
顶驱&钻井英文常用词汇表(第一版)盘锦辽河油田天意石油装备有限公司2010年9月一、顶驱英文顶部驱动系统Top drive system 车载钻机truck-mounted rig机械的mechanical 电学的electrical液压的hydraulic 钻井设备drilling equipment大斜度井high-inclination well 深井deep well丛式定向钻井cluster directional well低温顶驱low-temperature top drive system超深井ultra-deep well 定向井directional well载荷load capacity 工作高度working height电动机motor 功率power转速rotary speed 钻井扭矩drilling torque过载能力over load capacity 卸扣break out上扣make-up 循环压力circulation pressure额定压力rated pressure 电源电压power voltage电源频率power frequency 工作电流working current通风机ventilator 接线箱junction box平衡油缸counterbalance cylinder 盘式刹车disc brake电缆接插件cable connector assembly 主电机main motor液压阀组hydraulic valve block 提环bail鹅颈管gooseneck 油箱tank蓄能器accumulator 齿轮箱gearbox冲管总成wash pipe assembly 液压马达hydraulic motor回转头rotating head 导轨guide beam倾斜油缸tilt cylinder 防松法兰lock flange背钳back-up tong 导向器stabbing guide遥控IBOP upper IBOP 手动IBOP lower IBOP吊环link 吊卡elevator齿轮轴gear shaft 冷却风机Cooling motor交流电机 AC motor 水龙头 Swivel主齿轮 Driving gear 编码器 Encoder散热器 Radiator 油道 Oil passage密封槽Seal groove 轴承 bearing滚轮 Roller 滑套 IBOP actuator shell曲柄 Crank 销pin钳牙tongdies 活塞piston螺栓bolt 黄油grease小车总成 Carriage accessory 气流 Air current风道 Air duct 进风口 Air inlet出风口 Air outlet 梨型环 Pear link卡箍clamping band 键key弹簧spring 倾斜inclination锤hammer 扳wrench钳子pincers 钢丝wire钉子nail 软管hose管线line 挠性接头flexible joint猫卸扣,联接环shackle 油漆paint角钢angle 不锈钢stainless steel电缆cable 钻井水drill water电线wire line 汽油gasoline柴油diesel oil 润滑油lubricating oil黄油嘴grease nozzle 机油machine oil航油aviation fuel 焊条welding electrode台钳bench clamp 剪子,剪刀scissors胶布,橡皮膏adhesive tape 卷尺,皮尺tape measure辅助动力缆 auxiliary power cable 综合缆 comprehensive cable 电磁阀 Solenoid valve 电控房 control house防爆电连接器Explosion-proof electrical connector变频器 variable frequency device 模块module接触器contactor 低压断路器 circuit breaker 继电器relay 接线排termination制冷系统 cooling system 变压器 transformer制动电阻 braking resistance 电抗器 reactor司钻箱driller console 液压泵hydraulic pump液压缸hydraulic cylinder 液压油箱hydraulic oil tank 过滤器filter 单向阀check valve换向阀shuttle valve 溢流阀relief valve减压阀 reducing valve 节流阀throttle valve插装阀plug-in valve 上跳counterbalance浮动floating 旋扣spin零件parts 密封圈o-ring密封衬垫gasket 衬垫,填密packing垫圈washer 锁紧垫圈lock washer螺母nut 滚销roll pin滑环slip ring 挡环retainer接头adapter 短节sub杆rod 联接器connector联管节union 滑轮,(滑轮)槽pulley夹子clamp 心轴mandrel轴shaft 螺钉screw螺丝刀,改锥screwdriver 支承holder支架support 外壳cover插座socket 备件spare parts米M. meter 千米,公里Km. kilometer厘米Cm. centimeter 毫米mm millimeter英寸in inch 英尺ft feet英里mile 升,公升l liter千斤kiloliter 吨ton克g gram 千克,公斤kg kilogram加仑gal gallon 桶bbl barrel长度length 面积area磅pound 体积volume容积measurement 重量weight二、钻井工况词语1)起下钻:trip 起下钻 tight spot 遇阻点trip in 下钻 ream 划眼trip out 起钻 back ream 倒划眼round trip 起下钻 circulate 循环wiper trip 短起下钻(拉井壁) break circulation 顶水眼dry trip (不喷)起钻 wash down last stand 冲洗最后一柱wet trip (喷)起钻 fill 沉沙pill (压水眼)重泥浆 off bottom 提离井底pump slug 打重泥浆 wash down 冲下去pull out of hole(POOH) for bit 起钻换钻头 line pull 大绳拉力change bit 换钻头 makeup torque 上扣扭矩run in hole(RIH) 下钻 normal drag正常阻力What’s bottoms up? 迟到时间是多少?2)钻进:drill 钻进 pump slug(pill)压水眼make hole 钻进 circulate 循环bottoms up 迟到时间 bit 钻头drill collar 钻铤 wiper trip 短起下钻、拉井壁drill pipe 钻杆 open 扩眼drill out 钻水泥塞 ROP=rate of penetration 机械钻速survey 测斜 WOB=weight on bit 钻压deviation 井斜 RPM=revolutions per minute 转速azimuth 方位 SPM=stroke per minute冲数MWD=measure while logging 随钻测量 hook weight 大钩载荷LWD=logging while drilling 随钻测井 run mud over shaker 振动筛跑泥浆MD=measure depth 测量井深 drilling parameter钻井参数TVD=true vertical depth 垂深3)拆迁与安装:rig move 钻机搬迁 truck 卡车sling绳套、吊索 pickup 皮卡shackle “U”型卡子、绳环子 bed truck (带滚筒的)背车chain 链子 lowboy 矮平板拖车boomer 紧链器、紧绳器 highboy高平板拖车hammer 榔头 tractor 拖拉机、牵引车wrench 扳手 back hoe 挖掘机cellar 圆井 slack off 下放rig up 安装 load 装货rig down 拆甩 offload,unload 卸货spud in 开钻 rope 绳子Kelly 方钻杆 rig mobilization 钻机动员mud pump 泥浆泵 rig demobilization 钻机遣散conductor 导管 rig service 保养钻机rotary table 转盘 sleeper 住房foot 英尺(feet 是 foot复数形式) shack 营房diameter 直径 camp 营地inch 英寸 base 基地forklift 叉车 dining room 餐厅crane 吊车 kitchen 厨房boom out 伸扒杆 laundry room 洗衣房boom down 趴扒杆 down 放、下放hold 稳住 trailer 拖车up 起、上提 TD-total depth 总井深protector 护丝 dope 丝扣油lay down drill pipe 甩钻杆 nipple down BOP甩封井器4)健康与安全:HSE-health, safety, environment 健康、安全、环境 hard hat 安全帽condition 状况 first aid kit 急救箱guard 护罩 eye wash station洗眼站stabbing valve 回压凡尔 fire extinguisher 灭火器housekeeping 设备管理 stretcher 担架safety pin 安全销 safety sign 安全标志secure 安全、固定 BOP drill 防喷演习ground 接地 MSDS-material safety deliver sheet 材料安全in good shape 状况良好 alarm 报警goggles 护目镜 runoff 排泄hearing protection 听力保护 certificate 证书safety belts 安全带三、钻井英文钻井装置/钻机drilling equipment 井架mast, derrick钻台drill floor 坡板,井架大门v-d oor二层台/猴台monkey board 井架底座substructure鼠洞mouse hole, rat hole 人字架gin pol e立根盒setback 天车crown bl ock游车travelling block 大钩hook水龙头swivel 动力水龙头power swivel绞车draw works 转盘rotary table方钻杆kelly 滚动轴drum shaft猫头cat head 猫头绳cat line捞绳器sand line 大钳tong动力大钳power tong 安全卡子safety clamp倒链chain block 气动绞车air hoist回压凡尔inside BOP 管子扳手pipe wrench提升短节lifting sub 气测引绳geolograph cable导管架jacket 指梁finger board卡瓦slip 动力卡瓦power slip钻头Bit 钻头水眼bit nozzl e金刚石钻头diamond bit 牙轮cone钻头装卸器bit breaker 扩眼器hol e opener钻头轴承bit bearing 钻头直径bit diameter钻头寿命bit life 钻头规bit gauge钻头齿bit teeth (type) 钻头磨损bit wear水眼尺寸noggle size 水眼效率noggle efficiency钻具组合drilling assembly 钻杆柱drill strings钻柱drill stem 钻头接头bit sub扶正器stabilizer 钻杆(钻铤)drill pipe(drill collar) 加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe 配合接头crossover sub减震器shock sub 震击器jars(rotary jars)缓冲器bumper sub 短节,短管pup joint单根(立柱)joint(stand) 套管清刮器casing scraper井壁刮刀wall scraper 锥形铣刀taper milling耐磨短节friction joint 套管扶正器casing centralizer泥浆泵mud pump 双缸泥浆泵duplex slush pump 活塞(气缸)piston(cylind er) 缸套(活塞杆)liner(piston rod) 泥浆水龙带rotary hose 泥浆返出管mud return line立管standpipe 弯接头(三通)elbow(tee)十字接头,十字管cross 上水(吸水)管线suction line泥浆振动筛shal e shaker 除砂器d esander除泥器d esilter 脱气器d egasser离心泵centrifugal pump 泥浆搅拌器mud agitator泥浆管线mud line 漏斗hopper泥浆池mud tank 吸入罐suction tank储存池reserve pit 加重泥浆池sludge tank泥浆槽mud ditch 泥浆出口管fl ow line泥浆泵冲数计量计pump stroke counter 泥浆流量计mud fl ow meter泥浆重量指示器mud weight indicator 灌泥浆管线fill line混合泵mixing pump 灌注泥浆泵supercharge pump 正循环normal circulation 反循环reverse circulation灌泥浆filling up mud 循环速度circulation rate环形空间annulus 环隙流速annular velocity泥浆返回速度annular return velocity 静水压力hydrostatic pressure泥浆柱mud column 压力损失pressure loss压力冲击surge pressure 井底压力bottom hole pressure 管内压力损失pressure loss in pipe 管内容量volume insid e pipe泥浆量mud volume 返出泥浆return mud泥浆液面pit level 泵压pump pressure泵冲数pumping speed 泵效率pump efficiency流量fl ow rate 泵冲数累计pump count泥浆mud 处理剂,添加剂additive岩屑cuttings 粘度viscosity塑性粘度PV plastic viscosity 屈服点YP yield point固体含量Solid content 含砂量Sand content视粘度(表观粘度)AV apparent viscosity 划眼ream钻杆接头tool joint 丝扣thread母扣(公扣)box (pin) 联接器coupling正规扣REG regular 护丝thread protector上紧tighten 放松loosen泥浆比重,泥浆重量mud weight 泥浆密度mud density泥浆测试mud testing 滤纸filter paper造斜器whipstock 套管射孔器casing perforator钻进drilling 起钻POH.pull out of the hole下钻RIH.run in the hol e 起下钻trip短起下钻short trip 扩眼opening划眼reaming 测斜deviation survey完井completion 多层完井multiple completion射孔perforation 安装(拆卸) rig up (d own)甩,放倒lay d own 坐卡瓦setting slip起卡瓦pulling slip 挂上(门上)吊卡latching elevator 打开吊卡unlatching elevator 切断大绳cut off work line换钻头change bit 纠斜hole straightening上下活动钻杆work the pipe up&d own 钻机rig岩心core 取心钻头core bit取心筒core barrel 岩心爪core catcher打捞fishing 井漏lost circulation井涌kick 井喷bl ow out压井killing a well 卡钻,被卡stuck指重表weight indicator 大钩负荷hook l oad大气中的重量weight in air 泥浆中的重量weight in mud 井深depth 转盘高度tabl e height方入kelly d own 方余kelly up方入井深kelly d own depth 垂直深度vertical d epth钻压weight on bit 钻头位置bit position转盘转数rotary speed 钻头扭矩bit torque转数revolution 钻速rate of penetration工作压力drilling working pressure 吨—里ratio ton-mil e钻头成本drilling cost 上扣扭矩make up torque压力表pressure gauge 钻井记录仪drilling recorder 裸眼open hole, bore hole 直井眼straight well刹车片brake lining 下入工具running tool回接工具tie back tool 离合器clutch传动装置,变速器transmission 涡轮钻具turbo-drill浅层气shall ow gas 地层formation总深度total d epth 井眼尺寸hole size井壁bore hole wall 井底bottom hole钻井记录drilling log 阻流管汇choke manifol d阻流管线choke line 压井管汇kill manifol d压井管线kill line 安全阀safety valve闸阀gate valve 蝶阀batterfly valve放泄阀dump valve 套管casing下套管run casing 级,等级grade套管平台casing monkey board 套管大钳casing tong套管吊卡casing elevator 套管接头casing sub套管扶正器centralizer 固井cementing半潜式钻井船semisubmersible drilling unit 水泥cement吊车crane 潜水泵submerged pump锅炉boiler 发电机generator柱塞泵plunger pump 燃料缸fuel oil tank污油缸waist oil tank 船身hull甲板deck 钻井船drilling barge自升式钻井船jack-up type drilling unit 监督supervisor翻译interpreter 钻井队员drilling crew钻井队长drilling foreman 钻井技师tool pusher领班tour tool pusher 司钻drill er副司钻asistant driller 井架工d errick man钻台工floor man 钻井工程师drilling engineer 钻井技术员drilling technician 泥浆工程师mud engineer机械工,机工mechanic 装卸工,水手roustabout电焊工wel der 吊车工crane operator电工el ectrician 潜水员diver炊事员cook 大夫doctor材料员material man 平台工程师barge engineer 电报员radio operator 开钻spud-in安装钻机rig up 拆卸钻机rig d own。

拖拉机(tractor)配件用语第一部分工具tool1.screw driver 改锥cross point screw driver 十字改锥2.double end spanner 双头呆板手spanner 扳手inner hexagon wrench 内六角扳手box spanner 套筒3.pinchers 鉗子pliers夹钳slip joint pliers 鲤鱼钳4. edge file 刃用锉刀nose angle刀角file 锉刀5. hammer 锤metal saw 金属用鋸plug 柱塞头6. square 直角尺rule 尺子compass 圆规7. tool post 刀架knife 刀8. fork lifter 叉车oil gun 油枪jack 千斤頂kit 工具箱油和水oil and water 机油oil 柴油、燃油fuel oil 黄油lubrication grease 水water 气体air 电electricity 压力pressure 单位unit 牛顿newton 升liter 瓦特w小时hour 分钟min秒second 米m伏voltage度degree公里(千米)km kilometer 帕pa 千克(公斤)kg kilogram请把那个十字改锥递给我.please hand me that cross-point screwdriver.王师傅用18号的套筒卸下了那个螺栓.mr. wang removes bolt with box spanner 18.他应该先用锉把铁板打磨平了再使用.he should burnish the iron plate with file then use it.这个部件用鲤鱼钳是安装不上的.slip joint pliers can’t fix the part.你猜班长那里会有这种扳手吗?can you guess our monitor has the spanner?小李每天都用这把油枪润滑轴承.mr. li lubricates bearings with this oil gun.第二部分拖拉机技术参数technical parameters1. 发动机engine 机型model 发动机牌子和气缸数brand and cylinder 油箱容量capacity of fuel tank 额定功率rated power额定时速rated speed 动力输出pto 最大牵引力max. towing force油泵oil pump 输出功率output power 性能performance2. 变速箱gearbox 种类type 档位gearshift 离合器clutch 液压hydraulic3. 一般参数general specification轴距wheelbase前轮距front track后轮距rear track间隙clearance转弯半径turning radius配重ballast方向盘steering制动和控制brake and control4. 装置和工具device and implement犁plough铲hoe割草机straw cutter拖车farm trailer耙harrow seeder听说潍柴的发动机性能还不错。

