
中英文资料外文翻译外文翻译The mercerized and internationalized backgroundAt present,under the mercerized and internationalized background,how to strengthen the independent development ability of our country’s auto industry has become the urgent problem to be solved.This article,by referring to the experience of developed countries of automobile industry in implementing the industrial policy and comparing the two regulations made in 1994 and 2OO4 about independent intellectual property right in the industrial policy,has put forward policy recommendations of supporting independent development of our country’s auto industry.A brand based on market is promises for a product's capability, quality and service. Up to now, well-known automobile brands are accounting for two percent of two hundred far famed brands in all country. Meanwhile, after going into WTO, a great set of foreign automobile enterprises possessing good quality, favorable capability, knight service will enter into our country and bring a fire-new idea of brand for our domestic consumers. No doubt, that will not only greatly impact on our domestic automobile enterprises, which don't have the capability of independent exploitation and the consciousness of brand cultivation, but also affect development of automobile industry. So, during the crucial period, our country needs urgently brands of great competitive power, which can drive and prompt development of automobile industry.The paper, starting with the analysis of brand and combining with the theory of strategy management, regarding carmakers as object, depicts development panorama of domestic automobile industry and provides some simple thoughts about breeding and developing automobile brand in our country, through studying studying problems relating to automobile brand. It is the primary studying intention that upgrades core competency Of domestic automobile enterprises and impels development of automobile industry, recurring to putting forward some related tactics of breeding and developing automobile brand in our country. The paper's meaning consists two points: the first, it makes enterprises attach importance to automobile brand in consciousness and know it afresh;the second, it advances some operational tactics by demonstration analysis, which can be used for reference by enterprises and industry.Research methods used in the paper are primarily demonstration analysis and comparison analysis. Anticipative research fruits of the paper involve: (1) seedtime and actuality analysis of automobile brand in our country; (2) mode-comparison of automobile brand in different countries;(America, German, Japan, Korea); (3) key factors of affecting our automobile brand development;(4) tactics and countermeasures of cultivating automobile brand. Innovations of the paper rest with: (1) research content, i.e. havinga all-around research of breeding automobile brand and coming into being strategy system;(2) research purpose, i.e studying how to forge competitive automobile brand can drive industry development; (3) research angle, i.e. knowing and analyzing automobile industry in virtue of brand.Referred to the main indexes about evaluating national competitive ability, which is the commonly used method in the international society, this thesis aims at analyzing and evaluating the international competitive ability of Chinese automobile industry in a scientific and objective way. Compared with those industries in some developed countries, domestic automobile industry is relatively frail and has a very long way to go. This thesis illustrates the history of Chinese automobile industry ever since the foundation of new China, analyzes in detail its important role in national economy, and the opportunities and threats it meets after china entrance WTO. This thesis draws a whole picture about domestic automobile industry from three aspects: products, corporations and industries. Considering the history and actuality of domestic automobile industry, this thesis collects and analyzes groups of data about automobile industry both from domestic and international. A lot of work was made in quantitative and qualitative analysis from all sides. Based on this, this thesis drew a conclusion about evaluating the international competitive ability of Chinese automobile industry, found out the advantages and disadvantages about this industry. In the end of this thesis, some ideas and advice are put forward.Welfare Evaluation of Trade Protection--The automobile industry of post world war 2 in JapanSocial welfare is one of the key standards in evaluating the effects of government policies for both economists and government. In this thesis, having compared and analyzed trade protectionists, i.e. quota, tariff and other non-tariff barriers in their effects on social welfare, specific evaluation and suggestion are given in the case of the autoindustry protection in post World War 2 Japan, so to shed light on the auto protection policies should be taken in China today. Here, consumer’ surplus and Ohyama Welfare Standard are selected in evaluating social welfare.The automobile industry in Post World War 2 in Japan is picked for two reasons. Firstly, the auto industry in China today is in a very similar situation as that of Japan used to be while Japan was a new member of GATT. Secondly, regarded as one of the most successfully developed industries under protection, the auto industry in Japan has some precious experiences worth studying.The article has four chapters. In chapter1,the definition of social welfare is given, and the necessary and sufficient condition for Pareto optimality, the Mashallian Consumer Surplus, Hicksian consumer surplus and Ohyama Social Welfare Standard are discussed in detail the auto industry. In Chapter 2, according the scale and protection on Japan from 1945-1979 is divided into four periods: government domination period, Quota Period and low-tariff Periods: government domination period, Quota Period, High-tariff Period and low-tariff Period, where the protect policies are evaluated respectively by their effects on social welfare. Chapter 3 explores the US-Japan trade friction in auto industry in 1980s and sheds light on the choice of various protectionists from the perspective of Political Economics. Chapter 4 concludes the whole thesis discussing some specific protection policies of Japan and drawing suggestion for China to effectively protect its own auto industry.Mini-car industry development in China is a successful example in the condition of Chinese market economy, it's always one of the important factor that propel the steady increase of auto market of China. Through about two decade development, the total amount of mini-car increased from 0.06% to 26.4% of total amount of auto all over the country now and the amount of produce and sale are up to 540,000 units. According to the challenge principle of "who is the best who is the winner" in the market, the number of the mini-car manufacturer decreased from early over one hundred to recent five.In this article,base on extensive data collecting and investigation, the mini-car developing and competing status of China, as well as the developing status (including enterprise, production ,market ,product, etc.) of Liuzhou Wuling Motors which is one of the five mini-car manufacturer are deeply analysed and studied .This article also discussed the competing environment that Liuzhou Wuling Motors faced, then provided the developing strategies.Since the later part of 1990, the economic benefits of CITIC Zhongyuan AutomobileCompany have been declining rapidly and the production management has also been on a sticky wicket, showing difference with an overall upward tendency to the corresponding period of the National Automobile Industry, which impelled this writer to make deeply careful researches on the strategy of development for the company.By reviewing the past of CITIC Zhongyuan Automobile Company, analyzing the influences on international & domestic external environments ever since China' s enter into WTO, analyzing the markets of the main products and the competitive opponents and analyzing the internal conditions such as the main problems faced by the company, this writer has separately made researches and probed into the strategies of development for CITIC Zhongyuan Automobile Company and the subordinate companies-Zhengzhou Nissan Automobile Co.,Ltd and Zhengzhou Light Truck Factory invested by CITIC Zhongyuan Automobile Company so as to try to find a feasible road which enables the cc叩any to break away from the disadvantageous situation and develop continuously as soon asPossible.With the entrance of 90th century, the international situation of automobile industry changed greatly. Due to the production surplus of international automobile industry, different countries competed fiercely to obtain the automobile market. Many companies adjust their developing strategy and speed the course of globalization to realize the scale-economy and get the new market. Merging and recombining become the symbol of automobile industry globalization.China, the biggest automobile consuming market in the world, has become the main field of many countries contesting. The Chinese automobile industry has developed for half century. Although china has get great achievements, as for scale or technique, China still drop behind. So how to improve the international situation and realize the modernization of China automobile industry is a basic mission.With the entrance of WTO, Chinese automobile industry faces three challenges: the first, after China entrances WTO, the government trade protection will be canceled. The second, with the economic development and standard of living improved, how to enlarge the consumer demanding? The third, with the automobile industry globalization, how to compete or cooperate with the MNC and build our effective developing strategy? And then we can develop our own auto industry and realize modernization. In the three challenges, the former two is normal and we can get many experiences from other countries. But the third is a real challenge. Other automobile developed countries have not faced this kind of situation. Expect for exactly estimation, we still need great innovation spirit.In the situation of entrance of WTO and globalization of automobile industrial competition, we try to analysis the Chinese automobile industry status quo, including the analysis of industrial structure, market analysis. Through the analysis we try to find out the questions in development strategy, government decision and enterprise management. Then we will analysis the questions and give the reasons. At the same time, we will the introduce the typical representatives of automobile developed countries and new developing countries about their developing strategy, including America, Japan, South Korea, and Mexico. We will conclude the advantages and experiences of above countries. On the base of that, we will combine the situation of Chinese automobile industry and the effecting analyzing of Chinese entrance of WTO. Then we will give out the advantages and potential advantages of Chinese automobile industry and bring forward the basic strategy of Chinese automobile industrial development. At last, we will give some advises about the developing strategy of Chinese automobile industry. These tactics include industrial policy improving, technique improving, competitive improving and cluster developing of Chinese automobile industry and technique innovation. This dissertation just discusses the Chinese automobile from a few tangles. It is not perfect, so I hope teachers can give me advice.Automobile industry is a traditional pillar industry in our country. Having developed 50 years, now the industry is still backward in products in comparison with that of western developed countries. Facing to economy globalization, someone has suggested that China should give up automobile industry and import the products from other countries directly, which can avoid wasting resources. This kind of viewpoint is lack of foresight. Automobile industry belongs to high and new-technology industries. Meanwhile, China has its large automobile market. Developing automobile industry will not only improve engineering level, but also drive other relevant industries. In addition, after China joining WTO (World Trade Organization), the automobile market will become a part of international market step by step. Basing on domestic market, we will develop our own intellectual property. At the same time, aiming at the demands of some developing countries, we will develop overseas markets. In this way, domestic automobile industry will be growing fast.In order to develop the automobile industry, we should find its disadvantages, get over influence of various disadvantages, seize every good chance, and exert our advantages. In this thesis, first, we stress on the impacts of economy globalization and WTO on Chinese automobile industry. Second, the thesis discusses many influence factors for developing Chinese automobile industry. Finally, the thesis analyzesopportunity, challenge and strategy of Chinese automobile industry.The course of the development of the automobile industry all over the world indicates that the automobile industry is very important to the national economy. The increasing proportion of distribution cost to sale price on the international automobile market shows that marketing plays an increasing role in raising the competitiveness of automakers. The trend of the international automobile market demonstrates thatAsia-especially china-will be the fastest growing market in the world. Although the national automobile industry has developed greatly in the past 50 years, it is still far behind the foreign competitors, especially in marketing after longtime ignoring marketing, domestic automarkers are lack of direct selling experience.In this thesis, the author analysed the 4P of marketing of the Chinese and foreign automarkers as well as the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese automobile industry and made some suggestions on how to improve the competitiveness of automobile enterprises after studied the management and administration of them.In order to convey the opinion systematically so that it may become more practicable, the construction of the thesis is arranged like this:Chapter One: Introduction. In this part, the author introduced the background, the focal point and the aim of writing the paper. The author also emphasized the importance of automobile industry to the national economy and the importance of marketing to automobile enterprises.Chapter Two: The author described the present automobile industry and the market all over the world through some examples. The influence on the national automobile industry after China joined WTO and the strategy for the development of the industry are given in this part as wellChapter Three: Close analysis and explanations of the strategy for price, products, patens and channels of distribution, and sales promotion are given after introduced the marketing strategy of automobile enterprises in both China and foreign countries.Chapter Four: The problems that exist in management and administration of national automobile industry are researched and the disparities in competitiveness between Chinese and foreign automobile industry are revealed. Reasons of these problems and disparities are also applied.Chapter Five: Conclusion proposals were put forward for improving the management and administration of automobile enterprises in China: adjust the concept of management, emphasize the importance of market segmentation and the study of consumer psychologyand consumer’s behavior, sensitiveness the reaction to market and extend the scope of service. Great importance is attached to the foundation and management of customer relationship.China's automotive industry has passed almost half a century and has evolved many basic circumstances and features of its own which will be the starting point or base for its further development. Full understanding of those circumstance and features is the prerequisite for us to analyze and study.In order to develop our automotive industry under new situation, we not only must roundly and objectively analyze the problems in us, but also must fully and correctly understand our actual and potential strengths. We should clearly recognize that although our automotive industry, which has experienced nearly fifty years of development including twenty years of reform and opening, has a long way to go comparing with the world level, it possesses many rare giant actual and potential strengths.After entering WTO our automotive industry has entered upon a new phase to cooperate and compete with multi-nationals under the background of globalization, and it will have to join the integration tide of global economy gradually. The trends of world automotive industry and the strategies of multi-nationals in China certainly will directly influence the strategic pattern of our automotive industry, and therefore they are the important part of the external environment of our automotive industry needed special attention. Great changes have taken place in the development conditions of our automotive industry since we entered WTO. At the end of protection interim period to automotive industry, the comprehensive effects of WTO including tariff concession, quota cancel, service trade opening and foreign capital policy regulation will display. The medium and high-class car and key components will come under obvious attack depends on not only the reduction of the protection degree, but also the increase of our international competitive power.Japan and Korea are all latecoming developed countries of automotive industry. After entering GATT, they persevered in adopting the vigorous policies to foster and train the self-developing capability and enhance the international competitive power. Then their automotive industry received unprecedented fast development and drove the whole national economy to be powerful and prosperous to a miracle. Although the international environment has been totally different and different countries differ greatly in their conditions, the experiences of Japan and Korea automotive industry during that period and driving effects of their automotive industry to their national economy will stillbe special historic significance to our automotive industry.Entering WTO let us enter upon a new e to cooperate and compete with multi-nationals featuring foreign companies but national treatment and domestic market but international competition. That is a severe challenge as well as a rare opportunity to our automotive industry. The great country and its big market are the most important strength of us. To take full advantage of the strength of great country and big market under the opening and competition environment should be the starting point for the development train of thought of our automotive industry under new economic background.Economic globalization droved by trade liberalization, investment liberalization and finance liberalization has been international background of our lives. Trade liberalization provides a more open and more liberal environment for the development of international trade. It is not only one of subject of modern international economic development, but also the trend of China's adjustment of her trade policy. Under economic globalization, advantage gained by a country depends on the magnitude of her international competitive power of industry. As China as concerned, the influence factors and basic status of her international competitive power of industry have their own characteristics.This paper analyses the international competitive power of China's industry under the background of trade liberalization. Firstly, it explains the historical and current background of the subject, presents the thinking way, the analysis methods, the frame and the innovation of this paper. Secondly, the theories about trade liberalization and international competitive power of industry are presented, the author simply describes the process and the achievements of trade liberalization and introduces something about trade liberalization in China, illustrates mainly the concept, the meaning, the correlative theoretical basis and the measure methods of the international competitive power of industry. Then, in the fourth chapter, Taking example for China's automobile industry, the paper analyses the international competitive power of automobile industry under the background of trade liberalization, It carries out some quantitative analysis by using some indexes based on the imports and exports data, assesses the economic benefits since 1992 by means of the model of the maximizing deviations method. Analyses the structure of automobile industry from the perspectives of industry concentration, etc. Lastly the author makes a conclusion that the international competitive power of auto-industry basically presents an increasing trend along with the trade。

汽车发展史英文文献The Evolutionary Journey of Automobiles: From Steam-Powered to Modern Electric Vehicles.The history of the automobile is a remarkable narrative of innovation, perseverance, and engineering genius. Spanning multiple centuries, it tells a tale of continuous progress, evolution, and revolution in transportation. From the steam-powered carriages of the 18th century to the electric and autonomous vehicles of today, the automobile industry has witnessed significant milestones that have forever altered the face of transportation.The earliest precursors of the modern automobile were steam-powered carriages. These vehicles, which first appeared in the late 18th century, were bulky, slow, and often unreliable. However, they marked the beginning of a revolution in transportation, as they provided a new mode of conveyance that was not dependent on horses or other animals.In the early 19th century, several inventors and engineers began to experiment with alternative power sources for vehicles. One such individual was Nicholas-Joseph Cugnot, a French military engineer who designed and built the first self-propelled mechanical vehicle in 1769. Dubbed the "Cugnot's Fardier," this steam-powered vehicle was used by the French army to haul artillery.However, it was the German engineer Rudolf Diesel who truly revolutionized the automobile industry. In 1897, he successfully developed the first diesel engine, which operated on the principle of compression ignition. This engine was efficient, powerful, and offered a significant advantage over the gasoline engines of the time. Diesel's invention not only found widespread application in heavy-duty vehicles and locomotives but also paved the way for the development of more efficient and powerful automobiles.The turn of the 20th century marked a period of rapid innovation and growth in the automobile industry. In 1885, Karl Benz patented the first gasoline-powered automobile,the Benz Patent Motorwagen. This vehicle, which was powered by a two-stroke engine, marked the beginning of a new erain transportation. Soon after, other manufacturers began to produce their own versions of gasoline-powered cars, andthe industry began to grow rapidly.By the early 20th century, the automobile had become a popular mode of transportation for both personal and commercial use. Automobiles were now being produced inlarge numbers, and the industry was experiencing rapid growth. However, this growth was not without its challenges. The early automobiles were noisy, smelly, and emitted large amounts of exhaust fumes, which led to concerns about their impact on public health and the environment.The 1920s and 1930s saw further innovation and improvement in automobile technology. Manufacturers beganto experiment with new materials and designs, resulting in lighter, more aerodynamic vehicles. The internal combustion engine also underwent significant improvements, becoming more efficient and powerful. Additionally, the introduction of electric starters and self-starters made it easier tooperate automobiles, and the development of better roads and infrastructure further facilitated the growth of the automobile industry.The post-World War II era marked a new phase in the evolution of the automobile. With the advent of new technologies and materials, manufacturers were able to produce safer, more comfortable, and more efficient vehicles. The introduction of disc brakes, power steering, and automatic transmissions significantly improved the driving experience, while the development of high-performance materials like fiberglass and kevlar led to lighter and stronger vehicles.In recent years, the automobile industry has been transformed by the advent of electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous driving technology. EVs, which are powered by batteries instead of fossil fuels, offer a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective mode of transportation. Autonomous driving technology, which uses sensors and algorithms to navigate and control vehicles without human intervention, has the potential torevolutionize the way we travel.The automobile industry has come a long way since its humble beginnings as steam-powered carriages. From gasoline-powered cars to electric and autonomous vehicles, the industry has continuously evolved and adapted to meet the changing needs and demands of society. As we look towards the future, it is exciting to imagine what new technologies and innovations will further transform the face of transportation.。
汽车专业英语 英语文献

