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My surname is Li,I graduated from Ahui University Foreign Department . I have been teaching in a common middle school for more than 20 years.In the following parts ,I will talk about my feeling to an ordinary English class .

I was seated in the class and observed the teacher teaching ,after I listened to the class ,I have a lot of thought ,I must share the ideas with you .I must say I have a lot of ideas toward this class ,so I write this article .

I must say he is an excellent teacher ,his English ,base skills,no problems at all.His English is very ,very good ,his pronunciation and internation,and his grammar are good .You never find any mistakes at all .But I find lots of problems with the teaching ideas ,I analysis the class from the beginning to the end .

At the beginning ,the teacher is very excited ,shing face ,very happy with smiling face :

Hello ! Everybody , let's have class together ,do you like to have my class ?

Everybody shouted :"Yes ,we do!”

“Today we will have a birthday party ,do you like to have a birthday party ?” and everybody shouted : “Yes! " and he said :

“Now ,let’s preview the vocabulary .”

So after watching this teaching parts ,I immedially realized the serious educational problems .In the teacher’s mind ,what he cares is about vocabulary. He ignores the students’feeling .At the moment ,if the teacher ask :

“W hose birthday is in this month ? Please stand up!

Maybe five students or more will stand up . The teacher can say this :

“Now come to the front of classroom and stand in a circle and the rest of you sing a birthday song for them.”

If the teacher do like this ,all the students will feel happy . As a teacher ,you must realize the intricate interplay between the leaning process itself .We often notice teachers say :

“H ello! Everyboday ! Let’s begin our class , today we’ll learn Unit 6: What’s your favorite fruits ?”

Then we can see the teacher write the words on the

blackboard .Who cares ? Students would not care what’s your writing there .but you leave the students aside .Without caring their feeling .Between the first sentence and the next one there is no intrate interplay ,no interesting connections at all . So, for example :

“N ow , we’ll talk about fruits .Please tell me who likes apples ,stand up! Who likes bananas , stand up ! Let’s see how many of you like to eat fruits . Anyone who doesn’t like fruits ,stand up! And tell us the reasons.”

So you are at least change information with the students .But very often we ignore it .

Now come back to the class , the teacher said :

“O K ,do you remember you have got a little book ? Please take out you little book ,that’s your word bank.There is a new word ,please open your bank book and copy it and try to remember it when you get home .”

So you can imagine that everything is purpose for:

You are going to learn !

You are going to recite !
