
北师大版(三起)英语五年级上册全册教案(总37页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--北师大版小学英语五年级上学期(第7册)教学计划和教案Unit 1 Mocky the juggler一、教学目的与要求目的通过情景对话,初步掌握如何询问工作;掌握单词: farmer, policeman, vet, doctor, pilot, dancer, student, call, help, juggle, teach.复习字母Aa, Ii, Ee, Oo的发音要求听.说( 1 ) 能在情景对话中,能正确使用本课所学的询问工作的句型及回答。
( 2 ) 能熟练地听.说出; farmer, policeman, vet, doctor, pilot, dancer, student, call, help, juggle, teach.( 3 ) 能听懂本课中的单词的意思,正确区分字母Aa, Ii, Ee, Oo的发音( 4 ) 能准确、流利的读出本课故事及对话.读能用正确的语音语调读出本课出现的日常用语;;能熟练.准确.流利的朗读故事.能朗读本单元后的阅读练习,并完成相应的阅读练习.写能正确.熟练,整齐的在三格本上写出单词,并会默写出本课出现的单词;能够正确、规范的抄写句型及正确的翻译句型。
二、教学内容与重点教学内容日常交际用语 Is she a doctor?No, she isn’t.What does she do?She is a vet.Are you a vet?Yes, I am.2、单词本课日常交际用语及字母教学中的单词:farmer, policeman, vet, doctor, pilot, dancer, student, call, help, juggle, teach, snake, three, Sue, bike, nose, beans, gate, kite, bone, flute.教学重点以上交际用语在具体情景中的应用;单词farmer, policeman, vet, doctor, pilot, dancer, student, call, help, juggle, teach.第一课时教学内容:1.交际用语 What does she do? She is a vet.2. 单词::farmer, policeman, vet, doctor, pilot, dancer, student, call, help,juggle, teach,教学目的:1、通过本课的学习,学生能够正确流利地读出课文中的交际用语并能运用这些句型进行交际。
北师大版小学英语三年级上册(三年级起点) 全册教案

2. 看图片说名字,分组或指名说。
Step 2. Presentation and practice.
1. 学生看图片,用中文说一说这是什么?
2. 激发兴趣,教说单词 morning.
课题 教学课时
Unit1 Hello! Lesson1
What’s your name?
Hello/Hi ,I’m … What’s your name? My
2.认识四个人物:Mocky, Ann ,Ken, Cathy.
3. 会唱歌曲 My name is Cathy!
2. good morning 中字母 d 要失去爆破;
录音机(带)、 卡片、人物头饰
Step 1. Warming-up
2. Ask and answer. T: What’s your name?
(1) 朗读 Lesson 1 中 Listen and Read.
4. 带领学生做游戏,反复练习让学生观察 morning 这张图片,再认
Step 3. Text Learning
1. Learn to say.
(1) Have the class look at the pictures at the top of the
播放录音,学生指认图。 (2) Without the tape ,read the words together. Have the Ss t 2.Read after the tape. 3. Act it out. Step 4. Sing a song. 1. Have the Ss open the books. T: We are going to learn a song about our new friend. Read the words to the Ss ,point to each words. 5. Continue until all the Ss have sung their English names. 2. Play the first six lines of the song several times, and e 3. Play the last two lines of the song. Ask the Ss to sing t 4. Play the tape from the beginning. The Ss sing the first s Step 5. Homework: 1.Sing the song and encourage the Ss to practice greeting th

