杜肯阀门执行器PUNEMAX pneumatic actuators CP90
INSTRUCTION MANUALPart turn pneumatic actuatorwith Manual Override-Complete aluminium protection versionGDV60 - GDV3840 GSV30 – GSV19201)GENERAL FEATURES………………………………………………………………………………………………..pg.32)DATASHEET……………………………………………………………………………………………..pg.43)FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION……………………………………………..………….…………………….……………pg.54)DANGERS……….………………………………………………………………………………………..pg.75)PART DESCRIPTION……………..………………………………………………………….………………….pg.86)TRUOBLESHOOTING ………………………………………..…………………...…………………….pg.97)DISPOSAL…….………………...………………………………………………………..…………….....pg.9Environmentally friendly handling of the product.1)GENERAL FEATURES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Actuatech manufacture a manual handwheel override for a wide range of part turn pneumatic actuators.The actuators with manual override are available on Double Acting “GDV” and Spring Return “GSV” versions.- The principle of the manual handwheel override application is to provide the possibility to open and close the valve connected to the actuator when this operation can’t be done with remote control.- Actuatech manual override actuator is itself equipped with an handwheel for manual operations and it doesn’t need any added declutchable gear box. This solution guarantees a compact size and a more light system on the valve.- When the actuator is manual operated it can be locked in Open/Closed position.- Actuator versions for low temperature and high temperature applications allow to operate respectively until temperatures of -50°C and +150°C, thanks to proper kind of lubrication and material for the gaskets.The maintenance should be done by Actuatech trained personnel only.This instruction manual contains important information regarding the Actuatech manual override actuator operation, installation, maintenance and storage.Please read carefully before installation and keep it in a safe place for further reference.Modification reserved. Rev.date 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalid 2)DATASHEET•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DOUBLEACTINGNOMINALTORQUE (Nm)ISOFLANGESQUAREØHANDWEELRim pull forces ( N )To obtain thenominal torqueWeight( Kg )Teorical n° of turnsto close / openstarting from theneutral positionA B C DGDV60 60 F05-F07 14 180 19.3 2.8 11 - 99 263.3 137.6 GDV106 106 F05-F07 17 180 27.8 4 13 - 118.5 279.3 154.8 GDV120 120 F05-F07 17 180 33.8 4.5 14 - 122.1 288.4 163.9 GDV180 180 F07-F10 22 220 44.1 6 16 - 144.9 338.1 183.5 GDV240 240 F07-F10 22 220 54.5 8 18 - 156.8 353.7 199.1 GDV360 360 F07-F10 22 300 67.5 10.2 15 - 169.6 398 220.8 GDV480 480 F10-F12 27 300 83.3 13.2 16 - 193.8 440.6 236.4 GDV720 720 F10-F12 27 350 108.8 17.8 19 - 216.6 503.5 282.3GDV960 960 F10-F12 /F1436 350 128.6 23.8 20 - 239.7 518.3 297.1 GDV1440 1440 F12 / F14 36 400 133.5 33.6 25 - 283.5 636.4 365.6GDV1920 1920 F12-F16 /F1446 400 162.5 43 26 - 300.4 653.7 382.9 GDV3840 3840 F16 46 575 243.5 75 30 - 353.3 890.2 537.5SIMPLEACTINGNOMINALTORQUE (Nm)ISOFLANGESQUAREØHANDWEELRim pull forces ( N )To obtain thenominal torqueWeight( Kg )Teorical n° of turnsto close / openstarting from theneutral positionA B C DGSV30 30 F05-F07 14 180 19.3 3.2 11 129.4 - 263.3 137.6 GSV053 53 F05-F07 17 180 27.8 4.5 13 152.1 - 279.3 154.8 GSV060 60 F05-F07 17 180 33.8 4.5 14 169.3 - 288.4 163.9 GSV090 90 F07-F10 22 220 44.1 6.8 16 196.8 - 338.1 183.5 GSV120 120 F07-F10 22 220 54.5 9 18 204.8 - 353.7 199.1 GSV180 180 F07-F10 22 300 67.5 11.7 15 237 - 398 220.8 GSV240 240 F10-F12 27 300 83.3 15.2 16 260.2 - 440.6 236.4 GSV360 360 F10-F12 27 350 108.8 19.5 19 306.6 - 503.5 282.3GSV480 480 F10-F12 /F1436 350 128.6 28.1 20 324.1 - 518.3 297.1GSV720 720 F12 / F14 36 400 133.5 38.8 25 399 - 636.4 365.6GSV960 960 F12-F16 /F1446 400 162.5 50.6 26 414 - 653.7 382.9GSV1920 1920 F16 46 575 243.5 91 30 509 - 890.2 537.5 All the dimensions are in mm, for missing data see standard catalogue .Modification reserved. Rev.date 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalid3) FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NB: PRIOR TO MANUAL OVERRIDE OPERATE, ENSURE THAT THE ACTUATOR IS FREE FROM PRESSURE.1.Remove the cap to ensure there is no pressure in the actuator2.Engage the manual override and operate as required3.Disconnect the manual override (neutral position)*for standard actuators.TO CLOSE THE VALVETo close the valve turn the wheel in clockwise direction*.TO OPEN THE VALVETo open the valve turn the wheel in counterclockwise direction.* NB: Before commissioning to ensure proper disengagement, perform an ON-OFF maneuver of the actuatorModification reserved. Rev.date 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalidNB: WHEN THE ACTUATOR HAS BEEN MANUALLY OPERATED, RETURN TO THE NEUTRAL POSITION PRIOR TO START NORMAL OPERATIONS.NEUTRAL POSITIONWith the screw in neutral position the piston can move freely and the actuator can be driven pneumatically. MANUAL OPERATION GDV : The handwheel turned counter clockwise, pushes the screw and piston inwards. The valve opens. GSV : The handwheel turned clockwise pushes the screw and piston inwards. The valve closes.MANUAL OPERATIONGDV : When the handwheel is turned clockwise, the screwand piston are drawn outwards. The valve closes. GSV : When the handwheel is turned counter clockwise, the screw and the piston are drawn outwards. The valve opens.Modification reserved. Rev.date 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalid4)WARNINGS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a) Don’t