

刘毅10000词汇学习笔记 (2)

刘毅10000词汇学习笔记 (2)

刘毅10000词汇学习笔记lesson 1(1)1.abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm, containing the stomach. 腹部abdominal(adj) 腹部的an abdominal operation 腹部手术belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly 肚子,胃with an empty belly 空着肚子in the belly of a ship 在船腹里belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind bellied out the sails2.bereave:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使他丧失妻子的事故the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人the bereaved 丧失亲人的人bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人deprive:take sth away from sb;prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剥夺sb/sth的sth;阻止某人享有或使用sthdeprive sb/sth of sthdeprive of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物widespread deprivation 普遍贫困Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。

deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived childhood 贫苦的童年3。

consecrate:devote sth/sb to or reserve sth/sb for a special (esp relig ious) purpose 把sth/sb 献给sth/sb做某种(尤其宗教)用途consecrate st h/sb to sthconsecrate one's life to the service of God,to the relief of suff ering 献身于为神服务(解除世人痛苦)的事业devote:give one's time,energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉献,献身于devote oneself/sth to sb/sthdevoted(adj):热爱的,非常忠实的,全心全意的 a devoted son 孝子She is devoted to her children. 她深爱她的孩子。



刘毅10000词汇学习笔记lesson1(1)1.abdome n:pa rt of the bod y below the chest and dia ph rag m,c ont ain ing the stoma ch.腹部abdom ina l(a dj)腹部的an abdom ina l opera tio n腹部手术be l ly:(口)f ron t of the human bod y from the waist to the groi n;be lly肚子,胃with an empt y be lly空着肚子in the be lly of a sh ip在船腹里be lly ou t(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind be llie d ou t the sa ils2.be r ea ve:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)be re a ve sb of sb an ac c ide nt whic h be re a ve d him of his wif e使他丧失妻子的事故the be re a ve d husba nd死了妻子的男人the be re a ve d丧失亲人的人be re a ve me nt(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人de pr i ve:take st h aw ay from sb;pre ve nt sb from enjoy ing or using st h剥夺sb/st h的st h;阻止某人享有或使用st hde pr ive sb/st h of st hde pr ive of one's civil rig hts剥夺某人的公民权de pr iv at ion(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物wide spre ad de pr iv ation普遍贫困Missi ng the hol id a y was a gre at de pr iv ation.错失假日是极大的损失。



刘毅10000词汇学习笔记lesson 1(1)1.abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm, containing the stomach. 腹部Abdominal (adj) 腹部的an abdominal operation 腹部手术belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly 肚子,胃with an empty belly 空着肚子in the belly of a ship 在船腹里belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind bellied out the sails2.bereave:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使他丧失妻子的事故the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人the bereaved 丧失亲人的人bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人deprive:take sth away from sb; prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剥夺sb/sth的sth;阻止某人享有或使用sthdeprive sb/sth of sthdeprive of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物widespread deprivation 普遍贫困Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。

deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived childhood 贫苦的童年3. consecrate:devote sth/sb to or reserve sth/sb for a special (esp religious) purpose 把sth/sb 献给sth/sb做某种(尤其宗教)用途consecrate sth/sb to sthconsecrate one's life to the service of God, to the relief of suffering 献身于为神服务(解除世人痛苦)的事业devote:give one's time, energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉献,献身于devote oneself/sth to sb/sthdevoted(adj):热爱的,非常忠实的,全心全意的a devoted son 孝子She is devoted to her children. 她深爱她的孩子。



vocabulary 10000 第一部分Lesson 1A monument was built to commemorate the victory.The children huddled together for warmth.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.The new vaccine eradicate d all traces of the disease within three months.The barbarian s defile d the church by using it as a stable.The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.(=belly)The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.(=deprive)The children were bereave d by the death of their parents.This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.(=devote)A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh. (=invoke)Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.(=furrow)The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road. (=joggle)Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom. (=antiquated)Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat. (=rove)The children scoope d holes in the sand. (=shovel)Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs. (=situation)The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train. (=indict)The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off.The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.Her singing evoked admiration from the public.We still use this machine though it is obsolete.The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed. either alone or in a group. (=brigand) Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. (=celebrate)The children‘s muddy shoes defiled all the rug s in the hotel. (=infect)Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed. (=delegate)She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude. (=endurance)The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten. (=depressed)Aren’t you hungry? You are only nibbling your food. (=bite)The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant. (=exhibition)After the scourge of flood usually comes the scourge of disease. (=disaster)The crippled child tumble d down the stairs and was badly hurt. (=fall)The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needle of the compass.A marathon runner must have great fortitude to run such a long distance.The pretty girl‘s reputation was defiled by malicious gossips.The boy is just learning to walk, he is always tumbling over the floor.The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant.There are many illnesses, which afflict old people. (=distress)His employer censured him for neglecting his work. (=blame)The thief intrude d into the house with caution and dissimulation. (=deception)Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors. (=spank)According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919. (=caption)The gifts of charity meddle d with a man’s private affair. (=intervene)He doesn‘t sit straight; his posture is very bad. (=attitude)John rummage d all the drawers to find his gloves. (=ransack)The water spout ed out when the pipe was broken. (=pour)The climber traverse d a long horizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope. (=intersect)A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window. (=yearning)He was flogging his horse in a very cruel way.She rummaged change from the bottom of her purse.The law does not meddle unduly with a person’s private life.The lights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes.The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read.The amicable flash of her white teeth was very impressive. (=amiable)The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard. (=snowstorm)If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht. (=voyage) Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United States but it still exists in some countries. (=extirpate) The doctor‘s report gave us only a glimmer of hope. (=gleam)On his desk, many articles and documents are always pile d in great lump. (=block)The woman ransack ed the house for her lost jewelry. (=rummage)He slash ed a path through the high grass with a long knife. (=gash)Out feet slump ed repeatedly through the melting ice. (=depress)That pop-song had a great vogue at one time. (=fashion)Enemy soldiers ransacked the city and carried off its treasure s.Tired from his long walk, he slumped into a chair.We saw the glimmer of a distant light through the trees.He used to have a great vogue as a film actor, but no one goes to the cinema to see him now.What the Ice Age did was to eradicate the abundant mammalian life in the Northern Hemisphere.He ascribe s his success to skill and hard work. (=attribute)The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark. (=safeguard)She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner. (=doubtful)Selfishness was a facet of his character that we seldom saw before. (=aspect)For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance, and in fact he became very well-dressed from then on. (=attention)The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm. (=gather)The old man mumble d something to me, but I could not understand him. (=murmur)This ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in 1950. (=remainder)Automobile exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of smog. (=fume)The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road. (=traveller)He always speaks with his mouth full of food, it is his wont. (=habit)Four people were huddled under one umbrella to avoid the sudden shower.I’m feeling better than yesterday, but it is dubious that I can go to school tomorrow.No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribe d to Cyril Tourneur.We believe that a free press and free speech are bulwark s of democracy.Take heed of what I say, or you will fail in the final examination.Lesson 2The cross-road in front of the school is a menace to the children’s safety.The girl’s dresses showed most of the hues of the rainbow.My brother was absolved of blame for the automobile accident.The pastor was standing in the pulpit to give a sermon.He suffered numerous fractures in his fox hunting days.The judge absolved the man of the crime.(=exonerate)The umpire should have no bias in favor of either side. (=prejudice)Our baseball team is contending for the championship. (=compete)We deplore the terrible traffic accident in which 30 persons were killed and 50 injured. (=lament)The boy fell from a tree and suffered fractures of his right arm and leg. (=shatter)A crowd of great magnitude attended the President’s inauguration.(=bulk)The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education. (=essence)I have no relish for seeing people being whipped. (=zest)Trying not to be seen, they quietly sneaked into the room. (=lurk)The messenger brought tidings from the battlefield. (=informationg)The first settlers in America had to contend with unfriendly Indians,sickness,coldness,and lack of food.A fracture of the leg can be very serious in old people.Most newspapers try not to show bias in their reporting.They say the hunger is the best relish for food.The book was a work of such magnitude that it took 10 years to write.Many people would be aghast at the thought of another war. (=astonished)We shall not cumber our thought with his reproaches.(=hinder)The city government decreed that all dogs must be licensed. (=determine)The children were frolicing with the puppy in the backyard. (=frisk)There was much commercial intercourse between the two countries before World War II. (=relations)In dry weather forest fires are a great menace. (=intimidation)I was standing on the very edge of a bank, a precipice not less than fifty feet deep. (=cliff)The church is generally considered as a sanctuary. (=shrine)After a light spring rain,leaves began to sprout from trees. (=grow)She trod lightly in order not to wake the sleeping baby. (=trample)They had decreed that all the conflicts between countries should end.After a shower a meadow sprouts with the yellow buds and the dandelion.The gunman menaced him with weapons and forced him to give up his money.My friend’s suggestion that we should run away from home left my sister aghast.Airplanes,good roads and telephones make intercourse with different parts of the country easier than it was 50 years ago.The soldiers still had their guns but they were out of ammunition.(=bullets)A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child. (=fond)The artist ws so engross ed in his pinting that he didn’t notive the people watching him. (=absorb)If you got a deep cut in your arm, there’s usually a gush of blood. (=flow)The deep river was an insuperable barrier to those who could not swim. (=unconquerable)Her life has been full of ordeals,sickness,poverty and loss of her beloved son. (=trial)He kept his tobacco in a leather pouch fastened to the belt. (=sack)The brakes screeched and the car suddenly stopped with a jerk. (=shriek)A man who is six feet talll is bove the average stature in China. (=height)The President’s enemies are spreading ill rumors to undermine his authority. (=erode)The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods. (=dig)Some people tried to undermine the chair’s influence by spreading ill rumors about him.He heard a screech of anger from the old woman’s room.He was so engrossed in his work that he completely forget the time .The boy was so courageous that he overcame every in superable difficulty and became the leader of his tribe. After the Korean War,the Koreans passed through terrible ordeals.Damages from last week’s flood have been assessed at $50000. (=appraise)The children searched each and every chamber of the house for the cat. (=room)The Congress of the United States has two chambers,the Senate and the House of Representatives.Now that she is rich,she disdains to speak to her old friends. (=despise)One day Robinson Crusoe espied a foot print on the sand. (=despise)The beautiful glossy coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight. (=sleek)The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night. (=doorman)She bought a packet of envelops at the stationery store. (=parcel)The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indian hands. (=lectern)The meat was black and scorched outside but still raw inside. (=singe)The grass is scorched by so much hot sunshine in summer.The ship surged in the stormy seas,rolling and pitching with each wave. (=rise)Pots,pans and kettles are useful kitchen utensils. (=implement)It is wrong to desdain a man merely because he has no money.This is the death chamber where merderers wait to be put to death .The committee met to assess the idea of establishing a new college school.She scorched my shirt by setting the iron too high for the fabric.She turned around just in time to eapy an old friend disappear in the crowd.When the soldiers ran out of ammunition, they fixed bayonets to their rifles. (=dagger)Compassion for the orphans caused him to give money for their support. (=sympathy)Lazy boys sometimes are detained at school to do extra work after ordinary lessons are finished. (=retard) The police detained the suspected thief for more questioning.A faction in our club tried to make the president resign. (=clique)The diamond shoen with every hue under the bright sun. (=color)He polished the metal until it had a fine luster. (=shimmer)The deeds or heroes add luster to a nation’s history. (=honor)He persevered in his study until he succeded. (=persist)Because of his high fever,the sick man raved all night. (=effervesce)He intended to slay his fatheer’s murderer. (=kill)The doctor told her to take three tablets a day. (=pill)Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent look. (=sensuous) I was detained,partly by the rain,and partly by company that I liked very much.After all the ammunition ran out ,the soldiers fought with their bayonets.He belongs to the liberal faction of the political party.The dancer’s movements were slow and voluptuous.The world’s main religions all teach us to have compassion for the poor,and those in nees.Lesson 3Too strong a sense of duty hanmpered him from enjoying life.They denounced him to the police as a criminal.A strange stillness pervaded the garden,like the hush before a storm.They despoiled the villagers of their belongings.A ladder provided the only access to the attic.The only access to the farm house is across the rice fields. (=enter)Only high officials had access to the emperor. (=approach)The guide for visitors beckoned us to follow him. (=signal)I concur with the speaker in condemning every criminal. (=agree)This summer two weeks of rain concurred with our vacation.He was denounced as a coward and traitor. (=accuse)The first blow makes the anger,but the second makes the fray. (=combat)Long wear had frayed the collar and cuffs of his old shirts. (=shred)Heavy clothing hampered the movements of the climbers. (=hinder)Cancer and tuberculosis are serious maladies in every country. (=ailment)The old man was plodding wearily along the bank of the river. (=trudge)Since the factory moved,this town has only a remnat of its former population. (=residue)The child with a cold in his nose snored all night. (=wheeze)Blood tinged the water as he washed his wound. (=tincture)It was necessary for them to have remedies for their ailments.The two scientists,working separately and unknown to each other,had reached conclusion that concurred.Poor health and lack of money hampered his efforts to get a college education.Access to the montain towns is often difficult because of poor roads.The preacher denounced war,calling it immoral destruction.Remnants of the meal lay on the table when he had finished eating.It was necessary for them to have remedies for their ailments.(=malady)The children are bickering with each other about who is the tallest among them. (=wrangle)The inventor contrived a new kind of engine with fewer moving parts. (=hatch)The bright light of the motor car on the dark country road dazzled my eyes. (=glare)She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen to write a memorandum. (=grope)Poor food and hard work impaired her health and she became thin. (=damage)The parents were mortified by their chi ldren’s bad behavior before the guests. (=humiliate)The United States became the predominat nation in the Western Hemisphere. (=outstanding)He worked to improve the sanitary condtions of slums. (=hygienic)He always keeps a lot of money in his wallet. (=purse)Do you consider the wild behavior of the crowd was enough of a warrant for the police to use force? (=assurance) The outlaws contrived a robbery of the cargo train.The doctot made sure that the injection needle was sanitary.Two children ended their bicker and became friendly again.A mother is mortified when her child behaves badly in the church.Coming out of the dark theatre,we were dazzled by the bright sunlight.The ford foundation allocated millionjs of dollars for cancer research. (=apportion)The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby. (=fight)The boys made several cynical remarksj to cover up their disappointment at being left out of the play. (=sarcastic) She embellished the simple dress with colorful laces and ribbons. (=adorn)The defence of the alamo was a heroic action of gallant men. (=splendid)He immersed his aching feet in a bucket of cold water. (=plunge)He rode his new bicycle up and down in front of our house in an ostentatious way . (=showy)Soapy followed the man with a presentiment that luck would again run against him. (=foreboding)She was so satiated with bananas thaat she would not even look at one. (=surfeit)The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze. (=wave)It is difficult to make friends with a person who is cynical about friendship.He welcomed his friend in a ostentatious manner,though he didn’t like his visitig him.I felt a strong presentiment that my belief would finally give way.That space has already been allocated for building a new hospital.The grass was undulating like waves in the field.A shop selling woman’s apparel is at the corner of the street. (=garment)He cajoled his fridends into deciding in his favor. (=coax)You can discard your old coat but not your old friends. (=reject)During the middle ages, Greek civilization declined and became effete. (=exhausted)She has had a grudge against me ever since I disagreed with her. (=resentment)Four men kidnapped the little girl, but he police soon caught them and rescued the girl. (=abduct)There is some hope that a peace pact will be signed between the two countries. (=treaty)she pries too closely into the private life of her friends. (=peep)Men scoured the whold coundtry looking for the lost child. (=ransack)The servant scoured the frying opan until it shone like silver.He swaggered down the street after winnign the fight. (=strut)The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man’s vagary. (=fancy)My father repaired the toy that I had discard as a useless thing.She was always prying into other people’s affairs.He scoured the town looking for the lost child,but he couldn’t find him.My outgoing friends were able to cajole the shy newcomer into attending the party.I always feel she has a grudge against me ,although I do not know what wrong I’ve done to her. Ability to get along with people is an asset in busineess. (=property)There was a deep opolitical chasm between the two countries which nearly led to a war. (=gap) The cities of Greece and Asia were despoiled of their most valuable ornaments. (=depredate)I became angry with the little boy at his facetious remarks. (=humorous)The wing of the airplance came off and the machine hurtled to the ground. (=dash)He wanted to be acused of larceny, because he felt comfortable in prison . (=robbery)He worked so hard that the weariness pervaded his whole body. (=spread)Though he was tortured to make him change his religion the prisoner would not recant. (=retract) He left his affairs in a complete shambles when he died. (=confusion)Eating human flesh is a taboo in civilized countries. (=prohibition)He wore all the trappings of high office. (=decorations)The enemy troops despoiled the villages of their belongings.The violent wind caused chimney-pots and roof-tiles to hurtle down to the ground.The radio voice was a shambles of several different operator’s speaking at once.Many questiongs and problems that were once taboos are now discussed openly.The subversive ideas that pervade all these periodicals may do great harm.vocabulary 10000 第二部分Lesson 4The fun of playing the game was a greater incentive than the prize.The spy went in the guise of a monk and was not recognized by the enemy.He dissipated his large fortune in a few years of heavy spending.You are always badgering me with such a silly question.He got too near the fire and singed his long beard.When the king abdicated his throne, his brother succeeded him.(=relinquish)Ability to think clearly will accrue to you from good habits of study. (=accumulate) The salesman has been badgering my father for two weeks to buy a new car. (=tease) They succeeded in baffling the enemy’s attack plans. (=bewilder)He conjectured that his new stocks would rise on the stock market. (=surmise)The poor woman’s mind has been deranged for many years. (=upset)The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend. (=devil)The mother was pining to see her son and daughter. (=yearn)The gas almost smothered the coal miners but they got out in time. (=choke)The long climb up the mountain made her heart throb rapidly. (=pulse)The dead man had been smothered by smoke from the chimney.Your heart will throb when you are excited with terror.The thief baffled our prusuit by locking us in the house before escaping.If you put your money in the bank,interest accrues.The origin of the human race is a matter of pure conjecture.Many people usually drink hot broth when they are sick. (=soup)Some tiny plants grow in the crevice of the stone wall. (=crack)The duke’s son demeaned hims elf by doing manual babor with his servants. (=degrade) We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital. (=nurse)Our country has prospered by various incentive systems. (=stimulus)A guide led us through the maze of tunnels in the cave. (=labyrinth)She pored over the picture book in silence enjoying the various colors.Like human skin,soil has holes that are called pore.Pick up the rubbish and throw it in the garbage can.(=trash)We don’t need to speculate about the possible winner in the ga me. (=meditate)Sweet music caught and held him transfixed against the iron fence . (=petrify)Many books and magazines are filled with cheap,sensational and vulgar rubbish.After waiting a long time,I opened a little cervice in the door.His interest in my cholastic records gave me an incentive and I worked twice as hard. They speculate about the author’s hidden meaning.She was lost in a maze of narrow winding streets.A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly. (=abnormality)If you look at the end of your nose,your eyes converge. (=focus)We have a duplicate key to the front door. (=double)There were few peaceful epoches in the history of our country . (=age)Hunger and suffering from cold had made the lost hikers gaunt. (=haggard)The incessant barking of the dog kept him awake through the night. (=continuous)Though the teacher asked a simple question about her parents,the little girl stood mute with embarrassment. (=silent)He was a passionte partisan of these people and had organized a Worker’s Union. (=defender)The parents of the sick boy scanned the doctor’s face for a sign of hope. (=contemplate)She scanned the newspaper in a few minutes. (=overlook)He stabbed a piece of meat from the plate with his fork. (=pierce)Railway lines seem to converge when one looks at them from a diatance.A person’s lungs are duplicate ,but he has only one heart.The anomaly of his position is that he is very famous,but still doesn’t make much money.They scanned the mountain side for any sign of the climbers.The invention of the steam engine marks an epoch in the growth of history.I tried to cook a nice dinner,but I’m afraid I’ve rather botched it . (=ruin)Her new shoes chafed the skin on both her feet. (=abrade)After a brisk moring widn dissipater the clouds,the sky was clear all day . (=scatter)The foolish son dissipated his fater’s forturn by spending it on drinking and gambling . (=waste)The inscriptions on the ancient monuments have been effaced by time. (=erase)There was a glint in her eyes that showed she was angry. (=flash)Overtime work is often onerous,though it is well paid. (=arduous)The girl did not move though the policeman iterated his command that she go.(=repeat)Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery. (=tendency)Mother singed chicken to get rid of hairs. (=scorch)The little boy put on his father’s medals and strutted around the room. (=swagger)There are many kinds of diseases that medical science is yet ot unravel. (=solve)It takes many years to efface the terrible memories of war.He is engaged in the onerous job of correcting hundreds of themes a week.The careless boy made so many mistakes making his model airplane that he completely botched the job.She signed the meat overa high flame.The candidate strtted about the room like a latter-day Napoleon.He bellowed in pain when the hammer came down on his finger. (=shout)The horseback rider drew his cloak tightly around him in the rain. (=mantle)His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intention.The ministry was a vvery devout man and devoted his whold life to Christian mission work. (=pious)A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of the woodcutter. (=appearance)The power of a grain of wheat to grow into a plant remains latent if it is not planted. (=concealed)He pawned his watch to byuy food until he could get a job. (=gage)When the cannon was fired the earth quaked under his feet. (=shudder)Famine has often been the sequel of war. (=result)After the ship sank, salvage of its argo was impossible. (=rescue)The battle was won with so great a loss of soldiers that it was a virtual defeat. (=actual)He does things that are marvellous or apparently impossible,he is a wizard. (=magician) One of the most important aims of education is to develop students’latent abilities to the utmost extent. His television set was pawned to pay his room rent.He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.She reffered to the expected decease of her mother,and the gloomy sequel of funeral rites.There is nothing new here,just the same old ideas in a different guise.Lesson 5The angry man was appeased when they said they were sorry.More than a thousand people were killed in the massacre.She worked herself up into a frenzy because she thought she’d miss her train.At last she surmised from his absende from school that there’s something wrong with him.A leader must take command unless he is incapacitated.He admonish ed his friend not to be late for his work. (=advise)He seems to be doing nothing, but really he’s just biding his time. (=remain)A man who cheats on his income tax and on his expense account tends to condone these practice s in his friends. (=excuse)I designate you to act for me while I am away. (=appoint)Most animals let their young fend for themselves at an early age. (=defend)Only hardy plants will survive the severe cold in the Arctic area. (=robust)Baseball players do exercises at the beginning of the season in order to limber themselves up. (=supple) You must pay in humiliation / condescension / modesty of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy. (=charity)Can you recollect the name of the author of [Ivanhoe劫后英雄传]? (=recall)He was smitten/affected with the view that he stopped and took out his camera. (=affect)According to the testimony of the medical profession, the health of the nation is improving. (=proof)He is stiff when he begins to skate,but limbers up easily.These x-marks on the drawing designated all the possible entrances to the castle.The teacher admonished the boys not to be late for the athletic meeting.A few hardy men broke the ice on the pond and had a swim.The sound of an explosion smote our ears last night.He liked the bitter taste of the ale; beer is his favorite drink.(=ginger)Blend the butter and the sugar before adding other ingredients / factor / element s of the cake. (=combine) Especially large, sharp canine characterizes the carnivorous animals. (=cannibal)The common English sparrow is a denizen of America; it was first brought from Europe to America about 1850. (=inhabitant)She was in a frenzy of grief when she heard that her child was missing. (=ferment)The player’s injury incapacitate d him for participating in the football match. (=disable)The hunters came from the East to massacre the buffaloes of the plains, killing several million in a short time. (=slaughter)When I asked his advice he ponder the matter and then told me not to go. (=meditated)To the riddle“What walks on four legs in the mooring, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?” the answer is ”man.” (=enigma)The father spanked the naughty child for his bad manners. (=beat)The old man tottered across the room and sat down on the sofa. (=stagger)The crowd was in a frenzy after the home team scored the winning goal.The king ordered all the infants in the country to be massacred.Before casting his vote,a responsible and mature citizen should ponder his choice of candidates.。



