



与交通有关的单词单词:traffic1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:路上行驶的车辆或行人;交通流量;运输;贸易。

1.3英文解释:The vehicles, pedestrians, etc. moving along a road or street; the volume of this; transportation or trade.1.4相关词汇:同义词有transportation、vehicular movement;派生词有traffic - light(交通信号灯)、traffic - jam(交通堵塞)。

2. 起源与背景2.1词源:源于古法语“trafique”,最初表示“贸易、商业活动”,后来逐渐也包含了道路上的运输往来等意思,该词来源于意大利语“trafico”,源头可追溯到拉丁语“trans - ”(穿过)和“facere”(做)。



3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:- traffic accident:交通事故例句:There was a serious traffic accident on the highway this morning.翻译:今天早上高速公路上发生了一起严重的交通事故。

- heavy traffic:交通繁忙例句:We were late for the meeting because of the heavy traffic.翻译:由于交通拥堵,我们开会迟到了。

- traffic rules:交通规则例句:Everyone should abide by the traffic rules.翻译:每个人都应该遵守交通规则。



1. traffic regulation 交通规则2. guide post 路标3. milestone 里程碑4. mark car stop 停车标志5. red light 红灯6. green light 绿灯7. amber light 黄灯8. traffic post 交通岗9. traffic police 交通警10. pantomime 打手势14. single line 单行线15. double white lines 双白线16. dual carriage-way 双程线17. zebra stripes 斑马线18. artery traffic 交通干线19. carriage-way 车行道20. lane auxiliary 辅助车道21. two-way traffice 双车道22. cyclists only 自行车通行23. one way only 单行道24. narrow road 窄路25. steep hill 陡坡26. curve road ; bend road 弯路27. winding road 连续弯路28. double bend road 之字路29. dangerous down grade 下坡危险30. road junction 道路交叉点31. cross road 十字路32. turn left 左转33. turn right 右转34. keep left 靠左35. keep right 靠右36. slow 慢驶37. speed 速度38. excessive speed 超速39. speed limit 速度限制40. resume speed 恢复速度41. no through traffic 禁止通行42. blocked 此路不通43. no entry 不准驶入44. keep in line ; no overhead 不准超越45. no turns 不准掉头46. passing bay 让车道47. loop 回路48. parking place 停车处49. private car park 停私人车50. resticted waiting 不准滞留。



高考英语道路交通标识类单词一、功能设施1.道路设施公路Highway 高速公路Expressway【提示】高速公路是 Expressway,注意要和 Highway(城市间的公路)区分开来,如国道是 National Highway,省道是 Provincial Highway,县道是 County Highway。

另外,不要把 Expressway缩写为 Expwy,这样写不够规范。

干线公路Trunk Highway国道National Highway 省道Provincial Highway 县道County Highway城市道路Urban Road地面道路Ground-Level Road 高架道路Elevated Road或Elevated Highway支路Access Road辅路Side Road绕城公路;环路Beltway 或 Ring Road主干路Arterial Road次干路Sub-Arterial Road收费公路Tollway 或 Toll Road 2.桥梁设施桥梁Bridge高架桥Overpass〔指城市中的高架桥〕Viaduct〔指横跨河流或山谷的髙架桥〕立交桥〔车行〕Highway Interchange或 Flyover3.交通信号设施安全岛;交通岛Refuge Island或 Pedestrian Refuge 环岛;环形交叉路口Roundabout交通信号灯Traffic Lights标线Marking人行横道线Pedestrian Crossing 4.停车设施车辆上下客区Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off Area【Area 可以省略】车辆下客区1Passenger Drop-off Area【Area 可以省略】卡车停靠点Truck Parking Only或 Trucks Only路侧停车点Roadside Parking公共停车场Public Parking内部停车场Private Parking〔私人用〕;Staff Parking〔员工用〕全日停车场〔昼夜服务〕24-Hour Parking免费停车场Free Parking收费停车场Pay Parking残疾人专用停车位Parking for People With Disabilities 出租车专用停车位Taxi Parking Only或 Taxis Only非机动车专用停车位Non-Motor Vehicle Parking Only 或 Non-Motor Vehicles Only大客车停车位Bus Parking Only或 Buses Only停车港湾Parking Bay专属停车位Reserved Parking临时停车Temporary Parking计时停车Hourly Parking或 Metered Parking停车场收费处Parking Booth5.收费设施收费站Toll Station 或 Toll Gate电子收费Electronic Toll Collection或 ETC二、警示警告1.警告标志语交叉路口Crossroads或 Intersection急弯路Sharp Bend或 Sharp Curve反向弯路Reverse Curve连续弯路Winding Road Ahead 或 Curves Ahead陡坡Steep Descent Ahead 连续下坡Long Descent窄路Narrow Road窄桥Narrow Bridge双向交通Two-Way Traffic注意行人Watch for Pedestrians注意儿童Watch for Children注意牲畜Watch for Livestock注意野生动物Watch for Wild Animals注意信号灯Traffic Lights Ahead注意落石DANGER//Falling Rocks注意横风2Beware of Crosswind易滑CAUTION//Slippery Surface傍山险路Steep Mountain Road堤坝路Embankment Road村庄Village隧道Tunnel渡口Ferry驼峰桥Camel-Back Bridge或 Hump-Back Bridge路面不平Rough Road Ahead路面髙突Bumpy Road Ahead路面低洼Low-Lying Road Ahead过水路面Low Water Crossing或 Low Level Crossing有人看守铁道路口Guarded Railway Crossing无人看守铁道路口Unguarded Railway Crossing注意非机动车Watch for Non-Motor Vehicles注意残疾人Yield to People With Disabilities 事故易发路段CAUTION//Accident Black Spot慢行Slow Down注意障碍物Watch Out for Obstacles或 CAUTION//Obstacles Ahead注意危险Drive With Caution施工; 道路作业Road Work建议速度Suggested Speed隧道开车灯Turn on Headlights Before Entering Tunnel注意潮汐车道Reversible Lane Ahead〔车道有多条时应使用复数Lanes〕注意保持车距Keep Distance注意分离式道路Split Road Ahead注意合流Roads Merge或 Lanes Merge避险车道Truck Escape Ramp注意路面结冰CAUTION // Icy Road注意雨雪天气Drive Carefully in Rain or Snow注意雾天Drive Carefully in Foggy Weather注意不利气象条件Drive Carefully in Adverse Weather Conditions注意前方车辆排队Queues Likely2.其他警示警告地面交通Ground Transportation 公路货运Road Freight步行道Walkway人行道Sidewalk或 Pedestrians让车道Yield Lane超车道Overtaking Lane或 Passing Lane应急车道Emergency Lane大型车道Heavy Vehicle Lane或 Heavy Vehicles〔用于 Lane可以省略的场合〕3小型车道Light Vehicle Lane或 Light Vehicles〔用于 Lane可以省略的场合〕车道封闭Lane Closed此道临时封闭Temporarily Closed人行道封闭Sidewalk Closed道路封闭;此路封闭Road Closed明槽路段;深槽路段Underpass多雾路段Foggy Area软基路段Weak Subgrade或 Soft Roadbed软路肩Soft Shoulder减速带;减速路面;减速丘Speed Bumps或 Speed Humps道路变窄;车道变窄Road Narrows右侧变窄Road Narrows on Right左侧变窄Road Narrows on Left两侧变窄Road Narrows on Both Sides 前方右侧绕行Detour Ahead Right或 Detour Right前方左侧绕行Detour Ahead Left或Detour Left前方左右绕行Detour Ahead Left or Right前方弯道Curve Ahead前方左急转弯Sharp Left Turn Ahead前方右急转弯Sharp Right Turn Ahead弯道建议速度: 40 千米/小时Suggested Speed on Curves : 40 km/h向右急转弯路Sharp Curve to Right向左急转弯路Sharp Curve to Left前方300米进人无路灯路段No Road Lights 300m Ahead无路灯路段全长1000米No Road Lights Next 1000m前方路面不平Rough Road Ahead前方桥低Low Bridge Ahead前方施工Road Work Ahead前方拥堵Congestion Ahead公共汽车优先Bus Priority铁路道口Railway Crossing注意动物Watch for Animals或 Yield to Animals注意火车Beware of Trains注意前方人行横道Pedestrian Crossing Ahead小心滑坡Landslide Hazard Area小心雪天路滑Road May Be Icy4。



