



十八周岁以下未成年人赴澳大利亚旅行同意函If an applicant is under 18 years old and will not be travelling with both parents, consent fromthe non-travelling parent or parents must be provided for the child to travel to Australia.如果申请人的年龄在十八周岁以下并且不和父母同行,不随行父母的一方或双方必须提供同意函,允许孩子到澳大利亚旅行。

The visa “Standard Product” issued to the majority of visitors to Australia is 3 months stay, with multipleentry, valid for 12 months from the grant of the visa. However, the validity and length of stay granted toeach applicant is assessed individually and is at the discretion of the Visa Officer.绝大部分赴澳旅行者获得的“常规签证”是从签证批准日起一年内有效,多次往返,每次停留时间不超过三个月。


SELECT ONE OPTION ONLY请选择以下一项:I consent to my child, Name孩子姓名____________ Date of Birth生日___/____/____ travelling to Australia on temporary Visitor visa:On multiple occasions and permitted to remain up to 3 months after any arrival (Standard Product) 多次往返,每次停留不超过三个月(常规签证)(This will allow your child to enter Australia for up to 12 months from the date the decision ismade and to remain for up to 3 months)(这将允许您的小孩在获得签证后一年内随时进入澳大利亚并停留不超过三个月。



授权人信息:姓名:[授权人全名]性别:[男/女]身份证号码:[身份证号码]出生日期:[出生年月日]住址:[详细住址]联系电话:[联系电话]电子邮件:[电子邮箱]受托人信息:姓名:[受托人全名]性别:[男/女]身份证号码:[身份证号码]出生日期:[出生年月日]住址:[详细住址]联系电话:[联系电话]电子邮件:[电子邮箱]授权事项:鉴于授权人因工作、学习或其他正当原因,无法亲自陪同其子女[子女姓名](以下称“子女”)前往美国进行[具体活动,如:旅游、学习、探亲等],特此授权受托人代表本人全权处理以下事宜:1. 代表授权人负责子女在美国期间的住宿安排、行程规划、交通安排等;2. 代表授权人处理子女在美国期间的教育、医疗、保险等相关事宜;3. 代表授权人签署任何必要的文件和合同,包括但不限于签证申请、学校注册、住宿合同等;4. 代表授权人支付子女在美国期间的学费、住宿费、生活费、保险费等费用;5. 在紧急情况下,代表授权人做出有关子女福祉的决策;6. 代表授权人处理子女在美国期间的所有法律事务。

授权范围:1. 受托人在授权范围内代表授权人行事,其行为视为授权人的行为,授权人对受托人的行为承担法律责任;2. 受托人应遵守美国法律、法规以及当地的风俗习惯,不得损害授权人的合法权益;3. 受托人应妥善保管授权人提供的所有文件和资料,不得泄露给任何第三方;4. 受托人应在授权事项完成后,及时向授权人报告处理结果,并将所有相关文件和资料交还给授权人。



其他条款:1. 本授权书一式两份,授权人和受托人各执一份,具有同等法律效力;2. 本授权书未尽事宜,可由授权人和受托人另行协商解决;3. 本授权书如有未尽事宜或与法律规定相悖之处,以法律规定为准。



不随行父母同意函This form is to be completed in English and Chinese by non-travelling parents of minors under 18 years of age.(A photocopy of that parent’s identification card or passport AND proof of parental relationship must also be lodged with the visa application).此表格由十八岁以下申请人的不随行父母填写。


Visaapplicant’sName/申请人姓名:______________________________________________Father’s name / 父亲姓名: __________________________________________________Home Addres /地址:_________________________________________________________ Hometelphonenumber/家庭电话_______________________________________________ Mobiletelephonenumber /手提电话____________________________________________Company/Organisationname/工作单位名称______________________________________Address/地址______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ____________Worktelephonenumber/工作单位电话__________________________________________Position/职位______________________________________________________________ _LengthofService/工作年限____________________________________________________I give permission for my child ________________________ to visit to America, accompanied by _____________________本人同意由________________陪同我的孩子_____________前往美国。

【实用表格模板】新西兰 不随行同意函

【实用表格模板】新西兰 不随行同意函

Permission to travel from non-travelling parent不随行父母同意函This form is to be completed in English and Chinese by non-travelling parent(s) of minors under 18 years of age.A photocopy of that parent’s identification card or passport AND proof of parental relationship must be attached.此表格由十八岁以下申请人的不随行父母填写。


Application number / 申请档案号: ______________________________Applicant’s Name / 申请人姓名:Father’s name / 父亲姓名:Address / 地址:Telephone number / 联系电话:I give permission for my child to visit to Australia, accompanied by, from to (dd/mm/yyyy), for Single /Multiply entry (Please circle one).本人同意由陪同我的孩子于至期间前往新西兰。

