(本大题12小题,每小题3分共36分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只选一个最恰当的,不选、错选或多选均不能得分)1.下列图形中,由∠1=∠2能得到AB//CD的是( )2.如图,将三角板的直角顶点放在直线a上,a//b,∠1=55°,∠2=60°,则∠3的大小是()A.55°B. 60° C .65° D.75°3.如图,直线AB,C D交于点O,射线OM平分∠AOC,若∠BOD=76°,则∠BOM等于( )A.38°B.104°C.142°D.144°4.若,则a的值是()A. B. C. D.5.下列各组数中,互为相反数的组是( )A.与B.与C.与D.与6.一辆汽车在公路上行驶,两次拐弯后,在与原来相反的方向上行驶,那么两个拐弯的角()A.先向左转130°,再向左转50°B.先向左转50°,再向右转50°C.先向左转50°,再向右转40°D.先向左转50°,再向左转40°7.下列说法中错误的个数是()(1)过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行(2)过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线垂直(3)在同一平面内,两条直线的位置关系只有相交、平行两种(4)不相交的两条直线叫做平行线(5)有公共顶点且有一条公共边的两个角互为邻补角A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个8.若有理数a和b在数轴上所表示的点分别在原点的右边和左边,则等于()A. aB.-aC.2b+aD.2b-a9.如图把一个长方形纸片沿EF折叠后,点D、C分别落在D’、C’的位置,若∠EFB=60°,则∠AED’=()A.50°B.55C.60°D.65°10.如图所示,数轴上表示1、的对应点分别为点A、点B.若点A是BC的中点,则点C所表示的数为( )A. B. C. D.11.如图的坐标平面上有P、Q两点,其坐标分别为(5,a)、(b,7).根据图中P、Q两点的位置,判断点(6-b,a-10)落在第几象限?( )A.一B.二C.三D.四12.下列图形都是由同样大小的小圆圈按一定规律所组成的,其中第(1个图形中一共有6个小圆圈,其中第(2)个图形中一共有9个小圆圈,其中第(3)个图形中一共有12个小圆圈…,按此规律排列,则第(17)个图形中小圆圈的个数为( )A.51B.52C.53D.54二,填空题(共18分)13.比较大小:, 0.514.若的整数部分为a,小数部分为b,则a= ,b=15.若x轴上的点P到y轴的距离为3,则点p的坐标为16.把一副三角板按如图所示的方式摆放,则两条斜边所成的钝角x为17.如上图,将面积为5的△ABC沿BC方向平移△DEF的位置,平移的距离是边BC长的两倍,那么图中的四边形ACED的面积为18.若定义:f(a,b)=(-a,b),g(m,n)=(m,-n),例如f(1,2)=(-1,2),g(-4,-5)=(-4,5),则g(f(2,-3))=三、解答题(共46分)19计算题(6分)(1)(2)20.(8分)在①②③④⑤3.14 ⑥0 ⑦⑧⑨⑩ 0.121221222(两1之间依次多一个2)中,请按下列要求填序号:整数有;负分数有;有理数有;正无理数有 .21.(8分)如图,O为直线AB上一点OC,OE,OF是射线,OE⊥OF。
2021年春人教版初中七年级数学下册单元测试试卷期末检测题(一) 班级 姓名一、选择题(本大题10小题,每题4分,共40分)1. 给出四个数0, 3 ,12 ,-1,其中最小的是 ( )A .0B . 3C .12D .-12. 下列调查活动中适合使用全面调查的是 ( ) A .调查“奔跑吧,兄弟”节目的收视率 B .调查某班学生的身高情况 C .调查某批次汽车的抗撞击能力 D .调查某池塘中现有鱼的数量 3.(昆明中考)不等式组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x ≤1,x -12<x +1的解集在数轴上表示为 ( )4.若a<b ,则下列结论不一定成立的是 ( ) A .a -1<b -1 B .2a<2b C .-a 3 >-b3D .a 2<b 25. 如图,已知一个直角三角板的直角顶点与原点重合,另两个顶点A ,B 的坐标分别为(-1,0),(0, 3 ).现将该三角板向右平移使点A 与点O 重合,得到△OCB ′,则点B 的对应点B ′的坐标是 ( )A .(1,0)B .( 3 , 3 )C .(1, 3 )D .(-1, 3 ) 6.《孙子算经》中有这样一个问题:“今有木,不知长短,引绳度之,余绳四尺五寸,屈绳量之,不足一尺,木长几何?”意思是:“用绳子去量一根木材的长,绳子还余4.5尺;将绳子对折再量木材的长,绳子比木材的长短1尺,问木材的长为多少尺?”若设木材的长为x 尺,绳子长为y 尺,则根据题意列出的方程组是 ( ) A .⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x -y =4.5,x -12y =1 B .⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧y -x =4.5,x -2y =1C .⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧y -x =4.5,x -12y =1 D .⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧y -x =4.5,12y -x =17.在平面直角坐标系中,将点A(m -1,n +2)先向右平移3个单位长度,再向上平移2个单位长度,得到点A ′,若点A ′位于第二象限,则m ,n 的取值范围分别是 ( ) A .m<0,n>0 B .m<1,n>-2 C .m<0,n<-2 D .m<-2,n>-48.如图,在直角三角形ABC 中,∠C =90°,AC =4,将三角形ABC 沿CB 向右平移得到三角形DEF ,若四边形ABED 的面积等于8,则平移距离等于 ( ) A .2 B .4 C .8 D .169.(聊城中考)如图,直线AB ∥EF ,点C 是直线AB 上一点,点D 是直线AB 外一点,若∠BCD =95°,∠CDE =25°,则∠DEF 的度数是 ( )A .110°B .115°C .120°D .125°10.已知关于x ,y 的方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x -3y =a ,2x +5y =2a -6 的解满足不等式组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧3x +2y ≥0,x +8y <0.则满足条件的整数a 的值为( )A .1,2,3,4B .2,3,4,5C .2,3,4D .3,4,5 二、填空题(本大题10小题,每题3分,共30分) 11.实数8的立方根是 .12.x 的35 与12的差不小于6,用不等式表示为 .13.依据某校九(1)班体育考试中所有学生的成绩(学生成绩取整数)制成的频数分布直方图如图,则21.5-24.5这个小组的频数和所占百分比分别是 .14.如图,一所学校的平面示意图中,如果图书馆的位置记作(3,2),实验楼的位置记作(1,-1),则校门的位置记作 .15.如图,∠1=∠2=∠3=55°,则∠4的度数是 .16.某种商品的进价为800元,出售时标价为1 200元,后来由于该商品积压,商店准备打折销售,但要保证利润率不低于5%,则至多可打 折.17.规定用符号[m]表示一个不大于实数m 的最大整数,例如⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤23 =0,[3.14]=3.按此规定[-17 +1]的值为18.已知方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x +y =5a ,x -y =9a的解满足方程2x -3y =9,则a 的值为 .19.如果关于x 的不等式组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧3x -a ≥0,2x -b ≤0的整数解仅有1,2,那么适合这个不等式组的整数a ,b 组成的有序数对(a ,b)共有 个.20.如图,长方形BCDE 的各边分别平行于x 轴或y 轴,物体甲和物体乙分别由点A(2,0)同时出发,沿长方形BCDE 的边作环绕运动,物体甲按逆时针方向以每秒1个单位长度匀速运动,物体乙按顺时针方向以每秒2个单位长度匀速运动,则两个物体运动后的第2 021次相遇地点的坐标是 .三、解答题(本大题6小题,共80分)21.(12分)(1)计算:- 4 +(3-8 )2-|3-π|;(2)解不等式组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧3(x +1)<2x +4,①x -13≥x2-1,②并将其解集在数轴上表示出来.22.(12分)如图,直线AB ,CD 相交于点O ,OM ⊥AB. (1)若∠1=∠2,判断ON 与CD 的位置关系,并说明理由; (2)若∠1=14∠BOC ,求∠MOD 的度数.23.(12分)为了了解学校图书馆上个月借阅情况,管理老师从学生对艺术、经济、科普及生活四类图书借阅情况进行了统计,并绘制了下列不完整的统计图.请根据图中信息解答下列问题:(1)上个月借阅图书的学生有多少人?扇形统计图中“艺术”部分的圆心角度数是多少?(2)把条形统计图补充完整;(3)从借阅情况分析,如果要添置这四类图书300册,请你估算“科普”类图书应添置多少册合适?24.(14分)阅读理解:小聪在解方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧2x +5y =3, ①4x +11y =5 ②时,发现方程组中①和②之间存在一定的关系,他采用了一种“整体代换”法,具体解法如下: 解:将方程②变形为4x +10y +y =5, 即2(2x +5y)+y =5.③把方程①代入方程③,得2×3+y =5,解得y =-1. 把y =-1代入方程①,得x =4,∴方程组的解是⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x =4,y =-1.(1)模仿小聪的解法,解方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧3x -2y =5,④9x -4y =19;⑤(2)已知x ,y 满足方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧3x 2-2xy +12y 2=47,⑥2x 2+xy +8y 2=36.⑦(Ⅰ)求x 2+4y 2的值; (Ⅱ)求3xy 的值.25.(14分)某木板加工厂将购进的A 型、B 型两种木板加工成C 型,D 型两种木板出售,已知一块A 型木板的进价比一块B 型木板的进价少10元,且购买3块A 型木板和2块B 型木板共花费120元. (1)A 型木板与B 型木板的进价各是多少元?