水陆交通词汇大汇总水上交通1. 船舶vessel ; ship2. 艇boat3. 独木舟canoe;dugout4. 中国小木船tope5. 舢板sampan6. 大舢板pinnace7. 橡皮艇tubber boat8. 帆布艇canvas boat9. 木排raft10. 竹筏bamboo raft11. 单桅快船sloop12. 独桅快船cutter13. 双桅帆船brig;brigantine14. 三桅帆船barque15. 方头船punt16. 旧船hooker17. 龙舟dragon boat18. 拖网鱼船trawler19. 小渔船yawl20. 布网船net layer21. 捕鲸船whaler22. 帆船sail-boat23. 摇橹船galley24. 走私船runner25. 游艇yacht26. 驳船barge;lighter27. 机帆船motor junk28. 摩托艇motor launch29. 引航船pilot boat30. 渡船ferry-boat31. 小渡船passage boat32. 小轮船tender33. 大轮船steamer34. 两头型轮船double-ended ferries35. 拖船tug-boat ; tug36. 火车渡船train ferry37. 汽车渡船vehicle ferry38. 车驳船car-float39. 内河小船river launch40. 民船civlian craft41. 商船merchant ship42. 改装商船converted merchantmen43. 客货船semi-cargo boat44. 水翼船hydrofoil45. 客船passenger steamer46. 邮船mail boat; mail liner47. 班轮liner48. 挖泥船dredger49. 起重船crane ship50. 污物船sewage boat51. 垃圾船garbage boat52. 敞舱驳船open lighter53. 趸船hulk; pontoon54. 缉私船revenun cutter55. 侦察艇vedette56. 探险船expedition boat57. 登陆艇landing craft; assault boat58. 橡胶登陆艇rubber landing-craft59. 战车登陆艇tank landing-craft60. 护航船convoy61. 救生筏life raft62. 炮艇gunboat63. 鱼雷快艇motor torpedo-boat64. 布雷艇mine-layer65. 扫雷艇mine-sweeper66. 潜水艇submarine67. 超级潜艇super submarine68. 核潜艇nuclear submarine69. 驱潜艇submarine chaser70. 反潜艇submarine killer71. 防潜艇hunter killer-craft72. 击沉潜艇spitcher73. 潜艇浮出surface74. 防潜网anti submarine net75. 旗舰flagship76. 先锋舰vanship77. 联络舰linking ship78. 友舰consort ship79. 战列舰battleship80. 小型战列舰pocket battleship81. 辅助舰auxiliary ship82. 特种舰special-service ship83. 运输舰carrier84. 粮船victualler85. 运煤船collier86. 给水船distilling ship87. 给油船oiler88. 运兵船military transport89. 换俘船cartel ship90. 弹药船ammunition ship91. 消防船fire boat92. 医院船hospital ship93. 姊妹舰sister ship94. 驱逐舰destroyer95. 巡洋舰cruiser96. 战斗巡洋舰battle cruiser97. 装甲巡洋舰armoured cruiser98. 无畏舰freadnought99. 导弹舰guided missile ship100. 飞机供应船aeroplane tender101. 航空母舰airplane carrier102. 不沉母舰unsinkable aircraft carrier 103. 破冰船ice-breaker104. 原子破冰船atomic-powered ice-breaker 105. 被抛弃船derelict106. 老式舰obsolete vessel107. 废舰scrap warship108. 联合舰队combined fleet109. 分舰队squadron110. 小型舰队flotilla111. 补给舰队train112. 阅舰式naval review113. 集合队形assemlby formation114. 巡航队形cruising formation115. 战斗队形battle formation116. 变换队形change formation117. 掩护队形screening formation118. 横队line abreast119. 纵队line ahead120. 同时行动simultaneous movement 121. 相对行动relative movement122. 逐次行动successive movement123. 变换行动alternation124. 会合地点assembly area125. 海上会合sea rendezvous126. 巡逻patrol127. 护航escort128. 停船检疫quarantine129. 封锁blockade130. 封锁线blockade line131. 全面封锁general blockade132. 局部封锁partial blockade133. 沿岸封锁coastal blockade134. 战略封锁strategic blockade135. 反封锁counter blockade136. 闯过封锁blockade running137. 领海territorial water138. 制海权sea control139. 海军基地naval base140. 军港navy port141. 冻港ice harbour142. 不冻港ice-free harbour143. 船首炮bow gun144. 侧炮side gun145. 速射炮quick firing gun146. 旋射炮revolving gun147. 有效射击effective fire148. 水雷mine149. 发射鱼雷torpedo150. 漂雷floating mine151. 触发水雷contact mine152. 自寻的鱼雷homing torpedo153. 鱼雷航迹torpedo wake154. 扫雷器paravane155. 深水炸弹depth bomb156. 造船shipbuilding157. 造船厂shipyard158. 船坞construction basin159. 浮干坞floation dock160. 空船坞empty dock161. 入坞dockage162. 滑台slip-way163. 船台stock164. 脚手架stage165. 铆接riveting166. 甲板缝deck seam167. 填缝caulk168. 黑锈scales169. 点蚀pittance170. 滑行道running lane171. 命名礼naming christening ceremony 172. 下水礼launching ceremony173. 吨位tonnage174. 注册吨位registered tonnage 175. 吃水draught176. 吃水线water-line177. 吃水差trim178. 载重线load line179. 排水量displacement180. 绳锤水尺gage-wire weight 181. 船首prow182. 船头装饰scroll head183. 船桥bridge184. 船首破浪处cutwater185. 龙骨keel186. 内龙骨keelson187. 船尾柱sternpost188. 船体hull189. 船体架hull frame190. 船舷boardside191. 左舷port192. 右舷starboard193. 舷上缘gunwale194. 舷弧sheer195. 舷窗scuttle196. 船腹bilge197. 船中间amidships198. 船尾stern199. 通风器ventilator200. 抽气机air extractor201. 天窗skylight202. 舵机steering engine203. 推进器propeller204. 明轮paddle wheel205. 单螺旋桨single screw 206. 双螺旋桨twin screw207. 甲板deck208. 装甲甲板armoured deck 209. 遮浪甲板shelter deck 210. 舱壁bulkhead211. 机舱engine room212. 淡水舱fresh-water tank 213. 主甲板main deck214. 下甲板lower deck215. 最下甲板orlop deck216. 船首楼forecastle217. 前货舱fore hold218. 中货舱middle hold219. 后货舱aft hold220. 房舱high-class cabin221. 官舱official cabin222. 客舱common cabin223. 头等舱first-class cabin224. 二等舱second-class cabin 225. 三等舱third-class cabin 226. 餐厅dining saloon227. 尾楼poop228. 吊铺 hammock229. 固定铺位bunk230. 客船统舱steerage231. 船上病室sick-bay232. 货舱cargo hold233. 舱口盖hatch234. 盖舱油布tarpaulin235. 贵重货舱treasure room 236. 行李房baggage room237. 厨房galley238. 水柜tank239. 压舱物ballast240. 压载铁块kentledge241. 桥楼室bridge house242. 驾驶室wheel house243. 罗盘compass244. 导航设备navigation apparatus 245. 六分仪sextant246. 天文钟chronometer247. 哑罗经pelorus248. 方位线rhumb line249. 汽笛siren250. 组合桅杆built mast251. 桅杆mast252. 主桅mainmast253. 前桅foremast254. 后桅mizzenmast255. 桅顶masthead256. 桅头电光mast light257. 旗杆flagstaff258. 升旗hoist flag259. 船首旗jack260. 公司旗house flag261. 出港旗blue peter262. 目的地国旗destination flag 263. 信号旗signal flag264. 海盗旗roger265. 桅黄杆yards266. 斜桁gaff267. 横桅杆臂yard arm268. 篷索halliard269. 桅索shroud270. 后支索backstay271. 横牵索triatic stay272. 扬帆hoist sail273. 收帆furl sail274. 舵rudder275. 舵轮helm276. 测深锤leads277. 舵柄tiller278. 舵钩pintle279. 应急舵jury rudder280. 舵链杆steering rod281. 桨oar282. 桨柄loom283. 桨手坐板thwart284. 橹scull285. 撑篙pole286. 锚anchor287. 船首中锚stem anchor 288. 首锚bower289. 小锚kedge anchor290. 三爪锚triple fluke anchor 291. 四爪锚garpnel292. 无杆锚stockless anchor 293. 有杆锚stocked anchor 294. 整体锚solid anchor295. 轻便小锚portable anchor 296. 锚干anchor shank297. 锚嘴anchor bill298. 抛锚anchorage299. 起锚weigh anchor300. 起锚机windlass301. 铰盘capstan302. 链chain303. 锚链孔hawse-hole304. 链缠的锚foul anchor305. 船首缆headfast306. 缆绳rigging307. 大索hawser308. 纤维绳cordage309. 钢缆seven by nineteen cable 310. 绳索一股strand311. 一卷绳索fake312. 活套索lasso313. 撇缆heaving line314. 应急帆jury rig315. 浮筒卸扣buoy shackle316. 系索栓belaying pin317. 系缆桩bollard318. 防撞prevention of collision 319. 碰垫fender320. 船梯gangway ladder321. 可折叠梯folding ladder 322. 软梯rope ladder323. 踏板treadle324. 跳板gangplank325. 舷梯gangway326. 起重机crane327. 浮吊floating crane328. 升降机elevator329. 吊杆derrick330. 单饼铁滑车gin block331. 滑轮pulley332. 吊货网兜cargo net333. 装货loading334. 卸货unloading335. 信号塔semaphore336. 灯塔beacon337. 信号灯signal light338. 探照灯search light339. 锚标anchor-buoy340. 系泊浮筒mooring buoy 341. 圆筒浮标cylindroid buoy 342. 声纳浮标sonar buoy343. 发光浮标luminous buoy 344. 船长captain345. 小船船长skipper346. 艇长coxswain347. 大副chief mate ; first mate 348. 二副second mate349. 助理二副junior second officer 350. 领航员navigator351. 领港员harbour pilot352. 轮机长chief engineer353. 大管轮first engineer354. 舵手helmsman355. 报务员wireless operator356. 船员crew357. 走私船员barrator358. 押解船员prizecrew359. 管事steward360. 事务长purser361. 押运员supercargo362. 理货员tally man363. 值班员watch keeper364. 实习生cadet365. 水手长serang ; boatswain 366. 老水手shell back367. 水手sailor368. 印度水手lascar369. 见习船员landsman370. 船工boatman371. 渡船工人ferryman372. 摇橹人sculler373. 桨手oarsman374. 救生员lifeguard375. 潜水员diver376. 生火工fireman377. 实习生火工apprentice fireman 378. 添煤stoking379. 加油refuel380. 机械员mechanic381. 船员名单list of crew382. 乘客名单list of passenger383. 舱单manifest384. 装卸工人stevedore385. 码头工人longshoreman386. 脚夫lumper387. 海盗pirate388. 码头骗子land shark389. 导航astronomical navigation 390. 天文导航astronomical navigation 391. 地文导航geo-navigation392. 测星导航navigation by stars393. 立标becacon394. 内河航行inland navigation 395. 海洋航行ocean navigation 396. 航海历nautical almanac397. 海图室chart room398. 海图marine chart399. 海图比例尺chart scale400. 传统航线customary route 401. 指定航线advertised route 402. 适航性seaworthiness403. 航行时间表sailing list(schedule) 404. 公海open sea ; high seas 405. 航海日志log-book406. 船期due407. 即期船prompt ship408. 上船embark409. 相思带paper streamer410. 结关单clearance411. 检疫quarantine412. 启程departure413. 撑船pole boat414. 划船row boat415. 掌舵steer416. 打空车racing417. 右舵starboard helm418. 偏左inclined left419. 回舵ease the helm420. 舵正中helm amidship421. 缓偏easy422. 更偏more423. 稍偏little424. 航迹wake425. 旋涡whirlpool426. 水花splash427. 长浪swell428. 横摇rolling429. 纵摇pitching430. 偏航yawing431. 摆动oscillate greatly432. 倾头现象dipping433. 试航trial run434. 慢行lose headway435. 开足马力full speed436. 前进ahead437. 倾侧cant438. 随风转向box haul439. 把定steady440. 出航outgoing voyage441. 水天线sky-line442. 节knot443. 航线route444. 航程distance445. 航向course446. 直行direct movement447. 斜行oblique movement448. 沿岸航行coasting navigation 449. 大圆航行法great circle sailing 450. 迂回航行out-flanking movement 451. 混合航法composite sailing 452. 绕航deviation453. 乘游艇旅游yachting454. 赛船会regatta455. 过滩reeve456. 暗礁reef ; sunken rock457. 拖缆tow line458. 拖船索cordelle459. 绞船索warp460. 拖(船) tug461. 并肩拖towing alongside462. 被拖船tow463. 顺风行驶scud464. 顺风tail wind465. 破浪前进seaway466. 逆风行驶luff467. 锚泊anchoring468. 系泊mooring469. 顺路停泊call on the way470. 泊位berth471. 不准泊船no berth472. 靠泊alongside473. 停泊时间layover time474. 停航suspend ferry service 475. 上岸disembark476. 码头wharf477. 凸式码头pier ; jetty478. 浮码头floating pier479. 中转货棚transit shed480. 渡亭jetty481. 渡口landing place 482. 摆渡ferry across 483. 渡海的transmarine 484. 码头费wharfage 485. 停泊费groundage 486. 承租人charterer 487. 被租船chartered ship 488. 运河税canal dues 489. 驳运费lighterage 490. 渡船费ferriage491. 客票half fare492. 半费half fare493. 偷渡stowaway494. 偷渡者smuggler 495. 海滩perils on the sea 496. 信号台signal station 497. 呼号call sign498. 汽笛信号siren signal 499. 雾角fog horn500. 擦过touch and go 501. 船碰船foul502. 碰撞collision503. 触礁run against a rock 504. 倾斜的船careen505. 搁浅stranding506. 涉水fording507. 弃货jettison508. 海上废弃物derelict 509. 漂流drift510. 渗漏percolation 511. 漏口leak512. 排水口scupper513. 进水inflow514. 沉船ship wreck515. 沉排mattress sinking 516. 下沉subsidence517. 沉没foundering518. 翻船capsize519. 脱浅refloat520. 打捞salvage521. 遇难者(者) castaway 522. 生还者survivor523. 救生圈life buoy524. 救生网life net525. 救生带life belt526. 救生衣life jacket527. 救生浮具buoyant apparatus 528. 疏浚dredging529. 防波堤breakwater ; mole 530. 港务局port office531. 吞吐量transaction capacity 532. 出发港port of departure533. 停靠港port of call534. 自由港free port535. 对外贸易港open port536. 避难港port of distress537. 港口税harbour dues538. 空舱费demurrage539. 延滞费demurrage540. 海面情况sea condition541. 无浪calm542. 微浪very smooth sea543. 小浪smooth sea544. 轻浪slight sea545. 中浪moderate sea546. 大浪rough sea547. 巨浪very rough sea548. 狂涛very high sea549. 怒涛mountainous sea550. 波峰crest551. 波谷wave hollow552. 海损average553. 共同海损general average(G/A) 554. 单独海损particular average(P/A) 555. 海损报告ship's protest556. 天灾calamity铁路交通1. 铁路railway2. 缆索铁路funicular railway3. 悬空铁路hanging railroad4. 缆轨rope rail5. 高架铁路elevated railroad6. 市区铁路urban railway7. 矿区铁路mine railway8. 铁路桥railway bridge9. 纵梁桥stringer bridge10. 地铁subway11. 铁路隧道railway tunnel12. 涵洞culvert13. 弯道curve14. 坡道grade15. 勘测reconnaissance16. 定测location survey17. 施工测量construction survey18. 挖方cutting19. 路堤embankment20. 铁路线railway route21. 干线main line22. 支线branch line23. 联轨线connection line24. 枕木railway tie25. 劈裂枕木split tie26. 半圆枕木half round tie27. 四分枕木quartered tie28. 缺月枕木wane tie29. 中间枕木intermediate tie30. 岔枕switch tie31. 桥梁枕木bridge tie32. 防腐枕木sleeper treated33. 注油枕木sleeper treated34. 混凝土枕pre-strengthened concrete tie35. 钢枕steel sleeper36. 铺道碴ballasting37. 道碴ballast38. 道碴厚度depth of ballast39. 铺轨track laying40. 铺轨机track-laying machine41. 脱轨器derail42. 轨距gauge43. 鱼尾板连接fished joint44. 钢轨连接rail bond45. 轨节螺栓fish bolt46. 轨顶rail top47. 道钉spike48. 道钉锤spike maul49. 起道钉器spike puller ; spike extractor50. 扭歪轨道trajectory distorted51. 弯曲轨道warp rail52. 断轨broken rail53. 轨头间隙gap54. 正道main track55. 岔线siding56. 道岔turnout junction57. 复式道岔double turnout58. 三开道岔frogless turnout59. 无心道岔frogless turnout60. 岔心frog61. 活动岔心movable frog62. 弹簧尖轨spring tongue63. 安全线catch siding64. 岔心护guard frog65. 扳轨闸turn switch66. 尖轨转辙器split switch67. 钝轨转辙器stub switch68. 安全道岔safety switch69. 平底轨flat-bottom rail70. 有槽钢轨grooved rail71. 转辙器根heel of switch ; heel of points72. 轨撑rail brace73. 单轨铁路monorail74. 双线铁路double track line75. 三轨路third rail line76. 多线铁路multiple-track line77. 粘着铁路adhesion railway78. 交叉点junction79. 标准轨距standard gauge80. 宽轨线路broad guage line81. 窄轨铁路narrow guage railway82. 轻便铁路light railway83. 信号机semaphore84. 进站信号home signal85. 发车信号dparture signal86. 停车信号stop signal87. 信号楼signal cabin88. 信号员signal man89. 视觉信号optical signal90. 听觉信号acoustic signal91. 手动信号manual signal92. 机械信号mechanical signal93. 电动信号electric signal94. 气压信号pneumatic signal95. 遥控信号remote control signal96. 臂板信号semaphore signal97. 圆盘信号disc signal98. 色灯信号colour light signal99. 标签tag100. 指示灯beacon101. 路签staff102. 进站home103. 出发starting104. 调车shunting105. 火车train106. 蒸汽机车steam locomtive107. 双头机车double-ended locomotive 108. 煤水车tender109. 流线型列车streamlined train110. 火车头locomotive111. 内燃机车头diesel locomotive112. 缓冲器bumper113. 扫雪板flanger114. 驾驶室steering room115. 罐车tank wagon116. 挂车couple car117. 车钩coupler118. 联锁interlock119. 气闸air brake120. 蒸汽塔turret121. 移车塔traverser122. 转车盘turntable123. 紧急闸emergency brake124. 车轮coach wheel125. 轮缘wheel flange126. 调度dispatching127. 调度员dispatcher128. 调车场mashalling yard ; shunting yard 129. 存车场storage yard130. 机车库locomotive shed131. 加煤站coaling station132. 水塔water tower133. 通车典礼inaugural ceremony134. 轻便轨道轮车velocipede135. 机动压道车trolley motor136. 上行车up-train137. 下行车down-train138. 班车routine car139. 区间车local train140. 慢车slow train141. 普通列车ordinary train142. 快车fast train ; express train 143. 直达车through train144. 游览车excursion train145. 专列special train146. 高架列车elevated train147. 客车passenger train148. 特等客车parlor car149. 卧车sleeping car150. 二等卧车tourist151. 包房compartment152. 软席soft seat153. 硬席ordinary seat154. 上铺upper berth155. 下铺lower berth156. 座位seat157. 长靠椅settee158. 合背座double seat159. 行李架luggage rack ; rack160. 滑窗sliding window161. 窗带window strap162. 马镫梯stirrup step163. 货车freight car164. 合造车combination car165. 餐车dining car166. 行李车luggage van ; baggage car 167. 混合列车mixed train168. 邮车mail car169. 冷藏车refrigerator wagon170. 牲畜车livestock wagon171. 棚车box car172. 平板车flat car173. 漏斗车hopper car174. 售票处booking office ; ticket office 175. 票价ticket fare176. 头等票first class ticket177. 二等票second class ticket178. 三等票third class ticket179. 单程票single ticket180. 来回票return ticket181. 月票monthly ticket182. 季票season ticket183. 市郊定期票commutation ticket 184. 联运客票through ticket185. 游览票excursion ticket186. 学生票students ticket187. 半票half ticket188. 免票railway pass189. 偷乘车steal ride190. 补票excess fare191. 栅栏门barrier192. 月台地道blatform tunnel193. 月台天桥platform gridge194. 月台车platform truck195. 月台票platform ticket196. 行李票baggage ticket ; baggage check 197. 免费行李free charge baggage198. 行李暂存处left baggage office199. 存行李deposition luggatge200. 取行李withdrawing luggage201. 行李标签label202. 客运passenger traffic203. 货运freight traffic204. 地磅scale bridge205. 行李房parcel & luggage office206. 推行李车luggage barrow207. 发货人consignor208. 收货人consignee209. 赶火车catch the train210. 没赶上火车miss the train211. 登车board car212. 启程departure213. 发车时刻表departure timetable214. 换车change215. 下车alight216. 中途下车stop-over217. 摘下的客车slip-carriage218. 到站arrive at station219. 到车时刻表arrival timetable220. 火车站railway station221. 小站way station222. 始发站initial station223. 联轨站junction station224. 中间站intermediate station225. 终点站terminal station226. 轨头railhead227. 客运站passenger station228. 货运站freight station229. 月台platform230. 站台棚platform shed231. 站名标station mark232. 路牌billboard233. 铁路局railway bureau234. 站长室station master's office235. 售票厅ticket lobby236. 车站大厅station hall237. 问询处inquiry office238. 候车室waiting room239. 母子候车室waiting room for mothers with children 240. 站长station-mater241. 运营段段长division superintendent242. 工务分段engineering section243. 道班track244. 道班工laborer track245. 养路费road maintenance expense246. 护路工人surface man247. 行车主任train master248. 司机engine driver249. 司炉fireman ; stoker250. 检票口wicket251. 收票员gateman252. 剪票punch ticket253. 客票盖戳机ticket stamping machine254. 检票员car inspector255. 查票员chopper ; ticket inspector256. 小贩padder257. 列车长guard ; conductor258. 列车员car attendant ; train attendant259. 苦力coolie260. 搬运工人bearer261. 搬运hauling262. 计时搬运transportation of timepiece263. 计件搬运transportation of piece-work264. 包运transportation of group piece-work汽车1. 汽车automobile ; motor car2. 活顶车sliding-top car3. 活篷汽车convertible car4. 车篷hood top5. 跑车roadster6. 轿车saloon7. 敞篷轿车sunshine saloon8. 豪华轿车limousine9. 流线型车streamlined car10. 防弹汽车bullet-proof sedan11. 单排座车coupe12. 三轮汽车tricar13. 私人汽车private vehicle14. 的士taxi15. 巡逻车cruise car16. 非法的士illegal taxi17. 吉普车jeep18. 军用卡车camion19. 拖炮车gun towing truck20. 接站车station wagon21. 卡车lorry22. 水陆货车amphibious truck23. 六轮卡车six wheeler24. 倾倒车tip car25. 翻斗车dumper26. 侧卸货车side dumper27. 后卸车tail dumper28. 箱式货车van truck29. 别墅挂车caravan30. 三轮货车three-wheel truck31. 货车wagon32. 送货车delivery car33. 小货车pick-up truck34. 游览车touring bus35. 大客车omnibus36. 公共汽车bus37. 小型巴士minibus38. 双层巴士double-deck bus39. 有轨电车trolley car40. 飞驰汽车flying automobile41. 木炭汽车charcoal-burning vehicle42. 酒精汽车alcohol car43. 柴油汽车diesel car44. 冷藏车refrigeration truck45. 运油车refueling truck46. 运长木车timber truck47. 平板卡车plaform truck48. 搬运车mover49. 运家具车pantechnicon50. 垃圾车garbage truck51. 洒水车street sprinkler52. 压路车street roller53. 救护车ambulance54. 消防车fire engine55. 偷来的车stolen car56. 拖车trailer57. 牵引车tractor58. 二手车,旧车second-hand car ;used car59. 老式汽车jalopy60. 车抛锚get stuck61. 发动机故障engine failure62. 废车invalid car63. 汽车间garage64. 贴换车to trade in a car65. 以旧换新old for new66. 预付款down payment67. 按月支付monthly payment68. 按月摊付yearly instalment69. 保险单car insurance policy70. 车牌number plate71. 试车trial run72. 燃料fuel73. 汽油gasoline74. 柴油diesel oil75. 机油oil76. 刹车油brake fluid77. 润滑油lubricant78. 黄油grease79. 挥发volatile80. 漏油oil seepage81. 沉渣sediment82. 油渣oil deposit83. 加油站petrol filling station84. 加油refuel85. 漏斗funnel86. 滴油器drop oiler87. 注油枪grease gun88. 轮胎充气泵tire pump89. 油库oil depot90. 油料设施oil installation91. 汽车蜡car wax92. 擦车人car cleaner93. 点火ignite94. 发动汽车start95. 起动摇把starting handle96. 起动摇柄starting crank97. 马达转动revolution98. 起动失灵conk-out99. 熄火misfire100. 空档neutral101. 换档gear shift102. 一档first gear103. 二档intermediate gear104. 三档third gear105. 四档top gear106. 倒车档reverse107. 自动换档self shifter108. 手发信号hand signal109. 按喇叭tooting ; honking110. 踩油门step on accelerator111. 变速speed variable112. 加速change up113. 减速change down114. 超速over speed115. 直驶straight116. 转向turning117. 掉头about118. 狭路掉头turning round in the narrow road 119. 超车overtaking120. 切入cutting in121. 倒车reversing122. 倒退转弯reversing turn123. 紧急刹车emergency brake124. 停车parking125. 狭小通道narrow opening126. 斜坡变速gear changing on hill127. 斜坡起动starting on hill128. 斜坡停车stopping on hill129. 滑移skidding130. 湿滑sloppy131. 滑行coast132. 防滑proof skid133. 刹车失灵brake failure134. 手刹engage hand-brake135. 停住pause136. 三角木trig137. 驾驶学员learner driver138. 驾驶教员driving instructor139. 女驾驶教员driving instructress140. 学员证learner's licence141. 临时执照provisional driving licence 142. 执照考试表driving test form143. 申请考试application for test144. 约期考试appintment for test145. 不能应试can not attend test146. 考官examiner147. 过期out of date148. 未过期not out of date149. 驾车考试driving test150. 笔试written driving test151. 中期考试intermediate practical test 152. 考试及格pass the test153. 考试失败fail in the test154. 驾驶执照driving licence155. 驾驶执照续新renewal of driving licence 156. 吊销执照cancellation157. 载客carry passengers158. 车费fare159. 皮带strap160. 无篷座位rumble seat161. 搭便车者hitch-hiker162. 免费搭客stow163. 无票乘客dead head164. 驾车兜风joy ride165. 驾驶员driver166. 卡车司机trucker167. 司机瞌睡事故driver asleep accident 168. 乱开车者road-hog169. 长途驾驶endurance run170. 售票员conductor171. 票钳ticket punch pliers172. 车票ticket173. 女售票员girl conductor ; conductress 174. 看车人bus gateman175. 查票员inspector176. 公共汽车站站长regulator177. 停车站stop178. 分段section179. 半途half way180. 终点站terminus181. 车价表tariff182. 车费car fare183. 货车运费truckage184. 计费器taximeter185. 装卸跳板car plate186. 满载load full187. 满载量cartful188. 超载量load excess189. 车队autocade ; motocade190. 车赛chariot race191. 飞车表演automobile thrill show 192. 停车场parking place193. 停车棚motor pool194. 多层停车场multi-storeyed garage 195. 停车收费表parking meter196. 车身body197. 车厢compartment198. 基壳base assembly199. 底壳back shell200. 包壳involucrum201. 底盘chassis202. 车架frame203. 车架横梁frame cross204. 底架end frame205. 挡泥板mud shield206. 支撑板mounting plate207. 保险杆bumper208. 踏板running board209. 座位seat210. 斗式座椅bucket seat211. 座套seat cover212. 驾驶室cab213. 前座front seat214. 后座dickey seat215. 活动座sliding seat216. 行李箱trunk217. 车头灯headlight218. 明暗灯flasher219. 行车灯driving lamp220. 防空前灯blackout headlamp 221. 小光灯dim222. 尾灯tail light223. 停车灯stop light224. 指示灯indicator light225. 转向灯开关indicator control 226. 转向告警灯indicator warning light227. 高低灯开关dip switch228. 变光器dimmer229. 工作灯trouble light230. 灯触点bulb connection contact 231. 后视镜adjustable mirror 232. 不闪光镜glare-proof mirror 233. 侧镜side mirror234. 遮阳板visor235. 刮水器windshield wiper 236. 刮水器开关wiper control 237. 刮水刷blade238. 风挡windscreen239. 通风玻璃ventilating glass 240. 保险玻璃fiber glass241. 夹层玻璃triplex glass242. 防碎玻璃shatter proof glass 243. 防弹玻璃bullet-resistant glass 244. 滑动玻璃sliding glass245. 玻璃槽glass guide channel 246. 车门缓冲胶rubber door buffer 247. 门板door lower casting248. 门把lock handle249. 门铰链door hinge250. 车门铰链销door hinge pin 251. 车门限制带check strap252. 方向盘steering wheel253. 长柱outer column254. 支架bracket255. 左座驾驶left hand drive256. 右座驾驶right hand drive 257. 喇叭auto horn258. 电喇叭electric horn259. 膜片弹簧diaphragm spring 260. 声膜片diaphragm261. 碟disk262. 速度表speedometer263. 计程表cyclometer264. 转数表tachometer265. 里程表odometer266. 振动计vibroscope267. 油量表fuel gauge268. 电流表ammeter269. 电压表voltmeter270. 温度表thermometer271. 暖气设备heater unit272. 暖气开关heater control273. 暖气控制阀heater control valve 274. 恒温器thermostat275. 恒温器盖thermostat cover276. 散热器radiator277. 消声器muffler278. 液压减震器hydraulic damper 279. 阻风门choker280. 油门accelerator281. 油门踏板accelerator pedal282. 脚刹车foot-brake283. 手刹车hand-brake284. 刹车柄brake lever285. 制动蹄brake shoe286. 同合器synchroniser287. 离合器clutch288. 离合器踏板clutch pedal289. 离合器片clutch plate290. 放松支柱release lever strut 291. 踏板轴pedal bracket spindle 292. 变速杆gear lever293. 球形手把knob294. 变速器transmission295. 自动变速器automatic transmission 296. 齿轮箱gear case297. 曲轴箱filler cap298. 水套盖water jacket plug299. 加水口filler300. 水箱橡皮管radiator hose301. 冷却系统cooling system302. 风扇fan303. 风扇叶片fan blade304. 风扇皮带fan belt305. 起动机starter ; starter motor 306. 发动机罩hood307. 引擎engine308. 内燃机internal combustion engine 309. 柴油引擎diesel engine310. 煤油引擎kerosene engine311. 发电机皮带dynamo belt312. 皮带轮pulley313. 气缸cylinder314. 气缸盖cylinder head315. 气缸横盖cylinder block side cover 316. 气缸盖螺柱cylinder head stud 317. 气缸衬垫cylinder gasket318. 气缸体cylinder block319. 气缸内径internal diameter320. 气缸外径external diameter321. 气缸内衬cylinder lining322. 活塞piston323. 活塞销piston pin324. 活塞环piston ring325. 衬垫gasket326. 卡环bead lock327. 油箱fuel tank328. 储油罐oil reservoir329. 备用管reserve tube330. 燃油泵fuel pump331. 汽油泵petrol pump332. 加速泵accelerating pump333. 润滑器lubricator334. 橡皮碗rubber cup335. 注油嘴oil nipple336. 油孔oil hole337. 油环scraper ring338. 油路passage339. 输油管oil delivery pipe340. 联管节头outlet union341. 端接套管terminal sleeve342. 橡胶接头rubbler connection 343. 旁通管by-pass pipe344. 吸油管suction pipe345. 回油管oil return pipe346. 连接管connector tube347. 放油孔bleed hole348. 润滑油杯oil cup349. 油滤fuel filter350. 滑油滤oil filter351. 滤网filter gauze352. 机油滤oil strainer353. 油压调节器室release valve housing 354. 放油塞drain plug355. 喷油孔oil jet356. 喷嘴nozzle357. 燃烧combustion358. 提前点火pre-ignition359. 油耗fuel consumption360. 化油carburation361. 化油器carburatter362. 雾化喷油器emulsion block nozzle 363. 防雾气孔demister vent364. 雾化atomization365. 节流阀throttle valve366. 省油器gas saver367. 省油喷嘴economy jet368. 慢流油孔idling jet369. 补偿油量孔compensating jet 370. 油尺dip stick371. 油杆dip rod372. 带卡机油尺bayonet oil gauge 373. 锥形油针tapered needle374. 自动输送gravity system375. 压力输送pressure system376. 真空输送vacuum tank system 377. 进气管intake manifold378. 排气管exhaust manifold379. 圆盘衬片disc lining380. 接触断路器contact breaker 381. 白金触点platinum contact point 382. 火花空隙spark gap383. 线路wiring384. 分火器distributor385. 回火back-fire386. 火花塞apark plug387. 火花apark388. 分火头rotor389. 整流子generator commutator 390. 调压器voltage regulator391. 电容器condenser392. 断路器circuit breaker393. 断路继电器cut-off relay394. 分电器电容distributor condenser 395. 分电器触点distributor point 396. 分电器盖distributor cap397. 分电器转子distributor rotor 398. 干电池dry cell399. 湿电池wet cell400. 蓄电池battery401. 氧化铜电池copper oxide cell 402. 氯化银电池silver chloride cell。


