

东航A320FAM MEL手册7.23

东航A320FAM MEL手册7.23

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东航《A319/A320/A320 MEL》手册
东航 《A319/A320/A321 MEL》手册
了解《A319/A320/A321 MEL》手册结构 ; 掌握MEL手册使用方法; 理解MEL手册重点、难点项目。
东航 《A319/A320/A321 MEL》手册
飞机配置表明确了每一 架已交付飞机的MSN号、 注册号和型号。但由于 飞机引进的速度和手册 改版获批的进度不能一 致起来,所以该配置表 中可能会将未交付的飞 机列入其中,但没有给 出对应的注册号,……
东航 《A319/A320/A321 MEL》手册
01 控制页
0M2 批EL准手页册结构介绍
03 目录
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东航 《A319/A320/A321 MEL》手册
01 控制页
0M2 批EL准手页册结构介绍
03 目录 04 整版修订记录 0054 临整时版修修订订记记录录 06 有效页清单 07 飞机配置表 08 前言 09 缩写词 10 ME MEL查找 11 MI MEL项目 12 MO MEL操作
04 整版修订记录
05 临时修订记录
06 有效页清单












航空集装板种类PGA PMC,PQP,P6P PEB P1P,PAG PLA集装板---PEB集装板类型:PEB Pallet集装板尺寸:Base : 53 x 88 Height: 84集装板重量:55Kg集装板最高可容重量[包括集装板重量]: 1,800 kg (B-HIH - 1,300 kg)集装板适载机型: 747F集装板---PGA集装板类型:PGA Pallet集装板尺寸:Base: 96 x 238.5 Height: 96 (Q6 Contour), 118 (Q7 Contour)集装板重量:480Kg集装板最高可容重量[包括集装板重量]: 11,340 kg集装板适载机型: 747F集装板---PLA集装板类型:PLA Pallet集装板尺寸:Base : 60.4 x 125 Height : 64集装板重量:103Kg集装板最高可容重量[包括集装板重量]: 3,175 kg集装板适载机型: 747, 747F, 777, Airbus集装板---P1P,PAG集装板类型:P1P.PAG Pallet集装板尺寸:Base : 88 x 125 Height : 64 (Passenger flight), 96 (Q6 Contour), 118 (Q7 Contour)集装板重量:105Kg集装板最高可容重量[包括集装板重量]: 4,626 kg (LD), 6,033 kg (MD)集装板适载机型: 747, 747F, 777, Airbus集装板---PMC,PQP,P6P集装板类型:PMC,PQP,P6P Pallet集装板尺寸:Base : 96 x 125 Height: 64 (passenger flight), 96 (Q6 Contour), 118 (Q7 Contour)集装板重量:105Kg集装板最高可容重量[包括集装板重量]: 5,035 kg (LD), 6,804 kg (MD)集装板适载机型: 747, 747F, 777, Airbus4.ULD:是Unit Load Device的缩写,即指集装板或集装箱,它们是飞机装载货物的器具。



电力故障数据分析软件 使用说明书武汉中元华电软件有限公司目录第一章 系统概述 (3)1.1 系统运行环境: (3)1.2 软件的安装 (3)第二章 入门指南 (3)2.1 CAAP2000的起始界面 (4)2.1.1 菜单操作 (4)2.1.2 工具栏操作 (6)2.2 CAAP2000的曲线波形显示界面 (6)2.2.1 菜单操作 (7)2.2.2 工具栏操作 (11)第三章 波形的分析与处理 (13)3.1 打开标准COMTRADE格式文件 (13)3.2 怎样观察波形 (13)3.3 移动通道 (15)3.4 放大曲线(横向) (15)3.5 缩小曲线(横向) (15)3.6 复原曲线 (15)3.7 横向放大所选定区域 (15)3.8 纵向放大或缩小曲线 (15)3.9 满刻度显示各通道 (16)3.10 曲线数据反向 (16)3.11 隐藏曲线 (16)3.12 拷贝曲线至剪贴板 (16)3.13 全屏拷贝 (17)3.14 察看曲线离散点 (17)3.15 打印 (17)3.16 打印预览 (18)3.17 页面设置 (18)3.18 通道显示信息的切换 (19)3.19 变量计算 (20)3.20 相量分析 (21)3.21 选择分析通道 (22)3.22 选择分析线路 (22)3.23 设置计算用数据窗类型 (23)3.24 突变量定位查找 (23)3.25 故障分析 (24)3.26 谐波分析 (24)3.27 对称分量分析和阻抗分析 (25)3.28 双端测距 (27)3.29保护动作特性分析 (30)第一章系统概述CAAP2000是一个电力系统故障数据分析软件,它以标准的COMTRADE格式文件作为数据源,可以显示和处理故障数据波形;能对故障数据波形进行谐波分析、对称分量分析、阻抗特性分析和故障测距;可以生成相应的故障报告文件,并能将所有的波形和故障报告打印输出,另外,CAAP2000还提供了公式编辑器,让高级用户可以对故障数据进行更深层次的分析。


