



























(10 000 hectares)
Forest-coverage Rate
Total Standing Stock Volume
(10 000 cu.m)
Stock Volume of the Forest
(10 000 cu.m)
Water Resources
Total Water Resources Volume (100 million cu.m)
Cultivated Area
(10 000 hectares)
Major Mineral Basic Reserves
(10 000 tons)
Natural Gas
(100 million cu.m)
(100 million tons)
(Ore, 100 million tons)
Mainland Shore
Island Shore
Percentage of Climatic Zones to Total Area of Territory
Humid Zone
Semi-Humid Zone
(aridity 1.0-1.5)
Semi-Arid Zone
石油 天然气 煤炭
(万吨) (亿立方米)
原生钛铁矿 (矿石,万吨)
Area of Territory








根据相关统计数据,我们可以得出以下事实:1. 1978年,我国的能源消费总量为X单位;2. 1988年,我国的能源消费总量增至X单位;3. 1998年,我国的能源消费总量增至X单位;4. 2008年,我国的能源消费总量增至X单位;5. 2018年,我国的能源消费总量增至X单位。





下面将具体分析各种能源在能源消费中的比重:1. 煤炭能源1978年,煤炭能源在我国能源消费中的比重为X,为最主要的能源来源;1988年,煤炭能源在我国能源消费中的比重降至X;1998年,煤炭能源在我国能源消费中的比重降至X;2008年,煤炭能源在我国能源消费中的比重降至X;2018年,煤炭能源在我国能源消费中的比重降至X。


2. 石油能源1978年,石油能源在我国能源消费中的比重为X;1988年,石油能源在我国能源消费中的比重增至X;1998年,石油能源在我国能源消费中的比重增至X;2008年,石油能源在我国能源消费中的比重增至X;2018年,石油能源在我国能源消费中的比重增至X。



1-1 全国自然状况和自然资源0101.xls Basic Condition and Natural Resources1-2 全国行政区划 (年底数)0102.xls Divisions of Administrative Areas in China (at the Year-end)1-3 全国人口状况0103.xls Population1-4 全国就业人员和城镇登记失业人员0104.xls Employment and Unemployment1-5 全国职工人数和平均工资0105.xls Number of Staff and Workers and Average Wage1-6 国内生产总值0106.xls Gross Domestic Product1-7 国内生产总值构成0107.xls Composition of Gross Domestic Product1-8 国内生产总值指数0108.xls Indices of Gross Domestic Product1-9 国内生产总值指数0109.xls Indices of Gross Domestic Product1-10 支出法国内生产总值0110.xls Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach1-11 全国居民消费水平及指数0111.xls Household Consumption and Its Indices1-12 全社会固定资产投资0112.xls Total Investment in Fixed Assets1-13 按资金来源分全社会固定资产投资和房屋建筑面积0113.xls Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Source of Funds and FloorSpace of Buildings1-14 全国房地产开发情况0114.xls Floor Space of Buildings and Real Estate Development of China1-15 国家财政收支总额及增长速度0115.xls Government Revenue and Expenditure and Their Increase Rates1-16 全国各项税收0116.xls Taxes1-17 国家财政主要支出项目0117.xls Main Government Expenditure by Item1-18 国家财政债务还本付息支出0118.xls Government Payment for the Principal and Interest of Debts1-19 中央财政债务余额情况0119.xls Balance of Debts of National Government Finance1-20 全国外债余额0120.xls Balance of Foreign Debts1-21 全国各种价格指数0121.xls Price Indices1-22 全国各种价格定基指数0122.xls Fixed-base Price Indices1-23 全国城乡居民家庭人均收支和恩格尔系数0123.xlsPer Capita Annual Income, Expenditure and Engle Coefficient ofUrban and Rural Households1-24 全国城乡居民住房面积和储蓄存款余额0124.xls Resident Buildings, Savings Deposit in Urban and Rural Areas1-25 全国城乡居民平均每百户年底耐用消费品拥有量0125.xls Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Households at Year-end1-26 全国城市公用事业0126.xls Basic Statistics on Urban Public Utilities1-27 全国城市设施水平0127.xls Level of National Municipal Public Facilities1-28 全国环境保护基本情况0128.xls Basic Statistics on Environmental Protection1-29 全国农林牧渔业总产值和构成0129.xls Gross Output Value and Composition of Farming, Forestry, AnimalHusbandry and Fishery1-30 全国农林牧渔业总产值指数0130.xls Indices of Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, AnimalHusbandry and Fishery1-31 全国农业生产条件0131.xls Production Condition for Agriculture1-32 全国主要农业产品产量0132.xls Yield of Major Farm Crops, Forest Products, Livestock Products andAquatic Products1-33 全国受灾和成灾面积0133.xls Areas Covered and Affected by Natural Disaster1-34 全国工业企业单位数和工业总产值0134.xls Number of Industrial Enterprises and Gross Industrial Output Value1-35 全国工业企业主要经济指标0135.xls Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises1-36 全国工业企业主要经济效益指标0136.xls Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Industrial Enterprises1-37 全国主要工业产品产量0137.xls Output of Major Industrial Products1-38 全国能源生产总量及构成0138.xls Total Production of Energy and Its Composition1-39 