反光标志reflective sign
反光路钮reflective button
弯道反光镜traffic mirror
道路交通标志road traffic sign警告标志warning sign
禁令标志regulatory sign指示标志guide sign




1. 交通(Transportation):指人和货物在地面、水面和空中的移动和运输。

2. 交通工具(Vehicles):指用于运输人和货物的各种车辆和设备。

3. 汽车(Car):指四轮机动车辆,通常由燃油或电力驱动。

4. 自行车(Bicycle):指由人类驱动的两轮脚踏车辆。

5. 公共交通(Public transportation):指为大众提供的交通服务,如公交车、地铁、火车等。

6. 飞机(Airplane):指用于在空中运输人和货物的飞行器。

7. 船(Boat/Ship):指用于在水上运输人和货物的水上交通工具。

8. 公交车(Bus):指用于城市和城际交通的大型公共汽车。

9. 地铁(Subway/Metro):指在地下铁道上运行的城市轨道交通系统。

10. 出租车(Taxi):指提供付费载客服务的汽车。





交通标识英文词汇大全Transportation标志1.道路交通信息road traffic information2.公共交通信息public transportation information3.高速公路Expressway4.公路Highway5.道路Road6.高架道路Elevated Road7.环路Ring Road8.312国道G3129.前方学校School Ahead10.禁止长时停车No Parking11.禁止临时停车、停留No Stopping12.飞机场Air Port13.火车站Railway Station14.大型港口Port15.客运码头、轮渡站Ferry Terminal 或Pier16.货运码头Wharf17.装卸码头Loading/Uploading Dock18.轨道交通线路Line19.具体线路Line+阿拉伯数字20.公共汽车线路Bus Route21.具体公交线路Route 可省略,直接用阿拉伯数字表示22.公交63路Bus 6323.轨道交通站点Station24.公共汽车始发站和终点站Terminal或Station25.公共汽车沿途站点Stop26.飞机或列车上的厕所Lavatory27.行李Baggage或Luggage28.民航售票用Airline TicketsTransportation词汇1 公路Highway2 高速公路Expressway3 干线公路Trunk Highway4 国道National Highway5 省道Provincial Highway6 县道County Highway7 城市道路Urban Road8 地面道路Ground-Level Road9 高架道路Elevated Road 或Elevated Highway10 支路Access Road11 辅路Side Road12 绕城公路; 环路Beltway 或Ring Road13 主干路Arterial Road14 次干路Sub-Arterial Road15 收费公路Tollway 或Toll Road16 桥梁Bridge17 高架桥Overpass [指城市中的高架桥]; Viaduct [指横跨河流或山谷的高架桥]18 立交桥[车行] Highway Interchange 或Flyover19 安全岛; 交通岛Refuge Island 或Pedestrian Refuge20 环岛; 环形交叉口Roundabout21 交通信号灯Traffic Lights22 标线Marking23 人行横道线Pedestrian Crossing24 车辆上下客区Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off Area [Area 可以省略]25 车辆下客区Passenger Drop-off Area [Area 可省略]26 卡车停靠点Truck Parking Only 或Trucks Only27 路侧停车点Roadside Parking28 公共停车场Public Parking29 内部停车场Private Parking [私人用]; Staff Parking [员工用]30 全日停车场[昼夜服务] 24-Hour Parking31 免费停车场Free Parking32 收费停车场Pay Parking33 残疾人专用停车位Parking for People With Disabilities34 出租车专用停车位Taxi Parking Only 或Taxi Only35 非机动车专用停车位Non-motor Vehicle Parking Only 或Non-motor Vehicles Only36 大客车停车位Bus Parking Only 或Buses Only37 停车港湾Parking Bay38 专属停车位Reserved Parking39 临时停车位Temporary Parking40 计时停车位Hourly Parking 或Metered Parking Transportation路牌1.no u-turns–This sign indicates that u-turns are not allowed at the intersection where the sign is posted。



与交通有关的单词交通规则---词汇1. 交通规则traffic regulation2. 路标guide post3. 里程碑milestone4. 停车标志mark car stop5. 红绿灯traffic light6. 自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯red light8. 绿灯green light9. 黄灯amber light10. 交通岗traffic post11. 岗亭police box12. 交通警traffic police13. 打手势pantomime14. 单行线single line15. 双白线double white lines16. 双程线dual carriage-way17. 斑马线zebra stripes18. 划路线机traffic line marker19. 交通干线artery traffic20. 车行道carriage-way21. 辅助车道lane auxiliary22. 双车道two-way traffic23. 自行车通行cyclists only24. 单行道one way only25. 窄路narrow road26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet27. 陡坡steep hill28. 不平整路rough road29. 弯路curve road ; bend road30. 连续弯路winding road31. 之字路double bend road32. 之字公路switch back road33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade34. 道路交叉点road junction35. 十字路cross road36. 左转turn left37. 右转turn right38. 靠左keep left39. 靠右keep right40. 慢驶slow41. 速度speed42. 超速excessive speed43. 速度限制speed limit44. 恢复速度resume speed45. 禁止通行no through traffic46. 此路不通blocked47. 不准驶入no entry48. 不准超越keep in line ; no overhead49. 不准掉头no turns50. 让车道passing bay51. 回路loop52. 安全岛safety island53. 停车处parking place54. 停私人车private car park55. 只停公用车public car only56. 不准停车restricted stop57. 不准滞留restricted waiting58. 临街停车parking on-street59. 街外停车parking off-street60. 街外卸车loading off-street61. 当心行人caution pedestrian crossing62. 当心牲畜caution animals63. 前面狭桥narrow bridge ahead64. 拱桥hump bridge65. 火车栅level crossing66. 修路road works67. 医院hospital68. 儿童children69. 学校school70. 寂静地带silent zone71. 非寂静地带silent zone ends72. 交通管理traffic control73. 人山人海crowded conditions74. 拥挤的人jam-packed with people75. 交通拥挤traffic jam76. 水泄不通overwhelm77. 顺挤extrusion direct78. 冲挤extrusion impact79. 推挤shoved80. 挨身轻推nudging81. 让路give way82. 粗心行人careless pedestrian83. 犯交通罪committing traffic offences84. 执照被记违章endorsed on driving license85. 危险驾驶dangerous driving86. 粗心驾车careless driving87. 无教员而驾驶driving without an instructor88. 无证驾驶driving without license89. 未经车主同意without the owner's consent90. 无第三方保险without third-party insurance91. 未挂学字牌driving without a "L" plate92. 安全第一safety first93. 轻微碰撞slight impact94. 迎面相撞head-on collision95. 相撞collided96. 连环撞a chain collision97. 撞车crash98. 辗过run over99. 肇事逃跑司机hit-run driver100. 冲上人行道drive onto the pavement关于乘机旅行的词汇boarding check 登机牌plane ticket 飞机票flight, flying 飞行bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行smooth flight 平稳的飞行ramp 扶梯altitude, height 高度air route, air line 航线extra flight 加班economy class, tourist class 经济座non-stop flight 连续飞行climbing, to gain height 爬升circling 盘旋forced landing 迫降connecting flight 衔接航班speed, velocity 速度ceiling 上升限度cruising speed 巡航速度top speed 最高速度first class 头等night service 夜航airsick 晕机direct flight, straight flight 直飞landing 着陆to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸to taxi along 滑行to lose height, to fly low 降低to take off, take-off 起飞to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机to face the wind 迎风汽车词汇——Automobile汽车品牌汽车术语Benz, Mercedes-Benz 奔驰Cadillac 卡迪拉克Chrysler 克莱斯勒Chevroler 雪佛莱Citroen 雪铁龙Ford 福特Honda 本田Mazda 马自达Mustang 野马Porsche 保时捷Renault 雷诺Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯罗伊斯Santana 桑塔纳Toyota 丰田Volvo 沃尔沃, 富豪Volkswagen 大众first gear 一档second gear 二档reverse 倒车档two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机diesel 柴油机limousine 豪华轿车drophead 活动车篷汽车(美作:convertible) racing car 赛车saloon 轿车(美作:sedan)roadster 敞蓬车wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车notchback 客货两用车four-wheel drive 四轮驱动front-wheel drive 前轮驱动trailer 拖车station wagon 小旅行车truck 卡车compact car 小型汽车light-van 小型货车garbage truck 垃圾车automobile carrier 货运卡车fire engine 消防车tractor 牵引车ambulance 救护车taxi 出租车, 计程车trailer truck 拖车sports car 跑车formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车mail car 邮车jeep 吉普车bloodmobile 血浆车bumper car 碰撞用汽车camper 露营车police car 警车wrecker 清障车ambulance 急救车广州的地铁:一号线、二号线、三号线、三号线北延段、四号线、五号线、六号线、七号线、八号线、九号线、十号线、十一号线、十二号线、APM线、广佛线Line 1 from Xilang to Guangzhou East Railway StationLine 2 from Jiahe Wanggang to Guangzhou South Railway Station Line 3 from Tianhe Coach Terminal to Panyu SquareLine 3 north extension section from Airport North to Tiyu Xilu Line 4 from Huangcun to JinzhouLine 5 from Jiaokou to WenchongLine 6 from Xunfenggang to XiangxueLine 7 from Guangzhou South Railway Station to FengleLuLine 8 from Wanshengwei to BaiyunhuLine 9 from Feieling to GaozengLine 10 from Dongsha to Tianhe Coach TerminalLine 11 from Pazhou to PazhouLine 12 from Chatou to Higher Education Mega Center S.Line APM from Chigang Pagoda to LinhexiLine GF from Lijiao to Xiaochong。



