g h a b i t.C r e a t i n g a g r o u p f o r y o u r c l u b o n m e d i a i s g r e a t w a y t o s t a y i n a n d a l l o w s c h a n g e s t o d a t e s/t i m e s t o b e m a d e w i t h l e s s t r o u b l e t h a n t e x t i n g o r p h o n i n g.H e r e y o u c a n s t a t e t h e b o o k f o r t h a t m o n t h f o r a n y o n e w h o h a s m i s s e d i t a n d i t i s a r e a l l y n i c e w a y t o k e e p e a c hb y s h a r i n g p r o g r e s s a n d t h o u g h t s o n t h e b o o k.T h i s g r o u pc a n b e s e t t o b e c o m p l e t e l y s o t h a t o n l y m e m b e r s c a n s e e t h e p a g e o r w i t h m e m b e r s.F i n a l l y b o o k c l u b i s a r e a l l y g r e a t w a y t o m e e t p e o p l e a n d t o g a i n a f r e s h p e r s p e c t i v e o n t h e b o o k s y o u r e a d.I t i s a l s o a g r e a t w a y t o y o u r p a s s i o n f o r r e a d i n g.50.A.H I G H B.C O M M O N C.E N O R M O U S D.U N I Q U E51.A.S U R P R I S E D B.D O U B T F U L C.S U R E D.F A M I L I A R52.A.D A N G E R B.S E R V I C E C.T I M E D.C O M F O R T53.A.E X C I T I N G B.P U Z Z L I N G C.D E M A N D I N G D.F R I G H T E N I N G54.A.A D M I N I S T R A T I O N B.P R E S E N T A T I O N C.R E C O M M E N D A T I O N D.C O O P E R A T I O N55.A.A V A I L A B L E B.M A N A G E A B L E C.I N C R E D I B L E D.S O C I A B L E56.A.S C H E D U L I N G B.S P E N D I N G C.S A C R I F I C I N G D.S E P A R A T I N G57.A.D E C I D I N G O N B.S T A Y I N G U P C.A P P R O V I N G O F D.S E T T I N G A S I D E58.A.S O C I A L B.N E W S C.M A S S D.M U L T I P L E59.A.M I N D B.T O U C H C.C O N F I D E N C E D.P R O G R E S S60.A.C L A S S I C A L L Y B.F I R M L Y C.T R U T H F U L L Y D.O F F I C I A L L Y61.A.M O T I V A T E D B.O C C U P I E D C.A C C U S T O M E D D.A S S O C I A T E D62.A.P O L I T I C A L B.P R I V A T E C.P R O F E S S I O N A L D.P R A C T I C A L63.A.C O N T A C T B.N E G O T I A T E C.I N T E R A C T D.B A R G A I N64.A.F U E L B.C O O L C.T R A I N D.D I R E C TS e c t i o n BD i r e c t i o n s:R e a d t h e f o l l o w i n g t h r e e p a s s a g e s.E a c h p a s s a g e i s f o l l o w e d b y s e v e r a l q u e s t i o n s o r u n f i n i s h e d s t a t e m e n t s.F o r e a c h o f t h e m t h e r e a r e f o u r c h o i c e s m a r k e d A,B,C a n d D.C h o o s e t h e o n e t h a t f i t s b e s t a c c o r d i n g t o t h e i n f o r m a t i o n g i v e n i n t h e p a s s a g e y o u h a v e j u s t r e a d.杨浦区2013届高考三月英语二模卷5 / 15 P.F. Productions 统筹制作上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(2)杨浦区(A)A m a n s u s p e c t e d t h a t h i s w i f e h a d a h e a r i n g p r o b l e m.I n o r d e r t o c o n f i r m t h i s,h e w a l k e d u p q u i e t l y b e h i n d h e r a n d,a t a b o u t t e n p a c e s a w a y,h e a s k e d,“C a n y o u h e a r m e,J a n e?”T h e r e w a s n o r e p l y f r o m h i s w i f e.H e t h e n m o v e d f i v e s t e p s c l o s e r a n d a s k e d,“C a n y o u h e a r m e,J a n e?”H i s w i f e s t i l l d i d n o t a n s w e r.S t a r t e d t o r e a l i z e h o w b a d h i s w i f e’s h e a r i n g w a s,h e m o v e d u p a n o t h e r t w o p a c e s a n d a s k e d,“J a n e, c a n y o u h e a r m e n o w?”T h i s t i m e h e h e a r d h i s w i f e s a y,“Y e s,I c a n h e a r y o u!I’v e a l r e a d y t o l d y o u t h r e e t i m e s.”T h e m a n i n t h e j o k e w a s n o t a b a d p e r s o n.B e c a u s e h e w a s n’t v e r y c o n f i d e n t a b o u t h i s s u s p i c i o n,h e u s e d a t h r e e-s t e p p r o c e s s t o s e a r c h f o r t h e t r u t h.A n d,h a p p i l y a t t h e t h i r d s t e p h e d i d f i n d o u t t h e t r u e s i t u a t i o n:h i s d e a r w i f e h a s i n d e e d r e t a i n e d h e r g o o d h e a r i n g.W e a s t h e“h u s b a n d s”m a y n o t e v e n h a v e t h i s q u e s t i o n i n g s p i r i t i n r e g a r d t o o u r s e l v e s,b e c a u s e w e g e n u i n e l y t h i n k w e h a v e e n o u g h e v i d e n c e t o p r o v e t h a t t h e r e i s n o t h i n g w r o n g w i t h u s.F u r t h e r m o r e,i f o t h e r s s h a r e o u r o p i n i o n,w e f e e l e v e n m o r e c o n f i d e n t.A s t o h o w g o o d t h e“h e a r i n g”o f t h o s e w h o s h a r e o u r o p i n i o n i s,a n d h o w g o o d o u r o w n h e a r i n g i s,w e d o n’t h a v e t i m e t o c o n s i d e r t h a t.65.W h y d i d t h e h u s b a n d a s k t h e s a m e q u e s t i o n t h r e e t i m e s?A.T o t e s t h i s o w n h e a r i n g.B.T o s e e h o w p o o r h i s w i f e’s h e a r i n g i s.C.T o s h o w h o w t o l e r a n t h e i s.D.T o g e t t h e d e f i n i t e a n s w e r t o t h e q u e s t i o n.66.W h y d o e s t h e w r i t e r s a y t h e m a n w a s n o t a b a d p e r s o n?A.B e c a u s e h e d i d n’t k n o w t h e t r u e s i t u a t i o n.B.B e c a u s e h e b l a m e d h i m s e l f f o r h i s s u s p i c i o n.C.B e c a u s e h e h a d c e r t a i n q u e s t i o n i n g s p i r i t.D.B e c a u s e h e l a c k e d s e l f-c o n f i d e n c e.67.W h a t’s t h e m o r a l o f t h e s t o r y?A.E v e r y o n e s h o u l d h a v e c o n f i d e n c e i n h i m s e l f.B.D o n’t b l a m e o t h e r s u n l e s s y o u h a v e e n o u g h e v i d e n c e.C.O n l y w h e n o t h e r s s h a r e y o u r o p i n i o n s c a n y o u b e l i e v e y o u r s e l f.D.B e f o r e c r i t i c i z i n g o t h e r s,w e’d b e t t e r r e f l e c t u p o n o u r s e l v e s.(B)杨浦区2013届高考三月英语二模卷6 / 15 P.F. Productions 统筹制作上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(2) 杨浦区杨浦区2013届高考三月英语二模卷7 / 15P.F. Productions 统筹制作68. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g t r a v e l e r s a r e u n l i k e l y t o c h o o s e R a m s e y H o u s e ?A . W h e e l c h a i r u s e r s w h o e n j o y h o l i d a y s b y t h e c o a s t .B . A m a r r i e d c o u p l e w i t h t w o y o u n g c h i l d r e n .C . Y o u n g p e o p l e w h o c o m e t o t h e b e a c h b y b i c y c l e .D . B i r d l o v e r s w h o d r i v e e x p e n s i v e c a r s .69. T r a v e l e r s c h o o s i n g R a m s e y H o u s e s h o u l d p u t a _____ i n t h e i r l u g g a g e .A . p o r t a b l e i r o nB . h a i r d r y e rC . m i r r o rD . t o o t h b r u s h70. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g i s t r u e a b o u t R a m s e y H o u s e ?A . I t i s a 4-s t a r h o t e l .B . I t i s f a r a w a y f r o m S t . D a v i d ’s .C . I t p r o v i d e s b r e a k f a s t a n d p i c n i c l u n c h .D . A l l t h e r o o m s h a v e v i e w s o f t h e s e a .上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(2)杨浦区71.S t a y i n g i n R a m s e y,g u e s t s c a n_____.A.s u r f t h e i n t e r n e t a t n i g h tB.p a r k t h e i r c a r s i n t h e g a r d e nC.s m o k e i n t h e l o u n g e a n d b e d r o o mD.g e t f r e e i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t P e m b r o k e s h i r e(C)O n I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o m e n’s D a y,8M a r c h2013U N W o m e n w i l l l a u n c h“O n e W o m a n:A s o n g f o r U N W o m e n”,a m u s i c a l c e l e b r a t i o n o f w o m e n w o r l d w i d e,f e a t u r i n g m o r e t h a n20a r t i s t s f r o m a c r o s s t h e g l o b e.A s o f t o d a y,b e h i n d-t h e-s c e n e s v i d e o s t h e s o n g’s y e a r-l o n g p r o d u c t i o n w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e a t h t t p://s o n g.u n w o m e n.o r g t o c o u n t d o w n t o w a r d t h e l a u n c h.O n M a r c h8,t h e s i t e w i l l f e a t u r e t h e f u l l s o n g v i d e o a n d m a k e t h e t r a c k a v a i l a b l e f o r d o w n l o a d.“O n e W o m a n”c a l l s f o r c h a n g e a n d c e l e b r a t e s a c t s o f c o u r a g e a n d d e t e r m i n a t i o n b y o r d i n a r y w o m e n w h o d a i l y m a k e e x t r a o r d i n a r y c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h e i r c o u n t r i e s a n d c o m m u n i t i e s.T h e l y r i c s(歌词)a r e i n s p i r e d b y s t o r i e s o f w o m e n w h o m U N W o m e n h a s s u p p o r t e d.U N W o m e n i s t h e U N o r g a n i z a t i o n c h a r g e d w i t h a d v a n c i n g w o m e n’s e m p o w e r m e n t(授权)a n d g e n d e r e q u a l i t y w o r l d w i d e.I t b e g a n i t s w o r k i n2011,t h e f i r s t n e w U N o r g a n i z a t i o n i n d e c a d e s.“O n e W o m a n”i s t h e f i r s t t h e m e s o n g f o r a U N o r g a n i z a t i o n.S i n g e r s a n d p e r f o r m e r s f r o m a l l r e g i o n s,w o m e n a n d m e n,d o n a t e d t h e i r t i m e a n d c o n t r i b u t e d t h e i r t a l e n t.T h e m u s i c o f t h e s o n g i s b y G r a h a m L y l e(T i n a T u r n e r’s“W h a t’s L o v e G o t T o D o W i t h I t”a n d m a n y o t h e r h i t s)a n d B r i t i s h/S o m a l i s i n g e r-s o n g w r i t e r F a h a n H a s s a n.J e r r y B o y s,w h o h a s w o r k e d w i t h a w i d e r a n g e o f a r t i s t s i n c l u d i n g R E M,E v e r y t h i n g B u t T h e G i r l a n d w a s o n e o f t h e p e o p l e b e h i n d t h e B u e n a V i s t a S o c i a l C l u b r e c o r d i n g,p r o d u c e d t h e s o n g,t o g e t h e r w i t h l y r i c i s t a n d e x e c u t i v e p r o d u c e r B e t h B l a t t a n d h e r o r g a n i z a t i o n H o p e S i n g sM i c r o s o f t,a s U N W o m e n’s c o r p o r a t e p a r t n e r f o r“O n e W o m a n”h a s s p o n s o r e d t h e s o n g a n d m u s i c v i d e o p r o d u c t i o n.T h e s o n g w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e f o r p u r c h a s e o n t h e s o n g w e b s i t e a n d a l l c o m m o n c h a n n e l s l i k e i T u n e s a n d A m a z o n f o r$0.99.A l l p r o c e e d s g o d i r e c t l y t o U N W o m e n i n s u p p o r t o f i t s p r o g r a m m e s t o e m p o w e r w o m e n o n t h e g r o u n d.72.U N W o m e n i s_____.A.t h e n a m e o f a s o n gB.a w o m e n-f o c u s e d w e b s i t eC.a g e n d e r q u a l i t y p r o j e c tD.a U N o r g a n i z a t i o n73.T h e u n d e r l i n e d w o r d i n P a r a g r a p h1“c h r o n i c l i n g”i s c l o s e s t i n m e a n i n g t o_____.A.e x p l o r i n gB.e l i m i n a t i n gC.r e c o r d i n gD.p r o m o t i n g74.W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s t a t e m e n t s i s T R U E a b o u t“O n e w o m a n”?A.I t w i l l b e p e r f o r m e d o n8M a r c h2013f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e.B.I t i s t h e o n l y t h e m e s o n g f o r a U N o r g a n i z a t i o n.C.I t c a n b e d o w n l o a d e d a t t h e s o n g s i t e f o r f r e e.D.A l l t h e m o n e y w i l l g o t o M i c r o s o f t t o s u p p o r t t h e v i d e o p r o d u c t i o n.杨浦区2013届高考三月英语二模卷8 / 15 P.F. Productions 统筹制作上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(2) 杨浦区杨浦区2013届高考三月英语二模卷9 / 15P.F. Productions 统筹制作75. W h a t c a n b e c o n c l u d e d f r o m t h e p a s s a g e ?A . T h e b e h i n d -t h e -s c e n e s v i d e o w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e o n l i n e a f t e r t h e l a u n c h o f t h e s o n g .B . T h e m i s s i o n o f U N W o m e n i s t o a d v a n c e w o m e n ’s e m p o w e r m e n t a n d g e n d e r q u a l i t y .C . O v e r 20 p e r f o r m e r s m a d e j o i n t e f f o r t s t o c a r r y o u t t h e p r o g r a m s t o e m p o w e r w o m e n .D . T h e s o n g i s a c e l e b r a t i o n o f o r d i n a r y w o m e n w h o m U N w o m e n h a s s u p p o r t e d .S e c t i o n CD i r e c t i o n s : R e a d t h e f o l l o w i n g t e x t a n d c h o o s e t h e m o s t s u i t a b l e h e a d i n g f r o m t h e l i s t A -F f o r e a c h p a r a g r a p h . T h e r e i s o n e e x t r a h e a d i n g w h i c h y o u d o n o t n e e d .76. N o t h i n g i s m o r e i m p o r t a n t t o a c a d e m i c a c h i e v e m e n t t h a n b e i n g a g o o d r e a d e r . P a r e n t s k n o w t h e i r c h i l d r e n b e s t a n d c a n p r o v i d e t h e o n e -o n -o n e t i m e a n d a t t e n t i on t h a t w i l l l e a d t h e m t o s u c c e s s .77. E s t a b l i s h a d a i l y 15 t o 30 m i n u t e s w h e n e v e r y o n e i n t h e f a m i l y r e a d s t o g e t h e r s i l e n t l y . S e e i n g y o u r e a d w i l l i n s p i r e y o u r c h i l d r e n t o r e a d . J u s t 15 m i n u t e s o f d a i l y p r a c t i c e i s h e l p f u l e n o u g h t o i n c r e a s e t h e i r r e a d i n g f l u e n c y .78. C h i l d r e n w i t h a l o t o f r e a d i n g m a t e r i a l s i n t h e i r h o m e s s c o r e h i g h e r o n s t a n d a r d i z e d t e s t s . T e m p t y o u r k i d s t o r e a d b y h a v i n g a l a r g e s u p p l y o f i n t e r e s t i n g b o o k s a n d m a g a z i n e s a t t h e i r r e a d i n g l e v e l . P u t t h e r e a d i n g m a t e r i a l s i n c a r s , b a t h r o o m s , b e d r o o m s , f a m i l y r o o m s , a n d e v e n b y t h e T V . M a k e r e a d i n g a p a r t o f y o u r c h i l d r e n ’s l i ve s . H a v e t h e m r e a d m e n u s , r o a d s i d e s i g n , g a m e d i r e c t i o n s , w e a t h e r r e p o r t s , m o v i e t i m e l i s t i n g s , a n d o t h e r p r a c t i c a l e v e r y d a y i nf o r m a t i o n . A l s o , M a k e s u r e t h e y a l w a y s h a v e s o m e t h i ng t o r e a d i n th ei r s p a r e t i m e w h e n t h e y c o u l d b e w a i t i n g f o r a p p o i n t m e n t s o r r i d i n g i n a c a r .79. F i n d o u t w h a t r e a d i n g s k i l l s t h e y a r e e x p e c t e d t o h a v e a t e a c h g r a d e l e v e l . T h e s c h o o l ’s c u r r ic u l u m w i l l g i v e y o u t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n . T r a c k t h e i r p r o g r e s s i n a c q u i r i n g b a s i c r e ad i n g s k i l l s o n re p o r t c a r d s a n d s t a n d a r d i z e d t e s t s . Y o u r r e a c t i o n h a s a g r e a t i nf l u e n c e o n h o w h a r d t h e y w i l l t r y t o b e c o m eg o o d r e a d e r s . B e s u r e t o g i v e th e m g e n ui n e p r a i s e f o r t h e i r e f f o r t s .80. i l d r e n ’s r e a d i n g p r o b l e m s u n t i l t h e y ’v e b e c o m e s e r i o u s . F i n d o u t i f y o u r c h i l d r e n c a n s o u n d o u t w o r d s , u s e c o n t e x t t o i d e n t i f y u n k n o w n w o r d s , a n d c l e a r l y u n d e r s t a n d w h a t t h e y r e a d . R e a d i n g p r o b l e m s d o n o t m a g i c a l l y d i s a p p e a r w i t h t i m e . T h e e a r l i e r c h i l d r e n r e c e i v e h e l p , t h e m o r e l i k e l y t h e y w i l l b e c o m e g o o d r e a d e r s . M a k e s u r e y o u r c h i l d r e n r e c e i v e n e c e s s a r y h e l p f r o m t e a c h e r s , o r l e a r n i n g c e n t e r s a s s o o n a s y o u d i s c o v e r a p r o b l e m .。

闵行1.这款电子词典值得买吗? (worth)2.这孩子年龄太小,无法应对这么复杂的局面。
(exist)key1.Is this electronic dictionary worth buying?2.The child is too young to deal with such complicated situation.3.When I am in bad mood, I often listen to music to remove troubles.4.After a heated discussion, we all agreed to donate another computer for the primary school.5.Evidence has proved that risks exist in on-line shopping, so you have to think carefully before you place an order.虹口1、你很有可能在这次考试中取得好成绩。
(take in)3、汽油价格的不断上涨对人民的生活和国家的经济发展产生了很大的影响。
(assure)Key1. You are most likely to achieve good results in this examination. / It’s most likely that you will achieve good results in this examination.2. Taking in too much salt and sugar every day will / may cause serious damage to people’s health. / It will / may cause serious damage to people’s health if they take in too much salt and sugar every day.3. The constant / continuous rise in gasoline prices / That the prices of gasoline went up / rose constantly / continuously has greatly affected the people’s life and the development of the country’s economy.4. Though severe / strict control measures have been taken repeatedly / again and again by now / up to now, the vastmajority of people / most people still feel / find it difficult / hard to afford the current high housing prices.5. He assured the manager that if / once (he was) appointed / accepted, he would do his best to work for / serve the company, live up to the expectation of the company and strive for his own ideal.黄浦1. 这个故事激励年轻人为更美好的生活奋斗。

第I卷1至l0页,第Ⅱ卷11 至12页,共150分。
第I卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 、D;个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
What does the woman want to do?Buy a ticket. B. Park her car. C. Wait her turruWhat is the man interested in about the book?The photos. B. The ideas. C. The data.Where does the conversation most probably take place?In a hotel. B. On a bus. C. At a cinema.What will the man do?Offer help. B. Express thanks. C. Ask for permission. What does the woman think of Picasso?She thinks that he is the greatest Spanish painter.She is sure that he is the best painter all over the world.She believes there are some other more famous painters in .第二节(共15小题•,每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

请你为本次班会设计方案,方案中必须包含以下内容:1. 确立班会的主题;2. 描述你所设计的活动;3. 谈谈活动设计的理由。
请以“Appreciate What You Have”为题,叙述一件自己的经历的,或是看到的,或是听说过的事,并谈谈自己的感受。
(杨浦静安宝山青浦)90. 最近许多城市常被雾霾(haze)所笼罩,请就这一话题谈谈你的看法。
给他们的负责人Smith 先生写信,谈谈你的看法,文中必须包括:--你建议设立的节日名称--你提出此建议的原因--你想如何庆祝这一节日(注:信中不得出现真实的个人信息)(长宁嘉定)近年来越来越多的中学生参加志愿者活动,请你就此内容写一篇文章。
你的文章必须包括:l 具体描述你参加过的一次志愿者活动l 简要谈谈你的感想(虹口)下图为某城市街头雕塑。