全国能源消费总量及构成0139.xls Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition1-40 全国分品种能源消费量0140.xls Consumption of Energy by Type1-41 全国人均生活能源消费量0141.xls Annual Per Capita Energy Consumption for Non-Production Purpose1-42 全国建筑业企业概况0142.xls Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises1-43 全国运输线路长度0143.xls Length of Transport Routes1-44 全国客运量0144.xls Passenger Traffic1-45 全国旅客周转量0145.xls Passenger-Kilometers1-46 全国货运量0146.xls Freight Traffic1-47 全国货物周转量0147.xls Freight Ton-Kilometers1-48 全国民用汽车拥有量0148.xls Number of Civil Vehicles Owned1-49 全国邮电业务量0149.xls Postal and Telecommunication Services1-50 全国社会消费品零售总额0150.xls Total Retail Sale of Consumer Goods1-51 全国进出口贸易总额0151.xls Total Value of Imports and Exports1-52 按贸易方式和商品类别分全国进出口贸易总额0152.xls Total Value of Imports and Exports by Trading Form and by Categoryof Commodities1-53 全国利用外资概况0153.xls Uitilization of Foreign Capital1-54 对外经济合作0154.xls Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Regions1-55 全国国际旅游情况0155.xls International Tourism1-56 全国国内旅游情况0156.xls Statistics of Domestic Tourism1-57 全国金融机构人民币业务基本情况0157.xls General Statistics of Financial Institutions of RMB1-58 全国金融机构法定存款利率0158.xls Official Deposits Rates in Financial Institutions1-59 全国金融机构法定贷款利率0159.xls Official Lending Rates in Financial Institutions1-60 全国证券市场基本情况0160.xls General Statistics on Securities Markets1-61 全国保险业基本情况0161.xls General Statistics on Insurance1-62 黄金和外汇储备0162.xls Gold and Foreign Exchange Reserves1-63 国际收支概况0163.xls General Statistics on Balance of Payments1-64 全国各级各类学校数0164.xls Number of School by Level and Type of School1-65 全国各级各类学校教职工数0165.xls Number of Teachers and Staff by Level and Type of School1-66 全国各级各类学校专任教师数0166.xls Number of Full-Time Teachers by Level and Type of School1-67 全国各级各类学校在校学生数0167.xls Number of Students Enrollment by Level and Type of School1-68 全国各级各类学校招生数0168.xls Number of New Students Enrollment by Level and Type of School1-69 全国各级各类学校毕业生数0169.xls Number of Graduates by Level and Type of School1-70 研究生和留学人员数0170.xls Number of Postgraduates and Students Studying Abroad1-71 全国各级学校平均在校生数、升学率和入学率0171.xls Student Enrollment, Percentage of Graduates Entering Higher LevelSchools by Level and Percentage of School-Age Children Enrolled1-72 全国教育经费情况0172.xls Educational Funds1-73 全国科技活动发展情况0173.xls Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities1-74 全国文化事业机构数0174.xls Number of Cultural Institutes1-75 图书、期刊和报纸出版0175.xls Number of Books, Magazines and Newspaper Published1-76 运动员获世界冠军情况0176.xls World Championships Won by Chinese Athletes1-77 全国各类卫生机构数0177.xls Number of Health Institutions1-78 全国各类卫生机构人员数0178.xls Number of Employed Personnel in Health Institutions1-79 全国各类卫生机构床位数0179.xls Number of Beds in Health Institutions1-80 全国社会保障基本情况0180.xls Basic Statistics for Social Security of China2-1 北京市人口状况0201.xls Population of Beijing2-2 北京市就业人员和城镇登记失业人员0202.xls Employment and Unemployment of Beijing2-3 北京市职工人数和平均工资0203.xls Number and Average Wage of Staff and Workers of Beijing2-4 北京市地区生产总值0204.xls Gross Regional Product of Beijing2-5 北京市地区生产总值指数0205.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Beijing2-6 北京市地区生产总值指数0206.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Beijing2-7 北京市支出法地区生产总值0207.xls Gross Regional Products by Expenditure Approach of Beijing2-8 北京市全社会固定资产投资0208.xls Total Investment in Fixed Assets of Beijing2-9 北京市房地产开发企业主要指标0209.xls Main Indicators of Real Estate Development of Beijing2-10 北京市环境保护基本情况0210.xlsBasic Statistics on Environmental Protection of Beijing2-11 北京市地方财政收支额0211.XLS Local Government General Budgetary Revenue and Expenditure ofBeijing2-12 北京市各种价格指数0212.xls Price Indices of Beijing2-13 北京市农林牧渔业总产值和指数0213.xls Gross Output Value and Indices of Farming, Forestry, AnimalHusbandry