


项目地点:山东 阀门信息:18” 400Class 管道介质:成品油 现场问题:阀门在投产初期内漏严重。
问题: 如何在管道打压期间保证阀座不受1.5倍压力的损坏 ?
问题: 如何在管道打压期间保证阀座不受1.5倍压力的损坏 ?
处理情况: 经查询相关资料,该批阀门在到货后,进行过单体 打压测试,测试结果显示每台阀门均达到密封标准 。在现场按照《Cameron 安装操作和维护手册》中 的阀门内漏处理办法,进行了处理,但由于阀座软 密封被划伤严重,问题仍无法解决。建议用户购买 新阀。
问题: 在阀门安装时,如何进行阀座的有效保护?




























焊机组成:龙门架1套,焊接机头2套,多特性电源2套,焊剂输送回收系统1套, 防窜动型可调式滚轮架1套,电器控制箱1套
(1)目前,32〞以下(含32〞)高压全焊接国产球阀在中石油长输油气 管道已实现国产化;32〞以上的大口径全焊接阀门由于设计和制造技 术难度大,无实际应用业绩等,主要还是从美国喀麦(CAMERON)、 意大利格罗夫(GROVE)、德国舒克和伯马公司等引进。
(2)2005年西气东输公司采购了自贡阀门厂生产的 2台40〞class600 全焊接球阀用于金坛储气库工程(备用);2006年采购了19台24〞 class400 全焊接球阀,用于淮武支线管道工程,其中16台用于线路 截断阀室,3台用于站场工艺管线。
气、油双线并行,采取先建输气管线、再建输油管线的方式进行。 中缅原油管道起于缅甸西海岸的实兑港,经云南边城瑞丽抵达昆明,全长
约1100公里,预计总投资约25亿美元。 中缅天然气管线会继续延伸至广西南宁,全长2806公里,计划将在今年9
球形全焊接球阀采用枢轴式固定球 结构,阀体采用紧凑型的球形锻件焊接而 成。阀门的重量小。
阀杆在全压差动作过程中除受操作扭 矩外,还受到来自管线压力所产生的弯曲 载荷。
圆筒形全焊接球阀采用支撑板式固定球结构, 阀体采用圆筒形锻件焊接而成。阀门的重量较大。






























2 1
TYPE 34 TC 金属对金属
• • • • • • • •
A – 阀体与末端连接 B – 阀球 C – 碳钨涂层 D – 阀座 E – 密封脂密封 F – 三角密封 G – 金属支撑弹簧 H – 板式弹簧
• 双关断与排放 • 内部限位 • 二级阀座密封 • 旋转阀座
• 无论是在全开位还 是全关位阀腔都可 排放 • 优点
– 可测试阀门密封性 能 – 可更换阀杆密封
Valve Open
– 保护下游作业
Valve Closed
• 限位与阀门一体 • 限位观察孔
– 阀杆大于或等于3” – 8” 1500# & 2500# – 12” & 更大
• 所有二级密封脂注口 都是相同标准规格 • 所有的注脂口边都有 一个埋地检查口A buried check is located at all injection ports
旋转阀座 • 14”及以上的Type 31 都 是标准的 Standard on 14” and larger Type 31 valves • 每次关阀时阀座旋转15度 Seat rotates 15 degrees as the valve closes • 优点
– 减少阀座磨损 Distributes seat wear – 防止阻塞 Prevents build up – 便于维护 Assists in maintenance
尺寸 2” 8” 16” 24” 36” 42”