刘毅词汇系列之基础词汇Lesson 1 n胃stomach adv 在国外abroad n 手提箱suitcasev 影响affect n 天才talentv 上(学);参加attend n 王位thronen 责难blame n/v 转移,调职transfern 气泡bubble n 使用usagen 墓地cemetery n 元音字母voweln 赞扬commendation v 缩回,撤销withdraw n 冲突,争斗conflict Lesson 2v 合作cooperate adj 绝对的absolute adj 好奇的curious n 经销处agency adj 美味的delicious n 态度attitudev 指导adj 直接的direct adj 空白的blankv拉draw n 堆,容量bulkn 帝国empire n 典礼ceremony n 事件event n 贸易commerce n 失败failure v 混淆confusen 文卷档v 归档file n铜copper adj 坦白的frank v 诅咒cursev 产生generate n 娱乐,消遣delightv 停止前进halt v 消失disappear n角horn n/v 漂流driftadj 个别的n 个人individual v 雇用employn (时间的)间隔interval n 证据evidence n 绳结knot n 能力,大学教员facultyadj 自由主义的liberal adj 经济上的financial adj 华丽的magnificent n 货物freightadj 心理的mental adj 慷慨的generous adj 暂时的momentary adj 便利的handyadj 中立的neutral adj 可怕的horriblev 遗漏,删除omit adj 勤劳的industrious n 孔雀peacock adj 亲密的intimaten 先驱者pioneer n 了解,学识knowledge v 祈祷pray n 自由libertyv读…的音pronounce n 庄严majestyn 种族,比赛race v 提起mentionn 亲戚adj 相对的relative n 纪念物monument v 常去,求助resort n 绰号nickname v 摩;擦rub n 洋葱onionn 阴暗处shadow n 山顶peakn 情势situation n坑pitadj 疼痛的sore v 传教preachv 覆盖;铺spread n 证据proofn 破布rag v 点头nodv 释放release v 转动operaten 责任responsibility adj 疼痛的painfuladj 不礼貌的rude n 珍珠pearln/v 轻视scorn v 抛,投,搭pitchadj 浅的shallow adj 宝贵的preciousn 灵魂soul n 所有物,财产propertyv 撒;洒sprinkle n 愤怒ragev 弯腰stoop v 减轻,感到放心relieven 金额,总和sum adj 不安的restlessadj 多嘴的talkative n 地毯rugadv 全部地prep 全throughout n 侦察兵scoutv 运送transport n 羞耻shamev 说出adj 完全的utter n 草案,略图sketchn 航行voyage adj 健全的n 声音soundv 枯萎wither n/v 侦查,间谍spyLesson 3 n 贮藏库storageadj 学校的academic v 传唤summon adv 超过;在前ahead adj 温驯的v 驯服tamen 诱惑attraction v 插入thrustn 火焰blaze n 陷阱trapv 邀请比赛challenge v 接种疫苗vaccinatev 犯,做,委托commit n 薪资wagen 立法机关congress v 目睹n 证人witnessn 改正correction Lesson 4adj 潮湿的damp v 使更为明显accentuate v 需要demand v/n 瞄准aimv 使失望disappoint n 观众audiencev 淹死drown v 祝福blessv 鼓励encourage n 包,包裹bundleadj 明显的evident n 特征characteristic n 寓言fable v 联络,传达communicate adj 坚硬的firm v 连接connectadj 常有的frequent v 通信,符合correspond n 天才genius v 变黑darkenn港harbor v 拒绝denyv 咆哮howl v 排出,解雇discharge adj 声名狼藉的infamous adj 钝的dullv 介绍introduce n/v 竭力endeavorn 劳动labor n 杰出excellencen盖lid v 枯萎faden 大多数majority n 拳头fistn 宽恕mercy v 害怕frightenadj 道义上的moral n 鬼魂ghostn 艰难hardship adj 沉默的dumbadj 极大的huge v 忍受endureadj 较低的inferior n 例外exception v 发明invent adj 极度的extremev 照亮lighten n 火焰flamen 男性male n 匆匆一瞥v 瞥视glancen 价值merit n 五金工具hardware adj 致命的,人类的mortal adj 卑微的,简陋的humblen 机会opportunity n/v 感化力,影响influence n 宫殿palace v 调整investigate n 农夫,农人peasant n 缺乏lackn 怜悯pity n 闪电lightningn 序言preface n 哺乳动物mammaln 比例proportion n 动作motionn 范围range adj 正常的normaladj 宗教的religious v 反对opposev 继续resume n 手掌palmn/v 破坏ruin v啄peckv 刮,削scrape n 行星planetadj 锋利的adv 整sharp n 准备preparation n 熟练,技能skill n 建议proposal adj 酸的sour adj 迅速的rapidn 正方形square adj 出众的remarkable adj 肥胖的stout v 保留retainn 监督者superintendent n锈rustv 缠结tangle v 划,抓n 抓痕scratchn 拇指thumb v 刮胡子shaven 条约treaty n 斜面slantv 消失vanish v 种植sown 战争warfare n 松鼠squirrel adj 机智的witty v 竭力strain Lesson 5 adj 最大的supremev 接受accept v 轻拍n 龙头tapn 恐惧alarm n 打雷thundern 作者author v 颤抖tremble adj 瞎的blind n 蒸汽vaporv 负重担n 负担burden n 战士warrioradj 慈善的charitable n 灾祸woen 同伴companion Lesson 6v 克服,占领conquer adj 偶然的accidental n 服装costume n 雄心ambitionv 投掷dash n 权力authorityn 沉淀物v 储存deposit v 开花n 开花状态blossomv 露出disclose n局bureaun 迷人;魅力charm n虫wormn 比较comparison Lesson 7n 是非之心,良心conscience v 陪,伴,伴奏accompany n 小屋cottage v 使笑(乐)amusen 黎明dawn v 避免avoidv 使沮丧,使萧条depress n 炸弹bombv 劝阻,使气馁discourage n 葬礼burialn 傍晚dusk v 追赶chasen 交换exchange v 强迫compeladj 惊人的extraordinary v 同意consent adj 微弱的faint n 相当的人物counterpart v 闪光flash v 使聋deafenn霜frost v 获得,起源deriven 微弱的光gleam v 展示displayn 马具v 利用harness n 灰尘dustn 圣歌v 唱赞美歌hymn adj 精力充沛的energetic v 告知inform n 广博,程度extentv 邀请invite n 小仙子fairyn 梯子ladder v 奉承flattern 肢,手足limb v 蹙额,不悦frownv 驾驶,处理manage n 一瞥glimpsen 方法method n 收割harvestn 动机motive v 居住inhabitn 鼻孔nostril v 包括involveadj 口头的oral n 小羊lambn 突然的剧痛pang n 液体adj 流体的liquidadj 独特的peculiar adj 强大的mightyn盘plate v 登上,骑上mountv 保留preserve v 通知notifyn 景色,希望prospect n 轨道orbitadj 稀有的,半熟的rare n 天堂paradisen 药物remedy v 细看peerv 退休retire n 保证v 发誓pledgen 尖叫声scream n 压力pressuren 小屋,棚v 流出shed v 兴隆prospern 奴隶制度slavery adj 生的rawadj 宽敞的spacious v 使想起;提醒remindn 全体人员staff v 退却retreatn 稻草straw adj 宗教的,神圣的sacredn 表面surface n 纱,银幕screenn 滴答声tick n 暗礁,书架shelfadj 巨大的tremendous n袖sleeven 多样性variety v 赦免adj 空暇的sparen 瀑布waterfall n 稳固stabilityn 草莓strawberry v 了解,实现realizen 外科医生surgeon v 迁移,移开,除去remove n 工作task v 泄露revealn潮tide n/v 牺牲sacrifice n 试验,审讯trial n 螺丝钉v 钉screw adj 广大的vast n壳shelln 雨衣v 使不透水waterproof adj 苗条的slender v 使变坏worsen v 闪耀sparkle Lesson 8 n 污点v 被污stainv 达到accomplish n 河,溪streamn锚anchor v 投降surrender v醒awaken adj 美味的tastyv 脸红blush adj 紧的tightn 灌木bush n 部落tribev 欺骗cheat 一、R口n 武器weaponv 竞争compete v 拆毁n 残骸wreckn 结果consequence Lesson 9n 勇气courage v 符合accordv 讨论debate v 授予awardv 下降descend v 夸耀boastv 布置,处理dispose n 肉店,屠夫butcher adj 真心的earnest n颊cheekv 执行enforce adj 胜任的,充分的competent v 伸出,扩展extend v 组成,存在consist adj 忠实的faithful n 裂缝crackn 味道flavor n 债务debtv 使受挫frustrate v 描述describe adj 光荣的glorious n 争论disputen 急忙haste n 轻松easev 认出identify v 雇佣,忙于engagev 伤害injure v 表达express adj 不规则的irregular n 想象力fancyadj 跛足的lame v 逃跑fleen 酒类liquor v 实践fulfilladj 有男子气概的manly n 优雅graceadj 轻的,温和的mild v (鬼)出没hauntv 哀悼mourn adj 无罪的innocentn 想法notion n 发行,出版,流出issuen/v 命令order n 房东landlordn (文早的)段,节paragraph n 文学literaturen 刑罚penalty n/v 制造manufacture v 采,摘pluck n 军队militaryv 假装pretend v 增加multiplyv 保护protect adj 极多的numerousadj 通常的ordinary n 干草hayn/v 原谅pardon adj 无知的ignorantn 半岛peninsula v 询问inquirev 跳入plunge n 项目itemv 阻碍prevent n 风景landscape v 反对protest n 肝脏livern 后面rear n 原稿manuscript n 租金v 租rent n 百万富翁millionaire n 复仇revenge n 谋杀murdern 马鞍saddle v 服从obeyn 封印v 盖章seal n 结构organization n 避难所v 遮蔽shelter n 国会parliament n片slice n 胡椒peppern 矛,鱼叉spear n诗poetryn 木桩,利害关系stake n 试映previewv赌v 供应providev 伸出stretch adj 鲁莽的recklessv 包围surround v 修理repairn 酒店,旅店tavern n 圣人saintn 森林,木材timber v 寻找searchn 戏法v 欺骗trick n 警长sheriffn 静脉vein n 专家specialistv 使弱weaken v 潜近,大步地走stalkv 扭,绞wring n 基,柄Lesson 10 adj 严格的strictn 叙述account v 俯瞰surveyn角angle n 脾气temperadj 觉察的aware n锡tinadj 大胆的bold v 修剪adj 整洁的trimn 小屋cabin n 冒险v 冒...险venturev 使高兴cheer adj 富有的wealthyv 抱怨complain n 手腕wristn 安慰consolation Lesson 11n 破碎声,失事坠毁crash v 习惯于accustomv 腐蚀decay n 足踝anklev 应受deserve n 单身汉bachelorn 区分distinction n边borderv 发回声echo adj 沉着的calmadj 非常大的enormous v 咀嚼chewv 暴露,揭穿expose adj 复杂的complexn 离别farewell v 巩固consolidate n 舰队fleet v爬crawln 功能function adj 体面的,不差的decentadj 逐渐的gradual n 绝望despairn 悲痛distress n 运河canaln 边缘edge adj 寒冷的chillyn 企业expertise v 组成composen 输出export adj 不断的constantv 固定fasten v 创造createn肉flesh adj 确定的decisiven 基金fund adj 绝望的,自暴自desperatev 毕业graduate 弃的v 治愈heal n 区域districtv 说明illustrate adj 可食的ediblev 坚持insist v 娱乐entertainn 广口瓶jar v 探险exploren巷lane n 命运,天命faten 贷款loan v 飘浮floatn 枫树maple adj 基本的fundamentalv 交往mingle adj 壮伟的grandn 肌肉muscle adj 健康的healthyn 物体v 反对object v 想象imaginen 起源origin v 激励inspiren 客厅parlor adj 嫉妒的jealousv 察觉perceive n 灯笼lanternadj 有毒的poisonous adj 地方的,当地的localadj 先前的previous n 大理石marblen省province adj 次要的minorv 劝告recommend adj 共同的mutualv 代替replace n 目的objective adj 荒谬的,可笑的ridiculous n 装饰ornamentv 转移shift adj 一部分的,偏袒partialv 滑倒n 纸片slip 的n球sphere v 执行,做,演(戏)performv 使吃惊startle adj 贵重的priceless n 钟鸣声stroke v 发表;出版publishn 嫌疑suspicion v 认出recognize n 寺庙,太阳穴temple v 重做repeatn 蟾蜍toad n 报答reward adj 讨厌的,麻烦的troublesome n 缘故saken 容器,血管,船只vessel adj 秘密的n 奥秘secretn网web n 盾v 遮护shieldn 喊叫v 呼喊yell adj 轻微的slight Lesson 12 n 符咒,一段时间spelln 疼痛ache v 注视stareadj 明显的apparent n绳stringn 谷仓barn v 觉察n 嫌疑犯suspectv 使人厌烦bore n 温度temperaturen 组织tissue n 缺点shortcoming n 群,组,军队troop v 打成粉碎n 破碎smashn 诗,韵文verse 声adj 疲倦的v 使厌烦weary v 纺,旋转spin Lesson 13 adj 稳定的steadyv 获得achieve n 材料v 塞入,塞满stuffv 欣赏,感激appreciate n 汗v 出汗sweatn 根据basis adj 可怕的terriblev 烦扰bother n 火把torchn 蜡烛candle n龟turtlen 选择,被选的人choice n 受害者victimv 调配compound n 幸福welfarev 组成constitute Lesson 14n 甲板deck adj 实际的actualv 轻视despise n灰ashv 分发distribute v打beatv 教育educate n碗bowladj 热心的enthusiastic n 木匠carpenterv 爆炸explode n 情况circumstance n 缺点fault v 想象conceiven 水灾flood v 含有containn 葬礼funeral n罪crimev 准许grant v 装饰decoratev 装满heap v 决定determine adj 紧急的immediate v 隔开dividen 例子instance n肘elbown 珠宝jewel n 入口entrancen 膝部lap n 费用expensev 设置locate n 盛宴feastn 奇异之事marvel n雾fogadj 详细的minute v 供给,装修furnishadj 神秘的mysterious adj 贪心的greedyv 强迫oblige v 不愿;犹豫hesitaten 暴动outbreak adj 不可能的impossiblev 参与participate n 机构institution adj 危险的perilous n 杂志journaladj 客气的polite v 发射launchn 牧师priest n 丧失lossv/n 购买purchase v 匹敌,相配matchn 参考reference n 坏运气;不幸misfortunev 邀请n 请求request adj 本国的nativeadj 成熟的ripe adj 明显的obviousv 使满意satisfy adj 杰出的outstanding n 安全security n 草地pasturen 人格personality n 旅行journeyn 港口port n 草地lawnn 特权privilege adj 可爱的lovelyn谜puzzle n 材料material n 区域region v 欺骗misleadv 相似resemble n 海军navyv烤roast n 场合occasion adj 野蛮的savage v 克服overcome n 情感sentiment n 轻拍v 轻抚patn 安静silence v 说服persuade v 啜泣sob adj 可携带的portable v 吐出spit n 程序procedure adj 陡峭的steep n 质量quality adj 相当的substantial v 登记register adj 急速的swift v 憎恶resentn 温度计thermometer n竿rodn塔tower n 不足scarcity adj 有代表性的typical n 连续seriesn 少女virgin adj 愚蠢的sillyv 悄悄地说whisper adj 社会的,联谊性socialLesson 15 adj 堂皇的splendid adj 额外的additional n 公牛v 驾驶steern 方面aspect v 代替substitute n 胡子beard v 摇摆swingn 黄铜brass n 口渴thirstv 雕刻carve n 踪迹v 追溯traceadj 公民的,平民的civil n 联合unionv 关于,关心concern adj 可见的visiblen 竞赛v 争斗contest v 吹哨whistleadj 吹毛求疵的,危critical Lesson 16急的v 喜欢;钦佩admirev 减少decrease v 集合assemble n 装置,策略device n 走兽beastadj 神的,非凡的divine n 勇敢braveryn 选举election n 城堡castlen 被羡慕的东西envy v 请求claimn 探险,探险队expedition v 推断conclude n 特色feature v 订约,收缩contract n 愚蠢,愚行folly n 农作物,产量cropn 愤怒fury n 行为deedn 悲伤grief v 致力devotev 隐藏hide v/n 离婚divorcen 印象impression adj 高雅的elegantv 教导instruct n 赤道equatorv 生存exist adj 为提炼的,粗鲁crudeadj 联邦制的federal 的v 禁止forbid v 打败defeatn 画廊gallery v 不同differv磨grind n 洋娃娃dollv 改进improve adj 基本的elementary n 用具;仪器instrument v 装备equipadj 下级的junior v 表现exhibitn 漏洞v 漏leak v 喂食feedv 降下lower n 暴力forcen 市长mayor v 疾奔n 匆促地进gallopv 不信任mistrust 行adj 整洁的neat v 抓住gripv 充任occupy adj 后部的hindadj 所有的overall n 冲动impulsen 补丁v 缝补patch n/v 侮辱insultn 片语,措辞phrase n 陪审团juryn 分得的财产portion v 倾斜,屈身adj 细leann 行列procession 瘦的n 争吵quarrel adj 忠实的loyaln 抱歉;遗憾v 抱歉regret n 其间,当中时间meantime v 保留reserve n 混合mixturen 角色role n针needlev 惊吓scare v 发生occuradj 严肃的serious v 俯视overlookn 银器silverware n 轨道,路程pathadj 唯一的n 底部sole adj 自然的,物质的physicalv 分配split 身体的adj 严格的stern adj 确实的positivev 减去subtract v 宣布proclaimn 刀,剑sword adj 奇怪的queeradj 彻底的thorough n/v 统治reignn 传统tradition v 居住,存在residev 联合unite n 公鸡roostern 视力,洞察力vision n 围巾scarfn 寡妇widow n 仆人servant Lesson 17 n 相似similarity v 允许admit adj 隆重的solemnv 帮忙assist v 破坏spoilv 举止behave adj 硬的stiffn牛cattle n 地铁subwayn 粘土clay n 音节syllablev 谴责condemn n线threadcontrary n 商标trademark adj/adv 相反的(地)n 大学university adj 严厉的severen 词汇vocabulary n 罪恶sinn 荒地wilderness adj 固体的n 固体solid Lesson18 n 发言人spokesman n 前进,进步advance adj 寂静的stillv 保证assure v 吸吮suckn 生物学biology v 代表,象征symbolize adj 辉煌的,有才气brilliant n 威胁threat的、■、工n 交通trafficn 原因cause n 火山volcanon 殖民地colony v擦wipen 行为conduct Lesson 19v 比较contrast n 便利advantage adj 残忍的cruel n 空气,气氛atmosphere n 缺陷defect adj 广大的broadv 区分differentiate adj 谨慎的cautious adj 国内的domestic adj 色盲的color-blind v 拥抱embrace n 会议conference n 错误error v 有助于,捐助contribute v 使筋疲力竭exhaust v 压碎crushn 节日festival v 保护defendn 形成formation v 消化digestn 衣服garment n点dotv/n 呻吟groan n 紧急emergency v 租;雇,雇用hire v 逃脱escapeadj 附带发生的incidental adj 行政的executive adj 聪明的intelligent v 拿来fetchn 正义,公正justice n 炮台fortv跳leap n 喘息声v 喘气gaspn 幸运luck n 食品杂货店groceryv 测量measure adj 中空的,凹陷的hollowv 嘲笑mock n 爱好,倾向inclination adj 消极的,否定的negative v 想,打算intendadj 奇特的odd adj 锐利的,尖刻的keenv 归功于owe n 皮革leathern 耐心patience n 木材lumbern 医生physician n 机械工mechanic v 具有possess n 方式moden 职业profession v 疏忽neglectv 停止,辞职quit v 触怒offendv 拒绝reject n 猫头鹰owlv 辞职resign n 中止,停顿v 踌躇pauseadj 腐烂的rotten n 扒手pickpocket v 散播scatter n 瓶,壶potn 利润profit n 媒体mediumv 颤抖quiver adj 一般的moderatev 高兴rejoice n 附近neighborhood v 抵抗resist n 气味odoradj 粗的rough n 步调pacen 气味v 闻出scent v铺pavev缝sew adj 如画的picturesque v 下沉n 水槽sink v倒pourn 解答solution n 进步v 进展progressn 污点,地点spot v 引证quotev/n 螫;刺sting v 叙述,连接relatev 遭受,受苦suffer v 决定resolven 同情sympathy adj 皇家的royaln/v 兴奋thrill n 计划v 图谋schemeadj 悲惨的tragic v 位于situateadj 最新的up-to-date adv 有几分somewhatn 书本,容积volume v 喷上sprayadj 任性的,故意的willful v 搅动stirLesson 20 adj 适合的suitablen 冒险adventure n 故事talev 贴上attach n 喉咙throatadj 苦的bitter v 行走,践踏trampv 广播broadcast v 促使urgev 停止cease n 誓言v 立誓vowv 联合,化合combine n 巫婆witchv 承认confess Lesson 21v 谈话converse v 登广告advertisev 耕作cultivate v 攻击attackv 延误delay n 铁匠blacksmithn 高尚dignity n 溪流brookn 疑虑doubt n 天花板ceilingn 情感emotion v 安慰comfortv 建造establish v 限制,卧病confinev 原谅excuse v 改变convertn 纤维fiber adj 狡猾的cunningadj 直率的forthright n 代表delegateadj 快乐的gay adj 微暗的dimn/v 保证guarantee v拖dragadj 神圣的holy n 皇帝emperorn 收入income n 财产estaten 爱好,兴趣interest v 大叫exclaimv 燃烧kindle adj 凶猛的fierceadj 合法的legal adj 幸福的fortunaten肺lung v 凝视gazen 习惯habit v 伸入dipv 跳跃hop v 排水drainn 独立independence n 强调emphasis adj 国际的international v 估计estimate n 风筝kite n 人影,画像figuren 空闲leisure adj 污浊的fouln 机器machinery n 宝石gemv 融化melt v 欢呼hailadj 谦逊的modest n 地平线horizon adj 紧张的nervous v 指示indicatev 提出offer v 打扰interrupt v装n包pack v 跪下kneeln (有爪的)脚paw v 减轻lessenn 鸽子pigeon n 魔术magicn 贫穷poverty v 修补mendn 计划project adj 潮湿的moistv 减轻reduce n巢nestv 回复n 回答reply n 官员adj 公务上的officialn 步枪rifle n 包裹package n 薪水salary n 薪水册payrolln 部分v 划分section n 堆,大批v 堆积pilev 射击shoot adj 实际的practical n 坡,斜面v 倾斜slope adj 迅速的,果断的promptn 蜘蛛spider v 参考referv 饥饿starve v 代表represent n 结构,建筑物structure adj 公正的righteousv 吞,咽n 燕子swallow n 三明治v 夹在中sandwich adj 嫩的v 偿还;提tender 间出adj 安心的v 保护,securen 信赖v 相信trust 获得n 背心vest n 缺乏shortage n 杂草v 除草weed adj 聪明的smartv 生产,屈服yield v洒spill Lesson 22 n 政治家statesman n 事务,事情affair v 努力,奋斗struggle v 试图attempt v/n 摇摆swayn 刀锋blade n 期间,学期,术语,termn 扫帚broom 条件n 小蜂窝,细胞cell v 辛苦工作n 辛劳,toil v 命令command 网v 证实confirm n 节奏v 调音tune v 使相信convince n 恶习vice v 治愈n 治疗方法cure v 哭泣weep adj 灵敏的delicate n 地区zoneLesson 23 n 干,茎stemn 酸性物质acid v 跌倒stumblev 接近approach v 消除sweepn 战斗battle n 地方territoryn 树枝bough v 拷问n 痛苦tortureadj 有能力的capable n 双胞胎中的一个twinv 窒息choke n 藤;蔓vinen 伙伴comrade v 鞭打n 鞭子whipv 请教consult Lesson 24n 信用credit v 取得acquirev 宣布declare n 围裙apronv 破坏destroy n 珠子beadv 扰乱disturb n 界线boundary adj 有效的effective n 经历;职业careeradj 全部的entire v砍chopn 专家expert v 隐藏concealn 偏爱favor n 接触contactv 拍翅flutter v 爬行creepn 毛皮fur v 拒绝declineadj 感激的grateful n 细节detailn 地狱hell n 排水沟,沟ditchadj 极广大的immense adj 有效率的efficientadj 立刻的instant v 定名entitlev 连接join n 实验experiment n/v 鞭打lash adj 最喜爱的n 最喜favoritev 住宿lodge 爱的人或物n 桅杆mast n 泡沫foamn 镜子mirror n 火炉furnacen 指甲,钉子nail n 坟墓gravev 观察,遵守observe n 兽群herdn 景色outlook v/n 输入,进口importn 通过,通道passage n 本能instinctv死perish n 连接处jointn 政客politician 1-+zn 后者latteradj 主要的primary adj 寂寞的lonesome n 紫色purple n 杰作masterpiece v 反射,反映,考虑reflect adj 可怜的miserable v 需要require adj 裸体的nakedn 危险risk v 获得obtainn酱sauce n 产量outputv 寻找seek adj 热情的,热烈的passionate n 尖叫声v 尖叫shriek adj 长期的permanent v 抢夺n 抓住snatch adj 人口稠密的populousn 脊椎spine n 原则,主义principlev 追捕pursuev 改革reformv 解救rescuen 对手rivaladj 无礼的,俊俏的saucyv 抓住,扣押seizev 关上shutv 浸湿,吸收soakn 精神spiritn 继母stepmother adj 愚蠢的stupidv 膨胀swelln 题目themeadj 强壮的toughv 缠绕twistn 暴力violencen 旋转v 回旋whirl。



.刘毅词汇系列之Lesson 1adv在国外v影响v上(学);参加n责难n气泡n墓地n赞扬n冲突,争斗v合作adj好奇的adj美味的v指导adj直接的v拉n帝国n事件n失败n文卷档v 归档adj坦白的v产生v停止前进n角adj个别的n个人n(时间的)间隔n绳结adj自由主义的adj华丽的adj心理的adj暂时的adj中立的v遗漏,删除n孔雀n先驱者v祈祷v读…的音n种族,比赛n亲戚adj相对的v常去,求助v摩;擦n阴暗处n情势adj疼痛的v覆盖;铺基础词汇abroadaffectattendblamebubblecemeterycommendationconflictcooperatecuriousdeliciousdirectdrawempireeventfailurefilefrankgeneratehalthornindividualintervalknotliberalmagnificentmentalmomentaryneutralomitpeacockpioneerpraypronounceracerelativeresortrubshadowsituationsorespread.n胃n手提箱n天才n王位n/v转移,调职n使用n元音字母v缩回,撤销Lesson 2adj绝对的n经销处n态度adj空白的n堆,容量n典礼n贸易v混淆n铜v诅咒n娱乐,消遣v消失n/v漂流v雇用n证据n能力,大学教员adj经济上的n货物adj慷慨的adj便利的adj可怕的adj勤劳的adj亲密的n了解,学识n自由n庄严v提起n纪念物n绰号n洋葱n山顶n坑v传教n证据stomachsuitcasetalentthronetransferusagevowelwithdrawabsoluteagencyattitudeblankbulkceremonycommerceconfusecoppercursedelightdisappeardriftemployevidencefacultyfinancialfreightgeneroushandyhorribleindustriousintimateknowledgelibertymajestymentionmonumentnicknameonionpeakpitpreachproof.n破布v释放n责任adj不礼貌的n/v轻视adj浅的n灵魂v撒;洒v弯腰n金额,总和adj多嘴的adv全部地prep全v运送v说出adj完全的n航行v枯萎Lesson 3adj学校的adv超过;在前n诱惑n火焰v邀请比赛v犯,做,委托n立法机关n改正adj潮湿的v需要v使失望v淹死v鼓励adj明显的n寓言adj坚硬的adj常有的n天才n港v咆哮adj声名狼藉的v介绍n劳动n盖n大多数n宽恕adj道义上的ragreleaseresponsibilityrudescornshallowsoulsprinklestoopsumtalkativethroughouttransportuttervoyagewitheracademicaheadattractionblazechallengecommitcongresscorrectiondampdemanddisappointdrownencourageevidentfablefirmfrequentgeniusharborhowlinfamousintroducelaborlidmajoritymercymoral.v点头v转动adj疼痛的n珍珠v抛,投,搭adj宝贵的n所有物,财产n愤怒v减轻,感到放心adj不安的n地毯n侦察兵n羞耻n草案,略图adj健全的n声音n/v侦查,间谍n贮藏库v传唤adj温驯的v驯服v插入n陷阱v接种疫苗n薪资v目睹n证人Lesson 4v使更为明显v/n瞄准n观众v祝福n包,包裹n特征v联络,传达v连接v通信,符合v变黑v拒绝v排出,解雇adj钝的n/v竭力n杰出v枯萎n拳头v害怕n鬼魂nodoperatepainfulpearlpitchpreciouspropertyragerelieverestlessrugscoutshamesketchsoundspystoragesummontamethrusttrapvaccinatewagewitnessaccentuateaimaudienceblessbundlecharacteristiccommunicateconnectcorresponddarkendenydischargedullendeavorexcellencefadefistfrightenghost.n艰难adj极大的adj较低的v发明v照亮n男性n价值adj致命的,人类的n机会n宫殿n农夫,农人n怜悯n序言n比例n范围adj宗教的v继续n/v破坏v刮,削adj锋利的adv整n熟练,技能adj酸的n正方形adj肥胖的n监督者v缠结n拇指n条约v消失n战争adj机智的Lesson 5v接受n恐惧n作者adj瞎的v负重担n负担adj慈善的n同伴v克服,占领n服装v投掷n沉淀物v储存v露出hardshiphugeinferiorinventlightenmalemeritmortalopportunitypalacepeasantpityprefaceproportionrangereligiousresumeruinscrapesharpskillsoursquarestoutsuperintendenttanglethumbtreatyvanishwarfarewittyacceptalarmauthorblindburdencharitablecompanionconquercostumedashdepositdisclose.adj沉默的v忍受n例外adj极度的n火焰n匆匆一瞥v瞥视n五金工具adj卑微的,简陋的n/v感化力,影响v调整n缺乏n闪电n哺乳动物n动作adj正常的v反对n手掌v啄n行星n准备n建议adj迅速的adj出众的v保留n锈v划,抓n抓痕v刮胡子n斜面v种植n松鼠v竭力adj最大的v轻拍n龙头n打雷v颤抖n蒸汽n战士n灾祸Lesson 6adj偶然的n雄心n权力v开花n开花状态n局dumbendureexceptionextremeflameglancehardwarehumbleinfluenceinvestigatelacklightningmammalmotionnormalopposepalmpeckplanetpreparationproposalrapidremarkableretainrustscratchshaveslantsowsquirrelstrainsupremetapthundertremblevaporwarriorwoeaccidentalambitionauthorityblossombureau.n迷人;魅力n比较n是非之心,良心n小屋n黎明v使沮丧,使萧条v劝阻,使气馁n傍晚n交换adj惊人的adj微弱的v闪光n霜n微弱的光n马具v利用n圣歌v唱赞美歌v告知v邀请n梯子n肢,手足v驾驶,处理n方法n动机n鼻孔adj口头的n突然的剧痛adj独特的n盘v保留n景色,希望adj稀有的,半熟的n药物v退休n尖叫声n小屋,棚v流出n奴隶制度adj宽敞的n全体人员n稻草n表面n滴答声adj巨大的n多样性n瀑布charmcomparisonconsciencecottagedawndepressdiscourageduskexchangeextraordinaryfaintflashfrostgleamharnesshymninforminviteladderlimbmanagemethodmotivenostriloralpangpeculiarplatepreserveprospectrareremedyretirescreamshedslaveryspaciousstaffstrawsurfaceticktremendousvarietywaterfall.n虫Lesson 7v陪,伴,伴奏v使笑(乐)v避免n炸弹n葬礼v追赶v强迫v同意n相当的人物v使聋v获得,起源v展示n灰尘adj精力充沛的n广博,程度n小仙子v奉承v蹙额,不悦n一瞥n收割v居住v包括n小羊n液体adj流体的adj强大的v登上,骑上v通知n轨道n天堂v细看n保证v发誓n压力v兴隆adj生的v使想起;提醒v退却adj宗教的,神圣的n纱,银幕n暗礁,书架n袖v赦免adj空暇的n稳固wormaccompanyamuseavoidbombburialchasecompelconsentcounterpartdeafenderivedisplaydustenergeticextentfairyflatterfrownglimpseharvestinhabitinvolvelambliquidmightymountnotifyorbitparadisepeerpledgepressureprosperrawremindretreatsacredscreenshelfsleevesparestabilityn草莓n外科医生n工作n潮n试验,审讯adj广大的n雨衣v使不透水v使变坏Lesson 8v达到n锚v醒v脸红n灌木v欺骗v竞争n结果n勇气v讨论v下降v布置,处理adj真心的v执行v伸出,扩展adj忠实的n味道v使受挫adj光荣的n急忙v认出v伤害adj不规则的adj跛足的n酒类adj有男子气概的adj轻的,温和的v哀悼n想法n/v命令n(文章的)段,节n刑罚v采,摘v假装v保护strawberrysurgeontasktidetrialvastwaterproofworsenaccomplishanchorawakenblushbushcheatcompeteconsequencecouragedebatedescenddisposeearnestenforceextendfaithfulflavorfrustrateglorioushasteidentifyinjureirregularlameliquormanlymildmournnotionorderparagraphpenaltypluckpretendprotectv了解,实现v迁移,移开,除去v泄露n/v牺牲n螺丝钉v钉n壳adj苗条的v闪耀n污点v被污n河,溪v投降adj美味的adj紧的n部落n武器v拆毁n残骸Lesson 9v符合v授予v夸耀n肉店,屠夫n颊adj胜任的,充分的v组成,存在n裂缝n债务v描述n争论n轻松v雇佣,忙于v表达n想象力v逃跑v实践n优雅v(鬼)出没adj无罪的n发行,出版,流出n房东n文学n/v制造n军队v增加adj极多的realizeremoverevealsacrificescrewshellslendersparklestainstreamsurrendertastytighttribeweaponwreckaccordawardboastbutchercheekcompetentconsistcrackdebtdescribedisputeeaseengageexpressfancyfleefulfillgracehauntinnocentissuelandlordliteraturemanufacturemilitarymultiplynumerous.adj通常的n/v原谅n半岛v跳入v阻碍v反对n后面n租金v租n复仇n马鞍n封印v盖章n避难所v遮蔽n片n矛,鱼叉n木桩,利害关系v赌v伸出v包围n酒店,旅店n森林,木材n戏法v欺骗n静脉v使弱v扭,绞Lesson 10n叙述n角adj觉察的adj大胆的n小屋v使高兴v抱怨n安慰n破碎声,失事坠毁v腐蚀v应受n区分v发回声adj非常大的v暴露,揭穿n离别n舰队n功能adj逐渐的ordinarypardonpeninsulaplungepreventprotestrearrentrevengesaddlesealshelterslicespearstakestretchsurroundtaverntimbertrickveinweakenwringaccountangleawareboldcabincheercomplainconsolationcrashdecaydeservedistinctionechoenormousexposefarewellfleetfunctiongradual.n干草adj无知的v询问n项目n风景n肝脏n原稿n百万富翁n谋杀v服从n结构n国会n胡椒n诗n试映v供应adj鲁莽的v修理n圣人v寻找n警长n专家v潜近,大步地走n基,柄adj严格的v俯瞰n脾气n锡v修剪adj整洁的n冒险v冒...险adj富有的n手腕Lesson 11v习惯于n足踝n单身汉n边adj沉着的v咀嚼adj复杂的v巩固v爬adj体面的,不差的n绝望hayignorantinquireitemlandscapelivermanuscriptmillionairemurderobeyorganizationparliamentpepperpoetrypreviewproviderecklessrepairsaintsearchsheriffspecialiststalkstrictsurveytempertintrimventurewealthywristaccustomanklebachelorbordercalmchewcomplexconsolidatecrawldecentdespairn悲痛n边缘n企业n输出v固定n肉n基金v毕业v治愈v说明v坚持n广口瓶n巷n贷款n枫树v交往n肌肉n物体v反对n起源n客厅v察觉adj有毒的adj先前的n省v劝告v代替adj荒谬的,可笑的v转移v滑倒n纸片n球v使吃惊n钟鸣声n嫌疑n寺庙,太阳穴n蟾蜍adj讨厌的,麻烦的n容器,血管,船只n网n喊叫v呼喊Lesson 12n疼痛adj明显的n谷仓v使人厌烦distressedgeexpertiseexportfastenfleshfundgraduatehealillustrateinsistjarlaneloanmapleminglemuscleobjectoriginparlorperceivepoisonouspreviousprovincerecommendreplaceridiculousshiftslipspherestartlestrokesuspiciontempletoadtroublesomevesselwebyellacheapparentbarnboren运河adj寒冷的v组成adj不断的v创造adj确定的adj绝望的,自暴自弃的n区域adj可食的v娱乐v探险n命运,天命v飘浮adj基本的adj壮伟的adj健康的v想象v激励adj嫉妒的n灯笼adj地方的,当地的n大理石adj次要的adj共同的n目的n装饰adj一部分的,偏袒的v执行,做,演(戏)adj贵重的v发表;出版v认出v重做n报答n缘故adj秘密的n奥秘n盾v遮护adj轻微的n符咒,一段时间v注视n绳v觉察n嫌疑犯n温度canalchillycomposeconstantcreatedecisivedesperatedistrictedibleentertainexplorefatefloatfundamentalgrandhealthyimagineinspirejealouslanternlocalmarbleminormutualobjectiveornamentpartialperformpricelesspublishrecognizerepeatrewardsakesecretshieldslightspellstarestringsuspecttemperature.n组织n群,组,军队n诗,韵文adj疲倦的v使厌烦Lesson 13v获得v欣赏,感激n根据v烦扰n蜡烛n选择,被选的人v调配v组成n甲板v轻视v分发v教育adj热心的v爆炸n缺点n水灾n葬礼v准许v装满adj紧急的n例子n珠宝n膝部v设置n奇异之事adj详细的adj神秘的v强迫n暴动v参与adj危险的adj客气的n牧师v/n购买n参考v邀请n请求adj成熟的v使满意n安全tissuetroopversewearyachieveappreciatebasisbothercandlechoicecompoundconstitutedeckdespisedistributeeducateenthusiasticexplodefaultfloodfuneralgrantheapimmediateinstancejewellaplocatemarvelminutemysteriousobligeoutbreakparticipateperilouspolitepriestpurchasereferencerequestripesatisfysecurity.n缺点v打成粉碎n破碎声v纺,旋转adj稳定的n材料v塞入,塞满n汗v出汗adj可怕的n火把n龟n受害者n幸福Lesson 14adj实际的n灰v打n碗n木匠n情况v想象v含有n罪v装饰v决定v隔开n肘n入口n费用n盛宴n雾v供给,装修adj贪心的v不愿;犹豫adj不可能的n机构n杂志v发射n丧失v匹敌,相配n坏运气;不幸adj本国的adj明显的adj杰出的n草地shortcomingsmashspinsteadystuffsweatterribletorchturtlevictimwelfareactualashbeatbowlcarpentercircumstanceconceivecontaincrimedecoratedeterminedivideelbowentranceexpensefeastfogfurnishgreedyhesitateimpossibleinstitutionjournallaunchlossmatchmisfortunenativeobviousoutstandingpasture.n人格n港口n特权n谜n区域v相似v烤adj野蛮的n情感n安静v啜泣v吐出adj陡峭的adj相当的adj急速的n温度计n塔adj有代表性的n少女v悄悄地说Lesson 15 adj额外的n方面n胡子n黄铜v雕刻adj公民的,平民的v关于,关心n竞赛v争斗adj吹毛求疵的,危急的v减少n装置,策略adj神的,非凡的n选举n被羡慕的东西n探险,探险队n特色n愚蠢,愚行n愤怒n悲伤v隐藏n印象v教导personalityportprivilegepuzzleregionresembleroastsavagesentimentsilencesobspitsteepsubstantialswiftthermometertowertypicalvirginwhisperadditionalaspectbeardbrasscarvecivilconcerncontestcriticaldecreasedevicedivineelectionenvyexpeditionfeaturefollyfurygriefhideimpressioninstruct.n旅行n草地adj可爱的n材料v欺骗n海军n场合v克服n轻拍v轻抚v说服adj可携带的n程序n质量v登记v憎恶n竿n不足n连续adj愚蠢的adj社会的,联谊性adj堂皇的n公牛v驾驶v代替v摇摆n口渴n踪迹v追溯n联合adj可见的v吹哨Lesson 16v喜欢;钦佩v集合n走兽n勇敢n城堡v请求v推断v订约,收缩n农作物,产量n行为v致力v/n离婚adj高雅的n赤道journeylawnlovelymaterialmisleadnavyoccasionovercomepatpersuadeportableprocedurequalityregisterresentrodscarcityseriessillysocialsplendidsteersubstituteswingthirsttraceunionvisiblewhistleadmireassemblebeastbraverycastleclaimconcludecontractcropdeeddevotedivorceelegantequator.v生存adj联邦制的v禁止n画廊v磨v改进n用具;仪器adj下级的n漏洞v漏v降下n市长v不信任adj整洁的v充任adj所有的n补丁v缝补n片语,措辞n分得的财产n行列n争吵n抱歉;遗憾v抱歉v保留n角色v惊吓adj严肃的n银器adj唯一的n底部v分配adj严格的v减去n刀,剑adj彻底的n传统v联合n视力,洞察力n寡妇Lesson 17v允许v帮忙v举止n牛n粘土v谴责adj/adv相反的(地)existfederalforbidgallerygrindimproveinstrumentjuniorleaklowermayormistrustneatoccupyoverallpatchphraseportionprocessionquarrelregretreserverolescareserioussilverwaresolesplitsternsubtractswordthoroughtraditionunitevisionwidowadmitassistbehavecattleclaycondemncontrary.adj为提炼的,粗鲁的v打败v不同n洋娃娃adj基本的v装备v表现v喂食n暴力v疾奔n匆促地进行v抓住adj后部的n冲动n/v侮辱n陪审团v倾斜,屈身adj细瘦的adj忠实的n其间,当中时间n混合n针v发生v俯视n轨道,路程adj自然的,物质的身体的adj确实的v宣布adj奇怪的n/v统治v居住,存在n公鸡n围巾n仆人n相似adj隆重的v破坏adj硬的n地铁n音节n线n商标crudedefeatdifferdollelementaryequipexhibitfeedforcegallopgriphindimpulseinsultjuryleanloyalmeantimemixtureneedleoccuroverlookpathphysicalpositiveproclaimqueerreignresideroosterscarfservantsimilaritysolemnspoilstiffsubwaysyllablethreadtrademark.n大学n词汇n荒地Lesson18n前进,进步v保证n生物学adj辉煌的,有才气的n原因n殖民地n行为v比较adj残忍的n缺陷v区分adj国内的v拥抱n错误v使筋疲力竭n节日n形成n衣服v/n呻吟v租;雇,雇用adj附带发生的adj聪明的n正义,公正v跳n幸运v测量v嘲笑adj消极的,否定的adj奇特的v归功于n耐心n医生v具有n职业v停止,辞职v拒绝v辞职adj腐烂的v散播universityvocabularywildernessadvanceassurebiologybrilliantcausecolonyconductcontrastcrueldefectdifferentiatedomesticembraceerrorexhaustfestivalformationgarmentgroanhireincidentalintelligentjusticeleapluckmeasuremocknegativeoddowepatiencephysicianpossessprofessionquitrejectresignrottenscatter.adj严厉的n罪恶adj固体的n固体n发言人adj寂静的v吸吮v代表,象征n威胁n交通n火山v擦Lesson 19n便利n空气,气氛adj广大的adj谨慎的adj色盲的n会议v有助于,捐助v压碎v保护v消化n点n紧急v逃脱adj行政的v拿来n炮台n喘息声v喘气n食品杂货店adj中空的,凹陷的n爱好,倾向v想,打算adj锐利的,尖刻的n皮革n木材n机械工n方式v疏忽v触怒n猫头鹰n中止,停顿v踌躇n扒手n瓶,壶severesinsolidspokesmanstillsucksymbolizethreattrafficvolcanowipeadvantageatmospherebroadcautiouscolor-blindconferencecontributecrushdefenddigestdotemergencyescapeexecutivefetchfortgaspgroceryhollowinclinationintendkeenleatherlumbermechanicmodeneglectoffendowlpausepickpocketpot.n利润v颤抖v高兴v抵抗adj粗的n气味v闻出v缝v下沉n水槽n解答n污点,地点v/n螫;刺v遭受,受苦n同情n/v兴奋adj悲惨的adj最新的n书本,容积adj任性的,故意的Lesson 20n冒险v贴上adj苦的v广播v停止v联合,化合v承认v谈话v耕作v延误n高尚n疑虑n情感v建造v原谅n纤维adj直率的adj快乐的n/v保证adj神圣的n收入n爱好,兴趣v燃烧adj合法的n肺profitquiverrejoiceresistroughscentsewsinksolutionspotstingsuffersympathythrilltragicup-to-datevolumewillfuladventureattachbitterbroadcastceasecombineconfessconversecultivatedelaydignitydoubtemotionestablishexcusefiberforthrightgayguaranteeholyincomeinterestkindlelegallung.n媒体adj一般的n附近n气味n步调v铺adj如画的v倒n进步v进展v引证v叙述,连接v决定adj皇家的n计划v图谋v位于adv有几分v喷上v搅动adj适合的n故事n喉咙v行走,践踏v促使n誓言v立誓n巫婆Lesson 21v登广告v攻击n铁匠n溪流n天花板v安慰v限制,卧病v改变adj狡猾的n代表adj微暗的v拖n皇帝n财产v大叫adj凶猛的adj幸福的v凝视mediummoderateneighborhoododorpacepavepicturesquepourprogressquoterelateresolveroyalschemesituatesomewhatspraystirsuitabletalethroattrampurgevowwitchadvertiseattackblacksmithbrookceilingcomfortconfineconvertcunningdelegatedimdragemperorestateexclaimfiercefortunategazen习惯v跳跃n独立adj国际的n风筝n空闲n机器v融化adj谦逊的adj紧张的v提出v装n包n(有爪的)脚n鸽子n贫穷n计划v减轻v回复n回答n步枪n薪水n部分v划分v射击n坡,斜面v倾斜n蜘蛛v饥饿n结构,建筑物v吞,咽n燕子adj嫩的v偿还;提出n信赖v相信n背心n杂草v除草v生产,屈服Lesson 22n事务,事情v试图n刀锋n扫帚n小蜂窝,细胞v命令v证实v使相信v治愈n治疗方法adj灵敏的habithopindependenceinternationalkiteleisuremachinerymeltmodestnervousofferpackpawpigeonpovertyprojectreducereplyriflesalarysectionshootslopespiderstarvestructureswallowtendertrustvestweedyieldaffairattemptbladebroomcellcommandconfirmconvincecuredelicatev伸入v排水n强调v估计n人影,画像adj污浊的n宝石v欢呼n地平线v指示v打扰v跪下v减轻n魔术v修补adj潮湿的n巢n官员adj公务上的n包裹n薪水册n堆,大批v堆积adj实际的adj迅速的,果断的v参考v代表adj公正的n三明治v夹在中间adj安心的v保护,获得n缺乏adj聪明的v洒n政治家v努力,奋斗v/n摇摆n期间,学期,术语,条件v辛苦工作n辛劳,网n节奏v调音n恶习v哭泣n地区dipdrainemphasisestimatefigurefoulgemhailhorizonindicateinterruptkneellessenmagicmendmoistnestofficialpackagepayrollpilepracticalpromptreferrepresentrighteoussandwichsecureshortagesmartspillstatesmanstruggleswaytermtoiltuneviceweepzoneLesson 23 n酸性物质v接近n战斗n树枝adj有能力的v窒息n伙伴v请教n信用v宣布v破坏v扰乱adj有效的adj全部的n专家n偏爱v拍翅n毛皮adj感激的n地狱adj极广大的adj立刻的v连接n/v鞭打v住宿n桅杆n镜子n指甲,钉子v观察,遵守n景色n通过,通道v死n政客adj主要的n紫色v反射,反映,考虑v需要n危险n酱v寻找n尖叫声v尖叫v抢夺n抓住n脊椎acidapproachbattleboughcapablechokecomradeconsultcreditdeclaredestroydisturbeffectiveentireexpertfavorflutterfurgratefulhellimmenseinstantjoinlashlodgemastmirrornailobserveoutlookpassageperishpoliticianprimarypurplereflectrequirerisksauceseekshrieksnatchspinen干,茎v跌倒v消除n地方v拷问n痛苦n双胞胎中的一个n藤;蔓v鞭打n鞭子Lesson 24v取得n围裙n珠子n界线n经历;职业v砍v隐藏n接触v爬行v拒绝n细节n排水沟,沟adj有效率的v定名n实验adj最喜爱的n最喜爱的人或物n泡沫n火炉n坟墓n兽群v/n输入,进口n本能n连接处n后者adj寂寞的n杰作adj可怜的adj裸体的v获得n产量adj热情的,热烈的adj长期的adj人口稠密的n原则,主义stemstumblesweepterritorytorturetwinvinewhipacquireapronbeadboundarycareerchopconcealcontactcreepdeclinedetailditchefficiententitleexperimentfavoritefoamfurnacegraveherdimportinstinctjointlatterlonesomemasterpiecemiserablenakedobtainoutputpassionatepermanentpopulousprinciple.v追捕v改革v解救n对手adj无礼的,俊俏的v抓住,扣押v关上v浸湿,吸收n精神n继母adj愚蠢的v膨胀n题目adj强壮的v缠绕n暴力n旋转v回旋pursue reform rescue rival saucy seizeshutsoakspirit stepmother stupid swell theme toughtwist violence whirl。