(2)根据市场需求,该木板加工厂决定用不超过2 770元购进A 型木板,B 型木板共100块,若一块A 型木板可制成1块C 型木板、2块D 型木板;一块B 型木板可制成2块C 型木板,1块D 型木板,且生产出来的C 型木板数量不少于D 型木板的数量的75 .①该木板加工厂有几种进货方案?②若C 型木板每块售价30元,D 型木板每块售价25元,且生产出来的C 型木板,D 型木板全部售出,哪一种方案获得的利润最大,最大利润是多少?26.(16分)如图①,在平面直角坐标系中,A(a,0),C(b,2),且满足(a+2)2+b-2 =0,过C作CB⊥x轴于B.(1)求三角形ABC的面积;(2)在y轴上是否存在点P,使得三角形ABC和三角形ACP的面积相等?若存在,求出P点坐标;若不存在,请说明理由;(3)若过B作BD∥AC交y轴于D,且AE,DE分别平分∠CAB,∠ODB,如图②,求∠AED的度数.参考答案一、选择题二、填空题11.2.12.35x-12≥6.13. 10,20%.14.(-2,0).15.125°16.717.-418.92019. 620. (-1,-1).21. (1)计算:- 4 +(3-8 )2-|3-π|;解:原式=-2+4-π+3 =5-π .(2)解不等式组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧3(x +1)<2x +4,①x -13≥x2-1,②并将其解集在数轴上表示出来.解:解不等式①,得x < 1. 解不等式②,得x ≤4. 这个不等式组的解集是x < 1. 此不等式组的解集在数轴上表示如下:22.如图,直线AB ,CD 相交于点O ,OM ⊥AB.(1)若∠1=∠2,判断ON 与CD 的位置关系,并说明理由; (2)若∠1=14∠BOC ,求∠MOD 的度数.解:(1)ON ⊥CD , 理由:∵OM ⊥AB ,∴∠1+∠AOC =90°,∵∠1=∠2, ∴∠2+∠AOC =90°,∴∠CON =90°, ∴ON ⊥CD.(2)设∠1=x ,则∠BOC =4x , ∴∠BOM =3x ,∵OM⊥AB,∴∠BOM=90°,∴3x=90°,∴x=30°,∴∠1=30°,∴∠MOD=180°-∠1=150°.23.为了了解学校图书馆上个月借阅情况,管理老师从学生对艺术、经济、科普及生活四类图书借阅情况进行了统计,并绘制了下列不完整的统计图.请根据图中信息解答下列问题:(1)上个月借阅图书的学生有多少人?扇形统计图中“艺术”部分的圆心角度数是多少?(2)把条形统计图补充完整;(3)从借阅情况分析,如果要添置这四类图书300册,请你估算“科普”类图书应添置多少册合适?解:(1)上个月借阅图书的学生有240人;扇形统计图中“艺术”部分的圆心角度数是150°;(2)补全条形图略;(3)估计“科普”类图书应添置50册合适.24.阅读理解:小聪在解方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧2x +5y =3, ①4x +11y =5 ②时,发现方程组中①和②之间存在一定的关系,他采用了一种“整体代换”法,具体解法如下: 解:将方程②变形为4x +10y +y =5, 即2(2x +5y)+y =5.③把方程①代入方程③,得2×3+y =5,解得y =-1. 把y =-1代入方程①,得x =4,∴方程组的解是⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x =4,y =-1.(1)模仿小聪的解法,解方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧3x -2y =5,④9x -4y =19;⑤(2)已知x ,y 满足方程组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧3x 2-2xy +12y 2=47,⑥2x 2+xy +8y 2=36.⑦(Ⅰ)求x 2+4y 2的值; (Ⅱ)求3xy 的值.解:(1)把方程⑤变形为3(3x -2y)+2y =19,⑧把④代入⑧得15+2y =19,得y =2,把y =2代入④得x =3,则方程组的解为⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x =3,y =2.(2)(Ⅰ)由⑥得3(x 2+4y 2)=47+2xy ,即x 2+4y 2=47+2xy3,⑨⑦式整理得2(x 2+4y 2)+xy =36,⑩将⑨代入⑩得2×47+2xy3 +xy =36,解得xy =2,将xy =2代入⑨得x 2+4y 2=17.(Ⅱ)由①知xy =2,则3xy =6.25.某木板加工厂将购进的A 型、B 型两种木板加工成C 型,D 型两种木板出售,已知一块A 型木板的进价比一块B 型木板的进价少10元,且购买3块A 型木板和2块B 型木板共花费120元. (1)A 型木板与B 型木板的进价各是多少元?(2)根据市场需求,该木板加工厂决定用不超过2 770元购进A 型木板,B 型木板共100块,若一块A 型木板可制成1块C 型木板、2块D 型木板;一块B 型木板可制成2块C 型木板,1块D 型木板,且生产出来的C 型木板数量不少于D 型木板的数量的75 .①该木板加工厂有几种进货方案?②若C 型木板每块售价30元,D 型木板每块售价25元,且生产出来的C 型木板,D 型木板全部售出,哪一种方案获得的利润最大,最大利润是多少?解:(1)设A 型木板的进价为x 元,B 型木板的进价为y 元,依题意,得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧y -x =10,3x +2y =120.解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x =20,y =30.答:A 型木板的进价为20元,B 型木板的进价为30元. (2)①设购进m 块A 型木板,则购进(100-m)块B 型木板,依题意,得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧20m +30(100-m )≤2 770,m +2(100-m )≥75[2m +(100-m )],解得23≤m ≤25. ∵m 为整数, ∴m =23,24,25,∴该木板加工厂共有3种进货方案:方案1:购进23块A 型木板,77块B 型木板; 方案2:购进24块A 型木板,76块B 型木板; 方案3:购进25块A 型木板,75块B 型木板. ②方案(Ⅰ)获得的利润为30×(23+2×77)+25×(2×23+77)-20×23-30×77=5 615(元), 方案(Ⅱ)获得的利润为30×(24+2×76)+25×(2×24+76)-20×24-30×76=5 620(元), 方案(Ⅲ)获得的利润为30×(25+2×75)+25×(2×25+75)-20×25-30×75=5 625(元), ∵5 615<5 620<5 625,∴方案3购进25块A 型木板,75块B 型木板获得的利润最大,最大利润为5 625元.26.如图①,在平面直角坐标系中,A(a ,0),C(b ,2),且满足(a +2)2+b -2 =0,过C 作CB ⊥x 轴于B. (1)求三角形ABC 的面积;(2)在y 轴上是否存在点P ,使得三角形ABC 和三角形ACP 的面积相等?若存在,求出P 点坐标;若不存在,请说明理由;(3)若过B 作BD ∥AC 交y 轴于D ,且AE ,DE 分别平分∠CAB ,∠ODB ,如图②,求∠AED 的度数.解:(1)∵(a +2)2+b -2 =0,∴a +2=0,b -2=0, 解得a =-2,b =2, ∴A(-2,0),C(2,2), ∵CB ⊥x 轴,∴B(2,0), ∴S △ABC =12 ×(2+2)×2=4.(2)存在.如答图①,设AC 交y 轴于Q ,则Q(0,1),设P(0,t), ∵S △PAC =S △APQ +S △CPQ =S △ABC ,∴12 ·|t -1|·2+12 ·|t -1|·2=4,解得t =3或t =-1, ∴P 点坐标为(0,3),(0,-1); (3)作EM ∥AC ,如答图②, ∵AC ∥BD ,∴AC ∥EM ∥BD , ∴∠CAE =∠AEM ,∠BDE =∠DEM , ∴∠AED =∠CAE +∠BDE ,∵AE ,DE 分别平分∠CAB ,∠ODB , ∴∠CAE =12 ∠CAB ,∠BDE =12 ∠ODB ,∴∠AED =12 (∠CAB +∠ODB),∵AC ∥BD ,∴∠CAB =∠OBD ,∴∠CAB +∠ODB =∠OBD +∠ODB =90°, ∴∠AED =12×90°=45°.答图① 答图②。
)(1)2.5×32×12.5 (2)5.4÷1.2÷5(3)9999×1222-3333×666(4)7.816×1.45+1.69×7.816+3.14×2.184(5)25.2x÷3=6.3×4 (6)2×(x-0.7)=4.8 (7)12÷(0.5x-1)=4 (8)0.7×4-5x=0.8(9)如图:在直角三角形ABC中,四边形BEDF为正方形,AD=15厘米,CD=20厘米。
绵阳外国语实验学校2011-2012学年上学期半期教学质量检测四初一年级英语学科试卷命题人:审题人:说明:本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,其中第II 卷即答题卷。
(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) ( )1. A. good B. name C. what D. afternoon( )2. A. how B. evening C. English D. list( )3. A. orange B. jacket C. fine D. thanks( )4. A. key B. ruler C. spell D. color( )5. A. yellow B. black C. and D. green第二节:情景反应(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听句子,给每个句子选择一个正确答语。
( )6. A. Y es, he is. B. Y es, it isn’t. C. No, it isn’t. D. I’m fine, thanks. ( )7. A. K-E-Y. B. It’s Y. C. It is a pen. D. It’s my book. ( )8. A. Y es, it is. B. Y es, they are. C. It is a pencil sharpener. D. It’s dirty. ( )9. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening D. Good night. ( )10. A. It’s an orange. B. Y es, you can. C. How do you do? D. Thanks.第三节:句子理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的句子,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
