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Models of the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures of Protein 蛋白质四级结构
Nucleic acids 核酸 are the blueprints of life and the record of evolution.
1 species Endemic in Himalayas Flowers solitary, pink (in the axil between apical leaves)
Di. cymosa (America)
P. peltatum
S. hexandrum
1 species Endemic in America Flowers solitary, white (in the axil between apical leaves)
Secondary metabolites 次生代谢产物 produced in plants often have importance to us.
Eucalyptus produce menthol 薄荷醇 存在于按树等植物中
Secondary metabolites 次生代谢产物 produced in plants often have importance to us.
2. Chemical composition of Cell 细胞的化学组成
1) Molecules of life are carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. The large organic molecules of life are Polymers(多聚体).
Carbohydrates 碳水化 合物 store Energy and Carbon and make up the wood of trees
Proteins 蛋白质 make up membranes, function as enzymes, and store nitrogen in plants.
Temperature of 1 liter of water by 1℃ A Calorie = Kilocalorie or large calorie (大卡)
Plants must obtain and convert energy to survive. ATP is the main energy currency of cells
Lycopene番茄红素is the main red pigment of tomatoes
Coniine 毒芹碱
Constructures of three Alkaloids 生物碱
Strychnine 马钱子碱
Tormatine 番茄碱
Secondary metabolites 次生代谢产物
Chapter three PLANT CELL &
TISSUES and Function
第三章 植物细胞、组织的结构及其功能
I. Structure and Function of plant cells 第一节 植物细胞结构及其功能
1. Energy of Cell 细胞的能量 Unit: Calorie (C) is the energy required to raise the
The club-like spadix (肉穗花序) in the center of this Philodendron(喜林芋属) Inflorescence heats up to temperatures as high as 46 ℃. This heat helps the plant disperse compounds that attract pollinators ( 传 粉 媒 介).
Terpenoids 类萜稀
Secondary metabolites 次生代谢产物 produced in plants often have importance to us.
Digitalis purpurea is a source Of digitalin 毛地黄苷
Plant is first producers 植物是第一生产力
• Organisms must obtain and convert energy to survive. • Metabolism(新陈代谢) converts the energy that
power life’s work
• Enzymes are required for energy conversion in cells
Sugar + O2
CO2 + H2 O +ATP + heat
A, Plants use Photosynthesis ---- Sugar ---Wood.
B, Release Energy captured In wood by burn
C, Enzymes (酶)speed the rate of spontaneous reaction by lowering the energy of activation(活化作 用).
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Lipids 脂 form membranes and also store energy and carbon in plants.
甘油 酯键
Structure of a fat 脂肪
硬脂酸 油酸
Structure of a phosoholipid 磷脂
Secondary metabolites 次生代谢产物 produced in plants often have importance to us.