刘一男托福_10000词汇讲义-基础词汇部分(可编辑) 刘一男托福巅峰词汇10000之基础词汇部分主讲刘一男欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材第一部分字母语源造词精讲刘一男托福词汇精讲速记黄金讲典 A 部分黄金讲典体例单词文本 [国际音标] 中文释义讲典项目其一词根文本词根释义讲典项目其二同根词简单词举证目的为了熟悉本个词根讲典项目其三同词根高阶词扩展目的为了扩充单词讲典项目其四或反义词例举abandon [] vt 放弃遗弃放纵词根词缀释义 a-不band-布条布带on-后缀不绑缚不束缚放弃放纵本词根简单词 bandage 绷带band-布条age-名词后缀本词根高阶词 bandit 强盗band-布条it-后缀用布条蒙面的人本单词反义词 permanent 坚持adhere 粘附坚持abbreviate [] v 缩写缩短简化简写成词根词缀释义 ab-加强语气brev brief-短的音变iate-动词后缀缩短本词根简单词 a brief talk 一次短暂的谈话本词根高阶词 abbreviation 缩写缩写词本单词反义词 prolong 延长abnormal [] adj 反常的变态的词根词缀释义 ab-不norm-标准al-的不标准的反常的本词根简单词 norm 标准nor-也不既不左也不右标准本词根高阶词 enormous 巨大的e-超出norm-标准ous-的本单词反义词 accustomed 惯常的abolition [] n 废除废除奴隶制度词根词缀释义本词是abolish-取消废除的名词形势ab-不ol-生长ish-动词后缀不再生长取消废除本词根简单词 ol-生长简化自oil-油养分因为有油就会生长本词根高阶词adolescent 青少年青春期ad-去ol-成长去成长的时候青春期本单词反义词 sustain 支撑撑住维持持续 abort [] vi 异常中断中途失败夭折词根词缀释义 a-不否bor born-生t-后缀不生死亡夭折本词根简单词 born-生育简化书写成bor-生本词根高阶词 aborted adj 流产的失败的本单词反义词 consecutive 连续的连贯的abound [] 丰富充裕词根词缀释义 a-不无bound-边界无边无界丰富充裕本词根简单词 boundary 边界本词根高阶词 abundant 丰富的充裕的abunance 丰富充裕本单词反义词 barren 不生育的贫瘠的 abrasion [] 磨损词根词缀释义 ab-加强语气ras-词根摩擦本词根简单词 abrade 磨损摩擦折磨本单词同义词 fray 磨损磨损处冲突abrupt [] 突然的唐突的词根词缀释义 ab-加强语气rupt-词根突破突然本词根简单词 bankrupt 破产本词根高阶词 erupt 火山爆发corrupt 腐败的被破坏的贪污的ripe成熟的成熟本单词反义词 in proper sequence 循序渐进地 absolutely [] 完全地绝对地唯一的词根词缀释义 ab-加强语气sol sole ute-后缀本词根简单词 sole 唯一的本词根高阶词 solitary 孤独的隐士solidarity 团结本单词反义词 comparative adj 比较的相当的 absorb [] 吸收吸引词根词缀释义 ab-加强语气sorb-吸吸收本词根简单词 sip吸本词根高阶词 absorptiondissipate 驱散消散本单词反义词 discharge 释放abstract [] n 摘要 adj 抽象的 vt 摘要词根词缀释义 ab-加强语气s-无义tract-词根拉扯抽取本词根简单词 attract []attractive [] 本词根高阶词 trigger 扳机引发本单词反义词 gross 总的毛重的absurd [] 荒谬的词根词缀释义 ab-加强语气surd-荒谬的本词根简单词 surd 荒谬的本单词反义词 rational 理性的合理的推理的 academy [] n 学院学会专业学院词根词缀释义希腊神话人物阿卡迪摩斯本词根高阶词 academic 学院的本单词近义词 university 综合性大学college 高等专科学院school 综合性大学里的学院 access [] n 通路访问入门词根词缀释义 ac-加强语气cess-走本词根简单词 predecessor 前辈本词根高阶词 accessible [] 能接近的可以接近的accessory [] 附属的同谋precede 领先proceed 继续从事本单词反义词 evade 规避逃跑acclaim [] n 喝彩欢呼词根词缀释义 ac-加强语气claim-词根喊本词根简单词 exclaim 求救呼喊本词根高阶词 clamor 喧闹叫嚷reclaim 要求归还开垦proclaim 声明claim 要求声称索赔本单词反义词 rumor 谣言流言accommodate [] vt 供应供给使适应词根词缀释义 ac-加强语气commod-方便ate-后缀本词根简单词 commodity 商品日用品本词根高阶词 accommodation n 住处膳宿车船飞机等预定铺位眼睛适应性调节本单词近义词 lodge vi 临时住宿寄宿某人家 accuracy [] n 精确性正确度词根词缀释义 ac-加强语气cur-关心仔细ary-后缀本词根简单词 curious 关心的好奇的本词根高阶词 accurate [] 精确的curiosity 好奇心本单词反义词 incaution 不小心粗心大意 accuse [] 控告谴责词根词缀释义 ac-加强语气cuse-curse-骂人本词根简单词 curse 骂人诅咒本单词反义词 excuse 原谅谅解acid [] 尖酸的酸的讽刺的词根词缀释义 Ac-尖锐id-的本词根简单词 angle 尖角本词根高阶词 Acute adj 敏锐的 [医]急性的剧烈本单词反义词 tolerant adj 容忍的宽恕的 acoustic [] adj 有关声音的声学的词根词缀释义 cuckoo [] n [动]杜鹃鸟布谷鸟本单词近义词 audial []adj 听力的影响听觉的 acquaint [] 使熟知词根词缀释义 ac-加强语气quaint-know 本词根简单词 quaint 奇怪的本词根高阶词 diagnose 诊断ignorant 无知的愚昧的ignore 忽视不管不顾cognitive 认知的有感知的cognition 认识本单词反义词 dazzle v 使眼花眩耀 acute [] adj 敏锐的 [医]急性的剧烈词根词缀释义 Ac-尖的ute-后缀本词根简单词 acid 尖酸的讽刺的本词根高阶词 cute 可爱的聪明伶俐的本单词反义词 chronic 慢性的积习难改的 adapt [] 改编使适应词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气apt-容易的适合的本词根简单词 proper 适当的本词根高阶词 appropriate 适当的本单词反义词 stubborn 顽固的固执的adhere [] vi 粘附胶着坚持词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气her-词根黏着本词根简单词 cohere vi 粘着凝结紧凑本词根高阶词 coherent adj 粘在一起的一致的连贯的cohesive adj 粘着的cohesion n 结合凝聚 [物理]内聚力hesitate v 犹豫踌躇本单词近义词 permanent 永久的持久的perpetual 永久的 adhesive [] 带粘性的胶粘的词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气hes-词根黏着本词根简单词 hesion 吸引力adjacent [] 连接的毗邻的词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气jac-词根连接ent-的本词根简单词 joint 连接处结合点本词根高阶词 adjunct [] 附件附属的junction 连接接合本单词反义词 disjunct adj 分离的不相连的 administer [] 掌管料理执行词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气minist-管理er-后缀本词根简单词 manage 管理本词根高阶词 administrion 管理经营行政部门本单词近义词 execute vt 执行实行完成 adobe [] n 砖坯土砖词根词缀释义 a-加强语气dobe tube 管子本词根简单词 tube 管子adobe本单词近义词 brick n 砖砖块砖形物 adolescence [] 青春期词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气ol-生长escence-后缀本词根简单词 adolescent 青春期的青少年的本词根高阶词 abolish 废止废除abolition 废除废除奴隶制度 adopt [] 采用收养词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气 opt-词根选择本词根简单词 option 选择optional 选择性的adoption 采用收养本词根高阶词 optical 光学的视力的optimistic 乐观的本单词近义词 assume 采取承担假设 adorn [] 装饰词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气orn-词根装饰本词根简单词 ornament 装饰物装饰品本词根高阶词 adorning n 修饰装饰物本单词反义词 uglify vt 弄成难看丑化 advent [] n 尤指不寻常的人或事出现到来词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气vent went-走行走本词根简单词 prevent 阻碍阻挡本词根高阶词 avenue 林荫道revenue 财政收入本单词反义词 vanish 消失wane 变小亏缺衰落退潮 adventure [] n 冒险冒险的经历词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气venture-冒险本词根简单词 venture-冒险本单词近义词 excursion n远足游览短程旅行expedition n 远征探险队 adverse [] adj 不利的敌对的词根词缀释义 ad-加强语气verse-旋转本词根简单词 reverse 倒车反转本词根高阶词 versatile 多才多艺的aerobic [] adj 依靠氧气的与需氧菌有关的词根词缀释义 aero air bi-bio-生命本词根简单词 aerial 航空的生活在空气中的 aesthetic [] adj 美学的审美的有审美感的词根词缀释义 a-加强语气es-出来thet sent-感觉ic-的本词根简单词resentconsentsentimentsentimental 本词根高阶词 esthetic 感觉的affection [] n 友爱爱情影响疾病词根词缀释义 affect 影响感动 ion-后缀本词根简单词 effect 结果本词根高阶词 infectious 传染的afflict [] vt 使痛苦折磨词根词缀释义 af-加强语气flict flect-弯曲本词根简单词 flection 弯曲inflect 使弯曲本词根高阶词 conflict 冲突斗争本单词近义词 plague 瘟疫麻烦afford [] vt 提供给予供应得起词根词缀释义 af-加强语气ford-力量本词根简单词 force 力量enforce 执行实施本词根高阶词 fort 堡垒aggregate [] v 聚集集合合计词根词缀释义 ag-加强语气greg-集合ate-后缀本词根简单词 segregate 隔离本单词反义词 disperse v 使分散使散开疏散 alchemist [] 炼金术士词根词缀释义 al-加强语气chemist 化学家 alert [] 提防的警惕的词根词缀释义 al-加强语气ert-动本词根简单词 inert 不动的无活动的惰性的inertia 惰性本词根高阶词 allergy []本单词反义词 dull 感觉或理解迟钝的 alga [] 藻类海藻词根词缀释义 algae 海藻gae sea-海本单词近义词 seaweed n 海草海藻algebra []代数学词根词缀释义 ally break algbra本词根简单词 ally 结盟团结本词根高阶词 rally 重整旗鼓本单词音近词 zebra 斑马allay [] 减轻减少词根词缀释义 al-加强语气lay-放下本词根简单词 layman 外行本单词近义词 alleviate 减轻本单词反义词 aggravate vt 使恶化加重alleviate [] 减轻痛苦词根词缀释义 al-加强语气lev-轻抬iate-后缀本词根简单词 lever 杠杆elevate 电梯本词根高阶词 relief n 痛苦等的减轻债务等的免除救济本单词反义词 aggravate vt 使恶化加重 alter [] 变更词根词缀释义 other 另外的本词根简单词 alternate []换班轮流alternative [] 两者选一的本词根高阶词 alien 外星人本单词反义词 invariability n 不变性 altitude [] 海拔高度词根词缀释义 alt-高itude-后缀本词根简单词 Altai 阿尔泰山本词根高阶词 altar 祭坛本单词近形词 attitude 态度alumnus [] 男毕业生男校友词根词缀释义 a-加强语气lumn-lumin-光us-后缀本词根简单词 illuminate 照明本词根高阶词 luminous 发光的本单词反义词 alumna 女毕业生amateur [] 业余爱好者词根词缀释义 am-爱ateur-后缀本词根简单词 amor [罗神]埃莫即爱神丘比特本词根高阶词 amiable 亲切的和蔼可亲的本单词反义词 professional 职业的 amino [] adj [化]氨基的词根词缀释义 amin-氨ample [] 充足的丰富的词根词缀释义 ple-折叠饱和本词根简单词 amplify 增加增强本词根高阶词 multiple 多重的本单词反义词 scarce 缺乏的不足的 amuse [] 使发笑使愉快使娱乐词根词缀释义 a-加强语气muse-缪斯女神本词根简单词 music 音乐的本词根高阶词 amusement [4mjuzm4nt]本单词近义词 entertainment 款待娱乐 analogy [] 类似类推词根词缀释义 ana-分开log-语言y-后缀本单词近义词 similarity n 类似类似处 analyze [] 分析分解词根词缀释义 ana-分开lyse-loose-松开解开本词根简单词 analogue 相似物同源语本词根高阶词 analysis [4n1l4sis]本单词反义词 coalition n 合并接合联合 anatomy [] 剖析解剖学词根词缀释义 ana-分开tom-切分y-后缀本词根简单词 atomic [] 原子的本词根高阶词 epitomize vt 摘要概括成为缩影本单词近义词 analyse 分析分解anthropology []人类学词根词缀释义 an-加强语气throp-人群ology-学说本词根简单词 anthropic 人类的本词根高阶词 philanthropic 博爱的antibiotic [] 抗生素词根词缀释义 anti-反bio-生命tic-的本词根简单词 biology 生物学本词根高阶词 symbiosis n [生]共生现象合作或互利互依关系apparent [] 显然的外观上的词根词缀释义 appar-appear ent-的本词根简单词 appear 表现disappear 消失本词根高阶词 transparent 透明的显然的明晰的本单词反义词 internal 内在的appeal [] 请求呼吁词根词缀释义 ap-加强语气peal please 本词根高阶词 repeal 废止撤销否定本单词反义词 prohibit vt 禁止阻止 applicable [] 可适用的可应用的词根词缀释义 applic apply应用 able-后缀本词根简单词 appliance 用具器具本词根高阶词 exploit 利用开发explode 爆炸explore 探测探究 applicant [] 请求者词根词缀释义 applic apply申请 ant-后缀本词根简单词 apply 申请应用本单词反义词 commander 司令官指挥官 appreciate []欣赏感激词根词缀释义 ap-加强语气preci price-价钱iate-后缀本词根简单词 precious 珍贵的本单词反义词 disparage vt 蔑视 approach [] 接近靠近词根词缀释义 ap-加强语气proach-向前靠近本词根简单词 approachable 可接近的平易近人的亲切的本词根高阶词 reproach v 责备本单词反义词 stand off 疏远appropriate [] a 适当的[] vt 拨款词根词缀释义 ap-加强语气propr-proper-恰当的iate-后缀本词根简单词 proper 恰当的本词根高阶词 adapt 改编使适应本单词反义词 inaptitude 不适当approximate [] 接近近似词根词缀释义 ap-加强语气pro-向前xim sameate-后缀本词根简单词 simulate 模拟本词根高阶词 assimilate 同化本单词近义词 approach 接近逼近走进 aquarium [] 养鱼池玻璃缸词根词缀释义 aque 词根水 arium-后缀本词根简单词 opaque 不透明的本词根高阶词 aquatic [] archaeology [] 考古学词根词缀释义 archae-古老ology-学说本词根简单词 ancient 古老的本词根高阶词 ancestor 祖先architect [] 建筑师词根词缀释义 arch-拱形tect-盖子本词根简单词 arch 拱形本词根高阶词 arc 弧形arid [] 干旱的贫瘠的无趣的词根词缀释义 a-否定前缀rid rise-生长本单词反义词 thrive 兴旺的繁荣的flourishing adj 繁茂的繁荣的 arithmetic [] 算术算法词根词缀释义 a-加强语气rith rigid-僵硬的meter-计算ic-的本词根简单词 geometry 几何本词根高阶词 tremendous 巨大的庞大的本单词近义词 algebra 代数学assemble [] vt 集合聚集组装词根词缀释义 as-加强语气semble simple-单一统一本词根简单词 resemble 相似本词根高阶词 assembly 集合装配集会本单词反义词 disperse v 使分散使散开疏散 asteroid [] 小行星小星体词根词缀释义 aster-staroid-后缀本词根简单词 astronomy [4str3n4mi]天文学disaster n 灾难天灾灾祸本词根高阶词 catastrophe n 大灾难大祸本单词近义词 interstellar adj 星际的 athlete [] n 运动员运动选手词根词缀释义 ath-Athens-雅典 let-小的本单词近义词 sportsman n 运动家冒险家 attempt [] vt 尝试企图词根词缀释义 at-加强语气tempt-诱惑本词根简单词 tempt 诱惑本词根高阶词 temptation 诱惑本单词近义词 purpose n 目的意图 attribute [] n 属性品质特征[] vt 归因于词根词缀释义 at-加强语气tribute-词根给本词根简单词 contribute 捐赠distribute 分配分布本词根高阶词 tribute n 贡品礼物颂词本单词近义词 property n 财产所有物属性 auction [] n 拍卖词根词缀释义 auct-提高ion-后缀本词根简单词 augment 增大提高本词根高阶词 auxiliary 辅助的补助的august 威严的audience [] n 听众观众词根词缀释义 audi-听ence-后缀本词根简单词 audio[]音频的声音的本词根高阶词 audit []审计审核audition []听力auditorium [] 听众席大礼堂本单词反义词 orator n 演说者演讲者authority [] 权威词根词缀释义 author-作者本词根高阶词 authorize [374raiz]批准本单词近义词 standard 标准avalanche [] 雪崩词根词缀释义 a-加强语气val fallanche-ance-名词后缀本单词反义词 snowslide 雪崩 avert [] 转移词根词缀释义 a-加强语气vert-旋转本词根简单词 invert 倒置反转本词根高阶词 vertical 垂直的直立的本单词反义词 affront 面对aviation []飞行航空词根词缀释义 av-鸟ation-名词后缀本词根简单词 aviary 养鸟笼本单词近义词 navigate vi 航行航海航空 avoid [] 避免免除词根词缀释义 a-加强语气void-空的本词根简单词 void 空的awkward [] 难使用的笨拙的词根词缀释义 awk-反的ward-方向本词根简单词 inward 向里向内backward 向后的foreward 向前的本单词反义词 adept 娴熟的老练的 Bbarge []驳船游艇词根词缀释义 board-板子本词根简单词 boat船本词根高阶词 oar-橹桨本单词形近词 badge 奖章徽章奖牌 belt []带子地带皮带belly肚子腹部词根词缀释义 bel-belly-肚皮t-后缀本词根简单词 belly-肚皮本单词形近词 delta三角州benefit []利益好处词根词缀释义 bene-词根好fit-制造创造本词根简单词 beneficial-有益的带来好处的本词根高阶词benign良性的良好的仁慈的本单词反义词 disadvantage n 不利不利条件缺点劣势beneficial[]有益的受益的词根词缀释义 bene-词根好fic-制造带来ial-的本词根简单词 benefit利益好处本词根高阶词 benediction祝福本单词形近词 penetrate刺穿看穿stere []立体立方公尺词根词缀释义 st-站着立本词根简单词 stereo立体声的本词根高阶词 stereograph 立体照片立体画本单词反义词 planar adj 平面的平坦的plain 平原平坦 sphere []球体球词根词缀释义 sph-象声旋转本词根简单词 spin v 旋转纺纺纱本词根高阶词 hemisphere半球atmosphere 大气层本单词反义词 cube n 立方体立方 buckle []扣住变弯曲词根词缀释义 buckle-无奈谐音把扣本单词近义词 buck n 元雄鹿公羊公兔 burgeon []嫩芽萌芽词根词缀释义 burg burs-包eon-名词后缀本词根简单词 burse钱包burden 包袱本词根高阶词 reimburse 偿还本单词形近词 urgent adj 急迫的紧急的 burthen[] v负荷使负担过重词根词缀释义 burth整体通假于burden 类似的词汇点 faith 信仰confidence信心faithworthy 值得信赖的本单词反义词 alleviate vt 使痛苦等易于忍受减轻combustible []易燃的turn旋转 tune调节曲调 Ccurriculum []课程词根词缀释义 cur-词根跑过程iculum-复合后缀本词根简单词 incur 招致招惹occur 发生出事本词根高阶词 excursion 远足游览本单词近义词 course 过程跑道课程 watercourse []水道词根词缀释义 water-水course-过程跑道本词根简单词 course-过程本词根高阶词 discourse 演讲谈论dis- "apart" currere "to run本单词近义词 trench 沟渠战壕excursion []远足短程旅行词根词缀释义 ex-向外curs-跑ion-后缀本词根简单词 occur 发生本词根高阶词 recur 再发生类似的词汇点 rally 再结盟ramble 漫游precursor []先驱词根词缀释义 pre-向前curs-跑or-后缀本单词近义词 predecessor 前辈前任incursion []袭击侵入词根词缀释义 in-向里curs-跑ion-后缀本单词反义词 invade 侵略侵袭aggressive 好斗的侵略性的侵略的 cordial [] 热忱的诚恳的兴奋的兴奋剂词根词缀释义 cord core-心ial-的本词根简单词 core 果核核心中心本单词同义词 exhilarant n 令人振作精神之物兴奋剂本单词易混词 cord n 绳索束缚cardiac []心脏的强心剂词根词缀释义 card cord-心心脏ia-病c-的本词根简单词 card本词根高阶词 cardinal []核心的主要的红衣主教本单词反义词 cordis adj 心脏的carve []雕刻切开c-cut-切词根词缀释义 carve-象声词本词根简单词 scar-刀疤本词根高阶词 character n 事物的特性性质人的品质字符性格特征人物vt写刻印使具有特征 slim[]苗条的词根词缀释义 s lim slim 苗条本词根简单词 limit n 界限限度限制本词根高阶词 preliminary adj 预备的初步的本单词反义词 plump adj 圆胖的丰满的鼓起的 sneeze[]打喷嚏词根词缀释义 s neeze sneeze 本词根简单词 snore 打鼾本词根高阶词 sniff 用力吸sneer冷笑讥笑嘲笑perspiration[]排汗词根词缀释义 per-全部到处spire-呼吸本词根简单词 inspire 吸气鼓舞expire 断气到期死亡本词根高阶词 conspire 同谋合谋aspire 热望渴望perspire 排汗出汗character [] v写刻特征性质人物词根词缀释义 char-carve-刻雕刻刻画acter-复合后缀本词根简单词 scar刀疤本词根高阶词 characterize vt 表现的特色刻画的性格characteristic [] 特有的表示特性的典型的词根词缀释义 characterize vt 表现的特色刻画的性格istic-的concise []简明的简练的词根词缀释义 con-全部cise cut-切割本词根简单词 precise[prisais] 精确的准确的本词根高阶词 decisive adj 决定性的本单词反义词 prolixity n 冗长罗嗦tedious adj 单调乏味的沉闷的冗长乏味的pesticide [pestisaid]杀害虫剂词根词缀释义 pest-害虫cide-切杀本词根简单词 pest 害虫pet 宠物本词根高阶词 pestilent [] adj 致命的 insecticide []杀虫剂词根词缀释义 insect-昆虫cide-切杀本词根简单词 section 部分segment 片断类似的词汇点 completion 完美完满complement 填充物补足物本词根高阶词 intersection 十字路口bactericide []杀菌剂词根词缀释义 bacterium 细菌cide-切杀本词根简单词 bacterium 细菌本词根高阶词 bachelor 单身汉学士bacteria 细菌biocide [] 生物杀灭剂词根词缀释义 bio-生命cide-切杀本词根简单词 biology 生物学biography 人生传记本词根高阶词 antibiotic 抗生素的 geocide [] 地球末日[ n 远地点本单词反义词 geogenic [] adj 地球成因学的 patricide [] 弑父杀父者[]接受接收承担词根词缀释义 ac-向内cept-拿本词根简单词 except 排除本词根高阶词 incept [] vt 起始摄取接收 vi 尤指在剑桥大学获得学位本单词反义词 except 排除inception [] n获得学位起初词根词缀释义 in-向内cept-拿到ion-后缀本单词近义词 inaugurate [] vt 举行就职典礼创新开辟conceive[] 怀孕构思设想词根词缀释义 con-加强语气ceive-拿到吸入本词根简单词 receive-收回本词根高阶词 perceive-觉察本单词近义词 pregnant [] adj 怀孕的重要的富有意义的孕育的deceive[] 欺骗行骗词根词缀释义 de-向下ceive-拿到带领本词根简单词 receive-收回本词根高阶词 conceive[] 怀孕构思设想 deceptive [diseptiv]欺骗性的词根词缀释义 de-底下cept-拿带领本词根简单词 accept 接收接受本词根高阶词 deceive 欺骗行骗本单词同义词 befool [] vt 愚弄欺骗糟蹋disguise [] v 假装伪装掩饰 perceive []察觉感知掌握词根词缀释义 per-throughceive-领会掌握本词根简单词 accept 接收接受本词根高阶词 perceptive[]理解的本单词反义词 ignorant adj 无知的susceptible []易受影响的易感动的词根词缀释义 sus-底下cept-拿接受本词根简单词 accept 接收接受本词根高阶词 participate vi 参与参加分享分担本单词反义词apathetic adj 缺乏兴趣的缺乏感情的无动于衷的municipal []市的市政的词根词缀释义 mun-彼此相互cip-拿al-的本词根简单词 communicate 交流沟通本词根高阶词 immune 免疫的本单词反义词 manipulate操纵控制 [] 接收收到词根词缀释义 re-往回ceive-拿回recipe []处方from 法语词根词缀释义 re-往回cipe-拿收code []密码词根词缀释义 code-密码本词根简单词 key 钥匙本词根高阶词 encode vt 把电文情报等译成电码或密码本单词反义词decipher[]解释密码密码译文 cypher []密码翻译词根词缀释义 cy-key-钥匙decipher[]解释密码密码译文词根词缀释义 de-使下来使松开破解cipher -密码 Ddelta []三角州德耳塔词根词缀释义 D-字木象形希腊字母的第四个字? 本单词形近词 belt 皮带dignify []使尊荣增威严词根词缀释义 dign-尊严ify-动词后缀本词根简单词 dignity-尊严本词根高阶词 indignant 愤怒的本词根的语源 decent 正派的端庄的有分寸的 indignant [] 愤怒的词根词缀释义 in-没有dign-体面尊严ant-的本词根简单词 dignity-尊严本词根高阶词 dignify []使尊荣增威严本单词反义词 amiable adj 亲切的和蔼可亲的 dignity []尊严词根词缀释义 dign-尊严ity-动词后缀本单词反义词 sanctity [] n 圣洁digital []数字的词根词缀释义 digit-手指头al-的本词根简单词 digit-手指手指头本单词近义词 calculate 计算digit []阿拉伯数字手指或足趾词根词缀释义 dig-词根手指本单词反义词 finger 手指toe [] n 趾脚趾足尖 dec十十二月词根词缀释义来自dig-手指本单词反义词 ten-十decade [] 十年词根词缀释义 dec-十ade-后缀本词根简单词 december 十二月本词根高阶词 decimal []十进制的十进制本单词近义词 annual 一年的一年生植物 decimal []十进制的十进制词根词缀释义 dec-十imal-的本词根简单词 december 十二月本单词反义词 binary [] adj 二进位的二元的combine v 使联合使结合 decorate []装饰美化词根词缀释义 dec-十全美orate-复合动词后缀本词根简单词 decent []体面的美观的 index []指出索引词根词缀释义 in-里dex-指手指本词根简单词 digit-手指手指头prodigious[]巨大的词根词缀释义 pro-往前超越digital数字的tremendous极大的donate [] 捐赠赠予词根词缀释义 don-downate-动词后缀本词根简单词 download 下载本词根高阶词 endow 捐赠赋予本单词近义词 contribute 捐助捐赠endow [] 捐赠赋予词根词缀释义 en-使动down-扔下badminton []羽毛球town词根词缀释义 Badminton House name of Gloucestershire estate ofthe Duke of Beaufort本词根简单词 ton-town 城市屯dull []迟钝无趣的阴暗的词根词缀释义 dull-down本单词形近词 cull精选hull硬壳gull鸥mull沉思null无效零 ductile []易教导的易延展的柔软的词根词缀释义 duct-引导ile-able-能的本词根简单词 producevt 提出出示生产制造结果实引起招致创作本词根高阶词 induce vt 劝诱促使导致引起感应seduce v 诱使本单词反义词 indocile [] adj 难驯服的。



