丁往道英语写作手册 part3 第三题答案
丁往道英语写作手册 part3 第三题答案

英语写作手册part3 第三题答案Ш.Rewrite the following by putting the short sentences into complex sentences, or sentences with participial (分词) , prepositional, or other phrases:1. Xu comes from a working-class family and he enrolled in college last fall.2. The dean issued a bulletin that the library would remain open on weekends.3. Last night was a wild night that the thunder roaring, the windblowing a gale and the rain falling in torrent.4. The temperature must have fallen considerably during the nightthat there are icicles on the trees.5. He returned to his hometown where he had been away fortwelve years and he looked in vain for the familiar landmarks.6. We have made some progress, but we still have a long we to go.7. The sky was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly.8. There were over two hundred passengers on board the plane,about one third of whom were foreigners.9. As the girl’s mother was a famous pianist, she began to learn toplay the piano when she was a child.10. Napoleon was born in 1769 when Corsica had just been acquired by France.11. A stormy applause broke forth as soon as she appeared on the stage .12. The gypsies are really a nomadic people from India who wereonce thought to be Egyptians, migrated into Europe.13. Because of the new workers are young and inexperienced, theyare eager to learn from the veteran worker.14. It was a poor quarter where there were lot of small huts whichdoted a hillside with mud walls and straw roofs.15. Hearing that his father was ill, he was anxious to go home tosee him, so he went to the station early in the morning to buya ticket.。
英语写作基础教程答案第三版 丁往道chapter3

英语写作基础课后答案2.2段落展开1)定义法2)分类法3)举例法8)比较法4)列举法9)因果法5)过程描述法10)举例法6)比较法7)过程描述法23段落的统一与连贯1.1)(4)(6)2)(2)(5)3)(3)(4)1)cba 2)badc 3)ecabdf4)cadbef1)(1)First 2)so 3)however 4)As a result 5) Finally2)(1)First(2)Otherwise(3)On the other hand(4) Second(6)In contrast(7)Third第三章篇章写作3.1篇章结构3.1.1开头段1)提问法2)定义法3)开门见山、点明主题法4)引语法5)定义法6)数据法3.1.3结尾段046%口11:451)提问式结尾2)归纳总结式结尾4)引语式结尾5)提问式结尾3.2英语写作常用文体l.1)说明文2)议论文Il.(For reference only)3)叙述文(5)However(8)And(9)But(10)In spiteof3)个人见解式结尾6)归纳总结式结尾Spring Festival is a wonderful time of the year to spend with one's family. People who work and study far away from their homes come back.Theytell each other about their work and life,exchange gifts and eat lots of delicious food with their family members.Spring Festival is also a great time to visit one'sfriends.During the holiday, many people go to see their friends and share their interesting stories or workexperiences.Students love to go out with their formerclassmates and enioy talking about their life.Manystudents also like to visit their teachers and wish them a happy new year However, there are times during the Spring Festival when it's nice iust to be by yourself. You can read novels that you never seem to have time to read at school.You can watch your favorite TV programs athome.You can have a quiet walk in your neighborhood or in a park nearby and think about your busy life. Spring Festival is an enjoyable time for everyone46%口11:46II(For reference only)A proverb says,“Time is money.” But in my opinion time is even moreprecious than money because when money is spent, we can earn it back; but when time is gone, it will never return.Thus we must value time.Time passes very quickly.Some students say they do not have enough time for all their lessons.Actually they do not know how to make use of their time.They spend their precious time smoking,drinking, chatting, playing games and doing other useless things.They don't realize that wasting time is equal to wasting a part of their valuable life.Today we are living in the twenty-first century.We know that time is life.When a person dies, his time has ended.Since life is short,we should devote our time and energy to our studies so that we will be able to serve our country and society.We should form thehabit of saving time.We shouldn 't put off what can be done today till tomorrow Laziness will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty.。

Part1 Manuscript Form 文稿格式
1 Arrangement 安排 2 Capitalization 大写 3 Word Division 移行 4 Punctuation 标点 5 Handwriting 书法
What is a good manuscript form?
writing the title 写标题 leaving margins 纸边留空 indenting 段落开端缩进 capitalizing 大写 dividing words 词的移行
1 Arrangement 安排
About titles关于题目
P 35 Ⅱ. Type of Sentences 句子类型
1. Declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences 陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句
1. declarative sentence 陈述句 She is my fiance.
P35 Ⅱ. Type of Sentences 句子类型
2 .simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex sentences 简单句、并列句、复合句或并列复 合句
simple sentence 简单句
It has one subject and one predicate verb. To see is to believe.

第三章造句Ⅰ. 完整句和不完整句1. 完整句(1)完整句的语法结构必须完整,即一个完整句必修至少有一个主语和一个谓语动词;如果该谓语动词是及物动词,还得有一个宾语;若是个系动词,则必须有一个表语或补语:He came.She wrote a letter.Dr. Smith is a professor.(2)一个完整的句子以大写字母开始,以句号结束。
2. 不完整句有时为取得特殊效果可用到不完整的句子。
如:It is hard to hear a new voice, as hard as it is to listen to an unknown language...Why? Out of fear. The world fears a new experience more than it fears anything. Because a new experience displaces so many old experiences. And it is like trying to use muscles stiff for ages. It hurts horribly.—D. H. Lawrence He was, I think, very handsome. I gather this from photographs and from my own memories of him, dressed in his Sunday best and on his way to preach a sermon somewhere, when I was little. Handsome, proud, and ingrown, “like atoe-nail,” somebody said.—James Baldwin 在上面第一篇中有三个不完整的句子(“why?”“Out of fear.”以及“Because a new experience...”),在第二篇中有一个(“Handsome,proud”)。