2013届(2012学年)上海市高三英语二模——简答题(黄浦)Relations between the United States and Spain were not very good in 1898. On February 15, a battleship called the USS Maine blew up and sank in the harbor at Havana, Cuba. More than 260 Americans were killed. Many Americans thought that Spanish saboteurs(破坏者) had set an underwater mine that caused the explosion.Witnesses and survivors had different versions of what happened. Some said that they heard two explosions. It was discovered that the magazine—which is a storage place for arms, ammunition (军火), and explosives—had exploded. Questions were raised about what caused the first explosion. Did the first explosion come from outside the ship, causing the magazine to explode? Or, did something on the ship blow up the magazine?Other witnesses said that there was only one explosion. If they are right, then what on the ship caused the magazine to explode? A theory supporting the two-explosion version was that rebels from Cuba had caused the explosion. The rebels were aware of the bad feelings between the United States and Spain. They would have been willing to cause trouble between the nations to bring an end to Spanish rule in Cuba.The United States government issued an ultimatum (最后通牒) to the Spanish government to end its occupation of Cuba. When Spanish officials refused, Congress and President William McKinley declared war on Spain. The war did not last long, because the United Sates forced an early surrender.More than 100 years after the explosion of Maine, the cause of the explosion is still unknown. Many questions remain. If an attack from outside the ship caused the magazine to explode, why didn‟t witnesses see a splash in the water? Why were there no dead fish in the water if there was an external explosion?With the mystery still unsolved, the question of what really happened to the USS Maine may never be answered.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)81. On February 15, 1898,more than 260 Americans lost their lives because of __________ .82. According to the passage, the “magazine” was used to _________.83. According to the two-explosion version, what‟s the probable purpose of the Cuban rebels tocause the explosion?84. What‟s the main topic of the passage?81. the explosion and sinking of the USS Maine82. store arms, ammunition, and explosives83. To cause trouble and end the Spanish rule/occupation.84. The Mystery of the USS Maine. / The (possible) causes of the USS Maine‟s Explosion(闵行)For anyone who is determined to be a fashion designer, it is not enough to have succeeded in college. The real test is whether they can survive, and become established during their early 20s, making a name for themselves in the real world where business skills can be as important as creativity.Fashion is a hard business. There is a continuous amount of stress because work is at a constant and extremely fast speed to prepare for the next season‟s collections. It is extremely competitive and there is the constant need to make attractive advertisements of the latest fashion in newspapers and magazines. It also requires continual freshness because the appetite for new ideas is hard to satisfy. “We try to warn people before they come to us about how tough it is.” says Lydia Kemeny, the Head of Fashion at St. Martin‟s School of Art in London. “And we point out that drive and determination are absolutely necessary.”This may seem far removed from the popular opinions of fashionable young people spending their time designing pretty dresses. That may well be what they do in their first year of study but a good college won‟t be slow in introducing students to commercial realities. “We don‟t walk our foot on the blossoming flower of creativity but in the second year we start introducing the restrictions of price, producing ability, marketing and so on.”Almost all fashion design is done to a brief. It is not a form of self-expression as such, although there is certainly room for imagination and creativity. Most young designers are going to end up as employees of a producer or a fashion house and they still need to be able to work within the employers‟ characteristic style. Even those who are most modern in their own taste of clothes may need to produce designs which are right for the mainstream of market. They also have to be able to work at both the expensive and the cheap end of the market and the challenge to produce good design inexpensively may well be demanding.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 12 WORDS.)81. What are equally important if a fashion designer wants to be successful?82. Why does a fashion designer have to be creative?83. Besides learning to design beautiful dresses, students are also taught _______________.84. According to the last paragraph, ____________________ are the two things fashion designers have to consider when working as employees.81. Business skills and creativity.82. Because consumers‟ needs keep changing / the appetite for new ideas is hard to satisfy.83. commercial realities / the restrictions of price, producing ability, marketing84. the employers‟ characteristic style and the mainstream of market.(浦东)The internal greenhouse effect of a daffodil(水仙花)Early pollinators (授粉昆虫) struggle with cold weather, so it's no wonder that late-winter flowers such as daffodil tend to have extended blooming times and long-lasting flowers, some of which remain open for more than two weeks. When the sun is out, they can offer a warm microenvironment for bees.Although they usually start showing off in the Washington area by late February, blooming times for daffodil are highly variable, depending on variety, weather and planting location. Moisture, tree cover and mineral availability all affect flowering time, but soil temperature tends to have the greatest influence on early-blooming flowers. The microclimate of a south-facing slope will display blooms well before flowers appear in the shadow of a building that gets only a half-day of sun.Once open, the flower can create a microclimate within itself. When sunlight hits a daffodilflower, its tube-shaped corolla acts as a tiny greenhouse, raising temperatures inside a flower as much as 15 degrees higher than the surrounding air.That's good news for small bees, which in late winter have trouble getting warm enough to fly.Bumblebees and honeybees prepare to fly on cold days by exercising their flight muscles to generate heat. But mining bees, which nest in the ground, are less able to do that and are more dependent on surrounding temperatures to warm them up for takeoff.Spanish ecologist Carlos M. Herrera studied the relationship between mining bees and nativedaffodil flowers. The bees he studied could fly only if their internal body temperatures approached 72 degrees, yet they were able to forage(觅食) in 54-degree weather. Basking(取暖) in sunlight on the outside of a warm daffodil bloom was enough to get a bee airborne. Heat from flight muscles could then help keep bees in the air, but they still relied on blossom-basking to supplement their heat needs. Although a bee inside a flower has access to warmth and food, a bee basking atop a flower can more effectively raise its temperature by absorbing heat both from direct sunlight and from the flower below.On those cooler days, bees spent most of their foraging time basking, but "flights between flowers were sometimes interrupted by sudden falls to the ground," Herrera wrote in his 1995 paper. "Fallen bees crawled into some nearby flower and basked before resuming normal foraging."(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in No MORE THAN 12 WORDS.)81. According to the passage, what can help early pollinators to survive cold weather?82. Flowers on a south-facing slope usually open earlier because of ________________.83. What does the “good news for small bees” in paragraph 4 refer to?84. A bee can raise its temperature better at the top of a flower because both ________________ are its sources of warmth.Section D 81. Late-winter flowers‟ extended blooming times./ Late-winter fl owers‟ remaining open for long.82. (high) soil temperature83. The flower can create a microclimate within itself once open./The temperatures inside flowers can be much higher than the surrounding air.84. (direct) sunlight and the flower below(普陀)Strategy experts Michael J. Borland and Douglas E. Schoen recently went in search of the inner qualities that make a leader a success. Through extensive research, they found that these people are excellent in their fields through personal drive, determined behaviors and the self-awareness to know who they are and what they want. While interviewing some of today's most successful people, Bed and and Schoen learned that success comes to individuals if those have mastered their own identities.After examining dozens of successful business leaders, political figures, sports legends and artists, the authors identified two distinct “archetypes” (典型)that are each made up of a set of consistent characteristics that place their skills, strengths, weaknesses and personalities apart from the others.The first archetype is the Natural-Born Leader. These people find great satisfaction in taking charge of complex challenges. Their confidence and abilities define them as individuals who know they will succeed as they face any difficulty. Berland and Schoen explain that these people exhibit self-confidence, big-picture thinking, a take-charge personality, an inspirational and motivational spirit and a helpful approach as they boost up those around them. If you are a Natural-Born Leader, you always have to be the best in school, at playing sports and in doing business. You have to do things first and fastest, and you enjoy moving up the corporate ladder.The second archetype is the Independence Seeker. Berland and Schoen have found these people have two obvious features, They share the common mental characteristics. For instance, people in this group are always trying to come up with a better way to do things, have the self-confidence to do whatever they need to do to reach their goals, are willing to take risks when they see an opportunity, have a "restless spirit" that appears in the form of new goals, and "don't take themselves too seriously." However, when it comes to working, they just want what they want, and they also hope that their achievements will be recognized.(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81.The purpose of Berland and Schoen‟s research is to __________.82.What is the leading factor that helps individuals to be successful according to Berland andSchoen?83.How will a Natural-Born Leader feel when he is told to finish some challenging tasks?84.Berland and Schoen have studied Independent Seekers in the two aspects: __________.81. search for the inner qualities of successful persons82. Mastering his/her own identities.83. Satisfied.84. Inner qualities and work attitude.(徐汇金山松江)It is estimated that around of the approximately six thousand languages that are spoken today, over three thousand of them are likely to have disappeared by the year 2100. Many of these are now classified as endangered languages and are classified as such by factors such as the number of speakers a language has, the age of the speakers, and the percentage of the youngest generation acquiring fluency in the language. For example, a language with many tens of thousands of speakers may be considered endangered if the children in the community are no longer learning the language. This scenario (情节) may happen in a place like Indonesia which as many different languages in use, but is trying to make communication easier by teaching a national language nation-wide. In another scenario, a language may only have a few hundred speakers but may not be considered endangered because all of the children in the community are learning the language.Once a language is classified as endangered, conservation efforts may be made in an attempt to revive the language. Whether or not to make such efforts is a decision which is ultimately made by the speakers of the language themselves, but success often requires a great deal of help and approval from the government or other authorities.One of the most famous language conservation success stories is that of the Welsh language. Historically, large numbers of Welsh people spoke only Welsh, but eventually English became the main language of Wales and fewer and fewer people learned Welsh. Conservation efforts began to be made in the mid-20th century with the establishment of such organizations as the Welsh Language Association in 1962. The Welsh Language Act and the Government of Wales Act, both passed in the 1990s, protected the Welsh language and made sure that English and Welsh would have equal status in Wales. Since 2000, the study of the Welsh language has been a compulsory subject in school. Today, over 22% of the population of Wales are Welsh speakers, up from 18% in 1991.81. What factors are taken into consideration when we classify languages as endangered ones,besides the number and the age of the speakers?82. One of the reasons why some languages go declining in Indonesia is___________________83. The word “ revive” in Para 2, most probably means …_______________________‟.84. What does the example of the Welsh language try to tell us?(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81. The percentage of young people among speakers.82. to make communication easier/to teach a national language nation-wide81. bring sth. back to life / bring sth. back into use / save82. An endangered language can be saved by conservation efforts.(杨浦)America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is celebrating the one year anniversary of its Weather-Ready Nation project. Weather experts from across the United States have been working to improve the way the country reacts to extreme weather. They way scientific progress has made weather forecasts, or predictions, better than ever. But, they say the cost of severe weather on life and property is still too high.NOAA says a new generation of equipment has already made its global numerical weather prediction system nearly three times faster in the past seven months. This is expected to improve NOAA's forecast models.Scientist and weather experts have launched a similar effort in the Philippines. It is called Project NOAH 一the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (危害).Mahar Lagmay is the head of Project NOAH. He says his country needs high-resolution imaging to predict when and where natural disasters will strike"To be able to construct hazard maps you need very high resolution topography. To do the simulations of floods you do need high resolution topography."He also ways these images will be used to create smaller area maps, which will shape how people react to natural disasters."By doing local scale, or community scale maps, people can relate with the problem because they see their houses, they see their neighbor's houses, the bridge in their community, and the river in their community in relation to the hazards 一the flood hazards in particular"Geologist Carlos Primo David also works with Project NOAH. He says the group depends onsatellites, Doppler radar and hundreds of rain gauges (计里器)across the country. He says the resulting forecasts are very detailed, and can even predict the intensity of rainfall.The Philippine state weather agency used rainfall information from Project NOAH when Manila flooded in August. The weather agency also re-broadcast its warnings on the social networking website Twitter. And a color coded warning system was also put in place Mahar Lagmay says the project passed its first test. He says the government used the information to move people to safety."Relatively it was successful because what we wanted to avoid was mass death." He says now the government has to get people to take severe weather events more seriously, and to actively prepare for the worst.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)81. The aim of the Weather-Ready Nation project is to improve the nation's reaction to extremeweather and reduce ______________.82. What's the equipment used in predicting intensity of rainfall?83. The project NOAH passed its first test because _________________.84. The weather experts expect people to _______________.81. the cost of severe weather on life and property82. satellites, Doppler radar and hundreds of rain gauges83. its information helped the government move people to safety / ...84. take severe weather more seriously and actively prepare for the worse(杨浦静安宝山青浦)Children and adolescents who watch a lot of television are more likely to have antisocial and criminal behavior when they become adults, according to a new University of Otago, New Zealand, study published online in the journal Pediatrics. The study followed a group of around 1,000 children born in the New Zealand city of Dunedin in 1972-1973. Every two years between the ages of 5 and 15, they were asked how much television they watched. Those who watched more television were more likely to have a criminal conviction and were also more likely to have antisocial personality traits in adulthood.The study found that the risk of having a criminal behavior by early adulthood increased by about 30% with every hour that children spent watching TV on an average weeknight.The study also found that watching more television in childhood was associated, in adulthood, with aggressive personality, an increased tendency to experience negative emotions, and an increased risk of antisocial personality disorder; a psychiatric disorder characterised by persistent patterns of aggressive and antisocial behavior.The researchers found that the relationship between TV viewing and antisocial behavior was not explained by socio-economic status, aggressive or antisocial behavior in early childhood, or parenting factors.A study co-author, Lindsay Robertson, says it is not that children who were already antisocial watched more television. “Rather, children who watched a lot of television were likely to go on to manifest anti social behavior and personality traits.”Other studies have suggested a link between television viewing and antisocial behavior, though very few have been able to demonstrate a cause-and-effect sequence. This is the first …real-life‟ study that has asked a bout TV viewing throughout the whole childhood period, and has looked at a range of antisocial outcomes in adulthood. As an observational study, it cannot prove that watching too much television caused the antisocial outcomes, but the findings are consistent with most of the research and provides further evidence that excessive television can have long-term consequences for behavior.Antisocial behavior is a major problem for society. While we‟re not saying that television causes all antisocial behavior, our findings do suggest that reducing TV viewing could go some way towards reducing rates of antisocial behavior in society,” says Associate Professor Hancox.The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children should watch no more than 1 to 2 hours of quality television programming each day. The researchers say their findings support the idea that parents should try to limit their children's television use.