天津科技大学TIANJIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY外文资料翻译专业:机械设计制造及其自动化(汽车工程)*****学号:********指导教师姓名:贺丽娟How Car Steering WorksYou know that when you turn the steering wheel in your car, the wheels turn. Cause and effect, right? But a lot of interesting stuff goes on between the steering wheel and the tires to make this happen.In this article, we'll see how the two most common types of car steering systems work: rack-and-pinion and recirculating-ball steering. Then we'll examine power steering and find out about some interesting future developments in steering systems, driven mostly by the need to increase the fuel efficiency of cars. But first, let's see what you have to do turn a car. It's not quite as simple as you might think!Turning the CarYou might be surprised to learn that when you turn your car, your front wheels are not pointing in the same direction.For a car to turn smoothly, each wheel must follow a different circle. Since the inside wheel is following a circle with a smaller radius, it is actually making a tighter turn than the outside wheel. If you draw a line perpendicular to each wheel, the lines will intersect at the center point of the turn. The geometry of the steering linkage makes the inside wheel turn more than the outside wheel. There are a couple different types of steering gears. The most common are rack-and-pinion and recirculating ball.Rack-and-pinion SteeringRack-and-pinion steering is quickly becoming the most common type of steering on cars, small trucks and SUVs. It is actually a pretty simplemechanism. A rack-and-pinion gearset is enclosed in a metal tube, with each end of the rack protruding from the tube. A rod, called a tie rod, connects to each end of the rack.The pinion gear is attached to the steering shaft. When you turn the steering wheel, the gear spins, moving the rack. The tie rod at each end of the rack connects to the steering arm on the spindle.The rack-and-pinion gearset does two things:It converts the rotational motion of the steering wheel into the linear motion needed to turn the wheels.It provides a gear reduction, making it easier to turn the wheels.On most cars, it takes three to four complete revolutions of the steering wheel to make the wheels turn from lock to lock (from far left to far right).The steering ratio is the ratio of how far you turn the steering wheel to how far the wheels turn. For instance, if one complete revolution (360 degrees) of the steering wheel results in the wheels of the car turning 20 degrees, then the steering ratio is 360 divided by 20, or 18:1. A higher ratio means that you have to turn the steering wheel more to get the wheels to turn a given distance. However, less effort is required because of the higher gear ratio.Generally, lighter, sportier cars have lower steering ratios than larger cars and trucks. The lower ratio gives the steering a quicker response -- you don't have to turn the steering wheel as much to get the wheels to turn a given distance -- which is a desirable trait in sports cars. These smaller cars are light enough that even with the lower ratio, the effort required to turn the steering wheel is not excessive.Some cars have variable-ratio steering, which uses a rack-and-pinion gearset that has a different tooth pitch (number of teeth per inch) in the center than ithas on the outside. This makes the car respond quickly when starting a turn (the rack is near the center), and also reduces effort near the wheel's turning limits.Power Rack-and pinionWhen the rack-and-pinion is in a power-steering system, the rack has a slightly different design.Part of the rack contains a cylinder with a piston in the middle. The piston is connected to the rack. There are two fluid ports, one on either side of the piston. Supplying higher-pressure fluid to one side of the piston forces the piston to move, which in turn moves the rack, providing the power assist.We'll check out the components that provide the high-pressure fluid, as well as decide which side of the rack to supply it to, later in the article. First, let's take a look at another type of steering.Recirculating-ball SteeringRecirculating-ball steering is used on many trucks and SUVs today. The linkage that turns the wheels is slightly different than on a rack-and-pinion system.The recirculating-ball steering gear contains a worm gear. You can image the gear in two parts. The first part is a block of metal with a threaded hole in it. This block has gear teeth cut into the outside of it, which engage a gear that moves the pitman arm. The steering wheel connects to a threaded rod, similar to a bolt, that sticks into the hole in the block. When the steering wheel turns, it turns the bolt. Instead of twisting further into the block the way a regular boltwould, this bolt is held fixed so that when it spins, it moves the block, which moves the gear that turns the wheels.Instead of the bolt directly engaging the threads in the block, all of the threads are filled with ball bearings that recirculate through the gear as it turns. The balls actually serve two purposes: First, they reduce friction and wear in the gear; second, they reduce slop in the gear. Slop would be felt when you change the direction of the steering wheel -- without the balls in the steering gear, the teeth would come out of contact with each other for a moment, making the steering wheel feel loose.The recirculating ball mechanism has the advantage of a much greater mechanical advantage, so that it was found on larger, heavier vehicles while the rack and pinion was originally limited to smaller and lighter ones; due to the almost universal adoption of power steering, however, this is no longer an important advantage, leading to the increasing use of rack and pinion on newer cars. The recirculating ball design also has a perceptible lash, or "dead spot" on center, where a minute turn of the steering wheel in either direction does not move the steering apparatus; this is easily adjustable via a screw on the end of the steering box to account for wear, but it cannot be entirely eliminated because it will create excessive internal forces at other positions and the mechanism will wear very rapidly. This design is still in use in trucks and other large vehicles, where rapidity of steering and direct feel are less important than robustness, maintainability, and mechanical advantage.Power steering in a recirculating-ball system works similarly to arack-and-pinion system. Assist is provided by supplying higher-pressure fluid to one side of the block.Power SteeringPower steering helps drivers steer vehicles by augmenting steering effort of the steering wheel. Hydraulic or electric actuators add controlled energy to the steering mechanism, so the driver needs to provide only modest effort regardless of conditions. Power steering helps considerably when a vehicle is stopped or moving slowly. Also, power steering provides some feedback of forces acting on the front wheels to give an ongoing sense of how the wheels are interacting with the road; this i s typically called "rοad feel".Representative power steering systems for cars augment steering effort via an actuator, a hydraulic cylinder, which is part of a servo system. These systems have a direct mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the linkage that steers the wheels. This means that power-steering system failure (to augment effort) still permits the vehicle to be steered using manual effort alone.Other power steering systems (such as those in the largest off-road construction vehicles) have no direct mechanical connection to the steering linkage; they require power. Systems of this kind, with no mechanical connection, are sometimes called "drive by wire" or "steer by wire", by analogy with aviation's "fly-by-wire". In this context, "wire" refers to electrical cables that carry power and data, not thin-wire-rope mechanical control cables.In other power steering systems, electric motors provide the assistance instead of hydraulic systems. As with hydraulic types, power to the actuator (motor, in this case) is controlled by the rest of the power-steering system.Some construction vehicles have a two-part frame with a rugged hinge in the middle; this hinge allows the front and rear axles to become non-parallel to steer the vehicle. Opposing hydraulic cylinders move the halves of the frame relative to each other to steer.Most power steering systems work by using a hydraulic system to steer the vehicle's wheels. The hydraulic pressure typically comes from a gerotor or rotary vane pump driven by the vehicle's engine. A double-acting hydraulic cylinder applies a force to the steering gear, which in turn steers the roadwheels. The steering wheel operates valves to control flow to the cylinder. The more torque the driver applies to the steering wheel and column, the more fluid the valves allow through to the cylinder, and so the more force is applied to steer the wheels.Since the hydraulic pumps are positive-displacement type, the flow rate they deliver is directly proportional to the speed of the engine. This means that at high engine speeds the steering would naturally operate faster than at low engine speeds. Because this would be undesirable, a restricting orifice and flow-control valve direct some of the pump's output back to the hydraulic reservoir at high engine speeds. A pressure relief valve prevents a dangerous build-up of pressure when the hydraulic cylinder's piston reaches the end of its stroke.Some modern systems also include an electronic control valve to reduce the hydraulic supply pressure as the vehicle's speed increases; this isvariable-assist power steering.The steering booster is arranged so that should the booster fail, the steering will continue to work (although the wheel will feel heavier). Loss of power steering can significantly affect the handling of a vehicle. Each vehicle owner's manual gives instructions for inspection of fluid levels and regular maintenance of the power steering system.The working liquid, also called "hydraulic fluid" or "oil", is the medium by which pressure is transmitted. Common working liquids are based on mineral oil.Now let's take a look at the other components that make up a power-steering system.There are a couple of key components in power steering in addition to the rack-and-pinion or recirculating-ball mechanism.PumpThe hydraulic power for the steering is provided by a rotary-vane pump (see diagram below). This pump is driven by the car's engine via a belt and pulley. It contains a set of retractable vanes that spin inside an oval chamber.As the vanes spin, they pull hydraulic fluid from the return line at low pressure and force it into the outlet at high pressure. The amount of flow provided by the pump depends on the car's engine speed. The pump must be designed to provide adequate flow when the engine is idling. As a result, the pump moves much more fluid than necessary when the engine is running at faster speeds.The pump contains a pressure-relief valve to make sure that the pressure does not get too high, especially at high engine speeds when so much fluid is being pumped.Rotary ValveA power-steering system should assist the driver only when he is exerting force on the steering wheel (such as when starting a turn). When the driver is not exerting force (such as when driving in a straight line), the system shouldn't provide any assist. The device that senses the force on the steering wheel is called the rotary valve.The key to the rotary valve is a torsion bar. The torsion bar is a thin rod of metal that twists when torque is applied to it. The top of the bar is connected tothe steering wheel, and the bottom of the bar is connected to the pinion or worm gear (which turns the wheels), so the amount of torque in the torsion bar is equal to the amount of torque the driver is using to turn the wheels. The more torque the driver uses to turn the wheels, the more the bar twists.The input from the steering shaft forms the inner part of a spool-valve assembly. It also connects to the top end of the torsion bar. The bottom of the torsion bar connects to the outer part of the spool valve. The torsion bar also turns the output of the steering gear, connecting to either the pinion gear or the worm gear depending on which type of steering the car has.Animation showing what happens inside the rotary valve when you first start to turn the steering wheelAs the bar twists, it rotates the inside of the spool valve relative to the outside. Since the inner part of the spool valve is also connected to the steering shaft (and therefore to the steering wheel), the amount of rotation between the inner and outer parts of the spool valve depends on how much torque the driver applies to the steering wheel.When the steering wheel is not being turned, both hydraulic lines provide the same amount of pressure to the steering gear. But if the spool valve is turned one way or the other, ports open up to provide high-pressure fluid to the appropriate line.It turns out that this type of power-steering system is pretty inefficient. Let's take a look at some advances we'll see in coming years that will help improve efficiency.Electric power steeringElectric power steering (EPS or EPAS) uses an electric motor to assist the driver of a vehicle. Sensors detect the position and torque of the steeringcolumn, and a computer module applies assistive torque via the motor, which connects to either the steering gear or steering column. This allows varying amounts of assistance to be applied depending on driving conditions. Engineers can therefore tailor steering-gear response to variable-rate and variable-damping suspension systems, optimizing ride, handling, and steering for each vehicle. On Fiat group cars the amount of assistance can be regulated using a button named "CITY" that switches between two different assist curves, while most other EPS systems have variable assist. These give more assistance as the vehicle slows down, and less at faster speeds. In the event of component failure that fails to provide assistance, a mechanical linkage such as a rack and pinion serves as a back-up in a manner similar to that of hydraulic systems.Electric systems have an advantage in fuel efficiency because there is nobelt-driven hydraulic pump constantly running, whether assistance is required or not, and this is a major reason for their introduction. Another major advantage is the elimination of a belt-driven engine accessory, and several high-pressure hydraulic hoses between the hydraulic pump, mounted on the engine, and the steering gear, mounted on the chassis. This greatly simplifies manufacturing and maintenance. By incorporating electronic stability control electric power steering systems can instantly vary torque assist levels to aid the driver in corrective maneuvers. The first electric power steering system appeared on the Suzuki Cervo in 1988. Today a number of manufacturers use electric power steering.Electrically variable gear ratio systemsIn 2000, Honda launched the S2000 Type V equipped with the world's first electric power variable gear ratio steering (VGS) system. In 2003, Toyota introduced their own "Variable Gear Ratio Steering (VGRS)" system introduced on the Lexus LX 470 and Landcruiser Cygnus, and alsoincorporated the electronic stability control system to alter steering gear ratios and steering assist levels. In 2003, BMW introduced their "Active Steering" system on the 5-series.This system should not be confused with variable assist power steering, which varies steering assist torque, not steering ratios, nor with systems where the gear ratio is only varied as a function of steering angle. These last are more accurately called non-linear types; a plot of steering-wheel position versus axle steering angle is progressively curved (and symmetrical).Automobile safetyFor safety reasons all modern cars feature a collapsible steering column (energy absorbing steering column) which will collapse in the event of a heavy frontal impact to avoid excessive injuries to the driver. Airbags are also generally fitted as standard. Non-collapsible steering columns fitted to older vehicles very often impaled drivers in frontal crashes, particularly when the steering box or rack was mounted in front of the front axle line, at the front of the crumple zone. This was particularly a problem on vehicles that had a rigid separate chassis frame, with no crumple zone. Most modern vehicle steering boxes/racks are mounted behind the front axle on the front bulkhead, at the rear of the front crumple zone.Collapsible steering columns were invented by Bela Barenyi and were introduced in the 1959 Mercedes-Benz W111 Fintail, along with crumple zones. This safety feature first appeared on cars built by General Motors after an extensive and very public lobbying campaign enacted by Ralph Nader. Ford started to install collapsible steering columns in 1968.Audi used a retractable steering wheel and seat belt tensioning system called procon-ten, but it has since been discontinued in favor of airbags and pyrotechnic seat belt pre-tensioners.The Future of Power SteeringSince the power-steering pump on most cars today runs constantly, pumping fluid all the time, it wastes horsepower. This wasted power translates into wasted fuel.You can expect to see several innovations that will improve fuel economy. One of the coolest ideas on the drawing board is the "steer-by-wire" or"drive-by-wire" system. These systems would completely eliminate the mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the steering, replacing it with a purely electronic control system. Essentially, the steering wheel would work like the one you can buy for your home computer to play games. It would contain sensors that tell the car what the driver is doing with the wheel, and have some motors in it to provide the driver with feedback on what the car is doing. The output of these sensors would be used to control a motorized steering system. This would free up space in the engine compartment by eliminating the steering shaft. It would also reduce vibration inside the car.General Motors has introduced a concept car, the Hy-wire, that features this type of driving system. One of the most exciting things about the drive-by-wire system in the GM Hy-wire is that you can fine-tune vehicle handling without changing anything in the car's mechanical components -- all it takes to adjust the steering is some new computer software. In future drive-by-wire vehicles, you will most likely be able to configure the controls exactly to your liking by pressing a few buttons, just like you might adjust the seat position in a car today. It would also be possible in this sort of system to store distinct control preferences for each driver in the family.In the past fifty years, car steering systems haven't changed much. But in the next decade, we'll see advances in car steering that will result in more efficient cars and a more comfortable ride.。
汽车 专业 外文 文献 英文 翻译

外文文献原稿和译文原稿A New Type Car -- Hybrid Electric VehicleWith skyrocketing fuel prices and changes in weather patterns, many car manufacturers claimed to develop the kind of vehicles that will increase the mileage and reduce the emissions. Hybrid car is a kind of vehicle which can meet above requirements. A hybrid car features a small fuel-efficient gas engine combined with an electric motor that assists the engine.The reasons of building such a complicated machine are twofold: to reduce tailpipe emissions and to improve mileage. Firstly, hybrid cars are good for the environment. They can reduce smog by 90 percent and they use far less gasoline than conventional cars. Meanwhile, hybrid cars burn less gasoline per mile, so they release fewer greenhouse gases. Secondly, hybrid cars are economical. Hybrid cars, which run on gas and electricity, can get up to 55 to 60 miles per gallon in city driving, while a typical SUV might use three times as much gas for the same distance! There are three reasons can mainly account for that: 1) Hybrid engines are much smaller than those on conventional cars. A hybrid car engine is to accommodate the 99% of driving time when a car is not going up hills or accelerating quickly. When extra acceleration power is needed, it relies on the battery to provide additional force. 2) Hybrid gasoline engine can shut off when the car is stopped and run off their electric motor and battery.3) Hybrid cars often recover braking energy. Electric motors could take the lost kinetic energy in braking and use it to charge the battery. Furthermore, hybrids are better than all-electric cars because hybrid car batteries recharge as you drive so there is no need to plug in. Most electric cars need to be recharged every 50-100miles. Also, most electric cars cannot go faster than 50-60 mph, while hybrids can.Hybrid cars bridge the gap between electric and gasoline-powered cars by traveling further and driving faster and hybrid gas-electric cars are proving to be a feasible alternative at a time of high gas prices. So, in my opinion, hybrid cars will have a bright future.How Does Hybrid Electric Vehicle Work?You probably own a gasoline or diesel-engine car. You may have heard ofelectric vehicles too. A hybrid vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a combination of both. Hybrid vehicles utilize two or more sources of energy for propulsion. In the case of HEVs, a combustion engine and an electric motor are used.How it works depends on the type of drive train it has. A hybrid vehicle can either have a parallel or series or parallel-series drive train.Parallel HybridThe parallel hybrid car has a gas tank, a combustion engine, transmission, electric motor, and batteries.A parallel hybrid is designed to run directly from either the combustion engine or the electric motor. It can run using both the engine and the motor. As a conventional vehicle, the parallel hybrid draws its power from the combustion engine which will then drive the transmission that turns the wheels. If it is using the electric motor, the car draws its power from the batteries. The energy from the batteries will then power the electric motor that drives the transmission and turns the wheel.Both the combustion engine and the electric motor are used at the same time during quick acceleration, on steep ascend, or when either the engine or the motor needs additional boost.Since the engine is directly connected to the wheels in a parallel drive train, it eliminates the inefficiency of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy and back. This makes a very effective vehicle to drive on the highway.Series HybridThe series hybrid car also has a gas tank, a combustion engine, transmission, electric motor, and batteries with the addition of the generator. The generator can be the electric motor or it can be another separate component.The series configuration is the simplest among the 3. The engine is not connected to the transmission rather it is connected to the electric motor. This means that the transmission can be driven only by the electric motor which draws its energy from the battery pack, the engine or the generator.A hybrid car with a series drive train is more suited for city driving conditions since the engine will not be subjected to the varying speed demands (stop, go, and idle) that contributes to fuel consumption.Series-Parallel HybridThe series-parallel configuration solves the individual problems of the parallel and series hybrid. By combining the 2 designs, the transmission can be directly connected to the engine or can be separated for optimum fuel consumption. The Toyota Prius and the Ford Escape Hybrid use this technology.Honda’s hybridFor those of you who have toyed with the idea of buying a hybrid but were discouraged by the price, you are not alone. In fact, despite the growing concern for the environment, not to mention the skyrocketing price of gas, hybrid cars still only represent a small percentage of global car sales, and a major reason for this is the cost.Hybrids are considered the wave of the future because they not only reduce emissions, addressing the issue of climate change, but they get great gas mileage, animportant consideration with the current price of oil. It should be noted that hybrids can also improve the power of the engine, which compromises any advantages in fuel efficiency and emissions. Whatever the application, however, the technology makes the cars more expensive.Because of this, they are the vehicle of choice for only a small niche of people who can afford them, and they currently enjoy a special status amongst the image conscious celebrity-set. For most average consumers, however, they are not an option.That may soon change.Honda Motor Corporation, one of the largest car manufacturers in the world and a leader in fuel efficient technology, has unveiled it’s plan to introduce a low-cost hybrid by 2009. If they can pull it off, they hope to make the hybrid a more mainstream car that will be more appealing to the general public, with the ultimate goal of achieving greater sales and broader appeal than their current incarnation.This, of course, is making Detroit nervous, and may signal a need for American car makers to start making greener and more fuel efficient vehicles, something they could afford to ignore in the past because hybrid cars weren’t worth their attention (due to such a small market share) while gas-guzzling SUVs have such high profit margins.Honda, meanwhile, has had to confront a growing need to compete with Toyota, which has not only grown to be the world’s largest automaker, but makes the car that has become synonymous with the hybrid movement, the Prius. Honda is therefore faced with the seemingly insurmountable task of challenging Toyota’s dominance in the market.Concurrently, Toyota is racing to lower production costs on the Prius, as well, which would hopefully result in a lower cost to the consumer. All eyes are on a potentially favorable car buyers market in 2009.In the meantime, with even adamant global warming naysayers warming up (no pun intended) to the possibilities of an ecological disaster on the horizon, maybe it’s time that we got over our need to drive huge SUVs and start moderating our fuel consumption.Then again, as gas prices hovering around $4.00 and with no ceiling in sight, we may have little choice in the matter.Engine Operating PrinciplesMost automobile dngines are internal combustion, reciprocating 4-stroke gasoline engines, but other types have been used, including the diesel, the rotary ( Wankel ) , the 2-srtoke, and stratified charge.Reciprocating means up and down or banck and forth, It is the up and down action of a piston in the cylinder blick, or engine block. The blick is an iron or aluminum casting that contains engine cylinders and passges called water jackets for coolant circulation. The top of the block is covered with the cylinder head. Which forms the combustion chanber. The bottom of the block is covered with an oil pan or oil sump.Power is produced by the linear motion of a piston in a cylinder. However, this linear motion must be changed into rotary motion to turn the wheels of cars of trucks. The piston is attached to the top of a connecting rod by a pin, called a piston pin or wrist pin. The bottom of the connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft. The connecting rod transmits the up-and-down motion of the piston to the crankshaft, which changes it into rotary motion.The connecting rod is mounted on the crankshaft with large beaings called rod bearings. Similar bearings, called main bearings, are used to mount the crankshaft in the block. Shown in Fig. 1-1The diameter of the cylinder is called the engine bore. Displacement and compression ratio are two frequently used engine specifications. Displacement indicates engine size, and compression ratio compares the total cylinder volume to compression chamber volume.The term stroke is used to describe the movement of the iston within the cylinder, as well as the distance of piston travel. Depending on the type of engine the operating cycle may require either two or four strokes to complete. The 4-stroke engine is also called Otto cycle engine, in honor of the German engineer, Dr. Nikolaus Otto, who first applied the principle in 1876. In the 4-stroke engine, four strokes of the piston in the cylinder are required to complete one full operating cycle. Each stroke is named after the action it performs intake, compression, power, and exhaust in that order, shown in Fig1-2.1、Intake strokeAs the piston moves down, the vaporized mixture of fuel and air enters the cylinder through open intake valve. To obtain the maximum filling of the cylinder the intake valve opens about 10°before t.b.c., giving 20°overlap. The inlet valve remains open until some 50°after b.d.c. to take advantage of incoming mixture.2、 Compression strokeThe piston turns up, the intake valve closes, the mixture is compressed within the combustion chamber, while the pressure rise to about 1Mpa, depending on various factors including the compression ratio, throttle opening and engine speed. Near the top of the stroke the mixture is ignited by a spark which bridges the gap of the spark plug.3、 Power strokeThe expanding gases of combustion produces a rise in pressure of the gas to some 3.5Mpa, and the piston is forced down in the cylinder. The exhaust valve opens near the bottom of the stroke.4、Exhust strokeThe piston moves back up with the exhaust valve open some 50°before b.d.d., allowing the pressure within the cylinder to fall and to reduce ‘back’pressure on the piston during the exhaust stroke, and the burned gases are pushed out to prepare for the next intake stroke.The intake valve usually opens just before the exhaust stroke. This 4-stroke cycle is continuously repeared in every as long as the engineremains running.A 2-stroke engine also goes through four actions to complete one operatingcycle.However, the intake and the compression actions are combined in one seroke, and the power and exhaust actions are combined in the other stroke. The term2-stroke cycle or 2-stroke is preferred to the term 2-cycle, which is really not accurate.In automobile engines, all pistons are attached to a single crankshaft. The more cylinders an engine has, the more power strokes produced for cach revolution. This means that an 8-cylinder engine runs more smoothly bdcause the power atrokes are closer together in time and in degrees of engine rotation.The cylinders of multi-cylinder automotive engines arranged in one of three ways. 1、Inline engines use a single block of cylinder.Most 4-cylinder and any 6-cylinder engines are of this design. The cylinders do not have to be vertical. They can be inclined either side.2、V-type engines use two equal bands of cylinders, usually inclined 60degrees or 90degrees from the cach other. Most V-type engines have 6 or 8 cylinders, although V-4 and V-12 engines have been built.3、Horizontally opposed or pancake engines have two equal banks of cylinders 180degreeas apart. These space saving engine designs are often air-cooled, and are found in the Chevrolet Carvair, Porsches, Subaus, and V olkswagens. Subaus design is liquid cooled.Late-model V olkswagen vans use a liquid-cooled version of the air cooled VWhorizontally opposed engine.译文新型汽车----混合动力汽车在油价飞涨的今天,汽车制造商被要求发展一种排放低,行驶里程长的汽车。