延安大学西安创新学院外语系课程教案课程名称:英语写作主导教材:《英语写作教程》所属教研室:大学英语第二教研室课程讲授人:李蓉适用年级:英语专业14级授课时间:第2周—第18周2015—2016学年第一学期课程教案课程教案课程教案课程教案课程教案课程教案课程教案课程教案延安大学西安创新学院外语系课程教案课程教案课程教案课程教案1.1 Common features of good writing1. To express a clear point means to convey the writer's main idea or--in the case of descriptivewriting--the significance of the object, place or person described; in other words, an attentive reader should be able to grasp the writer's purpose.2. To be tightly structured, writing should contain logical or associative connections and transitions which clearly express the relationship of the ideas described.3. To be grammatically and syntactically correct, writing should adhere to the rules of Standard American English, including proper punctuation and spelling. If writers choose to use unconventional syntax, they should be able to justify their choices.1.2Cultural differences in writing1. Different ways of thinking2. Different ways of analysis3. Concrete thinking and abstract thinking4. Different valuesValues on space-timeValues on human behaviorsValues on social relationships1.3English writing VS. Chinese writing1.Chinese writers tend to be ―indirect‖, while Anglo-Americans are found to be more ―direct‖.2.English and Chinese writing differ in sentences and word variety.3.English is found to use more connectives than Chinese, both between clauses or sentences andbetween paragraphs.1.4Strategies in learning English writing1. From the beginning, you have to learn how to write an English essay.2. English writing tends to be more ―rigid‖ than Chinese writing.3. Remember that reading helps to learn how to write.4. Writing is also learned through writing.1.5 Homework1. Go over the following paragraphs, one in English and the other in Chinese, and decide which sentence in each paragraph express the author’s main idea. Write your answers on the space provided.2. What do you think translation form a preconceived Chinese version needs to be avoided when we are writing in English? Discuss with your partners and then list at least three reasons on the space provided.课程教案Part T wo Diction2.1Levels of words ----Three levels⑪Formal words: Also learned words, literary words or ―big‖ words, containing three or more than three syllables, seldom used in daily conversation, e.g. enough-sufficient; deal with-handle.⑫common words: Most of the words people use every day and appear in any types of writing, e.g. question, brother.⑬informal words: Mainly used in informal or colloquial words, short and seldom appear in formal writing, such as guy-man, puppy, daddy, slang.2.2 General and specific wordsComparatively speaking, some words are more general or more specific in meaning than other words. P rofessionals, for instance, is more general than scientists, doctors, teachers, lawyers, journalists, etc, all of which are more specific. But scientists may be called a general word then compared with physicists or chemists, which, in turn, is more general than biochemists.Specific words help to make the writing clear, vivid, exact, colorful and attractive; they can make the readers see, hear or feel what the writer wants to describe; they can provide more details and information, the writing will be effective and impressive. More examples:A good man----kind, honest, generous, warm-hearted, brave, selfless, etc.Good food----delicious, tasty, nourishing, wholesome, fresh, rich, etc.House----mansion, villa, cottage, cabin, hut, shed(棚屋,小屋),etc.Laugh----smile, grin, giggle, chuckle(嗤的一声笑,低声笑),etc.2.3 Rules to choose words in writing an essay (or a formal writing)⑪Sentences tend to be longer and more complex. E.g. see text book P30⑫Limit your use of subjective pronouns, often using ―it‖ or passive voice. E.g. see P31⑬A void using informal or colloquial words. E.g. take in—deceive; go back—return; a lot—several/many/much/a large amount/number of; let—allow/permit; fellow—person; kind of—somewhat; like—as if/appear.⑭A void using general words, using more specific words. E.g. good, bad great, interesting, very, really, too, etc, are general. (informal) Mary is an interesting person.----Mary is humorous and intelligent.(formal)⑮A void contractions(缩写)and abbreviations(缩略词): don’t—do not; we’ll—we will; can’t—can not; TV—television;i.e.—that is; ad—advertisement.⑯Do not start a sentence with a coordinating conjunctions, but a subordinating conjunction can serve the purpose.E.g. He is usually easy-going. But—however before his first cup of tea, he is a bear.2.4 Figures of speech1. Simile: a comparison between two distinctly different things and the compassion is indicated by the word ―as‖ or ―like‖.E.g. My love is lie a red rose.The old man’s hair is as white as snow.2. Metaphor: also a comparison of similarities between two different things, but the comparison is implied, not expressed by ―as‖ or ―like‖.E.g. My love is a red rose. He is the soul of the team.The life of poor people was carved so sharply in his heart that he could never forget it.3.Personification: to treat a thing or an idea as if it were human or had human qualities.E.g. this time fate was smiling to him. Dust came silently.4. Metonymy(借喻): using the name of one thing to refer to another thing which is closely related.E.g. When the war was over, he laid down the sword and took up the pen.His purse would not allow him to buy that car.5.Irony(反语): the use of words which are clearly opposite to what is meant, to achieve a special effect.E.g. Y ou come so early, I have waited for more than an hour!6. Overstatement and understatement(含蓄表达、保守说法、低调):to exaggerate and play down respectivelyE.g. She is dying to know what job has been given her.It took a few dollars to build this indoor swimming pool.7. Alliteration(头韵): the appearance of the same initial sound in two or more words.E.g. He is as proud as a peacock.We are fighting for our health and home.2.5 Homework1.In each sentence, choose the more precise of the two in italics;2.Identify the sentences as formal, less formal and informal; the figure of speech used in each of the following sentences.4. Preview Chapter Three.课程教案Part Three Sentences3.1Error-free sentences1.subject-verb agreementRule: the subject and verb of each clause must agree in number. If you have a singular subject, you need a singular verb; if you have plural subject, you need a plural verb.E.g. The family are watching TV together.An average family today is a great deal smaller than it used to be.Either you nor I am responsible for the mistake.There is a sofa and two chairs in the room.One-third of the people/water were over 50/was polluted.2.Word orderRule: the subject precedes the verb which is followed by other elements, such as object, complements, and adverbials: basic pattern of an English sentence: subject+verb+objectE.g. I like reading novels.When two or more than two complements or adverbials, the following guidance should be followed:⑪ Two when-adverbials—P60 1⑫ Two time-adverbials of different types –P60 2⑬ Place-adverbials of several types—P60 3⑭A process-adverbial, a time-adverbial and a place-adverbial used together—P60 43.Shift in tenseRule: the tense of your verb tells when events are taking place—whether in the past, the present or future. When staring writing an essay, establish a ―base tense‖, and shift away form it only of good reasons.E.g. Exercises see P 654. Shift in personRule: establish a steady, reliable point of view and keep the point of view consistent in all the sentences, which can make the writing clear and help the readers know whom you are talking to.E.g. See P66 example⑪ First person singular⑫ First person plural⑬ Second person singular or plural⑭ Third person singular and pluralExercise: Write a paragraph to describe precisely how the following things are done.①How to make jiao-zi.②How o bowwow a book form the library.5. Balance and parallelismRule: using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. This can happen at the word, phrase or clause level, adding power to your writing.E.g. Two examples see P683.2 T ypes of sentences (or variety in sentences)1. According to their use, sentences are declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory.E.g. Making sentences by the students2. According to their structure, sentences are simple, compound, complex and compound-complex.⑴S imple sentence: containing only one subject part(主语部分) and one predicate part.E.g. See P 83⑵Compound sentence: being made up of two or more simple sentences. These simple sentences are related in meaning, and are usually linked by one of the connectives (for, and, but, or, so, nor, and yet) or by a semicolon (;).E.g. Examples see P 84⑶complex sentences: definition see P84E.g. Examples see P84⑷compound- complex(并列复杂句): being made up of two or more simple sentences and one or more subordinate clauses.E.g. Examples: see P843. According to their length, sentences are short sentences and long sentences⑴short sentence: with fewer than 15 words;⑵long sentence: with longer than 20 words.Rule: short sentences are powerful, working well at the beginning of a paragraph to get attention or at the end to summarize; long sentences are used in the body of a paragraph to express detailed information or complex ideas. Remember too many are bad for your writing, no matter short or long sentences.E.g. See example on P109⑶Ways to expand simple sentences①Tightening: cutting extra words, not contributing to your message.E.g. See P111②coordination: combining two or more independent main clauses into a compound sentence by using the connectives BOYFANS(but, or, yet , for ,and, nor ,so)E.g. See P113③subordination: combining two or more independent main clauses into a complex sentence or a compound-complex sentence by using the connectives BE WISE AT W AR(because, even though, when/where/why/who, if, since, even if; although, though, while, as, whereas)E.g. Tom was absent half of the classes last semester. His mother was seriously ill. He passed the final examination with high scores.4. From the rhetorical point of view, sentences are loose sentences(松散句), periodic sentences(重尾句/调尾句) and balanced sentences.⑴Loose sentences: sentences that have the main point at the beginning are called as loose sentences, and the elements following the main point/clause are closers(can be words, phrases or clauses). This kind of sentences is clear and easy.E.g.Y ou will do better in the exam if you work hard nest term.I have to go to the library to read a new magazine today.⑵Periodic sentences: having the main point at the end of the sentences, and the elements before the main point/clause are openers(can be words, phrases or clauses).E.g. If you go to visit your grandma, do not forget to bring her this basket of apples.Following his advice, I passed the test.More examples see P141⑬Balanced sentences: in balanced sentences, words, phrases or clauses balance each other because of their likeness in structure, meaning or length. This kind of sentences emphasizes the correspondences or contrasts between the elements.E.g. See P 142Notes:1. Choose the content and examples with √ to teach in class;2. Choose some of the exercises to finish as there are many of them in books.课程教案Part Four Paragraphs4.1Effective paragraph1.UnityIf all the sentences in the paragraph lead to one central theme, the paragraph is unified. Thecentral theme is usually summarized in what is called the topic sentence.2.CoherenceThe sentences in a paragraph should be arranged in a clear, logical order, and the transitions should be smooth and natural, so readers can easily follow the writer’s thought and understand what he is talking about.3. TransitionsProper transitions can make the paragraph smooth and clear. (give students extra handouts) e.g. (three topic sentences to illustrate the above three points, ask students to write a paragraph based on one of them and choose one paragraph of students to explain in class)1. Once people were very afraid of ghosts.2. It is generally believed that being honest is not only beneficial to ourselves but also to others and the whole society.3. The students’ use of computers has grown rapidly in recent years.4.2 Ways of developing paragraphs4.2.1 Planning a paragraph1. Think of the topic or main idea or theme: a topic sentence is a sentence that indicates in a general way that idea the paragraph is going to deal with.(《写作教程》P136);2. Express it in a complete sentence (topic sentences);3. Think of the details or examples or facts that may be used to support or explain the main idea;4. Arrange them in logical orderE.g. example see <英语写作教程>P158 √4.2.2 Development by exampleSome topics need to be supported by examples which can make our writing clear and persuasive. Examples can be a fact, a historical example, a statistic, an event, or a behavior. It may come from our general knowledge, from reading or from person experience.Transitions: such as, take…for example, a leading example is, more transitions see handout.E.g. example see P 160 √Exercise: theme/central idea1. this term several useful and interesting courses have been offered.2. a classmate who is hard working3. TV has negative effects on children4.2.3 Development by comparison and contrastComparison and contrast are formal ways to organize our thoughts. Comparison explains seminaries and contrast explains differences, both of which can help us evaluate subjects to understand their advantages and disadvantages, or strengths and weaknesses.There two basic types of organizing a comparison and contrast paragragh: the point-by point method and the block method. 解释见P165及P166 表格Transitions: likewise, in opposition to, differ from, more see handoutsE.g. example see P166 high school life and college lifeExercise:1. I prefer South Korean love stories on TV to the Chinese ones (or vice versa)2. Riding a bicycle is preferable to driving a car.3. Raising plants involves nearly as much care and knowledge as raising children.4.2.4 Development by cause-and-effectCause-and-effect paragraphs investigate why things are as they are, or why things happened, or the effects of an event or a situation. Generally, in a paragraph, it is better to deal with either causes or effects. Rather, it is a problem of the focus of your paragraph(虽然cause和effect同时出现,但必须有所侧重, 如earthquake 侧重描述后果,而环境污染侧重原因披露). Transitions:seeing that, thanks to, for that reason, more see handoutsE.g. see two examples on P167-168Exercise:1. the improvement of transportation in…2. college students doing part-time jobs3. The rate of teenage nearsightness is much higher in china than inmost other countries.4.2.5 Development by classificationA classification paragraph explains a subject by dividing into separated types or groups, i.e. categories. Y ou may break down your topic into different categories, but you should identify the basis for the classification, that is, to remember to group items into categories according to some consistent principle.Transitions: divide into, primary, secondary, more see handout.E.g. see example on P 164Exercise:1.the movies you have seen2.your clothes3.High school teachers tend to sort their students in to the following categories: pleasant highachievers, unpleasant high achievers, the average, pleasant underachievers, and unpleasant underachievers.4.3Homework1.In the following paragraphs, identify the topic sentence, emit the irrelevant sentences andpoint the transitions. (handbook P113)2. Write different types paragraphs on the basis of the materials provided in class.课程教案Chapter Five Passage writing----CET 4 5.1出题方式1. 提纲式文字命题2. 提纲式图表命题3. 情景式命题5.2高分作文1. 主题突出,内容切题、统一、充实2.表达清楚,文字连贯3. 句式多变,逻辑严密4.语言规范、准确,格式、标点规范5.字数130-1506.检查拼写、语法是否正确,句子是否完整5.3 写作类型一. 现象解释型:要求考生从试题的提示性文字或图表入手,描述其所反映出的现象,对该现象进行解释说明,分析其原因并加以评论。