单词并让学生跟读。 2、让学生拿出一大张纸并在上面写下 6 一 10 当中的一个数
字。告知学生师将说出数字,假如师说的数字和学生手中的数字 相符,学生必需站起来并举起手中的数字。
举例: 老师:ten 学生:(手中拿着“I0”的学生站起来并举起数字) 老师: Six。 学生:(手中拿着“I0”的学生坐下,手中拿着“6”的学生 站起来并举起数字) 3、多做一些示范。 教学技巧: 1、学生必需先认知新单词,之后才能读出来。例如:在“听 音指图”这一活动中,学生只需听懂并举起数字,不必读出来。 2、让学生读故事。用汉语对故事内容进行提问。例如:这件 事发生在哪里?图 2 中为何 Ms Smart 那么惊讶?图 4 中为何 Ms Smart 笑了? 3、放录音,每句之后暂停并让学生跟读。 4、再放一遍录音,让学生指出相应的图片。 活动 2:从一数到十 1、在纸上分别写出一到十这十个数字。给学生看一个数字并
向其次个学生,他/她说:“Tw0,”这样进行到十,然后重新起 先。
补充活动: 1、把学生按两人分组并要求他们打算好十张写有 1 到 I0 十 个数字的小纸片,每张纸上写一个数字。 2、学生 A 说出一个数字,学生日拿起有这个数字的纸。等到 学生日拿起了全部的纸片,嬉戏结束,然后学生们交换角色。 课堂活动用书: 1、听音指图 让学生看书,问他们看到了什么。(数字 I 一 I0)告知学生他 们将两人一组进行活动,一个学生说出一个数字,另一个学生指 出这个数字。 让学生两人一组活动,五轮之后,交换角色。
第9页 共16页
组。 3、借助情景,理解新学问。 4、主动参与活动,大胆表现自己。 (三)情感看法目标 1、通过玩嬉戏、读小诗培育学生的学习爱好,使学生产生爱
上英语课的主动情感。 2、通过学习,加深过公路要遵守交通规则的意识。 三、教学策略 1、通过模拟的场景,加深学生对小诗的印象。 2、通过嬉戏、练习,帮助学生认读词组。 3、在学生输出语言前为他们供应大量的语言输入,为学生输
北师大版 新版 三上 小学英语 全册教案

(7)也可以让学生两人一组任选一幅插图进行对话练习。例如选择图a:S,:Hello,Mocky! S2:Hello,Ann!
Unit 2Friends(4) (5)
Unit 2Friends(6)
Unit3 Playing together(1)
Unit3 Playing together(2) (3)
Unit3 Playing together(4) (5)
Unit3 Playing together(6)
(2)游戏时用I am…句型做自我介绍。
(1)教师让一名学生任选一个面具,带上面具做角色扮演,自我介绍。如My name’s
Ken./I’m Ken.等。
S3:What’s your name?
(1)教师说:“My name is…”然后扔出小皮球,接到皮球的学生用My:[1aITle is…说说自己的名字,再将球传给下一位同学。

Unit 9 Day and night 教学设计教学目标1、学生能够掌握字母or和oor在单词中的发音,并能完成练习;2、能熟练掌握小黑板关于使用频率词汇的句型,并能运用always、usually、often、sometimes、never回答有关于日常生活规律的问题;3、能运用频率词汇说一说自己的日常生活。
教学过程【导入】Warm-upSing a song~BINGOIntroduce Little Jack.T:Just now we sang a song about a farmer.Look,this is Little Jack.He is a farmer,too.Let’s say Hello to him.【讲授】Presentation1.Visit Little Jack’s house结合图片首次感知语音词汇;T:Oh,this is Jack’s house. There are many things on the floor.What are they?2.Help Little JackT:It’s not clean.Let’s clean them up.Where can we put them?3.Chant1)Listen to the ChantT:Oh,now his room is very clean so he is very happy.Listen!He is chanting for you.2)Look and say(Show the chant.)3)Practice in groups4)Show the chant5)Chant with Little JackT:Who wants to chant with Little Jack?You can stand up.4.Present the words(以文字的形式呈现语音词汇)【练习】Practice OneI.Learning1、Try to readT:Good!You did very well.Can you read these words?2、Listen and readT:Now let’s read follow the computer and pay attention to these red letters.3、Try to find the rulesT:Great!What do you find?(引导学生说出字母o和or/oor的发音规律)II. Rules4、Say out the wordsT:Can you try to read these words?板书:o or/oorg o t l or dd o t m or e... ...5、Say more words like theseT:Can you say any words like these?III. Practicing6、Task One~Cross the riverT:Good!Oh,you know so many words now.Can you help Jack?He wants to cross the river.But some parts of the woods are broken.Can you find and cross them?Now do it in groups.7、Task Two~Pick up some mushroomsT:Now Jack can cross the river.Can you guess what will he do?T:Oh,he wants to pick some mushrooms.And look there are many mushrooms and there are two baskets.Can you put them into the right basket?Do it in groups.T:Which group wants to show your baskets?【练习】Practice TwoI. Let's learn1.Play a Game~Words poolT:Little Jack is very happy.It’s dinner time.He wants to wash the mushrooms in the water.Look!Here’s the pool.Oh,it’s a words you want to play a game?T:I will point some words and these words can make a sentence.When I stop,you should say out the sentence as quickly as you can.(教师指出句子)2.Read Uncle Booky’s BlackboardT:Oh,there are many sentences in this pool but wait a minute let’s read them first.3.Read Uncle Booky’s Blackboard.4.Play the Game.(学生指句子)T:Now,it’s your turn.Who wants to point a sentence for us?II. Let's say1.GuessingT:Oh,Little Jack not only picks the mushrooms every day.He also has many things to do.Can yo u guess what things he does every day?2.Ask and answera.T:Let’s see what things he does every day.(呈现图片)b.T:Do you want to know when he does these things?Let’s ask him.板书:When do you...?Let’s listen.板书:I always...3.Order the words.【活动】Extension1.Touch and SayT:Now we know when Little Jack does these things.Do you remember our friend Ken?(出示PPT)a.Guessing what are they talking aboutT:Oh,he is talking with his friend.What are they talking?S:They are talking about the time.T:Yes,let’s read it together.b.Ask and answer in pairsT:Please open your books.Turn to Page33.Look at these pictures.And try to ask and answer in i s Ken and another one is his friend.T:When does Ken...?板书:When does...?He usually...c.Show the dialogue.2.Read about Ken’s daily lifeT:Oh!This is Ken’s daily life.Read it in your groups.3.Say something about your life.T:Listen!What did he say?(播放Ken的录音)T:Can you talk with your partner?And you can use these phrases or what other things you want to say.【作业】Homework1)Practice the pronunciation;2)Try to write about your daily life。
北师大版一年级起点小学四年级英语下册:Day and night_课件1