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)81. The aim of the study is to reveal ______________________________________________.82. The researchers chose __________________________________________ as theirresearch subjects(研究对象).83. What‟s the shortcoming of most of the studies on this topic?__________________________________________________________.84.What do you suppose many parents will do after reading this passage?__________________________________________________________.81. the relationship between television viewing and antisocial behavior.82. about 1,000 children born in Dunedin in 1972-1973.83. They fail to demonstrate a cause-and-effect sequence.84. Limit their children‟s television use (to 1 to 2 hours).(杨浦3月)America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is celebrating the one yearanniversary of its Weather-Ready Nation project. Weather experts from across the United Stateshave been working to improve the way the country reacts to extreme weather. They way scientificprogress has made weather forecasts, or predictions, better than ever. But, they say the cost ofsevere weather on life and property is still too high.NOAA says a new generation of equipment has already made its global numerical weather prediction system nearly three times faster in the past seven months. This is expected to improve NOAA's forecast models.Scientist and weather experts have launched a similar effort in the Philippines. It is called Project NOAH 一the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (危害).Mahar Lagmay is the head of Project NOAH. He says his country needs high-resolution imaging to predict when and where natural disasters will strike"To be able to construct hazard maps you need very high resolution topography. To do the simulations of floods you do need high resolution topography."He also ways these images will be used to create smaller area maps, which will shape how people react to natural disasters."By doing local scale, or community scale maps, people can relate with the problem because they see their houses, they see their neighbor's houses, the bridge in their community, and the river in their community in relation to the hazards 一the flood hazards in particular"Geologist Carlos Primo David also works with Project NOAH. He says the group depends on satellites, Doppler radar and hundreds of rain gauges (计里器)across the country. He says the resulting forecasts are very detailed, and can even predict the intensity of rainfall.The Philippine state weather agency used rainfall information from Project NOAH when Manila flooded in August. The weather agency also re-broadcast its warnings on the social networking website Twitter. And a color coded warning system was also put in place Mahar Lagmay says the project passed its first test. He says the government used the information to move people to safety."Relatively it was successful because what we wanted to avoid was mass death." He says now the government has to get people to take severe weather events more seriously, and to actively prepare for the worst.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)81. The aim of the Weather-Ready Nation project is to improve the nation's reaction to extremeweather and reduce ______________.82. What's the equipment used in predicting intensity of rainfall?83. The project NOAH passed its first test because _________________.84. The weather experts expect people to _______________.81. the cost of severe weather on life and property82. satellites, Doppler radar and hundreds of rain gauges83. its information helped the government move people to safety / ...84. take severe weather more seriously and actively prepare for the worse(闸北)"In Scotland illness treatment is considered urgent; in Canada, it's considered inevitable. However in America,it is resource-consuming." Though the remarks seem like jokes,real data support the point. Medicare statistics, for example, reveal that we Americans lead the world in the amount of medical services used during the last six months of a person's life.Senior citizens here are big consumers of healthcare ,using ambulances three times as often as seniors mercial insurance data point to similar patterns in the healthcare of the younger population too, a ground few would argue against.What explains such a phenomenon? There is plenty of blame to go around.Both physicians and patients have referred to a "more is better "approach that adds cost without necessarily leading to better outcomes.In the past, doctors in fee-for -service systems have been suspected of doing too much testing to generate more income. Now new networks track doctors' treating record in the hope to discourage unnecessary testing. Patients, on the other hand ,are worried about denial of services.Doctors can find themselves caught in a bind between anxious and worrying patients and insurance networks that dismiss doctors with inefficient practice patterns.Upset factors,such as malpractice concerns and falling fees ,among which the worsening doctor-patient relationship tops the ranking list-are contributing to the nation's increasing shortage of primary-care doctors.Is there a better way to do this, without limiting a patient's choice or lowering the quality of healthcare?One solution is that we can introduce care organizations, which have the goal of improving both patients' health outcomes and the efficient use of resources. Like an HMO, this new kind of care organization involves networks of doctors, hospitals and patients. By carefully balancing care among doctors computerized medical records to identify the appropriate use of services, it encourages preventive care and measure quality.Given the obvious benefits during its pilot time, we are also encouraged to look at the program called Choosing Wisely .The program is aimed at encouraging both physicians and patients, with the help of professional model ,to carefully consider the wisdom of medical procedures. In most cases ,useless procedures are not only wasting money, but also subjecting patients to additional risk without the potential ti improve their health.(NOTE: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)mercial insurance data are mentioned in the first paragraph to show that ________.82.Patients'________attitude towards medical care caused today's overtreatment.83.What is the leading reason for lack of primary-care doctors?84.What are the two methods to fight the environment problem?81. the young are big consumers of healthcare too82. “More is better”83. The worsening doctor-patient relationship.84. Care organizations and the program called Choosing Wisely.(长宁嘉定)Working mothers who try to do everything by themselves are more likely to become depressed than those accepting that they are not super humans, a recent study of hundreds of women suggests.Women are told a story that they can do it all, but most workplaces are still designed for employees without child-care responsibilities, and they can happily combine child raising and a career if they are willing to let some things slide. Katrina Leupp, a researcher, suggests that rather than trying to do everything themselves, working women should get family members or others to help with the housework and not feel guilty about leaving work early when family duty calls. High earners can follow the lead of actress Anna Friel, who let out her secret to dealing with work and being a mother at the same time ---employing two maids.A researcher from the University of Washington said: “Employment is beneficial for women‟s health, even when differences in marital (婚姻的) satisfaction and working full-or part-time are ruled out.” But the analysis also found that not all working mothers are equally happy. The women with “supermom” attitudes as young adults showed more signs of depression, the American Sociological Society‟s annual conference stated. Women who try to do it all without any help are more likely to feel they are failures when things do not go to plan. Very often they may be drowned in tiredness. Lack of any “me time” could also be an issue. However, she stressed that working women--- including super mums --- generally still a lower risk of depression than stay-at-home mothers, adding:” But for better mental health, working mums should accept that they can‟t do it all.”Pam Spurr, a life coach and mother-of-two, said working women don‟t have to feel ashamed to take a career break when they have kids to take care of or cut back on time in the office. She said:”We need to accept that we are only human and can‟t do it all.”(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statement in NO MORE THAN THE WORDS.)81. According to a recent study, in order not to be depressed, working mothers _______________.82. How should working women deal with career and family according to Katrina Leupp?83. What are the signs of super mums‟ depression?84. In Pam Spurr‟s opinion, workin g women need to realize there is no shame in _____________.81. should accept that they are not super humans82. They should get help and leave work early if necessary.83. Feelings of failures, tiredness and lack of any “me time”.84. taking a career break with kids or cutting office hours(虹口)。

2013届高考英语一模、二模翻译汇编乘飞机从到纽约要多长时间?(take)(六校联考2012.12.)How long will/does it take to fly from Shanghai to New York?人人都应该铭记任何药都有副作用。
(keep in mind)Everyone should keep in mind that any medicine has some side effects.新学期开学不久,学校安排了所有学生进行体检。
(arrange)Soon after the new term started, the school arranged for all the students to have a medical check-up/ examination.只有历经磨难的人才会真正明白什么是幸福。
(those who)Only those who have experienced/ gone through all kinds of hardships/ sufferings will truly understand what happiness is.一个人是否可靠主要取决于他做了什么,而不是他说了什么。
(not…but…) Whether a person is reliable/ can be relied in mainly depends not on what he says/has said but on what he does/has done.他会上提出的建议值得进一步考虑。
(deserve) (13校联考2012.12.)The suggestion(s) that he raised/ put forward/ came up with at the meeting deserve(s) further consideration. / to be further considered. / considering further.如果方便的话,请你放学后帮我从邮局取回包裹好吗?(convenient)If it is convenient to/for you, would you please fetch me the parcel from the post office after school?在校运动会中,全班同学都尽一份力是天经地义的事。

(view)1、Nowadays people are more and more concerned about food safety.2、I don't think he will change his mind easily.3、We senior high students should have great ambition and (should) not be satisfied with reality/present situation.4、Be sure to protect the environment and think of others when traveling/when you are travelling.5、We hold the same view/ We all agree to the view that everyone, whether (he or she is) gifted or not, is a successful person as long as he or she makes certain contributions to the society.普陀区1、黄浦江隧道的建成极大地促进了浦东的发展。

请你为本次班会设计方案,方案中必须包含以下内容:1. 确立班会的主题;2. 描述你所设计的活动;3. 谈谈活动设计的理由。
请以“Appreciate What You Have”为题,叙述一件自己的经历的,或是看到的,或是听说过的事,并谈谈自己的感受。
(杨浦静安宝山青浦)90. 最近许多城市常被雾霾(haze)所笼罩,请就这一话题谈谈你的看法。
给他们的负责人Smith 先生写信,谈谈你的看法,文中必须包括:--你建议设立的节日名称--你提出此建议的原因--你想如何庆祝这一节日(注:信中不得出现真实的个人信息)(长宁嘉定)近年来越来越多的中学生参加志愿者活动,请你就此内容写一篇文章。
你的文章必须包括:l 具体描述你参加过的一次志愿者活动l 简要谈谈你的感想(虹口)下图为某城市街头雕塑。
【VIP专享】上海市闸北区2013届高三英语二模试卷(含答案 对外版)

上海市闸北区2012学年第二学期高三英语学科期末练习卷(本卷满分150分;完卷时间120分钟)第I卷(共105分)I.Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. Husband and wife. B. Passenger and air hostess.C. Boss and secretary.D. Customer and café waitress.2. A. In the supermarket. B. In the bakery. C. In the restaurant. D. At the airport.3. A. Hiring a maid. B. Sharing household chore.C. Cleaning the house.D. Focusing on work.4. A. Its colour turned pale. B. It can’t be hand-washed.C. It is not strong enough.D. It’s cheap.5. A. Because apartments are not as expensive as houses.B. Because their dogs don’t like apartments.C. Because his wife feels uncomfortable in houses.D. Because he doesn’t have to look after the garden.6. A. He will invite Jack later. B. Jack always arrives at his parties late.C. He won’t invite Jack.D. Jack is his boss at work.7. A. 0. B. 10. C. 20. D. 30.8. A. Jenny is playing the match now. B. Jenny was wounded in a car accident.C. Jenny went to visit Mary in hospital.D. Mary knocked Jenny down in a car accident.9. A. He is not used to the diet of the city. B. The hot weather doesn’t suit him.C. He disagrees with the woman’s remarks.D. He doesn’t think highly of the local people.10. A. He just changed his job and doesn’t have much to say.B. He does1fishing for the job.C. The new job doesn’t suit him.D. He always thinks of the bad experiences in his last job.1原卷此处为do,P.F. Productions审稿时根据“三单一”原则改为doesSection BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. 10%. B. 20%. C. 30%. D. 50%.12. A. Because they feel less stress at work. B. Because they don’t have friendship problems.C. Because they are good at adjusting themselves.D. Because they rarely use drugs and alcohol.13. A. They should stop basing hope on work success.B. They should try to find a balance between work and life.C. They should try to change to less-competitive work.D. They should share their problems with people for help.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Because they can’t produce honey as European bees.B. Because they are children of fierce African bees.C. Because they defend themselves when endangered.D. Because the media gave them the name.15. A. Europe. B. Africa. D. South America. D. The United States.16. A. They are larger than their European cousins. B. They have yellow markings on them.C. They are ordinary-looking of pale brown.D. They look like spiders.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.What is the full name for Taipei 101?Taipei 101 21 .What does the LEED award stand for?Leadership in 22 Design.What are two elements to make a high-quality building?Being 23 .Of what style is the building? 24 .II.Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25.The CEOs of many famed international companies are participating _____ special observers in thisyear’s Mayor’s Forum (论坛).A. asB. inC. atD. for26.Thanks to modern technology, today contacting a friend thousands of miles away seems to be_____ saying hello to a next door neighbour.A. as easy asB. as easily asC. so easy thatD. so easily as27.At least 20 people lost their lives in the air crash and, according to the hospital, _____ was the pilot,who died soon after he was sent to the hospital.A. among whichB. among whomC. among themD. among what28.Grass skiing is a rising form of entertainment, popular with young people, _____ sliding on thegrass would be adventurous and enjoyable.A. whoB. whenC. whereD. whose29.To a teacher and parent, it’s one thing to educate students but it is quite _____ to teach one’s ownkid.A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. some other30. A ticket agent _____ at all necessary for passengers could have bought the air tickets online lastweek.A. hadn’t beenB. isn’tC. wasn’tD. won’t be31.Many “successful” Americans try hard to be different from others _____ the myth of successimplies comparison between people.A. unlessB. becauseC. althoughD. in case32.The income gap in Switzerland is much smaller than in many other European countries _____ thecountry’s social stability and harmony.A. ensuringB. ensuredC. ensuresD. to have ensured33.Apart from police guns, there are only 49 legal handguns in Japan, _____ in the hand of highlyskilled expert civilian shooters.A. holdB. to holdC. heldD. holding34.The basketball player is not good with words and he _____ a ghostwriter (代笔者) for his newly-published autobiography (自传).A. should have called inB. must have called inC. must call inD. would call in35.Brazil is a nation with a successful investment in energy that comes from grains and _____ tenpercent of its oil supply with grain energy is its current goal.A. replacesB. has replacedC. replacingD. to be replaced36.Becoming successful is achieved through focus on what one is doing, without being tempted byfactors like money or title, _____?A. doesn’t itB. won’t oneC. is itD. isn’t it37.The Chinese first lady’s dressing during her state visit to Russia _____ much in newspapers and onTV, which sparked heated discussion at home and abroad.A. reportedB. has reportedC. was reportedD. was reporting38.Many teachers maintain that preschooling is the best way to prepare children for study but there isno real agreement, however, about _____ this preparation can be achieved.A. whatB. whichC. whoD. how39.Never _____ his beard (胡子) if his school team fails to achieve a 50%+ win rate.A. John shavesB. will John shaveC. is John shavedD. was John shaved40.The former Hollywood superstar Greta Garbo announced to retire as she was tired of being madeby the press and fans _____ as if living in a goldfish tank.A. feelingB. to feelC. to be feelingD. feltSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. mildB. uniqueC. mistakesD. competitionE. emergedF. restrictionsG. basicsH. trendI. proposed H. fallIII.