NO ITEMDESCRIPTION - Owner: Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau.- Model : ZJ50J- Make: Zhongyuan Petroleum Equipment CO. China - Year of make: 2003-6- Input Power: 1,500HP- Fuel consumption: 24bbl/day.- Drilling depth w/ 5" DP: 2800~ 4500m - Drilling depth w/ 4-1/2" DP: 3500~ 5000m - Max. load of hook: 3,150KN - Mast height : 44.8m- Area of platform: L x W =10x12=120 m2- Model: JJ315/44.8-K- Make: Zhongyuan Petroleum Equipment CO. China - Year of make: 2003-6.- Width of floor: 12m.- Max. Static load: 3150KN.- Working height: 44.8m- Set back capacity : 4,500m 5"DP - Resist wind rating: 180km/h without DP, 130 km/h w/ DP, and - 20 km/h when rigging-up.-Model: DZ315/9-S - Make: Zhongyuan Petroleum Equipment CO. China- Year of make: 2003-6- Clear Height: 7.38 m- Dimension: L x W x H = 10x12 x9 m - Height under rotary table beam: 7.38 m - Rotary beam load: 3150KN- Max. Static load: 3500KN-Model: JC-50J - Make: Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China - Year of make: 2003-6- Input Power: 1,500 HP- Auxiliary brake: DSF45, Eddy Current - Torque: 60KN.m- Drilling line guide: Yes.- Maximum. line pull(12lines): 3150KN - Dimension of drum (DiameterxLength ): 685x1245mm - Hoisting gear: 4forward & 2 reverse - Rotary Gear: 4forward & 2 reverse-Model : YC-350- Make: Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China- Year of make: 2003-6- Max. Static load: 3500kN- Dia. of sheaves: 1270mm- Dia. of drilling line: 1-3/8"4Travelling Assembly 2Substructu re 3Drawworks DrillingRig 1Mast- Number of sheaves: 6- Standards: 6x19 S+IWRC+RL+EIPS- Size: 1-3/8"- Breaking strength: 275kN- Number: 2 reels, 1200 meter for one reel - Model: TC-315- Make: Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China - Year of make: 2003-6- Number of sheaves: 7- Dia. Of sheaves: 1270mm- Drilling line: 1-3/8"- Max. Rating load: 3500KN- Model: JZG35-R- Make: Jianghan Petroleum Machinery Manufacturing Plant ( JPMMP), China - C/w one (1) wobble pump and sufficient high pressure bearing hoses to connect Weight Indicator.- Year of make: 2003-6-- Model: ZP-275- Make: Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China Opening:27-1/2"- Year of make: 2003-3- Static rating load: 4500kN- Max. Speed: 250 rpm- Gear Ratio: 3.67- Model: SL-450- Make : Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China - Year of make: 2003-6- Max. Static load: 4500kN - Working pressure: 5000psi - Washing pipe size: 75 mm- Max. speed: 300 rpm - Connection: Top: 6-5/8" Reg. LH,- Bottom: 6-5/8" Reg. LH - Connection between goose neck and rotary hose: 4" API Std. 5 B- Model: FSK-15- Make: China - Making up torque: 2169 lb-ft - Rated speed: 72 rpm- Working pressure: 0.5- 0.8 MPa- Model: FW-275- Make: LANZHOU LS —NATIONAL OILWELL - PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CO.LTD - Torque: 28KN.m- Model: GF 5-1/4″- Torque: 122.91 lb-ft- Make: LANZHOU LS —NATIONAL OILWELL 12Roller Bushing10KellySpinner &Pipe Spinner 11MasterBushing 8RotaryTabl e 9Swivel 6Crown Block 7DeadlineAnchor Assembly5DrillingLines- PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CO.LTD -Mud Pump- Model: 3NB-1300C- Make: Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China Suction line: 12"- Input power: 1300HP- Rated speed :120RPM- Stroke length :305mm- Suction and discharge line :12”/ 4”- Liner :130mm~180mm- Insurance valves and line: 2"- Air Chamber: KB-23- Pump Strainer: Yes - Flow/Pressure/Stroke Table (Attachment)Discharge line- 5" x 5,000 psi Single HP line c/w pressure gauge and valves - Goose neck WP: 5,000 psi - Rotary Hose: 3"ID x 5,000 psi x 50 ft - Mud line manifold: 5,000 psiMain Engine- Model: P12V190B - Make: Jinan Diesel Engine Company Ltd - Output power: 1200HP for eachCompound- Model: BC732-612- Make: LANZHOU LS —NATIONAL OILWELL - PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CO.LTD -Model: VOLVO TAD1631G/HC24441F1- Make: Swedish/ Taiyuan, Shanxi - Output Power: 400 KW EnergySaving- Model: 1FC-502-6LA42Generator -Power rating: 544HP - Rotate speed rating: 1,000rpm - Voltage rating: 400V- Frequency: 50Hz- Make: Taiyuan, Shan Xi- Consists of eight (8) pieces to accommodate 3500 m of 7" casing stacked in threelayers.- One rack to be reserved for drill pipe or other tools.- Racks are triangle, constructed from tubing.- Racks are 8.5 m long and 1.05m high.17 PipeRacks 18Cat Walks -Consist of two (2) pieces, w/ total length of 14 m and 1.0 m height 14Prime Mover and Transmissi on 15Generators 16Bushing13Mud PumpMud Mixing Pump - Model : SB150- Make : Zhongyuan Petroleum Machinery Manufacturing Plant - Discharge : 127 mm- Suction: 152 mm- Capacity: 200m 3/h- Drive: 55 KW motor.Desander Pump- Model : SB150- Make : Zhongyuan Petroleum Machinery Manufacturing - Plant- Discharge : 127 mm- Suction: 152 mm- Capacity: 200m 3/h- Drive : 55KW motor.Desilter Pump- Model : SB150- Make : Zhongyuan petroleum Machinery Manufacturing - Plant- Discharge : 127 mm- Suction: 152 mm- Capacity: 200m3/h- Drive: 55KW motorWater Pump- Model: 3K-6- Capacity: 12 m 3/h- Drive: 4KW motorJet Pump- Model: JD30-50- Capacity: 30 m³/h- Drive: 5.5KW motor Spray Water Pump- Model : 12 PL- Flow: 9 m³/h- Drive: 0.75 KW motor Submersible Pumps- Model: QW30-12-5.5- Flow : 30 m³/h- Drive: 5.5 KW motor- Model: JZZ2—240- Make: Jianghan petroleum Machinery Manufacturing - Plant- Parameter: Weight On Bit(WOB), Hook Load(HL) Time - Distribution(TD)- Dead line load: 3,000 KN.- C/w: Dead line anchor, hose, etc.20WeightIndicator 19PumpingSystem-Model: TZC-S - Make: Zhongyuan Drilling Instrument Factory- Parameter: Weight On Bit (WOB), Hook Load (HL),Hook - Height ,Drilling speed, Stand Pipe Pressure,- Casing Pressure ,Volume of Mud Tank ,Total - Volume of Mud Tank ,Changing Volume of - Mud, Volume of Trip Tank ,Displacement of - Flowout, Revolution Per Minute(RPM), Rota - Torque(RT), Pump Pressure(PP), Pump Stroke - (PS),Total Pump Stroke, Drilling Depth (DD)-Survey Instrument- Model: DAZ-E- Make: Xi'an Instrument Flant - Size: 35 mm- Ranges: 0~20o Survey Winch- Model: CG10A- Make: Shan dong Tai an - MotorHP: 5.5KW motor - Slick line: Ф2.8 mm-Model: ZTG-1- Make: Zhongyuan Drilling Instrument Factory - Size range: 70-500 mm- Model: TJG-01- Make: Zhongyuan Drilling Instrument Factory - Size ranges: 4-1/2", 9-5/8", 13-3/8"Double Rams- Model: 2FZ 35-70- Make: Shanghai Petroleum Machinery Works (SPMW)- Year of make: 2001- Size & WP: 13-5/8" x 10,000 psi - Connection: Bottom and top inserted thread.Single Ram- Model: FZ 35-70- Make: Shanghai Petroleum Machinery Works (SPMW)- Year of make: 2001.- Size & WP: 13-5/8" x 10,000 psi - Connection: Bottom and top inserted threadAnnular- Model: FH 35-35/7025Blow Out Prevention Equipment (BOP)22Survey Equipmen t 23Bit Gauges 24CasingDrift 21Parameter Instrument- Make: SPMW- Year of make: 2001- Size & WP: 13-5/8" x 5,000 psi - Connection: Flanged bottom, top insert thread - C/w: Rubber as spare. Drilling Spool- Model: ST 35-70- Make: SPMMP- Year of make: 2001.- Size & WP: 13-5/8" x 13-5/8" x 10,000 psi - Flanges: Bottom and top flange - Outlets: 4 -1/16"Gate Valve- Model: TF70-103- Make: SPMMP- Size & WP: 4-1/16" x 10,000 psi - Type: Manual control Spacer- Size: 13-5/8"x10,000psi - Height: 0.78 mAccumulator - Model: FKQ-S2106- Make: Shanghai Petroleum Machinery Works - Volume: 169 gal- Control Pressure : 3,000 psi - Plunger Pump Model/ HP: Y07-00, 15KW - Air Pump Model: Y04-00- Driving Motor HP: 15KW ( Ex)- Number of Control stations: 6Driller Control Panel- Model: FKQ-6006- Make: Shanghai Petroleum Machinery Works - Location: Rig floor near by Driller - Number of Control stations: 6Chicksan Joint- Size & WP: 2" x 10,000 psi - Length: 2 ft for each jointChoke Manifold- Model: JG/Y70- Size & WP: 4-1/16" x 10,000 psi27BOPControlSystem 28Choke and Kill ManifoldKill Manifold- Model : YG70- Size & WP: 4-1/16" x 10,000 psiFlare Lines- 4" ID x5,000 psi x 100 m length.Manual Plate Valve- Size & WP: 4-1/16" x10,000 psi - Make: Jin hu Machinery Works Hydraulic Plate Valve- Size & WP: 4-1/16" x 10,000 psi - Make: Jin hu Machinery WorksDrop In Valve- Model : HY-62- Make: SPMMP- Size: 2-11/16" OD x 1-3/8" ID - Conn. 4-1/2" IF- Used for 5" DP Check Valve- Model: FF-159/35- Make: SPMMP- Size and WP: 5" x 10,000 psi- Model: LZCQ/4.5- HP: 15KW- Rotary Speed: 970 rpm- Capacity: 200m³/h- Efficiency: 85%--99%- Model: ZCQ760- Body OD: 760mm- Capacity: 220—250m³/h - Input size: 4-1/2˝- Output size: 8˝ or 6˝- Exhaust size: 6˝-Upper kelly cock: 10,000 psi WP - Lower kelly cock: 10,000 psi WP - Safety valves: 5" x10,000 psi WP - Cross-over1# Tank (Settling Tank)- Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 200bbls32Kelly Cock 33Mud Tanks 29Inside BOP 30Degasser 31Mud GasSeparator KillManifold- Agitator HP: 11KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/ 2 MPa - Number of chamber: 3(Include on trip tank chamber)2# Tank (Circulating Tank)- Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9m - Volume: 220 bbls- Agitator HP: 11 KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/2 MPa - No of Chamber: 2-3# Tank (Circulating Tank)- Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 260 bbls- Agitator HP: 11 KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/2 MPa - No of Chamber: 24# Tanks (Suction Tank)Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 260 bbls- Agitator HP: 11KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/2 MPa - No of Chamber:5# Tanks (Suction Tank and mixing tank)Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 260 bbls- Agitator HP: 11KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/2 MPa - No of Chamber: 25# Tanks (Premix Tank and storage tank)- Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 220 bbls- Agitator HP: 11KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/2 MPa - No of Chamber: 2-Trip Tank- Dimensions: L x W x H = 3.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 100 bbls- Agitator HP: 7.5 KW- Pump Model HP: 6580 125—A 2 x 5.5 KW 60m³/hShale Shaker- Model: SSZS II 34Solid Control Equipment- Type: Double deck liners- Make: Zhongmei Fangbao Co. Ltd - Capacity: 1,400 GPM, w/ mud viscosity of 20 seconds - Amplitude: 8 mm- Frequency: 18.3-20 H Z - Screen: 20 40 60 80 100 120 mesh Desander- Model: ZQ300J300x2- Make : Zhongyuan Machinery Research Institute - Capacity: 960 GPM - Fed by : 4 PNL Centrifugal pump - WP: 28.57-57.14 Psi - Shale shaker: Driven by an explosion proof 3 HP motor - Screen: 80-200 mesh - .Desilter- Model: ZQJ100 X 10- Make: Zhongyuan Machinery Research Institute - Size: 100 mm x 10 cones.- Capacity: 440-860 GPM - WP: 34.08-49.7 Psi - Fed by : 4 PNL Centrifugal Pump - Shale shaker: Driven by an explosion proof 2.86 HP motor - Screen: 100-240 mesh Centrifuge- Model: LW500x1250—N - Make: Jin hua Railway Machinery Plant- Capacity: 50 m 3/h- Power supply: 22 KW, 380V, 50Hz, 3 phases.Mud Mixing Hopper- Model: HQ-200B - Make: Zhongyuan Petroleum Machinery Manufacturing - Plant- Capacity: 200 m 3/h - Fed by: DWSB 2-150 (5″x 6″)Centrifugal Pumps Drill Collar - 9"OD x 3-1/4"ID x 30 ft long for each, 7-5/8"Reg.35DrillingString Equipment- 8"OD x 3-1/4"ID x 30 ft long for each, 6-5/8"Reg.- 8"OD x 3-1/4"ID x 30 ft long, 6-5/8"Reg(Monel)- 6-1/4"OD x 2-13/16"ID x 30 ft long for each, 4"IF (Spiral )- 6-1/4"OD x 2-13/16"ID x 30 ft long, 4"IF(Monel)Lifting Subs- For 9" OD DC, 7-5/8" Reg.- For 8"OD DC, 6-5/8" Reg.- For 6-1/4" OD DC, 4"IF-Drill Pipe- 5" OD, 108 mm ID G105, NC 50, 90O Degree, 30 ft for each,- 5" OD, 75 mm ID G105, NC 50, 90O Degree, 30 ft for each,(HWDP )Kelly- 5-1/4" Square, 40 ft long, 37 ft working length, 6-5/8" Reg LH Top Box x NC 50 Pin Bottom.Stabilizer- 310mm(8"Body)- 214mm(6-1/4"Body)Bit Float Valve- 6-1/4"OD- 8"ODCrossovers and Bit Subs- All necessary subs available on wellsiteElevator and Slips - As necessaryLong Links- Model: DH250- Make: RPMP- Load Capacity: 250t- Size: 2-3/4"x108"-Bit Breaker- For 17-1/2" Bit Model/Make: ZTH 17-1/2"/ZMMP - For 12-1/4" Bit Model/Make: ZTH 12-1/4"/ZMMP - For 8-1/2" Bit Model/Make: ZTH 8-1/2"/ZMMPRotary Tong- Model: 0340/B 36DrillingTools- Type: "B" Type- Make: RPMP- Range: From 88.9 mm~~244.48 mm- Max. Make-up torque: 54.225lb-ftPower Tong- Model: ZQ-100- Type: Hydraulic power- Make: RPMMP- Size Range: From 3-1/2" to 8"- Max. Torque: 72.330lb-ft- Oil Tank Volume: 1.2 m³- Motor HP: 45KWAir Winch- Model: QJ5- Make: Yantai Petroleum Machinery Plant- Load Capacity: 5 tonHand Tool- As necessaryWelding Machine- Model: ZXT-400C- Make: Beijing Welding Machine Manufacturing Plant Gas Cutting Facilities- Model: G01-100- Make: Zhongyuan New Technology Development Co.Overshot - Model: LT206 8-1/8"OD, w/ Box conn. With different- size Spiral and Basket catch- Model: LT194 7-5/8"OD, w/ Box. Conn. With different - size Spiral and Basket catchSpear- Model: LM34 LM44 LM50 with different slips-Reverse Circulation Junk Basket- Model: LL77 7-7/8" OD Reverse circulation junk basketJunk Mill37FishingTools- 11-1/4" Flat Bottom Mill.- 8" Flat Bottom Mill.Drilling Jar- Model: ZSJ62 6-1/4" OD Drilling jar- Model: ZSJ80,8" OD Drilling jarBoot Basket- Skirted Junk sub for 12-1/4" holeFuel Tank- Size: 2.5 m OD x 6 m L - Volume: 25 m³-Size: 2.5 m OD x 6 m L- Volume: 18+3 m³-- Pump Model /HP: YB-125 /1.25KW- Motor Model /HP: YB-1.5-4/ 1.5 KWEngine Oil Tank- Size: 1.5 m OD x 4 M L- Volume: 6 m³Water Tank (For drilling use)- Size: 5m x 2.6 m x 2.2 m- Volume: 45 m³- Pump Model/ HP: WSB-125 /1.25 KW /50 L/min- Motor Model/ HP: YB-1.5-4 /1.5 KWWater Tank ( For camp use)- Size: 3.5m x 2m x 2.3m- Volume: 16 m³- Pump Mode /HP: WSB-125/1.25 KW/50L/min- Motor Model /HP: YB-1.5-4 /1.5KWWaste Oil Tank- Size: 2 m x 2m x 1.5 m- Volume: 6 m³- 4 x 4 jeep make in Japan- 5 tons truck make in ChinaTool & Materials House38Fuel/Lubes/Water Tanks 39Vehicles 40Houses- Used for rig spare parts, handling tools, and general materials for operation.- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description: With materials shelfMechanic Shop- Designed for Mechanical engineer and superintend use.- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description: Special repairing tools, hand tools,Mud Lab.- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description: Mud weight balance, PH-meter , viscometer,- funnel viscometer, shearometer, test paper and - measuring glasses, etc.Dog House- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 mSite Portable Toilet- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 mFor BRCL's Site Representative (1 person)- Size: L x W x H = 8.5 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description of facilities: c/w desk, lamp, one bed, AC, bath room For BRCL's Site Interpreter(1 person)- Size: L x W x H = 8.5 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 mDescription of facilities: c/w desk, lamp, one bed, AC, bath roomFor Contractor's Site Representative (2 persons)- Size: L x W x H = 8.5 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description of facilities: c/w desk, lamp, two bed, AC, bath room For Tool Pusher & Chinese Engineers (2 persons)- Size: L x W x H =6.0 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w :Two desk, two beds, two desk, two lamps, AC, bath roomFor Others (4 persons)- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w :Two desk, four bed0-1000 ppm AC, bath roomRadio Communication and Site Office- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description of facilities: Facsimile machine, long distance phone, etc.41Camps 40HousesPortable Kitchen Room- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w :Cooking facilitiesPortable Dinning Room- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w:Table, chairs, AC, etcLaundry Room- S ize : L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w: Washing machine, dryer, etcPublic Bathing Room- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w: Shower, dryer, fans, and other washing facilities-Work mask MMR respiratorToxic Gas Detector- Model: HS560-D- Make: Haige Industrial Science Instrument Co.,Ltd- Measure range (ppm): 0-1000 ppmInflammable Gas Detector- Model: CD-210- Make: Haige Industrial Science Instrument Co.,Ltd- Measure range (ppm): 0-1000 ppmSmoke Detector- Model: JTY-LT-9306B- Make: Haige Industrial Science Instrument Co.,Ltd- Measure range (ppm): 0-1000 ppmHandrail & LadderCrown Block Saver- Model: Crown-O-Matic- Make: LPMMPDerrick Escape Chute- Model: TS-00- Make: LPMMP- Capacity: 85 kgEngine Shutoffs and Exhaust- Engine shut off facility- Anti-spark spray:Kick Detector System (mud)42SafetyFacilities- Model: TDK-1A- Make: Xin xiang Instrument Plant- Volume range: < 3 m³- Alarm system: ElectricPersonal Protection Facility- As necessary.Safety Warning Plate(In Chinese, English )As necessaryFirst Aid- c/w: Medicine, cotton, tools, stretcher, pastes, eye washing bottle,- etc.Fire Extinguishers - 8-kg, Dry Chemical, hand portable type- 35-kg, Dry Chemical wheeled type- 70-kg, Dry Chemical wheeled typeFire Hose- Size: 95 mm- Length: 200 m- Other Fire tools43FireFightingFacilitiesQTY 序号项 目描 述数量- 所有者: 中原石油勘探局- 型 号 : ZJ50D- 制造厂家: 上海三高石油设备有限公司- 制造日期: 2001年- 输入功率: 1500 马力- 5" 钻杆钻深: 5000米- 最大钩载: 3150 KN- 井架有效高度 : 45 m- 钻台面积: 12mx10.31m- 型号: JJ315/45-K- 制造厂家: 上海三高石油设备有限公司- 制造日期: 2001年- 底跨:8mx2.65 米- 顶跨:2.1mx2.05m - 最大静载: 3150 kN - 工作高度: 45 m - 二层台排放能力: 5"钻杆5000米- 抗风速:无钻杆和大钩负荷时,172km/h ;满立根和无大钩负荷时: 130 km/h ;起放井驾时, 30 km/h 。

拖拉机(tracto r)配件用语第一部分工具tool1.screwdriver改锥crosspointscrewdriver十字改锥2.double end spanne r 双头呆板手spanne r 扳手innerhexago n wrench内六角扳手box spanne r 套筒3.pinche rs 鉗子pliers夹钳slip jointpliers鲤鱼钳4. edge file 刃用锉刀nose angle刀角file 锉刀5. hammer锤metalsaw 金属用鋸plug 柱塞头6. square直角尺rule 尺子compas s 圆规7. tool post 刀架knife刀8. fork lifter叉车oil gun 油枪jack 千斤頂kit 工具箱油和水 oil and water机油oil柴油、燃油fuel oil 黄油 lubric ation grease 水water气体air电elect ricit y 压力pres sure单位unit 牛顿newton升liter瓦特w小时hour分钟min秒 second米m伏voltag e度degre e公里(千米)km kilome ter 帕pa 千克(公斤) kg kilogr am请把那个十字改锥递给我.please hand me that cross-pointscrewd river.王师傅用18号的套筒卸下了那个螺栓.mr. wang remove s bolt with box spanne r 18.他应该先用锉把铁板打磨平了再使用.he should burnis h the iron platewith file then use it.这个部件用鲤鱼钳是安装不上的.slip jointplierscan’tfixthepart.你猜班长那里会有这种扳手吗?can you guessour monito r has the spanne r?小李每天都用这把油枪润滑轴承.mr. li lubric atesbearin gs with this oil gun.第二部分拖拉机技术参数tech nical parame ters1. 发动机 engine机型 model发动机牌子和气缸数 brandand cylind er 油箱容量 capaci ty of fuel tank 额定功率 ratedpower额定时速 ratedspeed动力输出pto 最大牵引力m ax. towing force油泵oil pump 输出功率 output power性能 perfor mance2. 变速箱 gearbo x 种类type档位 gearsh ift 离合器clu tch 液压 hydrau lic3. 一般参数 genera l specif icati on轴距whee lbase前轮距 fronttrack后轮距 rear track间隙 cleara nce转弯半径tu rning radius配重 ballas t方向盘 steeri ng制动和控制b rakeand contro l4. 装置和工具d evice and implem ent犁 plough铲hoe割草机str aw cutter拖车 farm traile r耙 harrow seeder听说潍柴的发动机性能还不错。