China Hybrid Electric Vehicle DevelopmentWith the depletion of oil resources, increase awareness of environmental protection, hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles will become the first decades of the new century, the development of mainstream cars and automobile industry become the consensusof all of the industry. The Chinese government also has the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) specifically listed, including hybrid vehicles, including electric cars of major projects. At present, China's independent innovation of new energy vehicles in the process, adhere to the government support to core technology, key components and system integration focusing on the principles established in hybrid electric vehicles, pure electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles as a "three vertical "To vehicle control systems, motor drive systems, power battery / fuel cellfor the "three horizontal" distribution of R & D, through close links between production cooperation, China's independent innovation of hybrid cars has made significant progress.With completely independent intellectual property rights form the power system technology platform, established a hybrid electric vehicle technology development. Is the core of hybrid vehicles batteries (including battery management system) technology. In addition, also include engine technology, motor control, vehicle control technology, engine and electrical interface between the power conversion and is also the key. From the current situation, China has established a hybrid electric vehicle power system through Cooperative R & D technology platforms and systems, made a series of breakthroughs for vehicle development has laid a solid foundation. As of January 31, 2009,Technology in hybrid vehicles, China Intellectual Property Office to receive and open for the 1116 patent applications in China. In 1116 patent applications, invention 782 (authority for the 107), utility model for the 334.Mastered the entire vehicle key development, the formation of a capability to develop various types of electric vehicles. Hybrid cars in China in systems integration, reliability, fuel economy and other aspects of the marked progress in achieving fuel economy of different technical solutions can be 10% -40%.Meanwhile, the hybrid vehicle automotive enterprises and industrial R & D investment significantly enhanced, accelerating the pace of industrialization. Currently, domestic automakers have hybrid vehicles as the next major competitive products in the strategic high priority, FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC Motor, Changan, Chery, BYD, etc. have put a lot of manpower, material resources,Hybrid prototyping has been completed, and some models have achieved low-volume market.FAW GroupDevelopment Goal: By 2012, the Group plans to build an annual capacity of 11,000 hybrid cars, hybrid bus production base of 1000.FAW Group since 1999 and a new energy vehicles for theoretical research and development work, and the development of a red car performance hybrid sample. "15" period, the FAW Group is committed to the national "863" major project in the "red card in series hybrid electric vehicle research and development" mission,officially began the research and development of new energy vehicles. Beginning in 2006, FAW B70 in the Besturn, based on the technology for hybrid-based research, the original longitudinal into transverse engine assembly engine assembly, using a transverse engine and dual-motor hybrid technology. At the same time, FAW also pay close attention to the engine, mechanical and electrical integration, transmission, vehicle control networks, vehicle control systems development, the current FAW hybrid electric car has achieved 42% fuel saving effect, reached the international advanced level.Jiefang CA6100HEV Hybrid Electric BusFAW "Liberation brand CA6100HEV Hybrid Electric Bus" project is a national "863" electric vehicle major projects funded project, with pure electric drive, the engine alone drives (and charge), the joint drive motor starts the engine, and sliding regenerative braking 5 kinds of basic operation. The power hybrid electric bus and economy to the leading level, 38% fuel economy than traditional buses, emissions reduced by 30%.Red Flag CA7180AE hybrid carsRed Flag hybrid cars CA7180AE according to the national "863 Plan" is thefirst in complete with industrial prospects of the car, it is built on the basisof red car with good performance and operational smoothness.Series which is a hybrid sedan, the luxury car ,0-100km acceleration time of 14s, fuel-efficientthan traditional cars by about 50%, Euro 川emission standard.Besturn B70 hybrid carsBesturn B70 Hybrid cars using petrol - electric hybrid approach. Dual motor power system programs, mixed degree of 40/103, is all mixed (Full-Hybrid, also known as re-mixed) configurations. Besturn B70 Hybrid cars are petrol versioncosts two to three times Besturn models, mass production will be gradually reduced after the costs, even if this hybrid version Besturn market, the price certainly higher than the existing Besturn models, but high the price of petrol will not exceed 30% version of Besturn models.SAICDevelopment Goals: 2010 launch in the mixed hybrid cars, plug-in 2012, SAIC strong mix of cars and pure electric cars will be on the market.In the R & D on new energy vehicles, SAIC made clear to focus on hybrid, fuel cell for the direction, and speed up the development of alternative products. Hybrid vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles as a new energy strategy SAIC three key.2010 SAIC Roewe 750 hybrid cars in the mix will be put on the market, during the World Expo in Shanghai, SAIC will put 150 hybrid cars in the Expo Line on the River Run. 2012 Roewe 550 plug-in hybrid cars will be strong market, the current car's power system has been launched early development and progress.Apply the new hybrid bus moving on the 1stApply the new hybrid bus moving on the 1st Academy of Engineering by the SAIC and Shanghai Jiaotong University and other units jointly developed with independent intellectual property rights. Existing cities in the Sunwin Bus Power platform, "the new dynamic application No. 1" uses a parallel hybrid electric vehicle drive program, so that hybrid electric vehicle operating conditions in the electric air-conditioning, steering, braking and other accessoriesstill able to work without additional electric system, while use of super capacitors, to improve starting power,braking energy recovery efficiency, thereby enhancing vehicle dynamic performance, reduce fuel consumption. Car length 10m, width 2.5m, high-3.2m, can accommodate 76 people.Roewe 750 hybrid carsRoewe 750 hybrid cars in the mixed system with BSG (Belt drive start generating one machine), with "smart stop zero-emission" and "environmental protection and the power of both the" two prominent features of a top speed of 205 km / h, the maximum added driving range of up to 500 km. As for the industrialization of SAIC's first own-brand hybrid car, the Roewe 750 hybrid integrated hybrid fuel-efficient cars can achieve rates of around 20%.Dongfeng Motor GroupDevelopment Goals: Plans move into 33 billion in 10 years to develop a range of environmentally friendly hybrid vehicles, including cars.EQ7200HEV hybrid carsEQ7200HEV hybrid cars are "863" project of major projects and major strategic projects of Dongfeng Motor Corporation. The car is EQ7200-U model (Fengshen Bluebird cars) is based on an electronically controlled automatic transmission with innovative electromechanical coupling in parallel programs, configure DC brushless motor and nickel-hydrogen batteries, plans to "10 5 "during the industrialization. In dustrializatio n, the vehicle cost more tha n EQ7200 cars in crease in cost W 30%.EQ61100HEV Hybrid Electric BusEQ61100HEV electric hybrid bus by Dongfeng Vehicle Company Limited Joint Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China Textile Co., Ltd. and Hunan sharp Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. jointly developed Shenzhou. EQ61100HEV hybrid electric bus with switched reluctance motor, Cummins ISBe1504 cylinder common rail electronic injection diesel engine, new chassis design of the system, electronically controlled automatic transmission and innovative electromechanical coupling parallel program. In the annual output reached 200, the vehicle cost more tha n the in crease in automobile engine equipped with 6CT W 30%.China ChanganDevelopment Goals: the next three years, the formation of different grades, different purposes, carry a different system of mixed platforms, weak mix of scale, strong mixed industrial R & D capabilities, covering commercial, A grade, B grade, C grade products. 2014 will achieve sales of new energy vehicles 150 000 2020 sales of new energy vehicles for more than 500,000."Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, Chang-an increased investment in clean energy vehicles, a diversified energy technologies to carry out exploratory research. Environmental protection through energy-saving models continues to introduce new technology to lead the industry to upgrade and fully utilize and mobilize global resources,Chang'an in the middle hybrid cars, hybrid cars and other technological strength of the field are explored. Chang's first hybrid car long Anjie Xun HEV was successfully listed in June 2009; the first batch of 20 hybrid taxis Long An Zhixiang in January of this year officially put into operation in Chongqing.CheryDevelopment Goals: after 2010, more than half of Chery's products carry different levels of hybrid systems.From 2003 to 2008, mainly mixed with moderate Chery hybrid cars and energy saving system development, and industrialization; Chery in Wuhu, a taxi has been carried out on probation, fuel consumption will be reduced by 10% to 30% to reach Europe IV Standard. Since 2004, Chery hybrid cars mainly for the development of strong and industrialization. Chery hybrid car fuel consumption target to reach 100 km 3 liters, to reach Europe and the United States emissions regulations.Chery A5BSGChery A5BSG is a weak parallel hybrid electric car, using fuel engines, electric engines complementary mode, the two different power sources in the car while driving to work together or separately, through this combination to achieve the least fuel consumption and exhaust emissions, in order to achieve fuel efficiency and environmental protection purposes. Compared with the conventional car, the car in urban conditions can save 10% -15% of fuel and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 12%, while costs increased by only about 25% -30%.Chery A5ISGChery A5 ISG hybrid power system consists of "1.3L gasoline engine + 5-speed manual transmission +10 kW motor +144 V Ni-MH battery," the composition of the battery system used by the Johnson Controls developed "plug-in" nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH), motor with permanent magnet synchronous motor and with the motor control system, inverter and DC / DC converters. The system enables the vehicle power to 1.6L displacement level and rate of 30% fuel savings and significantly reduce the emissions of Euro V standards.Cherry A3ISGChery A3 ISG has 1.3L473F gasoline engine and equipped with 10KW motor. By gasoline engines and electric motors with torque overlay approach to dynamic mixed to provide the best vehicle power operating efficiency and energy saving environmental protection goals. Chery A3 ISG also has Stop_Restart the idling stop function such as flame start to start (BSG function), to reduce red light in the vehicle stopped or suspended when the fuel consumption and emissions expenses.FY 2BSGFY 2 BSG carry 1.5LSQR477F inline four-cylinder engine configuration BSGstart / stop and so one electric motor, red light in the vehicle stopped thedriver into the gap, it will automatically enter standby mode to turn off the engine, starting moments after the entry block automatically start the engine. FY 2 BSG vehicle average fuel consumption than the 1.5L petrol cars reduce about 5-10%, average fuel consumption can be reduced up to 15%.BYD AutoDevelopment Goal: to electric cars as a transitional mode, the electric car as the ultimate goal, the development of new energy cars BYD.BYD follow the "independent research and development, independent production, independent brand" development path, and the "core technology, vertical integration" development strategy, as the transition to dual-mode electric vehicles, electric vehicles as the ultimate goal, the development of BYD new energy vehicles.国内混合动力汽车发展随着石油资源的枯竭、人们环保意识的提高,混合动力汽车及电动汽车将成为新世纪前几十年汽车发展的主流,并成为我国汽车界所有业内人士的共识。
汽车外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中国汽车工业及其全球化

汽车外文翻译 外文文献

外文文献翻译附录A(英文原文)Adaptive Clutch Engaging Process Control Automatic Mechanical Transmission LIU Hai’ou(刘海鸥),CHEN HUI’yan(陈慧岩),DING Hua’rong(丁华荣),HE Zhong’bo(何忠波) Abstract: Based on detail analysis of cluch engaging process control targets and adaptive demands,a control strategy which is based on speed signal,different from that of based on main clutch displacement signal,is put forward.It considers both jerk and slipping work which are the most commonly used quality evaluating indexes of vehicle starting phase.The adaptive control system and its reference model are discussed profoundly.Taking the adaptability to different starting gears and different road conditions as examples,some proving field test records are shown to illusrate the main clutch adaptive control strategy at starting phase.Proving field test gives acceptable results. Key words: automatic mechanical transmission(AMT); transmission technology; adaptive control; main clutch engagement The engaging process control strategy of friction main clutch,whether wet or dry,is the focus in vehicle technology field.Some of the control strategies are based on main clutch displacement signal.An adaptive control strategy has been developed, which is based on main clutch out put shaft speed signal grounded on our research work.It is proved to have extensive adaptability. 1 Control Targets and Adaptive Demands The most commonly used quality evaluating indexes of vehicle starting phase are jerk and slipping work. Jerk—As an index evaluating the smoothness in vehicle starting phase, the jerk is the rate of vehicle longitudinal acceleration.According to this definition,the expression of jerk is given as j=da/dt=d2v/dt2 (1) where j is the jerk;v and a are the vehicle running speed and acceleration respectively. According to vehicle dynamics,the vehicle-run-ning speed is determined by the balance between engine traction force and running resistance and can be expressed as t v D e g gd Gd v A C f G T r i i 2 015 . 21 ) sin ( (2) Where e T is the engine out put torque;G is the vehicle total weight; r is the driving wheel radius; f and are the road resistance coefficient and ram p way angle respectively; D C is the air resistance coefficient. The function of a mechanism is to transform motion from one rigid body to another as part of the action of a machine,There are three types of common mechanical device that can be used as basic elements of a mechanism. 1.—Gear system,in which toothed members in contact transmit motion between rotating shafts. 2.Cam system,where a uniform motion of an input member I converted into a nonunifirm motion of the output member. 3.Plane and spatial linkages are also useful in creating mechanical motions for a point or rigid body. Mechanisms form thee basic geometrical element of many mechanical devices including automatic machinery,typewriters,mechanical toys,textile machinery,and others.A mechanism typically is designed to create a desired motion of a rigid body relative to a reference member.Kinematic design,or kinematic syntheses,of mechanisms often is the first step in the design of a complete machine.When forces are considered,the additional problems of dynamics,bearing loads,stresses,lubrication,and the like are introduced,aad the larger problem become one of machine design. Gear are machine elements that transmit motion by means of successively engaging teeth,Gears transmit motion from one ratating shaft to another, or to a rack that translates. Numerous applications exist in which a constant angular velocity ratio(or constant torque ratio)must be transmitted between shafts, Based on the variety of gear types available, there is no restriction that the input and the output shafts need be either in-line or parallel.Nonlinear angular velocity tratios are also available by using noncircccuar gear,In order to maintain a constant angular velocity,the individual tooth prifle must obey the fundamental law of gearing:for a pair of gears to transmit a constant angular velocity ratio,the shape of theircontacting profiles must be such that the common normal passes through a fixed point on the line of the centers. There are several standard gear types.For applications with parallel shafts,straight spur gear,parallel helical,or herringbone gears are usually used,In the case of intersecting shafts,straight bevel or spiral bevel gears are employed.For nonintersecting and nonparallel shafts,crossed helical,worm,face,skew bevel or hypoid gears would be acceptable choices.For spur gears,the pirch circles of mating gears are tangent to wach other.They roll on one another without sliding.The addendum is the height by which a tooth projects beyond the pitch circle(also the tadial distance between the pitch circle and the addendum circle).The clearance is the amount by which the dedendum (tooth height below the pitch circle)in a given gear exceeds the addendum of its mating gear,The tooth thickness is the distance across the tooth along the are of the pitch circle while the tooth space is the distance between adjacent teeth along the are of the pitch circle.TRhe backlash is the amount by which the width of the tooth space exceeds the thickness of the engaging tooth at the pitchi circle. Helical gears are used to transmit motion between parallel shafts.The helix angle I the same on each gear,but one gear must have a right-hand helix and the other a left-hand helix.The shape of the tooth is the angular edge of the paper becomes a helix.If wo unwind this paper,eachpoint on the angulaaar edge genetares an involute curve,The surface obtained when every point on the edge generates an involute is called an involute helicoids.in helical gears,the line is diagonal across the face of the tooth,It is this gradual engagement of the teeth and the smooth transfer of load from one tooth to another,which give helical gears the ability to transmit heavy loads at high soeeds,Helical gears subject the shaft bearings to both radial and thrust loads.When the thrust loads become high or are objectionable for other reasons,it may be desirable to use double helical gears.A doublehelical gear(herringbone)is equivalent to two helical gears of opposite hand,mounted side by side on he same shaft.They develop opposite thrust reactions and thus cancel at the thrust load.when two or more single helcal gears are mounted on the same shaft,the hand of the gears should be selected so as to produce the minimum thrust load. Straight bevel gears are easy to design and simple to manufacture and give very good results in service if they are mounted accurately and positively.As in the case of spur gears,however,they become noisy at higher values of the pitch-line velocity.In shese cases it is often good design practice to go to the spiral bevel gear,which is the bevel counterpart of the helical gear.As in the case of helicaal gears,spiral bevel bears give a much smoother tooth action than strain bevel gears,and hence are useful where high speed are encountered.It is frequently desirable,as in the case of automotive differential applications,to have gearing similar to bevel gears but with the shaft offset.Such gears are called hyoid gears because their pitch surfaces are hyperboloids of revolution,The tooth action between such gears is a combination of rolling and slidin along a straight line and has much in common with that of worm gears. A shaft is a rotating or stationary ually of circular cross section,having mounted power-transmission lements.Shafmay subjected to bending,tension,compression,or torsional loads,acting singly or in combination with one another,When they are combined,one may expect to find both static and fatigue strength to be important design considerations,since a single shaft may be subjected too static stresses,completely reversed,and repeated stresses,aii acting at the same time. The word “shaft” cover numerous variationgs,such as axles and spindles.An axle is a shaft,either stationary or rotating,not subjected to torsion load.A short rotating shaft is often called a spindle. When either the lateral or the torsional deflection of a shaft must be held to close limits,the shaft must besized on the basis of deflection,before analyzing the stresses,The reason for this is that,if the shaft is made stiff enough so that the deflection is not too large,it is probable that the resulting stresses will be safe,But by no means should the designer assume that they are safe;it is almost always necessary to calculate them so that he knows they are within acceptable limits.Whenever possible,the power-transmission elements,such as gears or pulleys ,should be located close to the supporting bearings.This reduces the bending moment,and hence the deflection and bending stress. According to the discussion of vehicle dynamics, the control of jerk and slipping work is related to the change rate of main clutch transmitting torque. However, the torque transducer cannot be installed in the control system,so the transient torque signal cannot be obtained directly.A method that some investigators use is to control the output torque through controlling main clutch engaging displacement.But the displacement can only reflect torque change indirectly. Their corresponding relationship is affected by many factors. And once the installed position changes or the signal drifts,it will be difficult to control the transmitting torque value accurately. The main clutch adaptive control strategy based on the speed signal adjusts the transmitting torque based on the jerk and the slipping work known from the change of rotating speed signal. 2 Conclusions ①The key technique of adaptive control strategy based on speed signal is the reference model. Different from the strategy based on main clutch displacement signal, it can reflect vehicle dynamics during engaging process and so can satisfy the engaging demands well. ②The reference model based on speed signal can be illustrated by the speed change course curve. Set the parameters for each sector correctly according to smooth and fast engaging demands, and the adaptive control target can be realized through adopting PWM/PFM control method. ③A large amount of tests that were conducted for along time show that thecontrol strategy based on speed signal has good adaptability and can adapt to different gears, road conditions, load, main clutch parameters(temperature, attrition wear and friction material) and driving styles. References: [1] Horn J,Bamberger J,Michan P,et al.Flatness-based clutch control for automated manual transmission[J]. Control Engineering Practice,2003(11):1353-1359.[2] Toshimichi Minowa,Tatsuya Ochi,Hiroshi Kuroiwa, et al. Smooth gear shift control technology for clutch-to-clutch shifting[R].SAE199120121054,1991. [3] Xi Jun qiang.Research on brushless electric motor driven automatic main clutch and its control strategy[D].Beijing:School of Vehicular and Transportation, Beijing Institute of Technology, 2001.(inChinese) [4] Lei Yu long, Ge An lin, Li Yong jun. Main clutch control strategy at vehicle starting phase[J]. Automotive Engineering,2000(4):266-269. (inChinese) [5] Andrew Szadkowski. Shiftability and Shift Quality Issues in Clutch Transmission Systems[R]. SAE 912697,1991. 附录B(译文)适应性离合器在机械自动传动中的加工控制刘海鸥,陈慧岩,丁华荣,何忠波(机械和车辆工程学校,北京技术学院,北京100081,中国)摘要:依靠对离合器运行过程的详细分析控制目标和适应的要求,一个主要依靠速度信号而不是那些依靠离合器的移动信号的控制策略被迅速发展。
车辆工程 汽车 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 汽车安全系统技术研究分析

