AUO 10.1寸玻璃规格书(2015.1.5)


惠普 24m 显示器 用户指南说明书

惠普 24m 显示器 用户指南说明书

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第一版:2019 年 10 月文档部件号:L81798-AA1关于此手册本指南介绍了显示器的功能特性、安装、技术规格和软件的使用。







本产品采用了 HDMI 技术。

iiiiv 关于此手册目录1 使用入门 (1)重要安全信息 (1)产品特性和组件 (2)特性 (2)背面组件 (3)前部组件 (4)安装显示器 (4)安装显示器支架 (5)安装显示器本体 (5)卸下显示器支架 (6)将显示器连接到安装设备 (6)连接电缆 (7)调整显示器 (9)打开显示器 (11)安装安全电缆 (11)2 使用显示器 (12)软件和实用程序 (12)信息文件 (12)图像色彩匹配文件 (12)使用 OSD 菜单 (13)使用功能按钮 (14)重新分配功能按钮 (14)调整蓝光输出(仅限部分产品) (14)使用自动睡眠模式模式 (15)更改“电源模式”设置(仅限部分产品) (15)3 支持和故障排除 (16)解决常见问题 (16)按钮锁定 (16)使用自动调整功能(模拟输入) (17)优化图像性能(模拟输入) (17)联系技术支持 (19)准备致电技术支持 (19)v找到序列号和产品编号 (19)4 维护显示器 (20)维护准则 (20)清洁显示器 (20)装运显示器 (20)附录 A 技术规格 (21)60.5 厘米/23.8 英寸型号 (21)68.6 厘米/27 英寸型号 (21)预设显示器分辨率 (22)节能功能 (23)附录 B 辅助功能 (24)HP 和辅助功能 (24)查找所需技术工具 (24)HP 的承诺 (24)国际无障碍专业人员协会(International Association of Accessibility Professionals,IAAP) .. 24查找最佳的辅助技术 (25)评估您的需求 (25)HP 产品的辅助功能 (25)标准和法规 (25)标准 (25)指令 376 – EN 301 549 (26)Web 内容无障碍指南 (WCAG) (26)法规和规定 (26)相关无障碍资源和链接 (26)组织 (26)教育机构 (27)其他残障资源 (27)HP 链接 (27)联系支持部门 (27)vi1使用入门重要安全信息显示器随附一条电源线。



触摸屏ITO透明导电玻璃规格书客户:牧東光電(蘇州)有限公司规格:TKHTP(Chemical Tempered Glass/D-SiO2)发行日期:2008年9月1日编号:TK20080901-2所附说明是规格书中的一部分。



采购规格书(修订履历)触摸屏ITO透明导电玻璃规格书SPEC. NO. TK20080901-21.0概述1.1此说明书介绍了长信公司生产的触摸屏ITO透明导电玻璃和基片的主要特性。



3.0 玻璃基片规格质量要求基片尺寸、公差及相应的检测方法如下。



4.1 ITO玻璃表观质量4.2 ITO玻璃镀膜质量要求4.3ITO膜层稳定性5.0 质量保证5.1长信公司于2003年6月份通过ISO9001:2000质量体系认证,并与2006年11月份通过ISO14001:2004环境管理体系认证。




6.0 包装和标识6.1长信公司按客户的要求进行包装。

6.2 每片玻璃用间隔纸隔开,以防止玻璃之间相互滑动所造成膜面和玻璃的划痕。


6.4玻璃小包装和成品装箱数量如下:6.5标识说明6.5.1 小包装标识说明每包小包装上印有产品品名、生产批号、包号、数量、检验号和膜面指示章。



触摸屏规格承认书Analog Touch panel Specification 品名/Product Name:电容式触摸屏模组机种名/Product Number:HKCZ-21.5CTP-023客户名称/ CUSTOMER NAME:客户确认/CUSTOMER APPROVE:日期/APPROVE DATE:客户签核核准审核确认承制方签核核准审核确认目录目录 (2)适用范围 (3)变更记录 (3)1.产品规格 (5)1.1 产品尺寸 (5)1.2 产品结构 (5)1.3 产品参数 (5)1.4 产品功耗 (6)1.5 产品使用、保存环境 (6)2.可靠性标准规范 (6)3.结构图纸 (7)6.注意事项 (8)深圳华科创智技术有限公司 2 / 8适用范围本规格书为明确规范本公司产品触控面板性能而订定,当本规格书与其它个别规格书内容有抵触情况发生时,仍以本规格书标准为最优先。


This specification defines performance of input surfaces for our transparent analog touch panels. In the event of a conflict between this specification and applicable individual specification, this specification takes precedence. Items missing from this specification are to be decided subject to discussion.变更记录日期版本描述变更人员2016.6.25 V1.0 初版吴小雄1.产品规格1.1 产品尺寸项目内容单位触摸尺寸21.5 inch视窗比例16:9 NA外形尺寸514.64*310.51 mmSensor外形489.57*289.08 mm可视区476.64*268.11 mm1.2 产品结构项目内容单位玻璃厚度 3 mm玻璃倒角R4.0 mmOCA厚度(上线)0.125 mm纳米银导电膜厚度(上线)0.125 mmOCA厚度(下线)0.05 mm纳米银导电膜厚度(下线)0.125 mm1.3 产品参数项目内容单位表面硬度7H H透过率>84% %线性度Pitch 6.0mm mm最大支持点数10点NA支持最大分辨率1920*1080Dots NA接口种类USB NA运行系统Android NA1.4 产品功耗项目内容单位振荡频率12 MHZ电源5V V反应时间≦10 ms1.5 产品使用、保存环境项目内容备注使用温度范围湿度20%-90%,非结雾单体状态下以上条件不代表环境试验规状态-10℃-60℃格保存温度范围湿度20%-90%,非结雾单体状态下以上条件不代表环境试验规状态-20℃-70℃格2.可靠性标准规范项目测试条件判定高温存储试验80℃,240h,试验后常温静置2h检查产品功能正常高温高湿试验60℃、90%RH,240h,试验后静置2h检产品功能正常查冷热冲击试验温度-30℃/+70℃,60分钟/循环,试验产品功能正常3.结构图纸6.注意事项1.汗水或油脂等若附着于纳米银线层上,将会影响纳米银线层表面阻抗质特性,故勿在未戴手套下直接触摸表面。

1.5寸RGB OLED 模块用户手册说明书

1.5寸RGB OLED 模块用户手册说明书

1.5inch RGB OLED Module用户手册产品概述本产品是1.5寸彩色OLED显示屏,分辨率为128*128,带有内部控制器,支持4-wireSPI和3-wire SPI进行控制。

产品特性驱动芯片: SSD1351支持接口: 4-wire SPI、3-wire SPI分辨率: 128 * 128显示尺寸: 1.5inch显示颜色: 65K彩色工作电压: 3.3V / 5V管脚配置功能引脚描述VCC 电源正GND 电源地DIN 数据输入CLK 时钟输入CS 片选信号DC 数据/命令信号选择RST 复位信号本OLED模块提供两种通信方式:4-wire SPI和3wire-SPI,在模块的背面有一个可选择焊接的电阻,通过该电阻来选择通信方式。


BS CS D/C DIN CLK4-wire SPI 0 片选D/C MOSI SCK3-wire SPI 1 片选需接地MOSI SCL具体硬件配置,如下:使用4线SPI:即出厂设置,BS接0连接到GND,DIN接控制引脚MOSI, CLK接控制引脚SCK; 使用3线SPI: BS接1连接到VCC,D/C需接地,DIN接控制引脚MOSI, CLK接控制引脚SCK;SSD1351是一款128RGB * 128 Dot Mattrix OLED/PLED 控制器,其内部有一个128*128*18bit的SRAM作为显示缓存区,支持262k和65k两种颜色深度。