刘毅词汇10000abdomen n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)belly n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛bereave v.使痛失(亲人等);剥夺;使丧失deprive v.剥夺,使丧失;免去…的职务consecrate v.使圣化,奉…为神圣;尊崇;奉献devote v.将…奉献(给),把...专用于,致力于evoke vt.唤起(回忆、感情等);引起invoke v.求助于(神、法律);恳求,乞求groove n.槽;纹(道);n.沟,槽;凹线,(刻出的)线条;习惯furrow n.沟;垄沟;轨迹;车辙;皱纹jolt v.(使)摇动,(使)震动,(使)颠簸joggle v./n.轻轻颠摇;轻摇obsolete a.out of date 作废的,过时的;a.已废弃的,过时的antiquated a.陈旧的,过时的prowl v.暗中寻觅 n.觅食;v.徘徊于;搜寻;潜行以寻觅或偷窃rove v./n.漫游;流浪(于)scoop n.勺子 v.用勺子(或铲)取出,舀;挖;掘shovel n.铁锨;一铲之量 v.铲,铲出status n.地位,身份;情形,状况,状态situation n.形势,局面,处境,状况;位置;职位Sue v.控告,对…提出诉讼,起诉indict v.起诉,控告,指控bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒;n.土匪,强盗,歹徒brigand n.土匪,强盗commemorate v.纪念,庆祝celebrate v.庆贺,庆祝;表扬,赞美defile v.弄污,弄脏 n.(山间)小道infect v.传染,感染;影响…的心情,给…示影响deviation n.背离,偏离;偏差,偏向;离题delegate n.代表,会议代表 vt.委派…为代表;授权;n.委员,代表 vt.派…为代表;委任fortitude n.坚韧;刚毅;n.坚毅,坚忍不拔endurance n.持久(力);n.耐久力;忍耐力;耐久的时期;持续的时间inconsolable a.无所慰藉的,极度沮丧的,伤心的depressed a.沮丧的,抑郁的;不景气的,萧条的nibble v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃;v.啃,一点一点咬bite v.咬,叮;刺骨 n.叮,咬;吃一口pageant n.壮观的游行;露天历史剧exhibition n.展览,陈列;展览会scourge n.灾难,祸害 v.蹂躏disaster n.灾难,祸患;n.灾难,大祸;彻底的失败tumble v.摔跤,跌倒;打滚,翻腾 n.摔跤,跌倒fall v.落下;跌倒,陷落 n.(美)秋天,秋季;瀑布;变为afflict vt.使苦恼,折磨;vt.使痛苦;折磨distress n.(精神上的)苦恼,痛苦 v.使苦恼,使紧张censure n./v.责难,非难;v.责备;非难blame n.(事故等的)责任;责怪 v.责备,应受责备dissimulation n.假装;掩饰deception n.欺骗,欺诈;骗局,诡计flog v.重打,鞭打spank v. 打,拍打(在屁股上)inscription n.铭文,碑文,题字;n.(尤指石块上的)刻印文字,铭文,碑文caption n.图片说明文字(报刊文章的标题)meddle v.干预,干涉,插手intervene v.插入,介入,干涉,(时间)介于posture n.姿势,姿态;心态,态度 v.装模作样attitude n.态度;看法;n.态度,看法;姿势rummage vi./n.翻找,搜寻;v./n.翻寻,仔细检查ransack v.彻底搜索,洗劫spout v.喷出,涌出;滔滔不绝地讲 n.喷管;水柱pour vt.倒;vt.灌;蜂拥 vi.倾泻;(雨)倾盆而下 n.倾泻traverse v.横过,穿过,越过intersect v.惯穿,(和…)相交,交叉wistful a.渴望的;不满足的yearning a.渴望的;向往的;怀念的amicable a.友善的;和平的;a.友好的,和睦的amiable a.和蔼可亲的,友善的,亲切的blizzard n.暴风雪snowstorm n.暴风雨;n.暴风雪;雪暴cruise v.巡航;游弋 n.乘船巡游voyage n.航海;航行eradicate v.根除,消灭,杜绝extirpate v.除尽;灭绝glimmer v.发出闪烁的微光 n.微光,微弱的闪光gleam n./v.微光,闪光,短暂而微弱的闪现lump n.块;堆;团;大量;肿块 v.归并在一起block n.大块;一排房屋;街区(四条街中间的区域)slash v.猛砍;贬斥… n.猛砍;(衣服的)开叉gash n.砍得很深的伤口, 很深的裂缝;v.深切,划开n.(深长的)切(伤)口;裂缝slump v.陷;沉重地坐下或倒下 n.商业萧条期depress v.使沮丧,使低沉;降低,压低;使萧条vogue n.时髦,时尚,流行 a.流行的fashion n.(服饰等的)流行式样;(行为等的)风尚ascribe vt.(to)把…归因于;把…归属于;vt.把…归于,认为…是其人所做attribute v.(to)把…归于,认为是…的结果 n.属性bulwark n.堡垒;屏障;n.堡垒,保障safeguard v.维护 n.安全装置,安全措施dubious a.有问题的,靠不住的;犹豫不决的doubtful a.怀疑,犹豫,不相信的;可疑的,难料的facet n.(问题等的)侧面,一面;(多面体的)面aspect n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面heed v.注意,留意 n.注意,留心attention n.注意,留心;注意力;n.注意,注意力;立正;特别照顾;照料huddle v.挤作一团,乱堆 n.一堆,一团gather v.集合,聚集;采集,收集;逐渐增加;推测mumble v.含糊地说,咕哝 n.含糊的话,咕哝murmur v.低声说话,咕哝 n.低沉连续的声音,咕哝relic n.遗物;遗俗;n.遗迹,古物;圣徒的遗骸(或遗物),圣物remainder n.剩下的人、东西或时间;n.剩余物,剩下的;余数,余项smog n.烟雾 (由smoke+fog合成的词)fume n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟,气,汽wayfarer n.旅人;徒步旅行者traveller n.旅馆;旅游者wont a.习惯于 vt./n.习惯habit n.习惯;习性,脾性exonerate v.使免罪;免除;v.免除责任,确定无罪bias n.偏见 v.[常用被动语态]有偏见prejudice n.偏见,成见;歧视;n.偏见,成见;损害,侵害 v.损害contend v.竞争;搏斗;声称,坚持主张;辩论compete v.比赛;竞争;对抗deplore v.哀叹,悲叹,对…深感遗憾lament v.为…悲痛,哀悼,痛惜 n.挽歌,哀歌fracture n.裂缝(痕);骨折 v.(使)断裂,(使)折断shatter n.碎片;粉碎v.粉碎;使疲惫;使震骇magnitude n.巨大(程度);重要性;量,大小bulk n.容积,体积;大块,大批;大部分,大多数pith n.要旨;n.精髓,要点essence n.本质,要素;n.本质,实质;精华,精粹relish n.喜好,乐趣;美味;胃口 v.爱好,喜欢zest n.风味,强烈的风味;热情,热心sneak v.鬼鬼祟祟而行,偷窃lurk v.埋伏;潜伏;隐藏;鬼鬼祟祟地行动tidings n.[pl.]消息, 音信information n.通知,报告,消息,情报;n.信息;情报;资料aghast a.恐怖的;惊骇的;吓呆的astonished a.惊讶的cumber v.拖累,妨碍hinder vt.阻止;妨碍(from);v.阻碍,妨碍decree n.法令,政令 v.颁布(法令、政令);决定determine v.决定;决心;测定,确定frolic n./v.嬉戏 a.嬉戏的frisk v.欢蹦乱跳;n./v.蹦跳,娱乐intercourse n.往来,交往,交际;n.交际,往来,交流relations n.交往,事务;关系menace n.威胁;讨厌的人(或物) v.威胁,恐吓 intimidation 胁迫;n.恐吓,威胁precipice n.悬崖;危急的处境;n.悬崖,峭壁cliff n.悬崖,峭壁sanctuary n.圣所,圣堂,神殿,寺庙;禁猎区,保护区shrine n.神殿,圣地;n.神殿,神龛,圣祠sprout v.发芽,抽条,长出 n.新芽,嫩苗grow v.生长,发育;种植,渐渐变得;增长,发展tread v.踏,踩 n.踩,步法,脚步声;(车胎)胎面trample v.踩,践踏;蔑视,粗暴对待ammunition 军火, 弹药bullets n.弹药;军火doting a.溺爱的,宠爱的fond adj.喜爱的;爱好的;充满柔情的,深情的engross v.全神贯注于;吸引;占用absorb vt.吸收;接受;vt.吸引…的注意;vt.吸收(水、光、蒸汽等);vt.并入,同化gush v.喷,涌出;使喷出,使涌出 n.喷,涌流flow v.流动;淹没 n.流,水流;流量insuperable a.不能超越的;难以克服的;a.无法克服的unconquerable a.不可征服的;克服不了的;压抑不住的ordeal n.苦难经历,(尤指对品格、耐力的)严峻考验;n.严峻考验;折磨trial n.讯问,审讯;试验;试用;尝试,努力pouch n.育儿袋,肚囊;n.小皮袋;(动物的)颊袋sack n.袋;解雇;床 v.解雇;掠夺screech n./v.尖叫;(发出)刺耳的声音shriek vi.make a loud, shrill cry 尖声喊叫;v.尖叫 n.尖叫声stature n.身高;身材;(精神、道德等的)高度height n.高;高度;身高;顶点;高位;高处undermine v.在…下挖;暗中伤害(破坏);逐渐损害erode v.(受)腐蚀,(受)侵蚀dig v.挖,探究 n.捅;发掘的地点或遗迹assess vt.估计,估价;评估;vt.估价,评价appraise v.评定,鉴定,评价chamber n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所;n.房间,室;会议室;议院;(动物体内)腔室room n.房间,卧室;n.空间;地方;余地disdain n.鄙视,轻视 v.轻视,鄙视,不屑despise v.看不起,轻视,鄙视espy vt.窥见;v.(从远处等)突然看到perceive vt.察觉,发觉;理解;v.认识到,觉察出;理解,领悟glossy a.光滑的,有光泽的sleek vt.使光滑;v.(使)光滑 a.光滑的,整洁的janitor n.照管房屋或办公室的工人,清洁工;n.看门人,管门人doorman n.门卫;n.看门人packet n.小包,小盒;包裹 v.打包,装行李;包装parcel n.包裹,小包,邮包 v.打包,捆扎pulpit n.[宗]讲坛;n.(教堂的)讲坛lectern n.(演讲者放讲稿的)讲台(或立架)scorch v.烘烤(皮肤);v.烧焦,烤焦;高速疾驶 n.烧焦处,焦痕singe v. 微烧,烫焦;v.(轻微地)烧焦,烫焦surge v.(如浪潮般)汹涌;奔腾 n.(感情等的)洋溢rise v.上升;升起;起床;起立utensil n.工具,(厨房)用具implement n.(pl.)工具,器具 v.实行,实施,执行bayonet n.刺刀 vt.用刺刀刺dagger n.匕首,短剑compassion n.同情;怜悯(for)sympathy n.同情,同情心;赞同,同感;慰问detain v.阻止,留住;扣留,拘留retard n.阻止,延迟 v.妨碍,延迟,使减速faction n.宗派,小集团;派别;派系斗争clique n.朋党派系,小集团hue n.色度;色调;样子colour n.颜色,彩色;颜料;肤色 v.给…着色,染luster n.光辉;光泽,光亮;荣誉shimmer v.闪烁,发微光;vi./n.发微光,发闪光;微光honor n.荣誉;敬意;(H-)阁下 v.使增光;尊敬persevere v.坚持不懈;不屈不挠persist v.(in)坚持不懈,执意;持续,存留rave v.胡言乱语;语无伦次地说 n.过分赞扬effervesce v.冒泡;沸腾;兴奋slay v.杀死;谋杀kill v.杀死,消灭;破坏,毁灭;消磨(时间)tablet n.药片;n.药片;碑,牌匾;小块肥皂pill n.药丸;药片voluptuous a.撩人的,沉溺酒色的;a.肉欲的sensuous 感觉的;a.激发美感的;感官的,感觉上的approach v.靠(接)近 n.接近;途径,入门;方法beckon vt.向…招手或点头示意;v.(以点头或打手势)向...示意,召唤signal n.信号 v.发信号通知;示意concur v.同意,意见一致;互助;同时发生agree vi.同意,赞同;适合,一致;商定,约定denounce v.当众指责accuse vt.控告,指责 vi.指控;归咎于fray v.争吵;打斗;磨损,磨破 n.吵架;打斗combat v.战斗;搏斗;斗争shred n.碎片,细条,破布;少量v.撕碎,切碎;v.撕碎,切碎 n.碎片,碎条;最少量hamper v.阻碍,防碍[同]hinder;牵制,危害malady n.病,疾病(通常做比喻);n.疾病;不正之风ailment n.疾病,小病;n.(不严重的)疾病plod v.沉重缓慢地走;孜孜地工作trudge v.缓慢或吃力地走;v.跋涉,步履艰难地走 n.长途跋涉remnant n.残留物;n.残余,剩余;残余物,残存部分residue n.剩余物;残余snore v.打鼾,打呼噜wheeze n.喘息声,气喘声;v.喘息;呼哧呼哧地响tinge vt.(轻淡地)给......着色;n.淡淡色彩;些微的气息 v.(较淡)着色于tincture v.着色于n.色泽;染料;气息bicker v.争吵;争论wrangle v.争论,口角,争吵;v.争论,激辩,吵架contrive v.发明;设计;设法;造成hatch v.孵出;策划 n.(船的)舱口(盖)dazzle v.使惊奇;使眩目 n.令人赞叹的东西glare vi.瞪着眼看;n.强光;瞪眼;愤怒的目光 v.闪耀;怒视fumble v.笨拙地用手摸、弄、接等,摸索grope v.(暗中)摸索,探索impair v.损害,损伤;削弱,减少damage n.损坏,毁坏;(pl.)赔偿金 v.损坏,毁坏mortify v.克制;禁欲;使受辱humiliate vt.(某人)蒙耻;羞辱;使丢脸;vt.使羞辱,使丢脸predominant adj.主要的,显著的;a.占优势的;主要的,突出的outstanding a.突出的;出众的;a.杰出的,优秀的;显要的;重要的;未偿清的,未兑现的sanitary a.卫生的,清洁的;保健的;a.卫生方面的,卫生的;清洁的,卫生的hygienic a.卫生的,清洁的;a.卫生学的,促进健康的wallet n.(男人用的放钱币、证件等的)皮夹子purse n.钱包,小钱袋,手袋warrant vt.使有(正当)理由;授权(给);担保;n.正当理由;许可证,委任状 v.保证,担保assurance n.信念;自信;保证allocate v.分配,分派;把…拨给;把…划归apportion v.分配;分摊;v.(按比例或计划)分配brawl n.大声争吵,喧嚷 v.吵架,对骂fight n.战斗;斗争;战斗力 v.打仗;斗争;争论cynical a.讽刺的;(对人性等)怀疑的sarcastic a.讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的;a.讥讽的,讽刺的,嘲弄的embellish vt.装饰,布置;给…添加细节,润饰adorn v.使美化,装饰gallant a.(对女子)献殷勤的;勇敢的,英勇的;a.英勇的,豪侠的;(向女人)献殷勤的splendid a.极好的;壮丽的,豪华的,辉煌的;优秀的immerse 使沉浸于;使(自己)专心于;v.使沉浸在,使深陷于;使浸没在plunge v.(into)(使)投入,(使)插进,陷入;猛冲ostentatious a.装饰表面的,夸示;华美的;a.卖弄的,炫耀的,夸示的showy a.鲜艳的,显眼的presentiment n.预感;预觉foreboding n.不祥的预感;n.预感;警告satiate 使饱;使满足;v.使饱足,生腻surfeit v.使饮食过度n.(食物)过量,过度undulate v.波动,形成波浪;起伏;震动wave v.波动,飘动;挥手 n.波浪;飘扬;挥手apparel n.衣服,服饰;n.衣服 vt.给…修饰garment n.衣服,外衣,(pl.)服装cajole v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗coax v.哄诱,劝诱;用诱哄得到,诱取discard vt.丢弃,抛弃,遗弃reject vt.摈弃;v.拒绝;扔掉;驳回,否决 n.被抛弃的东西effete a.衰老的,虚弱的,精疲力尽的;a.无生产力的,虚弱的exhausted a.极其疲倦的;a.耗尽的;精疲力尽的grudge v.很勉强,吝啬,不情愿 n.怨恨,积怨resentment n.不满;怨恨;忿恨kidnap n./vt.诱拐;绑架,劫持abduct v.诱拐,拐带,绑架pact n.合同,条约,公约treaty n.条约,协议,协商pry v.刺探,打听,撬开peep vi.偷看;隐现n.窥视;嘟嘟声;吱吱声;v.偷看,窥视 n.一瞥,瞅一眼scour v.搜索[同]ransack;擦,洗;腹泻;冲刷swagger v.大摇大摆地走,昂首阔步地走strut n.支柱 v.趾高气扬地走,高视阔步地走vagary n.变化莫测;n.妄想;不可测之事fancy a.鲜艳的;奇特的 n./v.想象;爱好asset n.有价值的资源,优点,长处;财产,资产property n.财产;n.财产,资产;财产权,所有权;特性chasm n.深坑,断层,裂口;大分岐;利害冲突gap n.空缺,沟缝;n.缝隙;缺口;漏洞;(意见、个性等的)差异despoil v.掠夺;争夺;v.夺取,抢夺depredate v.掠夺,劫掠facetious 好开玩笑的;轻浮的humorous a.富于幽默感的,幽默的;滑稽的hurtle v.猛烈碰撞;急飞;猛掷dash v.猛冲,飞奔;猛掷 n.猛冲,突进;破折号larceny n.盗窃(罪)robbery n.抢劫,劫掠,盗取pervade v.弥漫,遍及,充满,渗透,漫延spread v.展开,铺开;流传,蔓延 n.伸展,扩展recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰);公开撤回retract v.缩回,收回,取消,撤消shambles n.混乱之处,凌乱的地点;n.屠宰场;紊乱的地方confusion n.混乱,慌乱;混淆;n.辨别不清;混淆,骚乱;混乱taboo n.(宗教迷信)禁忌;禁止 a.禁忌的,禁止的prohibition n.不准,禁止;禁令trappings n.马的装饰物;装饰;外部标志decorations [通常用复数]装饰品relinquish v.舍弃,废除,放弃;放开accrue v.积累;v.(利息等)自然增长accumulate v.积累;积聚;累加badger vt.纠缠;烦扰;v.困扰,纠缠tease v.取笑;逗弄 n.嘲弄,挑逗baffle v.使挫折,阻碍;使困惑bewilder v.迷惑,使糊涂,使慌乱,使不知所措conjecture v./n.推测,臆测;n./v.猜测(想);设想surmise n./a.推测(的);猜疑(的)derange v.使精神错乱upset v.使心烦意乱;使不适 a.心烦的,苦恼的fiend n.恶魔;n.魔鬼;迷;能手devil n.魔鬼,恶魔;n.魔鬼;人,家伙pine n.松树 v.渴望;憔悴;衰退yearn v.渴望,极想;想念smother vt./vi.使窒息;抑制;闷死 n.浓烟;窒息;vt.使窒息,使闷死;闷住;抑制;忍住choke v.窒息;(使)噎住;堵塞 n.发动机中节气门throb v.震颤,颤动;(急速强烈地)跳动,搏动;vi./n.跳动,搏动,有节奏的震动pulse n.脉搏,节奏,脉冲 v.搏动,跳动broth n.原(汁)汤(鱼汤、肉汤、菜汤等);n.肉汤,肉汁soup n.汤,羹crevice n.缺口;裂缝;n.(岩石、墙等)裂缝crack n.爆裂声,劈啪声;裂缝 vt.使破裂 vi.破裂;v.揭开(秘密等),解开(难题)等demean v.贬抑,降低degrade vt.降级,贬低;堕落;退化foster v.促进,助长,培养;养育(非亲生子)nurse n.保姆,护士,保育员 v.护理,养育,喂奶incentive n.刺激;鼓励 a.刺激的;鼓励的stimulus n.刺激,激励 (pl.stimuli)maze n.迷宫,八阵图;混乱,迷惑labyrinth n.迷宫;难解的事物;迷路pore v.深思熟虑;仔细阅读;毛孔;孔rubbish n.垃圾;废物;废话;胡说八道trash n.拙劣的材料、作品等;垃圾,废物speculate v.沉思,思索;推测;投机meditate v.认真思考,沉思;计划,考虑transfix v.刺穿;钉住;使呆住petrify v.使惊呆;vt.使发呆;使…变成化石anomaly n.异常,反常(现象);畸形物体abnormality n.反常,异常;变态;畸形converge v.(在一点上)会合;集中(于一点)focus vi.集中;v.(on)聚集,使集中 n.焦点;中心,集中点duplicate n.复制品 v.复写,使加倍 a.复制的,二倍的double a.双的,双重的;a.两倍的;双重的 ad.两倍地 n.两部 v.加倍epoch n.时代;新纪元age n.年龄;年纪;时代 v.变老;老年;长时间v . (使)变老;封建制度gaunt a.瘦削的;贫瘠的;a.憔悴的,骨瘦如柴的;荒凉的,不毛的haggard a.憔悴的,消瘦的incessant a.不断的,不绝的,无尽的continuous a.不断延伸的,连续不断的mute a.哑的;沉默的 n.哑巴;弱音器 v.减弱声音silent a.沉默的,无言的;安静的,不吵闹的partisan a.党派性的;游击队的 n.游击队员;党徒defender n.防守队员;n.保卫者,拥护者;辩护人scan vt.快读;扫描;v.细看;浏览;详细调查;扫描contemplate v.注视;沉思;期待overlook v.忽略;检查;眺望;宽容;宽恕stab n.刺,戳;伤口,刺痛 v.捅(刀),刺pierce v.刺穿,戳入;(喻)寒冷刺骨;感动botch v.因笨拙而弄坏n.拙劣的工作;vt.拙劣地修补(某物) n.拙劣地做的工作ruin v.毁灭;(使)破产 n.毁灭;(pl.)废墟chafe vi/vt.擦伤;冲洗;惹怒;擦热;烦扰abrade v.磨损;擦伤;v.磨擦dissipate v.驱散;(使云、雾、疑虑等)消散;挥霍scatter v.撒播;驱散;分散,消散waste a.荒芜的;废弃的 v.浪费,挥霍 n.浪费efface 涂抹;消除;v.擦掉,抹去erase v.擦掉;消除某事物的痕迹glint v./n.闪光,闪闪发亮flash n.闪光;转瞬间;浮华;一刹那;n.Macromedia公司开发的动画编辑工具onerous a.繁重的,麻烦的arduous a.艰苦的,艰难的;a.费力的,艰巨的,艰苦的,困难的iterate vt.反复申说;v.重做,反复重申repeat v.重说;重复;背诵 n.重复;重播propensity n.嗜好,习性;n.倾向;习性tendency n.趋势,趋向;(性格上的)倾向unravel v.解开,拆散;阐明,澄清;解决solve vt.解决;解答(难题)bellow vi.咆哮vt.大声喝道n.喊声[-s]风箱;v.吼叫,怒吼;大声发出,大声喝道shout v.大声叫,喊,呼出 n.呼喊,叫cloak n.斗篷,大氅;伪装 v.罩上外衣,掩盖mantle n.斗篷,披风;覆盖物,(煤气灯)白热罩devout a.虔诚的;热心的;a.虔诚的,虔敬的,衷心的pious a.虔诚的;道貌岸然的guise n.外表;伪装的姿态appearance n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等)作短暂露面latent a.潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的;a.潜伏的,潜在的concealed a.隐藏的,隐蔽的pawn n.典当,抵押;小人物,走卒 v.典当,抵押gage n.抵押品;挑战v.抵押;以...为担保quake v./n.震动;颤抖;[口]地震shudder vi.打颤;v.战粟;震动,剧烈地摇晃 n.战粟,抖动sequel n.结局,后果;续集,续篇;n.继续;继之而来的事;后果result n.结果,成绩,成果 v.产生于,来自(from)salvage v.挽救,抢救;n.(从火灾及其他灾难中)抢救财物救助rescue v.拯救,营救,挽救virtual a.实际上的,实质上的;虚的,虚拟的actual a.实际的;现实的,真实的,目前的wizard n.男巫,术士;奇才,能手,行家;n.男巫,术士;天才,奇才magician n.魔法师;变戏法的人;n.魔术师advise vt.劝告,建议;警告,忠告;通知,告知;向……提供意见bide vt.忍耐;等候;住remain v.剩下,余留;留待,尚须;仍然是,依旧是condone v.宽恕;原谅excuse n.理由,借口 v.原谅;为…辩解;使…免去designate v.指定,选定;v.指明,标明,指出;指派,指定appoint vt.任命;委任;vt.任命,委派;指定,约定(时间、地点等)fend v.挡;抵御;努力;力争;供养;照料defend v.防守,保卫;为…辩护,为…答辩hardy a.能吃苦耐劳的,坚强的;(植物等)耐寒的;a.耐寒的;强壮的;能吃苦的robust a.强键的;a.强健的,茁壮的;坚定的,紧张的limber v.(使)变得柔软灵活;a.柔软灵活的;富弹性的v.使柔软supple a.柔软的,易弯的,灵活的 v.使柔软philanthropy n.善心;博爱主义;慈善事业charity n.慈善,博爱;n.仁慈,宽厚;慈善机关(团体)recollect v.回忆,追忆,想起recall v.回想起;撤销,收回 n.记忆力;召回smite vt.重击;彻底击败affect v.影响;感动;(在感情方面)打动,震动;(疾病)侵袭,使染患testimony n.(尤指法庭上的)证言,口供;见证,证明proof n.证据,证明;校样 a.防…的,耐…的ale n.麦酒(一种淡色啤酒)ginger n.姜;精力;姜汁(啤)酒 v.鼓舞;使有生气blend v./n.混合,把...混成一体,混合物combine v.结合,联合;化合 n.集团;联合收割机carnivorous a.食肉的cannibal n.吃同类动物的;n./a.食人者(的);同类相食的动物(的)denizen n.居民;入籍者;n.居民,外籍居民inhabitant n.居住者;居民;栖居的动物frenzy n.疯狂,狂热,极度的激动;n./vt.(使)狂乱ferment v.(使)激动,(使)骚动 n.骚动,激动incapacitate v.使不能;使不适于disable vt.使丧失能力,使伤残;v.使残废,严重损坏(使无法使用) massacre n.大屠杀 v.大规模屠杀slaughter n.屠杀,屠宰 vt.屠杀,宰杀ponder v.考虑;沉思 [同]meditateriddle n.谜(语),难解的问题,难理解的人(物)enigma n.谜,谜一样的人或事beat v.(接连地)打[同]spank;跳动;打败totter vi.蹒跚;踉跄;v.摇摇欲坠,步伐蹒跚stagger vi.摇晃着移动;蹒跚 n.摇晃不稳的动作;蹒跚appease vt.平息;使满足;v.安抚,缓和,平息,满足placate 安抚;和解;v.抚慰,平息(愤怒)catastrophe n.大灾难;(悲剧)结局calamity n.灾难,灾害,不幸事件daunt v.恐吓;使失去勇气dismay n.灰心,沮丧;惊愕 v.使沮丧;使惊愕gape v.目瞪口呆地盯着;v.打哈欠;张开,裂开;目瞪口呆stare v.盯,凝视,目不转睛地看gawk v.呆呆地看着 n.呆子;腼腆的人duration n.持续时间;n.持续,持久;期间period n.一段时间,时期;学时,课时;周期,句点implore vt.乞求,恳求,哀求entreat v.恳求,恳请muffle v.围裹;抑制;发低沉的声音wrap vt.包,捆;v.裹,包;覆盖,包围 n.包裹物,包装材料prank n.开玩笑 v.装饰;n.恶作剧,玩笑trick n.花招,诡计;恶作剧;窍门 v.欺诈,哄骗saunter n./vi.闲逛;漫步stroll vi.散步,闲逛;n./v.漫步;散步;游荡trickle vi.淌,滴,流出;慢慢移动,逐渐消散;v.滴,淌,细流 n.细流,涓滴drip n.滴,点滴;水滴;乏味的人 v.滴下,漏水astound v.使大吃一惊,使惊骇amaze v.使...大为惊讶;使惊愕;vt.使惊奇,使惊愕;使困惑 vi.表现出惊奇clan n.氏族,部落;宗族,家族;宗派tribe n.种族,部落;(植物,动物)族,类distort v.歪曲(事实等),曲解;弄歪;使…失真falsify v.窜改,伪造entrust vt.交托;vt.委托;信托commit v.犯(罪),干(坏事);委托;使承担…glutton n.贪食者,好食者;n.贪吃者gormandizer n.讲究饮食的人;狼吞虎咽的人invalid a.无效的,作废的;有病的 n.病人,病弱者worthless a.无价值的;没用处的;a.无价值的,无用的;不足道的,不可取的patient a.有耐心的,能忍耐的 n.病人,患者overtone n.寓意;眩外音;暗示;n.[音]泛音;弦外之音,暗示implication n.含意,暗示;牵连,涉及,卷入probe n.探针;探测器,彻底调查 v.探查,查究investigate v.调查,审查;v.调查,调查研究statute n.成文法,法令,法规;章程,规则,条例Bill n.帐单,招贴;议案;钞票 v.宣布...的扮演writhe v.(因剧痛而)扭动或翻滚,翻腾wriggle v./n.蠕动,扭动;蜿蜒behold vt.have in sight; see 看; 注视observe v.注意到,察觉到;观察;说,评论,遵守condescend v.俯就,屈尊;堕落,丢丑deign vi.屈尊 vt.赐于;v.屈尊,惠允(做某事)dike n.堤,坝;n.堤 vt.开沟排水bank n.堤;银行;田埂;一团 vi.把钱存入银行ditch n.沟,沟渠 vt./vi.开渠;筑渠;n.沟,渠道 v.在…上开沟;摆脱,抛弃flip vi.用指轻弹, 抽打, 翻动书页(或纸张), 蹦跳;vt.把…往上抛,掷toss v.扔;摇摆;翻来覆去 n.投,抛;猛举grisly a.骇人听闻的,可怕的,令人厌恶的horrible a.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的;令人讨厌的knave n.流氓,无赖;n.不诚实的人,无赖rogue n.流氓 v.游手好闲parley n./v.和谈,会谈;n.谈判negotiation n.谈判,协商,交涉fragment n.碎片,断片[同]shred v.打碎,碎裂guess v./n.猜测,推测;以为;猜想[同]surmisevicissitude n.变化,变迁,荣枯,盛衰variety n.多样性,变化;种类,种种;变种,品种warden n.看守人;监护人;监察人员,管理员watchman n.(夜间)看守人adore vt.崇拜,敬慕,爱慕;非常喜欢;vt.崇拜;非常喜爱boost n.促进;一抬;一推;吹捧 v.推动lower a.较低的,下级的,下游的 v.放低,降低detention n.滞留,拘留,(尤指)监禁;n.滞留,停留;拘留,扣留;(教育)留下release n./v.释放;发布,发行;放开,松开explicit a.清楚的;直言的;坦率的implicit a.含蓄的;固有的;无疑问的;无保留的invidious a.惹人反感的;招人嫉妒的;a.引起反感的;有害的just ad.正好,刚好;a.公平的;应得的;方才,刚刚;仅仅,只是;勉强地malign a.有害的;恶性的;恶意的 v.诽谤,诬蔑praise v.赞扬,歌颂;n.称赞,赞美;赞美的话potable a.适于饮用的undrinkable a.不能喝的rue n./v.[古]后悔 n.芸香rejoice v.高兴 n.(公众的)狂喜,欢悦subsist v.维持生活;vi.生存;维持生命decease n./vi.死,死亡unruly a.不守规矩的,不受约束的;a.难控制的;无法无天的;任性的manageable a.可管理的;可处理的;易控制的agile a.敏捷的;活泼的;a.灵活的,(才思)敏捷的clumsy a.笨手笨脚;不圆滑的,缺乏技巧的caprice n.反复无常;任性steadfastness n.固定不变;坚定disconsolate a.忧郁的,不快的;a.忧郁的;凄凉的jubilant a.喜悦的,欢呼的;a.欢欣的,欢腾的,喜气洋洋的fallacy n.谬见,错误的信念;谬误的推理,谬论truth n.真理;真相;事实;n.真相;实际情况ingenuous a.纯朴的,单纯的;天真的;坦率的dissemlbling a.掩饰的;装假的;伪装的mirage n. 幻影,海市蜃楼;空想reality n.现实;真实;实际存在的事物preclude v.预先排除,预防;阻止,妨碍permit v.允许,许可,准许 n.执照;许可证sheer a.纯粹的,十足的;极博的;垂直的,陡峭的opaque a.不透明的,不透光的;难理解的,晦涩的;a.不透明的,难懂的succinct a.简明的,简洁的;a.简明的,扼要的verbose a.用字多的;冗长的;累赘的arable a.可耕的,适合种植的;adj. 适于耕种的sterile a.不孕的;无菌的;缺乏独创性的;贫瘠的complacent a.自满的;自鸣得意的self-condemned a.自责的;自我谴责的dismember v.分裂;瓜分;肢解;vt.割下(动物)的肢体;肢解;割裂;瓜分consolidate v.(使)坚固,(使)巩固;合并,联合glee n.高兴,欢乐;n.欢喜,高兴agony n.苦恼, 极大痛苦;n.(精神或肉体的)极大痛苦,创伤mischievous a.调皮的,恶作剧的;a.淘气的,有害处的beneficial a.有益的,有用的,有好处的redundant a.被解雇的;多余的,过剩的;a.多余的,累赘的,冗长的necessary a.必须的,必要的;必然的 n.[pl.]必需品solicitude n.焦虑;关怀indifference n.不关心,冷漠;n.冷漠;不感兴趣(to)surplus n.过剩;剩余(额);n.过剩,剩余物;盈余 a.多余的,过剩的deficit n.不足额;n.赤字,逆差;亏损,亏空;不足,缺乏abate v.(风势,疼痛等)减弱,减轻,减退enhance v.提高(强度、力量、数量等),增加(进)consummate a.完美的 v.成婚;使完美 [反]baffledwindle v.逐渐变小(或减少);vi.缩小, 减小increase v.增加,提高 n.增加,增强,提高haphazard adj.偶然的;a.无计划的,随意的,杂乱无章的deliberate a.深思熟虑的;审慎的;a.故意的;深思熟虑的 v.仔细考虑obvious a.明显的,清楚的;明白的equivocal a.意义含糊的,模棱两可的;可疑的;a.意义含糊的,不直率的overt a.公开的,不隐蔽的;a.公开的,明显的,公然的stealthy a.隐密的rebuff n.断然拒绝,严厉拒绝;漠不关心admission n.准入;接纳;n.允许进入;承认;入场费,入会费,入场券somber a.昏暗的;阴天的;阴森的;忧郁的cheerful a.令人高兴的;快乐的,愉快的;a.高兴的,快乐的,使人高兴的thwart v.阻挠,妨碍,反对 a.横(断的)encourage v.鼓励,激励,支持vehement a.猛烈的;激烈的;a.感情强烈的;热烈的;(人)有强烈感情的impassive a.无感情的;冷淡的;不动的,平静的benign a.良性的;良好的;和蔼的 [反]malignpromote v.促进;发起;提升,升级 [反]degradeephemeral a.短命的,朝生暮死的;a.朝生暮死的,生命短暂的perpetual a.永久的,永恒的;(职位)终生的illiterate a.未受教育的;目不识丁的 n.文盲intelligent a.聪颖的;有才智的;a.聪明的,明智的;智能的lavish a.慷慨的,大方的;过多的,过度的stingy a.小气的;吝啬的peddle v.沿街叫卖;兜售wholesale n.批发 ad.以批发方式 vt.批发;成批出售;n.批发 a.批发的;大规模的;大批的reprove vt.责骂,谴责;非难;v.责骂,申斥compliment n.(pl.)问候;赞美之词 v.赞美;向…致意synthetic a.合成的,人工的;综合的 n.人工制品natural adj.自然界的,天然的;a.自然的,天然的;出于本性的;自然如此的unbounded a.无限的limited a.有限的;被限制的wretched a.郁郁不乐的;倒霉的,晦气的;讨厌的fortunate a.幸运的,吉利的,侥幸的miserable a.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的dejected a.垂头丧气的;a.沮丧的,失望的exuberant a.(植物)茂盛的,(人)充满活力的erratic a.古怪的,反复无常的,不稳定的regular adj.正常的;a.有规律的,有规则的;整齐的;正规的immaculate a.无污点的;清静的filthy a.卑劣的;恶劣的, 肮脏的loathe vt.厌恶;赠恨;vt.厌恶,嫌恶admire vt.钦佩;羡慕;赞美pensive a.沉思的;哀思的;忧愁的airy a.轻盈的;做作的;a.通风的;不切实际的,空洞的;快活的accelerate vt.加速;促进 vi.增加速度stalwart a./n.健壮的(人),坚定的(支持者)feeble a.虚弱的,衰弱的,微弱的,薄弱的shun vt.避开,回避,避免encounter v.遇到,碰到;遭遇 n.遭遇;意外的相见audible a.可听见的;音响的;a.听得见的,可听到的inaudible adj.听不见的auspicious a.吉利的;幸运的,吉兆的unfavorable a.否定的,不利的;a.不适宜的,不利的elation n.兴高采烈,洋洋得意;n.得意洋洋,振奋depression n.压抑,沮丧;不景气,萧条期;凹地,凹陷haughty a.傲慢的,自大的;a.傲慢的,高傲的modest a.谦虚的,谦恭的;适中的,不过分的jeopardy n.危险;危难safety n.安全,保险;安全设备,保险装置;安全场所mandatory a.命令的;强制性的optional a.随意的,可选择的,非强制的;a.可以任选的,非强制的rebuke v.指责,非难,斥责 [反]praisesparse a.稀少的;稀疏的dense a.密集的,稠密的,浓密的;a.密集的,浓厚的;不易看透的;愚钝的undue a.过度的,过分的;a.过分的,不适当的reasonable a.合理的,有道理的;通情达理的;适度allay v.消除,减轻(恐惧、怀疑等)intensify vt.加强; 变强; 加剧carnal a.肉体的;世俗的spiritual a.精神的,心灵的;神圣的,超自然的defunct a.死亡的;已倒闭的existent a.存在的,目前的,现行的feasible a.行得通的;a.可行的,可能的,可用的impractical a.不切实际的,不能实行的;a.不现实的,不实用的,不切实际的ingenuity n.别出心裁;善于发明创造;n.机灵,足智多谋stupidity n.愚蠢,愚笨;愚蠢的行为mirth n.欢笑,高兴;n.欢乐,欢笑grief n.悲痛,悲伤;不幸,灾难precarious a.不安定的,靠不住的;根据不足的safe a.安全的;谨慎的,可靠的 n.保险箱preordain v.预定;预先注定。