见问题及解决方案”为标题的内容 • 人员常见问题及解决方案
• 培训不足:员工对HACCP体系的理解和掌握程度不够,需要加强培训。 • 操作不规范:员工在操作过程中存在不规范行为,需要加强监督和指导。 • 记录不准确:员工在记录过程中存在不准确或遗漏现象,需要加强记录管理和审核。 • 沟通不畅:员工之间或员工与上级之间沟通不畅,需要加强沟通协调。
现场审核: 认证机构 对申请企 业进行现 场审核, 包括生产 过程、设 备、人员 等
文件审核: 对申请企 业的质量 管理体系 文件进行 审核



提交申请 文件审核 现场审核 认证决定
文件审核:检查 企业HACCP体系 文件是否符合要 求
现场检查:对生 产现场、设备、 工艺等进行实地 检查
人员访谈:与企 业管理层、员工 等进行交流,了 解体系运行情况
记录审查:对 HACCP体系运行 记录进行审查,确 保记录完整、准确
HACCP体系认证常见问题及 解决方案
文件不完整: 缺少关键信息
文件版本不统 一:不同部门 或人 准或规范要求
文件更新不及 时:未及时更
现场操作人员对HACCP原理理解不足 体系文件与实际操作不符 记录填写不规范 体系文件未及时更新

LucidShape CAA V5 产品介绍说明书

LucidShape CAA V5 产品介绍说明书

PRODUCT FEATURESLucidShape CAA V5 Based offers the most comprehensive CATIA-based opticalsimulations of automotive lighting products. The product's fast, accuratemodeling and analysis of part-level models and product-level assemblies havebeen enhanced with the following major new features.Surface SensorGet high-accuracy analysis of illuminance and irradiance on curved surfaces.• Evaluate performance for interior ambient illumination and uniformity oflight extraction near light guide surfaces• Analyze hot spots on mirrors, lenses, and other highly complex or curvedlamp components in exterior lighting systems• Analyze the illuminance and irradiance distributions as a false color mapdirectly in the LucidShape CAA part design view• Interactively measure the value at a specific location of the surface sensor, andexport the simulation data to an ASCII file for additional analysis if neededLight Guide Design ModuleThe latest Light Guide Design Module helps designers model and optimizeautomotive light guides and their extraction features faster and more flexibly.• Create, optimize, and switch between multiple light guides in a part, saveand return to optimization states and create design tables• Optimization system types allow you to set up and optimize eight standardsystem configurations• Optimize systems with sources on both ends of the light guide that can benon-symmetric or symmetricExtended GPUTrace™ SupportGPUTrace is now available in the LucidShape CAA ray history sensor featureand the fixed random seed option for optical simulations.• Uses graphics processing units to deliver simulation speed increases byorders of magnitude compared to multithreading capabilities• Provides faster analysis of signal lighting functions and reduces thenumber of design iterations needed to achieve lit appearance requirementsand regulatory complianceFor more information, please contact Synopsys’ Optical Solutions Group at(626) 795-9101, visit /optical-solutions, or send an e-mail to***************************.©2018 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks is available at /copyright.html. All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.10/03/18.CS275679033_LS CAA V5 Based V2018.09 PF.。



中美反恐联合验证清单目录1 Company Profile, Security Organization Chart and Letter ofAppointment 公司简介,安全组织结构图和书面任命2 Factory Security Measures Program 工厂的保安措施程序3 Factory Doorman Plan Policy 工厂门卫计划的政策4 Guards Administration Program 保安管理程序5 Guards Duties 保安职责6 Monitoring and Alarming System Management Program监控报警系统管理程序7 illumination Management Program 照明管理程序8 Access Control Program 访问控制程序9Incoming Package and Mail Control Program来料和信件控制程序10 Security Evaluation Program 安全评估程序11 Security Control Program 安全控制程序12 Human Resources Security Program 人力资源安全程序13 Employment and Recruitment Security Program雇佣和招聘的安全程序14 Authority Termination Control Program 权力终止控制程序15 Staff ID Card Management Program 员工ID卡管理程序16 Key, Lock, Door and Window Management Program门窗钥匙,锁管理程序17 Information and Technology Security 信息技术的安全18 Emergency Action Plan 应急救援预案19 Warehouse Management Program 废弃物管理程序20 Goods Documents Management Program产品文档管理程序21 Goods Shipment Security Control Program货物装载安全控制程序22 Program for Loading Supervision, Sealing, Tracking andVerification of Goods装载货物的监督、密封性、跟踪和验证的程序23 Transportation Safety Control Program 运输安全控制程序24 Acceptance and Transportation Program 接收和运输程序25 Goods Exception Reporting Program 货物异常报告程序26 Control Program for Use and Keep of Sealing Strips密封条的保管和使用控制程序27 Program for Domestic Forwarding Agents to Report SafetyAccident to Factory Management国内运输代理商安全事故报告管理程序28 Information Control Program 信息控制程序29 Internal Audit Control Program 信息审查控制程序30 Security and Antiterrorism Awareness Training Program安全与反恐意识的培训计划31 Antiterrorism Awareness Training Plan反恐意识的培训计划32 Partner Assessment Control Program合作伙伴评估控制程序33 Control Program for Antiterrorism Assessment of ForwardingAgents 控制运输代理商反恐评估程序34 Antiterrorism Policy and Mission 反恐政策和任务35 Program for Retrieval of Worker ID Card and AccessTermination 员工身份和访问终止的检索程序36 Regular and Surprise Check Program 定期及突击检查程序37 Container Security Check and Management Program集装箱安全检查和管理程序38 Container Integrity Check Program 集装箱完整性检查程39 Partnership Selection Program 合作商选择程序40 Access Control Management Program 访问控制管理程序。