Signed / 签名: ____________________________ Date / 日期: ______________________________---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Application number / 申请档案号:Applicant’s Name / 申请人姓名:Mother’s name / 母亲姓名:Address / 地址:Telephone number / 联系电话:I give permission for my child to visit to Australia, accompanied by, from to (dd/mm/yyyy), for Single /Multiply entry (Please circle one).本人同意由陪同我的孩子于至期间前往新西兰。

Permission to travel form non-travelling parent-ADS

Permission to travel form non-travelling parent-ADS

Permission to travel form non-travelling parent-ADS不随行父母同意函(ADS团队)This form is to be completed in English an Chinese by non-travelling parents of minors under 18 years of age.A photocopy of that parent’s identification card or passport AND proof of parental relationship must be attached.此表格由十八岁以下申请人的不随行父母填写,不随行父母必须用中文和英文填写此表格并附上其身份证或护照复印件。

Applicant’s Name/申请人姓名:_________________________Father’s name / 父亲姓名:________________________________________________________Address / 地址:_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone number / 联系电话:__________________________________________________I give permission for my child _________________to visit to Austrslia, accompanied by _______________本人同意由______________________ 陪同我的孩子_____________ 前往澳大利亚。



不随行父母同意函This form is to be completed in English and Chinese by non-travelling parents ofminors under 18 years of age.(A photocopy of that parent’s identification card or passport AND proof ofparental relationship must also be lodged with the visa application).此表格由十八岁以下申请人的不随行父母填写。


申请人姓Visaapplicant’sName/名:______________________________________________Father’s name / 父亲姓名: __________________________________________________Home Addres /地址:_________________________________________________________Hometelphonenumber/家庭电话_______________________________________________Mobiletelephonenumber /手提电话____________________________________________Company/Organisationname/工作单位名称______________________________________Address/地址_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Worktelephonenumber/工作单位电话__________________________________________Position/职位_______________________________________________________________LengthofService/工作年限____________________________________________________I give permission for my child ________________________ to visit to America, accompanied by _____________________本人同意由________________陪同我的孩子_____________前往美国。



Permission to travel from non-traveling parent
This form is to be completed in English and Chinese by non-traveling parents of minors under 18 years of age. A photocopy of that parent’s identification card or passport AND proof of parental relationship must be attached.


Applicant’s Name/申请人姓名:
Father’s name/父亲姓名:
Telephone number/联系电话:
I give permission for my child to visit to Australia。


Mother’s name/母亲姓名:
Telephone number/联系电话:
I give permission for my child to visit to Australia。





父母同意书英文模板Parental Consent Letter。

To Whom It May Concern:。

I, (parent/guardian's full name), the parent/guardian of (child's full name), give my full consent and approval for my child to participate in (event/activity/program) taking place on (date) at (location).I understand that my child will be under the supervision of responsible adults during this event and that all necessary precautions will be taken to ensure their safety. I also understand that there may be risks involved with this activity, but I am willing to accept those risks on behalf of my child.I certify that my child is physically and mentally capable of participating in this event and that they have no known medical conditions that would prevent them from doing so.I also give my permission for any emergency medical treatment that may be deemed necessary for my child while they participate in this event.In addition, I agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless (event/activity/program organizers), their officers, directors, employees, and agents from any and all liability, claims, damages, and causes of action arising out of my child's participation in this event.Sincerely,。

父母一方带孩子出国委托书 英文

父母一方带孩子出国委托书 英文

父母一方带孩子出国委托书英文English:In order for one parent to travel internationally with a child without the other parent present, it is necessary to have a notarized letter of authorization or consent from the absent parent. This document is typically called a "Parental Travel Consent Form" or a "Child Travel Consent Form". The purpose of this form is to demonstrate that both parents consent to the child traveling with one parent, and it can help prevent any potential issues or delays at immigration or border control. The form should include details such as the full names of both parents and the child, the travel dates and destinations, as well as contact information for both parents. It is recommended to include a copy of the child's birth certificate and a copy of the absent parent's identification to further authenticate the document.中文翻译:父母一方想要带孩子出国旅行而另一方不在场时,有必要提供一份由缺席父母签署的公证授权或同意书。



Dear Visa Officer:尊敬的签证官:I, (拼音名字和护照号), am the father (or mother) of:我,(中文名字和护照号),是以下申请人的父亲(或母亲):Full name 全名: _______________________Passport number 护照号: _________________Date of Birth 生日: _____________________I am writing to give consent for my child to travel with below accompanying adultto go to the UK to participate in a summer school programme organized by Ardmore Language Schools Ltd. I confirm that I am willing to cover all financial costs towards the visit and have sufficient funds available to do so. Furthermore, I agree for Ardmore Language Schools Ltd and Let's Travel Services Ltd to be responsible for our child’s accommodation, travel, care and reception in the UK.我同意我的孩子由以下随行成人陪同前往英国参加由Ardmore Language Schools Ltd提供的夏令营项目。


此外,我同意Ardmore Language Schools Ltd and Let's Travel Services Ltd负责我孩子在英国的住宿、出行、照顾和接待Full name 全名: _____刘坤 Liu Kun___ Passport number 护照号: __E51228551_____;Full Name 全名: _____________________; Passport number 护照号: _______________Date 日期: _________________ Signature 签名: __________________。