数学素养一、反复比较,择优选取(把正确答案的序号填在括号里,每题2分,共20分)1、下面的数中每个零都要读出的数是().A .205040B .20504002C .20054020D .2050402052、小明今年a岁,小东今年(a-4)岁,再过5年,他们相差()岁.A.4 B.( 5+4) C .( 5-4) D. (a+5)3、一个正方体的棱长扩大为原来的3倍,它的体积就扩大为原来的().A.3倍 B.6倍 C.9倍 D.27倍4、一个长是8厘米、宽是6厘米、高是10厘米的长方体,最少能切成( )个小正方体.(没有剩余)A.60B.90C.180D.4805、当a=10时,a3+3a的运算结果是().A.60 B.330 C.630 D.10306、一个长方形,如果长增加3厘米,宽增加5厘米,就成了一个正方形,面积就增加了105平方厘米,那么原来长方形的面积是()平方厘米.A.60 B.92 C.120 D.无法确定7、一个长是6厘米、宽是4厘米的长方形,将宽对折到长方形的长上变成一个梯形,这个梯形的面积是( )平方厘米.A.16B. 18C.20D.228、把右图中涂色的小正方体截取掉,表面积().A.不变B.变大C. 变小D. 无法判断9、一段木料锯成8段用了56分钟,如果锯成12段要()分钟.A.84B.86C.88D.9010、甲乙丙三人外出钓鱼,甲钓了5千克,乙钓了3千克,丙没钓到鱼,中午三人一起将鱼全部吃完后,丙付出了24元钱,甲可以分得()元.A.18 B.20 C.21 D.前三个都不对二、认真读题,谨慎填空.(1~6小题,每空1分;7~12小题,每空2分,共24分)1、一个七位数最高位上是最大的一位数,万位上是2和3的最小公倍数,千位上是最小合数,其余各位是0,这个数写作(),四舍五入到万位约是().2、甲数=2×3×m,乙数=3×5×m(m≠0),如果甲数和乙数的最大公因数是21,则m是(),甲乙两数的最小公倍数是().3、6时45分=()时 8公顷50平方米=()公顷4、学校图书馆前摆了一个花坛方阵,这个方阵的最外层每边各摆放12盆花,最外层共摆了()盆花,这个花坛一共有()盆花.5、一个两位小数,四舍五入保留一位小数是 4.5,这个数最大是(),最小是().6、甲仓有大米m袋,乙比甲的4倍少b袋,乙有()袋;若甲比乙的3倍少b袋,乙有()袋.7、一个正方体,将它的高增加2厘米后,得到的长方体的表面积比原正方体的表面积大32平方厘米,原正方体的表面积是()平方厘米.8、一个正方体的表面染上色后,切成125个大小相同的小正方体后.其中一面染色的有()个.9、一等腰梯形,底角为45度,上底4厘米,下底12厘米,这个梯形的面积是()平方厘米.10、某此考试,A、B、C、D、E五人的平均分是90分.若A、B、C的平均分是86分,B、D、E的平均分是95分,则B的得分是()分.11、“⊙”表示一种新的运算符号,已知:2⊙3=2+3+4,7⊙2=7+8,那么3⊙5=3+4+5+6+7,……,按此规则,如果n⊙8=68,那么n=( ).12、大猴采到一些桃子,分给一群小猴吃.如果每只小猴分4个桃,则最后剩8个桃;如果每只小猴分6个桃,那么还差12个桃.则大猴共采到()个桃.三、看清题意,巧思妙算(写出必要过程,共43分)1、选择合适的方法计算(每题5分,共20分)(1)[1.9-6÷(2.4×5)]÷(14×0.2)(2)99999+9999+999+99+9(3)5.84×1.36+13.6×0.316+136×0.01 (4) 64117×192、求未知数的值(每题4分,共12分)(1)6×3﹣1.8x =7.2 (2)2×(2x﹣15)=10 (3)5×(x﹢2)= 6×(x﹣l)3、图形计算(5分)已知如图,ABCD是长方形,ACGD是梯形,求:三角形ACG的面积。
四川省绵阳市绵阳外国语校2024年初中英语毕业考试模拟冲刺卷含答案注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.Ⅰ. 单项选择1、I __________ to Canada twice. It’s so beautiful.A.won’t go B.have goneC.don’t go D.have been2、—What do you think of the movie you saw last night?—I think it is worth ________.A.seeing B.sees C.to see3、I enjoy fresh air so always sleep with the window open ______ it is really cold.A.unless B.when C.if D.Since4、— _______ good time we had at the party last night!— Y es. It was _______exciting party that I would never forget it.A.What; so B.How; such C.What a; such an D.How a; so an5、_______ everyone with politeness (礼貌) even those who are very rude to you, not because they are nice, but because you are.A.To treat B.Treating C.Treat6、The 24th Winter Olympic Games ________ in Beijing and in Zhangjiakou in 2022.A.holds B.will hold C.were held D.will be held7、--- Why don’t you buy your son a new mobile phone, Mrs. Li?--- Because he _______ his phone for less than one year.A.has had B.has bought C.has got D.has taken8、— The food looked bad, but it ________ OK.—So we can’t judge a man by his appearance.A.is tasted B.tasted C.was tasted D.taste9、---Simon, do you know who invented the kite?---Sure! It ____ by Mozi over 2,000 years ago.A.is invented B.invented C.was invented D.will be invented10、In order _______ mistakes, I paid much attention to my exam.A.not to make. B.to make. C.not making.Ⅱ. 完形填空11、Mr. Black has a big shop in the city center. He tells all his employees (雇员) to be 1 to the buyers and he gets a lot of money.One day an old woman went to the shop to buy a silk blouse. When she came 2 of the shop with the blouse, she left her wallet in it. A girl 3 and found there were nearly five hundred dollars in it. She looked around and 4 saw it. She put it into her pocket 5 . Soon the old woman came back to look for it, of course she 6 . That evening Mr. Black was told about it. He was very angry and sent the girl away. Then he decided to employ7 honest man to take her place. Several young 8 came, but none of them could satisfy him.This morning a young man came into9 office. He asked, “Do you smoke, sir?”“No, sir,” answered the young man.“Do you drink?”“No, sir.”Mr. Black asked him the other questions, and the young man’s answers satisfied him.10 he employed him, he asked him the last question, “You have no shortcoming(缺点), do you?”“No, I don’t, sir,” said the young man. “I only like telling lies (撒谎)”.1.A.strange B.terrible C.strict D.friendly2.A.in B.out C.for D.from3.A.picked up it B.picked it up C.picked them up D.picked up them4.A.anybody B.somebody C.nobody D.everybody5.A.easy B.slow C.quick D.quickly6.A.won B.lost C.failed D.forgot7.A.a B.an C.the D./8.A.man B.men C.child D.children9.A.he B.him C.his D.her10.A.Before B.After C.When D.WhileⅢ. 语法填空12、Do you know Stephen Hawking? He’s one of the most well-known 1.(scientist)on space and time in the world. He was born in England in 1942. Hawking is 2.(study)how the universe began and how it ends.When he studied math and science at Oxford University, he fell 3.(serious) ill, which made him unable to speak or breathe. Till now, he can’t move or feed 4.