第04章 特定要素与国际贸易(英文习题)

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()1. Which trade theory is tantamount(adj. 相似的)to a short-run version(n. 观点)of the factor price equalization theory (要素价格均等化理论)?

a. Specific factors theory (特定要素理论)

b. Product life cycle theory

c. Economies of scale theory

d. Overlapping demand theory

()2.According to the specific factors trade theory(特定要素理论):

a. Owners of factors specific to export industries suffer from (因…而受罚,因...而更糟,受...之苦)trade, while

owners of factors specific to import-competing industries gain

b. Owners of factors specific to export industries gain from (从…获得利益)trade, while owners of factors

specific to import-competing industries suffer

c. Both owners of factors specific to export industries and owners of factors specific to

import-competing industries gain from trade

d. Both owners of factors specific to export industries and owners of factors specific to

import-competing industries suffer from trade


()1. The specific-factors theory analyzes the income distribution(收入分配)effects of trade in the short run(在短期内)when resources are immobile(adj. 不能移动的)among industries.

()2. Owners of resources specific(adj. 特定的,具体的)to export industries tend to lose from international trade, while owners of factors specific to import-competing industries(进口竞争产业)tend to gain. ()3. Although such factor mobility among industries may occur in the long run, many factors are immobile in the short run

()4. The specific-factors theory analyzes the income distribution effects of trade in the long run when resources are immobile among industries. This is in contrast to the factor-endowment theory and its

Stolper-Samuelson theorem(斯托尔珀---萨缪尔森定理)which apply to the short-run mobility of


()5. The specific-factors theory concludes that resources that are specific to import-competing industries tend to lose as a result of trade, while resources specific to export industries tend to gain as a result

of trade.

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