disassemble, compressed spring inside.b) Don’t use levers or bars.c) Don’t use the handwheel to lift the actuator.NB:Manual override is not recommended for safety related applications (SIL) as bypass of a security function. In this application, to prevent an unauthorized use, the manual override is provided with a locking device.Modification reserved. Rev.date 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalid5)PART DESCRIPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••NB: In the case of actuator low or high temperature the pistons and the material of the O ring are different from the standard actuator.Modification reserved. Rev.date 04/2018. No guarantee for accuracy. Older data sheets are invalid6)TROUBLESHOOTING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• POTENTIAL EFFECT OFFAILUREPOTENTIAL CAUSE OF FAILURE SOLUTION Difficult manual operationsBlocked valve Repair or replace the valvePresence of particles inside the actuator due toan incorrect filtration of the airVerify the condition of the supply airand contact ActuatechThe actuator is pressurized Remove supply air7)DISPOSAL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Our products are designed so that when they are at the end of their life cycle they can be completely disassembled, separating the different materials for the proper disposal and/or recovery. All materials have been selected in order to ensure minimal environmental impact, health and safety of personnel during their installation and maintenance, provided that, during use, they are not contaminated by hazardous substances.The personnel in charge of the product disposal/recovery, must be qualified and equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), according to the product size and the type of service for which the device was intended. The management of waste generated during the installation, maintenance or due to the product disposal, is governed by the rules in force in the country where the product is installed, in any case, the following are general guidelines:- The metal components (aluminum/steel) can be restored as raw material;- Seals/sealing elements as contaminated by fluids from other materials and lubrication,must be disposed of.- The packaging materials that come with the product, should be transferred to the differentiated collection systemavailable in the country.。
584 322 797 535 1010 748 1223 960 742 480
285 523 418 789 684
380 275
209 468 342 734 608 1000 874
456 330
358 190 624 456 890 722 1156 988 1422 1254
608 440
23.0 15.8
6 20.1 11.5 28.0 19.3 43.7 35.1 59.4 50.7
27.6 19.0
21.7 10.1 37.4 25.8 53.1 41.5 68.8 57.2 84.5 72.9
36.8 25.3
31.0 16.6 46.7 32.3 62.4 48.0 78.1 63.7 93.8 79.3 46.0 31.6
在 正 常 工 作 条 件 下 , 单 作 用 执 行 器 考 虑 的 安 全 系 数 为3 0 % - 5 0 % 例如: 阀门需要力矩 =79N.m 安全力矩=79(1+30%)=103N.m气 源压力=5Bar 对 照 单 作 用 执 行 器 输 出 力 矩 表 , 我 们 可 以 查 到S 9 3 3 - 4 3 5 - 6输 出 力 矩 为 空气行程 0°=325N.m 空气行程 90°=273N.m 弹簧行程 90°=155N.m 弹簧行程 0°=103N.m 所有输出力矩均大于我们需求。
23.2 16.9
19.0 11.1 28.8 21.2 39.0 31.2 49.1 41.2 59.1 51.2 29.0 21.1
24.9 15.4 34.9 25.4 44.9 35.4 54.9 45.4 34.7 25.3
IQ继续提供其全部关键性优点, 使它在全世界居领先地位,这 些优点包括:
终身使用 对于任何环境、任何应用,IQ 已成为可靠性的代名词。简明 的设计、双密封的防水外壳、 红外线设定以及全面的保护系 统,使得IQ在可靠的阀门操作 领域居世界领先地位。安心使 用、极低的维护费用、简便的 诊断及更换备件,可让使用者 无需专门记忆其过程。
IQ - 简单而无可匹敌的可靠性
阀位测量 可靠的过程控制取决于阀门行 程末端的准确定位,而液压控 制取决于阀门行程中间的准确 定位。拥有专利的非接触式阀 位测量系统则是执行器控制中 最简单的设计。只有一个活动 部件的分解器把输出中心套筒 的旋转转换成电信号,然后与 存储在安全、永久的存储器中 的限位作比较。
q 作为标准功能的内置数据记 录器
q 兼容IrDATM标准,可通过移 动电话或PC机对执行器进行 就地和远程分析
q 为用户提供了更清晰、更多、 更易用的控制和指示功能
q 简单的力矩和阀位控制,使 可靠性得到提高
q 合理的电子工艺 -“系统 集成芯片”技术
q 防腐功能增强
q 控制和指示灵活性提高
q 附加的保护系统
调试简便 用红外线设定器可进行简单、 安全和快速的非侵入式调整。 使用“随按随用”的IQ设定器 可进入和调整执行器的设定, 如力矩值、限位、控制及显示 功能。Rotork提供的、独特的 本安型设定器在任何环境中, 无论动力电源提供与否,均可 对执行器进行非侵入式设定。
排除故障简便 易读的、带有背景照明的显示 器提供了阀门运行状况、控制 和执行器的报警图标。
Precision Pressure Regulators1P r e c i s i o n P r e s s u r e R e g u l Typical Applications• Environmental Analyzers —Helium or Hydrogen Carrier Gas • Precision Nitrogen Control forChemical Analysis• Laboratory and Process GasChromatography applications • Argon Gas Regulation forBioReagent ManufacturingBack Pressure RegulatorModel 9000Precision Pressure RegulatorProduct SpecificationsThe Parker Precision Fluidics Model 9000 Regulator is a compact,spring-loaded, diaphragm operated back pressure regulator. Designed specifically for precision regulation in low-flow gas applications, it controls upstream pressure rather than downstream pressure and is similar to a relief valve in operation. Model 9000 is performance tested under simulated operating conditions and is cleaned for analyticalinstrument service.Features• Direct-acting and non-relieving• Compact design enables panel mounting• All bar stock construction reduces production variation • Bubble tight shut-off• Panel mount applications• Cleaned for Analytical Service Use • Pressure gauge port included •RoHS and REACH compliantPhysical PropertiesPerformance RatingsPerformance Characteristics** Performance characteristics are based on 60 psig (4.14 barg) helium supply pressure at 50 psig (3.45 barg) outlet pressure.2For more information call +1 603 595 1500 or email ppfinfo @Model 9000Typical Flow CurvesTypical Droop (Flow Sensitivity) Curve 30 psig (2.07 barg) Range SpringTypical Droop (Flow Sensitivity) Curve 60 psig (4.14 barg) Range SpringD e v i a t i o n f r o m S e t P r e s s u r e02101001,0003%2%1%0%Flow SCCM Helium PressureD e v i a t i o n f r o m S e t P r e s s u r e2101001,0003%2%1%0%Flow SCCM Helium PressurePrecision Pressure Regulator3P r e c i s i