(him). however, he has a wheelchair with 5.special computer, with which he can communicate with others.6.he was facing all these difficulties, he refused to give up his hope of living. Because7.his illness, it was difficult for him to draw diagrams or to write. So he started 8.(think) in pictures. With this new way of thinking, he is respected by people in the world.Once he 9.(invite) to China to give lectures. His self-confidence and humorous conversations impressed us deeply.He once said, “When something unfair happens, 10.is no need to worry about it! You just have to do the best in your own situation.”Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Someone has put forward a dream home which is so advanced(先进的)that its kitchen can suggest what to make with certain things. Also, a Microsoft home doesn’t just warn you when you’re out of m ilk—it can send you a fresh gallon.But are these innovation(创新)just magic, or are they really coming soon to a neighborhood near you? To find out, US News asked some experts to get their opinions about the home of the near future. Here’s a look at the inn ovations.A great number of buildings filled with units look the same. The coming years, however, will give way to a personalized approach(个性化手段)to home construction (住宅建设). The houses will be an instrument of self-expresion. “The successful builders will be the ones that figure out how to change their production model enough to make the buyers feel like they are really getting something that is designed for them, not just a model,” says Kermit Baker, the chief economist(首席经济学家)at the American Institute of Architects.Future home will probably shrink. “We will be building smaller but smarter houses, says Ed McMahon, a senior resident fellow(高级研究员) at the Urban Land Institute. “Instead of having a room for just one use, consumers will demand homes that make b etter use of space,” says Susanka, whose best-selling book, The Not So Big House, has a great influence in home design. Seldom-used quarters, such as dining and living rooms, will be replaced with space that can serve both functions. “The goal of his ‘righ t-size, home is to fit its owners like a specially cut suit rather than a jacket you buy in a store,” says Susanka.1.Why does the writer mention a dream home and a Microsoft home?A.To tell us something about future houses.B.To tell us that technology develops fast.C.To tell us what kind of house to buy.D.To lead to the topic of the passage.2.According to the third paragraph, future houses will __________.A.be mass-produced (大量生产)B.have a lot of things in commonC.express the owners9 personalities (个性)D.be designed by the owners themselves3.The underlined word “shrink” in the last paragraph means __________.A.become cleaner B.become smallerC.become brighter D.become more comfortable4.Smarter houses in the last paragraph refer to houses that _________.A.can warn you when you’re out of milkB.have very advanced furnitureC.can make better use of spaceD.have a room for every use5.What is this passage mainly about?A.Some experts, opinions about future houses.B.The writer’s ideas about future houses.C.What life in the future will be like.D.The development of houses.B14、Only humans speak using words. But all kinds in the animal world can communicate in one way or another. Maybe you have heard about the way bees dance around to send messages to each other and the way dogs bark in different ways to give warnings, to be friendly or to be playful. But did you know about infrasonic communication used by elephants? This is how it works:Humans hear low sounds like thunder rumbling in the sky. But we don’t hear sounds lower than this. However, animals such as elephants and hippos can hear much lower sounds than humans can. And what’s more, they can make those low sounds as well, and they use them to communicate with each other. This is known as infrasound.The amazing thing about infrasound is that it travels over several kilometers. Higher-level sounds like the one people can hear, don’t travel well through walls, leaves, trees and so on, which is why we can’t hear sounds from more than 100 meters away. But infrasound is much stronger and things like grass and trees have no influence on it. Therefore, it can travel much further. Elephants can hear infrasonic calls from four kilometers away!There have been reports of people watching groups of elephants feeding or resting and then the elephants suddenly all stopped what they were doing for no reason at all. They obviously heard a warning call from a long way away, but the people didn’t hear a sound. In places like a zoo or wildlife park where you can get nearer to animals, it is a bit easier to sense when infrasonic sounds are made. When you stand near mother elephants with their babies in a zoo, you may notice a slight rumbling in the air every few minutes—not loud or strong, but clearly noticed. This is infrasoniccommunication—the mother elephants “talking” to their babies.1.Why