词语应用WORD POWER DEVELPOMENT1. discount n.Will you please also indicate delivery times, your terms of payment, and details of discount for regular purchases and large orders?能否能交换时间,你的付款方式,以及对于经常订购和大批量订货所给的折扣的详细情况也告诉我们?However, we would be willing to allow\grant\offer you a special 2.5% discount if you could see your way to increasing your order to $50,000.尽管如此,如果能将订购增加到5万美元的话,我们将愿意给您一个2.5%的特殊折扣。
We stress, however, that this offer, because of the special discount and limited stocks remaining, is open for only 14 days from the date of this letter.然而,我们想强调一下,由于这是个特殊折扣、并且库存有限,因此本报盘的有效期仅为写信之日起14天。
The prices quoted are subjected to the usual trade discount.所报价格均享有通常的同业折扣。
The following items are offered at a discount of 10%.下列产品以九折报盘。
V.That original price was discounted by 10%.那个原价被打了10%的折扣。
They discount 10% from the original price.他们将原价打了10%的折扣。
Lecture 7 level of words 《英语写作手册》丁往道编 外研社

• 这是林肯总统给烈士母亲比克斯比夫人慰问信中的一句
话。比克斯比夫人的五个儿子都在南北战争中光荣牺牲。 句中用了文体正式程度很高的词.
• Now compare these pairs of verbs: • Common
• 1. He checked up on his accountant. • 2.They put up with their neighbors. • 3.She caught on very quickly. • 4.She made up for it with an early night. • 5.He went down with a fever. The cost of living went up.
mon/ Neutral (good for all kinds of writing) —Most frequently used
• College papers • Mass publications • Business communications
—For educated persons
e.g.: It is very/damn great. 2. Using the Exact Word
—Meaning of words e.g.: major study / academic study 3. Using Figurative Language
—Figures of speech e.g.: My love is like a red, red rose.

第二章措辞Ⅰ. 词的类型据语体风格,常用的词(规范英语词汇)可分为三类:正式的、一般的、非正式的。
1. 正式词汇(又称作学术性的词、文雅的词或“大”词)(1)适用文体正式文体,如学术性或理论性著作、政治和法律文件,以及正式的演讲或报告。
下面这段文章中包含一些体现正式文体的词汇:There is nothing new in the recognition, within a given language, of a distinction between common usage and uses of the language for more restricted purposes and often enough, perhaps characteristically, more elevated purposes. The monolithic nature of English is not questioned when literary essayists like Emerson contrast poetry and common speech. The latter is recognized in America to be the proper subject for the investigation of linguists who, however, now show some incipient inclination to investigate poetry, too, and other noncasual utterances in a given language.—C. F. Voegelin 正式的或学术性的词汇有:recognition, characteristically, elevated, monolithic,investigation, incipient, inclination, noncasual, utterances等。
英语写作手册第三版课后答案part two