and Fishery of Beijing2-14 北京市农业生产条件0214.xls Production Condition for Agriculture of Beijing2-15 北京市主要农业产品产量0215.xls Output of Major Farm Crops of Beijing2-16 北京市工业企业单位数、工业总产值及指数0216.xls Number of Industrial Enterprises and Gross Industrial Output Valueand the Related Index of Beijing2-17 北京市规模以上工业企业主要指标0217.xls Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size ofBeijing2-18 北京市规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标0218.xls Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of above Designated SizeIndustrial Enterprises of Beijing2-19 北京市主要工业产品产量0219.xls Output of Major Industrial Products of Beijing2-20 北京市能源生产总量及构成0220.xls Total Production of Energy and Its Composition of Beijing2-21 北京市能源消费总量及构成0221.xls Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition of Beijing2-22 北京市建筑业企业概况0222.xls Basic Situation of Construction Enterprises of Beijing2-23 北京市建筑业企业主要指标0223.xls Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Beijing2-24 北京市运输线路长度和民用汽车拥有量0224.xls Length of Transportation Routes and Number of Civil Vehicles Ownedof Beijing2-25 北京市旅客周转量和货物周转量0225.xls Passenger-Kilometers and Freight Ton-Kilometers of Beijing2-26 北京市邮电通信业务情况0226.xls Postal and Telecommunication Services of Beijing2-27 北京市国内贸易和对外经济贸易0227.xls Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade of Beijing2-28 北京市旅游事业发展情况0228.xls Development of Tourism of Beijing2-29 北京市证券业和保险业基本情况0229.xls Basic Statistics on Security and Insurance of Beijing2-30 北京市金融机构人民币各项存款和贷款余额0230.xls Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions of Beijing2-31 北京市教育基本情况0231.xls Basic Statistics for Education of Beijing2-32 北京市文化事业基本情况0232.xls Basic Statistics for Culture of Beijing2-33 北京市卫生事业基本情况0233.xls Basic Statistics for Health of Beijing2-34 北京市社会保障基本情况0234.xls Basic Statistics for Social Security of Beijing2-35 北京市科技事业发展情况0235.xls Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities ofBeijing2-36 北京市人民生活基本情况0236.xls Basic Statistics for People's Livelihood of Beijing2-37 北京市平均每百户年底耐用消费品拥有量0237.xls Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Households at Year-end ofBeijing3-1 天津市人口状况0301.xls Population of Tianjin3-2 天津市就业人员和城镇登记失业人员0302.xls Employment and Unemployment of Tianjin3-3 天津市职工人数和平均工资0303.xls Number and Average Wage of Staff and Workers of Tianjin3-4 天津市生产总值0304.xls Gross Regional Product of Tianjin3-5 天津市生产总值指数0305.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Tianjin3-6 天津市生产总值指数0306.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Tianjin3-7 天津市支出法生产总值0307.xls Gross Regional Products by Expenditure Approach of Tianjin3-8 天津市全社会固定资产投资0308.xls Total Investment in Fixed Assets of Tianjin3-9 天津市房地产开发企业主要指标0309.xls Main Indicators of Real Estate Development of Tianjin3-10 天津市环境保护基本情况0310.xls Basic Statistics on Environmental Protection of Tianjin3-11 天津市地方财政收支额0311.xls Local Government General Budgetary Revenue and Expenditure ofTianjin3-12 天津市各种价格指数0312.xls Price Indices of Tianjin3-13 天津市农林牧渔业总产值和指数0313.xls Gross Output Value and Indices of Farming, Forestry, AnimalHusbandry and Fishery of Tianjin3-14 天津市农业生产条件0314.xls Production Condition for Agriculture of Tianjin3-15 天津市主要农业产品产量0315.xls Output of Major Farm Crops of Tianjin3-16 天津市工业企业单位数、工业总产值及指数0316.xls Number of Industrial Enterprises and Gross Industrial Output Valueand the Related Index of Tianjin3-17 天津市规模以上工业企业主要指标0317.xls Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size ofTianjin3-18 天津市规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标0318.xls Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of above Designated SizeIndustrial Enterprises of Tianjin3-19 天津市主要工业产品产量0319.xls Output of Major Industrial Products of Tianjin3-20 天津市能源生产总量及构成0320.xls Total Production of Energy and Its Composition of