lecture 6 长句的翻译电子版本

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(3) Sort out the arrangement of ideas, judging the train of logical thinking.
(二)表达 (expression)
(4) Discriminate the meaning of words.
(5) Arrange the sentence in conformity with Chinese syntax.
。汉语具有一定的弹性和包容性,所以并非 一概不能使用长句。但这种翻译技巧不宜多 用。
1) This is no class war, but a war in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations is engaged, without distinction of race, creed, or party.
—Winston S Churchill
这不是一场阶级之间的战争,而是一场不分种族、 不分信仰、不分党派、整个大英帝国及英联邦全 体成员国无不参加的战争。
2. 切分法 (cutting)
通过化整为零,将长句译成几个独立的短句, 但要注意保持语义的连贯。
1) The loads a structure is subjected to are divided into dead loads, which include the weights of all the parts of the structure, and live loads, which are due to the weights of people, movable equipment, etc.
我要去见一个素不相识的陌生人,向他宣布我得 住在他家,吃他的,喝他的,一直等到下一班船 到来把我带到我要去的港口为止,一想到这儿, 我真有点不好意思了。
一个结构物承受的荷载分为静载与活载两类。静 载包括该结构物本部分的重量。活载则是由于 人及可移动设备等的重量而引起的荷载。
2) In any case, when jeans were ready for a risorgimento in the 1960s, they already carried an enormous mythic significance. To a generation that believed a massive military-industrial complex was brutalizing the American dream, jean symbolized a return to the friendlier, simpler values of the frontier, where each man had control over his own life, and where people cooperated to survive…
lecture 6 长句的翻译
英语中后置定语、各种短语和复杂包孕结构 (complex embedding)较多,往往 形成长句结构,一句话可以表达多层意思; 汉语特点是短句多,多层意思往往通过多个 短句来表达。因此在英译汉时有必要采用拆 句译法。 使用长句结构是英语科技文章的
特点之一,掌握长句翻译技巧对科技翻译尤 为重要。
虽然中性物体本身是不带电的,但对于带电体来说,它 并非中性;当这两个物体彼此接近时,就会产生极 性相反的电荷的作用。这就是中性物体被带电体吸 引的原因。
2) I felt a trifle shy at the thought of presenting myself to a total str来自百度文库nger with the announcement that I was going to sleep under his roof, eat his food and drink his whisky, till another boat came in to take me to the port for which I was bound.
(6) Polish words and phrases, having every word carefully weighed in consideration of the style of the original.
二、 长句翻译技巧(techniques)
1. 包含 (embedding) 将定语前置,保留原有的长句“复杂”结构
1)The reason that a neutral body is attracted by a charged body is that, although the neutral body is neutral within itself, it is not neutral with respect to the charged body, and the two bodies act as if oppositely charged when brought near each other.
总之,当牛仔裤在六十年代将成为势不可挡 的风尚之时,具有一种神话般的巨大意义。 在六十年代的青年看来,军工联合企业的兴 盛,摧毁了美国的梦想,而牛仔裤则是回到 西部开拓时期那种淳朴友善的价值观念的象 征;那时,人人都能主宰自己的命运,并为 生存而风雨同舟……
3. 变序法(reversing)
译者可以打乱原句的语序,兼顾原文的逻辑 和汉语的表达习惯,层层展开,突出重点。
1.理解 (comprehension) (1) Find out the trunk through
condensing the whole sentence. (2) Be sure of the main and
subordinate clauses, modifiers and the elements they modify.