全焊接 44 670 2483 6938 19998 29920
分体式 79 975 3375 8700 23400 35900



Frac Manifold SystemsThe solution for improving the efficiency and economics of the fracing processcapacity, nominal size of the frac lines, nominal bore size of or at any angle, and will typically have one or two gate valves – two is common. One of the gate valves in each run may be actuated to allow for remote and fast control of the manifold with a central control panel, while a second, typically manual valve, may be used as a backup if required.One-leg frac manifold with safety platform for safe access to valvesTwo-leg manual valve and hydraulic valve isolation frac manifold with safety platform for safe access to valvesCameron’s frac manifold design is modular, flexible, and can result in a vast array of possible configurations.3Three-leg manual valve and hydraulic valve isolation frac manifoldTwo-leg manual valve and hydraulic valve isolation frac manifold2-leg vertical frac manifoldAllows for continuous operation of multiple wells, improving utilization of pumping servicesWith the introduction of zip fracing, gate valves assembledinto frac manifolds are exposed to nearly continuous service.frac manifolds are exposed to nearly continuous service, Given the erosive, corrosive, and sometimes sour natureFLS-R-Frac and FLS-DA2-Frac gate valves are designed with these special features:• T rimmed for maximum corrosion and erosion protection • C RA inlay in seat pockets and ring grooves for added protectionflS-r-frac gate valveAt the forefront of our frac valve offering is Cameron’s premium FLS-R-Frac gate valve, based on the widely recognized, field-proven FLS-R ™ gate valve. Designed as a manual valve for high-pressure applications, in all the nominal sizes and pressure classes required in the frac industry and with reliable metal-to-metal seals throughout, the FLS-R-Frac valve has established a global reputation as the ultimate heavy-duty, reliable gate valve for hydro-frac applications. The FLS-R-Frac valve’s design features a ball screw for the upper stem and a lower balancing stem, which combine to substantially reduce break-open and running torques. Another benefit of this premium design is that the gate quickly cycles from the fully-closed to the fully-open position, dramatically reducing exposure to potential erosion and contamination associated with the mid-range position.FLS-R-Frac Gate Valveutilized in order to mitigate turbulence that is known to exaggerate erosion• T wo grease fitting ports are utilized for flushing and greasing the valve body cavityCameron’s FLS-Frac, FLS-R-Frac and FLS-DA2-Frac gate valves are designed with special features.flS-frac gate valveDepending on the size and pressure requirements, Cameron’s FLS-style gate valves may be a better fit in some frac service environments. In these cases, Cameron offers the FLS-Frac valve, based on thefield-proven model FLS but modified for frac service in the same manner as the FLS-R-Frac valve.flS-da2 gate valveFor actuated frac gate valve requirements, Cameron offers the FLS-DA2-Frac gate valve, a gate valve that offers all the same metal sealing features of the FLS-R-Frac with the addition of a double-acting modelDA2 hydraulic actuator. The FLS-DA2-Fracgate valve features fast, positive remote actuation – opening and closing – with a simple design that provides for quick and easy field maintenance.7FLS-DA2-Frac Gate ValveFLS-Frac Gate ValveEquipment is offloaded and checkedfor NORM. Customer and well name are documented. Part number and serial number are verified.Valve is reassembled with qualified parts.Dedicated cells are set up to follow definedQA for frac valves. Technician beginsdisassembly.Valve is tested.Trained inspectors qualify or disqualifycomponents per FracServ procedures.Painted valves are tagged with test tagverifying repair is complete.9lifespan of elastomers and other soft goods in a frac valve.can cause pitting and other frac valve seal surface damage over time.frequently fluctuating pressure coupled with corrosive anderosive service, left unchecked, can damage the structural integrity of a valve’s body.if ignored, the dynamic nature of the frac environment can dramatically shorten the life of flange bolting due to fatigue damage.Sand and other particulate debris left unmonitored can affect the performance of grease fittings over time.Sand, acid, and many other erosive and corrosive elements of a frac job reduce the life of a valve’s gate and seat, if left untreated.real products to the rigors of real high-velocity frac fluid,as well as software simulations using 3D FEA, ABAQUS, Computational Flow Dynamics, and other analytical programs. These simulation exercises are directed at torque and fatigue life prediction, erosion analysis, and testing of other critical service features of flow containment and control equipment utilized in hydraulic fracturing and flowback operations.This testing is a necessary component in the development of Cameron’s in-depth knowledge and understandingof the harsh frac and flowback environment – hands-on knowledge that could not be attained by any other means. The results of these analyses are fed back into the design, manufacturing and service functions of the CameronHydraulic actuated gate valves being gas-testedGate valves being pressure-testedHardness inspection being conducted on seat ring Valve bodies in fixture for machiningValve body in process in gate valve cell Valve cavities going through finish machining processFrac Manifold Case StudyBackgroundWith the combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing technologies, shale play drillingand production has taken our industry by storm. The high cost of the frac crew and equipment, however, has a substantial impact on profitability. Failure to fully utilize the time this equipment is onsite is extremely costly.The challengeA major operator working in northeastBritish Columbia challenged Cameron tofind a way to better utilize expensivestimulation resources and to increasethe number of frac intervals conductedeach day. Using the known conventionalpractices at the time they had beenable to average 2 x 200 ton fracsper day.T h e d a ily f r a c co m pl e ti ontr a n s it io n ti m e be tw ee n f r a cresulTsThe daily frac completion rate has risen up to ~ 4 x 200 ton fracs per day, and transition time between frac stages has been minimized.The manifold design is highly modular, and can be easily adapted to virtually any well pad layout. Quick changeout of valves and components allows for off-line repairs. Manifolds are skid mounted complete with platforms and handrails for easy transport and improved safety.Overall, Cameron’s frac manifold has been an operational and an economic success. Equipment performance related to wear or erosion has been outstanding, with as many as 1500 frac cycles conducted with only minimal wear.our soluTionCameron’s frac manifold design allows for essentially continuous utilization of the frac crew. This is accomplished by pre-connecting manifold outlets to multiple frac tree goat heads and directing the output of the manifold to alternating wells as isolation plugs are set and new frac zones are perforated.r a te h a s r is en a n ds ta g es h a s be en m in im iz ed.Surface SyStemSPO Box 1212Houston, TX 77251-1212USATel 1 713 939 2211No. 2 Gul Circle Jurong Industrial Estate Singapore, 629560Singapore Tel 65 6861 3355Queen Street, Stourton West Yorkshire LS10 ISB Leeds, LS10 1SB England, UK Tel 44 113 270 1144Learn more about Cameron’s frac manifolds at:©2013 Cameron | FracServ, FLS, FLS-R and Monoline are trademarks of Cameron. | SWP 2.5M 5/13 AD00281SURHSe Policy StatementAt Cameron, we are committed ethically, financially and personally to a working environment where no one gets hurt and nothing gets harmed.HE A L T H S AF E T Y A N DE N V I R O N ME N T AL E X C E L L E N C E C AM E R O N。



美国卡麦龙(原库伯)离心式压缩机CAMERON(FORMERLY COOPER)专业离心机生产厂家,离心机“业界技术领跑者”,依美国石油协会API672标准之精髓设计制造。

CAMERON(FORMERLY COOPER)自50年代开始生产至今,其第一台离心机目前仍服役于美国著名的‘施乐’公司,距今已有50年历史。







1995年由Cooper Industry Company的一个部门形成。

下设3个子部门Cameron Controls,Cameron Actuators和Cameron Willis。







卡麦隆31 型全焊接球阀目录主要部件-------------------------4 概述---------------------------5 名牌信息-------------------------5 储存---------------------------5 安装---------------------------6 维护---------------------------9 故障分析-------------------------11主要零部件图图 1-库博.卡麦隆阀门卡麦隆全焊接球阀详细部件图序号描述1 键轴2 上部阀杆密封3 上部阀体4 下部阀杆密封5 阀杆轴承6 拨齿7 阀球8 阀座环9 唇式密封10 联接端部11 下部阀体卡麦隆全焊接球阀概述享誉石油行业的库博. 卡麦隆全焊接阀门将轻质高强的锻钢阀门部件与紧凑的球型阀体设计完美的集于一体。

卡麦隆全焊接阀门满足ANSI 150至2500 (PN20 至PN420) 及API2000至5000 标准的要求。






名牌信息:序号名牌标记际尺寸2 允许使用的最高温度3 允许使用的最低温度4 阀体材料代号5 阀座内嵌材料代号6 部件装配编号7 阀门长度设计磅级8 API9 最大工作压力10 最大操作压力11 阀座材料代号12 阀球材料代号13 阀门装配系列号14 生产日期图 2 -阀门铭牌存放阀门可存放期限为六个月。

在存放期间请注意以下事项:1. 确保阀门对焊端面保护盖在原位2. 如果阀门还未安装操作机构且阀门又需存放在室外, 则裸露的阀杆延长杆或阀杆匹配器应加保护盖以防雨淋。