刘毅词汇10000abdomen n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)belly n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛bereave v.使痛失(亲人等);剥夺;使丧失deprive v.剥夺,使丧失;免去…的职务consecrate v.使圣化,奉…为神圣;尊崇;奉献devote v.将…奉献(给),把...专用于,致力于evoke vt.唤起(回忆、感情等);引起invoke v.求助于(神、法律);恳求,乞求groove n.槽;纹(道);n.沟,槽;凹线,(刻出的)线条;习惯furrow n.沟;垄沟;轨迹;车辙;皱纹jolt v.(使)摇动,(使)震动,(使)颠簸joggle v./n.轻轻颠摇;轻摇obsolete a.out of date 作废的,过时的;a.已废弃的,过时的antiquated a.陈旧的,过时的prowl v.暗中寻觅 n.觅食;v.徘徊于;搜寻;潜行以寻觅或偷窃rove v./n.漫游;流浪(于)scoop n.勺子 v.用勺子(或铲)取出,舀;挖;掘shovel n.铁锨;一铲之量 v.铲,铲出status n.地位,身份;情形,状况,状态situation n.形势,局面,处境,状况;位置;职位Sue v.控告,对…提出诉讼,起诉indict v.起诉,控告,指控bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒;n.土匪,强盗,歹徒brigand n.土匪,强盗commemorate v.纪念,庆祝celebrate v.庆贺,庆祝;表扬,赞美defile v.弄污,弄脏 n.(山间)小道infect v.传染,感染;影响…的心情,给…示影响deviation n.背离,偏离;偏差,偏向;离题delegate n.代表,会议代表 vt.委派…为代表;授权;n.委员,代表 vt.派…为代表;委任fortitude n.坚韧;刚毅;n.坚毅,坚忍不拔endurance n.持久(力);n.耐久力;忍耐力;耐久的时期;持续的时间inconsolable a.无所慰藉的,极度沮丧的,伤心的depressed a.沮丧的,抑郁的;不景气的,萧条的nibble v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃;v.啃,一点一点咬bite v.咬,叮;刺骨 n.叮,咬;吃一口pageant n.壮观的游行;露天历史剧exhibition n.展览,陈列;展览会scourge n.灾难,祸害 v.蹂躏disaster n.灾难,祸患;n.灾难,大祸;彻底的失败tumble v.摔跤,跌倒;打滚,翻腾 n.摔跤,跌倒fall v.落下;跌倒,陷落 n.(美)秋天,秋季;瀑布;变为afflict vt.使苦恼,折磨;vt.使痛苦;折磨distress n.(精神上的)苦恼,痛苦 v.使苦恼,使紧张censure n./v.责难,非难;v.责备;非难blame n.(事故等的)责任;责怪 v.责备,应受责备dissimulation n.假装;掩饰deception n.欺骗,欺诈;骗局,诡计flog v.重打,鞭打spank v. 打,拍打(在屁股上)inscription n.铭文,碑文,题字;n.(尤指石块上的)刻印文字,铭文,碑文caption n.图片说明文字(报刊文章的标题)meddle v.干预,干涉,插手intervene v.插入,介入,干涉,(时间)介于posture n.姿势,姿态;心态,态度 v.装模作样attitude n.态度;看法;n.态度,看法;姿势rummage vi./n.翻找,搜寻;v./n.翻寻,仔细检查ransack v.彻底搜索,洗劫spout v.喷出,涌出;滔滔不绝地讲 n.喷管;水柱pour vt.倒;vt.灌;蜂拥 vi.倾泻;(雨)倾盆而下 n.倾泻traverse v.横过,穿过,越过intersect v.惯穿,(和…)相交,交叉wistful a.渴望的;不满足的yearning a.渴望的;向往的;怀念的amicable a.友善的;和平的;a.友好的,和睦的amiable a.和蔼可亲的,友善的,亲切的blizzard n.暴风雪snowstorm n.暴风雨;n.暴风雪;雪暴cruise v.巡航;游弋 n.乘船巡游voyage n.航海;航行eradicate v.根除,消灭,杜绝extirpate v.除尽;灭绝glimmer v.发出闪烁的微光 n.微光,微弱的闪光gleam n./v.微光,闪光,短暂而微弱的闪现lump n.块;堆;团;大量;肿块 v.归并在一起block n.大块;一排房屋;街区(四条街中间的区域)slash v.猛砍;贬斥… n.猛砍;(衣服的)开叉gash n.砍得很深的伤口, 很深的裂缝;v.深切,划开n.(深长的)切(伤)口;裂缝slump v.陷;沉重地坐下或倒下 n.商业萧条期depress v.使沮丧,使低沉;降低,压低;使萧条vogue n.时髦,时尚,流行 a.流行的fashion n.(服饰等的)流行式样;(行为等的)风尚ascribe vt.(to)把…归因于;把…归属于;vt.把…归于,认为…是其人所做attribute v.(to)把…归于,认为是…的结果 n.属性bulwark n.堡垒;屏障;n.堡垒,保障safeguard v.维护 n.安全装置,安全措施dubious a.有问题的,靠不住的;犹豫不决的doubtful a.怀疑,犹豫,不相信的;可疑的,难料的facet n.(问题等的)侧面,一面;(多面体的)面aspect n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面heed v.注意,留意 n.注意,留心attention n.注意,留心;注意力;n.注意,注意力;立正;特别照顾;照料huddle v.挤作一团,乱堆 n.一堆,一团gather v.集合,聚集;采集,收集;逐渐增加;推测mumble v.含糊地说,咕哝 n.含糊的话,咕哝murmur v.低声说话,咕哝 n.低沉连续的声音,咕哝relic n.遗物;遗俗;n.遗迹,古物;圣徒的遗骸(或遗物),圣物remainder n.剩下的人、东西或时间;n.剩余物,剩下的;余数,余项smog n.烟雾 (由smoke+fog合成的词)fume n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟,气,汽wayfarer n.旅人;徒步旅行者traveller n.旅馆;旅游者wont a.习惯于 vt./n.习惯habit n.习惯;习性,脾性exonerate v.使免罪;免除;v.免除责任,确定无罪bias n.偏见 v.[常用被动语态]有偏见prejudice n.偏见,成见;歧视;n.偏见,成见;损害,侵害 v.损害contend v.竞争;搏斗;声称,坚持主张;辩论compete v.比赛;竞争;对抗deplore v.哀叹,悲叹,对…深感遗憾lament v.为…悲痛,哀悼,痛惜 n.挽歌,哀歌fracture n.裂缝(痕);骨折 v.(使)断裂,(使)折断shatter n.碎片;粉碎v.粉碎;使疲惫;使震骇magnitude n.巨大(程度);重要性;量,大小bulk n.容积,体积;大块,大批;大部分,大多数pith n.要旨;n.精髓,要点essence n.本质,要素;n.本质,实质;精华,精粹relish n.喜好,乐趣;美味;胃口 v.爱好,喜欢zest n.风味,强烈的风味;热情,热心sneak v.鬼鬼祟祟而行,偷窃lurk v.埋伏;潜伏;隐藏;鬼鬼祟祟地行动tidings n.[pl.]消息, 音信information n.通知,报告,消息,情报;n.信息;情报;资料aghast a.恐怖的;惊骇的;吓呆的astonished a.惊讶的cumber v.拖累,妨碍hinder vt.阻止;妨碍(from);v.阻碍,妨碍decree n.法令,政令 v.颁布(法令、政令);决定determine v.决定;决心;测定,确定frolic n./v.嬉戏 a.嬉戏的frisk v.欢蹦乱跳;n./v.蹦跳,娱乐intercourse n.往来,交往,交际;n.交际,往来,交流relations n.交往,事务;关系menace n.威胁;讨厌的人(或物) v.威胁,恐吓 intimidation 胁迫;n.恐吓,威胁precipice n.悬崖;危急的处境;n.悬崖,峭壁cliff n.悬崖,峭壁sanctuary n.圣所,圣堂,神殿,寺庙;禁猎区,保护区shrine n.神殿,圣地;n.神殿,神龛,圣祠sprout v.发芽,抽条,长出 n.新芽,嫩苗grow v.生长,发育;种植,渐渐变得;增长,发展tread v.踏,踩 n.踩,步法,脚步声;(车胎)胎面trample v.踩,践踏;蔑视,粗暴对待ammunition 军火, 弹药bullets n.弹药;军火doting a.溺爱的,宠爱的fond adj.喜爱的;爱好的;充满柔情的,深情的engross v.全神贯注于;吸引;占用absorb vt.吸收;接受;vt.吸引…的注意;vt.吸收(水、光、蒸汽等);vt.并入,同化gush v.喷,涌出;使喷出,使涌出 n.喷,涌流flow v.流动;淹没 n.流,水流;流量insuperable a.不能超越的;难以克服的;a.无法克服的unconquerable a.不可征服的;克服不了的;压抑不住的ordeal n.苦难经历,(尤指对品格、耐力的)严峻考验;n.严峻考验;折磨trial n.讯问,审讯;试验;试用;尝试,努力pouch n.育儿袋,肚囊;n.小皮袋;(动物的)颊袋sack n.袋;解雇;床 v.解雇;掠夺screech n./v.尖叫;(发出)刺耳的声音shriek vi.make a loud, shrill cry 尖声喊叫;v.尖叫 n.尖叫声stature n.身高;身材;(精神、道德等的)高度height n.高;高度;身高;顶点;高位;高处undermine v.在…下挖;暗中伤害(破坏);逐渐损害erode v.(受)腐蚀,(受)侵蚀dig v.挖,探究 n.捅;发掘的地点或遗迹assess vt.估计,估价;评估;vt.估价,评价appraise v.评定,鉴定,评价chamber n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所;n.房间,室;会议室;议院;(动物体内)腔室room n.房间,卧室;n.空间;地方;余地disdain n.鄙视,轻视 v.轻视,鄙视,不屑despise v.看不起,轻视,鄙视espy vt.窥见;v.(从远处等)突然看到perceive vt.察觉,发觉;理解;v.认识到,觉察出;理解,领悟glossy a.光滑的,有光泽的sleek vt.使光滑;v.(使)光滑 a.光滑的,整洁的janitor n.照管房屋或办公室的工人,清洁工;n.看门人,管门人doorman n.门卫;n.看门人packet n.小包,小盒;包裹 v.打包,装行李;包装parcel n.包裹,小包,邮包 v.打包,捆扎pulpit n.[宗]讲坛;n.(教堂的)讲坛lectern n.(演讲者放讲稿的)讲台(或立架)scorch v.烘烤(皮肤);v.烧焦,烤焦;高速疾驶 n.烧焦处,焦痕singe v. 微烧,烫焦;v.(轻微地)烧焦,烫焦surge v.(如浪潮般)汹涌;奔腾 n.(感情等的)洋溢rise v.上升;升起;起床;起立utensil n.工具,(厨房)用具implement n.(pl.)工具,器具 v.实行,实施,执行bayonet n.刺刀 vt.用刺刀刺dagger n.匕首,短剑compassion n.同情;怜悯(for)sympathy n.同情,同情心;赞同,同感;慰问detain v.阻止,留住;扣留,拘留retard n.阻止,延迟 v.妨碍,延迟,使减速faction n.宗派,小集团;派别;派系斗争clique n.朋党派系,小集团hue n.色度;色调;样子colour n.颜色,彩色;颜料;肤色 v.给…着色,染luster n.光辉;光泽,光亮;荣誉shimmer v.闪烁,发微光;vi./n.发微光,发闪光;微光honor n.荣誉;敬意;(H-)阁下 v.使增光;尊敬persevere v.坚持不懈;不屈不挠persist v.(in)坚持不懈,执意;持续,存留rave v.胡言乱语;语无伦次地说 n.过分赞扬effervesce v.冒泡;沸腾;兴奋slay v.杀死;谋杀kill v.杀死,消灭;破坏,毁灭;消磨(时间)tablet n.药片;n.药片;碑,牌匾;小块肥皂pill n.药丸;药片voluptuous a.撩人的,沉溺酒色的;a.肉欲的sensuous 感觉的;a.激发美感的;感官的,感觉上的approach v.靠(接)近 n.接近;途径,入门;方法beckon vt.向…招手或点头示意;v.(以点头或打手势)向...示意,召唤signal n.信号 v.发信号通知;示意concur v.同意,意见一致;互助;同时发生agree vi.同意,赞同;适合,一致;商定,约定denounce v.当众指责accuse vt.控告,指责 vi.指控;归咎于fray v.争吵;打斗;磨损,磨破 n.吵架;打斗combat v.战斗;搏斗;斗争shred n.碎片,细条,破布;少量v.撕碎,切碎;v.撕碎,切碎 n.碎片,碎条;最少量hamper v.阻碍,防碍[同]hinder;牵制,危害malady n.病,疾病(通常做比喻);n.疾病;不正之风ailment n.疾病,小病;n.(不严重的)疾病plod v.沉重缓慢地走;孜孜地工作trudge v.缓慢或吃力地走;v.跋涉,步履艰难地走 n.长途跋涉remnant n.残留物;n.残余,剩余;残余物,残存部分residue n.剩余物;残余snore v.打鼾,打呼噜wheeze n.喘息声,气喘声;v.喘息;呼哧呼哧地响tinge vt.(轻淡地)给......着色;n.淡淡色彩;些微的气息 v.(较淡)着色于tincture v.着色于n.色泽;染料;气息bicker v.争吵;争论wrangle v.争论,口角,争吵;v.争论,激辩,吵架contrive v.发明;设计;设法;造成hatch v.孵出;策划 n.(船的)舱口(盖)dazzle v.使惊奇;使眩目 n.令人赞叹的东西glare vi.瞪着眼看;n.强光;瞪眼;愤怒的目光 v.闪耀;怒视fumble v.笨拙地用手摸、弄、接等,摸索grope v.(暗中)摸索,探索impair v.损害,损伤;削弱,减少damage n.损坏,毁坏;(pl.)赔偿金 v.损坏,毁坏mortify v.克制;禁欲;使受辱humiliate vt.(某人)蒙耻;羞辱;使丢脸;vt.使羞辱,使丢脸predominant adj.主要的,显著的;a.占优势的;主要的,突出的outstanding a.突出的;出众的;a.杰出的,优秀的;显要的;重要的;未偿清的,未兑现的sanitary a.卫生的,清洁的;保健的;a.卫生方面的,卫生的;清洁的,卫生的hygienic a.卫生的,清洁的;a.卫生学的,促进健康的wallet n.(男人用的放钱币、证件等的)皮夹子purse n.钱包,小钱袋,手袋warrant vt.使有(正当)理由;授权(给);担保;n.正当理由;许可证,委任状 v.保证,担保assurance n.信念;自信;保证allocate v.分配,分派;把…拨给;把…划归apportion v.分配;分摊;v.(按比例或计划)分配brawl n.大声争吵,喧嚷 v.吵架,对骂fight n.战斗;斗争;战斗力 v.打仗;斗争;争论cynical a.讽刺的;(对人性等)怀疑的sarcastic a.讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的;a.讥讽的,讽刺的,嘲弄的embellish vt.装饰,布置;给…添加细节,润饰adorn v.使美化,装饰gallant a.(对女子)献殷勤的;勇敢的,英勇的;a.英勇的,豪侠的;(向女人)献殷勤的splendid a.极好的;壮丽的,豪华的,辉煌的;优秀的immerse 使沉浸于;使(自己)专心于;v.使沉浸在,使深陷于;使浸没在plunge v.(into)(使)投入,(使)插进,陷入;猛冲ostentatious a.装饰表面的,夸示;华美的;a.卖弄的,炫耀的,夸示的showy a.鲜艳的,显眼的presentiment n.预感;预觉foreboding n.不祥的预感;n.预感;警告satiate 使饱;使满足;v.使饱足,生腻surfeit v.使饮食过度n.(食物)过量,过度undulate v.波动,形成波浪;起伏;震动wave v.波动,飘动;挥手 n.波浪;飘扬;挥手apparel n.衣服,服饰;n.衣服 vt.给…修饰garment n.衣服,外衣,(pl.)服装cajole v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗coax v.哄诱,劝诱;用诱哄得到,诱取discard vt.丢弃,抛弃,遗弃reject vt.摈弃;v.拒绝;扔掉;驳回,否决 n.被抛弃的东西effete a.衰老的,虚弱的,精疲力尽的;a.无生产力的,虚弱的exhausted a.极其疲倦的;a.耗尽的;精疲力尽的grudge v.很勉强,吝啬,不情愿 n.怨恨,积怨resentment n.不满;怨恨;忿恨kidnap n./vt.诱拐;绑架,劫持abduct v.诱拐,拐带,绑架pact n.合同,条约,公约treaty n.条约,协议,协商pry v.刺探,打听,撬开peep vi.偷看;隐现n.窥视;嘟嘟声;吱吱声;v.偷看,窥视 n.一瞥,瞅一眼scour v.搜索[同]ransack;擦,洗;腹泻;冲刷swagger v.大摇大摆地走,昂首阔步地走strut n.支柱 v.趾高气扬地走,高视阔步地走vagary n.变化莫测;n.妄想;不可测之事fancy a.鲜艳的;奇特的 n./v.想象;爱好asset n.有价值的资源,优点,长处;财产,资产property n.财产;n.财产,资产;财产权,所有权;特性chasm n.深坑,断层,裂口;大分岐;利害冲突gap n.空缺,沟缝;n.缝隙;缺口;漏洞;(意见、个性等的)差异despoil v.掠夺;争夺;v.夺取,抢夺depredate v.掠夺,劫掠facetious 好开玩笑的;轻浮的humorous a.富于幽默感的,幽默的;滑稽的hurtle v.猛烈碰撞;急飞;猛掷dash v.猛冲,飞奔;猛掷 n.猛冲,突进;破折号larceny n.盗窃(罪)robbery n.抢劫,劫掠,盗取pervade v.弥漫,遍及,充满,渗透,漫延spread v.展开,铺开;流传,蔓延 n.伸展,扩展recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰);公开撤回retract v.缩回,收回,取消,撤消shambles n.混乱之处,凌乱的地点;n.屠宰场;紊乱的地方confusion n.混乱,慌乱;混淆;n.辨别不清;混淆,骚乱;混乱taboo n.(宗教迷信)禁忌;禁止 a.禁忌的,禁止的prohibition n.不准,禁止;禁令trappings n.马的装饰物;装饰;外部标志decorations [通常用复数]装饰品relinquish v.舍弃,废除,放弃;放开accrue v.积累;v.(利息等)自然增长accumulate v.积累;积聚;累加badger vt.纠缠;烦扰;v.困扰,纠缠tease v.取笑;逗弄 n.嘲弄,挑逗baffle v.使挫折,阻碍;使困惑bewilder v.迷惑,使糊涂,使慌乱,使不知所措conjecture v./n.推测,臆测;n./v.猜测(想);设想surmise n./a.推测(的);猜疑(的)derange v.使精神错乱upset v.使心烦意乱;使不适 a.心烦的,苦恼的fiend n.恶魔;n.魔鬼;迷;能手devil n.魔鬼,恶魔;n.魔鬼;人,家伙pine n.松树 v.渴望;憔悴;衰退yearn v.渴望,极想;想念smother vt./vi.使窒息;抑制;闷死 n.浓烟;窒息;vt.使窒息,使闷死;闷住;抑制;忍住choke v.窒息;(使)噎住;堵塞 n.发动机中节气门throb v.震颤,颤动;(急速强烈地)跳动,搏动;vi./n.跳动,搏动,有节奏的震动pulse n.脉搏,节奏,脉冲 v.搏动,跳动broth n.原(汁)汤(鱼汤、肉汤、菜汤等);n.肉汤,肉汁soup n.汤,羹crevice n.缺口;裂缝;n.(岩石、墙等)裂缝crack n.爆裂声,劈啪声;裂缝 vt.使破裂 vi.破裂;v.揭开(秘密等),解开(难题)等demean v.贬抑,降低degrade vt.降级,贬低;堕落;退化foster v.促进,助长,培养;养育(非亲生子)nurse n.保姆,护士,保育员 v.护理,养育,喂奶incentive n.刺激;鼓励 a.刺激的;鼓励的stimulus n.刺激,激励 (pl.stimuli)maze n.迷宫,八阵图;混乱,迷惑labyrinth n.迷宫;难解的事物;迷路pore v.深思熟虑;仔细阅读;毛孔;孔rubbish n.垃圾;废物;废话;胡说八道trash n.拙劣的材料、作品等;垃圾,废物speculate v.沉思,思索;推测;投机meditate v.认真思考,沉思;计划,考虑transfix v.刺穿;钉住;使呆住petrify v.使惊呆;vt.使发呆;使…变成化石anomaly n.异常,反常(现象);畸形物体abnormality n.反常,异常;变态;畸形converge v.(在一点上)会合;集中(于一点)focus vi.集中;v.(on)聚集,使集中 n.焦点;中心,集中点duplicate n.复制品 v.复写,使加倍 a.复制的,二倍的double a.双的,双重的;a.两倍的;双重的 ad.两倍地 n.两部 v.加倍epoch n.时代;新纪元age n.年龄;年纪;时代 v.变老;老年;长时间v . (使)变老;封建制度gaunt a.瘦削的;贫瘠的;a.憔悴的,骨瘦如柴的;荒凉的,不毛的haggard a.憔悴的,消瘦的incessant a.不断的,不绝的,无尽的continuous a.不断延伸的,连续不断的mute a.哑的;沉默的 n.哑巴;弱音器 v.减弱声音silent a.沉默的,无言的;安静的,不吵闹的partisan a.党派性的;游击队的 n.游击队员;党徒defender n.防守队员;n.保卫者,拥护者;辩护人scan vt.快读;扫描;v.细看;浏览;详细调查;扫描contemplate v.注视;沉思;期待overlook v.忽略;检查;眺望;宽容;宽恕stab n.刺,戳;伤口,刺痛 v.捅(刀),刺pierce v.刺穿,戳入;(喻)寒冷刺骨;感动botch v.因笨拙而弄坏n.拙劣的工作;vt.拙劣地修补(某物) n.拙劣地做的工作ruin v.毁灭;(使)破产 n.毁灭;(pl.)废墟chafe vi/vt.擦伤;冲洗;惹怒;擦热;烦扰abrade v.磨损;擦伤;v.磨擦dissipate v.驱散;(使云、雾、疑虑等)消散;挥霍scatter v.撒播;驱散;分散,消散waste a.荒芜的;废弃的 v.浪费,挥霍 n.浪费efface 涂抹;消除;v.擦掉,抹去erase v.擦掉;消除某事物的痕迹glint v./n.闪光,闪闪发亮flash n.闪光;转瞬间;浮华;一刹那;n.Macromedia公司开发的动画编辑工具onerous a.繁重的,麻烦的arduous a.艰苦的,艰难的;a.费力的,艰巨的,艰苦的,困难的iterate vt.反复申说;v.重做,反复重申repeat v.重说;重复;背诵 n.重复;重播propensity n.嗜好,习性;n.倾向;习性tendency n.趋势,趋向;(性格上的)倾向unravel v.解开,拆散;阐明,澄清;解决solve vt.解决;解答(难题)bellow vi.咆哮vt.大声喝道n.喊声[-s]风箱;v.吼叫,怒吼;大声发出,大声喝道shout v.大声叫,喊,呼出 n.呼喊,叫cloak n.斗篷,大氅;伪装 v.罩上外衣,掩盖mantle n.斗篷,披风;覆盖物,(煤气灯)白热罩devout a.虔诚的;热心的;a.虔诚的,虔敬的,衷心的pious a.虔诚的;道貌岸然的guise n.外表;伪装的姿态appearance n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等)作短暂露面latent a.潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的;a.潜伏的,潜在的concealed a.隐藏的,隐蔽的pawn n.典当,抵押;小人物,走卒 v.典当,抵押gage n.抵押品;挑战v.抵押;以...为担保quake v./n.震动;颤抖;[口]地震shudder vi.打颤;v.战粟;震动,剧烈地摇晃 n.战粟,抖动sequel n.结局,后果;续集,续篇;n.继续;继之而来的事;后果result n.结果,成绩,成果 v.产生于,来自(from)salvage v.挽救,抢救;n.(从火灾及其他灾难中)抢救财物救助rescue v.拯救,营救,挽救virtual a.实际上的,实质上的;虚的,虚拟的actual a.实际的;现实的,真实的,目前的wizard n.男巫,术士;奇才,能手,行家;n.男巫,术士;天才,奇才magician n.魔法师;变戏法的人;n.魔术师advise vt.劝告,建议;警告,忠告;通知,告知;向……提供意见bide vt.忍耐;等候;住remain v.剩下,余留;留待,尚须;仍然是,依旧是condone v.宽恕;原谅excuse n.理由,借口 v.原谅;为…辩解;使…免去designate v.指定,选定;v.指明,标明,指出;指派,指定appoint vt.任命;委任;vt.任命,委派;指定,约定(时间、地点等)fend v.挡;抵御;努力;力争;供养;照料defend v.防守,保卫;为…辩护,为…答辩hardy a.能吃苦耐劳的,坚强的;(植物等)耐寒的;a.耐寒的;强壮的;能吃苦的robust a.强键的;a.强健的,茁壮的;坚定的,紧张的limber v.(使)变得柔软灵活;a.柔软灵活的;富弹性的v.使柔软supple a.柔软的,易弯的,灵活的 v.使柔软philanthropy n.善心;博爱主义;慈善事业charity n.慈善,博爱;n.仁慈,宽厚;慈善机关(团体)recollect v.回忆,追忆,想起recall v.回想起;撤销,收回 n.记忆力;召回smite vt.重击;彻底击败affect v.影响;感动;(在感情方面)打动,震动;(疾病)侵袭,使染患testimony n.(尤指法庭上的)证言,口供;见证,证明proof n.证据,证明;校样 a.防…的,耐…的ale n.麦酒(一种淡色啤酒)ginger n.姜;精力;姜汁(啤)酒 v.鼓舞;使有生气blend v./n.混合,把...混成一体,混合物combine v.结合,联合;化合 n.集团;联合收割机carnivorous a.食肉的cannibal n.吃同类动物的;n./a.食人者(的);同类相食的动物(的)denizen n.居民;入籍者;n.居民,外籍居民inhabitant n.居住者;居民;栖居的动物frenzy n.疯狂,狂热,极度的激动;n./vt.(使)狂乱ferment v.(使)激动,(使)骚动 n.骚动,激动incapacitate v.使不能;使不适于disable vt.使丧失能力,使伤残;v.使残废,严重损坏(使无法使用) massacre n.大屠杀 v.大规模屠杀slaughter n.屠杀,屠宰 vt.屠杀,宰杀ponder v.考虑;沉思 [同]meditateriddle n.谜(语),难解的问题,难理解的人(物)enigma n.谜,谜一样的人或事beat v.(接连地)打[同]spank;跳动;打败totter vi.蹒跚;踉跄;v.摇摇欲坠,步伐蹒跚stagger vi.摇晃着移动;蹒跚 n.摇晃不稳的动作;蹒跚appease vt.平息;使满足;v.安抚,缓和,平息,满足placate 安抚;和解;v.抚慰,平息(愤怒)catastrophe n.大灾难;(悲剧)结局calamity n.灾难,灾害,不幸事件daunt v.恐吓;使失去勇气dismay n.灰心,沮丧;惊愕 v.使沮丧;使惊愕gape v.目瞪口呆地盯着;v.打哈欠;张开,裂开;目瞪口呆stare v.盯,凝视,目不转睛地看gawk v.呆呆地看着 n.呆子;腼腆的人duration n.持续时间;n.持续,持久;期间period n.一段时间,时期;学时,课时;周期,句点implore vt.乞求,恳求,哀求entreat v.恳求,恳请muffle v.围裹;抑制;发低沉的声音wrap vt.包,捆;v.裹,包;覆盖,包围 n.包裹物,包装材料prank n.开玩笑 v.装饰;n.恶作剧,玩笑trick n.花招,诡计;恶作剧;窍门 v.欺诈,哄骗saunter n./vi.闲逛;漫步stroll vi.散步,闲逛;n./v.漫步;散步;游荡trickle vi.淌,滴,流出;慢慢移动,逐渐消散;v.滴,淌,细流 n.细流,涓滴drip n.滴,点滴;水滴;乏味的人 v.滴下,漏水astound v.使大吃一惊,使惊骇amaze v.使...大为惊讶;使惊愕;vt.使惊奇,使惊愕;使困惑 vi.表现出惊奇clan n.氏族,部落;宗族,家族;宗派tribe n.种族,部落;(植物,动物)族,类distort v.歪曲(事实等),曲解;弄歪;使…失真falsify v.窜改,伪造entrust vt.交托;vt.委托;信托commit v.犯(罪),干(坏事);委托;使承担…glutton n.贪食者,好食者;n.贪吃者gormandizer n.讲究饮食的人;狼吞虎咽的人invalid a.无效的,作废的;有病的 n.病人,病弱者worthless a.无价值的;没用处的;a.无价值的,无用的;不足道的,不可取的patient a.有耐心的,能忍耐的 n.病人,患者overtone n.寓意;眩外音;暗示;n.[音]泛音;弦外之音,暗示implication n.含意,暗示;牵连,涉及,卷入probe n.探针;探测器,彻底调查 v.探查,查究investigate v.调查,审查;v.调查,调查研究statute n.成文法,法令,法规;章程,规则,条例Bill n.帐单,招贴;议案;钞票 v.宣布...的扮演writhe v.(因剧痛而)扭动或翻滚,翻腾wriggle v./n.蠕动,扭动;蜿蜒behold vt.have in sight; see 看; 注视observe v.注意到,察觉到;观察;说,评论,遵守condescend v.俯就,屈尊;堕落,丢丑deign vi.屈尊 vt.赐于;v.屈尊,惠允(做某事)dike n.堤,坝;n.堤 vt.开沟排水bank n.堤;银行;田埂;一团 vi.把钱存入银行ditch n.沟,沟渠 vt./vi.开渠;筑渠;n.沟,渠道 v.在…上开沟;摆脱,抛弃flip vi.用指轻弹, 抽打, 翻动书页(或纸张), 蹦跳;vt.把…往上抛,掷toss v.扔;摇摆;翻来覆去 n.投,抛;猛举grisly a.骇人听闻的,可怕的,令人厌恶的horrible a.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的;令人讨厌的knave n.流氓,无赖;n.不诚实的人,无赖rogue n.流氓 v.游手好闲parley n./v.和谈,会谈;n.谈判negotiation n.谈判,协商,交涉fragment n.碎片,断片[同]shred v.打碎,碎裂guess v./n.猜测,推测;以为;猜想[同]surmisevicissitude n.变化,变迁,荣枯,盛衰variety n.多样性,变化;种类,种种;变种,品种warden n.看守人;监护人;监察人员,管理员watchman n.(夜间)看守人adore vt.崇拜,敬慕,爱慕;非常喜欢;vt.崇拜;非常喜爱boost n.促进;一抬;一推;吹捧 v.推动lower a.较低的,下级的,下游的 v.放低,降低detention n.滞留,拘留,(尤指)监禁;n.滞留,停留;拘留,扣留;(教育)留下release n./v.释放;发布,发行;放开,松开explicit a.清楚的;直言的;坦率的implicit a.含蓄的;固有的;无疑问的;无保留的invidious a.惹人反感的;招人嫉妒的;a.引起反感的;有害的just ad.正好,刚好;a.公平的;应得的;方才,刚刚;仅仅,只是;勉强地malign a.有害的;恶性的;恶意的 v.诽谤,诬蔑praise v.赞扬,歌颂;n.称赞,赞美;赞美的话potable a.适于饮用的undrinkable a.不能喝的rue n./v.[古]后悔 n.芸香rejoice v.高兴 n.(公众的)狂喜,欢悦subsist v.维持生活;vi.生存;维持生命decease n./vi.死,死亡unruly a.不守规矩的,不受约束的;a.难控制的;无法无天的;任性的manageable a.可管理的;可处理的;易控制的agile a.敏捷的;活泼的;a.灵活的,(才思)敏捷的clumsy a.笨手笨脚;不圆滑的,缺乏技巧的caprice n.反复无常;任性steadfastness n.固定不变;坚定disconsolate a.忧郁的,不快的;a.忧郁的;凄凉的jubilant a.喜悦的,欢呼的;a.欢欣的,欢腾的,喜气洋洋的fallacy n.谬见,错误的信念;谬误的推理,谬论truth n.真理;真相;事实;n.真相;实际情况ingenuous a.纯朴的,单纯的;天真的;坦率的dissemlbling a.掩饰的;装假的;伪装的mirage n. 幻影,海市蜃楼;空想reality n.现实;真实;实际存在的事物preclude v.预先排除,预防;阻止,妨碍permit v.允许,许可,准许 n.执照;许可证sheer a.纯粹的,十足的;极博的;垂直的,陡峭的opaque a.不透明的,不透光的;难理解的,晦涩的;a.不透明的,难懂的succinct a.简明的,简洁的;a.简明的,扼要的verbose a.用字多的;冗长的;累赘的arable a.可耕的,适合种植的;adj. 适于耕种的sterile a.不孕的;无菌的;缺乏独创性的;贫瘠的complacent a.自满的;自鸣得意的self-condemned a.自责的;自我谴责的dismember v.分裂;瓜分;肢解;vt.割下(动物)的肢体;肢解;割裂;瓜分consolidate v.(使)坚固,(使)巩固;合并,联合glee n.高兴,欢乐;n.欢喜,高兴agony n.苦恼, 极大痛苦;n.(精神或肉体的)极大痛苦,创伤mischievous a.调皮的,恶作剧的;a.淘气的,有害处的beneficial a.有益的,有用的,有好处的redundant a.被解雇的;多余的,过剩的;a.多余的,累赘的,冗长的necessary a.必须的,必要的;必然的 n.[pl.]必需品solicitude n.焦虑;关怀indifference n.不关心,冷漠;n.冷漠;不感兴趣(to)surplus n.过剩;剩余(额);n.过剩,剩余物;盈余 a.多余的,过剩的deficit n.不足额;n.赤字,逆差;亏损,亏空;不足,缺乏abate v.(风势,疼痛等)减弱,减轻,减退enhance v.提高(强度、力量、数量等),增加(进)consummate a.完美的 v.成婚;使完美 [反]baffledwindle v.逐渐变小(或减少);vi.缩小, 减小increase v.增加,提高 n.增加,增强,提高haphazard adj.偶然的;a.无计划的,随意的,杂乱无章的deliberate a.深思熟虑的;审慎的;a.故意的;深思熟虑的 v.仔细考虑obvious a.明显的,清楚的;明白的equivocal a.意义含糊的,模棱两可的;可疑的;a.意义含糊的,不直率的overt a.公开的,不隐蔽的;a.公开的,明显的,公然的stealthy a.隐密的rebuff n.断然拒绝,严厉拒绝;漠不关心admission n.准入;接纳;n.允许进入;承认;入场费,入会费,入场券somber a.昏暗的;阴天的;阴森的;忧郁的cheerful a.令人高兴的;快乐的,愉快的;a.高兴的,快乐的,使人高兴的thwart v.阻挠,妨碍,反对 a.横(断的)encourage v.鼓励,激励,支持vehement a.猛烈的;激烈的;a.感情强烈的;热烈的;(人)有强烈感情的impassive a.无感情的;冷淡的;不动的,平静的benign a.良性的;良好的;和蔼的 [反]malignpromote v.促进;发起;提升,升级 [反]degradeephemeral a.短命的,朝生暮死的;a.朝生暮死的,生命短暂的perpetual a.永久的,永恒的;(职位)终生的illiterate a.未受教育的;目不识丁的 n.文盲intelligent a.聪颖的;有才智的;a.聪明的,明智的;智能的lavish a.慷慨的,大方的;过多的,过度的stingy a.小气的;吝啬的peddle v.沿街叫卖;兜售wholesale n.批发 ad.以批发方式 vt.批发;成批出售;n.批发 a.批发的;大规模的;大批的reprove vt.责骂,谴责;非难;v.责骂,申斥compliment n.(pl.)问候;赞美之词 v.赞美;向…致意synthetic a.合成的,人工的;综合的 n.人工制品natural adj.自然界的,天然的;a.自然的,天然的;出于本性的;自然如此的unbounded a.无限的limited a.有限的;被限制的wretched a.郁郁不乐的;倒霉的,晦气的;讨厌的fortunate a.幸运的,吉利的,侥幸的miserable a.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的dejected a.垂头丧气的;a.沮丧的,失望的exuberant a.(植物)茂盛的,(人)充满活力的erratic a.古怪的,反复无常的,不稳定的regular adj.正常的;a.有规律的,有规则的;整齐的;正规的immaculate a.无污点的;清静的filthy a.卑劣的;恶劣的, 肮脏的loathe vt.厌恶;赠恨;vt.厌恶,嫌恶admire vt.钦佩;羡慕;赞美pensive a.沉思的;哀思的;忧愁的airy a.轻盈的;做作的;a.通风的;不切实际的,空洞的;快活的accelerate vt.加速;促进 vi.增加速度stalwart a./n.健壮的(人),坚定的(支持者)feeble a.虚弱的,衰弱的,微弱的,薄弱的shun vt.避开,回避,避免encounter v.遇到,碰到;遭遇 n.遭遇;意外的相见audible a.可听见的;音响的;a.听得见的,可听到的inaudible adj.听不见的auspicious a.吉利的;幸运的,吉兆的unfavorable a.否定的,不利的;a.不适宜的,不利的elation n.兴高采烈,洋洋得意;n.得意洋洋,振奋depression n.压抑,沮丧;不景气,萧条期;凹地,凹陷haughty a.傲慢的,自大的;a.傲慢的,高傲的modest a.谦虚的,谦恭的;适中的,不过分的jeopardy n.危险;危难safety n.安全,保险;安全设备,保险装置;安全场所mandatory a.命令的;强制性的optional a.随意的,可选择的,非强制的;a.可以任选的,非强制的rebuke v.指责,非难,斥责 [反]praisesparse a.稀少的;稀疏的dense a.密集的,稠密的,浓密的;a.密集的,浓厚的;不易看透的;愚钝的undue a.过度的,过分的;a.过分的,不适当的reasonable a.合理的,有道理的;通情达理的;适度allay v.消除,减轻(恐惧、怀疑等)intensify vt.加强; 变强; 加剧carnal a.肉体的;世俗的spiritual a.精神的,心灵的;神圣的,超自然的defunct a.死亡的;已倒闭的existent a.存在的,目前的,现行的feasible a.行得通的;a.可行的,可能的,可用的impractical a.不切实际的,不能实行的;a.不现实的,不实用的,不切实际的ingenuity n.别出心裁;善于发明创造;n.机灵,足智多谋stupidity n.愚蠢,愚笨;愚蠢的行为mirth n.欢笑,高兴;n.欢乐,欢笑grief n.悲痛,悲伤;不幸,灾难precarious a.不安定的,靠不住的;根据不足的safe a.安全的;谨慎的,可靠的 n.保险箱preordain v.预定;预先注定。