并支持8bit 8080并行、8bit 6800并行、3wire-SPI和4wire-SPI等通信方式。






( V ) Preliminary Specifications( ) Final SpecificationsModule 10.4 Inch Color TFT-LCD Model Name G104STN01.0Customer Date Checked &Approved by Approved by DateGrace Hung 2013/08/16 Prepared byJohnson Lin 2013/08/16 General Display Business Division / AU Optronics corporationContents1. Operating Precautions (4)2. General Description (5)2.1 Display Characteristics (5)2.2 Optical Characteristics (6)3. Functional Block Diagram (9)4. Absolute Maximum Ratings (10)4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD Module (10)4.2 Absolute Ratings of Environment (10)5. Electrical Characteristics (11)5.1 TFT LCD Module (11)5.2 Backlight Unit (13)6. Signal Characteristics (14)6.1 Pixel Format Image (14)6.2 Scanning Direction (14)6.3 TFT-LCD Interface Signal Description (15)6.4 The Input Data Format (16)6.5 TFT-LCD Interface Timing (17)6.6 Power ON/OFF Sequence (18)7. Connector & Pin Assignment (19)7.1 TFT-LCD Signal (CN1): LVDS Connector (19)7.2 LED Backlight Unit (CN2): Driver Connector (19)7.3 LED Backlight Unit (CN4): Light bar Connector (19)8. Reliability Test Criteria (20)9. Mechanical Characteristics (21)9.1 LCM Outline Dimension (Front View) (21)9.2 LCM Outline Dimension (Rear View) (22)10. Label and Packaging (23)10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display) (23)10.2 Carton Package (23)11 Safety (25)11.1 Sharp Edge Requirements (25)11.2 Materials (25)11.3 Capacitors (25)11.4 National Test Lab Requirement (25)Record of RevisionVersion and Date Page Old description New Description1. Operating Precautions1) Since front polarizer is easily damaged, please be cautious and not to scratch it.2) Be sure to turn off power supply when inserting or disconnecting from input connector.3) Wipe off water drop immediately. Long contact with water may cause discoloration orspots.4) When the panel surface is soiled, wipe it with absorbent cotton or soft cloth.5) Since the panel is made of glass, it may be broken or cracked if dropped or bumped onhard surface.6) To avoid ESD (Electro Static Discharde) damage, be sure to ground yourself before handlingTFT-LCD Module.7) Do not open nor modify the module assembly.8) Do not press the reflector sheet at the back of the module to any direction.9) In case if a module has to be put back into the packing container slot after it was takenout from the container, do not press the center of the LED light bar edge. Instead, press at the far ends of the LED light bar edge softly. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged.10) At the insertion or removal of the Signal Interface Connector, be sure not to rotate nortilt the Interface Connector of the TFT Module.11) TFT-LCD Module is not allowed to be twisted & bent even force is added on module in a veryshort time. Please design your display product well to avoid external force applying to module by end-user directly.12) Small amount of materials without flammability grade are used in the TFT-LCD module. TheTFT-LCD module should be supplied by power complied with requirements of Limited Power Source (IEC60950 or UL1950), or be applied exemption.13) Severe temperature condition may result in different luminance, response time and lampignition voltage.14) Continuous operating TFT-LCD display under low temperature environment may acceleratelamp exhaustion and reduce luminance dramatically.15) The data on this specification sheet is applicable when LCD module is placed in landscapeposition.16) Continuous displaying fixed pattern may induce image sticking. It’s recommended to usescreen saver or shuffle content periodically if fixed pattern is displayed on the screen.2. General DescriptionThis specification applies to the Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display G104STN01.0composed of a TFT-LCD display, a driver and power supply circuit, and a LED backlight system. The screen format is intended to support SVGA (800(H) x 600(V)) screen and 16.2M (RGB 8-bits) or 262k colors (RGB 6-bits).LED driving board for backlight unit is included in G104STN01.0 and the LED unit is replaceable. All input signals are LVDS interface and compatible with G104SN02 V2.G104STN01.0 designed with wide viewing angle; wide temperature and long life LED backlight is well suited for industial applications. G104STN01.0 is a RoHS product.2.1 Display CharacteristicsThe following items are characteristics summary on the table under 25 ℃ condition: ItemsUnitSpecifications Screen Diagonal [inch] 10.4Active Area [mm] 211.2 (H) x 158.4 (V) Pixels H x V 800 x 3(RGB) x 600 Pixel Pitch [mm] 0.264 x 0.264 Pixel Arrangement R.G.B. Vertical Stripe Display ModeTN, Normally White Nominal Input Voltage VDD [Volt] 3.3 (typ.) Typical Power Consumption [Watt] 2.88WAll black pattern Weight [Grams] 365(Typ.)Physical Size [mm] 243.0(H) x 184.0(V) x 6.5(D)(Typ.) Electrical Interface 1 channel LVDS Surface Treatment Anti-glare, Hardness 3H Support Color16.2M / 262K colors Temperature Range OperatingStorage (Non-Operating) [o C] [o C]-20 to +80 -20 to +80 RoHS ComplianceRoHS Compliance2.2 Optical CharacteristicsThe optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25 (Room Temperature):℃Item Unit Conditions Min. Typ. Max. RemarkWhite Luminance[cd/m2] I F = 50mA/1 LED Line (center point) 300 400 -1 Uniformity % 5 Points 65 75 -2,3 Contrast Ratio500 700 - 4[msec]Rising - 10 20 [msec] Falling- 5 15 Response Time[msec] Raising + Falling - 15 35 5 [degree] [degree] Horizontal (Right) CR = 10 (Left) 70 70 80 80 - - Viewing Angle[degree] [degree]Vertical (Upper) CR = 10 (Lower) 50 60 60 70 - - 6 Red x - TBD - Red y - TBD - Green x- TBD - Green y - TBD - Blue x - TBD - Blue y - TBD - White x 0.28 0.31 0.34 Color / ChromaticityCoordinates (CIE 1931)White y0.30 0.33 0.36 Color Gamut%50-Note 1: Measurement method Equipment Pattern Generator, Power Supply, Digital Voltmeter, Luminance meter (SR_3 or equivalent) Aperture1with 50cm viewing distance ∘Test Point CenterEnvironment < 1 luxModule Driving EquipmentNote 2: Definition of 5 points position (Display active area: 211.2mm (H) x 158.4mm (V))Note 3: The luminance uniformity of 5 points is defined by dividing the minimum luminance values by the maximum test point luminanceNote 4: Definition of contrast ratio (CR):Note 5: Definition of response time:The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “White” to “Black” (falling time) and from “Black” to “White” (rising time), respectively. The response time interval isNote 6: Definition of viewing angleViewing angle is the measurement of contrast ratio 10, at the screen center, over a 180° horizontal and ≧180° vertical range (off-normal viewing angles). The 180° viewing angle range is broken down as below: 90° (θ) horizontal left and right, and 90° (Φ) vertical high (up) and low (down). The measurement direction is typically perpendicular to the display surface with the screen rotated to its center to develop the desiredMinimum Brightness of five pointsδW9 = Maximum Brightness of five points Contrast ratio (CR)=Brightness on the “White” stateBrightness on the “Black” statemeasurement viewing angle.3. Functional Block DiagramThe following diagram shows the functional block of the 10.4 inch color TFT/LCD module:4. Absolute Maximum Ratings4.1 Absolute Ratings of TFT LCD ModuleItem Symbol Min Max Unit Logic/LCD Drive Voltage Vin -0.3 +4.0 [Volt]4.2 Absolute Ratings of EnvironmentItem Symbol Min Max Unit Operating Temperature TOP -20 +80 [o C] Operation Humidity HOP 5 95 [%RH] Storage Temperature TST -20 +80 [o C] Storage Humidity HST 5 95 [%RH] Note: Maximum Wet-Bulb should be 39℃ and no condensation.5. Electrical Characteristics 5.1 TFT LCD Module5.1.1 Power SpecificationSymbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units RemarkVDD Logic/LCD Input Voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 [Volt]I VDD LCD Input Current - 320 - [mA]VDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black PatternP VDD LCD Power comsumption - - 1.5 [Watt] VDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black Pattern I rush LCDLCD Inrush Current-1.06-[A] Note 1; VDD=3.3VBlack Pattern, Rising time=470usVDD rpAllowable Logic/LCDDrive Ripple Voltage- -100 [mV] p-pVDD=3.3V at 60 HZ, all Black PatternNote 1: Measurement condition:VDD rising time0V3.3V5.1.2 Signal Electrical CharacteristicsInput signals shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off.Note: LVDS Signal Waveform.Symbol ItemMin. Typ.Max. Unit RemarkVTH Differential Input High Threshold - - 100 [mV] VCM=1.2V VTL Differential Input Low Threshold 100 - - [mV] VCM=1.2V |VID |Input Differential Voltage100 400 600 [mV] VICMDifferential Input Common Mode Voltage1.1251.251.375[V]VTH/VTL=+-100mV5.2 Backlight Unit5.2.1 Parameter guideline for LED backlightFollowing characteristics are measured under a stable condition using a inverter at 25℃. (Room Temperature): Symbol Parameter Min.Typ.Max.Unit RemarkVCC Input Voltage 10.8 12 12.6 [Volt]I VCC Input Current - 0.32 - [A] 100% PWM DutyP VCC Power Consumption - 2.88 - [Watt] 100% PWM DutyF PWM Dimming Frequency 200 - 20K [Hz]Swing Voltage 3 3.3 5.5 [Volt]Dimming duty cycle 5 - 100 %I F LED Forward Current-50 -[mA] Ta = 25o C- 27.2 - [Volt]I F = 50mA, Ta = -30o C V F LED Forward Voltage- 26.4 28.8 [Volt]I F = 50mA, Ta = 25o C- 25.6 - [Volt]I F = 50mA, Ta = 85o C P LED LED Power Consumption- 2.72 - [Watt]Operation Life 50,000 - - Hrs I F=50mA, Ta= 25o CNote 1: Ta means ambient temperature of TFT-LCD module.Note 2: VCC, I VCC, I rush LED, P VCC are defined for LED backlight.(100% duty of PWM dimming)Note 3: I F, V F are defined for one channel LED. There are two LED channel in back light unit.Note 4: If G104STN01.0 module is driven by high current or at high ambient temperature & humidity condition. The operating life will be reduced.Note 5: Operating life means brightness goes down to 50% initial brightness. Minimum operating life time is estimated data.6. Signal Characteristics6.1 Pixel Format ImageFollowing figure shows the relationship between input signal and LCD pixel format.1st2nd799th800th1stLine600thLin6.2 Scanning DirectionThe following figures show the image seen from the front view. The arrow indicates the direction of scan.Fig. 1 Normal scan (Pin4, DPS = Low or NC) Fig. 2 Reverse scan (Pin4, DPS = High)6.3 TFT-LCD Interface Signal DescriptionThe module using a LVDS receiver embaded in AUO’s ASIC. LVDS is a differential signal technology for LCD interface and a high-speed data transfer device.Input Signal Interface Pin No. SymbolDescription 1 VDD Power Supply, 3.3V (typical) 2 VDD Power Supply, 3.3V (typical) 3 GND Ground4 DPS Reverse Scan Function [H: Enable; L/NC: Disable]5 RxIN0-6 RxIN0+ LVDS receiver signal channel 0LVDS Differential Data Input (R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, G0)7 GND Ground8 RxIN1- 9 RxIN1+ LVDS receiver signal channel 1LVDS Differential Data Input (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, B0, B1) 10 GND Ground11 RxIN2- 12 RxIN2+ LVDS receiver signal channel 2LVDS Differential Data Input (B2, B3, B4, B5, DE)13 GNDGround14 RxCLKIN- 15 RxCLKIN+ LVDS receiver signal clock 16 GND Ground17 RxIN3- 18 RxIN3+ LVDS receiver signal channel 3, pin17=3.3V&pin 18=GND for 6bit LVDS InputLVDS Differential Data Input (R6, R7, G6, G7, B6, B7, RSV)19 RSVReserved for AUO internal test. Please treat it as NC.20SEL68 6/8bits LVDS data input selection [H: 8bits L/NC: 6bit]Note 1: Input Signals shall be in low status when VDD is off.Note 2: High stands for “3.3V”, Low stands for “0V”, NC stands for “No Connection”. Note 3: RSV stands for “Reserved”.6.4 The Input Data Format6.4.1 SEL68SEL68 =“Low” or “NC” for 6 bits LVDS InputSEL68 = “High” for 8 bits LVDS InputNote1: Please follow PSWG.Note2: R/G/B data 7:MSB, R/G/B data 0:LSBSignal Name DescriptionRemarkR7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0Red Data 7 Red Data 6 Red Data 5 Red Data 4 Red Data 3 Red Data 2 Red Data 1 Red Data 0 Red-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS input MSB: R7 ; LSB: R0For 6Bits LVDS input MSB: R5 ; LSB: R0G7G6G5G4 G3G2G1 G0Green Data 7 Green Data 6 Green Data 5 Green Data 4Green Data 3 Green Data 2 Green Data 1Green Data 0 Green-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS input MSB: G7 ; LSB: G0For 6Bits LVDS input MSB: G5 ; LSB: G0B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Blue Data 7 Blue Data 6 Blue Data 5 Blue Data 4 Blue Data 3 Blue Data 2 Blue Data 1 Blue Data 0 Blue-pixel DataFor 8Bits LVDS input MSB: B7 ; LSB: B0For 6Bits LVDS input MSB: B5 ; LSB: B0 RxCLKIN LVDS Data ClockDE Data Enable SignalWhen the signal is high, the pixel data shall be valid to be displayed.Note: Output signals from any system shall be low or Hi-Z state when VDD is off.NS-like format6.5 TFT-LCD Interface Timing6.5.1 Timing CharacteristicsSignal Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Clock Frequency 1/ T Clock 30 40 50 MHzPeriod T V 608 628 1024 Active T VD -- 600-- Vertical SectionBlankingT VB 8 28 424 T Line Period T H 960 1056 1060Active T HD -- 800 -- Horizontal SectionBlankingT HB 160 256 260 T ClockFrame RateF 506075Hz Note : DE mode.6.5.2 Input Timing DiagramDOTCLKDEHT HBDET VDInput Timing Definition ( DE Mode)Input Data Invaild Data Invaild Data6.6 Power ON/OFF SequenceVDD power and lamp on/off sequence is as below. Interface signals are also shown in the chart. Signals from any system shall be Hi-Z state or low level when VDD is off.Power ON/OFF sequence timingValue UnitsParameterMin. Typ. Max.T10.5 - 10 [ms]T2 30 40 50 [ms]T3 200 -- -- [ms]T4 0.5 -- 10 [ms]T5 10 - - [ms]T6 10 - - [ms]T7 0 - - [ms]T8 10 - - [ms]T9 -- -- 10 [ms]T10 110 -- -- [ms]T11 0 16 50 [ms]T12 - - 10 [ms]T13 1000 - - [ms]The above on/off sequence should be applied to avoid abnormal function in the display. Please make sure to turn off the power when you plug the cable into the input connector or pull the cable out of the connector.7. Connector & Pin AssignmentPhysical interface is described as for the connector on module. These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.7.1 TFT-LCD Signal (CN1): LVDS ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Signal ConnectorManufacturer STM or compatibleConnector Model Number MSB24013P20HA or compatibleAdaptable Plug P24013P20 or compatiblePin No. Symbol Pin No. Symbol1 VDD2 VDD3 GND4 DPS5 RxIN0-6 RxIN0+7 GND 8 RxIN1-9 RxIN1+ 10 GND11 RxIN2- 12 RxIN2+13 GND 14 RxCKIN-15 RxCKIN+ 16 GND17 RxIN3- 18 RxIN3+19 RSV 20 SEL687.2 LED Backlight Unit (CN2): Driver ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Lamp ConnectorManufacturer ENTERY or compatibleConnector Model Number 3808K-F05N-12R or compatibleMating Model Number H208K–P05N-02B or compatiblePin No. symbol descriptionPin1 VCC 12V inputPin2 GND GNDPin3 On/OFF 5V-ON,0V-OFFPin4 Dimming PWMPin5 NA7.3 LED Backlight Unit (CN4): Light bar ConnectorConnector Name / Designation Lamp ConnectorManufacturer ENTERY or compatibleConnector Model Number H208K–P03N-02B or compatibleMating Model Number(CN3) 3808K-F03N-12R or compatiblePin No. symbol description ColorPin1 H LED anode RedPin2 L LED cathode WhitePin3 L LED cathode Black8. Reliability Test CriteriaItems Required Condition Note Temperature Humidity Bias 40℃, 90%RH, 300 hoursHigh Temperature Operation 80℃, 300 hoursLow Temperature Operation -20℃, 300 hoursHot Storage 80,℃ 300 hoursCold Storage -20,℃ 300 hoursThermal Shock Test -20/℃ 30 min, 60/℃ 30 min, 100cycles, 40℃minimun ramp rateHot Start Test 80℃/ 1Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesCold Start Test -20℃/ 1Hr min. power on/off per 5 minutes, 5 timesShock Test (Non-Operating) 50G, 20ms, Half-sine wave, ( ±X, ±Y, ±Z)Vibration Test (Non-Operating) 1.5G, (10~200Hz, Sine wave)30 mins/axis, 3 direction (X, Y, Z)On/off test On/10 sec, Off/10 sec, 30,000 cyclesESD Contact Discharge: ± 8KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec, 8 points, 25 times/ pointAir Discharge: ± 15KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec, 8 points, 25 times/ pointNote 1EMI 30-230 MHz, limit 40 dBu V/m, 230-1000 MHz, limit 47 dBu V/mNote1: According to EN61000-4-2, ESD class B: Some performance degradation allowed. No data lost Self-recoverable. No hardware failures.Note2:Water condensation is not allowed for each test items.Each test is done by new TFT-LCD module. Don’t use the same TFT-LCD module repeatedly for reliability test. The reliability test is performed only to examine the TFT-LCD module capability.To inspect TFT-LCD module after reliability test, please store it at room temperature and room humidity for 24 hours at least in advance.G104STN01.09. Mechanical Characteristics工业液晶屏:www.hzxuhong.com杭州旭虹科技有限公司G104STN01.09.2 LCM Outline Dimension (Rear View)工业液晶屏:www.hzxuhong.com杭州旭虹科技有限公司G104STN01.010. Label and Packaging10.1 Shipping Label (on the rear side of TFT-LCD display)10.2 Carton PackageNote:Max capacity :20 TFT-LCD module per cartonMax weight: 11.5 kg per cartonOutside dimension of carton: 477mm(L)* 290mm(W)*360mm(H)Pallet size : 1180 mm * 980 mm * 135mmBox stackedModule by air :(2 *4) *4 layers ,one pallet put 32 boxes ,total 640pcs module Module by sea :(2 *4) *4 layers + (2 *4) *1 layers , two pallet put 40 boxes ,total 800pcs module Module by sea_HQ :(2 *4) *4 layers+(2 *4) *2 layers, two pallet put 48 boxes, total 960pcs module工业液晶屏:www.hzxuhong.com杭州旭虹科技有限公司杭州旭虹科技有限公司11 Safety11.1 Sharp Edge RequirementsThere will be no sharp edges or comers on the display assembly that could cause injury.11.2 Materials11.2.1 ToxicityThere will be no carcinogenic materials used anywhere in the display module. If toxic materials are used, they will be reviewed and approved by the responsible AUO toxicologist.11.2.2 FlammabilityAll components including electrical components that do not meet the flammability grade UL94-V1 in the module will complete the flammability rating exception approval process.The printed circuit board will be made from material rated 94-V1 or better. The actual UL flammability rating will be printed on the printed circuit board.11.3 CapacitorsIf any polarized capacitors are used in the display assembly, provisions will be made to keep them from being inserted backwards.11.4 National Test Lab RequirementThe display module will satisfy all requirements for compliance to:UL 1950, First EditionU.S.A. Information Technology Equipment杭州旭虹科技有限公司。

