2 nm。
从表1中可以看出蓝宝石不仅硬度高,断裂强度、抗弯强度和断裂韧性均比一般玻璃盖板高;化学稳定 性好,可耐水、大气、风沙和汗水的侵蚀;透过光波段范围为0.14—6 Ixm,其中在0.3~5恤m透过率为80%,1
足够数量时,就加大氦气流量,使其带走更多籽晶热量,从而使籽晶 持续生长成晶体。 热交换器是热交换法设备的重要部件,通常由两个同心管组 成。氦气由热交换器中心管流人,到达热交换器顶端,即坩埚底部
在蓝宝石晶体生长过程中,籽晶和坩埚均不移动,晶体生长的 驱动力来自固液界面上温度梯度。在晶体生长过程中,熔体的温度
6可能使用蓝宝石玻璃作为手机面板。1 J,此消息引起了国内
机面板硬度和抗磨损能力,避免表面刮伤影响拍摄及指纹识别效果。严格来讲,蓝宝石玻璃(Sapphire glass) 一词是不确切的,因为采用的是蓝宝石晶体(Sapphire crystal),而不是玻璃,国内也有人称之为蓝宝石水晶玻 璃(Sapphire
it instead of glass
material of mobile phone panel.The structure,properties and method of manufacturing large
AR鹰眼:1600万360°蓝宝石AR鹰眼,光学透镜采用蓝宝石玻璃;S系列1600万360°全景一体式网络高清摄像机全景摄像机有8个1/1.8" 2MP Progressive Scan CMOS,最高分辨率及帧率可达2X4096×1800@30fps,星光级超低照度,0.005Lux/F2.0(彩色),0.0005Lux/F2.0(黑白);特写摄像机支持4K,4096×2160@30fps;星光级超低照度:0.002Lux/F1.5(彩色),0.0002Lux/F1.5(黑白),0 Lux with IR;焦距:7.5 -277mm,37倍光学,200m红外照射距离;支持区域入侵、越界、进入区域、离开区域事件侦测功能;系统支持检测直径300米范围内运动目标,可同时检测60个目标;系统支持点击联动功能、目标自动跟踪功能、手动跟踪功能;支持强光抑制、3D数字降噪;系统支持基于交通平台8600实现交通云图立体防控;系统支持在摄像机的实时视频画面中添加最多500个AR标签,且可实现标签与标签联动的功能;系统内置7路报警输入、2路报警输出、1路音频输入、1路音频输出,支持光口(FC)+电口(RJ-45)网络接口设计采用一体化设计,可快捷安装;H.265/H.264/MJPEG;支持防雷、防浪涌、防突波,IP66防护等级。
黑光球机:特色功能:支持深度学习算法,提升Smart功能和跟踪功能,并支持去误报和目标分类支持区域入侵侦测、越界侦测、移动侦测等智能侦测功能支持手动跟踪、全景跟踪、事件跟踪,并支持多场景巡航跟踪支持车牌捕获及检索、混行检测、多场景巡航检测、云存储服务功能人脸抓拍:支持同时抓拍30张人脸,支持对运动人脸进行检测、跟踪、抓拍、评分、筛选,输出最优的人脸抓图支持智能雨刷:自动感应雨水并联动雨刷图像传感器:1/1.8"progressive scan CMOS,双sensor架构最低照度:彩色:0.0005Lux @ (F1.5,AGC ON);黑白:0.0001Lux @(F1.5,AGC ON) ;0 Lux with IR分辨率及帧率:主码流50Hz: 25fps (2688×1512,2560×1440)60Hz: 30fps (2688×1512,2560×1440)视频压缩:H.265/H.264/MJPEG红外照射距离:250米焦距:5.9-206.5mm,35倍光学Smart图像增强:120dB超宽动态、光学透雾、强光抑制、电子防抖、Smart IR水平及垂直范围:水平360°;垂直-25°-90°(自动翻转)水平速度:水平键控速度:0.1°-210°/s,速度可设;水平预置点速度:280°/s 垂直速度:垂直键控速度:0.1°-150°/s,速度可设;垂直预置点速度:250°/s 电源接口:DC36V网络接口:RJ45网口,自适应10M/100M网络数据音频输入/输出:1路音频输入;1路音频输出报警输入/输出:7路报警输入;2路报警输出RS485控制接口:采用半双工模式,支持自适应HIKVISION,PELCO-P和PELCO-D(可添加)协议SD卡接口:内置Micro SD卡插槽,支持Micro SD(即TF卡)/Micro SDHC/Micro SDXC 卡(最大支持256G)功耗:105W max(其中红外灯18W max)工作温度和湿度:-40℃-70℃;湿度小于90%防护等级:IP67;抗干扰能力强,适用于严酷的电磁环境,符合GB/T17626.2/3/4/5/6四级标准尺寸:Φ293×422mm重量:12Kg400万枪球联动采用一体化设计,由双镜头相机、扬声器与2颗高性能GPU模块组成。
无机和蓝宝石手表玻璃 第4部分:减反射处理-最新国标
![无机和蓝宝石手表玻璃 第4部分:减反射处理-最新国标](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3771f4664a35eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f3469311b2.png)
无机和蓝宝石手表玻璃第4部分:减反射处理1 范围本文件规定了经过减反射处理的手表玻璃的术语和定义、试验方法和结果判定。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。
GB/T 33725—2017 表壳体及其附件耐磨损、划伤和冲击试验(ISO 23160:2011, MOD)注:GB/T 33725—2017被引用的内容与ISO 23160:2011被引用的内容没有技术上的差异。
GB/T 38020.2—2019 表壳体及其附件金合金覆盖层第2部分:纯度、厚度、耐腐蚀性能和附着力的测试(ISO 3160-2:2015, MOD)注:GB/T 38020.2—2019被引用的内容与ISO 3160-2:2015被引用的内容没有技术上的差异。
GB/T 39141.3—2022 无机和蓝宝石手表玻璃第3部分:定性标准和试验方法(ISO 14368-3:2003, IDT)ISO 4892-1 塑料实验室光源暴露试验方法第1部分:总则(Plastics—Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources—Part 1: General guidance)注:G B/T 16422.1—2019 塑料实验室光源暴露试验方法第1部分:总则(ISO 4892-1:2016,IDT)ISO 4892-2 塑料实验室光源暴露试验方法第2部分:氙弧灯(Plastics—Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources—Part 2: Xenon-arc lamps)注:G B/T 16422.2—2022 塑料实验室光源暴露试验方法第2部分:氙弧灯(ISO 4892-2:2013,IDT)ISO 9227 人造气氛腐蚀试验盐雾试验(Corrosion tests in artificial—Salt spray tests)注:G B/T 10125—2021 人造气氛腐蚀试验盐雾试验(ISO 9227:2017,MOD)ISO/CIE 11664-1:2019 色度学第1部分:CIE标准色度观察者(Colorimetry—Part 1: CIE standard colorimetric observers)ISO/CIE 11664-2 色度学第2部分:CIE标准照明体(Colorimetry—Part 2: CIE standard illuminants)CIE 15:2018 色度学(Colorimetry)CIE 85:1989 太阳光谱辐照度(Solar Spectral Irradiance)3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本文件。
标签:手表行业;国内外;蓝宝石玻璃;基本性能1 引言自从瑞士雷达公司提出了将“永不磨损”作为手表价值的概念,便拉开了硬质材料在手表产品应用的序幕[1]。
2 试验对象、方法及设备本试验的试验对象:国外进口的蓝宝石玻璃,记为A;国内生产的蓝宝石玻璃三种,记为B、C、D。
由于蓝宝石相对于于玻璃的性能上优势,目前已有多个 品牌的手机摄像头盖板采用了蓝宝石材料
中兴 nubia z5 mini 摄像头配置 蓝宝石盖板镜片
பைடு நூலகம்
1. 从IPHONE5S开始,各品牌手机新机型都已开始蓝宝石摄像头盖板的应用 。 2. 摄像头模组的厚度限制了手机超薄化的趋势,所以摄像头盖板只能是凸出 或是与电池盖相平,在手机使用时易造成摄像头盖板的刮花,影响拍摄效 果。 3. 目前手机市场,高端手机蓝宝石玻璃摄像头盖板会逐渐成为标配。
1. 所以,高端品牌手机使用蓝宝石摄像头盖板,成本会增加5元左右 ,但它所起的作用和效果远超于此
Ø iPhone5S摄像头和HOME键已 经采用了蓝宝石盖板 Ø iPhone 6 的正面屏幕以及背壳 预计都将会采用蓝宝石材质。
原材料方面 2013年11月苹果公司与GT Advanced 签署了多年供货协议,并提供 5.78亿美元,开始共建的蓝宝石工厂,建造生产蓝宝石原材的炉具和设备 。积极扩展蓝宝石生产基地,预计6月份建成,为未来的iPhone6大规模使 用做足准备. 盖板生产方面 大族激光获得2千万美元的激光切割机订单,预计在2014年7-8月份提供 给苹果手机表面保护盖板供应商-长沙蓝思科技。
从莫氏硬度的级别表中可以看出,砂石中的石英硬度级别是大于7的,玻 璃为6,但蓝宝石玻璃是9,所以普通砂石可以划伤玻璃,而不会划伤蓝宝石 玻璃。
所以蓝宝石玻璃首先用于摄像头盖板,以防止刮花,影响拍摄效果, 特别是大于800万像素的手机。而home键用蓝宝石玻璃可以有效避免 表面刮伤而造成指纹辨识效果不佳的现象
一、南玻高铝玻璃的基本信息1. 材质:南玻高铝玻璃主要由硅酸盐基玻璃和高纯氧化铝共熔而成。
2. 表面处理:南玻高铝玻璃表面可采用单面或双面涂覆不锈钢、钛金等材料处理,以增加其耐腐蚀性能。
3. 颜色:南玻高铝玻璃的颜色可以根据客户要求定制,常见的颜色有透明、灰色、绿色等。
4. 厚度:南玻高铝玻璃的厚度通常为3mm、4mm、5mm、6mm等,可以根据需要定制。
二、南玻高铝玻璃的性能特点1. 高硬度:南玻高铝玻璃硬度高,耐磨损,不易划伤,保持清洁光亮。
2. 高透光:南玻高铝玻璃透光性能好,采光效果佳,符合现代建筑的设计理念。
3. 高耐热:南玻高铝玻璃在高温环境下不易变形,具有很好的耐热性能。
4. 高耐腐蚀:南玻高铝玻璃不易受化学物质侵蚀,长期使用后依然保持良好的外观和性能。
5. 安全性能好:南玻高铝玻璃经过钢化处理,具有很好的抗冲击性能,不易破裂,遇到意外情况也不会造成伤害。
三、南玻高铝玻璃的应用领域1. 建筑幕墙:南玻高铝玻璃可以用于建筑幕墙的设计,使建筑外观更加美观大方。
