人教版七年级下册英语 Unit5 课堂练习 (有答案)
【初中英语】人教版七年级下册Unit 5 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版七年级下册Unit 5 随堂小测(1163) 1.—W ha t an ima ls d o es lik e?—lik e s c a ts.()A.h e r; S h eB.sh e; H e rC.he r; H e rD.sh e; S h e2.—W he r e Li N in g?—Ch in a.()A.d o es; f r o mB.is; f ro mC.do e s; lik eD.is; c o me f r o m3.—W h y d o yo u th ink lio n s a r e—Be c au s e th e y u s u a lly s le e p a ll d a y.()A.sc a r yz yC.cu teD.u g ly4.D o n't f o rg e t to me wh e n yo u a r r ive in En g lan d.()A.wr iteB.wr ite sC.wr itin gD.to wr ite5.—A re n't th e s e ca r d s b e au tif u l?—.I lo ve th e m.()A.Ye s,the y a r eB.N o,the y a r e n'tC.Ye s,th e y a r e n'tD.No,the y a r e6.I lik e my n e w te a che r s.T h e y a r e me a n d o f te n h e lp me.()A.a f r a id o fB.bu s y withC.f r ien d ly toD.g o od a t7.Le t th e c h ild r e n on wee k en d s.()A.re la xB.to r e laxC.r e la x e sD.re la xe d8.Yo u c an wa tch TV, b u t yo u ca n't wa tc h it a lo ng time.()A.o n e; a tB.on e; fo rC.f ir s t; fo rD.f ir s t; a t9.—W h y d o so me p eop le th e e le ph a n ts—Be c au s e th e y wa n t to g e t th e ir ivo r y.()A.k illB.he lpC.sa veD.b r in g10.T he y li ve in a villa g e ma n y a p p le tre e s.()A.a tB.inC.withD.o n11.M y n a me is C in d y.I h a ve a p e t 11 .M y f r ie n d ga ve h e r to me o n my b ir th d a y.Ic a ll h e r M imi.M imi is ve r y 12 .S he h a s wh ite fu r(皮毛) a nd b ig b lue e ye s.H e r mo u th a nd ea r s a re s ma ll.I th in k M imi is a13 c a t.Sh e ca n do so me th in g sf o r me.Sh e wa k es(弄醒)me u p 14 a b ou t s e ve n in th e mo r n in g.Th e n s h eh a s 15 with me a t s e ve n th ir ty.W h e n I 16 h o me a f te r s ch o o l, sh e a lwa ys c o mesto my r o o m.W h en I 17 my h o me wo r k, s he s le e p s o n my le g s.A f te r d inn e r, I u s ua lly ta k e M imi 18.I p u t h e r in my b a g and ta ke he r19the p a r k.M imi lik e s ru n n in g in th e h ou s e.So me time s I r u n a f te r h e r.We ha ve mu c h ha p p y time.I'm ve r y lu c k y(幸运的) to h a ve a b e au tif u l a nd s ma r t c a t.S he is a lwa ys w ith me a n d a l so ma k e s me20 e ver y d a y.I r e a ll y lo ve M imi.(1)A.d o gB.ca tC.ko a laD.c h ick e n(2)A.n o is yB.te r r ib leC.be au tif u lD.b u s y(3)A.s ma r tB.sh yz yD.c le an(4)A.inB.onC.a tD.to(5)A.b r e ak f a s tB.lun chC.d in ne rD.c la s s(6)A.f in dB.a r r iveC.lea veD.fo ll o w(7)A.ma k eB.r ea dC.ha veD.d o(8)A.o u tB.upC.do wnD.o ff(9)A.toB.f ro mC.inD.a t(10)A.b o r edB.he a lth yC.tid yD.h a pp y12.S c ien tis ts th ink th at ma n y a n ima ls c a n no t s e e c o lo r s.T h e wo r ld is b la ck a nd wh ite to th e m.S c ie n tis ts wan t to f in d o u t if d o g s c a n se e c o lo r s.W h en th e s c ie n tis ts g ive th e do g s f oo d, th e y s h o w th e m a c e r tain(特定的) co lo r e ve ry t ime.T h e d o gs ge t r e a d y to e a t wh en the y s e e th is c o lo r.T h e scie n tis ts the n s ho w th e d o g s an o th e r c o lo r.A ga in th e do g s g e t r e ad y to e a t.Th e c o lo r s a re a ll the s a me to th e m.C o lor s a r e no t a ll the sa me to mo n k e ys.Fo r ex a mp le, if we p u t f oo d in a r ed b ox, a nd d oth is e ve r y d a y, a mo n ke y will a lwa ys g o to th e re d bo x to g e t f oo d.If we p u t f o od in ab lu e b ox,the mo n ke y wo n't g o to it.(1)S c ien tis ts s ho w the d og s co lo r s to.()A.te ll th e m to ea t f oodB.f ind ou t if the y c a n s e e b la c k a nd wh ite thin g sC.ex p la in the y a r e f r ie n d ly to p e op leD.f in d o u t if th e y c a n s e e co lo r s(2)Th e d o gs ge t r e ad y to e a t wh en the y .()A.h e a r d iff e r en t p iec es o f mu s icB.se e the mo n ke ysC.se e b la c k th ing sD.se e a ll th e c o lo r s(3)Co lo r s a r e .()A.a ll th e s a me to mo nk e ysB.d iff e re n t to mo n k e ysC.d iff e re n t to do g sD.n o t a ll th e s a me to d o g s(4)If we pu t f oo d in a blu e bo x a nd d o th is e ve r y d a y, a m o n k e y will a lwa ys g o to.()A.th e r ed b o x to g e t fo o dB.the b lu e b o x an d p ut f o o d in itC.the b lu e b o x to g e t f o o dD.th e r ed b o x a nd p u t f o o d in it(5)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE?()A.S c ien tis ts f in d th a t d o g s d on't lik e c o lo r s.B.D og s like to h ea r d iff e r e n t p iec e s o f mu s ic.C.Mo nk e ys lik e th e foo d in th e b ox.D.M o nk e ys will n o t go to th e b lu e b ox if we d on't s h o w th e m b e fo r e.13.Mo s t p eo p le d o n't kn o w a bo u t b lob f is h(水滴鱼).Th e y a r e th e wo r ld's u g lie s t a n ima ls.B lo bf is h live in th e se a n ea r A u s tr a lia an d N ew Ze a lan d.Fo r mo s t o f the time,th e y s ta y in th e wa te r be twe en 600 m an d 1,200 m d ee p.W he n s o me little f is h s wim p a s t the m,th e y tr y to c a tch the m f o r f oo d.Th e y c a n gr o w up to 30 c m lo ng.Th e y h a ve ve r y la rge h e a ds,s ma ll b od ie s an d th in ta ils.T h e y loo k lik e a la rg e je lly(果冻).So th e y g e t th e ir n a me.P e op le d o n't e a t b lob f is h,be c au s e th e y a r e n o t g o od fo r pe o p le to e a t.Bu t f is he r me n k ill th o u sa nd s o f th e m e a ch ye a r wh e n th e y c a tc h o the r f is h in the s e a.S c ie n tis ts a re wo r r ie d th a t th is will p u t the b lo b f is h o n the lis t o f a n ima ls in d an g e r.(1) W ha t do b lo b f is h lo o k lik e?()A.C u te.B.U g ly.C.B ea u tif u l.D.S tr o ng.(2)W ha t ca n we le a rn a b ou t b lob f is h f r o m the p a ss a ge()A.B lob f is h live in th e s e a a r ou n d th e wo r ld.B.B lob f is h c a n g r o w up to 50 c m lo n g.C.B lob f is h lo o k lik e oth e r f is h.D.E ac h ye a r th ou s an ds o f b lo b f ish a re k illed.(3) B lo b f ish ge t th e ir n a me b ec a u se o f th e ir .()A.sh ap eB.co lo rC.e ye sD.h e ad s(4) W h ich o f the f o llowin g is NO T tr u e()A.B lob f is h e a t s ma ll fis h.B.Fis h e r me n c a tch b lob f is h fo r f oo d.C.B lob f is h's ta ils a r e th in.D.B lob f is h's h e a ds a re b ig.(5) We c an le a rn f r o m th e p as s a ge.()A.th e r e will b e ru le s to c a tc h b lo b f ishB.b lo b f ish will b ec o me p e tsC.the r e will b e fe we r b lo b f is hD.b lo b f ish ca n s wim f a s t14.H is d a ug h ter is ve ry c.We a ll lik e h e r.15.—D on't s in c la s s,J o h n.—So r r y.I s ta ye d u p(熬夜)la s t n igh t.16.M y f r ie n d P e te r is r e a lly s.H e do es we ll in e ve r y s u b je c t.17.Lo o k! Ho w s tr on g th e e lep ha n t's l a re!18.S h a ll we go to th e z to s ee so me a n ima ls th is we e ke n d19.E r ic is o ne o f my g o o d .(f r ien d)20.I'm a f r a id o f ge tting(lo s e) b ec a u se I'm n e w in the c ity.21.T he little g ir l is (r e a l) c u te.22.Mo lly is a n(Au s tr a lia)g ir l.Sh e live s in S yd n e y.23.P le a se te ll me ho w (h e lp)th e m.24.根据提示,以“M y Fa vo r ite A n ima ls”为题,写一篇50词左右的短文。
人教版七年级下册英语Unit5 SectionB课时作业(含答案)

