



I Notes to the UserG This product must be handled by qualified personnel with expert knowl-edge of electrical and mechanical engineering.G Should you require the inspection or repair of internal parts, please contact the Oriental Motor branch or sales office from which you pur-chased the product.G Oriental Motor shall not be liable whatsoever for any patent-related problem arising in connection with the use of any information, circuit,equipment or device described in this document.G Characteristics, specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice.G This document is protected under the applicable copyright laws. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored, changed, duplicated or transmitted digitally (via printing, copying, microfilming or any other manner) without prior written consent from Oriental Motor.is a trademark of Oriental Motor Co., Ltd.Other product names and company names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective com-panies and are hereby acknowledged. The third-party products men-tioned in this manual are recommended products, and references to their names shall not be construed as any form of performance guar-antee. Oriental Motor is not liable whatsoever for the performance of these third-party products.©Copyright ORIENTAL MOTOR CO., LTD. 2006I Overview of the ProductThe EZT1teaching pendant is used to set and monitor operation data for the controller.This manual serves as a user’s guide for the EZT1teaching pendant.Operating any slider, cylinder or motor requires the creation of operation data via a teaching pendant.For details, see the user manual for the controller to be used in combi-nation with the product, as well as the manual for data setting, and follow the instructions provided in those manuals.I Compliance with the EC DirectivesA CE marking is affixed to the teaching pendant.The installation conditions needed to satisfy the EC directives shall be as described in the user manual for the controller to be used in combi-nation with the product.I Safety PrecautionsFor details, see the user manual for the controller to be used in combi-nation with the product and follow the instructions provided in those man-uals.I Key LayoutHL-0122-3Before Using the ProductReceipt, Storage and Disposal of the ProductThe customer should inspect the exterior of the equipment before accept-ing the product.Check the delivered product by verifying it against the specification on the order sheet. If the product is damaged, please contact the Oriental Motor branch or sales office from which you purchased the product.Packing listG Teaching pendant 1 unitGTeaching pendant user manual 1 copyLeave the product in the packing carton until immediately before instal-lation. If the product is not to be used for an extended period of time,store it in a place that satisfied the following conditions:G A clean place not subject to excessive humidity or salt G A place away from direct sunlightG An ambient temperature of 0°C to +50°C (+32°F to +122°F) (non-freezing)G A relative humidity of 85% or below (noncondensing)G A place not exposed to corrosive gases G A place not subject to continuous vibrationWhen disposing of the product, treat it as industrial waste.Engage a certified waste-disposal service to carry out the disposal.Emergency stop buttonFunction keysSetting keysThe teaching pendant has 22 setting keys and four function keys.The functions assigned to the function keys vary according to the screen.Thank you for purchasing an Oriental Motor product.Always keep the manual where it is readily available.I Function KeysThe functions assigned to the function keys are listed in the fourth line of the display screen (four lines x 17 characters).The function keys are used to change screens, as well as to delete/select data or values displayed.F1F2F4: Used to change the operation mode: Used to change to the screen subordinate to the screen cur-rently displayed, delete data and select setting values other than numerical valuesI Setting KeysESCSHIFTSTARTSTOP: Escape key, used to change to the screen subordinate to the screen currently displayed : Used to start positioning: Used to stop positioning and return-to-home operation: Used to reset entered numerical values such as data number,speed and position, to 0. Used to switch the operating speed to high-speed during remote teaching and manual operation.: Used to move to the next setting item. Used to increase/decrease the number of tens during selecting data number for positioning operation: Used to select setting values other than numerical ed to increase/decrease the number of units when select-ing data number for positioning operation. Used to start man-ual operation: Backspace key, used to remove one digit of a numerical value entered for data number, speed or position : Used to enter the sign of a numerical value: Used to enter numerical values: Used to enter a decimal point when entering a numerical value : Enter key, used to commit a numerical value entered and change to the next screen displayBS0.ENT9toandandThe method for connecting the teaching pendant to a controller shall be as described in the user manual for the controller to be used in combi-nation with the product.I Precautions when Connecting the Teaching PendantIf you want to install the teaching pendant near the controller, you can install a strap (not included) through the strap-attachment hole provided and hang it on a hook or similar object. However, when the machine is to be moved, be sure to remove the teaching pendant.I Emergency Stop ButtonThe emergency stop button has been selected according to the require-ments of EN 954-1, category 1.In order to recover from an emergency stop, first cancel the alarm status of the controller and then turn the emergency stop button clockwise.Before resetting the emergency stop button, be sure that doing so will not jeopardize operator safety.ORIENTAL MOTOR U.S.A. CORP .Technical Support Line Tel:(800)468-3982Available from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, P .S.T.E-mail:*****************************ORIENTAL MOTOR (EUROPA) GmbHHeadquarters and Düsseldorf Office Tel:0211-5206700 Fax:0211-52067099Munich Office Tel:08131-59880 Fax:08131-598888Hamburg OfficeTel:040-76910443 Fax:040-76910445ORIENTAL MOTOR (UK) LTD.ORIENTAL MOTOR (FRANCE) SARLTel:01256-347090Fax:01256-347099Tel:01 47 86 97 50Fax:01 47 82 45 16ORIENTAL MOTOR ITALIA s.r.l.TAIWAN ORIENTAL MOTOR CO., LTD.Tel:02-93906346Fax:02-93906348Tel:(02)8228-0707Fax:(02)8228-0708SINGAPORE ORIENTAL MOTOR PTE. LTD.Tel:(6745)7344Fax:(6745)9405ORIENTAL MOTOR (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD.Tel:(03)79545778Fax:(03)79541528INA ORIENTAL MOTOR CO., LTD.KOREATel:(032)822-2042~3Fax:(032)819-8745ORIENTAL MOTOR CO., LTD.Headquarters Tokyo, Japan Tel:(03)3835-0684Fax:(03)3835-1890Printed on Recycled PaperGPlease contact your nearest ORIENTAL MOTOR office for further information.to。

