2. 门窗:南玻高铝玻璃可以应用于门窗的设计,增加室内的采光效果。
3. 天窗:南玻高铝玻璃透光性能好,可以用于天窗的设计,增加室内的采光和通风效果。
四、南玻高铝玻璃的安装和维护1. 安装:南玻高铝玻璃的安装应由专业人士进行,确保安装牢固,保证使用安全。
2. 维护:南玻高铝玻璃可以用清水和中性清洁剂进行清洁,避免使用带有腐蚀性的化学物质,以防损坏表面处理层。
3. 日常保养:建议定期检查南玻高铝玻璃的表面状况,及时处理污渍和划痕,保持其外观美观。
文件名称:4英寸单面抛光蓝宝石衬底技术规格书 编号:xxx.xxx 版本号:xxxx 页码1文件名称文件编号4英寸单面抛光蓝宝石衬底技术规格书XXX.XXX3.3 Lasermark要求3.3.1 打在非使用面、字迹清晰可见、打头字母代表厂家3.3.2 位置、大小要求如下图Marking位置:距离Flatlength边缘约1mmMarking内容:字母+数字如ABCD1234***总体尺寸:约1mm(字高)*12mm(总宽度)文字方向:从左至右朝上如ABCD1234***编制审核批准编制日期审核日期批准日期文件名称:4英寸单面抛光蓝宝石衬底技术规格书 编号:xxx.xxx 版本号:xxxx 页码2文件名称文件编号4英寸单面抛光蓝宝石衬底技术规格书XXX.XXX 4 使用要求4.1 可直接使用于外延反应炉生长;4.2 可先制作图形加工,再使用于外延反应炉生长。
5 包装要求5.1 产品包装:采用防静电袋包装两层,内、外层都抽真空,下图所示,标签上的内容包括Spec、LOTNO、WaferNO、CassetteNO、QTY,每盒25片。
编制审核批准编制日期审核日期批准日期文件名称:4英寸单面抛光蓝宝石衬底技术规格书 编号:xxx.xxx 版本号:xxxx 页码3文件名称文件编号4英寸单面抛光蓝宝石衬底技术规格书XXX.XXX5.2运输包装:外壳为纸箱包装,内放为间隔放置,如下图所示,防震材料为聚苯乙烯泡沫板,保证在运输中不因碰撞、摔伤,而造成破裂、变形、吸潮等有害缺陷;包装无泄漏。
6 每批供货时必须有质量书6.1抽取比例为10%6.2质量书内容为第3项中的所有项目,另外还需提供规格检测结果wafermapping图、外观检测结果wafermapping图。
7 相关文件文件名称:4英寸单面抛光蓝宝石衬底技术规格书 编号:xxx.xxx 版本号:xxxx 页码4。
LG 玻璃规格书 Final CAS_LC550WUD-SCA1_General_20100311
![LG 玻璃规格书 Final CAS_LC550WUD-SCA1_General_20100311](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/96d665433c1ec5da50e270f4.png)
Title55.0”WUXGA TFT LCDBUYER GeneralMODELSUPPLIER LG Display Co., Ltd.*MODEL LC550WUDSUFFIXSCA1 (RoHS Verified)*When you obtain standard approval,please use the above model name without suffix))((Final SpecificationPreliminary Specification ●FOR APPROVALSPECIFICATIONAPPROVED BY SIGNATUREDATEJ. T Kim / Team LeaderREVIEWED BYB. Y Kim / Project LeaderPREPARED BYD. I Kim / EngineerTV Products Development Dept.LG. Display LCD Co., LtdAPPROVED BYSIGNATUREDATE///Please return 1 copy for your confirmation withyour signature and comments.CONTENTSNumber ITEM Page COVER1CONTENTS2RECORD OF REVISIONS31GENERAL DESCRIPTION42ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS53ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS6 3-1ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS6 3-2INTERFACE CONNECTIONS8 3-3SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATIONS11 3-4LVDS SIGNAL SPECIFICATIONS12 3-5COLOR DATA REFERENCE15 3-6POWER SEQUENCE16 4OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS18 5MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS22 6RELIABILITY25 7INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS26 7-1SAFETY26 7-2EMC26 7-3ENVIRONMENT26 8PACKING27 8-1INFORMATION OF LCM LABEL27 8-2PACKING FORM27 9PRECAUTIONS28 9-1MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS28 9-2OPERATING PRECAUTIONS28 9-3ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROL29 9-4PRECAUTIONS FOR STRONG LIGHT EXPOSURE29 9-5STORAGE29 9-6HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PROTECTION FILM29RECORD OF REVISIONS Revision No.Revision Date Page Description0.0Aug, 13, 2008-Preliminary Specification (First Draft)0.1Nov, 20, 2009Several specification update1.0Dec, 22, 2009Final Specification1. General DescriptionThe LC550WUD is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display with an integral Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp(CCFL) backlight system. The matrix employs a-Si Thin Film Transistor as the active element. It is a transmissive display type which is operating in the normally black mode. It has a 54.64 inch diagonally measured active display area with WUXGA resolution (1080 vertical by 1920 horizontal pixel array). Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arrayed in vertical stripes. Gray scale or the luminance of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 10-bit gray scale signal for each dot. Therefore, it can present a palette of more than 1.06Bilion colors.It is intended to support LCD TV, PCTV where high brightness, super wide viewing angle, high color gamut, high color depth and fast response time are important.2. Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSThe following items are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or damage to the LCD module.1. Ambient temperature condition (Ta = 25 ±2 °C )2. Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below. Wet bulb temperature should be Max 39°C, and no condensation of water.3. Gravity mura can be guaranteed below 40°C condition.4. The maximum operating temperatures is based on the test condition that the surface temperatureof display area is less than or equal to 65°C with LCD module alone in a temperature controlled chamber.Thermal management should be considered in final product design to prevent the surface temperature of display area from being over 65℃. The range of operating temperature may degraded in case of improper thermal management in final product design.90%1020304050607080-2001020304050Wet BulbTemperature [°C ]StorageOperationH u m i d i t y [(%)R H ]10%40%60%60NoteIt requires two power inputs. One is employed to power for the LCD circuit. The other Is used for the CCFL backlight and inverter circuit.3. Electrical Specifications1. The specified current and power consumption are under the V LCD =12.0V, Ta=25 ±2°C, f V =120Hzcondition whereas mosaic pattern(8 x 6) is displayed and f V is the frame frequency.2. The current is specified at the maximum current pattern.3. The duration of rush current is about 2ms and rising time of power input is 0.5ms (min.).Mosaic Pattern(8 x 6)White : 1023 Gray Black : 0 GrayNote 3-1. Electrical CharacteristicsTable 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continue)Notes :1. Electrical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stable for approximately 120minutes at 25±2°C. The specified current and power consumption are under the typical supply Input voltage 24Vand V BR(EXTV BR-B: 100%), it is total power consumption.2. Electrical characteristics are determined within 30 minutes at 25±2°C.The specified currents are under the typical supply Input voltage 24V.3. The brightness of the lamp after lighted for 5minutes is defined as 100%.TS is the time required for the brightness of the center of the lamp to be not less than 95% at typical current.The screen of LCD module may be partially dark by the time the brightness of lamp is stable after turn on.4. Specified Values are for a single lamp which is aligned horizontally.The life time is determined as the time which luminance of the lamp is 50% compared to that of initial value at the typical lamp current (EXTV BR-B:100%), on condition of continuous operating at 25±2°C5. LGD recommend that the PWM freq. is synchronized with One times harmonic of Vsync signal of system.6. The duration of rush current is about 10ms.7. EXTV BR-B is based on input PWM duty of the inverter.3-2. Interface ConnectionsThis LCD module employs two kinds of interface connection, 51-pin connector and 41-pin connector are used for the module electronics and 14-pin,12-pin connector is used for the integral backlight system.3-2-1. LCD Module-LCD Connector : FI-R51S-HF(manufactured by JAE) or KN25-51P-0.5SH(manufactured by Hirose) (CN1) Refer to below and next Page table-Mating Connector : FI-R51HL(JAE) or compatibleTable 4-1. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN1) PIN CONFIGURATIONNote 1. All GND(ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. All V LCD(power input) pins should be connected together.3. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644Standard.4. Specific pins (pin No. #2~#6) are used for internal data process of the LCD module.These pins should be no connection.5. Specific pins (pin No. # 8~#10) are used for OPC function of the LCD module.If not used, these pins are no connection. (Please see the Appendix III-4for more information.)6. LVDS pin (pin No. #24,25,40,41) are used for 10Bit(D) of the LCD module.If used for 8Bit(R), these pins are no connection.Table 4-2. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN2) PIN CONFIGURATION-LCD Connector : FI-RE41S-HF (manufactured by JAE) or KN25-41P-0.5SH (manufactured by Hirose)(CN2)-Mating Connector : FI-RE41HL[CN1]-Part/No. : FI-RE51S-HF(JAE)-Mating connector : FI-RE51HL(Manufactured by JAE)[CN2]-Part/No. : FI-RE41S-HF(JAE)-Mating connector : FI-RE41HL(Manufactured by JAE)Note : 1. All GND (ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. LVDS pin (pin No. #22,23,38,39) are used for 10Bit(D) of the LCD module.If used for 8Bit(R), these pins are no connection.Rear view of LCM#1#51#1#41<Slave>◆Rear view of LCM<Master>PCBPCB3-2-2. Backlight Module[ Master ]-Inverter Connector : 20022WR-14B1(Yeonho)or Equivalent-Mating Connector : 20022HS-14or Equivalent[ Slave ]-Inverter Connector : 20022WR-12B1(Yeonho)or Equivalent-Mating Connector : 20022HS-12or EquivalentTable 5. INVERTER CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGULATIONNote 1. GND should be connected to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. Normal : Low (under 0.7V) / Abnormal : High (upper3.0V)Please see Appendix IV-1for more information.3. The impedance of pin #12 is over 75[K Ω] & the impedance of Pin #13 is over 50[K Ω].3-3. Signal Timing SpecificationsTable 6 shows the signal timing required at the input of the LVDS transmitter. All of the interface signal timings should be satisfied with the following specification for normal operation.Table 6-1. TIMING TABLE for NTSC (DE Only Mode)Note 1. The Input of HSYNC & VSYNC signal does not have an effect on normal operation (DE Only Mode).If you use spread spectrum for EMI, add some additional clock to minimum value for clock margin. 