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1.—There are many _____ about this farm.

—Yes, lots of _____ are planted on it.

A. photo; potato

B. photos; potatos

C. photos; potatoes

D. photoes; potatoes 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:—有许多关于这个农场的照片。—是的,许多的土豆种在农场上。many和lots of修饰可数名词复数,photo 的复数是photos,potato的复数是potatoes,故答案为C。

【点评】考查可数的复数形式。牢记名词的复数的变化规律和一些特殊的名词复数。2.(·鄂州)—The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive.

—Don't worry. You can enjoy yourself. It's my _________.

A. time

B. treat

C. task

D. taste

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——餐馆里的菜一定非常贵。——别担心,你可以随便吃,我请客。It's my treat.我请客。故选B。


3.(•黔南州)—There are a lot of ______ of bike riding.

—I agree. It's good for environment and it saves money.

A. products

B. advantages

C. instruments

D. instructions

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:-骑车有许多好处。-我同意,对环境有好处而且省钱。A. products产品;B. advantages优点,好处;C. instruments乐器;D. instructions说明。有利于环境及省钱是骑车的优点、好处,故选B。

【点评】本题考查名词词义辨析,以及. products;advantages;instruments;instructions。四个词的词义和用法。

4.(·咸宁)—Tu You you received the Nobel Prize for her ________ of anemisinin(青蒿素).—And she was the first Chinese who won the prize in science.

A. design

B. thought

C. invention

D. discovery

【答案】 D


5.(•云南)You are supposed to be more careful to make fewer while you are writing.

A. trouble

B. matter

C. mistakes

D. problems

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:你写的时候应该更仔细,少犯错。A. trouble麻烦,烦恼;B. matter事情,麻烦事;C. mistakes错误;D. problems问题,难题。fewer修饰可数名词的复数形式,A、B错。make mistakes犯错;make problems制造麻烦。根据语境,书写时“犯错”,故选C。

6.(•东营)—Why do people never cut up the on their birthdays?

—Because they are a symbol of long life.

A. eggs

B. cakes

C. noodles

D. dumplings

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】考查名词。句意:—为什么人们在生日时从不切断面条?—因为是长寿的标志。A. eggs蛋;B. cakes蛋糕;C. noodles面条;D. dumplings饺子。生日,吃长寿面,人们不剪断意味着“长寿”,故选C。

7.—What else do we need to make cold beef?

— .

A. Two spoons salt

B. Two spoons of salts

C. Two spoons of salt

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——我们还需要什么来做冷牛肉呢?——两勺盐。答语中的salt 为不可数名词。没有复数形式。a spoon of一勺,表示两勺……时,用two spoons of…。故选C。


8.—Look! They are .

—Yes. We are proud of them.

A. man scientist

B. women scientists

C. woman scientists

D. man scientists

【答案】 B