C O O P E R C A M E R O N V A LV ES1FULLY WELDED BALL VALVESFULLY WELDED BALL VALVES Features and Benefits2, 3, 4 & 5In-line Sphere Launcher 6Accessories7HOW TO ORDER Standards, Specifications and Materials 8 & 9DIMENSION TABLES ASME/ANSI Class 150 through 2500 (PN 20 through PN 420)Full and Reduced Port Valves 10 through 22API PRESSURE CLASS 2000, 3000 & 5000 psiFull and Reduced Port Valves23, 24 & 25DIMENSION TABLES Actuator Mounting Information26, 27 & 28PIPING INFORMATION TABLE29TERMS AND CONDITIONS30 & 31TRADEMARK INFORMATION32TABLE OF CONTENTSTC145512/04 NP-5MP卡 麦 隆 全 焊 接 球 阀目 录全焊接球阀特点和优点管线清管球发送器附件如何购买卡麦隆球阀标准、规范和材料尺寸表全通径和缩径球阀全通径和缩径球阀尺寸表执行机构安装信息管子尺寸表商务条款和条件商标信息CO O P E R C A M E R O N V A LV E S2Engineered for heavy duty, maintenance free performance, the Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valve is commonly selected for a number of applications, including:One of the most trusted valves in the petroleum industry, itcombines the strength of forged components with a lightweight and compact spherical design.Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valves satisfy ASME/ANSI 150 through 2500 (PN 20 through PN 420) and API 2000 through10,000 standards. Made of forged steel to assure uniform fine grain structure and toughness, they may be specified in sizes from 2 in. to 56 in. (50 mm to 1400 mm).FEATURES AND BENEFITS•Gas transmission •NGL plants •Products pipeline •NGL pipeline •Measurements skids •Compressor stations •Dehydration systems •CO services 2•Gas separation systems •Offshore •Natural gas storage •Subsea•Dryer serviceTC145512/04 NP-5MFULLY WELDED BALL VALVES卡 麦 隆 全 焊 接 球 阀特 点 和 优 点石油工业中最值得信赖的阀门, 综合了轻型锻件的强度和紧凑式球形设计。



Cameron 全焊接球阀技术特点综述 1. Cameron 阀体结构特点: 1.1阀体为真正的全焊接结构, Cameron 球阀的设计思想是来源于长输管道用户的实际需求。

即:线路球阀应和管道有同 样的使用寿命。

对于普通的分体式球阀或顶装式球阀,由于阀体结构上螺栓连接的存在, 使阀门存在外部可能的泄漏渠道。

当埋地使用时,由于腐蚀、管道对阀门的弯曲力等原因 其可靠性很难保证。

因此,长输管道线路埋地球阀使用全焊接球阀已成为业界广泛认可的 基本要求。

正是基于这种要求,Cameron 公司打破了普通球阀设计的局限从零开始成功的 研制并生产了世界上第一台全焊接球阀。

虽然其他厂家后来也陆续生产了焊接式球阀,但 都是修改原设计,简单地将原来普通分体式球阀的螺栓连接部分改为焊接而阀顶部的压盖 仍使用螺栓与阀体联接,这种结构不仅会增加泄漏渠道而且会使阀杆的支撑强度降低,增 加操作扭矩。

(见附图 1.1 和 1.2)。

图 1.1 其他焊接球阀的阀体顶部压盖 1.2 阀体采用真正的圆球形结构,图 1.2 Cameron 球阀全部是焊接结构正如上述 1.1 条所述,由于管线施工、地壳运动等原因,线路埋地球阀会受到来自管道的 弯曲、挤压等各种力。


在所有几何体中,只有球形是对各 种受力均适合的几何形状。

因此 Cameron 球阀采用独有的球形形状。

从而使阀体强度最大、 重量最轻和受力最为均匀。

经耐压试验和抗弯曲试验证明 Cameron 球阀不仅可承受最大工 作压力的 6-7 倍(见附图 1.3)而且抗弯曲和抗挤压(见附图 1.4)。

图 1.3 Cameron 球阀的阀体承压 6-7 倍最大 工作压力的试验图 1.4 弯矩试验和挤压试验中 管道折断而阀门完好11.3 阀体采用全锻钢材质,避免了铸造材料可能带来的砂眼,疏松气孔等缺陷,阀体强度高,重量轻,即使大口径阀门也无需任何阀体支承。

2. 阀座结构特点 2.1 旋转阀座设计, 为最大限度地延长球阀的使用寿命,Cameron 公司的技术人员深入地研究了球阀损坏的各 种原因。



⑴ 确认设定时允许操作阀门 ⑵ 松开开位限位螺母 ⑶ 逆时针旋转开位限位螺栓 ⑷ 手动(或用氮气瓶充气)全开阀门 ⑸ 检查阀位到达全开(全关)位置 ⑹ 顺时针旋转开位限位螺栓直至限位 螺栓与拨叉面相触,拧紧开位限 位螺母。如果螺栓不能转动,则 重复步骤⑶~⑹步 限位螺栓与拨叉面相触后, 切勿继续旋转限位螺栓 ⑺ 重复以上步骤设定关位限位,然后 旋转阀门至全开或 全关位置
齿轮箱/执行器故障 调节、维修或更换齿轮箱/执行器 阀球抱死 阀杆螺栓或螺母过 紧 清洗阀座 适当调节螺栓或螺母 切勿超过阀门允许的扭矩值
卡麦隆球阀是具有在带压情况下双关断 检查维护功能的阀门。无论阀门处于开 或关位,上下游压力均可通过阀座环与 阀腔隔离,阀腔可通过阀体排放口放空 或排放。当需要对阀门进行维护时,请 遵照以下步骤进行: 确保穿上合适的安全服装, 并遵循安全 守则。否则可能会伤害本人或他人。
11/3/2011 30
11/3/2011 26
阀门尺寸 2” 3” 4” ” 6” 8” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18”
每个阀座注入量(oz) 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 9
每个阀座注入量(cm3) 25 35 50 65 80 90 135 155 70 265
关阀限位 ⑴ 确认设定时允许操作阀门 ⑵ 松开开位限位螺母 ⑶ 顺时针旋转开位限位螺栓 ⑷ 手动全开阀门 ⑸ 检查阀位到达全开(全关)位置 ⑹ 逆时针旋转开位限位螺栓直至执 行器限位块和叶片面相触,拧紧 开位限位螺母。如果螺栓不能转 动,则重复步骤⑶~⑹步 执行器限位块与叶片面相触后, 切勿继续旋转限位螺栓 ⑺ 重复以上步骤设定关位限位,然 后旋转阀门至全开或 全关位置 开阀限位 开阀限位