2. The performance of the electro-optical characteristics may be influenced by variance of the vertical refresh rate and the horizontal frequency.FrequencyDCLKf CLK 66.9774.2578.00MHz Horizontal f H 121.8135140KHz 2Verticalf V108120122Hz2FrequencyDCLKf CLK 66.9774.2578.00MHz Horizontal f H 121.8135140KHz 2Verticalf V95100104Hz2Table 6-2 TIMING TABLE for DVB/PAL (DE Only Mode)3-4. LVDS Signal Specification3-4-1. LVDS Input Signal Timing Diagram0.7VDD0.3VDDInvalid dataValid dataInvalid dataInvalid dataInvalid dataPixel 0Pixel 4Pixel 1Pixel 5Valid dataDE(Data Enable)First dataSecond dataDE, DataInvalid dataValid dataInvalid dataInvalid dataInvalid dataPixel 2Pixel 6Pixel 3Pixel 7Valid data* t HB = t HFP + t WH +t HBP * t VB = t VFP + t WV +t VBPThird dataForth dataDE(Data Enable)1) DC Specification2) AC Specification1. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644 Standard.2. If t RF isn’t enough, t eff should be meet the range.3. LVDS Differential Voltage is defined within t effNote 3-4-2. LVDS Input Signal CharacteristicsV+ dataV-V+ clkV-clk3-5. Color Data ReferenceThe brightness of each primary color (red,green,blue) is based on the 10bit gray scale data input for the color. The higher binary input, the brighter the color. Table 7 provides a reference for color versus data input.Table 7. COLOR DATA REFERENCE3-6. Power SequenceInterface Signal (Tx)Power for LampPower Supply For LCDV LCDUser Control Signal(LVDS_select, BIT_select)3-6-1. LCD Driving circuitTable 8. POWER SEQUENCE1. Please avoid floating state of interface signal at invalid period.2. When the power supply for LCD (VLCD) is off, be sure to pull down the valid and invalid data to 0V.3. The T 3 / T 4is recommended value, the case when failed to meet a minimum specification, abnormal display would be shown. There is no reliability problem.4. If the on time of signals(Interface signal and user control signals) precedes the on time of Power(V LCD ),it will be happened abnormal display. When T 6is NC status,T 6doesn’t need to be measured.5. T 5should be measured after the Module has been fully discharged between power off and on period.6. It is recommendation specification that T8has to be 100ms as a minimum value.Note :3-6-2. Sequence for InverterPower Supply For InverterV ON/OFFV BL0V3-6-3. Dip condition for InverterV BL (Typ.) x 0.80 VBL : 24VEXTV BR-BNotes : 1. T1 describes rising time of 0V to 24V and this parameter does not applied at restarting time.2. T4(max) is less than T2.3. It is the recommendation to input Max Duty to Inverter** for EXTV BR-B during T7 period.**When OPC Function is applied, the Max Duty is input to T-Con.* The recommendation of V ON/OFF rising time is under 10ms.Pritchard 880 orequivalentFIG. 1 Optical Characteristic Measurement Equipment and Method4. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stable in a dark environment at25±2°C. The values are specified at an approximate distance 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of Φand θequal to 0 °.It is presented additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method in FIG. 1.Ta= 25±2°C, V LCD=12.0V, f V=120Hz, Dclk=74.25MHz,EXTV BR-B=100%Table 10. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSTable 11. GRAY SCALE SPECIFICATIONNote : 1. Contrast Ratio(CR) is defined mathematically as :CR(Contrast Ratio) = Maximum CRn (n=1, 2, 3, 4,5)Surface Luminance at position n with all white pixelsCRn =Surface Luminance at position n with all black pixelsn = the Position number(1, 2, 3, 4, 5). For more information, see FIG 2.2. Surface luminance are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and 1 Hour after lighting the backlight in a dark environment at 25±2°C. Surface luminance is the luminance value at center 1-point across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying white.For more information see the FIG. 2.3. The variation in surface luminance , δWHITE is defined as :δWHITE(5P) = Maximum(L on1,L on2, L on3, L on4, L on5) / Minimum(L on1,L on2, L on3, L on4, L on5)Where L on1to L on5are the luminance with all pixels displaying white at 5 locations .For more information, see the FIG. 2.4. Response time is the time required for the display to transit from G(N) to G(M) (Rise Time, Tr R ) and from G(M) to G(N) (Decay Time, Tr D ). For additional information see the FIG. 3. (N<M)※G to G Spec stands for average value of all measured points.Photo Detector : RD-80S / Field : 2˚5. MPRT is defined as the 10% to 90% blur-edge width B ij (pixels) and scroll speed U(pixels/frame)at the moving picture. For more information, see FIG 46. Gray to Gray / MPRT Response time uniformity is Reference data. Please see Appendix V-1 / V-2.7. Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The angles aredetermined for the horizontal or x axis and the vertical or y axis with respect to the z axis which is normal to the LCD module surface. For more information, see the FIG. 5.8. Gray scale specificationGamma Value is approximately 2.2. For more information, see the Table 11.FIG. 3 Response TimeResponse time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “Gray(N)”and “Gray(M)”.FIG. 2 5 Points for Luminance MeasureA : H / 4 mmB : V / 4 mm@ H,V : Active Area10090100Optical ResponseN,M = Black~White, N<MMeasuring point for surface luminance & luminance variationFIG. 5 Viewing AngleDimension of viewing angle rangeφFIG. 4 MPRTMPRT is defined as the 10% to 90% blur-edge with B ij (pixels) and scroll speed U(pixels/frame)at the moving picture.L jLi M =U1Bij (i=j)Example) Bij = 12pixels, U = 10pixels / 120Hz M = 12pixels / (10pixels / 120Hz)= 12pixels / {10pixels / (1/120)s}= 12 / 1,200 s = 10 ms5. Mechanical CharacteristicsTable 12 provides general mechanical characteristics.Table 12. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSNote : Please refer to a mechanical drawing in terms of tolerance at the next page.[ FRONT VIEW ][ REAR VIEW ]6. ReliabilityTable 13. ENVIRONMENT TEST CONDITIONNote : Before and after Reliability test, LCM should be operated with normal function.7. International Standards7-1. Safetya) UL 60065, Seventh Edition, Underwriters Laboratories Inc.Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.b) CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60065:03, Canadian Standards Association.Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.c) EN 60065:2002 + A11:2008, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC).Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.d) IEC 60065:2005 + A1:2005, The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.7-2. EMCa) ANSI C63.4 “American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-NoiseEmissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.”American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 2003.b) CISPR 22 “Information technology equipment –Radio disturbance characteristics –Limit andmethods of measurement." International Special Committee on Radio Interference(CISPR), 2005.c) CISPR 13 “Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment –Radio disturbancecharacteristics –Limits and method of measurement." International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), 2006.7-3. Environmenta) RoHS, Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 27 January 20038. Packinga) Lot MarkABCDEFGHIJKLMNote1. YEARb) Location of Lot Mark2. MONTHBNov MarkMonth AOct 6Jun 7Jul 8Aug 9Sep 4Apr 5May C421Dec Mar Feb Jan Serial NO. is printed on the label. The label is attached to the backside of the LCD module.This is subject to change without prior notice.8-2. Packing FormMarkYear 02010620067200782008920094200452005321200320022001A,B,C : SIZE(INCH) D : YEARE : MONTHF ~ M : SERIAL NO.8-1. Information of LCM Labela) Package quantity in one Pallet : 10 pcsb) Pallet Size : 1440 mm X 1140 mm X 970 mm.9. PrecautionsPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCD module.9-1. Mounting Precautions(1) You must mount a module using specified mounting holes (Details refer to the drawings).(2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. Twisted stress) is not applied to themodule. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so that external force is not transmitted directly to the module.(3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect the polarizer.Transparent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force.(4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification.(5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the formergenerates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter causes circuit break by electro-chemical reaction.(6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with glass,tweezers or anything harder than HBpencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical treatment.Do not touch the surface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth.(Some cosmetics are detrimental to the polarizer.)(7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materials likechamois soaks with petroleum benzine. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front / rear polarizers. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol because they cause chemical damage to the polarizer.(8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizer causesdeformations and color fading.(9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength.9-2. Operating Precautions(1) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than following voltage:V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage)(2) Response time depends on the temperature.