张 Force AAC Panels的产品介绍说明书

张 Force AAC Panels的产品介绍说明书

p r o d u c t i o n t e c h n o l o g yThe challenge of producing panelsThe points that are often underestimated in produc-ing reinforced AAC products are handling, flexibility and accuracy. It is often observed that production lines for reinforced products are designed as if they were designed for producing non-reinforced blocks. Although this mindset might appear to be very natu- ral as there seem to be many similarities at firstsight, the reality is that they are completely differ-ent product groups. Both in their application and in the way they should be produced.While producing reinforced products, an extra compli- cation is added to the production process: reinforce-ment production and handling, while fast cycle rates should be maintained in order not to lose capacity. It is often (falsely) assumed that ‘just buying aFig. 2: An overview of the automated reinforcement areaFig. 3: Multiple handling devices are required in an automated reinforcement areawelding machine’ will do the job. In addition to the reinforcement preparation, the complication in pack-ing and sorting of finished products is something that is often not well understood, and many times under-estimated.In order to handle reinforcement in the production process and correctly insert this into moulds eventu-ally, several ‘traveling devices’ are required (Fig. 2). These devices hold the reinforcement temporarily throughout the casting and settling process, where-after they are recirculated again for the next cycle. These traveling devices consist of reinforcement frames (a carrier-frame holding a full mould confi- guration of reinforcement), cross bars (carrier-bridges that hold needles, mounted on a reinforcement frame) and several types of reinforcement needles that match the different reinforcement type, such as bars, single mesh or cages, depending on the end product.In many existing plants, it was and often still is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming process to configure these reinforcement travelers, as they are large in number and their handling is complicated due to their weight and size. Additionally, room for error is quite large and deviations occur easily as a result of numerous manual interventions. This is why most plants that try to produce panels, only reach a very low output number with high reject rates or a very limited non-versatile product portfolio.So, what is needed for high-quality AAC panel production?Aircrete Europe has been focusing on reinforced AAC panel production throughout its existence and pos-sesses several decades of experience around this topic, resulting in a fully integrated panel factory solution today.The basis of the Aircrete fully integrated panel solu-tion is the Aircrete Flat-Cake production line. This line natively meets all the essential flexibility and quality requirements for the most extensive panel portfolio without a single compromise.The front side of the Aircrete Flat-Cake production line is the reinforcement area (Fig. 3). Within this area, reinforcement is produced just-in-time, where-after it is prepared and assembled into the down-stream processes. All of this can be done completely automatically without a single operator, and con-trolled from the central plant control system. The equipment in this area is seamlessly integrated and controlled by the overarching in-house developed Aircrete Plant Control System.Due to the need for flexibility in panel production, rein- forcement products are made real-time upon request. This means that any possible reinforcement design, whether it is a bar, single mesh or cage, can be used in the process right at the moment when it is needed. This fully automated just-in-time production is real-ized on the Aircrete line to ensure both high-capaci- ty production and product versatility at the same time. Manual and time-consuming change overs, with possibilities for errors, can therefore be avoided.Reinforcement production, preparation and assemblyThe first stage of reinforcement production starts with configuring the reinforcement frame (traveler) for the reinforcement batch that is requested from the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) (Fig. 4). As full dimensional flexibility is required in produc-tion (every single mould can contain different pro- ducts), holding needles can be placed in any posi-tion, and therefore, the reinforcement frames needto be configured continuously and just-in-time.Fig. 4: A magazine of cross bars from which the correct reinforcement frame is configured as per the batch request from the MESp r o d u c t i o n t e c h n o l o g yFig. 5: The multi-axis robot that selects the right cross bar with the right needlesFig. 6: Reinforcement is automatically assembled on the needles of the reinforcement framesFor configuring frames, Aircrete Europe has devel-oped a fast, multi-axis robot that automatically se-lects the right cross bar with the right needles (Fig. 5) and securely attaches it to the reinforcement frame. With this robot, it is possible to assemble, reconfi- gure or disassemble a frame within high-capacity factory cycle times under very high accuracy. As all travelers are equipped with RFID tags, full traceabil-ity is ensured throughout the entire process.When the reinforcement frames are configured, they are transported to the welding line where the rein- forcement is inserted. Aircrete Europe uses a tai-lored welding line that is able to provide the right reinforcement at the right pace. This complete line is integrated with the total solution and the central Aircrete Plant Control System.Straight after welding, reinforcement is automati-cally assembled on the needles of the reinforcement frames (Fig. 6). Next, the frame with reinforcement is coated, dried, matched with the right mould and recipes downstream and stored in an automated buffer area for further processing.At any given point in time, the plant control system knows the exact position and status of any traveler and reinforcement.After reinforcement is inserted into the moulds dur-ing casting (Fig. 7) and cakes have spent the required settling time in the rising area, an automatic unlock-ing system makes sure that needles are detached from reinforcement before the cakes go to the cutting area (Fig. 8). The reinforcement frames with needles are then automatically removed from the moulds andfed back into the reinforcement preparation process.Fig. 8: The automatic unlocking system detaches theneedles from reinforcement inside the cake after pre-curingFig. 7: The reinforcement frame as it travels to be placed in the mouldp r o d u c t i o n t e c h n o l o g yUpon re-entry in the reinforcement area, all needles are automatically cleaned, locked (where required) and waxed (Fig. 9). Next, the reinforcement frames arrive at the cross bar robot again which reconfi- gures, reassembles, or disassembles them according to the requirements for the next batch in line.Controls and integrationsThe entire plant, including the reinforcement area, is managed by the Aircrete Control System. Apart from the basic PLC and SCADA controls, the control sys-tem includes an extensive M ES that communicates back and forth with all common Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems such as SAP, Oracle and MS Enterprise Dynamics, as well as custom API’s.The control system also includes a tailored configu-rator tool that translates the production orders from upstream (ERP) into the plant and through to the equipment. Prior to the order confirmation release,the configurator checks whether the equipment andresources are available and able to produce the de-sired product. In case a modification or an interven-tion is needed, this can be graphically realized in the configurator, based on a no-code philosophy. This is specifically useful in communication with the weld-ing equipment.ConclusionIn order to produce a flexible portfolio of high quality reinforced AAC products, one needs to have handling, flexibility and accuracy under control. The safest way to accomplish this is to implement a totally in-tegrated and automated solution, where everything works together seamlessly.Aircrete Europe delivers complete and highly-auto-mated reinforced AAC panel production plants, using the latest technology standards and developments. In most plants that produce reinforced products, the staff headcount in that area easily sits between 8 and 14. Not only this is expensive, but also, and more importantly, it increases the room for error exponen-tially and decreases the capacity. The Aircrete rein-forcement area does not need a single operator to control the process.Integrating the unique Aircrete reinforcement solu-tions into an AAC factory brings the operations to the next level: versatile, large-volume and fully- automated AAC panel production. ●Aircrete Europe Munsterstraat 107575 ED Oldenzaal, Netherlands T +31 541 571020*****************Fig. 9: The automatic needle brushing unit cleans the slurry residue on the needlesAircrete Europe sponsored the video of thereinforcement frame preparation for all readers of AAC Worldwide. Simply scan the QR code with your smartphone to watch this video on the AircreteCompany Channel.。