does the writer mention bees and dogs in Paragraph1?A.Because they use infrasonic communication.B.Because they communicate like the elephants.C.Because they are examples of animal communication.D.Because people want to learn how they communicate.2.Which of the following is TRUE abou t ‘infrasound’?A.Humans can hear infrasound easily.B.It travels nearly several kilometers.C.It sounds low but can’t travel very far.D.It travels well through walls, leaves and so on.3.In places like zoos, ________.A.elephants don’t need to make infra sonic soundsB.it is easier for elephants to make infrasonic soundsC.mother elephants don’t let people stand near their babiesD.humans can easily sense infrasonic sounds when they are made4.Which would be the best title for the passage?A.Talking to humans B.Talking to animalsC.Playing with humans D.Playing with elephantsC15、A priest(牧师)had a cat that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to come down. The priest persuaded(劝说), offered warm milk, etc. The kitty would not come down. The tree was not strong enough to climb, so the priest decided that if he tied a rope to his car and drove away so that the tree bent(弯曲)down, he could then reach up and get the kitty. He did so, checking his progress in the car again and again, then work out if he went just a little bit further, the tree would be bent enough for him to reach the kitty. But as he moved a little further forward, the rope broke.The tree went “boing!” and the kitty at once sailed through the air —out of sight. The priest felt terrible. He walked all over the neighborhood asking people if they’d seen his kitty. Nobody had seen a lost kitty.So, he prayed(祈祷), “God, I just give this kitty to your keeping,” and went on about his business.Several days later he was at the grocery store, meeting one of his church(教堂)members. He happened to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see cat food. Now this woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he asked her,“Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?”She replied, “You won’t believe this,” and told him how her little girl had been begging her for a cat, but she kept refusing. Then a few days before, the child begged again, so the Mom finally told her little girl, “Well, if God gives you a cat, you can k eep it. ” She told the priest, “I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat. You won’t believe this, but I saw it with my own eyes. A cat suddenly came flying out of the blue sky, with its paws spread out, and landed righ t in front of her. ”1.The priest drove his car to bend the tree in order to __________.A.get his kitty down from the tree B.persuade his kitty to come downC.offer the kitty some warm milk D.see if the rope was strong enough2.The underlined sentence probably means that the priest __________.A.was happy he didn’t have to care for the kittyB.hoped his neighbors would look after his catC.thought his kitty might be lost or killedD.didn’t want to see his kitty any more3.Why was the priest amazed when he saw the woman had bought much cat food?A.Because he couldn’t imagine she had her own cat.B.Because the woman was his church member.C.Because he thought she would live on cat food.D.Because he knew clearly she didn’t like a cat.4.Who gave the girl a cat?A.God B.His church member C.The priest D.His neighbour5.Which may be the best title of this passage?A.A flying cat B.A lucky girlC.God sent her a cat D.An unlucky priestD16、A young man entered the last interview of a company. The director found the young man’s academic grade were very good.“Did you get any scholarships(奖学金) in school?” The director asked. “None.” The young man answered.“Was it your father who paid for your school fees(学费)?” the director asked. “My father passed away when I was one year old, so it was my mother who paid for my school fees.” the young man answered.“Where did your mother work?” the director asked. “My mother cleaned clothes.” the young man said. The directorlooked the young man’s hands. He had a pair of smooth and perfect hands.“Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?” the director asked. “Never,” the young man answered. “I have a requ est,” the director said. “When you go back home today, go and clean your mother’s hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.”The young man felt that his chance of getting the job was high. When he went back, he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange; happy but with mixed feelings. She showed her hands to the kid. The young man cleaned his mother’s hands slowly. His tears fell as he did that. It was the first time he had noticed his mother’s hands were so wrinkled. He realized it was this pair of hands that helped him pay the fees.The next morning, the young man went to the director’s office.“I cleaned my mother’s hands, and I know that without my mother, I would not be the person I am today.” he said.