JB-QB-OZH200 火灾报警控制器使用说明书(V1.0)

JB-QB-OZH200 火灾报警控制器使用说明书(V1.0)

J B-Q B-O Z H200火灾报警控制器使用说明书(V1.0)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1目录第一章产品介绍 (2)概述 (2)主要技术指标 (2)产品功能特点 (2)第二章安装与接线.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

设备外观与机箱安装.. (3)部件组成 (3)电源连接 (3)端子说明 (4)第三章键盘及主界面说明.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

键盘说明. (4)主界面说明 (5)第四章菜单界面.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

设置菜单. (5)操作菜单 (6)编程菜单 (6)查询菜单 (7)编码菜单 (7)帮助菜单 (7)第五章部件类型对照表.................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

第六章常见故障排除方法.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

第七章联系方式.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



1.4 火灾报警控制器概述OZH4800系列火灾报警控制器是消防报警及联动系统的核心设备,它负责检测各探测器、模块等部件的状态,及时将回路总线上各部件的火警信息以声、光形式反应出来,并按预先编制的联动关系以总线形式联动相应设备,完成报警及联动灭火任务。


产品特点及功能z容量:单机最大容量11520地址,可以1~8台控制器联网组成超大系统;每回路总线监控容量 192地址;每块回路扩展卡配置4个回路,共768地址;单机基本配置1块回路扩展卡,可最多扩展到15块回路扩展卡。

z总线:1)探测器、手报:2总线,无极性,允许枝状布线,总线长度可达1500m;2)总线联动、楼层显示器:4总线,除与探测器、手报按钮共享信号2总线 外,另加两根电源线(24V,0V);3) 多线联动:N+1线制z地址:由控制器自动编址,探测器和总线联动模块统一编址;火灾显示盘独立编址,不占用整机容量空间。






z 外形:壁挂式、立柜式和琴台式三种外型结构,符合不同场所的空间要求。

配壁挂式、柜式和琴台式照片主要技术参数主电源 AC187~242V 50Hz备电源 DC24V 7Ah功耗 监视状态:2.2W 报警状态 :10W巡检周期 3.5秒外形尺寸 壁挂式:700mm(高)×520mm(宽)×140mm立柜式:500mm(长)×610mm(宽)×1860mm(高)标准单琴台式:1040mm(长)×610mm(宽)×1115mm(高)标准单琴台式:1040mm(长)×610mm(宽)×1115mm(高)技术标准 GB4717-93、GB16806-1997配置参考z JB-QB-OZH5800/64 智能火灾报警控制器(联动型) 壁挂64点z JB-QB-OZH5800/128 智能火灾报警控制器(联动型)壁挂128点z JB-QB-OZH5800/192 智能火灾报警控制器(联动型)壁挂192点z JB-QB-OZH5800/384 智能火灾报警控制器(联动型)壁挂384点z JB-QB-OZH5800/768 智能火灾报警控制器(联动型)壁挂768点z JB-QG/T-OZH5800/768 智能火灾报警控制器(联动型) 柜式/台式768点z JB-QG/T-OZH5800/1536 智能火灾报警控制器(联动型) 柜式/台式1536点 z JB-QG/T-OZH5800/2304 智能火灾报警控制器(联动型) 柜式/台式2304点 z JB-QG/T-OZH5800/3072 智能火灾报警控制器(联动型) 柜式/台式3072点 z JB-QG/T-OZH5800/3840 智能火灾报警控制器(联动型) 柜式/台式3840点 每增加一块回路扩展卡,容量增加768点。



OX520消火栓按钮使用说明书V1.01.0 概述1.1 OX520消火栓按钮(以下简称按钮),是人工发送报警信号、启动水泵及显示水泵运行指示的部件。

1.2 该按钮具有控制器自动编址和电子编码器编址两种编址方式、自动检测消火栓按钮两端电压的功能。



2.0 结构特征及工作原理2.1壳体材料和颜色采用ABS 复合塑胶设计成型,外观红色、安装方便。

2.2工作原理、工作特性该按钮采用MCU 单片机微处器。

SMT 贴片技术和二线制无极性输入方式设计,具有控制器自动编址和电子编码器编址两种编址方式、自动检测按钮两端电压的功能。

2.3 主要部件该消火栓按钮是由按钮开关、电话插孔、线路板,外壳主要部件组成。

3.0 技术特征3.1 工作电压:DC20V ~ 28V3.2 监视电流: ≤250uA报警电流:≤2mA3.3 线制:二总线,无极性3.4 地址设定范围:1~192号3.5 触点容量:DC24V/1A3.6 环境条件:温 度 -10℃~+50℃。

相对湿度 ≤95%(40±2℃)3.7尺寸及重量长:85mm 宽:85mm 高度:38.5mm 重量:约129g4.0 安装4.1 安装基础、条件及要求4.1.2 安装前消火栓按钮应保存在防尘、防潮、防霉的地方。