刘毅系列之基Lesson 1n 胃stomach adv 在外国abroad n 手提箱suitcasev 影响affect n 天才talentv 上(学);参加attend n 王位thronen blame n/v 移,transfern 气泡bubble n 使用usagen 墓地cemetery n 元音字母voweln commendation v 回,撤withdraw n 矛盾,争斗conflict Lesson 2v 合作cooperate adj 的absolute adj 好奇的curious n agency adj 美味的delicious n 度attitudev 指 adj 直接的direct adj 空白的blankv 拉draw n 堆,容量bulkn 帝国empire n 典礼ceremony n 事件event n 易commerce n 失failure v 混淆confusen 文卷档 v 档file n copperadj 爽快的frank v 咒cursev 生generate n ,消遣delightv 停止前halt v 消失disappear n 角horn n/v 漂流driftadj 个的 n 个人individual v 聘任employn(的)隔interval n 据evidence n knot n 能力,大学教facultyadj 自由主的liberal adj 上的financial adj 的magnificent n 物freightadj 心理的mental adj 大方的generous adj 的momentary adj 便利的handyadj 中立的neutral adj 可怕的horriblev 漏,除omit adj 勤的industrious n 孔雀peacock adj 密的intimaten 先者pioneer n 认识,学knowledge v 祈祷pray n 自由libertyv ⋯的音pronounce n 庄majestyn 种族,比race v 提起mentionn 戚 adj 相的relative n 念物monument v 常去,求助resort n 号nickname v 摩;擦rub n 洋葱onionn 昏暗shadow n 山peakn 情situation n 坑pitadj 悲伤的sore v 教preachv 覆盖;spread n 据proofn 破布rag v 点头nodv 释放release v 转动operaten 责任responsibility adj 悲伤的painfuladj 不礼貌的rude n 珍珠pearln/v 小瞧scorn v 抛,投,搭pitchadj 浅的shallow adj 难得的preciousn 灵魂soul n 全部物,财产propertyv 撒;洒sprinkle n 气愤ragev 弯腰stoop v 减少,感觉放心relieven 金额,总和sum adj 不安的restlessadj 多嘴的talkative n 地毯rugadv 全部地 prep 全throughout n 侦探兵scoutv 运送transport n 惭愧shamev 说出 adj 完好的utter n 草案,略图sketchn 航行voyage adj 健全的 n 声音soundv 枯败wither n/v 侦探,间谍spyLesson 3n 储蓄库storageadj 学校的academic v 传唤summon adv 高出;在前ahead adj 温驯的 v 驯服tamen 诱惑attraction v 插入thrustn 火焰blaze n 骗局trapv 邀请竞赛challenge v 接种疫苗vaccinatev 犯,做,委托commit n 薪水wagen 立法机关congress v 目睹 n 证人witnessn 改正correction Lesson 4adj 润湿的damp v 使更为明显accentuate v 需要demand v/n 瞄准aimv 使绝望disappoint n 观众audiencev 淹死drown v 祝福blessv 激励encourage n 包,包裹bundleadj 明显的evident n 特色characteristic n 寓言fable v 联系,传达communicate adj 坚硬的firm v 连接connectadj 常有的frequent v 通信,吻合correspond n 天才genius v 变黑darkenn 港harbor v 拒绝denyv 呼啸howl v 排出,解雇discharge adj 污名昭著的infamous adj 钝的dullv 介绍introduce n/v 全力endeavorn 劳动labor n 优异excellencen 盖lid v 枯败faden 大多数majority n 拳头fistn 宽怒mercy v 害怕frightenadj 道义上的moral n 鬼魂ghostn 困难hardship adj 默然的dumbadj 极大的huge v 忍受endureadj 较低的inferior n 例外exception v 发明invent adj 极度的extremev 照亮lighten n 火焰flamen 男性male n 赶快一瞥 v 瞥视glancen 价值merit n 五金工具hardware adj 致命的,人类的mortal adj 卑微的,简陋的humblen 机遇opportunity n/v 感人力,影响influence n 宫殿palace v 调整investigate n 农民,农人peasant n 缺乏lackn 怜悯pity n 闪电lightningn 序言preface n 哺乳动物mammaln 比率proportion n 动作motionn 范围range adj 正常的normaladj 宗教的religious v 反对opposev 连续resume n 手掌palmn/v 破坏ruin v 啄peckv 刮,削scrape n 行星planetadj 尖锐的 adv 整sharp n 准备preparation n 熟练,技术skill n 建议proposal adj 酸的sour adj 迅速的rapidn 正方形square adj 出众的remarkable adj 肥胖的stout v 保留retainn 督查者superintendent n 锈rustv 缠结tangle v 划,抓 n 抓痕scratchn 拇指thumb v 刮胡子shaven 合约treaty n 斜面slantv 消失vanish v 种植sown 战争warfare n 松鼠squirrel adj 机智的witty v 全力strain Lesson 5adj 最大的supreme v 接受accept v 轻拍 n 龙头tapn 害怕alarm n 打雷thundern 作者author v 颤抖tremble adj 瞎的blind n 蒸汽vaporv 负重担 n 负担burden n 战士warrioradj 慈善的charitable n 灾祸woen 伙伴companion Lesson 6v 战胜,占有conquer adj 有时的accidental n 衣饰costume n 壮心ambitionv 扔掷dash n 权益authorityn 积淀物 v 储蓄deposit v 开花 n 开花状态blossomv 露出disclose n 局bureaun 迷人;魅力charm n 虫wormn 比较comparison Lesson 7n 是非之心,良心conscience v 陪,伴,伴奏accompany n 小屋cottage v 使笑(乐)amusen 破晓dawn v 防备avoidv 使沮丧,使冷清depress n 炸弹bombv 劝阻,负气馁discourage n 葬礼burialn 夜晚dusk v 追赶chasen 交换exchange v 强迫compeladj 惊人的extraordinary v 赞成consent adj 略微的faint n 相当的人物counterpart v 闪光flash v 使聋deafenn 霜frost v 获取,起源deriven 略微的光gleam v 显现displayn 马具 v 利用harness n 灰尘dustn 圣歌 v 唱赞美歌hymn adj 精力充分的energetic v 见告inform n 广博,程度extentv 邀请invite n 小仙子fairyn 梯子ladder v 奉承flattern 肢,手足limb v 蹙额,不悦frownv 驾驶,办理manage n 一瞥glimpsen 方法method n 收割harvestn 动机motive v 居住inhabitn 鼻孔nostril v 包括involveadj 口头的oral n 小羊lambn 突然的剧痛pang n 液体 adj 流体的liquidadj 独到的peculiar adj 富强的mightyn 盘plate v 登上,骑上mountv 保留preserve v 通知notifyn 景色,希望prospect n 轨道orbitadj 稀有的,半熟的rare n 天堂paradisen 药物remedy v 细看peerv 退休retire n 保证 v 立誓pledgen 尖叫声scream n 压力pressuren 小屋,棚 v 流出shed v 兴盛prospern 奴隶制度slavery adj 生的rawadj 广阔的spacious v 使想起;提示remindn 全体人员staff v 退却retreatn 稻草straw adj 宗教的,神圣的sacredn 表面surface n 纱,银幕screenn 滴答声tick n 暗礁,书架shelfadj 巨大的tremendous n 袖sleeven 多样性variety v 赦免 adj 悠闲的sparen 瀑布waterfall n 坚固stabilityn 草莓strawberry v 认识,实现realizen 外科医生surgeon v 迁移,移开,除掉removen 工作task v 泄露revealn 潮tide n/v 牺牲sacrificen 试验,审讯trial n 螺丝钉 v 钉screwadj 广大的vast n 壳shelln 雨衣 v 使不透水waterproof adj 苗条的slenderv 使变坏worsen v 闪耀sparkle Lesson 8n 污点 v 被污stainv 达到accomplish n 河,溪streamn 锚anchor v 投诚surrenderv 醒awaken adj 美味的tastyv 脸红blush adj 紧的tightn 灌木bush n 部落tribev 欺骗cheat n 武器weaponv 竞争compete v 拆毁 n 残骸wreckn 结果consequence Lesson 9n 勇气courage v 吻合accordv 谈论debate v 授予awardv 下降descend v 夸耀boastv 部署,办理dispose n 肉店,屠夫butcheradj 诚意的earnest n 颊cheekv 执行enforce adj 胜任的,充分的competent v 伸出,扩展extend v 组成,存在consistadj 忠实的faithful n 裂缝crackn 味道flavor n 债务debtv 使受挫frustrate v 描述describe adj 光荣的glorious n 争论disputen 赶快haste n 轻松easev 认出identify v 聘任,忙于engagev 伤害injure v 表达expressadj 不规则的irregular n 想象力fancyadj 跛足的lame v 逃跑fleen 酒类liquor v 实践fulfilladj 有男子魄力的manly n 优雅graceadj 轻的,平易的mild v(鬼)出没hauntv 哀悼mourn adj 无罪的innocentn 想法notion n 刊行,初版,流出issuen/v 命令order n 房东landlordn(文章的)段,节paragraph n 文学literaturen 刑罚penalty n/v 制造manufacture v 采,摘pluck n 军队militaryv 假装pretend v 增加multiplyv 保护protect adj 好多的numerousadj 平时的ordinary n 干草hayn/v 体谅pardon adj 无知的ignorantn 半岛peninsula v 咨询inquirev 跳入plunge n 项目itemv 阻拦prevent n 景色landscape v 反对protest n 肝脏livern 后边rear n 原稿manuscript n 租金 v 租rent n 百万富豪millionaire n 复仇revenge n 谋杀murdern 马鞍saddle v 遵从obeyn 封印 v 盖章seal n 结构organization n 避祸所 v 掩盖shelter n 国会parliament n 片slice n 胡椒peppern 矛,鱼叉spear n 诗poetryn 木桩,利害关系stake n 试映previewv 赌v 供给providev 伸出stretch adj 鲁莽的recklessv 包围surround v 维修repairn 酒店,酒店tavern n 圣人saintn 森林,木材timber v 搜寻searchn 戏法 v 欺骗trick n 警长sheriffn 静脉vein n 专家specialistv 使弱weaken v 潜近,大步地走stalkv 扭,绞wring n 基,柄Lesson 10adj 严格的strictn 表达account v 俯瞰surveyn 角angle n 性情temperadj 觉察的aware n 锡tinadj 勇敢的bold v 修剪 adj 齐整的trimn 小屋cabin n 冒险 v 冒 ...险venturev 使快乐cheer adj 富饶的wealthyv 抱怨complain n 手段wristn 欣慰consolation Lesson 11n 破碎声,失事坠毁crash v 习惯于accustomv 腐化decay n 足踝anklev 应受deserve n 只身一人汉bachelorn 划分distinction n 边borderv 发回声echo adj 沉着的calmadj 特别大的enormous v 咀嚼chewv 裸露,揭露expose adj 复杂的complexn 分别farewell v 坚固consolidate n 舰队fleet v 爬crawln 功能function adj 风光的,不差的decentadj 逐渐的gradual n 绝望despairn 沉痛distress n 运河canaln 边缘edge adj 寒冷的chillyn 企业expertise v 组成composen 输出export adj 不断的constantv 固定fasten v 创立createn 肉flesh adj 确定的decisiven 基金fund adj 绝望的,自暴自desperate v 毕业graduate弃的v 治愈heal n 地区districtv 说明illustrate adj 可食的ediblev 坚持insist v 娱乐entertainn 广口瓶jar v 探险exploren 巷lane n 命运,天数faten 贷款loan v 飘浮floatn 枫树maple adj 基本的fundamental v 交往mingle adj 壮伟的grandn 肌肉muscle adj 健康的healthyn 物体 v 反对object v 想象imaginen 起源origin v 激励inspiren 客厅parlor adj 忌妒的jealousv 觉察perceive n 灯笼lanternadj 有毒的poisonous adj 地方的,当地的localadj 先前的previous n 大理石marblen 省province adj 次要的minorv 劝告recommend adj 共同的mutualv 代替replace n 目的objective adj 荒诞的,可笑的ridiculous n 装修ornamentv 转移shift adj 一部分的,偏袒partialv 滑倒 n 纸片slip的n 球sphere v 执行,做,演(戏)performv 使吃惊startle adj 名贵的pricelessn 钟鸣声stroke v 公布;初版publishn 嫌疑suspicion v 认出recognizen 寺庙,太阳穴temple v 重做repeatn 蟾蜍toad n 报答rewardadj 厌烦的,麻烦的troublesome n 缘故saken 容器,血管,船只vessel adj 奥秘的 n 奇特secretn 网web n 盾 v 遮护shieldn 喊叫 v 呼喊yell adj 略微的slight Lesson 12n 符咒,一段时间spelln 悲伤ache v 凝视stareadj 明显的apparent n 绳stringn 谷仓barn v 觉察 n 嫌疑犯suspectv 令人厌烦bore n 温度temperaturen 组织tissue n 弊端shortcoming n 群,组,军队troop v 打成粉碎n 破碎smashn 诗,韵文verse声adj 疲倦的 v 使厌烦weary v 纺,旋转spin Lesson 13adj 坚固的steadyv 获取achieve n 资料 v 塞入,塞满stuffv 欣赏,感谢appreciate n 汗 v 出汗sweatn 依照basis adj 可怕的terriblev 打扰bother n 火把torchn 蜡烛candle n 龟turtlen 选择,被选的人choice n 受害者victimv 分派compound n 幸福welfarev 组成constitute Lesson 14n 甲板deck adj 本质的actualv 小瞧despise n 灰ashv 发散distribute v 打beatv 教育educate n 碗bowladj 热忱的enthusiastic n 木匠carpenterv 爆炸explode n 情况circumstance n 弊端fault v 想象conceiven 水灾flood v 含有containn 葬礼funeral n 罪crimev 同意grant v 装修decoratev 装满heap v 决定determine adj 紧急的immediate v 分开dividen 例子instance n 肘elbown 珠宝jewel n 入口entrancen 膝部lap n 花销expensev 设置locate n 盛宴feastn 奇怪之事marvel n 雾fogadj 详细的minute v 供给,装修furnishadj 奇特的mysterious adj 贪心的greedyv 强迫oblige v 不愿;狐疑hesitaten 暴乱outbreak adj 不可以能的impossiblev 参加participate n 机构institution adj 危险的perilous n 杂志journaladj 客气的polite v 发射launchn 牧师priest n 丧失lossv/n 购买purchase v 匹敌,相当matchn 参照reference n 坏运气;不幸misfortune v 邀请 n 央求request adj 本国的nativeadj 成熟的ripe adj 明显的obviousv 使满意satisfy adj 优异的outstanding n 安全security n 草地pasturen 人格personality n 旅行journeyn 港口port n 草地lawnn 特权privilege adj 可爱的lovelyn 谜puzzle n 资料material n 地区region v 欺骗mislead v 相似resemble n 海军navyv 烤roast n 场合occasion adj 野蛮的savage v 战胜overcome n 感情sentiment n 轻拍 v 轻抚patn 沉静silence v 说服persuade v 哭泣sob adj 可携带的portable v 吐出spit n 程序procedure adj 陡峭的steep n 质量quality adj 相当的substantial v 登记register adj 急速的swift v 憎恶resentn 温度计thermometer n 竿rodn 塔tower n 不足scarcity adj 有代表性的typical n 连续seriesn 少女virgin adj 笨拙的sillyv 静静地说whisper adj 社会的,联谊性social Lesson 15adj 堂皇的splendid adj 额外的additional n 公牛 v 驾驶steern 方面aspect v 代替substitute n 胡子beard v 摇摆swingn 黄铜brass n 口渴thirstv 雕琢carve n 踪迹 v 追想traceadj 公民的,老百姓的civil n 联合unionv 关于,关心concern adj 可见的visiblen 竞赛 v 争斗contest v 吹哨whistle adj 吹毛求疵的,危critical Lesson 16急的v 喜欢;敬重admirev 减少decrease v 会集assemble n 装置,策略device n 走兽beastadj 神的,非凡的divine n 勇敢braveryn 选举election n 城堡castlen 被敬羡的东西envy v 央求claimn 探险,探险队expedition v 推断conclude n 特色feature v 订约,缩短contract n 笨拙,愚行folly n 农作物,产量cropn 气愤fury n 行为deedn 悲伤grief v 致力devotev 隐蔽hide v/n 离婚divorcen 印象impression adj 高雅的elegantv 教育instruct n 赤道equatorv 生计exist adj 为提炼的,鲁莽crudeadj 联邦制的federal的v 禁止forbid v 战胜defeatn 画廊gallery v 不同样differv 磨grind n 洋娃娃dollv 改进improve adj 基本的elementary n 用具;仪器instrument v 装备equipadj 下级的junior v 表现exhibitn 漏洞 v 漏leak v 喂食feedv 降下lower n 暴力forcen 市长mayor v 疾奔 n 急促地进gallopv 不相信mistrust行adj 齐整的neat v 抓住gripv 充任occupy adj 后部的hindadj 全部的overall n 激动impulsen 补丁 v 缝补patch n/v 侮辱insultn 片语,措辞phrase n 陪审团juryn 分得的财产portion v 倾斜,屈身 adj 细leann 行列procession瘦的n 争吵quarrel adj 忠实的loyaln 对不起;遗憾 v 对不起regret n 此间,中间时间meantime v 保留reserve n 混淆mixturen 角色role n 针needlev 惊吓scare v 发生occuradj 严肃的serious v 俯视overlook n 银器silverware n 轨道,行程pathadj 唯一的 n 底部sole adj 自然的,物质的physicalv 分派split身体的adj 严格的stern adj 确实的positivev 减去subtract v 宣布proclaim n 刀,剑sword adj 奇怪的queeradj 完好的thorough n/v 统治reignn 传统tradition v 居住,存在residev 联合unite n 公鸡roostern 视力,洞察力vision n 围巾scarfn 寡妇widow n 仆人servant Lesson 17n 相似similarity v 赞成admit adj 浩大的solemnv 帮忙assist v 破坏spoilv 举止behave adj 硬的stiffn 牛cattle n 地铁subwayn 粘土clay n 音节syllablev 训斥condemn n 线threadadj/adv 相反的 (地 )contrary n 商标trademarkn 大学university adj 严格的severen 词汇vocabulary n 罪恶sinn 荒地wilderness adj 固体的 n 固体solid Lesson18n 发言人spokesman n 前进,进步advance adj 沉静的stillv 保证assure v 吸吮suckn 生物学biology v 代表,象征symbolize adj 灿烂的,有才干brilliant n 威胁threat的n 交通trafficn 原因cause n 火山volcanon 殖民地colony v 擦wipen 行为conduct Lesson 19v 比较contrast n 便利advantage adj 残忍的cruel n 空气,气氛atmosphere n 弊端defect adj 广大的broadv 划分differentiate adj 谨慎的cautious adj 国内的domestic adj 色盲的color-blind v 拥抱embrace n 会议conference n 错误error v 有助于,捐助contribute v 使筋疲力竭exhaust v 压碎crushn 节日festival v 保护defendn 形成formation v 消化digestn 衣服garment n 点dotv/n 呻吟groan n 紧急emergency v 租;雇,聘任hire v 逃脱escapeadj 附带发生的incidental adj 行政的executive adj 聪颖的intelligent v 拿来fetchn 正义,公正justice n 炮台fortv 跳leap n 喘息声 v 喘息gaspn 好运luck n 食品杂货店groceryv 测量measure adj 中空的,凹陷的hollowv 讽刺mock n 爱好,倾向inclination adj 消极的,否定的negative v 想,打算intendadj 奇怪的odd adj 尖锐的,尖刻的keenv 归功于owe n 皮革leathern 耐心patience n 木材lumbern 医生physician n 机械工mechanic v 拥有possess n 方式moden 职业profession v 粗心neglectv 停止,辞职quit v 惹怒offendv 拒绝reject n 猫头鹰owlv 辞职resign n 中止,逗留 v 狐疑pauseadj 腐化的rotten n 小偷pickpocket v 分布scatter n 瓶,壶potn 利润profit n 媒体mediumv 颤抖quiver adj 一般的moderatev 快乐rejoice n 周边neighborhood v 抵抗resist n 气味odoradj 粗的rough n 步伐pacen 气味 v 闻出scent v 铺pavev 缝sew adj 如画的picturesque v 下沉 n 水槽sink v 倒pourn 解答solution n 进步 v 进展progressn 污点,地点spot v 引证quotev/n 螫;刺sting v 表达,连接relatev 受到,受累suffer v 决定resolven 怜悯sympathy adj 皇家的royaln/v 愉悦thrill n 计划 v 图谋schemeadj 悲惨的tragic v 位于situateadj 最新的up-to-date adv 有几分somewhatn 书本,容积volume v 喷上sprayadj 任性的,故意的willful v 搅动stirLesson 20adj 适合的suitablen 冒险adventure n 故事talev 贴上attach n 喉咙throatadj 苦的bitter v 行走,践踏trampv 广播broadcast v 促使urgev 停止cease n 誓言 v 立誓vowv 联合,化合combine n 巫婆witchv 认同confess Lesson 21v 发言converse v 登广告advertisev 耕作cultivate v 攻击attackv 延缓delay n 铁匠blacksmithn 崇敬dignity n 溪流brookn 疑虑doubt n 天花板ceilingn 感情emotion v 欣慰comfortv 建筑establish v 限制,卧病confinev 体谅excuse v 改变convertn 纤维fiber adj 狡猾的cunningadj 爽直的forthright n 代表delegateadj 快乐的gay adj 微暗的dimn/v 保证guarantee v 拖dragadj 神圣的holy n 皇帝emperorn 收入income n 财产estaten 爱好,兴趣interest v 大叫exclaimv 燃烧kindle adj 残忍的fierceadj 合法的legal adj 幸福的fortunaten 肺lung v 凝视gazen 习惯habit v 伸入dipv 跳跃hop v 排水drainn 独立independence n 重申emphasis adj 国际的international v 估计estimate n 风筝kite n 人影,画像figuren 悠闲leisure adj 污浊的fouln 机器machinery n 宝石gemv 融化melt v 喝采hailadj 谦逊的modest n 地平线horizon adj 紧张的nervous v 指示indicate v 提出offer v 打扰interrupt v 装 n 包pack v 跪下kneeln(有爪的)脚paw v 减少lessenn 鸽子pigeon n 魔术magicn 贫穷poverty v 维修mendn 计划project adj 润湿的moistv 减少reduce n 巢nestv 回复 n 回答reply n 官员 adj 公务上的officialn 步枪rifle n 包裹package n 薪水salary n 薪水册payrolln 部分 v 划分section n 堆,大批 v 积聚pilev 射击shoot adj 本质的practical n 坡,斜面 v 倾斜slope adj 迅速的,果断的promptn 蜘蛛spider v 参照referv 饥饿starve v 代表represent n 结构,建筑物structure adj 公正的righteous v 吞,咽 n 燕子swallow n 三明治 v 夹在中sandwich adj 嫩的 v 送还;提tender间出adj 放心的 v 保护,securen 相信 v 相信trust获取n 背心vest n 缺乏shortage n 杂草 v 除草weed adj 聪颖的smartv 生产,信服yield v 洒spill Lesson 22n 政治家statesman n 事务,事情affair v 努力,奋斗struggle v 试图attempt v/n 摇摆swayn 刀锋blade n 期间,学期,术语,termn 扫帚broom条件n 小蜂窝,细胞cell v 辛苦工作 n 勤劳,toilv 命令command网v 证明confirm n 节奏 v 调音tunev 使相信convince n 恶习vicev 治愈 n 治疗方法cure v 哭泣weepadj 矫捷的delicate n 地区zoneLesson 23n 干,茎n 酸性物质acid v 跌倒v 凑近approach v 除掉n 战斗battle n 地方n 树枝bough v 拷问 n 悲伤adj 有能力的capable n 双胞胎中的一个v 窒息choke n 藤;蔓n 伙伴comrade v 鞭打 n 鞭子v 请教consult Lesson 24n 信用credit v 获取v 宣布declare n 围裙v 破坏destroy n 珠子v 搅乱disturb n 界线adj 有效的effective n 经历;职业adj 全部的entire v 砍n 专家expert v 隐蔽n 偏爱favor n 接触v 拍翅flutter v 爬行n 毛皮fur v 拒绝adj 感谢的grateful n 细节n 地狱hell n 排沟渠,沟adj 极广大的immense adj 有效率的adj 立刻的instant v 命名v 连接join n 实验n/v 鞭打lash adj 最喜欢的 n 最喜v 住宿lodge爱的人或物n 桅杆mast n 泡沫n 镜子mirror n 火炉n 指甲,钉子nail n 墓地v 观察,遵守observe n 兽群n 景色outlook v/n 输入,入口n 经过,通道passage n 本能v 死perish n 连接处n 政客politician n 后者adj 主要的primary adj 孤单的n 紫色purple n 杰作v 反射,反响,考虑reflect adj 可怜的v 需要require adj 赤身的n 危险risk v 获取n 酱sauce n 产量v 搜寻seek adj 热忱的,热忱的n 尖叫声 v 尖叫shriek adj 长远的v 强抢 n 抓住snatch adj 人口茂密的n 脊椎spine n 原则,主义stem stumble sweep territory torturetwinvinewhipacquire apronbead boundary career chop conceal contact creep decline detailditch efficient entitle experiment favoritefoam furnace graveherdimport instinctjointlatter lonesome masterpiece miserable naked obtain output passionate permanent populous principlev 追捕pursuev 改革reformv 拯救rescuen 对手rivaladj 无礼的,俊秀的saucyv 抓住,扣押seizev 关上shutv 浸润,吸取soakn 精神spiritn 继母stepmother adj 笨拙的stupidv 膨胀swelln 题目themeadj 强壮的toughv 围绕twistn 暴力violencen 旋转 v 回旋whirl。



刘毅单词10000 (1)Lesson 1 (3)Lesson 2 (10)Lesson 3 (19)Lesson 4 (28)Lesson 5 (38)Lesson 6 (49)Lesson 7 (58)Lesson 8 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 9 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 10 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 11 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 12 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 13 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 14 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 15 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 16 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 17 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



刘一男单词记忆刘一男托福巅峰词汇10000电子讲义主讲:刘一男第一集abase [??beis] vt.降低,使贬低【一男讲词】a-加强语气,base-基础,底部——贬低basic基础的abash [??b??] vt.使羞愧,使困窘【一男讲词】“abash”简写自“embarrass-vt.使困窘,使局促不安”barrier栅栏abate [??beit] v.使(数量、程度等)减少,减轻,除去【一男讲词】a-加强语气,beat-打——打压、减少。

【中西悟语】国务院组合拳“打压”房价bat-球棒balmy [?bɑ?mi] adj.芳香的;温和的;令人愉快的【一男讲词】balm香油、香膏(演变自“palm-掌”),y-的【中西悟语】“擦手油”pack-背包back-背delve [delv] v.钻研;发掘【一男讲词】“delve”与“dig-挖掘”同源;谐音“大夫”horrid [?h?rid] adj.恐怖的,可怕的;令人讨厌的【一男讲词】hor-hair-头发,id-的【中西悟语】“毛骨悚然,汗毛竖起来了”idiosyncrasy [?idi??si?kr?si] n.(个人独有的)习性,癖好【一男讲词】idiot-白痴(总有自己的想法,看到任何东西都叫“汽车”)labyrinth [?l?b?rinθ] v.迷宫【一男讲词】laby-lady-女士。

“labyr”压缩自“library-图书馆”,inth-inter——图书馆内部【中西悟语】图书馆内部曲道回肠很像迷宫mandate [?m?ndeit] n./v.命令,授权,批准【一男讲词】mandarin满大人、官话,普通话command-命令demand-请求mangle [?m??gl] vt.乱砍,撕裂,破坏,毁损,【一男讲词】mingle混合mix混乱的nostalgia [n?s?t?ld?i?] n.思乡病,怀旧【一男讲词】nost=nest-巢,alg=agony-痛苦,ia-病结尾nostrum [?n?str?m] n.秘方,妙策【一男讲词】nost=nest-巢,tr-treat-治疗,um-后缀【中西悟语】祖传的,家传的percolate [?p??k?leit] v.渗透【一男讲词】per-穿透,collar-领子,ate-后缀——领子就是脖子“穿透”的地方perennial [p??renj?l] adj.一年四季的,终年的;(植物)多年生的【一男讲词】annual-每年的,ann=enn-词根:年,per-穿透,贯穿year-年perforate [?p??f?reit] vt.穿孔于【一男讲词】per-穿透,for=pore-孔、口,ate-后缀——穿孔▼同源现象▼pater-爸爸fater-爸爸opportunity机会,时机“portune”fortuneperilous [?peril?s] adj.危险的【一男讲词】experiment-试验【中西悟语】“验”与“险”scavenge [?sk?vind??] v.清除(垃圾);从费物中提取;以(腐肉)为食【一男讲词】s=ex-出来,cave-洞,enge-ence——scoop [sku?p] n.铲子,勺v.挖掘【一男讲词】“scoop-铲子”演变自“spoon勺子”tepid [?tepid] adj.微温的,不热情的【一男讲词】“tepid”摘取自“temperature-温度”——从热中摘点儿——微温eve-前夜evening-夜isle-小岛island-岛vanguard [?v?ngɑ?d] n.先锋,先驱【一男讲词】advance前进,guard-保卫,警卫【中西悟语】“开路先锋”,“断后”wharf [hw??f] n.码头v.停泊在码头【一男讲词】whirl转弯revolve旋转【中西悟语】该调头了▼同源现象▼terminal-终点(turn-转弯)verge-边缘(verse-旋转)第二集abet [??bet] vt.教唆,煽动【一男讲词】bait鱼饵bite咬abhor [?b?h??] vt.憎恶,痛恨【一男讲词】ab-away,horror-恐怖【中西悟语】“吓人,讨厌,走开!”bizarre [bi?zɑ?] adj.(指态度、容貌、款式等)奇异的【一男讲词】beard-胡子mustache-胡子cabal [k??b?l] n.(尤指政治上的)阴谋;(政治)阴谋小集团【一男讲词】cable-电报——战争时期人们通过电报互通阴谋calamity [k??l?miti] n.灾难,不幸之事【一男讲词】词源上与“climate气候”同源有关——天象预测吉凶谐音“卡啦,埋汰”——不幸之事disaster灾难doom劫数callous [?k?l?s] adj.无情的,无同情心的v.(使)变硬【一男讲词】cal-calc-小石子,ous-的——硬的calculate计算/calcium-钙【中西悟语】“硬”,“铁石心肠”dangle [?d??gl] vt.摆动【一男讲词】“dang-”——“荡”秋千,le-表“多次反复”后缀dastardly [?d?st?dli] adj.怯懦的【一男讲词】dast-daze茫然,发昏gift——give-给draft-草图——drawdazzle眼花,炫耀coward-懦夫【中西悟语】吓“傻”了。