Certified that the part s) ( identified above except as otherwise specified in block 13 was were) Certified that the work specified above except as otherwise specified in block 13 was ( manufactured/inspected in accordance with the airworthiness regulations of the stated country and/or in the case of parts to be exported with the approved design data and with the notified special requirements of the importing country. carried out to accordance with airworthiness regulations of the stated country and the notified special requirements of the importing country and in respect to that work. The part s)(are) condition for safe operation and considered ready for release to service. ( is in (over)
16 批准人签名 Signature 17 批准人姓名(打印的) Name(Printed)
18 批准日期
19 中国民航总局授权



AccuPAR PAR/LAI ceptometer植物冠层分析仪model LP-80型号基因公司农业环境科学部AccuPAR植物冠层分析仪是通过菜单操作的线性光合有效辐射测量仪,用于测量植物冠层中光线的拦截,并计算叶面积指数。


探杆上包括80个独立的传感器,间隔1cm ,其测量400-700nm波段内的光合有效辐射强度,其单位是µmol m-2s-1。

性能指标操作环境:•0° to 50° C (32°-122° F)•100%相对湿度探杆长度:86.5 cm传感器数量:80总长度:102 cm (40.25 in)探杆尺寸:19cm x 9.5cm (.75 x .375 in)数据采集器尺寸:15.8 x 9.5 x 3.3cm (6.2x 3.75 x 1.3 in.)PAR测量范围:0 to >2,500µmol m-2s-1分辨率:1µmol m-2s-1最小空间分辨率:1cm数据存储容量:1MB RAM.自动采集间隔:可选1-60分钟仪器重量:1.21kg (2.7 pounds)数据传输:RS-232键盘:6键驱动时钟:24-hour ±1 minute per month.电源:4个AA A碱性电池共有四个可选择的菜单:PAR/LAI取样菜单、自动记录菜单、文件菜单和设置菜单。