4.2 消火栓按钮的布线4.2.1 要求用截面积1mm 2以上的铜质双绞线,每米绞合节数为20~30,导线总电阻低于60Ω,总分布电容低于0.2uF 。

在总线负载较重的情况下,宜根据实际最大负载电流计算导线压降,以保证现场单元得到20V 以上的总线电压。

4.2.2 屋顶的穿线管在装入底座后应使用密封膏或密封胶封堵,防止积水进入消火栓按钮。

4.2.3 接线时导线应使用冷压接线端子或做镀锡处理,不可随意缠绕。


Uracron CY134 E-70产品数据表说明书

Uracron CY134 E-70产品数据表说明书

Page 1 of 1Product Data Sheet Uracron CY134 E-70The user is held to check the quality, safety and other properties of the product referred to herein. The information andrecommendations in this document are to the best of our knowledge, reliable. However, no rights whatsoever can be derived from this document or the information contained therein by any party, other than those expressly accepted by Synres in abinding sale and purchase agreement for product referred to herein. For the avoidance of doubt SYNRES MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Unless explicitly agreed to otherwise in writing by Synres, all offers, quotations, sales and deliveries of Synres products are subject to its General Conditions of Sale ()D a t e o f i s s u e : S e p t e m b e r 2016, V e r s i o n : 1.0High solid hydroxy acrylic resin for two component coatingsApplications- car refinish enamels- solid color/clear top coat - general industrial coatingsPrincipal properties - weathering resistance - good chemical resistance - good petrol resistanceDilutability Xylene complete Solvent naphtha 100 complete Ethylacetate complete n-Butyl acetate complete 1-Methoxy 2-propyl acetate complete Methyl ethyl ketone complete Ethoxy propylacetate complete Propylacetate complete MAK complete MIAK complete MIBK completeCompatibilityUracron CY430, CY472, CY499 complete Uralac SY941, SY946 1) completeDesmodur N3390, N3600 2)completeDesmodur XP 2410 2)completeTolonate HDT LV, HDT LV2 3)complete Tolonate HDT 90 3) complete 1)DSM 2)Covestro 3)VencorexDelivery form:70% in butyl acetateProperty Range Unit TMViscosity, 23°C, ISO 3219 4.0 - 6.0 Pa.s 2013 Color, APHA 0 - 100 - 2017 Solids content 69 - 71 % 2022 Appearance clear - 2265 Acid value, on solid 0 - 10 mg KOH/g 2401Property Value UnitTMDensity, 23°C ca. 1020 kg/m³ 2160 Flash point ca. 25 °C 2800 Hydroxyl content ca. 3.4 % 2432Storage guidelinesThe resin should be stored indoors in the original, unopened and undamaged containers in a dry place at storage temperatures between 5°C and 30°C. Exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided.Shelf lifeUnder the stipulated storage conditions, the anticipated shelf-life is 360 days from last quality control date, as stated in the Certificate of Analysis.Material safetyA material safety data sheet of the products is available on request.Test methodsTest methods (TM) referred to in the tables are available on request.Starting formulations are available on request。



JB-QG-OLK3900G 消防联动控制设备使用说明书一、特点:JB-QG(QT)-OLK3900G消防联动控制设备(以下简称控制柜)是专为消防控制系统中的重要设备:消防泵、喷淋泵、排烟机、送风机、防火卷帘门、电梯等实施可靠控制而设计的。













目录一、OZH280火灾报警控制器容量、配置、线制及设置 (1)二、OZH280火灾报警控制器操作方法 (3)三、附A: OZH280火灾报警控制器字符区位码对照表 (14)四、附B: OZH280火灾报警控制器汉字区位码对照表 (15)OZH280火灾报警控制器容量、配置、线制及设置一、主要技术指标1、交流输入电压:220V±10%, 50Hz±1%。

2、备用电源:24V 4Ah, 全密封免维护蓄电池。

3、使用环境:温度:0℃~+50℃;相对湿度:≤95% ( 40℃±2℃)。









(4)线制要求:a. 信号二总线(无极性),采用RVS双绞线,截面积≥1.0mm2。


b. DC24V输出线采用BV线,截面积≥2.5mm2。

c.信号二总线的主干线≥1.5mm2d. 控制器每路总线的往返电阻<20Ω.四、设置(1)系统刷新:首次使用应进行刷新操作,将以前的信息、记录、安装位置、联动编程、综合编程等全部清除;然后再进行登记操作、安装位置编程、联动编程、综合编程、多线联动设置等操作。