Approved G.P. MM-IE-02-002
Sheet 2 of 11
2.1 Installation
2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3
Be sure that the valve is in the "OPEN" position. Remove the flange covers. Install the valve on the pipework. Strictly avoiding any operation of the valve until cleaning of pipework is complete.
6.1 Rotate the ball (Pos.04) in closed position. 6.2 Unscrew the stem key cap screw (Pos.69) and remove the stem key (Pos.70).
Then unscrew the adapter plate nuts (Pos.17a) and remove the adapter plate (Pos.99). 6.3 Unscrew the gland plate nuts (Pos.17a) and remove the gland plate and
“WB Std.” TYPE
ܼ⛞᥹䯔ԧ೎ᅮ⧗ᓣ⧗䯔“WB Std”ൟ ᅝ㺙ǃ᪡԰੠㓈ᡸ᠟‫ݠ‬






卡麦隆一程手册 476B 中提供了如何长期存放卡麦隆阀门的说明,请向当地的库博.卡麦隆阀门代表处索取。
















2) 根据阀杆及齿轮箱/执行器安装工具的不同,执行器有多个安装位置是可能的。

如果是这种情况,应首先确定客户希翼的手轮或者执行器控制盘的方位,然后一次进行安装 (推荐阀表面使用一薄层润滑剂)3)一旦操作器(执行器)安装完毕,应用螺栓固定执行器。

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卡麦隆阀门全焊接球阀卡麦隆阀门目录全焊接球阀特点和优点2, 3, 4 & 5管线清管球发送器6附件7如何购买卡麦隆阀门标准、规范、材料8 & 9尺寸表ASME/ANSI Class 150~ 2500(PN 20 ~PN 420)全通径和缩径球阀10 ~ 22API PRESSURE CLASS 2000, 3000 & 5000 psi全通径和缩径球阀23, 24 & 25尺寸表执行器安装信息26, 27 & 28管子尺寸表29商务条款和条件30 & 31商标信息32TC145512/04 NP-5M1卡麦隆阀门全焊接球阀特点和优点石油工业中最值得新来的阀门,综合了轻型锻件的强度和紧凑式球形设计.卡麦隆全焊接球阀满足ASME/ANSI150 磅级~2500磅级(PN20~PN420)和API2000~API10000标准,锻钢制造确保了一致的良好晶粒结构和强度,阀门尺寸范围从2寸 to56寸. (50 mm to 1400 mm).作为专业为重负载设计、兼有免维护特性的顶尖球阀,卡麦隆全焊接球阀通常被许多工业应用所选用,其中包括:• 气体输送• 液化天然气厂 • 原油成品油管道 • 液化天然气管道 • 计量撬 • 压缩机战 • 脱水系统 • 二氧化碳环境 • 气体分离 • 海洋工程 • 天然气储存 • 海底管道• 干燥系统卡麦隆全焊接球阀的独特设计赋予了它在最小的重量下提供了最大的强度,同事对管道压力和应力的抵抗力最强。

紧凑的球形阀体设计取消了阀体法兰和螺栓从而减小了外部尺寸并消除了潜在的外泄漏机械主动密封阀杆密封脂注入口紧急工况下密封.紧凑式阀体设计提供了最小重量下的最大的强度浮动式阀座环提供阀座-球体密封提供不同的发作组合(参考第 4和5阀座密封脂注入口带止回阀用以安全加注密封脂 可以快速、简单的恢复紧密密封允许在阀门全关和全开位置时进行阀门密封的双阻塞和排放测试 枢轴装有PTFE 的不锈钢轴承提供免润滑的平滑操作,降低操作扭矩2TC145512/04 NP-5M全焊接球阀 卡麦隆阀门阀杆密封PTFE 三角密封和唇形密封共同组成阀杆上部区域密封,PTFE 是低摩擦不老化的材料,不会产生快速失压爆破,对于2寸以上阀门的阀杆,还将提供阀杆密封脂注入系统用以建立阀杆的二级密封枢轴固定球保证较低的操作扭矩无论尺寸大小压力等级高低,每台卡麦隆阀门均采用枢轴式固定球。

高强度的锻钢阀杆由外包PTFE 的不锈钢枢轴支撑做平滑精确的转动。



当卡麦隆阀门关断并排放时可以实现以下功能:测试阀门性能卡麦隆球阀阀腔排空时可以证明阀座密封的完好性,对设备进行维护之前可在阀门开或关时进行该测试,通过确认阀门的完整性,可以避免不可预见的阀门泄露二级阀座密封如果异物损坏了密封面,二级阀座密封脂注入系统可以提供一种快速简单的恢复紧急关断的方法,如有必要,密封脂注入系统也可用于周期性清洗阀座环密封区域TC145512/04 NP-5M3C O O P E R C A M E R O NFULLY WELDED BALL VALVES VAL VES标准阀座设计管线压力阀腔压力泄放压力4 TC145512/04 NP-5M全焊接球阀卡麦隆阀门可选阀座设计TC145512/04 NP-5M5卡麦隆阀门全焊接球阀卡麦隆在线清管球发送器发送顺序 1. 阀门关闭 2. 阀体放空3. 铰链门打开装入清管球4. 延长筒允许装入多个清管球5. 铰链门关闭6. 阀体重新进压.7. 阀门打开8. 清管球处于发送位置6TC145512/04 NP-5MFULLY WELDED BALL VALVES C O O P E R C A M E R O NVAL VES 附件高品质的卡麦隆附件使卡麦隆全焊接球阀能够适应更广泛的应用环境延长阀杆在必须埋地应用环境中,延长阀杆提供了地上操作的可能性卡麦隆延长阀杆为埋地环境设计制造,多年全球范围的应用实践证明了其自身的可靠性海底设计为满足海底环境的需要,卡麦隆全焊接球阀可以提供特殊的涂层和执行机构,具有同样可靠的性能直角操作在安装空间狭小的地方,卡麦隆球阀可以安装一个直角延长杆,阀门操作从正常位置旋转90°,从而允许阀门顶部更大空间并且操作人员更容易操作。