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.50. A. disappear B. collapse C. freeze D. rise51. A. translated B. responded C. invented D. applied52. A. special B. inferior C. standard D. loose53. A. unique B. memorable C. painful D. normal54. A. positive B. personal C. flexible D. heated55. A. temporarily B. carefully C. readily D. traditionally56. A. luxury B. expense C. convenience D. information57. A. prove B. buy C. investigate D. convey58. A. explosion B. promotion C. shift D. spread59. A. walls of ears B. seeing is believing C. word of mouth D. grave of teeth60. A. drives out B. wears out C. pays off D. died away61. A. company B. introduction C. benefit D. end62. A. decorated B. distinct C. blank D. mechanical63. A. imitate B. guide C. exploit D. replace64. A. refer to B. compare with C. suffer from D. persist inSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The Matterhorn of Switzerland had been climbed hundreds of times since it was first conquered by Edward Whymper in 1865. He, and the many that followed him over the years, had scaled the mountain by the relatively easy southern approach. The vertical (垂直的) northern face presented a much more frightening challenge. Although some climbers had scaled the north wall, their attempts were made in summer. Experts had predicted that it was unimaginable to make the climb in the winter.Water Bonatti announced that he was going to attempt a winter climb of the near-vertical ice-covered northern face in the February. What was shocking was that he intended to use the more direct route from base to peak without any of the passes made by his pioneers. It seemed a suicidal bid.Covered in a yellow wind-breaker, Bonatti gathered his skills, nerves, strength and vigor against the north face. Slowly and carefully, his strong but cold-stoned fingers searched for hand-holds. One false move and he would plunge straight down thousands of feet to his death. The higher he went, the more the wind increased its force, striking him with icy power, threatening to dash him onto the rocks below. After two tough days, he reached 12,800 feet. At night, he napped in a hammock (吊床) between two steel sticks hammered in the rock face.At first light, he continued ever upward, without a thought of turning back. The cruel, sub-zero temperature cracked his goggles (护目镜) and he struggled half-blinded. Often his hands which were bleeding, failed to settle on an opening and he had to make attempts with his instinct. His tiring body was in pain but still climbed up towards the peak.At dawn on the fourth day, he was on the edge of complete exhaustion, but with victory in sight, he prepared himself for the critical trek. Just after three in the afternoon, excited spectators in the helicopters saw Bonatti suddenly appear crawling over the shining tip of the mountain. He had achieved the impossible and won the world acclaim.65.Why was Bonatti’s attempt regarded as an impossible task?A. Because no one had climbed the mountain since the last conquest by Whymper.B. Because the mountain presents the biggest challenge in the world.C. Because no one had reached the peak from the north in cold weather.D. Because the Swiss government forbade people to climb the mountain in severe weather.66.How did he manage to climb up?A. He used the wind-breaker to locate holes on the north face and climbed up.B. He made his hands fish for openings and relied on them to climb.C. He took advantage of steel hammer to climb up the mountain.D. He borrowed the force from the ice to help him rise.67.The underlined word trek in the last paragraph is closest in the meaning to _____.A. adequate restB. timely communicationC. difficult journeyD. bad weather condition上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(10)闸北区68.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Bonatti used to scale the mountain by the south approach.B. The negative influence from the wind decreased as he climbed up.C. Bonatti’s success was witnessed by people in the air.D. Bonatti managed to climb the mountain in two days.(B)69.The cuttlefish are different from other deceiving animals in that _____.A. it means no harm while others intend to hunt by deceivingB. it changes its features in appearance to match the environmentC. it manages to mix with the environment faster than other animalsD. it uses certain matter to copy the environment if necessary上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(10)闸北区70.In deceiving, the frogfish and the stoat are using the similar trick that _____.A. they sometimes disappear and sometimes appear to deceiveB. they both hunt in similar living environmentsC. they make certain body movements before huntingD. they hunt the same creature for food71.One unique deceiving purpose different from those of other creatures is to _____.A. become the master of disguiseB. meet the need of the stomachC. seek food for survivalD. find a possible mating partner(C)72.The social structure is stable because _____.A. there are no barriers strictly separating the classesB. economic ability simply decides a person’s social classC. the lower classes quickly learn the standards of the upper classesD. the higher classes enjoy the force to select people to enter their classes73.The underlined phrase with his tongue in the cheek is closet in meaning to _____.A. forcefullyB. pretendedlyC. sincerelyD. silently74.The principle to behave like a gentleman has _____.A. been followed by the upper and lower classesB. been destroyed by the ill forces in societyC. enabled middle class people to climb to higher classesD. helped the middle class to keep moral上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(10)闸北区75.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?A. Lucky people from lower classes randomly climb into higher classes.B. New middle-class men are forced to learn the history of British civilization.C. New middle class men and their children “do good” for different purposes.D. The middle class have made complete success in defeating ill forces in societySection CDirections:Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.A.Reasons for SWS quick reaction and economic advantageB.Concerns about the SWS alerting systemC.Opposite stands of the two earthquake warning systemsD.Working principle of CISN and the possible obstacleE.Official attitudes towards the two alerting systemsF.The effect of CISN and its troubling system76.Two different approaches to alerting the public about the earthquakes are competing for the states’ support, with one, CISN, based on a network of government-operated sensors, and the other, SWS, built around a private company’s equipment. In a move that may shed some light for policy makers, the authority has pulled together representatives from both approaches to make recommendations on how to implement an earthquake early warning system. Then again, their distinct views may prove impossible to come to terms.77.The idea behind an earthquake early warning system is to take advantage of the time lag between a quake’s initial, relatively mild shockwaves and the later ones that cause all the damage. CISN can detect the first waves a few seconds or more before the severe shaking begins. The challenge, though, is to determine from the first waves whether it’s really an earthquake and not a big truck rolling by, and how intense the shaking may be.78.The March 11 quake in Riverside County gave the CISN team the chance to demonstrate the capabilities of its system, which is still in its formative stages. It alerted local government 30 seconds before a stronger wave of the quake, which measured a moderate 4.7 magnitude. By the time the warning went out, however, those waves had already been developing for 12 seconds, extending about 25 miles. That’s not necessarily a problem for earthquakes that start in a remote stretch of the high desert. But a delay that long for a quake in busy areas would leave millions of people in the warning-free “blind zone.”79.SWS has a collection of sensors in the Coachella Valley, not far from where the March 11 quake struck. The company claimed its alerts went out before the more damaging waves had even hit the surface. Its first stations received an alert three to five seconds ahead of the shaking. The company’s speed advantage comes from its ability to use two sensors at a single site to calculate a quack’s intensity and to make a warning, rather than having to pool data from sensors at multiple sites. It also says that it can participate in a statewide warning system that would cost far less than what the CISN’s backers have advised.上海2013届高考英语二模卷试题集(10)闸北区80.So what’s more to think about SWS proposal? It is said that the government is trying to get some independent proof of the company’s claims about its technology. And there are also some worries from the public about granting the essential function of public alert to a private company. People can only imagine the security matters involved.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)mercial insurance data are mentioned in the first paragraph to show that __________.82.Patients’ __________ attitude towards medical care caused today’s overtreatment.83.What is the leading reason for the lack of primary-care doctors?84.What are the two methods to fight the overtreatment problem?第II卷(共45分)I.TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.家长越来越关注孩子的心理健康。
闵行区2012学年第二学期高三年级质量调研考试英语试卷考生注意:1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上将学校、姓名及准考证号填写清楚。
2. 本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷,共12页。
第I卷(共105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. 6:10. B. 6:30. C. 6:40. D. 7:00.2. A. In a book store. B. In a hospital.C. In a library.D. At a cinema.3. A. Customer and waitress. B. Boss and secretary.C. Teacher and student.D. Lawyer and client.4. A. A Swimming contest. B. A volleyball match.C. A Football match.D. A basketball match.5. A. To hang up his trousers. B. To keep his trousers on.C. To come home earlier.D. To spend less time at the office.6. A. Her son’s health. B. Her son’s studies.C. Her son’s poor grades.D. Her son’s ability for the job.7. A. He was unable to have his picture taken. B. He has not chosen a picture for it.C. He had broken his camera.D. He failed to fix the broken camera.8. A. It isn’t good at all. B. It is better now.C. It was better in the past.D. It is liked by more people now.9. A. He’ll be able to clean the house in time.B. He doesn’t have time to take the woman home.C. It should be easy for the guests to find the house.D. He needs time to relax before the guests arrive.10. A. He has too many dreams. B. He likes to sleep.C. He doesn’t have many ideas.D. He doesn’t put his ideas into practice.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Because she wanted to make more contributions to the community.B. Because she would like to help with the family’s finances.C. Because she was offered a good job by her neighbor.D. Because she was expected to be more involved in social life.12. A. Doing housework. B. Looking after her neighbor’s children.C. Reading papers and watching TV.D. Taking good care of her husband.13. A. Supportive. B. Inconsiderate.C. Generous.D. Sensible.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Hollywood’s Founding Father. B. The Midwest Comes to Hollywood.C. The Transformation of Hollywood.D. Studios of Hollywood.15. A. Lighting and landscape. B. Alcohol-free environment.C. Cheap property value.D. Peaceful atmosphere.16. A. They benefited from the service to the studios.B. They moved out of their community.C. They stopped the expansion of the studios.D. They are annoyed by movie people’s behaviors.Section CDirections:In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write no more than THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. Some abstract modern paintings were ______ my understanding; I simply couldn ’t figure outwhat the painters really wanted to tell us.A. withinB. behindC. aroundD. beyond26. — What did you have for breakfast during your visit to Britain?— ______ but bread and butter. That was the only food they served day in and day out.A. NothingB. EverythingC. AnythingD. Something27. — ______ I take the magazines out?— I’m afraid not. They are supposed to be read here in the study room.A. WillB. MustC. MayD. Need28. Experiments on animals ______ long before the medicine was applied to patients.A. have conductedB. have been conductedC. had conductedD. had been conducted29. The document film ______ next week aims at introducing local cultures to the world.A. releasedB. being releasedC. to be releasedD. having been released30. The school authority had a discussion regarding ______ they should set up more scholarshipsto meet the increasing demands.A. whetherB. whatC. thatD. whom31. Something has to be done to stop the rivers from being further polluted, ?A. doesn’t itB. hasn’t itC. does itD. has it32. A warning signal suddenly appeared on the screen of my computer, ______ the computerwas being attacked by a certain virus.A. indicatedB. indicatingC. to indicateD. having indicated33. — Do you think the weather is good enough for a picnic?— Definitely. You couldn’t hope for ______ at this time of the month.A. the nicer dayB. a nicer dayC. the nicest dayD. nice a day34. On top of the hill ______, whose style can be traced to the ages of the Roman Empire.A. there standing a churchB. does a church standC. a church standsD. stands a church35. As he didn’t feel like ______, he powered off his mobile phone and kept the computerdisconnected to the internet.A. being disturbedB. disturbingC. to disturbD. to be disturbed36 — Do you have the time? I’ve got something to tell you.— Ok, ______ you make your story short.A. now thatB. even ifC. so long asD. in case37. There is strong evidence ______ the absence of regulations increases the probability thatsome websites steal and sell their users’ personal information.A. whereB. thatC. howD. because38. Shortly after the earthquake occurred a mobile hospital was set up, ______ the victimsreceived immediate treatment.A. whenB. whichC. thereD. where39. The polo bear will face the fate of extinction ______ the ice keeps melting at an alarmingspeed.A. ifB. untilC. unlessD. before40. IP addresses are the unique sequence of numbers ______ to each computer, websites or otherInternet-connected devices.A. to assignB. assigningC. assignedD. being assignedSection BDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.It is common to have difficulties sleeping during the day. Humans are born naturally to sleep best at night and be awake during the day. However, modern work schedules require some people to try to adapt the 41 schedule of shift work (轮班) — being awake at night and sleeping during the day.In order to make this 42 acceptable to you, you need to pay special attention to your sleep environment and your preparation for sleep. If shift work is a necessary part of your work life, here are some suggestions that may help.Arrange to sleep in a(n) 43 condition. This means you may have to unplug your phone, hang darkening curtains on the windows or wear a sleep eye mask, and ask your family and friends to 44 you alone while you sleep.Fit in a nap. When your daytime sleep period is too short, taking a short nap of less than 30 minutes just before work or on a break has been shown to 45 energy and enhance performance.Develop and follow a sleep routine.It’s best if you go to sl eep and wake up at the same time every day. Try not to 46 this too much on weekends. Your body likes routine.Take extra care to make healthy choices. You may be 47 to reach for unhealthy foods or nicotine (尼古丁) to stay awake or alcohol to try to sleep. But in the end these choices are moreharmful than helpful.If you have tried all these things and are still having problems getting enough 48 sleep during the day, talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist. Sometimes medical treatment may be helpful and safe. In other cases, there may be a potential sleep disorder that needs to be 49 as soon as possible.