Arzerra (ofatumumab) 产品说明书

Arzerra (ofatumumab) 产品说明书

Arzerra® (ofatumumab)(Intravenous)Document Number: IC‐0208 Last Review Date: 04/04/2022Date of Origin: 08/26/2014Dates Reviewed: 03/2015, 05/2015, 08/2015, 11/2015, 02/2016, 05/2016, 08/2016, 11/2016, 02/2017,05/2017, 08/2017, 11/2017, 02/2018, 05/2018, 04/2019, 04/2020, 04/2021, 04/2022I.Length of Authorization 1,10Coverage will be provided for 6 months with renewal subject to the following:∙CLL/SLL (first-line) may be renewed to allow for a total of 12 cycles∙CLL/SLL (relapsed) may not be renewed (unless the provisions for extended treatment have been met)∙CLL/SLL (single agent subsequent therapy) may not be renewed (unless the provisions for extended treatment have been met)∙CLL/SLL (extended treatment) may be renewed to provide for a total of 2 years of therapy ∙Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia/Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma may be renewed to allow for up to a total of 3 cyclesII.Dosing LimitsA.Quantity Limit (max daily dose) [NDC Unit]:∙Arzerra 100 mg/5 mL single-use vial: 3 vials Day 1∙Arzerra 1000 mg/50 mL single-use vial: 2 vials weekly x 7 doses, then 2 vials every 4 weeks, then 1 vial every 8 weeks for up to 24 monthsB.Max Units (per dose and over time) [HCPCS Unit]:CLL/SLL First‐Line▪30 billable units on day 1 and 100 billable units on day 8; then▪100 billable units every 28 days for up to 11 dosesSingle agent subsequent therapy▪30 billable units on day 1; then▪200 billable units weekly x 7 doses; then▪200 billable units every 28 days x 4 dosesRelapsed▪30 billable units on day 1 and 100 billable units on day 8; then▪100 billable units every 28 days for up to 5 dosesExtended Treatment▪30 billable units on day 1 and 100 billable units on day 8; then▪100 billable units 7 weeks later and every 8 weeks thereafterWaldenström’s Macroglobulinemia / Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma ▪30 billable units on day 1; then▪200 billable units every 7 days x 4 dosesIII.Initial Approval Criteria 1Coverage is provided in the following conditions:∙Patient is at least 18 years of age; ANDUniversal Criteria 1∙Patient has been screened for the presence of hepatitis B (HBV) infection (i.e., HBsAg and anti-HBc) prior to initiating therapy and patients with evidence of current or prior HBVinfection will be monitored for HBV reactivation during treatment; AND∙Must not be administered concurrently with live vaccines; ANDChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (SLL) † Ф1-3∙Used as first-line therapy; ANDo Used in combination with chlorambucil in patients considered inappropriate for fludarabine-based therapy (Note: only applies to CLL);ORo Used in combination with bendamustine ‡; AND▪Patient does not have del(17p)/TP53 mutation (patients ≥ 65 years, or younger patients with or without significant comorbidities; excluding use in frail patients[i.e., creatine clearance (CrCl) <70 mL/min]); OR∙Used as subsequent therapy; ANDo Used as a single agent; ORo Used in combination with fludarabine and cyclophosphamide (FC) for relapsed disease (Note: only applies to CLL);OR∙Used as extended treatment in patients with complete or partial response after at least 2 lines of therapy for recurrent or progressive disease (Note: only applies to CLL) Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia/Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma ‡ 2,4∙Used as a single agent OR as part of combination therapy; AND∙Patient is intolerant to rituximab; ANDo Patient has previously failed primary therapy; ORo Patient has progressive or relapsed disease† FDA Approved Indication(s); ‡ Compendia Recommended Indication(s); Ф Orphan Drug IV.Renewal Criteria 1Coverage may be renewed based on the following criteria:∙Patient continues to meet universal and other indication-specific relevant criteria such as concomitant therapy requirements (not including prerequisite therapy), performancestatus, etc.identified in section III; AND∙Disease response with treatment as defined by stabilization of disease or decrease in size of tumor or tumor spread; AND∙Absence of unacceptable toxicity from the drug. Examples of unacceptable toxicity include: Hepatitis B virus reactivation/infection, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, severe infusion reactions, tumor lysis syndrome, cytopenias (neutropenia, anemia, andthrombocytopenia), etc.V.Dosage/Administration 1,10CLL/SLL (First-line)Administer 300 mg on Day 1, then 1,000 mg on Day 8, followed by 1,000 mg on Day 1 of subsequent 28-day cycles for a minimum of 3 cycles until best response or amaximum of 12 cyclesCLL/SLL (Single agent subsequent therapy)Administer 300 mg on Day 1, followed 1 week later by 2,000 mg given weekly x 7 doses (infusions 2 through 8), followed 4 weeks later by 2,000 mg every 4 weeks for 4 doses (infusions 9 through 12) for a total of 12 dosesCLL/SLL (Relapsed) Administer 300 mg on Day 1, then 1,000 mg on Day 8, followed by 1,000 mg on Day 1 of subsequent 28-day cycles for a maximum of 6 cyclesCLL/SLL (Extended treatment)Administer 300 mg on Day 1, then 1,000 mg on Day 8, followed by 1,000 mg 7 weeks later and every 8 weeks thereafter for up to a maximum of 2 yearsWaldenström’s/ Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma Cycle 1:∙Administer 300 mg on day 1, then 1,000 mg weekly for weeks 2 through 4; OR∙Administer 300 mg on day 1, then 2,000 mg weekly for weeks 2 through 5Cycle 2-3:∙Patients with stable disease or a minor response at week 16 of cycle 1 are eligible to receive a re-dosing cycle of 300 mg on day 1, then 2,000 mg for weeks 2 through5.Patients responding to cycle 1 or the redosing cycle who developed diseaseprogression within 36 months can receive treatment with 300 mg on day 1, then2,000 mg for weeks 2 through 5.VI.Billing Code/Availability InformationHCPCS Code:•J9302 – Injection, ofatumumab, 10 mg; 1 billable unit = 10 mgNDC:•Arzerra 1000 mg/50 mL single-use vial: 00078-0690-xx•Arzerra 100 mg/5 mL single-use vial: 00078-0669-xxVII.References1.Arzerra [package insert]. East Hanover, NJ; Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, August2016. Accessed March 2022.2.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCNCompendium®) ofatumumab. National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2022. The NCCNCompendium® is a derivative work of the NCCN Guidelines®. NATIONALCOMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK®, NCCN®, and NCCN GUIDELINES® aretrademarks owned by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. To view the mostrecent and complete version of the Compendium, go online to . Accessed March2022.3.