Automotive safety systems and technologyresearch and analysisAbstract: auto parts of good and bad will directly affect the safety of the car, are directly related to the people's life safety and security in wealth. This article mainly from the car's active safety technology and passive safety technology two aspects elaborated the importance of car parts, and how to improve the safety of the car.Key words: automobile, active safety technology, passive safety technologyAs traffic tools of the modernization and absolute number increase sharply, traffic accidents are also increasing. Car accident has become severe global social issues. Undoubtedly, advanced auto safety facilities are the driving safety indispensable safeguard. So, we should start, from technology to research and development of high performance, high safety car, also want to strengthen the regular inspection in cars, so timely maintenance investigation, make cars often in good technical status, so as to improve the safety performance of the car.Here we introduced active safety technology and automobile car passive safety technology. Auto safety is according to the traffic accident happened before and after the classified. One is in a traffic accident take safety measures, especially before immediately will produce risk condition, drivers manipulate the steering wheel avoid or emergency brake to avoid traffic accidents. In the car, drive in usually to ensure the basic manipulation stability, drivers on the surrounding environment and to ensure the visual recognition sex drive the car itself, developed the basic performance ant-lock braking system (ABS), prevent slippery drive system (ASR), active suspension, power steering and four-wheel drive (4WD), four-wheel steering (4WS), lighting system, wiper, the rearview mirror, prevent from rear-end collision car alarm system and laser radar, etc. These security devices and technology, called active safety system, can also be called preventivesecurity system. On the other hand, in order to reduce traffic accidents and company by personnel directly suffer degree, ensure company take staff and pedestrian safety, says the security for passive safety, can also be called conflict safety. When after the accident, in order to prevent disasters, including prevent the expansion of fire and make crew from traffic accident can extricate the security devices and systems, called prevent disaster expand security system.One.Automobile active security technology1. ABS braking systemAnt-lock Braking System (Braking System, lock do by ABS computers as ABS), hydraulic device, the wheel speed sensors, brake hydraulic pipeline and electrical wiring etc. Their structures are shown below.ABS tasseled for the car in various driving conditions braking performance and brake safety particularly important, especially is emergency braking, can make full use of the peak between tire and road surface adhesion properties, improve performance and reduce automobile fight sideslip braking distance, give full play to the braking performance, but also increase the automobile braking process control. So as to reduce the possibility of car accidents.No installation ABS car, if the driving force trample brake pedal, wheel will rapidly lower speed, and finally wheels stop turning, but body because of inertia remains forward sliding. This phenomenon was at the wheel and pavement occur between larger "slip", appear this kind of situation, the car tires of automobile lateral spreads almost disappear, so poor force will appear the following phenomena:(1) Steering stability fall: the steering wheel is ineffective, vehicle tail manipulation of curl, serious when vehicle circles or appear folding phenomenon;(2) Handling fall: manipulate the steering wheel and short of steering requirements;(3) Braking distance extended: more than general braking distance.So, we can imagine to have installed ABS system of the car safety is very important.2.the ASR drive torque control systemABS are used to prevent car braking process wheel lock, will wheel sliding rate control in ideal range, so as to shorten the braking distance, improve automobile braking direction stability and steering control, so as to improve the safety of the car. Along with the increase of vehicle performance requirements, not only in braking process required to prevent wheel lock, and asked the driver to prevent drive roller skating turn in the process, making cars in the direction stability, driving process steering control ability and acceleration performance, so are improved by the car drive torque steering system ASR (Accelerations Regulation) Slip. ASR is the perfect complement and ABS ASR, but most alone is set with ABS combined together, commonly used ABS/ASR says, called antiskid control system.ASR is mainly used to prevent car in the beginning, accelerate the wheels, guarantee slip in the car accelerated rate and improve the stability in bad pavement drive attached conditions. It makes no difference speed in the car lock ice roads and muddy road started and to improve its capacity, also can prevent high in speed by turning cars gliding pavement and rear lateral spreads phenomenon.Anyhow, prevent the wheel because ASR slip, can maximize the engine driving moment of cars had enough, ensure the longitudinal force, lateral force and manipulation of power, make cars in starting, steering and accelerate the process, in gliding and muddy road, in a mountain area downhill process can steadily driving, guarantees the safety, reducing tire wear and fuel consumption, and improves the car driving capability.3.VDC systemABS/ASR system successfully solves the brake and the car when driven direction stability problem, but cannot solve the vehicle steering stability problem driving direction. For example when steering road, inevitably by lateral and longitudinal force, only local surface can provide full lateral and longitudinal force, the pilot can control vehicles. If the ground adhesion ability lower lateral, will damage cars driving ability predetermined direction. Rainy days cars driving, oftenhigh-speed steering lateral sliding out, it is the ground because of insufficient lateral adhesion ability. To resolve the issue, and developed countries automobile industry recently in ABS/ASR system on the basis of the development of dynamic Control system (into car Dynamics Control, the abbreviation VDC Vehicle). The system of the car brake, driving, suspension, steering, engine and so on various main assembly control system in function, structure organic ground comprehensive together, can make cars in all kinds of bad working conditions, such as ice road pavement, commuting, river bend pavement and took evasive action moving line, braking and acceleration and the downhill for different conditions, such as bearing, different type pressure and different levels of type wear all have good direction stability, to show the best driving performance. VDC applications, in braking, acceleration and steering aspects of driver's fully released request, is the car of active safety driving a new milestone.VDC of steering control system is mainly by driving for each wheel brake control and engine power output control to realize. For example, if the car turn left front wheel for steering the inadequate capacity tend to slip out of the corner, VDC system can measure imminent, just know lateral spreads left rear brake adopt appropriate measures. If at the same corner, because rear wheel tend to slip out of favor of lateral overmuch, VDC system is proper braking to front-right wheel failure, maintain the stability of the vehicle driving. In extreme cases, VDC system can also take reduce engine to reduce the power output, and to reduce the speed of the demand side adhesion ability to maintain the stability of the vehicle driving. Adopt VDC system, automobile in folio pavement or corner of pavement braking distance still can further reduce.4.CCS cars cruise control systemAuto cruise Control System (Cruiser Control System, abbreviation for CCS) is can make automobile work in engine favorable speed range, reduce driver's driving manipulate labor intensity, improve the driving comfort the automatic driving device.Car cruising system (CCS) role is required by the driver: after a normally-closed switch, no speed on the accelerator pedal can automatically keepthe speed, make the vehicle with the fixed speed. Using this device, when on the highway after a long time, the driver driving not have to control the accelerator pedal, reduce fatigue, while reducing unnecessary speed change, can reduce save fuel.Auto cruise control system is the earliest development of the automotive electronic control system. This system USES another speed sensor, will speed signal input engine control microcomputer, by microcomputer control vacuum system work. This system can make use of the server, speed control switch lever and brake pedal on vacuum lift switches etc, its function and basic system the same.In this system, electronic control device can accord change of driving resistance, automatic regulation engine throttle Angle, make the speed constant. Such not only reduce unnecessary speed change, which saves fuel, also reduced the driver's burden. The electronic cruise control system which is shown in figure 2.Two. Automobile passive safety technology1. Seat beltCar seat belt is a safety device, it can in car collision or sharp turn, make crew to keep its original position as possible without mobile and rotation, avoid collision with in-car hard parts caused damage. Seat belts and airbags, as modern cars are safety devices, but the long history of the former, popularize the scope.The seemingly simple seat belt actually not "simple". Attention has been at the forefront of traffic safety, through the analysis of general motors after a car accident found: seat belt not only makes people protect the lives, can be in more than half of the accident to reduce or even eliminate drivers, motorists are the chance of injury. Car collision or unexpected emergency braking force generated great inertia, will allow the driver and passenger and car windscreen, steering wheel, seat, collision happened objects such as secondary to drive is caused extremely easily crew serious damage, even drive occupant seats or threw the apex, seat belts can will ride in the seat. Bondage personnel When has the accident, which can effectively prevent the collision, and its buffer role can absorbs a greatdeal of kinetic energy, reduce rides personnel extent of the injuries.Fasten your seat belt airbags play our role is also an important condition. Because the airbag to maximize role for the ride in the impact of the physical location, sitting instant action have extremely strict and the requirements. Otherwise, the airbag started strong instantaneous wallops to head are fragile site, may cause serious damage, especially for children, this damage can be fatal. Even the most ordinary three belts, try a can timely in crash that lived rides the bundle, ensure the upper part of a ride in the airbag fully extended range, make the airbag most effectively play efficacy. Accordingly, must not because the car is equipped with airbags and feel carefree seat belt fastened, only to reduce or eliminate the traffic accident happen.2. The airbagWhen the front collision happened strong, because inertia, who rides the body forward fast moving, then seat belts and will try to "pull" rides on person the body, absorb some of the impact energy, while the airbag with "the eyepiece trend" inflatable and completely open; Then the rides the upper body will sink to airbags, gas also began from the vent air uniform escaping, and absorbed most of the impact energy; Subsequently, the ride back seat and return to the body. Above the whole process is almost always happens in a flash, who rides the completely in passive situation, in this case, the passive rely on auxiliary occupant protection system is the only option. Airbags development design is based on the protection on seat belt Co., LTD; they cooperate with each other to ride the play the auxiliary protective effect.Seat belt usage in under the condition of the crew, balloon help reduce chest, head and facial injuries in the seriousness of the collision. When car collision happened before, the first is the car to stop motion, car under the action of inertial force crews to go forward with the original speed still sport. Not wearing a seatbelt crews will and steering dish, front windscreen together, so it can be severely hurt; Wearing a seatbelt as car stop the crew can stop moving forward movement and gradually. If collision violent, crew forward movement of the seat belts, even faster in the complete stop before motion, still and in-car things together. If this fashionin steering the disk or within the popup balloon inflated dash, it can protect the occupant reduce the possibility of car together with things, more uniform dispersion head, chest, absorb the impact energy of movement, thus crew has added effect of seat belts.In addition to seat belts and airbags outside car passive safety technology includes car bumper, automobile safety glass, security body, occupant head and neck protection system (WHIPS), etc. These vehicles to improve the safety performance has very important contributionThree. Automobile active safety new technology1. Eye Car skillsEye Car technology can make each driver eyes in the same relative height, guarantee of pavement and the surrounding a six-lane unimpeded sight and best visibility. This technology can also offer a specific driving environment.Eye Car through the use of first-class motor mobile automatic will different figure driver's eyes tuned to the same height to solve the problem, meanwhile, visibility of steering dish, brake and accelerate pedals and floor and the central adjustment to constitute console to their respective driving conditions. Meanwhile to the former pillar design, will it again from drivers sights removed. Because the bus driver received the most crucial information generally have 90% from outside, acquired through the eyes observe. So, this improvement for vehicle safety is of great significance.2. Cam Car technologyCam Car technology aims to help improve the driver of perception. The technical features are:(1) Installed in the car to camera system on both sides before to make drivers can bypass the large vehicle behind a car or see ahead of pedestrians. In a typical driving situation in the crowded traffic, the pilot of the centre-left cornering could more easily view the opposite of vehicles.(2) Side after buy video camera provides broader visual profile of vision. The camera coverage than traditional rearview mirror wants wide, especially for theadjacent driveway.(3) Installed in a car, the four miniatures sectored form to decorate after a camera can obtain the car panoramic perspective. Image via electronic synthesis, has the zoom and 160 ° wide-angle ability.(4) "night eye" (Night Eye) camera can be in low illumination conditions, when the car is in reverse gear, even in a dark cases can also provide car close range after small images.Four. Automobile passive safety new technology1. Future airbags(1) It cans inflatable screen system. This is a new safety design; its basic principle is to protect in-car occupant's head, when that happens it will carry on the air, air after the tent shape is swelling.(2) Tubular inflatable structure head air sac. This system for supplement current side protection system, still stopover in protecting the chest and abdomen, brachial ministry, to head protection were insufficient. It with rigid body structure, the door body protective just beams, side air sac, can form a complete side safe defend net, this will be the future security protection trend.(3) Head support system. Head support system generally called the headrest, vehicles which the headrest, with seats, not just for comfortable fact is more important to safety. Vehicle if in an emergency brake, the body will have strong to and fro, because the principle of inertia occupant body swinging, especially neck must follow. If no head support buffer headrest, neck injury caused by damage is very surprising.(4) The external airbags.2. Adaptive constraint technology system (ARTS)New adaptive constraint technology system (ARTS) use a series of sensors to monitor the driver seat, seat belt use, in front of the occupant take quality and location and intensity of the collision of the collisions and collision force direction, then according to the specific information such as the collision of each front airbag characteristics of the crew on regulated. The system can further reduce due toimproper airbag for crew on the damage, especially for smaller front row figure crew.3. Automobile energy-absorbing direction columnAuto absorbing in automobile direction tubing through collisions of redistribution to steering wheel wallop, would wallop path to deliver shunt quickly, making the minimum of load on the steering wheel. The steering column by hollow tubes and steering bearings form. Traditional hollow tubes and the steering column steering bearings is integral, steering shaft top and steering connections, the connecting with direction below. And suck can direction string of characteristic is will the steering column in two, divided into unblock steering column and the steering column under two parts; Inside of the steering shaft also divided into two sections, with outgoing quarter agencies between them connected. Once a collision make direction, outgoing quarter mechanism has displacement bottom tailor-made steering shaft will fold, under the steering column move on the steering column, to achieve "indented within" and thus expand space reduce damage.Five. The tire pressure monitoring systemIn a car's tyros high-speed process, all drivers fault is the most worry and the most difficult to prevent, is also sudden traffic accident happened important reasons. According to statistics, China highway in the traffic accident is caused due to 70% of a flat tire, and in the U.S. this ratio is as high as 80%. How to prevent a blowout has become an important task of safe driving. According to the national quality supervise center of rubber tires in the expert analysis, maintain the standard tire pressure driving and the timely discovery tire is to prevent leakage of key blowout. Tire Pressure and Monitoring System (TPMS) - car Tire Pressure Monitoring System will no doubt is the ideal tool. The system is mainly used in automobile driving to tire pressure real-time automatic monitoring; to a flat tire and depression are the police, in order to ensure safety.Drivers from the monitors can know each tire pressure value, when tire pressure below the club set pressure limit, monitor will automatically alarm.Anyhow, car active safety technology and passive safety technology for thesafety of automobile driving is very important, and besides, such as environmental factor, artificial factor of the vehicle safety is also very important. Therefore, we must be prepared to all aspects of requirements and technology, to ensure the safety of vehicle driving.汽车安全系统技术研究分析摘要:汽车各部件的好与坏将直接影响汽车行驶的安全性,直接关系着人们的生命安全和产财安全。
汽车 专业 外文 文献 英文 翻译