英语写作手册第三版课后答案part two1、Since we have _____ money left,we can't afford the expensive computer. [单选题] *A. a littleB. a fewC. little(正确答案)D. few2、I have a _____ every day to keep fit. [单选题] *A. three thousand meter walkB. three-thousands-meters walkC.three-thousand-meters walkD. three-thousand-meter walk(正确答案)3、( )He killed the enemy guard and made away _________the villagers. [单选题] *A. with the helpB. with helpC. with help ofD. with the help of(正确答案)4、I walked too much yesterday and ()are still aching now. [单选题] *A. my leg's musclesB. my leg muscles(正确答案)C. my muscles' of legD. my legs' muscles5、_____, Martin can reach the branch of that tall tree at the gate. [单选题] *A. As a short manB. Being shortC. As he is shortD. Short as he is(正确答案)6、Obviously they didn’t see the significance of the plan. That is()the problem lies. [单选题] *A. where(正确答案)B. whyC. /D. how7、——Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? ——Im afraid()of them is possible. [单选题] *A.neither(正确答案)B. eitherC. noneD.both8、7.—________ is the Shanghai Wild Animal Park?—It’s 15km east of the Bund. [单选题] * A.WhoB.WhatC.WhenD.Where (正确答案)9、—Would you like some milk?—Yes, just _____, please. [单选题] *A. a little(正确答案)B. littleC. a fewD. few10、Many young people like to _______ at weekends. [单选题] *A. eat out(正确答案)B. eat upC. eat onD. eat with11、We should _______ a hotel before we travel. [单选题] *A. book(正确答案)B. liveC. stayD. have12、The traffic jams often happen in _______ hours. [单选题] *A. lunchB. workC. leisureD. rush(正确答案)13、Almost every one of us could see her anxiety from the()on her face. [单选题] *A. appearanceB. feelingC. movementD. expression(正确答案)14、We can see ______ stars at night if it doesn’t rain. [单选题] *A. a thousand ofB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of(正确答案)15、If you get _______, you can have some bread on the table. [单选题] *A. happyB. hungry(正确答案)C. worriedD. sad16、Though my best friend Jack doesn’t get()education, he is knowledgeable. [单选题] *A. ManyB. littleC. fewD. much(正确答案)17、—______some nice crayons. I think they are ______.()[单选题] *A. Here is; Betty’sB. Here are; BettyC. Here is; BettyD. Here are; Betty’s(正确答案)18、Mike and his friend are going to the _______ to see the new action movie tonight. [单选题] *A. book shopB. restaurantC. concertD. cinema(正确答案)19、He doesn’t smoke and hates women _______. [单选题] *A. smokesB. smokeC. smokedD. smoking(正确答案)20、______ pocket money did you get when you were a child? ()[单选题] *A. WhatB. HowC. How manyD. How much(正确答案)21、____ father is a worker. [单选题] *A.Mike's and Mary'sB. Mike and Mary's(正确答案)C. Mike's and MaryD. Mike and Marys'22、You can't rely on Jane as she is _____ changing her mind and you will never know what she is going to do next. [单选题] *A. occasionallyB. rarelyC. scarcelyD. constantly(正确答案)23、23.Hurry up! The train ________ in two minutes. [单选题] *A.will go(正确答案)B.goC.goesD.went24、My brother often does ______ homework first after school.()[单选题] *A. heB. his(正确答案)C. sheD. her25、It’s one of _______ means of transportation. [单选题] *A. cheapB. convenientC. second-handD. the most convenient(正确答案)26、There are trees on both sides of the broad street. [单选题] *A. 干净的B. 狭窄的C. 宽阔的(正确答案)D. 宁静的27、I_____you that I had made the right decision. [单选题] *A.ensuredB.insuredC.assured(正确答案)D.for sure28、—Why do you call him Mr. Know?—______ he knows almost everything that we want to know.()[单选题] *A. SoB. OrC. ButD. Because(正确答案)29、I saw the boy _______?the classroom. [单选题] *A. enter intoB. enter(正确答案)C. to enter intoD. to enter30、We can _______ some information about this city on the Internet. [单选题] *A. look up(正确答案)B. look likeC. look afterD. look forward to。
英语写作手册 PART THREE 参考答案

《英语写作手册》 PART THREE 参考答案I. Read the following and say what kind of sentence each is (loose, periodic, balanced):1. P2. P3. P4. L5. B6. P7. P8. P9. B 10. BII. Read the following, point out the mistakes and make necessary corrections:1. Our host entertained us with many interesting stories of adventures, for he had been a member of an exploration team working in the Arctic.2. When I woke up, I saw him asleep in bed. But I had not heard him when he came back because I had been sleeping soundly.3. Liu always did his work a little better than his fellow workers, so he got higher pay than others.4. No student could answer that question, including Yao. Though he was usually quick in answering questions, he was silent.5. Lin looks like Li; however, they are not related.6. The old man hunched forward, with his head tilting at an angle, eyes half closed, looking very sleepy.7. Because their work was well planned, everybody worked with great enthusiasm, and they over fulfilled their quota.8. Mark Twain’s experience as a pilot on a steamboat was no doubt an important factor that helped him to become a famous writer.Ш. Rewrite the following by putting the short sentences into complex sentences, or sentences with participial, prepositional, or other phrases:1. Xu comes from a working-class family, and he enrolled in college last fall.Xu who enrolled in college last fall comes from a working-class family.Xu, who enrolled in college last fall, comes from a working-class family.Though Xu comes from a working-class family, he enrolled in college last fall.Xu who comes from a working-class family enrolled in college last fall.Xu, who comes from a working-class family, enrolled in college last fall.2. The dean issued a bulletin that the library would remain open on weekends.3. Last night was a wild night, the thunder roaring, the wind blowing a gale, and the rain falling in torrents.4. The temperature must have fallen considerably during the night because there are icicles on the trees.5. He returned to his hometown that he had been away from for twelve years and looked in vain for the familiar landmarks.Because he had been away for twelve years, he returned to his hometown and looked in vain for the familiar landmarks.6. We have made some progress, but we still have a long we to go.Though we have made some progress, we still have a long we to go.7. The sky was cloudless, the sun shining brightly.8. There were over two hundred passengers on board the plane, about one third of whom were foreigners.9. The girl began to learn to play the piano when she was a child as her mother was a famous pianist.10. Napoleon was born in 1769 when Corsica had just been acquired by France.11. A stormy applause broke forth as soon as / when she appeared on the stage.12. The gypsies, who were once thought to be Egyptians migrating into Europe,are really a nomadic people from India.13. Because the new workers are young and inexperienced, they are eager to learn from the veteran workers.14. It was a poor quarter with a lot of small huts, dotting a hillside with mud walls and straw roofs.15. Hearing that his father was ill, he was anxious to go home to see him, so he went to the station early in the morning to buy a ticket.2.To omit unnecessary elements3.To connect related words/ parts properly1. She began to speak at the meeting at ten o’clock.2. Bernard Shaw was one of the best-known playwrights in the world.3. The houses were mere shanties with rags stuffed in the cracks and holes.4. The novel I read on the train didn’t interest me at all.5. The well-dressed man who admitted us to the house was later learned to bea thief.6. I lost some important documents. With the help of the police, I found them three days later.7. When we entered the shop, a saleswoman greeted us. We saw all kinds of shores on the shelves. Because the prices were quite reasonable, a lot of customers were buying them.8. Tell Helen I will come to see her if she is at home.9. Listening attentively, I heard a faulty sound.10. On entering the room, I saw no one.11. Fred is so energetic and capable that you can rely on him.12. The children promised to be careful and return home early.13. Dickens’s novels offer no solution to the social injustices that he exposes.Dickens offers no solution to the social injustices that he exposes in novels.14. Either my watch is fast, or yours is slow.15. Glancing out of the window, I was attracted by a beautiful view.16. He finished reading ten books during the vacation.17. If interested in painting, you can take a course at the evening school.18. She said that she would come if she could. She also told us not to wait for her if she didn’t come.19. I told my friend the good news at once after I posted the letter.I told my friend the good news that the letter was posted at once.20. I like his poems, so I will go to his lecture.I will go to the lecture because/if I like his poems.V. Revise the following sentences. Try to make them concise.Ways to achieve conciseness1.Avoiding repetition2.Deleting unrelated / unnecessary words or phrases3.Changing the sentence structure1. In 1840, the Opium War broke out.2. There are more books in their library than in ours.3. He returned home after he graduated from college.4. We planned to meet just before sunrise.5. The flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring.6. He was asked to repeat the sentence.7. I play badminton as well as my brother.8. It seemed to his friends that his attitude was puzzling.9. These watermelons are large and sweet.10. He did not tell the truth.11. A number of students want to join the drama club.12. He was kind enough to let me share the umbrella.13. Zhao was elected the representative of the class by the whole class.14. At present I am taking the course of World History and a course in geography.15. The plane circled the airport for about ten minutes and then disappeared.16. In my opinion, he has not done his work very well.17. I would like you to consider whether or not you will publish your recent article on women scientists in China.18. Because he had missed many lectures, he was aware that he would fail the exam.19. You must first work out an outline for your paper, and then collect all kinds of materials to support your point of view.20. In that country violent death has become a commonplace thing.21. He is not only a good pianist but also a good singer.22. This pretty actress keeps appearing in TV serials.This pretty actress appears in TV serials repeatedly.23. As a rule, students are not allowed to take books out of this reading-room.24. According to the speaker, it is obvious that the responsibility system has helped to increase production.25. One reason why people are well informed in this country is that many newspapers can easily be bought or subscribed to.26. Statistics show that from 1980-1990 enrollments at this school doubled.27. There are so many inexperienced workers that production of the factory has been affected.28. About 50 patients in this ward are being given acupuncture treatment.29. His name is James Williams.30. Whatever he does, he works with great care.VI. Rewrite the following sentences, emphasizing the man idea in each.Ways to achieve emphasis:1.Inversion2.Negative-positive statements3.Placing: beginning/ end4.Repetition5.Subordination6.Emphatic words / phrases / sentences7.Alliteration1. Huang is over two meters tall, and he is the tallest man of the team.2. After he went bankrupt, he lost interest in social position, reputation, life itself, and even friends.3. He decided to take the job, which was something unexpected.4. Under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.5. Yang alone can do the work, though there are twenty students in the class.6. As a result of reform and the open policy, China has changed a great deal during the past 14 years.7. According to newspaper reports, she was the first Chinese woman who had wona gold medal for figure skating in an international contest.8. Robert attempted to do all the things that the sailor member of the crew usually did while serving as a cabin boy on the ship.9. Among his neighbors was Mrs. Jones, the famous writer.10. With the teacher’s patient help, the students mad good progress.11. She often helps her class to improve their pronunciation.12. Though there are few mistakes in the language of the composition, it is not very good because the content is not interesting.VII. Rewrite the following passage, giving the sentences some variety in length and structure.Ways to achieve variety1.To use short sentences between long ones2.To use simple sentences between compound and complex ones3.To use periodic sentences between loose ones4.To use occasional question, command, or exclamation among statements(Omitted.)。