10.1寸配CPT玻璃模组规格书YS 101CP39A-52

10.1寸配CPT玻璃模组规格书YS 101CP39A-52

4.均匀性 Uniformity
备注:因白色 LED 无波长特性,供货时无法做到整批颜色一致,包装时将分色包装.
Note: There is no wavelength feature for white led, and there will be a few difference of that
7. n Modification rev.number
8.draft angle 1.0°
9.Genral Tolerance:±0.2
10. Mark mold cavity indentification in recess approximately where indicated.
11. “*” For important dimension;“( )” for reference dimention
Customer : Customer No.: Product Type: 10.1”TFT LCD Module LCD Nunmber: (CPT) CLAA101NC01 HADBEST N0. : YS 101CP39A-52
color when producing, we will package them according to the difference.
六.外观检验规格 Backlight Visual Inspection Spec:



TFT液晶屏:P215HVN01.0P215HVN01.0是友达光电股份有限公司(友达,AUO) 推出的一款采用a-Si TFT-LCD技术的21.5英寸液晶模组产品,它装配有WLED背光,无背光驱动,无触摸。

根据友达(AUO)于2015年12月1日发布的版本号为Ver0.2的产品规格书,P215HVN01.0显示分辨率为1920(RGB)×1080 (FHD),宽高比为16:9 (宽:高),像素采用RGB垂直条状排列。

它的显示区域尺寸为476.64×268.11 (宽×高) mm,可视尺寸为479.8×271.31 (宽×高) mm,外观尺寸为495.6×292.2 (宽×高)×11(厚) mm,表面处理为雾面,Hard coating (3H),产品净重1.67Kgs (Typ.)。