I get up at five.
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
I always get up at five in the morning. I always get up at 5 o'clock in the morning.
How do you go to school? How do you go to school?
Take a bus,take a bus. Always I do.
How do you go to school? How do you go to school? Ride a bike,ride a bike.
Day and night
Let's learn.
A: When do you usually play with friends? B:I usually play with friends at 5 o'clock.
Let's learn.
A: When do you usually go to school? B: At 7 o'clock.
Usually I do.源自How do you go to school? How do you go to school? Walk to school,Walk to school. Sometimes I do.
1.复习本课词汇,掌握 always,usually,often,never,sometimes的用法。 2.和同桌练习表演所学对话。
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
北师大版(一起)四年级英语下册教案《Unit 9 Day and night》教案1

Unit 9 Day and night教学设计1一、教学目标:知识能力:1、复习巩固前两单元的教学内容。
2、学习频率副词usually, sometimes, never, always , often.并初步运用。
When do you get up ?I usually get up at 6:00 .或What do you usually do on Sunday?及回答。
Always , usually, often, sometimes, never.难点:初步掌握频率副词并能在功能句中运用。
五、板书设计:Unit 9 Day and nightWhen do you get up?always 6:00usually 6:30I sometimes get up at 9:00never 11:00She often gets up early.六、教学过程:(一)、谈话唱歌,激发兴趣。
T:What day is it today?S:It’s Friday.T:Saturday is coming. Are you happy? Let’s sing an English song.2、展台出示歌曲,师生跟唱歌曲,复习第二单元的内容。
What time is it?(二)感知句型,学习单词。
T:What’s this?S: It’s a clock.T: What time is it now?S: It’s 6:00.T: It’s time for get up.I get up at 6:30 in the morning.When do you get up?S: I get up at 6:00.2 、在实物展台上,出示调查表,初步理解频率副词。
北师大版四年级英语下册教案全册-day and night

Unit 9 Day and night一、教学目的:1.通过学习,能够用英语简单描述自己一天的活动。
二、教学重点:1.掌握下列这些句型:When do you always/usually/often/sometimes/never/ eat breakfast?I __________ eat breakfast__________.2.When does he always/usually/often/sometimes/ do in the morning?He_______ goes to the store___________.教学难点: 能在相关的语境中正确运用所学句型。
三、教学方法: 听、读、说、演等。
四、教具准备: 教学卡片、多煤体等。
五、教学过程:1、导入师:What time do you go to school ?生:I go to school_____________.2、学习生词always、usually、often、sometimes、never。
1). 学习生词always师:What time do you get up ?生:I get up at ______________.师:Yes, I always get up at six .师再问:When do you get up ? (When means what time)师出示when生词卡片,学习生词when。
师再问另外几个同学此句型,师还用I always ______________.句型回答。
2). 用同样方法的学习usually、often。
3). 学习生词sometimes 师: When do you go to bed every day ?生: I go to bed at __________.师: Oh , you go to bed too late. So you sometimes go to school late .师出示sometimes生词卡片,学习生词sometimes.4). 学习生词never.师: When do you go to bed every day ?生: I go to bed at __________.师: Oh , you go to bed too early. So you never go to school late .师出示never生词卡片,学习生词never.5). 跟录音认读生词always、usually、often、sometimes、never。