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCNCompendium®) Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma. Version2.2022. National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2022. The NCCN Compendium® is aderivative work of the NCCN Guidelines®. NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCERNETWORK®, NCCN®, and NCCN GUIDELINES® are trademarks owned by the NationalComprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. To view the most recent and complete version of theCompendium, go online to . Accessed March 2022.4.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCNCompendium®) Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia/Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma. Version2.2022. National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2022. The NCCN Compendium® is aderivative work of the NCCN Guidelines®. NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCERNETWORK®, NCCN®, and NCCN GUIDELINES® are trademarks owned by the NationalComprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. To view the most recent and complete version of theCompendium, go online to . Accessed March 2022.5.Furman RR, Eradat H, DiRienzo CG, et al. A phase II trial of ofatumumab in subjects withWaldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. Blood. 2011;118:37016.Wierda WG, Kipps TJ, Mayer J, et al. Ofatumumab as single-agent CD20 immunotherapyin fludarabine-refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia. J Clin Oncol 2010;28:1749-17557.Referenced with permission from the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCNCompendium®) B-Cell Lymphomas. Version 1.2022. National Comprehensive CancerNetwork, 2022. The NCCN Compendium® is a derivative work of the NCCN Guidelines®.2NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK®, NCCN®, and NCCNGUIDELINES® are trademarks owned by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network,Inc. To view the most recent and complete version of the Compendium, go online to. Accessed March 2022.8.Rosenbaum CA, Jung SH, Pitcher B, et al. Phase 2 multicentre study of single-agentofatumumab in previously untreated follicular lymphoma: CALGB 50901 (Alliance). Br JHaematol. 2019 Feb 5.9.Van Imhoff GW, McMillan A, Matasar MJ et al. Ofatumumab Versus Rituximab SalvageChemoimmunotherapy in Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: TheORCHARRD Study. J Clin Oncol 2017;35 (5):544-551.10.Furman RR, Eradat HA, DiRienzo CG, et al. Once-weekly ofatumumab in untreated orrelapsed Waldenström's macroglobulinaemia: an open-label, single-arm, phase 2 study.Lancet Haematol. 2017 Jan;4(1):e24-e34. doi: 10.1016/S2352-3026(16)30166-1. Epub 2016Dec 1.11.Hillmen P, Robak T, Janssens A, et al. Chlorambucil plus ofatumumab versus chlorambucilalone in previously untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia(COMPLEMENT 1): a randomised, multicentre, open-label phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2015 May 9;385(9980):1873-83. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60027-7. Epub 2015 Apr 14.12.Robak T, Warzocha K, Govind Babu K, et al. Ofatumumab plus fludarabine andcyclophosphamide in relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results from theCOMPLEMENT 2 trial. Leuk Lymphoma. 2017 May;58(5):1084-1093. doi:10.1080/10428194.2016.1233536. Epub 2016 Oct 12.13.van Oers MH, Kuliczkowski K, Smolej L, et al. Ofatumumab maintenance versusobservation in relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (PROLONG): an open-label,multicentre, randomised phase 3 study. Lancet Oncol. 2015 Oct;16(13):1370-9. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(15)00143-6. Epub 2015 Sep 13.14.Lemery SJ, Zhang J, Rothmann MD, et al. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Approval:Ofatumumab for the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Refractory to Fludarabine and Alemtuzumab. 10.1158/R-10-0570 Published September2010.15.Chen L, Shah R, Cwynarski K. et al. Ofatumumab is a feasible alternative anti-CD20therapy in patients intolerant of rituximab. Br J Haematol. 2019 Feb;184(3):462-465.doi: 10.1111/bjh.15110. Epub 2018 Jan 24.Appendix 1 – Covered Diagnosis Codes1010C83.00 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, unspecified siteC83.01 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face and neckC83.02 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes1010C83.03 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodesC83.04 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limbC83.05 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limbC83.06 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodesC83.07 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, spleenC83.08 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sitesC83.09 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sitesC88.0 Waldenström macroglobulinemiaC91.10 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type not having achieved remissionC91.12 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type in relapseAppendix 2 – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)Medicare coverage for outpatient (Part B) drugs is outlined in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (Pub. 100-2), Chapter 15, §50 Drugs and Biologicals. In addition, National Coverage Determination (NCD), Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs), and Local Coverage Article (LCAs) may exist and compliance with these policies is required where applicable. They can be found at: https:///medicare-coverage-database/search.aspx. Additional indications may be covered at the discretion of the health plan.Medicare Part B Covered Diagnosis Codes (applicable to existing NCD/LCA/LCD): N/AJurisdiction Applicable State/US Territory ContractorE (1) CA, HI, NV, AS, GU, CNMI Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLCF (2 & 3) AK, WA, OR, ID, ND, SD, MT, WY, UT, AZ Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC5 KS, NE, IA, MO Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp (WPS)6 MN, WI, IL National Government Services, Inc. (NGS)H (4 & 7) LA, AR, MS, TX, OK, CO, NM Novitas Solutions, Inc.8 MI, IN Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp (WPS) N (9) FL, PR, VI First Coast Service Options, Inc.J (10) TN, GA, AL Palmetto GBA, LLCM (11) NC, SC, WV, VA (excluding below) Palmetto GBA, LLCNovitas Solutions, Inc.L (12) DE, MD, PA, NJ, DC (includes Arlington &Fairfax counties and the city of Alexandria in VA)K (13 & 14) NY, CT, MA, RI, VT, ME, NH National Government Services, Inc. (NGS)15 KY, OH CGS Administrators, LLC。