背光方面此产品采用了15S4P WLED发光的侧入式光源(底部),光源的使用寿命为30K小时,不含背光驱动。

P215HVN01.0采用了LVDS (2 ch, 8-bit)TFT液晶屏: 信号接口,总共30 pins,采用端子连接,驱屏电压为5.0V (Typ.)。







LG 玻璃规格书 Final CAS_LC550WUD-SCA1_General_20100311

LG 玻璃规格书 Final CAS_LC550WUD-SCA1_General_20100311

Title55.0”WUXGA TFT LCDBUYER GeneralMODELSUPPLIER LG Display Co., Ltd.*MODEL LC550WUDSUFFIXSCA1 (RoHS Verified)*When you obtain standard approval,please use the above model name without suffix))((Final SpecificationPreliminary Specification ●FOR APPROVALSPECIFICATIONAPPROVED BY SIGNATUREDATEJ. T Kim / Team LeaderREVIEWED BYB. Y Kim / Project LeaderPREPARED BYD. I Kim / EngineerTV Products Development Dept.LG. Display LCD Co., LtdAPPROVED BYSIGNATUREDATE///Please return 1 copy for your confirmation withyour signature and comments.CONTENTSNumber ITEM Page COVER1CONTENTS2RECORD OF REVISIONS31GENERAL DESCRIPTION42ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS53ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS6 3-1ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS6 3-2INTERFACE CONNECTIONS8 3-3SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATIONS11 3-4LVDS SIGNAL SPECIFICATIONS12 3-5COLOR DATA REFERENCE15 3-6POWER SEQUENCE16 4OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS18 5MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS22 6RELIABILITY25 7INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS26 7-1SAFETY26 7-2EMC26 7-3ENVIRONMENT26 8PACKING27 8-1INFORMATION OF LCM LABEL27 8-2PACKING FORM27 9PRECAUTIONS28 9-1MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS28 9-2OPERATING PRECAUTIONS28 9-3ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROL29 9-4PRECAUTIONS FOR STRONG LIGHT EXPOSURE29 9-5STORAGE29 9-6HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PROTECTION FILM29RECORD OF REVISIONS Revision No.Revision Date Page Description0.0Aug, 13, 2008-Preliminary Specification (First Draft)0.1Nov, 20, 2009Several specification update1.0Dec, 22, 2009Final Specification1. General DescriptionThe LC550WUD is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display with an integral Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp(CCFL) backlight system. The matrix employs a-Si Thin Film Transistor as the active element. It is a transmissive display type which is operating in the normally black mode. It has a 54.64 inch diagonally measured active display area with WUXGA resolution (1080 vertical by 1920 horizontal pixel array). Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arrayed in vertical stripes. Gray scale or the luminance of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 10-bit gray scale signal for each dot. Therefore, it can present a palette of more than 1.06Bilion colors.It is intended to support LCD TV, PCTV where high brightness, super wide viewing angle, high color gamut, high color depth and fast response time are important.2. Absolute Maximum RatingsTable 1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSThe following items are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or damage to the LCD module.1. Ambient temperature condition (Ta = 25 ±2 °C )2. Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below. Wet bulb temperature should be Max 39°C, and no condensation of water.3. Gravity mura can be guaranteed below 40°C condition.4. The maximum operating temperatures is based on the test condition that the surface temperatureof display area is less than or equal to 65°C with LCD module alone in a temperature controlled chamber.Thermal management should be considered in final product design to prevent the surface temperature of display area from being over 65℃. The range of operating temperature may degraded in case of improper thermal management in final product design.90%1020304050607080-2001020304050Wet BulbTemperature [°C ]StorageOperationH u m i d i t y [(%)R H ]10%40%60%60NoteIt requires two power inputs. One is employed to power for the LCD circuit. The other Is used for the CCFL backlight and inverter circuit.3. Electrical Specifications1. The specified current and power consumption are under the V LCD =12.0V, Ta=25 ±2°C, f V =120Hzcondition whereas mosaic pattern(8 x 6) is displayed and f V is the frame frequency.2. The current is specified at the maximum current pattern.3. The duration of rush current is about 2ms and rising time of power input is 0.5ms (min.).Mosaic Pattern(8 x 6)White : 1023 Gray Black : 0 GrayNote 3-1. Electrical CharacteristicsTable 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continue)Notes :1. Electrical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stable for approximately 120minutes at 25±2°C. The specified current and power consumption are under the typical supply Input voltage 24Vand V BR(EXTV BR-B: 100%), it is total power consumption.2. Electrical characteristics are determined within 30 minutes at 25±2°C.The specified currents are under the typical supply Input voltage 24V.3. The brightness of the lamp after lighted for 5minutes is defined as 100%.TS is the time required for the brightness of the center of the lamp to be not less than 95% at typical current.The screen of LCD module may be partially dark by the time the brightness of lamp is stable after turn on.4. Specified Values are for a single lamp which is aligned horizontally.The life time is determined as the time which luminance of the lamp is 50% compared to that of initial value at the typical lamp current (EXTV BR-B:100%), on condition of continuous operating at 25±2°C5. LGD recommend that the PWM freq. is synchronized with One times harmonic of Vsync signal of system.6. The duration of rush current is about 10ms.7. EXTV BR-B is based on input PWM duty of the inverter.3-2. Interface ConnectionsThis LCD module employs two kinds of interface connection, 51-pin connector and 41-pin connector are used for the module electronics and 14-pin,12-pin connector is used for the integral backlight system.3-2-1. LCD Module-LCD Connector : FI-R51S-HF(manufactured by JAE) or KN25-51P-0.5SH(manufactured by Hirose) (CN1) Refer to below and next Page table-Mating Connector : FI-R51HL(JAE) or compatibleTable 4-1. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN1) PIN CONFIGURATIONNote 1. All GND(ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. All V LCD(power input) pins should be connected together.3. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644Standard.4. Specific pins (pin No. #2~#6) are used for internal data process of the LCD module.These pins should be no connection.5. Specific pins (pin No. # 8~#10) are used for OPC function of the LCD module.If not used, these pins are no connection. (Please see the Appendix III-4for more information.)6. LVDS pin (pin No. #24,25,40,41) are used for 10Bit(D) of the LCD module.If used for 8Bit(R), these pins are no connection.Table 4-2. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN2) PIN CONFIGURATION-LCD Connector : FI-RE41S-HF (manufactured by JAE) or KN25-41P-0.5SH (manufactured by Hirose)(CN2)-Mating Connector : FI-RE41HL[CN1]-Part/No. : FI-RE51S-HF(JAE)-Mating connector : FI-RE51HL(Manufactured by JAE)[CN2]-Part/No. : FI-RE41S-HF(JAE)-Mating connector : FI-RE41HL(Manufactured by JAE)Note : 1. All GND (ground) pins should be connected together to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. LVDS pin (pin No. #22,23,38,39) are used for 10Bit(D) of the LCD module.If used for 8Bit(R), these pins are no connection.Rear view of LCM#1#51#1#41<Slave>◆Rear view of LCM<Master>PCBPCB3-2-2. Backlight Module[ Master ]-Inverter Connector : 20022WR-14B1(Yeonho)or Equivalent-Mating Connector : 20022HS-14or Equivalent[ Slave ]-Inverter Connector : 20022WR-12B1(Yeonho)or Equivalent-Mating Connector : 20022HS-12or EquivalentTable 5. INVERTER CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGULATIONNote 1. GND should be connected to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. Normal : Low (under 0.7V) / Abnormal : High (upper3.0V)Please see Appendix IV-1for more information.3. The impedance of pin #12 is over 75[K Ω] & the impedance of Pin #13 is over 50[K Ω].3-3. Signal Timing SpecificationsTable 6 shows the signal timing required at the input of the LVDS transmitter. All of the interface signal timings should be satisfied with the following specification for normal operation.Table 6-1. TIMING TABLE for NTSC (DE Only Mode)Note 1. The Input of HSYNC & VSYNC signal does not have an effect on normal operation (DE Only Mode).If you use spread spectrum for EMI, add some additional clock to minimum value for clock margin. 2. The performance of the electro-optical characteristics may be influenced by variance of the vertical refresh rate and the horizontal frequency.FrequencyDCLKf CLK 66.9774.2578.00MHz Horizontal f H 121.8135140KHz 2Verticalf V108120122Hz2FrequencyDCLKf CLK 66.9774.2578.00MHz Horizontal f H 121.8135140KHz 2Verticalf V95100104Hz2Table 6-2 TIMING TABLE for DVB/PAL (DE Only Mode)3-4. LVDS Signal Specification3-4-1. LVDS Input Signal Timing Diagram0.7VDD0.3VDDInvalid dataValid dataInvalid dataInvalid dataInvalid dataPixel 0Pixel 4Pixel 1Pixel 5Valid dataDE(Data Enable)First dataSecond dataDE, DataInvalid dataValid dataInvalid dataInvalid dataInvalid dataPixel 2Pixel 6Pixel 3Pixel 7Valid data* t HB = t HFP + t WH +t HBP * t VB = t VFP + t WV +t VBPThird dataForth dataDE(Data Enable)1) DC Specification2) AC Specification1. All Input levels of LVDS signals are based on the EIA 644 Standard.2. If t RF isn’t enough, t eff should be meet the range.3. LVDS Differential Voltage is defined within t effNote 3-4-2. LVDS Input Signal CharacteristicsV+ dataV-V+ clkV-clk3-5. Color Data ReferenceThe brightness of each primary color (red,green,blue) is based on the 10bit gray scale data input for the color. The higher binary input, the brighter the color. Table 7 provides a reference for color versus data input.Table 7. COLOR DATA REFERENCE3-6. Power SequenceInterface Signal (Tx)Power for LampPower Supply For LCDV LCDUser Control Signal(LVDS_select, BIT_select)3-6-1. LCD Driving circuitTable 8. POWER SEQUENCE1. Please avoid floating state of interface signal at invalid period.2. When the power supply for LCD (VLCD) is off, be sure to pull down the valid and invalid data to 0V.3. The T 3 / T 4is recommended value, the case when failed to meet a minimum specification, abnormal display would be shown. There is no reliability problem.4. If the on time of signals(Interface signal and user control signals) precedes the on time of Power(V LCD ),it will be happened abnormal display. When T 6is NC status,T 6doesn’t need to be measured.5. T 5should be measured after the Module has been fully discharged between power off and on period.6. It is recommendation specification that T8has to be 100ms as a minimum value.Note :3-6-2. Sequence for InverterPower Supply For InverterV ON/OFFV BL0V3-6-3. Dip condition for InverterV BL (Typ.) x 0.80 VBL : 24VEXTV BR-BNotes : 1. T1 describes rising time of 0V to 24V and this parameter does not applied at restarting time.2. T4(max) is less than T2.3. It is the recommendation to input Max Duty to Inverter** for EXTV BR-B during T7 period.**When OPC Function is applied, the Max Duty is input to T-Con.* The recommendation of V ON/OFF rising time is under 10ms.Pritchard 880 orequivalentFIG. 1 Optical Characteristic Measurement Equipment and Method4. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stable in a dark environment at25±2°C. The values are specified at an approximate distance 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of Φand θequal to 0 °.It is presented additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method in FIG. 1.Ta= 25±2°C, V LCD=12.0V, f V=120Hz, Dclk=74.25MHz,EXTV BR-B=100%Table 10. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSTable 11. GRAY SCALE SPECIFICATIONNote : 1. Contrast Ratio(CR) is defined mathematically as :CR(Contrast Ratio) = Maximum CRn (n=1, 2, 3, 4,5)Surface Luminance at position n with all white pixelsCRn =Surface Luminance at position n with all black pixelsn = the Position number(1, 2, 3, 4, 5). For more information, see FIG 2.2. Surface luminance are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and 1 Hour after lighting the backlight in a dark environment at 25±2°C. Surface luminance is the luminance value at center 1-point across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying white.For more information see the FIG. 2.3. The variation in surface luminance , δWHITE is defined as :δWHITE(5P) = Maximum(L on1,L on2, L on3, L on4, L on5) / Minimum(L on1,L on2, L on3, L on4, L on5)Where L on1to L on5are the luminance with all pixels displaying white at 5 locations .For more information, see the FIG. 2.4. Response time is the time required for the display to transit from G(N) to G(M) (Rise Time, Tr R ) and from G(M) to G(N) (Decay Time, Tr D ). For additional information see the FIG. 3. (N<M)※G to G Spec stands for average value of all measured points.Photo Detector : RD-80S / Field : 2˚5. MPRT is defined as the 10% to 90% blur-edge width B ij (pixels) and scroll speed U(pixels/frame)at the moving picture. For more information, see FIG 46. Gray to Gray / MPRT Response time uniformity is Reference data. Please see Appendix V-1 / V-2.7. Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The angles aredetermined for the horizontal or x axis and the vertical or y axis with respect to the z axis which is normal to the LCD module surface. For more information, see the FIG. 5.8. Gray scale specificationGamma Value is approximately 2.2. For more information, see the Table 11.FIG. 3 Response TimeResponse time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “Gray(N)”and “Gray(M)”.FIG. 2 5 Points for Luminance MeasureA : H / 4 mmB : V / 4 mm@ H,V : Active Area10090100Optical ResponseN,M = Black~White, N<MMeasuring point for surface luminance & luminance variationFIG. 5 Viewing AngleDimension of viewing angle rangeφFIG. 4 MPRTMPRT is defined as the 10% to 90% blur-edge with B ij (pixels) and scroll speed U(pixels/frame)at the moving picture.L jLi M =U1Bij (i=j)Example) Bij = 12pixels, U = 10pixels / 120Hz M = 12pixels / (10pixels / 120Hz)= 12pixels / {10pixels / (1/120)s}= 12 / 1,200 s = 10 ms5. Mechanical CharacteristicsTable 12 provides general mechanical characteristics.Table 12. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSNote : Please refer to a mechanical drawing in terms of tolerance at the next page.[ FRONT VIEW ][ REAR VIEW ]6. ReliabilityTable 13. ENVIRONMENT TEST CONDITIONNote : Before and after Reliability test, LCM should be operated with normal function.7. International Standards7-1. Safetya) UL 60065, Seventh Edition, Underwriters Laboratories Inc.Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.b) CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60065:03, Canadian Standards Association.Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.c) EN 60065:2002 + A11:2008, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC).Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.d) IEC 60065:2005 + A1:2005, The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus -Safety Requirements.7-2. EMCa) ANSI C63.4 “American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-NoiseEmissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.”American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 2003.b) CISPR 22 “Information technology equipment –Radio disturbance characteristics –Limit andmethods of measurement." International Special Committee on Radio Interference(CISPR), 2005.c) CISPR 13 “Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment –Radio disturbancecharacteristics –Limits and method of measurement." International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), 2006.7-3. Environmenta) RoHS, Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 27 January 20038. Packinga) Lot MarkABCDEFGHIJKLMNote1. YEARb) Location of Lot Mark2. MONTHBNov MarkMonth AOct 6Jun 7Jul 8Aug 9Sep 4Apr 5May C421Dec Mar Feb Jan Serial NO. is printed on the label. The label is attached to the backside of the LCD module.This is subject to change without prior notice.8-2. Packing FormMarkYear 02010620067200782008920094200452005321200320022001A,B,C : SIZE(INCH) D : YEARE : MONTHF ~ M : SERIAL NO.8-1. Information of LCM Labela) Package quantity in one Pallet : 10 pcsb) Pallet Size : 1440 mm X 1140 mm X 970 mm.9. PrecautionsPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCD module.9-1. Mounting Precautions(1) You must mount a module using specified mounting holes (Details refer to the drawings).(2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. Twisted stress) is not applied to themodule. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so that external force is not transmitted directly to the module.(3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect the polarizer.Transparent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force.(4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification.(5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the formergenerates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter causes circuit break by electro-chemical reaction.(6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with glass,tweezers or anything harder than HBpencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical treatment.Do not touch the surface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth.(Some cosmetics are detrimental to the polarizer.)(7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materials likechamois soaks with petroleum benzine. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front / rear polarizers. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol because they cause chemical damage to the polarizer.(8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizer causesdeformations and color fading.(9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength.9-2. Operating Precautions(1) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than following voltage:V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage)(2) Response time depends on the temperature.(In lower temperature, it becomes longer.)(3) Brightness depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.)And in lower temperature, response time(required time that brightness is stable after turned on) becomes longer(4) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature change.Condensation makes damage to polarizer orelectrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot will occur.(5) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnant image is likely to occur.(6) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagnetic interference shall bedone by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimized the interference.(7) Please do not give any mechanical and/or acoustical impact to LCM. Otherwise, LCM can’t be operatedits full characteristics perfectly.(8) A screw which is fastened up the steels should be a machine screw.(if not, it can causes conductive particles and deal LCM a fatal blow)(9)Please do not set LCD on its edge.(10) The conductive material and signal cables are kept away from transformers to prevent abnormal display,sound noise and temperature rising.(11) Partial darkness may happen during 3~5 minutes when LCM is operated initially in condition thatluminance is under 40% at low temperature (under 5℃). This phenomenon which disappears naturallyafter 3~5 minutes is not a problem about reliability but LCD characteristic.(12) Partial darkness may happen under the long-term operation of any dimming without power on/off.This phenomenon which disappears naturally after 5 minutes is not a problem about reliability butLCD characteristics.9-3. Electrostatic Discharge ControlSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wrist band etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4. Precautions for Strong Light ExposureStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5. StorageWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary.(1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light. Keep the temperaturebetween 5°C and 35°C at normal humidity.(2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other object.It is recommended that they be stored in the container in which they were shipped.9-6. Handling Precautions for Protection Film(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking tape.When the protection film is peeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and polarizer.This should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ion-blown equipment or in such a condition, etc.(2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes there remains a verysmall amount of glue still on the bezel after the protection film is peeled off.(3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on the bezel surface or its vestige is recognized,please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with normal-hexane.# APPENDIX-I■LC550WUD-SCA1–Pallet Ass’yNO.DESCRIPTION MATERIAL1LCD Module2BAG55INCH3TAPE MASKING 20MMX50M4PALLET PLYWOOD5PACKING,BOTTOM EPS6PACKING,TOP EPS7ANGLE,PACKING PAPER8ANGLE,COVER PAPER9BAND PP10BAND,CLIP STEEL11LABEL YUPO 80G 100X70# APPENDIX-II-18■Serial No. (See CAS 27page for more information)12345679101112InchM Ass’y Factory codeSerial No.13MonthYear ■LC550WUD-SCA1-LCM LabelModelUL, TUV Mark US PATENT No.Origin# APPENDIX-II-2■LC550WUD-SCA1-Pallet Label# APPENDIX-III-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (Thine : THC63LVD103) Transmitter(Pin7=“L”)Note: 1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm[Ω] resistor between positive and negative lines of each receiver input.# APPENDIX-III-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (Thine : THC63LVD103) Transmitter(Pin7=“H”)Note :1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm[Ω] resistor between positive and negative lines of each receiver input.# APPENDIX-III-2■LVDS Data-Mapping Information (10 Bit)1) LVDS Select : “H”Data-Mapping (JEIDA format)2) LVDS Select : “L”Data-Mapping (VESA format)# APPENDIX-III-2■LVDS Data-Mapping Information (8 Bit)1) LVDS Select : “H”Data-Mapping (JEIDA format)2) LVDS Select : “L”Data-Mapping (VESA format)# APPENDIX-III-3■Option Pin Circuit Block Diagram1) Circuit Block Diagram of LVDS Format Selection pin2) Circuit Block Diagram of OPC Enable Selection pin1) When OPC Enable is “L", OPC Output = System Dimming.2) OPC Output( PWM Signal) is synchronized with V-Sync Freq. of System in T-Con Board.3) Regardless of OPC, System should always give dimming Signal (EXTV BR-B ) to T-con. 4)PWM Specification ( VCC = 3.3V ) @ OPC a) PWM High Voltage Range : 2.5 V ~ 3.6 V b) PWM Low Voltage Range : 0.0 V ~ 0.8 V# APPENDIX-III-4■EXTV BR-B & OPC Design GuideVCC*0.9VCC*0.1VCC# APPENDIX-IV-1■Inverter 14th Pin (Status ) Design Guide-Purpose : Preventing of backlight off by restarting the inverter technically-How to : When inverter is abnormal operation, TV system inputs the Von signalin the inverter once more to turn on the lamp safely-Attention : Restart system’s Von signal when status pin is high for some time (min:1sec , max:4sec).(The turn on time of lamp can be late such as the low temperature or the storage time)Attention : Restart system’s Von signal when status pin is high for some time (min:1sec , max:4sec).1) Function of Status pin2) Status operation modes in TV set3) Inverter pin map# APPENDIX-IV-2■Mega DCR Using Condition (1)●The Deep Dimming means using the input PWM duty less than Min duty.The input PWM duty (Min & Max duty) refer to the table 3 on the page 7.The Deep Dimming must be used very carefully due to limitation of lamp characteristics and specification.1) For stable lamp on, its duty condition should follow below the condition.After Inverter ON signal, T0 duration should be sustained.Output current2) B/L may not satisfy some of LCM specification at the Deep Dimming.-Duration : The Deep Dimming must be limited within 10 minutes.-Ratio : The operation time of the Deep Dimming must be less than 1/5 time of the NormalDuty (Min ~ Max duty) operation in a certain period to prevent unwanted operation.-FOS : Partial darkness or darkness of center area during the Deep Dimming might be happened due to insufficient lamp current.-Warm up :The Normal Duty (Min ~ Max duty) must be used 3 min after the lamps “ON”. In case of low temperature, more warm up time may be needed.# APPENDIX-IV-2■Mega DCR Using Condition (2)Output current3) Following the recommended conditions as aforementioned, there is no difference of lamplifetime between conventional method and new one.# APPENDIX-V-1■Gray to Gray Response Time Uniformity (δG TO G )This is only the reference data of G to G and uniformity for LC550WUD-SCA1 model.1. G to G Response Time :Response time is defined as Figure3 and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “Gray (N) ”and “Gray(M)”.(32Gray Step at 8bit) 2. G to G UniformityThe variation of G to G Uniformity , δG to G is defined as :*Maximum (GtoG) means maximum value of measured time (N, M = 0 (Black) ~ 255(White), 32 gray step).3. Sampling Size : 2 pcs4. Measurement Method : Follow the same rule as optical characteristics measurement.5. Current StatusBelow table is actual data of production on 11. 18. 2009 ( LGD RV Event Sample)G to G Uniformity =≤1)()()(GtoG Typical GtoG Typical GtoG Maximum −# APPENDIX-V-2■MPRT Response Time Uniformity (δMPRT )This is only the reference data of MPRT and uniformity for LC550WUD-SCA1 model.1. MPRT Response Time :Response time is defined as Figure32. MPRT UniformityThe variation of MPRT Uniformity , δMPRT is defined as :3. Sampling Size : 2 pcs4. Measurement Method : Follow the same rule as optical characteristics measurement.5. Current StatusBelow table is actual data of production on 11. 18. 2009 ( LGD RV Event Sample)MPRT Uniformity =≤1Typical (MPRT)Maximum (MPRT) -Typical (MPRT)。