o For more information call +1 603 595 1500 or email ppfinfo @Principle of OperationA backpressure regulator is designed to regulate inlet pressure. The force of the regulator spring holds the valve closed. When the inlet pressure of the process fluid overcomes the spring setting the valve begins to open. Using a backpressure regulator to precisely control upstream gas pressure is typically more accurate than a relief valve.Model 9000Precision Pressure Regulator4For more information call +1 603 595 1500 or email ppfinfo @Mechanical IntegrationDimensionsBasic DimensionsUnits In (cm)Model 9000Precision Pressure Regulator5P r e c i s i o n P r e s s For more information call +1 603 595 1500 or email ppfinfo @Typical Flow DiagramVOC Emissions Monitoring AnalyzerModel 9000Precision Pressure Regulator6For more information call +1 603 595 1500 or email ppfinfo @Ordering InformationInstallation Guide• May be installed in any orientation.• Support inlet and outlet piping to reduce strain on regulator body.Key Things to Remember:• Choice of Diaphragm Materials – Stainless Steel Diaphragms provide extremely low perme-ability. Coated Fabric Diaphragms, available in Buna or FKM, offer unmatched sensitivity.• Fine Pitch Adjusting Stem – 56 threads/in. (2.2 threads/mm) stem for 15 turns resolution pitch on all regulator adjusting stems gives precise control over incremental pressure adjustments.• Bar Stock Construction and Analytical Service Cleaning – Machined from bar stock in your choice of aluminum or stainless steel. All parts are cleaned to procedures developed specifically for analytical service use, minimizing contaminant generation in low-level analyzer applications.• Extensive Choice of Pressure Range – This ensures maximum resolution at specificpressure and temperature requirements.NOTE: In order to provide the best possible solution for your application, please provide the following requirementswhen contacting Applications Engineering: • Media, Inlet & Outlet Pressures • Mimimum Required Flow Rate.Please click on the ORDER ON-LINE button (or go to www.parker .com/prescision fluidics/regulators) to configure your Precision Pressure Regulator. For more detailed information, visit us on the web orcall Applications Engineering.Model 9000Precision Pressure Regulator7P r e c i s i o n Portfolio ReviewModel 4000Flow control from 0.5 slpm to 10 slpmSmaller SizeModel 9000Model 8286Models 8310 & 8311CustomizationContact Division Applications at (603) 595 1500 or ppfinfo @parker .com.PPF PPR - 002/US October 2016© 2016 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin Corporation Precision Fluidics Division 26 Clinton Dr., Unit 103Hollis, NH 03049Flow control from 1 sccm to 3 slpmFlow control from 1 slpm to 40 slpmFlow control from 10 sccm to 1 slpm Back Pressure RegulatorModel 9000Precision Pressure Regulator。
气动执行器结构及原理 The final edition was revised on December 14th, 2020.气缸结构与原理学习气动执行机构气动执行机构俗称又称气动执行器(英文:Pneumatic actuator )按其能源形式分为气动,电动和液动三大类,它们各有特点,适用于不同的场合。
气动执行器还可以分为单作用和双作用两种类型:执行器的开关动作都通过气源来驱动执行,叫做DOUBLE ACTING (双作用)。
SPRING RETURN (单作用)的开关动作只有开动作是气源驱动,而关动作是弹簧复位。
杜肯阀门执行器PUNEMAX pneumatic actuators CP90
Pneumatic Actuators -
Actuators Parts and Material Table
No.பைடு நூலகம்
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Indicator screw Indicator Spring clip Thrust washer Outside washer Body O-ring (pinion top) Bearing(pinion top) Inside washer Cam Pinion Bearing(pinion bottom) O-ring pinion bottom) O-ring(Adjust screw) Nut(Adjust screw) Adiust screw Piston Guide(Piston) Bearing(Piston) O-ring(Piston) Spring O-ring(End cap) End cap Cap screw
Viton/Silicone Dip coating Viton/Silicone Powder polyster painted
Pneumatic Actuators -
Operating Principle
Double Acting Actuators
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0-12 2 2 8
Standard Meterial
Plastic Plastic Stainless Steel Stainless Steel PTFE Extruded alluminum alloy NBR PTFE PTFE Alloy steel Alloy steel PTFE NBR NBR Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Cast alluminum/casting Engineering plastics PTFE NBR Spring steel NBR Cast alluminum Stainless Steel
⽓动执⾏机构俗称⽓动头⼜称⽓动执⾏器英⽂Pneumatic⽓动执⾏机构俗称⽓动头⼜称⽓动执⾏器(英⽂:Pneumatic actuator ) 执⾏器按其能源形式分为⽓动,电动和液动三⼤类,它们各有特点,适⽤于不同的场合。
⽓动执⾏器还可以分为单作⽤和双作⽤两种类型:执⾏器的开关动作都通过⽓源来驱动执⾏,叫做DOUBLE ACTING (双作⽤)。
SPRING RETURN (单作⽤)的开关动作只有开动作是⽓源驱动,⽽关动作是弹簧复位。
此时⽓动执⾏器中间的⽓体随A 管咀排出。
Rotork 阀门执行器安装手册说明书
- 1 -Top Quality Valve ActuatorsRotork Sweden AB Tel +46 (0)23 587 00Fax +46 (0)23 587 45www.remotecontrol.se *********************Installation1. Mounting on valve, see instruction A.2. Electric wiring, see instruction B.3. Adjusting, see instruction C.4. Manual operation, see instruction D.Note:Only electric wiring, according to instruction B, is required when the actuator is delivered from Remote Control mounted on a valve. It is adjusted and ready for operation.1. Operate the valve manually to fully open or fully closed position before the actuator is mounted.2. Operate the actuator manually (see D) to fully open or fully closed position.3. Check that the actuator and valve stem are in correct position. Please note, valve and actuator must be in the same mode (fully open / fully closed) prior to the assembly.4. Mount the actuator on the valve and check that the actuator and valve stems are centered and aligned. If a mounting bracket is used, the fit must be checked so that no distortion or play exists.5. Operate the valve manually with the aid of allen key (see D) and check that the valve moves with normal resistance.6. Check that all screws are correctly