人教版七年级下册英语Unit5 SectionB课时作业(含答案)一、单项选择题1.________ it is raining, ________ he won't go out.A.Because; so B.Because; / C.So; /2.Many people kill rhinoceroses(犀牛) ________ their horns(角) on the noses.A.for B.with C.at3.—How ________ the elephants' noses are!—Yes. I think their noses are ________ of all the animals.A.long; the longest B.big; the longest C.long; longest4.Koalas often sleep______ the day, but get up and eat leaves ________ night.A.at; in B.during; at C.on; at5.— Isn't the dog cute?— ________________ We all like it.A.Yes, it is B.No, it isn't C.Yes, it isn't D.No, it is二、阅读短文,用方框中所给的词或短语的正确形式填空。
(每空只能填一个单词或一个短语,每Hello. We are students from Thailand, and we want to save the elephants. The elephant is one of Thailand's 1.. Our first flag had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck.Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or 2.. They can also draw very well. People say that an elephant never forgets". Elephants can walk for a long time and never 3.. They can also remember places with food and water. 4. helps them to live.But elephants are in great 5.. People cut down many trees so elephants are 6. their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory. Today there are only about 3, 000 elephants (over 100, 000 before). We must save thetrees and not buy things 7. of ivory. Remember that March 13th is8. Elephant Day.三、语法填空1.This is one of the beautiful (zoo) in our country.2.Please see the pandas (one).3.In spring, Hangzhou is very (beauty) with different kinds of flowers.4.Which animal (live) in China?5.I can see a lot of (giraffe) in the zoo.四、补全对话(选项中有两项是多余的)A: 1.B: Let's see the elephants.A: The elephants? Why do you like elephants?B: Oh, they're interesting. 2.A: Yes, but they're lazy, too.B: 3.A: Let's see the pandas. They're kind of cute.B: Oh, yeah. I love pandas. They're beautiful. 4. Where are they?A: 5.This is Ken. He likes pandas best. ①Because he thinks pandas are smart. Pandas are from China. His friend Tom is different from(与……不同) him. Tom's favorite animals are giraffes because he thinks they are very cute and friendly.I like tigers. I think they are beautiful and energetic(充满活力的). But now the tigers, especially(特别)the Manchurian tigers(东北虎), are in great danger. We must save them.We love animals. ②We think people should protect(保护)all the animals.(1)Where are pandas from?(2)What animals does Ken like best?(3)Why does Tom like giraffes?(4)将短文中画线部分句子①改为否定句(5)将短文中画线部分句子②译成汉语六、按要求改写句子(1)I like giraffes best.(对划线部分提问)you like best?(2)Why do you like pandas?(用cute回答)they are .(3)Remember to save the animals.(改为同义句)to save the animals.(4)People kill elephants for their ivory.(对划线部分提问)people kill elephants?(5)How old is the tiger?(用4岁回答)The tiger is .答案一、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A二、1.symbols;2.music;3.get lost;4.This;5.danger;6.losing;7.made;8.Thai三、1zoos 2.first 3.beautiful 4.lives 5.giraffes四、1.C;2.E;3.G;4.A;5.D五、(1)China(2)Pandas(3)Because he thinks they are very cute and friendly.(4)Because he doesn't think pandas are smart.(5)我们认为人们应该保护所有的动物。
人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 5 同步训练 (含答案)

人教版七年级英语下册Unit 5 同步训练姓名:__________ 班级:____________学号:____________一、单项选题1.— Do you like cats?— _____. They're very cute.A. Yes, I doB. No, I don'tC. Yes, they areD. No, they aren't2.Thailand's first flag had a white elephant __________ it.A. inB. onC. toD. at3.I met a friend of mine ________ I was walking in the park.A. beforeB. whileC. afterD. if4.—What's this?—Oh, my God! It's a gift(礼物) for James. I forgot ______ it this afternoon.A. to postB. postingC. postD. posts5.Molly is and she doesn't talk much.A. freeB. scaryC. shyD. clean6.Most animals walk ________ four legs.A. onB. ofC. toD. at7.My work is interesting, but dangerous.A. kind ofB. a kindC. a kind ofD. kinds of8.—What do you think of Tony?—He's a ________ boy. He is good at every subject.A. lazyB. healthyC. smartD. tidy9.The manager sounded on the phone. He offered to show us around the company.A. softlyB. friendlyC. gentlyD. seriously10.—I like lions. What ___________ do you like?—I like koalas.A. a animalB. animalsC. some animalsD. many animals11.Mike can speak English and Sally can speak English, _____.A. tooB. toC. eitherD. also12.One of my favorite colors _____ yellow.A. amB. areC. isD. be13.She was playing computer games ________ her mother came in.A. whenB. soC. ifD. because14.Let's ________ the old woman ________ the housework today.A. to help; to doB. help; doC. help; with doD. to help; doing15.Where ________ Tom ________ from?A. is; /B. does, comesC. does; /D. do, comeB. is sleepingC. are sleepingD. sleeping二、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。

七年级英语下册Unit5练习题班级考号姓名总分一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.The panda is k_____ of cute.2.This ______ (动物) is very beautiful.I like it.3.Miss.Wang is very f______ to us.We all like her.4.Guangdong is in the ______ (南方) of China.5.Please d on’t f______to close the door when you leave.6.The dove (鸽子) is the _______ (象征) of peace.7.These animals are in d______.8.We are in the right ______ (地方).9.These clothes are m______ of silk (丝绸).10.Some people ______ (杀死) elephants for their ivory.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.She is very _______ (friend) to me.2.The dog can walk on two ______ (leg).3.It’s my _______ (luck) day.4.Yangtze River is one of the longest (最长的) _______ (river).5.The panda can draw very ______ (good).6.This desk is ______ (make) of wood.7.The little boy got _____ (lose) in the forest.8.A tiger is a ______ (danger) animal.9.There are all _____ (kind) of flowers in the park.10.They are from ________ (Australian).三、单项选择( )1.This desk is _____ wood and this paper is _____ wood, too.A.made of; made fromB.made from; made ofC.made of; made ofD.made from; made from( )2.Let’s _____ the panda first.A.to seeB.seeingC.seeD.sees( )3.-- _____ do you like this book?-- _____ it is very interesting.A.Why; BecauseB.Why; SoC.What; BecauseD.What; So( )4.-- Where _____ you ____?-- I _____ Beijing.A.are; come from; am fromB.do; from; fromC.are; from; am fromD.do; come from; from( )5.I want ______ some fruit.A.eatB.eatingC.to eatD.to eating( )6.This elephant is ______ shy (害羞的).A.kinds ofB.a kind ofC.all kinds ofD.kind of( )7.These trees are very useful (有用的).Don’t ______.A.cut them downB.cut them upC.cut down themD.cut up them( )8.One of the students _____ pet.The pet is really cute.A.haveB.hasC.keepD.save( )9.Mr.Wang works _____.A.whole dayB.all the dayC.whole the dayD.all day( )10.They kill these animals _____ their fur (皮毛).A.inB.forC.atD.with四、翻译句子1.祝你好运。
人教版新目标七年级英语下册Unit5 Why do you like pandas习题(含答案)