交通工具词汇大全1.陆地交通工具- 自行车(zì xíng chē) - bicycle- 摩托车(mó tuō chē) - motorcycle- 小汽车(xiǎo qì chē) - car- 公共汽车(gōng gòng qì chē) - bus- 卡车(kǎ chē) - truck- 出租车(chū zū chē) - taxi- 火车(huǒ chē) - train- 地铁(dì tiě) - subway- 车辆(chē liàng) - vehicle- 拖拉机(tuō lā jī) - tractor2.水上交通工具- 船 (chuán) - boat- 轮船 (lún chuán) - ship- 游艇(yóu tǐng) - yacht- 帆船(fān chuán) - sailboat- 海盗船(hǎi dào chuán) - pirate ship- 划艇(huá tǐng) - canoe- 水上救生艇(shuǐ shàng jiù shēng tǐng) - lifeboat - 潜水艇 (qián shuǐ tǐng) - submarine- 帆板(fān bǎn) - windsurfing board3.空中交通工具- 飞机(fēi jī) - airplane- 直升机(zhí shēng jī) - helicopter- 热气球 (rè qì qiú) - hot air balloon- 空中巴士(kōng zhōng bā shì) - airbus- 无人机(wú rén jī) - drone- 喷气式飞机(pēn qì shì fēi jī) - jet airplane- 遥控飞机(yáo kòng fēi jī) - remote control airplane - 私人飞机(sī rén fēi jī) - private jet4.其他交通工具- 地面电车(dì miàn diàn chē) - tram- 自动扶梯(zì dòng fú tī) - escalator- 自动人行道 (zì dòng rén xíng dào) - conveyor belt- 自行车道(zì xíng chē dào) - bike lane- 步行道 (bù xíng dào) - walkway- 脚踏车(jiǎo tà chē) - scooter- 滑板车(huá bǎn chē) - skateboard以上是一些常见的小学一年级的交通工具词汇大全。



我们平常所走的道路各种各样,在英语里,不同种类的道路也有其专门的说法,下面汇总的一些词汇供大家参考。 1. by-pass 旁道 2. ring road/beltway 环路;环形公路 3. traffic-free/pedestrians street 步行街 4. riverside boulevard 滨江道 5. feeder road 专用线;分路支线 6. accommodation road 专用道路 7. makeshift road 临时道路 8. eyesight-disability/disadvantage-friendly track 盲道 9. diagonal/cater-cornered street 斜街 10. tarred/asphalt road 柏油路 11. cobble-stone/cobbled street 鹅卵石路 12. elevated highroad 高架公路 13. single carriageway 单行道 14. dual carriageway 双行道 15. overtaking lane 超车道 16. clearway 畅行道(用于改善繁忙时间内的交通状况) 17. fast traffic/outside lane 快车道 18. slow traffic/inside lane 慢车道 19. road junction 交叉路口 20Байду номын сангаас T-junction 丁字路口 21. bottleneck 易堵塞的路口



Please put your seat belt on. 请系上安全带汽车前座front seat, 后座 back seatShut up! Backseat driver. 闭嘴, 后座的司机(坐在后座的喜欢指挥司机开车的人).passenger driver坐在车上的喜欢指挥司机开车的人接某人pick someone up沿路把某人放下drop someone off高速公路Freeway(免费的高速路), Highway, Expressway, MotorwayRoad closed 道路封闭收费公路tollway 收费站 toll gate干线公路 arterial highway动脉,要道,干线artery n.; arterial road 干道干线main road;铁路干线main railway line车道Lane下高速公路的匝道 off-ramp, 上高速公路的匝道 on-rampget on the freeway 上高速公路 get off the freeway 下高速公路立交桥 overpass, flyover, interchange过街天桥 overhead walkway, foot bridge, pedestrian bridge人行横道pedestrian crossing n.边道;小巷side street;区,行政区district; 历下区 LIXIA Districttraffic light 交通信号灯,红绿灯斑马线,人行横道线zebra crossing辗过run over交通拥挤,堵车traffic jamThe traffic is very heavy. 堵车很严重。

indicator(车辆上的)转弯指示灯roundabout街心转盘,环状交叉路公交车道 bus lane禁喇叭No horn.。



陆路: coach, platform, subway/underground/tube, express train, light rail, racing car, shuttle bus, bus, fare, bus stop, book a taxi, drop sb off, pick sb up, gas/petrol/service station, fill up, driver’s license, two hours’ drive 水路: boat, ferry, ship, harbour/ port, sail
航空: airline, airplane, carry-on, customs, crew, light, gate, land, take off, terminal, air fare, air ticket, airport tax, boarding card, boarding pass,business/first/economy class, check in, duty-free shop, flight connection center, flight number



加速车道(Acceleration Lane):车辆进入道路的直通车道之前为车辆加速铺筑的附属车道,包括楔形端部分。

入口(Access Point):交叉口、私用出行车道或道路右边的开口都是入口。


入口密度(Access-Point Density):道路上的入口数除以道路长度的商,该值是5公里以上路段的平均值。



修正系数(adjustment factor):将理想条件变为通常条件的修正参数的乘数。

集合延误(aggregate delay):多条车道组的延误之和,一般是一个引道、一个交叉口或一条干道路线的延误之和。

下车时间(alighting time):乘客下车用的时间,表示为每位乘客占用的时间或所有乘客占用的总时间。

全向停车控制(all-way stop-controlled):交叉口的所有引道都设置停车标志。


分析时段(analysis period):分析交通设施通行能力时所采用的时间段。



分析模型(analysis model):用实测数据,通过理论分析标定和检验具有系统组成的模型。

斜列式载客区(angle loading area):一种港湾式公交车站设计,类似于斜列式停车,公交车辆需要倒退出站,在一定距离内可以停靠更多的车辆。


年平均日交通量(annual average daily traffic):一年中通过公路某断面或路段的双向车辆数之和,除以一年的天数。

交通与出行 词汇

交通与出行 词汇

交通与出行Transportation & Traffic 火车 train公共汽车 bus地鉄 subway, undergraound, MTR, tube计程车 taxi, cab货车 truck, lorry摩托车 motorcycle自行车 bicycle/bike汽车 car穿梭巴士 shuttle bus电车 tram, street car渡轮 ferry飞机 plane, airplane票 ticket票价 fare单程票 single ticket往返票 round-trip ticket; return ticket半票 half-price ticket乘火车 Take the train铁路 railway (美作:railroad)轨道 track特快车 express train车厢 coach, carriage卧铺 sleeper车站大厅 station hall候车室 waiting room行李暂存处 left-luggage office行李架 rack, baggage rack在(某地)换车 to change trains at... 在(某时)到达 the train is due at... 乘飞机 Take the flight护照 passport签证 visa证件 papers安全通行证 safe-conduct, pass起飞 take off落地 touch down登记牌 boarding pass办理登机手续 check in候机室 departure lounge航班号 flight number国际抵达处 international arrival国内抵达处 domestic arrival行李 Luggage欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。



make a reservation预定 预定 confirm a reservation确认预定 确认预定 cancel one‘s reservation取消预定 取消预定 first come,first serve先到先服务原 先到先服务原则 , 先到先服务原
saver ticket优惠票, 优惠票, 优惠票 open ticket开放机票, 开放机票, 开放机票 one-way ticket单程票, 单程票, 单程票 round-trip ticket往返票, 往返票, 往返票 layover/stopover中途停留, 中途停留, 中途停留 timetable时刻表, 时刻表, 时刻表 fare票价, 票价, 票价 toll通行费, 通行费, 通行费 non-stop flight直达航班, 直达航班, 直达航班 connecting-flight转机, 转机, 转机
1. 交通规则 traffic regulation 2. 路标 guide post 3. 里程碑 milestone 4. 停车标志 mark car stop 5. 红绿灯 traffic light 6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7. 红灯 red light 8. 绿灯 green light 9. 黄灯 amber light 10. 交通岗 traffic post 11. 岗亭 police box 12. 交通警 traffic police 13. 打手势 pantomime 14. 单行线 single line 15. 双白线 double white lines
61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing 62. 当心牲畜 caution animals 63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead 64. 拱桥 hump bridge 65. 火车栅 level crossing 66. 修路 road works 67. 医院 hospital 68. 儿童 children 69. 学校 school 70. 寂静地带 silent zone 71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends 72. 交通管理 traffic control 73. 人山人海 crowded conditions 74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people 75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam



常用交通工具词汇一、陆地交通工具1. 汽车(Car)汽车是一种四轮驱动的交通工具,用于在陆地上运输人员和货物。


2. 自行车(Bicycle)自行车是一种由人力驱动的交通工具,通常有两个轮子和一个踏板。


3. 摩托车(Motorcycle)摩托车是一种两轮驱动的交通工具,有内燃机,供人们乘坐。


4. 公共汽车(Bus)公共汽车是一种供公众乘坐的交通工具,通常由政府或私人公司运营。


5. 地铁(Subway)地铁是一种地下铁路交通系统,由地铁车辆承载乘客在城市之间快速移动。


6. 火车(Train)火车是一种通过铁轨进行运输的交通工具。


二、水上交通工具1. 船(Boat)船是一种水上交通工具,常用于在海洋、湖泊和河流上运输人员和货物。


2. 轮船(Ship)轮船是一种大型的船只,通常用于长途航行和商业运输。


3. 高速艇(Speedboat)高速艇是一种快速的小型船只,通常用于进行水上娱乐和短距离运输。


4. 渡船(Ferry)渡船是一种将人员和车辆从一个地方运输到另一个地方的交通工具。


三、空中交通工具1. 飞机(Airplane)飞机是一种能够在空中飞行的交通工具,通常用于长途旅行和迅速跨越大陆。


2. 直升机(Helicopter)直升机是一种垂直起降的飞行器,通常用于短距离的空中运输和搜救任务。


3. 热气球(Hot Air Balloon)热气球是一种由热气提供升力的航空器,通常用于旅游和观光目的。



公路 highway道路 road公路工程 highway engineering公路网 highway network公路网密度 highway density公路等级 highway classification公路自然区划climatic zoning for highway公路用地 highway right--of--way高速公路 freeway等级公路 classified highway辅道 relief road干线公路 arterial highway支线公路 feeder highway专用公路 accommodate highway国家干线公路(国道) national trunk highway.省级干线公路(省道) provincial trunk highway 县公路(县道) county road乡公路(乡道) township road辐射式公路 radial highway环形公路 ring highway绕行公路 bypass交通结构 traffic structure交通组成 traffic composition混合交通 mixed traffic交通流 traffic flow交通流理论 traffic flow theory车流vehicle stream交通密度 traffic density车头间距 Space headway车头时距 time headway车间净距 vehicular gap延误 delay地点速度 spot speed行驶速度 running speed运行速度 operating speed临界速度 critical speed平均速度 average speed计算行车速度(设计车速) design speed交通量traffic volume年平均日交通量 annual average daily月平均日交通量 monthly average daily traffic年第30 位最大小时交通量thirtieth highest annual hourly volume 年最大小时交通量 maximum annual hourly volume设计小时交通量design hourly volume通行能力 traffic capacity基本通行能力 basic traffic capacity可能通行能力 possible traffic capacity设计通行能力 design traffic capacity道路服务水平 level of service公路交通规划 traffic planning交通调查 traffic survey交通量调查 traffic volume survey交通量观测站traffic volume observation station起迄点调查(OD 调查) origin-destination study出行 trip境内交通 local traffic过境交通 through traffic交通发生 traffic generation交通分布 traffic distribution交通分配 traffic assignment交通预测 traffic prognosis行车道 carriageway分离式行车道 Divided carriageway车道 lane变速车道 speed-change lane加速车道 acceleration lane减速车道 deceleration lane爬坡车道 climbing lane停车道 parking lane错车道 turn-out lane自行车道 cycle path路侧人行道 sidewalk分隔带 lane separator中央分隔带 median divider中间带 central strip路肩 shoulder;verge路缘带 marginal strip路缘石 kerb;curb侧向余宽 lateral clearance路拱 camber;crown路拱横坡 crown slope公路建筑限界 clearance of highway公路路线 highway route公路线形 highway alignment平面线形 horizontal alignment纵面线形 vertical alignment线形要素 alignment elements平曲线horizontal curve极限最小平曲线半径 limited minimum radius of horizontal curv 复曲线 compound curve反向曲线 reverse curve断背曲线 broken-back curve回头曲线 switch-back curve缓和曲线 transition curve竖曲线vertical curve弯道加宽 curve widening加宽缓和段 transition zone of curve超高 superelevation超高缓和段 superelevation runoff纵坡longitudinal gradient最大纵坡 maximum longitudinal gradient最小纵坡 minimum longitudinal gradient变坡点 grade change point平均纵坡 average gradient坡长限制 grade length limitation高原纵坡折减 highland grade compensation缓和坡段 transition grading zone合成坡度 resultant gradient视距sight distance停车视距 non-passing sight distance,stopping sight distance超车视距 passing sight distance道路交叉 road intersection道口railroad grade crossing平面交叉 at-grade intersection;grade crossing 正交叉 right-angle intersection斜交叉 skew intersection环形交叉 rotary intersection十字形交叉”十”intersectionT 形交叉 T intersection错位交叉 offset intersection;staggered junction Y 形交叉 Y intersection立体交叉 grade separation分离式立体交叉 simple grade separation,separate grade crossing互通式立体交叉 Interchange目蓿叶形立体交叉full cloverleaf interchange部分目蓿叶形立体交叉 cloverleaf interchange菱形立体交叉 diamond interchange定向式立体交叉 directional interchange喇叭形立体交叉 three-Leg interchange环形立体交叉 rotary interchange匝道 ramp交叉口 road crossing;intersection交叉口进口 intersection entrance交叉口出口 intersection exit加铺转角式交叉口 intersection with widened corners 拓宽路口式交叉口 flared intersection分道转弯式交叉口channelized intersection渠化交通channelization交织 weaving交织路段 weaving section合流 converging分流 diverging冲突点conflict point交通岛traffic island导流岛 channelization island中心岛central island安全岛 refuge island沿线设施 roadside facilities交通安全设施 traffic safety device人行横道 crosswalk人行地道pedestrian underpass人行天桥 pedestrian overcrossing护栏 guard fence防护栅 guard fence,safety barrier遮光栅anti-dizzling screen应急 emergency telephone反光标志 reflective sign反光路钮 reflective button弯道反光镜 traffic mirror道路交通标志 road traffic sign警告标志 warning sign禁令标志 regulatory sign指示标志 guide sign指路标志 information sign辅助标志 auxiliary sign可变信息标志 changeable message sign路面标线 pavement marking防雪设施 snow protection facilities防沙设施 sands protection facilities隔音墙 acoustic barrier停车场 parking area踏勘 reconnaissance可行性研究 feasibility study线形设计 highway alignment design公路景观设计 highway landscape design选线 route selection路线控制点 control point定线 location比较线 alternative line展线 line development初测 preliminary survey定测 location survey地貌 topographic feature地物 culture地形 topography台地 terrace垭口 pass;saddle back平原区 plain terrain微丘区 rolling terrain重丘区 hilly terrain山岭区 mountainous terrain沿溪线 valley line山脊线 ridge line山坡线 hill-sideline越岭线 ridge crossing line土方调配 cut-fill transition土方调配图 cut-fill transition program土方调配经济运距economical hauling distance 导线 traverse导线测量 traverse survey中线 center line中线测量 center line survey施工测量 construction survey竣工测量 final survey(路线)平面图 plan交点 intersection point虚交点 imaginary intersection point转点 turning point;转角 intersection angle方位角 azimuth angle象限角 bearing方向角 direction angle切线长 tangent length曲线长 curve length外(矢)距 external secant测站 instrument station测点 observation point中桩 center stake加桩 additional stake护桩 reference stake断链 broken chainage水准测量 leveling survey水准点 benchmark绝对基面 absolute datum高程 elevation地面高程 ground elevation设计高程 designed elevation(路线)纵断面图 profile中桩填挖高度 cut and fill at center stake 地形测量 topographic survey基线 baseline地形图 topographic map等高线 contour line横断面测量 cross-sectional survey横断面图 cross-section坑探 pit test钻探 boring摄影测量 photogrammetry航空摄影测量 aerial photogrammetry地面立体摄影测量 ground stereo photogrammetry 地面控制点测量 ground control-point survey航摄基线 aerophoto base影像地图 photographic map像片索引图(镶辑复照图) photo index航摄像片判读 aerophoto interpretation综合法测图 planimatric photo全能法测图 universal photo微分法测图 differential photo像片镶嵌图 photo mosaic路基 subgrade路堤 embankment路堑 cutting半填半挖式路基 part cut-partfill subgrade台口式路基 benched subgrade路基宽度 width of subgrade路基设计高程 design elevation of subgrade (路基)最小填土高度 minimum height of fill边坡 side slope边坡坡度 grade of side slope(边)坡顶 top of slope(边)坡脚 toe of slope护坡道 berm边坡平台 plain stage of slope碎落台 berm at the foot of cutting slope护坡 slope protection挡土墙 retaining wall重力式挡土墙 gravity retaining wall衡重式挡土墙 balance weight retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙 cantilever retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙 counterfort retaining wall柱板式挡土墙 column-plate tetaining wall锚杆式挡土墙 anchored retaining wall by tie rods 锚碇板式挡土墙 anchored bulkhead tetaining wall 石笼 rock filled gabion抛石 riprap路基排水 subgrade drainage边沟 side ditch截水沟 intercepting ditch排水沟 drainage ditch急流槽 chute跌水 drop water蒸发池 evaporation pond盲沟 blind drain渗水井 seepage well透水路堤 permeable embankment过水路面 ford填方 fill挖方 cut借土borrow earth弃土 waste取土坑 borrow pit弃土堆 waste bank回填土 back--filling黄土 loess软土 soft soil淤泥 mud泥沼 moor泥炭 peat盐渍土 salty soil膨胀土 expansive soil冻土frozen soil多年冻土 permafrost流砂 quicksand软弱地基 soft ground强夺法 dynamic consolidation预压法preloading method反压护道 loading berm砂井 sand drain路基砂垫层 sand mat of subgrade压实 compaction压实度 degree of compaction(标准)最大干容重 maximum dry unit weight相对密实度 relative density毛细水 capi11ary water土石方爆破 blasting procedure抛掷爆破 blasting for throwing rock爆破漏斗 blasting crater松动爆破 blasting for loosening rock爆破作用圈 acting circ les of blasting路面 pavement弹性层状体系理论 elastic multilayer theory(回弹)弯沉 deflection加州承载比( CBR ) California bearing ratio, CBR)路面宽度 width of pavement路槽 road trough刚性路面 rigid pavement柔性路面 flexible pavement路面结构层 pavement structure layer面层surface course磨耗层 wearing course联结层 binder course基层 base course垫层 bed course隔水层 aquitard隔温层 thermal insulating course封层 sea1 coat透层 prime coat保护层 protection course补强层 streng thening layer高级路面 high type pavement次高级路面 sub--high type pavement中级路面 intermediate type pavement低级路面 low type pavement水泥混凝土路面 cement concrete pavement沥青路面 bituminous pavement沥青混凝土路面 bituminous concrete pavement沥青碎石路面 bituminous macadam pavement沥青贯入碎(砾)石路面 bituminous penetration pavement 沥青表面处治 bituminous surface treatment块料路面 block pavement石块路面 stone block pavement泥结碎石路面 clay--bound macadam pavement水结碎石路面 water--bound macadam pavement级配路面 graded aggregate pavement稳定土基层 stabilized soil base course工业废渣基层 industrial waste base course块石基层 Telford base层铺法 spreading in layers拌和法 mixing method厂拌法 plant mixing method路拌法 road mixing method热拌泼 hot mixing method冷拌法 cold mixing method热铺法 hot laid method冷铺法 cold laid method贯入法 penetration method铺砌法 pitching method缩缝contraction joint胀缝 expansion joint真缝 true joint假缝 dummy joint横缝transverse Jo1nt纵缝 longitudinal joint施工缝 construction joint传力杆 dowel bar拉杆 tie bar路面平整度 surface evenness路面粗糙度 surface roughness路面摩擦系数friction coefficient of pavement 附着力 adhesive force水滑现象hydroplaning phenomenon桥梁 bridge公路桥 highway bridge公铁两用桥 highway and rail transit bridge人行桥 pedestrian bridge跨线桥 overpass bridge高架桥 viaduct永久性桥 permanent bridge半永久性桥 semi-permanent bridge临时性桥 temporary bridge钢筋混凝土桥 reinforced concrete bridge预应力混凝土桥 prestressed concrete bridge钢桥 steel bridge圬工桥 masonry bridge木桥 timber bridge正交桥 right bridge斜交桥 skew bridge弯桥 curved bridge坡桥 bridge on slope斜桥 skew bridge正桥 right bridge上承式桥 deck bridge中承式桥 half-through bridge下承式桥 through bridge梁桥 beam bridge简支梁桥 simple supported beam bridge连续梁桥 continuous beam bridge悬臂梁桥 cantilever beam bridge联合梁桥 composite beam bridge板桥 slab bridge拱桥 arch bridge双曲拱桥 two-way curved arch bridge空腹拱桥 open spandrel arch bridge实腹拱桥 filled spandrel arch bridge系杆拱桥 bowstring arch bridge桁架桥 truss bridge刚构桥 rigid frame bridgeT 形刚构桥 T-shaped rigid frame bridge连续刚构桥 continuous rigid frame bridge斜腿刚构桥 rigid frame bridge with inclined 1egs 斜拉桥(斜张桥) cable stayed bridge悬索桥 suspension bridge漫水桥 submersible bridge浮桥 pontoon bridge开启桥 movable bridge装配式桥 fabricated bridge装拆式钢桥 fabricated steel bridge涵洞 culvert管涵 pipe culvert拱涵 arch culvert箱涵 box culvert盖板涵 slab culvert无压力式涵洞 non-pressure culvert压力式涵洞 pressure culvert半压力式涵洞 partial pressure culvert倒虹吸涵 siphon culvert上部结构 superstructure主梁 main beam横梁 floor beam纵梁 longitudinal beam,stringer挂梁 suspended beam拱圈 arch,ring拱上结构 spandrel structure腹拱 spandrel arch拱上侧墙 spandrel wall桥面系 floor system,bridge decking桥面铺装 bridge deck pavement伸缩缝 expansion and contraction joint桥面伸缩装置 bridge floor expansion and contraction installation安全带 safety belt桥头搭板 transition slab at bridge head 下部结构 substructure桥墩 pier墩身 pier body墩帽 coping盖梁 bent cap破冰体 ice apron重力式桥墩 gravity pier实体桥墩 solid pier空心桥墩 hollow pier柱式桥墩 column pier排架桩墩 pile bent pier柔性墩 flexible pier制动墩 braking pier单向推力墩 single direction thrusted pier 桥台 abutment台身 abutment body前墙 front wall翼墙 wing walls台帽 coping锥坡 conical slope耳墙 wing wallsU 形桥台 U-shaped abutment八字形桥台 flare wing wall abutment一字形桥台 head wall abutment,straight abutment 重力式桥台 gravity abutment埋置式桥台 buried abutment扶壁式桥台 counterforted abutment锚锭板式桥台 anchored bulkhead abutment支撑式桥台 supported type abutment地基 subsoil加固地基 consolidated subsoil天然地基 natural subsoil基础 foundation扩大基础 spread foundation沉井基础 open caisson foundation管柱基础 cylindrical shaft foundation桩基础 pile foundation桩 pile预制桩 precast pile就地灌注桩 cast-in-place concrete pile摩擦桩 friction pile支承桩 bearing pile承台 bearing platform支座 bearing固定支座 fixed bearing活动支座 expansion bearing索塔 cable bent tower索鞍 cable saddle调治构造物 regulating structure丁坝 spur dike顺坝 longitudinal dam桥位 bridge site桥梁全长 total length of bridge主桥 main bridge引桥 approach span跨径 span桥涵计算跨径 computed span桥涵净跨径 clear span矢跨比 rise span ratio计算矢高 calculated rise of arch桥下净空 clearance of span桥面净空 clearance above bridge floor桥梁建筑高度 construction height of bridge荷载 load永久荷载 permanent load可变荷载 variable load偶然荷载 accidental load荷载组合 loading combinations车辆荷载标准 loading standard for design vehicle 设计荷载 design load施工荷载 construction load梁 beam简支梁 simple-supported beam连续梁 continuous beam悬臂梁 cantilever beam板 slab拱 arch桁架 truss刚构 rigid frame柱 column强度 strength刚度 stiffness,rigidity抗裂度 crack resistance稳定性 stability位移 displacement变形 deformation挠度 deflection预拱度 camber流域 catchment basin集水面积 runoff area径流 runoff水文测验 hydrological survey河床 river bed河槽 river channel主槽 main channel边滩 side shoal河滩 rlood land河床宽度 bed width河槽宽度 channel width过水断面 discharge section水位 water level最高(或最低)水位maximum(minimum)water level 通航水位 navigable water level设计水位 design water lever水面比降 water surface slope河床比降 gradient of river bed湿周 weffed perimeter糙率 coefficient of roughuess水力半径 hydraulic radius水文计算 hydrological computation设计流量 designed discharge设计流速 designed flow velocity行近流速 approach velocity洪水调查 flood survey洪水频率 flood frequency设计洪水频率 designed flood frequency潮汐河流 tidal river悬移质 suspended load推移质 bed material load水力计算 hydraulic computation水头 water head冲刷 scour桥下一般冲刷 general scour under bridge桥墩(或台)局部冲刷local scour near pier自然演变冲刷 natural scour冲刷系数 coefficient of scouring淤积 silting壅水 back water流冰 ice drift先张法 pretensioning method后张法 post-tensioning method缆索吊装法 erection with cableway悬臂拼装法 erection by protrusion悬臂浇筑法 cast-in-place cantilever method移动支架逐跨施工法 span by span method纵向拖拉法 erection by longitudinal pulling method 顶推法 incremental launching method转体架桥法 construction by swing浮运架桥法 erecting by floating顶入法 jack-in method围堰 cofferdam护筒 pile casing隧道 tunnel洞门 tunnel portal衬砌 tunnel lining明洞 open cut tunnel围岩 surrounding rork隧道建筑限界 structural approach limit of tunnels 明挖法 open cut method矿山法 mine tunnelling method盾构法 shield tunnelling method沉埋法(沉管法) immersed tunnel导坑 heading隧道支撑 tunnel support构件支撑 element support喷锚支护 lock bolt support with shotcrete隧道通风 tunnel ventilation隧道照明 tunnel lighting养护 maintenance定期养护 periodical maintenance 巡回养护 patrol maintenance大中修周期 maintenance period 小修保养 routine maintenance中修 intermediate maintenance 大修 heavy maintenance改善工程 road inprovement抢修 emergency repair of road 加固 strengthening of structure 回砂 sand sweeping罩面 overlay of pavement路面翻修 pavement recapping路向补强 pavement strengthening 车辙 rutting路面搓板 surface corrugation路面网裂 net-shaped cracking路面龟裂 alligator cracking路面碎裂 pavement spalling反射裂缝 reflection crack路面坑槽 pot holes路面冻胀 surface frost heave路面沉陷 pavement depression路面滑溜 surface slipperiness 露骨 surface angularity啃边 edge failure泛油 bleeding拥包 upheaval拱胀 blow up错台 faulting of slab ends错位 slab staggering滑坡 slide坍方 land slide崩塌 collapse碎落 debris avalanche沉降 settlement沉陷 subsidence泥石流 mud avalanche(振动)液化 liquefaction翻浆 frost boiling岩溶 karst沙害 sand hazard雪害 snow hazard水毁 washout好路率 rate of good roads养护质量综合值 general rating of maintenance quality 路容 road appearance路况 road condition路况调查 road condition survey路政管理 rlad administration民工建勤 civilian labourers working on public project 养路费 toll of road maintenance养路道班 maintenance gang粒料 granular material集料(骨料) aggregate矿料 mineral aggregate矿粉 mineral powder砂 sand砾石 gravel砂砾 sand gravel卵石 cobble stone碎石 broken stone,crushed stone片石 rubble块石 block stone料石 dressed stone石屑 chip工业废渣 industrial solid waste结合料 binder有机结合料 organic binding agent沥青 bitumen地沥青 asphalt天然沥青 natural asphalt石油沥青 petroleum asphalt煤沥青 coal tar乳化沥青 emulsified bitumen氧化沥青 oxidized asphalt路用沥青 road bitumen无机结合料 inorganic binding agent粉煤灰 fly ash混合料 mixture沥青混合料 bituminous mixture沥青混凝土混合料 bituminous concrete mixture 沥青碎石混合料 bituminous macadam mixture沥青砂 asphalt sand沥青膏 asphalt mastic水泥砂浆 cement mortar石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥混凝土混合料 cement concrete mixture水泥混凝土 cement concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete预应力(钢筋)混凝土 prestressed concrete早强混凝土 early strength concrete干硬性混凝土 dry concrete贫混凝土 lean concrete轻质混凝土 light-weight concrete纤维混凝土 fibrous concrete外掺剂 admixture减水剂 water reducing agent加气剂 air entraining agent早强剂 early strength agent缓凝剂 retarder钢筋 steel bar预应力钢材prestressing steel高强钢丝 high tensile steel wire钢铰线stranded steel wire冷拉钢筋cold-stretched steel bar冷拔钢丝cold-drawn steel wire高强螺栓 high strength bolt空隙率 porosity孔隙比 void ratio粒径 grain size颗粒组成 grain composition细度 fineness筛分 sieve analysis级配 gradation级配曲线 grading curve最佳级配 optimum gradation含水量 water content最佳含水量 optimum water content稠度界限 consistency limit液限 liquid limit塑限 plastic limit缩限 shrinkage limit塑性指数 plasticity index水泥标号 cement mark水泥混凝土标号 cement concrete mark水泥混凝土配合比 proportioning of cement concrete 水灰比 water cement ratio和易性 workability坍落度 slump硬化 hardening水硬性 hydraulicity气硬性 air hardening离析 segregation徐变 creep老化 ageing(沥青)稠度consistency (of bitumen)针入度 penetration粘(滞)度 viscosity软化点 softening point延度 ductility闪点 flash point溶解度 dissolubility热稳性 hot stability水稳性 water stability油石化 asphalt-aggregate ratio含油率 bitumen content压碎率 rate of crushing磨耗度 abrasiveness弹性模量 modulus of elasticity回弹模量 modulus of resilience劲度(模量) stiffness modulus模量比 modulus ratio泊松比 Poisson's ratio疲劳试验 fatigue test劈裂试验 splitting test三轴试验 triaxial test击实试验 compaction test触探试验 cone penetration test弯沉试验 deflection test环道试验 circular track test承载板试验 loading plate test透水性试验 perviousness test车辙试验 wheel tracking test马歇尔试验 Marshall stability test压实度试验 compactness test铺砂法 sand patch method硬练胶砂强度试验 earth-dry mortar strength-test 软练胶砂强度试验 plastic mortar strength-test (水泥)安定性试验 soundness test(of cement)击实仪 compaction test equipment长杆贯入仪 penetration test equipment承载板 loading plate杠杆弯沉仪 beam lever deflectometer路面曲率半径测定仪 surface-curvature apparatus路面平整度测定仪 vlameter路面透水度测定仪 surface permeameter五轮仪 fifth-wheel tester制动仪 skiddometer速度检测器 speed detector万能试验机 universal testing machine三轴(剪切)仪 triaxial shear equipment加州承载比(CBR)测定仪 California bearing ratio-tester标准筛 standard sieves(沥青)针入度仪 penetrometer(沥青)粘度仪 viscosimeter(沥青)延度仪 ductilometer(沥青)软化点仪(环—球法) softening point tester(ring-ball method)闪点仪(开口杯式) flash point tester(open cup method)马歇尔稳定度仪 Marshall stability apparatus(沥青混合料)抽提仪 bitumen extractor砂浆稠度仪 mortar penetration tester坍落度圆锥筒 slump cone标准工业粘度计 standard concrete consisto-meter饱和面干吸水率试模 saturated-surface-duied moistureretention tester撞击韧度试验机 impact toughness machine圆盘耐磨硬度试验机 wear hardness machine狄法尔磨耗试验机 Deval abrasion testing machine洛杉矶磨耗试验机 Los Angeles abrasion testing- machine压碎率试模 crushing strength tester单斗挖掘机 single-bucket excavator推土机 bulldozer除根机 rootdozer铲运机 scraper平地机 grader挖沟机 trencher耕耘机 cultivator松土机 ripper松土搅拌机 pulvi-mixer稳定土拌和机 stabilizer凿岩机 rock breaker碎石机 stone crusher碎石撒布机 stone spreader装载机 loader羊足压路机 sheep-foot roller手扶式单轮压路机 walk behind single drum蛙式打夯机 frog rammer内燃夯实机 internal combustion compactor铁夯(铁撞柱) tamping iron压路机 roller振动压路机 vibratory roller沥青加热器 asphalt heater沥青泵 asphalt pump沥青洒布机 asphalt sprayer沥青洒布车 asphalt distributor沥青混合料拌和设备 asphalt mixing plant沥青混合料摊铺机 asphalt paver散装水泥运输车 cement deliver truck水泥混凝土混合料拌和设备 concrete mixing plant(水泥混凝土混合料)搅拌运输车concrete deliver truck 水泥混凝土混合料摊铺机 concrete paver振捣器 concrete vibrator水泥混凝土混合料整面机 concrete finisher真空泵 vacuum pump水泥混凝土路面切缝机concrete Joint cutter水泥混凝土路面锯缝机 concrete saw水泥混凝土路面清缝机concrete joint cleaner水泥混凝土路面填缝机concrete joint sealer水泵 pump泥浆泵 mud pump张拉钢筋油泵 prestressed steel bar drawing oil pump砂浆泵 mortar pump水泥混凝土混合料泵 concrete pump钢筋切断机 bar shear钢筋冷轧机 cold-rolling mill钢筋冷拉机 steel stretcher钢筋冷拔机 steel bar cold-extruding machine钢筋冷镦机 steel bar heading press machine钢筋拉伸机 steel extension machine钢筋弯曲机 steel bar bender钢筋调直机 steel straighten machine对焊机 butt welder钻孔机 boring machine打桩机 pile driver拔桩机 pile extractor千斤顶 jack张拉预应力钢筋千斤顶 prestressed steel bar drawing jack 手拉葫芦 chain block起重葫芦 hoisting block卷扬机 hoister缆索吊装设备 cableway erecting equipment起重机 crane架桥机 bridge erection equipment砂筒 sand cylinder盾构 shield全气压盾构 compressed air shield半盾构 roof shield隧道掘进机 tunnel boring machine全断面隧道掘进机 tunnel boring machine for full section 喷枪 shotcrete equipment:装碴机 mucker盾构千斤顶 main jack拉合千斤顶 pull-in jacks复拌沥青混合料摊铺机 asphalt remixer路面铣削机 pavemill回砂车 sand sweeping equipment除雪机 snow plough装雪机 snow Loader洗净剂喷布车 detergent spray truck清扫车 sweeper洒水车 water truck划标线机 Line maker振动筛 vibrating screen撒布机 spreader输送机 conveyer提升机 elevator翻斗车 dump-body car自卸汽车 dumping wagon牵引车 tow truck拖车头 tractor truck挂车 trailer平板车 flat truck工程车 shop truck万能杆件 fabricated universal steel members 交通规则 traffic rules交通事故 traffic accident交通事故率 traffic accident rate人口事故率 population accident rate车辆事故率 vehicle accident rate运行事故率 operating accident rate交通控制 traffic control中央控制台 central control unit点控制 spot control线控制 line control面控制 area control交通信号 traffic signal交通信号灯 traffic signal lamp信号周期 signal cycle绿信比 split ratio信号相位 signal phase相位差 phase difference绿波 green wave交通监视系统 traffic surveillance 交通公害 vehicular pollution。