5.Let them say the meaning of the story in Chinese.
Step 3 practice
1. Play the tape and let them repeat ,pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Encourage them to read and act it in pairs
2.show the main structures and let them understand the meaning of them and try to use them correctly
show the main patterns to practice them together in order to use them correctly
Now let’s watch the video with the following questions
1. Are bears big animals?
2. Where do they live?
3. What do they eat?
4. What color are they?
5. What can they do?
2.Have them open the books to page 36 and try to understand the meaning of the story
3. T: Point to each picture and have them say what is happening in it .

教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校北京师范大学出版社小学英语四年级教案全册备课对新课标理解:现在的社会是向着全球化,社会化发展的英语逐渐的成为我们生活中不可缺少的一部分,越来越被人重视,作为教育发展的重要环节,作为迎接未来世界的一把钥匙。
Teaching Aims:知识技能:1、Listening:充分利用学校的电教资源,在发展学生自主学习的基调上,让学生可以接触到更多、更直观的学习方式,比如听录音,看小动画等等。
北师大版(一起)小学英语一年级上册英语全册教案第一学期全套教学设计 (2)

Unit 1 Hello!(The first period)一、教学目的与要求1、能听懂并会说Hi/Hello, I’m×××. Hi/Hello,×××.2、并掌握单词:Uncle Booky, Ken, Ann, Mocky.3、用刚学过的句子学会自我介绍,要求模仿正确,语调自然。
4、听懂课堂用语Stand up, please. Sit down, please, 并作出相应的动作。
二、教学重点:学会句型Hi, I’m ×××. Hello,×××.三、教学难点:学习用句子Hi, I’m ×××.Hello,×××.进行自我介绍和打招呼。
四:教学过程1、组织教学教师面带笑容走进教室,先作自我介绍,用英语说I’m ×××(教师自己的名字)然后用中文说我是×××。
2、学习课堂用语Stand up, please. Sit down, please。
教师说Stand up, please. 然后伸出双手,掌心向上摆动,示意学生起立。
教师再说Sit down, please. 掌心向下摆动,示意学生坐下。
3、学习单词Uncle学习用句型Hi, I’m ×××. Hello,×××.进行对话。
(2)教师再说I’m ×××(教师自己的名字)。

以下是关于北师大小学英语教案及反思,欢迎阅读! 北师大小学英语教案及反思【1】六年级第一学期英语教案do you know…? 教学目标days, weather, leisure activities, rooms, past tense, future tense 教材分析重点 monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, rainy, windy, hot, sunny, rainy, windy, hot, sunny, cloudy, saw, blew 难点 future tense and past terse 教具 paper, scissors, glue, erasers ⅰ.warming up: simon says. ⅱpresentation ①show them the pictures. t: look at the pictures. what was the weather like? what did they do? s: …ⅲ.practice. ①discuss in group of four.②answer the question. ③memory game: have the s look at the pages in their books. tell them that twill ask questions about the weather. after a few minutes, have them close their books and get into groups of five. ask when was it (rainy and cloudy) (last week? groups decide on the answer and write it down on a piece of paper for t to see. later, ask what will the weather be like net (sunday)? groups must write it will be (sunny) net (sunday). lap score to make the game more petitive. ④practice by themselves. ⑤have some students to describe the pictures. 1 i wrote a long letter 教学目标did you buy a bag of chips at the store? no, i didn’t buy a bottle of shampoo. ok. i’ll go to the store and get a bag of chips. i’m going to get a box of tissues, too. i’ll go too .i’m going to get a piece of candy! 教材分析重点 a piece of candy, a carton of ice cream, a pair of socks, a bag of chips,a bottle of shampoo, a bar of soap 难点 shampoo, toilet paper 教具 candy, socks, chips, shampoo, snap, tissues, toilet paper lesson 1 ⅰwarming up: a chant ⅱpresentation ①t: yesterday, i went shopping. i bong ht many things look! (show them the objects) i bought a bottle of shampoo at the store. i also bought a bar of soap at the store.②t:. what did also buy? s:… t: i also boughta bar of soap, a box of tissues and a roll of toilet paper. ③t: i’m hungry now.after school. i’llgo to the store and get a piece of ice cream and a bag of chips. ⅲ.practice: ①read the words after the teacher -whole-groups-pairs-individual ②greeting game: as a student to close his eyes. have him touch & smell sth, them the teacher put up a picture, the rest of the students ask: did you buy……at the store? them he answers. ③group word: every student must write a kind of things on paper,his group member ask each other: did you buy… at the store? ⅳ productio 程①ss leave their reads and ask their classmates freely. ②have some students to: how their dialogues. ③listen to the tape and follow it. 布置作业①write the words 板书设计 what did you buy at the sore? ②revise the words i bought… ③exercise book i’ ll go to thestore and get …… i am going to buy…pictures 北师大小学英语教案及反思【2】教材分析 1.这节课是北师大版小学英语四年级上册第三单元的对话课,课标对本节课的要求是:学生能熟读课文,会运用句型结合实际情景进行对话。
北师大小学一起点英语五年级上册《unit 2 Mocky’s bad day》教案 (7)