“This is what I am looking for in my manager.” the director said. “I want a person who can appreciate (感激) ” the help of others to get things done. You get the job!”1.What did the director ask the young man to do that night?A.to help his mother wash the clothes B.To wa sh his mother’s handsC.To chat with his mother D.To hug his mother2.The underlined word “wrinkled” in paragraph 6 probably means ______.A.soft B.rough C.dirty D.smooth3.What can we learn from the passage about the young man?A.The young man had good academic grades and got scholarships.B.His parents worked hard to pay the fees.C.The young man had a pair of hands that looked just like his mother’s.D.The young man finally got the job as a manager.4.Which of the following is wrong about the young man’s mother?A.Her son never helped her with her work before the interview.B.Life was difficult but she managed to support her son.C.She couldn’t help crying when her son washed her hands that night.D.Her son learned a lot from what she had done for him.5.What did the director value most from the young man?A.Working ability. B.Academic grades.C.Communication skills. D.Appreciation.E17、Rick is a student at an expensive private university. He is lucky because he has a wonderful offer from the university's sports department. He can study for free because he is a great basketball player, and the team needs him. But Rick likes going to parties more than studying. He goes out with his friends four or five times a week. Rick misses a lot of classes because he usually doesn't feel well in the morning after partying all night. He tries to do his best at basketball practice, but he feels sick there sometimes, too.Rick gets some teammates to go out with him on a Wednesday night. They are all having lots of fun very late that night and drinking a lot. They decide to play basketball outside. As they play, one teammate falls and breaks his arm. They have to take him to the hospital, and they are all very upset.Naturally, Rick's coach is very angry. "I spoke to your teachers, his coach says. Y ou miss lots of classes and your grades are very bad. And if you do not improve your grades, you will have to leave the team and the university. You have some thinking to do."Rick is shocked at his coach's words. He does not want to leave the team! He thinks about his parents and his grandparents. They are so proud of him, and his little brother told Rick he was his hero. Rick knows that he can do much better.Rick wants to show his family and his team that he is responsible. And most of all, his dream is to play basketball at a big university! He will not throw it away by partying and drinking too much. From now on, Rick decides to be temperate(节制的)and enjoy what he loves most.1.Which of the following about Rick is TRUE?A.Rick likes studying more than he likes going to parties.B.Rick decides not to party and drink too much any longer.C.Rick misses a lot of classes because he practices playing basketball.D.Rick studies in the university for free because he does well in all subjects.2.What does “shocked” in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?A.very angry. B.very helpless.C.very nervous. D.very surprised.3.Which is the correct order according to the passage?①Rick's coach is very angry with his bad grades.②One of Rick's teammates falls and breaks his arm.③ Rick enters an expensive private university.④Rick often goes to parties instead of studying.⑤Rick decides to do his best to study and practice harder.A.③-④-②-①-⑤B.④-③-⑤-②-①C.③-④-①-②-⑤D.⑤-③-④-②-①4.What is the best title for this passage?A.Never give up B.Never show offC.Better late than never D.Practice makes perfectF18、It may be the happiest place on Earth, but the Magic Kingdom has become a little more restrictive(限制的) for the children hoping to enjo y Disney’s US parks on their own. Beginning on March 23 of this year, anyone under the age of 14 must go there with someone over 14. If a worker who works at the front gates sees a child who looks younger than 14 without a person who looks older than that, he will have a talk with the tourist. If he is sure the tourist is under 14, his parents will be contacted to pick them up.Before this, Disney did not have any age restrictions(限制) for tourists. The new rule was set up after Disney conducted a survey of its tourists and contacted various child welfare association(福利机构). They both thought it was necessary to have the age requirement. The American Red Cross suggested that 14 is the minimum(最小的) age for babysitters(保姆).News of the age restriction comes nearly a week. A child on vacation with his father and mother fell into a pool and died at Disneyland Pop Century Resort(度假村). Anthory Johnson was swimming in the hotel pool with a group of children including his little brother and a cousin at about 9:30 pm when the accident