tightened.Note:Electric wiring must be carried out by qualified personnel only!1. Loosen the screws on the cover and lift it off.2. Check the voltage marked on the actuator label.3. Connect according to the enclosed wiring diagram or, if the actuator is of standard design, according to the wiring diagram below. The wiring diagram is drawn inunaffected position (the valve in intermediate position).4. Test run the actuator from the intermediate position checking that the actuator turns in the correct direction.5. Test run the actuator and check that the limit switches work correctly.6. Check that the cable entries and possible blind plug are sealed.7. Mount the cover.Wiring diagram No. SU12000AA. MOUNTING ON VALVEB. ELECTRIC WIRING WARNING!Remove power before the coveris dismantled! The actuator must be handled with the utmost care when the cover isremoved and the power is connected.InstructionElectric ActuatorsRCEL003- 2 -Rotork Sweden ABBox 80Kontrollvägen 15SE-791 22 FalunSwedenTel +46 (0)23 587 00Fax +46 (0)23 587 45www.remotecontrol.se *********************R e f N o 729 / A r t N o 9807291. Make the final cam adjustments for the limit switches (if necessary) according to instruc- tion (a) below.2. Run the actuator from one end position to the other a number of times.3. Adjust the indicator for visual indicationso that it relates to the valve position. by loosen ing the bolt and turning the indicator to the proper position, then retighttening the bolt.4. Test run the actuator and check that the limit indicators are working correctly.5. Mount the cover.1. Pull the Auto-Manual selector lever to Manual position2. Take the attached 6mm Allen key mounted underside the actuator.3. Insert the 6mm Allen key and turn the valve to the required position.4. Turn clockwise to close and anti-clockwise to open.5. Put allen key back in the holder after manual operation.6. Pull the Auto-Manual selector to Auto position.1. Operate the actuator manually to closed position.2. Adjust the cams for closed position (lowercam) marked CLS and 3:rd cam marked ACLS on the electronic card.3. Operate the actuator manually to open position.4. Adjust the cams for open position (uppercam marked OLS and 2:nd cam marked AOLS) on the electronic card.5. Test run the actuator.(a) Adjustment of cams for limit switches:C. ADJUSTINGD. MANUAL OPERATIONWe reserve the right tomake changes without notice.。
Limitorque SMB阀门执行器说明书
2.3 Limitorque ActuatorsThe Limitorque valve actuator is an electrically driven device that is used to open or close a valve from a remote location. It can also be placed in the manual mode and operated by a handwheel by depressing a declutching lever. Figure 2-8 shows a Limitorque actuator on a typical gate valve.The Limitorque SMB actuator was introduced to replace the SM and SMA actuators. The SMB actuator was first introduced in 1964 and continued to be manufactured on an assembly line basis through 1982, and can still be special ordered. Limitorque has estimated that over 80 percent of all MOV actuators in use today worldwide are Limitorque SMB actuators.There are two major designs in the SMB line. They are the SMB-000 or SMB-00, and the SMB-0 through SMB-4. The power trains are significantly different, so they need to be addressed as separate actuators. The SMB-5 actuator is also a different design and extremely rare, and are beyond the scope of this training. The SMB line is qualified for nuclear service in accordance with the requirements of 10 DFR 50.49 for environmental qualifications, as well as being qualified electrically and seismically.As shown in Table 2-1, the SMB series of actuators is available in a full range of torque and thrust ratings suitable for operating many different sizes of valves. The SMB-000 is the smallest version of the line and the SMB-5 is the largest. The SMB-4 and SMB-5 sizes have torque only designs without suitable thrust bearings to absorb valve thrust loads. Torque only designs carry the SMB-4T and SMB-5T designations.SMB actuators have excellent protective features and control capabilities. Each size SMB actuator can be individually tailored ta a specific valve. The number of possible combinations of different variables is very large. The SB/SBD actuator designs are modified SMB actuators for high speed valve applications. Secondary gearboxes, called HBC actuators are available for large quarter-turn valve applications.Limitorque SMB Theory of OperationThe actuator is expected to perform a number of simultaneous functions perfectly. The actuator should provide remote operation, safety, and manual operating capabilities.In electrical or remote operation, the actuator must close the valve with the proper seating force, at the correct speed, shutting off power at the appropriate point without damage to the equipment. It should open the valve against the system's differential pressure and to place the valve on or near to the backseat. At the same time, it is necessary to make sure that the indication matches the valve position, and maybe to operate some permissives or interlocks.Electrical OperationThe actuator operation is initiated by pressing an open or close push-button or use an automatic circuit to initiate motion. This signal starts the motor rotating in the correct direction, and if necessary disengages the actuator from the manual mode and places it in the electric or motor mode.When the valve stem begins to move to reposition the valve, the indication and control circuitry reacts to the motion, going from