Bit 钻头Bit Per Second bps 每秒传输的位数Bitumen 沥青Bituminous Joint Fillers 沥青接缝填充料Bituminous Material 沥青材料Bituminous Overlay 沥青封层Bituminous Pavement Road 沥青铺路Bituminous Penetration Macadam 灌入式沥青路面Bituminous Pressure Distributor 沥青压力散布机Bituminous Sand Slu rry 沥青沙浆Bituminous Surface Treatment 沥青表面处理Bituminous Water Pro of Coating 沥青防水层Bituminous Treated Base BTB 沥青处理底层Bituminous Treated Sand Gravel 沥青处理砂砾Black-Hole Effect 黑洞效应Balance Cut and Fill 挖填之平衡Blast 开炸Blast Pad 喷气防护坪Blasting Method 炸移法Bleedi ng 路面冒油Blight proof courses 病虫害防治Blood alcohol concentration 血液中酒精浓度Blown Asphalt 吹制沥青Boiling 砂涌Bonding Agent 黏着剂Bore 钻凿Bored pile 钻掘桩Borehole 钻孔Boring 钻探Boring log 钻孔柱状图Boring ma chine 钻机Boring Rod 钻杆Boring-core 钻孔岩心Borrow 借土;借方Borrow ar ea 借土区Borrow Pit 借土坑;取土坑Bottle neck control 瓶颈路段(地点)管制法Bottle Neck Road 瓶颈段;瓶颈路Bottleneck 瓶颈Bottom Course 底层Bottom Flange 下翼绿Boulder 卵石Box caisson 沉箱;箱式沉箱;匣式沉箱Box Culvert 箱涵;箱形涵洞Box Drain 水沟渠;匣形沟渠Box girder 箱形梁Bracing 支撑Bra cket / Chassis 拖架Brake failure, Defective brake 煞车失灵Brake light 煞车灯Brake Reaction time 煞车反应时间;制动反应时间Braking Distance 剎车视距(停车视距)Braking system 煞车系统Branch and Bound Algorithm 分枝界定法Bre akdowns 故障Breaking of Emulsion 乳化沥青黏结Breaking Wave 碎波Breakaw ay 脱离式接头Breath alcohol concentration 呼气酒精含量Brick Pavement 砖铺路面;砖铺面Brick Pavement Road 砖铺路Brick Road 砖面路Bridge 桥梁Bridg e Abutment 桥台Bridge Approach 桥粱引道Bridge bearing 桥支承Bridge deck 桥面板Bridge deck/floor 桥面Bridge expansion joint 桥面伸缩缝Bridge floor 桥面Bridge head 桥塔Bridge inspection 桥梁检测Bridge Management System 桥梁管理系统Bridge pier 桥墩Bridge railing 桥栏杆Bridge span 桥跨Brightness 照杜;辉杜;明亮度Brightness contrast 辉度对照比Brittle fracture 碎裂Brittlenes s 脆性;脆度Gravel Road 碎石路Broken Stone Surface 碎石路面Broken-back Curve 断背曲线Broken-Beach Grade Line 破背坡度线Benkelman Beam 彭柯曼梁Buckling 挫屈;路面拱起Budget 预算经费Budgetary estimate 经费概算Buffer缓冲剂;缓冲器Buffer buildings 缓冲建筑物Buffer distance 缓冲距离Buffer rea ch 缓冲段Buffer time 缓冲时间Buffer zone 缓冲带Building Code 建筑规刖;建筑法规Building Coverage Ratio 建蔽率;建筑面积比Building Line 建筑线Built-in Parking Facilities 建筑物附设停车空间Bulb Type 球状Bulk Density 虚松体密度Bulk Specific Gravity 松比重;容积比重;虚比重Bulkhead 隔墙;天窗;驳岸;隔舱Bull Dozer 堆土机Bulldozer 推土机Bulldozer Blade 刮刀Bullet-nose 弹头尖端式Bullet-nose Form 弹头式Bumper 保险杆Bundle method 光束法Bureau of P ublic Road (renamed to FHWA) 美国联邦公路局Bus 大客车Bus Bay 公车湾Bu s company 公车公司Bus driver 公车驾驶员Bus driving 公车运行Bus Exclusive Lane 公车专用道Bus fare 公车费率Bus Lane 公车专用车道Bus management information system 公车管理信息系统Bus network 公车路网Bus Operating Rate /Bus Dispatching Rate 出车率Bus operation 公车营运Bus operation manageme nt 公车营运管理Bus parking area 大客车停车场Bus Rapid Transit 公车捷运Bu s ridership 公车运量Bus route 公车路线Bus route inquiring system 公车路线查询系统Bus scheduling 公车排班Bus speed limits 公车速限Bus station 公车停靠站Bus stop spacing 公车站距Bus Street 公车专用街道Bus system design 公车系统设计Bus system, Bus transit system, Public bus system 公车系统Bus T erminal 公车终站;公车总站;公车场站Bus transportation 公车运输Bus, Public b us 公共汽车Buses 大客革Bush hammering 粗面石工Business District 商业区Business Vehicle 营业车辆Bus-Kilometer 客车行驶里程Busway 公车专用道Butt Joint 平头接缝Button reflector 反光钮Buttressed Wall 外支墙Buttressed Abut ment 撑式桥台墙Buttressed Retaining Wail 外支式挡土墙Bypass highway 绕越公路Bypass road 外环道Bypass route 绕道路线Bypass Street 绕越街Bypassin g Traffic 绕越交通Bystreet 支街Cab Signal 车厢号志Cab, Taxi 出租车Cable Car, Cableway 空中缆车Cable stayed bridge 斜张桥;斜索桥Cable Suspension Bridge 索桥Caboose 车务员专用车Cadastral map 地籍图Cadastral Survey 地籍测量California Bearing Ratio CBR 加州乘载力比Canal Aqueduct 输水桥Canal Bridge 渠桥Canal Tunnel 输水隧道Cancellation 注销Candle (Candle Power) Cd, Cp 单位:烛光Cantilever Bridges 悬臂式桥梁Cantilever method 悬臂工法Cantilever retaining wall 悬臂挡土墙Cantilever type retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙Cap 桩帽;雷管(俗)Capacitat ed arc routing problem 容量限制弦路径车辆行驶问题Capacitated freight distributi on 零担货物运输Capacity 容量;涵容性Capacity analysis 容积分析Capacity and level of service analysis 容量与服务水准分析Capacity constraint, Capacity restr iction 容量限制Capacity estimation 容量估计Capacity limitation 容量极限值Cap acity model 容量模式Capacity of Bus Line 公车路线容量Capacity reduction fact or, Strength reduction factor 强度折减因子Capacity utilization 容量使用率Capilla ry Lift 毛管水升高度;毛细管水升高度Capillarity 毛细管作用;毛细管现象Captive Riders 无自由选择的乘客Captive Transit Rider 大众运输固有使用者Car accident, Traffic accident 交通事故Car accreditation system 车辆认证制度Car body 车体Car detector, Vehicular detector 车辆侦测器Car following model 跟车模式;自动跟车系统Car navigation system 汽车导向系统Car Ownership 汽车持有;汽车持有权Car Pooling, Carpool 汽车共乘Car, Vehicle 车辆Carbon Dioxide CO2 二氧化碳Carphone 车用电话Car-Rental Carrier 小客车租赁业Carriage 马车Carrier wave 载波Casing 套管Cast stone 人造石Cast-in-place pile 场铸桩Cast-in-plac e (CIP) Concrete 场铸混凝土Casualty 伤亡Catalog Service Interface Specificati on 目录服务接口规范Catch Basin 集水井;截流井Catch Drain 排水沟;截水沟C atch Feeder 灌溉水道Cathodic method 阴极防锈法Cationic Asphalt Emulsions 阳离子乳化沥青Caution Light 警告灯Caution Sign 警告标;警告标志Caution Si gnal 注意信号;警告号志Cavitations 孔蚀现象;穴蚀现象Concrete Pavement 混凝土路面Critical Speed 临界速率Cement Grout 灌水泥浆;水泥灌喷枪Cement g routing 水泥灌浆Cement mortar 水泥砂浆Cement Paste 水泥浆Cement Treate d Sand Gravel 水泥处理砂砾Cencrete Cribbing 框式混凝土挡土墙Census 普查Center Frog k形岔心Center Island 中央岛Center Line 中线;中心线Center Lin e Lane 中心车道;中央车道Center Line Marking 中心标线Center Platform (Islan d Platform) 岛式站台Center Span 中央跨孔Center(line) stake 中心桩Centerline 中心线Center-to-Center C2C 中心与中心Center-to-Field C2F 中心与现场Centr al Business District CBD 中心商业区Central corridor system 中央走廊系统Centr al Cross-Island Highway, East-West Cross-Island Highway 中横公路Central Divi der 中央分向岛Central Island 分隔岛;中央岛;分向岛Central Mixing Plant 中央拌合厂Central projection 中心投影Central Shopping area 中央商业区Centralize d Control System 集中式控制系统Centralized Traffic Control CTC 中央行车控制法Centrifugal force 离心力Centrifuge Cup 离心杯Centrifuge Kerosene Equivale nt CKE 离心煤油当量法Certification, Accreditation 认证;核准Change License 换照Change of Registration 变更登记Changeable Message Sign, Variable Mes sage Sign CMS 信息可变标志Changeable Speed Limit Sign CSLS 速限可变标志Changing Lane 变换车道Channel 槽道Channelized Intersection 槽化交叉Ch annelization 槽化Channelization island 槽化岛Channelized Intersection 槽化式交叉;槽化路口Channelizing Island 槽化岛Channelizing Line 槽化线;检核点Ch aracteristic Deflection 代表性挠度Character arrangement 文字排列方式Character size 文字尺寸Charging system 收费系统Charter Bus 专用游览车Check Point 检核点Check Valve 逆止阀Chemical grouting 药液灌浆Chevron of divergence 分流式山形条纹Chevron of mergence 并流式山形条纹Chevron strip 山形条纹C hief Engineer 总工程司Child pick-up area 家长接送区Children-only Bus 幼童专用车Chinese road sign 中文道路标志Chord 弦;弦杆Chord Length 弦长Chute 竖槽;陡槽;吊沟Circle 周期Circle/Roundabout 圆环Circuit 环道(测);电话(电)Circuit-switched Public Data Network CSPDN 线路交换公众数据网络Circular Ar ch 圆拱;弧拱Circular Curve 圆曲线;单曲线;圆弧曲线Circular failure 圆弧型破坏Circular green light 圆形绿灯Circular rod level 圆盒水准器Circular sliding su rface 圆弧滑动面Circulation 通风;交通Circulation Map 交通图Circulation syste m 转乘系统Circumferential street (road) 外环(环状)道路City Bus 市区公共汽车City Planning 都市计画City Planning Commission 都市计画委员会City Plannin g Law 都市计画法City Rebuilding 都市重建City Transit 都市大众运输Clamshell 抓式挖土机Classification Count 分类调查Classification of road 道路分类Classi fication of Soil 土壤分类Clear distance 净距Clear height 净空高Clear Span 净跨距Clear Zone 清除区Clearance 净距Clearance Height 净高Clearance Lost Time 清道损失时间Clearance time 清道时间Climate Conditions 气候情况Climbi ng Lane 爬坡道.爬坡车道Clinker 溶块Close Network 封闭网络Close System Toll Station 封闭制收费站Close Tunnel 隧道区Closed Circuit Television Camera CCTV 闭路电视摄影机Closed Loop 封闭环路Closed Network 网络系统Closedtraverse 闭合导线Clothoid Curve (Clothide) 螺旋曲线;克罗梭曲线;罗线形曲线Clover Leaf Interchange 四叶形交流道;苜蓿叶形交流道CO Detector 一氧化碳侦测器Coarse Aggregate 粗粒料;粗骨材Code 规范;数值Coefficient of friction, Friction coefficient, Frictional coefficient 摩擦系数Coefficient of Kinenatic Viscosit y 动黏滞系数Coefficient of kurtosis 峰度系数Coefficient of Side Friction 侧犘擦系数Coefficient of Subgrade 路基抗力系数Cofferdam 围堰Coefficient of Utilitiz ation CU 照明率Cohesion 凝聚力;黏力;黏结力Cohesion of soil 土壤之凝聚力Cohesive value 凝聚值Cold-Mix Asphalt Concrete 泠拌沥青混凝土Collector Ditc h 集水沟Collector Road 连络道路Collector Street 联络道路Collector-distributor Roads 集散道Collision 冲撞;碰撞Collision Accident 碰撞事故Collision area 碰撞区Collision diagram 碰撞图;相横示意因Collision Warning Systems 碰撞预警系统Color Light Signal 色灯号志Color contrast 色彩对比Color quality 光色品质Combination Truck Tractor-trailer 联结车Commercial Center 商业中心Commerci al District 商业区Commerical Driver's License CDL 大型车辆驾照(16人以上)Commercial Fleet Management 商用车队管理Commercial Motor Vehicle CMV 商业用车Commercial Speed 商业运转速率Commercial Traffic 商车交通量Commer cial Vehicle Electronic Credential Management 商用车辆电子凭证管理Commercia l Vehicle Operating System 商用车营运系统Commercial Vehicle Operations CV O 商车营运系统Commercial Vehicle Operations Services CVOS 商车营运服务C ommodity 商品Community Center 杜区中心Community Planning 社区规画Com muter 通勤者Commuter Rate 回数费率Commuter Rail, Commuter Train 通勤火车Commuting Distance 通勤距离Compacted Subgrade 压实路基Compaction 夯实;压实Compaction effort 夯实能量Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 征收补偿Compensation for Damage 损失赔偿Compensation for the land price 地价补偿Complementary Route 补充路线Complex intersection 复合适交叉路口Composit e Beam 合成粱;复合粱Composition of Traffic 交通组成Compound Curve 复曲线Comprehensive 整体性Comprehensive parking program 综合性停车计画Com prehensive Planning 综合性计画Compressibility of Soil 土壤压缩性Compression 压缩;压力Compression Stress 压应力Compressive Strength 抗压强度Compul sory Purchase 征收Computer signal 计算机号志Computer signal lamp system计算机号志系统Computer-Aided Dispatching System 计算机辅助派车系统Compu terized traffic signal system 计算机化号志系统Concave 凹Concave Bank 凹岸Concave curve 凹形曲线Concave Joint 四缝Concave-convex 凹凸形Concentra ted load 集中荷重Concentration time 集流时间Concentric opposed plane helica l ramp 同心反向螺旋状匝道Concrete 混凝土Concrete barrier (New Jersey) 纽泽西(混凝土)护栏Concrete islands 混凝土交通岛Concrete joint 混凝土接缝Conc rete Mixing 混凝拌合机Concrete Overlays 混凝土路面加铺Concrete pavement 混凝土铺面Cone 交通锥Cone of acute vision 明晰视锥角Cone of glance area 瞥视锥角范围Cone of sight 视锥角Conflict 冲突Conflict analysis 冲突分析Co nflict Area 冲突区域Conflict lane change 冲突性变换车道Conflict management 冲突管理Conflict point 冲突点Congestion 拥挤Congestion degree 拥挤度Cong estion delay 拥挤延滞Congestion dummy variable 拥挤虚拟变量Congestion pric ing 拥挤定价Congestion Time 拥挤时间Congestion toll 拥挤费Conical Surface 圆锥面Connecting Road 连络公路Connector 连接道路Consistency 稠度Consol idation 压实;固结;压密Consolidation Rate 压密率Construction Contract 工程合约Construction Joint 施工接缝Construction Load 施工道路Construction Plannin g 施工计画Construction Sign 施工标志Construction Specification 施工规范Cons truction/Maintenance Zone 施工维修区Contact detector 接触式侦测器Contact str ip 接触带Container Packing Shed 货柜并装通栈Container parking area 联结车停车场Container Trucking Carrier 货柜运输业Continuous Mixing Plant 连绩式拌合厂Continuous move-up operation 连续跟进行为Continuous Station 长期观测站Continuous Volume-count Program 长期持续**通量调查Continuously reinforced concrete pavement CRCP 连续钢筋混凝土路面Continuous-Mix Plant 连续式拌合厂Contour Interval 等高线间隔;等高距Contour Line 等高线Contour Map 等高线图Contours 等高线Contract 契约Contract Change Order 契约变更通知Contr action Joint 收缩接缝Contractor 承包商Contraflow bus lane 逆向公车专用道Co ntributing area 集水面积Control Count 控制量交通调查Control of Access 出入管制Control point comparison 控制点比较法Control points 控制点Control Radi us 控制半径Control section 管制路段Control span 控制限制Control Station 控制站Control strategy, Regulation strategy 管制策略Control survey, Control surveying 控制测量Controlled Access Highway 出入管制公路Controller 控制器Cont rolling Load 控制轮重Convenience store 贩卖区Conventional Roundabout 传统圆环Conventional Simulcast Radio System 同频发射共波式无线电话系统Convert ed traffic 转乘交通量Convex Function 凸函数Convex Joint 凸接缝Conveyer 输送机Conviction 违规Convoy 车队Cooperative Planning 合作规划Coordinate sc heduling 协调排班Coordinated control 连锁控制Coordinated Control Signal 连锁控制号志Capital Cost 公路资本Cordon Count 周界交通量调查;内圈交通量调查Cordon Line 区域线;周界线Corridor 交通通廊Corridor Control 通廊控制Cost of Service 服务成本Count-down pedestrian signal 行人倒数计时显示器Counter flo w 对向车流Counter map 等量线图Counter Wall 等高线Country road 乡道Cou rier service 快递服务Covered Conduit 暗渠Covered Ditch 加盖暗沟Crack Spac ing 裂纹间距Crash 冲撞;碰撞Crawling lane 爬坡道Creep 潜变Crest Vertical Curve 凸形竖曲线Crew scheduling 人员排程Crib retaining wall 框条式挡土墙Cr itical bottleneck 关键瓶颈Critical gap 临界间距Critical Length of Grade 披道临界长度Critical Path 要径Critical Path Method CPM 要径法Critical Point 临界点Critical rate of flow 临界流率Critical Slope 临界坡度Critical speed 临界速度C ritical Zone 临界区Crop 露头Cross road 十字路口;交叉路;十字路Cross Secti on 断面;横断面;截面Cross Slope 横向坡度Cross walk 行人穿越道Crossing 穿越Crossing facility 穿越设施Crossing maneuver 交叉穿越运行Crossing point 交会点Crossing rate 穿越率Crosswalk Line 行人穿越道线Crowding 拥挤Crow n 路拱;路冠Crown Ditch 坡顶截流沟Crown line 路拱线Crude Oil 原油Cruise control 自动控速Crusher 碎石机Cubic Parabola 二次拋物线Cul-De-Sac 死巷C ulvert 涵洞;箱涵Curb 缘石;路边石;护角Curb Bus Lane 设于路缘之公车专用车道Curb ditch 路缘浅沟Curb inlet 路缘进水口;绿石进水口Curb Lane 缘侧车道;路缘车道Curb Line 路边线Curb Loading Zone 沿路载货区;路旁装卸地带Curb Marking 缘石标线Curb parking 路边停车(场)Curb ramp 缘石坡道Cure 养治Curing 湿治;养护Curing age 养护材龄Curing compound 养护剂Curing Room 养护室;保养室Current Traffic 当时交通量;现有交通量Curvature 曲度;曲率Cu rve 曲线;曲线板;弯道Curve Path 曲线路线Curve, Bend 弯道Curved Bridge 曲线桥Cushion material 缓冲材料Cushioning effect 缓冲效应Cut 挖方Cut andcover method 明挖覆盖法(隧道)Cut and Fill 挖填(动词);挖方和填方(名词)Cut-Back Asphalt 油溶沥青Cycle 周期Cycle Expansion/Contraction 周期增长缩短法Cycle slips 周波脱落Cycle Time 周期时间Cyclic scheduling 循环排班Daily Rainfall 日雨量Daily time pattern 每日时态Daily Traffic 日交通量Daily variation diagram 日变化图Datum 基面Datum mark 基准点Datum Level 基准面Datum Line 基准线;基准面Datum Place 基准面Day Light Signal 日光式号志;灯光式号志Day Work System 日工制;点工制Daylight illumination 日光照明Dense-Graded Asphalt Concrete DGAC 密级配沥青混凝土Debris 漂流物;碎片D ebris flow 土石流Debris hazard 土石灾害Deceleration 减速度Deceleration forc e 减速力Deceleration lane 减速车道Decentralize, Multilevel Control System 分布式多层控制系统Decision sight distance 反应视距Deck 版Deck Floor 桥面D eck Truss 面层式Deep excavation 深开挖Deep well method 深井法Default 违约(动词)Default value 内设值Defective brake 煞车失灵Deflection 变位;挠度Deflection angle 倾斜角Deflection inclinometer 倾斜仪Deformation 