钻井设备简介(英文版)drillingrigcomponentPetex and the University of Texas Austin © Petex 2001Drilling Rig ComponentsAdditional rigcomponents notillustrated at right.Equipment used in drillingCrown Block and WaterTableAn assembly of sheavesor pulleys mounted onbeams at the top of the derrick. The drilling line is run over the sheaves down to the hoisting drum.Catline Boom and HoistLineA structural frameworkerected near the top of thederrick for liftingmaterial.Drilling LineA wire ropehoisting line,reeved onsheaves of thecrown block andtraveling block(in effect ablock andtackle). Itsprimary purpose is to hoist or lower drill pipe or casing from or into a well. Also, a wire rope used to support the drilling tools.MonkeyboardThe derrickman'sworking platform.Double board, tribbleboard, fourable board; amonkey board located ata height in the derrickor mast equal to two,three, or four lengths of pipe respectively.Traveling BlockAn arrangement of pulleys or sheaves through which drilling cable is reeved, which moves up or down in the derrick or mast.Top DriveThe top driverotates thedrill stringend bitwithout theuse of a kellyand rotary table. The top drive is operated from a control console on the rig floor.MastA portable derrick capable of being erected as a unit, as distinguished from a standard derrick, which cannot be raised to a working position as a unit.Drill PipeThe heavy seamlesstubing used to rotatethe bit and circulatethe drilling fluid.Joints of pipe 30 feet long are coupled together with tool joints.DoghouseA small enclosure on the rig floorused as an office for the driller oras a storehouse for small objects.Also, any small building used as an office or for storage.Blowout PreventerA large valve, usuallyinstalled above the rampreventers, that forms aseal in the annular space between the pipe and well bore or, if no pipe is present, on the well bore itselfWater TankIs used to store waterthat is used for mudmixing, cementing,and rig cleaning.Electric Cable TraySupports the heavyelectrical cablesthat feed the powerfrom the controlpanel to the rigmotors.Engine Generator SetsA diesel, LiquefiedPetroleum Gas (LPG),natural gas, orgasoline engine,along with a mechanical transmission and generator for producing power for the drilling rig. Newer rigs use electric generators to power electric motors on the other parts of the rig.Fuel TanksFuel storage tanks for the powergenerating system.Electric HouseOn diesel electric rigs, powerfuldiesel engines drive large electricgenerators. The generators produceelectricity that flows through cables to electric switches and control equipment enclosed in a control cabinet or panel. Electricity is fed to electric motors via the panel.Mud PumpA largereciprocatingpump used tocirculate themud (drillingfluid) on adrilling rig.Bulk Mud Components in StorageHopper type tanks for storage of drilling fluid components.Mud PitsA series of open tanks, usually made of steel plates, through which the drilling mud is cycled to allow sand and sediments to settle out. Additives are mixed with the mud in the pit, and the fluid is temporarily stored there before being pumped back into the well. Mud pit compartments are also called shaker pits, settling pits, and suction pits, depending on their main purpose.Reserve PitsA mud pit in which a supplyof drilling fluid has beenstored. Also, a waste pit, usually an excavated, earthen-walled pit. It may be lined with plastic to prevent soil contamination.Mud Gas SeparatorA device that removesgas from the mudcoming out of a wellwhen a kick is being circulated out.Shale ShakerA series of trays with sieves or screens that vibrate to remove cuttings from circulating fluid in rotary drilling operations. The size of the openings in the sieve is selected to match the size ofthe solids in the drilling fluid and the anticipated size of cuttings. Also called a shaker.Choke ManifoldThe arrangement of piping and special valves, called chokes, through which drilling mud is circulated when the blowout preventers are closed to control the pressures encountered during a kick.Pipe RampAn angled ramp for dragging drill pipe up to the drilling platform or bringing pipe down off the drill platform.l support for tubular goods.AccumulatorThe storage device for nitrogen pressurized hydraulic flused in operating the blowout preventers.AnnulusThe space around a pipe in a well bore, the outer w may be the wall of either the bore hole or the casin termed the annular space.g device on the drawworks to stopng lifted.Casing HeadA heavy, flanged steelfitting connected tothe first string ofcasing. It provides ahousing for slips andpacking assemblies,allows suspension of intermediate and production strings of casing, and supplies themeans for the annulus to be sealed off. Also called a spool.CatheadA spool-shapedattachment on awinch around whichrope for hoistingand pulling is wound.CatwalkThe ramp at the sideof the drilling rigwhere pipe is laidto be lifted to thederrick floor by the catline or by an air hoist.CellarA pit in the groundto provideadditional heightbetween the rigfloor and the well head to accommodate the installation of blowout preventers, ratholes, mouseholes, and so forth. It also collects drainage water and other fluids for disposal.Conductor PipeThe largest diametercasing and the topmostlength of casing. It isrelatively short and encases the topmost string of casing.DegasserThe equipment usedto remove unwantedgas from a liquid,especially fromdrilling fluid.DesilterA centrifugal device,similar to a desander,used to remove veryfine particles, orsilt, from drilling fluid. This keeps the amount of solids in the fluid to the lowest possible level.DrawworksThe hoisting mechanismon a drilling rig. It isessentially a largewinch that spools off ortakes in the drilling line and thus raises or lowers the drill stem and bit.Drill BitThe cutting or boringelement used in drillingoil and gas wells. Mostbits used in rotarydrilling are roller-cone bits. The bit consists of the cutting elements and the circulating element. The circulating element permits the passage of drilling fluid and uses the hydraulic force of the fluid stream to improve drilling rates.Drill CollarA heavy, thick-walled tube, usually steel,used between the drill pipe and the bit inthe drill stem. It is used to put weighton the bit so that the bit can drill. Drillers ConsoleThe control panel,located on theplatform, where thedriller controlsdrilling operations.ElevatorsA set of clampsthat grips astand, orcolumn, ofcasing, tubing,drill pipe, orsucker rods, sothe stand can beraised or lowered into the hole.Hoisting LineA wire rope used inhoisting operations.Must conform to the APIstandards for itsintended uses.HookA large, hook-shaped devicefrom which the elevator bails orthe swivel is suspended. It isdesigned to carry maximum loadsranging from 100 to 650 tons andturns on bearings in its supporting housing.KellyThe heavy square or hexagonal steel member suspended from the swivel t the rotary table. It is connected to the topmost joint of drill pipe the drill stem as the rotary table turns.Kelly BushingA device fitted to the rotary tablethrough which the kelly passes. Itis the means by which the torque of the rotary table is transmittedto the kelly and to the drill stem. Also called the drive bushing.Kelly SpinnerA device for spinningthe drill pipe.Replaces the spinningchain.MouseholeShallow bores under the rigfloor, usually lined with pipe,in which joints of drill pipeare temporarily suspended forlater connection to the drillstring.Mud Return LineA trough or pipe,placed between thesurface connectionsat the well bore andthe shale shaker. Drilling mud flows through it upon its return to the surface from the hole.Ram Blowout PreventerA blowout preventer thatuses rams to seal offpressure on a hole thatis with or without pipe.It is also called a ram preventer. Ram-type preventers have interchangeable ram blocks to accommodate different O.D. drill pipe, casing, or tubing.RatholeA hole in the rigfloor 30 to 35 feetdeep, lined withcasing thatprojects above thefloor. The kellyis placed in the rathole when hoisting operations are in progress.Rotary HoseThe hose on a rotary drillingrig that conducts thedrilling fluid from the mudpump and standpipe to theswivel and kelly; also calledthe mud hose or the kellyhose.Rotary TableThe principal componentof a rotary, or rotarymachine, used to turnthe drill stem andsupport the drillingassembly. It has abeveled geararrangement to createthe rotational motionand an opening into which bushings are fitted to drive and support the drilling assembly.Note the pipe spinner (in red) on the side of the swivel.SlipsWedge-shaped pieces ofmetal with teeth or othergripping elements that areused to prevent pipe fromslipping down into thehole or to hold pipe inplace. Rotary slips fitaround the drill pipe andwedge against the master bushing to support the pipe. Power slips are pneumatically or hydraulically actuated devices that allow the crew to dispense with the manual handling of slips when making a connection. Packers and other down hole equipment are secured in position by slips that engage the pipe by action directed at the surface.Spinning ChainA relatively short length of chain attached to the tong pull chain on the manual tongs used to make up drill pipe. The spinning chain is attached to the pull chain so that a crew member can wrap the spinning chain several times around the tool joint box of a jointof drill pipe suspended inthe rotary table. After crewmembers stab the pin ofanother tool joint into thebox end, one of them thengrasps the end of thespinning chain and with arapid upward motion of thewrist "throws the spinningchain"—that is, causes it tounwrap from the box and coil upward onto the body of the joint stabbed into the box. The driller then actuates the makeup cathead to pull the chain off of the pipe body, which causes the pipe to spin and thus the pin threads to spin into the box.StairwaysStairsleading fromone level toanother.Protectedwithhandrails. StandpipeA vertical pipe risingalong the side of thederrick or mast. It joinsthe discharge line leadingfrom the mud pump to therotary hose and throughwhich mud is pumped goinginto the hole.Surface CasingUsually the first casing to be run in a well. This is done after spudding-in so a blowout preventer can be installed before drilling is started.SubstructureThe foundation on which the derrick or mast and usually the drawworks sit; contains space for storage and well control equipment.SwivelA rotary tool that is hung from the rotary hook and traveling block to suspend and permit free rotation of the drill stem. It also provides a connection for the rotary hose and a passageway for the flowof drilling fluid into the drill stem.TongsThe large wrenchesused for turning whenmaking up or breakingout drill pipe,casing, tubing, orother pipe;variously calledcasing tongs, rotary tongs, and so forth according to the specific use. Power tongs are pneumatically or hydraulically operated tools that spin the pipe up and, in some instances, apply the final makeup torque.WalkwaysAn area cleared for moving through by personnel and protected with a handrail.Weight IndicatorA device for measuring the weight of the drill string. Monthly calibration to calculated drill string weight is required by API.。

钻机常用词汇不可不知常用的钻机词汇照明灯座light base配套连接管线 connecting pipeline泥浆分配器 mud distribution防砂棚构件 support, sand-proof shed泥浆枪 mud gun离心机供液泵 feed pump,centrifuge川式取芯筒core barrel泥浆灌注泵charging pump吸入滤子 sucking filter, mud tank房架house rack井架五段 fifth section of derrick左五段 left fifth section of derrick右五段 right fifth section of dreeick钻杆架 pipe rock井架四段 forth section of derrick左中上段 left middle upside右中上段 right middle upside井架三段 third section of derrick左三段left third section右三段right third section铺台 floorboard操作台 Control Console井架二段second section of derrick左二段 left second section右二段 right second section气路硬管pipe for air road井架左一段left first section of derrick井架右一段right first section of derrick高支架 High Support低支架 low support操作台 operatiing plate天车飞机架suspending device for crown block 斜拉杆(一) slant drawing rod (first)背横梁(一) back cross beam (first)角撑angle support底座中层前斜撑 front slant support,medium base 底座底层前斜撑 front slant support,low basement 后斜撑 back slant support前斜撑 front slant support井架悬臂吊装置 suspending device,derrick防喷器吊杠hanging bar,BOP防喷器吊装梁 installing beam, BOP井架辅助滑轮及前拉杆auxilliary pulley & front drag rod快绳扶绳架 guiding line rack二层台撑杆 supporting rod, monkey board二层台 monkey board二层台挡风墙 wind-proof wall, monkey board二层台栏杆handrail for monkey board拖拽装置 draging device绞车架 supporting rack for drawworks支房架 supporting rack, mud tank右前底座 right front basement人字架前腿front leg of gin pole人字架后腿rear leg of gin pole后立柱 rear standing pole人字架小撑架 tip support of gin pole左前底座 left front basement坡道 ramp滑道 escape slide挂梯 hanging ladder背横梁 back cross beam前横梁 front cross beam蹬梯助力器支架supporter, aid climb device大钳平衡重 balance device, hydraulic tong井口吊装梁凳 bench for wellhead beam installation 取心筒提升短节 lifting sub, core barrel水龙头 swivel立根台 standpipe plate水龙带 hose中层前立柱 medium layer front column中层中立柱 medium layer center column升降机笼cadge, riser吊环elevater link灯架座 basement, light rack右后基座 right rear basement右支架 right breacket左后基座left rear basement左支架 left breacket绞车 drawworks绞车电机 DC moter, drawworks天车 crown block卧式供油罐 supplying oil tank油泵 oil pumpLC流量计 LC flowmeter四品油罐 lubracating oil and waste oil tank齿轮油泵gear oil pump工业药品水罐industrial pill water tank井场生活水罐drinking water tank冷却水罐 cooling water tank泥浆药品罐 mud pill tank离心机控柜 control case,contrifuge工具提栏 tools joint house行车 hoist踏板 candle配合接头箱cross-over joint case配合接头cross-over joint接头箱 joint case磨鞋捞杯fishing cup,mill shoe双头螺栓double head nut双裁丝法兰 flange螺母 bolt钢圈 steel ringSCR房SCR house缓冲器罐 buffer air tank for drill floor钻杆盒 drilling pipe enclosure液压猫头箱hydraulic pressure cat head清洗机cleaning machine井口吊装装置配件箱 spare parts for wellhead suspending device盘刹配件箱disbrake spare parts高压管汇配件箱 high-pressure pipe spare parts钻铤 drill collar镀锌管 galvanized pipe固控系统加重房 solid control system weight house加重泵 wieght pump剪切泵shear pump漏斗 hopper电缆槽cable tray泥浆材料房mud material house泥浆泵护罩cover, transmission device灯架light rack带高架供油罐 supplying oil tank c/w high position supplying device 震击器drilling jar扶正器 stabilizer胶芯 rubber core短钻杆 short drillpipe短钻铤short drill collar液压远程控制台 hydraulic remote controller配套营区配电房 power distribution house for camp左前基座及人字架left front basement and gin pole轮式装载机 fork井架高低只架 high-low support for rising derrick 柴油发电机组 diesel generator sets风动绞车 penumatic hoist剪切闸板及闸板总成 shear ram and ram assembly辅助发电机组auxiliary diesel generator sets司钻综合控制系统带房 driller control system c/w house司钻偏房dog house钻台液压站 hydraulic presure station for drill floor hydraulic device气源房 air supplying house压缩机 compressor再生干燥机 recreate dryer空气干燥器 air drier储气罐 air storage tank电动升降机 electric elevator振动筛 shale shaker除气器degasser除砂除泥一体机 desander and desilter integral machine 中速离心机medium speed centrifuge高速离心机 high speed centrifuge钻井机械修理房 drilling machanicl repairing house车床 lathe钻床 drill press焊机welding machine造扣机creating screw machine砂轮机 grinding wheel machine钳工台tool table钻井普通材料房 drilling common material house井场材料房 wellsite material house钻井配套消防房 firefighting house for drilling钻井通讯值班房 communication house on wellsite钻井井场值班房 wellsite duty house at wellsite钻井泥浆实验室mud lab for drilling钻井野营房camp at wellsite洗衣间及浴室 laundry & bath room泥浆室 mud room井场会议室meeting room at wellsite井场医务室 infirmary at wellsite软水处理房 water trantment house厨房 kitchen测斜仪 inclinometer急救设备 emergency equipment有害气体检测仪 harmful gas detector通讯设备 communication fitting餐厅dinning room泵房房架 frame for pump house shed加重钻杆heavy wall drilling pipe防喷器底座BOP base环形防喷器 annular BOP节流管汇 choke-line manifold控制箱 control box闸门throttle valve双闸板防喷器 double ram BOP风动绞车 pneumatic hoist泥浆高压管汇 high pressure manifold扶正器 drill –breaker风动绞车pneumatic wrench钻台右只架 right support of drillfloor方钻杆 Kelly套管 casing油水管排架及逃生跑道 pipe rack for oil water pipe and escape runway 油套管钳箱tub, casing tong平焊法兰flat welding flange泥浆闸阀 mud gate valve刮泥板 mud scraping board磨擦片 friction block安全销safety pin冲管 washing pipe调压继气器pressure adjustable relay快速放气阀rapid release valve单向导气龙头 one way air guide防碰天车过卷阀 crown-o-matic两用继气器 double function relay常开气控阀 usual open gas control valve三通旋塞阀 three-way kelly cock valve定位组合调压阀 pressure adjustable valve闸瓦shoe水龙头冲管盘根盒卡簧washing pipe packing box spring clampB型钳牙 die for type B tong内六角接头 inner six angle joint大小头 crossover弯头 bent joint接箍 coupling三通 tee闸阀 gate valve球阀 ball valve挡板阀 baffle valve绳卡clamp冷水嘴 cock元钉nail挡板阀plate valve花兰螺栓 bolt油壬盘根union packing凡尔导向套 valve guiding socket水龙头冲管盘根 washing pipe packing油封oil sealer地脚螺栓 bolt压板 press board管卡 clamp荧光灯管fluorescence lamp电工踏板 footplate铜钻开口鼻 pigtail防爆组合开关combination switch电吹风 electric blower数字万用表Digital Universal Meter钳型电流表 Clamp Type Electric Current Meter 转速测量仪 Rotate Speed Survey Instrument数字电感电容仪表 digital capacity instrument相序表Phase-Order indicator三角带 triangle belt直钻 straight drill手用丝攻threader元板牙 screw plate硼砂 dorax高性能结构AB胶 AB rubber防紫外线眼镜UV proof glasses不锈钢球阀 ball valve螺栓带帽bolt & nut异径三通 different diameter tee链条 chain活塞杆 piston rod液压钳牙hydraulic dieB型大钳 B type tong花纹板 steel plate薄板 sheet metal中板 median plate水银灯lamp防爆投光灯 explosion-proof lamp防爆灯具 explosion-proof lamps and lanterns 液压软管总成 hydraulic hose assembly防爆排风扇 explosion-proof exhaust fan中压石棉橡胶 mid-pressure asbestos rubber锂基脂 lithium base grease套管密封脂casing sealing grease钻具螺纹脂 drill tools screw thread grease 转盘棕垫 mat for rotary table抬杠 shoulder pole电动卷绳器 electric power spooler油水管路配件箱 pipe loop spare parts捞砂钢丝绳 steel wire rope开口扳手 type opening spanner喇叭口及并帽bell-moutted adupfer and pich nut 耐磨方补芯anti-friction bushing钻杆钩drilling pipe hook猫头钩 hooklet,cathead大三爪 big snatcher小三爪small snatcher短节 sub双头倒齿管 king double-ends king napple 单头倒齿管 single-end king napple撬杠 steel stick连接板 connecting board连接销 connecting pin大钳尾绳tail rope二层台逃生装置 escape device for monky board液压提升机配件箱 hydraulic lifting machine spare parts防溢管overflow-proof pipe起架大绳 wire line for litting mast钻头盒drill breaker堵塞器 plug扩孔方瓦casing bushing扩孔方瓦casing bushing吊卡 elevator套管吊钳casing tong套管吊卡 casing elevator多片式卡瓦mult-piece slip卡瓦 slip安全卡瓦safety slip堵塞器皮碗 rubber cup,plug耐磨扶正器 anti-friction stabilizer旁通阀side-way valve投入式正回阀 valve上旋塞upper kelly cock下旋塞 lower kelly cock valve小补芯 kelly-bushing捞杯fishing cup卡瓦捞筒slip fishing cartridge反循环打捞兰 contrary circulating fishing basket 强磁 magnet安全接头safety joint磨鞋 mill shoes磨鞋捞杯 mill shoes fishing cup大头公锥 big head fishing tap 母锥 box tap整体式提升短节whole lifting sub屈性长轴 flexible extend shaft 地面震击器surfacejar地脚螺栓 foundation bolts缓冲器buffer双面法兰doublesided flange压力表法兰flange pressure gange 五通 five way union试压堵头(法兰) test pressure outer union jam考克 cock震击由壬 hammer union侧门盘根 side door packing换向阀 conversion valve先导阀 leading valve气源压力表air pressure gauge 气源管线 air pipeline快速接头quick sub压力传感器 pressure indicator位置变速器position transmission开口扳手 opening spanner 手动节流阀manual choke valve航杆 navigate haulm接触器 contactor二位旋扭switch转换开关 switch松香 rosin焊锡膏 Soldering Tin cream焊锡丝 soldering tin line扎带strap50CM开口鼻 pig tail二极管diode风机 air machine热缩管heat shrink pipe指示灯 indicator light集成电路块printe electric cucirt三端稳集成电路块 printe electric cucirt接线端子 termination继电器relay电容electric capacity三级管triode3孔插座 three hole socket 气焊炬 welding torch铜鼻子copper pig tail钻杆吊卡 DP elevator安装管子 mounting pipe井控系统专用连接电缆specialized connecting cable, well control system 顶驱专用连接电缆 specialized connecting cable, top drive固控系统耐油电缆water oil- proof cable,solid control system钻机井工程用料material for drilling engineering电焊条arc welding管子台虎钳vice for pipe table会筒扳手pipe wrench铸铁焊条casting iron welding rod电钻electric digger喷漆枪painting gun焊炬welding torch割炬scalpel torch活动扳手moving wrench内六角扳手inner six angle wrench游杆卡尺trevalling calipers钢丝钳wire cutter电笔electrical pen光咀钳combination pliers挡圈钳block circle tong小剪刀small scissors管子割刀片pipe cutter reamer管子扳手pipe wrench割咀cutting torch砂纸sand paper电工刀electric knife塞尺feeler gauge内外卡inernal & external calipers泥浆阀门mud valve石棉扭绳asbestos wring rope石棉盘根asbestos set base杆锡pole tin乙炔管acetylene pipe手提式砂轮机portable grinding wheel machine抗震压力表pressure indicator双刻度抗震压力表double scale pressure万用表multimeter乙炔减压器acetylene reductor氧气减压气oxygen reductor压力表pressure meter普压表general pressure meter兆欧表MEG meter电阻测试仪resistance test instrument铝水平尺aluminium level ruler粗三角锉wide triangle file粗平锉wide smooth file中半元锉file粗中半元锉smooth file什棉锉file机油内芯machine oil inner core套筒扳手box spanner梅花扳手ring spanner汽油喷灯gasolene blowtorch柴油喷灯diesel blowtorch液压压线钳hydraulic cable tong平焊法兰flange乙炔胶管acetylene plastic tube空气滤芯air filter柴油滤芯diesel filter机油滤芯machine oil filter油漆刷oil-painting brush焊锡膏soldering tin ointment平口起子screwdriver梅花起子cross screwdriver石棉内芯astestos inner core聚光灯泡focus bulb低压避雷器low-pressure lightning arrestor 电烙铁electric iron丝扣灯头lamp卡扣灯头lamp卡扣灯泡lamp丝扣灯泡lamp防暴照明灯泡explosion-proof floodlight bulb 空气开关air switch探照灯searchlight丝扣开关screw switch防爆灯具explosion-proof lamps and lanterns 尼龙扎带nylon strip多用插板multi flashboard交流接触器AC contact instrument防爆按钮explosion-proof press button黄腊带belt热缩器pyrocondensation instrument绝缘手套insulation glove低压压力开关low pressure switch光流立式压力表Pressure Meter充油背式压力表Pressure Meter油水滤芯water/oil filter core兰型皮带belt黑胶布black adhesive plaster高压胶布high pressure adhesive plaster塑料带plastic strip热缩管contract tube氧气管oxygen pipe塑料安全帽plastic safety cap毛巾towel生料带belt电焊手套electric welding gloves电焊黑玻璃electric welding black glass电焊白玻璃electric welding white glass电焊面罩electric welding mask应急灯emergency lamp钢丝绳wire line中压石棉橡胶板Asbestos heliotype平板胶皮flat hose夹布输水胶管feeding Rubber Pipe白棕绳palm rope铁丝steel wire缸套cylinder防爆电动机explosion-proof electromotor离心式清水泵centrifugal water pump潜水式排污dive type waste discharge活动弯头带由壬curved c/w union活塞piston由壬union活塞皮碗piston rubber cup软管总成hose assembly滚子方补芯kelly bushing砂泵盘根sand pump packing自浮式单点测斜仪single-point angle measuring device 旋转凡尔体rotary valve body凡尔螺母valve nut闸阀gate valve光平垫gasket弹簧垫Spring Gasket光六角螺栓bolt靠背轮胶皮rubber sheet冲管盘根盒Washpipe Packing box气胎pneumatic tyre链钳Chain Wrench管钳pipe tong八角锤sinker螺旋千斤顶Screw Jack单轮铁滑车pulley黄油枪Grease Gun双头呆扳手stud dead spanner断线钳thread-cut wrench手摇油泵manual oil pump电焊钳electric welding wrench活动扳手adjustable spanner钢锯弓steel saw bow电钻electric drill钳工锤sinker钢锯条steel saw blade剥线钳Peel Wire Cutter钢卷尺steel tapeline两用扳手double-function spanner铜焊条copper welding rod钢丝刷steel thread brush管子割刀片blade方铲shovel斜口钳clamp自耦减压起动器pressure-reduce starter 独角灯管tube旋转凡尔座rotary valve seat德瑞克线性筛网derrick screen螺杆压缩机油screw compressor oil铜芯塑料线copper core cable移动电缆floating cable塑料安全帽plastic satety helmet紫铜管copper pipes手推车barrow葫芦windlass台虎钳table vice钢钎steel bar管钳pipe pliers电焊软线electric welding line铝芯塑料线aluminium cable手轮调压伐pressure-regulating valve复位组合调压伐pressure-regulating valve 两用继气器double-function活塞杆piston rod钢套密封圈cylinder seal ring摩檫片scrub plate阀盖密封圈sealing ring for valve head双面封皮器double-side sealer空气包鼓膜air balloon钢丝绳切断器steel wire rope cutter出口排量传感器sensor丝扣自封接头self-sealing joint快速接头joint三通three tee胶杯rubber cup井深扳well depth-board通讯扳communication board数字扳digital board钻台铺板Ⅰdrilling-floor plank Ⅰ浮阀float valve钻杆跑道3 catwalk NO.3井控管排架pipe rack for well-controllingGJF 高压绝热阻燃耐火放喷软管总成GJF high-pressure heat-insulating flame-retarding fire-resistance drainage hose assembly高压胶管high-pressure hose安全链箱safty chain case气动试压泵pneumatic testing pump防喷器吊装装置BOP suspending device大钩hook钻杆动力钳箱drilling pipe power tongs电缆槽cable tray立式搅拌器agitator油水管排架oil-water pipe rock钻台左支架left support of drill floor钻铤吊卡DC elevator放喷管线flow out pipe钻杆跑道1 catwalk NO.1电缆槽及过桥cable tray & truck pass-way接地柱ground pole铜线鼻子pigtail高压管和分配器high pressure pipe & distribution游车travelling block泥浆泵悬臂吊suspending device, mud pump泥浆滤子filter, mud pump灯架light rack扶梯及栏杆lader & handrail走道板slidewalk走道板撑杆support, slidewalk泥浆搅拌器agitator补液泵tripe pump。
钻井平台主要设备 英语词汇翻译