英语写作基础教程第三版答案丁往道答案1、20.Jerry is hard-working. It’s not ______ that he can pass the exam easily. [单选题] *A.surpriseB.surprising (正确答案)C.surprisedD.surprises2、Customers see location as the first factor when_____a decision about buying a house. [单选题] *A.makeB.to makeC.making(正确答案)D.made3、( ). The old man enjoys ______ stamps. And now he has1300 of them [单选题] *A. collectB. collectedC. collecting(正确答案)D. to collect4、Everyone knows that the sun _______ in the east. [单选题] *A. fallsB. rises(正确答案)C. staysD. lives5、一Mary wants to invite you to see the movie today. 一I would rather she(B)me tomorrow. [单选题] *A.tellsB. told (正确答案)C. would tellD. had told6、( ) .Would you please ______me the gifts from your friends? [单选题] *A.to showB. showingC. show(正确答案)D. shown7、John had planned to leave, but he decided to stay in the hotel for()two days because of the heavy rain. [单选题] *A. otherB. the otherC. another(正确答案)D. others8、87.—Could you? ? ? ? ? ? me the way to the nearest hospital?—Sure. [单选题] *A.askB.tell(正确答案)C.talkD.speak9、I _______ play the game well. [单选题] *A. mustB. can(正确答案)C. wouldD. will10、18.Monica wants to be a _______. She is good at sports and she loves teaching others. [单选题] *A.coach(正确答案)B.secretaryC.architectD.waiter11、The language school started a new()to help young learners with reading and writing. [单选题] *A. course(正确答案)B. designC. eventD. progress12、Don’t forget _______ those books when you are free. [单选题] *A. to read(正确答案)B. readingC. readD. to reading13、It is reported()three people were badly injured in the traffic accident. [单选题] *A. whichB. that(正确答案)C.whileD.what14、-We’ve spent too much money recently–well,it isn’t surprising. Our friend and relatives_______around all the time [单选题] *ingB. had comeC. were comingD have been coming(正确答案)15、86.—? ? ? ? ? ? ?will it take me to get to the Golden Street?—About half an hour. [单选题]*A.How farB.How long(正确答案)C.How oftenD.How much16、Jack can speak Japanese, and his brother can _______ speak Japanese. [单选题] *A. tooB. also(正确答案)C. eitherD. as well17、--Could you please tell me _______ to get to the nearest supermarket?--Sorry, I am astranger here. [单选题] *A. whatB. how(正确答案)C. whenD. why18、Grandfather lives with us. We all _______ him when he gets ill. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look atC. look forD. look like19、He _______ maths. [单选题] *A. does well in(正确答案)B. good atC. is well inD. does well at20、8.Turn right ________ Danba Road and walk ________ the road, then you will findMeilong Middle school. [单选题] *A.in...alongB.into...along (正确答案)C.in...onD.into...on21、______ my great joy, I met an old friend I haven' t seen for years ______ my way ______ town. [单选题] *A. To, in, forB. To, on, to(正确答案)C. With, in, toD. For, in, for22、You should _______ fighting with your parents although you may have different ideas from time to time. [单选题] *A. suggestB. enjoyC. avoid(正确答案)D. practice23、At half past three she went back to the school to pick him up. [单选题] *A. 等他B. 送他(正确答案)C. 抱他D. 接他24、I _______ seeing you soon. [单选题] *A. look afterB. look forC. look atD. look forward to(正确答案)25、Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see _______. [单选题] *A. herB. him(正确答案)C. itD. them26、The travelers arrived _______ Xi’an _______ a rainy day. [单选题] *A. at; inB. at; onC. in; inD. in; on(正确答案)27、I’d like to go with you, ______ I’m too busy. [单选题] *A. orB. andC. soD. but(正确答案)28、Ships can carry more goods than _____ means of transport. [单选题] *A. the otherB. anotherC. any other(正确答案)D. any29、I should like to rent a house which is modern, comfortable and _____, in a quiet neighborhood. [单选题] *A.in allB. after allC. above all(正确答案)D. over all30、2.The villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream ________? [单选题] *A.come outB.get awayC.come true(正确答案) D.get out。

英语冲刺卷三钉参考答案一、听力部分1-5: AABCC6-10: BCACB11-15: CBCAA16-20: ABBAC21. 根据对话内容,女士询问男士是否需要帮助,男士回答不需要,因此答案是:No, he doesn't.22. 男士提到他将参加一个会议,女士表示她也是,因此答案是:They are going to attend a meeting.23. 女士询问男士是否是第一次来这个城市,男士回答是,因此答案是:Yes, it is.24. 男士提到他将在酒店待三天,女士表示她也是,因此答案是:Three days.25. 女士建议男士参加一个旅游团,男士表示感谢,因此答案是:He feels grateful.二、阅读理解A篇26-30: DBCAB31. 根据文章内容,该活动是为慈善募捐,因此答案是:Charity.32. 文章提到参与者需要支付10美元来参加这个活动,因此答案是:10 dollars.33. 参与者需要在活动当天早上7点到达,因此答案是:7:00 am.B篇34-38: AACBC39. 文章中提到了作者对家乡的怀念,因此答案是:Homesickness.40. 作者提到了家乡的冬天,因此答案是:Winter.41. 作者提到了家乡的雪景,因此答案是:Snow.C篇42-45: BCACB46. 文章中提到了一种新的学习方法,因此答案是:A new learning method.47. 根据文章,这种方法可以帮助学生更好地理解课程内容,因此答案是:It helps students understand the course content better.48. 文章提到了这种方法在一些学校已经取得了成功,因此答案是:It has been successful in some schools.三、完形填空49-53: BCADB54-58: CADCA59-63: DBCAB四、语法填空61. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个副词来修饰动词,因此答案是:quietly.62. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个形容词来修饰名词,因此答案是:beautiful.63. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个现在分词作状语,因此答案是:flying.64. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个名词作宾语,因此答案是:success.65. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个过去分词作定语,因此答案是:frightened.66. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个名词作主语,因此答案是:Honesty.67. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个动词的现在完成时形式,因此答案是:have been studied.68. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个副词来修饰动词,因此答案是:suddenly.69. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个动词的过去式作谓语,因此答案是:stopped.70. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个名词作宾语,因此答案是:information.五、短文改错1. 第42行:将"an"改为"a"。
Lecture 8 meaning of words 《英语写作手册》丁往道编 外研社