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Everyone dreams of being successful. Does anyone think of the mere question as to what elements 50 success, if there is any? Is there a “success personality”—some winning combination of qualities that leads almost 51 to achievement? If so, exactly what is that secret success formula, and can anyone develop it? At the Gallop Organization we recently focused in depth on success, inquiring into the 52 of 1,500 distinguished people selected at random from who’s who in America. Our research finds out a number of 53that occur regularly among top achievers. Here is one of the most important, that is common sense.Common sense is the most obvious quality 54 by our participants. Seventy-nine percent award themselves a top score in this quality. And Sixty-one percent say that common sense was very important in 55 their success.To most, common sense means the ability to present sound, practical 56 on everyday affairs. To do this, one has to sweep aside 57 ideas and get right to the key of what matters.A Texas oil and gas businessman puts it this way: “The key ability for success is58 . In conduction of meeting and dealing with industry, 59 a complex problem to the simplest term is highly important.”Is common sense a quality a person is born with, or can you do something to increase it? The oil man’s answer is that common sense can definitely be 60 . He owes his success to learning how to debate in school. Another way to 61 your store of common sense is to observe it in others, learning from their—and your own—mistakes.Besides common sense, there are many other factors that 62 success: in order for you to achieve anything in your career, you have to first believe. You need to believe in yourself that you can achieve it, that is, you need to have 63 in your goals and your path to that success. However, nothing moves until you do something. Belief alone is not going to achieve anything for you. It must be followed up with concrete 64 . Your plan for career success is nothing unless you act upon it whole-heartedly.50. A. define B. determine C. estimate D. prove51. A. especially B. properly C. inevitably D. alternatively52. A. opinions B. theories C. capabilities D. requirements53. A. challenges B. attractions C. qualifications D. qualities54. A. possessed B. recommended C. proposed D. achieved55. A. thinking about B. approving of C. making out D. contributing to56. A. performances B. judgments C. characters D. principles57. A. original B. common C. extra D. moderate58. A. advancing B. persevering C. simplifying D. revising59. A. reducing B. comparing C. applying D. referring60. A. protected B. maintained C. observed D. developed61. A. add to B. get over C. keep up D. go through62. A. create B. influence C. judge D. attract63. A. preparation B. attempt C. faith D. support64. A. thought B. progress C. plan D. actionSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Last spring, employees of the Hartville Corporation organized a weeklong strike to protest poor working conditions and unreasonable company policies. A committee was organized to investigate circumstances that led to the strike. Here is part of the report.●Hartville’s overtime pay is well below the national level, and overtime is obligedat least once a week.●Employees working in the manufacturing department have an alarmingly high rateof repetitive (重复的) stress injury. The equipment they are working with is extremely oldand dangerous and does not meet current health and safety standards. The committee recommended that equipment be evaluated and brought up-to-date immediately.●Sick and personal day policies are unclear. Employees report conflicting and/or confusing policies relating to sick and personal days, which have resulted in numerous misunderstandings about procedures and allowances as well as unfair punishment action.●In the past four years, five pregnant women with clean work records were dismissed soon after their pregnancies were public. In all five cases, the reasons for firing were not specifically clear, although one of the employees was told by her immediate supervisor that new mothers make very unreliable employees.●Hartville’s upper management is largely unaware of the dis satisfaction of employees. Evidence shows that middle management delays vital information leading to upper management’s underestimation of the seriousness of employee dissatisfaction.65. Why do Hartville employees have a high rate of repetitive stress injury?A. Because the management policy is out of date.B. Because their pays are extremely low.C. Because Hartville’s equipment is below stan dard.D. Because sick and personal day policies are not clear.66. O ne reason that the Hartville”s upper management is unresponsive is that ________.A. they are more concerned with saving money than protecting employeesB. they are unaware of the degree of dissatisfaction among their employeesC. the company authority restricts its management functionD. they have not been trained in the latest management techniques67. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the findings?A. A suggestion to raise employees’ pay and reduce work time.B. A description of employees being unfairly dismissed.C. A comparison between overtime pay at Hartville and the national average.D. A finding about a problem within middle management.(B)Winter begins in the north on December 22nd. People and animals have been doing what they always do to prepare for the colder months. Squirrels(松鼠), for example, have been busy gathering nuts from trees. Well, scientists have been busy gathering information about what the squirrels do with the food they collect.They examined differences between red squirrels and gray squirrels in the American state of Indiana. The scientists wanted to know how these differences could affect the growth of black walnut (黑胡桃) trees. The black walnut is the nut of choice for both kinds of squirrels. The black walnut tree is also a central part of some hardwood forests.Rob Swihart of Purdue University did the study with Jake Goheen, a former Purdue student now at the University of New Mexico. The two researchers estimate that several times as many walnuts grow when gathered by gray squirrels as compared to red squirrels. Gray squirrels and red squirrels do not store nuts and seeds in the same way. Gray squirrels bury nuts one at a time in a number of places. But they seldom remember where they buried every nut. So some nuts remain in the ground. Conditions are right for them to develop and grow the following spring. Red squirrels, however, store large groups of nuts above ground. Professor Swihart calls “death traps for seeds”.Gray squirrels are native to Indiana. But Professor Swihart says their numbers began to decrease as more forests were cut for agriculture. Red squirrels began to spread through the state during the past century.The researchers say red squirrels are native to forests that stay green all year, unlike walnut trees. They say the cleaning of forest land for agriculture has helped red squirrels invade Indiana. Jake Goheen calls them a sign of an environmental problem more than a cause.68. The study done by Rob Swihart and Jake Goheen is to ________.A. find out the living conditions for squirrelsB. learn squirrels’ influence on black walnut treesC. do something to get rid of squirrelsD. save the forests in the American state of Indiana69. The difference between gray squirrels and red squirrels mainly lies in ________.A. the way they gather the walnutB. the time they have winter sleepC. the place they have winter sleepD. the place they store the walnuts70. When Professor Swihart says “death traps for seeds”, he actually means that ________.A. red squirrels eat more nuts than gray squirrelsB. gray squirrels and red squirrels will have severe fightsC. nuts above the ground will not develop into plantsD. seeds can be traps for other animals in the forest71. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. The black walnut is equally attractive to both gray and red squirrels.B. Gray squirrels do more harm to the forest than red squirrels.C. Red squirrels and gray squirrels have helped the spread of walnut trees.D. The cleaning of forest land benefits red squirrels directly.(C)Television is a relatively stable advertising medium. In many ways, the television ads today are almost the same to those two decades ago. Most television ads still feature actors, still run 30 or 60 seconds, and still show a product. However, the different medium of the Internet causes unique challenges to advertisers, forcing them to adapt their practices and techniques.In the early days of Internet marketing, online advertisers used banner(框式广告) and pop-up ads (弹出式广告) to attract customers. These techniques reached large audiences, led to many sales leads, and came at a low cost. However, a small number of Internet users began to consider these advertising techniques annoying. Yet because marketing strategies relying heavily on banners and pop-ups produced results, companies invested growing amounts of money into purchasing these ad types. As consumers became more complicated, frustration with these online advertising techniques grew. Independent programmers began to develop tools that blocked banner and pop-up ads.A major development in online marketing came with the introduction of pay-per-click ads. Unlike banner or pop-up ads, which originally required companies to pay every time a website visitor saw an ad, pay-per-click ads allowed companies to pay only when an interested potential customer clicked on an ad. More importantly, however, these ads are not affected by the pop-up and banner blockers. As a result of these advantages and the incredible growth in the use of search engines, which provide excellent places for pay-per-click advertising, a great number of companies began turning to pay-per-click marketing. However, as with the banner and pop-up ads, pay-per-click ads came with their shortcomings. When companies began pouring billions of dollars into this emerging medium, online advertising specialists started to notice the presence of what would later be called click fraud (欺诈): representatives of a company with no interest in the pro duct advertised by a competitor click on the competitor’s ads simply to increase the marketing cost of the competitor. Click fraud grew so rapidly that marketers sought to diversify (摆脱) their online positions away from pay-per-click marketing through new mediums.Although pay-per-click advertising remains a common and effective advertising tool, marketers adapted yet again to the changing elements of the Internet by adopting new techniques such as pay-per-performance advertising. As the pace of the Interne t’s evolution increases, it seems all the more likely that advertising successfully on the Internet will require a strategy thatavoids constancy (持续性) and welcomes change.72. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The pace of the Internet’s evolution is increasing and will only increase in the future.B. Internet advertising fails to reach Internet users, causing ads to be blocked.C. The Internet has experienced dramatic changes in short periods of time.D. Rapid development of the Internet calls for new advertising strategies and mediums.73. As an advertising medium, the television and the Internet mainly differ in ________.A. the type of individual each medium reachesB. whether the medium is interactiveC. the pace at which the medium developsD. the cost of advertising with each medium74. According to the passage, which of the following is a typical click fraud?A. Using software to block competitors’ advertisements.B. Clicking on the pay-per-click ads of competitors.C. Clicking on the banner advertisements of opponent companies.D. Using search engine to attack the pages of competitors.75. What does the author imply about the future of pay-per-performance advertising?A. It will eventually become less popular just like other forms of Internet advertising.B. It will not face shortcomings due to its differing approach to online marketing.C. Internet users will develop free software to block its effectiveness.D. Although it improves on pay-per-click advertising, it still suffers from click fraud.Section CDirections: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.76.There are increasing fears of global warming. Consequently, many countries are focusing on the switch to a low carbon economy. This shift will lead to major changes in the supply and use ofelectricity. To meet these challenges, countries are investing in Smart Grid(智能电网) technology.This system aims toprovide the electricity industry with a better understanding of power generation and demand to create a more efficient power network.Smart Grid technology basically involves the application of a computer system to the electricity network. The computer system can be used to collect information about supply and demand and improve engineer’s ability to manage the system. With better information about electricity demand, the network will be able to increase the amount of electricity delivered per unit generated, leading to potential reductions in fuel needs and carbon emissions (排放).78. Smart Grid technology is profitable to consumers too. They will be able to collect real-time information on their energy use for each appliance. Varying tariffs (收费标准) throughout the day will give customers the motivation to use appliances at times when supply greatly exceeds (超过) demand, leading to great reductions in bills.79. With these changes comes a range of things to be overcome. The first involves managing the supply and demand. Sources of renewable energy, such as wind, wave and solar, are unpredictable, and nuclear power, which is also set to increase as nations switch to alternative energy sources, is inflexible. A second problem is the fact that many renewable power generation sources are located in remote areas, such as windy uplands and coastal regions.80. Although Smart Technology is still in its infancy, experimental plans to promote and test it are already underway. Consumers are currently testing the new smart meters which can be used in their homes to manage electricity use. Cities are investing money into smart energy, due to the high population density and high energy use. It is here where Smart Technology is likely to be promoted first, making use of a range of sustainable (可持续的) power sources, transport solutions.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.For anyone who is determined to be a fashion designer, it is not enough to have succeeded in college. The real test is whether they can survive, and become established during their early 20s, making a name for themselves in the real world where business skills can be as important as creativity.Fashion is a hard business. There is a continuous amount of stress because work is at a constant and extremely fast speed to prepare for the next season’s collections. It is extremely competitive and there is the constant need to make attractive advertisements of the latest fashion in newspapers and magazines. It also requires continual freshness because the appetite for new ideas is hard to satisfy. “We try to warn people before they come to us about how tough it is.” says Lydia Kemeny, the Head of Fashion at St. Martin’s School of Art in London. “And we point out that drive and determinati on are absolutely necessary.”This may seem far removed from the popular opinions of fashionable young people spending their time designing pretty dresses. That may well be what they do in their first year of study but a good college won’t be slow in introducing students to commercial realities. “We don’t walk our foot on the blossoming flower of creativity but in the second year we start introducing the restrictions of price, producing ability, marketing and so on.”Almost all fashion design is done to a brief. It is not a form of self-expression as such, although there is certainly room for imagination and creativity. Most young designers are going to end up as employees of a producer or a fashion house and they still need to be able to work within the employers’ characteristic style. Even those who are most modern in their own taste of clothes may need to produce designs which are right for the mainstream of market. They also have to be able to work at both the expensive and the cheap end of the market and the challenge to produce good design inexpensively may well be demanding.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 12 WORDS.)81. What are equally important if a fashion designer wants to be successful?82. Why does a fashion designer have to be creative?83. Besides learning to design beautiful dresses, students are also taught _______________.84. According to the last paragraph, ____________________ are the two things fashion designershave to consider when working as employees.第II 卷(共45分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.85. 这款电子词典值得买吗?(worth)86. 这孩子年龄太小,无法应对这么复杂的局面。