Tianjin3-21 天津市能源消费总量及构成0321.xls Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition of Tianjin3-22 天津市建筑业企业概况0322.xls Basic Situation of Construction Enterprises of Tianjin3-23 天津市建筑业企业主要指标0323.xls Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Tianjin3-24 天津市运输线路长度和民用汽车拥有量0324.xls Length of Transportation Routes and Number of Civil Vehicles Ownedof Tianjin3-25 天津市旅客周转量和货物周转量0325.xls Passenger-Kilometers and Freight Ton-Kilometers of Tianjin3-26 天津市邮电通信业务情况0326.xls Postal and Telecommunication Services of Tianjin3-27 天津市国内贸易和对外经济贸易0327.xls Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade of Tianjin3-28 天津市旅游事业发展情况0328.xls Development of Tourism of Tianjin3-29 天津市证券业和保险业基本情况0329.xls Basic Statistics on Security and Insurance of Tianjin3-30 天津市金融机构人民币各项存款和贷款余额0330.xls Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions of Tianjin3-31 天津市教育基本情况0331.xls Basic Statistics for Education of Tinjin3-32 天津市文化事业基本情况0332.xls Basic Statistics for Culture of Tianjin3-33 天津市卫生事业基本情况0333.xls Basic Statistics for Health of Tianjin3-34 天津市社会保障基本情况0334.xls Basic Statistics for Social Security of Tianjin3-35 天津市科技事业发展情况0335.xls Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities ofTianjin3-36 天津市人民生活基本情况0336.xls Basic Statistics for People's Livelihood of Tianjin3-37 天津市平均每百户年底耐用消费品拥有量0337.xls Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Households at Year-end ofTianjin4-1 河北省人口状况0401.xls Population of Hebei4-2 河北省就业人员和城镇登记失业人员0402.xls Employment and Unemployment of Hebei4-3 河北省职工人数和平均工资0403.xls Number and Average Wage of Staff and Workers of Hebei4-4 河北省生产总值0404.xls Gross Regional Product of Hebei4-5 河北省生产总值指数0405.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Hebei4-6 河北省生产总值指数0406.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Hebei4-7 河北省支出法生产总值0407.xls Gross Regional Products by Expenditure Approach of Hebei4-8 河北省全社会固定资产投资0408.xls Total Investment in Fixed Assets of Hebei4-9 河北省房地产开发企业主要指标0409.xls Main Indicators of Real Estate Development of Hebei4-10 河北省环境保护基本情况0410.xls Basic Statistics on Environmental Protection of Hebei4-11 河北省地方财政收支额0411.xls Local Government General Budgetary Revenue and Expenditure ofHebei4-12 河北省各种价格指数0412.xls Price Indices of Hebei4-13 河北省农林牧渔业总产值和指数0413.xls Gross Output Value and Indices of Farming, Forestry, AnimalHusbandry and Fishery of Hebei4-14 河北省农业生产条件0414.xls Production Condition for Agriculture of Hebei4-15 河北省主要农业产品产量0415.xls Output of Major Farm Crops of Hebei4-16 河北省工业企业单位数、工业总产值及指数0416.xls Number of Industrial Enterprises and Gross Industrial Output Valueand the Related Index of Hebei4-17 河北省规模以上工业企业主要指标0417.xls Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size ofHebei4-18 河北省规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标0418.xls Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of above Designated SizeIndustrial Enterprises of Hebei4-19 河北省主要工业产品产量0419.xls Output of Major Industrial Products of Hebei4-20 河北省能源生产总量及构成0420.xls Total Production of Energy and Its Composition of Hebei4-21 河北省能源消费总量及构成0421.xls Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition of Hebei4-22 河北省建筑业企业概况0422.xls Basic Situation of Construction Enterprises of Hebei4-23 河北省建筑业企业主要指标0423.xls Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Hebei4-24 河北省运输线路长度和民用汽车拥有量0424.xls Length of Transportation Routes and Number of Civil Vehicles Ownedof Hebei4-25 河北省旅客周转量和货物周转量0425.xls Passenger-Kilometers and Freight Ton-Kilometers of Hebei4-26 河北省邮电通信业务情况0426.xls Postal and Telecommunication Services of Hebei4-27 河北省国内贸易和对外经济贸易0427.xls Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade of Hebei4-28 河北省旅游事业发展情况0428.xls Development of Tourism of Hebei4-29 河北省证券业和保险业基本情况0429.xls Basic Statistics on Security and Insurance of Hebei4-30 