史上最全的汽车前挡玻璃尺寸讲解史上最全的汽车前挡玻璃尺寸前挡尺寸A 奥迪奥迪 TT135*60cm奥迪 A1140*70cm奥迪 A4L145*80cm奥迪 A3140*75cm奥迪 A6L150*75cm奥迪 A5145*80cm奥迪 Q3145*80cm奥迪 Q5150*80cm奥迪 Q5150*80cm奥迪 A8150*75cmB 奔驰奔驰 B 级 140*70cmsmart140*70cm奔驰 C 级 140*70cm奔驰 E 级 145*80cm奔驰 S级 145*80cm奔驰 R 级 150*80cmB 宝马宝马 MINI135*60cm 宝马 3系 140*70cm宝马 7系 150*75cm宝马 5系 150*75cm宝马 1系 140*70cm宝马 X1145*80cmM3140*75cm1 系 M145*80cm宝马 X3150*80cm宝马 6系 150*75cm宝马 X5150*80cm宝马 M 系 150*75cmM5150*75cm宝马 X6150*80cmB 宝骏宝骏 630140*70cmB 北汽骑士 150*80cmE 系列 140*70cm路霸 150*80cmB 比亚迪比亚迪 F3135*60cm 比亚迪 F0135*60cm比亚迪 G3135*60cm比亚迪 G4135*60cm比亚迪 F6140*75cm比亚迪 G6140*75cm 比亚迪 L3140*75cm 比亚迪 M6145*80cm 比亚迪 S8140*75cm 比亚迪E6150*75cm 比亚迪 M6145*80cm 速锐140*75cm 思锐 145*80cm 比亚迪 S6145*80cm D 大众捷达 135*60cm 老宝来 140*70cm 速腾140*70cm 新领驭 140*70cm 桑塔纳 140*70cm POLO140*70cm高尔夫 6140*75cm 09 宝来 140*75cm 朗逸140*75cm 迈腾 140*75cm Eos140*75cm帕萨特 145*80cm 途观 145*80cm 途锐150*80cm夏朗 150*80cm 途安 145*80cm大众 CC150*75cm辉腾 150*80cmScirocco 尚酷 140*70cmD 道奇酷威 150*80cmD 东风风神 A60140*75cm风神 H30140*75cm 风神 S30140*75cm 景逸145*80cm 景逸 SUV150*80cmD 东南菱悦 135*60cmV5 菱致 140*75cmF 丰田威驰 135*60cm 雅力士 135*60cm 威姿135*60cm 锐志 140*70cm 佳美 140*70cm 花冠140*70cm 凯美瑞 140*75cm 逸致 145*80cm 卡罗拉 140*75cm普锐斯 140*75cmRAV4145*80cm普拉多 150*80cm汉兰达 150*80cm柯斯达 150*80cm红杉 150*80cm兰德酷路泽 150*80cmG 广汽传祺传祺 140*75cm皇冠 140*75cm传祺 GS6150*80cmG 广汽吉奥奥轩 GX5145*80cm 奥轩 G5145*80cmH 海马海福星 135*60cm丘比特 135*60cm王子 135*60cm爱尚 135*60cm福美来 140*70cm普力马 140*75cm骑士 145*80cmH 黄海旗胜 V3150*80cmH 华泰宝利格 150*80cm华泰 B11150*75cm圣达菲 145*80cmJ 江淮同悦 140*70cm悦悦 140*70cm宾悦 140*70cm和悦 140*70cm和悦 RS140*75cm瑞风 145*80cm瑞风 II145*80cm瑞鹰 150*80cmK 凯迪拉克 SLS 赛威 145*80cm 凯迪拉克 CTS145*80cm凯迪拉克 SRX150*75cm凯雷德 ESCALADE150*80cmL 铃木雨燕 135*60cm新奥拓 135*60cm羚羊 135*60cm派喜 Splash135*60cm浪迪 135*60cm北斗星 135*60cm天语·尚悦 140*75cm利亚纳 140*70cm吉姆尼 140*70cm天语 SX4140*75cm 凯泽西 145*80cm 超级维特拉 145*80cmL 力帆力帆 320135*60cm力帆 520140*75cm力帆 620140*75cm力帆 X60145*80cm力帆 720140*70cmL 陆风陆风 X5150*80cm陆风 X8150*80cm陆风 X6145*80cm陆风 X9145*80cmL 路虎卫士 145*80cm发现 3150*75cm 揽胜极光 150*75cm 第四代发现 150*80cm 揽胜 150*80cm 揽胜运动版150*80cm 神行者 2150*80cmL 雷诺拉古那 140*70cm 风朗Fluence140*75cm 梅甘娜 140*75cm科雷傲 150*80cm风景 145*80cm纬度 140*75cm塔利斯曼 150*75cmM 名爵 MG3140*75cmMG5140*75cmMG7140*70cmMG6140*75cmN 纳智捷纳智捷大 7150*80cmQ 起亚 RIO 锐欧 140*70cm千里马 140*70cm远舰 140*70cm秀儿 140*75cm福瑞迪 140*75cm起亚 K2140*75cm赛拉图 140*70cm速迈 140*75cm智跑 150*80cm起亚 K5140*75cm起亚 K3140*75cm狮跑 145*80cm凯尊 150*75cm欧菲莱斯 145*80cm 新佳乐 145*80cm 索兰托150*80cm 嘉华 150*75cm VQ150*80cm霸锐 150*75cmR 日产玛驰 140*70cm 逍客 140*75cm 老骐达140*70cm 骏逸 140*70cm 新阳光 140*70cm 颐达 140*70cm 骊威 140*75cm 骐达 140*75cm 轩逸 140*75cm 奇骏 140*75cm 风度 140*75cm 蓝鸟 140*75cm 新天籁 140*75cmNV200150*75cm楼兰 Murano150*80cm 帕拉丁 150*80cm 贵士150*80cm 途乐 150*80cm日产 GT-R150*80cmS 斯柯达晶锐 135*60cm昕锐 140*70cm明锐 140*70cm昊锐 140*75cmS 三菱蓝瑟 135*60cm君阁 140*75cm翼神 140*70cm菱帅 140*70cm欧蓝德 140*75cm帕杰罗速跑 140*75cmASX 劲炫(进口)140*75cm 菱绅 140*75cm格蓝迪 140*75cm戈蓝 140*75cmLANCER145*80cm帕杰罗(进口)145*80cm 帕杰罗·劲畅 145*80cmX 雪铁龙 C2135*60cm爱丽舍 140*70cm赛纳 140*70cm凯旋 140*75cm毕加索 140*75cmC4140*75cm世嘉 140*75cmC5150*75cmC6145*80cm品牌车型最匹配的前挡尺寸B 本田锋范 140*70cm理念 S1140*70cm思铭 140*70cm09 飞度两厢 140*75cm思域 140*75cm奥德赛 140*75cm八代雅阁 145*80cmCR-V145*80cm雅阁 2.4150*75cm思铂睿 150*75cm歌诗图 150*75cm思迪 150*80cmB 别克林荫大道 140*70cm 凯越 140*70cm英朗 GT140*75cm英朗 XT140*75cm昂科拉 140*75cm荣御 145*80cm君威 145*80cm 新君越 150*75cmGL8150*80cm老君越 150*80cm昂科雷 150*80cmB 标致标致 207140*75cm标致 206140*75cm标致 408145*80cm标致 307145*80cm标致 308145*80cm标致 3008150*80cm标致 4008145*80cm标致 508150*75cmB 奔腾奔腾 B50140*70cm奔腾 B70140*70cm奔腾 B90140*75cmB 保时捷卡宴 150*80cmC 长城哈弗 M2140*75cm 长城酷熊 135*60cm 哈弗 M1135*60cm 哈弗 M4140*75cm 腾翼C20R140*75cm 腾翼 V80140*75cm 长城炫丽140*70cm 风骏 3140*70cm 风骏 5140*70cm 腾翼 C30140*70cm 腾翼 C50140*70cm 哈弗H3145*80cm 哈弗 H5145*80cm 哈弗H6145*80cmC 长安 S460135*60cm 长安之星 135*60cm 欧诺 135*60cm 奔奔 140*70cm 志翔 140*75cm CX30140*75cm悦翔 140*75cm悦翔 V3140*75cm 悦翔 V5140*75cm 逸动140*75cm 睿骋 150*75cmCX20140*75cmF 福特蒙迪欧 150*75cm 福克斯 140*75cm 福特 S-MAX145*80cm 野马 145*80cm 新嘉年华140*70cm 翼虎 145*80cm 致胜 150*75cm 锐界150*80cm 探险者 150*80cm 麦柯斯 150*80cm F 菲亚特 501135*60cm 博悦 140*75cm 菲翔150*75cm 菲跃 150*80cmJ 江铃驭胜 150*80cmJ 吉普指南者 145*80cm 自由客 145*80cm 牧马人 150*80cm 大切罗基 150*80cm 指挥官150*80cm美日 135*60cm美人豹 135*60cm优利欧 135*60cm全球鹰 GC7140*70cm全球鹰 GX2135*60cm熊猫 135*60cm金刚 140*70cm自由舰 140*70cm金鹰 140*70cm英伦 SC3135*60cmJ 吉利豪情 135*60cm英伦 SC6135*60cm英伦 SC5140*70cm英伦 SC7140*70cm帝豪 EC7140*75cm英伦 TX4140*75cm帝豪 EC8140*75cm英伦 SX7145*80cm全球鹰 GX7145*80cmK 克莱斯勒铂锐 140*70cm克莱斯勒 300C150*75cm大捷龙 150*75cmL 雷克萨斯雷克萨斯 CT140*70cm雷克萨斯 IS140*70cm雷克萨斯 ES140*75cm雷克萨斯 GS145*80cm雷克萨斯 LS145*80cm雷克萨斯 GX150*75cm雷克萨斯 LX150*75cm雷克萨斯 RX150*75cmL 莲花莲花 L5140*70cm莲花 L3140*70cm竞速 140*70cm竞悦 140*70cmM 马自达马自达 2140*70cm 马自达 6140*70cm马自达 3140*70cm睿翼 140*75cm马自达 5140*75cm马自达 3 星骋 140*75cm 马自达 8145*80cm马自达 CX-5145*80cm马自达 CX-7150*80cm马自达 CX-9150*80cmO 讴歌讴歌 RL150*75cm讴歌 ILX140*70cm 讴歌 TL150*75cm 讴歌 RLX150*75cm讴歌 ZDX150*75cm讴歌 RDX150*80cm讴歌 MDX150*80cmO 欧宝安德拉 150*80cm雅特 140*70cm英速亚 150*75cmQ 奇瑞旗云 2135*60cmQQ3135*60cm瑞麒 X1135*60cm瑞麒 M5135*60cm瑞麒 M1135*60cm风云 2135*60cmA1135*60cmQQ6135*60cmQqme135*60cm旗云 1135*60cm奇瑞 A5140*70cm旗云 3140*75cm旗云 5140*70cm瑞虎 140*75cm瑞麒 G3140*70cm瑞麒 G5140*70cm东方之子 140*75cm奇瑞 A3140*75cm奇瑞 E5145*80cm瑞麒 G6145*80cmR 荣威荣威 350140*75cm荣威 750140*70cm荣威 550140*75cm荣威 950150*75cm荣威 W5150*80cmS 斯巴鲁力狮 145*80cm斯巴鲁 XV140*75cm森林人 12 款以前 140*75cm 森林人 13 款以后 145*80cm 翼豹 140*75cm驰鹏 150*80cm傲虎 145*80cmW 沃尔沃沃尔沃 S40140*70cm 沃尔沃 C30140*70cm沃尔沃 S80150*75cm沃尔沃 C70145*80cm沃尔沃 S60150*75cm沃尔沃 V60150*75cm沃尔沃 S80L150*75cm 沃尔沃 XC60150*80cm 沃尔沃 XC90150*80cmS 现代雅绅特 135*60cm 索纳塔 8 代 140*70cm i30140*70cm伊兰特 140*70cm瑞纳 140*70cm朗动 140*70cm悦动 140*75cm飞思 140*75cmix35145*80cm领翔 145*80cm名驭 145*80cm途胜 145*80cm御翔 145*80cm雅尊 150*75cm劳恩斯 150*75cm劳恩斯酷派 150*75cm 新胜达 150*75cm维拉克斯 150*80cm雅科仕 150*75cmX 雪佛兰乐驰 135*60cm 爱唯欧 135*60cm SPARK 斯帕可 135*60cm 乐风 135*60cm乐骋 135*60cm景程 140*70cm新赛欧 140*70cm科鲁兹 140*75cm沃蓝达 Volt140*75cm爱唯欧 140*75cm迈锐宝 150*75cm科帕奇 150*80cmY 一汽欧朗 145*80cm森雅 M80140*75cm森雅 S80135*60cm威志 V2140*70cm威志 V5140*70cm夏利 N7135*60cm夏利 N5135*60cm英菲尼迪 G 系 140*75cmY 英菲尼迪英菲尼迪 EX145*80cm 英菲尼迪 M 系 145*80cm英菲尼迪 FX150*80cm英菲尼迪 JX150*80cm英菲尼迪 QX150*80cmZ 中华骏捷 140*70cmH530140*70cmH320140*70cmH330140*70cmH230135*60cm中华 V5140*75cm酷宝 140*75cm尊驰 140*75cmZ 众泰众泰 2008135*60cm众泰 5008135*60cm众泰 Z300140*75cm。