2013届上海英语高考校际联考十二校联考(第二次)第Ⅰ卷(105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. January. B. June C. December D. November2. A. The director. B. The woman. C. The guide. D. His uncle.3. A. It doesn’t work. B. It only works temporarily.C. It’s really effective.D. It has strong side effects.4. A. The woman rejected the man’s apology.B. The woman much appreciated the man’s offer.C. The man had forgotten the whole thing.D. The man had hurt the woman’s feelings.5. A. She stole money from others.B. She fell down and got hurt.C. She was unhappy for being wronged.D. She lost some of her money.6. A. They are going swimming. B. They are going hiking.C. They are going shopping.D. They are going diving.7. A. He needs another job as a research assistant.B. He asked Professor Williams for assistance.C. He assists Professor Williams with his teaching.D. He is doing research with Professor Williams8. A. She thought there were no tickets left for the show.B. She thought the seats on the left side were fully occupied.C. The show was planned a long time ago.D. The audience were deeply impressed by the show.9. A. She plans to go to graduate school.B. She will drop out of school.C. She will stop working and concentrate on her studies.D. She will take a part-time job.10. A. The bank. B. In a school.C. In a clothing store.D. In a barber shop.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Because the bird couldn’t repeat his master’s name.B. Because the bird screamed all day long.C. Because the bird said the wrong word.D. Because the bird failed to say the name of the town.12. A. The cruel master. B. The woman in the kitchen.C. The pet bird.D. The fourth chicken.13. A. The bird had finally understood her threat.B. The bird managed to escape from the chicken house.C. The bird had learned to scream back at her.D. The bird was living peacefully with the chickens.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.14. A. To inform parents and schools. B. To pick out good students.C. To compare teachers.D. To expose poor schools.15. A. They have no trust in doctors. B. They cannot afford the medical fee.C. They fear things like injections.D. They doubt the medical treatment.16. A. Teacher s’ difficult life. B. Harm of divorce to families.C. Ways to become loveable kids.D. Kid s’ attention-seeking behavior.Section CDirections:In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Status Karen Finch is a __17__ of BBC, who is now in Los Angles.Bo Lundquist is a __18__ from Sweden.Daily Training *Start training at 5:30 a.m., practise about __19__ hours, and thenhave a short break for breakfast.*Usually finish training at about __20__Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Questions 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.What do Cindy and Steve have to do? They have to __21__ their classes they missed.Why is Cindy sad to hear the news? Because she’s afraid she might __22__the trip.Why don’t they add extra days beforeBecause __23__ can’t be changed.summer?When does the conversation probablyBefore __24__take place?Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORD S for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. Undoubtedly, life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is ___ ourcontrol.A. againstB. beyondC. amongD. in26. After a careful discussion, the two parties have made a rough plan but the details________________ out later.A. are workedB. being workedC. to be workedD. are to be worked27. _________ has teaching experience can apply for the job.A. No matter whoB. WhoeverC. AnyoneD. Who28. Neither of the two debaters has been able to convince the other that his country’s social systemis ___ of the two.A. betterB. a better oneC. the betterD. the best one29. Hard work with a little wisdom _________ that John succeeded in his job.A. made possibleB. was made possibleC. made it possibleD. made it possibly30. ___________, I think, and the problem could be settled.A. As you keep up your spiritsB. A bit more effortC. If you double your effortD. Making great efforts31. _________ the customers, the company said that the amount of the chemical in the diet pillswouldn’t harm people’s health.A. Having calmedB. CalmingC. CalmedD. To calm32. ---What do you think is the matter with your car?---Well, it _____ start at all. I mean I turned the key and nothing happened.A. shan’tB. mustn’tC. won’tD. shouldn’t33. The newly-founded company is faced with lots of trouble, ___________ the financial problemis the worst.A. whichB. of whichC. to whichD. with which34. The seven-year-old boy put up a picture of Apple Former Steve Jobs beside the bed to keephimself ______ of his own dream.A. remindingB. to remindC. remindedD. remind35. Although the small room is ____ the large one, it is more beautifully decorated.A. one-third of the sizeB. the one-third size ofC. one-third the size ofD. the size of one-third36. Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, Kate had a hard time ___ the exam.A. passB. to passC. passedD. passing37. Out of one man’s painful experiences ____ sensitive insights for us all.A. do it comeB. comesC. does it comeD. come38. Hours of playing violent video games can affect the way the brain works, ___ damage tocertain cells of brain.A. to causeB. causingC. causeD. caused39. Kids should be encouraged to take part in community service ___ the voluntary spirit can takeroot in their minds from childhood.A. in thatB. now thatC. so thatD. provided that40. It is uncertain _____ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousandpatients have taken it.A. thatB. whatC. howD. whetherSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. expensiveB. crisisC. cheapD. compared AB. promoteAC. deserve AD. available BC. feed BD. reduced CD. politics Ever since they were first put on the market in the early 1990s, genetically modified (GM, 转基因) foods have been increasingly developed and marketed in many countries in the word, mainly on the basis of their promise to end the worldwide food __41__. But can GM technology solve world hunger problems? Even if it would, is it the best solution?Despite what it promises, GM technology actually has not increased the production potential of any crop. In fact, studies show that the most widely grown GM crop, GM soybeans, has suffered __42__ productivity. For instance, a report that analyzed nearly two decades of research on major GM food crops shows that GM engineering has failed to significantly increase US crop production.Something else, however, has been on the rise. While GM seeds are __43__, GM companies tell farmers that they will make good profits by saving money on pesticides(杀虫剂). On the contrary, US government data show that GM crops in the US have produced an overall increase in pesticide use __44__ to traditional crops. “The promise was that you could use less chemicals and __45__ production. But nei ther is true,” said Bill Christiso n, President of the US National Farm Coalition.At the same time, the authors of the book World Hunger: Twelve Myths argue that there actually is more than enough food in the world and that the hunger crisis is not caused by production, but by problems in food distribution and __46__. These indeed __47__ our efforts and money. Meanwhile, the rise in food prices results from the increased use of crops for fuel rather than food, according to a World Bank report.As a matter of fact, scientists see better ways to __48__ the world. Another World Bank report concluded that GM crops have little to offer to the challenges of worldwide poverty and hunger, because better ways out are __49 __, among which “green” farming is supposed to be the first choice.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.For many parents, raising a teenager is like fighting a long war, but years go by without any clear winner. Like a border conflict between neighboring countries, the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is the line between what I __50__ and what you do?Both sides want peace, but neither feels it has any power to stop the __51__. In part, this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility for __52__. From the parents’ point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents’ complete unreasonableness. And of course, the teens see it in exactly the same way, except__53__ . Both feel trapped.In this article, I’ll describe three no-win situations that commonly __54__ between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the trap. The first no-win situation is quarrels over __55__ things. Examples include the color of the teen’s hair, the cleanliness of the bedroom, the __56__ style of clothing, the child’s __57__ to eat a good breakfast before school, or his __58__ to sleep until noon on the weekends. Second, __59__. The goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong. Third, needing to be __60__. It doesn’t matter what the __61__ is —politics, the laws of physics ,or the proper way to break an egg —the point of these __62__ is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong, for both wish to be considered an __63__—someone who actually knows something —and therefore to command__64__. Unfortunately, as long as parents and teens continue to assume that they know more than the other, they’ll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress.50.A. display B. control C. forgive D. motivate51.A. pressure B. intention C. conflict D. misunderstanding52.A. starting B. recognizing C. indentify D. releasing53.A. occasionally B. completely C. precisely D. oppositely54.A. loss B. arise C. decline D. obtain55.A. unimportant B. unique C. specific D. significant56.A. reasonable B. preferred C. changeable D. granted57.A. desire B. attempt C. passion D. failure58.A. willingness B. right C. tendency D. promise59.A. blaming B. gossiping C. shouting D. commanding60.A. powerful B. knowledgeable C. instructive D. right61.A. question B. topic C. hint D. article62.A. problems B. difference C. arguments D. obstacles63.A. authority B. instructor C. opponent D. advisor64.A. information B. image C. knowledge D. respectSection BDirections:Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, and C. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Does it feel right?This is an excerpt from Oprah Winfrey’s 2008 Stanford Commencement (毕业典礼) Address:A year after I left college, I was given the opportunity to co-anchor (共同主持) the 6 o’clock news in Baltimore…Yet, it didn’t feel right. The first sign, as President Hennessy was saying, was when they tried to change my name. T he news director said to me at the time: “Nobody’s going to remember Oprah. So, we want to change your name. We’ve come up with a name we think that people will remember and people will like. It’s a friendly name: Suzie.”… I grew up not loving the name, but once I was asked to change it, I thought, well, it is my name and do I look like a Suzie to you? So, I thought, no, it doesn’t feel right. I’m not going to change my name. And if people remember it or not, that’s OK.And then they said they didn’t like the way I looked… So, they sent me to a salon where they gave me a perm (烫发), and after a few days all my hair fell out and I had to shave my head. And then they really didn’t like the way I looked, because now I am black and bald and sitting on TV. Not a pretty picture.But even worse than being bald, I really hated, hated, hated being sent to report on other people’s tragedies as a part of my daily duty, knowing that I was just expected to observe, when everything in my instinct told me that I should be doing something, (and that) I should be lending a hand…It felt right. And that’s where everything that followed for me began. And after eight months, I lost that job. They said I was too emotional. I was too much. But since they didn’t want to p ay out the contract, they put me on a talk show in Baltimore. And the moment I sat down on that show, the moment I did, I felt like I’d come home. I realized that TV could be more than just a playground, but a platform for service, for helping other people’s lives improve. And the moment I sat down, doing that talk show, it felt like breathing.And I got that lesson. When you’re doing the work you’re meant to do, it feels right and every day is a bonus (意外收获), regardless of what you’re getting paid.65. Why did Oprah refuse to change her name to Suzie?A. She wanted to be herself.B. It would be inconvenient.C. The name Suzie was too ordinary.D. She was fond of her own name.66. What was the most important reason for why Oprah hated her job reporting the news?A. Reporting tragedies all day made her sad.B. She didn’t like just standing around and talking.C. She hoped she could decide what to report.D. She was asked to change her name and shave her hair off.67. What does “that lesson” in the last par agraph refer to?A. Listening to your heart.B. A good beginning makes a good ending.C. Don’t hesitate to find a better job.D. Helping people improve.68. Which of the following best describes Oprah?A. Understanding and optimistic.B. Careful and considerate.C. Persuasive and emotional.D. Determined and sympathetic.(B)We have designed all our bank cards to make your life easier.How to use your NatWest ServicecardAs a Switch card, it lets you pay for all sorts of goods and services, wherever you see the Switch logo. The money comes straight out of your account, so you can spend as much as you like as long as you have enough money or an agreed overdraft (透支) to cover it. It is also a cheque guarantee for up to the amount shown on the card. And it gives you free access to your money from over 31,000 cash machines across the UK.How to use your NatWest CashcardYou can use your Cashcard as a Solo card to pay for goods and services wherever you see the Solo logo. It can also give you access to your account and your cash from over 31,000 cash machines nationwide. You can spend or withdraw what you have in your account, or as much as your agreed overdraft limit.Using your card abroadYou can also use your Servicecard and Cashcard when you're abroad. You can withdraw at cash machines and pay for goods and services wherever you see the Cirrus or Maestro logo displayed.We take a commission charge (手续费) of 2.25% of each cash withdrawal you make (up to £4) and a commission Charge of 75 pence every time you use Maestro to pay for goods or services. We also apply a foreign-exchange transaction fee of 2.65%.How to use your NatWest Credit CardWith your credit card you can do the following:* Pay for goods and services and enjoy up to 56 days interest-free credit.* Pay in over 24 million shops worldwide that display the Mastercard or Visa logos.* Collect one AIR MILE for every £20 of spending that appears on your statement (结算单). (This does not include foreign currency or traveler’s cheques bought, interest and other charges.)69. If you carry the Servicecard or the Cashcard, ________.A. you can use it to guarantee things as you wishB. you can draw your money from cash machines convenientlyC. you can spend as much money as you like without a limitD. you have to pay some extra money when you pay for services in the UK70. If you withdraw £200 from a cash machine abroad,you will be charged ________.A. £4B. £4.5C. £5.25D. £5.371. Which of the following is TRUE about using your NatWest Credit Card?A. You have to pay back with interest within 56 days.B. You will be charged some interest beyond two months.C. You can use the card in any shop across the world.D. You will gain one air mile if you spend £20 on traveler’s c heques.(C)Many people think the search for cleaner energy leads only to renewable resources like sun,wind and water. But it also leads to a fossil fuel. Natural gas is considered the cleanest of the fossil fuels, the fuels created by plant and animal remains over millions of years.Burning it releases fewer pollutants than oil or coal. The gas is mainly methane(甲烷). It produces half the carbon dioxide of other fossil fuels. So it may help cut the production of carbon gases linked to climate change.Russia is first in what are called "proved reserves" of natural gas. The United States is sixth. Over the years, big oil and gas companies recovered much of the easily reached supplies of gas in America. They drilled straight down into formations where gas collects. As these supplies were used up, big drillers looked for similar formations in other countries.But now the industry is taking a new look. Companies are developing gas supplies trapped in shale rock two to three thousand meters underground. They drill down to the shale (页岩), then go sideways and inject high-pressure water, sand or other material into the rock. This causes the rock to break, or fracture, releasing the gas. Huge fields of gas shale are believed to lie under the Appalachian Mountains, Michigan and the south-central states.Gas shale exploration is being done mainly by small to medium sized companies. Eric Potter is a program director in the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas at Austin.ERIC POTTER: "The types of opportunities that are left for natural gas exploration in the U.S. have changed. So it's a different class of resource -- not as easy to develop, and not even recognized as something worth pursuing, say, twenty years ago."He says more than half the gas in the United States is now coming from these new reserves.But hydraulic fracturing can also produce debate and anger over the risk of groundwater pollution. This method of drilling is not federally supervised under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Some in Congress want to end that exemption (免除) from the law.Natural gas provides Americans with about one-fourth of their energy. And, unlike oil, most of it is produced in America. Gas producers invested heavily in reaching new supplies when prices were high. But prices are down sharply now because the recession(经济衰退) cut demand for energy. So energy expert Eric Potter says it is too early to know how the new gas shale reserves will affect the market.72. Which of the following statements is TRUE about fossil fuels?A. Fossil fuels are a kind of renewable resource just like sun, wind and water.B. Burning natural gas releases more pollutants than oil or coal.C. Fossil fuels were created millions of years ago by plant and animal remains.D. Using fossil fuels may help change the climate.73. What does the writer mean by saying “now the industry is taking a new look”?A. The U.S. will be ranked first in natural gas because it has huge fields of gas shale.B. People gain natural gas from shale rock using a method different from the traditional ones.C. Gas shale exploration will bring human beings abundant supply of natural gas.D. There should be no concern over the energy shortage because the industry is developing.74. When did gas producers invest heavily in finding new supplies of natural gas?A. When people’s demand for energy increased.B. When natural gas provided Americans with about one-fourth their energy.C. When Americans began to look for cleaner energyD. When the economy was in recession.75. Which one is TRUE about gas shale exploration?A. It is against the Safe Drinking Water Act.B. It was considered not worth doing twenty years ago.C. It will release pollutants to the water.D. It will bring down the price of natural gas.Section CDirections:Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.A. Relocate the meaning of life.B. Say goodbye to guilt and regret.C. Avoid