JB-QB-ODM04 气体灭火控制器使用说明书深圳奥瑞那光子技术有限公司目录一、概述 (1)二、主要技术指标 (1)三、主要功能 (2)四、结构特点 (4)五、操作方法 (4)六、报警控制器的使用 (6)七、报警控制器的维护 (6)八、附录 (7)九、配套设备接线示意图 (9)十、接线端子示意图 (10)一、概述JB-QB-ODM04气体灭火控制器是依照国家标准GB16806-1997,GB4717和行业标准GA61-93,并结合实际应用,采用最新微电脑技术和抗干扰技术设计。











二、主要技术指标1、外形尺寸:400×120×600mm32、重量:15kg3、工作温度:10℃~50℃4、工作湿度:<95%(40℃)5、主电源:AC220V 50Hz6、备用电源:DC24V 7AH 铅酸蓄电池7、单一火警触点:每区一组(动作时继电器闭合,DC24V<1A)X6,X7,X8(X为区号A、B、C、D)。

ARTISAN技术集团-Alcatel-Lucent ADS 501产品说明书

ARTISAN技术集团-Alcatel-Lucent ADS 501产品说明书

ContentsADP/ADS User’s manualE d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98A - Introductions ADP/ADS Series One .............................................A 10s The various versions of ADP Series One ......................A 20s ADP/ADS Serie One Dry pumpsfor semi-conductor’s industry .......................................A 30s Types of monitoring systems ......................................A 40s Dry pump operational principle .................................A 50s The accessories .......................................................A 60sTechnical characteristics.............................................A 70B - Start-ups Safety instructions ....................................................B 00s Unpacking / Storage ...............................................B 10s Positioning the pump in pumping installation .................B 20s Installing anti-vibration pads........................................B 30s Modular version - Layout ..........................................B 40s Filling the pump oil housings ......................................B 50s Connection to the cooling circuit ...............................B 60s Inert gas purge connection (N 2 plug) ..........................B 70s Nitrogen purge flow sensor .......................................B 80s Connection to the pumping circuit .............................B 90s Electropneumatic exhaust valve connection (withdrawal) B 100s Pump power supply ...............................................B 110s Water flowrate and gas purge according to processes ...B 120s Checking the rotational direction ..............................B 130s Remote control plug connection (M3 monitoring) .........B 140s Remote control plug connection (M1 monitoring) .........B 141s RS 232 or RS 485 link wiring..................................B 150s Use of the Serial link (Service centers)........................B 160sInstallation of silencer heating kit...............................B 170E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98ADP/ADS Series One dry pumpsDear Customer,you have just purchased an Alcatel dry pump. We thank you and are proud to include you in our customers.This product has benefited from Alcatel’s many years of experience in “semiconductor”processes and dry pumping. For optimum performance and to obtain full satisfaction from this equipment, we recommend that you study this manual before any intervention on your pump,in particular, the chapter on installation and start up.M ANUAL R EFERENCE:100 448E DITION:04 - May 1998A PPLICATIONS:• ALL “SEMICONDUCTORS” PROCESSESStripping, Etching, PECVD, LPCVD, MOCVD, Epitaxy, …• S CIENTIFIC RESEARCHA DV ANTAGES:Easily adaptable to processes - Tested design - Vertical pumping -Clean room compatible - Advanced monitoring system functions -Low noise level - Low operating cost - Easy maintenance and repairs - Anti-vibration frame - Compact.S PECIAL FEATURES:Multi-stage Roots technology - water-cooled multi-voltage motors -built-in monitoring system (remote optional) - anti-dust,sound-proof aesthetic covers, easily removed - incorporated purge line (N2) - Quick connection - Modular design and interchangeable parts - Easy to transport - Network compatible.E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97A 10ADP/ADS Series OneMulti-stage pump withRoots technology Sealed motor with liquidcoolingGenuinely dry pumpVertical pumping ReliabilityEasy maintenance Pump designed for allprocesses2 versions- well-known technology - reliability- no fan (clean room compatible)- safe : no gas leak - quiet- multi-voltage, bi-frequency 50/60Hz- guaranteed by design - guaranteed by testingResidual gas spectrum free from hydrocarbon peaksMTBF > 50 000 hours - interchangeables parts - may be performed by user- Several equipments are available for semi-conductor’s applications, corrosives, CVD or clean processesStandard or modularE d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97A 20The various versions of ADP/ADS Series One• Footprint and volume minima • Total flexibility of use due to its modular possibilities of installation • No cover for easy integration• Guaranteed accessibility for preventive maintenance and repair.The “MD” Series is composed of a pumping unit on its frame and various modules :• Flowmeter panel (gas purgeand cooling water)• Utilities panel (gas purge and cooling connections)• Electrical box includingmonitoring (M1 or M3)• OEM interface panel /Remote controlBy design, these modules can be fitted to the pump frame in the best suitable position chosen by the user.Apart from its mounting in the different possible positions on the pump frame, the electrical box can be set remote to 5 meters from the pump if necessary.Modular VersionFor specific uses,Alcatel has developped a modular version fromthe series Onewhich offers in additionof standard versionthe following characteriticsE d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98directly be interfaced with most of the production equipments.E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 04 - J a n u a r y 98E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97Ed i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97Ed i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97Failure to remove the shipping braces could later cause the pump to seize as a result of a strain exertedE d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 981 - Filling front Roots housing2 - Front Roots housing level sight glass 123654E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97Connection to the pumping circuitFirst of all, remove the plug at the exhaust.For safety reasons, use at pump inlet as well as exhaust,accessories with materials and tightness compatible with pumped gases.For free exhaust tests (inert gas pumping), an anti-noise seal supplied with the pump can be fitted on to the silencer exhaust in order to reduce the exhaust noise level.In this case, do not fit the anti-noise seal.Make sure that the pressure at the exhaust does not exceed1200 mbar.At the exhaust pumpAnti-noise sealPreliminary precautionsE d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97Connection to the pumping circuitExhaust connectionDN40 ISO KF Pneurop.Several fitting accessories are available in Alcatel catalog.At inlet pumpInlet isolation valve(accessory)In order to prevent foreign bodies from entering the pump,leave the blank-off flange in place at the pump inlet and remove it at the time of use.(see section B 130).This accessory avoids a reverse flow of particles to the chamber when the pump is stopped.Connect the valve directly on the pump inlet flange using connecting accessories.Connect the valve to the chamber.Connect the electrical cable to the "inlet valve / exhaust valve"connector at the rear of the M3 monitoring system.E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98Mains connectorE d i t i o n 04 - M a y 9817683245E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98to main semiconductor processesStandard pump setting (no TC)E d i t i o n 04 - M a y 98E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97When inspecting the direction of rotation of the Roots pump at installation, provide protection against the riskE d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97Remote control plug connection (M3 monitoring)Available outputs of Monitoring system M3State of «Emergency»Monitoring system M3Dry contacts : 250 V - 1 A - 100 V AThe front panel emergency stop button copy out contact is available between 1 and 2 contacts of “emergency“ plug at the rear of the monitoring system.E d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97(M1 monitoring)M1 Monitoring system M1 Remote monitoringRemote control«REMOTE»Controls (Input)Monitoring system M1Remote control function allows to :• Remote control of pumping functions “START/STOP/Emergency stop/PURGE”.•Copy out with dry contacts (250V - 1A - 100VA)the monitoring parameters. These contacts can be used to control automatisms.If the remote control is not used, put (REMOTE plug) the cover plug wired like :The remote control STOP button will stop the ADP , but it willrestart as the push button is released.Interrupteur MA/AR ON / OFF switchE d i t i o n 03 - M a y 97Available outputs ofMonitoring system M1Dry contacts : 250 V - 1 A - 100 V AThese contacts open in the presence of a fault.Two contacts available for each fault type.24VState of «Emergency»Monitoring system M1The front panel emergency stop button copy out contact is available between 7 and 8 contacts of “emergency“ plug at the rear of the monitoring system.。