河北省金融机构人民币各项存款和贷款余额0430.xls Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions of Hebei4-31 河北省教育基本情况0431.xls Basic Statistics for Education of Hebei4-32 河北省文化事业基本情况0432.xls Basic Statistics for Culture of Hebei4-33 河北省卫生事业基本情况0433.xls Basic Statistics for Health of Hebei4-34 河北省社会保障基本情况0434.xls Basic Statistics for Social Security of Hebei4-35 河北省科技事业发展情况0435.xls Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities ofHebei4-36 河北省人民生活基本情况0436.xls Basic Statistics for People's Livelihood of Hebei4-37 河北省平均每百户年底耐用消费品拥有量0437.xls Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Households at Year-end ofHebei5-1 山西省人口状况0501.xls Population of Shanxi5-2 山西省就业人员和城镇登记失业人员0502.xls Employment and Unemployment of Shanxi5-3 山西省职工人数和平均工资0503.xlsNumber and Average Wage of Staff and Workers of Shanxi5-4 山西省生产总值0504.xls Gross Regional Product of Shanxi5-5 山西省生产总值指数0505.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Shanxi5-6 山西省生产总值指数0506.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Shanxi5-7 山西省支出法生产总值0507.xls Gross Regional Products by Expenditure Approach of Shanxi5-8 山西省全社会固定资产投资0508.xls Total Investment in Fixed Assets of Shanxi5-9 山西省房地产开发企业主要指标0509.xls Main Indicators of Real Estate Development of Shanxi5-10 山西省环境保护基本情况0510.xls Basic Statistics on Environmental Protection of Shanxi5-11 山西省地方财政收支额0511.xls Local Government General Budgetary Revenue and Expenditure ofShanxi5-12 山西省各种价格指数0512.xls Price Indices of Shanxi5-13 山西省农林牧渔业总产值和指数0513.xls Gross Output Value and Indices of Farming, Forestry, AnimalHusbandry and Fishery of Shanxi5-14 山西省农业生产条件0514.xls Production Condition for Agriculture of Shanxi5-15 山西省主要农业产品产量0515.xls Output of Major Farm Crops of Shanxi5-16 山西省工业企业单位数、工业总产值及指数0516.xls Number of Industrial Enterprises and Gross Industrial Output Valueand the Related Index of Shanxi5-17 山西省规模以上工业企业主要指标0517.xls Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size ofShanxi5-18 山西省规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标0518.xls Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of above Designated SizeIndustrial Enterprises of Shanxi5-19 山西省主要工业产品产量0519.xls Output of Major Industrial Products of Shanxi5-20 山西省能源生产总量及构成0520.xls Total Production of Energy and Its Composition of Shanxi5-21 山西省能源消费总量及构成0521.xls Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition of Shanxi5-22 山西省建筑业企业概况0522.xls Basic Situation of Construction Enterprises of Shanxi5-23 山西省建筑业企业主要指标0523.xls Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Shanxi5-24 山西省运输线路长度和民用汽车拥有量0524.xlsLength of Transportation Routes and Number of Civil Vehicles Ownedof Shanxi5-25 山西省旅客周转量和货物周转量0525.xls Passenger-Kilometers and Freight Ton-Kilometers of Shanxi5-26 山西省邮电通信业务情况0526.xls Postal and Telecommunication Services of Shanxi5-27 山西省国内贸易和对外经济贸易0527.xls Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade of Shanxi5-28 山西省旅游事业发展情况0528.xls Development of Tourism of Shanxi5-29 山西省证券业和保险业基本情况0529.xls Basic Statistics on Security and Insurance of Shanxi5-30 山西省金融机构人民币各项存款和贷款余额0530.xls Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions of Shanxi5-31 山西省教育基本情况0531.xls Basic Statistics for Education of Shanxi5-32 山西省文化事业基本情况0532.xls Basic Statistics for Culture of Shanxi5-33 山西省卫生事业基本情况0533.xls Basic Statistics for Health of Shanxi5-34 山西省社会保障基本情况0534.xls Basic Statistics for Social Security of Shanxi5-35 山西省科技事业发展情况0535.xls Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities ofShanxi5-36 山西省人民生活基本情况0536.xls Basic Statistics for People's Livelihood of Shanxi5-37 山西省平均每百户年底耐用消费品拥有量0537.xls Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Households at Year-end ofShanxi6-1 内蒙古自治区人口状况0601.xls Population of Inner Mongolia6-2 内蒙古自治区就业人员和城镇登记失业人员0602.xls Employment and Unemployment of Inner Mongolia6-3 内蒙古自治区职工人数和平均工资0603.xls Number and Average Wage of Staff and Workers of Inner Mongolia6-4 内蒙古自治区生产总值0604.xls Gross Regional Product of Inner Mongolia6-5 内蒙古自治区生产总值指数0605.