(In lower temperature, it becomes longer.)(3) Brightness depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.)And in lower temperature, response time(required time that brightness is stable after turned on) becomes longer(4) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature change.Condensation makes damage to polarizer orelectrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot will occur.(5) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnant image is likely to occur.(6) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagnetic interference shall bedone by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimized the interference.(7) Please do not give any mechanical and/or acoustical impact to LCM. Otherwise, LCM can’t be operatedits full characteristics perfectly.(8) A screw which is fastened up the steels should be a machine screw.(if not, it can causes conductive particles and deal LCM a fatal blow)(9)Please do not set LCD on its edge.(10) The conductive material and signal cables are kept away from transformers to prevent abnormal display,sound noise and temperature rising.(11) Partial darkness may happen during 3~5 minutes when LCM is operated initially in condition thatluminance is under 40% at low temperature (under 5℃). This phenomenon which disappears naturallyafter 3~5 minutes is not a problem about reliability but LCD characteristic.(12) Partial darkness may happen under the long-term operation of any dimming without power on/off.This phenomenon which disappears naturally after 5 minutes is not a problem about reliability butLCD characteristics.9-3. Electrostatic Discharge ControlSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wrist band etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4. Precautions for Strong Light ExposureStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5. StorageWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary.(1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light. Keep the temperaturebetween 5°C and 35°C at normal humidity.(2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other object.It is recommended that they be stored in the container in which they were shipped.9-6. Handling Precautions for Protection Film(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking tape.When the protection film is peeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and polarizer.This should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ion-blown equipment or in such a condition, etc.(2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes there remains a verysmall amount of glue still on the bezel after the protection film is peeled off.(3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on the bezel surface or its vestige is recognized,please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with normal-hexane.# APPENDIX-I■LC550WUD-SCA1–Pallet Ass’yNO.DESCRIPTION MATERIAL1LCD Module2BAG55INCH3TAPE MASKING 20MMX50M4PALLET PLYWOOD5PACKING,BOTTOM EPS6PACKING,TOP EPS7ANGLE,PACKING PAPER8ANGLE,COVER PAPER9BAND PP10BAND,CLIP STEEL11LABEL YUPO 80G 100X70# APPENDIX-II-18■Serial No. (See CAS 27page for more information)12345679101112InchM Ass’y Factory codeSerial No.13MonthYear ■LC550WUD-SCA1-LCM LabelModelUL, TUV Mark US PATENT No.Origin# APPENDIX-II-2■LC550WUD-SCA1-Pallet Label# APPENDIX-III-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (Thine : THC63LVD103) Transmitter(Pin7=“L”)Note: 1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm[Ω] resistor between positive and negative lines of each receiver input.# APPENDIX-III-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (Thine : THC63LVD103) Transmitter(Pin7=“H”)Note :1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm[Ω] resistor between positive and negative lines of each receiver input.# APPENDIX-III-2■LVDS Data-Mapping Information (10 Bit)1) LVDS Select : “H”Data-Mapping (JEIDA format)2) LVDS Select : “L”Data-Mapping (VESA format)# APPENDIX-III-2■LVDS Data-Mapping Information (8 Bit)1) LVDS Select : “H”Data-Mapping (JEIDA format)2) LVDS Select : “L”Data-Mapping (VESA format)# APPENDIX-III-3■Option Pin Circuit Block Diagram1) Circuit Block Diagram of LVDS Format Selection pin2) Circuit Block Diagram of OPC Enable Selection pin1) When OPC Enable is “L", OPC Output = System Dimming.2) OPC Output( PWM Signal) is synchronized with V-Sync Freq. of System in T-Con Board.3) Regardless of OPC, System should always give dimming Signal (EXTV BR-B ) to T-con. 4)PWM Specification ( VCC = 3.3V ) @ OPC a) PWM High Voltage Range : 2.5 V ~ 3.6 V b) PWM Low Voltage Range : 0.0 V ~ 0.8 V# APPENDIX-III-4■EXTV BR-B & OPC Design GuideVCC*0.9VCC*0.1VCC# APPENDIX-IV-1■Inverter 14th Pin (Status ) Design Guide-Purpose : Preventing of backlight off by restarting the inverter technically-How to : When inverter is abnormal operation, TV system inputs the Von signalin the inverter once more to turn on the lamp safely-Attention : Restart system’s Von signal when status pin is high for some time (min:1sec , max:4sec).