新概念英语第三册笔记 第21课

Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza 丹尼尔.门多萨New words and expression 生词和短语Boxing n.拳击box v 拳击match (有输赢结果的)比赛game (有规则的)比赛the Olympic gamescontest (有评委评出结果的)比赛 a beauty contest 选美大赛English speech contestcompetition 竞赛,竞争competition for job 工作竞争race (与速度有关的)比赛 a boat race a swimming racetournament (一系列的比赛)联赛,大型锦标赛WWE:World Wrestling Entertainment [‘reslɪŋ]UFC Ultimate Fighting Championship 终极格斗冠军赛自由搏击Boxer n.拳击手Bare adj.赤裸的,光秃的(= uncovered adj.无盖的)(某个部位)(多指身体没有衣服覆盖的,也指土地荒芜的或树木没有叶子的)Fisted adj.握成拳头的bare mountain 光秃秃的山bare fist = bare fisted adj.赤手空拳的adv.赤手空拳地bare foot = barefooted adj.光着脚的adv.未戴帽地barehanded(adj.赤手空拳的)barelegged(adj.露腿的adv.光着腿的)bare-necked(adj.露出脖子的)bareheaded(adj.不戴帽子的)naked adj.全裸, 赤裸的, 裸体的(指人没有穿衣服的,也指动物尚未长出皮毛或羽毛的。
)-- He's walking in bare feet. 他光着双脚走路。
-- He is naked. = he has nothing no 他什么也没穿。

Lesson1 A puma at largePumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的). The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of 'cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from ? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。

为您整理了“新概念英语第三册课⽂重点精讲解析Lesson19~21”,希望可以帮助到您!新概念英语第三册课⽂重点精讲解析Lesson19 1 Kidnappers are rarely interested in Animals, but they recently took considerable interest in Mrs. Eleanor Ramsay's cat. rarely = seldom take interest in= be interested in ⼀句话中⽤不同的词组表达同样的意思,是为了避免重复 take considerable interest in sth. interest之前可以加上写表⽰程度的形容词 take great interest in = take tremendous interest in = take enormous interest in 2 Mrs Eleanor Ramsay, a very wealthy old lady, has shared a flat with her cat, Rastus, for a great many years. share sth. with sb. eg. I share the room with my friend. for a great many years = for a long time 3 Rastus leads an orderly life. He usually takes a short walk in the evenings and is always home by seven o'clock. lead an orderly life 过着很规律的⽣活 orderly 有秩序的,有顺序的,近义词:disciplined 受过训练的, regular 规律的 take a walk = go for a stroll = go for a walk 散步 4 Three day after Rastus' disappearance, Mrs. Ramsay received an anonymous letter. after可以和名词搭配 e.g. three days after arrival an anonymous letter 匿名信 5 The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs Ramsay paid a ransom of &1000. state ⾮常正式的声明 in safe hands 在可靠的⼈⼿中,意指“很安全” 6 Mrs. Ramsay was instructed to place the money in a cardboard box and to leave it outside her door. be instructed to do sth. 受指⽰做某事 eg. The journalist was instructed to obtain the so-called important statistics. 7 At first, she decided to go to the police, but fearing that she would never see Rastus again --the letter had made that quite clear--she changed her mind. fearing 现在分词做原因状语 make it clear to sb. that eg. The teacher has made it clear to us that we must read English aloud every day. 8 The next morning, the box had disappeared but Mrs. Ramsay was sure that the kidnapper would keep his word. keep his promise= keep his promise 遵守 word 表⽰诺⾔时,要采⽤单数形式 相关词组: break his word ⾷⾔;go back on one's word ⾷⾔ give sb. one’s word 向某⼈保证; as good as one's word 表⽰守信⽤,侧重点在于强调⼀个结果 eg. I give you my word that I will return your money. 我保证我会把钱还给你。

【英译中】 1. As long as we live, we won’t see a time when everything we do is rewarded justly. 2. He did not get up in the world until 1949, when the People’s Republic of China was founded. 3. The government did not succeed in getting the bill through until two months later, when the new Premier took the chair. 4. They did not bury the hatchet until 11:00 p.m., when they at last decided to finish the five-hour-long argument. 5. The government did not put up a monument in honor of those killed in battle until five years later, when the civil war came to an end.
Can/could 的含义
【课文原句】 • Because of this, they were known as ‘prizefighters’. However, boxing was very crude, for there were no rules and prizefighters could be seriously injured or even killed during a match. 【演练例句】 •表示“可能” Can it be true?这会是真的吗? Where‘s Dick? Where can he have gone? 迪克在哪儿?他会到哪 儿去了呢? He could not like it there.(指“他不可能在这一点上喜欢它”) •表示“许可”(permission) Could I see your driving license?我可以看看你的驾驶执照吗? •表示“能力”(ability) Can you lift that table?你能举起那张桌子吗? Could you lift that table(when you were younger)? 你(年轻时)能举起那张桌子吗?
(完整word版)新概念第三册21课Daniel Mendoza 丹尼尔·门多萨

§Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza 丹尼尔·门多萨【New words and expressions】生词和短语●boxing n. 拳击●boxer n. 拳击手●bare adj. 赤裸的●prizefighter n. 职业拳击手(尤指古时赤手拳击手)●crude adj. 粗野的●marquis n. 侯爵●technically adv. 严格根据法律意义地●science n. 科学●popularity n. 名望●adore v. 崇拜,爱戴●alike adv. 一样地●fame n. 名声●eminent adj. 著名的,杰出的●bitterly adv. 厉害地●bet (bet, bet; betted, betted) v. 打赌●academy n. 专业学校●extravagant adj. 浪费的,奢侈●poverty n. 贫困■boxing n. 拳击■boxer n. 拳击手■bare adj. 赤裸的bare uncoveredbare (部分的)赤裸bare fist 赤手空拳bare foot 光着脚的bare handed 光着手的bare legged 光着腿的naked 全裸He’s walking in bare feet.He is naked.nude adj. 光秃秃的;n. 裸体(雕象,油画)a nude hillside 光秃秃的山坡■prizefighter n. 职业拳击手(尤指古时赤手拳击手)■crude adj. 粗野的be crude to sb 对……粗鲁,无理, rude语气比crude 要弱He is crude to the girl.■marquis n. 侯爵■technically adv. 严格根据法律意义地■science n. 科学■popularity n. 名望in popularity 受欢迎,受喜爱Instant foods are getting in popularity. 即食食品越来越受欢迎。

Lesson 20 Pioneer pilots ⻜飞⾏行行员的先驱 In 1908 Lord Northcliffe offered a prize of $1,000 to the first man who would fly across the English Channel. Over a year passed before the first attempt was made. On July 19th, 1909, in the early morning, Hubert Latham took off from the French coast in his plane the 'Antoinette IV .' He had travelled only seven miles across the Channel when his engine failed and he was forced to land on the sea. The 'Antoinette' floated on the water until Latham was picked up by a ship. T wo days later, Louis Bleriot arrived near Calais with a plane called 'No. XI'. Bleriot had been making planes since 1905 and this was his latest model. A week before, he had completed a successful overland flight during which he covered twenty-six miles.Latham, however, did not give up easily. He, too, arrived near Calais on the same day with a new 'Antoinette'. It looked as if there would be an exciting race across the Channel. Both planes were going to take off on July 25th, but Latham failed to get up early enough. After making a short test flight at 4,15 a.m., Bleriot set off half an hour later.His great flight lasted thirty-seven minutes. When he landed near Dover, the first person to greet him was a local policeman. Latham made another attempt a week later and got within half a mile of Dover, but he was unlucky again. His engine failed and he landed on the sea for the second time.overland adj. 陆上的 attempt to do sth 尝试做某事多种意思如下pick up 捡起获得恢复精神康复加速整理理收拾拾承载接收集好转搭便便⻋车i 固定器器搭救掘染上1908年年,诺斯克利利夫勋爵拿出1,000英镑,作为对第⼀一个⻜飞越英吉利利海海峡的⼈人的奖励。


eminence n. 显赫 prominence n. 突出;显著;卓越 come into prominence 崭露头角 As one of the major restrained factors of social and economic sustainable development, the crisis of water environmental resources has come into prominence in our country. 水环境资源危机问题在我国日益突出,已成为社 会和经济持续发展的主要制约因素之一。
bare adj. (without clothes) In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for prize money. (l.2) with bare hands / with bare fists with bare feet barefisted (adj.adv.赤手空拳的(地) ) barefoot(adj.adv.光着脚) bareheaded(adj.不戴帽子的 adv.光着头) Fill in the visa application form and submit one photo which is recently-taken , 2-inches , halflength, bareheaded and full-face. naked adj. (not wearing clothes) naked eyes 裸眼
technically adv. strictly technical adj. of or relating to technique technical adviser technical terms Though he was technically a prizefighter, Mendoza did much to change crude prizefighting into a sport, for he brought science to the game. (l.8) technically speaking = strictly speaking Technically speaking, this yellow, torpedo-like robot is known as an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).自主 式水下交通工具 torpedo[tɔr'pido] n. 鱼雷autonomous [ɔ‟tɑnəməs]自主的
新概念英语3课后习题答案 第21课

