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16. We are going to have exam tomorrow

A. a

B. an

C. the


17. Candy often a dancing club.

A. attend

B. attended

C. attends

D. attending

18. you like your new school?

Y es, I like it because there many sports fields in it.

A. Are, is B .Do, are C. Will, will be D. Did, are

19.Why does your mother get up so early?

Because she has to catch the early bus every morning.

A. always

B. never

C. sometimes

D. seldom

20. do you go to school? foot.

A. How, By

B. How, On

C. What, On

D. How, In

21.Do you like playing chess? No. I like playing piano.



C. the,不填D, the,the

22. he from Beijing? No, he isn’t.

A. Is

B. Does

C. Do

D. Do

23.Can you hear someone in the next room? It’s so loud.

A. sing

B. singing

C. to sing

D. sang

24. do you go jogging? Every morning.

A. How long B . How many C. How often D. How far

25.--- what to you last night?

----I a terrible toothache.

A. happend; had B .happens ; had

C. happened; have

D. happens; have

26. One of the enjoys singing.

A. child

B. childs

C. children

D. childrens

27. I get up 8:00 a.m.on Saturday morning.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. to

28.What does he for lunch?

A. has

B. have D. had D. haves

29. Wendy makes phone calls to school.

A. on her way

B. in her way

C. by her way

D. of her way

30. Here is a card for you my best .

A. for, wish

B. with, wishes

C. in, wishes

D. of, wishes

31.What is your dream?

My dream a scientist.

A. is

B. is going to

C. is be

D. is to be

32.We should school uniforms at school.

A. put on

B. has

C. wear

D. take

33.Can you English? Can you say it in English?

A. say

B. speak

C. tell

D. talk

34. Sandy comes to school late. She is always on time.

A. always

B. often

C. sometimes

D. never

35. The police met the thief on the side of the river.

A. another

B. others

C. both

D. other

36. How is the weather in Shenzhen?

It doesn’t often in autumn here.

A. rain

B. rained

C. rainy

D. rains

37. Most boys enjoy sports.

A. play

B. playing

C. to play

D. plays

38.---How do you go to school, Jenny?---I go there .

A. by my car

B. by car

C. by a car

D. by cars

39. What happened you? Y ou don’t look well.

A .with B. to C. at D. on

40. Y ou can 110 and call the police for help when you are in trouble.

A. dial

B. dials

C. dialed

D. dialing

41. I have a dog Bobby.

A. called

B. calls

C. calling

D. to call

42.---Who teaches English? ----Mr. Wang.

A .them B. their C. our D. we

43. They SZ two days ago.

A. were leave

B. leave

C. left

D. leaved

44.---Would you like to dinner tonight?

---I’d love to ,I’m too busy.

A. to come, and

B. to come, but

C. come, so

D. come, but

45. . Could you help me carry the box?

A. Hello

B. Thanks

C. Sorry

D. Excuse me


Dear Betty,

Thank you for your e-mail. I would like to tell you something 46 one of my good friends.

Her name is Helen. She will 47 china next week, but she knows 48 about the country. Can you meet her at the 49 ? The plane arrives in Beijing at 5:00 p.m. next Friday.

50 you have never seen her, I will send one of her 51 to you by e-mail. But now, I want to make a short description. Don’t be so surprised at her beauty when

you 52 her. She is slim and she has long brown hair and blue eyes. She has good eyesight(视力),so she 53 wear glasses. To make you find her 54 , she will wear a white T-shirt