人教版新目标Unit5 Why do you like pandas?习题(含答案)一、选择题1. There is an_______ in the zoo and we all like it.A. koalaB. tigerC. elephantD. panda2. I like______ because they're______?A. giraffe; lazyB. giraffes; lazyC. giraffes; beautifulD. giraffe; beautiful3. -_____ do you want to see the pandas?-Because they are smart.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhenD. Why4. The dog can walk _____two legs. He can dance,____.A. in; tooB. in; eitherC.on;tooD.on ;either5. -What are your favorite ____?-They are lions.A. foodB. animalsC. subjectD. sport6. -What do you like?-I like giraffes.A. sportsB. subjectsC. animalsD. music7. She is a doctor. Her mother is a doctor,A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. and8. -Where is he ______?-South Africa.A. forB. fromC. likeD. to9. I like dogs, because they're _____ and clever.A. friendsB. friendC. friendlyD. friendy10. Joe likes _____ his pet dog, Molly.A. play andB. to play andC. play withD. to play with11. -______ you want to see the pandas?-Because they are cute.A. Why doesB. Why doC. What doesD. What do12. I can't go shopping with you _____I have a lot of work_____.A. so; doB. because; doingC. when; to doD. because; to do13. -______are you always staying up so late these days?-To prepare for my final exam.A. HowB. WhyC. WhenD. Where14. -Is the wine made____ grape?-Yes, it's made ____ France.A. of; inB. from; inC. from; byD. of; as15. -A storm is on the way. Don't forget _____the window when you go to sleep, Mike.A. closeB. closesC. closingD. to close二、完形填空Do you want to see animals? Well, the Long Lake Zoo is really a good 1. There are many kinds of animals at the zoo. Let's see the koalas 2. Koalas are from Australia. They are quiet and smart. People 3 from China are cute. Many people like these 4 and white animals. They're shy. So 5 be noisy them very much. The pandas when you see them.There's a tiger 6 her two daughters at the zoo. They are from America. They are quiet and interesting, 7 they are not friendly. The giraffes come from Africa. They have a 8 neck(脖子)。

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?单元检测卷(一)听力部分一、听句子,选择与句子意思相符的图片。
( )1.A.The guitar.B.Tigers.C.Apples.( )2.A.They are in the zoo.B.Yes,they are.C.Because they are friendly.( )3.A.South Africa.B.They are black and white.C.They are kind of interesting.( )4.A.No,they aren’t.B.I see them in the zoo.C.Yes,I do.( )5.A.In the zoo.B.In the library.C.In the park.三、听五组对话,选择符合每个问题的正确答案。
( )1.What animals can Jane see in the zoo? A.Tigers.B.Lions.C.Elephants.( )2.Why does Kate like elephants?A.Because they are friendly.B.Because they are cute.C.Because they are kind of shy.( )3.What animals does Tom want to see first?A.Lions.B.Elephants.C.Pandas.( )4.Where are the lions from?A.South Africa.B.Australia.C.China.( )5.Mike can’t seein the picture.A.an elephant B.pandas C.cats四、听短文,完成下列表格。
初中英语人教新目标七年级下册Unit5 语法练习(why 引导的特殊疑问)(附参考答案)

七年级英语下册Unit5语法练习班级考号姓名总分(why 引导的特殊疑问)一、根据句意和中文提示写单词。
及形容词的用法1.It isn't (容易的) to learn English well.2.- Who is the (美丽的) girl in red?- She's my sister Mimi.3.I don't like sloths(树懒)because they're very (懒惰的).4.My grandpa has a parrot(鹦鹉).It's really (聪明的).1.The little baby is very .We all love her.2.I don't like lions because they're .3.Dogs are to us and they are also helpful.4.Koalas are kind of and cute.5.Lions are to all of us.三、单项选择。
1. do you like this TV program? - Because it's very interesting.A.WhyB.WhenC.HowD.What2.(淮北期中)My pet dog is very 。
He can help me find the lost key.zyB.shyC.smallD.smart3.My sister is very .She doesn't like to meet strangers(陌生人).A.shyB.funC.cuteD.interesting4.-What fun The Croods is!- Yeah! I like the movie, too.It's so .A.boringB.scaryC.interestingD.sad5.Susan is very to me.We areA.friend; friendB.friendly; friendC.friendly; friendsD.friendly; friendly四、根据所给汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。
人教版英语七年级下册 Unit 5 重点单词短语 练习习题(包含答案)

7年级下册unit 5 重点单词、短语练习习题I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词A:1.I'm thirsty. Please give me a bottle of __________(水).2.—Does the lion come from ___________(非洲)? —Yes, it does.3.We can't_________(杀死)the animals;they are our friends.4.Our national________(旗)is red and we love our country.5.I don't remember this_________(地点).Can you tell me?6.Don't be __________(懒惰的). Get up and have breakfast.7.We all like the animal because it is very ________(聪明的).8.—What is your sister like? —She is a little ___________(害羞的).9.What can we do to ________(救助)the animals in danger?10.Don't _____________ (忘记)to write a letter to him.B:1.Welcome to the London ___________(动物园).2.My mum often says to me, “Work hard. Don't be __________ (懒惰).”3.Look at the bird in the tree. It looks so____________(漂亮的).4.What __________(种类)of coffee would you like?5.We want to plant some trees in the ___________ (南部)of our school.6.—How many hours do you __________(睡觉)every day? —About nine hours.7.Sydney is a famous city and it is in _________(澳大利亚).8.The boy wants to learn more about __________(非洲).C:1.The girl is very ____________ (害羞的)and she is afraid of talking to others.2.We want to do something to ________(救助)the wild animals.3.There are some red ________ (旗帜)on the wall.4.My grandfather is too old, and he often _________ (忘记)his name.5.It is a good __________ (地方)for swimming.6.We can't live without __________ (水).7.The farmer wants to ____________ (砍)down the trees.8.Why do they want to ____________ (杀死)the poor animals?II.用所给单词的适当形式填空A:1.—Why is Alan so popular in your class?—Because he is very ___________(friend)to everyone.2.It's ______________(danger) to play with fire.3.She doesn't have a map or a mobile phone, so she may get ____________(lose).4.When we go abroad, we can see many things ___________(make) in China.5.Don't forget _________ (close)the windows when you go out.III.按要求完成句子1.She likes koalas very much.(改为一般疑问句)_________she __________koalas very much?2.Lions are from Africa.(对画线部分提问)________ lions _____________?3.We like dogs because they are very cute.(对画线部分提问)__________ you like dogs?4.Pandas are from China.(改为同义句)Pandas__________________China.5.I like cats. They are interesting.(将两句合并为一句)_____________________________6.They didn't arrive on time because they got up late. (对画线部分提问) _______________ they arrive on time?IV.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词A:1.My son likes a_____________ very much, so I often take him to the zoo.2.The boy is l___________and he doesn't want to do anything.3.Sydney is a famous city in A________.4.Let's go to the z________ because I want to see the tigers and lions.5.Sanya is in the s_________of China.1.I'm very thirsty. Please give me some w________.2.Don't f________to call me up this afternoon.3.Some bad men k_______the animals just for their meat.4.The girl is very s__________and she is afraid of talking to the foreign teachers.5.We must do something to s_______the man. He is dying. We can send him to the nearest hospital.V.连词成句把下列单词按照合适的顺序重新排列,组成语意完整、连贯的句子。
人教版七年级下册英语Unit 5---unit6课堂练习题附答案