LP-80系统组成AccuPAR和它的附件放置在泡沫填充的手提箱内,当您打开箱子时,您将发现以下部件:•AccuPAR model LP-80•RS-232数据线•使用手册•外置PAR传感器•#1 Phillips screwdriver螺丝起子ON/OFF键:打开或关闭仪器。



CONCESSIONS|BOTTOMBALL COLOR:LACE COLOR:BALL COLOR:LACE COLOR:BALL COLOR:LACE COLOR:BALL COLOR:LACE COLOR:BALL COLOR:LACE COLOR:PMS 802PMS 380PMS 380PMS 380PMS 380PMS 801PMS 801PMS 801PMS 804PMS 806xxxxxxxxxx -must be replaced with production date code76112F11SOLID / STRAP - RIGHT HAND76016F11OAKLAND ATHLETICSPALM 429 C WhiteBall Material Colors For Reference Purposes Only DO NOT PRINT CYAN DIELINESMLB TEAM GLASS BALL - ATHLETICS ITEM #15000F11#215120F11PANTONE® 431FRANKLIN SPORTS INC/MLBPF R A N K L N S P O R T S N C M L B PS o u g h o n M A 020*******F 11M A D E N C H N ACOLOR CHART1235 C C-0 M-29 Y-91 K-03308 C C-100 M-0 Y-60 K-72WhiteC-0 M-0 Y-0 K-0PMSCMYKxxxxxxxxxx - must be replaced with production date code76020F11OAKLAND ATHLETICSCreative Manager Approval:Fonts Used:Style Guide Reference or Job Number Reference:Product Manager Approval:Traffic Manager Approval:Legal Approval:Original Artist: Crystal Condeco 115432-1Product Division: License Job Number:Date Created: 07.06.17Date Approved On:Product Line: MLB Concessions File Name: Last Modified By: Cassio Vieira Secondary Pantone Color Pallette4 color processLogo Color Pantone Pallette4 color processPrimary Pantone Color Pallette4 color processWhite Gold 1235 C Green 3308 CDO NOT PRINT CYAN DIELINESOAKLAND ATHLETICS ITEM #76024F11125S E C .ER O W1G A M EFREEADMISSIONM a d e i n C h i n a F r a n k l i n S p o r t s I n c ./M L B P S t o u g h t o n , M A 020*******F 11 - x x x x x x x x x x w w w .f r a n k l i n s p o r t s .c o mMLB TEAM VINTAGE BALL - ATHLETICS ITEM #76028F11BALL SPECS LACING: BLACKCORE: SOFT SPONGE RUBBER PANEL 1: MATTE PVC76040F11 OAKLAND ATHLETICS xxxxxxxxxx -must be replaced withproduction date codeF r a n k l i n S p o r t s I n c /M L B P S T O UGH T O N M A 020*******F 11-X X X X X X X X X X M A D EI N C H I N AStitching Color:Pantone Silver Cool Gray 1 C COLOR CHART1235 C-00 M-29 Y-19 K-003308C-100 M-00 Y-60 K-72PMS CMYKBALL SPECS LACING: BLACKCORE: SOFT SPONGE RUBBER PANEL 1: MATTE PVCPANEL 2: MATTE PVCPRINTING: DIGITALxxxxxxxxxx - must be replaced withproduction date codeCOLOR BLAST BALL ATHLETICSF r a n k l n S p o r t s n c /M L B P S T O UGH T O N M A 020*******F 11-X X X X X X X X X X M A D E N C H N ACOLOR CHART203C-02 M-36 Y-04 K-00257 C-19 M-40 Y-00 K-00PMSCMYK 1785 C-00 M-86 Y-55 K-007739 C-81 M-15 Y-100 K-02572 C-34 M-00 Y-21 K-00COLOR BLAST BALLATHLETICSBALL SPECSLACING: BLACKCORE: SOFT SPONGE RUBBERPANEL 1: MATTE PVCPANEL 2: MATTE PVCPRINTING: DIGITALxxxxxxxxxx - must be replaced with production date code76013F11MLB PLAYBALL BAT & BALL SETS:TEAM: F11 OAKLAND ATHLETICSMajor League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with permission ofBOTTOMBALL COLOR:Black White 76060F11-AthleticsMLB TEAM MASCOT BALL76029F011OAKLAND ATHLETICS f r a n k l i n s p o r t s i n c /m l b p s t o u g h t o n , m a 020*******f 11 - x x x x x x x x x x m a d e i n c h i n aF R A N K L I N S P O R T S I N C /M L B P 2016S t o u g h t o n , M A 02072w w w .f r a n k l i n s p o r t s .c o m T B D - x x x x x x x x x x M A D E I N C H I N A Ball Material Colors For Reference Purposes OnlyDO NOT PRINT CYAN DIELINESOriginal Artist: Maria DelRose Product Division:Job Number:Date Created: 06.06.16Date Approved On: License Product Line:MLB CONCESSIONS File Name:Last Modified By:Mary Ellen Mazzoli Pantone Spot Color Secondary Pantone Color Pallette 4 color processLogo Color Pantone Pallette 4 color processPrimary Pantone Color Pallette 4 color process Creative Manager Approval:Fonts Used:Style Guide Referenceor Job Number Reference:Product Manager Approval:Traffic Manager Approval:Legal Approval:Process Black C 186 C 289 C COLOR CHART186CC-0 M-91 Y-76 K-6289C C-100 M-60 Y-0 K-56PMSCMYK ALL TEAM LOGO BALL - RED SOXITEM # 76006#1#2xxxxxxxxxx -must be replaced with production date codeBALL SPECSLACING: BLACKCORE: SOFT FOAM RUBBERPANEL 1: PVCPANEL 2: PVCPRINTING: DIGITALFINISH: GLOSSF11 - OAKLAND ATHLETICS / Sling bakMLB FLANNEL BALLITEM #76033F11COLOR CHARTPMS#2Ball Material Colors For Reference Purposes OnlyDO NOT PRINT CYAN DIELINES9xworld series champions ™000 MLB CULTURE BALL ITEM #76034F11ATHLETICS。