刘毅词汇10000Lesson 1Part 1abdomen n.,人体的,腹部The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.bereave v. 剥夺,使丧失The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.consecrate v. 奉为神圣,尊崇This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.evoke v. 唤起,引起A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.groove n. 沟,槽,凹陷Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.jolt v. 摇动,使颠簸The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.obsolete adj. 作废的,过时的Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.prowl v.潜行以寻觅或偷窥Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.scoop v. 掘,挖The children scooped holes in the sand.status n. 状况,地位Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.sue v. 起诉,控告The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train.Part 2bandit n. 强盗,土匪The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed, either alone or in a group.commemorate v. 纪念,庆祝Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.defile v. 弄脏,弄污The children’s muddy shoes defiled all the rugs in the hotel.deviation n. 离题,偏差Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed.fortitude n. 坚忍,刚毅She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude.inconsolable adj. 伤心的The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.nibble v. 细咬,细食Aren’t you hungry? You are only nibbling your food.pageant n. 壮观,华饰The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant.scourge n. 引起灾害的事物或人After the scourge of flood usually comes the scourge of disease.tumble v. 跌落,跌倒The crippled child tumbled down the stairs and was badly hurt.Part 3afflict v. 使痛苦There are many illnesses, which afflict old people.censure v.责难His employer censured him for neglecting his work.dissimulation n. 假装,掩饰The thief intruded into the house with caution and dissimulation.flog v.重打,鞭笞Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors.inscription n.题字,碑铭According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919.meddle v. 干预或扰乱他人之事物The gifts of charity meddled with a man’s privateaffair.posture n. 身体的姿势He doesn’t sit straight: his posture is very bad.rummage v.翻寻,寻找John rummaged all the drawers to find his gloves.spout v.喷出,涌出The water spouted out when the pipe was broken.traverse v.走过,横过The climber traversed a long horizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope.wistful adj.渴望的A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in theshop window.Part 4amicable adj. 友善的The amicable flash of her white teeth was very impressive.blizzard n. 大风雪,暴风雪The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard.cruise v.往返航行,海上巡曳If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.eradicate v. 根除,扑灭Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United Statesbut it still exists in some countries.glimmer n. 微光The doctor‘s report gave us only a glimmer of hope.lump n. 堆,团,大量On his desk, many articles and documents are always piled in great lump.ransack v. 细细搜索The woman ransacked the house for her lost jewelry.slash v.,以剑、刀等,砍He slashed a path through the high grass with a long knife.slump v. 陷,猛然落下Out feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice.vogue n. 时尚,流行That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.Part 5ascribe (to) v.将:归因于…He ascribes his success to skill and hard work.bulwark n. 壁垒,堡垒The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark.dubious a. 怀疑的,暧昧的She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.facet n. ,事情的,一面Selfishness was a facet of his character that we seldom saw before.heed n. 注意For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance, and in fact he became very well-dressed from then on.huddle v. 剂成一团The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm.mumble v. 喃喃而言,咕哝The old man mumbled something to me, but I could not understand him.relic n. 遗迹,遗物,遗俗This ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in 1950.smog n. 烟雾Automobile exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of smog.wayfarer n. 旅人,徒步旅行者The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road.wont n.习惯He always speaks with his mouth full of food, it is his wont.Lesson 2Part 1absolve v. 赦免The judge absolved the man of the crime.bias n. 偏见The umpire should have no bias in favor of either side.contend v. 竞争,辩论Our baseball team is contending for the championship.deplore v. 悲痛,深悔We deplore the terrible traffic accident in which 30 persons were killed and 50 injured.fracture n. 挫伤,骨折The boy fell from a tree and suffered fractures of his right arm and leg.magnitude n. 大小,量,长,度,A crowd of great magnitude attended the President’sinauguration.pith n. 精华部分The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education.relish n. 胃口,喜好I have no relish for seeing people being whipped.sneak v. 潜行,行为鬼祟Trying not to be seen, they quietly sneaked into the room.tidings n. 消息The messenger brought tidings from the battlefield.Part 2aghast adj. 惊骇的,恐怖的Many people would be aghast at the thought of another war.cumber v. 阻碍,拖累We shall not cumber our thought with his reproaches.decree v. 命令,决定The city government decreed that all dogs must be licensed.frolic v. 嬉戏,作乐The children were frolicking with the puppy in the backyard.intercourse n. 交往,交通There was much commercial intercourse between thetwo countries before World War II.menace n. 威胁In dry weather forest fires are a great menace.precipice n. 悬崖I was standing on the very edge of a bank, a precipice not less than fifty feet deep.sanctuary n. 圣所,圣堂,圣殿The church is generally considered as a sanctuary.sprout v. 长出,发芽After a light spring rain, leaves began to sprout from trees.tread v. 行走于,步行于She trod lightly in order not to wake the sleeping baby.Part 3ammunition n. 弹药,军火The soldiers still had their guns but they were out of ammunition.doting adj. 过于喜爱的,溺爱的A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child.engross v. 全神贯注于The artist was so e ngrossed in his painting that he didn’t notice the people watching him.gush n. 涌出,倾流If you got a deep cut in your arm, there’s usually agush of blood.insuperable adj. 不能超越的,不能克服的The deep river was an insuperable barrier to those who could not swim.ordeal n. 严酷之考验,痛苦之经验Her life has been full of ordeals, sickness, poverty and loss of her beloved son.pouch n. 小袋,囊He kept his tobacco in a leather pouch fastened to the belt.screech v. 尖叫,哭The brakes screeched and the car suddenly stopped with a jerk.stature n. 身材,身长A man who is six feet tall is above the average staturein China.undermine v. 1.以阴谋手段伤害,暗中破坏The President’s enemies are spreading ill rumors to undermine his authority.2.在……之下挖掘,逐渐损坏The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods.Part 4assess v. 评估,评定Damages from last week’s flood have been assessed at $50000.chamber n. 1.房间,寝室The children searched each and every chamber of the house for the cat.2.立法或司法团体The Congress of the United States has two House of Representatives.disdain v. 鄙视,轻视Now that she is rich, she disdains to speak to her old friends.espy v. 看出,探出One day Robinson Crusoe espied a foot print on the sand.glossy adj. 平滑的,有光泽的The beautiful glossy coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight.janitor n. 管门者The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night.packet n. 包裹She bought a packet of envelops at the stationery store.pulpit n. ,教堂之,讲坛,说教坛The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done byIndian hands.scorch v. 1.烘焦,烧焦The meat was black and scorched outside but still raw inside.2.使萎,使枯The grass is scorched by so much hot sunshine in summer.surge v. ,波浪,起伏,汹涌The ship surged in the stormy seas, rolling and pitching with each wave.utensil n. 器皿,用具Pots, pans and kettles are useful kitchen utensils.Part 5bayonet n. 刺刀When the soldiers ran out of ammunition, they fixed bayonets to their rifles.compassion n. 怜悯,同情Compassion for the orphans caused him to give money for their support.detain v. 1.使迟延,阻止Lazy boys sometimes are detained at school to do extra work after ordinary lessons are finished.2.拘留,扣押The police detained the suspected thief for more questioning.faction n. 小派,小党派A faction in our club tried to make the president resign.hue n. 色彩,色度The diamond shone with every hue under the bright sun.luster n. 1.光彩,光辉He polished the metal until it had a fine luster.2.荣誉,光荣The deeds or heroes add luster to a nation’s history.persevere v. 坚忍He persevered in his study until he succeeded.rave v. 发狂语Because of his high fever, the sick man raved all night.slay v. 杀,毁He intended to slay his father’s murderer.tablet n. 块,锭The doctor told her to take three tablets a day.voluptuous adj. 奢侈逸乐的,沉迷肉欲的Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent look. Lesson 3Part 1access n. 1.进入The only access to the farm house is across the rice fields.2.接近Only high officials had access to the emperor.beckon v. 招手或点头示意The guide for visitors beckoned us to follow him.concur v. 1.同意,意见一致I concur with the speaker in condemning every criminal.2.同时发生This summer two weeks of rain concurred with our vacation.denounce v. 当众指责He was denounced as a coward and traitor.fray v. 1.争吵,斗争The first blow makes the anger, but the second makes the fray.2.磨损,磨破Long wear had frayed the collar and cuffs of his oldshirts.hamper v. 阻碍Heavy clothing hampered the movements of the climbers.malady n. 疾病Cancer and tuberculosis are serious maladies in every country.plod v. 缓步或重步在……走The old man was plodding wearily along the bank of the river.remnant n. 残余,遗物Since the factory moved, this town has only a remnant of its former population.snore n. 发鼾声The child with a cold in his nose snored all night.tinge v. 微染,染以清淡之颜色Blood tinged the water as he washed his wound.Part 2ailment n. 疾病It was necessary for them to have remedies for their ailments.bicker v. 争吵,争论The children are bickering with each other about who is the tallest among them.contrive v. 发明,设计The inventor contrived a new kind of engine with fewer moving parts.dazzle v. 以强光使目眩The bright light of the motor car on the dark country road dazzled my eyes.fumble v. 摸索,搜寻She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen to write a memorandum.impair v. 损害Poor food and hard work impaired her health and she became thin.mortify v. 使感到羞辱,使蒙屈辱The parents were mortified by their children’s badbehavior before the guests.predominant adj. 主要的,有势力的The United States became the predominant nation in the Western Hemisphere.sanitary adj. 卫生的He worked to improve the sanitary conditions of slums.wallet n. 皮包,皮夹He always keeps a lot of money in his wallet.warrant n. 正当的理由,权利Do you consider the wild behavior of the crowd was enough of a warrant for the police to use force?Part 3allocate v. 拨出,留下The ford foundation allocated millions of dollars for cancer research.brawl n. 争吵,打架The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby.cynical adj. 怀疑人生之价值的,讥讽的The boys made several cynical remarks to cover up theirdisappointment at being left out of the play.embellish v. 装饰,布置She embellished the simple dress with colorful laces and ribbons.gallant adj. 英勇的The defense of the Alamo was a heroic action of gallantmen.immerse v. 浸入He immersed his aching feet in a bucket of cold water.ostentatious adj. 夸张的,虚饰的He rode his new bicycle up and down in front of our house in an ostentatious way .presentiment n. 预感,预觉Soapy followed the man with a presentiment that luck would again run against him.satiate v. 使饱,使满足She was so satiated with bananas that she would not even look at one.undulate v. 波动,起伏,震动The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze.Part 4apparel n. 衣服,装饰A shop selling woman’s apparel is at the corner of the street.cajole v. 以甜言蜜语诱惑He cajoled his friends into deciding in his favor.discard v. 抛弃You can discard your old coat but not your old friends.effete adj. 疲惫的,枯竭的During the middle ages, Greek civilization declined and became effete.grudge n. 怨恨She has had a grudge against me ever since I disagreed with her.kidnap v. 绑架,勒索Four men kidnapped the little girl, but he police soon caught them and rescued the girl.pact n. 协定,公约There is some hope that a peace pact will be signed between the two countries.pry v. 细查,探问she pries too closely into the private life of her friends.scour v. 1.搜索Men scoured the whole country looking for the lost child.2.磨亮,擦净The servant scoured the frying pan until it shone like silver.swagger v. 高视阔步而行He swaggered down the street after winning the fight.vagary n. 奇异的幻想,妄想The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man’s vagary.Part 5asset n. 有价值或有用的东西Ability to get along with people is an asset in business.chasm n. 深坑或裂缝,利害冲突There was a deep political chasm between the two countries which nearly led to a war.despoil v. 夺取,抢劫The cities of Greece and Asia were despoiled of their most valuable ornaments.facetious adj. 好开玩笑的I became angry with the little boy at his facetious remarks.hurtle v. 碰撞,冲击The wing of the airplane came off and the machine hurtled to the ground.larceny n. 窃盗,窃盗罪He wanted to be accused of larceny, because he felt comfortable in prison .pervade v. 遍布,弥漫He worked so hard that the weariness pervaded his whole body.recant v. 公然撤回或取消Though he was tortured to make him change his religion the prisoner would not recant.shambles n. 混乱,迷惑He left his affairs in a complete shambles when he died.taboo n. 禁忌,禁止Eating human flesh is a taboo in civilized countries.trappings n. 马的装饰物,装饰He wore all the trappings of high office. Lesson 4Part 1abdicate v. 放弃权利When the king abdicated his throne, his brother succeeded him.accrue v. 自然增殖,自然增加Ability to think clearly will accrue to you from good habits of study.badger v. 困扰The salesman has been badgering my father for two weeks to buy a new car.baffle v. 使困惑,使迷惑They succeeded in baffling the enemy’s attack plans.conjecture v. 推测,猜想He conjectured that his new stocks would rise on eh stock market.derange v. 使错乱,扰乱The poor woman’s mind has been deranged for many years.fiend n. 恶魔,穷凶极恶之人The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend.pine v. 渴望,苦思The mother was pining to see her son and daughter.smother v. 使窒息,闷死The gas almost smothered the coal miners but they got out in time.throb v.悸动,跳动The long climb up the mountain made her heart throb rapidly.Part 2broth n. 煮肉的清汤Many people usually drink hot broth when they are sick.crevice n. 裂缝,破口Some tiny plants grow in the crevice of the stone wall.demean v. 贬抑,降低The duke’s son demeaned himself by doing manual labor with his servants.foster v. 养育,看护We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital.incentive n. 刺激,鼓励Our country has prospered by various incentive systems.maze n. 迷宫A guide led us through the maze of tunnels in the cave.pore v. 1.熟读,熟视She pored over the picture book in silence enjoying the various colors.n. 2.毛孔,孔Like human skin, soil has holes that are called pore.rubbish n. 废物,垃圾Pick up the rubbish and throw it in the garbage can.speculate v. 沉思,思索We don’t need to speculate about the possible winner in the game.transfix v. 刺穿Sweet music caught and held him transfixed against the iron fence.Part 3anomaly n. 反常之事物A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly.converge v. 集中于一点If you look at the end of your nose, your eyes converge.duplicate adj. 完全相同的,副的We have a duplicate key to the front door.epoch n. 纪元,时代There were few peaceful epochs in the history of our country.gaunt adj. 憔悴的,骨瘦如柴的Hunger and suffering from cold had made the lost hikers gaunt.incessant adj. 不断的The incessant barking of the dog kept him awake through the night.mute adj. 沉默的,无言的Though the teacher asked a simple question about her parents, the little girl stood mute with embarrassment.partisan n. 帮伙,同党者He was a passionate partisan of these people and had organized a Worker’s Union.scan v. 1.细察,审视The parents of the sick boy scanned the doctor’s facefor a sign of hope.2.匆匆一阅She scanned the newspaper in a few minutes.stab v. 刺,刺伤He stabbed a piece of meat from the plate with his fork.Part 4botch v. 因工作笨拙而弄坏I tried to cook a nice dinner, but I’m afraid I’ve ratherbotched it.chafe v. 擦热,擦痛Her new shoes chafed the skin on both her feet.dissipater v. 1.使消散,驱散After a brisk morning wind dissipater the clouds, the sky was clear all day .2.浪费The foolish son dissipated his father’s fortune byspending it on drinking and gambling.efface v. 消除,抹杀The inscriptions on the ancient monuments have been effaced by time.glint n. 闪烁,闪光There was a glint in her eyes that showed she was angry.onerous adj. 繁重的,烦苛的Overtime work is often onerous, though it is well paid.iterate v. 重做,重述The girl did not move though the policeman iterated his command hat she go.propensity n. 倾向,嗜好,习性Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery.singe v. 微烧,烫焦Mother singed chicken to get rid of hairs.strut v. 昂首阔步而行The little boy put on his father’s medals and struttedaround the room.unravel v. 解开,开明There are many kinds of diseases that medical science is yet to unravel.Part 5bellow v. 大声呼叫,怒吼He bellowed in pain when the hammer came down on his finger.cloak n. 1.宽大有袖或无袖的外衣The horseback rider drew his cloak tightly around him in the rain.2.掩饰,隐匿His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intention.devout adj. 虔诚的The ministry was a very devout man and devoted his whole life to Christian mission work.guise n. 装束,外貌A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of the woodcutter.latent adj. 隐藏的,不易察觉的The power of a grain of wheat to grow into a plant remains latent if it is not planted.pawn v. 典当,抵押He pawned his watch to buy food until he could get a job.quake v. 震动,战慄When the cannon was fired the earth quaked under his feet.sequel n. 继续,结果Famine has often been the sequel of war.salvage n. 对海上遇险之船舶、船员及货物之救护After the ship sank, salvage of its cargo was impossible.virtual adj. 实质上,事实上The battle was won with so great a loss of soldiers that it was a virtual defeat.wizard n. 男巫He does things that are marvelous or apparently impossible, he is a wizard.Lesson 5Part 1admonish v. 警告He admonished his friend not to be late for his work.bide v. 等待He seems to be doing nothing, but really he’s justbiding his time.condone v. 宽恕,赦免A man who cheats on his income tax and on his expense account tendsto condone these practices in his friends.designate v. 指出,指示I designate you to act for me while I am away.fend v. 抵挡,抵御Most animals let their young fend for themselves at an early age.hardy adj. 强壮的Only hardy plants will survive the severe cold in the Arctic area.limber v. 使,自身,变柔软灵活Baseball players do exercises at the beginning of the season inorder to limber themselves up.philanthropy n. 慈善心You must pay in humility of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy.recollect v. 记起,忆起Can you recollect the name of the author of [Ivanhoe]?smite v. 打,击He was smitten with the view that he stopped and took out his camera.testimony n. 证言,口供According to the testimony of the medical profession, the health ofthe nation is improving.Part 2ale n.麦酒,一种啤酒,He liked the bitter taste of the ale; beer is his favorite drink.blend v. 混合,混杂Blend the butter and the sugar before adding other ingredient of the cake.carnivorous adj. 食肉的Especially large, sharp canine characterizes the carnivorous animals.denizen n. 公民,居民The common English sparrow is a denizen of America; it was first brought from Europe to America about 1850.frenzy n. 暴怒,狂乱She was in a frenzy of grief when she heard that her child was missing.incapacitate v. 使不能,使不适于The player’s injury incapacitated him for participating in thefootball match.massacre v. 大屠杀The hunters came from the East to massacre the buffaloes of the plains, killing several million in a short time.ponder v. 考虑,沉思When I asked his advice he ponder the matter and then told me not to go.riddle n. 不可解之问题,迷To the riddle “What walks on four legs in the mooring, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?” theanswer is “man.”spank v. 打The father spanked the naughty child for his bad manners.totter v. 蹒跚The old man tottered across the room and sat down on the sofa.Part 3appease v. 使平静,使安静He tried to appease the crying child by giving him candy.catastrophe n. 异常的大灾祸The war was a terrible catastrophe in which many people died and many buildings were destroyed.daunt v. 恐嚇,使失去勇气或信心He felt completely daunted by the difficulties that faced him.gape v. 张嘴注视The crowd gaped at the daring tricks performed by the tightrope walker.duration n. 持续的时间He will be in the hospital for the duration of the school year.implore v. 哀求,苦求We implored him to act before it was too late.muffle v. 围住,将…蒙起以使声音低沉She muffled her throat in a warm scarf not to catch a cold.prank n. 戏谑,恶作剧On April Fo ol’s day people often play pranks on each other.saunter v. 闲逛,漫步Soapy took the umbrella and sauntered off with it slowly.trickle n. 细流There was a trickle of blood from the wound on his face.Part 4astound v. 使惊异She was astounded by the news that she had won the speech contest.clan n. 宗族,部落The people living in that valley are all members of one clan.distort v. 歪曲,扭曲Newspaper accounts of political and international affairs are often distorted.entrust v. 信托,交托While traveling, they entrusted their children to the care of a baby sitter.glutton n. 贪食者,贪多者Sometimes the gets hungry and eats like a glutton.invalid adj. 1.无效的Unless a check is signed it is invalid.2.有病的,人,He became invalid as the result of ill health and lack of exercise.overtone n. 寓意,弦外之音His words were polite but there was an overtone of anger in his voice.probe v. 探求,细察They probed his past career to judge his qualifications.shrine n. 圣地There are many sacred shrines in the Near East.statute n. 成文法,法规The statute increased the taxes we must pay.writhe v. 绕,转动The wounded soldier writhed uncomfortably in pain.Part 5behold v. 看Watching the first man land on the moon, we beheld a sight never seen before by man.condescend v. 屈尊,降格They should change this bad habit and condescend to be pleased what is pleasing.dike n. 1.堤More than 5,000 years ago the Chinese were controlling the Yellow River floods with dikes.2.沟The farmers dug a deep dike to carry water to the rice field.flip v. ,以子,弹投He flipped a coin on the counter to decide whether to go to the theater or not.grisly adj. 可怕的,狰狞的My uncle who had traveled to many countries in the world told a grisly story about people who ate human flesh.knave n. 骗子,诡计多端的人The knave who set fire to the barn have been caught and sent to prison.parley n. 谈判,商议The general held a parley with the enemy’s leaderabout exchanging prisoners.shred n 碎片,细条.There is not a shred of evidence that missing money was stolen.surmise v. 臆测,猜度The judge surmised his guilt; there was no proof that he killed the man.vicissitude n. 变迁,变化The future is so uncertain that we cannot know all the vicissitudes of our fortunes.warden n. 看守人,监护人The fire warden told us not to light matches near the gas station.Lesson 6Part 1abhor v. 憎恨,痛恨Most people abhor the criminal of kidnapping the children.boost v. 1.由后推,推上If you boost me up, I can reach the window easily.2.为之吹嘘,捧His friend’s willingness to help him was a big boost to the morale.detention n. 阻止,延迟The jail is used for detention of persons who have been arrested.explicit adj. 明确的He gave such explicit directions that everyone understood them.invidious adj. 易招怨恨的Wise teachers avoid invidious rules against the students.malign v. 诋毁,诽谤You malign a generous person when you call him a stingy person.potable adj. 适于饮用的In places where the water is not potable, they set up purifying systems.rue v. 后悔,悔恨I never went to school, and I’ve rued it bitterly all mylife.subsist v. 存在People in the far north subsist chiefly on fish and meat.unruly adj. 难控制的,不守法的She was such an unruly child that nobody could get along with her.Part 2agile adj. 活泼的,敏捷的The boy had an agile mind, and could come up withexcuses as quickly as his mother asked for them.caprice n. 反复无常的,善变的His lack of money was the result of caprice in spending on unnecessary things.disconsolate adj. 孤独的,绝望的She is disconsolate about the death of her father.fallacy n. 谬见,谬误It is a popular fallacy to suppose that riches always bring happiness.ingenuous adj. 坦白的,老实的She gave ingenuous answers to the strangers’ entirequestion.mirage n. 海市蜃楼,空想I saw a mirage that made highway ahead seem tube flooded with water.preclude v. 妨碍,阻止,使不可能The heavy thunderstorm precluded our going to the beach.sheer adj. 极薄的Sheer white curtains hung at the little window to let in as muchlight as possible.2.垂直的From the top of the wall there was a sheer drop of 100 feet to the water below.succinct adj. 简明的,简洁的His letter was succinct, with all the major points on onepage.Part 3arable adj. 适于耕种的There is not much arable land on the side of a rocky mountain.complacent adj. 自满的The winner’s complacent smile annoyed the loser in the football game.dismember v. 1.肢解The wolves dismembered the deer’s dead body withtheir sharp teeth.2.分裂,分割After the war, the defeated country was dismemberedand could no longer be called a nation.glee n. 欢乐,高兴She danced with glee when she saw the new toys, which her father bought for her birthday present.implicit adj. 暗含的,含蓄的He gave us implicit consent to take the apples, for he smiled when he saw us do it.mischievous adj. 恶作剧的,淘气的Someone is spreading mischievous stories about minister’s private life.redundant adj. 过多的In the sentence “She lives alone by herself” the word“alone” is redundant.solicitude n. 悬念The solicitude shown to him by his neighbors after the robbery impressed him very deeply.surplus n. 过剩,剩余The bank keeps a large surplus of money in reserve.Part 4abate v. 减少,减轻The doctor gave him some medicine to abate the pain.consummate v. 成就,完成His ambition was consummated when he won the prize.dwindle v. 缩减,减少Our savings have dwindled since my wife was sent tohospital.haphazard adj. 偶然的,随便的It is haphazard timetable, sometimes lessons are held and sometimes they aren’t.obvious adj. 显然的,明白的It is obvious that a blind man ought not to drive an automobile.overt adj. 公然的,明显的。

刘一男托福 10000词汇讲义-基础词汇部分

刘一男托福 10000词汇讲义-基础词汇部分

刘一男托福巅峰词汇10000之基础词汇部分主讲:刘一男第一部分字母语源造词精讲刘一男托福词汇精讲速记黄金讲典 A 部分黄金讲典体例:单词文本[国际音标] 中文释义讲典项目其一:词根文本,词根释义。




abandon [☜♌✌⏹♎☜⏹]vt. 放弃, 遗弃,放纵词根词缀释义:a-不,band-布条、布带,on-后缀——不绑缚、不束缚——放弃、放纵。

本词根简单词:bandage 绷带(band-布条,age-名词后缀)。

本词根高阶词:bandit 强盗(band-布条,it-后缀——用布条蒙面的人)。

本单词反义词:permanent 坚持adhere 粘附,坚持abbreviate [☜♌❒♓♓♏♓♦]v. 缩写, 缩短, 简化, 简写成,词根词缀释义:ab-加强语气,brev=brief-短的(音变),iate-动词后缀——缩短。

本词根简单词: a brief talk 一次短暂的谈话。

本词根高阶词:abbreviation 缩写,缩写词。

本单词反义词:prolong 延长abnormal [✌♌⏹❍☜●]adj. 反常的, 变态的词根词缀释义:ab-不,norm-标准,al-的——不标准的、反常的。

本词根简单词:norm 标准(nor-也不,既不左也不右——标准)。

本词根高阶词:enormous 巨大的(e-超出,norm-标准,ous-的)。

本单词反义词:accustomed 惯常的abolition [✌♌☜●♓☞☜⏹]n. 废除, 废除奴隶制度词根词缀释义:本词是“abolish-取消、废除”的名词形势。






】20-24 ,近音词,近义词,近形词【难词相对少很多】7/27/2011 10:55:03 PM第一Bereave, groove=rut; furrow, corrugation, jolt, obsolete, prowl, deviation, defile, pageant, scourge, censure, dissimulate=feign pretend , simulation , inscription, rummage =scour, comb 翻寻, traverse, wistful,, amicable=affable, peaceable, amiable, dovish, irenic . eradicate, glimmer, slump, bulwark = safeguard, fortress. heed, huddle, mumble =murmur, whisper, susurrate. wayfarer, wont第二absolve= exon erate, relish, pith,tidi ngs, aghast, cumber=hamper, hinder, foil, thwart, preclude, , frolic, precipice, san ctuary, tread=trample, ammun iti on, dote= pamper, i nsuperable= invincible, indomitable, unconquerable, ordeal, pouch, chamber 立法团体espy= spy. Glossy=sleek, jan itor, pulpit=lecter n , bay on et, compassi on, detain,=retard; confine , faction=clique, partisan, Iuster= honor, rave 咆哮,谵语,狂骂=bellow ,rap, rage, fume, rant, roar, storm, , effervesce VI第三beckon, fray, N=quarrel, brawl, wrangle , V wear out, plod=plough, tread, trudge, remnant = residue, leftover, snore= wheeze, tinge = tint ,tincture, bicker = wrangle, argue, contrive = hatch 谋划;invent 发明,fumble = grope ,mortify, allocate= apportion, brawl, embellish= adorn, ornament, gallant= intrepid, valiant , heroic, ostentatious= pompous, exaggerate, showy, presentiment= foreboding, omen, portent, premonition , augury , satiate = surfeit ,undulate= fluctuate, vibrate, apparel 服饰=array, attire, cajole = coax , effete= useless, effeminate , pry, swagger= strut 仰天大笑出门去,vagary=fancy, mirage, whim; vagaries= erraticism , chasm F conflict, clash 冲突,despoi= plunder, depredate , loiter, ; facetious= humorous, hurtle 猛冲=clash, crash,jostle= scramble for , larceny, pervade, recant= retract, shambles= mess, trapp in gs,第四Abdicate, accrue, badger=pester , baffle, conjecture=surmise, derange, fiend, smother=cover 覆盖;suffocate 窒息;stifle ,muffle 克制情感=restrain, refrain, quench 扑灭;quell, muzzle, gag 清除压制镇压钳制,crevice, pore, transfix, anomaly, epoch, gaunt=haggard, drawn, partisan =clique; guerilla,\ gorilla , botch, chafe, dissipate , onerous, iterate, prope nsity=in cli nati on, voliti on , tendency, un ravel, bellow, cloak, devout, sequel , quake,----- 第五全文听写Admonish, bide, condone, limber = VI ~up =warm up, A supple , philanthropy, smite, ale, carni vorous, denizen, incapacitate, spa nk, smack , totter, gape at = gawk at, beseech=implore, Muffle, prank, saunter=amble, falsify, entrust=intrust , gormandizer =glutton , invalid N,A 发音不同,overtone, writhe=wriggle, condescend, grisly= appalling , knave= rogue, rascal, scoundrel , parley , vicissitude ,第六Potable, rue, subsist, unruly, caprice, capricious , disc on solate, ingenuous, ingenious, mirage, succinct, arable, mischievous, redundant, solicitude, abate, con summate, haphazard, rebuff, ephemeral, reprove,第七immaculate, stalwart, allay, alley, ally, defunct, ingenuous, ingenious,geni us, preorda in, venom ous, amiss perfunctory, wilt, abo min able, ameliorate, vociferous,第八castigate, enmity, calamity, perpendicular, hilarious , rife, tenuous, candor, gratuitous, paltry, poultry, sordid, drab, mitigate, abate, abet , whet, pert inent, brittle, acquit, extirpate, sanction, sagacious, men dacious, loquacious ,第九exultant, in exhaustible, maudlin , plun der, sun dry, altruistic., intact, Molest, dis in tegrate, slack, tart, viable , asla nt, con cede, groggy, overbeari ng= haughty, sporadic= intermittent , Humiliate= mortify, jovial=elated, convivial, blithe, jubilant, . snug, snag, umpteen, impede, thwart, foil, hinder, plaintiff, vitiate,第十aggrieve, callous, mordant =mordacious, prowess, amass, colossal, geni al, inveterate, sojourn, wrangle, bigoted, deficient, elude, ignoble, kindred, poltroon , rout, despicable, nonplussed, pompous, sultry,---------------------------- 7/29/2011 9:21:13 PM十一Acclimate, effusive , in solve nt, n auseate, redeem , balmy, cul min ati on, endorse, hygie ne, *hygine, intangible, impalpable, transcribe, annex, brew, brewage, deride, evaluate, appraise, apprise, prep on dera nee, specter; tumult, tumultuous , drape , drapery , fatuity , fatuous ness, impude nt , suave , suavity , vigila nt, vigila nee,12Corroborate, en camp , rudime nts, rudime ntary, an atomy, braw n, dexterity, scrupulous: decent, meticuous, mystify, recur, leap year, non-leap year, tech ni cality, irradiate, obstinate; bigoted; intractable, repug nant, soporific,13incumbent, encumber, cucumber, shaggy, adolesce nt, autocratic, manifest , billow, detonate, hibernate, revere, valor, valorous , gallant , valiant , cognizant=cognitive, doleful=mournful, facility,sno op,14assiduous,elusive, gaudy, garish, respiration , spice, aggregate, aggregation , banal, hypocrite, persecute, prosecute , execute, sarcasm , superfluous , vindicate = exculpate, justify; animate, diag no sis, prophecy, sen suous, tact communal, forbear from, singular,——7/29/2011 9:50:06 PM------- 15 ------7/30/2011 6:39:44 AMcontiguous=adjoining, adjacent; contiguity, grandeur, remit, urban, urbane, amputate, bawdy, excavate, harass, retaliate =reven ge, ave nge, , stealthy =furtive, wary, ann ihilate, weird *wieard; weard, , apprehe nd, emit, serial , serialization # sequel * sequal,16Gash, with impunity, porous, twitch, armistice=truce, comity, dungeon, incur wrath/disapproval, sip , sulfur, bouquet, coral, choral , interject, raft, smear, taper, barometer, comply with, coxcomb=fop, hegira=exodus, lair, reservoir , sod, belch, crims on, fugitive, horde, petroleum , rumple=corrugate, twine, whirr---17Cater for,承办酒席,fleece pant , rickety= groggy, stigmatize, astronau t, bequeath, census, ford over 涉水而过, masquerade as, phoenix, rye, artillery=cannon, trench mortar , bounty on, clen ch, dirk, gallows, in edible, scuttle=scurry, tack , ward of court, avala nche, commodious, gibberish invoke, myriad, quarry, whirlpool, blockade, burrow, corollary, splinter,--18anesthetic=anaethetic, aesthetic= esthetic , coroner, graft, peal, roundup , straggle, ulterior , hustle, manoeuvre=maneuver , scoff, cavern, chrysanthemum , fishery, ingratiate, prostrate, smolder with, tattoo, wield, chisel, soot, *tributary, tributary, undo = ruin; do up. belabor=trash 【过】毒打责骂,circumfere nee, devolve on, # decentralize ; honk , levy on, override, trudge through,——19Ambush, brag, cleanse, foxhole, lever, notation, ransom, sop , tingle, armament, brunch, branch , illegible, maleontent, shroud, ballad, butt, consul, enshrine, gobble=gulp, shear, walnut, cavalry, harangue about, #demagogue, creak , fir, han gar, measles, sleet, surn ame , wig, bleach, breach ,breech, * bleech, crutch , gull, kit=gear, morsel , prototype, weir,者E江堰,--20.adverse, averse, annul, augment, censure for, collude with, confidant, confidante, consul, council, cancel, counsel of despair, coun sel of perfect ion, dairy, dairy, daily, dietary, disease, descent, ascent, descend, ascend, decent, slant, aslant,---21 disassemble, dissemble, dismember, eligible, exalt above, exult at\over\in, jealous, ordinance, ordnance = artillery, cannon, armame nt, parish, perpetrate, prostrate, penetrate , personalty , realty , prosecute= sue; proceed to do . recede, precede, , process, proceed, receding, proceeds, proceeding, preceded= previous, precedent , precede ntial, *precede ntal *un precede ntal, un precede nted, --22 amoral , immoral, unmoral , demoralize, morale, avocation,, biannual , annual , biennial ,triennial , quadrennial , octennial , novennial, decennial ,perennial, jubilee[25/50], centennial, bicentennial, millennial , chord, cord, clinch, denotation , connotation , contemptible, contemptuous , credible, credulous= gullible, credited, creditable, discreditable,#discredible , disorganized, unorganized, , divers, diverse, egoist, egotist, emerge, immerge = submerge, immerse---23Farther, father, further, hanged, hung, moan, mourn, ,groan, coo, beggar, bugger , registrar, sailer, sailor, sal on, salo on=seda n ,;--24Faint, feint , fiend,7/30/2011 10:36:00 AM。