1. This is _____elephant. ______elephant is from Africa.A. an; AnB. an; TheC. the; The2. I like pandas because they are _____friendly.A. kinds ofB. a kind ofC. kind of3.-- Where ______the pandas______?--Sichuan, China.A. are; fromB. do; fromC. do; come4. The pet dog can walk__two legs. It can dance, _______.A. in; tooB. on; tooC. on; either5.Mike and Ann are___. They're from_______.A. Australia; AustraliaB. Australians; AustraliaC. Australia; Australians6. I like ___but my mom doesn't like________A. koalas; itB. koala; itC. koalas; them7. --Where do koalas _______?-- Australia.A. come fromB. are fromC. be from8. Because pandas are so cute,____I want to see them first.A. soB./C. and9. Mary is a______ girl. She is afraid to talk in class.A. tidyB. shyC. strict10. I see all _______clothes in the store. I find a red skirt is _____beautiful.A. kinds of; kind ofB. a kind of; kind ofC. kind of; a kind of11. Don't _______trees. They're good for us.A. put downB. cut downC. write down12. There are about_______pandas in China.A. two thousands ofB. two thousandsC. two thousand13. The red flag _____five stars on it is a symbol of China. It's usually made____silk.A. for; fromB. of; withC. with; of14. --I'm sorry I ______my notebook at home.--Don't forget _________it here later.A. leave; to bringB. forget; to bringC. leave; to take15. There _____all kinds of animals in the Zoo. One of the animals _____from South Africa.A. are; isB. is; isC. are; are16. --Can you bring me some______, Tom?-- Sure. Here you are.A. appleB. waterC. egg17. Jane, please remember _____on time for the meeting this afternoon.A. to arriveB. to arrivingC. arriving18. Trees are home to many animals. We mustn't ________.A. cut them downB. cut down themC. cut it down19. --Why not take a map with you?--I know that place well, so I won't ______.A. get upB. get lostC. get dressed20. My mother is kind _____me, but sometimes she is kind ______strict.A.of; to.B. to; ofC. with; of二、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

Unit 5 Section AⅠ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. —What's your favorite a?—I like the tiger best.2. —Why do you like koalas?—B they are interesting.3. The cat is very l. She sleeps all day.4. —Where are Mary and Lily f?—The USA.5. I think pandas are k of shy.6.The elephant has four l.7.My mother has a p dog. She loves it very much.8.Kangaroos are from A. Do you like them?9.The white cat is really c. It is very beautiful.10.G have long necks. They are very tall.Ⅰ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空11.(I) favorite animals are koalas.12.Of all the animals, my sister likes pandas (well) because they are very friendly.13.Bill wants (see) the fish. He thinks they are beautiful.14.Let's (go) to the zoo. We can see many kinds of animals there.15.That panda (be) from China.16.Do you know that tigers are good at (swim)?17.Can lions (run) very fast?18.Most of the (panda) live in Sichuan, China.19.You have to finish your homework (one) before you go out with your friends.20.Cats like (sleep). They are lazy.Ⅰ.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词21.你为什么不喜欢狮子?you like ?22.我觉得老虎非常吓人。

七年级下人教版英语Unit5同步测试一、单项选择题:1. There is ______elephant in the zoo. ______ elephant is from Africa.A. a; TheB. an; TheC. a; AnD. the; An2. You’re new here and it’s ______of you to bring a map with you.A. smartB. strictC. trueD. sorry3. The story book is ______interesting. You can read it.A. littleB. a kind ofC. kind ofD. kinds of4. My uncle’s dog can walk ______two legs. Isn’t it cute?A. inB. onC. atD. by5. —______ do you like swimming? —Because it’s relaxing.A. WhereB. HowC. WhatD. Why6. There is a river near the village. It’s ______fifty kilometers long.A. overB. aboveC. withD. past7. Many animals like white tigers are in great danger. We must ______them.A. practiceB. learnC. finishD. save8. Don’t forget______ your schoolbag when you leave.A. takeB. takingC. to takeD. takes9. Your gloves should be made ______leather, for they feel soft and smooth.A. inB. onC. forD. of10. Trees are very important. We can’t __________.A. cut them downB. cut it downC. cut down themD. cut down it11.Frank is ________.He doesn't do any work.A.busy B.friendly C.lazy D.smart12.—What do you think of doctors(医生)?—They are great.They can ________ people's lives.A.kill B.help C.save D.learn13.________ I'm late again, ________ the teacher is very angry.A.So; / B.Because; so C.Because; / D./; but14.The trees are small.Don't ________.A.cut them down B.cut them up C.cut down them D.cut up them15.The little girl is very________.She doesn't want to face so many people. A.scary B.shy C.clever D.small二、完形填空:There is a zoo near my home.I often go there to 1the animals.There are many kinds of animals 2it.They’re tigers,elephants,giraffes,koalas and so on (等等).3are very scary.I don’t like 4.I like elephants because they’re smart.They can help people 5much work.Giraffes are beautiful.They eat leaves 6the trees.They don’t eat 7.Koalas are my favorite.They are very cute and interesting.They’re from 8.They also eat leaves,9they don’t eat meat.They sleep during the day and 10up at night.Do you like animals?Do you often go to the zoo?What animals do you like?Well,can you write and tell me about them?1.A.see B.like C.have D.look2.A.on B.in C.of D.at3.A.Zoos B.Animals C.Dogs D.Tigers4.A.his B.it C.them D.they5.A.do B.enjoy C.want D.find6.A.at B.on C.in D.with7.A.grass B.food C.vegetables D.meat8.A.Canada B.China C.America D.Australia9.A.so B.but C.because D.if10.A.go B.stand C.get D.take三、阅读理解:A.ten B.fifteen C.twenty D.thirty2.Tina thinks pandas are________.A.friendly B.noisy C.funny D.smart3.What are Sophia's favorite animals?A.Cats. B.Pandas. C.Dogs. D.Koalas.4.Peter often________ on weekends.A.helps the animals in danger B.plays with his pet dogC.lives with his parents D.watches dolphin shows5.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Annie thinks giraffes are afraid of people.B.There are about 1,600 pandas in the wild and they are in danger. C.Doggy likes running and playing with balls.D.Baby dolphins usually live with their family for a long time.BIn our city,there is a zoo.There are a lot of animals in it.MonaGerryJohnnyBaobao6.Gerry is years old.A.5B.7C.8D.117.can’t see things very well.A.The elephantB.The lionC.The koalaD.The panda8.can help people to do things.A.MonaB.GerryC.BaobaoD.Johnny9.These animals come from countries.A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five10.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Mona can get water from the leaves so she doesn’t drink water for months.B.Gerry doesn’t like to sleep or relax but she lik es to eat meat.C.Johnny is very small.He only likes to eat meat.D.Baobao likes to eat bamboos but doesn’t like to drink water.四、词汇运用:1.There are many t in front of our classroom.2.Do you think the e is the biggest animal on the earth (地球)?3.Lions are from S Africa.4.The dog can walk on two l.5.We should s eight hours every night.6. I think pandas are kind of(interest).7. These animals are from(African), not Australia.8. Why don’t you(play)basketball with us?9. Let’s(go)to the zoo.10. The movie is(bore). We don’t like it.五、按要求完成下列各题:1. The girl in red is from Australia. (对画线部分提问)__________ _______ the girl in red from?2. Grace likes pandas because they’re really cute. (对画线部分提问)__________ __________ Grace __________ pandas?3. I think koalas are a little interesting. (改为同义句)I think koalas are __________ __________ interesting.4. Are these parrots(鹦鹉) from South Africa? (改为同义句)__________ these parrots __________ __________ South Africa?5. Peter’s dog can sing and dance. (对画线部分提问)__________ _______Peter’s dog _______?六、完成句子:1. ——为什么辛迪喜欢考拉? ——因为它们很可爱。

