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The Lost Youth(迷失的青春)








Scene I

(In the classroom)

Sean Hi! How are you

Kevin Bad! Really bad!

Sean Do you want to try something to make you feel happy Kevin OK! Do you have any ideas

Sean I know a pub which is popular.

Kevin Oh! Sounds great!

Sean Hm! Let’s go right now.

Sean You looked so blue recently. I have something good. It

can make you feel high.

Kevin If I take that, how will I feel

Sean You will forget everything that bothers you, and you will feel so carefree.

Kevin Won’t there be danger

Sean Trust me! I can sell drugs to you if you want to try some!

Kevin But。but I have no money.

Sean Don’t worry! You can be a drug dealer. It’s a good business.

Kevin Hm。But。


故事简介:Scrooge was a hard,clever,mean old man. There was nothing warm or open about him.He lived a secretive,lonely life,and took no interest in other people at all.On Christmas Eve, his business partner’s ghost, Marley, died seven years ago, visited him and took him to the past, current and future. This was an endless and horrific night. 人物:

Scrooge(主人翁) Young Scrooge Little Fan Marley(幽灵) Bob(职员)

Bob’s wife and daughter Fred(外甥) Gentleman Woman A Woman B



( In Scrooge's office. Bob tries to warm his hands over the candle.) Scrooge: What are you doing there, Bob?

Bob: I'm warming my hands, Mr. Scrooge. It's so cold here.

Scrooge: Am I paying you 15 shillings a week for warming your hands?

Bob: I'm freezing, Mr. Scrooge. Frost stands on the windows. My hands are too cold to write. I

can't even read my own handwriting.

Scrooge: Too cold to write? Humbug! If you were working harder, you wouldn't be cold. Just put

on your overcoat. If I hear another word from you, you will go where it is really cold.


角色:K: Kitty(小猫曹煜青扮演) M: Mother Cat (猫妈妈刘迦楠扮演) B: Brother Cat (猫哥哥陈新宇扮演) L: Little brother Cat (猫弟弟崔响扮演) F: Father Cat (猫爸爸常浩哲扮演) Butterfly(小蝴蝶多清源扮演)Rabbit(小兔子沈子童扮演) 旁白:The Kitty’s is going camping, Kitty wants to learn fishing .Can he learn fishing?


K: Hello! I’m Little cat Mimi. I’m going fishing. But。(看见妈妈在。)Hi! Mummy! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me?


M: Sorry. I am cooking dinner. (对不起,我在做午餐)

K: That’s OK! Bye! (闷闷不乐地来到哥哥身边) Hi! Brother! What are you doing? Can you go fishing with me.(那好吧,拜拜。你好,哥哥,你在干什么?你能和我一起钓鱼吗?) B:(哥哥正在打电话): Sorry. I am answering the phone.( 对不起,我正打在打电话。) K: Oh. Bye. (闷闷不乐地来到姐姐身边)(那好吧,拜拜) 英语短剧《穷人与富人》



富人:Chicken, fish, pizza, yummy。看着食物,边吃边说。最后吃饱了:I am full.

穷人在餐馆外卖水果穷人:fruits, apples, oranges, fresh fruits