happened. Witnesses said the teen was playing in the water on Sunday evening without family members. A cousin found him under water around 9:10 pm and told others in the group who pulled him out of water. Orange Country Sheriff’s officials said after Anthony was taken to nearby hospital, he died several days later.1.How does the worker know the child is under 14?A.By contacting with his parents.B.By seeing if the child comes on his own.C.By seeing if the child comes with his parents.D.B y looking at the child’s appearance and talking with him.2.What ISN’T the reason for setting up the new rule?A.14 is the minimum age for babysitters.B.Children like to play in Disney’s US parks with their parents.C.Tourists think it’s necessary to have the age requirement.D.A child on vacation with his parents died in a pool at Disney’s Pop Century Resort.3.What’s the main idea of this passage?A.The happiest place for children.B.A new rule of age requirement about children who go to Disneyland.C.A survey of age requirement about children who go to Disneyland.D.A child who fell into a pool and died at Disneyland.Ⅴ.书面表达19、假如你是李华,你们学校准备组织学生本周五去北京世园会参观。
2024年四川省绵阳市绵阳外国语学校七下英语期末检测模拟试题满分120分,时间90分钟一、单项选择(共10小题,满分20分)1、It took about 2 hours for these firemen to ________ the fire in the building last night.A. put downB. put awayC. put outD. put on2、Look at ________ young woman. She is ______ actress.A. a; theB. a; anC. the; aD. the; an3、Helen often helps Peter with ________ English.A. heB. himC. hisD. her4、—Do you like the soup?—Yes. It tastes ________.A. terribleB. newC. smartD. delicious5、—May I have your order?—Yes. ________.A. I’d like a big bowl, pleaseB. Have a good timeC. I’d like a medium bowl, pleaseD. I’d like some rice, please6、—Mum. I need________ jacket.—OK. Let’s go to the store this afternoon.A. aB. theC. 不填7、— Would you please ________ your email address? I missed it just now.—Noproblem.It’************.A. repeatB. reviewC. reportD. remember8、—________is it from your home to your school?—It is not so far. It is only 20 minutes’ ride.A. How longB. How farC. How soonD. How often9、Does your mother like beef noodles ________ carrots?A. withB. offC. inD. to10、Listen! Ms Li ________ the students how to play the piano.A. teachB. teachesC. is teachingD. taught二、完成句子(共5小题,满分10分)11、缺词填空根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。
绵阳外国语学校数学七上册统考试卷及答案分析第Ⅰ卷选择题(共30分)一、选择题(本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请选出并在答题卡上将该项涂黑)1.-3的倒数是A.3 B.-3 C.1/3D.-1/32.下列运算正确的是()A.x2+x2=x4B.3x3y2﹣2x3y2=1C.4x2y3+5x3y2=9x5y5D.5x2y4﹣3x2y4=2x2y43.在﹣,0,,﹣1这四个数中,最小的数是()A.﹣B.0C.D.﹣14.下列说法正确的是()A.一个数的绝对值一定比0大B.一个数的相反数一定比它本身小C.绝对值等于它本身的数一定是正数D.最小的正整数是15.若|a|=7,|b|=5,a+b>0,那么a-b的值是( ) A.2或12 B.2或-12 C.-2或-12 D.-2或126.|a|=a,则a()A.a<0 B.a>0 C.a=0 D.a07.把四张形状大小完全相同的小长方形卡片(如图①)不重叠地放在一个底面为长方形(长为m,宽为n)的盒子底部(如图②),盒子底面未被卡片覆盖的部分用阴影表示.则图②中两块阴影部分的周长和是…………………………………………………()A.4m B.4n C.2(m+n)D.4(m-n)8.一个数的平方是49, 这个数是( )A.7B.-7C.+7或—7D.+9或—99.下列各组数中,相等的是( )A.﹣1与(﹣4)+(﹣3)B.|﹣3|与﹣(﹣3)C.与D.(﹣4)2与﹣1610.若﹣3x2m y3与2x4y n是同类项,则|m﹣n|的值是( )A.0B.1C.7D.﹣1第Ⅱ卷非选择题(共90分)二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题3分,共15分)11、温度由-100℃上升9℃,达到的温度是______ .12. 与原点的距离为8个单位的点所表示的有理数是_ ___。
13.多项式 3xy44+3x+26的最高次项系数是__________.14.如图②是圆柱被一个平面斜切后得到的几何体,请类比梯形面积公式的推导方法(如图①),推导图②几何体的体积为.(结果保留π)15.一个机器人从数轴原点出发,沿数轴正方向,以每前进3步后退2步,不断往返的程序运动.设该机器人每秒钟前进或后退1步,并且每步的距离为1个单位长,x n表示第n秒时机器人在数轴上的位置所对应的数.则下列结论:(1)x3=3;(2)x8=4;(3)x105<x104;(4)x2013<x2014中,正确结论的个数是_______________.三、解答题(本大题共8个小题,共75分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)16.计算:﹣++|(精确到0.01)17.(本题共8分,每小题4分)(1)已知:A=2m2+n2+2m,B=m2-n2-m,求A-2B的值.(2)先化简,再求值:5a2-[3a-2(2a-1)+4a2],其中a=-.18.应用题已知代数式A=2x2+3xy+2y-1,B=x2-xy+x-1 2(1)求A-2B;(2)若A-2B的值与x的取值无关,求y的值.19.“囧”(jiong)是网络流行语,像一个人脸郁闷的神情.如图所示,一张边长为20的正方形的纸片,剪去两个一样的小直角三角形和一个长方形得到一个“囧”字图案(阴影部分).设剪去的小长方形长和宽分别为x、y,剪去的两个小直角三角形的两直角边长也分别为x、y.(1)用含有x、y的代数式表示右图中“囧”的面积;(2)当时,求此时“囧”的面积.(第21题图)20.已知在纸面上有一数轴(如图),折叠纸面.(1)若1表示的点与-1表示的点重合,则-2表示的点与数表示的点重合(2)若-1表示的点与3表示的点重合,回答以下问题:① 5表示的点与数表示的点重合;② 若数轴上A、B两点之间的距离为9(A在B的左侧),且A、B两点经折叠后重合,求A、B两点表示的数是多少?21. (本题7分)在桌面上,有若干个完全相同的小正方体堆成的一个几何体A,如图所示. (1) 请画出这个几何体A的三视图.(2) 若将此几何体A的表面喷上红漆(放在桌面上的一面不喷),则三个面上是红色的小正方体有_______个.(3) 若现在你的手头还有一些相同的小正方体可添放在几何体A上,要保持主视图和左视图不变,则最多可以添加_______个小正方体.(4) 在几何体的基础上添加一个小正方体成为几何体,使得几何体的主视图、俯视图.......分别与几何体的主视图、左视图.......相同,请画出几何体的俯视图的可能情况(画出其中的2种不同情形即可).主视图左视图俯视图22.上海股民杨先生上星期五交易结束时买进某公司股票1000股,每股50元,下表为本周内每日该股的涨跌情况(星期六、日股市休市)。
1、一个数,它既是18的倍数,又有因数18,符合这样条件的最小的数是A、9B、18C、36D、482、质数的平方有多少个因数A、2B、3C、1D、无数3、下列说法不正确的是A、两个奇数的和一定是偶数B、一个正方形边长的数值是质数,那么面积的数值一定是合数C、能被5整除的数一定是合数D、1既不是质数也不是合数4、用棱长为1分米的小正方体木块拼成一个大正方体,至少需要A、2块B、4块C、6块D、8块5、要把棱长为2分米的正方体玩具,放进一个长5分米,宽6分米,高4分米的长方体纸盒中,最多可放A、8个B、10个C、12个D、15个6、将下列图形绕着中心点旋转180O 后,不能与原来的图形重合的是A B 、 C 、 D 、7、下面各组中结果相同的是A 、123和12×3B 、x 2 和x ×2C 、4×4和44D 、4.32和4.3×4.3 8、一个正方体的表面积是96平方厘米,把它平均分成两个长方体,每个长方体的表面积是A 、48平方厘米B 、64平方厘米C 、36平方厘米D 、32平方厘米 9、一个正方体棱长扩大2倍,那么棱长总和、表面积、体积也一定分别扩大多少倍A 、2 2 2B 、2 4 4C 、2 4 8D 、4 4 4 10、一个两位小数精确到十分位是5.0,这个数最小是A 、4.99B 、5.1C 、4.94D 、4.95 11、将一块长方体木板锯成两段,第一段长25 米,第二段占全长的25 ,两段木板相比A 、第一段长B 、第二段长C 、一样长D 、无法比较 12、一个数加上3能被5整除,减去3能被6整除,这个数最小是 A 、33 B 、27 C 、36 D 、3013、将一根绳子对折3次,每段绳子是全长的A 、13B 、14C 、16D 、1814、箱子里有3个红球,4个白球和5个蓝球,从中至少摸出多少个球,才能保证每种颜色的球至少有一个A 、9B 、10C 、11D 、12 15、在13 、26 、39这三个分数中,分数单位最小的一个是A 、13B 、26C 、39D 、一样大第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共70分)二、用心思考,正确填写。
