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阅卷须知:阅卷用红色墨水笔书写,得分用阿拉伯数字写在每小题题号前,用正分表示,不得分则在题B 号前写0;大题得分登录在对应得题号前;统一命题得课程应集体阅卷,流水作业;阅卷后要进行复核,发现漏评、漏记或总

Rewrite t he fo llowing s en tence s usi ng the t wo pa tt ers 。(40%) We expect t hat he will be c oming.


It is exp ected that he wi ll be c omi ng. b) He is e xpec ted to be com in g、

1. Pe ople t hink th at he is co ming 、

2、 They believe that he is hon est 、

3、We know th at y ou were in tow n on the nig ht of th e crime 。

4. we u nd erstand tha t she w as th e bes t singe r that Au str ali a has ever pr od uced 、

5、 P eo ple suppose that he i s i n Pa ri s、

6. P eople sa y t ha t t he murdere r is hid ing in the woods 。


The re is a rep ort that un identifie d fly ing objects we re seen ove r N ew Je rsey l as t ni ght 、

8。 There is a rumour that he ha s esca pe d to Dublin 、

9、 People expect that elect ri cit y su pp ly w il l be a dequa te ne xt year 。 10.Peo ple kn ow h im t o be a go od tea che r.

A) Rewri te the fo llowing sentences usin g “adj ect ive+in fini tive” cons tru ction s.(10%)

It is easy to r emember this r ule 、

Thi s rule is e asy t o rem ember 、

1。I wassorry whenIlearnt that hehadhad an accident。

2.Youwill besad whenyou hearwhat Ihave to tell you。

3.They would bevery surprised ifthey were toreceiveaninvitati on、

4、She is happy that she hasfound such a niceplace to live in.

5。I wasafraidatthe thought of going pastthe haunted house alone、6. Bob was pleased whenhe heard he had beenpromoted、

7。I very much wantto meetyou、

8。We received yourtelegramand were delighted.

9。Itwas sensible ofyouto stay indoors、

10The clerkanswered the call promptly。

B)ﻩReplacethe words in italicsby an infinitive or an –ingconstruction、(10%)

Theheadmaster suggestedthatI shouldtry the examination again thefoll owingyear。

Theheadmastersuggested my trying theexamination againthe following year、

1.The policehope that they will solvethe crime soon.

2.TheMinister of Labourreadily agreedthathe would meetthe union le


3.He did n’t even acknowledge that he had received the invitation。

4.The witness reportedthat he had seen a dark saloon car parked outsi

de the bank atthe tineof therobbery。

5.I didn’t recall that he had saidanysuch thing。

6.The defeated champion swore that he would havehis revenge。

7.Thepany has decided thatit will close down uneconomicfactories。

8.The accused admitted thathe had received the stolen goods.

9.He claimed thathe was an expert in such matters。

10.Theaccusedpretended thathe didn’t understand the lawyer’s questi


C) Replace thewordsinitalics by a that—clause、(10%)

Researchers have now proved earliertheories tohave beenincorrect、Researchers have now provedthat earliertheories were(orhadbeen) incorrect、

1.The police believed their informant to be reliable。

2.Ourcorrespondent reports the situation tobenow under control、

3.Thesittingmember stated it tobeunlikely that hewould stand

fir Parliament at thenextelection、

4.ManyBritish people thought it tobe cruelto send animals in rockets into


5.Everyoneassumed what he said tobe based onfact.

6.Pressedby shareholders for further details, the chairmanconfessed itto

be likely that profits would show afurtherfall、

7.On the otherhand, hemaintained his long-termoptimism to be justified。

8.The PrimeMinister clearlysuspectshispartyto have littlechanc

eof winning the nextelection、

9.The climbers reckoned the ascent to have taken nearly five anda halfhours。