外文文献原稿和译文原稿A New Type Car -- Hybrid Electric VehicleWith skyrocketing fuel prices and changes in weather patterns, many car manufacturers claimed to develop the kind of vehicles that will increase the mileage and reduce the emissions. Hybrid car is a kind of vehicle which can meet above requirements. A hybrid car features a small fuel-efficient gas engine combined with an electric motor that assists the engine.The reasons of building such a complicated machine are twofold: to reduce tailpipe emissions and to improve mileage. Firstly, hybrid cars are good for the environment. They can reduce smog by 90 percent and they use far less gasoline than conventional cars. Meanwhile, hybrid cars burn less gasoline per mile, so they release fewer greenhouse gases. Secondly, hybrid cars are economical. Hybrid cars, which run on gas and electricity, can get up to 55 to 60 miles per gallon in city driving, while a typical SUV might use three times as much gas for the same distance! There are three reasons can mainly account for that: 1) Hybrid engines are much smaller than those on conventional cars. A hybrid car engine is to accommodate the 99% of driving time when a car is not going up hills or accelerating quickly. When extra acceleration power is needed, it relies on the battery to provide additional force. 2) Hybrid gasoline engine can shut off when the car is stopped and run off their electric motor and battery.3) Hybrid cars often recover braking energy. Electric motors could take the lost kinetic energy in braking and use it to charge the battery. Furthermore, hybrids are better than all-electric cars because hybrid car batteries recharge as you drive so there is no need to plug in. Most electric cars need to be recharged every 50-100miles. Also, most electric cars cannot go faster than 50-60 mph, while hybrids can.Hybrid cars bridge the gap between electric and gasoline-powered cars by traveling further and driving faster and hybrid gas-electric cars are proving to be a feasible alternative at a time of high gas prices. So, in my opinion, hybrid cars will have a bright future.How Does Hybrid Electric Vehicle Work?You probably own a gasoline or diesel-engine car. You may have heard ofelectric vehicles too. A hybrid vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a combination of both. Hybrid vehicles utilize two or more sources of energy for propulsion. In the case of HEVs, a combustion engine and an electric motor are used.How it works depends on the type of drive train it has. A hybrid vehicle can either have a parallel or series or parallel-series drive train.Parallel HybridThe parallel hybrid car has a gas tank, a combustion engine, transmission, electric motor, and batteries.A parallel hybrid is designed to run directly from either the combustion engine or the electric motor. It can run using both the engine and the motor. As a conventional vehicle, the parallel hybrid draws its power from the combustion engine which will then drive the transmission that turns the wheels. If it is using the electric motor, the car draws its power from the batteries. The energy from the batteries will then power the electric motor that drives the transmission and turns the wheel.Both the combustion engine and the electric motor are used at the same time during quick acceleration, on steep ascend, or when either the engine or the motor needs additional boost.Since the engine is directly connected to the wheels in a parallel drive train, it eliminates the inefficiency of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy and back. This makes a very effective vehicle to drive on the highway.Series HybridThe series hybrid car also has a gas tank, a combustion engine, transmission, electric motor, and batteries with the addition of the generator. The generator can be the electric motor or it can be another separate component.The series configuration is the simplest among the 3. The engine is not connected to the transmission rather it is connected to the electric motor. This means that the transmission can be driven only by the electric motor which draws its energy from the battery pack, the engine or the generator.A hybrid car with a series drive train is more suited for city driving conditions since the engine will not be subjected to the varying speed demands (stop, go, and idle) that contributes to fuel consumption.Series-Parallel HybridThe series-parallel configuration solves the individual problems of the parallel and series hybrid. By combining the 2 designs, the transmission can be directly connected to the engine or can be separated for optimum fuel consumption. The Toyota Prius and the Ford Escape Hybrid use this technology.Honda’s hybridFor those of you who have toyed with the idea of buying a hybrid but were discouraged by the price, you are not alone. In fact, despite the growing concern for the environment, not to mention the skyrocketing price of gas, hybrid cars still only represent a small percentage of global car sales, and a major reason for this is the cost.Hybrids are considered the wave of the future because they not only reduce emissions, addressing the issue of climate change, but they get great gas mileage, animportant consideration with the current price of oil. It should be noted that hybrids can also improve the power of the engine, which compromises any advantages in fuel efficiency and emissions. Whatever the application, however, the technology makes the cars more expensive.Because of this, they are the vehicle of choice for only a small niche of people who can afford them, and they currently enjoy a special status amongst the image conscious celebrity-set. For most average consumers, however, they are not an option.That may soon change.Honda Motor Corporation, one of the largest car manufacturers in the world and a leader in fuel efficient technology, has unveiled it’s plan to introduce a low-cost hybrid by 2009. If they can pull it off, they hope to make the hybrid a more mainstream car that will be more appealing to the general public, with the ultimate goal of achieving greater sales and broader appeal than their current incarnation.This, of course, is making Detroit nervous, and may signal a need for American car makers to start making greener and more fuel efficient vehicles, something they could afford to ignore in the past because hybrid cars weren’t worth their attention (due to such a small market share) while gas-guzzling SUVs have such high profit margins.Honda, meanwhile, has had to confront a growing need to compete with Toyota, which has not only grown to be the world’s largest automaker, but makes the car that has become synonymous with the hybrid movement, the Prius. Honda is therefore faced with the seemingly insurmountable task of challenging Toyota’s dominance in the market.Concurrently, Toyota is racing to lower production costs on the Prius, as well, which would hopefully result in a lower cost to the consumer. All eyes are on a potentially favorable car buyers market in 2009.In the meantime, with even adamant global warming naysayers warming up (no pun intended) to the possibilities of an ecological disaster on the horizon, maybe it’s time that we got over our need to drive huge SUVs and start moderating our fuel consumption.Then again, as gas prices hovering around $4.00 and with no ceiling in sight, we may have little choice in the matter.Engine Operating PrinciplesMost automobile dngines are internal combustion, reciprocating 4-stroke gasoline engines, but other types have been used, including the diesel, the rotary ( Wankel ) , the 2-srtoke, and stratified charge.Reciprocating means up and down or banck and forth, It is the up and down action of a piston in the cylinder blick, or engine block. The blick is an iron or aluminum casting that contains engine cylinders and passges called water jackets for coolant circulation. The top of the block is covered with the cylinder head. Which forms the combustion chanber. The bottom of the block is covered with an oil pan or oil sump.Power is produced by the linear motion of a piston in a cylinder. However, this linear motion must be changed into rotary motion to turn the wheels of cars of trucks. The piston is attached to the top of a connecting rod by a pin, called a piston pin or wrist pin. The bottom of the connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft. The connecting rod transmits the up-and-down motion of the piston to the crankshaft, which changes it into rotary motion.The connecting rod is mounted on the crankshaft with large beaings called rod bearings. Similar bearings, called main bearings, are used to mount the crankshaft in the block. Shown in Fig. 1-1The diameter of the cylinder is called the engine bore. Displacement and compression ratio are two frequently used engine specifications. Displacement indicates engine size, and compression ratio compares the total cylinder volume to compression chamber volume.The term stroke is used to describe the movement of the iston within the cylinder, as well as the distance of piston travel. Depending on the type of engine the operating cycle may require either two or four strokes to complete. The 4-stroke engine is also called Otto cycle engine, in honor of the German engineer, Dr. Nikolaus Otto, who first applied the principle in 1876. In the 4-stroke engine, four strokes of the piston in the cylinder are required to complete one full operating cycle. Each stroke is named after the action it performs intake, compression, power, and exhaust in that order, shown in Fig1-2.1、Intake strokeAs the piston moves down, the vaporized mixture of fuel and air enters the cylinder through open intake valve. To obtain the maximum filling of the cylinder the intake valve opens about 10°before t.b.c., giving 20°overlap. The inlet valve remains open until some 50°after b.d.c. to take advantage of incoming mixture.2、 Compression strokeThe piston turns up, the intake valve closes, the mixture is compressed within the combustion chamber, while the pressure rise to about 1Mpa, depending on various factors including the compression ratio, throttle opening and engine speed. Near the top of the stroke the mixture is ignited by a spark which bridges the gap of the spark plug.3、 Power strokeThe expanding gases of combustion produces a rise in pressure of the gas to some 3.5Mpa, and the piston is forced down in the cylinder. The exhaust valve opens near the bottom of the stroke.4、Exhust strokeThe piston moves back up with the exhaust valve open some 50°before b.d.d., allowing the pressure within the cylinder to fall and to reduce ‘back’pressure on the piston during the exhaust stroke, and the burned gases are pushed out to prepare for the next intake stroke.The intake valve usually opens just before the exhaust stroke. This 4-stroke cycle is continuously repeared in every as long as the engineremains running.A 2-stroke engine also goes through four actions to complete one operatingcycle.However, the intake and the compression actions are combined in one seroke, and the power and exhaust actions are combined in the other stroke. The term2-stroke cycle or 2-stroke is preferred to the term 2-cycle, which is really not accurate.In automobile engines, all pistons are attached to a single crankshaft. The more cylinders an engine has, the more power strokes produced for cach revolution. This means that an 8-cylinder engine runs more smoothly bdcause the power atrokes are closer together in time and in degrees of engine rotation.The cylinders of multi-cylinder automotive engines arranged in one of three ways. 1、Inline engines use a single block of cylinder.Most 4-cylinder and any 6-cylinder engines are of this design. The cylinders do not have to be vertical. They can be inclined either side.2、V-type engines use two equal bands of cylinders, usually inclined 60degrees or 90degrees from the cach other. Most V-type engines have 6 or 8 cylinders, although V-4 and V-12 engines have been built.3、Horizontally opposed or pancake engines have two equal banks of cylinders 180degreeas apart. These space saving engine designs are often air-cooled, and are found in the Chevrolet Carvair, Porsches, Subaus, and V olkswagens. Subaus design is liquid cooled.Late-model V olkswagen vans use a liquid-cooled version of the air cooled VWhorizontally opposed engine.译文新型汽车----混合动力汽车在油价飞涨的今天,汽车制造商被要求发展一种排放低,行驶里程长的汽车。

外文翻译:Electric automobile air conditioning system trend ofdevelopment1. electric automobile air conditioning systemGlobal warming, air pollution and higher energy costs and other problems have become more severe, as environmental pollution and energy consumption is one of the major sources of energy saving and emission reduction, the problem is more and more extensive attention, governments and automobile enterprises will be energy saving and environmental protection as the future of automotive technology development direction of energy saving and environmental protection, such as the electric emerge as the times require. Electric vehicle is set car technology, electronic and computer technology, electrochemical technology, energy and new materials technology in one of the high-tech products, and common internal combustion engine vehicles, has the advantages of no pollution, low noise and save petroleum resource characteristics. Based on the above electric vehicle characteristics, it is very likely to become the human a new generation of clean environmentally friendly transportation, its popularization has the inestimable significance.Electric vehicle emerged for electric automobile air-conditioning research and development offerred new task and challenge. Automotive air conditioning function is put inside the temperature, humidity, air cleanliness and air flow is maintained in a comfortable state. In various climate conditions, electric car should maintain the comfortable state, to provide a comfortable driving and riding environment. In addition, a set of energy-saving and efficient air conditioning system on electric vehicle market also plays an important role. Therefore, in the development of electric vehicles at the same time, necessary to support the air conditioning system development and research.For the traditional fuel automobile air-conditioning systems, refrigeration mainly uses the engine driven steam compression refrigeration system for cooling and heating, using waste heat from fuel engine. But for the electric automobile in the pure electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, no air conditioning compressor engine as power source, also cannot provide as automotive air conditioning heating using heat source in winter, so it cannot be directly using conventional automotive air conditioning system solutions; for hybrid cars, the engine control means diversity, so the air conditioning compressor also cannot use the engine directly driving scheme. Integrated the above reasons, the electric vehicle development process, must study for electric vehicle using a new type of air conditioning system. For electric car,the car has a high voltage DC power supply, therefore, the use of electric heat pump type air conditioning system, compressor with motor direct drive electric vehicle, become feasible solution.2.the characteristics of electric vehicle air conditioningElectric automobile air conditioner and common air conditioning device, electric vehicle air conditioning device and car environment has the following characteristics:①automotive air conditioning system mounted on a moving vehicle, to withstand the severe and frequent vibration and shock, requirements of electric vehicle air conditioning device structure in the various components should have sufficient resistance to vibration and impact strength and good sealing performance of the system;②electric car mostly short distance walking, riding in a relatively short time, plus electric car occupant space ratio, the heat generated is relatively high, relatively large heat load of air conditioning, refrigeration, heating and has the advantages of fast speed ability;③electric automobile air conditioning is the use of the car battery to provide DC power, the working efficiency of the compressor is high, control of high reliability, convenient maintenance;④automobile body heat insulation layer is thin, and doors and windows, large glass area, insulation performance is poor, electric car is no exception, resulting in serious car heat leakage;⑤ inside the facilities is rugged and seat, air distribution organization is difficult, difficult to achieve uniform airflow distribution.3.domestic and international current situation of the development of electric vehicle air conditioning① domestic electric car air-conditioning development statusThe early domestic electric car due to battery capacity constraints, in order not to affect electric vehicle mileage, most electric cars are not equipped with air conditioning system.With the domestic electric car gradually industrialization, marketization, electric vehicles must be equipped with air conditioning system. Due to the unique effects of electric vehicles to electric vehicles, the pure electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, no air conditioning compressor engine as power source, also cannot provide as automotive air conditioning heating using heat source in winter, domestic car manufacturers from the traditional fuel automobile air conditioner based onpartial replacement of design, will fuel the engine to drive the the compressor is replaced by a DC motor direct drive compressors, control corresponding change, to complete the refrigeration function, the replacement design effect to resolve the basic problem of electric automobile air-conditioning refrigeration, but the cooling efficiency to be improved. Due to the lack of fuel to the engine waste heat generated by heating, domestic manufacturers mainly use PTC heating and electric heating pipe, the heating mode can meet the heating effect, but these heating mode is hard on the consumption of electric vehicle battery power, the heating efficiency is relatively low, affect electric vehicle mileage.Air conditioning in the selection of the main parts, the current domestic electric car in addition to the compressor and control mode, the other main parts or the use of fuel automotive air conditioning parts, condensing equipment is mainly used to parallel flow condenser, evaporator is mainly used to laminated evaporator, throttle device is still a thermostatic expansion valve, a refrigerant is still R134a.According to the incomplete understanding, the domestic in developing electric vehicle manufacturers such as Chery, BYD,FAW, SAIC, JAC.the current electric vehicle air conditioning facilities basically similar, is in the development present situation.②current situation of the development of foreign electric vehicle air conditioningForeign electric automobile air conditioner development relative to domestic abroad is relatively mature, there is no lack of electric automobile air conditioner with domestic similar patterns, but in the heat pump electric automobile air conditioning already had certain foundation, Japan Honda pure electric cars use electric driven heat pump type air conditioning system, system has a built-in Reverse Converter Control compression pump. In addition, in very cold areas, some type of customers can be optional a fuel heater heating system.Japan electric ( DENSO ) company a few years earlier developed using R134a refrigerant electric car air-conditioning heat pump system, the heat pump system used in the car inside air condenser and evaporator structure. Electric ( DENSO ) Company in 2003also developed as a result of natural refrigerant COgood thermal physical2properties, Denso Japan company for electric car develops a set of COheat pump air2conditioning system, also used in the air duct system is arranged in the2heat exchanger, and R134a system is different when the system for refrigeration mode when the refrigerant flows through the condenser, and internal and external condenser.In order to reduce the air conditioning on battery power consumption, the UnitedStates of America Amerigon company developed air-conditioning seat, the chair is provided with a thermoelectric heat pump, heat pump action is through the need to regulate the temperature in space outside the water tank to transfer heat, thereby realizing the need to regulate the temperature of space refrigeration or heating. This kind of air conditioning seat in addition to energy saving but also can improve the driving, riding comfort, in electric vehicle supporting the use of suitable.Therefore, the foreign electric automobile air conditioner from energy efficient and practical breakthrough, domestic electric car air-conditioning industry should actively to study overseas advanced technology, draw lessons from, and on the basis of innovation breakthrough.4.the development trend of electric vehicle air conditioningElectric automobile driving energy from the battery, which is different from the traditional fuel automobile, made it to the air conditioning system also differed from the fuel of automobile air conditioner, as a drive source of energy for the limited battery capacity, the energy consumption of air conditioning system on electric vehicle mileage has bigger effect. Compared with cars, car air conditioning system energy saving and high efficiency raised taller requirement. At the same time, the electric car air-conditioning refrigeration, heating to solve two problems. According to the electric car special properties, the electric automobile air conditioner using thermoelectric ( I ) air conditioning system and electric heat pump type air conditioning system.1).a thermoelectric ( I ) electric vehicle air conditioning systemThe technology has many suitable for electric vehicles use characteristics, and with the traditional mechanical compression type air conditioning system compared, thermoelectric air conditioning has the following characteristics:① thermoelectric elements work to DC power supply;②change the direction of the current to generate refrigeration, heating the converse effect;③thermoelectric refrigeration piece of thermal inertia is small, cooling time is very short, the hot end heat well cold end load cases, energized in less than a minute, the refrigeration sheet can achieve the maximum temperature difference;④ component for regulating current size can adjust refrigeration speed and temperature, the temperature control precision can reach 0.001℃, and can easily realize the continuous regulating energy;⑤in the correct design and application conditions, the refrigerationefficiency can reach above 90%, and the heating efficiency is greater than 1;⑥ has the advantages of small volume, light weight, compact structure, reduces the electric vehicle kerb mass; high reliability, long service life and convenient maintenance; no moving components, therefore, no vibration, no friction, no noise and impact resistance.2).the heat pump type air conditioning system for electric automobileThe heat pump type air conditioning system on the original fuel car to be improved, the compressor is composed of permanent magnet brushless DC motor for direct drive, the system and the ordinary heat pump air conditioning system have no essential difference, as in electric vehicles, compressor and other major components has its particularity. And foreign heat pump technology has had certain foundation, the biggest advantage is that the refrigeration, heating efficiency is high, relevant enterprise development of full closed electric scroll compressor, is composed of a DC brushless motor drive, through the refrigerant return air cooling, with low noise, small vibration, compact structure, light weight etc.. In the test conditions for the environmental temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, the temperature inside the car is27℃,50% relative humidity conditions, when the system is stable it to1kW energy2.9kW refrigeration quantity; when the environmental temperature is - l0C, the temperature inside the car to25 DEG C,1kW can get the 2.3kW heating energy consumption. In the - l0℃to 40 ℃ under ambient temperature, both with high efficiency for electric vehicles to provide a comfortable driving environment. If the component technology is improved, the corresponding efficiency can also be improved.Based on the above mentioned, from air conditioning technology is mature and the sources of energy to use efficiency comparison, for thermoelectric ( I ) electric vehicle air conditioning system, the existence of thermoelectric materials, figure of merit is low, performance is not ideal, and the thermopile output by constitute a thermoelectric element element yield limit hoof. Does not have the electric automobile air-conditioning energy efficiency requirements. This makes the electric automobile air conditioner are more inclined to use energy efficient heat pump type air conditioner, the technical scheme for different types of motor vehicle has good commonality, and the vehicle structural change is small, is the future development trend of electric vehicle air conditioning.The heat pump type electric automobile air conditioner biggest weakness is the low temperature heating problems, especially in the northeast region, which is also the future of the industry research problem. In order to make the heat pump type electric automobile air conditioner more energy efficient, can from the followingaspects to solve:① to develop more efficient DC scroll compressor;②development control is more accurate, more energy-efficient silicon electronic expansion valve;③ using an efficient parallel flow condenser;④ improve microchannel evaporator structure, so that the refrigerant evaporates more uniform.In addition, the number of electric car door open and in driving by speed, light, speed and other factors, air conditioning heat load. The compressor and the air conditioning system to adapt to the change of condition factors, so the heat pump type air conditioning system for electric automobile variational design is particularly important.电动汽车空调系统发展趋势一、电动汽车空调系统全球气候变暖、大气污染以及能源成本高涨等问题日趋严峻,汽车作为环境污染和能源消耗的主要来源之一,其节能减排问题受到了越来越广泛的重视,各国政府和汽车企业均将节能环保当作未来汽车技术发展的指导方向,这样节能环保的电动也就应运而生。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Intelligent vehicle is a use of computer, sensor, information, communication, navigation, artificial intelligence and automatic control technology to realize the environment awareness, planning decision and automatic drive of high and new technology. It in aspects such as military, civil and scientific research has received application, to solve the traffic safety provides a new way.With the rapid development of automobile industry, the research about the car is becoming more and more attention by people. Contest of national competition and the province of electronic intelligent car almostevery time this aspect of the topic, the national various universities are also attaches great importance to research on the topic, many countries have put the electronic design competition as a strategic means of innovative education. Electronic design involving multiple disciplines, machinery and electronics, sensor technology, automatic control technology, artificial intelligent control, computer and communication technology, etc., is a high-tech in the field of many. Electronic design technology, it is a national high-tech instance is one of the most important standard, its research significance is greatThe design though just a demo model, but is full of scientific and practical. First we according to the complex situation of road traffic, in accordance with the appropriate author to make a road model, including bend, straight and pavement set obstacles, etc. On curved and straight, the car along the orbit free exercise, when the small car meet obstacles, pulse modulation infrared sensors to detect the signal sent to the microcontroller, a corresponding control signal according to the program MCU control cars automatically avoid obstacles, to carry on the back, forward, turn left, turn rightSubject partsIntelligent vehicle is a concentration of environment awareness, planning decision, multi-scale auxiliary driving, and other functions in an integrated system, is an important part of intelligent transportation system.In military, civilian, space exploration and other fields has a broad application prospect. The design of smart car control system are studied, based on path planning is a process of the intelligent car control system2.1 theory is put forwardThe progress of science and technology of intelligent led products, but also accelerated the pace of development, MCU application scope of its application is increasingly wide, has gone far beyond the field of computer science. Small to toys, credit CARDS, big to the space shuttle, robots, from data acquisition, remote control and fuzzy control, intelligent systems with the human daily life, everywhere is dependent on the single chip microcomputer, this design is a typical application of single chip microcomputer. This design by implementing the driverless car, on the tests, by the reaction of the single chip microcomputer to control the car, make its become intelligent, automatic forward, turn and stop function, after continuing the perfection of this system also can be applied to road testing, security patrol, can meet the needs of society.In design, the use of the sensors to detect road surface condition, sensor central sea are faint and adopts a comparing amplifier amplification, and the signal input to the controller, the controlled end using stepper motor, because of the step motor is controlled electrical pulse, as long as the output from the controller to satisfy stepper motor merits of fixed control word. In operation of stepping motor and a drivingcircuit, it also to join a drive circuit in the circuit, each function module is different to the requirement of power supply current, the power supply part set up conversion circuit, so as to meet the needs of the various parts. After comparison choice element, design the circuit principle diagram and the circuit board, and do the debugging of hardware, system software and hardware is often the combination of organic whole. Software, on the use of the 51 single-chip timer interrupt to control pavement test interval and the car movement and speed. Due to take that road is simple, it is using more traditional assembly language for programming. For the correctness of the program design, using a commonly used keil c51 simulation software simulation validation, the last is integrated debugging of software and hardware, and prove the correctness and feasibility of the design scheme.2.2 electronic intelligent car design requirements(1) electric vehicles can be able to according to the course to run all the way; (2) electric vehicles can store and display the number of detected metal and sheet metal to the starting line in the distance; (3) are accurately electric cars after exercising all the way to the display of the electric vehicle the entire exercise time; (4) electric cars can't collisions with obstacles in the process of exercise.2.3 the general conception of computer network teaching websiteUsing 89 c51 as the car's control unit, sensor eight-way from outside,in the front of the car, as a black belt in the process of the car into the garage detecting element, at the rear end of the car when connected to eight-channel infrared sensors as the car pulled out of the garage of a black belt in detecting element, the LJ18A3-8 - Z/BX inductive proximity switch as garage iron detecting element, the microcontroller after receiving sensor detects the signal through the corresponding procedures to control the car forward, backward, turn, so that the car's performance indicators meet the requirements of the design.Intelligent car is a branch of intelligent vehicle research. It with the wheel as mobile mechanism, to realize the autonomous driving, so we call it the smart car. Smart car with the basic characteristics of the robot, easy to programming. It with remote control car the difference is that the latter requires the operator to control the steering, start-stop and in a more advanced remote control car can also control the speed (common model car belong to this type of remote control car); The smart car Is to be implemented by computer programming for the car stop, driving direction and speed control, without human intervention. Operator the smart car can be changed by a computer program or some data to change its drive type. This change can be controlled through programming, the characteristics of the car driving way is the biggest characteristic of smart car. The control system of smart car research purpose is to make the car driving with higher autonomy. If any given car a path, through the system,the car can get system for path after image processing of data moving and Angle (a), and can be scheduled path, according to the displacement and Angle information.The control system structure analysisAccording to the above design idea, the structure of the intelligent car control system can be divided into two layers1, the planning layerPC control system, the planning layer provides the information of the whole car driving, including path processing module and communication module. It has to solve the basic problem(1) using what tools to deal with the car path graph;(2) the car movement model is established, the data to calculate the car driving;(3) set up the car's motion model, the data to calculate the car driving;Layer 2, behaviorLower machine control system, the behavior is the underlying structure of a smart car control system, realize the real-time control of the car driving, it includes communication module, motor control module and data acquisition module. It to solve the basic problems are:(1) receiving, processing, PC sends data information;(2) the design of stepping motor control system;(3) information collection and the displacement and Angle of the car, car positioning posture, analysis system control error;The total design schemeSmart car control system are obtained by system structure, order process:(1) start AutoCAD, create or select a closed curve as the cart path, pick up the car starting $path graph(2) to choose the path of the graphics processing, make the car turning exist outside the minimum turning radius of edges and corners with circular arc transition(3) to generate a new path to simulate the motion process of car;(4) to calculate the displacement of the car driving need and wheel Angle, and then sends the data to the machine(5) under the machine after receiving data, through software programming control the rotation speed and Angle of the car wheels and make it according to the predetermined path A complete control system requirements closely linked to each function module in the system, according to the order process and the relationship between them, the total design scheme of the system is available.Design of basically has the following several modulesPart 1, the information acquisition module, data collection is composed of photoelectric detection and operation amplifier module,photoelectric detection were tracing test and speed test of two parts. To detect the signal after budget amplifier module lm324 amplifier plastic to single chip, its core part is several photoelectric sensor.2, control processing module: control processing module is a stc89c52 MCU as the core, the microcontroller will be collected from the information after the judgement, in accordance with a predetermined algorithm processing, and the handling results to the motor drive and a liquid crystal display module, makes the corresponding action.3, perform module: executable module consists of liquid crystal display (LCD), motor drive and motor, buzzer of three parts. LCD is mainly based on the results of single chip real-time display, convenient and timely users understand the current state of the system, motor driver based on single chip microcomputer instruction for two motor movements, can according to need to make the corresponding acceleration, deceleration, turning, parking and other movements, in order to achieve the desired purpose. Buzzer is mainly according to the requirements in a particular position to make a response to the report.译文一、引言智能车辆是一个运用计算机、传感、信息、通信、导航、人工智能及自动控制等技术来实现环境感知、规划决策和自动行驶为一体的高新技术综合体。
外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 国内混合动力汽车发展