七年级下英语人教版Unit5单元测试一、单项选择题:1.—_______doyoulikeanimals?—_______theyarecute.A.Why;Because B.What;SoC.Why;So D.What;Because2.Thebabydogis________interesting.Ilikeitverymuch.A.little B.akindofC.kind D.kindof3.LittleTomnevercleanshisroom.Ithinkheis________.A.smart B.cuteC.lazy D.boring4.—Linda,youlookvery________inthenewsweater.—Thankyou .A.happy B.lazyC.beautiful D.shy5.Let's________thezoo.Iwant______ __thetigers.A.go;see B.goto;toseeC.togo;see D.togo;tosee6.Wemustsaveanimalsbecausesomeofthemare________ .A.dangerous B.dangerC.indangero us D.indange r7.Treesareveryimportant.Wecan't__ ______.A.cutthemdo wn B.cutitd ownC.cutdownth em D.cutdow nit8.It’seight o.Theclock’teacheriscomi ng.Please_ ____quiet.A./_____’thems.10.—Hi,Lucia.Youlookreally_____inthenewdress.—Thanks.11.Thereis________elephantinthezoo.________elephantistwoyearsold.A./;AnB.an;TheC.a;TheD.an;/Mr.Wangiskind________us,butsometimesheiskind________serious.A.to;ofB.with;toC.of;toD.with;of13.Thedogisreallycute.Hecanwalk________twolegs.A.on B.at C.in D.by.A.clean B.lazy C.big D.sca ry15.Let's________theclassroomfirst.二、完形填空:MynameisBrad.I'm__1__Sichuan.I'ma(n)__2__monkeyandI'monlyoneyearold.Ilikeeating__3__andbananasaremyfavorite.Ilikeforests,butnowIliveina__ 4__.Iaminabigcage(in the forests. Dear people, animals areyour __10__. Welive in the sameworld.Pleaseletmeandothermonkeysliveintheforestsnotinthecages.B.at C.with D.fromB.long C.little D.oldB.fruit C.grass D.leavesB.for est C.treeD.schoolB.in C.about D.atB.Or C.So D.But B.Why C.Where D.WhenB.takeashowerC.watchTV D.listentom usicB.askC.meetD.eatB.tea chersC.sistersD.cousins三、阅读理解:AFewpeoplewouldbefoolishenoughtowalkamonglionsandotherwildanimals.Todayyo ucandrivesafelythroughawildanimalcountry,ifyoukeepyourcarwindowsclosed.There aresomezoosintheUnitedStates.Thefirstwasopenedin1967inFlorida(佛罗里达州).ItiscalledLionCountrySafari.LionCountrySafarihas640acres(英亩)fullofwildAfricananimals,suchaselephants,giraffes.Tokeepvisitorssafe,therear eafewrules-nocloth-topcars,allwindowsclosed,andnogettingoutofcars.1.babyanimals.Thispassageismainlyabout________.A.howtogetclosertoallk indsofanimalsB.babyanimalsinthezooC.azoothatisdifferentfromothersD.howtod riveinthezooInthezoopeoplemustnot________.A.driveB.opentheircarwind ows C.stayinthecarD.lookoutofthewindow3 .Accordingtothepassage,howmanyanimalsaretherei nthezooaltogether?A.Aboutsix hundredandforty.B.Aboutei ght hundredandfift y.C.Aboutni ne hundredandfifty.D.Abouton e thousandandfifty.4.LionCountrySafariisthenameof________.A.avisitor B.ananimalC.azoo D.acar5 .Whichofthefollowingcanbethetitle(题目)?A.WalkingAmongAllKindsofAnimals.B.ADriveinZoo.C.ASpecialZoo.D.RulesAr eImportanttoPeopleintheZoo.BInourcity,thereisazoo.Therearealotofanimalsinit.upandeatsleaves.Monadoesn ’tdrinkwaterform onths.ButsheMona ishealthy,becauseshecangetwaterfromtheleaves.isfrom Southisherfavorite isvery sleepsandrelaxes for20hoursevery isGerry Gerry’eighthsbirthday.Theworkers inthe zooarehaving abirthdaypartyforher.This is abig nameis isfromIndia.He’seleve nyearsold.Hehasbadeyesight(视力).Helikes toeatgrass.He’sfriendlyandclever.PeoplecanteachhimtodoJohnny somethingforthem.Baobao is a cuteisfiveyearsold.She’sfromi ver beautifu she’sve shy,so pleas bes y l,but ry eBaobaolikeseatingbamboos(竹子)anddrinking relaxesabout10hoursaday.yearsold.can’tseethingsverywell.canhelppeopletodothings.countries.10.WhichofthefollowingisTRUE?B.Gerrydoesn’tliketosleeporrelaxbutshelikestoeatmeat.C.Johnnyisverysmall.Heonlylikestoeatmeat.四、词汇运用:.2.E________havelongnosesandbigears.3.Janeisas________girl.Sheisgoodatalls ubjects.4.Herhairislongandblack.It'sveryb________.5.Sheistoos________toaskanyoneforhelp.6.Wemustfinishourh omework (one).7.Theseanimalsar efrom (African),notAustralia.8.Elephantsarev ery (friend)topeople.9.Thedolphinsareve rysmartand (inter est).10.Elephant sare (lose)theirhomesbecausepeoplecutdownmanytrees.五、按要求达成以下各题:1.Thechildlikesc ats.(改为一般疑问句)________thechild________cats?.(对画线部分发问)________arekoalas________?3.Shecansingandd ance .(对画线部分发问)________canshe________?4.Wherearelions from ?(改为同义句)Where________lions________from?)5.Shewantstowatchthebasketballgame.(改为否认句She________________towatchthebasketballgame.六、达成句子:1.你为何不喜爱狮子?________________youlike________?2.我感觉老虎特别吓人。

人教版七年级下册英语unit5知识点+经典练习题Unit5 Why do you like Koalas?基本词汇1.friend(s)朋友;be friendlyto sb对---友好;2 make friends with sb与---交朋友;3 be from=come from来自于;4 kind of有点(interesting/boring/shy);5 all day整天;all day and all night整天整夜;6 be in danger=be dangerous危险的;7 cut down trees把树砍倒;8 get lost迷路;9 save the elephants挽救大象;10 for a long time有很长的时间;11 be made of由---制成;12 walk on two legs用两条腿走路;13 want to do sth想要做某事;14 let sb do sth让某人做某事;必诵句型1.-What kind of什么种类的animals do you like?你喜欢什么种类的动物啊?-I like elephants/penguins/monkeys.猴子-Why do you like你为何喜欢elephants/penguins/penguins? -Because因为they are cute/smart.2.-What other别的animals do you like?你还喜欢别的什么动物吗?3.-Why does John like koalas?-Because they’re very smart.4.-Why don’t you like tigers?你为什么不喜欢老虎啊?-Because they’re really scary.5(1)-Why do you like PE?-Because it is (kind of有点)exciting令人兴奋的/relaxing令人放松的6(1)-Where are you from?-I’m from Beijing,China.(2)-Where do you come from?-I come from Paris,France.7 (1)-Where’s the an imal from?-It’s from China.(2)-Where’re lions from?-They’re from South Africa.(3)We are students from Australia.8.Jenny is kind of shy有点害羞,she can’t say a word说不出一句话The story is kind of interesting.有点趣味9.Please be quiet!请保持安静!10(1).The elepnants are in great danger.非常危险We want to save the elephants.挽救大象Unit5:Why do you like Koalas? 经典练习One:单词填空1.He usually_______himself(放松自己)by listening to tapes.2.Mary is a______girl,she doesn’t like talking to others.3.Tom is_______.he doesn’t do his homework.4.My English teacher is kind,she sh very friendly_____us students.5.You are so kind,can I make________with you?(和---交朋友)6.An elephant is an_________animal.7.I like koala bears______they’re cute.8.Elephants are kind______interesting.9.I like dolphins but my brother______pandas.10.These lions are______Afria.Two:单项选择1( )Do you want______the tiger?A.seeB.to have a lookC.to see2( )Pandas are______interesting.A.a kind ofB.a kindC.kind of3( )-____Does she like pandas?/-Because they are cute.A.WhatB.HowC.Why4( )I____you have a good day. A.want B.hope C.like5( )Please let Lily_____the homeweok by herself. A.to do B.do C.doing6( )Look!The elephant______grass and leaves. A.eat B.eats C.is eating7( )Tom___to bed early but his brother doesn’t. A.goes B.is going C.go8( )-_____animals do you like?/-I like penguins. A.what B.How C.whose9( )He wants_____the zoo A.go to B.to go C.to go to10( )Where_____Tom and Mike from?A.is B.are C.does11( )There is____elephant in the zoo,____elephant is from Africa.A./,AnB.an,TheC.a,The12( )Mr Li is kind____us,but sometimes he is kind____serious 严肃。