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Inner Mongolia6-6 内蒙古自治区生产总值指数0606.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Inner Mongolia6-7 内蒙古自治区支出法生产总值0607.xls Gross Regional Products by Expenditure Approach of Inner Mongolia6-8 内蒙古自治区全社会固定资产投资0608.xls Total Investment in Fixed Assets of Inner Mongolia6-9 内蒙古自治区房地产开发企业主要指标0609.xls Main Indicators of Real Estate Development of Inner Mongolia6-10 内蒙古自治区环境保护基本情况0610.xls Basic Statistics on Environmental Protection of Inner Mongolia6-11 内蒙古自治区地方财政收支额0611.xls Local Government General Budgetary Revenue and Expenditure ofInner Mongolia6-12 内蒙古自治区各种价格指数0612.xls Price Indices of Inner Mongolia6-13 内蒙古自治区农林牧渔业总产值和指数0613.xls Gross Output Value and Indices of Farming, Forestry, AnimalHusbandry and Fishery of Inner Mongolia6-14 内蒙古自治区农业生产条件0614.xls Production Condition for Agriculture of Inner Mongolia6-15 内蒙古自治区主要农业产品产量0615.xls Output of Major Farm Crops of Inner Mongolia6-16 内蒙古自治区工业企业单位数、工业总产值及指数0616.xls Number of Industrial Enterprises and Gross Industrial Output Valueand the Related Index of Inner Mongolia6-17 内蒙古自治区规模以上工业企业主要指标0617.xls Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size ofInner Mongolia6-18 内蒙古自治区规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标0618.xls Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of above Designated SizeIndustrial Enterprises of Inner Mongolia6-19 内蒙古自治区主要工业产品产量0619.xls Output of Major Industrial Products of Inner Mongolia6-20 内蒙古自治区能源生产总量及构成0620.xls Total Production of Energy and Its Composition of Inner Mongolia6-21 内蒙古自治区能源消费总量及构成0621.xls Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition of Inner Mongolia6-22 内蒙古自治区建筑业企业概况0622.xls Basic Situation of Construction Enterprises of Inner Mongolia6-23 内蒙古自治区建筑业企业主要指标0623.xls Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Inner Mongolia6-24 内蒙古自治区运输线路长度和民用汽车拥有量0624.xls Length of Transportation Routes and Number of Civil Vehicles Ownedof Inner Mongolia6-25 内蒙古自治区旅客周转量和货物周转量0625.xls Passenger-Kilometers and Freight Ton-Kilometers of Inner Mongolia6-26 内蒙古自治区邮电通信业务情况0626.xls Postal and Telecommunication Services of Inner Mongolia6-27 内蒙古自治区国内贸易和对外经济贸易0627.xls Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade of Inner Mongolia6-28 内蒙古自治区旅游事业发展情况0628.xls Development of Tourism of Inner Mongolia6-29 内蒙古自治区证券业和保险业基本情况0629.xlsBasic Statistics on Security and Insurance of Inner Mongolia6-30 内蒙古自治区金融机构人民币各项存款和贷款余额0630.xls Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions of Inner Mongolia6-31 内蒙古自治区教育基本情况0631.xls Basic Statistics for Education of Inner Mongolia6-32 内蒙古自治区文化事业基本情况0632.xls Basic Statistics for Culture of Inner Mongolia6-33 内蒙古自治区卫生事业基本情况0633.xls Basic Statistics for Health of Inner Mongolia6-34 内蒙古自治区社会保障基本情况0634.xls Basic Statistics for Social Security of Inner Mongolia6-35 内蒙古自治区科技事业发展情况0635.xls Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities ofInner Mongolia6-36 内蒙古自治区人民生活基本情况0636.xls Basic Statistics for People's Livelihood of Inner Mongolia6-37 内蒙古自治区平均每百户年底耐用消费品拥有量0637.xls Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Households at Year-end ofInner Mongolia7-1 辽宁省人口状况0701.xls Population of Liaoning7-2 辽宁省就业人员和城镇登记失业人员0702.xls Employment and Unemployment of Liaoning7-3 辽宁省职工人数和平均工资0703.xls Number and Average Wage of Staff and Workers of Liaoning7-4 辽宁省生产总值0704.xls Gross Regional Product of Liaoning7-5 辽宁省生产总值指数0705.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Liaoning7-6 辽宁省生产总值指数0706.