Denotative adj. Connotative adj.
Compare: 1) country, nation, state, land
1) country, nation, state, land
1.neighboring _____ 2.a peace-loving ____ 3.____ organs 4.the awakening ____ of Africa 5.China is my native ____. 6.In area China is the third largest ____in the
of a country
Land—more literary and emotive than country
neighboring countries a peace-loving nation state organs the awakening nations of Africa China is my native land In area China is the third largest country in
with discretion
with eloquence
great contribution
⑤ In collocation 1) natural environment/ social circumstances/
丁往道英语写作手册 part3 第三题答案培训资料

英语写作手册part3 第三题答案Ш.Rewrite the following by putting the short sentences into complex sentences, or sentences with participial (分词) , prepositional, or other phrases:1. Xu comes from a working-class family and he enrolled in college last fall.2. The dean issued a bulletin that the library would remain open on weekends.3. Last night was a wild night that the thunder roaring, the windblowing a gale and the rain falling in torrent.4. The temperature must have fallen considerably during the nightthat there are icicles on the trees.5. He returned to his hometown where he had been away fortwelve years and he looked in vain for the familiar landmarks.6. We have made some progress, but we still have a long we to go.7. The sky was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly.8. There were over two hundred passengers on board the plane,about one third of whom were foreigners.9. As the girl’s mother was a famous pianist, she began to learn toplay the piano when she was a child.10. Napoleon was born in 1769 when Corsica had just been acquired by France.11. A stormy applause broke forth as soon as she appeared on the stage .12. The gypsies are really a nomadic people from India who wereonce thought to be Egyptians, migrated into Europe.13. Because of the new workers are young and inexperienced, theyare eager to learn from the veteran worker.14. It was a poor quarter where there were lot of small huts whichdoted a hillside with mud walls and straw roofs.15. Hearing that his father was ill, he was anxious to go home tosee him, so he went to the station early in the morning to buya ticket.。

Give a lecture on this part.
1.3 Capitalization
1/ Basic rules
2/Special usage of capital letters and punctuation in quoted words and sentences
(different from Chinese, see page 9)
line across it. How to add a word? Write it above, not below.
1.5 Punctuation
. period 句号
, comma 逗号 : colon 冒号 ; semicolon 分号 ! exclamation 惊叹号 ? question mark 问号  ̄ hyphen 连字符 ' apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号 — dash 破折号 ‘ ’ single quotation marks 单引号 “ ” double quotation marks 双引号 ( ) parentheses 圆括号 [ ] square brackets 方括号 { } Braces ... ellipsis 省略号 ¨tandem colon 双点号 " ditto 同上 ‖ parallel 双线号 / virgule 斜线号 & ampersand = and ~ swung dash 代字号 §section; division 分节号 → arrow 箭号;参见号 + plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 ±plus or minus 正负号 ×is multiplied by 乘号 ÷is divided by 除号 = is equal to 等于号 ≠ is not equal to 不等于号 ≡ is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号 ≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号 < is less than 小于号 > is more than 大于号 ≮ is not less than 不小于号

第六章摘要和读书报告I. 摘要1. 定义摘要是指摘录一篇文章的要点而独立出来的短文。
2. 用途(1)写摘要有利于提高读书效率和加强理解能力。
3. 写作程序(1)阅读a. 仔细阅读,抓住文章大意b. 拟定题目,概括中心思想c. 勤做笔记,分清要点主次(2)写作a. 定出字数,长度不要超出原文的三分之一。
b. 用自己的语言,不要简单堆砌或重新编排原文词语。
c. 按照原文的顺序写,不要随便打乱原文内容的顺序。
d. 内容要完整,表达要清晰,不要有重大的遗漏。
e. 学会删除细节;削减范文;简化描述;避免重复;缩长为短;以泛代实;以简代繁;以“间接”代“直接”。
(3)修改a. 对照原文,检查是否遗漏重要内容。
b. 检查字数是否超出限制。
c. 检查标点、拼写、语法和习语是否准确、简单明了。
II. 读书报告1. 作用写读书报告能够帮助提高阅读理解能力以及分析和欣赏作品的能力,同时也是一项很好的写作练习。
2. 主要部分(1)作者生平和时代简介(2)故事梗概(3)评论要结合作者所处的时代特点来写他的生平以及促使作者创作本作品的事件、与作品内容有关的历史及社会背景。
3. 撰写读书报告(1)故事梗概应内容完整,条理清晰,浅显易懂,客观忠实。
英语写作手册课后练习答案 丁往道

英语写作手册丁往道课后练习答案P74III. Rewrite the following sentences into compound or complex sentences.1. Xu,, enrolled in college last fall, comes from a working-classfamily,2. The dean issued a bulletin saying that the library would remain open on weekends.3. Last night was wild, with the thunder roaring, gale blowing and torrents falling.4. The temperature must have fallen considerably during the night, because there are icicles on the trees.5. He looked in vain for the familiar landmarks when he returned to his hometown where he had been away for twelve years.6. Although we have made some progress, we still have a long way to go.7. In the cloudless sky, the sun was shining brightly. 8. Among over two hundred passengers on board the plane, about one third were foreigners.9. The girl, whose mother was a famous pianist, began to learn to play the piano when she was a child.10. Napoleon was born in 1769, when Corsica had just been acquired by France.1英语写作手册丁往道课后练习答案11. When she appeared on the stage, a stormy applause broke forth.12. The gypsies, once thought to be Egyptians, are really a nomadic people who migrated into Europe from India.13. The new workers, young and inexperienced, are eager to learnfrom the veteran workers.14. At the poor quarter, a lot of small huts with mud walls andstraw roofs dotted the hillside.15. Hearing that his father was ill, he was so anxious to go home to see him that he went to the station early in the morning to buy a ticket IV The following sentences are not unified or coherent. Try to improve them.1. She began to speak very fast at the ten o'clock meeting yesterday. Or At ten o'clock yesterday ,she began to speak very fast at the meeting.• 2. Bernard Shaw was one of the best-known British playwrights.• 3. The houses were mere shanties, with rags stuffed in the cracks and holes.• 4. The novel I read on the train did not interest me at all.• 5. We later learned that the well-dressed man who admitted us tothe house was a thief.2英语写作手册丁往道课后练习答案• 6. I lost some important documents, which were found three days later with the help of the police.• 7. A sales woman greeted us when we entered the shop. There all kinds of shoes on the shelves were quite reasonable in prices, and a lot of customers were buying them.I will go to see her. • 8. Tell Helen,if she is at home,• 9. Listening attentively, you will hear a faulty sound.• 10. On entering the room, I saw no one.• 11. Fred is energetic, capable and reliable.• 12. The children promised to be careful and return home early.• 13. Dickens offered no solution to the social injustices exposedin his novels.• 14. Either my watch is fast or yours is slow.• 15. Glancing out of the window, my attention was attracted by the beautiful view.• 16. He finished reading nearly ten books during the vacation.• 17. If interested in painting, you can take a course at the evening school.• 18. She said that she would come if she could, but we didn’t have to wait for her.• 19. To tell my friend the good news, I posted the letter at once.• 20. I will go to the lecture, for I like the speaker’s poems.3英语写作手册丁往道课后练习答案V. Revise the following sentences. Try to make them concise. 1 In1840 the Opium War broke out.2 There are more books in their library than in ours.3 He returned home after graduating from college.4 We planned to meet just before sunriseor We planned to meet very early in the morning. 5 The cause of the flood was the heavy rain in late spring. Or The flood was due to the heavy rain in late spring. 6 He was asked to repeat the sentence.7 I play badminton as well as my brother.8 It seemed to his friends that his attitude was puzzling. 9 These watermelons are large and sweet.10 He did not tell the truth.11 A number of students want to join the drama club. 12 He was kind enough to let me share his umbrella. 13 Zhao was elected the representative of the class by the whole class.14 At present, I am taking the course of World History and geography.15 The plane circled the airport for about ten minutes and then disappeared.4英语写作手册丁往道课后练习答案16 What I am trying to say is that he has not done his work verywell.17 I would like you to consider whether you will let our journal publish your recent article on women scientists in China. 18 Owing tothe fact that he had missed many lectures, it would be possible for himto fail the exam.19 You must first work out an outline for your paper, and then, you need to collect all kinds of material to support your point of view. 20In that country violent death has become a commonplace thing. 21 He isnot only a good pianist, but also a good singer. 22 This pretty actress keeps appearing in TV serials. 23 As a rule, students are not allowed to take books out of this reading-room.24 According to the speaker, it is obvious that the responsibility system has helped to increase production.25 One of the reasons why people are well informed in this countryis that many newspapers can be easily bought or subscribed to. 26 Statistics show that from 1980 to 1990 enrollment at this school doubled.27 There are so many inexperienced workers that production of the factory has been affected.28 There are about 50 patients in this ward, many of whom are being5英语写作手册丁往道课后练习答案given acupuncture treatment.29 His name is James Williams.30 Whatever he does, he works seriously and does his best.6。