刘毅词汇10000abdomen n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)belly n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛bereave v.使痛失(亲人等);剥夺;使丧失deprive v.剥夺,使丧失;免去…的职务consecrate v.使圣化,奉…为神圣;尊崇;奉献devote v.将…奉献(给),把...专用于,致力于evoke vt.唤起(回忆、感情等);引起invoke v.求助于(神、法律);恳求,乞求groove n.槽;纹(道) ;n.沟,槽;凹线,(刻出的)线条;习惯furrow n.沟;垄沟;轨迹;车辙;皱纹jolt v.(使)摇动,(使)震动,(使)颠簸joggle v./n.轻轻颠摇;轻摇obsolete a.out of date 作废的,过时的;a.已废弃的,过时的antiquated a.陈旧的,过时的prowl v.暗中寻觅 n.觅食;v.徘徊于;搜寻;潜行以寻觅或偷窃rove v./n.漫游;流浪(于)scoop n.勺子 v.用勺子(或铲)取出,舀;挖;掘shovel n.铁锨;一铲之量 v.铲,铲出status n.地位,身份;情形,状况,状态situation n.形势,局面,处境,状况;位置;职位Sue v.控告,对…提出诉讼,起诉indict v.起诉,控告,指控bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒;n.土匪,强盗,歹徒brigand n.土匪,强盗commemorate v.纪念,庆祝celebrate v.庆贺,庆祝;表扬,赞美defile v.弄污,弄脏 n.(山间)小道infect v.传染,感染;影响…的心情,给…示影响deviation n.背离,偏离;偏差,偏向;离题delegate n.代表,会议代表 vt.委派…为代表;授权;n.委员,代表 vt.派…为代表;委任fortitude n.坚韧;刚毅;n.坚毅,坚忍不拔endurance n.持久(力) ;n.耐久力;忍耐力;耐久的时期;持续的时间inconsolable a.无所慰藉的,极度沮丧的,伤心的depressed a.沮丧的,抑郁的;不景气的,萧条的nibble v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃;v.啃,一点一点咬bite v.咬,叮;刺骨 n.叮,咬;吃一口pageant n.壮观的游行;露天历史剧exhibition n.展览,陈列;展览会scourge n.灾难,祸害 v.蹂躏disaster n.灾难,祸患;n.灾难,大祸;彻底的失败tumble v.摔跤,跌倒;打滚,翻腾 n.摔跤,跌倒fall v.落下;跌倒,陷落 n.(美)秋天,秋季;瀑布;变为afflict vt.使苦恼,折磨;vt.使痛苦;折磨distress n.(精神上的)苦恼,痛苦 v.使苦恼,使紧张censure n./v.责难,非难;v.责备;非难blame n.(事故等的)责任;责怪 v.责备,应受责备dissimulation n.假装;掩饰deception n.欺骗,欺诈;骗局,诡计flog v.重打,鞭打spank v. 打,拍打(在屁股上)inscription n.铭文,碑文,题字;n.(尤指石块上的)刻印文字,铭文,碑文caption n.图片说明文字(报刊文章的标题)meddle v.干预,干涉,插手intervene v.插入,介入,干涉,(时间)介于posture n.姿势,姿态;心态,态度 v.装模作样attitude n.态度;看法 ;n.态度,看法;姿势rummage vi./n.翻找,搜寻;v./n.翻寻,仔细检查ransack v.彻底搜索,洗劫spout v.喷出,涌出;滔滔不绝地讲 n.喷管;水柱pour vt.倒;vt.灌;蜂拥 vi.倾泻;(雨)倾盆而下 n.倾泻traverse v.横过,穿过,越过intersect v.惯穿,(和…)相交,交叉wistful a.渴望的;不满足的yearning a.渴望的;向往的;怀念的amicable a.友善的;和平的;a.友好的,和睦的amiable a.和蔼可亲的,友善的,亲切的blizzard n.暴风雪snowstorm n.暴风雨;n.暴风雪;雪暴cruise v.巡航;游弋 n.乘船巡游voyage n.航海;航行eradicate v.根除,消灭,杜绝extirpate v.除尽;灭绝glimmer v.发出闪烁的微光 n.微光,微弱的闪光gleam n./v.微光,闪光,短暂而微弱的闪现lump n.块;堆;团;大量;肿块 v.归并在一起block n.大块;一排房屋;街区(四条街中间的区域)slash v.猛砍;贬斥… n.猛砍;(衣服的)开叉gash n.砍得很深的伤口, 很深的裂缝;v.深切,划开n.(深长的)切(伤)口;裂缝slump v.陷;沉重地坐下或倒下 n.商业萧条期depress v.使沮丧,使低沉;降低,压低;使萧条vogue n.时髦,时尚,流行 a.流行的fashion n.(服饰等的)流行式样;(行为等的)风尚ascribe vt.(to)把…归因于;把…归属于;vt.把…归于,认为…是其人所做attribute v.(to)把…归于,认为是…的结果 n.属性bulwark n.堡垒;屏障;n.堡垒,保障safeguard v.维护 n.安全装置,安全措施dubious a.有问题的,靠不住的;犹豫不决的doubtful a.怀疑,犹豫,不相信的;可疑的,难料的facet n.(问题等的)侧面,一面;(多面体的)面aspect n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面heed v.注意,留意 n.注意,留心attention n.注意,留心;注意力;n.注意,注意力;立正;特别照顾;照料huddle v.挤作一团,乱堆 n.一堆,一团gather v.集合,聚集;采集,收集;逐渐增加;推测mumble v.含糊地说,咕哝 n.含糊的话,咕哝murmur v.低声说话,咕哝 n.低沉连续的声音,咕哝relic n.遗物;遗俗;n.遗迹,古物;圣徒的遗骸(或遗物),圣物remainder n.剩下的人、东西或时间;n.剩余物,剩下的;余数,余项smog n.烟雾 (由smoke+fog合成的词)fume n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟,气,汽wayfarer n.旅人;徒步旅行者traveller n.旅馆;旅游者wont a.习惯于 vt./n.习惯habit n.习惯;习性,脾性exonerate v.使免罪;免除;v.免除责任,确定无罪bias n.偏见 v.[常用被动语态]有偏见prejudice n.偏见,成见;歧视;n.偏见,成见;损害,侵害 v.损害contend v.竞争;搏斗;声称,坚持主张;辩论compete v.比赛;竞争;对抗deplore v.哀叹,悲叹,对…深感遗憾lament v.为…悲痛,哀悼,痛惜 n.挽歌,哀歌fracture n.裂缝(痕);骨折 v.(使)断裂,(使)折断shatter n.碎片;粉碎v.粉碎;使疲惫;使震骇magnitude n.巨大(程度);重要性;量,大小bulk n.容积,体积;大块,大批;大部分,大多数pith n.要旨;n.精髓,要点essence n.本质,要素;n.本质,实质;精华,精粹relish n.喜好,乐趣;美味;胃口 v.爱好,喜欢zest n.风味,强烈的风味;热情,热心sneak v.鬼鬼祟祟而行,偷窃lurk v.埋伏;潜伏;隐藏;鬼鬼祟祟地行动tidings n.[pl.]消息, 音信information n.通知,报告,消息,情报;n.信息;情报;资料aghast a.恐怖的;惊骇的;吓呆的astonished a.惊讶的cumber v.拖累,妨碍hinder vt.阻止;妨碍(from);v.阻碍,妨碍decree n.法令,政令 v.颁布(法令、政令);决定determine v.决定;决心;测定,确定frolic n./v.嬉戏 a.嬉戏的frisk v.欢蹦乱跳;n./v.蹦跳,娱乐intercourse n.往来,交往,交际;n.交际,往来,交流relations n.交往,事务;关系menace n.威胁;讨厌的人(或物) v.威胁,恐吓 intimidation 胁迫;n.恐吓,威胁precipice n.悬崖;危急的处境;n.悬崖,峭壁cliff n.悬崖,峭壁sanctuary n.圣所,圣堂,神殿,寺庙;禁猎区,保护区shrine n.神殿,圣地;n.神殿,神龛,圣祠sprout v.发芽,抽条,长出 n.新芽,嫩苗grow v.生长,发育;种植,渐渐变得;增长,发展tread v.踏,踩 n.踩,步法,脚步声;(车胎)胎面trample v.踩,践踏;蔑视,粗暴对待ammunition 军火, 弹药bullets n.弹药;军火doting a.溺爱的,宠爱的fond adj.喜爱的;爱好的;充满柔情的,深情的engross v.全神贯注于;吸引;占用absorb vt.吸收;接受;vt.吸引…的注意;vt.吸收(水、光、蒸汽等);vt.并入,同化gush v.喷,涌出;使喷出,使涌出 n.喷,涌流flow v.流动;淹没 n.流,水流;流量insuperable a.不能超越的;难以克服的;a.无法克服的unconquerable a.不可征服的;克服不了的;压抑不住的ordeal n.苦难经历,(尤指对品格、耐力的)严峻考验;n.严峻考验;折磨trial n.讯问,审讯;试验;试用;尝试,努力pouch n.育儿袋,肚囊;n.小皮袋;(动物的)颊袋sack n.袋;解雇;床 v.解雇;掠夺screech n./v.尖叫;(发出)刺耳的声音shriek vi.make a loud, shrill cry 尖声喊叫;v.尖叫 n.尖叫声stature n.身高;身材;(精神、道德等的)高度height n.高;高度;身高;顶点;高位;高处undermine v.在…下挖;暗中伤害(破坏);逐渐损害erode v.(受)腐蚀,(受)侵蚀dig v.挖,探究 n.捅;发掘的地点或遗迹assess vt.估计,估价;评估;vt.估价,评价appraise v.评定,鉴定,评价chamber n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所;n.房间,室;会议室;议院;(动物体内)腔室room n.房间,卧室;n.空间;地方;余地disdain n.鄙视,轻视 v.轻视,鄙视,不屑despise v.看不起,轻视,鄙视espy vt.窥见;v.(从远处等)突然看到perceive vt.察觉,发觉;理解;v.认识到,觉察出;理解,领悟glossy a.光滑的,有光泽的sleek vt.使光滑;v.(使)光滑 a.光滑的,整洁的janitor n.照管房屋或办公室的工人,清洁工;n.看门人,管门人doorman n.门卫;n.看门人packet n.小包,小盒;包裹 v.打包,装行李;包装parcel n.包裹,小包,邮包 v.打包,捆扎pulpit n.[宗]讲坛;n.(教堂的)讲坛lectern n.(演讲者放讲稿的)讲台(或立架)scorch v.烘烤(皮肤);v.烧焦,烤焦;高速疾驶 n.烧焦处,焦痕singe v. 微烧,烫焦;v.(轻微地)烧焦,烫焦surge v.(如浪潮般)汹涌;奔腾 n.(感情等的)洋溢rise v.上升;升起;起床;起立utensil n.工具,(厨房)用具implement n.(pl.)工具,器具 v.实行,实施,执行bayonet n.刺刀 vt.用刺刀刺dagger n.匕首,短剑compassion n.同情;怜悯(for)sympathy n.同情,同情心;赞同,同感;慰问detain v.阻止,留住;扣留,拘留retard n.阻止,延迟 v.妨碍,延迟,使减速faction n.宗派,小集团;派别;派系斗争clique n.朋党派系,小集团hue n.色度;色调;样子colour n.颜色,彩色;颜料;肤色 v.给…着色,染luster n.光辉;光泽,光亮;荣誉shimmer v.闪烁,发微光;vi./n.发微光,发闪光;微光honor n.荣誉;敬意;(H-)阁下 v.使增光;尊敬persevere v.坚持不懈;不屈不挠persist v.(in)坚持不懈,执意;持续,存留rave v.胡言乱语;语无伦次地说 n.过分赞扬effervesce v.冒泡;沸腾;兴奋slay v.杀死;谋杀kill v.杀死,消灭;破坏,毁灭;消磨(时间)tablet n.药片;n.药片;碑,牌匾;小块肥皂pill n.药丸;药片voluptuous a.撩人的,沉溺酒色的;a.肉欲的sensuous 感觉的;a.激发美感的;感官的,感觉上的approach v.靠(接)近 n.接近;途径,入门;方法beckon vt.向…招手或点头示意;v.(以点头或打手势)向...示意,召唤signal n.信号 v.发信号通知;示意concur v.同意,意见一致;互助;同时发生agree vi.同意,赞同;适合,一致;商定,约定denounce v.当众指责accuse vt.控告,指责 vi.指控;归咎于fray v.争吵;打斗;磨损,磨破 n.吵架;打斗combat v.战斗;搏斗;斗争shred n.碎片,细条,破布;少量v.撕碎,切碎;v.撕碎,切碎 n.碎片,碎条;最少量hamper v.阻碍,防碍[同]hinder;牵制,危害malady n.病,疾病(通常做比喻);n.疾病;不正之风ailment n.疾病,小病;n.(不严重的)疾病plod v.沉重缓慢地走;孜孜地工作trudge v.缓慢或吃力地走;v.跋涉,步履艰难地走 n.长途跋涉remnant n.残留物;n.残余,剩余;残余物,残存部分residue n.剩余物;残余snore v.打鼾,打呼噜wheeze n.喘息声,气喘声;v.喘息;呼哧呼哧地响tinge vt.(轻淡地)给......着色;n.淡淡色彩;些微的气息 v.(较淡)着色于tincture v.着色于n.色泽;染料;气息bicker v.争吵;争论wrangle v.争论,口角,争吵;v.争论,激辩,吵架contrive v.发明;设计;设法;造成hatch v.孵出;策划 n.(船的)舱口(盖)dazzle v.使惊奇;使眩目 n.令人赞叹的东西glare vi.瞪着眼看;n.强光;瞪眼;愤怒的目光 v.闪耀;怒视fumble v.笨拙地用手摸、弄、接等,摸索grope v.(暗中)摸索,探索impair v.损害,损伤;削弱,减少damage n.损坏,毁坏;(pl.)赔偿金 v.损坏,毁坏mortify v.克制;禁欲;使受辱humiliate vt.(某人)蒙耻;羞辱;使丢脸;vt.使羞辱,使丢脸predominant adj.主要的,显著的;a.占优势的;主要的,突出的outstanding a.突出的;出众的;a.杰出的,优秀的;显要的;重要的;未偿清的,未兑现的sanitary a.卫生的,清洁的;保健的;a.卫生方面的,卫生的;清洁的,卫生的hygienic a.卫生的,清洁的;a.卫生学的,促进健康的wallet n.(男人用的放钱币、证件等的)皮夹子purse n.钱包,小钱袋,手袋warrant vt.使有(正当)理由;授权(给);担保;n.正当理由;许可证,委任状 v.保证,担保assurance n.信念;自信;保证allocate v.分配,分派;把…拨给;把…划归apportion v.分配;分摊;v.(按比例或计划)分配brawl n.大声争吵,喧嚷 v.吵架,对骂fight n.战斗;斗争;战斗力 v.打仗;斗争;争论cynical a.讽刺的;(对人性等)怀疑的sarcastic a.讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的;a.讥讽的,讽刺的,嘲弄的embellish vt.装饰,布置;给…添加细节,润饰adorn v.使美化,装饰gallant a.(对女子)献殷勤的;勇敢的,英勇的;a.英勇的,豪侠的;(向女人)献殷勤的splendid a.极好的;壮丽的,豪华的,辉煌的;优秀的immerse 使沉浸于;使(自己)专心于;v.使沉浸在,使深陷于;使浸没在plunge v.(into)(使)投入,(使)插进,陷入;猛冲ostentatious a.装饰表面的,夸示;华美的;a.卖弄的,炫耀的,夸示的showy a.鲜艳的,显眼的presentiment n.预感;预觉foreboding n.不祥的预感;n.预感;警告satiate 使饱;使满足;v.使饱足,生腻surfeit v.使饮食过度n.(食物)过量,过度undulate v.波动,形成波浪;起伏;震动wave v.波动,飘动;挥手 n.波浪;飘扬;挥手apparel n.衣服,服饰;n.衣服 vt.给…修饰garment n.衣服,外衣,(pl.)服装cajole v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗coax v.哄诱,劝诱;用诱哄得到,诱取discard vt.丢弃,抛弃,遗弃reject vt.摈弃 ;v.拒绝;扔掉;驳回,否决 n.被抛弃的东西effete a.衰老的,虚弱的,精疲力尽的;a.无生产力的,虚弱的exhausted a.极其疲倦的;a.耗尽的;精疲力尽的grudge v.很勉强,吝啬,不情愿 n.怨恨,积怨resentment n.不满;怨恨;忿恨kidnap n./vt.诱拐;绑架,劫持abduct v.诱拐,拐带,绑架pact n.合同,条约,公约treaty n.条约,协议,协商pry v.刺探,打听,撬开peep vi.偷看;隐现n.窥视;嘟嘟声;吱吱声;v.偷看,窥视 n.一瞥,瞅一眼scour v.搜索[同]ransack;擦,洗;腹泻;冲刷swagger v.大摇大摆地走,昂首阔步地走strut n.支柱 v.趾高气扬地走,高视阔步地走vagary n.变化莫测;n.妄想;不可测之事fancy a.鲜艳的;奇特的 n./v.想象;爱好asset n.有价值的资源,优点,长处;财产,资产property n.财产 ;n.财产,资产;财产权,所有权;特性chasm n.深坑,断层,裂口;大分岐;利害冲突gap n.空缺,沟缝;n.缝隙;缺口;漏洞;(意见、个性等的)差异despoil v.掠夺;争夺;v.夺取,抢夺depredate v.掠夺,劫掠facetious 好开玩笑的;轻浮的humorous a.富于幽默感的,幽默的;滑稽的hurtle v.猛烈碰撞;急飞;猛掷dash v.猛冲,飞奔;猛掷 n.猛冲,突进;破折号larceny n.盗窃(罪)robbery n.抢劫,劫掠,盗取pervade v.弥漫,遍及,充满,渗透,漫延spread v.展开,铺开;流传,蔓延 n.伸展,扩展recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰);公开撤回retract v.缩回,收回,取消,撤消shambles n.混乱之处,凌乱的地点;n.屠宰场;紊乱的地方confusion n.混乱,慌乱;混淆;n.辨别不清;混淆,骚乱;混乱taboo n.(宗教迷信)禁忌;禁止 a.禁忌的,禁止的prohibition n.不准,禁止;禁令trappings n.马的装饰物;装饰;外部标志decorations [通常用复数]装饰品relinquish v.舍弃,废除,放弃;放开accrue v.积累;v.(利息等)自然增长accumulate v.积累;积聚;累加badger vt.纠缠;烦扰;v.困扰,纠缠tease v.取笑;逗弄 n.嘲弄,挑逗baffle v.使挫折,阻碍;使困惑bewilder v.迷惑,使糊涂,使慌乱,使不知所措conjecture v./n.推测,臆测;n./v.猜测(想);设想surmise n./a.推测(的);猜疑(的)derange v.使精神错乱upset v.使心烦意乱;使不适 a.心烦的,苦恼的fiend n.恶魔;n.魔鬼;迷;能手devil n.魔鬼,恶魔;n.魔鬼;人,家伙pine n.松树 v.渴望;憔悴;衰退yearn v.渴望,极想;想念smother vt./vi.使窒息;抑制;闷死 n.浓烟;窒息;vt.使窒息,使闷死;闷住;抑制;忍住choke v.窒息;(使)噎住;堵塞 n.发动机中节气门throb v.震颤,颤动;(急速强烈地)跳动,搏动;vi./n.跳动,搏动,有节奏的震动pulse n.脉搏,节奏,脉冲 v.搏动,跳动broth n.原(汁)汤(鱼汤、肉汤、菜汤等);n.肉汤,肉汁soup n.汤,羹crevice n.缺口;裂缝;n.(岩石、墙等)裂缝crack n.爆裂声,劈啪声;裂缝 vt.使破裂 vi.破裂;v.揭开(秘密等),解开(难题)等demean v.贬抑,降低degrade vt.降级,贬低;堕落;退化foster v.促进,助长,培养;养育(非亲生子)nurse n.保姆,护士,保育员 v.护理,养育,喂奶incentive n.刺激;鼓励 a.刺激的;鼓励的stimulus n.刺激,激励 (pl.stimuli)maze n.迷宫,八阵图;混乱,迷惑labyrinth n.迷宫;难解的事物;迷路pore v.深思熟虑;仔细阅读;毛孔;孔rubbish n.垃圾;废物;废话;胡说八道trash n.拙劣的材料、作品等;垃圾,废物speculate v.沉思,思索;推测;投机meditate v.认真思考,沉思;计划,考虑transfix v.刺穿;钉住;使呆住petrify v.使惊呆;vt.使发呆;使…变成化石anomaly n.异常,反常(现象);畸形物体abnormality n.反常,异常;变态;畸形converge v.(在一点上)会合;集中(于一点)focus vi.集中 ;v.(on)聚集,使集中 n.焦点;中心,集中点duplicate n.复制品 v.复写,使加倍 a.复制的,二倍的double a.双的,双重的;a.两倍的;双重的 ad.两倍地 n.两部 v.加倍epoch n.时代;新纪元age n.年龄;年纪;时代 v.变老;老年;长时间v . (使)变老;封建制度gaunt a.瘦削的;贫瘠的;a.憔悴的,骨瘦如柴的;荒凉的,不毛的haggard a.憔悴的,消瘦的incessant a.不断的,不绝的,无尽的continuous a.不断延伸的,连续不断的mute a.哑的;沉默的 n.哑巴;弱音器 v.减弱声音silent a.沉默的,无言的;安静的,不吵闹的partisan a.党派性的;游击队的 n.游击队员;党徒defender n.防守队员;n.保卫者,拥护者;辩护人scan vt.快读;扫描;v.细看;浏览;详细调查;扫描contemplate v.注视;沉思;期待overlook v.忽略;检查;眺望;宽容;宽恕stab n.刺,戳;伤口,刺痛 v.捅(刀),刺pierce v.刺穿,戳入;(喻)寒冷刺骨;感动botch v.因笨拙而弄坏n.拙劣的工作;vt.拙劣地修补(某物) n.拙劣地做的工作ruin v.毁灭;(使)破产 n.毁灭;(pl.)废墟chafe vi/vt.擦伤;冲洗;惹怒;擦热;烦扰abrade v.磨损;擦伤;v.磨擦dissipate v.驱散;(使云、雾、疑虑等)消散;挥霍scatter v.撒播;驱散;分散,消散waste a.荒芜的;废弃的 v.浪费,挥霍 n.浪费efface 涂抹;消除;v.擦掉,抹去erase v.擦掉;消除某事物的痕迹glint v./n.闪光,闪闪发亮flash n.闪光;转瞬间;浮华;一刹那;n.Macromedia公司开发的动画编辑工具onerous a.繁重的,麻烦的arduous a.艰苦的,艰难的;a.费力的,艰巨的,艰苦的,困难的iterate vt.反复申说;v.重做,反复重申repeat v.重说;重复;背诵 n.重复;重播propensity n.嗜好,习性;n.倾向;习性tendency n.趋势,趋向;(性格上的)倾向unravel v.解开,拆散;阐明,澄清;解决solve vt.解决;解答(难题)bellow vi.咆哮vt.大声喝道n.喊声[-s]风箱;v.吼叫,怒吼;大声发出,大声喝道shout v.大声叫,喊,呼出 n.呼喊,叫cloak n.斗篷,大氅;伪装 v.罩上外衣,掩盖mantle n.斗篷,披风;覆盖物,(煤气灯)白热罩devout a.虔诚的;热心的;a.虔诚的,虔敬的,衷心的pious a.虔诚的;道貌岸然的guise n.外表;伪装的姿态appearance n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等)作短暂露面latent a.潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的;a.潜伏的,潜在的concealed a.隐藏的,隐蔽的pawn n.典当,抵押;小人物,走卒 v.典当,抵押gage n.抵押品;挑战v.抵押;以...为担保quake v./n.震动;颤抖;[口]地震shudder vi.打颤 ;v.战粟;震动,剧烈地摇晃 n.战粟,抖动sequel n.结局,后果;续集,续篇;n.继续;继之而来的事;后果result n.结果,成绩,成果 v.产生于,来自(from)salvage v.挽救,抢救;n.(从火灾及其他灾难中)抢救财物救助rescue v.拯救,营救,挽救virtual a.实际上的,实质上的;虚的,虚拟的actual a.实际的;现实的,真实的,目前的wizard n.男巫,术士;奇才,能手,行家;n.男巫,术士;天才,奇才magician n.魔法师;变戏法的人;n.魔术师advise vt.劝告,建议;警告,忠告;通知,告知;向……提供意见bide vt.忍耐;等候;住remain v.剩下,余留;留待,尚须;仍然是,依旧是condone v.宽恕;原谅excuse n.理由,借口 v.原谅;为…辩解;使…免去designate v.指定,选定;v.指明,标明,指出;指派,指定appoint vt.任命;委任 ;vt.任命,委派;指定,约定(时间、地点等)fend v.挡;抵御;努力;力争;供养;照料defend v.防守,保卫;为…辩护,为…答辩hardy a.能吃苦耐劳的,坚强的;(植物等)耐寒的;a.耐寒的;强壮的;能吃苦的robust a.强键的;a.强健的,茁壮的;坚定的,紧张的limber v.(使)变得柔软灵活;a.柔软灵活的;富弹性的v.使柔软supple a.柔软的,易弯的,灵活的 v.使柔软philanthropy n.善心;博爱主义;慈善事业charity n.慈善,博爱;n.仁慈,宽厚;慈善机关(团体)recollect v.回忆,追忆,想起recall v.回想起;撤销,收回 n.记忆力;召回smite vt.重击;彻底击败affect v.影响;感动;(在感情方面)打动,震动;(疾病)侵袭,使染患testimony n.(尤指法庭上的)证言,口供;见证,证明proof n.证据,证明;校样 a.防…的,耐…的ale n.麦酒(一种淡色啤酒)ginger n.姜;精力;姜汁(啤)酒 v.鼓舞;使有生气blend v./n.混合,把...混成一体,混合物combine v.结合,联合;化合 n.集团;联合收割机carnivorous a.食肉的cannibal n.吃同类动物的;n./a.食人者(的);同类相食的动物(的) denizen n.居民;入籍者;n.居民,外籍居民inhabitant n.居住者;居民;栖居的动物frenzy n.疯狂,狂热,极度的激动;n./vt.(使)狂乱ferment v.(使)激动,(使)骚动 n.骚动,激动incapacitate v.使不能;使不适于disable vt.使丧失能力,使伤残;v.使残废,严重损坏(使无法使用) massacre n.大屠杀 v.大规模屠杀slaughter n.屠杀,屠宰 vt.屠杀,宰杀ponder v.考虑;沉思 [同]meditateriddle n.谜(语),难解的问题,难理解的人(物)enigma n.谜,谜一样的人或事beat v.(接连地)打[同]spank;跳动;打败totter vi.蹒跚;踉跄;v.摇摇欲坠,步伐蹒跚stagger vi.摇晃着移动;蹒跚 n.摇晃不稳的动作;蹒跚appease vt.平息;使满足;v.安抚,缓和,平息,满足placate 安抚;和解;v.抚慰,平息(愤怒)catastrophe n.大灾难;(悲剧)结局calamity n.灾难,灾害,不幸事件daunt v.恐吓;使失去勇气dismay n.灰心,沮丧;惊愕 v.使沮丧;使惊愕gape v.目瞪口呆地盯着;v.打哈欠;张开,裂开;目瞪口呆stare v.盯,凝视,目不转睛地看gawk v.呆呆地看着 n.呆子;腼腆的人duration n.持续时间;n.持续,持久;期间period n.一段时间,时期;学时,课时;周期,句点implore vt.乞求,恳求,哀求entreat v.恳求,恳请muffle v.围裹;抑制;发低沉的声音wrap vt.包,捆;v.裹,包;覆盖,包围 n.包裹物,包装材料prank n.开玩笑 v.装饰;n.恶作剧,玩笑trick n.花招,诡计;恶作剧;窍门 v.欺诈,哄骗saunter n./vi.闲逛;漫步stroll vi.散步,闲逛;n./v.漫步;散步;游荡trickle vi.淌,滴,流出;慢慢移动,逐渐消散;v.滴,淌,细流 n.细流,涓滴drip n.滴,点滴;水滴;乏味的人 v.滴下,漏水astound v.使大吃一惊,使惊骇amaze v.使...大为惊讶;使惊愕;vt.使惊奇,使惊愕;使困惑 vi.表现出惊奇clan n.氏族,部落;宗族,家族;宗派tribe n.种族,部落;(植物,动物)族,类distort v.歪曲(事实等),曲解;弄歪;使…失真falsify v.窜改,伪造entrust vt.交托;vt.委托;信托commit v.犯(罪),干(坏事);委托;使承担…glutton n.贪食者,好食者;n.贪吃者gormandizer n.讲究饮食的人;狼吞虎咽的人invalid a.无效的,作废的;有病的 n.病人,病弱者worthless a.无价值的;没用处的;a.无价值的,无用的;不足道的,不可取的patient a.有耐心的,能忍耐的 n.病人,患者overtone n.寓意;眩外音;暗示;n.[音]泛音;弦外之音,暗示implication n.含意,暗示;牵连,涉及,卷入probe n.探针;探测器,彻底调查 v.探查,查究investigate v.调查,审查;v.调查,调查研究statute n.成文法,法令,法规;章程,规则,条例Bill n.帐单,招贴;议案;钞票 v.宣布...的扮演writhe v.(因剧痛而)扭动或翻滚,翻腾wriggle v./n.蠕动,扭动;蜿蜒behold vt.have in sight; see 看; 注视observe v.注意到,察觉到;观察;说,评论,遵守condescend v.俯就,屈尊;堕落,丢丑deign vi.屈尊 vt.赐于;v.屈尊,惠允(做某事)dike n.堤,坝;n.堤 vt.开沟排水bank n.堤;银行;田埂;一团 vi.把钱存入银行ditch n.沟,沟渠 vt./vi.开渠;筑渠;n.沟,渠道 v.在…上开沟;摆脱,抛弃flip vi.用指轻弹, 抽打, 翻动书页(或纸张), 蹦跳;vt.把…往上抛,掷toss v.扔;摇摆;翻来覆去 n.投,抛;猛举grisly a.骇人听闻的,可怕的,令人厌恶的horrible a.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的;令人讨厌的knave n.流氓,无赖;n.不诚实的人,无赖rogue n.流氓 v.游手好闲parley n./v.和谈,会谈;n.谈判negotiation n.谈判,协商,交涉fragment n.碎片,断片[同]shred v.打碎,碎裂guess v./n.猜测,推测;以为;猜想[同]surmisevicissitude n.变化,变迁,荣枯,盛衰variety n.多样性,变化;种类,种种;变种,品种warden n.看守人;监护人;监察人员,管理员watchman n.(夜间)看守人adore vt.崇拜,敬慕,爱慕;非常喜欢;vt.崇拜;非常喜爱boost n.促进;一抬;一推;吹捧 v.推动lower a.较低的,下级的,下游的 v.放低,降低detention n.滞留,拘留,(尤指)监禁;n.滞留,停留;拘留,扣留;(教育)留下release n./v.释放;发布,发行;放开,松开explicit a.清楚的;直言的;坦率的implicit a.含蓄的;固有的;无疑问的;无保留的invidious a.惹人反感的;招人嫉妒的;a.引起反感的;有害的just ad.正好,刚好;a.公平的;应得的;方才,刚刚;仅仅,只是;勉强地malign a.有害的;恶性的;恶意的 v.诽谤,诬蔑praise v.赞扬,歌颂;n.称赞,赞美;赞美的话potable a.适于饮用的undrinkable a.不能喝的rue n./v.[古]后悔 n.芸香rejoice v.高兴 n.(公众的)狂喜,欢悦subsist v.维持生活;vi.生存;维持生命decease n./vi.死,死亡unruly a.不守规矩的,不受约束的;a.难控制的;无法无天的;任性的manageable a.可管理的;可处理的;易控制的agile a.敏捷的;活泼的;a.灵活的,(才思)敏捷的clumsy a.笨手笨脚;不圆滑的,缺乏技巧的caprice n.反复无常;任性steadfastness n.固定不变;坚定disconsolate a.忧郁的,不快的;a.忧郁的;凄凉的jubilant a.喜悦的,欢呼的;a.欢欣的,欢腾的,喜气洋洋的fallacy n.谬见,错误的信念;谬误的推理,谬论truth n.真理;真相;事实;n.真相;实际情况ingenuous a.纯朴的,单纯的;天真的;坦率的dissemlbling a.掩饰的;装假的;伪装的mirage n. 幻影,海市蜃楼;空想reality n.现实;真实;实际存在的事物preclude v.预先排除,预防;阻止,妨碍permit v.允许,许可,准许 n.执照;许可证sheer a.纯粹的,十足的;极博的;垂直的,陡峭的opaque a.不透明的,不透光的;难理解的,晦涩的;a.不透明的,难懂的succinct a.简明的,简洁的;a.简明的,扼要的verbose a.用字多的;冗长的;累赘的arable a.可耕的,适合种植的;adj. 适于耕种的sterile a.不孕的;无菌的;缺乏独创性的;贫瘠的complacent a.自满的;自鸣得意的self-condemned a.自责的;自我谴责的dismember v.分裂;瓜分;肢解;vt.割下(动物)的肢体;肢解;割裂;瓜分consolidate v.(使)坚固,(使)巩固;合并,联合glee n.高兴,欢乐;n.欢喜,高兴agony n.苦恼, 极大痛苦;n.(精神或肉体的)极大痛苦,创伤mischievous a.调皮的,恶作剧的;a.淘气的,有害处的beneficial a.有益的,有用的,有好处的redundant a.被解雇的;多余的,过剩的;a.多余的,累赘的,冗长的necessary a.必须的,必要的;必然的 n.[pl.]必需品solicitude n.焦虑;关怀indifference n.不关心,冷漠;n.冷漠;不感兴趣(to)surplus n.过剩;剩余(额);n.过剩,剩余物;盈余 a.多余的,过剩的deficit n.不足额;n.赤字,逆差;亏损,亏空;不足,缺乏abate v.(风势,疼痛等)减弱,减轻,减退enhance v.提高(强度、力量、数量等),增加(进)consummate a.完美的 v.成婚;使完美 [反]baffledwindle v.逐渐变小(或减少);vi.缩小, 减小increase v.增加,提高 n.增加,增强,提高haphazard adj.偶然的;a.无计划的,随意的,杂乱无章的deliberate a.深思熟虑的;审慎的;a.故意的;深思熟虑的 v.仔细考虑obvious a.明显的,清楚的;明白的equivocal a.意义含糊的,模棱两可的;可疑的;a.意义含糊的,不直率的overt a.公开的,不隐蔽的;a.公开的,明显的,公然的stealthy a.隐密的rebuff n.断然拒绝,严厉拒绝;漠不关心admission n.准入;接纳;n.允许进入;承认;入场费,入会费,入场券somber a.昏暗的;阴天的;阴森的;忧郁的cheerful a.令人高兴的;快乐的,愉快的;a.高兴的,快乐的,使人高兴的thwart v.阻挠,妨碍,反对 a.横(断的)encourage v.鼓励,激励,支持vehement a.猛烈的;激烈的;a.感情强烈的;热烈的;(人)有强烈感情的impassive a.无感情的;冷淡的;不动的,平静的benign a.良性的;良好的;和蔼的 [反]malignpromote v.促进;发起;提升,升级 [反]degradeephemeral a.短命的,朝生暮死的;a.朝生暮死的,生命短暂的perpetual a.永久的,永恒的;(职位)终生的illiterate a.未受教育的;目不识丁的 n.文盲intelligent a.聪颖的;有才智的 ;a.聪明的,明智的;智能的lavish a.慷慨的,大方的;过多的,过度的stingy a.小气的;吝啬的peddle v.沿街叫卖;兜售wholesale n.批发 ad.以批发方式 vt.批发;成批出售;n.批发 a.批发的;大规模的;大批的reprove vt.责骂,谴责;非难;v.责骂,申斥compliment n.(pl.)问候;赞美之词 v.赞美;向…致意synthetic a.合成的,人工的;综合的 n.人工制品natural adj.自然界的,天然的;a.自然的,天然的;出于本性的;自然如此的unbounded a.无限的limited a.有限的;被限制的wretched a.郁郁不乐的;倒霉的,晦气的;讨厌的fortunate a.幸运的,吉利的,侥幸的miserable a.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的dejected a.垂头丧气的;a.沮丧的,失望的exuberant a.(植物)茂盛的,(人)充满活力的erratic a.古怪的,反复无常的,不稳定的regular adj.正常的;a.有规律的,有规则的;整齐的;正规的immaculate a.无污点的;清静的filthy a.卑劣的;恶劣的, 肮脏的loathe vt.厌恶;赠恨;vt.厌恶,嫌恶admire vt.钦佩;羡慕;赞美pensive a.沉思的;哀思的;忧愁的airy a.轻盈的;做作的;a.通风的;不切实际的,空洞的;快活的accelerate vt.加速;促进 vi.增加速度stalwart a./n.健壮的(人),坚定的(支持者)feeble a.虚弱的,衰弱的,微弱的,薄弱的shun vt.避开,回避,避免encounter v.遇到,碰到;遭遇 n.遭遇;意外的相见audible a.可听见的;音响的;a.听得见的,可听到的inaudible adj.听不见的auspicious a.吉利的;幸运的,吉兆的unfavorable a.否定的,不利的;a.不适宜的,不利的elation n.兴高采烈,洋洋得意;n.得意洋洋,振奋depression n.压抑,沮丧;不景气,萧条期;凹地,凹陷haughty a.傲慢的,自大的;a.傲慢的,高傲的modest a.谦虚的,谦恭的;适中的,不过分的jeopardy n.危险;危难safety n.安全,保险;安全设备,保险装置;安全场所mandatory a.命令的;强制性的optional a.随意的,可选择的,非强制的;a.可以任选的,非强制的rebuke v.指责,非难,斥责 [反]praisesparse a.稀少的;稀疏的dense a.密集的,稠密的,浓密的;a.密集的,浓厚的;不易看透的;愚钝的undue a.过度的,过分的;a.过分的,不适当的reasonable a.合理的,有道理的;通情达理的;适度allay v.消除,减轻(恐惧、怀疑等)intensify vt.加强; 变强; 加剧。

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abdomenn.(人体的)腹部The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen. 那位有身孕的妇人有增大的下腹。

bereavev.剥夺;使丧失;使痛失(亲属等)The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.当救援的飞机没有看到他们时,那些迷路的徒者丧失了希望。

consecratev.奉为神圣;尊崇This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the sol-diers who died here.这战场被视为圣地以纪念于该处的战士。

evokev.唤起;引起A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.好笑话并不一定逗人大笑。

grooven.沟;槽;凹线Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.车轮在泥泞的路上留下了凹痕。

joltv.摇动;使颠簸The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.那旧车了走过崎岖的道路时,很历害地颠簸着它的乘客。

obsoleteadj.作废的;过时的Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.现今,用鞠躬来欢迎女士已是过时的习俗。

prowlv.潜行以寻觅或偷窃Many wild animals prowl at night looking for someting to eat.许多野兽在夜间巡行以找寻食物。

scoopv.掘;挖The children scooped holes in the sand.孩子们挖沙坑。

statusn.状况;地位Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.外交家关心世界局势。

suev.起诉;控告The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train.那位农夫因他的牛被火车压死而控告火车站。

banditn.强盗;土匪The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed,either alone or in a group. 在典型的西部片中,土匪单独或成群结队骑着马县且全副武装。

commemoratev.纪念;庆祝Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.圣诞节是庆祝耶酥基督的诞生。

defilev.弄脏;弄污The children's muddy shoes defiled all the rugs in the hotel.孩子们泥泞的鞋子弄脏了旅社所有的地毯。

deviationn.离题;偏差Running in the the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed.在走廊上奔跑是违反校规且不被允许的。

fortituden.坚忍;刚毅She could bear the disap-pointments of other people with tolerable fortitude.她能够毅然忍受他人带给她的失望。

inconsolableadj.伤心的The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.那小女孩因失去她的小猫而伤心不已。

nibblevi. 细咬;细食Aren't yo uhungry?Y ou are only nibbling your food.你不饿吗?你只是在轻咬你的食物。

pageantn.壮观;华饰The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant.新王的加冕典礼非常壮观。

scourgen.引起灾害的事物或人After the scourge of flood usu-ally comes the scourge of disease.洪水之后往往有瘟疫发生。

tumblen.跌落;跌倒The crippled child tumbled down the stairs and was badly hurt.那跛脚的小孩从楼梯上跌下来,受伤很重。

afflictv.使痛苦There are many illnesses which aflict old people.老人为许多病症而痛苦。

censurev.责难His employer censured him for neglecting his work.他老板责难地轻视工作。

dissimulationn.假装;掩饰The thief intruded into the house with caution and dissimulation.窃贼小心掩饰地闯入屋内。

flogv.重灯;鞭笞Nowadays,it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailers.现今,鞭苔不服从的兵士或水手是不人道的惩罚。

inscriptionv.题字;碑铭According to the inscription on its cornerstone,this build-ing was erected in 1919.根据基石上的碑铭,这栋建筑物建于1919年。

meddlev.干预或扰乱他人之事The gifts of charity meddled with a gentleman's private affair.慈善礼物干扰一位绅士的私事。

posturen.人体的姿势He doesn't sit straight;his posture is very bad. 他坐得不正;他的姿势很糟糕。

spoutv.喷出;涌出The water spouted out when the pipe was broken. 当水管破裂时,水快速地喷出来。

traversev.走过;横过The climber traversed a long hori-zontal crack inthe face of the mountain slope.登山者横过山表斜坡上的水平裂缝。

wistfuladj.渴望的A child stood looking with wist-ful eyes at the toys in the shop window.小孩站在橱窗前渴望地看着那些玩具。

amicableadj.友善的The amicable flash of her white teeth was very impressive.她友善地露齿一笑,给人很深刻的印象。

blizzardn.大风雪;暴风雪The soldiers are very ex-hausted for they havead-vanced forward without rest in a blizzard.士兵们精疲力倦,因为他们在暴风雪中没有休息地继续前进。

cruisev.往返航行;海上巡弋If I were rich,I would like to cruise in theSouthern Pacific for six months in a privateyacht.假如我有钱的话,我要乘私人游艇在南太平洋上航行六个月。

eradicatev.根除;歼灭Y ellow fever has been eradi-cated in the United States but it still exists in some countries.黄热病在美国已经根除绝迹,但在一些国家却依然存在。

glimmern.微光The doctor's report gave us only a glimmer ofhope医生的报告仅给我们一丝的希望。

lumpn.堆;团;大量On his desk,many articles and documents are always piled in great lump.在他的桌上,许多放东西和文件总是被堆成一大堆。

ransackv.细细搜索The worman ransacked the house for her lost jewelry.那女人仔细搜察房屋以找寻遗失的珠宝。

slashv.(以剑,刀等)砍He slashed a path through the high grass with a long knife.他用一把长的刀子在高的草丛中开辟了条小径。

slumpv.陷;猛然落下Our feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice.经地融化的冰时,我的脚一再地陷落。

voguen.时尚;流行That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.那首通俗歌曲有一阵子非常流行。

ascribev.将……归因于……He ascribes his success to skill and hard work.他把他的成功归因于熟练地工作。

bulwarkn.壁垒;保垒The soldiers kept their heads down behind thebulwark.士兵们保持头低低地在堡垒的后面。

dubiousadj.惊疑的;暖昧的She looked around this way and that in a dubiousmanner.她以一种怀疑的态度去看四周。

facetn.(事情之)一面Slfishness was a facet of his character that weseldom saw before.我们以前很少看到他个性中自私的一面。

heedn.注意For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance,and in fact he became very well-dressed from then on.那是他第一次必须去注意自己的外表,而事实上从那时起他就变得很时髦了。