钻井平台主要设备英语词汇翻译钻井平台主要设备一. 钻井设备 (Drilling Equipment):Drawworks 钻井绞车Rotary Table 转盘Bushing 补心Top Drive System (TDS) 顶驱Swivel 水龙头Crown Block 天车Traveling Block 游车Hook 大钩Derrick 井架Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手Ezy-Torq 液压猫头Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备Iron roughneck 铁钻工Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统Drill String 钻柱Drilling Sub 钻井短节Fishing Tool 打捞工具Power Tong 动力大钳Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车二. 泥浆系统 (Mud System)Mud Pump 泥浆泵Shale shaker 振动筛Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器Desilter 除泥器Desander 除砂器Degasser 除气器Centrifuge 离心机Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统Centrifugal Pump 离心泵Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇Rotary Hose 水龙带Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐三. 井控设备 (Well Control Equipment):Ram Type Preventor 闸板防喷器Annular Type Preventor 万能防喷器BOP Stack 防喷器组Gate Valve 闸阀Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板BOP Handling Equipment 防喷器搬运设备Diverter 转喷器四. 海事系统 (Marine System)Ballast System 压载系统Bilge System 污水系统Vent 通风口, 通气口Air Supply Fan 供气扇Mooring System 锚泊系统Communication Equipment 通讯系统Jacking System 升降系统Skidding System 井架滑移系统Windlass 锚机Anchor 锚Pendant 短索Buoy 浮标Lifting and Handling Equipment 起吊和搬运设备五. 机房 (Engine Room)Diesel Engine 柴油机Emergency Generator 应急发电机Water Maker (desalinization unit) 造淡机Air Compressor 空气压缩机Boiler 锅炉Air-conditioning System 空调系统Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给系统Piping System 管汇系统Generator 发电机Transformer 变压器DC Motor 直流马达AC Motor 交流马达六. 安全设备 (Safety Equipment)Fire Control System 消防控制系统Fire Detection System 火情探测系统CO2 System 二氧化碳系统Fixed Fire Extinguishing System 固定消防系统Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器Fire-Fight Equipment 消防设备Foam System 泡沫系统Lifeboat 救生艇(Inflatable) Life Raft (气涨式)救生筏Davit 吊艇架Escape Routes 逃生路线Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器Life Buoy 救生圈Gas Detection System 气体探测系统Helicopter Facility 直升机设施Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室Pollution Control 防污控制七. 其他 ( Others)Cementing Unit 固井装置Well Testing Equipment 试油设备Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房Wire Logging Unit 电测装置ROV 潜水器Meter 米Foot 英尺Inch 英寸Supply Boat (supply vessel) 供应船Standby boat 值班船Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班Crew Change 倒班Crew 船员, 队员, 井队Position 岗位Draft (draught) 吃水Air Gap 空气间隙, 气隙Penetration (桩腿插桩)入泥Evacuation 撤离Rig (Drilling rig) 钻机, 钻井船。

建筑施工机械设备英文简介Glossary for Construction MachineryBulldozer 推土机Bulldozer is a heavy driver operated machine used for grading and clearing lands. It is fitted with dozer blade and is usually mounted on tracks.Crawlers 履带Crawler is a track on which vehicles are mounted. Crawler helps the vehicle to operate in tough geographical condition.Conveyor Belt 输送带Conveyor belts are the belts that are used for moving industrial and agricultural products. It consists of two pulleys with continuous loop of materials that rotates about them.Compactors Machineries压实机used for reducing the size of the waste materials through compaction is called as compactors. There are different types of compactors like soil compactors, asphalt compactors, plate compactors, vibratory plate compactors, etc.Dumpers 翻斗车Dumper is a small vehicle usually diesel powered usually used to carry heavy materials to various construction sites like roads, buildings, ports etc.Earth Moving Machines 挖掘设备Earth moving machines are those heavy and light machines that are used for various civil engineering and construction projects. The popular earth moving machines are excavators, loaders, cranes, bulldozers etc.Excavators 挖掘机Excavators are multi usage vehicles that are used for excavating, digging, loading of materials and small demolition. It has a replaceable buckets which can be replaced by auger, grapples, breakers and are generally mounted on the track.Fork Lift叉车Fork lift is an industrial vehicle which is mainly applied for lifting and moving materials through steel forks which is inserted under the loads. Forklift moves the loads which are stored on pallets.Gantry Cranes 起重机Gantry cranes are heavy machines that are used for moving heavy loads. Gantry cranes can be of different types like single girder, double girder, double leg, single leg, and cantilever styles for indoor or outdoor service.Girder 撑柱A girder is a horizontal structure that are aligned in such a fashion as to support vertical loads.Hoist 卷扬机Hoist is a device normally attached with cranes and is used for raising and lowering of heavy or complex objects. Normally it is attached with cranes.Loaders 装载机Loaders are those machines which are either mounted on wheel or track and use a wide tilting bucket on the end of movable arms to lift and move materials.Material Handling Machines 材料装卸机Machines used for transporting and storage of materials both within the jobsite and outside, is called as material handler. The popular examples of material handlers are cranes, trucks, loaders, dumpers, etc.Scrapers 铲运机Scrapers are those mechanical equipments which are used for digging, excavating and hauling of materials.Scaffolding 脚手架A temporary framework which is used to support people and material for the construction of large structures is called as scaffolding. It is either made up of metal pipes or bamboo. It helps the workers to gain access to high levels safely.Trenchers 挖沟机Trenchers are the machines which are responsible for digging trenches. With attachments like backhoes, saws and reel carriers, trenchers are responsible for landscaping, irrigation, plumbing and underground utility construction etc.Articulated Haulers 铰接牵引车An articulated hauler is one of the most versatile piece of equipment which is a transition between a tractor-trailer and an articulated loader. The strength of an articulated hauler lies in the coupling and drive systems. Power and drive sections moves independently of the load section due to the coupling system. The two sections are attached together through an oscillating system which allows the two units to move in a rolling motion around its centerline.Articulated haulers have good load carrying capacity and its body is wide and open to facilitate loading from excavators and wheel loaders. They are also very maneuverable to load from fixed loading facilities.Chip Spreader 石屑撒布机A chip spreader is a unique self-propelled machine for laying of precoated chipping surface treatments provides long-time conservation and maintenance of the roads. Roads once constructed needs constant repair as it is prone to wear and tear due to weather influence and rolling traffics. A chip spreader through chip sealing gives special protective wearing surface to an existing pavement. For maintaining the quality and giving the roads a long-lasting effect, stone chipping is one of the most effective method and this is done by a chip spreader.Tracked Carriers 履带运输机Tracked carriers are the multipurpose vehicles used to transport materials from one site to other. These tracked carriers are either dumpers or loaders or any other vehicles. The tracked carrier varies in size depending upon the task they have to perform. Since these carriers are mounted on the tracks they can function in every terrain. Many track carrier have hydrostatic transmissions andhydraulics due to which they can operated with ease even in the most demanding conditions.Motor Graders平地机A motor grader is a huge productive earth-moving apparatus which is used to level a surface. It is used for the leveling of roads and construction sites. The motor grader, apart from hauling road construction, is also responsible for the maintenance and soft grading of cell floor liners.Concrete Batching Plant混凝土搅拌站Concretes are the most important raw materials for constructing buildings, roads, dams and other infrastructures. Concrete batching plants are those plants which uses sand, gravel, cement, water, and other materials for producing concretes. These plants are either mobile or stationary.Crushing Plants 粉碎场Crushing plants are the huge assembly of machines designed to recycle and reprocess the rubbles of buildings, roads, or other materials into commercially sized aggregate for use as base material or another value-added applications. Crushing plants are either static assemblies or they are mobile assemblies and consists of different arrays of equipments like screens, prescreener, intake hopper, magnetic separator, conveyor both undersized and oversized, loading conveyor and crushing units like jaw crusher, cone crusher etc.。

工程机械技术词汇术语中英对照挖掘机械Excavator 液压挖掘机Hydraulic excavator 履带式液压挖掘机Track hydraulic excavator轮胎式液压挖掘机Wheel hydraulic excavator机械式挖掘机Mechanicel excavator轮式挖掘机Bucket wheel excavator盾构挖掘机Shield boring machine 隧道掘进机Tunnel多斗挖沟机Multi-bucket treucher 挖掘装载机Sideshift backhre loader 步进式挖掘机Walking excavator 挖沟机Treucher开沟铺管机Treucher/pipelayer铲土运输机械Earthe-moving machinery推土机Bulldozer 履带式推土机Track bulldozer轮胎式推土机Wheel bulldozer 湿地推土机Swamp bulldozer沙漠推土机Desert bulldozer 推耙机Trimming dozer通井机Well dredger 铲运机Scraper自行式升运链板铲运机Elevator flight scraper拖式铲运机Tracion scraper平地机Motor grader 翻斗车Dump truck自卸卡车装载机Loader履带式装载机Track loader 轮胎式装载机Wheel loader滑移式装载机Skid steer loader 多功能装载机Universal loader起重机械Crane 液压汽车起重机Hydraulic truck crane轮胎汽车起重机Wheel crane 履带起重机Track crane塔式起重机Tower crane 高空作业机械Aerial platform随车起重机On board lift 全地面汽车起重机All-torrain crane 卷扬机Specification 建筑升降机Lipting platform多功能作业车Multi-functional work horse 吊管机Pipelayer起重器、千斤顶Jacr 压实机械Compactor静碾压路机Static roller 振动压路机Vibratory roller振荡压路机Oscillate roller 夯土机Compactor混沌振动压路机Chaotic Vibratory voller手扶式振动压路机Walking-behind Vibratory V oller振捣器Vibratory compactor 轮胎压路机Pneumatic tired V oller 压实机Soil Compactor 垃圾填坦压实机Landfill Compactor 路面机械Road machinery 稳定土拌和机Soil stabilizer沥青混凝土拌和机Asphalt combined paver稳定土摊铺机沥青路面摊铺机Asphalt Paver 路面铣刨机Road planer沥青路面摊铺机Asphalt sprinkler滑模摊铺机Slipform paver稀浆封层机沥青路面联合摊铺机Asphalt combined paver混凝土路面修筑机械Concrete pavement maintenance machinery公路养护车Road maintenance truck路面切碎机Road reclaimer沥青混凝土搅拌车Asphalt concrete mixer切缝机Slot cutler 桩工机械Pile dviver桩锤Hammer 桩架Derrick液压锤Hydraulic hammer空气柴油锤Air/Diesel hammer 钻孔机Drill水平钻机Horizontal drill 混凝土机械混凝土泵车Concrete-pump truck混凝土输送泵Concrete transit pump混凝土搅拌运输车Concrete mixing transit truck散装水泥输送车Bulk cement transit cal混凝土搅拌楼(站)Concrete mixing拖式混凝土泵车Stationary concrete pump钢筋和预应力机械钢筋调直切断机Steel bar rectifier/cutter钢筋弯曲机Steel bar binder钢筋加工机械Steel bar processing machine预应力机械Pre-stressing machine 凿岩机械Rock machinery 凿岩机Rock drill 凿岩台车Rock drill carrier 破碎机Crusher 叉车Lift truck隧道凿岩机器人Tunnel rock-drilling robot气动工具Pneumatic tools工业车辆Motorized industrial vehicle平衡重式叉车Counterbalance lift truck电瓶叉车Butlery fork lift内燃液力叉车Engine driven converter lift集装箱叉车Container fork lift 堆垛车Stacker越野叉车Off-road fork lift 圆木装卸叉Log fork lift板材装卸叉Lumber fork lift 市政机械Utility noachinery 环卫机械Environment Protection machinery园林机械Gardening machinery扫雪车Snow-moving vehicle.垃圾处理机械Carbage-processing machinery牵引车Tractor二.发动机型号Engine model 额定功率Rated horsepower进气方式Aspiration 气缸直径Cylinder bore活塞行程Piston stroke 燃油消耗率Fuel consumption rate 最大挖掘半径Max. digging reach 最大挖掘深度Max. digging olepth 最大挖掘高度Max. cutting height 最大卸载高度Max. dumping height 后部回转半径Rear-end swing radius最小离地间隙Min. ground clearance铲斗容量Bucket capacity 接地比压Ground pressure回转速度Swing speed 爬坡能力Gradeability行走速度Travel speed 整机工作质量Operating weight铲斗挖掘力Bucket digging force斗杆挖掘力Arm crowa force外形尺寸(长×宽×高) Overall dimensions推土机使用工作质量Operating weight 履带中心距Track guage 履带接地长度Lenght of track on ground前进速度Forward travel speed后退速度Reverse travel speed最大铲土深度Max. drop below ground最大松土深度Max. vipper digging depht铲刀提升高度Biade lift above ground松土器提升高度Ripper lift above ground铲土容量Dozing capacity工作效率Efficiency链轨节距Pitch铲刀(宽×高) Blade(width×height)铲运机牵引功率(拖式) Pulling power使用质量Operating weight铲土宽度Cuting width几何容量堆尖容量Hauling capacity铲土角Cutting angle切土深度Cutting depth装载机液力变矩器型式Torque converter type变速箱型式Transmission type 变速档位Gears主传动型式Main drive type 转向型式Steerin g type转向角度Steering angle 脚制动型式Foot brake type 手制动型式Hand brake type 最大牵引力Max. drqwbar pull 最大掘起力Max. breakout force 最大爬坡能力Max. grade ability 最大卸载高度Max. dumping clearance最小转弯半径Min tarning radius 动臂提升时间Raise time of boom 动臂下降时间Lower time of boom 轮距Tread width轴距Wheel base起重机械最大额定起重量Max. rated load 最大起重力矩Max. lifting moment 最大起升高度Max. lifting height 最大起升速度Max. lifting speed回转速度Slewing speed 最小转弯直径Min. turning diameter 最高行驶速度Max. traveling speed 接近角Approach angle离去角Olepart angle 最小离地间隙Minimum gap支脚跨距Dimensions of outriggers 底盘型号Chassis model主臂Main boom 主臂加副臂Boom and jib工作幅度Working radius 主臂仰角Main boom elerricking起升高度曲线Lifting performance chart压实机械工作质量Operating weight 前轮载荷Axle load front后轮载荷Axle load rear 静线压力Statc limear load front压实宽度Rolling width 转弯半径Turning radius inside轮胎规格Size of tyres 激振力Centrifugal force频率Frequency 振幅Amplityude行驶速度Speed range叉车额定起重量Rated capacity 载荷中心距Loading center起升高度Lifting height 货叉Fork prong门架倾斜Mast titlting 外侧转弯半径Outside steering radius 门悬距Forward overhang 起升速度Lifting speed净重Dead weight 蓄电池Battery supply最小离地间隙Min. ground clearance前轴负荷Load on front axle 后轴负荷Load on rear axle传动档数Number of gears 零部件液压件公称排量Displacement 额定压力Reted pressure最低转速Min speed 最大流量Max. flow rate允许背压Permitable back pressure公称通径Nominal diameter 调压范围Pressure adjustment运载阀压力Pressure on overload relief valve进油Inlet 出油Outlet轴伸型式Shaft end 推力Pushing force拉力Pulling force 缸径Bore杆径Rod diameter 速比Speed ratio标准行程Standard stroke 衬套销轴孔径Pin hole diameter 内密封Inside seals 外密封Outside seals泄漏量Leakage 过滤精度Filtering precision阻力Resistance基础件额定负荷Rated load 传动比Transmission ration安装距Installatin 最小轮钢尺寸Min. rim dimension 涡轮最大输出力矩Max. turbine output torque最大变矩比Stall torque ratio 直接安装Direct mounted分体安装Separate mounted 变速器速比Transmission ratio输出法兰Output flange 循环圆直径Cycle diameter循环流量Circulating flow 驱动油压Operating pressure驱动油量Required oil flow 最大张幅Max. opening width破碎力Max. crushing force 切断力Max. cutting force切刀长Cutter length 应力Stress张力Tension 冲程、行程Stroke轴向力、推力Thrust 压力Pressure重力Gravity 扭矩Moment发动机Engine 涡轮增压器Turbocharger电动机Electric 发电机Generator液压元件Hydrotatic power unit 液压泵Hydraulic pump压缩机Compressor 齿轮泵Gear pump柱塞泵Plunger pump 叶片泵控制阀Control valve 液压油缸Cylinder液压马达Hydraulic otor 蓄能器Accumulator液压软管Hose assembly 快换接头Ouick coupler液压油箱Hydraulic tank 变速器Power shift transmission 液力变矩器Torque converter 传动轴Driveaxle联轴节Coupler 转向器Steering轴承Bearing 制动器Brake离合器Clutch 差速器Differential车桥Axle 回转支承Swing bearing车轮Wheel 密封件Seal散热器Raclitor 空气滤清器Clnr却器Cooler 滤油器Hydraulic filter履带总成Track assembly 链轨总成Track link assmbly轨链节Track link 驱动轮Drive sprocket引导轮Front idier 支重轮Track roller万向节Universal socket 托链轮Carrier rolley张紧装置Track adjuster 履带板Track sloe终传动Final drive 平衡重Counterweight行走机构Undercarriage 动臂Boom斗杆Arm 铲斗Bucket斗齿Point tooth 松土器Ripper液压破碎锤Hydraulic impact hammer液压破碎钳Hydraulic impact clamp空调驾驶室Air-conditioned cabin防翻滚驾驶室Rops canopy 防重物驾驶室Fops canopy 悬挂系统Suspension 冷却系统Cooling system电器系统Electrical system 控制装置Control熨平板Screed 多功能熨平板Omniscreed 液压伸缩熨平装置Sereed hydraulic extension电子监控系统Electronic monitoring system工作装置Front-end attachments。