北师大小学英语一年级起点伴你成长快乐学习!(北师大版)五年级上册英语教案unit2Unit 2 Mocky’s Bad DayThe third periodI、Review the verbsBrainstorm the verbs they have learned so for with the children. Elicit the word eat. Write the word on the board. Pretend you are eating a banana and then say, “Yesterday, I …” Have the children complete the sentence Yesterday I ate a banana. Write the word ate beside eat.Repeat with other verbs children suggested. Make sure to write the irregular verbs separate from the regular verbs.Model the structuresReview the main story and this time focus on the structures listed on Uncle Booky’s blackboard on page 18. Have the children tell the story from their memory then have them open to the story pages and go over the story again.Tell the children that this time you want them to tell the story. Elicit the story from the children with questions.Point to to picture 3 and ask, “Did Mocky eat an apple?” Elicit the answer from the children, “No, he didn’t eat an apple. He ate a banana.” Repeat the procedure with other pictures with questions that elicit the negative structures of the past tense.Write the sentences on the board and have the children read each sentence.II 、New lessonUncle Booky’s BlackboardTell the children to look at the blackboard on the top of page 18. Model the structures by reading them aloud to the class.Have the children repeat the structures in a class drill. Use all possible combinations.Focus on the use of negeative form of did and was/were at this time. Don’t pay much attention to couldn’t at this stage yet.Touch and sayDraw the children’s attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain that these pictures show what Peter did last Sunday.Encourage the children to describe each picture. Point out that the pictures in circle are things Peter didn’t do last Sunday.Read and writeComplete the storyHave the children open their books at page 19. Draw the children’s attention to the text and pictures on the page. Explain to the children that they will read a short story about Ken. Tell them that there are some words missing from the story and they are all verbs. They must write out each verb in its correct form in the space provided. Have the children read the text and then tell you about Ken’s experience in the restaurant.Put the children into pairs and have them complete the story with the verbs in their right forms. Then the teacher reads the story slowly with all the children. Make sure they write the correct verbs.Homework:Listen to the tape.Write about your own experience of accident when eating food.相信自己,就能走向成功的第一步教师不光要传授知识,还要告诉学生学会生活。

Unit 1: JobUnit 2: AnimalsUnit 3:ClothesUnit 4: PositionUnit 5: PlacesUnit 6: ReviewTeaching aims:UNIT ONEJobthe1st perTeaching aims:1 Use greetings and polite expressions in life2 Can understand and read the dialogue3 Can read and write the words correctly4 Can make the dialogueTeaching emphasis:1 use greetings and polite expression in life2 understand the sentencesTeaching process:Step 1:use greetings and polite expression in life.Example:T: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You are welcome/Excuse me/sorryS: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You are welcome/Excuse me/sorryStep 2:show new wordsT: show the new words cards like a student a teacher a policeman a vet a doctorRead the words after the teacherStep 3:model the dialogueT: hold up the flashcard for dance. Say “She is a dancer”and “She can dance”S: repeat the sentences after the teacherLike this to do other sentencesT: review the word can and can’tS: to know the differences into can and can’t.T: hold the flashcard for doctor. Say “he is a doctor . He can’t help animals.S: to repeat itStep 4:T: look at the picture and think some questionPicture1: where are Ann, Ken and Mocky?Picture2: what are Ann, Ken and Mocky looking at?Picture3/4: what is happening now?Picture5: what is Ann pointing to?Picture6/7: who comes to help?Picture8: who is the man in the green shirt?Picture9/10: what is happening now?S: to look at the book and answer the questions in ChineseStep5:T: listen to the radio “what did they say?”S: by listening by lookingBy listening by reading with the radioBlackboard writingShe/he is a dancerShe/he can danceStep7: homeworkHomeworkAsk the children to tell the story to their families课后反思:学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓厚。
北师大版小学四年级英语下册《Day and Night》评课稿