China Hybrid Electric Vehicle DevelopmentWith the depletion of oil resources, increase awareness of environmental protection, hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles will become the first decades of the new century, the development of mainstream cars and automobile industry become the consensus of all of the industry. The Chinese government also has the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) specifically listed, including hybrid vehicles, including electric cars of major projects. At present, China's independent innovation of new energy vehicles in the process, adhere to the government support to core technology, key components and system integration focusing on the principles established in hybrid electric vehicles, pure electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles as a "three vertical "To vehicle control systems, motor drive systems, power battery / fuel cell for the "three horizontal" distribution of R & D, through close links between production cooperation, China's independent innovation of hybrid cars has made significant progress.With completely independent intellectual property rights form the power system technology platform, established a hybrid electric vehicle technology development. Is the core of hybrid vehicles batteries (including battery management system) technology. In addition, also include engine technology, motor control, vehicle control technology, engine and electrical interface between the power conversion and is also the key. From the current situation, China has established a hybrid electric vehicle power system through Cooperative R & D technology platforms and systems, made a series of breakthroughs for vehicle development has laid a solid foundation. As of January 31, 2009,Technology in hybrid vehicles, China Intellectual Property Office to receive and open for the 1116 patent applications in China. In 1116 patent applications, invention 782 (authority for the 107), utility model for the 334.Mastered the entire vehicle key development, the formation of a capability to develop various types of electric vehicles. Hybrid cars in China in systems integration, reliability, fuel economy and other aspects of the marked progress in achieving fueleconomy of different technical solutions can be 10% -40%. Meanwhile, the hybrid vehicle automotive enterprises and industrial R & D investment significantly enhanced, accelerating the pace of industrialization. Currently, domestic automakers have hybrid vehicles as the next major competitive products in the strategic high priority, FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC Motor, Changan, Chery, BYD, etc. have put a lot of manpower, material resources,Hybrid prototyping has been completed, and some models have achieved low-volume market.FAW GroupDevelopment Goal: By 2012, the Group plans to build an annual capacity of 11,000 hybrid cars, hybrid bus production base of 1000.FAW Group since 1999 and a new energy vehicles for theoretical research and development work, and the development of a red car performance hybrid sample. "15" period, the FAW Group is committed to the national "863" major project in the "red card in series hybrid electric vehicle research and development" mission, officially began the research and development of new energy vehicles. Beginning in 2006, FAW B70 in the Besturn, based on the technology for hybrid-based research, the original longitudinal into transverse engine assembly engine assembly, using a transverse engine and dual-motor hybrid technology. At the same time, FAW also pay close attention to the engine, mechanical and electrical integration, transmission, vehicle control networks, vehicle control systems development, the current FAW hybrid electric car has achieved 42% fuel saving effect, reached the international advanced level.Jiefang CA6100HEV Hybrid Electric BusFAW "Liberation brand CA6100HEV Hybrid Electric Bus" project is a national "863" electric vehicle major projects funded project, with pure electric drive, the engine alone drives (and charge), the joint drive motor starts the engine, and sliding regenerative braking 5 kinds of basic operation. The power hybrid electric bus and economy to the leading level, 38% fuel economy than traditional buses, emissions reduced by 30%.Red Flag CA7180AE hybrid carsRed Flag hybrid cars CA7180AE according to the national "863 Plan" is the first in complete with industrial prospects of the car, it is built on the basis of red car with good performance and operational smoothness. Series which is a hybrid sedan, the luxury car ,0-100km acceleration time of 14s, fuel-efficient than traditional cars by about 50%, Euro Ⅲemission standard.Besturn B70 hybrid carsBesturn B70 Hybrid cars using petrol - electric hybrid approach. Dual motor power system programs, mixed degree of 40/103, is all mixed (Full-Hybrid, also known as re-mixed) configurations. Besturn B70 Hybrid cars are petrol version costs two to three times Besturn models, mass production will be gradually reduced after the costs, even if this hybrid version Besturn market, the price certainly higher than the existing Besturn models, but high the price of petrol will not exceed 30% version of Besturn models.SAICDevelopment Goals: 2010 launch in the mixed hybrid cars, plug-in 2012, SAIC strong mix of cars and pure electric cars will be on the market.In the R & D on new energy vehicles, SAIC made clear to focus on hybrid, fuel cell for the direction, and speed up the development of alternative products. Hybrid vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles as a new energy strategy SAIC three key.2010 SAIC Roewe 750 hybrid cars in the mix will be put on the market, during the World Expo in Shanghai, SAIC will put 150 hybrid cars in the Expo Line on the River Run. 2012 Roewe 550 plug-in hybrid cars will be strong market, the current car's power system has been launched early development and progress.Apply the new hybrid bus moving on the 1stApply the new hybrid bus moving on the 1st Academy of Engineering by the SAIC and Shanghai Jiaotong University and other units jointly developed with independent intellectual property rights. Existing cities in the Sunwin Bus Powerplatform, "the new dynamic application No. 1" uses a parallel hybrid electric vehicle drive program, so that hybrid electric vehicle operating conditions in the electric air-conditioning, steering, braking and other accessories still able to work without additional electric system, while use of super capacitors, to improve starting power, braking energy recovery efficiency, thereby enhancing vehicle dynamic performance, reduce fuel consumption. Car length 10m, width 2.5m, high-3.2m, can accommodate 76 people.Roewe 750 hybrid carsRoewe 750 hybrid cars in the mixed system with BSG (Belt drive start generating one machine), with "smart stop zero-emission" and "environmental protection and the power of both the" two prominent features of a top speed of 205 km / h, the maximum added driving range of up to 500 km. As for the industrialization of SAIC's first own-brand hybrid car, the Roewe 750 hybrid integrated hybrid fuel-efficient cars can achieve rates of around 20%.Dongfeng Motor GroupDevelopment Goals: Plans move into 33 billion in 10 years to develop a range of environmentally friendly hybrid vehicles, including cars.EQ7200HEV hybrid carsEQ7200HEV hybrid cars are "863" project of major projects and major strategic projects of Dongfeng Motor Corporation. The car is EQ7200-Ⅱmodel (Fengshen Bluebird cars) is based on an electronically controlled automatic transmission with innovative electromechanical coupling in parallel programs, configure DC brushless motor and nickel-hydrogen batteries, plans to "10 5 "during the industrialization. Industrialization, the vehicle cost more than EQ7200 cars increase in costs ≤30%.EQ61100HEV Hybrid Electric BusEQ61100HEV electric hybrid bus by Dongfeng Vehicle Company Limited Joint Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China Textile Co., Ltd. and Hunan sharp Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. jointly developed Shenzhou. EQ61100HEV hybrid electric bus with switched reluctance motor, Cummins ISBe1504 cylinder common rail electronic injection diesel engine, new chassis design of the system,electronically controlled automatic transmission and innovative electromechanical coupling parallel program. In the annual output reached 200, the vehicle cost more than the increase in automobile engine equipped with 6CT ≤30%.China ChanganDevelopment Goals: the next three years, the formation of different grades, different purposes, carry a different system of mixed platforms, weak mix of scale, strong mixed industrial R & D capabilities, covering commercial, A grade, B grade, C grade products. 2014 will achieve sales of new energy vehicles 150 000 2020 sales of new energy vehicles for more than 500,000."Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, Chang-an increased investment in clean energy vehicles, a diversified energy technologies to carry out exploratory research. Environmental protection through energy-saving models continues to introduce new technology to lead the industry to upgrade and fully utilize and mobilize global resources, Chang'an in the middle hybrid cars, hybrid cars and other technological strength of the field are explored. Chang's first hybrid car long Anjie Xun HEV was successfully listed in June 2009; the first batch of 20 hybrid taxis Long An Zhixiang in January of this year officially put into operation in Chongqing.CheryDevelopment Goals: after 2010, more than half of Chery's products carry different levels of hybrid systems.From 2003 to 2008, mainly mixed with moderate Chery hybrid cars and energy saving system development, and industrialization; Chery in Wuhu, a taxi has been carried out on probation, fuel consumption will be reduced by 10% to 30% to reach Europe ⅣStandard. Since 2004, Chery hybrid cars mainly for the development of strong and industrialization. Chery hybrid car fuel consumption target to reach 100 km 3 liters, to reach Europe and the United States emissions regulations.Chery A5BSGChery A5BSG is a weak parallel hybrid electric car, using fuel engines, electric engines complementary mode, the two different power sources in the car while driving to work together or separately, through this combination to achieve the leastfuel consumption and exhaust emissions, in order to achieve fuel efficiency and environmental protection purposes. Compared with the conventional car, the car in urban conditions can save 10% -15% of fuel and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 12%, while costs increased by only about 25% -30%.Chery A5ISGChery A5 ISG hybrid power system consists of "1.3L gasoline engine + 5-speed manual transmission +10 kW motor +144 V Ni-MH battery," the composition of the battery system used by the Johnson Controls developed "plug-in" nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH), motor with permanent magnet synchronous motor and with the motor control system, inverter and DC / DC converters. The system enables the vehicle power to 1.6L displacement level and rate of 30% fuel savings and significantly reduce the emissions of Euro V standards.Cherry A3ISGChery A3 ISG has 1.3L473F gasoline engine and equipped with 10KW motor. By gasoline engines and electric motors with torque overlay approach to dynamic mixed to provide the best vehicle power operating efficiency and energy saving environmental protection goals. Chery A3 ISG also has Stop_Restart the idling stop function such as flame start to start (BSG function), to reduce red light in the vehicle stopped or suspended when the fuel consumption and emissions expenses.FY 2BSGFY 2 BSG carry 1.5LSQR477F inline four-cylinder engine configuration BSG start / stop and so one electric motor, red light in the vehicle stopped the driver into the gap, it will automatically enter standby mode to turn off the engine, starting moments after the entry block automatically start the engine. FY 2 BSG vehicle average fuel consumption than the 1.5L petrol cars reduce about 5-10%, average fuel consumption can be reduced up to 15%.BYD AutoDevelopment Goal: to electric cars as a transitional mode, the electric car as the ultimate goal, the development of new energy cars BYD.BYD follow the "independent research and development, independent production, independent brand" development path, and the "core technology, vertical integration" development strategy, as the transition to dual-mode electric vehicles, electric vehicles as the ultimate goal, the development of BYD new energy vehicles.国内混合动力汽车发展随着石油资源的枯竭、人们环保意识的提高,混合动力汽车及电动汽车将成为新世纪前几十年汽车发展的主流,并成为我国汽车界所有业内人士的共识。