新视野大学英语读写教程3(第三版)课后标准答案完整版Unit 1TEXT ALanguage focusWord in use[3]1.whereby2. pursuit3. inhibit4. maintain5. patriotic6. transcend7. endeavor8. dedication9. prestige 10. nominateWord building[4]-antinhabitant inhabitparticipate participantattend attendantpollute pollutantdescend descendantcontest contestanttolerate tolerantresult resultant-fulneglect neglectfulresource resourcefulboast boastfulrespect respectful[5]1.resultant2. tolerant3. pollutants4. inhabited5.participants6. descendants7. attendants8. respectful9.contestants 10. neglectful 11. resourceful 12.boastfulBanked cloze[6]1.eventually2. premier3. endeavor4. bypass5. handicaps6. committed7. attained8. transcend9. feats 10. slightestExpressions in use[7]1. removed from2. failed in3. in pursuit of4. deviated from5.precluded from6. triumph over7. work their way into8.written offTEXT B Understanding the text [2]CBADBBCD Language focus Word in use[4]1.indulge2. propelled3.aggravated4.dazzled5. alleviated6.renowned7.eloquent8. destined9.scorns10. Applause Expressionin use [5]1. up2.in3.on4.up5.to6.on7.as8.outsentence structure[6]1.He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute2.She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge andto organize others rather than be organized bysome whom she may not even rate very highly.3.My brother prefers to take the whole blamehimself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent.[7]1.Try as he would2.Search as they would3.Hard as we workTry as we mightCollocationWarm-up1.repeated2.overwhelming3.immense1.heroic2.sound3.substantial1.attained2.fueled3.achieved[8]1. sudden opportunities2. immense obstacles3. amazing determination4. profound difficulties5. overwhelming failures6. poverty-stricken7. substantial hardship8. repeated misfortunes9. sheer persistence10. dazzle audiences 11. achieve fame12.strong will Unit 2 Language focusWord in use[3]1.intervene2.underestimate3.recede4.deem5.bleak6.appraise7.paralyzed8. symptoms9. dismay10. brink Word building[4]dominate dominanceavoidavoidancerely relianceacquaintacquaintanceclearclearanceannoyannoyanceadmitadmittanceresemble resemblanceassure assuranceboreboredprivilege privilegeddistractdistracted[5]1.bored2.priviledged3. assurance4. dominance5.aviodance6. acquaintance7. reliance8. clearance9. distracted 10. annoyance 11. admittance12. resemblance Banked cloze[6]1.characterized2.aspects3. amount4. recede5. exposed6.vicious7. challenge8. excessive9. reaction10. paralyzeExpressions in use[7]1.pulled to a stop2. black out3. pop up4. stopped short5. plowed through6. threw himself into7. let yourself go8. grabbed forLanguage focusWord in use[4]1.vertical2.evaporate3.plight4.intent5.abort6.vulnerable7.proximity8.evoke9.lofty10.necessitateExpression in use[5]1.in the event of2.immuned to3.settled back4.on board5.in/into position6.was?stunned by7.for sure8. hint ofSentence structure[6]1.Nothing excites me as much as a brilliant movie with an interesting plot, fantastic acting ,wild visual and a strong script.2.Over the course of her entire life, she’d longed for nothing as much as knowledge about her mother.3.Her daughter is at a state hospital and wantsnothing as much as to be part of a family.[7]1.In teaching practice, it is essential that we (should)teach students proper grammar, sentencesstructures and writing skills.2.It is important that students should be given opportunities to express their perspectives to cultivate their responsibility and independence.3.It is crucial that the younger generation should pursue an active and positive role in promoting environmental protection. CollocationWarm-up1. massive2. incredible3. terrible4. relaxed5. absolutely6. unremarkable[8]1.emotionally impossible2. amazing power3. visibly frightened4.incredible impact5.impromptus rescues6.instantaneously hysterical7.calm confidence8. true courage 9. massive waves10.would-be rescuer 11. vicious waves 12. rough waterUnit3Language focusWord in use[3]1.integral2. cherish3.afflicted4. noteworthy5. portray/doc/5a14581664.html,pliment7.domain8. anonymous9. conscientious10.perpetualWord building[4]general generalizenormal normalizepublicpublicizeminimum minimizemobile mobilizeinvestinvestordictate dictatorconquerconquerorinvestigate investigatormoderate moderatorelevator elevate[5]1.normalize2. moderator3.immunized4. investors5. mobilize6. conqueror7. elevate8. publicizes9. investigator10. minimized 11.generalize 12.dictator Banked cloze[6]1)domain2) define3) popularity 4) mentally 5) diplomatic6) committed7) devote 8) surviving 9) embarked10) humanitarianExpressions in use[7]1.embark on2. be deprive of3. turn down4. taken captive5. live on6. share in7. was stricken by8. led by exampleWord in use[4]1.skeptical2. coincidence3. mounted4. contrive5. simulated6. manifest7. divert 8. infected9. upgraded 10.temperamentExpressions in use[5]1.on2.in3. as4. into5.to6.to7. with8. under/onSentence structure[6]1.It is not his carefree attitude that made him seem eccentric。