北师大版小学四年级英语下册《Day and Night》评课稿1. 引言英语作为一门重要的外语课程,在小学阶段对培养学生的语言综合能力具有至关重要的作用。
北师大版小学四年级英语下册教材以《Day and Night》为主题,通过讲解白天和黑夜的变化及对应的日常生活内容,帮助学生理解时间的概念和日常活动的差异。
2. 教学目标2.1 知识目标•学生能够掌握并正确运用与时间和日常生活活动有关的词汇和表达方式。
2.2 能力目标•学生能够通过听、说、读、写等多种方式进行英语语言的交流和表达,培养其语言综合能力。
2.3 情感目标•学生能够通过与教材内容的接触,增加对英语学习的兴趣和自信心,建立积极的学习态度。
3. 教学内容教材《Day and Night》主要涵盖以下内容: - 介绍白天和黑夜的概念及其变化规律。
- 描述白天和黑夜的不同特点,如:天气、活动、服装等。
- 讲解日常生活中与时间和活动有关的词汇和表达方式。
4. 教学方法4.1 情景教学法通过设置与日常生活相关的情境,让学生在情景中感受和理解白天和黑夜的变化,并通过教师引导对话、问答等方式,激发学生参与和思考。
4.2 多媒体教学法通过投影仪或电子板等多媒体设备,播放与白天黑夜相关的图片和音频,帮助学生直观地了解和记忆相关的信息。
4.3 操纵游戏法引入游戏元素,设计与时间和日常活动相关的游戏活动,增加学生的参与度和学习兴趣,同时培养学生的团队合作和竞争意识。
4.4 双师教学法设置一个助教或学生助教,与教师共同开展教学活动,提供更多的个体化指导和反馈,以满足学生的不同需求。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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T: You do very well. You do the actions during the diary routine. Do you want to know other people’s diary routine. Now let’s watch the video and find out Uncle Booky”s diary routine.
Unit 9 Day and night
When do you get up. I always get up at seven.
When does gets up at seven.
1. Read the text 5 times.
2. Copy the new words.
3. Preview next lesson.
Step I Warm-up and revision
Play a chant
Listen and do the actions
(reading drinking eating running sleeping jumping cooking washing painting)
The students can’t grasp the adverb frequent words .
The students can’t use the third single forms of verbs correctly.
It is helpful to say the sentences according to their real diary routines.
What is Lulu doing?
2. Mow let them answer the questions
3. T: Can you find out What activity that Mocky,Ann and Uncle Booky do in the story?
Read the story carefully and underline them on the book.
☆学Байду номын сангаас能够听辨、认读并使用功能句型
△能感知story time,能力水平较高的学生能够表演
I always ________.
When does heshe_____?
Heshe usually_______.
3. difficult points
sounds and letters
1.key points
What do you go to school every day?
3.be able to learn the three meals in English and talk about person’s diary routine in English
1. five adverb frequent words
2.New patterns:
When do you ________?
Unit 9 Day and Night
The students English . This unit they will learn they do activities.
1. Learn the adverb frequent words
2. be able to ask and answer the activities ‘ time and frequency
4. Show the courseware
5. T: How often do they do the things ?
Discuss the questions and find out the correct words to fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. All the sentences are in the story.
1. Play the video and let them think about the following questions.
What is Mocky doing at the beginning of the story?
What is Uncle Booky doing at the end of the story?
When do you go to school?
2. Difficult points
When does heshe get up ?
He She usually______
Unit 9 Day and night
☆学生能够认读、听辨、默写Words to learn中的个单词;
6. Play the courseware
Show the adverb frequent words
Always usually often sometimes never
Step 3 practice
1. Play the courseware and let them make the sentences