TC145512/04 NP-5M7C O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VESFULLY WELDED BALL VALVES如何购买卡麦隆球阀购买卡麦隆全焊接球阀时必须确认一下要求:1. 阀门代码 (见下表).2. 压力等级 (ASME/ANSI 600 lb, API 3000 psi). 3 端部和尺寸.4. 连接端类型 (可提供不对等连接端).对于焊接端阀门需要指明内径、外径、壁厚和管材等级,5. 操作机构类型.6. 阀杆延长杆, 如果需要需指明阀门中心线至手轮中心线距离,或者至执行机构装配法兰上面的距离.7. 阀门内件材质.8. 附件,(吊耳锁定装置等.).手轮包含在阀门中,但是手柄需要单独购买,如需要卡麦隆可提供关于特殊选材和API 相关的信息当购买另外厂家的执行机构来配卡麦隆球阀时须要指明以下要求:1. 阀门尺寸和压力等级,如果在现场更换阀门,须要告知当前执行器.2. 在正常和非正常情况下阀门的最大压差3. 开关速度,大致的开关频率.4. 操作器类型(电动、液动、气动等).5. 介质情况;如果电动:电压、频率、单相、三相,开始或者防爆电机等如果是液动或者气动:操作介质、压力等. 6. 附件和控制要求;限位开关、仪表、阀门、储罐、泵等8TC145512/04 NP-5MFULLY WELDED BALL VALVES C O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VES 标准、规范和材料卡麦隆全焊接球阀的压力、温度等级和尺寸遵循以下一个或者多个规范:ASME/ANSI, API-6D, API-6A, DIN, AFNOR,British Standards, ISO 9000 and ISO 14313. 标准阀门选材: 材料:Materials used in ball valve construction are broadly equivalent at all Cooper Cameron Valvesmanufacturing plants. However, the availability oflocal supplies, the need to conform to national法兰端和焊接端阀门尺寸代码:A 面对面长度B 通径尺寸rC 中心线到底部D1 法兰外径D2 法兰内径E 球型阀体尺寸 卡麦隆手动齿轮箱操作器代码: G 手轮直径r H 手柄操作阀门通径中心到方形驱动螺母顶部, 齿轮箱操作阀门:通径中心至手轮中心 L 通径中心到手柄末端HB E SD-24029SD-24028TC145512/04 NP-5M 9卡麦隆阀门 全焊接球阀全通径 ASME/ANSI CLASS 150 (PN 20)B E尺寸10 SIZE mm kg * Short pattern.!□ Length exceeds specified dimensions in API 6D/ISO 14313. Dimensions of 22 in. (550 mm) flanges are per MSS-SP-44 and 26 in. (650 mm) through 42 in. (1050 mm) flanges are per ASME B16.47 Series A.TC145512/04 NP-5MFULLY WELDED BALL VALVES C O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VES 缩径 ASME/ANSI CLASS 150 (PN 20)B E 1050 876 127 1829 - 1346 1048 1435* 858 1444 - 914 1057 - - + Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating. * Short pattern.!□ Length exceeds specified dimensions in API 6D/ISO 14313.Dimensions of 22in (550mm)flanges are per MSS SP 44and 26in (650mm)through 42in (1050mm)flanges are per ASME B1647Series ATC145512/04 NP-5M 11C O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VES FULLY WELDED BALL VALVESB E12 48 46.50 7.5 86.00 - 57.75 46.50 76.0* 45.90 77.00 - -- - -+ Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flanged end of the same size and rating. * Short pattern.!□ Length exceeds specified dimensions in API 6D/ISO 14313. Dimensions of 22 in. (550 mm) flanges are per MSS-SP-44 and 26 in. (650 mm) through 42 in. (1050 mm) flanges are per ASME B16.47 Series A.** Prior to 1/1/98 - manufactured to 16.5 in. (419 mm) short pattern length.TC1455FULLY WELDED BALL VALVES C O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VES 缩径 ASME/ANSI CLASS 300 (PN 50)B E DIMENSIONS1050 876 191 1930 - 1289 1048 1435* 935 1443 - 610 1192 - -+ Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating. * Short pattern.!□ Length exceeds specified dimensions in API 6D/ISO 14313.Dimensions of 22 in. (550 mm) flanges are per MSS-SP-44 and 26 in. (650 mm) through 42 in. (1050 mm) flanges are per ASME B16.47 Series A.** Prior to 1/1/98 - manufactured to 16.5 in. (419 mm) short pattern length.TC145512/04 NP-5M 13C O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VES FULLY WELDED BALL VALVES全通径 ASME/ANSI CLASS 400 (PN 64)B EDIMENSIONS14 48 46.50 9.0 91.0 - 59.50 46.50 76.0* 47.98 77.00 - -- - -+ Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating. *!Short pattern. Dimensions of 22 in. (550 mm) flanges are per MSS-SP-44 and 26 in. (650 mm) through 42 in. (1050 mm) flanges are per ASME B16.47 Series A.TC145512/04 NP-5MC O O P E R C A M E R O NVAL VES缩径 ASME/ANSI CLASS 400 (PN 64)HB EDIMENSIONS1050 876 191 2057 - 1321 1048 1435* 935 1443 - 762 1192 - -+Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating.*!Short pattern.Dimensions of 22 in. (550 mm) flanges are per MSS-SP-44 and 26 in. (650 mm) through 42 in. (1050 mm) flanges are per ASME B16.47 Series A.TC145512/04 NP-5M15C O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VES FULLY WELDED BALL VALVES通径 ASME/ANSI CLASS 600 (PN 100)B EDIMENSIONS 16 48 46.50 11.0 94.0 - 62.75 46.50 76.0* 51.18 77.33 - -- - -+ Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating. *!Short pattern. Dimensions of 22 in. (550 mm) flanges are per MSS-SP-44 and 26 in. (650 mm) through 42 in. (1050 mm) flanges are per ASME B16.47 Series A.TC145512/04 NP-5MFULLY WELDED BALL VALVES C O O P E R C A M E R O NVAL VES缩径 ASME/ANSI CLASS 600 (PN 100)HB EDIMENSIONS1050 876 191 2108 - 1403 1048 1435* 935 1443 - 1067 1192 - -+Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating.*!Short pattern.Dimensions of 22 in. (550 mm) flanges are per MSS-SP-44 and 26 in. (650 mm) through 42 in. (1050 mm) flanges are per ASME B16.47 Series A.TC145512/04 NP-5M17C O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VES全通径 ASME/ANSI CLASS 900 (PN 150)HB E 18 900 876 229 2286 2315 1461 876 1511* 981 1480 - - 1322 11612 7938+ Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating. *!Short pattern. Dimensions of 22 in. (550 mm) flanges are per MSS-SP-44 and 26 in. (650 mm) through 42 in. (1050 mm) flanges are per ASME B16.47 Series A. TC145512/04 NP-5MFULLY WELDED BALL VALVES C O O P E R C A M E R O NVAL VES缩径 ASME/ANSI CLASS 900 (PN 150)B EDIMENSIONS+Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating.*!Short pattern.Dimensions of 22 in. (550 mm) flanges are per MSS-SP-44 and 26 in. (650 mm) through 42 in. (1050 mm) flanges are per ASME B16.47 Series A.N t V t i i th d d b l il bl tC O O P E R C A M E R O NFULLY WELDED BALL VALVESVAL VES全通径ASME/ANSI CLASS 1500 (PN 250)HB EDIMENSIONS+Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating.*Short pattern.FULLY WELDED BALL VALVES C O O P E R C A M E R O NVAL VES缩径ASME/ANSI CLASS 1500 (PN 250)HB E+Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating.*Short pattern.Note: Venturi opening or other reduced bore valves are available upon request.C O O P E R C A M E R O NFULLY WELDED BALL VALVESVAL VES全通径和缩径ASME/ANSI CLASS 2500 (PN 420)HB E+Length (A) of a weld x flanged end valve is one half the sum of length (A) of a weld end and a flange end of the same size and rating.