repetition.D. Do something new.AB. Give to get.AC. Put yourself in the fun zone.Five Secrets of High-Energy People76.Very little that’s new occurs in our lives. The impact of this sameness on our emotional energy is gradual, but huge: It’s like a tire with a slow leak. You don’t notice it at first, but eventually you’ll get a flat. Here’s a challenge: If it’s something you wouldn’t ordinarily do, do it. Try a dish you’ve never eaten. Listen to music you’d ordinarily tune out. You’ll dis cover these small things add to your emotional energy.77.The first step in solving this meaning shortage is to figure out what you really care about, and then do something about it. A case in point is Ivy, 57, a pioneer in investment banking. “I mista kenly believed that all the money I made would mean something,” she says. “But I feel lost, like a 22-year-old wondering what to do with her life.”Ivy’s solution? She started a program that shows Wall Streeters how to donate time and money to poor children. In the process, Ivy filled her life with meaning.78.Most of us grown-ups live a dull life. High-energy people have the same day-to-day work as the rest of us, but they manage to find something enjoyable in every situation. A real estate broker I know keeps herself amused on the job by mentally redecorating the houses she shows to clients. “I love imagining what even the most run-down house could look like with a little tender loving care,” she says. “It’s a challenge—and the least desirable propertie s are usually the most fun.”79.Everyone’s past is filled with regrets that still cause pain. But from an emotional energy point of view, they are dead weights that keep us from moving forward. While they can’t merely be willed away, I do recommend you remind yourself that whatever happened is in the past, and nothing can change that. Holding on to the memory only allows the damage to continue into the present.80.Emotional energy has a kind of magical quality; the more you give, the more you get back. This is the difference between emotional and physical energy. With the latter, you have to get it to be able to give it. With the former, however, you get it by giving it. After all, if it’s true that whatgoes around comes around, why not make sure that what’s circulating around you is the good stuff?Section DDirections:Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Many of the problems facing today’s world aren’t news to us. The en vironment is in dire need of help because it’s being damaged, hunger is widespread throughout the world, and workers in third world countries are continuously being exploited. Therefore, individuals across the globe need to band together for a cause and use their collective efforts to make all the difference in the world.For instance, one person recycling a can or a bottle doesn’t seem like much. But if every household in a given city were to recycle and conserve energy, that city could make a huge positive impact on environmental damage. Similarly, there are countless ways to help fight world hunger—whether it’s to donate money to a dedicated worldwide charity, donate canned goods to your local charity, or even make lifestyle changes like going vegetarian. World hunger is a massive problem—but it doesn’t mean individuals themselves can’t make a difference.Worker exploitation is another huge problem. All across the world—particularly in third world countries—workers are forced to labor long hours, with close to no pay. Yet these workers continue to show up to such a way of life, because they have no other options.So, how can people like us help fight such a big problem? Simply raising awareness of the products you buy in stores—from clothing to food—is a massive start. For example, if you see two similar products side by side in a food shop, but one of them is labeled “fair trade”,you’ll know immediately that the workers who labored to produce that product were given a fair price for their goods. And true, fair trade products might cost a little bit more, but buying them is a significant start to help fight worker exploitation.In short, each of us should be socially conscious to make a difference to widespread social problems.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NOT MORE THAN 10 words.) 81. According to the passage, what are the problems facing today’s world?_________________________________________________________.82. To overcome the problems facing today’s world, people should _________________________________________________________________________.83. We can fight world hunger by ___________________________________________.84. If you ______________________________________, you are helping fight worker exploitation.第II卷(45分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 看来他不能胜任律师这一职业。

(bother)2.黄浦区72. 这位诗人的作品以天马行空而著称。
(famous)73. 越来越多的旅游公司开始涉足自助游项目的开发。
(involve)74. 在全球教育市场上,美国和英国仍占主导地位,但中国正在快速迎头赶上。
(the lead)75. 我们所需要的是这样的科学家,他们能用通俗的语言解释复杂的问题,并且敢于就重要的事情提出自己的见解。
(It)4.松江区72. 她感觉太无聊了,于是把这本杂志从头到尾看了一遍。
(So...)73. 没有良好的信用记录,你将无法从银行获取贷款。
(qualify)74. 每周六早晨,我们都雷打不动地去郊区远足,以增强体质,磨练意志。
(a rule)75. 全国上下团结一心,科学家们夜以继日地研制药品,相信战胜灾难的日子近在咫尺。

黄浦区2013年高考模拟考英语试卷2013年4月11日下午考生注意:1. 考试时间120分钟, 试卷满分150分。
2. 本试卷设试卷和答题卷两部分。
3. 答题前,务必在答题卷纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。
第I卷(共105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. To the supermarket. B. To the post office.C. To the restaurant.D. To the hospital.2. A. $60 B. $20 C. $12 D. $163. A. Tuesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday. D. Saturday.4.A. Teacher and student. B. Policeman and visitor.C. Bank clerk and customer.D. Doctor and patient.5. A. She just had a talk with the man.B. She baked an apple pie by herself.C. She bought an apple pie for the man.D. She asked the way to make an apple pie.6. A. She drove too fast. B. She didn’t wear a seatbelt.C. She was too young to drive.D. She didn’t know the speed limit.7. A. It sounds strange. B. It depends on the weather.C. She likes the idea.D. She doesn’t give comments.8. A. Because he doesn’t like Nancy.B. Because he wants to go to the library.C. Because he doesn’t like parties.D. Because he has to work on weekdays.9. A. She will be very upset probably.B. She doesn’t care about their removal.C. She feels a little disappointed.D. She thinks it’s better to move to the south.10. A. The woman felt it difficult to make a decision.B. It’s wise for the woman to choose the blue dress.C. The woman should choose the black dress.D. It’s a rather easy choice for the woman.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. In 1981. B. At the age of 8.C. When he was 17.D. In 2001.12. A. English. B. French. C. Swiss-German. D. Swedish.13. A. He often travels with a coach and crew.B. He lets his girlfriend do with his business affairs.C. His parents used to be Swiss tennis players.D. He got a special reward after winning Wimbledon in 2004.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. French explorers. B. British colonists.C. Spanish explorers.D. American Indians.15. A. A land of flowers. B. A Spanish book.C. An island of gold.D. A river in the Middle West.16. A. The influence of American Indians.B. The special names of American States.C. The origins of American States’ names.D. The examples of some American States.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Booking a ticketDestination: London.Class:The 17 class.Price:$ 18 for one way trip.Luggage: A 19 and a handbag.Time:The next flight 20 at 10:25 from Gate 4.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Where can the students live whenDormitory or 21 .studying?How much should students pay per10 pounds less per week for 22 .week?How far is it from the residence to theIt is quite near, about 23 .university?Where is the Information office?It’s in 24 .Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25.The capital will further limit the number of rush-hour subway passengers to cope with thegrowing pressure _______ the network.A. toB. atC. onD. with26. Three foreign films will be on this month. One is made in Korea, _______ two are made inEngland.A. restB. anotherC. otherD. the other27. Teachers _______ be sensitive to the development level of each student so as to help thembetter.A. need toB. mayC. are able toD. can28. Most students think they should have _______ at school if there were no examinations.A. the happiest timeB. a more happier timeC. much happiest timeD. a much happier time29. The manager listened to the customers’ complaints attentively with great patience, _______ to miss any point.A. not tryingB. trying notC. to try notD. not to try30. Rain and high winds today _______ to take the place of yesterday’s mild conditions.A. expectB. are expectedC. are expectingD. has expected31. _______ parents say and do usually has a life-long effect on their children.A. ThatB. WhichC. WhatD. As32. The adoption of orphans and physically challenged children has been a subject of public debate_______ a fire in an unregistered orphanage last month.A. according toB. in case ofC. ever sinceD. such as33. President Barack Obama told ABC news _______ he was aware of the development of therecent investigation.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. whether34. A latest report by Taobao said that visitors through wireless devices _______ from 10million in 2010 to 300 million by the end of last year.A. would growB. has grownC. has been growingD. had grown35. Reform is taking place in the country’s vast countryside, _______ tens of millions offarmers have moved to cities for work.A. whenB. whichC. whereD. that36. In fact, I think it’s very much nicer without the naughty boy, if you don’t mind me _______ so.A. sayB. to sayC. sayingD. to saying37.The number of the dead pigs _______ out of the Huangpu River in Shanghai’s SongjiangDistrict had risen to 5,916 by March 12.A. fishedB. to fishC. to be fishedD. fishing38. A 7-year-old boy received an operation on Tuesday successfully _______ he has many otherhealth problems.A. sinceB. howeverC. thoughD. therefore39. China’s plan _______ its installed nuclear power capacity by 20 percent this year shows that thecountry is developing new energy in an efficient way.A. raisedB. to raiseC. raisingD. has raised40. It was announced that only when the terrible disease was under control _______ to return totheir homes.A. the residents would decideB. would the residents decideC. would the residents be decidedD. the residents would be decidedSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. complexityB. imagesC. elementaryD. signalsE. willinglyF.G. mental H. experiment I. leaps J. monsterindependentlyA noted American psychologist once remarked that childhood is a magical period in one’s life. Indeed it is, for during childhood, one undergoes a step-by-step transformation not only in 41 capacity, but also in physical and verbal skills. Each step 42 an increase in the difficulty of a child’s conceptual and learning abilities. During the early stages of childhood, from infancy to about five, the child learns simple skills including using the toilet, bathing and dressing himself 43 . At this stage, he also learns to be very observant, curious, imaginative and creative. His ability to remember things also 44 at this stage. He remembers details that an adult may have difficulty in remembering. Gradually, he learns 45 skills in problem-solving. At school, particular in art classes, the child is especially creative. Given a piece of paper and some colored pencils, he draws a variety of 46 from his surroundings as well as from his family circle. It is not surprising to see a child draw a 47 to represent an abusive father, and an angel to represent a loving and caring mother.As he graduates to the later stages of childhood bordering on the teenage years, the child learns the 48 of human relations and socialization by interacting with his peers—his friends and schoolmates. He also learns to 49 with new life situations, including dates and part-time work. Given a tight schedule of schoolwork, the child learns to prepare his own schedules of work and play; the more practical and less serious ones manage to take time out of their busy schedules of assignments, reports and tests and examinations to go with their friends on relaxation entertainment.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.When 16-year-old Ella Fitzgerald stepped onto the stage to perform at Harlem’s Apollo Theater in 1934, she had no idea that her life was about to change. Her childhood had been 50 . After the death of her parents, Fitzgerald had been placed in a boarding school. 51 , the teachers at the school mistreated her, so she ran away. Homeless and orphaned, Fitzgerald was trying her best to 52 on the streets of New York City when she won a contest to perform during an amateur night at the Apollo. She had 53 planned to dance, but at the last second, she decided to sing her mother’s favorite song instead. Her performance earned her 54 from several well-known musicians. Ella Fitzgerald went on to become a 55 jazz singer.During a musical career that spanned six decades, Fitzgerald 56 more than 200 albums. She won 13 Grammy Awards, the last of which she received in 1990. She worked with some of the greatest American singers of the twentieth century, including Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, and Dizzy Gillespie. Her talent and charm 57 a wide range of listeners around the world. The worldwide 58 of Ella Fitzgerald helped make jazz a more popular genre.Until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, the United States 59 African American citizens the same treatment that white citizens received. Fitzgerald’s manager and her band 60 to perform at places where discrimination (歧视) was practiced. They also decided not to perform unless they were paid the same amount as white singers and musicians. Ella’s fight for 61 received support from numerous celebrity admirers, including Marilyn Monroe. Fitzgerald never took her good fortune for granted. She gave money to charities and organizations that contributed to 62 disadvantages children. For her many civic contributions, in 1992 President George Bush awarded her the Presidential Medal of Honor, one of the highest honors 63 to civilians.In 1991, Fitzgerald gave her 64 performance in New York’s Carnegie Hall. Although Ella Fitzgerald died in 1996, the American “First Lady of Song” continues to live in the hearts and ears of music lovers worldwide.50. A. rich B. rough C. funny D. happy51. A. Importantly B. Unforgettably C. Naturally D. Unfortunately52. A. survive B. experience C. learn D. stand53. A. strangely B. blindly C. originally D. probably54. A. jealousy B. recognition C. reputation D. gratitude55. A. creative B. dependent C. undiscovered D. distinguished56. A. released B. sold C. copied D. showed57. A. compared with B. appealed to C. composed of D. depended on58. A. celebration B. admiration C. relaxation D. implication59. A. denied B. supported C. offered D. hated60. A. decided B. refused C. started D. afforded61. A. wealth B. future C. equality D. agreement62. A. caring for B. playing with C. preferring to D. picking up63. A. ignorant B. inadequate C. available D. official64. A. best B. vivid C. open D. finalSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The seventh-inning stretch is one baseball tradition that helps make the game one of America’s favorite pastimes. In the middle of the seventh inning (局) fans ritualistically stand and stretch before the home team comes to bat.No one really knows the origin of the custom, but there are theories on how it started. Baseball historian Dan Daniel provided this explanation: “It probably began as an expression of fatigue. That would explain why the stretch comes late in the game instead of at the halfway point.”A more popular story involves President William Howard Taft and the birth of two baseball traditions. According to the account, Taft attended the first game of the 1910 baseball season. On the spur of the moment, plate umpire (裁判) Billy Evans gave Taft the ball. He asked him to throw it over the plate. Taft did so, and the custom of having the president launch the baseball season with the first pitch was born.The story continues that later that same day, President Taft, who weighed well over 300 pounds, became uncomfortable in his small chair. In the middle of the seventh inning, he stood up to stretch his legs. The crowd thought that the president was leaving, so they stood up out of respect.A few moments later, Taft sat down again. The fans followed, and the seventh-inning stretch was born. What a day for traditions!No matter how the tradition began, fans have since added to the fun. Now, as they stand to stretch during the seventh inning, they can sing along to Jack Norworth’s 1927 version of the song “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” after the visiting team has batted.65. Which of the following best defines the word “ritualisticall y”in Paragraph 1?A. Attracting attention.B. Showing excitement.C. Continuing a custom.D. Releasing anxiety.66. The seventh-inning stretch is celebrated with the song “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”__________.A. a few moments after the beginningB. after the visiting team has batted in the seventh inningC. between the sixth and seventh inningsD. after the home team has batted in the seventh inning67. In the more popular story, __________.A. Billy Evans attended the first game of the 1910 baseball seasonB. Taft asked Billy Evans to throw the ball over the plateC. President Taft stood up to stretch his legs to relax himselfD. the crowd thought the president didn’t respect the players68. How did the custom of following the “seventh-inning stretch” begin?A. No one knows for sure where or when the custom began.B. Jack Norworth started the tradition with the song in 1927.C. Fans used it as a time to stand and stretch their legs after sitting for the first six innings.D. William Howard Taft stood up and the rest of the fans stood in honor of the president.