Illustrated GlossaryDrilling Rig Components1.Crown Block and Water Table (天车)2.Catline Boom and Hoist Line(悬臂吊绳缆)3.Drilling Line(钻井大绳)4.Monkeyboard (二层台)5.Traveling Block (游车)6.Top Drive(顶驱)7.Mast(井架)8.Drill Pipe(方钻杆)9.Doghouse(司钻偏房)10.Blowout Preventer(防喷器)11.Water Tank (水箱)12.Electric Cable Tray (电缆托盘)13.Engine Generator Sets(发电机组)14.Fuel Tank (储油罐)15.Electrical Control House (电气控制房)16.Mud Pumps (泥浆泵)17.Bulk Mud Component Tanks (泥浆桶箱)18.Mud Tanks (Pits) (泥浆罐)19.Reserve Pit (泥浆池)20.Mud-Gas Separator(离心器)21.Shale Shakers (振动筛)22.Choke Manifold (节流管汇)23.Pipe Ramp(管子坡道)24.Pipe Racks (钻杆架)25.Accumulator (蓄电池)Additional rig components not illustrated at right.26.Annulus (环空)27.Brake (刹车)28.Casing Head (套管头)29.Cathead (猫头)30.Catwalk (钻杆走道)31.Cellar ()32.Conductor Pipe(导向套管)33.Degasser (脱气器)34.Desander (除沙器)35.Desilter (除泥器)36.Drawworks (绞车)37.Drill Bit (钻头)38.Drill Collars (钻铤)39.Driller's Console (司钻控制台)40.Elevators (吊卡)41.Hoisting Line (提升绳)42.Hook (大钩)43.Kelly (方钻杆)44.Kelly Bushing(方钻杆补心)45.Kelly Spinner (方钻杆旋转器)Equipment used in drilling46.Mousehole (大鼠洞)47.Mud Return Line (泥浆返回管线)48.Ram BOP (闸板防碰器)49.Rathole (小鼠洞)50.Rotary Hose (钻井水龙带)51.Rotary Table (钻盘)52.Slips (钻盘卡瓦)53.Spinning chain ()54.Stairways (楼梯)55.Standpipe (立管)56.Surface Casing (套管)57.Substructure (绞车)58.Swivel (水龙头)59.Tongs (大钳)60.Walkways (过道)61.Weight Indicator (指重器)。

OD casings. All materials required for redressing of mills shall be provided by the Contractor.修复磨鞋的材料由承包商提供。
Redressing of mill shall be carried out by the Contractor at well site.对磨鞋的修复由承包商在井场进行。
(vii) Full Circle Releasing Spear: One (1) each for hand ling 5”, 5.1/2”, 7”, 9.5/8” & 13.3/8” casing. The spear should be complete with all accessories including the guide. Suitable cross-over sub for connecting the same to tubing & / or drill pipe string should be provided.全圆形可退打捞矛:对于打捞5”, 5.1/2”, 7”, 9.5/8”& 13.3/8”的套管每种尺寸各一个;打捞矛带所有所需的附件包括引鞋,并提供合适的变径接头用于连接油管或者钻杆。
e) Super Fishing Jar : Straight pull, capable of transmitting full torque in either direction, ability to deliver rapid series of blows when desired, easy closing or resetting, complete with circulation hole & cone type piston assembly of the following sizes:超级震击器:直拉式,能够全方位传递扭矩,能进行快速系列震击,易于关闭或重置,配循环孔和锥形活塞组合,配备尺寸如下:i) OD=7.3/4” and ID=3.1/16”, 6.5/8 API Reg RH top sub box connection & bottom pin connection, - One (1) No.外径=7.3/4” 和内径=3.1/16”, 6.5/8 API REG RH上体母扣&下体公扣连接,一个。

起重机械bridge crane,桥吊chain block,倒链crawler(caterpillar)crane,履带式吊车electric winch,电动葫芦fork lift,叉车gantry crane,门机hoist,启闭机hydraulic hoist,液压启闭机wire rope hoist,固定卷扬机式启闭机mobile crane,汽车吊portal crane,桥式启闭机tower crane,塔吊truck with crane,汽车式起重机运输机械ambulance,救护车bulk cement truck,散装水泥车conveyor belt,输送代dump truck,自卸卡车fire engine,消防车flat bed trailer,平板拖车front dumper,前自卸车front tipper,前翻斗车fuel tank,油罐车loader,装载机loader for shafts,竖井用装运机lorry,货车,载重车low bed trailer,低底盘拖车mine car,矿车mucking machine,出碴车pick-up,小吨位卡车(皮卡车)ready-mix concrete truck,混凝土搅拌车rear dumper,后卸式汽车refrigerated truck冷藏车rigid flat truck,平板车skip lorry,翻斗卡车three-wheeler,三轮车tractor,拖拉机transit mixer,搅拌车truck agitator,搅拌车vacuum silica fume tanker,真空硅粉罐车water tanker,洒水车wheel loader,轮式装载机混凝土生产、浇筑及振捣机械aggregate cooling silo,骨料冷却仓cement silo,水泥罐compartment silo,隔仓罐concrete batcher(distributor),混凝土配料器concrete bucket,混凝土吊罐concrete feeder,混凝土喂料器concrete mixer,混凝土拌和机concrete rehandling silo,混凝土再处理罐creter crane,胎带机dry method shotcreting machine,混凝土干喷机electric vibrator,电动振动棒external vibrator,附者式振捣器flyash silo,粉煤灰罐grout pump and mixer,灌浆泵和拌和机high speed vibrator,高频振捣器ice-plant,制冰厂mobile concrete pump,移动式混凝土泵pneumatic vibrator,气动振动泵sack emptying machine,倒带机stationary concrete pump,固定式混凝土泵tower belt,塔带water chiller,水冷却器wet shotcreting machine,混凝土湿喷机钻孔开挖及支护机械设备3-arm jumbo drill,3臂凿岩台车backhoe,反铲breaker hammer,jet hammer手风钻bulldozer,推土机clamshell,抓铲climbing platform,升降平台column drill,架式风钻crawler excavator,履带式挖掘机down-hole drill,潜孔钻explosive truck,炸药车face shovel,正铲hand drill,手钻hydraulic rockbreaker for excavation backhoe,反铲液压碎石机hydrofraise,水力铰刀(双轮铣)jackhammer,风镐multi-boom drill,多臂钻percussion chisels,冲击钻percussive hammer,冲击锤pneumatic concretebreaker,风动混凝土破碎机pneumatic rockbreaker,风动岩石破碎机pneumatic rockdrill,风动岩石钻机ripper for dozer,裂土器rockbolting machine,锚杆机scabling rod,撬棍table drill,台钻trenching machine,挖沟机wheel excavator,轮式挖掘机填筑碾压机械frog tamper,蛙夯grader(leveler,scrape),平地机hand guide heavy duty mechanical tamper,手扶式机械夯hand guided vibratory roller,手扶式振动碾rammer,夯实机roller compactor,碾压机smooth drum vibratory roller,振动平碾special compactor,专门压土机tamping foot vibratory roller,羊足碾vibration plate compactor,平板振动碾压机vibration roller,振动碾材料加工机械hand saw,带锯bar bending machine,弯筋机bar cutter,钢筋切断机bench planer,台式刨床bench saw,台式锯breaker,破碎机classifier,分选机column drilling machine,柱式钻床concrete saw,混凝土锯diesel welder,柴油焊机double grinder,双层磨床drilling machine,钻床electric welder,电气焊机gasoline chain saw,机械链锯grinder,砂轮机grinding machine,磨床hand circular saw,摇杆圆锯平台horizontal drilling machine,卧式钻床magnet drilling machine,磁力钻床milling machine,铣床mobile circular saw bench,移动圆锯平台planing machine,刨床radial arm saw,圆盘踞radial drilling machine,径向钻床rod mill,棒磨机sand blasting machine,喷砂枪shaping machine,刨床sharpening machine,磨钻机shield circular saw bench,手工电弧焊stationary circular saw bench,固定圆锯平台swinging saw,册移圆锯welding rectifier,焊接纠正仪。