新概念英语3课堂笔记第二十一课Lesson 21Daniel Mendoza丹尼尔.门多萨【New words and expressions】生词和短语★Boxingn. 拳击★boxern. 拳击手★bareadj. 赤裸的uncoveredbare fistbare footbare handedbare leggednakes: 全裸He's walking in bare feet.He is naked.nude: 光秃秃的★prizefightern. 职业拳击手(尤指古时赤手拳击手)adj. 粗野的be crude to somebodyHe is crude to the girlrude★marquisn. 侯爵★technicallyadv. 严格根据法律意义地★sciencen. 科学★popularityn. 名望Instant foods are getting in popularity. popular songs are in popularity. popular withfame reputation--声誉★adorev. 崇拜,爱戴★alikeadv. 一样地He was adored by rich and poor alike.n. 名声★eminentadj. 著名的,杰出的eminent scientistdistinguished★bitterlyadv. 厉害地It is blowing bitterly.bitter: 苦的,辛酸的,刺骨的★betv. 打赌bet on somethingbet somebody thatbet one's bottom dollar on somebody bet on the wrong horseI bet You bet.★academyn. 专业学校★extravagantadj. 浪费的,奢移的extravagant habitthrifty frugal economicaln. 贫困in povertyindigencedestitutionpenuryListen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。

• Country of origin: Greece (ancient boxing)
• Modern boxing developed in Europe, particularly Great Britain
• How do you like boxing?
New words and Expressions
奶的咖啡在嘴里留下了一些苦味. Unsweetened coffee • difficult to accept; causing sorrow; unwelcome 难 以接受的; 引起悲伤的; 不受欢迎的: • learn from bitter experience 从惨痛教训中吸取教 益
• shed bitter tears 留下伤心泪水
• Nicknamed as “B-ball”, “hoops” • Invented by Dr. James Naismith a
physical education professor and instructor; • Aim: keep his gym class active on a rainy day; • keep his students occupied and at proper levels of fitness during the long New England winters • First played 1891, Springfield, Massachusetts, United States
• Bare adj. • without clothing: bare legs • without the usual covering or

Lesson 25
1. impressive reminder 2. mark 3. take the lead领先,居首位 4. have bad luck= be out of luck运气不佳 5. fitted with difficulty 克服困难安装就位 6. cmore praise and abuse than.. 6. associate…with…讲…与..联系起来 7. appeal to sb对..有吸引力, 投合…兴趣 Take a stroll 在散布,拟人 8. Acting on a sudden pulse, 一时冲动 9. be pleased with…对..感到满意开心 10. main dish 主食 appetizer 开胃品 soup entree 主 食 dessert 甜点如icecream,fruit,cheese Beverage 饮料:coffee,coke,milk,beer 11. take possession of占据,占有,获得 ~~the enemy strong hold 占领要塞
Lesson 21-25
Lesson 21
1. fight with bare fists 空手搏斗 2. in those days=at that time day=(a period of success or fame辉煌时期) Every dog has his day. 3. draw up:制定,草拟,写出 4. change..into..把..变成 5. bring…to..把..引入,把..加入到… 6. adore 崇拜,喜爱 7. rise to fame 成名
Lesson 24
1. a skeleton in the cupboard/clozet 家丑 2. conceal…from..对..隐瞒… 3. possess(静态动词) 4. ruin毁坏 和spoil意思相近,没有明显的动作 行为 spoil the game 5. be about to do即将做…就要做..6.