我们日常工作中最常见的合格证有4种,它们是FAA FORM 8130-3 , EASA FORM 1,AAC-038表和原厂合格证(COC)。

一、FAA FORM 8130-3 ,如下图所示。

FAA是Federal Aviation Administration的缩写。


二、EASA FORM 1,如下图所示。

EASA是 European Aviation Safety Agency的缩写。





COC 是certificate of conformance/certificate of compliance的缩写。

FAA FORM 8130-3 , EASA FORM 1, AAC-038表这3种适航适航批准放行证书的格式都是固定的;而原厂合格证(COC)则是不同的厂家有各自不同的格式,每份COC上除了有对该批次器材详细数据的应有介绍外,还会有厂家质量部门的符合性声明,质量负责人的签名等,如果是COPY的文件还会加盖“TRUE COPY”的印章。

FAA FORM 8130-3 , EASA FORM 1, AAC-038表之间一些异同如下。


民航局 CAAC FSOP检查单

民航局 CAAC FSOP检查单

近日,四川监管局积极配合民航局飞标司监察员,以部分FSOP 维修专业检查单为例,对辖区内四川航空公司维修系统的运行情况实施了抽样检查。











CAPA样本纠正预防措施报告QSD1.0-052报告编号:发⽣⽇期:负责⼈:完成⽇期:纠正预防措施的来源:⽬录⼀、背景 (3)⼆、当即措施 (4)三、调查和原因分析 (5)3.1.调查 (5)3.2.原因分析 (5)四、纠正措施 (6)4.1纠正措施计划 (6)4.2纠正措施结果 (7)4.3.负⾯影响声明 (8)4.4 有效性验证计划 (9)4.5.有效性验证结果 (10)4.6.纠正措施结论 (10)5.1.预防措施计划 (11)5.2.预防措施结果 (12)5.3.预防措施的负⾯影响声明 (12) 5.4.有效性检查计划 (13)5.5.有效性检查结果 (14)六、CAPA结论 (15)七、修改历史记录 (17)⼋、附件清单 (18)⼀、背景CAPA来源⼆、当即措施2.12.22.3附件:参与⼈员:xx: ⽇期: xx : ⽇期: xx : ⽇期:三、调查和原因分析3.1.调查3.调查结果:参与⼈员:xxx:________________________________⽇期:_______________________________ 3.2.原因分析3.综上所述造成“批记录中没有包含完整的标签记录”的根本原因是:1.2.四、纠正措施4.1纠正措施计划4.1.1附件附件附件附件4.1.2预计完成⽇期:签名:实际完成⽇期: 签名:4.2纠正措施结果4.2.1附件附件附件附件附件4.2.2附件管理者代表:___________________________⽇期:_______________________________ xxx:_____________________________ ⽇期:_______________________________ xxx:___________________________ __ ⽇期:_______________________________ 4.3.负⾯影响声明针对纠正措施:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,经过xxx,xxx,xxx,等共同评审,确认以上纠正措施不会对产品产⽣负⾯影响。