一、天车crownblockcrownblock ,crown pulley天车crown’s nest, crown platform天车台crown sheaves , crown pulley天车滑轮cluster sheaves天车滑轮组crownblock beam天车梁crownblock protector ,crownblock saver防碰天车crown safety platform天车安全台二游动滑车—大钩Traveling block-----hooktraveling block,traveling sheave游动滑车hook大钩hook load大钩负荷hook load rating大钩额定负荷hook speed大钩提升速度hook weight大钩悬重hooklet小钩子hook up(on) 钩上,吊上hook height大钩悬挂高度过hook off卸钩二、钻盘与水龙头Table and Swivelrotary table, turntable, rotary转盘rotary speed, rotational velocity, revolution rate转速rotating turret转盘台rotary torque indicator转盘扭矩表ratio of revolution转数比revolution counter, tachometer转数表rotation direction转动方向torque constant转矩常数master bushing转盘大方瓦rotary speeds转盘排档rotary slips转盘卡瓦rotary support frame转盘大梁rotary transmission转盘变速器rotary drive guard转盘链护罩rotary speed indicator转盘转速指示器rotary base转盘底座rotay chain转盘传动链条rotary drive bushing方补心rotary moment转矩rotary motion转动swivel水龙头swivel bail水龙头吊环swivel body水龙头外壳swivel bumper水龙头吊环防碰器swivel gooseneck鹅颈管washpipe冲管swivel joint(sub)水龙头接头swivel stem 水龙头中心管wash pipe swivel冲管旋转接头三、钻机drawworksdrilling rig(machine),drawwork钻机driller’s console, driller control cabinet 司钻操作台brake lever(crank, handle bar)刹把brake strap刹带brake valve刹车凡尔brake rim (drum)刹车鼓brake block 刹车片brake fluid 刹车液brake axle 刹车轴brake power 刹车功率brake cylinder刹车气缸brake pedal刹车踏板brake assembly刹车总成brake band刹带钢圈brake equalizer刹带平衡器hydraulic brake水刹车cat head猫头cat(head) line猫头绳cat hook猫头绳小钩cat line sheave猫头绳滑车cat shaft猫头轴drawworks绞车drawworks horsepower绞车功率drawworks sensor绞车上的进尺传感器四、传动箱(变速箱)tran smission gear boxgear box (case) 齿轮箱gear change 换挡gear down 换抵挡gear drive 齿轮传动gear grease 齿轮润滑油gear increaser 齿轮增速器gear input shaft 齿轮输入轴gear motor 齿轮传动马达gear oil 齿轮油gear output shaft 齿轮输出轴gear pump 齿轮泵gear rack 齿条gear ratio 传动比gear reduction unit 齿轮减速器gear shaft齿轮轴gear shifting 换挡gear teeth 齿轮牙gear up 增速gear wheel 大齿轮accelerator 加速器六、柴油机Enginesdiesel engine 柴油机diesel engine fuel ,diesel oil 柴油diesel-oil plug 柴油塞diesel consumption 柴油消耗量diesel index 柴油指数diesel knock 柴油机暴震diesel fuel additives , diesel-dope 柴油添加剂diesel electric set 柴油发电机组engine 引擎engine bed 柴油机底座engine body 柴油机本体engine and pump assembly柴油机泵组engine capacity 柴油机功率engine cylinder 柴油机气缸engine drive 柴油机驱动engine-antifreeze 柴油机防冻液engine failure柴油机故障engine fuel 发动机燃料engine house(shed) 发动机房engine piston 柴油机活塞engine primer 柴油机引擎engine pulley 柴油机皮带轮engine solar oil 粗柴油engine speed reducer 柴油机减速器engine support 柴油机支架engine compound 柴油机并车speed regulator ,governor 调速器thermosistor 调温器pressure-regulating valve 调压阀regulating slide valve 调节滑动阀adjusting nut 调节罗母adjusting bolt 调节罗栓adjusting(regulating) screw调节螺丝regulating solution调节液adjustment factor 调节系数leveling system 调平系统leveling cylinder 调平液缸governor lever调速杆adjusting range 调节范围trim cooler 调温冷却器bolwing fan, fan 风扇fan belt 风扇皮带hold-down screw ,retaining screw 固定螺丝fixed tube-sheet exchanger固定管板式换热器valve气门chamber气室head gasket 气缸垫cylinder head 气缸盖cylinder liner 气缸套cylinder block 气缸体carburetor 汽化器high-pressure pump高压泵high-quality gasoline 高级汽油high-speed engine 高速柴油机high-speed machine oil 高速机械油air filter 空气滤子diesel oil filter 柴油滤子lubricating oil filter 机油滤子lubricate cup ,oil bowl(cup) 油杯lubricating gun 黄油枪lubricating nipple 黄油嘴lubrication hole 加油孔lubricator 加油器oil pump 油泵dipstick 油尺oil blanket ,oil seal 油封oilcan ,oiler ,oilpot 油壶oil ring ,scraper ring ,oil rim油环oil pan 油底壳oil motor 油马达air bleeding valve ,exhaust valve 排气阀air vent hole 排气孔exhaust stroke 排气冲程blow cock 排气旋塞blast pipe ,exhaust pipe排气管七、泥浆泵mud pumpmud end of the pump泥浆泵液力短mud hog泥浆泵(口语)mud hose 泥浆软管mud house 泵房mud line 泥浆管线mud pump hose 泥浆泵软管mud pump mixer 泥浆泵配浆装置mud pump pulse 泥浆泵压力波动mud pump shock pressure 泥浆泵震动压力mud pump trailer 泥浆泵拖车mud pump valve 泥浆泵凡尔mud relief valve泥浆泵安全凡尔mud suction hose 泥浆泵上水管mud pump rod 泥浆泵拉杆mud pump power end 泥浆泵动力端discharge end of pump 泥浆泵排出端suction end of pump 泥浆泵吸入端mud discharge hose 泥浆泵排水管线packing ring 泥浆泵拉杆盘根packing box 泥浆泵拉杆盘根盒valve seat 凡尔座valve body 凡尔体pump cylinder(liner) 缸套pistion 活塞rubber seal(ring) 密封圈cylinder cover(head,lid) 缸盖air chamber 空气包air balloon 空气包气囊pump body 泵体pump box 泵箱pump case 泵外壳pump check valve 泵动切力单流阀pump discharge (displacement)泵排量pump efficiency 泵效率pump foundation泵基础pump head 泵头pump lift (suction head) 泵吸入高度pump load泵负荷pump main 泵排出管线pump off 泵抽空pump strainer 泵过滤器pump stroke 泵冲程suction valve 上水凡尔suction seat puller 凡尔座取出器八、钻井液drilling fluidmud ,drilling fluid 泥浆mud baffle 泥浆挡板mud balance 泥浆比重秤mud bin 泥浆储存箱mud body 泥浆结构mud bridges 泥饼桥mud cake 泥饼mud cake correction 泥饼校正mud effect 泥饼效应mud cake resistivity 泥饼电阻率mud circulation gallons per minute每分钟泥浆流量加仑数mud column 泥浆柱mud conditioner泥浆处理剂mud conductivity 泥浆电导率mud control泥浆性能控制mud cup 泥浆杯mud density 泥浆密度mud desander 除砂器mud ditch (flume) 泥浆槽mud fiber 泥浆防漏纤维mud filtrate 泥浆滤液mud flow 泥浆流mud gun 泥浆枪mud launder 泥浆净化槽mud line 泥浆管线mud lining 结泥饼mud log 泥浆录井图mud logging 泥浆录井mud loss泥浆漏失mud-loss instrument 井漏探测仪表mud making formation 造浆岩层mud mixer 泥浆搅拌器mud off 泥封mud pit 泥浆池mud plant 泥浆站mud pressure indicator 泥浆压力计mud program 泥浆设计mud reclamation 泥浆回收mud record 泥浆记录mud ring 泥饼圈mud sample 泥浆试样mud scale 泥浆比重计mud screen 泥浆筛mud separator 泥浆分离器mud settling sump 沉砂池mud shaker 振动筛mud socket 捞砂筒mud stability 泥浆稳定性mud stream 泥浆流mud tank 泥浆缸mud thickeners泥浆增稠剂mud thinner 泥浆减稠剂mud weight 泥浆比重mud weight balance 泥浆比重天平mud weight indicator 泥浆比重指示计mud viscosity 泥浆粘度water-base mud 水基泥浆water-base oil emulsion mud 水基混油泥浆water-in-oil emulsion 油包水乳化剂water loss 失水量water mud 淡水泥浆gel initial 初切力gel of mud(gel strength)静切力PH-value pH值PH-recorder PH值记录仪PH-meter pH值测定仪Salt content 含盐量Salt bearing 含盐的Water bearing 含水的Sand content 含砂量Salt mud 盐水泥浆Salt(y) water盐水Salt water base mud 盐水基泥浆Salty mud 含盐泥浆Salting-out 盐析Water-base drilling fluids水基钻井液Fresh-water drilling fluids淡水钻井液Low solids fluids低固相钻井液Low solids non-dispersed polymer drilling fluids低固相不分散钻井液Inhibitive drilling flouids抑制性钻井液Salt-water drilling fiuids 盐水钻井液Saturated salt-water drilling filuids饱和盐水钻井液Calcium treated drilling fluids 钙处理钻井液Po tassium drilling fluids钾盐钻井液Oil-emulsion drilling fluids混油钻井液Biodegrability drilling fluids生物钻井液Oil base drilling fluids油基钻井液Invert-emulsion drilling fluids反相乳化钻井液Balance activity drilling fluids平衡活度钻井液Foam drilling fluids泡沫钻井液Sealing fluids密闭液Completion fluids完井液Packer fluids封隔液Stuck freeing spotting fluids解卡液Properties of drilling fluids钻井液性能API filtrationAPI失水High temperature and high pressure filterationHTHP失水Dynamic filteration动失水Filter cake泥饼Sand content含砂量Solids content in drilling fluids固相含量Methylene blue test亚甲兰实验Lime cotent estimation石灰含量Alkalinity碱度Emuls on-breaking voltage破乳电压Drilling fluids rheologe钻井液流变性Funnal viscosity漏斗粘度Thixotropic behavior触变性Gel strength静切Initial gel strength初切10-minute gel strength终切shear-thinning behavior剪切稀释特性contamination of drilling fluids钻井液受污染clat(salt,saltwater,calcium,sand,water,gas)c ontanination粘土侵filtrate of reduction agents降失水剂thickening agent增粘剂thinning agents稀释剂weighting agents加重剂agents of increasing bentoniet坂土增效剂lost circulation materials堵漏材料water-sensitive shale水敏性地层pre-hydrated bentonite坂土预水化colloidal solids胶体颗粒九、循环与固控系统circulating and solids control system mud pump 泥浆泵manifold valve 组装闸门high pressure line 高压管线stand pipe valve立管闸门stand pipe 立管stand pipe gooseneck 立管鹅颈管gooseneck of the swivel 水龙头鹅径管swivel 水龙头Kelly 方钻杆Drill pipe 钻杆Drill collar 钻铤Drill bit 钻头Annular 环空Well head 井口Flow line 架空槽Gas buster 泥浆-气体分离器Shale shaker 振动筛Desander 除砂器Desilter 除泥器Degasser除气器Mud cleaner 清洁器Centrifuge 离心机Agitator 搅拌机Sand pump 砂泵Peanut 旋流漏斗嘴子十、固井well cementingcement 水泥cement accelerator 水泥促凝剂cement additive 水泥添加剂cementation factor (exponent) 胶结指数cement basket 水泥伞cement blender truck 水泥混合车cement blender 水泥搅拌器cement bond 水泥胶结cement bond log 水泥胶结测井cement brand 水泥牌号cement cap 悬空水泥塞cement casing head 水泥头cement casing shoe 套管鞋cement channeling 水泥窜槽cement clinker 水泥熟料cement column 水泥浆柱cement concrete 水泥混凝土cement consistency 水泥浆稠度cement contamination 水泥侵cement curing time 水泥候凝时间cement cut 泥浆水泥侵cement dehydration 水泥浆脱水cement displacement 水泥顶替cement dump井底倒浆筒cemented 注水泥的cemented casing 封固的套管cemented up 注完水泥cement equipment 固井设备cement evaluation log 水泥评价测井cement failure 固井不合格cement factor 水泥系数cement filtrate 水泥滤液cement float collar 可钻回压凡尔cement float shoe 可钻引鞋cement flow水泥浆液流cement-formation interface 水泥-地层胶结面cement hardener 水泥速凝剂cement(ing) head 水泥头cement-hydrate 水泥水化物cementing agent ,cementer粘结剂cementing contractor 固井承包商cementing formulation 注水泥配方cementing jobs(operation) 固井作业cementing method 固井方法cementing outfit 注水泥设备cementing plug 注水泥用塞cementing point 封固段cementing practice 固井施工cementing pump 固井泵cementing pump skid 撬装注水泥泵组cementing reaction 胶结反应cementing strength 水泥强度cementing tank 水泥罐cementing through 全井封固cementing tool 固井工具cementing trailer 水泥拖车cementing unit 固井设备cement injection 注水泥浆cement mantle 水泥环cement mark 水泥标号cement milk(paste )水泥浆cement mill 水泥厂cement mixer 水泥搅拌器cement needle 凝固强度检测针cement packer 水泥封隔器cement paste 水泥浆cement pit 水泥池cement plaster 水泥浆灰cement plug 水泥塞cement retainer 水泥承留器cement retarder 缓凝剂cement scale 水泥垢cement setting 水泥凝固cement sheath 水泥壳cement silo 水泥库cement slurry 水泥浆cement slurry volume 水泥浆用量cement spacer 水泥隔层cement squeeze work 挤水泥作业cement stinger 注水泥插入管cement thickness 水泥环厚度cement top 水泥顶界cement top locator 水泥顶界定位器cement type guide shoe 水泥引鞋cement valve 回压凡尔cement-water ratio 水灰比十一、套管casingcasing accessories套管附件cased borehole 下套管的井cased hole completion 下套管完井cased through well 全部下套管的井case in 下套管casing adapter 套管异径接头casing anchor 套管猫casing annulus 套管环空casing appliances 下套管工具casing-bearing formation 下套管的地层casing bowl 套管打捞筒casing bridge plug 套管桥塞casing buckling 套管弯曲casing centralizer 扶正器casing check valve 回压凡尔casing clamps 套管卡子casing collapse 套管挤坏casing collar 套管接箍casing collar location 套管接箍测定器casing collar log 测套管接箍casing connection 套管连接casing corrosion monitoring 套管腐蚀检测casing coupling 套管联接器casing cutter 套管割刀casing cutter jar套管割刀震击器casing cutter sinker 套管割刀加力器casing damage 套管损伤casing deformation 套管变形casing depth 套管深度casing dog 套管打捞猫casing drift swage 套管整形器casing drive head 砸套管护帽casing drive shoe 砸击套管鞋casing elevator 套管吊卡casing failure 套管损坏casing fitting 套管配件casing float(collar) 回压凡尔casing float shoe 套管鞋casing gauge 套管丝扣规casing grade 套管钢级casing guide shoe 引鞋casing hanger 套管悬挂器casing hardware 套管附件casinghead 套管头casinghead bowl 套管头内卡瓦casinghead pressure 套管头压力cassinghead spool 套管头四通casinghead squeeze 套管头挤水泥casing-hole annulus 套管与井壁环空casing hook 套管大钩casing imperfection套管缺陷casing inspection 套管探伤casing inspection log检查套管测井casing installation(casing running) 下套管作业casing jack 套管千斤顶casing job 下套管作业casing joint 一节套管casing knife 套管割刀casing landing 联顶节casing leak 套管漏casingless completion 裸眼完井casing mandrel 胀管器casing mill 套管铣鞋casing milling tool 套管磨铣工具casing nipple 套管短接casing packer 套管封隔器casing patch 套管修补casing patch tool 套管补孔器casing perforator 套管射孔器casing point 套管鞋深度casing pole 套管紧扣杆casing pressure 套压casing pressure test 套管试压casing programme 套管程序casing protector 套管护箍casing scraper 刮管器casing screw head 套管母扣护丝casing screw protector 套管公扣护丝casing seal 套管密封件casing section mill 套管割刀casing setting depth 套管下入深度casing severing 割套管casing side tracking 套管侧钻casing size 套管尺寸casing slip 套管卡瓦casing spear 套管捞矛casing spider 套管卡盘式吊卡casing split 套管裂纹casing splitter 套管割刀casing starter 入井第一节套管casing sticking 套管粘卡casing string 套管柱casing string design 套管柱设计casing sub 套管异径接头casing suspender 套管悬挂器casing swage 胀管器casing swivel 套管旋转头casing tap 捞套管公锥casing tester 套管测试器casing threads 套管螺文casing-to-hole annulus 套管井壁环空casing volume 套管容积casing wall 管壁casing wear 套管磨损casing whipstock 套管造斜器casing withdrawal 拔套管casing wt(weight)套管重量十二、钻头bitsbit (rock bit) 钻头bit adapter 钻头配合接头bit balling 钻头泥包bit bouncing 蹩钻bit breakage 钻头损坏bit breaker 钻头装卸器bit break-in procedure 磨合钻头bit burnt out 干烧钻头bit change 换钻头bit clearance 井壁与钻头的间隙bit cone 钻头牙轮bit constant 钻头常数bit consumption 钻头消耗量bit contour 钻头外型bit cost 钻头成本bit course 钻头轨迹bit crown 金刚石取心钻头冠部bit cutting angle 钻头切削角bit deflection 钻头偏斜bit die 金刚石钻头制造压模bit dresser 钻头修整器bit dressing 修整钻头bit drive shaft 钻头驱动轴bit edge 钻头刃bit face 钻头与井底接触端面bit factor 钻头因素bit feed 送钻bit footage 钻头进尺数bit frame 钻头体bit freezing 卡钻bit gauge 钻头规bit grading 钻头磨损等级bit guide 钻头导向器bit HHP钻头水马力bit holder 钻头打捞钩bit hustler 废钻头收集者bit hydraulic calculator 钻头水力计算器bit hydraulic horsepower钻头水马力bit hydraulics 钻头水力参数bit inclination钻头倾斜bit inclination force 钻头偏向力bit jumping 跳钻bit leg钻头巴掌bit life 钻头寿命bit load 钻压bit matrix 金刚石钻头基体bit nozzle 钻头喷嘴bit offset 钻头移轴量bit penetration 钻头进尺速度bit performance 钻头工作情况bit pressure 钻头压力bit pressure drop 钻头压力降bit program 钻头设计方案bit prong 钻头牙轮齿bit protector 钻头保护器bit puller 钻头拧卸器bit rams 钻头整形锤bit reaction force 钻头反作用力bit records 钻头记录bit recovering tap 打捞钻头的公锥bit ring 钻头规bit run 钻头行程bit shank 钻头丝扣部分bit side force 钻头侧向力bit size 钻头尺寸bit skew 钻头牙轮动切力偏转量bit speed 钻进速度bit sub 钻头短接bit teeth 钻头齿bit thrust 钻压bit tilt 钻头倾斜bit-tooth dullness 钻头牙齿磨钝程度bit track (trajectory)钻头轨迹bit trajectory behavior 钻头轨迹特性bit tirps 为换钻头起下钻bit type selection 钻头选型十三、取心coringcore 取心core analysis 岩心分析core-analysis data岩心分析数据core axis 岩心轴core bag 岩心袋core barrel 岩心筒core barrel catcher 岩心抓取器core barrel head 取心筒上盖core barrel ring 取心筒垫圈core barrel with rubber container 橡胶套岩心筒core basket 岩心爪core-bit tap 打捞金刚石取心钻头的公锥core box 取心盒core boring 取心钻进core breaker 岩心割断器core breaking 割断岩心core breaking by hydraulic pressure 投球液压割心core breaking by mechanical 机械加压割心core catcher 岩心爪core-catcher case 岩心爪外套core chamber 岩心室core cone bit 牙轮取心钻头core container 内岩心筒core cross section 岩心横截面core cutter 岩心切片机core data 岩心分析数据core-description graph 岩心描述图core footage 取心进尺core diameter 岩心直径cored intervals 取心井段core distillation apparatus 岩心蒸馏仪core drill 取心钻具core drilling 取心钻进core drilling bit 取心钻头core drilling rig 取心钻机core-drying oven 岩心烘箱cored-up mould 岩心造型core factor 取心系数cored well 取过岩心的井core fisher 井底岩心打捞器core gamma 岩心自然伽码core grabber 岩心打捞器core graph 岩心图core grinding 岩心磨削core gripper 岩心爪core-gripper case 岩心爪外套core-gripper with slip 卡箍式岩心爪core gripper with slipspring 卡簧式岩心爪core grouting 岩心被卡coregun 井壁取心器core hole 取心井core house 岩心储存室core interpreting device 岩心方向鉴定器corelab 岩心分析实验室core library (repository)岩心库core log 岩心记录core oil saturation 岩心含油饱和度core orientation 岩心定向core inlet face 岩心进口面core outlet face 岩心出口面core permeability 岩心渗透率core picker 洛井岩心打捞器core plug 岩心栓core plunger 岩心推取杆core porosity 岩心孔隙度core pusher 岩心推取塞core recovery 取心收获率core run 取心进尺core sample 岩样core sampler岩心取样器core sample taker 井壁取心器core section 岩心截面core shack(shanty)岩心储存室core shell 金刚石取心钻具岩心筒core shoe 压力式取心筒鞋core size 岩心尺寸core slicer 岩心切断器core snatcher 岩心爪子core splitter 岩心切断器core spring 岩心卡簧core storage 岩心库core test 取心探井core testing pump岩心试验泵core tray 岩心盒core wafer 岩心薄片core wash 岩心冲蚀率corgun 冲击式井壁取心器core bit 取心钻头coring crown 金刚石取心钻头coring depth 取心深度coring equipment 取心设备coring footage 取心进尺coring formation 取心地层coring gun 取岩心枪coring operation 取心作业coring type turbodrill 取心涡轮钻具coring weight 取心钻压十四、钻柱drilling stringcross-over sub 配合接头bumpers (shock absorber) 减震器drilling junk basket 随钻打捞杯monel drill collar 无磁钻铤drill collar 钻铤stabilizer 稳定器spiral drill collar 螺旋钻铤drilling jar 随钻震击器flex joint 柔性短接heavy wall drill pipe (HWDP) 加重钻杆drill pipe 钻杆back pressure valve 回压凡尔Kelly sub(saver sub) 方保接头Kelly 方钻杆Kelly-in(Kelly-down) 方入Kelly-up 方余Right hand thread 正扣Left hand thread 反扣Tool joint box 母接头Tool joint pin 公接头Single 单根Double 双根Stand(thrible) 立柱十五、井口工具well head toolsKelly bushings 方补心Elevator bushings 垫叉Roller type Kelly buahings 滚子方补心Slip 卡瓦Safety slips 安全卡瓦Elevator 吊卡Tongs 吊钳Hydraulic tong 液压大钳Spinner 旋扣器Spinner 旋绳器Spinning chain 旋链Spinning rope(line) 旋绳Chain tongs (wrench) 链钳Pipe tongs(spanner) 管钳Bushing(tool) hook 方瓦钩子Drill pipe hooklet 钻杆钩子十六、手工具hand tools combination pliers 手钳wrench ,(spanner) 扳手screwdriver 螺丝刀file 锉刀flat chisel 扁铲hacksaw 钢锯club hammer(sledge hammer) 鎯头scraper 刮刀hatchets 手斧box spanner 套筒扳手twist drill 麻花钻gimlet 手木钻glass cutter 玻璃刀ball-peen hammer 圆顶锤claw hammer 羊角锤Phillips screwdriver 十字螺丝刀Pick 丁子镐Ring spanner 套环(梅花)扳手Scissors 剪刀Electrical screwdrivers 试电笔螺丝刀Open-ended spanner 开口扳手Torque wrench 扭矩扳手十七、规具与量具gauge and measuring tool screw calipers 螺旋卡尺internal callipers内卡尺(钳)external callipers 外卡尺(钳)internal £external callipers 内外两用卡尺compass 圆规dividers分规depth gauge 测深规feeler gauge 测隙规(塞尺)dial gauge 千分表micrometer screw gauge 千分卡尺proportional dividers 比例规protractor 量角器folding rule 折尺(木工尺)screw pitch gauge 螺距规set square 三角板vacuum gauge 真空计vernier caliper gauge 游标卡尺steel rule 钢板尺template 仿形板drawing board 绘图板十八、打捞工具fishing tools overshot(bell socket) 卡瓦打捞筒reverse circulating basket 反循环打捞蓝drilling junk basket随钻打捞杯fishing tap 公锥box tap 母锥(milling)taper 铣鞋mill(milling) shoe(rotary shoe) 铣锥trip spear (bulldog) 打捞猫drill pipe cutter 钻杆外割刀casing cutter 套管内割刀safety sub(joint) 安全接头impression block 铅印mill shoe 磨鞋catchall (junk catcher) 一把抓fishing magnet 强磁打捞猫scraper 刮管器keyseat wiper 键槽清除器sticking point instrument 测卡仪wall hook 壁钩guide shoe 引鞋wireline spear 电缆捞猫washover pipe 套铣筒bent sub 弯接头hydraulically-operating bent sub液压弯接头keyseat reamer 键槽扩大器washover shoe 套铣鞋bend drill pipe 弯钻杆bibcock 弯嘴旋塞stabbing guide 对扣引鞋十九、复杂情况与事故trouble and accidentsrough drilling (bouncing of drilling tool ) 跳钻bit bouncing 蹩钻drilling string not well braked 溜钻percussion drill 顿钻reverse rotation(running) 打倒车hole deviation(inclination) 井斜correct drift 纠斜plug-back 填井cementing plug 打水泥塞sidetracking侧钻lost circulation 井漏slough(cave-in) 井塌kick 井涌blowout 井喷stuck(sticking) 卡钻differential sticking(wall sticking) 粘卡key-seating sticking 键桥卡钻sand bridge sticking 砂桥卡钻sand settling sticking 沉砂卡钻touchdown(touching resistance) 遇阻touch sticking 遇卡make-up(stab) 对扣thread making 造扣back-off 倒扣pulling a piston 拔活塞fishing 打捞releasing stuck agent ,pipe lax ,black magic 解卡剂to soak with black magic 泡解卡剂breakouting pack of dynamite 爆破松扣chemical cutter 化学切割器bit balling (balling up of a bit) 钻头泥包free point 卡点to twist-off 扭断squeeze cementing 挤水泥unfreezing 解卡二十、钻井人员drilling personnel president 总裁general manager总经理drilling supervisor 钻井监理drilling engineer 钻井工程师mud engineer 泥浆工程师directional engineer 定向井工程师electric engineer 电器工程师mechanical engineer 机械工程师toolpusher 钻井队长drilling technician 钻井技术员foreman 工长principal engineman 司机长driller 司钻engine(motor) man 司机assistant motorman 司组generator keeper 发电工derrickman 井架工floorman(roughneck) 内外钳工roustabout 场地工mudman(mudboy) 泥浆工geo-sampler(geo-supervisor) 地质工cook 炊事员attendant 服务员vice president 副总裁deputy manager副经理assistant driller 副司钻driver 汽车司机storekeeper 库房保管员security official安全员cost accountant 成本会计员materialman 材料员accountant 会计员operator 话务员interpreter 翻译chief engineer总工程师principal engineer 主任工程师general accountant 总会计师chief geologist 总地质师chief designer 总设计师chairman 主席二十二、定向井directional well directional accuracy 方向性精确度directional angle 方位角directional bit 定向钻头directional bit side force component钻头变方位侧向分力directional characteristic 方向特性directional clinograph 方位测斜仪directional control 方位控制directional counter 方向记数器directional coupler 定向偶合器directional data 方位数据directional depth migration定向深度偏移directional derivative 方向倒数directional diagram 方位图directional drilling 定向钻井directional dirlling contractor定向井承包商directional drilling crossing method 定向钻穿越法directional drill tool 定向钻井工具directional effect 方位效应directional elements 定向要素directional filter 定向滤波器directional frequency diagram定向频率图directional gain 方向性增益directional gyro 陀螺方向仪directional gyroscope reference方向陀螺基准directional hole 定向井directionality 方向性directional light 方位灯directional line 方向线directional MWD(magament wail drilling) 定向随钻测量directional orientation tool 定向工具directional presentation 方位显示directional pressure 定向压力directional radio 定向无线电directional ray 方位线directional reading 方位角读数directional reception 定向接收directional scanning 定向扫描directional selectivity 定向选择性directional shooting 定向爆炸directional sub 定向接头directional structure 定向结构directional surveillance 方位监测directional survey 定向测量directional tool(=steering tool)定向测量工具directional-survey tool 定向测量工具directional tendency 方向趋势directional turbodrill 定向涡轮钻具directional-type tricone bit 定向三牙轮钻头directional well 定向井directional change 方向变化direction coefficient 方向系数direction component 方向分量direction cosine 方向余弦direction finder 测向仪direction-finding chart 测向图direction-finding system 测向系统direction instrument 方向仪direction of deflection 井斜方位direction of magnetization 磁北方向direction of strata 地层走向direction of tilt 倾斜方向direction parameter 方向参数direction-range measurement system 测向-测距系统direction sensor 方向传感器directivity curve 方向曲线directivity factor 方向因数directivity graph 方向特性图pendulums(plumb bob) 测锤magnetic compass 磁罗盘inclinometer 测斜仪continuous inclinometer 连续测斜仪single shot inclinometer 单点测斜仪siphon inclinometer虹吸测斜仪gyroscope 陀螺仪gyroscope multiple shot directional well survey 多点陀螺测斜deflecting tool 造斜工具point of tangency 切点whipstock 变向器angle build up 增斜angle drop off 降斜azimuth 方向角二十三、井场设备equipments on wellsite crown 天车mast (derrick) 井架catline boom 井架摇臂racking platform (monkey-board) 二层台drilling line 大绳traveling block 游车hook 大钩swivel 水龙头rotary hose 水龙带standpipe 立管drawworks 绞车driller’console 司钻操作台pipe slacking block 钻杆盒drillfloor 钻台rotary table 转盘substructure 井架底座blowout preventer stack 封井器总成dog house 钻台偏房choke manifold 节流管汇gas flare 放喷管线点火头mud gas separator 泥气分离器shale shaker 振动筛degasser 除气器desander 除砂器mud cleaner 清洁器centrifuge 离心机mud guns(bottom type) 潜底式泥浆枪mud agitators 泥浆搅拌器mud tanks 泥浆缸mud sack storage泥浆药品储备罐mud mixing hopper 泥浆混合漏斗mud mixing pumps 配浆泵mud pumps 泥浆泵pulsation dampeners 空气包shock hoses泥浆泵排水软管(短水龙头)mud discharge lines 高压管线brake water tank 刹车水管trip tank 起钻灌泥浆小罐mud lab 泥浆实验室mud return line 架空管(槽)drilling water tank 钻井水罐可控硅房Cable tray电缆排Cable elevator 电缆架Engines and generators 柴油机与发电机Engines and air compressors柴油机与压风机Parts storage 配件房封井器控制台Work shop 钳工房Pump parts storage 泵配件房Fuel tank 燃料罐Personnel elevator 乘人电梯Wire line stand 大绳架Catwalks 大门前跑道Pipe racks 钻杆架二十四、常用钻井词汇useful words of drillingdrill(make hole) 钻井drillability 可钻性drillable 可钻碎的drillable liner可钻式尾管悬挂器drillable packer 可钻式封隔器drillable permanent packer可钻式永久封隔器drill ahead 继续钻井drill assembly钻柱组合drill bit 钻头drill bit run 钻头行程drill cable 钻井钢丝绳drill collar 钻铤drill collar annulus 钻铤环空drill collar bore 钻铤水眼drill collar curvature 钻铤弯曲率drill collar groove 钻铤应力减轻槽drill collar lifting nipple 钻铤提升短节drill collar stabilizer 钻铤扶正器drill collar stiffness 钻铤刚度drill core sample hole 取心井drill(ing) crew钻井队drill cuttings(solids)岩屑drilled area 已钻区drilled cement 水泥碎屑drilled dry 干钻drilled footage 已钻进尺drill edge 钻头切削刀drilled in 已钻通的drilled pile 钻入桩脚drilled reserves 钻探储量drilled show 钻进显示drilled well 完钻井driller 司钻driller-month 钻机台月driller’s console 司钻控制台driller’s control cabinet 司钻小型控制台driller’s method司钻压井法driller’s log司钻记录driller’s monitor 司钻监视器driller station 司钻台driller’s tour report 钻井班报表drill extractor 钻头打捞器drill floor 钻台drill fluid 钻井液drill footage 钻井进尺drill free 钻头离开井底空转drill gauge 钻头规drill hole 井眼drill-hole returns 井口返出泥浆drill-hole spacing 井距drill-hole survey 测井距drill-in 打开生产层drilling ahead 下套管后再钻井drilling analytica l work 钻井分析drilling bit 钻头drilling block 钻探井租地drilling break 钻进中放空drilling capacity 钻机能力drilling centralizer 钻井扶正器drilling clay 钻井用粘土completion operation 完井作业completion program 完井方案drilling condition 钻井条件drilling contract 钻井合同drilling cost 钻井成本drilling coupling 钻杆接箍drilling crew 钻井队drilling cuttings 岩屑drilling cycle 钻井周期drilling damage zone 钻井污染区drilling data base 钻井数据库drilling effort 钻井工作量drilling engineer 钻井工程师drilling engineering 钻井工程(学) drilling engineering data logging unit 钻井工程录井仪drilling equipment 钻井设备drilling expenditure 钻井开支drilling experience 钻井经验drilling expert 钻井专家circulating system 循环系统cleaning system 净化系统drilling footage 进尺drilling foreman 钻井队长drilling hose 水龙带drilling implementer 钻井人员drilling-in-balance 压力平衡钻进drilling instrument 钻井仪表drilling interval 钻进井段drilling invasion zone 钻井漏层drilling jar 随钻震击器drilling journey 钻井记录表drilling line 钻井大绳drilling liner 尾管drilling liner cementing 尾管固井drilling line reel 大绳滚筒drilling liner hanger 尾管悬挂器drilling load 钻压drilling log 钻进录井drilling mast 双腿井架drilling model 钻速方程drilling monitor system 钻井监控系统drilling mud 泥浆drilling operator 钻井经营者drilling optimization 优化钻井drilling out 钻水泥塞drilling outfit 钻井设备drilling parameter 钻井参数drilling parameter optimization钻井优选参数drilling pattern 井位布置drilling people 钻井人员drilling permit 钻井许可权drilling phase 钻井阶段drilling platform 钻井平台drilling practice 钻井实践(作业) drilling prediction 钻井预报drilling pressure 钻井泵压drilling program 钻井程序drilling progress 钻井进度drilling R and D 钻井研究开发部drilling rate 钻速drilling rate logger 钻速记录仪drilling rate model 钻速方程drilling rate of a trip 行程速度drilling rate recorder 钻速记录仪drilling record 钻井记录drilling ship 钻井船drilling simulator钻井模拟器drilling site 井场drilling specialist 钻井专家drilling speed 钻速drilling spool 防喷器下的四通drilling stem (string)钻柱drilling string stabilizer 钻柱稳定器drilling supervisor 钻井监督drilling technique (tech) 钻井技术drilling technician 钻井技术员drilling technology钻井工艺drilling tender 钻井供应船drilling time 钻井时间drilling time log 钻时记录drilling time recorder 钻时记录仪drilling to completion 钻到设计井深drilling tool 钻具drilling tool substitute 钻具接头drilling turbine 钻井涡轮drilling unit 钻机组drilling up 钻碎drilling vessel 钻井船drilling weight 钻压drillingman 司钻drillmill 铣鞋drill monitor 钻井参数监测仪。
construction machinery工程机械英文介绍

Main Drive Belt Storage Cassette Booster Drive
Advancing Tail Piece
Continuous Belt Conveyor
The characteristics of the continuous belt conveyor
The Structure of TBM
• 2、cutterhead driving system
The Structure of TBM
• 3、propulsion cylinder
The Structure of TBM
• 4、 Supporting system
The Structure of TBM
Invert trestle
Continuous Belt Conveyor
The end
Continuous Belt Conveyor
High efficiency
Less pollution
A large
Low-cost of ventilation Construction disturbance Low labor intensity
initial investment
Continuous Belt Conveyor
Belt conveyor
Segment erector
Working Steps
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
The Outlook
• 1. The tunnel boring machine method has the advantage of fast working speed, high quality, better economy and safety. • 2. It has been used in many tunnel boring project in our country, especially in the construction of metro. • 3. In the future, there must be more and more tunnel boring machines used in the construction field of our nation.