目录第一章产品介绍 (2)概述 (2)主要技术指标 (2)产品功能特点 (2)第二章安装与接线............................................ 错误!未定义书签。

设备外观与机箱安装.. (3)部件组成 (3)电源连接 (3)端子说明 (4)第三章键盘及主界面说明...................................... 错误!未定义书签。

键盘说明. (4)主界面说明 (5)第四章菜单界面.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

设置菜单. (5)操作菜单 (6)编程菜单 (6)查询菜单 (7)编码菜单 (7)帮助菜单 (7)第五章部件类型对照表........................................ 错误!未定义书签。

第六章常见故障排除方法...................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第七章联系方式.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

附A字符区位码对照表......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

附B汉字区位码对照表 (9)第一章产品介绍1.1概述1.2 JB-QB-OZH200火灾报警控制器是由(ORENA)深圳市奥瑞那光子技术有限公司开发和生产。


1.3 JB-QB-OZH200火灾报警控制器的功能和特性完全符合《GB4717-2005火灾报警控制器》的要求。


奥瑞那消防主机 6系列 说明书 图片版本

奥瑞那消防主机 6系列 说明书 图片版本
4.0 OZF-LCD2 火灾显示盘……………………………………………………………………(34)
5.0 附 A:字符区位码对照表……………………………………………………(37)
6.0 附 B:汉字区位码对照表……………………………………………………(38)
火灾报警控制器(联动型) 使用说明书
1.0 概述 1.1 OZH4800 系列火灾报警控制器是消防报警及联动系统的核心设备,可采用手动/自动两种方式对现场设备进行联动控制。及时将
ZXn+ ZXn- 24V+ GND
(3) 24V 电压输出接线标示
24V 24V
注:控制器由此端子输出 24V 电压,供其他设备使用
24V 24V
注:JQ1---------启动 JQ2---------停止 GND-------地 F1----------反馈 1 F2----------反馈 2 SWQ1-----自动启动 SWQ2-----自动停止
复 位 :退 出
a. 选择地址屏 蔽 :对部件(故障或无故障状态)进行的选择性隔离操作。若要对某一部件进行隔离,可用光标选择 此项,在选择地址隔离的画面中输入此部件的地址号:XX 机 XXX 路 XXX 号后按确认键即可。退出画面后部件被隔 离,并在 LCD 画面上显示屏蔽信息。隔离后的部件不会发出火警、故障及联动信号。
1.0 JB-QG(QT)-OZH4800 火灾报警控制器(联动型)……………………………………………………(1)
2.0 OTW6000 消防控制室图形显示装置……………………………………………………(22)

JB-QB-OZH200 火灾报警控制器使用说明书(V1.0)

JB-QB-OZH200 火灾报警控制器使用说明书(V1.0)

目录第一章产品介绍 (2)1.1 概述 (2)1.2 主要技术指标 (2)1.3 产品功能特点 (2)第二章安装与接线 (3)2.1设备外观与机箱安装 (3)2.2 部件组成 (3)2.3 电源连接 (3)2.4 端子说明 (4)第三章键盘及主界面说明 (4)3.1 键盘说明 (4)3.2 主界面说明 (5)第四章菜单界面 (5)4.1 设置菜单 (5)4.2操作菜单 (6)4.3编程菜单 (6)4.4查询菜单 (7)4.5编码菜单 (7)4.6帮助菜单 (7)第五章部件类型对照表 (7)第六章常见故障排除方法 (7)第七章联系方式 (8)附A字符区位码对照表 (8)附B汉字区位码对照表 (9)第一章产品介绍1.1概述JB-QB-OZH200火灾报警控制器是由(ORENA)深圳市奥瑞那光子技术有限公司开发和生产。




1.2主要技术指标交流输入电压187-242V AC/50Hz备用电源24V/2.2Ah 全密封免维护蓄电池静态电流≤130mA显示方式128*64点阵液晶屏显示使用环境温度:0℃~±50℃;相对湿度:≤95 ( 40℃±2℃)。

地址容量可选择配置16\32\64\100\150\192点结构型式壁挂式外型尺寸370*270*105设备容量≤192点线制:(1)报警单元:两总线(无极性)(2)声光单元:4线制,28v+,28v-和信号线ZX+、ZX-.(3)线制要求:a. 信号二总线(无极性),采用RVS双绞线,截面积≥1.0mm2。

