Consent Letter for Children Travelling AbroadTo whom it may concern,I,父母不陪同一方的姓名拼音Telephone: 父母不陪同一方的联系电话Address: 家庭住址英文am the parent,legal guardian with custody right, access right or parental authority over the following child:Name: 儿童姓名拼音Date of birth:儿童出生日期(日/月/年)Passport number: 儿童护照号码This child has my consent to travel withName:父母陪同一方的姓名拼音Relationship to child: 父母陪同一方与儿童的关系Passport number: 父母陪同一方的护照号码I give my consent for this child to travel to:Destination(s): 行程目的地(国家)Travel dates:from出发日期(日/月/年)to返程日期(日/月/年)Number of entry(ies):Single □(单次入境)Multiple □(多次入境)父母不陪同一方签名签名日期(日/月/年)Questions regarding information in this consent letter should be directed to the person giving consent.根据蓝色中文提示填写相应的信息后,请把蓝色中文删除,包括本提示信息.不随行父母同意函申请人姓名:出生日期:护照号码:父/母亲姓名:父母不陪同一方的姓名联系电话:家庭地址:我同意由以下人员陪同我的孩子出行:陪同人姓名: 父母陪同一方的姓名与申请人关系:护照号码:其将于年月日至年月日(填写单次或多次)前往。



不随行父母同意函父母一方随行Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#根据中文提示填写相应的英文后,请把本页内全部中文删除,包括本提示信息。

Consent Letter for Children Travelling AbroadTo whom it may concern,I, 父母不陪同一方的姓名拼音Telephone: 父母不陪同一方的联系电话Address: 家庭住址英文am the parent, legal guardian with custody right, access right or parental authority over the following child:Name: 儿童姓名拼音Date of birth: 儿童出生日期(日/月/年)Passport number: 儿童护照号码This child has my consent to travel withName: 父母陪同一方的姓名拼音Relationship to child: 父母陪同一方与儿童的关系Passport number: 父母陪同一方的护照号码I give my consent for this child to travel to:Destination(s): 行程目的地(国家)Travel dates: from出发日期(日/月/年)to返程日期(日/月/年)Number of entry(ies): Single □(单次入境) Multiple □(多次入境)父母不陪同一方签名签名日期(日/月/年)Questions regarding information in this consent letter should be directed to the person giving consent.根据蓝色中文提示填写相应的信息后,请把蓝色中文删除,包括本提示信息。



AFFIDAVITZ-美加-080721We, {____________________} and {____________________} both of legal age, Chinese citizen and with address at ____________________________________________________________________ swear, under the penalty of perjury that we hereby depose and state :1.that we are the parents of {____________________},◆passport number : ___________________________◆date of birth : ___________________________2.that we are authorizing our (mother / father / sister / brother){__________________}, to bring our (son / daughter) {__________________} for a social visit to CNMI departing on ____________________ and returning on ____________________,3.that {____________________} will be responsible for the well being and safety of ourchild during the entire duration of this visit to CNMI.FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NONEWe have hereunto affixed our signatures this _____ of ________ 2004 at ________________ City, China.Name of father : {________________} Name of mother : {________________} Signature : ______________________ Signature : ______________________授權書我們, {_______________} 和{_______________} 兩位都是合法成年人,現居住址:_____________________________________________________。



想走读家长不同意服家长小英语作文My dearest parents,。

I understand that you have always had my best interests at heart, and that you want what is best for me. However, I must respectfully disagree with your decision to not allow me to attend boarding school. I believe that boarding school would be an invaluable experience for me, and that it would help me to grow into a more independent, well-rounded, and successful individual.I understand that you are concerned about me being away from home for such a long period of time. However, I want to assure you that I am more than ready to take on this challenge. I am a responsible and mature student, and I am confident that I can handle the rigors of boarding school.I am also excited about the opportunity to make new friends and learn from different perspectives.Boarding school would provide me with the opportunityto focus on my studies in a structured and supportive environment. I would have access to excellent teachers and resources, and I would be able to take advantage of a wide range of extracurricular activities. I believe that this would help me to reach my full potential academically.In addition, boarding school would help me to develop my independence and self-reliance. I would learn how to manage my time and resources effectively, and I would be responsible for my own well-being. I believe that this would be a valuable life skill that would serve me well in the future.I also believe that boarding school would help me to become a more well-rounded individual. I would be exposed to different cultures and perspectives, and I would learn how to work with people from all walks of life. This would help me to develop a greater understanding of the world and my place in it.I know that you love me and that you want what is best for me. However, I believe that boarding school is the bestdecision for me at this time. I am confident that I will succeed in boarding school, and that I will return home a more mature, independent, and successful individual.I urge you to reconsider your decision and allow me to attend boarding school. I am confident that you will not be disappointed.Sincerely,。

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