(The turn on time of lamp can be late such as the low temperature or the storage time)Attention : Restart system’s Von signal when status pin is high for some time (min:1sec , max:4sec).1) Function of Status pin2) Status operation modes in TV set3) Inverter pin map# APPENDIX-IV-2■Mega DCR Using Condition (1)●The Deep Dimming means using the input PWM duty less than Min duty.The input PWM duty (Min & Max duty) refer to the table 3 on the page 7.The Deep Dimming must be used very carefully due to limitation of lamp characteristics and specification.1) For stable lamp on, its duty condition should follow below the condition.After Inverter ON signal, T0 duration should be sustained.Output current2) B/L may not satisfy some of LCM specification at the Deep Dimming.-Duration : The Deep Dimming must be limited within 10 minutes.-Ratio : The operation time of the Deep Dimming must be less than 1/5 time of the NormalDuty (Min ~ Max duty) operation in a certain period to prevent unwanted operation.-FOS : Partial darkness or darkness of center area during the Deep Dimming might be happened due to insufficient lamp current.-Warm up :The Normal Duty (Min ~ Max duty) must be used 3 min after the lamps “ON”. In case of low temperature, more warm up time may be needed.# APPENDIX-IV-2■Mega DCR Using Condition (2)Output current3) Following the recommended conditions as aforementioned, there is no difference of lamplifetime between conventional method and new one.# APPENDIX-V-1■Gray to Gray Response Time Uniformity (δG TO G )This is only the reference data of G to G and uniformity for LC550WUD-SCA1 model.1. G to G Response Time :Response time is defined as Figure3 and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “Gray (N) ”and “Gray(M)”.(32Gray Step at 8bit) 2. G to G UniformityThe variation of G to G Uniformity , δG to G is defined as :*Maximum (GtoG) means maximum value of measured time (N, M = 0 (Black) ~ 255(White), 32 gray step).3. Sampling Size : 2 pcs4. Measurement Method : Follow the same rule as optical characteristics measurement.5. Current StatusBelow table is actual data of production on 11. 18. 2009 ( LGD RV Event Sample)G to G Uniformity =≤1)()()(GtoG Typical GtoG Typical GtoG Maximum −# APPENDIX-V-2■MPRT Response Time Uniformity (δMPRT )This is only the reference data of MPRT and uniformity for LC550WUD-SCA1 model.1. MPRT Response Time :Response time is defined as Figure32. MPRT UniformityThe variation of MPRT Uniformity , δMPRT is defined as :3. Sampling Size : 2 pcs4. Measurement Method : Follow the same rule as optical characteristics measurement.5. Current StatusBelow table is actual data of production on 11. 18. 2009 ( LGD RV Event Sample)MPRT Uniformity =≤1Typical (MPRT)Maximum (MPRT) -Typical (MPRT)。
颗粒 粒径 种大 类小
粒几 径何 分形 布状
分 散 性
粘 度
密 度
固 体 物 含
缓 冲 剂
分 散 剂
CMP 抛光液(slurry)
• 水基化学试剂,包含抛光颗粒和化学添加剂 • 抛光液的化学试剂与表面材料反应,生成可
以被抛光颗粒磨除的化合物 • 抛光液里的颗粒抛光晶片表面,直接移除材
安徽康蓝光电股份有限公司 技术部 杨飞 2011. 11. 21
化学性:蓝白石具有很高的化学稳定性,大部分化学 溶剂都无法轻易对蓝宝石发生反应。
光学特性:蓝宝石的光学穿透波很宽,可从200nm到 5500nm,使用与氮化物系列材料制造发光元件。
磨片的机理实际与切片基本一样,所不同的是施加 压力的是磨盘而不是钢线以及磨片过程中还有一 定的化学作用,因为研磨液是碱性液,对晶片有 一定化学腐蚀作用,这一点更接近与抛光,但是 磨片以机械作用为主
影响因素:磨盘与晶片的相对速度,研磨液的性质, 研磨砂的粒径与形貌,磨盘平整度、硬度、均匀 性,行星片强度与设计
移除速率 参数稳定性(均匀性) 晶片TTV 晶片表面颗粒,金属离子含量,抛光液残留,
腐蚀坑等 缺陷
•Preston方程可以表述为 R = Kp⋅p⋅Δv
• P为抛光压强 • Kp 代表Preston系数coefficient • Δv 为硅片与抛光垫的相对速率 • 粗糙表面的突出部分承受更高的抛光压强 • 突出部分的移除速率更高
Application of sapphire glass in electronic products LIU Bo
( Department of Comput . Sci . , Jinan Vocational College , Jinan Shandong 250061 , China ) 揖Abstract铱BSTRACT Sapphire glass is used more and more widely . With the increase of output and the decrease of price , whether its high hardness and good impact resistance can be more applied to computers , especially in the aspects of beauty , heat dissipation , radiation protection and wear resistance , is worth exploring . 揖Key words铱Sapphire glass ; Beauty ; Heat dissipation ; Radiation protection ; Wear resistance
. AlN观lV遥IDRIAigThestlas技R术e以se及rvSLeI d技.术 都 让 机 箱 内 部 格 外 壮
如果使用透明的底盘的话袁 各种布局不就一目了 然 了 遥 2006 年 8 月 12 日 北 京 晚 报 新 闻 报 道 了 市 内 销 售一个叫做水晶宫的多彩透明箱遥 这是进口的高质量 透明的压克力材料袁 通过精密的切割工艺加工而制作 的遥 这种外壳是用透明的有机玻璃材料制成的遥 有机 玻 璃 的 厚 度 约 为 5mm 遥 机 箱 各 部 件 边 框 均 经 过 抛 光 袁 以避免各种拐角和毛刺剐伤用户, 机箱采用四个彩灯 风扇尧一个光管袁使其在运转时发出幽蓝灯光袁给用户 营 造 水 晶 梦 幻 境 界 遥 可 以 用 选 择 的 UV 管 袁 将 机 箱 的 内 部也装饰得美丽遥 在机箱底的灯管中被释放的蓝色 光袁 使整体的机箱看起来像是蓝色大海的结晶宫殿遥 当 时 袁 普 通 计 算 机 箱 的 价 格 大 约 是 400 元 袁 而 这 种 计 算 机 机 箱 的 价 格 达 到 了 1000 元 遥 许 多 发 烧 友 用 不 同 的 工 艺 和 厚 度 的 亚 克 力 袁 仿 效 制 作 透 明 的 机 箱 遥 图 2 是 ZOL 硬 件 论 坛 中 cfz518 网 友 简介 院 刘博渊1978要冤袁男袁讲师袁硕士袁主要研究方向为计算机结构尧体系尧模型遥 164 科技视界 Science & Technology Vision