可直接手动控制 127 台设备。 三、线制
(2)接口模块:四总线,两根信号线(ZX+、ZX-),两根电源线(24V, 0V),信号线无极性。
(3)复示盘:四总线,两根信号线(ZX+、ZX-),两根电源线(24V,0V), 信号线无极性。
(4)线制要求: a. 信号二总线(ZX+、ZX-),采用 RVS 双绞线,截面积≥ 1.0mm2。根 据工程具体情况配置 b. DC24V 输出线采用 BV 线,截面积≥ 2.5mm2。 c、信号二总线的主干线≥ 1.5mm2 c. 控制器每路总线的往返电阻<20Ω.
OZH4800 火灾报警控制器(联动型)容量、配置、线制及设置
一、主要技术指标 1、交流输入电压:220V10, 50Hz1。 2、备用电源:24V 12Ah, 全密封免维护蓄电池; 3、使用环境:温度:0℃~+50℃; 相对湿度:≤ 95 ( 40℃±2℃)。 4、容量:基本配置可管理 4 路总线,每路总线带 192 地址,可扩展为 60
一、OZH4800 火灾报警控制器(联动型)容量、配置、线制及设置…………(1) 二、OZH4800 火灾报警控制器(联动型)操作方法…………………………(3) 三、总线联动控制盘…………………………………………………………(24) 四、OZH4800 火灾报警控制器(联动型)汉字字符区位码对照表………(25)
路总线,整机最大容量为 11520 地址。 5、联动与报警统一编址,可根据实际要求设置。
二、配置 该设备由主机、分机和总线联动控制部分、多线联动控制部分组成,基本配
置为一台主机、一台分机、一块总线联动盘和一套多线联动控制盘。其中分机可 扩展到十五台,多线联动控制盘最大可容纳 127 个地址。



JB-QB-ODM04 气体灭火控制器使用说明书深圳奥瑞那光子技术有限公司目录一、概述 (1)二、主要技术指标 (1)三、主要功能 (2)四、结构特点 (4)五、操作方法 (4)六、报警控制器的使用 (6)七、报警控制器的维护 (6)八、附录 (7)九、配套设备接线示意图 (9)十、接线端子示意图 (10)一、概述JB-QB-ODM04气体灭火控制器是依照国家标准GB16806-1997,GB4717和行业标准GA61-93,并结合实际应用,采用最新微电脑技术和抗干扰技术设计。











二、主要技术指标1、外形尺寸:400×120×600mm32、重量:15kg3、工作温度:10℃~50℃4、工作湿度:<95%(40℃)5、主电源:AC220V 50Hz6、备用电源:DC24V 7AH 铅酸蓄电池7、单一火警触点:每区一组(动作时继电器闭合,DC24V<1A)X6,X7,X8(X为区号A、B、C、D)。



















目录一、OZH280火灾报警控制器容量、配置、线制及设置 (1)二、OZH280火灾报警控制器操作方法 (3)三、附A: OZH280火灾报警控制器字符区位码对照表 (14)四、附B: OZH280火灾报警控制器汉字区位码对照表 (15)OZH280火灾报警控制器容量、配置、线制及设置一、主要技术指标1、交流输入电压:220V±10%, 50Hz±1%。

2、备用电源:24V 4Ah, 全密封免维护蓄电池。

3、使用环境:温度:0℃~+50℃;相对湿度:≤95% ( 40℃〒2℃)。









(4)线制要求:a. 信号二总线(无极性),采用RVS双绞线,截面积≥1.0mm2。


b. DC24V输出线采用BV线,截面积≥2.5mm2。

c.信号二总线的主干线≥1.5mm2d. 控制器每路总线的往返电阻<20Ω.四、设置(1)系统刷新:首次使用应进行刷新操作,将以前的信息、记录、安装位置、联动编程、综合编程等全部清除;然后再进行登记操作、安装位置编程、联动编程、综合编程、多线联动设置等操作。







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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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目录一、OZH280火灾报警控制器容量、配置、线制及设置 (1)二、OZH280火灾报警控制器操作方法 (3)三、附A: OZH280火灾报警控制器字符区位码对照表 (14)四、附B: OZH280火灾报警控制器汉字区位码对照表 (15)OZH280火灾报警控制器容量、配置、线制及设置一、主要技术指标1、交流输入电压:220V±10%, 50Hz±1%。

2、备用电源:24V 4Ah, 全密封免维护蓄电池。

3、使用环境:温度:0℃~+50℃;相对湿度:≤95% ( 40℃±2℃)。









(4)线制要求:a. 信号二总线(无极性),采用RVS双绞线,截面积≥1.0mm2。


b. DC24V输出线采用BV线,截面积≥2.5mm2。

c.信号二总线的主干线≥1.5mm2d. 控制器每路总线的往返电阻<20Ω.四、设置(1)系统刷新:首次使用应进行刷新操作,将以前的信息、记录、安装位置、联动编程、综合编程等全部清除;然后再进行登记操作、安装位置编程、联动编程、综合编程、多线联动设置等操作。








6位:ON 不检测电源;OFF检测电源。

7位、8位:未用五、引线标注1交流电源输入端子标示注: L :交流零线N :交流火线FG :地线2 24V 电压输出及回路总线接线端子标示注:ZX1+、 ZX2+: 回路1、2总线正极; ZX1、 ZX2-: 回路1、2总线负极;+24V 、GND :控制器由此端子输出24V 电压,供其他设备使用。

3 24V 电压输入接线标示注:控制器由此端子输入24V 电压,供回路巡检使用。

4 系统电源状态检测输入接线标示注:控制器由此端子输入主电、备电、充电等电源状态信号,供MCU 系统使用。

5 24V 电压输入接线标示注:控制器由此端子输入+5V 电压,供MCU 系统使用。



















表示此点是烟感,类型设置可在综合编程中修改;“2006/07/15 15:23”表示事件发生的日期和时间;第二行:是声光报警器行。


“2006/07/15 14:21”表示事件发生的日期和时间;“屏蔽”表示声光报警器的当前状态。















每条记录所表示的意义如下:[001]15:28 奥瑞那公司生产部06年07月13日NO:001[001]探测器地址。







NO:001 记录发生的顺序号。





























注: A. 如连续编程,按【确认】键保存当前编程后地址号自动加1.B. 如果没有意外情况,类型和阈值一般不需要进行综合编程。








若要对某一部件进行隔离,可用光标选择此项,按【确认】键进入子菜单,在选择地址隔离的画面中输入此部件的地址号XXX 号后按【确认】键即可。