Hale Waihona Puke 13、遵守纪律的风气的培养,只有领 导者本 身在这 方面以 身作则 才能收 到成效 。—— 马卡连 柯 14、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅 精神以 及同全 世界劳 动者的 团结一 致,是 取得最 后胜利 的保证 。—— 列宁 摘自名言网
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
钻井行业专业英语-钻机设备 电动钻机部件的中英文对照表
11、战争满足了,或曾经满足过人的 好斗的 本能, 但它同 时还满 足了人 对掠夺 ,破坏 以及残 酷的纪 律和专 制力的 欲望。 ——查·埃利奥 特 12、不应把纪律仅仅看成教育的手段 。纪律 是教育 过程的 结果, 首先是 学生集 体表现 在一切 生活领 域—— 生产、 日常生 活、学 校、文 化等领 域中努 力的结 果。— —马卡 连柯(名 言网)

钻机英文翻译常用语Rig model- 钻机型号Max. hook load- 最大钩载Wireline syste 大绳Dia. оf drilling wireline 大绳直径Drawworks rated input power 绞车额定功率Shift of drawworks 绞车档位Hoisting speed of drawworks 大钩起升速度Opening dia. оf rotary table 转盘直径Drilling pump rated power/ quantity 泥浆泵额定功率和数量Mast type 井架形式Mast available height 井架有效高度Stand capacity (5" drill pipe) 立根容量(5寸钻杆)Drill flooor area (Length х Width)钻台面积(长*宽)Clear height under rotary beam 从地面到转盘梁的净空高Air tank capacity 储气罐体积Main generator set rated pow er х quantity柴油机发电机功率和数量Auxiliary Generator Set 辅助发电机组Drilling fluid manifold bore size/rated pressure 泥浆管汇直径、额定压力Total capacity of mud tank 泥浆罐总容积Drawworks motor power/quantity 绞车电机功率和数量Rotary table motor power/quantity 转盘电机功率和数量Mud pump motor power/quantity 泥浆泵电机功率和数量Automatic driller motor and quantity 自动送钻电机功率和数量Mast 井架Mast effective height 工作高度Stands capacity on racking board (5” drill pipe 28m stand)二层台容量(5寸钻杆,28米钻柱)Assembling height of racking board 二层台高度Mast accessory 二层台配件Casing stabling board 套管扶正台Substructure type 底座型号Max. static hook load 转盘梁最大扭矩Max.static setback load 立根盒额定载荷The total load of stand and max.static hook load 立根盒容量Drill floor height 钻台标准高度Drill floor area 钻台面积Clear height from the bottom of rotary beam to ground 从转盘梁底面到地面的净空高Setback capacity (5" drill pipe) 钻杆容积(5寸钻杆)Substructure accessory 底座附件Raising rope 起升大绳Cat walk and pipe rack 猫道和钻杆架BOP trolley 防喷器移动装置Drawworks 绞车Rated input power 额定输入功率Max. fast line pull 钢丝绳最大拉力Wireline diameter 钢丝绳直径Shift:4+4RVF,Stepless speed regulation 绞车档位:4正4负,无级变速Drum 滚筒Drawworks body 绞车主体Main hydraulic disc brake 液压盘式主刹车Electro-magnetic eddy auxiliary braking system 电磁涡流辅助刹车系统Circulating water-colling system 循环水冷系统Drawworks driving DC motor 绞车传动电机Automatic Driller motor 自动送钻电机Automatic Driller Unit 自动送钻装置Crown block 天车Max.static load 最大静态钩载Qty. of sheave 滑轮数量OD of main sheave 滑轮外径Traveling block 游车Max.static load 最大静态载荷Qty. of sheave 滑轮数量Hook 大钩Max dead load 最大静态载荷Dead line anchor 死绳固定器Drilling wireline Accord with API 9A Spec 钻井钢丝绳,符合API Spec 9A标准Wireline spooler 倒绳机RT system 旋转系统Rotary 转盘Max static load 最大静态载荷Вore diameter传动直径Мax rev最大回转速度Gear ration 传动比Мeasu rement 外部尺寸Transmission box of rotary table(including gearbox,universal shaft,ect)转盘传动箱(含减速箱、万向轴等)DC motor 直流电机额定功率RT bushing 转盘补芯Master bushing 主补芯5 1/4” roller bushing, squre driving滚子方补芯5 1/4”,四销驱动3 1/2”roller bushing, squre driving滚子方补芯3 1/2 ”, 四销驱动。

进口无轨采掘设备中英文对照读物主编叶晓洪2012年1月10日1. 设备介绍1.1 掘进台车Mining jumbosSandvik offers a wide variety of face drills from small scale mine development up to large scale tunneling. Leading the way through the toughest conditions,Sandvik jumbos excel in productivity and outstanding reliability. Safety and ergonomics have been key elements in ensuring a comfortable working environment for the operators and service personnel. 山特维克公司提供从小型矿山开拓掘进到大型隧道掘进的各种各样的掘进钻孔台车。
Well designed, modular structures and proven components keep the Sandvik jumbos running. A combination of efficient rock drills, robust booms, and advanced controls meet even the most challenging requirements. Customers heading for superior excavation quality can also choose a higher level of instrumentation.优良的设计、模块化结构以及经受考验的部件,能使山特维克台车保持持续运转。

