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Multiple choice

A rt. No.8905 enjoys the fame of wide sales

A s we are in urgent need of Art. No.5609, please ship our order without delay.

A s the goods are in great demand we regret being unable to cover your requirements.

A s instructed, we will draw on_you a sight draft for collection through the Bank of China.

A s per your Enquiry No. 123, we are sending you a catalog and a sample book for your reference.

D ocumentary Collection is to be made with the documents to be attached to the draft

O ur company has wide experience in_ the textiles line.

O ur company has 30 years’ experience in the machinery line.

O ur latest design has won worldwide popularity

P lease effect payment when the draft expires

P ayment by D/P should be agreeable to you P lease send us the amendment to L/C immediately or we shall not be able to ship your order on time.

T he shipment time is June or July at our option and the goods will be shipped in one lot

T he notice given by the shipper after the shipment of the goods is called shipping advice

The bank who opens the L/C is called issuing bank

W e are unable to satisfy your requirements, for the goods are in great demand.

W e assure you of our prompt shipment after receipt of your order.

W e have to claim for your delay in shipping of our order.

W e regret to report that a consignment of silk piece goods under Order No. 567 has not been delivered.

W e are sending you the samples asrequested.

W e would like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you.

We will instruct our bank to issue an L/C in favor of your company.

W e have instructed the bank to effect the amendment you ask for.

W e thank you for your letter of May 17 and the enclosed catalogue.

W hile making an enquiry, you ought to enquire into quality, specification and price etc.

We would appreciate it very much if you send us some samples immediately.

W e are anxious to expand the market for our Antimony Trioxide, which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.

Y our terms of payment are agreeable to us

Y our request for payment by Letter of Credit is unacceptable.

Y ou have delayed in dispatching us the shipping advice after shipment.

Business terms translation

1. Chamber of commerce商会

2. Quotation报盘(价)

3. Counter-offer还盘

4. Customs invoice海关发票

5. Open account terms赊帐方式

6. Certificate of origin原产地证

7. Import quotas system进口配额制

8. Bill of exchange汇票

9. Promissory note本票10. Confirmed L/C保兑信用证 1. Quantity Discount数量折扣2. Proforma Invoice形式发票 3. Non-Tariff Barriers非关税壁垒 4. Sales Contract销售合同 5. Documentary Bill跟单汇票 6. Sight Draft即期汇票7. Irrevocable L/C不可撤消信用证8. On Board B/L已装船提单9. More or Less Clause溢短装条款10. Insurance Policy保险单1. Cash Discount 现金折扣 2. Commercial Invoice商业发票3. Import Licence System进口许可证制4. Sales Confirmation销售确认书5. Commercial Draft商业汇票 6. Time Draft_远期汇票

7. Collection托收8. Clean B/L清洁提单9. Warehouse to Warehouse Clause仓至仓条款10. Insurance Certificate保险凭证Fill in the blanks with the words/phrases given

1. confirm

2. special discount


4. for

5. in



7. conform 8. amendments 9. effect 10.


Dear Sirs,

We want to say how pleased we

were to receive your order of 15th April for

Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes.

We ____1___supply of 1000

pairs of the shoes at the prices stated in

your order No.888 and will allow a 5%

____2____on you order worth $5000 or

above. Our Sales Confirmation No.

BC-510 in two ____3____were airmailed

to you. Please sign and return one copy of

them ___4___our file.

It is understood that a letter of

credit ___5___our favour covering the said

shoes should be opened immediately. We

wish to point out that ____6____ in the

relative L/C must strictly ____7____ the

stated in our Sales Confirmation so as to

avoid subsequent ____8_____. You may

rest assured that we will ____9_____

shipment without delay ___10____receipt

of your letter of credit.

We appreciate your cooperation

and look forward to receiving from you

further orders.

Yours trulyLynd & Malory Co.

Marcus Square

London, E.C. 2


Dear Sirs

In reply to your letter of the 3rd

November enquiring about the insurance

on our CIF offer for Double Offset Ring

Spanners made to you on the 20th, we wish

to give you the following information.

For transactions concluded

___1___ , we usually ___2___ insurance

with The People’s Insurance Company of

China against All Risks, as per Ocean

Marine Cargo Clauses of The People’s

Insurance Company of China, dated the 1st

January, 1981. Should you require the

insurance to be covered ___3___ Institute

Cargo Clauses we would be glad to comply

but if there any difference in ___4___

between the two it will be charged

___5___ .

We are also in a position to

___6___ the shipment against any

additional risks if you so desire, and the

extra premium is to be borne by you. In this

case, we shall send you the premium

receipt ___7___ by the relative ____8____.

Usually, the amount insured I

110% of the total ____9____ . However, if

a higher percentage is required, we may do

accordingly but you have to ___10____ the

extra premium as well.

We hope our above information

will provide you with all the information

you wish to know and we are now looking

forward to receiving your order.

Yours faithfully

China National imp. & Exp. Corp.

1. on CIF basis

2. effect

3. as per


premium 5. to your account

6. insure

7. issued

8. underwriter

9. invoice value 10. bear

Lynd & Malory Co.

Marcus Square

London, E.C. 2


Dear Sirs,

In reply to your letter of the 3rd

November enquiring about the insurance

on our CIF offer for Double Offset Ring

Spanners made to you on the 20th, we wish

to give you the following information.