新概念英语第三册课文翻译及学习笔记:Lesson21【课文】Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago. In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for prize money. Because of this, they were known as'prizefighters'. However, boxing was very crude, for these were no rules and a prizefighter could be seriously injuredor even killed during a match.One of the most colourful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza, who was born in 1764. The use of gloves wasnot introduced until 1860, when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set of rules. Though he was technically a prizefighter, Mendoza did much to change crude prizefighting into a sport, for he brought science to the game. In this day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was adored by rich and poor alike.Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old. This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England. He offered to train Mendoza and his young pupil was quick to learn. In fact, Mendoza soon became so successfulthat Humphries turned against him. The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. A match was held at Stilton, where both men fought for an hour. The public bet a great deal of money on Mendoza, but he was defeated. Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time. Itwas not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beatHumphries and became Champion of England. Meanwhile, he founded a highly successful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils. He earned enormous sums of moneyand was paid as much as $100 for a single appearence. Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt. After he was defeated by a boxer called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten. He was sent to prison for failing to payhis debt and died in poverty in 1836.【课文翻译】两百年前,拳击比赛在英国非常盛行。

新概念英语第三册lesson21生词及短语 Lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza丹尼尔.门多萨【New words and expressions】生词和短语★Boxingn. 拳击★boxern. 拳击手★bareadj. 赤裸的uncoveredbare fistbare footbare handedbare leggednakes:全裸He's walking in bare feet.He is naked.nude:光秃秃的★prizefightern. 职业拳击手(尤指古时赤手拳击手)★crudeadj. 粗野的be crude to somebodyHe is crude to the girlrude★marquisn. 侯爵★technicallyadv. 严格根据法律意义地★sciencen. 科学★popularityn. 名望Instant foods are getting in popularity. popular songs are in popularity.popular withfame reputation--声誉★adorev. 崇拜,爱戴★alikeadv. 一样地He was adored by rich and poor alike.★famen. 名声★eminentadj. 的,杰出的eminent scientistdistinguished★bitterlyadv. 厉害地It is blowing bitterly.bitter:苦的,辛酸的,刺骨的★betv. 打赌bet on somethingbet somebody thatbet one's bottom dollar on somebody bet on the wrong horseI bet You bet.★academyn. 专业学校★extravagantadj. 浪费的,奢移的extravagant habitthrifty frugal economical ★povertyn. 贫困in povertyindigencedestitutionpenury。

Daniel Mendoza 丹尼尔.门多萨Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago. In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for prize money. Because of this, they were known as 'prizefighters'. However, boxing was very crude, for these were no rules and a prizefighter could be seriously injured or even killed during a match.One of the most colourful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza, who was born in 1764. The use of gloves was not introduced until 1860, when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set of rules. Though he was technically a prizefighter, Mendoza did much to change crude prizefighting into a sport, for he brought science to the game. In this day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was adored by rich and poor alike.Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old. This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England. He offered to train Mendoza and his young pupil was quick to learn. In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries turned against him. The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. A match was held at Stilton, where both men fought for an hour. The public bet a great deal of money on Mendoza, but he was defeated. Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time. It was not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beat Humphries and became Champion of England. Meanwhile, he founded a highly successful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils. He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as $100 for a single appearence. Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt. After he was defeated by a boxer called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten. He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debt and died in poverty in 1836.10. Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old.门多萨在14岁时参加⼀场拳击赛后⼀举成名。
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Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago. In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for prize money. Because of this, they were known as
'prizefighters'. However, boxing was very crude, for these were no rules and a prizefighter could be seriously injured
or even killed during a match.
One of the most colourful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza, who was born in 1764. The use of gloves was
not introduced until 1860, when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set of rules. Though he was technically a prizefighter, Mendoza did much to change crude prizefighting into a sport, for he brought science to the game. In this day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was adored by rich and poor alike.
Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing match when he was only fourteen years old. This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England. He offered to train Mendoza and his young pupil was quick to learn. In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful
that Humphries turned against him. The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. A match was held at Stilton, where both men fought for an hour. The public bet a great deal of money on Mendoza, but he was defeated. Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time. It
was not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beat
Humphries and became Champion of England. Meanwhile, he founded a highly successful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils. He earned enormous sums of money
and was paid as much as $100 for a single appearence. Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt. After he was defeated by a boxer called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten. He was sent to prison for failing to pay
his debt and died in poverty in 1836.
笔的钱,一次出场费就多可达 100英镑。
boxing n. 拳击
bare adj. 赤裸的
prizefighter n. 职业拳击手(尤指古时赤手拳击手)
crude adj. 粗野的
marquis n. 侯爵
technically adv. 严格根据法律意义地
science n. 科学
popularity n. 名望
adore v. 崇拜,爱戴
alike adv. 一样地
fame n. 名声
eminent adj. 的,杰出的
bitterly adv. 厉害地
bet v. 打赌
academy n. 专业学校
extravagant adj. 浪费的,奢移的
poverty n. 贫困