规格承认书SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL客户CUSTOMER:xxxxxxx有限公司品名PRODUCTION:全钢化平板玻璃Semi-Tempered Glass规格SIZE:3mm白玻璃客户零件号ITEM NO:XXXXXX日期DATE:2009-7-15包含资料DATA:1.SPECIFICATION产品规格书2.CHECKING ENVIRONMENT检验环境图CUSTOMER MANAGER SALES Q.C.Page1/3产品规格书PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONBUYER XXXX有限公司ITEM NO XXXXSCOPE Semi-TEMPERED GLASS全钢化平板玻璃DATE2009/07/15INSPECTION CONTENT STANDARD REMARK厚度THICK/TOLERANCE3mm(±0.2)mm.Vernier caliper 尺寸SIZE/TOLERANCE396mm x324.5mm(±0.5)Verniercaliper平面度WARPAGE≦0.8mm磨边类型EDGE1#,2#,3#are acceptable.SAE673StandardsSAE673标准,1#/2#/3#边均可Magnifier爆边CHIP ON EDGESL≦2mm D≦ 1.5mm,accept;R Corner(Area15mm,R角周边裸露15mm)notaccept.Magnifier气泡BUBBLE≦0.2mm accept3(100mm between)Magnifier 四周离边5mm不限杂质IMPURITY ≦0.2mm accept2(100mm between)Magnifier 四周离边5mm不限划伤SCRATCH L≦15mm w≦0.1mm accept4(100mm between)四周离边5mm不限表面压应力测试SURFACE COMPRESS STRESSTESTCompress stress should more than30MPa.表面压应力大于30兆帕。
第一条产品名称、规格和数量1.1 产品名称:蓝宝石玻璃透镜1.2 产品规格:详见附件一1.3 产品数量:详见附件二第二条价格和支付方式2.1 产品价格:人民币(大写):____元整(小写):_____元。
2.2 支付方式:甲方在本合同签订后____个工作日内,向乙方支付合同总价款的____%,作为预付款。
第三条交货期限和地点3.1 乙方应在本合同签订后____个工作日内,将产品运至甲方指定的地点,并通知甲方验收。
3.2 甲方应在收到货物后____个工作日内进行验收,并将验收结果通知乙方。
第四条质量保证4.1 乙方保证其供应的蓝宝石玻璃透镜符合国家相关标准和甲方要求,产品质量问题由乙方负责。
4.2 如甲方发现产品存在质量问题,应在验收合格后____个工作日内书面通知乙方,并提供相关证据。
第五条违约责任5.1 如乙方不能按照本合同约定的时间、数量和质量供应产品,甲方有权解除本合同,并要求乙方支付违约金,违约金为合同总价款的____%。
1.Main parameter2. Production process chart3.Tempered glass screen protector feature3.1 material structureThere are four layers for the tempered glass screen protector:Nano-structured coating,tempered glass layer,explosion-proof film and Silicon coatingNano-structured coating:It makes the protector anti-fingerprint, water-proof and anti-Oil, Just by wiping the protector gently could make it look brand new again.Tempered glass layer:It can avoid scratch caused by the friction between screen and hard objects.Explosion-proof film:It can prevent glass cracking and cullet dropping, so the glass will not hurt people even if the glass breaks in accident.Silicon coating:It is anti-static and with high absorbability, so that the protector can stick with the screen easily and no bubbles between them.3.2 Thickness VarityThere are three thickness for tempered glass screen protector at present, 0.2mm, 0.33mm and 0.4mm.Micrometer is a tool to measure the thickness of tempered glass screen protector. Users can not know the exact thickness without a tool like micrometer.3.3 Edge typeThere are mainly two kinds of edge types for tempered glass screen protector, flat edge (right angle edge) and 2.5D curved edge (round edge). The round edge one is more expensive that the right-angle one, as the round edge is much more smooth and safer for end users. There is also bevel edge type, but it is not in common use4.Main functions of the screen protector4.1Block UV rays, This screen protector can block more than 62% of UV rays that produces by mobile-phones screen, so it is good for human body.4.2Anti-scratch,The hardness of the tempered glass is 9H,it can avoid scratch caused by the friction between screen and hard objetcts.4.3Anti-fingerprint, oleophobic,The tempered glass screen protector can stop waterdrop or other liquid like oil from getting splashed. So, it can keep your phone very clean. You cannot leave your fingerprint on the screen protector as well.4.4 Anti-glare, it has certain protection for our eyes, Fatigue-resistant for long time using.4.5 Anti-bubble, auto exhaust fitting, perfect fit with the screen ,no bubbles, as well as no affecting to transmission rate.4.6 Shatter-proof,the tempered glass screen protector can protect your phone screen in most normal drop or accident.Warning:Normal drop or normal accident your phone will be saved, but if your try to break on purpose with hard strength your phone must be broken. To test with a knife or a key will be completely safe.4.7 Protect touch sensitivity, there is no effect on the touch sensitivity of the smartphone, instead, this screen protector provide long-lasting protection.5.Installation guidestep 1:Wipe your phone screen with Alcohol Prep Pad, then wipe it with Cleaning cloth.Step 2: Peel the No.1 release film(No.1 mask) and make the the screen protector aligned with the edge and hole,stick phone screen with the protector side with release film, then apply the protector all over the screen accordingly.Step 3: Press the center of the screen slightly, the screen protector will be installed without bubbles.Step 4: Install the home button for the Iphone. All is done, the screen will be well-protected.。