汽车设计外文文献翻译、中英文翻译、外文翻译Automobile Design-Frame DesignsThe vehicle frame is the basic platform to which all suspension and steering linkage parts attach. A vehicle will neither steer nor handle well if the frame is too flexible. A rigid frame structure may pass unnecessary vibrations into the passenger compartment. The frame and suspension design will affect the ride quality, handling, and durability, as well as the levels of both noise and vibration.Manufacturers use several different types of construction on their vehicles. Of these, separate body and frame construction was the most common through the 1970's. It is still used in large vans, pickups, and trucks. In this type of construction, the engine, drive line, running gear, and body mount to the frame through insulators. Insulators are synthetic rubber pads that keep road and engine noise and vibration from going into the passenger compartment.A second type of construction is the unitized body. This, design is by far the most popular in modern vehicles. The unitized design has a lightweight structure with the required strength. Tn this type of construction, the frame is welded into the body as part of the body structure. Body panels add strength to the frame pieces. The running gear and drive line are mounted to the unitized body through large, soft synthetic rubber insulators. The insulators minimize the transfer of noise and vibration. If the insulators are too soft, they will allow too much running gear and drive line movement. This movement, called compliance, affects vehicle handling and control. If the insulators are too hard, they will not insulate noise and vibration as they should. Themanufacturer carefully designs the insulators and puts them where they will be in a vehicle with low noise and vibration transmission that still has proper handling and feel. Insulator properties change with age, changing original characteristics as the vehicle becomes older.A third type of construction combines the features of the first and second types. It uses a stub frame from the bulkhead forward and a unitized body from the bulkhead back. The unitized part is very rigid, while the stub frame provides a place for good insulation.Manufacturers select the type of construction .that is most economical to build,' while providing the noise, vibration, and ride and handling characteristics they want in the vehicle. Large older vehicles, vans, and trucks generally use separate body and frame construction. The newer, smaller' vehicles generally use unitized construction.The machine piston connecting rod setThe piston connecting rod set is composed of the piston, piston wreath, piston pin, connecting rod, connecting rod axle bush, etc.effect: The effect of the piston is to bear the air pressure, and pass to connecting rod to drive the bent axle to revolve through connecting rod axle bush, the piston coping is still a part of the burning room. The work condition: Piston works under the condition of heat, high pressure, high speed, and bad lubrication .Piston directly contacts with the heat air. The temperature can amount to above 2500 Ks in a moment .The piston is heated severely, but the condition of spreading the hot is bad .So while the piston works, the temperature is very high and the coping is up to the 600-700 Ks: And the temperaturedistributes asymmetrically; The piston coping bears great air pressure, especially the pressure is greatest in the route of doing efficacy. The gasoline machine is up to the 3-5MPas, the diesel engine is up to the6-9MPas.This makes the piston produce pound, and bear the function of the side pressure. Therefore, the piston should have enough heat-proof, try to decrease the heating area,, strengthen the cooling of the piston, to make the highest temperature of the coping descend .The piston moves at very high speed(8-12 ms/ s) back and forth in the air cylinder, and speed changes constantly, This produces very great inertial dint, making the piston bear great additional load working under such bad condition, the piston will become deformed heating power. At the same time ,it slitters the chemical corrosive power of the burning gas .In order to descend the inertial dint of back and forth, we must ease the weight of the piston as possible .Piston works under the condition of the heat, high pressure, high speed(the average speed can amount to the 101115 m/ s), and its lubricant condition is bad and the frication between the piston and the air cylinder wall is very great. In order to descend the friction, the surface of the piston surface must be wear-resistant..Request:1) To have enough rigidity and strength, and the reliable dint;2) Transmit heat well, bear the high pressure, bear the heat and bear to wear away;3) the quantity is small, the weight is light, descend the inertial dint of back and forth as possibleThe aluminum metal alloy material satisfies the top requests basically, therefore, the piston generally adopts the high strength aluminum metal alloy, but some low speed diesel engines adopthigh class iron casting or heat-proof steelstructure: The piston can be divided into three parts, piston coping, the piston head and piston skirt departments.1. The piston copingThe piston coping bears the air pressure, it is a part of the burnable room .Its shape, position, size are relevant to the concrete from of the burnable room. They are made to satisfy the combustible hybrid spirit formation and burnable requests. Its coping shape can be divided into four major types, a flat coping piston, a convex coping piston, a concave coping piston and model piston.A convex coping piston is usually used on the two blunt distance I.C. engines, It is good to improve the process exchanging the gas .Modern four blunt the distance gasoline machine also adopts the convex coping piston in order to strengthen the effect of pushing the gas or extend the ratio of compressing .Convex of a piston coping presents a form of ball, its coping strength is high, having an effect of leading, being advantageous to improve the process of exchanging the gas, two route of travel gasoline machines often adopt the convex coping pistonA piston coping presents the hollow form, the shape and positions of the cave pit must be advantageous to the combustion of the combustible and hybrid gas, having a pair of eddies concave pit ball, concave pit, U concave pit, and so on.2. Piston headThe piston refers to the first piston wreath to the part above the piston pin.It has several wreath slots, which are used to install the piston wreath and have an effect of sealing completely. It is also called the leak proof department .The diesel engine’scompress ratio is high, and generally have four wreath slots, The three upper wreaths are used to install, the lower part installs the oil wreath. The gasoline machine has three wreath slots generally, which are two jet of gas wreath slots and an oil wreath slots. At the bottom of oil wreath slot many paths toward eyelet are drilled to make the quilt oil wreath flow from the air cylinder wall to the oil bottom hull through these eyelets. The working condition of the wreath slot is the worst and should leave the coping generally a little farther.Above the gas wreath, a narrow insulating slot is usually set to cut off the heat flow which is spread from the piston coping to the first gas wreath and make parts of calories from a piston wreath spread, thus easing the hot burden of the first gas wreath. On some engines small wreathe slots are often made between the coping head and the first gas wreathe, sometimes till a few more wreath. This kind of small wreath can adsorb the lubricant because it accumulates the carbon. It can keep piston and the air cylinder walls from biting to match when it work in the condition of losing oil, so it is called accumulating the carbon slot.The calories that the piston coping absorbs also mainly passes the air cylinder wall through the piston wreath to leak proof department, again spread by the cool water.In a word, the function of the piston head is in addition to install the piston wreath, still seal completely function and transmit heat function, sealing completely the air cylinder together with the piston wreath, keeping combustible admixture spirit from leak crankcase, at the same time pass the(70-80)%calories to the air cylinder wall through the piston wreath.3. Piston skirt departmentThe piston skirt department refers to the parts from thebottom of the oil wreathe slot. It includes the pin which is used to pack the piston. The piston skirt department exercises to rise to lead to the function to the piston in the back and forth in the air cylinder, and bear the side pressure. The length of the skirt department is decided by the size and the piston diameter of the side pressure. The so-called side pressure mean in the compression route of travel and make route of travel of efficacy .The level component of the gas pressure which take effect on the piston coping presses the piston to the air cylinder wall. Compress the route of travel and make the side pressure direction of the efficacy route of travel air exactly the opposite, because of the combustion pressure consumedly high in compress the pressure, so, make the side in the route of travel of efficacy pressure also consumedly high in compress the side in the route of travel pressure.Two on the sides that bear the side pressure of the piston skirt department be called to push the dint to face, they be placed in to sell the mutually perpendicular direction of the stalk line with piston up.Drive LinesThe drive line includes all the parts from the and final drive carry the torque from the engine, the other. The engine torque during acceleration and the torque during braking place loads on the suspension parts.During suspension repair, it may be essary to disassemble parts of the drive line. Noises produced when the suspension moves may originate from drive line parts. A basic understanding of different drive line assemblies is presented here to give you a working knowledge so that you can do suspension repair.Drive lines with front-wheel drive often combine the transmission and the final drive into one assembly. This is alsotrue of mid-and rear-engine vehicles. The assembly is called a transaxle, Short half-shafts with universal joints at each end connect between the transaxle and the wheels. These shafts carry power from the final drive to the wheels even when the suspension moves and steers.A differential in the final drive splits incoming power, sending half to each drive wheel. This allows the drive wheels to turn at different speeds while rounding corners. The transmission Other parts form the link from one part to while cornering.In front-engine, rear-wheel drive vehicles, the transmission is located under the front floor of the passenger compartment. A drive shaft is used to carry engine power to the rear axle. The drive shaft has a universal joint at each end. It carries power through the changing drive line angles as the suspension moves.A vehicle with independent suspension at the drive wheels has the final drive attached rigidly to the vehicle frame or the engine. This drive arrangement produces forces, without any torques, on the suspension parts during acceleration. If the brakes are mounted inboard so the caliper mounts to a frame piece and not to a suspension, the brake will also not produce a torque on the suspension. A suspension designed to handle only acceleration and braking torques can be designed differently than one that must handle both suspension forces and torques.Suspension SystemsThe suspension includes springs, shock absorbers, and control linkages. It must be strong enough to support the vehicle body and load. The suspension must also resist engine and brake reactions. The most important job of the suspension is to keep the tires in contact with the road as much of the time as possible. This is done while supporting the vehicle and its load, even whiletraveling over rough roads. The four tire footprints are the only place the vehicle touches the road. All of the engine power, steering, and braking forces operate through the tire-to-road footprints. Control of the vehicle ( power, steering and braking) is reduced or lost any time a tire does not stay on the road or when skidding begins.The vehicle body is supported by springs. The springs can be of the coil, leaf, torsion bar, or pneumatic type. Coil springs are the most popular design used in the modern automobile. Coil, torsion bar, and pneumatic springs all require links and arms to hold the wheel in position. Leaf springs provide lateral and longitudinal control to prevent unwanted wheel motions. They are commonly found on vans and trucks.Suspension systems have been changed and refined as the passenger automobile has developed. Design objectives differ between luxury sedans, performance vehicles, small compact vehicles, and light trucks. Tire improvements, along with improvements in shock absorbers, steering systems, and suspension control devices, have continually upgraded vehicle handling characteristics.5Tire-to-road contact is needed for safe, positive vehicle control under all operating condi-tions. Keep in mind that all four tires must stay in contact with the road at all times for maxi-mum vehicle control. Compromises are made in handling response, tire wear, driver comfort, and ride harshness to achieve positive vehicle control.Suspension systems are divided into front suspension and rear suspension.Front suspension designs have developed from relatively rugged solid-axle designs to the modern lightweight, high-strength , strut-type independent designs. These have been upgraded with added linkage. Suspension design improvements have followed improvements in roadways and driver expectations.Most front-engine, rear-wheel-drive vehicles use a simple dependent rear suspension .Rear-wheel-drive independent suspension is much more complex and expensive. As aresult, it is only used on a few passenger vehicles.To front-engine, front-wheel-drive vehicles by moving the drive train to the front, only ride control and braking reactions are controlled by the rear suspension. This has led to the use of simplified dependent suspension , semi-independent suspension and independent rear suspension. The latter is used in a larger number of new vehicle designs.Steering SystemsThe driver controls the direction of the front wheels of the vehicle through the steering gear. Modern steering gears have two major units* a steering column and a gear unit. Tin-steering column has a supported shaft that connects the driver's steering wheel to the gem unit. The gear unit multiplies the driver's steering effort to move the steering linkage.The front wheels of rear-wheel-drive vehicles rotate on a spindle. The spindle is part ol the steering knuckle . The knuckle is connected to the front suspension members with ball joints. The ball joints allow for steering as the suspension moves up and down. The wheel hubs on front-wheel-drive vehicles rotate on hollow axle stub shafts inside bearings within the steering knuckles.The steering wheel controls the steering gear assembly. This,in turn, moves the knuckle through the steering linkage. Two steering gear designs are in use today, the rack and pinion and recirculating ball.vehicles are designed with responsive steering. As a result, more effort is needed to steer the vehicle when it is moving slowly. Power steering supplies this effort on many vehicles.With power steering doing most of the work, steering ratios are decreased so that the ve-hicle can be steered with small steering wheel movements. The power steering gear is similar to the standard steering gear. It includes surfaces upon which fluid pressure is applied to aid the driver's steering effort. Both rack and pinion and recirculating ball gears may have power assist.Power for the steering gear is provided by an engine-driven pump. The pump forces power steering fluid through a system controlled by a valve. This control valve can sense the driver's steering effort. It puts fluid pressure against a pressure surface in the steering system. This fluid pressure takes over some of the effort needed to steer the vehicle.The steering column in the modern vehicle has many parts. It is designed to collapse or fold in a vehicle collision to protect the driver. In some installations, it may be tilted and tele-scoped to adjust the position of the steering wheel for the comfort of the driver. To reduce the chance of theft, it also has a steering gear lock. On many vehicles, it has a transmission lock. Because it is within easy reach of the driver, the steering column may carry the transmission shift control lever, turn signal switch, headlight and dimmer switches, wiper switch, emer-gency flasher switch, and speed control.Brake SystemsService brakes must be able to stop the vehicle, preventexcess speed when coasting, and hold the vehicle in position while it is stopped on grades. They are designed so the driver can adjust the braking effort to maintain vehicle control. Vehicle control is influenced by brakes as well as the suspension and steering systems. Faults in the brake system can lead to wheel pull during braking. To repair suspension systems, parts of the brake system may require disassembly. For these reasons, the brake system will be discussed briefly in this text.The brake system must provide smooth stopping power that can be controlled by thedriver. The force required on the brake pedal must not be so high that the wheels cannot be locked. To meet these braking requirements, minimum braking standards have been set for vehicle brakes.The driver controls the braking force through mechanical, vacuum, and hydraulic mecha-nisms. The amount of braking increases as more force is placed on the brake pedal. This force is transferred through the brake system to push stationary brake linings against the rotating brake surface. This slows the vehicle as it turns kinetic energy (energy of motion) into thermal energy (heat). Maximum braking occurs just before the wheels lock to cause the tires to slide on the road surface. Maximum braking, therefore, depends on the adhesion between the tire and the road surface. When the tire slides on the road, braking effect is reduced and direction-al control of the vehicle may be lost.The stationary parts of the front brake assemblies are mounted on the steering knuckle of the front suspension. In the rear, they are mounted on the axle housing or the rear spindle assembly. The cast-iron brake drum or disc rotates with the wheel .Disc Brake. Disc brakes have discs that rotate with the wheel . The brake disc is usually called a brake rotor. A hydraulically operated piston in a stationary caliper is used to force the lining of the brake pad against the braking surface of the rotor. The friction between the lining and rotor is used to slow or stop wheel rotation. The stationary caliper housing keeps the pads from rotating when they are being forced against the rotating brake disc.Disc brake pads move perpendicular to the face of the brake rotor. In this way, they clamp on the rotor to slow the vehicle motion. The clamping force is proportional to the force the driver puts on the brake pedal.Drum Brakes. Drum brakes use stationary, internal expanding brake shoes with linings. They are mounted inside a rotating brake drum. The brake drum is fastened between the wheel-tire assembly and the hub assembly or the axle flange. The brake shoes slow drum rotation when the diameter of the shoes is expanded to bring the lining in contact with the brake surface. This is done by a hydraulically operated wheel cylinder. Fluid pressure from the master cylinder is forced into the wheel cylinders, expanding them. The expansion of the wheel cylinder moves the brake shoe through mechanical linkage to press the-linings against the rotating brake drum. This provides braking action as it slows the rotation of the drum.汽车设计车架设计车架是汽车最基本的台架,所有的悬架和转向连接部件都安装在车架上面。

附录APresent Existing Problems and Strategies aboutSpecial Purpose Vehicle in ChinaIn today's world, with the rapid development of economy, the highway mileage of the rapid increase. Steam.The car to specialization, and the fast pace, the trend of the development of the ChongXingHua direction is more and more obvious, contributed to e the car demand increases year by year. A. has become a transportation and various special purpose of main.B. in the automobile industry, the pivotal status. A special car is to point to put a special feature.With equipment, have the special function, used to undertake special transportation tasks or special operations of steam.Car LlJ, special vehicle and the research, production and application in achieving specialization not only transport and homework.Aspects of a functional by society, attention and welcome, and enhance the transport in efficiency, reduce the transportation into.The application of this, expanding car field play an extremely important role.1. the development of specialized automobile in briefOur country special automobile production is the 1960 s in the military vehicle, fire The foundation of the vehicle by the developed gradually. In the 70 s, some special automobile manufacturers According to the different national economic sectors need, formed his own product features, and gradually become A certain categories of backbone enterprise specialized in automotive production. Such as manufacturing semi-trailers hanyang special cars Factory, production powder of special car factory, wuhan tanker refrigerating automobile production of zhenjiang refrigeration steam Depot, etc. ". In the 80 s, along with the development of national economy, a special car got bigger.In the car industry development, formed in the special automobile industry factory independent, and become the economic construction Snow to transport and work equipment. 1993 ~ 1996 years, due to the national macroeconomic The influence of the control policy, a special car market development have been stagnant. 1998 years After weeks of expanding domestic demand, home increase input in the construction of a copy and so on a series of positive financial administration For a special car, at the same time as the automobile industry of the development of a key, expanded in special steam The car needs, by 2000, China's nationaleconomy operation to make major turning point, economy into a Rapid growth, a special car market went out of whack. The market size, volume increases for Elsevier date: 2008-10 a plus 14 Rise. In 2000, the production of various kinds of special automobile (including dump truck, half hanged tractor, etc.) and. Ol A [2 |, accounting for about 25% of commercial vehicles. By 2006 up to 562000 vehicles. Accounting for years Goods of the car around 40%. This shows that the Chinese commercial vehicles with the speed of the following in constantly Fast, following the trend is more and more obvious. Figure l for 1998-2006 China's special vehicle The production status.Fig.1 Special Purpose Vehicle Production of China from 1998 tO 2006 Our country a special car after 40 DuoNian development, it has 1 million cars in The production ability, constantly optimize the structure of the company, have a lot of enterprises to participate in international competition Industry, in product variety, class, process equipment, independent research and development capacity and a big lift High, about 60% of the special automobile production enterprise has complete product research and development system. Some less Some products have reached the international advanced level. Watch for 2003 ~ 2006 l special steam in our country Import and export situation, we can see that car. In 2003, a special car imported J 285 cars, exports 841 cars, exports account for 65% of the amount into r d, to 2006, to reduce the amount into L1 625 cars, out 1:3 quantity but increased to 4479 vehicles, exports is 7.2 times of imports. Therefore, our country A special car has basically realize from the transformation of import to export.2. our country the existing problems in the development of a special carIn global terms, our country a special car present a van to turn, ChongXingHua, intelligent, high grade Change, the development trend of the multi-polarization... And withthe new industry, the incessant, and development, in the AD Door transport and special the homework is more and more obvious superiority, special vehicle market is in fast Speed growth period. But, our country special automobile industry overall and to Europe, the U.S., Japan and other countries and The advanced level of area compared, also has the very big disparity is still relatively low level of competition, the main body serious Now the following respects.1) production enterprise had spread too muchIn recent years, the rapid growth of economy and the rapid construction of expressway, prompting many enterprise Invest in van, tank car to car, dump and special semi-trailer which mainly low, medium The value added products specialized automobile production in, they or expand series, or to increase production. to Make the above all kinds of products are several hundred enterprise production. But the domestic market of use has more High technology content and high value-added products, special car only comes from domestic enterprise and a few Foreign enterprise. At present our country most special automobile production enterprise symptoms is: ChangDian volume is dispersed, Small, development ability is weak. Table 2 for 2006 years in China production enterprise (special vehicle production The main car factory) divided by production situation, we can find that, production in the l 000 vehicle The QiYeShu modified enterprise of under 76.6% of the total, enterprise, ChanChang number production quantity Less. The problem is: which has process equipment level behind and low production efficiency; Repeat born Production is serious, serious comprehensive production capacity surplus; Product quality is uneven, marketing means of a single, Enterprise profit ability is poor, participate in international market competition ability are relatively weak.2) product structure is not reasonableTrucks, buses specialty extent will promote transportation efficiency and the quality of the homework now High. The 20 th century, ∞ s i n many developed countries from truck chassis. Based on IIii adapted to Auto possession of special accounts for about 50% of the trucks quantities, now has been increased to 80% in the four J. Our country a special car start later, after DuoNian development, although before and already has a life Production scale, become an important part of the automobile industry in our country, but a special carquantities of load Van quantities is still less than 40%. The developed countries of parts of specialized automobile products to ChongXingHua, Special function of strong, high technical content the direction of development, and the market demand, the variety has a match More than 6 000, the product structure is reasonable, and heavy, medium, the proportion of 3:4:3 close to light. I Countries at present a special car varieties although has reached 000, but 5 heavy, medium, light ratio for 2:5:3. Because of the road conditions and special automobile chassis production in our country, the limit of a car Straight to medium to give priority to. The proportion of heavy car obviously low, the product structure is not reasonable, and skills Art and quality level also intermingled.3) technology including the higher product development ability of autonomousA special car is a kind of high technology products, it will machinery, electronics, hydraulic, chemical, environmental protection On fields of advanced technology in a modular integration special automobile chassis, so as to realize Certain specific functions ", so the car production characteristics is high technical requirements and many varieties, Small batch, market demand change quickly. Foreign exclusive products used car basically brought The advanced technology, related domain product development innovation quickly to the largest extent satisfy user The special needs. And our country special automobile in output is already has a large scale, but the majority Is labor-intensive low technical content of products, such as semi-trailer, dump. Some technical The content is higher specialized automobile products production, but not very few enterprise by introducing Technology and own development reached higher level. Due to insufficient investment in technology, lack of funds Giants. Lack of innovation, independent development ability is weak, result in some high technology content of products and shut Key parts still needs to import, such as hydraulic parts, pumps, valves, control of instruments and other M J, so restricted The high level of the development and production of special cars. At the same time, domestic some strong car manufacturers In product technology and capital investment, there is also a lay particular stress on the car, of cars, buses and special light Car (special automobile chassis) phenomenon.附录B我国专用汽车现状问题与对策当今世界,随着经济的快速发展,高速公路里程的迅速增加。

车辆工程专业——外文文献翻译(中英文翻译)附录Ⅰ(原文)Modern cars is not a simple means of delivery, it is already "people, cars and the environment," the combination. As a car seat directly support the user's device, the car has no small importance of the components. The main function of car seats for the driver to provide ease of manipulation, comfortable, safe and easy fatigue of the driver seat. Seat design should also meet the following five basic requirements: the seat of the rational arrangement; Second, the seat shape to meet the body's physiological function; Third, the seat should have the regulatory agencies; Fourth, the vibration characteristics of a good seat; Five seats to be very safe and reliable; eat size of the installation location is important, it directly affects the user's convenience and comfort. Seating layout should reflect the requirements of ergonomics. Driver's seat is the most crucial seats. Its basic requirement is a reasonable layout and simple operation, that is, when the drivers take on the steering wheel, joystick and pedals for good accessibility. Because differences in European, American and Asian body in some countries is very wide car seat, car seat in some countries is relatively small. As the crowd the same area, there are differences between men and women, the tall and the small differences in driver's seatmust have regulatory agencies to meet most people's body. "Most people" concept, the car body design used a two-dimensional model, which according to the height of its total population is divided into different groups: Seat size of the installation location is important, it directly affects the user's convenience and comfort. Seating layout should reflect the requirements of ergonomics. Driver's seat is the most crucial seats. Its basic requirement is a reasonable layout and simple operation, that is, when the drivers take on the steering wheel, joystick and pedals for good accessibility. Because differences in European, American and Asian body in some countries is very wide car seat, car seat in some countries is relatively small. As the crowd the same area, there are differences between men and women, the tall and the small differences in driver's seat must have regulatory agencies to meet most people's body. "Most people" concept, the car body design used a two-dimensional model, which according to the height of its total population is divided into different groups: 5[%] (all 5[%] of drivers in the short stature than or equal to this size, the remaining 95[%] taller large); 95[%] (all 95[%] of drivers in the short stature than or equal to the size of the remaining 5[%] taller large). Applied in the automotive industry in the total range of between 5[%] and 95[%], that is, including the 90[%] crowd. For example, adjustable seats and pedals designed distance between the drivers as much as possible to adapt body, where women generally take 5[%] and 95[%] of male body model.Driver's seat on the steering wheel, joystick and pedals to take the body and determines the position, posture, seating arrangement by the position and shape of the design of the decision. Drivers to take the posture is not ideal or even lead to fatigue and strain. Therefore, Japan and major European and American design of the depot location has the basic drivers seat position, head, shoulders, arms, abdomen, legs and other reference data space, can not be arbitraryCar seats from the seat, back, dorsal support, headrests and other components, they have a surface shape, seat surface and backrest should be with the body shape curve of the back curve of a relaxed state match, after the seat occupant seated surface shape and the body pressure distribution in the muscles of the crew to make the most relaxed state, to support the lumbar spine, not because of poor circulation caused numbness, fatigue easily take a long time. Through the front seat up and down, backrest angle, head up and down positions, such as the limited front and rear adjustment, can make most people are comfortable. The spring seat seat vibration performance constitute the key. Tests show that vehicle is in motion even though the floor vibration, but the action of the spring seat, the seat is still possible to get good comfort, good performance if the spring, the comfort of the car will be relatively poor. At present, most holistic seat cushion foam urethane, which uses S-shaped coil springor springs from being buried in urethane foam, has a simple structure, low cost, noise-free advantages. Low-back seats for the car, the head is an attachment on the seat. As the speed increases, its growing importance of personal safety. Car in the event of rear-end collision, the impact of cars by the force behind the rapid moment forward, the inertia occupant's head is suddenly thrown back, cervical spine to withstand the acceleration forces to the large and easily hurt. With the head supporting and reduce the space of free movement of the head can reduce the impact of the cervical spine. 1998 Volvo (Volvo) car assembly WHIPS (Whiplash Protection System) rear-end collision occurs when the headrest and backrest can be made after the occupants moved at the same time effectively prevent cervical spine injury. The current car seat has seat belts, airbags together constitute the security of the crew. The strength of their own car seat, the reliability of the connection on the body, back strength and testing requirements are the industry standard, not just to do an installation up to the line. With modern technology, car seats are equipped pneumatic devices, air pump from the engine compartment is provided inside the seat back pressure chamber 4, respectively, to achieve the protection of the Ministry of the lumbar spine. Are divided into two parts back, the angle can be adjusted to make the waist and shoulder the same time close to the back, play a security role. Have built in the back of a computer-controlled electronic oscillator, and massage healtheffects.附录Ⅱ(译文)现代轿车已经不是一个单纯的运载工具,它已经是“人、汽车与环境”的组合体。

原文Changing Channels In The Automotive Industry: The Future of Automotive Marketing and DistributionWho will be the winners and losers in the revolution that is radically reshaping the marketing, distribution and selling of automobiles?Will the vehicle manufacturers and their franchised-dealer networks be able to overcome years of inertia and complacency to pioneer and execute new concepts that will strengthen and extend the value of their brands?Or will nimbler, more imaginative retailers or software companies get there first?The transformation of the business of selling cars and trucks is happening before our eyes at an incredible pace -- promising to change forever an industry that has long been noted for its high costs, poor service and extremely unpleasant selling process. Auto manufacturers have competed fiercely among themselves to drive out cost and meet consumer needs for cheaper and better cars and trucks. Now the survivors face new threats from outside the industry that might thwart their renewed interest in building strong,lasting relationships with their customers.Entrepreneurs have dissected the cost-value equation and come up with new retail concepts。
汽车外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照 汽车金融研究