人教版七年级下册Unit5课时练(Section A)一、单项选择1. —What animals are from Australia?—________.A. LionsB. PandasC. KoalasD. Giraffes2. —Why do you like the little girl so much?—________ she is very cute.A. BecauseB. SoC. AndD. To3. —I like pandas so much because they are ________.—Me, too. Now let's go to see pandas first.A. sorryB. tiredC. scaryD. cute4. My pet dog, Dingding, can walk _____ two legs and he can dance, too.A. forB. toC. onD. at5. —What________does Tina like?—She likes dogs and tigers.A. subjectsB. colorsC. sportsD. animals6. —________ do you like pandas?—Because they are very cute.A. WhatB. WhoC. WhyD. Where7. —Where ________ your uncle ________?—He's from China.A. is; come fromB. does; fromC. is; fromD. is; comes from8. —Excuse me! How can I get to the post office?—Sorry, I am new here. ________ ask the policeman?A. What aboutB. Why notC. Of courseD. Certainly9. —Sam is really smart.—________.He is only four years old, but he can draw very well.A. I'm not sureB. Thank youC. Yes, you're rightD. I don't know10. This kind of sweaters looks ________ and sells(卖) ________.A. beautifully; wellB. beautiful; wellC. beautifully; goodD. beautiful; good11. There is a ________ in my neighborhood and I often go there to seetigers.A. zooB. bankC. school12. —My pet dog can walk ________ two legs. What about ________?—My pet dog can, too.A. in; yourB. in; yoursC. on; yourD. on; yours13. To be healthy, we need to eat and ________well.A. sleepB. writeC. dreamD. learn14. —Why does he like pandas?—Because they are ________ cute.A. a kind ofB. kind ofC. all kinds ofD. kinds of15. —What are your favorite ____?—Lions.A. foodB. animalsC. subjectsD. sports16. —____do you like pandas?—Because they look cute.A. WhatB. HowC. WhyD. Where17. The dog can walk ____ two legs. It can dance, ____.A. in;eitherB. on;eitherC. on;tooD. in;too18. The tiger is____ interesting. I like it very much.A. littleB. a kind ofC. kinds ofD. kind of19. I like English because it's____.A. difficultB. cuteC. scaryD. interesting20. People usually ____ at night, but Mr. Wang ____ in the day.A. sleep;sleepB. sleeps;sleepsC. sleeps;sleepD. sleep;sleeps二、完形填空。

人教版英语七年级下册第五章测试卷(含答案)一、单项选择(15分)1. What ____ you do yesterday?A. didB. doesC. doD. will答案:A2. He usually _____ his bike to school.A. rideB. rodeC. ridesD. riding答案:C3. What _____ he _____?A. does, doesB. is, doingC. does, doingD. is, do答案:B4. Would you like _____ juice?A. someB. anyC. aD. many答案:A5. There are _____ concerts on the weekend.A. a lot ofB. a fewC. a littleD. a little bit答案:A6. I like _____ TV.A. watchB. watchesC. watchingD. watched 答案:C7. What are you going to do _____ the weekend?A. onB. atC. inD. for答案:A8. She is good _____ English.A. forB. toC. atD. in答案:C9. Where _____ you _____ lunch every day?A. do, haveB. are, haveC. do, hasD. are, had 答案:A10. What’s _____ name?A. himB. herC. theirD. its答案:B11. Could you _____ me your pen?A. borrowB. lendC. takeD. get答案:B12. What time do you _____ up on the weekend?A. wakeB. wokeC. wakingD. wakes答案:A13. My father is a _____.A. farmerB. docterC. dancerD. teacher答案:D14. We like to eat _____ for breakfast.A. bread and coffeeB. cereal and milkC. soup and fishD. rice and noodles答案:B15. _____ does your brother live?A. WhoB. WhatC. WhenD. Where答案:D二、完形填空(10分)Linda is my __1__. She is sixteen years old. She is __2__ student. She __3__ school at seven in the morning. She has French, English, Chinese, math and history classes. She has __4__ for lunch. She __5__ apples and bananas. She goes home at four in the afternoon. She __6__ to go swimming. After that, she does her homework __7__ six. She watches TV at nine and goes to bed at ten.1. A. brotherB. fatherC. sisterD. mother答案:C2. A. an AmericanB. a JapaneseC. a ChineseD. an English答案:C3. A. hasB. getsC. wantsD. likes答案:B4. A. noodlesB. breadC. riceD. pizza答案:C5. A. eatsB. likesC. drinksD. has答案:A6. A. wantsB. likeC. likesD. to like答案:A7. A. atB. inC. onD. for答案:D三、阅读理解(10分)This is Mary. She is a good student. She gets up at six every morning. She has breakfast at seven. She goes to school at eight. She has English, math, Chinese, history and science classes. She has lunch at twelve. After lunch, she has music and art classes. She goes back home at four in the afternoon. She likes to swim and paint. She usually goes swimming with her father on Sundays. She likes to paint pictures of flowers.1. What time does Mary have breakfast?A. At six.B. At seven.C. At eight.D. At twelve.答案:B2. What classes does Mary have?B. English, math, Chinese, history, science.C. English, math, Chinese, geography, history.D. English, math, Chinese, art, music.答案:B3. What does Mary usually do on Sundays?A. Goes swimming with her mother.B. Goes to the park.C. Watches TV.D. Goes swimming with her father.答案:D4. What does Mary like to paint?A. Pictures of people.B. Pictures of buildings.C. Pictures of animals.D. Pictures of flowers.答案:D四、书面表达(20分)你喜欢运动吗?请根据下面的要求写一篇短文。
人教版英语七年级下册 Unit 5 Why doyoulikepandasSectionA课后练习题

一、改写句子1. Sandy is a beautiful girl.(改为感叹句)________ ________ ________ girl Sandy is!2. Sandy looks very beautiful.(改为感叹句)________ ________ Sandy looks!3. It is a beautiful city.(改为感叹句)___________________________________4. Koalas are very cute.(改为一般疑问句)________ koalas very ________?5. The girl is so beautiful. (改为感叹句)________ ________ the girl is!二、单项选择6. There are all _________ animals in the zoo. Some of them are ________ scary. A.kinds of; kind of B.kind of; kinds of C.kinds of; a kind of7. —I think your cousin is very ________.—You’re right. He isn’t good all the time.A.nice B.kind C.difficult D.bored8. Our English teacher is very ________ us, though she is sometimes ________ strict.A.kind of;a kind of B.kind to; kindsofC.kind to; kindofD.a kind of; kindwith9. The girl is ________. Let ’s go to help her.A.on weekends B.on timeC.kind of D.in danger10. I like penguins because they are ______ interesting.A.a kind of B.kinds of C.kind of D.kind11. Our classroom looks so ________ because there are many windows in the wall. A.big B.bright C.beautiful D.small12. She likes koalas because they’re ________ cute.A.kinds of B.kind of C.a kind of D.lots of13. It’s helpful for your English to talk with a _______ friend.A.lazy B.proud C.silly D.foreign14. —Do you like pandas?—Yes, I think they’re ________ lovely.A.a kind of B.kinds of C.kind of15. —Let’s see the lion.—________. Let’s see the tigers.A.Thank you B.That’s boring C.You're welcome D.Sounds great三、句型转换16. The zebra comes from Africa. (改为同义句)The zebra is _______ ______ _______ .17. I like my dog because it is very cute.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ you ________ your dog?18.1. This panda is from China.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ this panda from?2. His family has a pet dog.(改为一般疑问句)________ his family ________ a pet dog?3. I like pandas because they are cute.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ you like pandas?4. He likes koalas.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ does he like?5. Koalas are very cute.(改为一般疑问句)________ koalas very ________?19. The girl is beautiful.(改为感叹句)_________ _________ the girl is !20. This is a lazy grasshopper. (改为感叹句)_________ _________ this grasshopper is!四、单词拼写21. Sydney(悉尼)is a big city in A___________.22. The baby has a round face and big eyes. She looks very ________ (可爱的) .23. — Hobo, what do you think of Eddie?— Oh, he is always ________/'leɪzɪ/.24. —Do you know this cute ______ (动物)?—Yes, it’s a panda.25. Pandas are very c_________ and we all like them.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空26. His sister is very ________ (beauty).27. I don’t like this movie. It’s too ________(scared).28. We all live in a ________place—the Earth. (beauty)29. This animal usually ________ (sleep) all day.30. Gina is one of the ________ (beautiful) girls in her class.六、完成句子31. 多么善良的女孩啊!________ ________ the ________ ________!32. 猴子是世界上最聪明的动物之一。