the closed or open state to a mid-position condition.When the valve reaches the desired open or closed position, the electric circuitry again changes to stop the motion, either by sensing valve position or by sensing the mechanical load on the actuator. The indication reacts to the change in valve position and shows the correct position of the valve.Manual OperationIn manual, the person operating the actuator will place it in the manual mode and position the actuator to the desired position. The indication and control circuits will respond to the position change and be correct for the valve position. In addition, should someone try to electrically operate the valve, the person operating the valve in manual will not be injured by the operation of the motor. In this case, the declutch lever may be kicked up by spring action and the person operating the valve should stand clear. Table 2-2 summarizes the modes of operation of the actuator.Limitorque motor actuators produce torque. Their operation is controlled by limit switches, torque switches, or both. Some MOVs controlled by limit switchesalso have a torque switch in the circuit to serve as a safety device, and some do not.Limit switches are gear-driven, and their operation is based on valve stem position. Torque switches are displacement-driven, and their operation is based on compression of a torque spring as it responds to the increasing torque load experienced by the actuator.Figure 2-9 is a simplified sketch of a Limitorque actuator geartrain. The electric motor, typically turning at about 1700 rpm in an ac-powered operator (some ac motors turn at other speeds, for example, 3400 rpm), provides input to the gearbox, where a gear reduction increases the torque and reduces the speed.The gear reduction typically includes a set of helical gears and a worm/worm-gear set. The worm drives the worm gear, which directly drives the drive sleeve, containing the valve stem nut. The torque applied by the gearbox to the valve stem nut is theactuator torque , referred to frequently in this manual.For a rising-stem valve application, the stem nut turns on the threaded portion of the valve stem. Thrust bearings hold the stem nut in place, so that the rotation of the stem nut on the stem drives the stem upward or downward, opening or closing the valve.In a typical actuator, the worm gear and drive sleeve are equipped with lugs commonly called “dogs,” such that at the beginning of the closing stroke, the worm gear makes about one-half turn on the drive sleeve before engagement the drive sleeve does not begin to turn until the worm gear dog hits the drive sleeve dog. The same thing happens at the beginning of the opening stroke: the worm gear makes about a half turn on the drive sleeve in the opening direction, the worm gear dog engages thedrive sleeve dog, and then the stem nut turns on the stem. This mechanism allows the motor to get up to speed on startup before it must operate against a load.As the resistance to motion in the stem (the stem thrust load) increases, the stem nut and thus the drive sleeve becomes difficult to turn. This resistance to rotation at the at the drive sleeve causes the worm to move itself in relation to the worm gear and compress the torque spring.As the stem load increases, the worm climbs the worm gear, sliding further on the splined shaft until it trips the torque switch. The tripping of the torque switch actuates a relay, which in turn shuts off power to the electric motor. Motor momentum continues to drive the worm against the torque spring after the torque switch trips, producing an increase in stem load after torque switch trip. The torque switch serves to limit the amount of torque the valve actuator can produce.Some valves are controlled by limit switches that turn the motor off on valve position rather than on actuator torque. These valves might or might not include a torque switch that serves as a safety device to prevent structural overloads.For example, in the event that the limit switch fails to shut off the motor in time. Whether the torque switch serves as a control device or a safety device, the setting of the torque switch is equally important. An incorrectly set torque switch can either (a) cause the motor to shut off before the valve is all the way closed, or (b) cause the motor to stall after the valve is closed, by failing to shut off power to the motor.Usually the actuators are equipped with a torque switch bypass switch controlled by valve position. The purpose is to bypass the torque switch at the beginning of the opening stroke to allow the actuator to get the disc off the seat without a torque limit. After the valve position reaches an adjustable set point, the bypass switch is disabled, and the torque switch becomes the controlling mechanism.。
PN9000系列气动执行器安装维护指南IM-P357-29CH Issue 83579049/81. 安全信息2. 产品基本信息3. 安装4. 调试5. 维护6. 备件PN9300只有由合格的操作人员在按照安装维修指南对产品进行正确安装、调试、使用和维护后才能保证产品的安全操作使用(见1.11)。
1.1 适用场合请参考安装维修指南、产品的铭牌和技术信息资料,确认产品是否适用于该应用场合。
产品符合欧洲压力设备指令97/23/EC 。
*SEP=无欧洲压力设备指令97/23/EC 第3.3段的CE 标志I.) 本产品专门设计用于压缩空气,属于上面提及的压力设备指令中的第二类流体。
II.) 确认所选产品的材质是否合适,压力和温度的最大最小值。
III.) 确定正确的安装方式和正确的流体流向。
1.2 通道在进行任何操作之前务必保证安全的通道,如有必要使用安全工作台(适于监测)。
1.3 照明保证充分的照明,尤其是进行细节或复杂操作的地方。
1.4 管道中的危险液体或气体预先考虑到管道中可能存在或者已经存在的流体,需要考虑的因素包括:材料是否可燃,对健康是否有害,高温等。
产 品PN9100系列PN9200系列PN9300系列PN9400系列*SEP *SEP *SEP *SEP---组2气体组2液体1.5产品周围的危险环境需考虑:爆炸环境,缺氧(如容器或地窖中),危险性气体,极限温度,热表面,易燃危险(焊接时),过度的噪音,移动机械设备。
气缸结构与原理学习气动执行机构气动执行机构俗称又称气动执行器(英文:Pneumatic actuator )按其能源形式分为气动,电动和液动三大类,它们各有特点,适用于不同的场合。