For transactions concluded

___1___ , we usually ___2___ insurance

with The People’s Insurance Company of

China against All Risks, as per Ocean

Marine Cargo Clauses of The People’s

Insurance Company of China, dated the 1st

January, 1981. Should you require the

insurance to be covered ___3___ Institute

Cargo Clauses we would be glad to comply

but if there any difference in ___4___

between the two it will be charged

___5___ .

We are also in a position to

___6___ the shipment against any

additional risks if you so desire, and the

extra premium is to be borne by you. In this

case, we shall send you the premium

receipt ___7___ by the relative ____8____.

Usually, the amount insured I

110% of the total ____9____ . However, if

a higher percentage is required, we may do

accordingly but you have to ___10____ the

extra premium as well.

We hope our above information

will provide you with all the information

you wish to know and we are now looking

forward to receiving your order.

Yours faithfully

China National imp. & Exp. Corp


Letter translation (20分)

With reference to our Sales

Confirmation No.7904 dated August 8th,

2000, we regret to say that your letter of

credit has not yet reached us up to the time

of writing. This has caused us much

inconvenience as we have already made

preparations for shipment according to the

stipulations of the said Sales Confirmation.

You must be aware that the terms and

conditions of a contract once signed should

be strictly observed, failure to abide by

them will mean violation of contract. If you

refer to our Sales Confirmation, you will

see the clause reading:

“The Buyer shall establish the

covering letter of credit before 30th August,

2000, failing which the Seller reserves the

right to rescind the contract without further


The goods you ordered have been

ready for quite some time and the demand

of late has been so great that we find it hard

to keep them for you any longer. However,

in consideration of our friendly business

relations, we are prepared to wait for your

L/C, which must reach us not later than

October 5th, 2000. If we again fail to

receive your L/C in time, we shall cancel

our Sales Confirmation and ask you to

refund to us the storage charges we have

paid on your behalf.

Your co0operation in this respect will be


For the past five years

we have been selling your Electronic

Lighters to wholesalers and large dealers in

all parts of Pakistan and our clients are very

much satisfied with your products. The

styles and colours are very much to the

taste of our market. We have built up a

considerable number of well-established

connections with excellent business results.

As we understand that you have

no agent in Pakistan, we would like to offer

our services.

For your reference, we would

propose a sole agency agreement for a

duration of three years with annual

turnover of 50,000, 60,000 and 70,000

pieces for the first, second and third year

respectively. On all sales, we are entitled to

receive a commission of 15%. During the

validity of the agency agreement, we shall

not handle any other foreign products of

the same line and competitive types. The

area to be covered by the agency agreement

is confined to Pakistan.

If you agree to grant us the sole

agency we will devote full attention to the

development of your products on the

Pakistan market and will go into the matter


We look forward to receiving

your favourable reply.

Thank you for your letter of the

31st October in connection with sole


In reply, we wish to state that we

appreciate your efforts in pushing the sales

of our Electronic Lighters in Pakistan and

we are satisfied with your work in the past.

However, after serious consideration, we

do not think conditions are ripe to entrust

you with the agency at the present stage as

the sales volume mentioned in your letter

under reply is too small for us to grant you

the agency. To tell you frankly, the average

annual quantity we sold to your country in

the past few years is larger than what you


In spite of this, please do not

misinterpret our above remark, which in no

way implies dissatisfaction. If a bigger

turnover can be realized to justify

establishing the agency we would like you

to represent us.

We hope you will agree with on

this point and continue placing orders with

us as you have done so far.

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your offer of May 3

for men’s and women’s leather gloves and

also for the samples you sent us.

Having looked over your samples,

we found both the quality of the leather

used and workmanship are up to our

requirements. And we are pleased to place

the following order with you:

300 pairs of women’s leather

gloves in red color Size:No.26 each pair at

US$5CIF Hamburg. 200pairs of men’s

leather gloves in black.Size: No. 30,each

pair at US$6CIF Hamburg.

Our order is subject to your

acceptance of our usual terms of payment,

within 20days after sight. If this order is

executed satisfactorily, we shall be happy

to place further orders with you.

Yours faithfully,

China National Import & Export Corp.


Dear Sirs,

The instructions from Browning

& Sons, received through our Hong Kong

office, we have opened an irrevocable letter

of credit for $55,500 in your favor, valid

until 30 November next. You have

authority to draw on us at 60 days against

this credit for the amount of your invoice

upon shipment of 2000 tons of Steels to

Browning & Sons.

Your drafts must be

accompanied by the following documents,

which are to be delivered to us against our

acceptance of the draft,Bill of Lading in

triplicate, Commercial Invoice, Insurance

Certificate and Certificate of Origin.

Provided you fulfill the terms of the

credit we will accept and pay on maturity

the draft presented to us under this credit

and if required, provide discounting

facilities at current


We owe your name and

address to the International

Business Department of Bank of

China, through whom we

learned that you are the

manufacturers of Textiles, Pieces

Goods and General Merchandise,

and also that you are engaging in

importing and exporting.

May we introduce

ourselves as an Importer of all

General Merchandise, Exporter

of China Produce, and

Manufacturers’ Representative

and Commission Agent.

We have been in business since

1923 and can boast having vast and wide


in all lines we handle.

Our Bankers are Bank of China, and the

Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

of Hong Kong, from whom you will be able to

obtain all the information you may require in

regard to our business integrity and financial


We shall be grateful if you let us know