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Liaoning7-7 辽宁省支出法生产总值0707.xls Gross Regional Products by Expenditure Approach of Liaoning7-8 辽宁省全社会固定资产投资0708.xls Total Investment in Fixed Assets of Liaoning7-9 辽宁省房地产开发企业主要指标0709.xls Main Indicators of Real Estate Development of Liaoning7-10 辽宁省环境保护基本情况0710.xls Basic Statistics on Environmental Protection of Liaoning7-11 辽宁省地方财政收支额0711.xls Local Government General Budgetary Revenue and Expenditure ofLiaoning7-12 辽宁省各种价格指数0712.xls Price Indices of Liaoning7-13 辽宁省农林牧渔业总产值和指数0713.xlsGross Output Value and Indices of Farming, Forestry, AnimalHusbandry and Fishery of Liaoning7-14 辽宁省农业生产条件0714.xls Production Condition for Agriculture of Liaoning7-15 辽宁省主要农业产品产量0715.xls Output of Major Farm Crops of Liaoning7-16 辽宁省工业企业单位数、工业总产值及指数0716.xls Number of Industrial Enterprises and Gross Industrial Output Valueand the Related Index of Liaoning7-17 辽宁省规模以上工业企业主要指标0717.xls Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size ofLiaoning7-18 辽宁省规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标0718.xls Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of above Designated SizeIndustrial Enterprises of Liaoning7-19 辽宁省主要工业产品产量0719.xls Output of Major Industrial Products of Liaoning7-20 辽宁省能源生产总量及构成0720.xls Total Production of Energy and Its Composition of Liaoning7-21 辽宁省能源消费总量及构成0721.xls Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition of Liaoning7-22 辽宁省建筑业企业概况0722.xls Basic Situation of Construction Enterprises of Liaoning7-23 辽宁省建筑业企业主要指标0723.xls Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Liaoning7-24 辽宁省运输线路长度和民用汽车拥有量0724.xls Length of Transportation Routes and Number of Civil Vehicles Ownedof Liaoning7-25 辽宁省旅客周转量和货物周转量0725.xls Passenger-Kilometers and Freight Ton-Kilometers of Liaoning7-26 辽宁省邮电通信业务情况0726.xls Postal and Telecommunication Services of Liaoning7-27 辽宁省国内贸易和对外经济贸易0727.xls Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade of Liaoning7-28 辽宁省旅游事业发展情况0728.xls Development of Tourism of Liaoning7-29 辽宁省证券业和保险业基本情况0729.xls Basic Statistics on Security and Insurance of Liaoning7-30 辽宁省金融机构人民币各项存款和贷款余额0730.xls Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions of Liaoning7-31 辽宁省教育基本情况0731.xls Basic Statistics for Education of Liaoning7-32 辽宁省文化事业基本情况0732.xls Basic Statistics for Culture of Liaoning7-33 辽宁省卫生事业基本情况0733.xls Basic Statistics for Health of Liaoning7-34 辽宁省社会保障基本情况0734.xlsBasic Statistics for Social Security of Liaoning7-35 辽宁省科技事业发展情况0735.xls Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities ofLiaoning7-36 辽宁省人民生活基本情况0736.xls Basic Statistics for People's Livelihood of Liaoning7-37 辽宁省平均每百户年底耐用消费品拥有量0737.xls Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Households at Year-end ofLiaoning8-1 吉林省人口状况0801.xls Population of Jilin8-2 吉林省就业人员和城镇登记失业人员0802.xls Employment and Unemployment of Jilin8-3 吉林省职工人数和平均工资0803.xls Number and Average Wage of Staff and Workers of Jilin8-4 吉林省生产总值0804.xls Gross Regional Product of Jilin8-5 吉林省生产总值指数0805.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Jilin8-6 吉林省生产总值指数0806.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Jilin8-7 吉林省支出法生产总值0807.xls Gross Regional Products by Expenditure Approach of Jilin8-8 吉林省全社会固定资产投资0808.xls Total Investment in Fixed Assets of Jilin8-9 吉林省房地产开发企业主要指标0809.xls Main Indicators of Real Estate Development of Jilin8-10 吉林省环境保护基本情况0810.xls Basic Statistics on Environmental Protection of Jilin8-11 吉林省地方财政收支额0811.xls Local Government General Budgetary Revenue and Expenditure ofJilin8-12 吉林省各种价格指数0812.xls Price Indices of Jilin8-13 吉林省农林牧渔业总产值和指数0813.xls Gross Output Value and Indices of Farming, Forestry, AnimalHusbandry and Fishery of Jilin8-14 吉林省农业生产条件0814.xls Production Condition for Agriculture of Jilin8-15 吉林省主要农业产品产量0815.xls Output of Major Farm Crops of Jilin8-16 吉林省工业企业单位数、工业总产值及指数0816.xls Number of Industrial Enterprises and