变形Deform ed Bar 竹节钢筋Deformed Plate 弯曲钣Deformed Plate Joint 曲板接缝Defrosti ng 解冻Degree of brightness 辉度水准;照度水准Degree of Compaction 压实度Degree of Congestion 拥塞度Degree of curvature 曲度Degree of loading 负荷度Degree of Saturation 饱和度Delay 延迟;迟延Delay duration 延滞持续时间Delay in queue 等候延滞Delay in system 系统延滞Delay model 延滞模式Del ay rate, rate of delay 延滞率Delay study 延滞研究Delay timer 延滞定(对)时器Delineators 反光导标Delivery area 卸货区Delivery system 配送系统Delivery ti me 递送时间;送货时间Demand Curve 需求曲线Demand Response, Dial-a-Ride 拨召车辆Demand volume 需求流量Demand-Capacity Control 需求容量控制De mand-supply of parking spaces 停车空间的供需问题Demographic Data 人口资料Dense Grade Asphalt Concrete DGAC 密级配沥青混凝土Dense-Graded Aggreg ate 密级配粒料Density 密度Density of Traffic 交通密度;车流密度Density of vo lume 流量密度Department of Transportation DOT 运输部Departure Headway 纾解间距Departure rate 离开率Dependent signal control 相依号志控制Depot 检修处Depth Factor 深度因子Design Capacity 设计容量Design Controls and C riteria 设计控制与标准Design curve 设计曲线Design Designation 设计要件Design frequency 设计频率Design Hourly Volume DHV 设计小时交通量Design Lan e 设计车道Design Level of Service 设计服务水准Design of Concrete Mix 混凝土配合设计Design Period 设计年限Design Period Adjustment 设计年限之校正系数Design rule 设计法则Design Speed 设计速率Design Structure Number 铺面设计结构数值Design Subgrade Strength 设计路基强度值Design Thickness 设计厚度Design Traffic Number 设计交通当量Design vehicle 设计(用)车辆;设计车型Design Wheel Load 设计轮重Design year 设计年Desire Line 旅次需求希望线;愿望线;期望路线Desire line chart 愿望线图Desire speed 愿望速率Desired Design Period 拟定之设计年限Destination 目的地Destination zone 讫点区Dete ctor 侦测器Deterring semibarrier 制止作用的半高式栅栏Deterioration 变质;恶化Deterministic Delay 固定延滞Deterministic Model 定值模式Detour 便道Deviatio n 偏位Device 设备D-factor D-因素;方向因素Diagonal crosswalk lines 班马纹行人穿越道Diagonal Parking 斜式停车道Diagrammatic map 示意图Dial 标度盘;刻度盘Dial a ride 拨召服务Dial Gauge 测微表Dial-a-Ride, Demand Response 拨召车辆Diamond bit 钻石钻头Diamond Interchange 茭形交流道;钻石型交流道Diamond Lane 划钻石标记的车道(给高乘载车辆使用)Diamond or parallel ramp 钻石型或平行匝道Diaphragm wall 地下连续壁Diatom 道线Diesel Fuel 柴油Diff use 扩散Digital image processing 数字影像处理Digital Map 数字地图Digital ter rain model 数值地形模型Digital topographic map 数值地形图Dilemma zone 疑虑判断区;犹豫区间;两难Dining area 餐饮区Dip 倾斜Dip slope 顺向坡Direct bus 直达公车Direct connection 直接连结式Direct Illumination 直接照明Direct p ath 直接行径Direction Factor 方向系数Direction Line 指向线Directional Angles 方向角Directional Distribution 方向分布Directional Interchange 直接式交流道Di rectional island 导向槽化岛;导向岛Directional Sign 方向标志Directional With Lo ops 附有圈道之直接交叉型Disabled parking lots 残障停车位Disabled toilet 残障厕所Disabling Injury 残障性伤害Discharge 流量Discharge Area 流量面积Disch arge Measurement 流量测量Discharge Rate 流出率Discomfort glare 不适眩光Dispatching 派车问题Dispatching efficiency 调度效率Dispatching of duty 勤务派遣Dispersed network equilibrium 分散路网均衡Dispersion 离差;离散Displacem ent 位移;变位Displacement Dial Indicator 位移测微表Display Panel 显示面版Disposal area 弃土区Distance 距离Distance based fare 里程费率Distance cha nge 距离变化Distance error 距离误差Distance Post 里程标Distance test 距离测试Distance-Measuring Equipment DME 测距仪Distress severity 破坏严重程度Distress survey 损坏调查Distributed Control System 分布式控制系统Distributio n 配销Distribution center 配运中心Distribution center, Goods distribution center 物流中心Distribution channel 流通通路District 小区District Engineer 工程处处长Disutility 负效用Ditch 边沟Ditching Machine 挖沟机Diverging 分流Divergin g area 分流区;分流区域Diverging conflicts 分流冲突点Diverging point 分流点D iversion flow 分道车流Divided Highway 分隔式公路Divided Road 分隔式道路Di viding Strip 分隔带Divisional island 分向岛;分向槽化岛Divorce 分开Do not cr oss 禁止跨越Do not enter 车道禁止进入;不准进入;请勿进入Do not enter sign 禁行方向标志Document Type Definition 文件型态定义Domain Expert 领域专家Domestic 本土的;区域的Door to door service 及门服务;及户服务Dot marker 圆点标物Double decked bus 双层巴士Double Opening 双开孔Double parking 并排停车Double Y type 双Y式Double-deck ramp 双层匝道Double-decked Bus 双层公车Dowel Bar 缀缝筋;接缝钢筋(横向)Down Grade 下坡Down Slope 卸坡Downgrade Ramp 下坡匝道Downhill Grade 下坡Downstream 下游Downs tream section 下游段;下流段Downtown street 闹市街道Dozer 推土机Dr. Sun Yat-Shen Highway, Sun Yat-Sen National Freeway 中山高速公路Drafting 绘制;绘图Drafting Room 制图室Draftsman 绘图员Dragline 扒土机Drain Ditch 排水沟Drain Pipe 排水管Drainage 排水Drainage pavement 排水性铺面Drainage B asin 流域Drainage Channel 排水渠Drainage Coefficient 排水系数Drainage Ditc h 排水沟Drainage Facilities 排水设施Drainage Pavement 排水铺面Drainage Pi pe 排水管Drainage System 雨水沟系Drawbar Pull 拉杆牵引力Drawing Intercha nge File 图形交换文件Drawings 图说Dredging 浚渫Driven pile 打击桩Driver 驾驶人Driver behavior model 驾驶者行为模式Driver behavior, Driving behavior 驾驶行为Driver characteristic 驾驶员特性Driver Expectancy 驾驶人期望Driver I nformation System 驾驶信息系统Driver Perception Reaction Distance 驾驶人反应距离Driver Reaction Time 驾驶人反应时间Driver training circuit 驾驶训练班D river's License 汽车驾驶执照;汽车驾照Driver's vision 驾驶人视觉Driveway 私用进出车道Driving Behavior 驾驶行为Driving Cycle 行车型态Driving environment 驾驶环境Driving pattern 行车型态Driving power 行进动力Driving rod 传动轴Driving school 驾训班Driving school training vehicles 教练车Driving Simulator 驾驶仿真器Driving Skill 驾驶技能Driving test 路试;桩试Driving under the influ ence of alcohol 酒后驾驶Dropping Weights 落锤式夯压机Drum Mix Plant 鼓式拌合厂Drunk driving enforcement acts 酒醉驾驶取缔法Dual Left Turn 双向左转Dual mode bus 双用途公车Ductility 延展性Dumper 倾卸车Durability Test 施工测量Duration 持续期间;延时Duration curve 延时曲线Duration of lane change operation 变换车道作业的延时Dynamic characteristics 动态特性Dynamic Informa tion Subsystem 动态信息次系统Dynamic route choice 动态路径选择Dynamic ro ute guidance 动态路径导引Dynamic route switching 动态路径变换Dynamic Seg mentation 动态分段Dynamic signal control 动态号志控制Dynamic system-optim um control model 动态系统最佳控制模式Dynamic timing computation 动态时制计算Dynamic traffic characteristic 动态交通特性Dynamic traffic signal control 动态交通号志控制系统Early age strength of concrete 混凝土早期强度Early cut-off period 早闭(关)时段Earth Embankment 土堤Earth Excavation 挖土Earth Fill 填土Earth slide 地滑Earth structure 土工结构物Earth Wedge 土楔Earth Work 路基土石方Eart hflow 泥流;土流Earthquake 地震Earthwork 土石方工程;土方Easement or Tra nsition Curve 渐曲线East-West Expressway 东西向快速公路Ecological Engineer ing Methods 生态工法Economic benefits analysis 经济效益分析Economical Hau l 经济运距Economy on Quantity of Haul 经济运量Effect of depth 深度效应Effe ctive contrast ratio 有效对照比Effective Diameter of Voids 有效孔隙粒径Effectiv e Green Time 有效绿灯时间Effective Normal Stress 效正应力Effective red (gre en) time 有效红(绿)灯时间Effective Specific Gravity 有效比重Effective unit we ight 有效单位重Effective width 有效路幅宽度Effectiveness 有效度Effluent 放流口;出流水Eighty-fifth Percentile Speed 85百分位速率Elastic Deformation 弹性变形Elastic equilibrium 弹性平衡Electric Lighting 照明Electric motorcycle 电动机车Electric public bus 电动公共汽车Electric room 电气室Electrical contact 电动侦测器Electrically operated meter 电动运转表Electrodynamics Suspension EDS 电动悬浮Electromagnetic Suspension EMS 电磁悬浮Electromechanical 机电式Electronic decade meter 电子十进(分)位表Electronic distance measurement instrument 电子测距仪Electronic gate 电子门;电动门Electronic theodolites 电子经纬仪Electronic Toll Collection 电子收费Element 单元;元素;要素Elemental maneuver area 基本运行区域Elemental weaving section 基本的交织段长度Elev ated Highway 高架公路Elevated observer method 居高观测(察)法Elevated rai l bridge 高架桥Elevation 标高;高程Elevation above mean sea-level 平均海水面Elevator 电梯Elimi nation of off-set leg 错开车道的消除Elongated area 延伸区域E-map of highway 公路电子地图Embankment 路堤Embedded Depth 浸没深度Emer gency 急难;紧急事故Emer gency delivery 紧急输送Eme rgency Escape Ramps 紧急出口匝道Emer gency evacuation 紧急疏散Emer gency Management Services EMS 紧急事故处理服务Emer gency Notification 紧急事故通告Emer gency response 紧急应变Emer gency r oad 紧急道路Emer gency service delivery 紧急运送服务Emer gency teleph one 紧急电话机Emer gency Vehicle Management 紧急救援车辆管理E minent Dom ain 地征收权Emotion or judgment 激发情绪或判断Employee 员工Employee buy-out 员工买断Employer 雇主Emulsified Asphalt 乳化沥肯Emulsified Asphalt slurry 乳化沥青砂浆Enabling act 权能附与方案Enabl ing law 权能附与法-令Encr oachm ent line 侵线End of Curve E.G. 曲线终点End-Area Method 平均底面积法Energy dis sipater 消能器Enfor cem ent 执法;执行Engine resist ance 引擎阻力Engineering 工程Engineering Econo mic Analysis 工程经济分析En-Route Driver Information 旅行中驾驶信息En-Rout e Transit Information 行程中大众运输信息Entity 实体Ent rance 入口Ent ranc e (entry), ingress 进口路段Ent rance curve 进口曲线段Ent rance Loss 入口损头Entr ance ramp 入口匝道Entr anc e-exit 出入口Entry der egulation 放宽进入管制Envelope of fa ilure 破坏包络线Environment factor 环境因素Environment Traffic Light 环境交通标志Environmental impact assessment 环境影响评估Environmental quality 环境品质Environmental quality standards 环境品质标准Environmental sensitive area 环境敏感地带(环境敏感区位)Environmental sound volume criteria 环境音量标准Epoxy Resin 环氧树脂Epoxy Adhesive 环氧胶Equilibrium network flow 均衡路网流量Equipment Package 设备组合Equival ent detectablity 等量察觉性Equival ent Factor 当量因子Equiv al ent-injury-only EIO 受伤当量Equivale nt Single Axle Load ESAL 单轴载重当量数Equivalent Wheel Load EWL 轮荷重当量Erosion control 侵蚀控制Err or of Closure 闭合差Escalator 电扶梯Ethanol 酒精Euler Spiral 尢拉螺旋线Eutrop hication 优养化Event Data Recorder EDR 事故资料纪录器Excavation 开挖;挖方;挖掘法Excavation Work 挖土工程Except buses 公车除外Excess cap acity 超额容量Excess Fuel Consumption 超额燃油消耗Exclusive bike lane/Bike s only 脚踏车专用道Exclusive bus lane 公车专用道Exclusive Highway 专用公路Exclusive lane 专用车道Exclusive Motorcycle Lane 机车专用道Exclusive Right-of-Way 专用路权Exclusive Road 专用道路Exclusive telephone 专用电话机Exhi b it area 展示区Exit 出口Exit curve 出口曲线段Exit Lane 出口车道Exit Only Ticket 出站车票Exit Ramp Closure 出口匝道关闭Exit Ramp Co ntrol 出口匝道控制Exit Ramp Metering 出口匝道仪控Exit Taxiway 出口滑行道Exit-ramp 出口匝道Expanded Average Daily Trucks 膨胀之平均每日货车交通量Expansion 扩展Expansion Cap 伸缩帽Expansion Factor 膨胀因素;扩展系数Glance value 瞥见距离之远近Glare 眩Glare control 眩光控制Glare recover y 眩光消除Glare recovery time 眩光消除时间Glare screen 防眩设施Glare shiel d 眩光遮蔽物Glare vision 眩光视觉Glass Funnel 玻璃漏斗Global Positioning S ystem GPS 全球定位系统Global System for Mobile Communication GSM 泛欧式数字行动电话系统Goal 目标Goal Driven 目标驱动法Goods delivery problem 货物配送问题Gordon Ray 雷伊Government-owned Public Parking Facility 公有公共停车场Gradation Curve 级配曲线Grade 坡度;纵向坡度Grade Crossings 平面交叉Grade I Road 一级路面Grade Line 坡度线Grade resistance 坡度阻力Grade Separation 立体交叉Grade separation bridge 立体交叉桥(结构物)Gra de Separation Structure 立体叉结构Graduated Rate 累计费率Grain size analysi s 粒径分析Grants 政府奖助Granular Materials 粒状材料Graphical analysis 图解分析法Gravel 砾石Gravel Equivalent Factor 卵石当景因素Gravel Road 砾石路Gravity Model 重力模式Gravity Yard 重力调车场Green Arrow 箭头绿灯Gre en/cycle ratio G/C 绿灯时间与号志周期之比值Green Extension 绿灯延长时间Green Flashing 闪光绿灯Green wave signal design 绿波式号志设计Greenhouse eff ect 温室效应Groove Joint 槽形接缝Gross National Product GNP 全国总生产毛额Gross Vehicle Weight GVW 总重Ground 地;地面Ground control point 地面控制点Ground improvement 地盘改良Ground treatment 地基处理Groundwater l evel 地下水位Group 群组Grouting 灌浆Growth Factor 成长因素Guardrail 护栏Guidance 导引Guidance information 导引信息Guide 导引Guide line 导引线G uide Sign 指示标志Gully control 蚀沟控制Gussasphalt 高温沥青胶浆Gutters 水沟Half-Integer Synchronization 半整数同步相位Hand in for Cancellation 缴销H angar Marker 维护棚厂标记Hazard marker 危险标物Hazardous materials 危险物品Head (of water) 水头Head light 前灯;车前大灯Head On Collision 车头对撞Head Section 头区Head Sight Distance 车灯视矩Head Wall 端墙Header B oard 横梁板Heading, Pilot tunnel 隧道导坑Headlight Sight Distance 车灯视距Head-on collision 对撞;正撞Headwater Depth 上水深Headway 时间车距;班距;行进间距(车距)Headway distribution 班距分布Headway Elasticity 班距弹性He adway, Period 班距Hearing 听力Heaving 隆起Heavy Commercial Vehicle Safe ty Management 重车安全管理Heavy Motorcycle 重型机踏车Heavy duty truck 重型卡车Heavy weight transportation management 大载重运输管理Heel of Switch 转辙轨跟端Heel Spread 跟端展距Height limit 高度限制Heuristic Approach 推理方法Hidden-Dip 躲坑High beam 远光灯High capacity buses 高容量巴士Hig h Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line HDSL 高速数字用户回路High decked bus 高层巴士High oblique photography 平倾斜摄影High Occupancy Vehicle HOV 高乘载车辆High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane 高乘载车道High or direct gear 高速檔High Truss With Overhead Lateral Connections 高顶式High type 高级型High-mast Lighting 高杆多灯式照明设计High-Occupancy Vehicle Priority Contr ol 高承载率车优先行驶控制High Speed Rail 高速铁路Highway 公路Highway (o r street) lighting 公路(或街道)照明Highway Advisory Radio HAR 公路路况广播Highway aesthetics 公路美学Highway alignment design 公路线形设计Highway bridge 公路桥梁Highway Bus Carrier 公路汽车客运业Highway bus industry 公路客运业Highway Capacity Manual HCM 公路容量手册Highway Capacity 公路容量Highway construction 公路施工Highway Construction and Maintenance Co st 公路建设维护成本Highway database 公路数据库Highway Density 公路密度H ighway embankment 公路路堤Highway engineering, Road engineering 公路工程Highway geometry, Highway routing 公路路线Highway Guardrail 公路护榈High way information 公路资料Highway information system 公路信息系统Highway int erchange area 交流道地区Highway Intersection 公路交叉Highway maintenance 公路维修与养护Highway passenger vehicle 公路客车Highway performance 公路绩效Highway Performance Monitoring System HPMS 公路绩效监测系统Highwa y planning 公路规划Highway ramp 公路匝道Highway Research Board (Renam ed to be Research Board) HRB 美国公路研究委员会Highway service standard 公路服务水准Highway Supervision and Administration Statistics 公路监理统计Hi ghway surveillance 公路调查Highway Transit 公路大众运输系统Highway Transp ortation Statistics 公路运输统计Highway transportation, Road transportation 公路运输Highway Travel Time Survey 公路行驶时间调查Highway Type 公路之型式Highway, Road 公路Hiking trail design 健行步道设计Hill land, Hill slope, Hillslo pe, Slope, Slope land, Slopeland, Sloping land Hinterland 腹地Histogram 直方统计图Hit-and-run driving 肇事逃逸;闯祸逃逸Holding Line Marker 等候线标记Home interview 家庭访问Home-Based Trip 旅次Hook-Headed Spike 钩头道钉Hopper 进料斗Horizontal Alignment 平面线形Horizontal angle of the cone of vi sion 水平视锥角Horizontal Clearance 侧向净宽Horizontal control surveys 平面控制测量Horizontal Curve 平曲线Horizontal drain pipe 水平排水管Horizontal M arking 横向标线Host 主机Hot-Mix Asphalt Mixture HMA 热拌沥青混凝土Hourly variation 时变化图Household trip 旅次Human characteristics 人类特性Human factor 人为因素;人事行为因素Hydroplaning, Aquaplaning 水滑作用Hydrophilic 亲水性Hydrophobic 厌水性Ideal Condition 理想状况Illegal parking 违规停车Illumination 照明;明亮度;照度Illumination, Lighting 照明Image 影像Image element, Picture element, Pix el 像素;像元;像点Image geometry 影像几何Impact 冲击Impact energy 撞(冲)击能量Impact resistance 冲击阻力Improvement plans 改善计画Improving High way Traffic Order and Safety Projects 道路交通秩序与交通安全改进方案In-Band-。





