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A secretary phones to book an airline seat for Mr. Lawrence Macow, from Beijing to New York.

(R: Reservations S: Secretary)

R: China International Airlines. Good morning. Can I help you?

S: I would like to book a seat on a flight from Beijing to New York on the 3rd of July, please.

R: Do you want a morning or a afternoon flight?

S: There is a flight leaving Capital Airport at 10:30 in the morning. That would be the most convenient.

R: I’m afraid that flight is fully booked. I’ll just check to see if there have been any cancellations…

No, It’s fully booked at the moment.

S: Could you check other flights leaving Beijing for New York in the early morning of the 3rd as well please?

R: There are seats available on a flight departing Capital Airport 7:50, arriving New York 20:35 local time.

S: And after 9:30?

R: There is a flight leaving at 11:50, arriving at New York 0:15 local time. There’re plenty of seats available on that.

S: I think the 7:50 service is more suitable. Can I book a seat on it, please?

R: Could I have your name, please?

S: It’s Macow Initial L.

R: First-class or economy?

S: Economy, please.

R: Single or return?

S: single.

R: One moment. I’ve booked for you a seat on CIA flight CSA 007, departing Capi tal Airport 7:50 hours, 3rd July.

The checking-in time is 6:50, in Terminal 4.

S: Thank you. Could you tell me what the weight allowance is?

R: 20 kilos per traveler, excluding hand luggage.

S: When should I confirm this booking?

R: As soon as possible.

Booking a Room

(A: Assistant B: Secretary C: Hotel Waiter)

A: Pacific Hotel. Good morning. Can I help you?

B: Good morning. I’d like to book a room, please.

A: Just a moment, please. I’ll put you through to Reception.

C: Reception. Can I help you?

B:I’d like to book a room for Mr. John Black, of China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation. He usually

stays at your hotel and you may recognize the name.

C: Can you give me the dates, please.

B: The 21th of April to the 2nd of May, inclusive.

C: I’ll just see what we have available. Yes. What room would you like, single or double?

B: A single room with bath. Overlooking the park, if possible.

C: Yes, there is a single room with bath available. And it overlooks the park.

B: Yes, please. Can you tell me the cost of the room before you ring off?

C: $50 per night, exclusive of service charge.

B: Thank you. Then I book the room for Mr. Black for those dates.

C: O.K. I’ve made a note of the dates. Would you like us to write a letter confirming the bo oking?

B: Yes, please.

C: And your address, please?

B: Niles Co.3362…Street, Rotterdam.

C: Thank you. That’s all we need. I hope the letter reaches you in time. Good-bye.

B: Thank you. Good-bye.

Meeting at the Airport

A:Excuse me. Are you Mr.Mike Johnson?

B:Yes,I am,from Northern Reflections of Canada. And are you Mr. Lin?

A:No sir,I'm not. I'm Liu Yang,Sales Manager at ABC Trading. Hi. Mr. Lin asked me to come and meet you,

because he was unexpectedly tied up this morning. He is very eager to meet you,and sends his warmest regards.

B:I see. Well,it's very nice to meet you,Liu Yang. And please,feel free to call me Mike. I'm not big on formalities.

A:That would be my pleasure. Can I help you with your bags? We've got a limo waiting outside.

B:A limo? I see you're trying to butter me up!

A:I hope you had a pleasant flight over,Mike. I've traveled the trans-Pacific routes before,and I know how tiring they can be. B:This one was uneventful,except for a little turbulence here and there. In fact,I feel as crisp as a new dollar bill.

A:Glad to hear it. Would you like an informal dinner with us tonight? Mr.Lin asked me to inquire.

B:It's very nice of him,but truthfully I'd rather just spend a quiet evening in the hotel getting ready for tomorrow's appointment. Mr.Lin won't mind?

A:Not at all. He expected you'd want a little R and R first. Just to confirm——you know that tomorrow's meeting is set for 10 a.m.,at our office? I'll pick you up at the hotel at 9:15.

B:That'll be fine. Liu Yang,thank you so much.

A:It's my pleasure. By the way,are there any sights you'd like to see while you're here? I'd be happy to show you around.

B:Well,I have instructions not to mix pleasure with business on this trip. But could we see International Trade Center,and Zhongguancun Science & Technology Park?

A:That's no problem. I'll set up appointments for later this week.

B:Thank you very much.

Saying Goodbye

(Mr. Smith has stayed in China for half a month. He is going to leave Shanghai for home tomorrow.

The host,Mr. Wang,is going to say goodbye to him.)

Wang = W;Smith = S

W:So you are leaving tomorrow,Mr.Smith?

S:Yes. How time flies!

W:It's a pity you're leaving so soon.

S:Well,life is just like that!

W:I suppose it cannot be helped.

S:No,I'm afraid not. Mr. Wang,you are such a nice young fellow and you have been taking good care of me ever since I first visited Shanghai. I don't know how I shall ever go on without you here. I should offer my thanks for all your help. W:It's very kind of you to say so. But really,I don't think I have done nearly enough.

S:Oh,you've done a great job. I will look forward to seeing you again when I am back home.

W:Really I'm going to miss you and I do hope you will come next time. By the way,how are you getting on with the packing? S:I have almost finished. When are we going to leave?

W:The plane is due to take off at 7:30 am. So we must start off for the airport at 6:30. Can you be ready at that time?


W:I must go now. I'll be here tomorrow at 6:30 then. Good-bye for now.

(At 7 am next day,they are in the waiting room. An announcement comes over the loudspeaker.“Your attention,please. Flight 6-3-5 is now loading for New York. Passengers for New York by 6-3-5 please board your plane now. ”)

W:That's your plane.

S:Thanks. What about my luggage?

W:It's already on the plane.

S:Good. Mr.Wang,I'd like to thank you for looking after me so well. I'm afraid I gave you a lot of trouble.

W:Not at all. It was a pleasure to work with you.

S:Good-bye. Thank you again.

W:Good-bye. We hope you have a good journey.