人教版七年级英语下册Unit5测试题(附答案)一、单选题1.They like the place _____flowers and treesA. withB. haveC. inD. has二、单词拼写(词汇运用)2.Cindy is a s________ girl.She's good at all her subjects.3.用所给词的适当形式填空(1)—Why do you like elephants?—Because they are usually ________ (friend).(2)Elephants can walk for long time and they never get ________ (lose).(3)He wants to get a necklace(项链)________ (make) of ivory.(4)We should(应该)plant(植树)more ________ (tree) to save elephants.(5)Don't forget ________ (bring) your pen here.4.根据图片及首字母提示完成单词(1)g_____(2)p______(3)l_______(4)t________(5)e________5.用所给词的适当形式填空(1)—Let's________(see) the koalas first.—OK.(2)There are(有)many________(animal) in the zoo like pandas and koalas.(3)Jenny's mom has a pet cat. She________(sleep) all day.(4)—Why________Tom________(not like) his dog?—Because he is too lazy.(5)Peter thinks lions are kind of________(bore).三、阅读理解6. Lily has a pen friend in America. Her name is Alice. They write to each other every week. They tell each other about their lives. Here is a letter from Lily.Dear Alice,Thank you for your letter and telling me about your best friend. In this letter, I’m going to tell you about my friend. Her name is Cathy. She has long brown hair and blue eyes. She is the same age as me, but a littletaller .She is always happy. We sit together in class and help each other with our homework. We always play together after school and play computer games for an hour. Cathy thinks quickly(迅速地)and does better than me. She is learning to play the piano(钢琴).I am learning to play the piano, too. We play together every day. It’s fun. We always have a good time.Please write to me soon.(1) How often does Lily write to Alice?A.Every two weeks.B.Every week.C.Every day.D.Every three weeks.(2)Who is Lily’s best friend?A.She doesn’t have one.B.CathyC.AliceD.Tommy(3)What is Cathy’s hair like?A.Long and green.B.Long and brown.C.Short and brown.D.Short and black.(4)When do they play computer games?A.Before school.B.At school.C.After school.D.At the weekend.(5)What other things do they do together every day?A.Write letters.B.Sing.C.Play the piano.e the computer.7. Some friends are playing hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) at Mr. Green’ home. They play in Mike’s room. It’s time for Lily to find her friends. Lily first finds Sally.Sally is behind the door. Then, Lily sees Bob. Bob is under the table. Mike is under the table, too. Now it’s time to find David and John. David’s hat is on the sofa. Is David under the sofa? No, he isn’t.John’s schoolbag is on the chair, but he isn’t there.“Where are they?”Lily thinks.Shh! Don’t let her know. They are under the bed!(1)Where are the friends?A.In Mr. Green’s room.B.In Mike’s room.C.At Lily’s homeD.At Sally’s home(2)Where is Bob?A.Behind the door.B.Under the bed.C.On the sofaD.Under the table(3)What’s on the sofa?A.Bob’s hatB.Mike’s schoolbagC.David’s hatD.John’s schoolbag(4)Who’s under the bed?A.David and JohnB.Bob and MikeC.Lily and SallyD.Mr. Green(5)How many people are in the game(游戏)?A.SixB.FiveC.SevenD.Eight()A.In the playground.B.In the club.C.In the park.D.At home.(2)Who often goes out for a picnic with Joan?A.Her friends.B.Her classmates.C.Her parents.D.Her sister.(3)What does Joan often do on Friday evening?A.Play basketball.B.Read books.C.Go swimming.D.Have a picnic.(4)When does Joan’s sister usually read books?A.From 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a. m.B.From 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p. m.C.From 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p. m.D.From 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p. m.(5)What can we learn from the passage?A.Joan often plays basketball for two hours.B.Joan likes to stay at home on Saturday.C.Joan likes to read books on Saturday.D.Joan likes sports very much.9.任务型阅读This is Ken. He likes pandas best. ①Because he thinks pandas are smart. Pandas are from China. His friend Tom is different from(与……不同) him. Tom's favorite animals are giraffes because he thinks they are very cute and friendly.I like tigers. I think they are beautiful and energetic(充满活力的). But now the tigers, especially(特别)the Manchurian tigers(东北虎), are in great danger. We must save them.We love animals. ②We think people should protect(保护)all the animals.(1)Where are pandas from? ________(2)What animals does Ken like best? ________(3)Why does Tom like giraffes? ________(4)将短文中画线部分句子①改为否定句________(5)将短文中画线部分句子②译成汉语________10. There is a zoo named Zhongshan in our city. There are many animals. Some animals are very friendly. But some other animals are not. Tigers, lions and some snakes are dangerous(危险的). That’s why they must be in cages(笼). But I don’t think it’s good for animals to be in cages. They need to be free. The animals in cages cannot be happy.Tigers usually live in forests(森林)and mountains(高山). They are strong and can run very fast(快). They run after and eat small animals like rabbits and deer(鹿), but now they are in small cages. They have nothing to do every day. So they walk around in the cages, and they want to come out. When they are tired, they sleep. I am kind of sorry for them.(1)Why do tigers , lions and snakes have to stay in cages?A.Because they are very dangerous.B.Because they are very friendly.C.Because they need to be free.D.Because they like to be in cages.(2)Where do tigers usually live?A.In cages.B.In forests and mountains.C.In the zooD.In small rooms.(3)What do tigers usually do in forests?A.B.C.D.A.They have nothing to do.B.They walk around.C.They want to sleep.D.They run after and eat small animals.(4)Tigers want to ________ when they are in cages.e outB.eat animalsC.run fastD.be friendly to people(5)Why does the writer feel sorry for the tigers in cages?A.Because the writer thinks tigers need to eat food.B.Because the writer thinks tigers are dangerous.C.Because the writer thinks tigers need to be free.D.Because the writer thinks tigers are very happy.四、句型转换11.按要求改写句子(1)I like giraffes best.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ ________ you like best?(2)Why do you like pandas?(用cute回答)________ they are ________.(3)Remember to save the animals.(改为同义句)________ ________ to save the animals.(4)People kill elephants for their ivory.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ people kill elephants?(5)How old is the tiger?(用4岁回答)The tiger is ________ ________ ________.12.按照要求改写句子(1)Mo Yan, the great writer, is from Shandong. (对画线部分提问)________ ________ Mo Yan,the great writer, ________?(2)My mother likes dogs because they're smart.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ ________ mother ________ dogs?(3)Why do you like tigers?(改为否定句)________ ________ ________ like tigers?(4)Li Ming is from China.(改为同义句)Li Ming ________ ________ China.(5)The dog can walk on two legs.(对画线部分提问)________ ________ the dog ________?五、选词填空(词汇运用)()—They are from South Africa.(2)—Why ________ your aunt like cats?—Because she thinks they are interesting.(3)—Why ________ you like lions?—Because they are scary.(4)—I like giraffes.—________?—Because they are beautiful.(5)—Why is Tom so happy?—________ he gets a cute pet dog.六、书面表达14.假如你是王海,写信向你的笔友Mike介绍你的学校生活。