英语冲刺卷三钉参考答案一、听力部分1-5: AABCC6-10: BCACB11-15: CBCAA16-20: ABBAC21. 根据对话内容,女士询问男士是否需要帮助,男士回答不需要,因此答案是:No, he doesn't.22. 男士提到他将参加一个会议,女士表示她也是,因此答案是:They are going to attend a meeting.23. 女士询问男士是否是第一次来这个城市,男士回答是,因此答案是:Yes, it is.24. 男士提到他将在酒店待三天,女士表示她也是,因此答案是:Three days.25. 女士建议男士参加一个旅游团,男士表示感谢,因此答案是:He feels grateful.二、阅读理解A篇26-30: DBCAB31. 根据文章内容,该活动是为慈善募捐,因此答案是:Charity.32. 文章提到参与者需要支付10美元来参加这个活动,因此答案是:10 dollars.33. 参与者需要在活动当天早上7点到达,因此答案是:7:00 am.B篇34-38: AACBC39. 文章中提到了作者对家乡的怀念,因此答案是:Homesickness.40. 作者提到了家乡的冬天,因此答案是:Winter.41. 作者提到了家乡的雪景,因此答案是:Snow.C篇42-45: BCACB46. 文章中提到了一种新的学习方法,因此答案是:A new learning method.47. 根据文章,这种方法可以帮助学生更好地理解课程内容,因此答案是:It helps students understand the course content better.48. 文章提到了这种方法在一些学校已经取得了成功,因此答案是:It has been successful in some schools.三、完形填空49-53: BCADB54-58: CADCA59-63: DBCAB四、语法填空61. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个副词来修饰动词,因此答案是:quietly.62. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个形容词来修饰名词,因此答案是:beautiful.63. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个现在分词作状语,因此答案是:flying.64. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个名词作宾语,因此答案是:success.65. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个过去分词作定语,因此答案是:frightened.66. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个名词作主语,因此答案是:Honesty.67. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个动词的现在完成时形式,因此答案是:have been studied.68. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个副词来修饰动词,因此答案是:suddenly.69. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个动词的过去式作谓语,因此答案是:stopped.70. 根据句子结构,这里需要一个名词作宾语,因此答案是:information.五、短文改错1. 第42行:将"an"改为"a"。

1. TikTok, a social media app dedicated to short-form videos, has emerged as a major firer of food trends — from mushroom coffee and pancake cereal to cloud bread and feta pasta. But another trend, the #whatieatinaday trend, is dominating TikTok, which is nearing 9 billion _________.Even though #whatieatinaday posts may be _________ to serve as healthy inspiration for others, there’s a growing feeling that these video diaries of daily eats will likely do more harm than good — especially among young girls or people with a history of disordered eating.The _________ message these posts send is that if you eat like them, then you can eventually look like them. Yet what someone else eats in a day doesn’t mean it’s right for you, since these “_________” videos a re not a completely accurate representation of what someone typically eats.Often the overly stylized (程式化) meals do not _________ a nutritionally adequate diet. The posts are _________ the illusion (幻想) of an ideal day of eating, along with an ideal body size.Younger audiences, especially girls and young women, internalize the message that they must eat like these creators to achieve and maintain not only health, but also social _________. The biggest harm with this trend is that it normalizes disordered or _________ eating behaviors. This could prevent someone struggling with an eating disorder from _________ support or treatment.Even if the #whatieatinaday posts are displaying a ____________ day of eating, the subtext message of “eat like me, and you will look like me” is harmful because people will not necessarily achieve the same body size as the ____________ even if they copied their day of eating bite for bite.____________, what might be a healthy, adequate day of satisfying meals for one person may be inadequate and unsatisfying to another. Even worse, someone looking at these posts may conclude that they need to be eating half as much to ____________. People making these videos are overwhelmingly thin, young, able-bodied and white. There is a complete lack of body ____________. And this encourages harmful comparisons to unrealistic body standards that are ____________ to the vast majority of people. Therefore, those of us from marginalized communities are once again unable to see positive representations of our varying bodies, foods and cultural representation in these harmful posts.”1.A.views B.statements C.analyses D.identities2.A.emphasized B.simplified C.requested D.intended3.A.moral B.scientific C.potential D.instant4.A.modern B.staged C.educational D.labelled5.A.prioritize B.commercialize C.recognize D.exchange6.A.promoting B.representing C.spoiling D.perfecting7.A.welfare B.equality C.desirability D.justice8.A.individual B.instinctive C.restrictive D.changeable9.A.attracting B.seeking C.losing D.offering10.A.fixed B.balanced C.relaxing D.demanding11.A.reader B.advertiser C.browser D.poster12.A.Therefore B.Finally C.Additionally D.Meanwhile13.A.lose weight B.share interests C.assume burden D.make contributions14.A.language B.diversity C.warmth D.response15.A.available B.predictable C.inadequate D.unachievable二、阅读选择(阅读理解)2. Children in the United States eat too much pizza that some researchers now argue the food should join the ranks of sugary drinks and fast food for the harm they do to health.In a new study, the researchers found that pizza is a large source of calories, saturated fat(饱和脂肪)and salt in children’s diets.Children should not eat more than two slices of pizza for a meal,and should pair that with salad, rather than with another high-calorie food,the researchers concluded.“Parents should aim to control pizza c onsumption(消费), particularly as a snack where it was shown to have a very adverse impact on children, and they should put their pizza dollars toward healthier brands.”Said Lisa Powel, director of the Illinois Prevention Research Center.Pizza has become a matter of focus in recent years for researchers who look at the meals children eat, rather than the nutrients within them.Studies have found pizza is among the greatest sources of calories for children.“Since pizza remains a common part of children’s diet, we need to make ‘healthy’ pizza.”Powel said.To make pizza healthier, food producers should reduce its saturated fat and salt, and increase its whole grain content,” she said.Whether or not pizza is harmful enough to be picked out as an unhealthy food, the study attracts attention to a larger issue with the modern American lifestyle, said Alexis Tindall, who was not involved in the flow research. “Many foods are eaten too frequently and in large sizes,” said Tindall.To solve the problem, people don’t have to give up eating pizza, but instead, they can eat smaller and healthier pizza,”she said.“Make it at home, instead of ordering it out where you don’t have any control over how it’s made.” Tindall said. “When we make it at home, we can choose healthier ingredients,increase the vegetables, reduce fat, and put in less cheese.Pizza doesn’t have to be just pepperoni(意大利辣香肠)and cheese.”1. According to the research, children shouldn’t eat .A.more than two slices of pizza in a dayB.two slices of pizza for a mealC.pizza along with saladD.more pizza with French fries2. Powel suggests healthier pizza should be made .A.with more ingredients B.with less saltC.in smaller sizes D.at home3. The last sentence of the passage implies that pepperoni and cheese .A.are necessary ingredients of pizzaB.are not the only healthy ingredients of pizzaC.should all be replaced with healthier ingredient.D.should be reduced by adding healthier ingredients.4. What is the best title for the passage?A.Pizza—a real junk food!B.How to prepare better meals for your kids?C.Discover the harm of eating pizzaD.Bring in healthier pizza for Americans文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。
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英语写作手册part3 第三题答案
Ш.Rewrite the following by putting the short sentences into complex sentences, or sentences with participial (分词) , prepositional, or other phrases:
1. Xu comes from a working-class family and he enrolled in college last fall.
2. The dean issued a bulletin that the library would remain open on weekends.
3. Last night was a wild night that the thunder roaring, the wind
blowing a gale and the rain falling in torrent.
4. The temperature must have fallen considerably during the night
that there are icicles on the trees.
5. He returned to his hometown where he had been away for
twelve years and he looked in vain for the familiar landmarks.
6. We have made some progress, but we still have a long we to go.
7. The sky was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly.
8. There were over two hundred passengers on board the plane,
about one third of whom were foreigners.
9. As the girl’s mother was a famous pianist, she began to learn to
play the piano when she was a child.
10. Napoleon was born in 1769 when Corsica had just been acquired by France.
11. A stormy applause broke forth as soon as she appeared on the stage .
12. The gypsies are really a nomadic people from India who were
once thought to be Egyptians, migrated into Europe.
13. Because of the new workers are young and inexperienced, they
are eager to learn from the veteran worker.
14. It was a poor quarter where there were lot of small huts which
doted a hillside with mud walls and straw roofs.
15. Hearing that his father was ill, he was anxious to go home to
see him, so he went to the station early in the morning to buy
a ticket.。