气动执行器还可以分为单作用和双作用两种类型:执行器的开关动作都通过气源来驱动执行,叫做DOUBLE ACTING (双作用)。
SPRING RETURN (单作用)的开关动作只有开动作是气源驱动,而关动作是弹簧复位。
DKJ-W户外型角行程电动执行机构 用途 DKJ-W型电动执行器是DDZ型电动单元组合仪表中的一个执行单元。它 接受变送,调节等单元的信号或操作单元的手控信号,自动的调节机构,完 成调节任务。广泛用于电站、化工、冶金、矿山、轻工业等自动话控制系统 中。 1、 户外型产品采用“0”型结构设计及较高的绝缘处理,其防护等级为 IP65。 2、 位置发送器全部采用圆筒结构模块化电流变送器,产品具有结构简 单可靠性高等特点。 3、 终端具备电限位开关调整方便。 主要技术指标(与DFC伺服放大器配合) 1、 输入信号:Ⅲ:4-20 mA DC或Ⅱ:0-10 mA DC 2、 输入通道:三个 3、 输入通道电阻:Ⅲ型250Ω Ⅱ型200Ω 4、基本误差限:±2.5% 5、回差:≤1.5% 6、死区:≤3 % 7、阻尼特性:≤3次半周期 8、电源:单相电压 ,频率50Hz 9、使用环境温度:-10 —— +55℃或-25 —— +70℃ 10、防护等级:IP65
• •
德瑞(EMG-DREMHO) (2)
易艾姆(EIM) (1)
• • ----美国EIM公司 EIM2000系列电动执行机构
υ1 2
+ hj
p1 υ p2 υ2 z1+ + = z2 + + + hj .......... .......... .......... 2) ...( γ 2g γ 2g
• 位置信号变换电路将反映执行机构位 置的1000欧三线滑线电阻信号的变化情况 转为4-20mA。控制输入与位置信号同时送 到偏差放大器进行比较,比较结果控制固 态开关的通断,实现对执行机构的开或关 控制。根据控制要求调整灵敏度,可以改 变跟踪精度和消除因机械惯性可能产生的 振荡。
气缸结构与原理学习气动执行机构气动执行机构俗称气动头又称气动执行器(英文:Pneumatic actuator )执行器按其能源形式分为气动,电动与液动三大类,它们各有特点,适用于不同的场合。
气动执行器还可以分为单作用与双作用两种类型:执行器的开关动作都通过气源来驱动执行,叫做DOUBLE ACTING (双作用)。
SPRING RETURN (单作用)的开关动作只有开动作就是气源驱动,而关动作就是弹簧复位。
流体动力限矩器TM LPS 重型气动活塞式执行器 2说明书
Limitorque TM LPS Limitorque Pneumatic Scotch Yoke Heavy-Duty ActuatorFlowserve Limitorque makes valve control easierin ways as diverse as the applications in which its products are used. LPS pneumatic actuators deliverup to 250 kNm* (184 000 ft-lb) of precisely controlled torque — safely automating valves for all types of applications, including HIPPS (High-Integrity Pressure Protection Systems).Available in a wide range of materials suitable for usein the most demanding conditions, LPS actuators are complemented by a comprehensive range of control systems, including ESD, PST, Line-Break and Quick-Closing options.A suite of standard controls systems is available for short delivery, but the Limitorque engineering team can design custom solutions for the largest and most complex customer requirements.Today’s industry requirements are more rigorous than ever before. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Oil and Gas industry where new requirements are incorporatedinto project specifications almost every day. Limitorque has addressed these demanding requirements in the design of their latest product, the LPS actuator. This makes the LPS the most technically advanced and market-compliant actuator available anywhere in the world.The LPS actuator features a 25-year design life dependingon service conditions, proper installation, operation and maintenance. In order to achieve this industry-leading design life, in-field maintenance is prescribed to be performed every six years of operation. For high-cycle applications, such as control valve operation, more frequent maintenance of the replaceable wear surfaces, as outlined in EN 15714, may be required.To complete the automation package, LPS actuators are available with accessories such as lockout modules and gear overrides. Limitorque provides engineering design services for mounting hardware, ensuring that your actuation solution is ready to handle the toughest challenges.Quality, Dependability and Productivity* For higher torque ranges, consult factory.2 LPS Limitorque Pneumatic Heavy-Duty Scotch Yoke ActuatorsLPS actuators provide up to 250 kNm (184 000 ft-lb) of heavy-duty torque. Enhanced performance is achieved by using a superiorscotch yoke support design that significantly reduces transverse loads. LPS actuators feature modular construction to minimizerepair time and initial cost while maximizing process availability.Features• Spring Return Single Acting (Fail Close CW and Fail Open CCW)and Double Acting (Fail Last / Fail As Is) executions• True modular design for flexible and easy field conversion from Fail CloseCW to Fail Open CCW configuration or vice versa• Scotch yoke housing design optimized to facilitate field maintenance and toprovide extended design life• Symmetrical and canted scotch yoke types to perfectly fit valve torquerequirement• Fabricated carbon steel scotch yoke housing, pneumatic cylinder and springcan, providing the most rugged actuator available; different materials ofconstruction for polar or offshore applications upon request• ENP Lined Cylinders with Chrome Plated Piston Rod; Stainless SteelCylinders, Tie Rods and Spool Pieces available upon request• Increased maximum valve stem acceptability to allow direct coupling withvalves• Suitable for use in on/off, modulating and control valve application in generalservice, protective service and safety applications such as ESD or HIPPS• Full range of accessories: switchboxes, positioners; ESD and PSTfunctionalities; custom control panels; fire protection; quick exhaust anddampers; manual and hydraulic overridesSpecifications• Available in standard single-acting spring return and double-acting configurations, in torque ranges up to 250 kNm (184 000 ft-lb); contact factory for larger sizes• Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP): 12 barg (174 PSIG)• Suitable supply medium: instrument air, nitrogen or sweet gas; contact factory for sour gas applications• -29°C to 100°C (-20°F to 212°F) standard operating temperature range; Low temperature -60°C (-76°F) and high temperature 160°C (320°F) ranges available upon request (polar, cold, arid and tropical temperature requirements in accordance with IEC 60721)• End mounted adjustable travel stops ± 5°, available also in an enclosed protected version upon requestKey Certifications and Standards Compliance• Certified according to ATEX 94/9/EC Ex II 2GD c IIC T6• IP66/IP66M and IP67/IP67M configurations