DPtech FW1000系列应用防火墙安装手册v2.01

DPtech FW1000系列应用防火墙安装手册v2.01
DPtech FW1000 系列应用防火墙安装手册
2.2.4 抗干扰要求............................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.5 防雷击要求............................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.6 接地要求................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.7 布线要求................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 安装工具......................................................................................................................................4
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CUSTOMER APPROVAL SHEETCompany NameMODEL A104SN03 V1CUSTOMER APPROVED Title : Name :□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS ONLY (Spec. Ver. )□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS AND ES SAMPLE (Spec. Ver. )□ APPROVAL FOR SPECIFICATIONS AND CS SAMPLE (Spec. Ver. )□ CUSTOMER REMARK :AUO PM :P/N :Comment :1 Li-Hsin Rd. 2. Science-Based Industrial ParkHsinchu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: +886-3-500-8899Doc. version : 0.7Total pages : 34Date : 2009/04/27Product Specification10.4" COLOR TFT-LCD MODULE Model Name:A104SN03 V1Planned Lifetime: From 2008/Dec To 2010/Dec Phase-out Control:From 2010/Jul To 2010/Dec EOL Schedule: 2010/Decary Specification< >Final SpecificationNote: The content of this specification is subject to change.© 2009 AU Optronics All Rights Reserved, Do Not Copy.Page: 1/34Record of RevisionVersion Revise Date Page Content0.0 2008/10/29All First Draft0.1 2008/11/1224 Update Response time29 Update drawing0.2 2009/01/07 4 Update drawing17 Update Register Table18 Delete R1 setting0.3 2009/1/16 4 Update drawing10 Delete extra Electrical DC Characteristics32 Add Application Circuit0.4 2009/02/048 Delete extra note0.5 2009/03/1512 Add VCOMin22 Delete Power on R133 Update Application Circuit0.6 2009/03/3125 Update Contrast ratio0.7 2009/4/27 19 Update Register Table & Register DescriptionPage: 2/34ContentsA.General Information (3)B.Outline Dimension (4)1.TFT-LCD Module (4)C.Electrical Specifications (6)1. TFT LCD Panel Pin Assignment (6)2. Backlight Pin Assignment (9)3. Absolute Maximum Ratings (9)3. Electrical DC Characteristics (10)4. Electrical AC Characteristics (14)5. Serial Interface Characteristics (17)6. Power On/Off Characteristics (22)D.Optical Specification (25)E.Reliability Test Items (28)F.Packing and Marking (31)1. Packing Form (31)2. Module/Panel Label Information (32)3. Carton Label Information (32)G.Application Note (33)Application Circuit (33)H.Precautions (34)Page:3/34A. General InformationThis product is for portable DVD and digital photo frame application.NO. ItemUnit SpecificationRemark1 Screen Sizeinch 10.4(Diagonal)2 Display Resolutiondot800RGB(W)x600(H)3 Overall Dimensionmm 228.4(W)x175.4(H)x6.2(D)Note 1 4 Active Area mm211.2(W)x158.4(H)5 Pixel Pitchmm 0.264(W)x0.264(H) 6 Color Configuration-- R. G. B. Stripe Note 27 Color Depth -- 16.7M ColorsNote 3 8 NTSC Ratio% 509Display Mode-- Normally White 10 Panel surface Treatment --Anti-Glare, 3H11 Weightg400±2012 Panel Power ConsumptionW 0.43Note 4 13 Backlight Power Consumption W 2.97 14 Viewing direction6 o’clock (gray inversion)Note 1: Not include blacklight cable and FPC. Refer next page to get further information. Note 2: Below figure shows dot stripe arrangement.Note 3: The full color display depends on 24-bit data signal (pin 4~27). Note 4: Please refer to Electrical Characteristics chapter.( 1…………...……………..600 )V e r s i o n :0.7P a g e : 4/34I G H T S S T R I C T L Y R E S E R V E D . A N Y P O R T I O N O F T H I S P A P E R S H A L L N O T B E R E P R O D U C E D , C O P I E D , O R T R A N S F O R M E D T O A N Y O T H E R F O W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N F R O M A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P .O u t l i n e D i m e n s i o n1. T F T -L C D M o d u l eV e r s i o n :0.7P a g e : 5/34I G H T S S T R I C T L Y R E S E R V E D . A N Y P O R T I O N O F T H I S P A P E R S H A L L N O T B E R E P R O D U C E D , C O P I E D , O R T R A N S F O R M E D T O A N Y O T H E R F O W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N F R O M A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P .Page: 6/34 C. Electrical Specifications1. TFT LCD Panel Pin AssignmentRecommended connector : HRS FH28-60S-0.5SHPin no Symbol I/O Description Remark1 AGND P Ground for analog circuit2 AVDD P Analog power supply voltage3 VDDIO P Digital interface supply voltage4 R0 I Red data input (LSB)5 R1 I Red data input6 R2 I Red data input7 R3 I Red data input8 R4 I Red data input9 R5 I Red data input10 R6 I Red data input11 R7 I Red data input (MSB)12 G0 I Green data input (LSB)13 G1 I Green data input14 G2 I Green data input15 G3 I Green data input16 G4 I Green data input17 G5 I Green data input18 G6 I Green data input19 G7 I Green data input (MSB)20 B0 I Blue data input (LSB)21 B1 I Blue data input22 B2 I Blue data input23 B3 I Blue data input24 B4 I Blue data input25 B5 I Blue data input26 B6 I Blue data input27 B7 I Blue data input (MSB)28 DCLK I Data clock input29 DE I Data enable signal30 HSYNC I Horizontal sync input. (Negative polarity)31 VSYNC I Vertical sync input. (Negative polarity)32 SCL I Serial communication clock input33 SDA I Serial communication data input34 CSB I Serial communication chip selectPage:7/3435NC-For test, do not connect (Please leave it open)36 VDDIO P Digital interface supply voltage 37 NC - For test, do not connect (Please leave it open)38 GND P Ground for digital circuit 39 AGND P Ground for analog circuit 40 AVDDP Analog power supply voltage41VCOMin IFor external VCOM DC input 42 DITH IDithering setting DITH = "L" 6bit resolution(LSB last 2 bits of input data turncated)DITH = "H" 8bit resolution(Default setting)43 NC- For test, do not connect (Please leave it open) 44 VCOM O connect a capacitor 45 V10 I Gamma correction voltage reference 46 V9 I Gamma correction voltage reference 47 V8 I Gamma correction voltage reference 48 V7 I Gamma correction voltage reference 49 V6 I Gamma correction voltage reference 50 V5 I Gamma correction voltage reference 51 V4 I Gamma correction voltage reference 52 V3 I Gamma correction voltage reference 53 V2 I Gamma correction voltage reference 54 V1IGamma correction voltage reference55 NC - For test, do not connect (Please leave it open)56 VGH P Positive power for TFT57 VDDIO P Digital interface supply voltage 58 VGL P Negative power supply for Gate driver.59 GND P Ground for digital circuit 60 NC-For test, do not connect (Please leave it open)I: Input; P: PowerPage: 8/34.Page:9/342. Backlight Pin AssignmentRecommended connector : JOIN TEK JT1025-1021Pin no Symbol I/O Description Remark1 VLED+ P Backlight LED anode2VLED-PBacklight LED cathode3. Absolute Maximum RatingsItemSymbol Conditio Min. Max. Unit Remark VDDIO GND=0 -0.5 5 V Digital Power Supply AVDDAGND=0 -0.5 15 VAnalog power supplyVGH -0.3 42 V Gate driver supply voltage VGL GND=0-20 0.3 V Gate driver supply voltage Power voltageVGH -VGL- 40V Gate driver supply voltageV I -0.3 VDDIO+0.3 VNote 1 Input signal voltageVCOMin 0 5 VVCOM DC VoltageOperating Topa -10 60 StorageTstg-2070Note 1: Functional operation should be restricted under ambient temperature.Note 2: Maximum ratings are those values beyond which damages to the device may occur. Functional operation should be restricted to the limits in the Electrical Characteristics chapter.Page: 10/343. Electrical DC Characteristicsa. Typical Operation Condition (AGND =GND = 0V)Item Symbol Min. Typ.Max. Unit RemarkVDDIO 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Digital Power SupplyAVDD 10.5 11 11.5 V Analog Power Supply Power VoltageVGH 14 15 16 V Positive power supply for gatedriverVGL -7.5 -7 -6.5 V Negative power supply forgate driver InputH Level VIH 0.7xVDDIO-- VDDIO VSignal Voltage L Level VIL GND -- 0.3xVDDIO VGamma referenceV1 ~ V5AVDD/2 - AVDD – 1V Note 1 voltage V6 ~ V10 1 - AVDD/2 VVCOMin V CDC 3.75 3.95 4.15 V Note 2 Note 1: Gamma suggested circuit is as followsPage: 11/34 Pin Voltage(V)AVDD 11V1 10V2 8.5V3 8V4 7.57V5 6.7V6 4.3V7 3.43V8 3V9 2.5V10 1Page: 12/34 Note2: Based on recommended Gamma 2.2 voltage.Page: 13/34b. Current Consumption (AGND=GND=0V)Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark Input current for VDDIO IVDDIO VDDIO = 3.3V 10 20 m A Note 1, 2 Input current for AVDD IAVDD AVDD = 11V 24 30 mA Note 1, 2 Input current for VGH IVGH VGH = 15V -- 0.4 0.6 mA Note 1, 2 Input current for VGL IVGL VGL = -7V -0.6 -0.4 -- mA Note 1, 2 Note 1:Test Condition is under typical Eletrical DC and AC characteristics.Note 2: Test pattern is the following picture.c. Backlight Driving ConditionsThe backlight (LED module, Note 1) is suggested to drive by constant current with typical value.Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark LED light bar Current I L-- 300 -- mAPower Consumption P -- 3 3.21 W Note 1 LED Life Time L L10,000 -- -- Hr Note 2, 3 Note 1: The LED driving condition is defined for LED module (36 LED). The Voltage range will be 8.8V to 10.7V based on suggested driving current set as 300mA.Note 2: Define “LED Lifetime”: brightness is decreased to 50% of the initial value. LED Lifetime is restricted under normal condition, ambient temperature = 25℃and LED lightbar current =300mA.Note 3: If it uses larger LED lightbar current more than 300mA, it maybe decreases the LED lifetime.Page: 14/344. Electrical AC Characteristicsa. Signal AC CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark DCLK duty cycle -- 40 50 60 % t cw / t DCLK x100% VSYNC setup time t vst0 -- -- nsVSYNC hold time t vhd 2 -- -- nsHSYNC setup time t hst 5 -- -- nsHSYNC hold time t hhd10 -- -- nsData setup time t dst 5 -- -- nsData hold time t dhd10 -- -- nsData enable set-up time t est 4 -- -- nsData enable hold time t ehd 2 -- -- nsPage:15/34b. Input TimingHS R[7:0]G[7:0]B[7:0]DCLKHorizontal input timing. (HV mode)DCLK DER[7:0]G[7:0]B[7:0]Horizontal TimingParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit. RemarkDCLK frequency F DCLK 25 40 45 MHz DCLK periodT DCLK 22 25 40 ns Hsync period (= T HD + T HBL )T H 1026 1056 1183 DCLK Active AreaT HD - 800 - DCLK Horizontal blanking (= T HF + T HE )T HBL 226 256 383 DCLK Hsync front porchT HF 10 40 167 DCLK Delay from Hsync to 1st data input(= T HW + T HB )T HE216DCLKPage: 16/34 Hsync pulse width T HW 1 128 136 DCLKHsync back porch T HB80 88 215 DCLKHorizontal input timing (HV mode)Horizontal input timing (DE mode)Vertical TimingParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit. Remark Vsync period (= T VD + T VBL) T V- 628 635 ThActive lines T VD- 600 - Th Vertical blanking (= T VF + T VE) T VBL- 28 35 ThVsync front porch T VF- 1 8 ThGD start pulse delay T VE- 27 - ThVsync pulse width T VW 1 3 16 ThHsync/Vsync phase shift T VPD 2 320 - DCLKPage: 17/34Vertical timing (HV mode)Vertical timing (DE mode)5. Serial Interface Characteristicsa. Serial Control Interface AC CharacteristicParameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit. Remark Serial data setup time T IST120 - - nsSerial data hold time T IHD120 - - nsCSB setup time T CST120 - - nsCSB hold time T CHD120 - - nsSerial clock high/low T SSW120 - - nsSerial clock T SCK320 - - nsDelay from CSB to VSYNC T CV 1 - - usChip select distinguish T CD 1 - - usSerial data output delay T ID- - 60 ns CL=20pFPage: 18/34b Serial Interface TimingThere is a total of 6 registers each containing several parameters. For a detailed description of the parameters refer to register table. The serial register has read/write function. D[15:12] are the register address, D[11] defines the read or write mode and D[10:0] are the data.Serial Interface Write sequence1. At power-on, the default values specified for each parameter are taken.2. If less than 16-bit data are read during the CS low time period, the data is cancelled.a. The write operation is cancelled.3. All items are set at the falling edge of the vertical sync, except R0[1:0].4. When GRB is activated through the serial interface, all registers are cleared, except the GRB value.5. The register setting values are valid when VCC already goes to high and after VSYNC starts.6. It is suggested that VSYNC, HSYNC, DCLK always exists in the same time. But if HSYNC, DCLK stops,only VSYNC operating, the register setting is still valid.7. If the chip goes to standby mode, the register value will still keep. MCU can wake up the chip only bychanging standby mode value from low to high.8. The register setting values are rewritten by the influence of static electricity, a noise, etc. to unsuitable value,incorrect operating may occur. It is suggested that the SPI interface will setup as frequently as possible.Page:19/34c. Register Table (Default Value)RegADDRESSR/WDATA No. D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9D8D7D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1D0R0 0 0 0 0 0 (01)(01) (1)(0)(1) (1)(0)GRB (1)STB (1)R2 0 0 1 0 0 × × × HDL(80h)R3 0 0 1 1 0 × × (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) VDL(1000)R4 0 1 0 0 0 × × (1)(0) (0)(0) (1) (1111)R6 011×(0)EnGB12 (1)EnGB11 (1)EnGB10 (1)(0)(0)EnGB5 (1)EnGB4 (1)EnGB3 (1)(0)X: Reserved. Please set to “0”.