高中英语_必修三 Unit 4教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

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Unit 4 Reading教学案

Learning aims:

I Knowledge aims(知识目标)

1.Understanding the general idea of the text

2.Remembering key words and phrases

II Ability aim(能力目标)

Training and improving the reading ability

III Moral aim(情感目标)

Knowing basic knowledge of the origin of life on earth and raise the awareness of protecting our earth.


Step1 : Revision

Words: (由学生带领学生复习词汇,扫清词汇障碍) 1.n.学说;理论______________ 2.n.原子______________




6.adj. 基本(础)的______________


9.vt&vi.乘;增加______________10.n.氧______________ 11. vi.存在;生存______________12.adv.因此;于是______________





3. 产生;分娩______________

4. 轮到某人______________

5. 阻止;制止______________

Step 2 :Lead-in (问题导入通过观看视频大体了解相关内容)

Do you know some old stories about how life began on the earth? Step3 : Skimming(略读)

Read the passage quickly and silently ,then answer the following question.

1. What’s the main idea of the text?



Step4 : Scanning(细读)(任务阅读,深入掌握)

Task 1 Find out the main idea for each paragraph.

Para 1 A. How humans appeared and their impact on the earth.

Para 2 B.Water is very important for life on the earth.

Para 3 C. How the earth formed.

Para 4 D.The development of plants and animals on the earth. Para 5 E.It is widely accepted that universe began with a “Big Bang”.

Task 2 Put the order of development of life into a timeline.

a.Insects and amphibians appeared

b.Dinosaurs appeared

c.The earth became a solid ball

d.Small plants grew on the water

e.Reptiles appeared

f.Plants began to grow on dry land

g.The earth was a cloud of dust

h.Water appeared on the earth

i.Shellfish and other fish appeared

j.The universe began with a “Big Bang”

k.Clever animals with hands and feet appeared

l.Mammals appeared

The right order is_______________________________________________.

Enjoy two sentences (重点句子把握)

1.What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down,

water began to appear on its surface.

2.It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental

to the development of life.

Step 5 Consolidation (当堂巩固)

The universe began with a Big Bang._______began to form and combine to create stars and other bodies, but the earth was just a cloud of dust. Between 4.5 and 3.8 _______years ago the dust settled into a solid______.As the earth cooled down, water, which was to be ___________to the development of life, began to appear on its surface. Small plants grew on the water. They _________and filled the oceans