per EN 60529• SIL 3 certified in accordance with IEC 61508• Available in compliance with PED 97/23/EC, ASME BPVC Sec. VIII Div. 1, EN 13445-3 Part 2 for Unfired Pressure Vessels• NEMA4 and NEMA4X per NEMA 250• Available valve interface in compliance with ISO 5211• Actuator spring design in compliance with EN 13906• Corrosion protection in compliance with ISO 12944-2 and EN 15714-3; optionally available up to and including C5-M• Available in compliance with NACE specification MR0175 for sour gas applications• Manufactured and tested in compliance with ISO 9001 and EN 15714-3 • Available according to CU TR and GOST-RDouble Actingwith Manual OverrideSingle Acting withHydraulic OverrideSingle Actingwith Manual OverrideDouble Acting withHydraulic Override34Anatomy of Limitorque LPS ActuatorThe Limitorque Pneumatic Scotch Yoke (LPS) Heavy-Duty Actuator is designed to meet the industry’s most recent and stringent safety and performance standards for oil and gas applications. Heavy-duty design features a robust construction with high-strength materials that deliver maximum force while minimizing localized stresses. With a maximum allowable working pressure of 12 barg (174 psig), the Scotch yoke actuator provides up to 250 kNm (184 000 ft-lb) of precisely controlled torque. The actuatoris available in single-acting spring return and double-acting configurations.LPS Standard Materials of Construction*ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIALITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL1HousingCarbon Steel 14Tie Rod Alloy Steel (with treatment)2Scotch Yoke Bushing Carbon Steel 15Head Flange Carbon Steel 3Scotch Yoke Carbon Steel 16Yoke Pin Alloy Steel 4Bushing PTFE + Steel17Fork Carbon Steel 5Cylinder Carbon Steel (with treatment)18Slider Block Bronze 6Piston Rod Alloy Steel (chrome plated)19Guiding Block Carbon Steel7Piston Carbon Steel (with treatment) 20Guide Bar Alloy Steel (chrome plated)8Stop Bolt Carbon Steel (with treatment) 21Cover Carbon Steel 9Hex Nut Carbon Steel 22Spring Rod Alloy Steel 10End Flange Carbon Steel 23Spring Spring Steel 11Guide Ring PTFE + Graphite 24Spring Guide Carbon Steel 12O-Ring NBR 25Spring CanCarbon Steel13Split CollarAlloy Steel*Special or different materials available upon request8172024232225241BrushingHousingBushingpring GuideSpring RodSpring CanLPS Spring Return Actuator59101112131415161835678PistonPiston RodHead FlangeScotch YokeYoke PinFlange Stop BoltHex NutGuide RingO-RingCylinder42182021159115710146LPS Double Acting ActuatorLPS Actuator Selection TableLPS Torque and Pressure Table*Viton is a registered trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours 6Cylinder integral quick exhaustFCD LFENBR0001-01-AQ Printed in USA. November 2014 © 2014 Flowserve Corporation Flowserve Limitorque Fluid Power Systems Product Sales Via Rio Vallone 17 20883 Mezzago (MB), Italy Phone: +39 039 62060 1Fax: +39 039 62060 213Email:**********************Flowserve Limitorque Fluid Power SystemsManufacturing and Operations Via Rio Vallone 1720883 Mezzago (MB), Italy Phone: +39 039 62060 1 Fax: +39 039 62060 213Email:********************** Flowserve Limitorque Fluid Power Systems Research & DevelopmentViale dell'Artigianato 24 29122 Piacenza (PC), ItalyEmail:**********************Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used innumerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specificdata and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation,operation and maintenance of Flowserve products. The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions includedwith the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be con-sidered certified or as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect to this product. Because Flowserve is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions andinformation contained herein are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact FlowserveCorporation at any one of its worldwide operations or offices.© 2014 Flowserve Corporation, Irving, Texas, USA. Flowserve is a registered trademark of Flowserve Corporation.• read it • print it• download it 1 Go to 2 Click on “Search for product literature”3 Enter keyword or literature number4 Click on "Search"To find this literature on our website, please follow these steps.To Access Literature Online。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告杜肯阀门(南通)有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:杜肯阀门(南通)有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分杜肯阀门(南通)有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质增值税一般纳税人产品服务:特种设备设计;特种设备制造(依法须经批准1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
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Optional Meterial
Hard anodized etc
Viton/Silicone Nickel plated Stainless Steel Viton/Silicone Viton/Silicone
Anodized/Zinc galvaniz e
Stainless Steel
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ial
Plastic Plastic Stainless Steel Stainless Steel PTFE Extruded alluminum alloy NBR PTFE PTFE Alloy steel Alloy steel PTFE NBR NBR Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Cast alluminum/casting Engineering plastics PTFE NBR Spring steel NBR Cast alluminum Stainless Steel
2.Air to Port A forces the pistons outwards, causing the springs to compress, the pinion turns clockwise while the air is being exhausted from Port B. Loss of air pressure on port A, the stored energy in the springs forces the pistons inwards.The pinion turns counterclockwise while air is being exhausted from port A.