<Note>:Sending serial commands periodically is recommended to improve ESD protection ability.d. Register Descriptiona. R0 setting AddressBitDescriptionDefault 0000 [10..0] Bits 10-9 AUO Internal Use 01 Bits7-8AUO Internal Use 01 Bit6 (DITH) Dithering function. 1 Bit5 AUO Internal Use 0 Bit4 AUO Internal Use 1 Bit3 AUO Internal Use. 1 Bit2 AUO Internal Use 0 Bit1 (GRB) Global reset.1Bit0 (STB) Standby mode setting.1Bit6 DITH function0 DITH off.1DITH on. (default)Bit1GRB function0 The controller is reset. Reset all registers to default value. 1Normal operation. (default)Bit0STB function0 T-CON and source driver are off. All outputs are set to GND.1Normal operation. (default)Address Bit Description Default 0010 [7..0] Bit7-0(HDL) Horizontal start pulse adjustment function80H Bit7-0 HDL function00h T HE = T HEtyp - 128 CLK period.80h T HE = T HEtyp. (default)FFh T HE = T HEtyp + 127 CLK period.c. R3 settingAddress Bit Description Default 0011[8..0]Bit8 AUO Internal Use0Bit7 AUO Internal Use0Bit6 AUO Internal Use 0Bit5 AUO Internal Use 0Bit4 AUO Internal Use 0Bit3-0(VDL) Vertical start pulse adjustment function 1000Bit3-0 VDL function0000 T VE = T VEtyp – 8 Hs period.0001 T VE = T VEtyp – 7 Hs period.0010 T VE = T VEtyp – 6 Hs period.0011 T VE = T VEtyp – 5 Hs period.0100 T VE = T VEtyp – 4 Hs period.0101 T VE = T VEtyp – 3 Hs period.0110 T VE = T VEtyp – 2 Hs period.0111 T VE = T VEtyp – 1 Hs period.1000 T VE = T VEtyp. (default)1001 T VE = T VEtyp – 1 Hs period.1010 T VE = T VEtyp – 2 Hs period.1011 T VE = T VEtyp – 3 Hs period.1100 T VE = T VEtyp – 4 Hs period.1101 T VE = T VEtyp – 5 Hs period.1110 T VE = T VEtyp – 6 Hs period.1111 T VE = T VEtyp – 7 Hs period.Address Bit Description Default 0110 [9..0] Bits9 AUO Internal Use 0Bits8(EnGB12)Gamma buffer Enable for V9 1Bits7(EnGB11)Gamma buffer Enable for V8 1Bits6(EnGB10)Gamma buffer Enable for V7 1Bits5 AUO Internal Use 0Bits4 AUO Internal Use 0Bits3(EnGB5) Gamma buffer Enable for V4 1Bits2(EnGB4) Gamma buffer Enable for V3 1Bits1(EnGB3) Gamma buffer Enable for V2 1Bits0 AUO Internal Use 0 Bitx EnGBx function0 Gamma buffer for VX is disabled (High Z).1 Gamma buffer is enabled. VX must be connected externally.Page: 22/346. Power On/Off Characteristicsa. Recommended Power On Register SettingADDRESS R/W DATARegNo.D15D14D13D12D11D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 R00000010 01 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 R2001000 0 0 80hR3001100 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000R4010000 0 1 1 00 1 1111R6011000 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0Note : Start to provide SPI commend at least after 2 frame.1. Send R15 : 000h(Normal register bank) at first.2. Wait at least after more than one frame, send R0 : 4D1h(Global Reset)3. After send Global Reset, start to send R0 to R6 recommend register value.V e r s i o n :0.7P a g e : 23/34G H T S S T R I C T L Y R E S E R V E D . A N Y P O R T I O N O F T H I S P A P E R S H A L L N O T B E R E P R O D U C E D , C O P I E D , O R T R A N S F O R M E D T O A N Y O T H E R F O R M S W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N F R O M A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P .R e c o m m e n d e d P o w e r O n S e q u e n c eV e r s i o n :0.7P a g e : 24/34G H T S S T R I C T L Y R E S E R V E D . A N Y P O R T I O N O F T H I S P A P E R S H A L L N O T B E R E P R O D U C E D , C O P I E D , O R T R A N S F O R M E D T O A N Y O T H E R F O R M S W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N F R O M A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P .P o w e r O f f S e q u e n c ePage:25/34D. Optical SpecificationAll optical specification is measured under typical condition (Note 1, 2)Item Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark Response TimeRise FallTr Tfθ=0°-- --307 33ms ms Note 3 Contrast ratioCR At optimizedviewing angle 400 500 -- Note 4TopBottom Left Viewing AngleRight4050 65 6550 60 75 75 -- -- -- -- deg. Note 5BrightnessY Lθ=0° 250300 --cd/m 2 Note 6X θ=0° 0.28 0.33 0.38 White Y θ=0° 0.30 0.35 0.40 X θ=0° 0.550 0.600 0.650 RedY θ=0° 0.324 0.374 0.424 X θ=0° 0.306 0.356 0.406 Green Y θ=0° 0.531 0.581 0.631 X θ=0° 0.094 0.144 0.194 ChromaticityBlueY θ=0° 0.043 0.093 0.143 UniformityΔY L%7580--Note 7Note 1: Ambient temperature =25℃, and LED lightbar current I L = 300mA. To be measured in the dark room.Note 2: To be measured on the center area of panel with a viewing cone of 1° by Topcon luminance meterBM-5A, after 15 minutes operation.Page:26/34The output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “black” to “white”(falling time) and from “white” to “black”(rising time), respectively.The response time is defined as the time interval between the 10% and 90% of amplitudes. Refer to figure as below.Note 4.Definition of contrast ratio:Contrast ratio is calculated with the following formula.statusBlack"" at is LCD when output detector Photo statusWhite"" at is LCD when output detector Photo (CR) ratio Contrast =Note 5. Definition of viewing angle, θ, Refer to figure as below.Note 6. Measured at the center area of the panel when all the input terminals of LCD panel are electrically opened.Note 7: Luminance Uniformity of these 9 points is defined as below:Page: 27/34Page: 28/34 E. Reliability Test ItemsNo.Test items Conditions Remark1 High Temperature Storage 240Hrs2 Low Temperature Storage Ta= -2240Hrs3 High Ttemperature Operation Tp= 240Hrs4 Low Temperature Operation Ta=-1240Hrs5 High Temperature & High Humidity Tp240Hrs Operation6 Heat Shock -Non-operation7 Electrostatic Discharge Contact = ± 4 kV, class BAir = ± 8 kV, class B Note 58 Image Sticking 254hrs Note 6Frequency range : 10~55HzStoke : 1.5mmSweep : 10 ~ 55 ~ 10Hz2 hours for each direction of X,Y,Z 9 Vibration(6 hours for total)Non-operation JIS C7021, A-10 condition A : 15 minutes10Mechanical Shock 100G . 6ms, ±X,±Y,±Z3 times for each direction Non-operation JIS C7021,A-7 condition C11Vibration (With Carton)Random vibration:0.015G2/Hz from 5~200Hz–6dB/Octave from 200~500HzIEC 68-3412Drop (With Carton) Height: 60cm1 corner, 3 edges, 6 surfaces13Pressure 5kg, 5sec Note 7 Note 1: Ta: Ambient Temperature. Tp: Panel Surface TemperatureNote 2: In the standard conditions, there is not display function NG issue occurred. All the cosmetic specification is judged before the reliability stress.Note 3: All the cosmetic specification is judged before the reliability stress.Note5 : All test techniques follow IEC6100-4-2 standard.Page:29/34Contact Discharge :330Ω, 150pF, 1sec, 8 point, 10times/pointAir Discharge :330Ω, 150pF, 1sec, 8 point, 10times/point Then judge with 50% gray level, the mura is less than JND 2.5Note 7: The panel is tested as figure. The jig isψ10 mm made by Cu with rubber and the loadingspeed is 3mm/min on position A~E. After the condition, no glass crack will be found and panelfunction check is OK.( no guarantee LC mura 、LC bubble)Page: 30/34Page: 31/34 F. Packing and Marking1. Packing FormPage: 32/342. Module/Panel Label InformationThe module/panel (collectively called as the “Product”) will be attached with a label of Shipping Number which represents the identification of the Product at a specific location. Refer to the Product outline drawing for detailed location and size of the label. The label is composed of a 22-digit serial number and printed with code 39/128 with the following definition:Example:501M06ZL06123456781Z05:Product Manufacturing Week Code: WK50Product Version: Version 1Product Manufactuing Factory: M063. Carton Label InformationThe packing carton will be attached with a carton label where packing Q’ty, AUO Model Name, AUO Part Number, Customer Part Number (Optional) and a series of Carton Number in 13 or 14 digits are printed. The Carton Number is apparing in the following format:Refer to the drawing of packing format for the location and size of the carton label.V e r s i o n :0.7P a g e : 33/34R I G H T S S T R I C T L Y R E S E R V E D . A N Y P O R T I O N O F T H I S P A P E R S H A L L N O T B E R E P R O D U C E D , C O P I E D , O R T R A N S F O R M E D T O A N Y O T H E R F O R M S W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N F R O M A U O P T R O N I C S C O R P .A p p l i c a t i o n N o t ep p l i c a t i o n C i r c u i tVersion: 0.7Page: 34/34H. Precautions1. Do not twist or bend the module and prevent the unsuitable external force for display module duringassembly.2. Adopt measures for good heat radiation. Be sure to use the module with in the specified temperature.3. Avoid dust or oil mist during assembly.4. Follow the correct power sequence while operating. Do not apply the invalid signal, otherwise, it willcause improper shut down and damage the module.5. Less EMI: it will be more safety and less noise.6. Please operate module in suitable temperature. The response time & brightness will drift by differenttemperature.7. Avoid to display the fixed pattern (exclude the white pattern) in a long period, otherwise, it will causeimage sticking.8. Be sure to turn off the power when connecting or disconnecting the circuit.9. Polarizer scratches easily, please handle it carefully.10. Display surface never likes dirt or stains.11. A dewdrop may lead to destruction. Please wipe off any moisture before using module.12. Sudden temperature changes cause condensation, and it will cause polarizer damaged.13. High temperature and humidity may degrade performance. Please do not expose the module to thedirect sunlight and so on.14. Acetic acid or chlorine compounds are not friends with TFT display module.15. Static electricity will damage the module, please do not touch the module without any groundeddevice.16. Do not disassemble and reassemble the module by self.17. Be careful do not touch the rear side directly.18. No strong vibration or shock. It will cause module broken.19. Storage the modules in suitable environment with regular packing.20. Be careful of injury from a broken display module.21. Please avoid the pressure adding to the surface (front or rear side) of modules, because it will causethe display non-uniformity or other function issue.22. Please use SSCG(Spread Spectrum Clock Generator) at system for EMI reduction.。
