(B)Keen to share your views and have your articles published in the Campus Link?Class Notes:Whether it’s about youraccomplishments, memories of campusyour recent career or a newaddition to your family, we welcomeshare your news, views andwith friends and classmates69. In the Lifestyle section, you may not find ____________.A. journals of travelsB. well-taken photographsC. stories of Leonard MaltinD. opinions on restaurants70. Which of the following is TRUE about Campus Link?A. It offers readers bread and butter.B. It welcomes research developments and breakthroughs.C. It helps you to recognize your schoolmates and teachers.D. It is a source of inspiration for the community.71. The poster aims to __________.A. declare the rights of Campus LinkB. introduce someone worthy of featureC. share views and articles among teachersD. encourage contributions for the next issue(C)Humans have sewn by hand for thousands of years. It was said that the first thread was made from animal muscle and sinew. And the earliest needles were made from bones. Since those early days, many people have been involved in the process of developing a machine that could do the same thing more quickly and with greater efficiency.Charles Wiesenthal, who was born in Germany, designed and received a patent on a double-pointed needle that eliminated the need to turn the needle around with each stitch(缝合) in England in 1755. Other inventors of that time tried to develop a functional sewing machine, but each design had at least one serious imperfection.Frenchman Barthelemy Thimonnier finally engineered a machine that really worked. However, he was nearly killed by a group of angry tailors when they burned down his garment factory. They feared that they would lose their jobs to the machine.American inventor Elias Howe, born on July 9, 1819, was awarded a patent for a method of sewing that used thread from two different sources. Howe’s machine had a needle with an eye at the point, and it used the two threads to make a special stitch called a lockstitch. However, Howe faced difficulty in finding buyers for his machines in America. In frustration, he traveled to England to try to sell his invention there. When he finally returned home, he found that dozens of manufacturers were adapting his discovery for use in their own sewing machines.Isaac Singer, another American inventor, was also a manufacturer who made improvements to the design of sewing machines. He invented an up-and-down-motion mechanism that replaced the side-to-side machines. He also developed a foot treadle(脚踏板) to power his machine. This improvement left the sewer’s hands free. Undoubtedly, it was a huge improvement of the hand-cranked machine of the past. Soon the Singer sewing machine achieved more fame than the others for it was more practical, it could be adapted to home use and it could be bought on hire-purchase. The Singer sewing machine became the first home appliance, and the Singer company became one of the first American multinationals.However, Singer used the same method to create a lockstitch that Howe had already patented. As a result, Howe accused him of patent infringement (侵犯). Of course, Elias Howe won the court case, and Singer was ordered to pay Howe royalties (版税). In the end, Howe became a millionaire, not by manufacturing the sewing machine, but by receiving royalty payments for his invention.72. Barthelemy Thimonnier’s garment factory was burned down because _____________.A. people did not know how to put out the fireB. Elias Howe thought Thimonnier had stolen his inventionC. the sewing machines was couldn’t work finallyD. workers who feared the loss of their jobs to a machine set fire73. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. Singer is an American inventor and manufacturer.B. The Singer sewing company became more practical.C. The foot treadle helped to make the sewer’s hands free.D. Singer made improvements to the design of sewing machines.74. Why did the court force Isaac Singer to pay Elisa Howe a lifetime of royalties?A. Because the judge was against Singer for his surly attitude.B. Because Howe had already patented the lockstitch used by Singer.C. Because Singer had borrowed money from Howe and never repaid it.D. Because Singer and Howe had both invented the same machine.75. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?A. A Stitch in Time Saves NineB. The Case between Howe and SingerC. Patent Laws on the Sewing MachineD. The Early History of the Sewing MachineSection CDirections: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.A. What are SIGs?B. What types of memberships are available?C. Who can join IATEFL China?D. What and where is IATEFL China?E. What links does IATEFL China have?F. What happens at the Annual Conference?76.IATEFL China is the International Association of English Language Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, China Branch. Its mother organization IATEFL was founded in the UK in 1967; it now has over 3,500 members in more than 100 countries throughout the world.IATEFL China core activities are managed by the Secretariat headed by the President. The others include, Volunteer activities, SIG Coordinators, and the Publication Committee.It is based in Tonghua City, Jilin Province of the People’s Republic of China and is managed by the President of the association. Other office staff include the General Secretary, the International Affairs Administrator, the Membership Secretary, the Newsletter Distribution, and the General Assistant.77.You can join as a full member and receive the association’s newsletter six times per year, two free publications, free membership to one SIG (Special Interest Group), discounts on publications, reduced conference registration fees, and voting rights.There are also special membership packages for institutional members and for members of IATEFL China’s associates (basic members).By the end of this year, members of IATEFL China can benefit from the special rights provided by the mother organization (IATEFL) at some rate.78.This is the most important event in the association’s calendar and takes place each year in August somewhere in China. It is attended by around 800 delegates each year and includes plenary sessions by eminent practitioners, a large number of workshops, talks and round table discussions given by able speakers, as ELT Exhibition and Pre-Conference Events organized by Special Interest Groups.79.Members can join any number of the 10 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) including: FLT Teaching & Learning Policy; FLT Curriculum & Syllabus Study; Coherence Research on Primary-secondary School and Secondary-Tertiary Transition; Primary School Classroom Instruction Model; Secondary School Classroom Instruction Model; Modern IT in FLT; Applied Linquistics; FL Learning Strategies; FL Teacher Development and Training; FL Textbook, Materials and Teaching Aids Design.80.IATEFL China has associate agreements with other teachers’ associations throughout the world. Among other things, there are usual agreements to exchange newsletters and to provide a speaker to attend each other’s conference at least once every year. More so, committee members from IATEFL China are willing to attend the conferences, meetings, etc. of related associations uponinvitation.Section DDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Relations between the United States and Spain were not very good in 1898. On February 15, a battleship called the USS Maine blew up and sank in the harbor at Havana, Cuba. More than 260 Americans were killed. Many Americans thought that Spanish saboteurs(破坏者) had set an underwater mine that caused the explosion.Witnesses and survivors had different versions of what happened. Some said that they heard two explosions. It was discovered that the magazine—which is a storage place for arms, ammunition (军火), and explosives—had exploded. Questions were raised about what caused the first explosion. Did the first explosion come from outside the ship, causing the magazine to explode? Or, did something on the ship blow up the magazine?Other witnesses said that there was only one explosion. If they are right, then what on the ship caused the magazine to explode? A theory supporting the two-explosion version was that rebels from Cuba had caused the explosion. The rebels were aware of the bad feelings between the United States and Spain. They would have been willing to cause trouble between the nations to bring an end to Spanish rule in Cuba.The United States government issued an ultimatum (最后通牒) to the Spanish government to end its occupation of Cuba. When Spanish officials refused, Congress and President William McKinley declared war on Spain. The war did not last long, because the United Sates forced an early surrender.More than 100 years after the explosion of Maine, the cause of the explosion is still unknown. Many questions remain. If an attack from outside the ship caused the magazine to explode, why didn’t witnesses see a splash in the water? Why were there no dead fish in the water if there was an external explosion?With the mystery still unsolved, the question of what really happened to the USS Maine may never be answered.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)81. On February 15, 1898,more than 260 Americans lost their lives because of __________ .82. According to the passage, the “magazine” was used to _________.83. According to the two-explosion version, what’s the probable purpose of the Cuban rebels tocause the explosion?84. What’s the main topic of the passage?第II卷(共45分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 这个故事激励年轻人为更美好的生活奋斗。

(Rarely)5.她既然认为自己没有做错什么,那又何必要违心地当众认错呢?(against)1. My favorite sport is playing tennis.2. Children should be given / provided with more psychological comfort.3. However difficult it may be, we must finish the project that benefits ordinary people on time.4. Rarely do people decide to leave the city only because of its too fast pace of life.5. Why did she admit her mistake against her will in public since she thought she had donenothing wrong?(闸北)1. 足够的休息有利于病人的康复。
(do good to)2. 似乎年轻父母更注重孩子的语言学习。
(seem)3. 关于世界末日预言传播虽广,但最终被证明为假。
(although)4. Tom忽视了心脏病发作的早期信号,結果付出了生命。
(ignore)5. 他在记者会上的言行相当出乎意料,以至令所有在场的记者均不知所措。
(present)1. Enough rest does good to a patient's recovery.2. It seems that young parents pay more attention to a kid's language learning.3. Although the prediction about the end of the world spread widely, it finally proved to be unreal.4. Tom ignored the early signals of a heart attack and in the result he lost his life.5. His words and deeds at the press conference were so unexpected that all the reporters presentwere at a loss.(杨浦)1. 任何人都会犯错,但只有傻瓜坚持他的错误。

2013届(2012学年)上海市高三英语二模——完形填空(黄浦)When 16-year-old Ella Fitzgerald stepped onto the stage to perform at Harlem’s Apollo Theater in 1934, she had no idea that her life was about to change。
Her childhood had been 50 。
After the death of her parents,Fitzgerald had been placed in a boarding school。
51 , the teachers at the school mistreated her, so she ran away. Homeless and orphaned,Fitzgerald was trying her best to 52 on the streets of New York City when she won a contest to perform during an amateur night at the Apollo。
She had 53 planned to dance,but at the last second,she decided to sing her mother’s favorite song instead。
Her performance earned her 54 from several well—known musicians. Ella Fitzgerald went on to become a 55 jazz singer。
During a musical career that spanned six decades,Fitzgerald 56 more than 200 albums. She won 13 Grammy Awards,the last of which she received in 1990. She worked with some of the greatest American singers of the twentieth century,including Frank Sinatra,Louis Armstrong,Count Basie, and Dizzy Gillespie。

2013届高考英语一模、二模翻译汇编乘飞机从到纽约要多长时间?(take)(六校联考2012.12.)How long will/does it take to fly from Shanghai to New York?人人都应该铭记任何药都有副作用。
(keep in mind)Everyone should keep in mind that any medicine has some side effects.新学期开学不久,学校安排了所有学生进行体检。
(arrange)Soon after the new term started, the school arranged for all the students to have a medical check-up/ examination.只有历经磨难的人才会真正明白什么是幸福。
(those who)Only those who have experienced/ gone through all kinds of hardships/ sufferings will truly understand what happiness is.一个人是否可靠主要取决于他做了什么,而不是他说了什么。
(not…but…) Whether a person is reliable/ can be relied in mainly depends not on what he says/has said but on what he does/has done.他会上提出的建议值得进一步考虑。
(deserve) (13校联考2012.12.)The suggestion(s) that he raised/ put forward/ came up with at the meeting deserve(s) further consideration. / to be further considered. / considering further.如果方便的话,请你放学后帮我从邮局取回包裹好吗?(convenient)If it is convenient to/for you, would you please fetch me the parcel from the post office after school?在校运动会中,全班同学都尽一份力是天经地义的事。
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2013届(2012学年)上海市高三英语二模——翻译(黄浦)1. 这个故事激励年轻人为更美好的生活奋斗。
(inspire)2. 时光飞逝,尤其当你聚精会神地读一本好书时。
(absorb)3. 安全系统不会允许你进入大楼,除非你有正确的密码。
(unless)4. 我从未想到过会在机场遇到多年未曾谋面的老朋友。
(It)5. 无用信息的传播会对人类社会产生不利影响的事实已经引起公众的注意。
(that)1. The story inspires/inspired the youth /young people to struggle/strive for a better life.2. Time passes/flies quickly, especially when you are absorbed in reading a good book.3. The security system will not permit/allow you to enter the building unless you have the correctpassword.4. It never occurred to me that I would meet my old friend (who/whom) I hadn’t seen for quite afew years at the airport.5. The fact that the spread of useless information can have a bad effect on human society hasattracted the attention/awareness of the public.(闵行)85. 这款电子词典值得买吗?(worth)86. 这孩子年龄太小,无法应对这么复杂的局面。
(too…to…)87. 当我心情不佳时,我常听听音乐来去除烦恼。
(mood)88. 经过热烈讨论,我们一致同意再为那所小学捐赠一台电脑。
(agree)89. 事实证明网络购物存在风险,因此下定单之前一定要深思熟虑。
(exist)85. Is this electronic dictionary worth buying?86. The child is too young to deal with such complicated situation.87. When I am in bad mood, I often listen to music to remove troubles.88. After a heated discussion, we all agreed to donate another computer for the primary school.89. Evidence has proved that risks exist in on-line shopping, so you have to think carefully before(浦东)1. 他下定决心要实现抱负。
(determine)2. 居民们都希望有朝一日能更方便地享受图书馆的优质服务。
(access)3. 老师的赞赏给了我很大的鼓舞,这对一名学生而言非常宝贵。
(which)4. 接完电话,他既没关门也没关灯就匆匆忙忙离开了办公室。
(with)5. 实验结果与我们所期望的大相径庭,但我们相信探索越多,就越可能成功。
(likely)1. He is/was determined to realize/accomplish/achieve/fulfill his ambition.He has determined/ determined to realize/accomplish/achieve/fulfill his ambition.2. Residents all hope that they can have easier access to the quality service of libraries one day/some day.compliment(s)/praises(s) gave me/filled me with a great encouragement/ 3. The teacher’sinspiration, which is so precious for a student.compliment(s)/praises(s) encouraged/inspired me, which is so precious for a The teacher’sstudent.4. Having answered the phone, he left the office in a hurry/rushed out of the office with the door open and the light(s ) on.5. The result of the experiment is totally different from/contrary to what we have expected, but we believe (that) the more we explore, the more likely we are to/will succeed.(普陀)1.我们昨晚没有回家作业。
(expose)1. We were free from homework last night.2. In memory of the soldier, a concert will be held.3. Whether energy can be made good use of is an important problem scientists have faced.4. It was said that his sense of humor had added to happiness of the opening ceremony of English fes tival.5. For language learners, being exposed to English materials and developing good habits can enha nce learning efficiency.(徐汇金山松江)1. 这三天的社会实践让我们受益匪浅。
(benefit)2. 令我们宽慰的是,政府正在采取措施改善我们的住房条件。
(relief)3. 尽管困难重重,他从未放弃过成为一名优秀建筑师的愿望。
(desire)4. 第一次看Gangnam Style的时候,其生动的节奏,富有创意的舞蹈,给我留下了深刻的印象。
(The first time)5. 一些大城市的空气正日益恶化,这应该让我们警觉到:环保意识的缺乏已让市民付出了健康的代价。
(alert)1. We benefited a lot from the three-day social practice.The three-day social practice benefited us a lot.2. To our relief, the government is taking measures/action to improve our housing conditions.3. Despite many difficulties / In spite of many difficulties, he never gave up his desire to become /be an excellent / outstanding / a distinguished architect.4. The first time I watched Gangnam Style, I was deeply impressed by its lively rhythm and creative dance. / its lively rhythm and creative dance impressed me a lot / deeply / greatly.5. The air quality in some big cities is getting / becoming from bad to worse, which should alertus( to the fact) that the lack of environmental awareness has come at the expense of the health of the citizens. / the lack of environmental awareness (lacking environmental awareness) has cost the citizens their health. / …that the citizens have paid ( high) price for the lack of environmental awareness.(杨浦)1. 记得要学与思相結合。
(combine)2. 党号召官员们提高效率,避免浪费。
(call)3. 人们保护个人信息的意识有待提高。
(remain)4. 开发清洁的公共交通是被广泛认可的改善空气质量的好方法。
(recognize)5. 这位总统一直为缓慢的经济复苏和诸多外交事务的挑战忧心忡忡,但至今仍束手无策。
(worry)1. Remember to combine learning with thinking.2. The Party calls on officials to increase efficiency and avoid waste.3. People's awareness of personal information protection remains to be raised.4. Developing clean public transportation is widely recognized as a good way to improve air quality.5. The president has been worrying about the slow economic recovery and many challenges in foreign affairs, but so far he hasn't found a way out.(杨浦静安宝山青浦)85. 许多驾驶员对新的交通法规都感到不习惯。