近义词,即与四通八达含义相近的词汇,可以细分为以下几个方面:一、公共交通相关的词汇:1. 便捷交通:指交通方式方便,不受时间和空间限制。

2. 交通便利:指交通网络发达,到达目的地不受阻碍。

3. 交通畅通:指道路畅通无阻,交通流畅。

4. 通达:指交通便利,信息传达无碍。

5. 联通:指各地之间交通相连,互通有无。

二、道路和桥梁相关的词汇:1. 高速公路:指专门用于高速车辆行驶的公路,交通迅速。

2. 快速道路:指交通流量大、速度较快的道路。

3. 高架桥:指横跨在道路上方的桥梁,提高道路通行效率。

4. 公路网:指由多条公路组成的交通网络。

5. 环线公路:指环绕城市的公路,连接各个主要道路。

6. 隧道:指穿过山脉或地下的道路,方便通达。

三、交通工具相关的词汇:1. 地铁:指位于地下的轨道交通系统,快速方便。

2. 公共汽车:指城市的公共交通工具,便捷快速。

3. 出租车:指供市民租用的交通工具,方便快捷。

4. 自行车:指人力驱动的交通工具,绿色环保。

5. 电瓶车:指电动驱动的交通工具,无污染且节能。

四、航空和铁路相关的词汇:1. 高铁:指高速铁路,速度快、舒适。

2. 快速列车:指速度快、站点少的列车,节省时间。

3. 飞机:指空中交通工具,快速到达远方。

4. 航空公司:指经营航空运输的公司,提供方便快捷的服务。

5. 火车站:指提供火车服务的地方,便于人们乘车。

五、交通设施和服务相关的词汇:1. 公交车站:指供公共汽车停靠的地方。

2. 地铁站:指供地铁列车进出的地方。

3. 码头:指陆地与水路交接的地方,方便船只停泊。

4. 交通枢纽:指各种交通工具汇集的地方,便于换乘。

5. 充电桩:指给电动车辆充电的设备,方便充电。


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1. 交通规则traffic regulation
2. 路标guide post
3. 里程碑milestone
4. 停车标志mark car stop
5. 红绿灯traffic light
6. 自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light
7. 红灯red light
8. 绿灯green light
9. 黄灯amber light 10. 交通岗traffic post 11. 岗亭police box 12. 交通警traffic police 13. 打手势pantomime 14. 单行线single line 15. 双白线double white lines 16. 双程线dual carriage-way 17. 斑马线zebra stripes 18. 划路线机traffic line marker 19. 交通干线artery traffic 20. 车行道carriage-way21. 辅助车道lane auxiliary 22. 双车道two-way traffic 23. 自行车通行cyclists only 24. 单行道one way only 25. 窄路narrow road 26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet 27. 陡坡steep hill 28. 不平整路rough road 29. 弯路curve road bend road 30. 连续弯路winding road 31. 之字路double bend road 32. 之字公路switch back road 33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade 34. 道路交叉点road junction 35. 十字路cross road 36. 左转turn left 37. 右转turn right 38. 靠左keep left 39. 靠右keep right 40. 慢驶slow 41. 速度speed 42. 超速excessive speed 43. 速度限制speed limit 44. 恢复速度resume speed 45. 禁止通行no through traffic 46. 此路不通blocked 47. 不准驶入no entry 48. 不准超越keep in line no overhead 49. 不准掉头no turns 50. 让车道passing bay 51. 回路loop 52. 安全岛safety island 53. 停车处parking place 54. 停私人车private car park 55. 只停公用车public car only 56. 不准停车restricted stop 57. 不准滞留restricted waiting 58. 临街停车parking on-street 59. 街外停车parking off-street 60. 街外卸车loading off-street 61. 当心行人caution pedestrian crossing 62. 当心牲畜caution animals 63. 前面狭桥narrow bridge ahead 64. 拱桥hump bridge 65. 火车栅level crossing 66. 修路road works 67. 医院hospital 68. 儿童children 69. 学校school 70. 寂静地带silent zone 71. 非寂静地带silent zone ends 72. 交通管理traffic control 73. 人山人海crowded conditions 74. 拥挤的人jam-packed with people 75. 交通拥挤traffic jam 76. 水泄不通overwhelm 77. 顺挤extrusion direct 78. 冲挤extrusion impact 79. 推挤shoved 80. 挨身轻推nudging 81. 让路give way 82. 粗心行人careless pedestrian 83. 犯交通罪committing traffic offences 84. 执照被记违章endorsed on driving license 85. 危险驾驶dangerous driving 86. 粗心驾车careless driving 87. 无教员而驾驶driving without an instructor 88. 无证驾驶driving without license 89. 未经车主同意without the owner's consent 90. 无第三方保险without third-party insurance 91. 未挂学字牌driving without a "L" plate 92. 安全第一safety first 93. 轻微碰撞slight impact 94. 迎面相撞head-on collision 95. 相撞collided 96. 连环撞 a chain collision 97. 撞车crash 98. 辗过run over 99. 肇事逃跑司机hit-run driver 100. 冲上人行道drive onto the pavement
汽车词汇——Automobile 汽车品牌汽车术语Benz, Mercedes-Benz 奔驰Cadillac 卡迪拉克Chrysler 克莱斯勒Chevroler 雪佛莱Citroen 雪铁龙Ford 福特Honda 本田Mazda 马自达Mustang 野马Porsche 保时捷Renault 雷诺Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯罗伊斯Santana 桑塔纳Toyota 丰田Volvo 沃尔沃, 富豪V olkswagen 大众first gear 一档second gear 二档reverse 倒车档two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机diesel 柴油机limousine 豪华轿车drophead 活动车篷汽车( 美作:convertible) racing car 赛车saloon 轿车( 美作:sedan) roadster 敞蓬车wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车notchback 客货两用车four-wheel drive 四轮驱动front-wheel drive 前轮驱动trailer 拖车station wagon 小旅行车truck 卡车compact car 小型汽车light-van 小型货车garbage truck 垃圾车automobile carrier 货运卡车fire engine 消防车tractor 牵引车ambulance 救护车taxi 出租车, 计程车trailer truck 拖车sports car 跑车formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车mail car 邮车jeep 吉普车bloodmobile 血浆车bumper car 碰撞用汽车camper 露营车police car 警车wrecker 清障车ambulance 急救车。