Automobile finance researchAbstract:The automobile industry has hundred years history in overseas oneself. The people in carefully examine, savors these 100 year historical time, often saw is the automobile industry magnificent and the wheel nationality's abundance, but has neglected in this century hundred year, billowing automobile dust behind, some unknown hero - automobile finance service station plays vital role. If did not have at that time “the carapace insect” unsolvable with Germany Volkswagenwe rk famous “five Deutsche Mark credits” emerging, does not have today “the unparalleled in the world” automobile empire and world top level German automobile industry; If does not have the Ford automobile credit company to take the lead the automobile finance service to take the impetus auto sale the release lever, standard and gets down fixedly the automobile finance service with the corporate system way, and first uses the securitization in the world the way to allow temporary credit class of the continuously fund, also does not have today automobile industry mammoth and the common people lives the convenience to be quick. In a sense, had the automobile finance service, only then had today automobile industry, today aviation industry and now weather all mechanical manufacturing industries; Also had the automobile finance service, only then had human's radius of action hundred, thousand kilometer level spanning, had the humanity to benefit in the geography space and time expands the humanities spirit sublimation which, the movement speed enhanced brings.Automobile finance researchMust understand truly the automobile industry, must first read the automobile finance; must develop the automobile industry truly, must first develop the automobile finance. Domestic and foreign historical oneself after has made clear this point. China passes for several dozens years to attempt one to leave the automobile finance continuously, the independence develops the automobile industry pathway, the result it can be imagined. Is big until now, realized only then gradually, the automobile finance is the automobile industry ox muzzle, the automobile finance starts one of important keys which the society expends.Although automobile finance expends in the finance in the overseas society,after has become continues the real estate finance the second big finance, but in China whether needs to develop also has the very great dispute. In other words, whether does the automobile finance production and develop in a disorderly way may follow?On the one hand I according to Mr. Liu Fuyuan “the national economy space and time theory”, also “national economy development phase to economical thing and economic phenomena keeping in balance with guiding function” the viewpoint embarks, “deepens and “the consumption pattern has and the change rule” the angle from the finance”, had the development national economy stage space and time characteristic to the automobile finance service to carry on the analysis, proposed “the automobile finance was th e national economy develops the financial phenomenon which under the specific stage appeared inevitably” and “the consumption pattern operating law decided the automobile finance had the development” and so on the viewpoints.On the other hand I attempt through the automobile finance service to macroscopic economical and the microscopic economical function analysis, explained the automobile finance service enhanced the automobile production, the service, the expense domain fund use efficiency, strengthened the financial service superiority, thus further emphasized the automobile finance produces rationality: The automobile finance can adjust in the national economy movement three big contradictory: “Production and expense contradiction”, “turnover of capit al contradiction”, “credit (demand) and deposit (supplies) contradiction”;The automobile finance has “the high value transferability” to the automobile industry, has “the height dependence and the catalytic nature” to the tertiary industry, has “the high placement” to the employment;The automobile finance may play “the maintenance sale system to the automobile manufacturer, the conformity sale strategy, provides the market information the role”; the automobile finance may play to the car dealer “provide s goods in stock financing”, “transport business fund allows temporary credit”, “equipment financing” the role;The automobile finance may play to the automobile user “provides the expense credit”, “rents financing”, “service financing”, “the insurance business”the role;In brief, “the automobile finance can consummate socialized, the marketability financial service system”.Under the above analysis premise, I place the research and the writing key point the automobile finance concrete operation flow in several key questions, argues vigorously establishes a relative consummation the structure system.Because at present in domestic, but also does not have one special to discuss with the literature, even is one has the depth paper, studies the automobile finance question, I only then “look for a needle in a haystack”, seeks some fragmentarily, the dispersible material from the overseas university development facility and in the automobile finance service website.The innovation aspect, belongs in the rese arch area “runs the horse stable place”, the basically entire structure is new, but also is preliminary. According to “automobile finance historical development - - research system foundation; Automobile finance profit pattern - research system core; Automobile finance credit administration - - research system inner layer; Automobile finance financing mechanism - - research system outer layer: Automobile finance product development - research system surface layer” the order launches; In the research techniq ue, has mainly used “the comparison research” the method, in the Western economic, the finance study, the insurance study, the service management science, the financial engineering, consumer economics domain extensive cultivation and so on the marketing study, compatible and gathers, uses these theories to explain diligently the automobile finance the related question, and has formed some new viewpoints, mainly has “the automobile finance increment profit pattern” in the concrete content, “the credit reimburses ability management”, “the automobile finance multi-dimensional financing structure”, “the automobile finance financial product development”, “the automobile finance product achievements marketing” and so on.First, understands the automobile finance “the development history”.Has analyzed the automobile finance service company's general evolution history process and the current several kind of main existence form, including “bigautomobile manufacture enterprise attached”, “big bank financial group attached”, “independent type”; Has analyzed the automobile finance service company newly “the compound superiority”; Also analyzed “the economical globalization” in the process the automobile finance service to start to appear “the multi-dimensional strate gy”, “the deepened strategy” and “the hypothesized service” the trend of development.Specially has also analyzed the Chinese automobile finance special development experience and the advantages in this foundation. According to “the modern effective marke t hypothesis”, has analyzed “the interest rate control” in the situation, the Chinese automobile money market non-validity, has drawn some basic conclusions: Induces and the start huge individual deposit with the automobile finance service, supports the national economy high speed to grow continually: The automobile finance service is helpful “the automobile expends the leading” in the establishment the market pattern; The automobile finance service is helpful to the elimination “the automobile demand growt h regional characteristic incline” the question; The automobile finance service is helpful in the display uses the Chinese automobile storage quantity property. Also to develop the automobile finance service existence “the human vehicle to be contradictory”, “the road vehicle is contradictory” and so on the main restriction factor to carry on the appraisal, proposed specially: The automobile finance can “the creation supplies”, be the science solution above question “the key”.After the understanding automobile finance service historical present situation, has then analyzed the automobile finance service existence “the origin of life” - - the profit pattern. This also is further is proving the automobile finance existence “the rationality” the question.After the introduction automobile finance profit pattern basic meaning, I divide into it “the basic profit pattern” and “the increment profit pattern” two kinds, and from “service management theory”, “financial service theory” the angle, proved the automobil e finance service profit pattern “not to be possible to know touches the nature”, “the indivisibility”, “the different principle” and so on the characteristics, proposed “the automobile finance service profit pattern core factor was the customer loyal degr ee of satisfaction”, “the automobile finance serviceprofit pattern secondary factor is the automobile finance service transmission quality”. Also to “the market concentration degree”, “the market entered the barrier”, “the market mechanism” and so on the market parameters has carried on the description.I the Western economic “the market analysis” the theory introduction, will also analyze and obtain “the perfect competitive market to the automobile finance service profit pattern non-serviceability”, “hav e monopolized the market completely to the automobile finance service profit pattern non-serviceability”, “the monopoly struggled the market mechanism unexpectedly to the automobile finance service profit pattern serviceability”, “the oligopoly market to t he automobile finance service profit pattern serviceability” the conclusion, and has specifically analyzed under each kind of market condition, automobile finance service profit pattern running status.In this part, my another new viewpoint is, proved the automobile finance service to rise in value fully the profit pattern necessity, the concrete method, the fund composition, the investment principle, the investment portfolio. Also introduced I apply the investment bank fundamental research development one kind of typical automobile finance service to raise in value the profit pattern - “to buy the vehicle to manage finances the profit pattern”.If the automobile finance service profit pattern is a core, then the credit administration is controls this patt ern the key. After inspects “the credit theory”, “the consumer credit theory” these theory origin, has emphatically analyzed the automobile finance service credit system function and the automobile finance service credit system specific connotation and the category, emphasized the key point is eliminates the automobile finance the information dissymmetry, according to credit rank decision financing quantity and deadline. Also “paid (deposit) toself-to restrain the mechanism”, “the joint and several liability mechanism”, “the credit system mechanism” and so on the automobile finance service credit operations machine has manufactured the description, has established the measure automobile finance service individual loan risk and the automobile finance reimburses ability management the essential method, and established the automobile finance service credit system on our country to propose thecountermeasure.The automobile finance service financing structure plays is gathering accepts the fund the role, is the support, the guarantee automobile finance profit pattern display function “the power” .It both automobile finance profit pattern control, and reaction in automobile finance profit pattern, therefore, met down has conducted the research to it. The automobile finance service company finances the structure rationale to have “the financial capital to say”, “the banking capital circulation said”, and “the transaction expense said”. The automobile finance service financing history process has experienced “endogen financing”, “extraneous source financing” and “highly effective in extraneous source financing”. Has analyzed the automobile finance service company's financing structural model and the automobile finance service company best financing structure function, as well as the influence automobile finance Service Company finances the structure primary factor. Also with emphasis introduced the automobile finance service company's several kind of main financing form, specially introduced in the automobile finance credit property securitization financing form, in the automobile finance service intangible asset capitalization financing strategy, in the automobile finance service special permission management financing strategy, in the automobile finance service project financing strategy, the automobile finance service level border financing strategy.The automobile finance service product development sells the camp is the entire system final link, it realizes the automobile finance profit pattern tool, is the automobile finance credit administration carrier, is the automobile finance financing mechanism operation goal.The automobile finance service product makes a general reference thought the automobile transaction and the use allows temporary credit the financial structure which the fund carries on (quantity, deadline, cost and so on), the financial strategy design and the corresponding legal contract arrangement, is each kind of question solution which in the reality the automobile finance service station faces, including encompassment price optimization aspect automobile finance product; Encompassment circumvention sale policy, system development automobile finance product: Revolves the automobile expends in the process to have servicelink convenience, efficient and indemnificatory development automobile finance product. The automobile finance service product characteristic by took the general use commodity the automobile and decided as the financial service contractual relationship two big factors: Has “compound”, “the accuracy”, “the risk”, “the continuous nature”, “the selectivity” and so on;The automobile finance product design is in the finance study is most difficult one of richest challenging topics. It is the automobile finance analysis inverse problem. Automobile finance product design general flow, including “goal design”, “structural design”, “product fixed price”, “risk income characteristic analysis”, “product standardization”. The automobile finance product benefit appraised the method includes: “Profit margin discount law”, “information feedback law”.The automobile finance product development innovation is the China monetary system reform intrinsic request, the interest rate marketability, is develops the Chinese automobile finance product core and the key.Had the automobile finance service product, but also must open “the direct marketing channel”, “the straight multiple marketing channel”, “on the net the marketing”, carries on “the potency to the automobile finance product sale personnel to dr ive”, and to “the potency drove” has carried on the model description.The analysis opens the Chinese automobile finance service market existence “the merger and acquisition conformity”, “the market reorganization” and so on the tendencies, proposed carries out Chinese Silver Jail to meet the spirit, the perfect automobile finance service company governs the structure, the use “the independent pattern”, “the union pattern”, “the Chinese-foreign joint venture pattern”, establishes the Chinese specialized au tomobile finance service organization, impels the automobile finance service industry moderately to grow in advance, promotes our country automobile industry, the financial service industry overall competitive power.文献来源:/Article/Automotive/index.html汽车金融研究摘要:汽车工业在国外己有百年历史。

汽车⼯程客运车辆中英⽂对照外⽂翻译⽂献(⽂档含英⽂原⽂和中⽂翻译)中英⽂翻译Passenger vehicles in the United StatesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe neutrality of this article is disputed. Please see the discussion on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved. (December 2007)Note: this article adopts the U.S. Department of Transportation'sdefinition of a passenger vehicle, to mean a car or truck, used for passengers, excluding buses and trains.The United States is home to the largest passenger vehicle market of any country in the world.[1]Overall, there were an estimated 254.4 million registered passenger vehicles in the United States according to a 2007 DOT study.[2] This number, along with the average age of vehicles, has increased steadily since 1960, indicating a growing number of vehicles per capita. The United States is also home to three large vehicle manufacturers: General Motors, Ford Motor Company and Chrysler, which have historically been referred to as the "Big Three." Chrysler however is no longer among the top three; but is number five, behind Toyota and Honda. The motor car though has clearly become an integral part of American life, with vehicles outnumbering licensed drivers.[2] StatisticsThe United States Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration as well as the National Automobile Dealers Association have published data in regard to the total number of vehicles, growth trends, and ratios between licensed drivers, the general population, and the increasing number of vehicles on American roads. Overall passenger vehicles have been outnumbering licensed drivers since 1972 at an ever increasing rate, while light trucks and vehicles manufactured by foreign marques have gained a larger share of the automotive market in theUnited States. In 2001, 70% of Americans drove to work in cars.[3] New York City is the only locality in the country where more than half of all households do not own a car (the figure is even higher in Manhattan, over 75%; nationally, the rate is 8%).[3]Total number of vehiclesAccording to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics for 2009 there are 254,212,610 registered passenger vehicles. Of these, 193,979,654 were classified as "Light duty vehicle, short wheel base, while another 40,488,025 were listed as "Light duty vehicle, long wheel base." Yet another 8,356,097 were classified as vehicles with 2 axles and 6 tires and 2,617,118 were classified as "Truck, combination." There were approximately 7,929,724 motorcycles in the US in 2009. [4] According to cumulative data[1]by the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) the number of motor vehicles has also increased steadily since 1960, only stagnating once in 1997 and declining from 1990 to 1991. Otherwise the number of motor vehicles has been rising by an estimated 3.69 million each year since 1960 with the largest annual growth between 1998 and 1999 as well as between 2000 and 2001 when the number of motor vehicles in the United States increased by eight million.[1]Since the study by the FHA the number of vehicles has increased by approximately eleven million, one of the largest recorded increases. The largest percentage increase was between the years of 1972and 1973 when the number of cars increased by 5.88%.Age of vehicles in operationIn the year 2001, the National Automobile Dealers Association conducted a study revealing the average age of vehicles in operation in the US. The study found that of vehicles in operation in the US, 38.3% were older than ten years, 22.3% were between seven and ten years old, 25.8% were between three and six years old and 13.5% were less than two years old. According to this study the majority of vehicles, 60.6%, of vehicles were older than seven years in 2001.[5] This relatively high age of automobiles in the US might be explained by unaffordable prices for comparable new replacement vehicles and a corresponding gradual decline in sales figures since 1998.[6] Also, many Americans own three or more vehicles. The low marginal cost of registering and insuring additional older vehicles means many vehicles that are rarely used are still given full weight in the statistics.The median and mean age of automobiles has steadily increased since 1969. In 2007 the overall median age for automobiles was 9.4 years, a significant increase over 1990 when the median age of vehicles in operation in the US was 6.5 years and 1969 when the mean age for automobiles was 5.1 years.[7] Of all body styles, pick-up trucks had the highest meanage in 2001 (9.4 years), followed by cars with a mean age of 8.4 years and van with a mean age of 7.0 years. As SUVs are part of arelatively new consumer trend originating mostly in the 1990s, SUVs had the lowest mean age of any body style in the US (6.1 years). The average recreational vehicle was even older with a mean age of 12.5. For all body styles the mean vehicle age increased fairly steadily from 1969 to 2001.[7] In March 2009, RL Polk released a study conducted between 2007 to 2008 which indicated that the median age of passenger cars in operation in the US increased to 9.4 years, and that the median age for light trucks increased from 7.1 years in 2007 to 7.5 years in 2008.SalesIn the year 2009, about 5.5 million new passenger cars were sold in the United States[6] according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. This figure “Includes domestic and impor ted vehicles." (Department of Transportation) The number of vehicles sold in the US has been decreasing at a gradual yet continuous rate since 1999, when nearly 8.7 million vehicles were sold in the US. Looking back at history however, reveals that such decline is only part of normal market trends and most likely only a temporary affair. Overall, 1985 was a record year with cars sales totaling just over eleven million.[6] While imports have been gaining ground in terms of units sold during the 2000s and have regained roughly the same market share they held in 1992, the sales of domestic vehicles are still more than double those of imported vehicles. It should be noted, however that the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics "Includes carsproduced in Canada and Mexico" as domestic vehicles as both countries are part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), thus including many cars by Asian and European manufacturers - many V olkswagens are made in Mexico, Toyotas in Canada, also. In 2006 the sales of vehicles made in NAFTA states totaled 5.5 million, while the sale of imported vehicles totaled 2.2 million. 923,000 vehicles were imported from Japan, making it the greatest exporter of vehicles to the US. Germany was the second largest exporter of vehicles to the US, with 534,000 units exported to the US in 2006. Imports from all other nations, except Germany and Japan, totaled 729,000.[8]美国的客运车辆From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia这篇⽂章的中⽴性是有争议的。

下面是店铺带来的专业汽车类英语文章阅读,欢迎阅读!专业汽车类英语文章阅读篇一中国自主汽车品牌欧洲投产It might look like just another compact car.它看起来像另一款乘用车。
What workers at Greatwall Automobile vehicle plant of Bulgaria are putting together, is China's foothold in the European market.中国长城汽车在保加利亚的汽车生产线已投入生产,厂里工人们正组装的车就是中国进军欧洲市场的立足点。
Greatwall is the first Chinese auto-company to manufacture vehicles in the European Union.长城是中国第一家进入欧洲的自主车企。
The stated yield plan is bringing new employment opportunity to the town of Lavage. Ivan Kusalarff is a team leader.这个木已沉舟的项目将会为洛维奇市带来新的就业机会。
Ivan Kusalarff负责这个项目。
He studied engineering in Sweden, but immediately jump that opportunity to help build auto-industry in his home country.他早年在瑞典修工程学,听说这个机会后,便立即回国投身兴建这项汽车产业。
I would've probably stayed there if I haven't heard about this career opportunity because it's not just a job opportunity, 如果没有碰到这个机会,我可能还呆在瑞典。
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他们终究会来的!The Chinese Car Industry and GlobalizationTom Donnelly,Faculty of BusinessCoventry University, UKAbstract:Since the beginning of the Open Door policy, the Chinese car industry has grown rapidly particularly from the early 1990s. The national government has encouraged both domestic and joint venture firm expansion through inwards foreign direct investment by western and Japanese car and component manufacturers. The objective is that China becomes a major player in the global car industry by 2020. This paper intends analyzing the current strengths and weaknesses of the Chinese automotive industry and will discuss what is required if the industry is to grow globally. It will focus on government policy in relation to joint ventures, market expansion, how problems of scale and scope and quality need to be tackled if the Chinese are to compete against more advanced firms in the west. Finally, it will assess how easy or difficult it will be for Chinese firms to penetrate markets in the developed economies.Export Potential Conclusion:It is clear that China’s domestic car producers are not yet in a position to mount a serious challenge in the world’s advanced car markets. Recent experiences over safety and emission tests have brought about a more sober mood among China’s car producers, but that ought not to give rise to any kind of complacency in the west. The Chinese will learn from their experiences and it is likely the gaps in design and technology will narrow in coming years. When Chinese cars do begin to penetrate western markets, even firms like Chery which enjoy a good reputation in China will be forced to follow a low price strategy with prices estimated to being approximately 30 per cent below their US or European equivalents. Moreover, Chinese firms will have to face the cost of building up dealerships and in the US this would entail a minimum of 250 outlets whose initial set-up costs could mitigate against firm competitiveness.Conclusion:From the foregoing it is obvious that China is well on its way to being an extremely potentforce in the global car industry and that it is not a question of if, but when its domestic automotive producers are adequately prepared to try to penetrate the advanced, saturated markets of the West and of Japan. However the weight of evidence indicates that this will not be a serious position for circa five to ten years and when it happens, Chinese producers will follow the path previously trodden by Japan and Korea, but at a much quicker pace.Before this can occur the Chinese need to deal with the serious problems confronting their industry. These include the need to embark on a policy of rationalisation to weed out the weaker firms either through closure or by take-over and merger, leaving possibly only a dozen or so large concerns that are capable of challenging western multinationals. This will not be easy and may require an element of confrontation between the Bejing authorities and provinical governments, leading to directed mergers and factory closures. An even greater degree of rationalisation will be required on the component side of the industry.Technically Chinese firms are light on the possession of intellectual property and it is thought that before trying to export to the west they will need to develop a much more integrated industry capable of high levels of design, R&D, product safety and quality and so lessen the current dependency on western firms. If this proves too difficult in the short to medium term, there always remains the option of changes in government policy to reduce the restrictions on joint ventures and encourage new forms of projects so that JV firms can assist Chinese firms in their desire to export. The caveat is that western firms may not be keen to export their Chinese made products which would compete against their own domestic products. Finally, it will take time for Chinese firms to build up distribution and dealership networks in Europe and America. In the meantime, western producers will not be standing still but neither will the Chinese. –they are coming!。