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产品简介锴濮自动化Creative Automation Air Power气动产品线• • • • • • 气源处理元件 气动控制元件 气动执行元件 气动辅助元件 电动执行器 ……建筑行业产品优化设计Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定行业特性○全天候野外施工作业:产品长期处于风吹日晒环境 ○产品使用环境重粉尘,特别是水泥颗粒、粉尘对气动产品的损害,而且水泥是碱性的具有腐蚀性 品的损害 而且水泥是碱性的具有腐蚀性Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定行业特性全天候野外 作业环境Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定行业特性气动元件使 用环境粉尘 严重、特别 是水泥颗粒 与粉尘 在全天候条 件下出现生 锈现象建筑行业用气动元件Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定建筑行业气动元件要求◆解决野外各种气候条件下及碱性附属物对气缸零件、安 装附件的腐蚀生锈 ◆解决重粉尘特别是水泥颗粒对气动产品,特别是气缸的 ◆解决重粉尘特别是水泥颗粒对气动产品 特别是气缸的 摩损问题 ◆解决气源处理元件及电磁阀的防尘问题 同时也适用于环保、铸造、石材、煤炭、矿山等环境恶劣 的场合。

Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定建筑行业气缸结构标准产品结构(目前市场上其他品牌的结构)复合材 料滑动 轴承活塞杆及其螺母, 活塞杆及其螺母 支柱及其螺母为 碳钢材质Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定建筑行业气缸结构AIRTAC针对该行业特别改进升级后 PU刮套,避 (B04-SI、SC)青铜粉末治金材 质滑动衬套,并 将其置于前盖最 前端 ,有效阻 免粉尘进入, 保护前盖O令材质刮尘环缓冲孔外齿 挡圈改为 SUS304材 质止大颗粒污物 进入气缸内部活塞杆及其螺母, 支柱改为不锈钢材 质,表面镀硬铬支柱螺母采 用SQP表面 处理,坚强 表面防腐功 能Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定建筑行业气缸结构改进前后产品性能对比改进项目 活塞杆及 其螺母材 质 改进前 性能与寿命 在重粉尘,各种野外气候 条件下半年内回出现生锈 ,且摩损严重 改进后 采用SUS420J2镀硬铬研 磨棒 ,螺母采用 SUS304不锈钢 前置青铜粉末治金材质 滑动衬套和特殊的防尘 圈有效防止颗粒的损害 及粉尘进入气缸,提高 活塞杆与密封件寿命 支柱材质为SUS420J2 表面采用SOP,防腐性 能大大提高 改进后 性能与寿命 耐磨性能提高一倍以 上,不会生修,寿命 提高一倍以上碳钢导向与防 尘复合树脂, 无专门刮尘 环 碳钢表面镀 镍 碳钢表面镀 镍水泥颗粒易损害活塞杆与 密封件,粉尘进入缸体内 会加速活塞密封件的磨损 半年左右会出现不同程度 的生锈,影响维修拆卸 的生锈 影响维修拆卸 易生锈寿命可提高一倍以上气缸拉杆 (支柱) 支柱螺母在寿命期内不会生锈 ,不影响维修拆卸 不影响维修拆卸 防腐性能提高一倍以 上Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定工艺特点: 工艺特点阀体采用特殊研磨工艺轴心O令寿命 大提高,达5000万次以上,降低了最低 启动气压,放置24小时以上,启动气压 均低于0.1MPa线圈的设计采用防电涌保护, 采用双向的防电涌保护,不需 要额外的电路保护AB线圈固定螺帽防松设计 更好的固定线圈轴心选用食品级润滑油 R 无害,可用于食品行业 无害 可用于食品行业S采用特殊加工手段及加工工艺, 保证圆角粗糙度<0.4μm,确保 密封件过孔移动之寿命线圈采用BMC整体 包塑处理\散热性能 佳,线圈温升低 佳 线圈温升低 增加耐磨环结构,导 向性更佳,轴心不会 产生偏磨现象12Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定控制阀电磁阀需要解决防尘的问题(对于以下阀建议采用气控箱统一集装) 电磁阀需要解决防尘的问题(对于以下阀建议采用气控箱统 集装)建筑行业主要制造商Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定湖南三一路面机械有限公司(三一重工) 长沙中联重工科技发展股份有限公司 长沙盛泓机械有限公司 福建南方路面机械有限公司 成都市新筑混凝土机械设备有限公司 山东方圆集团有限公司 山推楚天工程机械有限公司 中天仕名科技有限公司 郑州水工机械有限公司 等15Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定产品应用16Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定产品应用Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定气动系统的组成有效保证元件的使用寿命18Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定气路系统的保养检查 气路系统是搅拌站所独有一套功能系统,它主要由空气压缩机、储气罐、 气源三联件、电磁阀、气缸等组成,由于是以气压为媒体推动执行部件工作, 气源三联件 电磁阀 气缸等组成 由于是以气压为媒体推动执行部件工作 所以其维护与其它部不一样,具体情况如下: 1、空压机的保养,空压机是为气路系统提供动 力的核心部件,相当于人的心脏,所以其维护保 空压机 养相当重要,①每班次应检查空压机润滑油是否 充足,一般油位应在示油器的红线以上;②第班 次至少要给空压机储气罐放2次以上的水;③每 次至少要给空压机储气罐放2次以上的水 ③每 周应检查空压机的空气滤芯是否堵塞。