AC 200-240V 50Hz
≥3840 恒流驱动
≥100,000 -30~60 -20~50 15~80% 10~90%
北京京东方光电科技有限公司 箱体拼接效果图
处理 刷新频率(Hz)
性能 驱动方式
使用 参数
工作温度范围(℃) 存储温度范围(℃) 工作湿度范围(RH)
±0.003 Cx,Cy 内
208*104 172*86
320*160 约 0.4
416*312 344*258
422753 288906
≤60 约9 前维护
≤0.1 支持
≥800 2000~15000
BTQ020 2
320*240 250000
BTQ025 2.5
箱体 组成
光学 参数
Pitch LED 类型 模组分辨率 模组尺(mm*mm) 模组重量(kg) 箱体模组组成 箱体分辨率 箱体尺(mm*mm) 像素密度(点/m2) 箱体厚度(mm) 重量(kg) 维护方式 箱体材质 箱体平整度(mm) 单点亮度矫正 单点颜色矫正 白平衡亮度(nit) 色温(k) 水平/垂直视角



MT4601B02-1 Product SpecificationVer. 1.1ContentsRevision History (4)1. General Description (5)1.1 Product Features (5)1.2 Overview (5)1.3 General Information (5)2. Absolute Maximum Ratings (6)2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 ± 2 °C) (6)2.2 Environment Requirement (6)2.3 Package Storage (7)3. Electrical Specification (8)3.1 Electrical Characteristics (8)3.1.1 Power Consumption (Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC) (8)3.1.2 LVDS Characteristics (9)3.2 Backlight Converter Unit (10)3.2.1 LED Converter Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25 ± 2 ºC) (10)3.2.2 LED Converter Power Sequence (11)4. Electrical Block Diagram (12)5. Input Terminal Pin Assignment (13)5.1 TFT LCD Module (13)5.2 Converter Unit (15)5.2.1 Converter Input Connector Pin Definition (15)5.3 Block Diagram of Interface (16)5.4 LVDS Interface (16)5.4.1 VESA Format (SELLVDS = H) (16)5.4.2 JEIDA Format (SELLVDS = L or Open) (16)5.5 Color Data Input Assignment (17)6. Interface Timing (18)6.1 Timing Table (DE Only Mode) (18)6.2 Power On/Off Sequence (19)7. Optical Characteristics (20)7.1 Measurement Conditions (20)7.2 Optical Specifications (21)8. Mechanical Characteristics (25)8.1 Mechanical Specification (25)8.2 Packing (27)8.2.1 Packing Specifications (27)8.2.2 Packing Method (27)9. Definition of Labels (29)9.1 Module Label (29)9.2 Carton Label (29)9.3 Pallet Label (30)10. Precautions (31)10.1 Assembly and Handling Precautions (31)10.2 Safety Precautions (31)Revision History1. General Description1.1 Product Features-FHD Resolution (1920 x 1080)-High Brightness: 350 cd/m²-Very High Contrast Ratio: 4000:1-Fast Response Time-High Color Saturation: 72% NTSC-Ultra Wide Viewing Angle: 178° (H)/178° (V) (CR ≥ 10) -Low Power Consumption: Typ. 85 W2. Absolute Maximum Ratings2.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25 ± 2 °C)The followings are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause damage to the unit.The maximum operating temperature is based on the test condition that the surface temperature of display area is less than or equal to 65 ºC with LCD module in a temperature controlled chamber alone. Thermal management should be considered in final product design to prevent the surface temperature of display area from being over 65 ºC. The range of operating temperature may degrade in case of improper thermal management in the end product design.(3) The TFT module including glass should be avoided any shock or vibration.While testing shock and vibration, the fixture holding the module should be assured to be hard and rigid enough to prevent the module twisted or bent by the fixture. The test conditions should be less than:Shock (Non-operating): 35 G, 11 ms, half sine wave, 1 time for ± X, ± Y, ± Z.Vibration (Non-operating): Random 1.0 Grms, 10 ~ 200 Hz, 10 min, 1 time for each X, Y, Z.2.3 Package StorageWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, please follow the precaution instructions:(1) Do not store the module in high temperature and high humidity for a long time. It is highly recommended to store themodule with temperature from 0 ºC to 35 ºC in normal humidity.(2) The module shall be stored in a dark area and avoided to be exposed in direct sunlight or fluorescent light.3. Electrical Specification3.1 Electrical CharacteristicsFig. 3.2 Test patterns3.2 Backlight Converter UnitFig. 3.5 The power sequence of V BL and V BLONNOTE:The power sequence :POWER ON : V BL > V P_DIM >V BLON POWER OFF :V BLON >= V P_DIM> V BLV V V4. Electrical Block Diagram5. Input Terminal Pin Assignment5.1 TFT LCD ModuleCN1: 0-511037-5 (Xi Da Yi Tong) or equivalent (see Note (1))CN1(6)Fig. 5.1 LVDS connector direction sketch map(2) For CSOT internal only, please let it open.(3) High: connect to + 3.3 V →VESA format; Low: connect to GND or Open →JEIDA format.5.2 Converter Unit5.2.1 Converter Input Connector Pin DefinitionCN1: CI0114M1HR0-NH (Cvilux) or equivalent (see 5.2 Note (1))Fig. 5.2 Power input connector direction sketch map Attention:If the external PWM function includes 10% dimming ratio, the judge conditions are as below:(1) Backlight module must be lighted on normally.(2) All protection functions must work normally.(3) Uniformity and flicker could not be guaranteed.5.3 Block Diagram of InterfaceFig. 5.5 JEIDA format5.5 Color Data Input AssignmentThe brightness of each primary color is based on the 8-bit gray scale data input for each color. The higher the binary input, the brighter the color. The table below provides the assignment of the color versus.Attention:0: Low level voltage; 1: High level voltage.6. Interface TimingFig. 6.1 Interface signal timing diagram6.2 Power On/Off SequenceTo prevent a latch-up or DC operation of LCD module, the power on/off sequence should be as the diagram below.(2) Apply the lightbar voltage within the LCD operation range. When the backlight turns on before the LCD operation or theLCD turns off before the backlight turns off, the display may momentarily become abnormal screen.(3) In case that V CC is in off level, please keep the level of input signals on the low or high impedance. If T2 < 0, that maycause electrical overstress.(4) T4 should be measured after the module has been fully discharged between power off and on period.(5) Interface signal shall not be kept at high impedance when the power is on.7. Optical Characteristics7.1 Measurement ConditionsThe table below is the test condition of optical measurement.N means the actual number of the pixels in the area S.7.2 Optical SpecificationsThe table below of optical characteristics is measured by MINOLTA CS2000, MINOLTA CA310, ELDIM OPTI Scope-SA and ELDIM EZContrast in dark room.CR-W is the luminance measured by LMD(light-measuring device) at the center point of the LCD module with full-screen displaying white. The standard setup of measurement is illustrated in Fig. 7.3;CR-D is the luminance measured by LMD at the center point of the LCD module with full-screen displaying black.(2) The LMD in the item could be a spectroradiometer such as (KONICA MINOLTA) CS2000, CS1000, (TOPCON) SR-UL2or the same level spectroradiometer. Other display color analyzer (KONICA MINOLTA) CA210, CA310 or (TOPCON) BM-7 could be involved after being calibrated with a spectroradiometer on each stage of a product.Fig. 7.3 The standard setup of CR measurement(3) Response time T L is defined as the average transition time in the response time matrix. The table below is the responseX to YAll the transition time is measured at the center point of the LCD module by ELDIM OPTI Scope-SA.(4) Definition of center luminance (L W):The luminance is measured at the center point of the LCD module with full-screen displaying white. Fig. 7.5 shows the standard setup of luminance measurement.and themin Uniformity=L(6)color R,G,B and white.G,Bcoordinates and the area is defined by NTSC1953color standard in the CIE color space.Chromaticity coordinates are measured by CS2000 and the standard setup of measurement is shown in Fig. 7.7.Fig. 7.7 The standard setup of color chromaticity measurement (7) Definition of viewing angle coordinate system (θH, θV):angles: upθV+8. Mechanical Characteristics 8.1 Mechanical Specification8.2 PackingFig. 8.1 Packing method (protector film stick on the front of the LCD module)Protector Film LCD Module PE BagCorrugated BoardPP BeltCarton LabelTop CushionMasking TapePalletBottom CushionAround BoardLCD ModuleEarth CoverPallet Label PalletPE FilmPE SheetPP BeltFig. 8.2 Shipping method9. Definition of Labels 9.1 Module LabelManufactured Date:Year: 2010 = 10, 2011 = 11…2020 = 20, 2021 = 21…9.3 Pallet LabelSerial Number: XXX XX XXX XXXXXCSOT Internal UseYear, MonthMT4601B02-1 Product Specification 10. Precautions10.1 Assembly and Handling Precautions(1) Do not apply rough force such as bending or twisting to the LCD module during assembly.(2) It is recommended to assemble or install a LCD module into the user’s system in clean working areas. The dustand oil may cause electrical short or damage the polarizer.(3) Do not apply pressure or impulse to the LCD module to prevent the damage to LCD panel and backlight.(4) Always follow the correct power-on sequence. This can prevent the damage and latch-up to the LSI chips.(5) Do not plug in or pull out the interface connector while the module is in operation.(6) Do not disassemble the LCD module.(7) Use soft dry cloth without chemicals for cleaning because the surface of polarizer is very soft and easily bescratched.(8) Moisture can easily penetrate into the LCD module and may cause the damage during operation.(9) High temperature or humidity may deteriorate the performance of the LCD module. Please store LCD modules inthe specified storage conditions.(10) When ambient temperature is lower than 10ºC, the display quality might be deteriorated. For example, theresponse time will become slow, and the starting voltage of LED light bar will be higher than that in roomtemperature.10.2 Safety Precautions(1) If the liquid crystal material leaks from the panel, it should be kept away from the eyes or mouth. In case ofcontact with hands, skin or clothes, it has to be washed away thoroughly with soap.(2) After the LCD module’s end of life, it is not harmful in case of normal operation and storage.The copyright belongs to Shenzhen China Star 31 / 31 Ver. 1.1 Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.Any unauthorized use is prohibited.。




3.3Coating of brass caps plaring the surfacc with nickel If the indicarion is added with“s”,it needs to be plaredwith silver。


3.4Slrcngth of brass caps The minimum tortion between brass caps and glass tube is720g-cm。

4.操作環境4.1工作溫度:-20℃to+70℃4.1Oparating Tamperature:-20℃to+70℃(consider de-rating)4.2可焊性溫度:260℃≤3秒350℃≤1秒4.2Weldability temperature:260℃≤3s350℃≤1s5.電氣特性:5.Charctcristics of Electrical Appliancos5.1負載容量:額定電流測100%,能繼續通電無任何熔化現象。

5.1Loading Capacity The Listed Electrical.(Included)add100%for following,add it’s available to let currentkurrcnt keep on flowing without any melding。

5.2溫度特性:進行上項測試1½小時,後繼續維持原加之電流,每隔十分鐘測試一次,連續測三次,溫度不得升高,若使用熱偶式測量方法(Tbermocouple mcthod)則本體溫升在70℃以下,若使用溫度計測量方法(Tbermocouple mcthod)則在50℃以下。

5.2Tcmpcraturc:proceed the prcceding test for1½hours,keep testing it with the original current every10minutes.Continue to test it for3times.The temperature is not allowed to be higher The main temperalurc is below70℃by way of Thermocouple Method while it keeps below50℃by way of Thermometer Mcthod.。










可根据客户需要定制产品,屏体厚度范围在 1.1-6mm,尺寸范围可根据客户要求定做。












规格:2.8-6mm(全强化) 1.8-2.5mm(热硬化)尺寸:所有声波屏均可进行强化处理。


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1 Li-Hsin Rd. 2. Science-Based Industrial ParkHsinchu 300, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: +886-3-500-8899Fas: +886-3-577-2730n ti a lF o r FO n 2014/08Doc. version : 1.1Total pages : 13Date :2014/05/13Note:The content of this specification is subject to change.© 2013 AU Optronics All Rights Reserved, Do Not Copy.n ti a lF o r FO R 8Record of Revisionn ti a lF o r Fn 2014/08ContentsA.General Information.....................................................................................................................................3B.Outline Dimension .......................................................................................................................................41. LCD Outline.................................................................................................................................................4C.Electrical Specifications..............................................................................................................................51. LCD Pin Assignment (FPC bonding side)...................................................................................................52. Electrical DC Characteristics.. (6)3. Compatible Driver IC...................................................................................................................................6D.Optical Specification....................................................................................................................................7E.Reliability Test Items....................................................................................................................................8F.Packing and Marking...................................................................................................................................91. Packing Form ..............................................................................................................................................9G.Mark information........................................................................................................................................101. Chip Alignment Mark for Polarizer Attachment, COG and FPC Bonding . (10)H.Precautions (12)Appendix A: (13)n ti a lF o r FO R C H IN AMA RK E T US EON L YI nt er na lU se On l y O n 2014/08A.General InformationThis product is only cell.n ti a lF o r Fn 2014/08B.Outline Dimension1. LCD Outlinen ti a lF o r FO R C H IN AMA RK E T US EON L YI nt er na lU se On l y O n 2014/08C.Electrical Specifications1168n ti a lF o r FO R C H IN AM2014/082. Electrical DC Characteristicsn ti a lF o r Fn 2014/08D.Optical SpecificationNote 3. Measured at the center area of the panel when all the input terminals of LCD panel are electrically opened.n ti a lF o r FO 14/08n ti a lF o r FO 2014/08F.Packing and Marking1. Packing Formn ti a lF o r FO R C H IN AMA RK E T US EON L YI nt er na lU se On l y O n 2014/08G.Mark information1. Chip Alignment Mark for Polarizer Attachment, COG and FPC Bondingn ti a lF o r FO R C H IN AMA RK E T US EON L YI nt er na lU se On l y O n 2014/08Unit:umn ti a lF o r FO R C H IN AMA RK E T US EON L YI nt er na lU se On l y O n 2014/08H.Precautions1.Do not twist or bend the module and prevent the unsuitable external force for display module duringassembly.2.Adopt measures for good heat radiation. Be sure to use the module with in the specified temperature.3.Avoid dust or oil mist during assembly.4.Follow the correct power sequence while operating. Do not apply the invalid signal, otherwise, it will causeimproper shut down and damage the module.5.Less EMI: it will be more safety and less noise.6.Please operate module in suitable temperature. The response time & brightness will drift by differenttemperature.7.Avoid to display the fixed pattern (exclude the white pattern) in a long period, otherwise, it will cause imagesticking.8.Be sure to turn off the power when connecting or disconnecting the circuit.9.Polarizer scratches easily, please handle it carefully.10.Display surface never likes dirt or stains.11.A dewdrop may lead to destruction. Please wipe off any moisture before using module.12.Sudden temperature changes cause condensation, and it will cause polarizer damaged.13.High temperature and humidity may degrade performance. Please do not expose the module to thedirect sunlight and so on.14.Acetic acid or chlorine compounds are not friends with TFT display module.15.Static electricity will damage the module, please do not touch the module without any grounded device.16.Do not disassemble and reassemble the module by self.17.Be careful do not touch the rear side directly.18.No strong vibration or shock. It will cause module broken.19.Storage the modules in suitable environment with regular packing.20.Be careful of injury from a broken display module.21.Please avoid the pressure adding to the surface (front or rear side) of modules, because it will cause thedisplay non-uniformity or other function issue.n ti a lF o r FO R C H IN AMA RK E T US EON L YI nt er na lU se On l y O n 2014/08Appendix A:A.1 Pixel Format ImageFollowing figure shows the relationship of the input signals and LCD pixel format.n ti a lF o r FO R C H IN AMA RK E T US EON L YI nt er na lU se On l y O n 2014/08。