rotary-table drilling 回转钻进abrasive drilling磨钻auger drilling螺旋钻孔centre drilling中心钻削, 中心钻孔churn drilling冲钻, 舂钻countersunk drilling沉头钻cross drilling横向钻孔cutting drilling切削钻development drilling开拓钻孔diamond drilling(用)金刚石(钻头)钻孔directional drilling定向钻孔double-row drilling双条播种, 双行播种dry drilling干钻孔electric drilling电钻孔electron-beam drilling电子束钻孔electro-stream drilling电引流钻孔fan drilling扇形钻孔foam drilling泡沫集尘钻眼法fusion drilling熔化钻眼法gun drilling深钻孔hollow-rod drilling空心钻杆钻进horadiam drilling水平辐射状钻孔horizontal drilling水平钻孔; 水平钻法hydraulic drilling泥浆冲洗钻进; 湿法打眼, 湿法凿岩inclined drilling倾斜钻井jump drilling撞钻ladder drilling梯式钻眼法laser(hole) drilling激光打孔line drilling排钻采石法mechanical drilling机械钻眼Mohole drilling超深钻井narrow-row drilling窄行播种off-angle drilling钻斜孔法offset drilling内插钻井offshore drilling海上钻井percussion drilling冲击钻permafrost drilling永冻土钻孔pneumatic drilling压气钻孔, 风动钻孔postshot drilling爆后钻探precision drilling精密钻孔primary drilling初步打眼radial drilling辐射状钻孔reverse circulation drilling反循环钻进, 钻进反循环rotary blasthole drilling旋转式炮眼钻进(法)shaft drilling【采矿】钻粒钻机钻井single-hand drilling单手打眼smooth drilling平稳钻眼solid drilling实心钻法sonic drilling声频钻削step drilling(深孔)分段钻削step-by-step drilling逐步钻法surface drilling地面钻孔tail drilling推拉调车法test drilling钻屑试样test-hole drilling试孔钻探toe-to-toe drilling竖直大炮眼钻孔ultrasonic drilling超声钻法upward drilling(池窑耐火材料的)向上钻孔侵蚀vibration drilling振动钻眼wet drilling湿式凿岩wildcat drilling盲目钻探(Impregnated diamond bit)孕镶金刚石钻头(Surface-set diamond bit)表镶金刚石钻头Obliquity [☜♌●♓♦♓♦♓]n.倾斜度azimuth angle 方位角azimuth [ ✌♓❍☜]altitude azimuth高度方位角apparent azimuth近似方位(由声音判别所得的空中目标的方位); 视方位角astronomical azimuth天文方位角back azimuth反方位角, 后向角(增或减180°)celestial body azimuth天体方位coarse azimuth(高炮)概略方位角compass azimuth罗盘方位角computed firing azimuth(高炮)提前方位角control azimuth控制方位, 控制地平经度corrected azimuth修正方位角dead reckoning azimuth推测方位(角线)firing azimuth射击方位角forward azimuth前方位角future azimuth提前方位角geodetic azimuth大地方位角geographical azimuth地理方位角grid azimuth平面方位角gyro azimuth陀螺方位角head azimuth磁头方位角head gap azimuth磁头间隙方位角instrumental azimuth仪器方位角instantaneous azimuth瞬时方位角launch azimuth发射方位(角)magnetic azimuth磁方位optical azimuth光学仪器测定的方位角present azimuth当时方位present target azimuth(高炮)目标现在方位角,发射瞬间目标方位角principal azimuth主方位角reference azimuth基准[参考, 原始]方位(角) relative azimuth相对方位reverse azimuth反方位角safe azimuth安全方位角spherical azimuth球面方位角spheroidal azimuth椭球面方位角star azimuth天体方位角tabulated azimuth表列方位target azimuth目标方位time-and-altitude azimuth时间与高度方位true north azimuth真北方位角wind azimuth风向方位角zero-mils azimuth零密位方位角azimuth at present position(高炮)现在位置方位角, 发射瞬间目标(所在位置)方位角azimuth from which the wind blows风向方位角azimuth (of) director from the gun基线[观炮]方位角(指挥仪与发射阵地中心之间构成方位角) azimuth of heavenly bodies天体方位角azimuths of the sun太阳方位角azimuth to intercept截击点方位角石油工程专业英语钻探,钻井:drill钻井:drilling定向斜井:directional drilling欠平衡钻井:under-balance海上钻井:off-shore陆地钻井:on-land drilling钻头:drill bit刮刀钻头:drag bit牙轮钻头:rock bit金刚石钻头:diamond bit喷射钻头:jet bit 钻铤:drill collar衣领:collar钻杆:drill pipe钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team钻机:drill rig钻井泥浆:drilling mud钻井液:drilling fluid钻井设备:drilling equipment2. 油、石油:oil拓展记忆:原油:crude oil石油:petroleum中国石油(简称):Petro-China采油:oil production采油设备:oil production equipment采油平台:oil production platform油泵:oil pump3.地质:geology拓展记忆:地质专业人员:geologist物理:physics地球物理勘探:geo-physical probe,geo-physical exploration测井Logging测井作业:logging operation测井记录:logging record4. 油(副词“好”含意):well拓展记忆:井眼:hole油井:oil well试井,油井测试:well test井下:down-hole井下作业:down-hole operation原油:crude oil天然气:nature gas煤层气:coal-bed gas一体化设计:integral design钻井:drilling钻井原理:the priciples of drilling顿钻钻井:percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling旋转钻井:rotary drilling液体冲击:fluid percussion大位移:big deviation侧钻井:sidetracking drilling technology,lateraldrilling水平井:horizontal well探井:wildcat,wildcat drilling深井:deep well浅井:shallow well老井:maturing well欠平衡钻井:under-balanced drilling丛式钻井:cluster drilling technology煤层气井:coal-bed gas well生产井:production wells报废井:abandon wells停产井:none-production wells绕障井、三维井:three-dimensional wells.常温井:normal temperature well注采井:injection and production well稠油井:heavy oil well热洗井:hot washing pipe井况:well condition技术规范specification拉伸:tension拉伸强度:tensile strength应力:stress压力:pressure应力点:stress point压力等级:pressure grade压力降:pressure drop压力梯度:pressure gradient回压:back pressure大气压:atmosphere压差:differential pressure静液柱压力:static fluid cloumn pressure特征:characteristic,feature定性讨论:qualitative argument定量使用:quantitative use液体:liquid固体:solid气体:gas,air正的:positive负的:negative虚线:dashed line,broken line实线:full line递减率:decline rate正比于:be proportional to水平的:horizontal垂直的:vertical油层静压:the formation static pressure负荷:load扭矩:torque扭转:twist摩擦:friction钻压:WOB,weight on bit,weight,drilling weight钻速:ROP,rate of penetration,drilling rate,the rate of drilling平均机械钻速:average ROP 钻井周期:drilling period转速:rotary speed地层压力预测:formation pressure predictiontechnology地层快速预测:the formation fast prediction埋藏深度:bury depth产油层,产油带:pay zone, productive formation温度梯度:temperature gradient地层压力:formation pressure坍塌压力:collapse pressure and破裂压力:fracture pressure平衡压力:equilibrium pressure钻具(柱)压力:drilling string pressure钻头振动:vibration of bit钻井成本:drilling costs井眼尺寸:hole size,well size参数计算:parameters calculation几何参数:geometric parameters参数分析:parameter analysis动态参数:dynamic data静态参数:static data注水参数:parameters of injection参数、变量:variables井距:well space垂直深度:vertical depth水平位移:horizontal deviation总深度:total depth垂直深度:vertical depth水平位移:horizontal displacement最大井斜角:maximum hole inclination井眼环空:annulus space压力调节器:pressure regulator恢复(增加)压力:the build-up pressure初始开采:primary recovery含水地层:water bearing formation套管漏失:casing leak摩擦损失:friction losses气举阀:gas-lift valve石蜡族:paraffin series含气液柱:gas-laden column增产措施:stimulation treatment流动能力:flowing capacity生产速率:production rate水驱:water drive气驱:gas drive网状系统:grid system水侵:water influx五点法:five-spot pattern油井产量:well productivity径向流:radial system富气:enriched gas贫气:lean gas气顶:gas cap气驱:gas drive (or gas flooding)水驱:water drive (or water flooding)地层伤害:formation damage波及系数:sweep efficiency泄油半径:drainage radius基岩处理:matrix treatment单级脱气:single stage separation泄油面积:drainage area表面张力:surface tension束缚水:connate water (or interstitial water)1.钻井队:drilling crew,drilling team队,组:crew team2.技术员:technician钻井技术员:drilling technician泥浆技术员:mud technician监督:supervisor钻井监督:drilling supervisor副监督:assistant supervisor地质监督:geology supervisor工程师:engineer泥浆工程师:mud engineer泥浆工:mudman机械工程师:mechanic engineer引擎,发动机:engine工程:engineering钻井工程:drilling engineering采油工程:production engineering 石油工程:petroleum engineering 试油工程:oil test engineering拓展记忆:工程项目:project希望工程:The Hope Project三峡工程:The Three-Gorge Project 项目经理:project manager工程管理:project management钻工:roughneck,floorman司钻:driller副司钻:assistant driller钻井队长:drilling foreman钻井领班:tool pusher井架工:derrick man发动机工,机工:motorman钻台工:floor man机械师:technicians,mechanic电焊工:welder电工:electrician 医生:doctor材料员:material man,staff man炊事员:cook翻译:interpreter,translator洗衣工:laundry man板手:wrench螺丝起子:screwdriver多角螺丝起子:Phlilips screwdriver活动板手:monkey wrench,adjustable wrench钳子:pliers手斧:hatchet钩子:hook台钳:bench vice榔头:hammer木锤:mallet搬手:spanner活动板手:monkey wrench,adjustable wrench钳子:pliers手斧:hatchet钩子:hook台钳:bench vice榔头:hammer木锤:mallet搬手:spanner负荷:load扭矩:torque扭转:twist摩擦:friction钻压:WOB,weight on bit,weight,drillingweight钻速:ROP,rate of penetration,drilling rate,the rate of drilling平均机械钻速:average ROP钻井周期:drilling period转速:rotary speedDerrick井架Crown block天车Drilling line大绳Rig floor钻台Monkey board二层台Traveling block游车Top drive顶驱Shackle卡环Elevator吊卡Spud in开钻Spud mud开钻泥浆Safety slips安全卡瓦Sub/adapter接头/短节Kelly方钻杆Drill collar钻铤Drill pipe钻杆Drill string钻柱Lay down the drill pipe甩钻杆Jar震击器Shock absorber减震器Rat hole大鼠洞Mouse hole小鼠洞Fishing tool打捞工具Fishing spear打捞矛Pin公扣Box母扣Safety joint安全接头Safety belt安全带Safety cap/hard hat/helmet安全帽Boots工鞋Flange 法兰Back-up tongs内钳Lead tongs外钳Pneumatic tongs气动大钳Hydraulic tongs液压大钳Driller room司钻房Assistant driller副钻Floorman钻工Rig钻机Wellhead井口Bell Nipple井口喇叭口Fish井下落物Single(pipe)/joint单根Threbble/stand一柱Breaking down/lay down甩单根Make a connection接单根Pneumatic draw works气动绞车Basket吊笼Sling绳套Loosening松开Tightening紧固Change shift换班Tubing hanger油管挂Blowout preventer(BOP)防喷器Accumulator储能器Agitator 搅拌器Ato-muffler消音器Clutch离合器Heavy weight drill pipe(HWDP)加重钻杆Hydraulic valve液压阀Chock line阻流管线Well control manifold井控管汇Pressure relief valve压力释放阀Directional well定向井Conductor隔水套管Casing套管Tubing油管Liner 尾管Run casing下套管Casing size套管尺寸Surface casing表层套管Casing shoe套管靴Casing scraper刮管器Cementing pump固井泵Cementing line固井管线Cementing head水泥头Squeeze cement挤水泥Wait on cementing候凝Cement plug水泥塞Bridge plug桥塞Christmas tree采油树Screwdriver改锥Tighten the screw上紧螺丝Loosen the screw松开螺丝Pressure testing试压Leak漏泄Leak off test地漏试验Formation integrity test地漏试验No leaking不漏Electric welding电焊Gas welding气焊Sealing ring密封圈Sidewall井壁Get stuck/sticking卡钻Meet sticking/stick pipe遇卡Free stick解卡Meet resistance遇阻Mud circulation循环泥浆Kick井涌Blowout/gush井喷Lost circulation/lost returns井漏Plugging/sealing堵漏Lost circulation material堵漏材料Lost circulation additives/plugging agent堵漏剂Mud pit泥浆池HI-VIS sweep稠泥浆Mud additive泥浆添加剂Packer封隔器Bit钻头Centralizer/stabilizer扶正器Cuttings岩屑Reaming/redressing划眼Reverse reaming/back reaming/up reaming倒划眼Make-up of string钻具组合Build the pressure憋压Waiting on cement候凝Slurry水泥浆Logging电测Wiper trip通井Coring取芯Coring tool取芯工具Coring bit取芯钻头Formation地层Kill line压井管线Choke line manifold阻流管汇Trip in hole(TIH)/running in hole(RIH)/go inhole(GIH)下钻Pull out of the hole(POOH)起钻Bottom hole assembly(BHA)井底钻具组合Short trip短起Reverse circulation反循环Open the well for gushing放喷Burner燃烧器Hydrogen sulfide/hepatic gas硫化氢Mask防毒面具Measuring tank/trip tank计量罐Separator分离器Desander/sand separator除沙器Shale shaker震动筛Mud pump/slush pump/drilling pump泥浆泵Piston活塞Liner钢套Valve阀门High pressure pipe高压管线Rush to repair抢修Viscosifier增粘剂Diluent稀释剂Stabilizer稳定剂Emulsifying agent乳化剂Disperse agent消油剂Caustic soda烧碱Gravity比重Mud engineer泥浆工程师Geologic engineer地质师Mechanical engineer机械师Drilling engineer钻井工程师Electrical engineer电器师Supervisor监督Captain/shipmaster船长Mudman泥浆工Start pumping开泵Stop pumping停泵Pipe tongs/pipe spanner管钳Thread protector护丝Hose 软管Hook 大钩Ball valve/globe valve球阀Hydrogen氢气Nitrogen氮气Oxygen氧气Overload过载Hatch door舱门Anchor machine锚机Mooring rope带缆绳Anchor chain锚链Fire extinguisher灭火器Fire hydrant消防栓Water tap水龙带Deck甲板Draft line吃水线Helideck飞机甲板Portable water/fresh water淡水Drill water钻井水Ventilation通风设备Thermometer温度计Anemometer风速仪Barometer气压仪Crane boom吊车爬杆Transformer变压器Life boat救生艇Life jacket救生衣Life buoy救生圈Survival suit救生服Safety net安全网Foam fire extinguishing system泡沫灭火系统Co2 hand portable fire extinguisher手提式CO2灭火机Portable dry powder fire extinguish手提式干粉灭火机Fireman’s suit消防服Stretcher担架First aid kit急救箱First aid equipment急救设备Standby boat值班船Towing line拖缆Jack house升降室Condenser冷凝器Fire drill消防演习BOP drill防喷器演习Abandon drill逃生演习Fire alarm system火灾报警系统Variable load可变载荷Paint油漆Crane吊车Brush刷子Welding rod电焊条Remove rust除锈Unload卸载Drop anchor抛锚Gesture手势Signal信号Range light桅灯Lamp signal灯语Flag signal旗语Broadcast广播Barite重晶石Bentonite土粉Cement水泥Tray托盘Rack架Bundle捆Prevent pollution防污Mop拖布Rag 擦布Tie up带缆Cast off解缆Diesel柴油Generator发电机Motor电机Air condition空调Air compressor空压机Fresh water maker造水机Emergency generator应急发电机Fire pump消防泵Fuel pump燃油泵Mud cycle pump泥浆循环泵Distribution room配电间Submersible pump潜水泵Boiler锅炉Ground connection接地Short circuit短路Air button空气开关Electric shock触电Pliers老虎钳Keep away走开Cubic meter立方Square meter平方Water tank水舱Oil tank油舱Ballast tank压载舱实用行业英语:钻井业常用专业词汇A氨基三乙酸(NTA) aminotriacetic acid胺基amino铵基ammonium安全地层safe formation安全试破safe destruction安全钻井safe drilling坳陷down warping region螯合chelation凹陷sag凹陷地层subsidence formation奥陶系Ordovician systemAPI模拟法API recommened methodB多靶点multiple target point白沥青white asphalt白油mineral oil白云母white mica半透膜semipermeable membrane包被絮凝剂flocculant包被envelop包被抑制性encapsulating ability饱和度saturation饱和度剖面图profile map of degree ofsaturation饱和盐水saturated salt water背斜anticlinal钡barium苯环benzene ring苯酚phenyl hydroxide本质区别essential difference泵压过高overhigh pumping pressure比表面积specific surface area比吸水量specific absorption比重瓶法density bottle method避免avoid蓖麻油ricinus oil边界摩擦boundary friction扁藻(浮游植物)algae变化趋势variation trend标准化standardization标准粘度测量standard visicosity measure表面粗糙度roughness of the surface表面电位surface electric potential表面活性剂surfactant ,surface active agent表面能interface energy表面粘度surface viscosity表面抛光sample surfaceAibbs表面弹性Aibbs surface elasticity表面张力surface tension表明verify /reveal表皮系数(S) skin coefficient憋钻bit bouncing宾汉方程bingham equation丙三醇glycerine丙烯情acrylonitrile丙烯酸acrylic acid丙烯酸盐acrylate丙烯酰胺acrylamide薄而韧的泥饼thin,plastic and compactedmud-cake薄片flake薄弱地层weak formation泊松比poisson’s ratio剥离peel off补救remediation不分散泥浆nondispersed mud不干扰地质录井play no role in geological logging不均质储层heterogeneous reservoir不均匀uneven不可逆irreversible不同程度inordinately部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PHPA) partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamideC参数优选parametric optimization残酸reacted acid残余饱和度residual staturation残渣gel residue , solid residue测量measure侧链side chain侧钻水平井sidetrack horizontal well层间interlayer层间距the distance between the two crystal layer, layer distance层理bedding层流layer flow差减法minusing尝试trial柴油diesel oil长连缔合物long chain associated matter操作方法operation method超伸井high deep well超深预探井ultradeep prospecting well超声波ultrasonography超高密度泥浆extremely high density mud超细碳酸钙super-fine calcium carbonate 产层production/pay zone产层亏空reservoir voidage产量production ,output沉淀precipitation沉降subside沉降速度settling rate沉砂sand setting衬套sleeve程序program成对水平井paired parallel horizontal wells成分ingredient成胶剂gelatinizing agent成膜树脂film-forming resin成岩性差poor diagenetic grade承压bearing pressure承压低lower pressure resistance承压能力loading capacity尺寸dimension斥力repulsion除硫效果sulfur limitation effect除硫剂sulfur elimination除砂器desander触变性thixotropy触变剂thixotropic agent垂沉sag垂直井vertical well充气钻井液aerated drilling fluid磁化magnetization次生有机阳离子聚合物secondary organiccationic polymer冲砂sand removal冲蚀flush冲刷washing out冲洗clean冲洗效率cleaning efficiency冲洗液washing fluid从…角度from the standpoint of丛式井cluster well稠化剂gelling agent稠油区viscous oil area稠油藏high oil reservoir初步分析preliminary analysis初始稠度initial consistency初始粘度initial viscosity初探primary investigation处理剂additive ,treating-agent粗分散泥浆coarse dispersed mud粗泡沫堵漏工艺coarse-foam pluggingtechnology促凝剂accelerating agent醋酸acetate醋酸钠sodium acetate窜流fluid channeling脆裂embrittlement crack脆性brittle/crisp ,fragility催化剂accelerant , catalyst萃取剂extracting agentD达西定律Darcy’s equation大段水层thick aqueous formation大分子氢键络合作用polycomplexation ofhydrogen bond大灰量mass slurry大井斜角high deviation angle大块岩样big rock sample大块钻屑massive drilling cuttings大类genera大理石marble大砾石层large gravel bed大量分析quantitative analysis大排量洗井high flow rate washover大排量循环high flow rate circulation大位移定向井extended-reach directional well 大斜度钻井big inclination/angle drilling大直径井眼large hole代表性岩心representive core sample单宁酸tannate单体monomer单相关分析法analyzing method of single correlation单相关系数加权coefficient weighted method of single correlation单轴抗压强度uniaxial compressive strength氮nitrogenN-羟甲剂胺N-hydroxymethyl amine淡水fresh water单向压力暂堵剂unidirectional pressure temporary plugging additive导向螺杆钻具stearable assemly导向器guider等温曲线isothermal curve低毒油基low toxicity oil based低返速low return-velocity低固相泥浆low solid drilling fluid低级醛low-grade aldehyde低粘土相泥浆low clay content drilling fluid狄塞尔堵漏剂diacel plugging agent滴定titration底水丰富basal water abundance 底水油藏井bottom water reservoir well第二界面second contact surface缔合物associated matter地层formation地层出液量formation fluid production地层破碎straturn breaking地层倾角大higher formation clination地层水formation water地层损害formation damage地面岩心压汞surface core mercury injectiontest地下水groundwater , subsurface water地应力ground stress地质geology地质构造geologic structure淀粉starch电测electronic logging电导率electric conductivity电荷electricity电化学法electrochemistry method电解质electrolyte电镜分析electronic microscope photos电位potential fallξ电位zeta potential电性electric property电泳法electrophoresis method电子探针electron spectrum调查census顶替过程displacing operation定量设计quantitative design定向井direction well定子stator冻胶gel动静弹性模量dynamic and static elasticitymodulus动力稳定性settling stability动力学kinetics动态滤失dynamic filtration动切力yield value动塑比ratio of dynamic shear force/yield valueto plastic viscosity堵漏plugging堵塞seal堵塞比(DR) damage ratio堵塞物bulkhead堵水water shutoff毒性大high toxicity毒性污染环境toxicity ruins the environment短过渡short transition time短纤维brief fiber断层发育mature fault断裂带faulted zone对策countermeasure多产层multilayered reservoir多分支侧钻井multi-lateral sidetracking well多功能添加剂multifunction additive多孔介质porons medium多目标定向井multi-target directional well多相稳态胶体悬浮体系polynomial gelsuspension system多元醇polyatomic alcohol多元非线性回归multielement non-linesrregression多元统计multivariate statistics惰性材料inert material惰性润滑剂inert lubricantE二次沉淀secondary precipitation二叠系Permian system二甲胺dimethylamine二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride二价阳离子bivalent ion二开second section二氧化碳(CO2)carbon dioxide二元共聚物binary polymerF发气剂gas-development发展趋势development tendency反排解堵plug removal by reverse flow范氏力van der waals force范氏粘度计fann viscosimeter返回go back to方便钻井液复合粉convenient mud compound powder方程equation芳香烃aromatic group防窜水泥anti-fluid-channeling cement防腐anti-corrosion防卡pipe-sticking prevention ,anti-sticking防漏失lost circulation prevention防气窜anti-fluid-channeling防塌机理mechanism of anti-caving防塌剂anti-caving/collapse agent , clay stabilizer防止p revent…from纺织textile放空不返loss of bit load with loss return放射性示踪剂radioactive tracer tritium 非均质nonhomogeneity非离子nonionic非牛顿流体non-newtonian fluid非渗透性impervious废泥浆mud disposal沸石zeolite分布distribution分段固井技术stage cementing technology分光度法spectrophotometer分类division分散dispersion分散剂dispersant分散介质dispersion medium分析analysis分形理论fractal theory分形几何fractal geometry分子molecules分子间能量交换energy exchange betweenmolecules分子量molecular weight分子链molecular chain分子形态shape of molecular chain粉尘dust粉煤灰fly ash粉末powder粉砂质aleuritic texture酚羟基的邻位或对位氢p-or o-hydrogen atomof phenolic group封闭剂sealing agent封闭稳定good isolation封堵formation sealing封堵剂formation sealant封固段interval isolation扶正器centralizer氟硼酸borofluorhydric浮力效应effect of buoyancy孵化速度incubation浮游植物floating vegetation复合combine复合离子multifunctional ionic复合离子聚合物amphiprotic/amphotericpolymers ,复合金属两性离子聚合物composite metalzwitterionic polymer复合聚合物泥浆compound-polymer mud复配方案compositional formulation复杂地层complex formation, troublesomeregion ,trick formation复杂度complex rate复杂时效outage time复杂情况down-hole troublesome condition腐蚀corrosion腐蚀电位corrosion potential腐蚀速率corrosion rate腐殖酸humate ,humic acid腐殖酸钾(KHm) potassium humic辅料auxiliary material负negative负压钻井underbalanced drilling符合accord with符合率coincidence rate副产品by-product附加密度addition mud densityG改善泥饼质量improvement of mud cake改性modification改性淀粉modified starch改性沥青modified asphalt改造refomation钙calcium钙矾石ettringite钙膨润土钠化sodium modified calcium betonite干混拌技术mixing technology干扰interfere with甘油glycerol锆zirconium高分子higher molecular weight高分子聚合物macromoleclar polymer高分子絮凝剂polymer flocculant高负荷high load高级脂肪醇树脂higher fatty alcohol高价金属阳离子high valent cationic高角度微裂缝high angle micro-fracture高矿化度地层水highly mineralized formation brines高岭土kaolinite高炉矿渣(BFS) blast furnace slag高密度钻井液high density drilling fluid高难度high challenge高粘度清扫液viscous sweeping fluid高砂比high sand ratio高温静置quiescence in high temperature高温泥浆high-temperature mud高吸水量树脂absorbent resin高温高压流变仪HTHP rheometer高效润滑剂super lubricant高压盐水层high pressured slatwater layer膏岩层gypsolyte 膏质泥岩creaming mudstone膏状磺化沥青paste sulphonated asphalt隔离冲洗液spacer/flushing fluid隔离膜isolating membrane各向异性anisotropy工程engineering共聚copolymerization共聚物copolymer共聚物类降粘剂copolymer thinner狗腿dogleg构造裂缝structural fracture固化solidification固化剂hardener , curing agent固井技术cementing technology固体团块solid cake固相solid phase固相含量solid concentration固相颗粒solid particles固相颗粒侵入solid invasion固相控制技术solid control technology固相损害damage of particles固液分离技术centrifugal separation method胍胶guargum瓜尔胶guar挂片失重法weight loss method关掉电机turn off the power光谱spectroscopy硅silicone硅粉silica powder硅氟fluosilicic硅铝比ratio of silicate to aluminium硅酸钠sodium silicate硅酸盐silicate滚轮失重法roller weight loss method国内外home and abroad过渡金属transitional metal过平衡压力over-balanced pressure过剩浓度residual concentration过氧化物peroxide海绿石chlorite海上offshore海水泥浆sea water mud海湾bay海洋生物marine animal含量content含水量moisture content耗氧量(COD)chemical oxygen demand耗氧量(BOD520) biological oxygen demand核桃壳粉walnut shell flour核磁共振(NMR)nuclear magnetic resonance合成synthesis合成基钻井液synthetic base drilling fluid合格eligible合理级配reasonable distribution褐煤lignite赫巴模式Herschel-Buckley model黑色正电胶(BPG) black positive gel恒定滤失速率constant filtration rate葫芦串irregular borehole护胶剂colloid protecting resistance护胶作用colloid stability互层interbeded红外光谱infrared spectrography花岗岩granite划眼作业reaming operation化学螯合剂chelating agent化学冲洗液chemically washing solution化学结垢(沉淀) chemical precipitation环保型environment friendly /acceptable环境保护environment protection环空当量密度annular equivalent density环空返速velocity in annular环空压耗annular pressure lost环氧丙烷epoxypropare环氧氯丙烷(ECH) epoxy chloropropane ,epichlorohydric缓蚀剂corrosion inhibitor磺化sulfonation磺化酚醛树脂sulfomethal phenolaldehy resin 磺化剂sulfonating agent磺化类处理剂sulfonated additives磺化沥青sulfonated gilsonite磺化沥青泥浆sulfonated-asphalt mud磺甲基酚醛树脂sulfonated methypheuo formald-ehyde磺酸基团sulfonic acid group ,sulfo group灰色关联分析法gray relative analysis method 灰岩limestone回归分析regressive analysis回收率recovery percent回填还耕refilling for plowland火成岩igneous rock火山喷发岩volcanic混合金属层状氢氧化物(MMLHC) mixed metal layer hydroxide compound混合金属氢氧化物(MMH) mixed metal hydroxides混合纤维composite fiber混合盐水mixed salt 活动套管moving casing活度water activity活性硅灰activated grammite活性粘土矿物active clayey mineral活性污泥法activated sludge process宏观macroscopicJ基液base fluid机械力mechanical机械杂质mechanical impurity机械钻速(ROP) rate of penetrate及时反出timely return极限剪切粘度high shear viscosity极限应变ultimate strain极性基团polar group极压润滑剂pressured/extreme lubricator挤堵squeeze激光多普勒测速仪(LDA) laser Doppleranemometer激光粒度仪laser particle analyzer激活剂activator技术措施technical measure技术讲座workshop for technology技术经济效果technical-economic effect技术套管intermediate casing季铵盐quaternary ammonium, anionic group钾potassium ,kalium钾基石灰泥浆potassium base lime mud甲硅烷基化处理methylsilicane甲基methyl甲基硅油聚磺高密度钻井液methyl siliconeoil polysulfonatedrilling fluid with high density甲醛formaldehyde , methanal甲酸盐formate加量dosage加重剂heavy weight additive加重泥浆weighted mud加重钻井液“垂沉” sag phenomenon ofweighted drilling fluid架桥粒子bridge particle价数valence监督supervision碱alkali简化泥浆处理simplify mud treatment简介brief description检查井inspection well检测inspection/monitor减轻剂lightening admixture减阻剂anti-friction agent , drag reducer剪切破坏shear failure剪切稀释能力shear thinning property ,shearing dilution剪切应力shear stress键bond健康,安全与环境(HSE) health , safety andenvironment间隙clearance降解产物degradation products降粘机理thinning mechanism降粘剂thinner,visbreaker降失水剂fluid loss agent/additive, filtrationreducer胶结强度bonding/consolidation strength胶结疏松weak bonding胶囊破胶剂encapsulated gel breaker胶凝gelatify胶凝性质jellyfication胶乳latex胶体率colloid fraction胶体稳定性colloid stability胶质gum交联cross-linking交联剂cross linker交联冻胶gel cross-linking交换液exchange fluid接近concordant with结垢precipitation, scale deposit , fouling结构可瞬时形成或拆散quick formation and breaking结构强度structural strength结合refer to结晶crystallization结晶水crystal water接触角contact angle接枝共聚物grafting copolymerization解卡剂pipe free agent介质medium界面interface界面胶结interfacial cementation金属metal金属离子metal ions紧密堆积理论theory of high packing近井壁near-well zone近平衡钻井near-balanced drilling浸出液leaching agent浸酸改造acidizing经验性总结分析empirical analysis晶格lattice bond 净化技术solid control井壁稳定borehole井壁稳定hole stability ,stable borehole井底downhole井底静止温度低(BHST) low borehole statictemperature井段interval/section井径well/hole gauge井径规则regular and consistent borehole gauge井径扩大率hole diameter enlargement rate井口wellhead井漏lost circulation井身结构wellbore configuration井下安全downhole safety井下复杂情况down hole problem井斜inclination井眼well bore ,borehole井眼轨迹well track井眼净化hole cleaning井眼缩径hole shrinkage井眼稳定hole stability井涌kick浸泡时间soak time静切力(结构力) gel strength/static shear force静损害static damage静态挂片法static weight loss method静态滤失static filtration静液柱压差hydrostatic column pressuredifference静置quiescence静止消泡时间static defoaming time静置沉淀static settlement居中centralization居中度centralizer聚α-烯基polyalphaolifen聚丙烯青铵盐ammonium polyacryhoitril聚丙烯酰胺(PAM) polyacrylamide聚电解质poly-electrolyte聚合醇polyalcohol , polyol聚合物不分散泥浆non dispersed polymer mud聚合物降滤失水剂polymer filtration controlagent聚合物三磺盐水泥浆three-sulfonated polymersalt mud聚合物钻井液polymer drilling fluid聚合物混油钻井液poly-oil mixture drillingfluid聚磺钻井液sulphonated polymer mud聚结稳定性coagulation stability聚乙二醇(PEG) polyethyleneglycol聚乙烯醇(PVA) polyvinyl alcoholK卡森方程Casson equation卡钻pipe-sticking卡钻因子stuck-pipe factor勘探与开发exploration and development开发井development well开钻泥浆spud mud抗冲击韧性toughness抗冲击性impact resistance抗电解质potential resistance to electrolytecontamination抗钙compatibility of calcium抗裂程度rupture strength抗温抗盐heat and salinity tolerance抗压强度compressive strength。
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Usage:SPT-1500water well drilling rig is characteristic by trailer,rotary table rotation,forward and reverse circulation.It is mainly suitable for drilling in unconsolidated strata,sand layer,gravel layer,bedrock and other complex strata which belong to Quaternary strata.The drilling depth can reach to1500m.It also is suitable for medium and shallow oil exploitation as well as geothermal development,salt well drilling,CBM exploitation and other engineering.
Structure Drawing of SPT-1500Water Well Drilling Rig
1.Mud Pump
2.Hydraulic System
3.Power Set
4.Hoisting System
5.Drilling Rig
Structure Features:This trailer mounted drilling rig is applied to drill by forward and reverse circulation.It is characterized by easy operation,great drilling capacity,convenient assembly,disassembly and maintenance ,practicality,compact structure,stable transmission,durable and solid,low operating cost and so on.It can screw and unscrew the drilling tools by machine.Hydraulic system is mainly used for supporting the trailer, lifting and lowering the mast.The trailer can match with a variety of tractors.It adopts front single-bridge and rear double-bridge structure,which is suitable to travel in the desert.It is fitted with turnplate type traction frame,dual-pipeline air brake and five hydraulic legs.The drilling rig can be leveled conveniently and quickly..。