*Short pattern.Note: Venturi opening or other reduced bore valves are available upon request.FULLY WELDED BALL VALVES C O O P E R C A M E R O NVAL VES全通径API FLANGED 2000, 3000 & 5000 psi WPHB EDIMENSIONSC O O P E R C A M E R O NFULLY WELDED BALL VALVESVAL VES缩径 API FLANGED 2000, 3000 & 5000 psi W.P.HB EDIMENSIONS2 22 2FULLY WELDED BALL VALVES C O O P E R C A M E R O NVAL VES尺寸信息中心线至适配法兰尺寸150(PN 50)4.06 (103)5.08 (129)48 (1200) 50.04(1271)54.02(1372)56.50(1435)-- -(1271) 50.04The dimensions on this page, combined with the top works dimensions on the following two pages, provide the informationrequired for determining the overall dimensions of a Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valve when an actuator is installed.For additional dimensional information on Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valves,contact your Cooper Cameron Valves representative.卡麦隆阀门全焊接球阀卡麦隆球阀顶装尺寸卡麦隆球阀方形阀杆驱动套和适配法兰(BX-1220)与执行机构配套尺寸Notes:-1 and -2 bolt holes straddle centerline.-3 bolt holes are on centerline.FULLY WELDED BALL VALVESC O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VES卡麦隆顶装尺寸卡麦隆球阀键式阀杆和适配法兰 (BX-1221)与执行机构配套尺寸Notes: -7 through -11 bolt holes straddle centerline.-4 through -6 holes are on centerline.C O O P E R C A M E R O NVAL VESFULLY WELDED BALL VALVES 卡麦隆球阀顶装尺寸图卡麦隆球阀的手动齿轮操作机构尺寸 - ROTORKRotork齿轮箱阀杆尺寸: 1 in., 1.5 in. & 2 in. (25 mm, 40 mm & 50 mm)Rotork齿轮箱阀杆尺寸: 3 in. (80 mm)卡麦隆球阀的手动齿轮操作机构尺寸- MASTERGEARMastergear 齿轮箱阀杆尺寸: 1 in., 1.5 in. & 2 in. (25 mm, 40 mm & 50 mm)Mastergear 齿轮箱阀杆尺寸: 3 in. (80 mm)FULLY WELDED BALL VALVES C O O P E R C A M E R O NVAL VES卡麦隆球阀顶装尺寸图卡麦隆球阀的手动齿轮操作机构尺寸- CAMERONSD-24024SD-24025Model WG1/B6Model WG1/S12Cameron 齿轮箱阀杆尺寸: 3 in. & 4 in.(80 mm & 100 mm)Cameron 齿轮箱阀杆尺寸: 5 in., 7.5 in. & 9 in. (125 mm, 190 mm & 230 mm)TC145512/04 NP-5M29C O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VESFULLY WELDED BALL VALVESTERMS AND CONDITIONS1. CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE:Any written or oral purchase order received from Buyer by Cooper Cameron Corporation, of raw materials, supplies, fuel, power ortransportation, breakdown of equipment or any other causes beyond Seller's reasonable control, Any repair work performed by Seller iswarranted for one year from completion of such repairs and applies only to work performed.Cameron Division and Cooper Cameron Valves whether of similar or dissimilar nature than thoseIf, within these specified periods, Seller ("Seller”) shall be construed as a writtenacceptance of Seller's offer to sell and shall be filled in accordance with the terms and conditions of sale set forth herein. SELLER'S ACCEPTANCE OF THIS ORDER IS EXPRESSLY CONDITIONED ON BUYER'S ASSENT TO THE TERMS CONTAINED HEREIN. The terms and conditions of Seller's proposal (if any) and acknowledgement shall prevail over any conflicting or different terms in Buyer's order unless Buyer notifies Seller in writing of itsobjections thereto within fifteen (15) days from receipt of Seller's acknowledgement. Buyer'sstandard terms of purchase will not be considered a counteroffer to Seller's terms and conditions of sale. The failure of Seller to object to any provision in conflict herewith whether contained on Buyer's purchase order or otherwise shall not beconstrued as a waiver of the provisions hereof nor as an acceptance thereof.2. QUOTATIONS AND PRICES: All quotations are made for prompt acceptanceand any terms quoted therein are subject tochange without notice after thirty (30) days fromthe date quoted unless specifically statedotherwise on the quotation. Any product, servicecapability or manufacturing capability which maybe available at the time a quotation is made issubject to prior sale. Prices quoted are valid forthirty (30) days unless specifically stated otherwiseon the quotation and are subject to changewithout notice. The price in effect at the time ofshipment including any escalation formula willapply, unless a valid quotation or writtenagreement to the contrary exists between Buyerand Seller. All prices shown are in U.S. dollarsand are F.O.B. Seller‘s shipping point.Any documentation pertaining to traceabilityrequirements for raw materials or products or documentation required for any routine orspecial processes must be identified by the Buyerat the time of quotation (if any) or at the time oforder placement .3. TAXES:Any tax or other charge imposed by law on thesale or production of goods or the performance of services shall be paid by the Buyer, unless the law specifically provides that such payment must be made by Seller, in which case Buyer shallreimburse Seller for such payment as part of the purchase price. Custom duties, consular fees, insurance charges and other comparable charges will be borne by Buyer.4. SHIPPING SCHEDULE AND DELIVERY:Shipment schedules are given as accurately as conditions permit and every effort will be made to make shipments as scheduled. Seller will not be responsible for deviations in meeting shipping schedules nor for any losses or damages to Buyer (or any third party) occasioned by deviations in the shipping schedule, whether due to Acts of God, orders bearing priority ratings established pursuant to law, differences with workmen, local labor shortages, fire, flood, shortages or failureenumerated. Seller shall have additional timewithin which to perform as may be reasonablynecessary under the circumstances and shall have the right to apportion its production among itscustomers in such a manner as it may consider to be equitable. Seller reserves the right to furnish commercially equivalent or better substitutes for materials orto subcontract the Buyer's order or portionsthereof as Seller deems necessary. In no eventshall Seller be liable for any consequentialdamages for labor resulting from failure ordelay in shipment. If Buyer requires drawings,procedures, standards or similar material forapproval, shipping schedules will be calculatedfrom the time such approvals are received bySeller, since shipping schedules are based onSeller having all required information and afirm order from Buyer which is enterable intoproduction. Any hold points, witness points orthe need for inspection by Buyer's represent-atives must be identified by Buyer at the timeof quotation (if any) and/or order placement inorder that the effect on the prices or shippingschedules (if any) can be taken into account.Additional inspection or testing required byBuyer which affects normal productionsequence will be considered as extendingthe shipping dates accordingly. 5. MINIMUM BILLING: Seller reserves the right to impose a minimum billing charge on all sales, change orders or order supplements. 6. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Terms of payment for all materials and service are 30 days from invoice date, at net price, provided satisfactory credit has been established. All unpaid invoices are subject to the maximum legal interest rate per annum commencing with the due date. 7. CANCELLATIONS AND RETURNS:Purchase orders once placed by Buyer and accepted by Seller can be canceled only with Seller's written consent and upon terms which will save Seller from loss. No products may be returned for credit or adjustment without written permission from Seller's office authorized to issue such permission.8. WARRANTIES:All products of Seller's manufacture are warranted against defects of material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of installation oreighteen (18) months from date of shipment, whichever period first expires, when such products are used in the service and within the pressure range for which they weremanufactured. In the case of products or parts not wholly of Seller's manufacture, Seller's liability shall be limited to the extent of its recovery from the manufacturer of such products or parts under its liability to Seller.notice from Buyer of any alleged defect in or nonconformance of any product or repair and if, in the Seller's sole judgment, the product or repairdoes not conform or is found to be defective in material or workmanship, then, Buyer shall, at Seller's request, return the part or product F.O.B. to Seller's designated plant or service location.Seller has no liability for removal or reinstallation of products or equipment from below the surfaceof the water. Seller, at its option and expense,shall repair or replace the defective part or product,or repay to Buyer the full price paid by Buyer forsuch defective part, repair or product. Anyrepayment of purchase price shall be withoutinterest.Seller's warranty liability, including defectscaused by Seller's negligence, shall be limited tosuch repair, replacement or refund, and shall notinclude claims for labor costs, expenses of Buyer resulting from such defects, recovery under general tort law or strict liability or for damages resulting from delays, loss of use, or other direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. Seller will not be responsible for failures of products which have been in any way tampered with or altered by anyone other than an authorized representative of Seller, failures due to lack of compliance with recommended maintenance procedures or products which have been repaired or altered in such a way (in Seller's judgment) as to affect the products adversely. THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, STATUTORY OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH EXCEED THE FOREGOING WARRANTY. 9. NUCLEAR SALES:The products sold hereunder are not designed or manufactured for use in or with any atomic installation or activity. If the Buyer or ultimate user of these products intends to use them in such an installation or activity, Seller's Nuclear Terms of Sale shall be part of and control this contract. Seller will furnish Buyer with a copy of its Nuclear Terms of Sale upon request.10. PATENT INFRINGEMENT:Seller warrants that the use or sale of material or apparatus sold or rented by it to Buyerhereunder will not infringe United States' patents of others covering such material or apparatus by itself, and hereby agrees to indemnify Buyer against judgment for damages for such infringement of any such patent, provided that Buyer shall, upon receipt of any claim for infringement of any such patent or threat of suit for such infringement or upon the filing of any suit for infringement, which- ever comes first, promptly notify Seller in writing and afford Seller full opportunity, at its option and its own expense, to answer such claim or threat of suit, assume the control of the defense of said suit, and settle or compromise same in any way Seller sees fit. Other than court-awarded judgments as aforesaid Seller shall not be liable30TC145512/04 NP-5MFULLY WELDED BALL VALVESC O O P E R C A M E R O N VAL VESfor any delays, loss of use or for other direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages incurred by reason of any such judgment. Seller does not warrant that such material orapparatus (a) will not infringe any such patent when not manufactured by or for Seller or when specially made in whole or in part to the Buyer's design specification and such infringement arises from the inclusion of such specified design or (b), if used or sold in combination with other material or apparatus, or if used in the practice of aprocess, will not, as a result of such combination or use, infringe any patent covering suchcombination or process; and Seller shall not be liable for and does not indemnify Buyer for damages or losses of any nature whatsoever resulting from actual or alleged patent infringement arising pursuant to (a) or (b) above.11. SELLER'S RIGHT TO MANUFACTURE:Seller in its sole discretion shall have the right to manufacture the products providedhereunder as far in advance of its estimatedshipping schedule as it deems appropriate. Seller expressly reserves the right to change or modify the design and construction of any product in due course of Seller's manufacturing procedure without incurring any obligation or liability to furnish or install such changes, modifications or improvements to products previously or subsequently sold.12. ENGINEERING AND SERVICE:Upon request, Seller will provide engineering and/or technical information regarding its products and their uses and if feasible, will provide personnel to assist Buyer in effecting field installations and/or field service. Any such information, service or assistance so provided, whether with or without charge, shall beadvisory only. In that regard, neither Seller nor Buyer assumes any liability for the acts oromissions of the other party except as may be provided in these terms.13. LABOR STANDARDS:Seller hereby certifies that these products were produced in accordance with all applicable requirements of Section 6, 7 and 12 of the Fair Labor Standards Act as amended and of regulations and orders of the United States Department of Labor issued under Section 14 thereof.14. INSPECTION:Unless otherwise agreed in writing, finalinspection and acceptance of products must be made at Seller's plant or other shipping or receiving point designated by Seller and shall be conclusive except as regards latent defects. Buyer's representatives may inspect at theSeller's plant or shipping point during working hours prior to shipment in such manner as will not interfere with operations.15. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE:Delivery shall be in accordance with therequirements in the Purchase Contract, provided, in the event Buyer is unable to accept delivery upon completion of the manufacture of the Goods in accordance with such requirements,Buyer agrees that (i) title and risk of ownership shall pass to Buyer on date of Seller's invoice and (ii) Buyer will make payments within thirty days after date of such invoice. Seller shall retain custodial risk of loss until delivery is made in accordance with such requirements.16. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES,ALLOWANCES, CLAIMS:All prices are F.O.B. Seller's plant or other designated shipping point.No freight is allowed unless stated in Seller's quotation (if any) or in a written contract which may exist between Seller and Buyer at the time of shipment. If Seller's quotation or a written contract states that all or a portion of freight is allowed, all prices are F.O.B. Seller's plant or other designated shipping point, with most economical surface transportation allowed. If the quoted or contractual price includes transportation, Seller reserves the right todesignate the common carrier and to ship in the manner it deems most economical. Added costs due to special routing requested by the Buyer are chargeable to the Buyer. Under nocircumstances is any freight allowance which is absorbed by Seller to be deducted from the selling price. If the quoted price or contract includes transportation, no deduction will be made in lieu thereof whether Buyer accepts shipment at plant, warehouse, freight station, or otherwise supplies its own transportation. When sales are made from the Seller'swarehouse, Seller reserves the right to charge either actual or pro-rated freight from Seller's principle point of manufacture to Seller's warehouse. Buyer assumes risk of loss upon delivery to the carrier, regardless of who pays shipping costs.Seller endeavors to pack or prepare all shipments so that they will not break, rust or deteriorate in transit, but does not guarantee against such damage. Unless requested in writing by the Buyer, no shipments are insured bySeller against damage or loss in transit. Seller will place insurance as nearly as possible inaccordance with Buyer's written instructions but in such case Seller acts only as agent between the insurance company and the Buyer and assumes no liability whatsoever.Any claims for shipping loss, breakage or damage (obvious or concealed) are Buyer'sresponsibility and should be made to the carrier. All claims regarding shortages must be made within thirty (30) days from receipt of shipment and must be accompanied by the packing list(s) covering the shipment.17. CONSULAR INVOICES:Consular fees for legalizing invoices, stamping bills of lading, or other documents required by the laws of any country or destination are not included in quotations or selling prices. If instructed in writing, Seller will make arrangements for consular documents and declarations as agent of the Buyer, but Seller assumes no liability whatsoever as a result of making such arrangements. Seller assumes no responsibility for any fines or other charges imposed due to errors or incorrect declarations.18. INDEMNIFICATION ANDLIMITATION OF LIABILITY:A. INDEMNIFICATION:Seller agrees to indemnify Buyer and hold Buyer harmless against any claims, demands or causes of action for property damage or personal injury (including death) caused by the negligent act or omission of any employee, agent or sub-contractor of Seller and not contributed to by the negligence of Buyer, its employees, its agents or any third party. Seller shall not be responsible for the acts and workmanship of employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors of Buyer or any third party, nor for failure or malfunction of any tools, materials, equipment, products, supplies, facilities or devices not manufactured and supplied by Seller. Buyer agrees to hold Seller harmless from any and all losses, claims, or damages arising from subsurface damage, surface damage caused by subsurface damage, loss of hydrocarbons and from pollution,regardless of whether such damages, losses or claims were caused by the negligence or sole negligence of Seller, it being the intent of the parties that this indemnity shall apply toproperty of Buyer or to that of any third party.B. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY:UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF ANTICIPATED PROFITS, LOSS OF USE OF EQUIPMENT OR OF ANY INSTALLATION, SYSTEM OR FACILITY INTOWHICH SELLER'S EQUIPMENT MAY BE LOCATED OR AT WHICH SELLER, ITS AGENT ORSUBCONTRACTOR MAY BE PERFORMING WORK. Seller's total responsibility for any claims, damages, losses or liabilities arising out of or related to its performance of this contract or the products or services covered hereunder shall not exceed the purchase price.19. MODIFICATION, RESCISSION & WAIVER: The terms herein may not be modified orrescinded nor any of its provisions waived unless such modification, rescission or waiver is in writing and signed by an authorized employee of Seller at its office in Houston, Texas. Failure of Seller to insist in anyone or more instances upon the performance of any of the terms and conditions of the contract or the failure of Seller to exercise any of its rights hereunder shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any such term, condition, or right hereunder and shall not affect Seller's right to insist upon strict performance and compliance with regard to any unexecutedportions of this contract or future performance of these terms and conditions.All orders must be accepted by anauthorized employee of Seller. The rights and duties of the parties and construction and effect of all provisions hereof shall be governed by and construed according to the internal laws of the State of Texas. Any disputes which arise under this agreement shall be venued in the District Court of Harris County, Texas or in the Southern District of Texas.CAM/T&C/US/96 REV. 9/03TC145512/04 NP-5M31。