2.Air to Port A forces the pistons outwards, causing the pinion to turn clockwise while the air is being exhausted from Port B. Air to Port B forces the pistons inwards, causing the pinion to turn counterclockwise while the air is being exhausted from Port A.
Spring Return Actuators
1.Air to Port A forces the pistons outwards, causing the springs to compress, the pinion turns counterclockwise while the air is being exhausted from Port B. Loss of air pressure on port A, the stored energy in the springs forces the pistons inwards.The pinion turns clockwise while air is being exhausted from port A.
Pneumatic Actuators -
DessignβConstruction of Pneumatic Actuators
1 ǃ Actuator Body According to the different requirements, the extruded aluminum alloy ASTM6005 Body can be treated with hard anodized powder polyester painted (different colours is available such as blue, orange, yellow etc.), PTFE or Nickel plated. 2 ǃ Pinion The pinion is high-precision and integrative, made from nickelled-alloy steel, full conform to the lastest standards standards of ISO5211, DIN3337, NAMUR.The dimensions can be customized and the stainless steel is available. 3 ǃ Pistons The twin rack pistons are made from Die-casting aluminum treated with Hard anodized or made from Cast steel with galvanization. Symmetric mounting position,long cycle life and fast operation, reversing rotation by simply inverting the pistons. 4 ǃ End caps Die-casting aluminum powder polyester painted in different colours ,PTFE or Nickel plated. 5 ǃ Travel adjustment The two independent external travel stop adjustment bolts can adjust ±5°at both open and close directions easily and precisely. 6 ǃ O-rings NBR rubber O-rings provide trouble-free operation at standard temperature ranges.For high and low temperature applications Viton or Silicone. 7 ǃ Bearings & Guides Made from low friction,long-life compound material,to avoid the direct contact between metals. The maintenance and replacement are easy and convenient. 8 ǃ High performance springs Preloaded coating springs are made from the high quality material for resistant to corrosion and longer service life,which can be demounted safely and conveniently to satisfy different requirements of torque by changing quantity of springs. 9 ǃ Connection Air connection ,position indicator with NAMUR are convenient for mounting accessories such as solenoid valve, limit switch box,positioner.
Viton/Silicone Dip coating Viton/Silicone Powder polyster painted
Pneumatic Actuators -
Operating Principle
Double Acting Actuators
Pneumatic Actuators -
Actuators Parts and Material Table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Indicator screw Indicator Spring clip Thrust washer Outside washer Body O-ring (pinion top) Bearing(pinion top) Inside washer Cam Pinion Bearing(pinion bottom) O-ring pinion bottom) O-ring(Adjust screw) Nut(Adjust screw) Adiust screw Piston Guide(Piston) Bearing(Piston) O-ring(Piston) Spring O-ring(End cap) End cap Cap screw
OUTPUT TORQUE OF DOUBLE ACTING ACTUATORS (Unit:Nm) Model 9005D 9006D 9007D 9008D 9009D 9010D 9012D 9014D 9016D 9019D 9021D 9024D 9027D 2 7.7 13.6 19.2 29.4 43.4 62.8 97.9 167.5 255.2 411.2 502.4 738.2 1121.1 2.5 9.8 17.2 24.4 37.4 55.1 79.8 124.4 212.7 324.1 522.4 638.1 937.7 1424.1 3 11.9 20.9 29.6 45.3 66.8 96.7 150.8 258.0 393.1 633.5 773.9 1137.2 1727.1 Air supply pressure (Unit: Bar) 4 4.5 5 5.5 16.0 18.1 20.2 22.3 28.2 31.9 35.6 39.2 40.0 45.2 50.4 55.6 61.2 69.2 77.2 85.1 90.3 102.0 113.7 125.5 130.7 147.7 164.6 181.6 203.7 230.2 256.6 283.1 348.5 393.7 439.0 484.3 531.0 600.0 669.0 737.9 855.8 966.9 1078.1 1189.2 1045.5 1181.2 1317.0 1452.8 1536.2 1735.7 1935.2 2134.7 2333.1 2636.1 2939.1 3242.1 6 24.4 42.9 60.8 93.1 137.2 198.6 309.6 529.5 806.9 1300.4 1588.6 2334.2 3545.1 7 28.5 50.2 71.2 109.0 160.7 232.5 362.5 620.0 944.8 1522.7 1860.1 2733.2 4151.1 8 32.7 57.6 81.6 124.9 184.1 266.5 415.4 710.5 1082.7 1745.0 2131.6 3132.2 4757.1