七下Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?第1课时一、根据中文或首字母提示填写单词。
1. There are many a__________ in the zoo. Let's go and see them.2. Guangzhou is in the s__________ of China.3. Tom is a __________(懒惰的)boy. He never does his homework on time.4. __________(大象)help people do many things and they are our friends.5. This company(公司)wants a __________ (聪明的) and hard-working young man.二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
6. A baby needs __________ (sleep) 15 hours every day.7. How many __________ (zoo) are there in your city?8. --- Why do you want __________ (see) the pandas? --- Because they are cute.9. This dog can walk on two __________ (leg). That's so funny.10. I think koalas are __________ (interest) animals.11. The animal usually __________ in the daytime and looks for food at night.12. Look at the __________. They're so tall.13. The __________ girl is my cousin. She can sing and dance very well.14. Alicia will go to __________ and start her new life there.15. I have two __________, one brown dog and one yellow cat.四、根据中文意思完成句子,每空一词。
人教版七年级下册英语Unit5 SectionA课时作业(含答案)

人教版七年级下册英语Unit5 SectionA课时作业(含答案)一、单项选择题1.Chinese people ________ to the people from all over the world.A.are friend B.friendly C.are friendly 2.—Please turn down the music. It is ________ loud.—All right.A.kind of B.kinds of C.a kind of 3.—Do you think Tom ________ Canada?—No, he is an Australian.A.is from B.come from C.from 4.—Do you know about koalas?—Yes. They are from Australia. Let's go to the zoo ________ koalas.A.see B.to see C.seeing 5.—________ do you like running?—Because it can make me keep healthy.A.What B.Why C.How二、翻译1.——你为什么想看狮子?——因为它们很有趣。
— do you to see lions?— they are .2.——狮子来自哪里?——它们来自南非。
— are the lions ?— from South Africa.3.她整天睡觉,她的名字是Lazy。
all day her is Lazy.4.——你为什么不喜欢猫?——因为它们很懒。
— you cats?— they are .5.让我们先看看熊猫吧!the pandas !三、补全对话(填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空—词。
)A: Let's 1. the pandas, John.B: Why do you like them, Julie?A: Because they're kind 2. interesting.B: 3. are they from?A: They're from China. Well, I dislike(不喜欢) lions.B: Why 4. you like them?A: Because they're really scary. And 5. of them are from South Africa.四、填空题(根据下面的描述写出相对应的动物名称)(1)()I am from South Africa. I'm very strong. I usually sleep eighteen hours a day.(2)()I only live in China. I am black and white.(3)() I am very strong. I can run very fast. Most of the animals are afraid of me.(4)() I have a long neck. I have to look down at you.(5)() I come from Australia. People think I'm cute.(6)() I am very big and I have a long nose.五、根据短文内容选择最佳答案。
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七年级下册英语Unit5课堂练习考点专练一、单项选择( )1. Let's _____ the music. It's relaxing.A. listen toB. to listen toC. listening toD. listen( )2. This story is _____interesting. I like it very much.A. kindB. kind ofC. a kind ofD. all kinds of( )3. This tiger _____ South Africa.A. fromB. come fromC. is fromD. is come from( )4. My mother _____ for seven hours every day.A. sleepB. sleepsC. go to bedD. goes to bed( )5. How about joining the music club? I like music _____.A. a lotB. a lot ofC. lots ofD. a lots of( )6. Our English teacher Miss Wang is very friendly _____ us.A. toB. forC. inD. at( )7. One of my friends _____ from Thailand.A. comeB. comesC. areD. am( )8. — Jim, don't forget ____your ID card to school. — OK. Mom.A. takeB. takesC. to takeD. taking( )9. These hamburgers are made ____bread, vegetables and chicken.A. inB. ofC. fromD. On语法专练单项选择( )1. — _____ do you want to see the lions? — Because they are interesting.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. Why( )2. — Why _____ you like math?— Because it is difficult.A. doB. don'tC. areD. aren't( )3. — Why do you like elephants? — ____ they are kind of smart.A. BecauseB. SoC. NeverD. And( )4. — _____ are giraffes from?— They're from Africa.A. WhereB. WhenC. WhatD. Why( )5. — Where _____ Kate come from?— She comes from Australia.A. doB. doesC. isD. areSection A 1a-1cⅠ.单项选择。
( )1. Mike is _____. He never cleans his room.A. cuteB. smartC. lazyD. beautiful( )2. — Jimmy, let's _____ to see the tigers. — OK.A. goB. goesC. to goD. going( )3. — What's your _____ animal? — Elephant.A. bestB. favoriteC. badD. lazy( )4. — How about going to the zoo?— Good idea! But I want to go to the library _____.A. oneB. firstC. twoD. second( )5. David wants _____ a pair of shoes for school.A. buyB. buysC. buyingD. to buyⅡ.根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。
1. The baby is so ______________(可爱的).2. Alice is _______________(懒惰的). She doesn't want to work.3. Mike is a(n) _______________(聪明的) student.4. Miss Miller often wears a(n) _______________(美丽的) dress.5. There are many animals in the ________________ (动物园).Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。
1. 狗是我最喜欢的动物。
Dogs are my __________ ____________.2. 让我们先打篮球吧!____________ play basketball ___________!3. 欢迎来我家。
____________ _______ my home.4. ——你为什么想看老虎?——因为它们很有趣。
— _______do you want to see tigers? — _______they're interesting.Section A 2a-2dⅠ.单项选择。
( )1. My little brother is _____ cute. We all love him.A. kindB. kind ofC. a kind ofD. kinds of( )2. — _____ do you like dog? — Because they're funny.A. WhyB. WhenC. HowD. Where( )3. — _____ is your English teacher from? — She is from Australia.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. Why( )4. Look! The dog over there can walk _____ two legs.A. onB. inC. toD. at( )5. — Why _____ you go to the zoo with us?— Because I'm busy. I can't go with you.A. doB. don'tC. isD. isn'tⅡ.根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词1. I don't like tigers because they're__________ (吓人的).2. I think elephants are____________(种类) of interesting.3. Guangdong is in the____________(南方) of China.4. My pen friend Gina is from____________(非洲).5. The koalas are from_____________(澳大利亚).6. I have a_____________(宠物) dog. What about you?7. Look at the______________(猫) there. It's very cute.Ⅲ.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. These pandas are from _______________(Chinese).2. Mike_____________(sleep) for eight hours every day.3. They have many___________(pet), including (包括) three cats.4. Does the cat have four_____________(leg)?5. Let's see the tigers. I like____________(they) very Much.Grammar Focus - 3cⅠ.单项选择。
( )1. — _____ do you like pandas? — Because they are cute.A. WhenB. WhyC. WhatD. Where( )2. — Why _____ your brother want _____ the elephants?— Because they are very interesting.A. do; to seeB. does; seeC. does; to seeD. do; see( )3. — _____ do you like animals? — _____ they are cute.A. Why; BecauseB. Why; SoC. What; BecauseD. What; So( )4. — Where _____ lions _____? — Africa.A. does, fromB. do, fromC. is, fromD. are, from( )5. — Do you like apples? — Yes, I do. But I like bananas _____.A. lotB. a lotC. a lot ofD. lots ofⅡ.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。
1. 我喜欢考拉因为它们很可爱。
I like koalas __________ they're ________.2. ——你为什么喜欢熊猫?——因为它们有点有趣。
—________ do you like pandas? — Because they're _______ _______ _______.3. 熊猫是黑白相间的吗?Are the pandas________ ________ ________?4. 这只长颈鹿来自南非。
This giraffe________ ________South Africa.5. 我非常喜欢大象。
I like elephants________ ________.Section B 1a-2cⅠ.单项选择。