示油器 放水口球 阀19Drive manufacturing easier, more effective and stable让生产制 造变得简单,高效,稳定安全阀2、储气罐的保养:①每班次至少应放2次以上 2 储气罐的保养:①每班次至少应放2次以上 的水; ②每天检查安全阀是否能正常泄压。

放水口球 阀 气水分 离器 3、气源三联件的保养:①每个月应对水气 分离器的滤芯进行清洗一次,如该滤芯堵 塞,水杯内将不会有水滴下;②检查减压 阀压力是否调整为0.75MP;③检查油雾器 内的(防锈汽轮机油)是否充足。

油雾器减压阀20让生产制造变得简单,高效,稳定Drive manufacturing easier,more effective and stable4气缸及电磁阀的保养①用小螺丝刀或气缸、气缸及电磁阀的保养:①用小螺丝刀或钥匙,按住相应气缸电磁阀的手动按钮,观察气缸动作是否干脆有力,而不卡滞,如有电磁阀卡滞则需检查气缸及电磁阀润滑是否到位,气缸是否有内泄。


气动系统相关技术标准22标类DIN (ISO8573-1)标准空气质量分类杂质固态颗粒含水量最大压力含油量最大含油3最大颗粒最大颗粒分类露点(℃)浓度(mg/m )尺寸(um )密度(mg/m 3)10.10.1-700.01211-400.1355-2014158+3554010+725---6+107--不定义-空气质量按使用场合分类空气质量按使用场合分类:项目固态颗粒结露点最大含油量应用分类(um)分类(℃)分类(mg/m3)采矿5407-525清洗5406+1045焊接5406+10525机车5404+352501气缸5404+320.1气阀3~55~404+320.1包装5404+331精密减压阀354+331测量214+331大气存储213-2031传感器212~3-40~-2020.1食品214+310.01照片冲印10.01~0.12-4010.01标准气缸公称行程允差项目ISO标准气缸公称行程允差:标准缸径(mm)公称行程(mm)行程允差(mm)32最大500+24050500~1250+3.263+25ISO643180100最大500+2.5500~1250+4 125160最大500+4 200250500~1250+5 320ISO 标准气缸公称行程允差:项目标准缸径(mm )公称行程(mm )行程允差(mm )810ISO6432最大500+1.512162025气动元件的计算与选型27气缸的选型步骤:选定气缸类型气缸操作方式有双动,单动压入及单动压出气缸操作方式有动单动压单动压出选定缸径大小根据有关负载、使用空气压力及作用方向确定选定气缸行程工件移动距离选定气缸系列根据各类气缸的特点选定安装型式不同系列有不同安装方式,主要有基本型、脚座型、法兰型、轴耳型、悬耳型等选定缓冲形式无缓冲、橡胶缓冲、气缓冲、油压吸震器无缓冲橡胶缓冲气缓冲油压吸震器选定磁感开关主要是作位置检测用,要求气缸内置磁环选定气缸配件包括相关接头气缸出力、效率与负载率:气缸出力效率与负载率气缸的出力:1、气缸的理论出力计算(参照样本):2、气缸的实际出力受气缸摩擦的影响:气缸的实际输出推力Fe为:Fe=π/4D2*p*η气缸的实际输出拉力Fe为:Fe=π/4(D2-d2)pηD2d2*p*η--气缸的效率(0.7~0.95)气缸的效率与气缸的缸径和工作压力有关, 缸径增大和工作压力提高,则气缸的效率提高,当缸径增大时,在同样的加工条件、气缸结构条件下,摩擦力在气缸的理论出力中所占的比例明显地减小,即效率提高了3、气缸的负载率负载率β=气缸的实际负载/气缸的理论出力*100%气缸的实际负载是由工况所决定的,若确定了负载率β也就能确定气缸的理论出力,负载率β的选取与气缸的负载性能及气缸的运动速度有关(见下表)负载的静负载如夹紧、动载荷气缸速度<气缸速度气缸速度>运动状态低速压铆100mm/s 100~500mm/s 500mm/s 负载率β≤80%≤0.65≤50%≤30%气缸、阀的选配及其通径和流量:气缸缸径(φmm)阀的连接尺寸公称通径(φmm)标准额定流量(L/min)≤12M3 1.58012~25 2.5~3.5200~500>1225M5、1/8 2.5 3.5200500>25~501/8、1/4 3.5~7500~1140>50~1001/4、3/87~121140~2500>150~2003/8、1/212~162500~3000>200~3203/4、118.7~25>6000Cv值:阀门的流通能力即表示在阀门前后压差为0.098mpa 条件下,密度为1000kg/m3的清水,流过阀门的体积流条件下密度为的清水流过阀门的体积流量数,单位为m3/h,英、美称Cv和Kv值定义流通能力。