Gross Industrial Output Valueand the Related Index of Jilin8-17 吉林省规模以上工业企业主要指标0817.xlsMain Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size ofJilin8-18 吉林省规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标0818.xls Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of above Designated SizeIndustrial Enterprises of Jilin8-19 吉林省主要工业产品产量0819.xls Output of Major Industrial Products of Jilin8-20 吉林省能源生产总量及构成0820.xls Total Production of Energy and Its Composition of Jilin8-21 吉林省能源消费总量及构成0821.xls Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition of Jilin8-22 吉林省建筑业企业概况0822.xls Basic Situation of Construction Enterprises of Jilin8-23 吉林省建筑业企业主要指标0823.xls Main Indicators on Construction Enterprises of Jilin8-24 吉林省运输线路长度和民用汽车拥有量0824.xls Length of Transportation Routes and Number of Civil Vehicles Ownedof Jilin8-25 吉林省旅客周转量和货物周转量0825.xls Passenger-Kilometers and Freight Ton-Kilometers of Jilin8-26 吉林省邮电通信业务情况0826.xls Postal and Telecommunication Services of Jilin8-27 吉林省国内贸易和对外经济贸易0827.xls Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade of Jilin8-28 吉林省旅游事业发展情况0828.xls Development of Tourism of Jilin8-29 吉林省证券业和保险业基本情况0829.xls Basic Statistics on Security and Insurance of Jilin8-30 吉林省金融机构人民币各项存款和贷款余额0830.xls Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions of Jilin8-31 吉林省教育基本情况0831.xls Basic Statistics for Education of Jilin8-32 吉林省文化事业基本情况0832.xls Basic Statistics for Culture of Jilin8-33 吉林省卫生事业基本情况0833.xls Basic Statistics for Health of Jilin8-34 吉林省社会保障基本情况0834.xls Basic Statistics for Social Security of Jilin8-35 吉林省科技事业发展情况0835.xls Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities ofJilin8-36 吉林省人民生活基本情况0836.xls Basic Statistics for People's Livelihood of Jilin8-37 吉林省平均每百户年底耐用消费品拥有量0837.xls Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Households at Year-end ofJilin9-1 黑龙江省人口状况0901.xls Population of Heilongjiang9-2 黑龙江省就业人员和城镇登记失业人员0902.xls Employment and Unemployment of Heilongjiang9-3 黑龙江省职工人数和平均工资0903.xls Number and Average Wage of Staff and Workers of Heilongjiang9-4 黑龙江省生产总值0904.xls Gross Regional Product of Heilongjiang9-5 黑龙江省生产总值指数0905.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Heilongjiang9-6 黑龙江省生产总值指数0906.xls Indices of Gross Regional Products of Heilongjiang9-7 黑龙江省支出法生产总值0907.xls Gross Regional Products by Expenditure Approach of Heilongjiang9-8 黑龙江省全社会固定资产投资0908.xls Total Investment in Fixed Assets of Heilongjiang9-9 黑龙江省房地产开发企业主要指标0909.xls Main Indicators of Real Estate Development of Heilongjiang9-10 黑龙江省环境保护基本情况0910.xls Basic Statistics on Environmental Protection of Heilongjiang9-11 黑龙江省地方财政收支额0911.xls Local Government General Budgetary Revenue and Expenditure ofHeilongjiang9-12 黑龙江省各种价格指数0912.xls Price Indices of Heilongjiang9-13 黑龙江省农林牧渔业总产值和指数0913.xls Gross Output Value and Indices of Farming, Forestry, AnimalHusbandry and Fishery of Heilongjiang9-14 黑龙江省农业生产条件0914.xls Production Condition for Agriculture of Heilongjiang9-15 黑龙江省主要农业产品产量0915.xls Output of Major Farm Crops of Heilongjiang9-16 黑龙江省工业企业单位数、工业总产值及指数0916.xls Number of Industrial Enterprises and Gross Industrial Output Valueand the Related Index of Heilongjiang9-17 黑龙江省规模以上工业企业主要指标0917.xls Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size of Heilongjiang9-18 黑龙江省规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标0918.xls Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of above Designated SizeIndustrial Enterprises of Heilongjiang9-19 黑龙江省主要工业产品产量0919.xls Output of Major Industrial Products of Heilongjiang9-20 黑龙江省能源生产总量及构成0920.xls Total Production of Energy and Its Composition of Heilongjiang9-21 黑龙江省能源消费总量及构成0921.xls Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition of Heilongjiang。

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