四川省绵阳市涪城区绵阳外国语实验学校2023-2024学年七年级下学期期中数学试题一、单选题1.在实数0,﹣22中,最大的是( )A .0B .﹣2CD .22.下面的调查中,适宜采用全面调查方式的是( )A .了解居民对废电池的处理情况B .为了制作校服,了解某班同学的身高情况C .某种LED 灯的使用寿命 D .某类烟花爆竹燃放的安全性3.已知a b <,下列式子不一定成立的是( )A .11a b -<-B .22a b ->-C .2121a b +<+D .22m a m b < 4.下列命题是真命题的是( )A .在同一平面内,垂直于同一条直线的两条直线平行B .相等的角是对顶角C .同旁内角互补D .过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行5.数字“20240428”中,数字“2”出现的频数是( )A .1B .2C .3D .46.不等式2x +1<8的最大整数解是( )A .4B .3C .2D .17.若关于x y ,的二元一次方程20ax by +-=的两个解分别是53x y =⎧⎨=⎩或13x y =-⎧⎨=-⎩,则a b ,的值是( )A . 1,0a b ==B .11a b ==-,C .11a b =-=,D .12a b ==, 8.把一些笔分给几名学生,如果每人分5支,那么余7支;如果前面的学生每人分6支,那么最后一名学生能分到笔但分到的少于3支,则共有学生( )A .11人B .12人C .11或12人D .13人 9.一副三角板如图所示摆放,若直线a b P ,则1∠的度数为( )A .10︒B .15︒C .20︒D .25︒10.五四青年节某校举办歌咏比赛,为鼓励本班同学们积极参加,刘老师花了48元钱买了甲、乙两种(两种都买)碳素笔作为奖品.已知甲种碳素笔每支6元,乙种碳素笔每支4元,则老师购买碳素笔的方案共有( )A .4种B .3种C .2种D .1种11.若不等式组00x b x a -<⎧⎨+>⎩的解集为23x <<,关于x 的不等式()c a x b +>的解集是b x c a <+,则c 的取值范围是( )A .2>cB .2c <C .23c <<D .3c <12.如图,AB CD P ,F 为AB 上一点,∥FD EH ,且FE 平分AFG ∠,过点F 作FG EH ⊥于点G ,且2∠=∠AFG D ,则下列结论:①30D ∠=︒;②290∠+∠=︒D EHC ;③FD 平分HFB ∠;④FH 平分GFD ∠.其中正确的是( )A .①②B .①②③C .②③④D .①②③④二、填空题1314.如图,在一束平行光线中插入一张对边平行的纸板.如果图中1∠是70︒,那么2∠的度数是.15.若点()21,2p m m +-在y 轴上,则p 的坐标是.16.已知二元一次方程组361x y x y +=⎧⎨-=⎩的解满足3x y k +=,k 的值是 . 17.如图为一盏可折叠台灯及其平面示意图,其中支架AO 与底座OE 垂直,支架AB ,BC 为固定支撑杆,当灯体CD 与底座OE 平行时,138∠=︒BAO ,154∠=︒BCD ,则B ∠的度数为︒.18.如图,将长方形纸片ABCD 沿EF 折叠后,点A ,B 分别落在A ',B 的位置,再沿AD 边将A ∠折叠到H ∠处,已知150∠=︒,则FEH ∠=︒.三、解答题19.计算:()20152221+--. 20.解方程组6{234()5()2x y x y x y x y +-+=+--=.21.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,将ABC V 先向左平移1个单位长度,再向下平移6个单位长度,得到A B C '''V .(1)画出A B C '''V ;(2)连接A B A C '',,求A BC 'V 和A B C '''V 的面积差.22.为了提高学生书写汉字的能力,增强保护汉字的意识,我市举办了首届“汉字听写大赛”,经选拔后有50名学生参加决赛,这50名学生同时听写50个汉字,若每正确听写出一个汉字得1分,根据测试成绩绘制出部分频数分布表和部分频数分布直方图如图表:请结合图表完成下列各题:(1)求表中a 的值;(2)请把频数分布直方图补充完整;(3)若测试成绩不低于40分为优秀,则本次测试的优秀率是多少?23.为响应习总书记“扶贫先扶志,扶贫必扶智”的号召,攀枝花市教体局向木里县中小学捐赠一批书籍和实验器材共360套,其中书籍比实验器材多120套(1)求书籍和实验器材各有多少套?(2)现计划租用甲、乙两种型号的货车共8辆,一次性将这批书籍和实验器材运往该县,已知每辆甲种货车最多可装书籍40套和实验器材10套,每辆乙种货车最多可装书籍30套和实验器材20套,运输部门安排甲、乙两种型号的货车时,有几种方案?请你帮助设计出来 24.已知:()090AOB αα∠=︒<<︒,一块三角板CDE 中,903060CED CDE DCE ∠=︒∠=︒∠=︒,,,将三角板CDE 如图所示放置,使顶点C 落在OB 边上,经过点D 作直线MN OB ∥交OA 边于点M ,且点M 在点D 的左侧.(1)如图,若45CE OA NDE ∠=︒∥,,则α=______︒;(2)若MDC ∠的平分线DF 交OB 边于点F ,①如图,当DF OA ∥,且60α=︒时,试说明:CE OA ∥;②如图,当CE OA ∥保持不变时,试求出OFD ∠与α之间的数量关系.。
绵阳外国语学校数学七周末试卷(含答案)下载第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共30分)一、选择题(本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请选出并在答题卡上将该项涂黑)1.钟表在1点30分时,它的时针和分针所成的角度是( )A .135°B .125°C .145°D .115°2.在数轴上距离原点2个单位长度的点所表示的数是 ( )(A) 2 (B)2- (C)2或2- (D)1或1-3.在│-2│,-│0│,(-2)5,-│-2│,-(-2)中负数共有( )A 1 个B 2个C 3个D 4个4.方程-x=3的解是( )A .x=-1B .-6C .-D .-9 5、有一个数符合下列条件:①是一个整数②在数轴上位于原点的左侧③绝对值小于4,这个数可以是 ( )A 、-5B 、-2C 、0D 、36.一个两位数的两个数字之和为7,则符合条件的两位数的个数是……………( )A .8B .7C .6D .57.超市出售的某种品牌的面粉袋上,标有质量为(25±0.2)kg 的字样,从中任意拿出两袋,它们的质量最多相差…………………………………………………………( )A . 0.2 kgB . 0.4 kgC . 25.2 kgD . 50.4 kg8、如图,已知正方形ABCD和CEFG的边长分别为m,n,那么△AEG的面积的值( ).A.只与m的大小有关 B.只与n的大小有关C.与m、n的大小都有关 D.与m、n的大小都无关9.........( )......................α+.β=90°...α..β.................................A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4.10..............................x...( )A.135B.170C.209D.252第Ⅱ卷非选择题(共90分)二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题3分,共15分)11、x^2=64,则x= ____________。
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6、将下列图形绕着中心点旋转180O 后,不能与原来的图形重合的是
A B 、 C 、 D 、7、下面各组中结果相同的是
A 、123和12×3
B 、x 2 和x ×2
C 、4×4和44
D 、4.32和4.3×4.3 8、一个正方体的表面积是96平方厘米,把它平均分成两个长方体,每个长方体的表面积是
A 、48平方厘米
B 、64平方厘米
C 、36平方厘米
D 、32平方厘米 9、一个正方体棱长扩大2倍,那么棱长总和、表面积、体积也一定分别扩大多少倍
A 、2 2 2
B 、2 4 4
C 、2 4 8
D 、4 4 4 10、一个两位小数精确到十分位是5.0,这个数最小是
A 、4.99
B 、5.1
C 、4.94
D 、4.95 11、将一块长方体木板锯成两段,第一段长25 米,第二段占全长的2
5 ,两段木板
A 、第一段长
B 、第二段长
C 、一样长
D 、无法比较 12、一个数加上3能被5整除,减去3能被6整除,这个数最小是 A 、33 B 、27 C 、36 D 、30
A 、13
B 、14
C 、16
D 、18
A 、9
B 、10
C 、11
D 、12 15、在13 、26 、3
A 、13
B 、26
C 、3
D 、一样大
2、三个连续偶数的和是72,这三个数中最大一个数是( )。
3、用棱长为1厘米的小正方体拼成一个棱长为1分米的大正方体需要( )个,把这些小正方体排成一排,长( )米。
4、一列火车长180米,以每秒25米的速度通过一条120米的隧道,从车头进入到车尾离开,需要( )秒。
他从一层走到三层需要42秒,他从三层走到家需要( )秒。
6、把一个长9dm ,宽7dm ,高4dm 的长方体木块加工成尽可能大的正方体,这个正方体的体积是( )dm 3。
7、如果a ※b=6×a -2×b ,那么3※4=( )。
8、两个质数的积是65,和是18,这两个质数是( )和( )。
9、找规律填数:3、7、15、31、63、( )(请将答案书写在答题卡的对应框内) 10、下面各图中的阴影部分各占全图的几分之几?
()() ()()
12.5×32×0.25 6.3×1.7+4.7×1.7-1.7 4.3×0.625+3.75×0.43 666.666÷0.8÷111÷1.25 2、解方程(每题3分,共9分)
(x -3.8)×0.7=3.36 1.8×2.5+0.5x =8.5 7.25-2.5x =0.75
将下面三角形AOB 先向右平移4格,再绕点O 逆时针旋转90°